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How to Identify Transformational Leadership: 25 Characteristics

by Roger Ganzel for Transforming e-News

PRIMARY CHARACTERISTICS 1. Transformational leaders have a passion for the unchurched. 2. Transformational leadership is more an attitude than it is a leadership style. 3. The mission of transformational leaders is to turn church members into disciples of Jesus, who make other disciples of Jesus to move from being a caretaker parish to being a mission outpost. 4. Transformational leaders desire more than they can accomplish, insisting that some things have to be believed to be seen. They maintain that vision is the art of seeing things invisible and that vision is ongoing, not something that can be completed in a lifetime. 5. Knowing that DNA defines an organism and is in every cell, transformational leaders are not content until the churchs DNA becomes unambiguously missional. 6. Transformational leaders are about building trust and giving permission. 7. Transformational leaders are self-differentiated. They are not afraid to say, "I am your servant for Jesus sake, but you are not my master." 8. Transformational leaders manifest a genuine and persistent compassion for those who dont know the peace and joy of life with God. Outreach with that embracive goal reflects great diversity. 9. Transformational leaders decentralize decision-making so that those closest to a particular ministry are the ones empowered to make decisions that fit intrinsically into the congregations mission and vision. 10. Transformational leaders, like Jesus, spend a lot of time with a core group who are ready and willing to go and make disciples who make disciples. 11. Transformational leaders repeatedly cast vision for work to build a healthy church that almost inevitably becomes a growing church. Approximately 80% of a pastor's time should be spent casting vision as they go about their ministry.. 12. A large majority of transformational leaders act as player coaches. They do not pretend to be a coach that sits on the sidelines and sends in the plays and players. 13. Effective transformational leaders align everything and everyone with the vision and the leverage point. 14. Leaders who anticipate the Holy Spirits transformation realize that all such growth starts with them. They either become a catalyst for change or grow to be content with the status quo. Upwards to 85% of ELCA parish clergy unfortunately seem to settle for the latter. SECONDARY CHARACTERISTICS 1. Transformational leaders do not settle for survival goals. Instead they recognize that the key to survival issues in the parish is an ability

to foster and build positive, affirming interpersonal relationships. 2. Transformational leaders are committed to proactive ministry that focuses on opportunities rather than responding to problems. 3. Transformational leaders are opportunists who recognize when the kairos time has come for select actions. 4. Transformational leaders know that another of the worst obstacles to growth is present satisfaction with the way things are. A complacent church is generally farther from being an agent for transformation than one with a sense of desperation or in an acknowledged crisis. 5. Transformational leaders believe that the fewer people we can have making guidance decisions the better. Congregations governed by consensus dont grow. In any effective team, but surely in the best leadership teams, a leader among leaders emerges. That person becomes the primary visionary for that team. The pastor becomes the keeper of the vision for the congregation. 6. In every effective, growing missional congregation, the transformational pastor, as chief spiritual leader, has to be the keeper of the vision. She/he bears the deepest responsibility to discern the direction of the Holy Spirit. 7. Transformational leaders sense that starting another worship service targeted to the unchurched may be the most important decision a church can make to grow. Such a service will feature music that is indigenous and easy to sing, visuals, drama, and other engaging communications. Music is clearly the global language in todays American mission field. To be appreciated today is that the fad of contemporary praise services is starting to fade out. Next to finding the right transformational pastor, finding the right chief musician is the most important staffing decision. 8. Transformational leaders love the Church! Such love may or may not include the denomination. 9. Neither Ordination nor Installation create a transformational leader. The making, calling, and empowering of transformational leadership is the work of the Holy Spirit. One's calling is anchored in their baptism. 10. Transformational leaders know that transformed adults of any age, not youth, are the future of their congregation. Adults who are changed, gifted, called, and equipped will take care of everything else. Trained youth do, of course, help lead the church. 11. Transformational leaders know that congregational insiders are often least likely to discern vision. People on the fringe of church life are typically better able to identify what is needed. Transformational leaders consult with them regularly.

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