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Helping Verbs Helping verbs are verbs that, as their name suggests, help the main verb in a sentence

by extending the meaning of the verb. They add detail to how time is conveyed in a sentence. As a result, helping verbs are used to create the most complicated verb tenses in English : the progressive and the perfect aspects. These verbs also function to convey complicated shades of meaning like expectation, permission, probability, potential, obligation, and direction. In modern linguistics, this class of verbs is called auxiliary verbs. The meanings of these two terms are interchangeable. List of Helping Verbs There are 23 verbs that can be used as helping verbs in English. The following chart lists them: am as did are have was were been be should may might being can has would must shall will could had do does

Different helping verbs are used for different purposes in sentences. One of their main functions is to situate the action of a sentence in a particular aspect of time. The two main aspects that helping verbs play a role in are the progressive aspect and the perfect aspect. Progressive Aspect When the main verb in a sentence ends in ing, the progressive aspect is often being used. This aspect is used to convey the notion that an action is occurring in an ongoing fashion. The forms of the helping verb to be (am, is, are, was, and were) are used to create this aspect. The following sentences are examples of helping verbs being used to express this action: I am renting my guest house to my neighbor. Steve is starting a new personal training business for the elderly. Christopher and Bernadette are moving to Baton Rouge. It was raining when we got to Portland. The presidential candidates were debating in Philadelphia. Perfect Aspects There are three different forms of the perfect aspect in English: past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect. The standard perfect aspect is used to explain an action that is/was/will be in a state of progress and is/was/will be completed before a particular time. However, the perfect aspect can also be used in the continuous form to show actions that are in a state of progress but are ongoing. Forms of the verb to have (has, have, and had) and will and wont are often used to create the various perfect aspects. The perfect aspect is subdivided into past perfect, present perfect, and future perfect. The following sentences demonstrate how helping verbs are used to create these aspects: She had stolen the car already by then. (past perfect) I had been dreaming about you when you called. (past perfect continuous) What will we do now that Barbara is gone? (future perfect) Jennifer wont be going to the dinner. (future perfect) Dave has been working on the task all day. (present perfect continuous) Have you worked here long? (present perfect)

Other Uses Helping verbs perform other specific tasks to further modify the action or meaning of the main verb. When functioning in this manner, they are known as modal helping verbs. The verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, and must are most commonly used for this purpose. The following sentences are examples: Sal cant name the first president. You should go home and lie down. When its your time, you must go. I may be late for the meeting. Would you mind if I stayed here for awhile? Important Final Rule The verb phrase in a sentence can include no more than three helping verbs. When used properly, helping verbs perform some of the most intricate work in English verb phrases. The more complex aspects, progressive and perfect, should be approached by writers who already have an advanced understanding of English sentence structure. For second language learners, helping verbs can pose particular problems and should therefore be studied after a solid foundation of simple verbs has been achieved.

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