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MechanicalPropertiesof Materials


Asolidmaterialsubjectedtoatensileforceextendsinthedirectionof tractionbyanamountproportionaltheappliedload(Hookeslaw) Mostsolidsbehaveinanelasticmanneriftheappliedloadisnottoogreat

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 27.

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 27.

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 27.

where E tensile (Young' s) modulus

where G shear modulus

Sinceallgeometricinfluenceshavesbeenremoved(Force/unitarea),EandG representinherentpropertiesofthematerial EandGaremacroscopicmanifestationsofthestrengthsoftheinteratomicbonds

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 28.

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 28.

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 29.


Areaunderthetensilecurveisproportionaltotheworkrequiredtodeforma specimenuntilitfails Areaundertheentirecurveistheproductofstressandstrain,unitsofwork (energy)perunitvolumeofmaterial

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 30.

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 30.


Assumptionthatthereisaninstantaneousstrainresponsetoanappliedstressis invalidformostmaterials FigureA elasticresponsetoligamentisinstantaneous,butcontinuestoelongate underaconstantload Creep continuous,timedependentextensionunderload Stressrelaxation continuous,timedependentdecreaseinloadunderfixed elongation Bothcreepandstressrelaxationresultfromviscousflowinthematerial

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 30.

MechanicalanalogofviscousflowisthedashpotmodelortheDashpot andspringmodel Increeptest,instantaneousstrainisproducedwhentheweightisfirst applied(equivalenttostretchingthespringtoequilibriumlength) Additionaltimedependentstrainismodeledbymovementofthedash pot

B. Ratner, A. Hoffman, F. Schoen, and J. Lemons: Biomaterials Science, 2nd edition (San Diego: Elsevier Academic Press. 2004). 30.

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