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How to receive Permanent Relief from Depression

by Gwin and Norma Turner

Cathedral University Los Angeles, California Gwin Turner, President

How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Copyright by Gwin Turner and Norma Turner, 1992-2003

Table of Contents
Introduction................................................................................................................4 A. Understand the Cause..............................................5 1. Depression originates in one of three areas...............................................5 2. The Number One cause of depression...................................................14 3. The criticism and fault-finding trap.......................................................24 4. The vicious cycle that feeds on itself.......................................................26 B. Understand The Condition of Depression..............29 5. Your mind, your emotions, and your will...............................................29 C. Receive The Cure for Depression...........................34 6. Cleanse your spirit................................................................................34 7. Re-program your soul...........................................................................40 8. Take control of your body......................................................................51 9. Define the boundaries of your domain..................................................54 10. Permanently break the vicious-cycle....................................................57

How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression


You can have victory over depression. This is the solution to be received!
Those of us who have suffered from depression do not want simply to read another book. We want relief! We want it now! And we want it permanently! This is Specialized Information we have discovered over many years that actually brings relief from depression. The answer is so simple, yet few of the experts in the fields of psychology and counseling have ever discovered it. The solution you hold in your hands is the result of many years of research, prayers, and practice. We have condensed it into the smallest amount of reading possible so you can get to your answer immediately. The Permanent Relief From Depression Solution developed by Gwin and Norma Turner is now in your hands. Please believe us. This is The Solution. There is no other solution to depression except what you read in these pages. Believe us. We have seen every method that has been developed and tried. This is the only one that actually brings relief. The original material in this program was much more lengthy than what you have here. We have digested it down to the real essentials. Nothing you need to know is left out, but all the unnecessary reading has been removed. If you faithfully follow these instructions you will begin to experience relief immediately. You will receive permanent relief which you always wanted in a much shorter time than you ever dreamed possible. Repeat to yourself the following statement until it is a permanent part of your thinking:

I can have victory over depression. This is the solution to be received!

1. Depression Originates in One of Three Areas

The Permanent Relief from Depression Solution

A. Understand The Cause of Depression

Depression Originates in One of Three Areas
Everything comes into you in one of three ways. It comes to you through your body, through your soul, or through your spirit. You are a three part being. You are a spirit, a soul, and a body. So, understand that everything has to get inside of you by coming through your spirit, your soul, or your body.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 -24

23 And the God of peace himself sanctify you complete in every part, and your whole spirit, and soul, and body be kept blameless in the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to be at our side. 24 Faithful is the one calling you, who also will do it. Everything that affects you in any way, such as depression, has to enter you from the outside, or you have to create it on the inside. So, the first thing you have to do is begin to understand where things come from. Is this depression something that comes to you from the outside, or do you create it from within you? If it comes to you from the outside, through what channels does it come, and how does it pass through these channels. If I create it within myself, how do I do that?

Permanent Relief from Depression The principles that we are beginning to unfold with you are the principles that you can use to solve all of lifes problems. Where does this thing that is troubling me come from? Outside or inside? If it comes from the outside, how does it get in me? If I create it from the inside, what materials inside of me am I using, and how? Think of yourself as a spirit, a soul, and a body. This is how God created you and me. We can control how we function only if we understand how we function. Spiritual forces, both good and bad, affect you through your spirit. Psychological forces, both good and bad, affect you through your psyche or soul. Physical forces, both bad and good, affect you through your body.

How To Receive

[1] The Physical

Physical sickness or chemical imbalance in your body can cause depression. A tumor on the brain, low blood sugar, cancer, and other diseases can affect the balances in your body and cause you to feel depressed. Any physical condition, whether it is simply tiredness, loss of sleep, or lack of food can cause your brain, nerves and emotions to send feelings of depression. All these affect your mental state and your outlook on life. Your health is very important if you are to avoid depression. In fact, you may feel depressed because you fear that you are losing your health. God did not create you to be sick. He wants you to be healthy. He can heal you, and He can show you what to do to stay healthy. If you have a sickness that somehow is never relieved, and we are not able to explain why, you still do not have to be depressed. God has the answer, and He will give it to you. Drugs and alcohol cause severe imbalances in the blood and nervous systems. This is true whether you are using illegal drugs or prescription drugs. All drugs have side-effects. If you are taking prescription drugs, you will have to work with your physician to get off those drugs, but make it your goal to have a body and a brain totally free from drugs and alcohol. All drugs affect your moods and cause extremes in your feelings. Promiscuous sexual activity can cause severe depression. God made sex beautiful, and made it good, but He made it to be fulfilled within marriage where one man and one woman are totally devoted to God and

1. Depression Originates in One of Three Areas 7 to one another. This is the way God ordained that babies be born into this world. Humans have tried all sorts of things, but no one has discovered any other way to bring a human being into the world except that a man and a woman have sex together. God intended for every child to be born to two people devoted to Him, to one another, and to that child [or children]. Sex is to be used within marriage for more than just having children. Sex binds two persons together as one in love, meeting one anothers needs, goals, joys, and for a comfort on the journey of life. Sexual activities outside this God ordained plan leads to disappointment, frustration, unwanted results, and all kinds of personality complications, including depression. In thinking about the origin of depression and the body, here is something very important that you must realize that your spirit, your soul, and your body are very closely connected, and what affects one will affect the other. God did not create three disjointed parts.
Genesis 2:7

7 And Jehovah God formed the man out of the dust of the soil, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man became a living soul. You are not three disjointed beings. You are one person functioning in your spirit, in your soul, and in your body. When sickness enters your body, that sickness also affects your soul and your spirit. [The reverse is also true. The spiritual force of God can enter your spirit and soul and heal your body.] Therefore, if you are depressed a lot, you must look to see if you are physically ill.

[2] The Psychological

The Greek word psyche is the same as our English word soul. Your soul includes

your mind your emotions, and your will.

Permanent Relief from Depression Your mind, emotions, and will determine your thinking, your feelings, and your decision making. Depression can result from wrong information in the mind. Allowing your feelings to control you instead of your controlling your feelings will cause you to be depressed. Decisions you make, knowingly or unknowingly, that place you in conflict with others, yourself, or God can cause you to be depressed. The human mind on its own cannot think correctly until you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. You have to be renewed inwardly with His salvation. You have to be born from above to take on the mind of Christ. You have to be born of the Holy Spirit to have the fruits [emotions] of the Holy Spirit. And you have to have Jesus in your heart to become obedient to the will of God. All human thinking is confused and defeated until this spiritual new birth takes place within you. The mind-set of the world is in conflict with the God Who made them. Therefore, the feeling of defeat and futility is always a nagging reality to those who have not received the solution from God. Depression originates in these psychological areas of life.

How To Receive

[3] The Spiritual

Depression can originate in the spiritual realm. From the spiritual realm depression enters you through your spirit and affects your mind, emotions, will, and body. Naturally, we are talking about the evil spiritual realm, because God Himself causes no one to be depressed. He is the One Who relieves you from depression. If you have been in contact with occult activities, this may be the cause of your depression. Occult activities are such things as fortune telling, seances, tarot card reading, Satanist ceremonies, astrology, or consulting a psychic. It makes no difference whether you participated in these occult activates with serious intent and belief in them or you believed it to be only a fun thing, the contact can cause depression. These activities do not always immediately cause depression, but they can. This is information you need to know so you can explore all possible causes for your condition, and remove them from your life. Many people who commit suicide have had strong contact with occult activities. Drugs depress the soul, the spirit, and the body. They depress your

1. Depression Originates in One of Three Areas 9 will and make you passive. Evil beings can then reach inside of you and begin to manipulate you toward defeat and destruction. There is something very important here you must realize. You are dealing with a terribly evil and shrewd force that literally is determined to destroy you. Depression is one of the first stages of the destruction of the human personality, and believe you me, the thief came to steal, to kill, and destroy - you. [The Gospel of John, 10:10] Your spirit has access to the spirit world. God created you in His image, with a spirit capable of being joined to Him. He gave you a soul to have fellowship with other humans. He gave you a body that is sustained by the nutrients that come out of the earth, which houses your spirit and soul. Your body is the reason you can live on earth and enjoy Gods physical creation, including your own body. Whether you want to or not, you do have contact with the spirit world. You are a spirit being with a soul and a body. You cannot rid yourself of the spiritual hunger that is inherently a part of your being. You cannot rid yourself of physical hunger by deciding not to eat. You cannot rid yourself of spiritual hunger by deciding not to eat spiritual things. You can stop eating physically, and after a few days your body will adjust to no food. It will turn inward, and begin to consume the reserves you have stored in fat. But after some days when those reserves are gone, hunger returns forcefully. At that point you will do anything necessary to obtain food. If you cannot, ultimately you become too weak to function, and you die. If you deny your spirit spiritual food and refuse to eat the good things of God, your spirit will adjust to that. It will turn inward in a passive state for a while. But later spiritual hunger will return, and you will eat whatever you can find spiritually. Very often at this hunger point, people turn to the occult, false religions, and all kinds of spiritual substitutes which ultimately starve the human spirit into permanent eternal death. If you are not a born again Christian your spirit is already dead to God, but it is responsive to evil spirits and evil forces.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

The good spiritual beings are:

[1] God, called the living God, the almighty God, and JehovahElohim. He has many other names listed in the Bible. He is one God in three Persons. No one understands that, and no one can explain that. He is the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. A little thing I learned years ago is something that would be helpful for you to learn:
The Father is God, but the Father is not the Son, and the Father is not the Holy Spirit. The Son is God, but the Son is not the Father, and the Son is not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God, but the Holy Spirit is not the Father, and the Holy Spirit is not the Son. All three are God. Each One is a separate and distinct Person, and there are three Persons in the God, but we have only one God. Now, do not waste time trying to figure that out. Just believe Him the best you can, and relax yourself into His care.

