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Hypothyroidism which is also known as myxedema in adults and cretinism in children is the condition when Thyroid Hormones (T4

and T3) are secreted in fewer amounts in the body. Hypothyroidism is the most common endocrine disorder mainly affecting women and the elderly. Almost 7.5% of women population in Australia suffer from Hypothyroidism Reasons of Hypothyroidism1. Autoimmune Disease-According to the western medicine the main reason of hypothyroidism is Autoimmune Disease i.e somehow antithyroid antibodies is produced which result in destruction of the Gland. This is 6 times more common in female and the frequency rises with age. 2. Hashimotos Thyroiditis-This is main cause of goitrous hypothyroidism. Found more during the age of 20-60 years in women. This presented with small sized diffuse goite, firm and rubbery in nature. 3. Drug induced Hypothyroidism-Drugs like Lithium carbonate, carbimazole, Iodine and many more western medicines hinders the release of thyroid hormones levels in the blood resulting in hypothyroidism. 4. Post-delivery thyroiditis- The function of the thyroid is slightly increased during pregnancy and lactation phase. Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism during postpartum is usually a temporary condition and result from modification to the immune system necessary in pregnancy. 5. Iodine Deficiency-Thyroid enlargement known as endemic goitre occurs in few part of the world like Andes, Himalayas and central Africa due to lack of iodine intake from diet. Sign and Symptoms of Hypothyroidism Thyroid hormones are responsible for the metabolic rate of various tissues therefore underperforming of thyroid gland results in many endocrine issues like 1. Tiredness 2. Low appetite 3. Intolerance to cold

4. Dryness of hair, eyes, nails and skin 5. Weight gain 6. Constipation 7. Hoarseness of voice 8. Low Pulse rate 9. Increase in blood pressure 10. Angina 11. Poor memory 12. Muscular pain and weakness 13. Poverty of movement 14. Depression 15. Psychosis 16. Infertility 17. Loos of libido

Treatment of Hypothyroidism according to western medicine Lonely treatment of Hypothyroidism in western medicine is replacement therapy with thyroid hormone (T4).Initial dose of Thyroxine tablet rest on the severity of the deficiency and on the age and ability of the patient, mostly cardiac performance. Moreover no cure for autoimmune hypothyroidism is found yet, so medication need to be taken for the rest of entire life. Ayurvedic Concept of Hypothyroidism-

Consume foods that are naturally high in iodine such as fish, shell fish, white onions, vegetables and root vegetables such as potatoes, asparagus, etc. (Iodine content of vegetables, fruits and cereals depends

upon the iodine content of the soil). Avoid foods that naturally slow down the functioning of the thyroid such as cabbage, mustard-greens, cauliflower, maize, sweet potatoes, and spinach. Avoid sulfa drugs and antihistamines, which aggravate this problem. Also, increase daily consumption of foods high in Vitamin B complex such as whole grains, raw nuts, and seeds; and Vitamin A rich foods like dark green and yellow vegetables.

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