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BANK NEGARA INDONESIA (PERSERO) TBK MAKASSAR Santy Kusumawaty, Siti Rukiah Syawal, Junaedi Sirajuddin Ophthalmology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Hasanuddin University, Makassar

Abstract Introduction: The excessive use of computers has known to cause several eye complains. Purpose: To assess the effect of computer use in causing symptoms of Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) which are asthenopia, visual acuity and ocular surface among computer users in Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) Makassar. Method: A cross-sectional study on 150 subjects that conducted at BNI Makassar during the period of August-October 2012. Data were collected from the McMonnies questionnaire to detect asthenopia, log Mar modification scoring to assess visual acuity, Schirmer and BUT test to assess ocular surface which all of these were performed before and after using computers. Computer use time was divided into 1, 2 and 3 hours.

Result: Table 1. Subject Characteristic Characteristic

Sex Male Female Knowledge about CVS Knowledge about ergoophthalmic Smoking Cosmetic Eyeglasses Type of monitor LCD CRT Duration of computer use 1 hour 2 hour 3 hour 79 (52,7) 71 (47,3) 7 (4,7) 7 (4,7) 43 (28,7) 61 (40,7) 25 (16,7) 122 (81,2) 28 (18,8) 55 (36,7) 47 (31,3) 48 (32,0) n (%)

Table 2 Mean of asthenopia symptoms, McMonnies Questionnaire, Visual Acuity,

Schirmer Test and BUT Test

Variable Astenopia symptoms McMonnies Questionnaire Visual acuity Schirmer test BUT test Mean (SD) Before After 0,99 (+ 0,81) 3,27 (+ 1,24) 9,29 (+ 3,82) 11,57 (+ 4,16) 0,87 (+ 0,18) 0,82 (+ 0,19) 22,04 (+ 8,95) 18,11 (+ 8,90) 9,39 (+ 2,77) 7,38 (+ 1,99) p 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00

Table 3. Astenopia symptoms based on duration of computer use

Duration of Computer Use (hour) 1 2 3 Total Astenopia symptoms <3 >3 n(%) n (%) 23 (41,8) 32 7 (14,9) 40 6 (12,5) 42 36 (24,0) 114 (76,0)

Uji Chi Square (p = 0,001)

Table 4. Visual acuity based on duration of computer use

Duration of computer use (hour) 1 2 3 Total Uji Chi Square (p=0,000) Visual Acuity Decrease No changes n (%) n (%) 19 (34,5%) 24 (51,1%) 38 (79,2) 81 (54,0) 36 (65,5%) 23 (48,9%) 10 (20,8%) 69 (46,0)

Table 5. Schirmer test and BUT test based on duration of computer use
Duration of computer use (hour) 1 2 3 Total Hasil Tes Schirmer (p=0,102) Decrease Constant n (%) n (%) 36 (65,5) 19 (34,5) 38 (80,9) 9 (19,1) 39 (81,3) 9 (18,8) 113 (75,3) 37 (24,7) Hasil Tes BUT (p=0,011) Decrease No changes n (%) n(%) 32 (58,2) 23 (41,8) 40 (85,1) 7 (14,9) 35 (72,9) 13 (27,1) 107 (71,3) 43 (28,7)

Conclusion : Overall asthenopia symptoms become more severe, visual acuity has decreased and ocular surface condition decrease after work using a computer.

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Uji Chi Square (p=0,011)

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