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ki” BBS b bend Oskee << Study Guides William D. Mounce Greck Alphabet Caso Endings ond Rules Name (English and Greek), transliteration, capital and small form, promunciati rvttenend tection (ind dechenaion aaa aoa a as in father a " met Bice 5 » asin Bib - oe 4 ssindog Ea i aaa The ora Wh asin thing Kappa = x asinkchen Lama sia Ak 1 asin law F * ‘Stems ending in o or n are in the first declension, stems ending ino ho « renmd are in the second, and consonantal stems are in the third. Tau a t t t asin talk = Upsilon 3 wade was the Gea pit Pri ‘ > ph asin phone Ta the dative singulthe 1 ubcriif posible, Ceca an can a > oon subscripts only in the first and second declensions.) ni ¥ ole Nowelvoien change thr length Cable a ae Inthe pei and ave the mascline and neutcr wlalvays be Sema The Square of ops Definite Article Relative Pronoun Vela x 3 + Labials + 6 form y; velars plus form &; denals plus form o. A+ cannot stand a the end of a word and will drop off (Gvowa + veya » Svoue First and Second Declension Nouns on ae Spa ypabh — B6§a pov \ a tense pas ypadiis —S68nG poet ddarsg Gpa Ypabiy 865) poor fe ane (een Personal Pronouns Demonstrative Interogative Indefinite Relative romig id Ob winds ais ated obtos an totic tk Bots ic sense wov.ayo0 cov. 909 adrod aiths airod roorv tans rodTov ios tives obs atws _obV0E dase wor. wot oor, oi ait ait ait «IW iT wiwM TH im gam gun gum accsp 8, tue oF, = atv ait ato swim ooo tive ce Svea ive ot ompt uci Seis ato tai aie odor adrae cute ties rivets girs awe fern! fuoy — tuoy —aixoy aio adtov Torey ToiRwy TouWY wy Tiywy Gy GyEwY Gray dernt fuiv Shiv adrois adenic aveoiG oIOLS eadrEIS TOWNS TOK) lou) sionINO) aloneN) dion) cep iuas ind arog ainig aied rovrous tavtag mabe tims tive olmus Gots drt ‘Adjectives rmasc fom newt = mace fem neat femm net mmascfom newt newt nomsg dos éyia Gyov aslo nav mohiic ORAS Ang Gig wv genie dyiov ying Gyiov aves dans avec —-ROAAOD ROAAE NORAOD —GAnBoKG—_AANBODE ivi dase dyig Gyig yi —navei ion avei = ROMA ROLAH. «OIG. —Ganed——ANBA i fcc sp dyiov dyiay Gyov —ndvea ligay maw ROAVY—ROKATY ORD. «GAN ———ANBS iv mom pt donor dna nx — vers iow miivrx —modAO’-RoRRai ORE —GanBeTs GANA rnp Gyiwv Gyiwy Gyiwy —RavwY RaGOY RavIOY —ROAAOY RORMY RORY GMB ANB daipl vious ying cyions —doW(y) doug mao\y) —ROMAGIS ROLLUiC nOLLOIg —_GAnBOL(v) dAnBECX(y) accpl —éyiovs dying dna Rdveas Reious mavia —RORAOUS -ROKMGG ROR candi, Third Declension nomsg: op Svowa— tions Bnig, «ios Booties «ati 8p doxwv seense: 0pKGG — Gwiyat0s —yiprtos duds FAxiBos —Riatems Bathing apc arog dpzovros dase: cope: Soya.” pip guri nib. Rioer | Baoet api 8 Ban dozovr, acese: odpxa Sou siptta sna ioly Bowie © matepee sop ipgovea nom pl: oipres, viata —yriputes ea awiBes mowers aorheTg —artipes — vps Sara Sozovees fenpls copKoY Sveictwr yepitww gatav EAxiBov Rieweov Bacvhéww —arépwv —vpav — Skitwy pzovtaY dap: copti(v) Gwiuaculy) ipLou(y) gGoU\y) xo) ioteoUy) Brathedouy) RarpdoNy) GvBpiow¥) ‘Baouv) a pxEveK) fcepl: odpxas Gviara~—yiottag gee AniBag—iotel~— Bowieic~——matepas — Gvpas Bara dpyoveas ‘Master Personal Ending Chart primary secondary Tene Conn. Personal setsing io © | Bw stem rowel endings paradign, aves Bae) Present