The purpose of The Permanent Relief From Depression Instructions is not to teach you theology, but to relieve your depression. There is an important reason for bringing all this up. You cannot be permanently relieved from your depression unless you come to know Him. You must know Who is the only One who can permanently relieve you from your depression. You must know enough to distinguish Him from the evil beings that are determined to destroy you. All occultic beliefs and false religions cause depression and are wrong on this one point - as to Who God is. You must believe that He is the Judaeo-Christian God of the Bible, if you are to be permanently relieved from your depression. All other beliefs will ultimately let that evil spirit of depression back into your life.
[2] The Angels

God has an innumerable host of angels [called messengers in Hebrew and Greek] that serve Him. They serve the saints in heaven. They also serve the believers on earth, and they serve those who are going to become believers. The Bible calls them ministering spirits.

1. Depression Originates in One of Three Areas 11

Hebrews 1:14

14 Are they absolutely not all officially ministering spirits, set apart and sent out to minister because of those about to be heirs of salvation? Even when a person does not believe in God, and does not believe in angels, God sends His angels to watch over you just the same. Here is another important truth so very important to your victory over depression: God nor His angels will force themselves upon you. If you do not wish to talk to God or believe in God, He will not force Himself upon you. On the other hand, the evil beings will force their way in any way they can. God abides by holy principles. He will love you, and do anything He can to protect you, without violating your will. He will be as good to you as He can without showing disrespect to your will, but He will not force Himself upon you. One of the reasons for teaching you this point is to help you identify the source of your depression. It is not God. He is not to blame. Some evil force is to blame, and that is not God nor any of His angels.
[3] Other spirit beings are the saints in heaven. These are humans who lived on earth, received God as their Savior, and went to heaven when thy died. They are not here on earth. They are in heaven with God. They do not watch over us. We cannot talk to them. They do know what is happening to us, because the angels watching over you and me tell our family members in heaven about our progress. Again, the reason for giving you this information is that if you are trying to contact some family member that is gone on to heaven, depression may have attacked you, because God forbids your trying to talk to the dead. In seances evil spirits often impersonate dead relatives. Whatever contacts you may have had with the dead are deceptions and therefore unfulfilling and destructive. But for all of us who receive Gods salvation, the Lord Jesus, we will see our loved ones again, and be with them forever around the throne of God.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

The evil spiritual beings are:

[1] The Devil, called Lucifer, Satan, the Serpent, the Dragon, and other names. God created all the angels good and innocent. Lucifer was an innocent angel before the creation of the world. He led the other angels in worship of God. God gave the angels choice. Lucifer chose to rebel against God. He tried to become God himself, and led other angels to follow him. Because of this, he fell from his innocence and became the Evil Angel that he now is. Since God the Creator is more powerful than the creature, God defeated Lucifer, and would not allow him to become God. Satan has tried to substitute himself as God in the hearts of all humans ever since the beginning of time. He is angry at God and everything God made. He cannot hurt God, so he goes after you and me. He is out to steal, to kill, and to destroy you and me. You must identify him as the ultimate source of all depression. You must understand his maneuvers against you, and you must become wise in removing the openings to trouble he has made in your life. [2] The Evil Angels, also called evil spirits, or demons.

These are less powerful angels. They chose to go with Lucifer when he rebelled against God. They fell from their innocence and became evil angels. They do what Satan tells them to do. Like Satan, they are totally without any good character. Their whole being is filled with evil intentions and plans against you. They have absolutely no feelings of mercy or compassion for anyone. They are totally bent on destroying you and me. They would literally kill every human being on earth this day if it were not for the goodness of God and His angels who guard you and me day and night. As we conclude this first section on the origin of depression, you may not have any immediate revelations as to where your depression is coming from, but at least you now have an understanding of yourself so you can begin to identify the possibilities.

1. Depression Originates in One of Three Areas 13

Check Up
The following information is for you and you alone, unless you wish to take this check up sheet with you to a pastor. 1. Do I have any illnesses that are affecting my emotions? Yes_______No______ If any, what?__________________________________________ 2. Am I taking drugs? Yes_____ No______ Prescription drugs?______ Illegal drugs_____What drugs? 3. Do I drink alcohol? Yes_____ No_____ 4. Is my sex life creating a problem? Yes____ No_____ If so, in what way? _________________________________ 5. Do I have a deliberate program of good nutrition? Yes____No____ 6. Do I know what life is about? Do I know where I came from, why I am here, and where I am going? Yes____ No_____ 7. Where do I get my information about life? From the rest of the world who is just as confused as I am, or from God and the Bible which is absolute truth? The world_______ God and the Bible_______ 8. Have I had contact with occult activities that may still be affecting me? Yes_____ No______ 9. Have I made any attempt to respond to Gods goodness toward me? Yes______No________ 10. Would I like to thank God now for His goodness, and ask Him to show me where and how my depression originates? Yes_____ No_______


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Understand The Cause of Depression

The Number One Cause of Depression
The number one cause of depression is anger.
You may not believe this the first time that you hear it, but it is the truth - and please do not become angry and stop following the instructions. This is a most important truth. Anger has always been the cause of depression, and always will be. Nobody has ever been depressed who was not first angry! Never! It does not make any difference whether you are the kind of person who never explodes, or you are the kind of person who explodes every morning before breakfast and all day. It makes no difference if you explode on everybody in sight and within hearing, or you never explode on anyone, or you just hold it in and seethe on the inside. Either way, the root cause of depression, always, is anger. When you read this, you most likely will become quiet and think deeply about this. You most likely have never had anyone to tell you this. Most likely you think the cause of your depression is something outside yourself, over which you have no control. Oh yes, you know that you get angry, but you never thought of that as the cause. You thought it was those things that made you angry. Many people when they were told that the cause of their depression was their own anger, at first simply refused to believe it. Some who are not the openly angry type, and have not thought of themselves as being angry, really have difficulty believing it. Some have simply been afraid. They were filled with fear and doubt. They knew they were fearful, but never thought of themselves as angry. Anger is simply a form of fear. Fear is that feeling you have when you feel you are not in control of something and that it may hurt you. We resent anything that we feel we cannot stop from hurting us. Anger is simply a

2. The Number One Cause of Depression 15 form of fear. You have never been angry at anything until first you were afraid of it. Every time you get angry it is because you are afraid you are facing something you cannot control, something you are afraid you cannot stop from hurting you. If you scream at your children it is because you are afraid you cannot control them. If you scream at your husband of wife it is because you fear that he or she will do something to hurt you. If you are angry at your friends, or fellow employees, or anyone, or anything, it is because you fear things may be out of control and will hurt you. This is anger, and it is the cause of your depression.

Jonah Was Angry And Depressed

Jonah in the Bible is a classic example of an angry person who became depressed. God called Jonah to go preach to Nineveh, the capitol of Assyria. God wanted to do something good for Nineveh. He wanted to bring a very persuasive offer of His salvation, and He wanted Jonah to have the privilege of bringing that offer. Jonah had the typical anger syndrome. He did not want anything good to happen to Nineveh for fear it meant something bad for Israel. He was afraid that if he preached to them Gods offer of salvation, they would accept, be closer to God than Israel, and God would then turn His back on Israel. This is the typical attitude of angry and depressed people. They are fearful that something good will happen to others, and leave them far behind. Since they do not see the good things happening to themselves, they resent that it looks like good things are happening to others. They are angry, resentful, and depressed at this. You see, the basic cause of depression is anger. The basic cause of anger is resentment of the good that happens to others. The basic cause of resentment is the feeling of being mistreated. AND the basic cause of feeling mistreated is not receiving the love of God. God wants to be good to all His creatures, but before He can give them His full goodness they have to believe Him. Believing is the channel that must function for you to receive the goodness of God. Jonah did not believe it was in his best interest to give Gods salvation to Nineveh. He did not believe Gods

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 16 good intentions toward him. Therefore he was angry, resentful, and depressed. This is always the process that takes place in a depressed person. You may have difficulty seeing this at this point, but believe it. The truth that will give you permanent relief from your depression is being unfolded before your eyes. Relax. What have you got to lose but your depression? The Bible said that when God spoke to him to go to Nineveh, he literally ran as hard as he could in the exact opposite direction. He went to Joppa, and caught a ship trying to get away from Gods voice. God was pleading with him to do something for the good of others as well as his own good, but he would not listen.

He Paid The Fare For The Trip

This trip turned out to be a terribly expensive trip. You always pay the fare for whatever trip you take, but quite often the trip becomes much more expensive than you had ever dreamed when you began. God sent a storm to get his attention, and to change his mind, but he refused. When the storm became so severe that it appeared that no one could be saved, the people on board began to ask if anyone knew why all this was happening to them. Jonah said he knew. God wanted him to go preach to Nineveh, but he was not going to go, and the only solution those people had was to throw him [Jonah] overboard. I head a saying once you need to memorize: Sin [unbelief, depression] will take you further than you want to go, keep you there longer than you want to stay, and it will cost you more than you want to pay. I never ceased to be amazed how that people had rather die than receive the good solution God has provided for them. Here is a man that had rather die than get on with the good life God wants to give him.

2. The Number One Cause of Depression


Two Stages On The Road To Suicide

There are at least two stages on the road to suicide. One is worse than the other.

The worst stage is the total isolation stage.

