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Hour: ______

Directions: Please fill this out thoughtfully in English, combining made up and real answers.
Blend a little of your real personality into a lot of a make believe person.

1) English Name (First and Last)

2) Nickname that you have
3) Name/Nickname you wish you could have
4) Your REAL Birthday
5) Job
6) A job that you would like to have
7) An interesting or unusual fact about you
8) A celebrity you find attractive and why
9) List any sports you play
10) Any real pet(s) that you have and their name(s)
11) A pet you would like to have and their name
12) Something you dont like and why
13) Something you dont have but really want
14) Some unusual thing that you own
15) Three Talents or hobbies that you have, however weird they are
16) Someone or something you fear and why
17) Weird chores you have to do
18) A food you dont like
19) Why did you take Spanish? (Write in the blank space below, and go on to the back page if needed)

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