act pres prim act iw avowev — uev)_ | irvouew Present midipas pres prim mid/pas——Adouon diere —e) | Bavere Imperfect ct res see act, Favov iioveryy (var) | Buoy Imperfect midpas pres sec midipas aviuny j Paar fut act rim act iow ower —duas) | Pwo — Gane ° pi omy |e Lig fa act fut act prim act eva aver — (ran) | iver 0) Pure mid fot act prim midipas ———_noperioowas gui ft i fut act prim midfpas——_evoOuan AviueBa (ued | Pviueber (web) ‘rnsode (ae) | Hsicade — (ade) oven — (veer) | HAvoveo (to) 2nd fre pas It aor act sor act see act Favon ht fre pas aor pas Prim midipas Av sou or pas prim midipas ——dxootwsjaouen Ligeid ori ct sor act see act Euewr Verbal Root Patterns Pattern [: Root not modified 2nd aris act sor act sec act Bapov Int aorist mid sor act see midipas fAvodune (Gxove, ro1éw, fhéxo, yew) i nal 2nd ort mid sor act, see mid/pas eewunv Pattern 2: Root modified regularly 1st aos pas 20r pas soe act eaionv (BaxtiGw. taptiooe, Badhw, dip) 2nd aris pas or pas soe act expsiony 1st perfect a perf act prim act édwwe Patten 3 Different roots 2nd perfect ct perf act prim act ow CEpyouan, eyo, dd) Perfect midis perf pas prim midipas —_ékywat Indicative elt present — imperfect —_ future Iaaorist —2ndarist perfect present —imperot fare ive indicative re a oot hie 1s Bivov sow Fivoa —aow—Aéhone 2g a is bon 2m die Faves Ass er dee oti) fy or Joe iver Bive(y) Avert Baveet) — Fae) Rive) Tot toviev fue, fea dosed ee iocove Int Awonev Aone —AScoueY ——=FRaioaEV —_aiBoueY AedwaMEV 3 cioi(y) —foav Eaoveat et Mew — Avewe—Mioete Baioace —Eaiere —_ekase Infsive: vas, Parcple: Sv, oa, bv 3pl rouany) Foy inicover(y) —Favoay ———Fhaow—Aedvten(v) sida indicaive Contract Verbs Ig Jhiouen —EAvcuny —mopeviaouan — Evediany —EreWnMY EAM resem active ; 2p din Bou —nopevioy = tio = eyéwo —éAvOR Isp Gyan nou np 3g ier “Aver ——apetioetonEANoavo © yeveto AEE 2sg vans rowel: anpoic 33g yang —mouei_—_anpoi I AuiieBa — Evcnda —mopevadeda vedeta EyeWineta eddie ipl dyaniiice snotpi xinotiiy 2pl ricobe —-AWeoBe ——mopeviacode —ANcuote —_EyEwaBE —/AVORE pl iivovrar —Avovto —opeticovean EANouveo — evovTO AeAvea 2pl dyaxdice oueice —anpodte pl dyaxdau(y)xo1wbeu(v) Axo) I iowa —vsuny —AvOrjoonor —EANOHY Epon AAAYHER fa 2a din Bsiov Avon Bone Eypdong —Aéavoa Iveta Aver AvBitoeren RGN Epon AVIAN Tse inyixwy — ixoiow —ixhipowy 2ag iyinas —ixoiens — ixdspovs 35g invina ivi ixaipou AviucBa — HviueBa —AvenodueBa —EAVOMEY —_pdoneY AeAVuEB Ipl iyaxayev inovoiiuey éxdnpotey icoGe — AveoBe —Aueijocade AVENE ponte RAvaBE 2pl iyondce inoue Exanpodre Iiovrar —iavoveo ——Aviricoveat—EAWOHOaY —_EpdonoaY Aiavvra 3p! _inwinwy _ixoiowy _ixkfpoww Master Nenndicative Verb Chart Liquid Indicative Subjunctve fare active itr mille crt active Tse Ausf Tense—— Time Comm. Personal tag Jag nev yevoiuat ewe etup —stem je ee eration 2eq wows evi tung Pres act po on pate tap pet pewinat — Huntets) Preset mips pes on prim midfpes Asan Tn pevotney nevoteeda dysivey Ia erst tor act om primact kom 2p pei pevelooe, use Isr mid aor act fm prim midfpas — ASowon SH prea) preiieass eave Iacono aor pas om primact 2000 2 ois at toract om rimect ln 2nd ois md tor act on imiipas ewan ie = 2 oi pas tor as oh pet pes

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