In this stage you want to destroy yourself, and you want to do it alone and involve no one else. Very often if people somehow are not changed before this stage, they will kill themselves. They are angry, resentful, and feeling mistreated by life. They feel totally alone, and feel that no one can or even wants to reach them. If they stay in this condition for more than a few days, often for only a few hours, they will do whatever is necessary to end this misery. No one can endure for long the misery of feeling that no one in the entire universe cares for them. This is the exact stage that Satan tries to maneuver every human being into. But here is a secret you need to know. Satan cannot kill you unless you give your permission. His entire purpose is to maneuver you into a position of aloneness and isolation. He will bring circumstances upon you, one after the other, that make you feel more and more alone. He will do this until he convinces you that no one cares one thing for you, not even God, quite often, especially God. The devil has been lying on God since he deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden The biggest lie he majors on is that God does not love you, does not have your best interest at heart, and does not have anything worthwhile to offer you. But Jonah had not reached that stage. He was not willing to jump overboard. He wanted someone to throw him overboard. This is the stage people get into when their condition is not bad enough for them to destroy themselves, but they provoke others to hurt them.

This is the provoke others to hurt me stage.

They are angry and hurt, and they provoke others to hurt them even more. Jonah wanted others involved in his misery. He had strong feelings of self-destruction, but he wanted others to feel miserable for the way they had treated him when he was gone. This is the stage before you get

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 18 to suicide. In this stage you are still lashing out at whomever is in sight. You are miserable, and you do not want to be miserable alone. You can rest assured that Jonah considered himself as good as dead when they threw him overboard. No one was more surprised than Jonah when he ended up in that whales stomach with breathing room. After some contemplation he came to realize that unless something happened to get him out of there he was going to have a very painful death. He began to pray to God to get him out of there. God miraculously heard his prayer, and the fish vomited him up on shore. No doubt he was bleached out from the acids in the whales stomach, and was a ghastly sight to behold. Regardless of his appearance he headed for Nineveh in total earnestness. He made the three day trip in one day. Under this kind of traumatic pressure he preached exactly what God commanded him. And lo and behold, the Ninevites repented and received the salvation of God. God did not send His judgment, but saved the whole city. But it displeased Jonah exceedingly. He now asked God to take away his life. Here is a man that is not far enough gone to kill himself, but he keeps asking others to do it for him. Now he is asking God to take away his life. This is very definitely the mark of a depressed person. He is disappointed with life, and he wants as many as possible to be disappointed with him. Jonah went outside the city, and sat down in a pouting state. He wanted to see if some terrible judgment might fall upon them and justify his dark outlook. This is very characteristic of a person who is depressed. If the bad has not yet happened, dont get your hopes up, it will. And if it doesnt, it sure ought to. This is the depressed state angry, resentful, feeling mistreated, with plenty of gloom and doom to supply the whole world. God in His goodness constantly does things for the depressed person. God wants you to open your eyes to see the love and goodness of God. He wants to change your fears to faith. While Jonah was sitting there under a little booth he had made but which furnished him very little shade, God caused a luscious gourd vine to grow up and shade Jonah from the sun with its big leaves. Jonah was glad when God gave him the shade of the gourd vine, but he was still disappointed in thinking that

2. The Number One Cause of Depression 19 something good might happen to someone else. Since his attitude had not changed, sure enough the bad happened to him. A worm cut down the gourd. The next day Jonah was hot and exhausted from the heat and the wind. He again gave way to his anger and depression, and wanted to die. God pointed out that it makes no difference whether Jonah has the right attitude or not, God is going to be good to all that will allow Him. The story ends with Jonah still angry and depressed. This is a true story. One of the reasons it is included in the Bible is to show you how senseless it is to resent what God wants to do for someone else. He wants to be good to you if you will only believe Him.

The Cause of Depression is Not Receiving The Love of God

We have said that the cause of depression is anger. Now, we are saying that the cause of depression is your not receiving the love of God. We hope that you realize that we are saying the same thing. When you do not receive the love of God, you do not believe that the heavenly Father loves you. He would never do anything to hurt. If you received the love of God you would believe that He would never allow anyone to hurt you or damage you permanently. When you receive the love of God you believe what the Bible says that He causes all things to work for your good. Even the things that people mean for your harm, He turns around for your good. He would never allow anything to happen to you that is not best for you. But if you believe that He does not care or that He does not exist, or if He does exist that He really does not involve Himself in your affairs, then you cut yourself off from your only source of help.

You are Angry at God

Whether you realize it or not, you are angry at God. When you feel that He has not met your needs, you resent God. You are angry at God. You may think that you are angry at other things or people, but if you will think deeply, you will realize that you are angry at God. After all, if He is the Almighty God that He claims to be, why has He allowed this to

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 20 happen to me? You can ask a thousand questions that no one can answer, and you will still be angry and depressed. Or you can believe the love of God, and receive the peace that passes understanding

Most of the time we do not realize what is happening. If someone asked us if we were angry with God, we would say, No, but down deep we are. After all, who is really responsible for running this universe? Who created us, and the circumstances that we have to deal with? Who is really in control of what is happening around us? If it is not God, Who is it. Of Course, it is God. God and His rules control everything. What we have to learn is what we are supposed to do to cooperate with God. He wants to give us relief so we can live a life that is fulfilling to Him and us. Our religious upbringing and often our own heart will not allow us to admit that we are mad at God. But be honest about it. Who else is there to get mad at? If God is God and He is in control of everything, then why did He let this happen to me? So, the basic reason for depression is our anger at God. We resent the fact that it appears He has been better to others than to us. So, let us take off the cover that hides our true feelings, and admit that we are angry at God. Only then can we see and deal with the real problem. When you feel God has mistreated you, then you feel resentment and anger. When you become angry, you then become depressed. Depression is always the result of anger caused by resentment and feeling mistreated. The Bible spells this out very clearly. Read from Psalm 73, and then let us give you some insight to their meaning for you. 2 And as for me, my feet were almost bent away; my steps had spilled out to nothing, 3 Because I was jealous at the boasters; I saw the peace of the wicked, 4 Because there are no fetters in their death, and their strength is fat. 5 They are not in wearisome toil as mortal men, and they are not touched with mankind. 6 Therefore they are collared with arrogance as a necklace; violence causes them to languish as in a garment.

2. The Number One Cause of Depression 21 7 Their eyes are brought out with fatness; they cross over with more than heart could imagine. 8 They blaspheme and speak wicked oppression; they speak loftily. 9 They place their mouth in the heavens, and their tongue walks through the earth. 10 Therefore his people return here, and full waters are sucked out to them. 11 And they say, How does God know, and is there knowledge in the most High? 12 Behold, these are the ungodly who are always at peace; they enlarge in resources. 13 Surely I have cleansed my heart in vain, and washed my palms in innocence. 14 And I have been touched all the day, and rebuked at dawn. 15 If I say, I will thus tally it up, behold, I would act deceitfully against the generation of your children. 16 And I calculated to know this, it was too wearisome in my eyes 17 Until I went into the sanctuary of God; now I discerned their end. The Psalmist was almost at the end of his desire to live. He resented the unfairness of life. He described his condition as one who felt he could not go on in life. He did not feel he could put one foot in front of the other. He had almost lost the ability to move on with life. He felt like he stumbled and fell with every move he made. He saw people that were foolish and wicked, and yet they seemed to prosper. They had done all sorts of evil things that he would not do, yet they were not in trouble as he was. They did not have the plagues or catastrophes that others, less wicked, such as himself, had. Their eyes or face were fat, that is, robust, and they had more than the heart could wish for. Yet the Psalmist had tried to be right before God. He had repented of his wrongdoing, and cleansed his life [hands] of every sin so that he was innocent of wrongdo-

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 22 ing. Yet, all day long his life was filled with trouble. Every morning he rose to face more punishment. He tried to understand this, but he could not. The perplexity of it was more painful than he could bear.

As a last resort, he decided to go to the house of God. He decided to talk to God. God revealed several things to him:
One, things are not always as they appear to be. Two, the final end result is what really counts. Three, God will guide you successfully through life if you will only let him. And four, after this life God will receive you to glory.

What Psalm 73 shows you is that people have been struggling with the unfairness of life since the beginning. Psalm 73 shows us that the root cause of depression is anger, anger at God for the unfairness of life.

Life is not fair, but God is

You have to realize that life does not treat everyone alike. Life from a human point of view is very unfair. Some are born with material riches, and others are born in abject poverty. Some are born with perfectly healthy bodies, and others are born with all kinds of diseases. No one claims that this is fair. Not even God claims that this is fair. This is what sin through human choice has done to the world. What God asks you to believe is that He sent Jesus to save you from the consequences of sin, and bring you through life with meaning and fulfillment. He rewards you according to the way you respond to Him in faith in the circumstances you have to endure. Ultimately God makes life turn out to be fair, but only if you give Him the opportunity to make it so. Those who refuse to believe Him, have to suffer the consequences. This is the only fair thing He can do. He makes His offer of deliverance completely free and without any other requirement. His only requirement is that you have faith, and He gives you that free also. So, lets take the check up and move on.

2. The Number One Cause of Depression


Check Up
1. As you have read these pages, have you realized that anger is the root cause of depression? Yes___ No____ 2. Have you realized that you are angry at God? Yes____ No_____

3. Have you realized that God is not to blame? That sin and evil forces are to blame? Yes____ No_____


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

The Criticism and Fault-finding Trap
The feeling of being mistreated and finding fault with others go together. When you feel that you are being mistreated, your first reaction is to start finding fault with everybody in sight. You begin snapping back, criticizing, finding fault, and saying things against those around you. Quite often you try to straighten out everybody around you only to find that you have made things worse. One of the main reasons people are depressed is that they try to run other peoples lives. People will not let you run their lives. When you try, you are just in for more disappointment. You can criticize people, and try to straighten them out, but they will not listen to you. Since they wont listen to you, you simply have more reasons to be depressed. Anyone who dishes out criticism is going to have it come back in abundance. If you find fault with others, they are going to find fault with you. You reap what you sow. Here is another important truth. If you listen to other peoples criticism of you, you will be a very confused person. If you are insecure in yourself, and you take seriously every criticism that is leveled at you, you will confuse your line of authority. One person will tell you one thing, and another person will tell you something else. One will think you should do this, and another thinks you should do that. You will not know who to listen to. Confusion, anger, resentment., and depression will dominate your life. Criticism and fault-finding are a trap to occupy your mind and your time, and speed you down the road of depression.

3. The Criticism and Fault-finding Trap


Check Up
1. Do you criticize and find fault with others? Yes____No____ 2. Do you listen to peoples criticism of you. Yes____No ____


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

This Vicious Cycle Feeds On Itself
This vicious cycle feeds on itself, and gets worse and worse. It is like a dog chasing its tail. You spend a lot of energy, stress and strain, trying somehow to catch up, going faster and faster, but getting nowhere, and becoming more exhausted all the time. This vicious cycle causes you to feel more mistreatment and resentment. Depression becomes very severe when you have tried to do something about the unfairness of life, and it gets worse instead of better. Hopelessness settles over you that makes you feel that there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. When hopelessness takes over you are in real trouble. This is a severe danger point. This is the point of total isolation. This is where suicide can take place.

Life is Unfair
We all are equal in value before God, but we do not begin equal in life, nor does life treat us all the same. We all feel and see this unfairness, and we resent it. Satan magnifies it many times over to our minds. He constantly whispers to our minds that God, if there is a God, is to blame for this. We resent God. We resent everyone who seemingly is better off than we. We try to improve our lot in life, and instead of its getting better, things get worse. We feel angry. We feel mistreated. We resent the whole situation. All of this warps our view of things, takes away our ability to change, consumes our energy, and exhausts our resources, until hopelessness settle over us. The more this happens, the more we with-

27 4. The Vicious Cycle that Feeds on Itself draw from people. The more we withdraw from people and life, the more the devil can pump us full of his lies.

You Are Being Maneuvered Into Isolation

You need to be made aware of what the evil spirits try to do to everyone. The devil sends one or more of his evil spirits to maneuver you into a position of isolation. In other words, his plan is to separate you from everything and everyone that can be of any real help to you. He maneuvers you until you feel so alone that you will help him destroy yourself. Remember, the devil cannot just decide to kill you. You are under the protection of Gods angels whether you know or believe this or not. The devil has no power to take your life. God has reserved this to Himself - and you. You can take your own life, because God will not go against your will. The most powerful thing God built into you is your will. He will not violate your will. Satan cannot violate your will. The devil has no principles that prevent him from doing it, because he has no principles. The power of God and Gods angels will not allow him to violate your will. The only thing the devil can do is deceive you into cooperating with him to destroy you. God does not work by deception. Whatever God does, He does so you can see His hand working for you, and believe Him. He wants you to know what He is doing, and He wants your willful cooperation. Not so, the devil. He maneuvers, lies, deceives, makes you think he is doing one thing when he is doing another. He tricks you into one thing after another, until in desperation you take your own life. This is the vicious cycle that ends in catastrophe. Anger at the unfairness of life. Feeling mistreated. Resenting all this and everyone who is better off than you. Criticizing and finding fault with others. Reaping a full harvest of criticism, and being disappointed in the response of others to you. Trying to straighten out these people, only to find that they become more entrenched in the way they are. Trying to improve your own situation, only to find it getting worse. More and more of your

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 28 friends turn their backs on you. You are more and more isolated. More and more these thoughts become louder and louder in your mind, that nobody cares, nobody is interested in you, and nobody is willing to help, not even God, if there is a God. Hopelessness settles in. The human personality is so dependent on love and faith that no human can continue to live, once he or she actually believes that no one in the universe loves him. You see, when you believe God loves you, you can stand the loss of all humans. When you believe God loves you, you can stand the loss of all material things, your reputation, your standing, everything. But when you believe that no one loves you, not even God, your inner being cannot find a reason to live. You are forced by your own conclusion to take your own life. Because if no one loves you, your inner being concludes that your value for life is gone, and that it is wrong for you to continue to live. This is the vicious cycle that must be broken!

Check Up
1. Do you see this vicious cycle in your own life? Yes___No____ 2. From the beginning stages of such a pattern to the point of suicide, where would you say that you are at this time in your life?________________ ___________________________________________________________ 3. How strongly do you want to break this vicious cycle?______________ ___________________________________________________________

5. Your Mind, Emotions, and Will


B. Understand The Condition of Depression

Your mind, your emotions, and your will
As we have studied the origins and the root cause of depression we have described some of it conditions. We need to describe the condition of depression a little more for you to fully understand how depression creeps in and takes over. Only in this way can you recognize it when it is happening, and do something about it. I constantly hear people say, Oh, Im just confused all the time. They do not realize that their words are the vehicles that bring things into reality in their lives. Whatever you constantly speak will eventually take place in your life. You must realize the importance of thoughts and words. Some people are constantly saying whatever comes to their mind. If someone reminds them that they should not say a certain thing, they respond by saying, Well, it is no worse to think it than to say it. But this is not true. A thought is a strong force, but it is not born into reality until it is spoken. Even then it has to be acted upon. But words are so powerful that if you keep saying a certain thing your being will unconsciously find some way to bring it to pass. Your mind can become arrested in defeat and confusion. Defeat has a devastating effect upon the personality. Defeat shocks your system. Embarrassment shocks your system and arrests your ability to think and act. All of us know what it means to be so embarrassed in front of people

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 30 that we literally cannot think what to do next. When you get embarrassed, the blood rushes to the surface of your skin and your faces turns red, your mind goes blank, and all you can think of is how can you hide somewhere real fast. You are left speechless, and immobile. You cant speak or move. If it is something small, you can soon laugh at it, and go on with life. But sometimes the shocks of life are so great that it takes a miracle of God to recover from the shock and the embarrassment of them. Sometimes the tragic events of life arrest the mind in a solid state of defeat so that your mind cannot function normally. The death of a family member or a friend. A divorce. The loss of employment. Bankruptcy. An incurable disease. Rejection by your employer, mate, or friends. All these things and others like them are traumas to the human personality, and can cause a permanent disabling effect without Gods help. No doubt, you have heard people say about a person, After such and such happened to him, he never recovered. He never got over it Such traumas in life can freeze the mind in that defeated state, and cause you to lose your will power to bounce back. Often under such events, people withdraw from friends and life, and allow the process of self-destruction to begin.

The story of Elijah

The story of Elijah is in 1 Kings. He was a very successful prophet of God until he was threatened by a frightening experience. The thing he was threatened with never took place, but the threat of it threw him into a fit of fear, anger, and despair. Elijah lived in the days of the wicked king and queen of Israel, Ahab and Jezebel. They turned from Jehovah God and promoted Baal worship and every kind of evil and corruption. Elijah prophesied that it would not rain for three and one-half years. After making that prophesy, God told him to go hide where Ahab and Jezebel could not kill him. God then miraculously sent a raven each day with food for him to eat. After that a widow woman fed him. At the end of three and one-half years he came out of hiding ready for a public contest with the prophets of Baal. He called the people and the prophets of Baal together. He proposed that the God who answered prayer by sending fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice on the altar would be the true and living God. They all agreed to the contest.

5. Your Mind, Emotions, and Will 31 They built an altar, and killed the animal for sacrifice. The prophets of Baal prayed first. They screamed. They cut themselves. They jumped up and down on the altar, but no fire fell from heaven. They did this all day until they gave up. Then Elijah put up a new altar. He killed a new sacrifice. He commanded them to pour twelve barrels of water on the wood so no one could accuse him of starting the fire by natural means. Then he prayed a simple prayer asking Jehovah God to show everyone that He was the true and living God. The fire fell from heaven. It consumed the sacrifice. It burned up the wood, and licked up the water in the trenches. The people cried, Jehovah God is the true and living God. Elijah led the people to arrest and execute all the false prophets who were responsible for all the crimes they had perpetrated on the people in the name of Baal. Queen Jezebel was not in attendance when all this happened. As soon as she heard it, she sent word to Elijah that she would kill him in less than twenty-four hours. At the very height of his success this threat literally scared Elijah out of his mind. I mean that. Suddenly his mind stopped working in the confident way it had been working. Suddenly fear took over and he literally ran for his life [1 Kings 19:3]. That first day that he ran to get away from Jezebel, his servant went with him. When he got to Beersheba, his servant was totally exhausted, and could not go any further. Elijah left him there and raced for another day into the desert to hide from Jezebel. At the end of that day, totally exhausted, he sat down under a Juniper tree, and prayed to die. He had been without sleep or rest for over two days. After he prayed to die, he fell asleep. After the nights sleep an angel awoke him, and fed him. The angel had prepared hot bread, and a container of water. He ate and drank, and went back to sleep he was so exhausted. After another eight hours or so of sleep the angel fed him again. He then wandered in the desert without food for forty days. He journeyed to Mt. Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments. There God spoke to him and said, What are you doing here, Elijah? We want to examine Elijahs conversation with God. It describes depression.

You are not the only one

Permanent Relief from Depression We want to encourage your heart. Elijah is one of the greatest men in the Bible, yet he was depressed and suicidal. Many of the great servants of God in the Bible suffered from depression at times. The greatest people in the world are attacked by these demons of depression. So do not feel that you are the only one. Do not feel that there must be something terribly abnormal about you, or you would not feel like this. The devil wants you to think that you are no good, and that everyone in the world is better than you. The devil has to destroy your belief in your own worth before he can destroy you. Take courage. What you are struggling with is the same thing that everyone in the world has struggled with since the beginning of time. Elijah answered God, 1 Kings 19:10, And he said, Being jealous, I have been jealous for Jehovah God of hosts, because the children of Israel have left your covenant, pulling down your altars, and have fatally struck your prophets with the sword; and I am left, I, I only, and they seek my soul to take it. Note the anger, the resentment, the feeling of being mistreated, the fault-finding, the loneliness, and the hopelessness that are clearly evident in every word. His mind is arrested in a state of defeat and confusion. His emotions are highly sensitive and self-centered. His will is passive and resistant to any positive action. In fact he is stubborn. He has served God, but what benefit did it get him. He blames God for his condition. He lumps everyone in the same class. They all have forsaken God and turned to paganism and corruption. Yet many had not, and just before he received this threat from Jezebel that drove him out there, a large percentage of the people had turned back to God. The one, Elijah, who had led them to turn back to God got scared and ran off and left them. The success that he had just had with God and the people is not even mentioned in his conversation. He only calls attention to the bad and exaggerates that. Yes, the king and queen and the people had previously executed some godly prophets, but he does not even mention the victory he just experienced in getting rid of over four hundred prophets of Baal. He had the control of the whole country in his hand, and yet the threat of Jezebel shocked him into long term depression and inability to function. God did not answer him at this point, but told him to move further


How To Receive

5. Your Mind, Emotions, and Will 33 up into the mountain. In the mountain God manifested Himself in various ways to Elijah, and then asked him again, Why are you here, Elijah? And Elijah went through the same self-centered, self-pitying speech he had given God a little while back. People who are depressed tend to go over and over their thoughts and speeches of self pity. They just keep saying the same thing over and over. And the more they say it, the more it becomes real in their lives. Finally God spoke to Elijah in a still small voice. He did not try to answer any of Elijahs self-pitying remarks. God simply gave him instructions to go do certain things for God, and get on with life. In closing, God did say to Elijah, [Just for your information, to let you know that things are not always as they seem] I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which has not kissed him. [1 Kings 19:18] Elijah, at Gods voice, snapped out of his depression, dismissed his resentful and self-pitying talk, got his mind on doing Gods will, and went on with life. What about you?

Check Up
1. Have you seen how your mind gets arrested in defeat by the shocks of life? Yes_____No_____ 2. Do you remember any self-pitying talk you have indulged in? Yes______No_______ 3. Is it possible that you have actually been self-centered and stubborn with God? Yes_____ No______ 4. Do you want to hear from God, and let Him tell you how to get on with life? Yes_____ No_____

C. Receive the Cure for Depression


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Cleanse Your Spirit
The first step in receiving victory over depression is to receive the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. This is the only way to cleanse your spirit. You personally cannot cleanse your spirit of sin and death. Someone else must do it. That Person is Jesus. Here is how you do that. First, you have to be old enough to understand right from wrong. You are old enough. You came to the age of responsibility probably between ages five and twelve. After you reached that age you knowingly did wrong. You sinned. Your spirit was defiled by sin and spiritual death. Jesus has to save you from sin and death. Once you realize that you need forgiveness of your sins, you have to realize that God sent His only begotten Son to become the Man Jesus to save you and me. He was conceived in the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. He was born as the baby Jesus. When He reached the age of responsibility He deliberately chose right. He never sinned. He is the only human that was born without sin, lived without sin, and died without sin. He died on the cross for you and me. The Bible says,
Leviticus 17:11

Because the soul of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make a covering for your souls, because the blood makes a covering for the soul.
Hebrews 9:22

And almost all things are according to the law cleansed in blood, and apart from pouring out of blood there is caused to be absolutely no forgiveness. When you receive Jesus as you Lord and Savior, His life blood He

6. Cleanse Your Spirit 35 shed almost two thousand years ago, cleanses your spirit of sin and death. Suddenly His eternal life is born within you. You have life and power you never knew before. You simply have to understand with your mind that you are a sinner, and that Jesus is the Savior. Next, you simply have to feel your need for Him. You have to want Him to come in. He will knock at your hearts door, but He will not force it open. Finally, your will has to act. You have to invite Him in. You simply make the best decision you know how to make to receive Him. He gladly receives you. You receive the Lord Jesus by praying a prayer. God will hear you if you simply say it in your heart, but it is helpful if you will say this prayer out loud.
Heavenly Father, I know that I am a sinner. I need to be saved. I need to be cleansed from sin and death. I believe you sent Your Son, Jesus, to live, and die, and rise again for me. Father forgive me of my sins. Cleanse me by the blood of Jesus. I give myself to You. I receive Jesus this very moment, and make Him the Lord and Savior of my life. Oh, blessed Holy Spirit come into me right now. Make Jesus real to me. Lift my spirit and soul, and fill me with the joy of Your salvation. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for hearing my prayer, and giving me eternal life.

This day I prayed this prayer and received Jesus as my


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Lord and Savior.

Signed_____________________________Date _____ OR, I did this in the past, and know that I am saved and have Jesus in my heart. The time (age or some marker in time you remember) when I was saved ________________________________________ Where I was when I was saved____________________________ __________________________________________________


Read these Scriptures and believe with all your

6. Cleanse Your Spirit 37

heart that God has heard your prayer.

Isaiah 12:3

And you shall draw water with joy out of the springs of salvation.
Isaiah 1:18

Walk, please, and let us be right together, says Jehovah; although your sins are as crimson, they shall be white as snow; although they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool.
John 3:14-18

14 And just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wasteland, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 So that whoever believes into him will not perish, but have everlasting life, 16 Because God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes into him will not be destroyed, but have everlasting life, 17 Because God absolutely did not set apart and send his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but that the world through him might be saved. 18 The one who believes into him is absolutely not condemned, and the one not believing is condemned already, because he has not believed into the name of the only begotten Son of God. John 3:36 The one believing into the Son has everlasting life, and the one being unconvinced of the Son will absolutely not gaze upon life, but the wrath of God stays upon him.
John 7:37-39

37 And in the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood, and cried out, saying, If any one thirsts, let him come to me, and drink. 38 The one believing into me, as the Scripture said, out of his


Permanent Relief from Depression belly will flow rivers of living water. Exo 17:6; Num 20:11; Deu 8:15; Psa
114:8; Isa 44:3; 55:1; 58:11; Joel 3:18; Zec 14:8; Ezk 48:1-12.

How To Receive

39 And he said this about the Spirit, whom those believing into him were about to take, because the Holy Spirit was absolutely not yet given, because that Jesus was not yet glorified.
Acts 16:31

And they said, Believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, and your house.
Romans 6:23

Because the wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 5:8

And God caused his love to stand together toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 10:9

9 That if you will confess in your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God raised him out of the dead, you will be saved 10 Because in the heart one believes into righteousness, and in the mouth confession is made into salvation, 11 Because the Scripture says, Everyone who believes upon him will absolutely not be shamed down, 12 Because there is absolutely no difference between the Jew and the Greek, because the same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon him, 13 Because whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved.
Romans 8:1-2

1 There is therefore now absolutely no condemnation to those in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according the flesh, but according to the Spirit,

6. Cleanse Your Spirit 39 2 Because the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death,
Romans 8:28

And we see that all things work together into inherent good to them who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose,
Ephesians 2:8 -10

8 Because by grace you are saved, through faith, and that absolutely not out of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9 Absolutely not out of works, so that no one should boast, 10 Because we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus upon inherent good works, which God has prepared beforehand so that we should walk in them.
John 10:28-29

28 And I give to them eternal life, and they will absolutely in no way be destroyed forever, and absolutely not any will seize them out of my hand. 29 My Father, who has given them to me, is greater than all, and absolutely not any has power to seize them out of my Fathers hand. We want to ask you a very important question. Can God lie? Would God lie to you? The answer is, No. God will not lie to you. He said that if you called upon Him to save you, He WILL save you. He cannot lie. If you called upon Him as sincerely as you knew how, He saved you. Now thank him for cleansing your spirit.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Re-program Your Soul
We are giving you a lot of information. You may need time to absorb it all. We want to encourage you to relax. Relax and take all the time you need, but we encourage you to persist until you receive the entire solution. There are still many things we have not shared with you yet that you must know to receive total and permanent relief from depression. Here follows an extremely important truth: When you received Jesus your soul was not changed to the same extent that your spirit was. Your spirit was totally changed. Your spirit was made alive with the life of God. Eternal life now lives in your spirit and you can never lose it. Your soul experienced a change, a permanent change, but not like your spirit. Your spirit was actually made perfect before God. Your spirit is now clean and pure and can never be defiled again. Your spirit can never die, because the never dying Spirit of God has entered your spirit and made you an eternal child of God. But your soul will change more gradually. Your thinking, your feelings, and your will, will change gradually, possibly very fast, but over a period of time. Your mind feeds on information. We now have to give your mind correct information for it to think right. Your emotions use the feelings they have accumulated over the years, so we will have to root out some old feelings and get some new feelings. These come only by experience. Your will has a certain bent from past habits. You will have to bend your will in another direction now. That will take good information and good feelings from experience. You have just received some real good information when you received forgiveness of your sins and received Jesus into your heart. You also experienced some good feelings when this happened. Now we have to build upon these so that your mind and

7. Re-program your Soul


feelings and will do not turn back to the old depressing habits of before. When we tell you that you will receive total and permanent relief from depression, we really mean that. But let us tell you what we mean by that. We do not mean that you will never feel sad again. It is abnormal not to feel sad when someone close to your heart has died. It is abnormal not to feel the pressures of life, and at times wonder what in the world you are going to do. These times of helplessness drive us to God, who strengthens us and brings us through the trial. It is abnormal not to feel the burden the Lord Himself feels for a wicked, lost, and dying world. We are not saying that you will never shed another tear. We think that you understand this, but we want to be sure you know what we mean.
Depression is a sense of defeat, giving up, a feeling of despair and hopelessness that there is no way through these trials of life.

This is what we are saying that you will never have to endure again. God has provided a way through everything, with love, joy, and peace as we pass through it. You do not have to be depressed again.

The Cure is Simply to Remove the Cause

You must remove the cause of depression. However you cannot remove the cause, unless you replace it with something. Nature abhors a vacuum. There is no way to get rid of sin without filling the heart with righteousness. You did that. You took Jesus in place of your sin. Jesus is the righteousness of God. Now you have the righteousness of God in your heart, instead of the sin of unbelief. There is no way you can get rid of anger without replacing it with love. You cannot get rid of resentment without replacing it with the feeling that God cares for your every need. You cannot get rid of the feeling of being mistreated unless you replace it with the belief that God is working all things for your good. You cannot get rid of depression without replacing it with faith. If you are going to permanently remove depression from your life, you must remove the cause and the condition. If you are going to remove the cause and the condition of depression, you have to receive the cure. The cure follows the same order of thoughts that we presented in explaining to you the origins, cause, and the condition. Let us begin with


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

The Spiritual
Remove all wrong spiritual activity from your life, and replace it with true spiritual activity as taught us in the Bible. Remove the occult from your life. You do not need fortune tellers or psychics to tell you what the future holds. You need the Bible, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and a good pastor and church in your life. Remove from your life, seances, psychics, palm readers, ouija boards, tea leaves reading, astrology forecasts, and all the like. All of these are nothing more than the devils substitute for the care of your loving Heavenly Father, the study of the Bible, the leadership of the Holy Spirit, the preaching ministry of a man of God, and fellowship with Gods people in church. Get out of false religions and cults. The only true religion is the religion of the Bible, the Judaeo-Christian faith with Jesus the Messiah as your Lord. Anything else is false, and leads to deception and disappointment. Ultimately these false beliefs lead to permanent depression in an endless eternity of darkness. You need to get rid of satanic and demonic entertainment. Many games and videos today are filled with satanic and demonic suggestions that open the mind to confusion and defeat. Much of the worldly music is evil spirit oriented. We are not speaking of seeing a demon behind everything that moves. We are talking about entertainment that on its face is openly and obviously satanic and evil spirit oriented. You need to remove all these recordings, videos, magazines and other paraphernalia related to these subjects. All of these things plant thoughts that lead to actions. God wants you to get your thoughts from Him, His Word, and those good sources that He has made available. Find a good church where the pastor preaches and teaches the Bible clearly and in love. Join that church. Be baptized. Attend faithfully, and support it with your life and your money. God will give you peace, and prosper you every way. Read your Bible faithfully. Talk to the Holy Spirit, and ask Him to help you understand what the Bible means. Listen to, attentively hear, the voice of the Holy Spirit, and obey His voice. He will not fail to lead you.

7. Re-program your Soul


The Psychological
Re-program your soul. Remove all negative thinking from your mind. Fill your mind with Holy Scripture. Anything that is not in agreement with the Bible is negative. Everything that agrees with the Bible is positive.

Remove criticism and fault-finding from your life.

Let us instruct you on what to do about criticism and fault-finding. Jesus said, in Matthew 7:1-2, 1 Do not judge in order that you not be judged, 2 Because in that judgment you judge, you will be judged, and in that measure you measure, it will be measured to you.

Never criticize anyone. Never.

That is not your responsibility. You will be much better off if you consider that the possibility of your criticizing and finding fault with anyone does not exist. Let us explain exactly what we mean. Unless you are over someone, unless you are their parent or their supervisor, never, we mean never, try to tell anyone what to do. It never does any good. It is totally futile to try. If you are seeking to purchase goods or services, you may request the person in charge of the establishment to do a certain thing for you, but you can never command them. When you need something, always put what you say in the form of a request. Could you do me a favor, and get such and such for me? Would you please help me with this? Always make a request. Never issue a command or make a demand. If they do not respond to your needs, kindly thank them and go somewhere else where they are interested in meeting your needs. Leave the fretting and fuming to someone else.

How to Correct Someone Under You

If you need to correct someone under you, do it as lovingly, positively, and firmly as possible. If it is your child, dont criticize him or her. If they are not doing something right, or if they are deliberately disobeying, firmly say, Listen. Here is what Mother [or Father] wants you to do.

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 44 I will not allow you to continue doing what you are doing. If you continue, here is the discipline I am going to give you. No argument. No discussion. Here is what is going to happen. But if you do what I tell you to do, then we will all be happy, and I will give you such and such a reward. Ask the child if he understands, and can you count on him to obey. Sit and talk with him. Find out why he is doing what he is doing, and what, if there is anything you need to do to help him change. Dont let him whine. Dont let him argue. Make good rules. Go out of your way to see to it that he understands. Enforce them firmly, lovingly, and fairly. Everyone will have peace. You will not be depressed. The child will not be depressed. The whole family will have peace. Always, with little ones, the problem of control is not with the child. The problem is with the parent who does not know how to exercise firm, loving, intelligent, positive control over the child. Take this approach, and everyone will have peace. If you have to correct an employee, pray and wait for the right time. Do not jump on someone when the wrong conduct occurs. You will dish out criticism that later you will regret. We have found that the best time to correct someone is just before they are ready to perform the same task again. This gives them the opportunity to do it right immediately after knowing that they made a mistake. If they incorrectly performed a task, the time to show them exactly how you want them to do it is just before they are ready to perform that task again. If it is a task they perform continuously, then you need to stop them and make correction right then. You can say, Oh, I need to show you exactly how I want that done. If this is unavoidably in front of others be extremely careful that you do not put them down in front of others. This wounds the heart more than just about anything. Explain exactly how you want it done. Then do it for them. Then help them do it until they are doing it like you want it done. Then complement them genuinely.

In dealing with a husband or wife, the first thing you must realize is that neither has the right to boss the other. The Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife, but that does not mean he is her boss. It means he is her protector, her leader, and her provider. The Bible commands the wife to obey her husband, but that is instruction to the wife to follow her husband. That is not a command to the husband to boss. The command

7. Re-program your Soul


to the husband is that he must love his wife as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. The husband is to love his wife as he loves himself. If he loves his wife as he loves himself, he definitely will not boss her and be oppressive to her, because if he were the wife he certainly would not want to be bossed around. Marriage must be an equal partnership where each others opinions are fully respected. You must do things by mutual agreement. If you cant agree on something, you wait until you can agree, or you agree that each will do what he or she thinks best without offending the other. This is the way to avoid conflict and depression in marriage. And again we say, never, never criticize or find fault.

Never waste your time criticizing or finding fault with public figures and politicians. Vote your convictions and let it go at that. If you feel that you must be involved in running for public office or helping someone run for public office, major on what you offer the people. You may not win many elections, but at least you will have peace of mind that you did right. When you realize that you are not responsible for making other people do right, you will be relieved of a lot of pressure.

Here is how to handle criticism that others level at you.

The general rule is that if the person criticizing you is not in authority over you, you simply pay no attention to it. You do not want to confuse your line of authority. God does not want you dependent upon the opinions of people for authoritative information. The Bible says that the fear of people brings a snare, that is, a trap (Pro 29:25). If you look to people for the final decisions of life, just which person or groups of people are you going to listen to. People are very changeable. You can never be sure that they are right. The only final, unchangeable authority in this world is God speaking to you through the Bible. Your understanding of it is not perfect. Neither is mine, but following the Bible by the leadership of the Holy Spirit is the closest you will ever be to being right throughout your life. You must read the Bible, and develop your ability to hear Gods voice in your heart. Jesus promised us, My

sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. John 10:27.

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 46 The only way you will ever develop that inner confidence to live life to the fullest is to know that you are following Gods voice. So, what do you do when someone tries to tell you what to do who is not in authority over you? You kindly do not receive it. Do not strike back. Simply ignore what they said and go on your way. If their criticism of you strikes a responsive chord, and you think they may be right, get off by yourself and ask God if they were right. Ask God if He is trying to tell you something. Lord, speak to my heart about this criticism that this person spoke to me. Is that person right. Do I need to change in this particular thing. If so, confirm it to me, and tell me what I need to do. God will make you feel good about it. Yes, you need to change. You will be glad that that person brought it to your attention. Whether that person meant to help you or he was simply trying to hurt you, is of no importance. The only thing that matters is, was it something you needed to know? If so, you are thankful, regardless of where it came from. If the criticism is wrong, God will comfort your heart, tell you to forget it, and go on doing the best you know how to do.

If you handle criticism in this way, criticism will never cause you to be depressed. Remove from Yourself Negative Feelings
This means that you must get rid of fear, anger, despair, feeling mistreated, resentment, and all negative feelings. You must not allow these to live inside of you. God gives us specific instructions on not allowing anger and resentment to live within us.
Psalms 37:1-9

By David. 1 Do not blaze up because of raging evildoers, neither be envious against the doers of iniquity, 2 Because they shall soon be clipped like the grass, and wilt as the tender sprout.

47 7. Re-program your Soul 3 Trust in Jehovah, and do good; you shall dwell in the land, and you shall be faithfully shepherded. 4 And luxuriate yourself in Jehovah, and he will give you the requests4 of your heart. 5 Roll your way over on to Jehovah, and trust in him, and he will do it. 6 And he will bring out your righteousness as the light, and your judgment as the noonday. 7 Be still in Jehovah, and twist in dances around him; do not blaze up at him who prospers in his way, at the man who makes evil plans. 8 Slack off from anger, and forsake wrath; do not blaze up a particle to do good for nothing, 9 Because those doing good for nothing shall be cut off, and those who bind themselves to Jehovah, they shall inherit the earth.
4 37:4 I never cease to be amazed at the absolute accuracy and consistency of the Word of God. There are subtle differences in words which the Holy Spirit very strictly observes. The KJV has he will give you the desires of your heart. The Hebrew does not say desires. The Hebrew has requests, which means, spoken requests. You may desire something all of your life and never receive it because you never moved to the point that you asked God for it, and confess with your mouth that you have it. You may think this distinction a trifle, but it is the difference between receiving and not receiving. That if you will confess in your mouth the Lord Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God raised him out the dead, you will be saved. Rom 10:9. Read Rom 10:10 where saying with your mouth must go together with belief in your heart, and James 4:2 where the desire for something is put in direct contrast to specific asking.

Notice the command in verse 8. Slack off from anger, and forsake wrath; do not blaze up a particle to do good for nothing. Anger and resentment must be replaced with the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness, selfcontrol, and the wonderful feelings that only God can give.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

Deuteronomy 6:5

And you shall love Jehovah, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might.
Matthew 22:37

And Jesus said to him, You shall love the Lord your God in all your heart, and in all your soul, and in all the exercise of your mind.
Mark 12:30

And you shall love the Lord, your God, out of all your heart, and out of all your soul, and out of all the exercise of your mind, and out of all your strength; this is the first commandment. Note in Deuteronomy where God originally gave the command, He used three words - heart, soul, might. When Jesus spoke it in Matthew He used mind instead of might. In Mark [also in Luke] He said mind and strength. That intrigued me. So, I looked up the original language. Deuteronomy is in Hebrew. Matthew, Mark, and Luke are in Greek. Quite often when you go from one language to another, you have to use more than one word to give the full meaning. The Hebrew word translated might in Deuteronomy literally means, with the force of your mind on fire. That is why Mark and Luke reported it with both words, mind and strength. You and I must have our inner beings on fire with the love of God. If we do, it will automatically replace anger and resentment. Ask God to fill you with His love. Love Him with your whole being engulfed in flames of the love. And love your neighbor as your self. This is the other half of this great commandment. Do not resent others. Want Gods best for them, just as you want Gods best for yourself. Rejoice with those that rejoice, and weep with those that weep. This will help cure depression. Let us give a further practical instruction about anger. This does not mean that you will never be angry. Jesus was angry on occasions. On one occasion He drove the religious leaders out of the temple with a whip. He was popping mad at the way they had treated His Fathers house. But after all, He had the right to do it. It was His house. Saint Paul said,

7. Re-program your Soul

Ephesians 4:26-27


26 Be angry, and do not sin; do not let the sun go down upon your rage; 27 Neither give place to the devil. He is saying that there are times it is right to be angry. He instructs us to keep our anger under control so that we do not sin - that is, do something while we are angry that later we will regret. Then he instructs us not to remain angry long. Do not let you anger stay with you from one day to the next. Prolonged anger leads to bad things. So, keep your anger under control, so that you do not do something you will later regret, and do not remain angry over long periods of time. It is very damaging to your personality. It gives the devil a place from which to work on you!

Forgive All Those Who Have Sinned Against You

The Lord Jesus commanded us that we must forgive all those who have sinned against us [Matt. 6:12,1415]. If you want God to forgive you, you have to forgive others, regardless of what they did to you. If you say, But I have been hurt so badly I do not know if I can forgive them. Please believe me, I understand. Only God can give you the strength to forgive anyone. You cannot do this in your own strength. You have to have supernatural strength. Just tell God that you do not have the strength to forgive them by yourself, and that He has to help you. Then tell God that you forgive them the best you know how, and He will have to take care of the rest of it. If you have real trouble getting rid of your anger, go to God in prayer, and say something like this: Lord, I have a problem with anger. I get angry too quickly, and I get angry at things that should not bother me. I am angry too much of the time. I know this is a sin. Please forgive me. I want to be rid of it. I

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 50 confess that this is a sin, and I want help. I know that within myself I can do nothing, but I know that through Christ I can do all things, because He strengthens me.

Lord I place my anger under your Lordship. You give me the strength to control my feelings. In the name of Jesus, I receive Your strength and Your victory. Lord, as sincerely as I know how, I forgive all those who have sinned against me. [Name names if you need to.] Lord, you will have to take care of my feelings. I cannot do that in myself. Now, hurtful anger, in the name of Jesus, you get out of me. I will not entertain you any longer. I cast you out, and refuse to let you back in. Feelings inside of me, in the name of Jesus, I command you to be normal. I command you to be filled with love, joy, peace, and self-control. Thank you, Father, for the victory over unhealthy anger. Praise Your holy name. Amen.

Rid Yourself of a Stubborn Will

The most powerful thing God gave you is your will. You can decide to go on in your depression and misery, or you can decide to totally and permanently remove depression from your life. The most important thing in the world is to surrender your will to God, that is, decide that you are going to obey God regardless of what anybody says or does, and regardless of what happens. As Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, Father, not my will, but yours be done. Going to the cross was the best thing that could happen to Jesus and for us. Yet it did at the time cause Him great pain. But, oh, how happy Jesus is now. He is so thankful that He made the decision to obey His Father. Because He gave Himself on the cross, God made Him Lord over all things. After He rose from the dead, He said, All authority was given to me in heaven and

upon earth. Now, as a member of the human race, He can save all
who come to Him, and do all the wonderful things He could ever wish to do. It is the same with us. If we obey the Fathers will and receive Jesus, He successfully brings us through whatever we have to go through.

8. Take Control of Your Body 51 Ultimately we can do all the good things we always wanted to do. Get rid of your stubborn will. It is your greatest hindrance. Agree with God, and obey Him. This is the way to victory.

Take Control of Your Body
You must take charge of your health. If you are to be a happy, joyful person you must do everything you know to be healthy. No one is going to do this for you. No doctor can do this for you. You will have to take charge yourself. You must come to the place that you know more about your health, and more about what it takes to keep you healthy than anyone on earth.
I want to tell you my story [Gwin Turner]. I will include my wife in the story, but it is a story that I must tell. By the time I was twenty-nine years old my health was ruined. I had colitis as a baby. I had asthma as a child and teenager. As a young adult I was constantly plagued with stomach disorders, colds, and flu. Although I grew up on a farm and ate many of the right things, I ate too much sweets, too much white (degerminated, dead) flour, too much soda pop, and too much over processed foods. In 1960 my wife and I were missionaries in Costa Rica. I was 29. She was 24. We both returned to the States at the end of 1960 with very bad health. I was diagnosed as having advanced arthritis. The joints of all my limbs and my feet and hands were red and swollen and in constant pain. That it was arthritis was confirmed by the doctors at the Baptist Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. They said it was incurable, and that all they

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 52 could do was give me tablets that would keep the pain down. From 1960 to 1969 I went to a number of doctors who all told me the same thing. All they did was change the pain prescription from time to time. Not one doctor ever told me to change what I was eating. I had one doctor who gave me vitamin shots which helped a little. In 1969 my wife and I accepted the call to our present church here in Los Angeles. While leading in a series of meetings in a church in Glendora [a few miles east of Los Angeles], I walked into a health food store to look at the books while I was waiting on my host minister to finish his shopping. I saw a book titled, Fasting Can Save Your Life. I bought it thinking it would give me some insight to fasting in the Bible. It was a book by a doctor on how to cleanse disease out of your body by fasting and drinking water. Remember, this was 1969. I stopped taking all pain medication and immediately went on a total fast. After three days my arthritis pain completely left. After about seven days into the total fast, I went to my doctor in Santa Monica. The book said that you should have a check up before you fast to be sure that you are not diabetic or have a form of cancer that would prevent you from fasting. I told him what I was doing, and that I wanted a physical. He told me to stop this dangerous thing and get back on my medication before I did permanent damage to my health. After the first few days of fasting, hunger left, and I felt very relaxed. So he could not have disturbed me regardless of what he said. I had heard what all the doctors had to say about my condition, and none of them offered me any relief. I had tried something completely different, and had obtained immediate relief. So, he was not about to shake me in my confidence that I knew more about what I was doing than he did. After he concluded I was not going to listen to him, he checked my blood sugar and other vital signs, and told me there were no problems. I thanked him and went on with my healing project. I fasted for twelve days on nothing but water, and ate on the thirteenth day only because we had guests to come in from out of state. My wife would not allow me to sit there and not eat while they ate. So I ate. But the miracle is that my arthritis left, and has never returned - as long as I eat fresh fruits and vegetables, raw or barely cooked, and stay away from sugar and white flour. I eat all of the pork and beef I want, in fact

8. Take Control of Your Body 53 almost every day. I eat whole wheat bread that we make from the whole wheat. We buy sacks of hard red wheat and grind flour in our electric mill, which takes less than three minutes. My wife makes bread regularly in an automatic bread maker which takes her about ten minutes to do. The bread mix takes two and one-half to three hours to cook, but we are off doing something else. Since 1969 I have been perfectly healthy, but I had to dig out the facts for myself. I had to test foods and practices on myself until I found what kept me healthy, and what made me sick. Nobody taught me. I have had more than one argument with doctors over the years. Thank God some of them are beginning to change, but not the vast majority to this day. I started reading books of experiences of people who had been given up by the medical profession, but who on their own discovered and returned to vibrant health. From 1970 to 1980 I must have read over 100 books on health and nutrition. Some of them by doctors who on their own had to discover health for themselves when their own medical school teaching was about to let them die. During that ten year period I read through the entire Bible, catalogued every reference to food, eating, health, and healing in the Bible. Today I know more about my health than any doctor knows about my health. I know my condition, and I know what makes me that way. But I had to take charge of my body. Others were content to hand me a prescription for pain relief, and let me head on down the road to misery and the graveyard. But I decided I did not want to go that route. I found a better road, but I had to do it myself. I am not a medical doctor. I get a physical and blood lab work done from time to time. My check ups have never found an irregularity or disease of any kind. I keep my colon clean by herbal cleansers, colon irrigation, and whole wheat bread. I dont need a doctor to tell me what to do, because the vast majority do not know. I have taken charge of my body and my health, and I never get sick. Over the years Norma has adopted the same practices, and we both enjoy vibrant health, and intend to for many years to come. I also very firmly believe in miracles of healing from God. I believe God put His faith in our heart to use on our bodies as well as on our spirits and souls. Jesus paid for all our sins and our sicknesses on the cross. Take charge of your health and body, and be depressed about it no more.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

The Boundaries of Your Domain
There are two other extremely important instructions you must follow, before we permanently remove the depression cycle from your life.

[1] Define the Boundaries of Your Domain

Romans 14:4

Who are you who judge anothers house servant? To his own lord he stands or falls, and he will stand, because God has the power to cause him to stand. You must define the boundaries of your domain. You are the Lords servant, and not someone elses. That means you must find out where God says you are responsible and where you are not. God has given you a domain. You are to rule under the Lordship of Jesus in that domain. It is not someone elses domain. It is yours. You have to know where the limits of it are, and you have to rule within those limits. One of the most important things for you to do to totally and permanently remove depression from your life is define the boundaries of your responsibilities. If you think you are responsible for something when you are not, and you keep trying to control it, you are headed for disappointment and depression. It is futile to keep on trying to control something that is not your responsibility.

Stay out of the domain of others, and keep others out of your domain. This is the best way to keep peace and stay out of depression.

9. Define the Boundaries of Your Domain 55 Define your domain. We know that your spirit, soul, and body are your domain. God comes in only if He is invited. Even after you make Him the Lord of your life, He will never do anything in these areas without your permission. Your family is your domain. As a husband and father I am responsible for my wife and children, as long as the children are minors at home. When they are grown and out on their own, they take charge of their own domain. If they ask me for advice, I give it. Otherwise, I stay out of their business. At your employment define clearly your domain, where you are responsible, and where you are not responsible. Stay within those boundaries, and stay out of the boundaries of others. You will avoid a lot of conflict and cause for hurt. Your first responsibility everywhere you go is first to define your boundaries of responsibility. If you are not responsible, do not take on somebody elses responsibilities. Do not carry the whole world on your shoulders. It is not yours. It belongs to the Lord and a lot of other people. Let them and God work it out. You go on your way enjoying life.

[2] Resist the Attacks of Satan

Resist all attacks of Satan to enter your domain and embarrass you, shock you, and confuse you. Do not ask God to fight the devil for you. Do not ask God to get the devil out of your domain. That is your responsibility. The lord Jesus defeated the devil on Calvarys cross. He has given you and me His name to defeat the devil in our domain. We do not mean you can remove the devil so that you are never attacked by him again. What we mean is that you and I have the power through Jesus to always drive him back from his attack upon our responsibilities. James commands us,
James 4:7- 8

7 Arrange yourselves therefore under God. Stand against the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners, and sanctify your hearts, you double souled.

Permanent Relief from Depression Refuse all attacks of Satan to embarrass, shock, or confuse you. Do not admit embarrassment. Do not admit shock. Do not admit confusion. Regardless of how much panic you feel running around inside of you, never say, I am so confused, or discouraged, or depressed, etc. Do not give the devil the satisfaction of thinking that he has hit you a disabling blow. My thoughts may be running around in my head like a bunch of scared chickens, but I am not going to let the devil know it. He cannot read my mind. He can judge by my actions, the expressions on my face, and by what I say what is happening to me, but he cannot read my mind. If I look confident, and I act confident, and I speak faith, the devil flees before me. God says that if I resist him, he will flee from me. So, whatever you do, resist all temptations to be depressed, and you will not be depressed. Make your feelings your servants, not your masters. If you tell your feelings to feel joy, they will. Oh, they may not the first time you try, because your feelings may not believe that you mean business. Your feelings are like puppies. They whine and carry on when you tell them to get in their place, but if they know you mean it, they will finally obey. Once they get used to obeying, they will begin to enjoy feeling good. Make your feelings obey you. You are in charge, not your feelings. They are your servants. They are there to feel the way you want them to feel. Base what you want on the reality that we have in Christ, and your feelings will function beautifully.


How To Receive

10. Permanently Break the Vicious Cycle


Permanently Break The Vicious Cycle
The vicious cycle of depression feeds on itself. It must be permanently broken. Feeling mistreated breeds resentment. Resentment breeds anger. Anger breeds criticism and faultfinding, which in turn breeds more feelings of being mistreated. It starts all over again. Where this vicious cycle must be broken is at the point of feeling mistreated. You must come to the place that you believe God so strongly that you never feel mistreated again. People will definitely mistreat you. The devil definitely works every unfair practice against you he can. But regardless of what people do or what the devil does, you believe God that He will not allow anyone or anything to hurt you ever again. God is not going to stop them from doing things to you. What He is going to do is make everything work for your good regardless of what they do. You have to believe,
Romans 8:28

And we see that all things work together into inherent good to them who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. This is the point at which the vicious cycle is broken. You receive the love of God. You know that He loves you, and that nothing in the world can hurt you. You believe what God said in
Isaiah 43:2

When you cross through the waters, I am with you, and through the rivers, they shall not flush you away; when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not kindle upon you.


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression

In other words, regardless of what you have to go through, God will not let it damage you in any way. Therefore, right now, permanently break this vicious depression cycle.

Replace it with this: Confession of Faith:

Heavenly Father, I confess that You love me. You tell me in Your Word, the Bible, that You love me. I know that You do not lie. People have tried to mistreat me, and from the human viewpoint, people would say that I was mistreated. But God, You promise that You will not let anyone or anything hurt me. Also, Father, I have forgiven all those who have tried to hurt me in any way. Heavenly Father, I know that You will not mistreat me. You love me too much to let anyone else permanently hurt me. Father, I refuse to take offense at anything anyone tries to do to me. I refuse to be hurt. I refuse to be insulted. I refuse to occupy my mind with what others try to do to me. I refuse to allow unforgiveness in my heart. Your Holy Spirit will give me wisdom to protect myself from them, and to remove myself from the path of their intended hurt, but I will not occupy my time with what others try to do to me. I exercise faith in You, Father, through Jesus Christ my Lord. I appropriate my inheritance that I have in Jesus the Messiah, as a child of Abraham. You promise to meet all my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Since You enable me to do whatever I need to do, because

I am strong for all things in Christ who empowers me. That

is the cycle I am in. I am in the cycle of Your love and strength. I am in the cycle that I can endure any kind of trial because You strengthen me by Your Holy Spirit. I am in the cycle that I am not filled with resentment. I am filled with amazement that You would love and care for me.

10. Permanently Break the Vicious Cycle 59

I am in the cycle of faith that believes absolutely that You work all things for my good. I know that the trial of my faith is more precious to You than gold. I know that my faith will result in praise and honor and glory to You when Jesus comes again to receive me unto Himself. Where He is, there will I be also. I read Your Word and talk to You daily. I hear Your voice through the Holy Spirit in my heart telling me what to do. I believe the Bible, and I obey Your voice. Your Holy Spirit leads me every step of every hour of every day. I am in The Cycle of Your Love. The vicious cycle of depression is permanently broken. It will never function in me again. I love You, God, with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. I love You with my entire inner being on fire for You. I am engulfed in the flame of Your permanent love. Your Holy Spirit fills my entire being. Praise the name of Jesus. Amen

Read this Confession of Faith out loud at least once every day until you believe it with all your heart. It will get into you inner being, and will become a reality in you.
You cannot control what others try to do to you, but you can control your response to them. The only person you can straighten out is yourself. You cannot straighten out anyone else in the whole world. As you, with Gods help, change yourself, you find that the whole world changes. Not that the world actually changes, but the way you look at it changes. You change, and that is what matters. Many people come to us with marriage problems. Quite often each one wants us to get the other to do certain things. They want their mate to change. Always we tell them, You cannot change your mate. The only person you can work on is yourself. Working on anyone else is a waste of time. Spend your time and energy working on someone who will respond. You will respond to yourself, but to no one else. You will not

How To Receive Permanent Relief from Depression 60 receive advice unless you ask for it. Your mate will not receive your advice unless he or she asks for it. So ask yourself for advice, and follow it. You received this booklet, The Permanent Relief From Depression Solution. You asked for it. You are the only one who can now make yourself receive the solution. The only thing we can do is make available to you what you asked for. Now that you have it, no one else can do one thing for you. It is strictly up to you and God now. Not even God will do anything unless you choose to let Him.

It is now up to you. You must now exercise faith, and enter into this permanent solution to depression. I would never have learned to fly that airplane if my instructor had not taken his hands and feet off the controls, and said to me, Alright Son, youve got it. Fly this thing and land it the best way you can. I am not going to take the controls again. I believed him, and I took over the controls. I did land the plane after a few bumps up and down on the runway, but I made it. I knew that if I got into deep trouble he would help me out. It is the same with God. He wants you to exercise the controls of life the best you can. If you get into trouble, He promises to help you out. But you do not trust God until you have to. If you feel that you have come to the end of yourself, and you see no other way out, you will trust God. It is time for you to take the controls, in the name of Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, and break the back of that vicious demon of depression.

10. Permanently Break the Vicious Cycle 61

Make this final confession of faith Father, I have now permanently broken the power of depression over me. You gave me the right to do it, and the power to do it. Through the blood of Jesus I have entered the realm of faith. By communion with the Holy Spirit I have entered into victory. From this day forward I will live and breathe faith, love, peace, hope and all the good things of God. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward You will receive me to glory. In the name of Jesus my Lord. Amen.
Signed___________________________Date ____


How To Receive

Permanent Relief from Depression


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