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Debates and Discussions Part 2

So many changes have occurred since even the beginning of 2010. This work will detail more debates and discussions about various issues. This debates and discussions are more relevant in our time. I feel like I have to show these words as a means not only for inspiration, but to let the whole world to know the truth. The truth is that racial discrimination and religious bigotry are immoral actions. The truth is that all human life is valuable and all humans are created equal irrespective of their background. So, we realize these things. We understand the reality of the situation. We are fighting against economic inequality and imperialism. We are fighting against the scapegoating of black human beings. We are also fighting for human liberation and authentic justice in the Universe. That is why real flavor and real advice are necessary items to build souls up and allow evils in the world to be crushed down. Now, some of these debates are emotionally charged, because of the Trayvon Martin verdict. Some of the words here are controversial or politically incorrect. These are grown folk discussions. LOL. I love debates and discussions. Now it is the end of 2013. It has been five decades since the March on Washington, but the fight for economic and social justice is still etched in my consciousness. Thats real. That is why in real life when I just talk about certain issues, opposition to me was small. Yet, when I questioned the whole mainstream capitalistic economic system and seek to have a class struggle for economic justice among all human beings, then opposition to me increased by the reactionaries. We have the right to

condemn many of the intolerable conditions in society. Now, it is the time advance genuine equality for all human beings of every background. So, here it is.

By Timothy


Vonveezil wrote the following: LBJ was one of the Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights act in the 50's. When he signed it into law in '65 he is also quoted as saying " By signing this bills we have made a built in voter block that will never leave us " . And you haven't and what's it gotten you? Destroyed family units, poverty, welfare, murders, ghettos, unemployment and nothing in return. Be a good slave and vote for the Democrats, who are still the slavemasters.

My Response: You are too old to believe in reactionary propaganda or fairy tales. No one said that LBJ was perfect, but he did the right thing to sign civil rights laws in the 1960's. He was right on that issue. To extend human freedoms that relates to voting and civil rights is a great thing. I am an Independent brother. Just because a brother or a sister is a Democrat doesn't mean that individual is some mental slave to Democrat "slave masters." Blacks from across the political spectrum possess reasonable insight and intellectual freedom to greatly evaluate issues. That old time 19th century rhetoric is silly and offensive. The GOP is responsible for the Patriot Act, the 2007 economic recession, the War on Drugs, the Iraq War, the Southern Strategy, and other evils in our society. Both parties aren't perfect and you are trying to shame blacks to join a political party (presumptively the GOP) that wants our social contract to be nearly eliminated. It won't work. Also, your buddy Ronald Reagan said in 1967 said that he agrees with discrimination as it pertains to housing. Your buddy Mitt Romney said that the government can't create a single job, which is a total lie. Congress itself is made up of government jobs including folks working at post offices nationally. The poor and middle class pay state, local, and other forms of taxation even (so, these people collectively aren't lazy or lack personal responsibility). Not all family structures in the black community are ruined. Welfare is mostly used by white Americans and welfare is necessary for those that need it (it should not be used for anyone). The poverty rate decreased by the progressive programs from 1945-1975. Ghettoes were originally created by our oppressors as a means to suppress revolution & maintain the status quo. It wasn't invented by blacks collectively at all. Murder from genocides in multiple continents has been done by white supremacists spanning centuries. Other problems that you cite are a product of Reaganomics, trickled down economics, and socioeconomic problems not progressive freedoms at all.

-By Timothy (Me)


vonveezil wrote the Following: The desperation is in the White House. There's a steamroller coming down the street and you all are so brainwashed you won't even see it rolling over you. It's always something to hear how blacks THINK MLK would say or think. You have no idea what he would do or say. You're only guessing and guessing along the lines that the Democrats, Corrupt Media, and the race baiters/hustlers ( aka Al and Jesse) tell you.What do you think of Alveda King? I'm a Tea Party member. I have never seen one time where race was injected into anything. Many blacks are also in the TP. The media says its racist. Over 600 events and one incident of racism and that person was thrown out of the event. Every event Sharpton or Jackson put on is total racism. You keep on walking round with blinders on. One day the black community will wake up to the horrors perpetrated against it by the Democrats. I hope its soon, so the black community can finally lift itself up , instead of being held back and down. See, I want ALL Americans to do well. Go to YTube watch?v=fdTihf2_GGM

My Response: Your words have been the same words that have been used in order to maintain laissez faire economic policies, which dont work to build up society comprehensively. Also, brothers and sisters here arent brainwashed. I am an Independent brother. Many sincere black people are Democrats, Republicans, and Independents. Just because a black person is more progressive or more conservative doesnt mean that that brother or sister are some slave to either of the 2major parties. We know what Dr. King would think on some issues, because we show you his quotes, ideas, and ideologies. You hate it since many of Dr. Kings words in opposition to war, in promoting a radical redistribution of economic and political power, his critiques on capitalism, etc. goes against your Tea Party dogma. I think Alveda King is a very sweet, intelligent sister that loves black people. I think she is wrong in allying with reactionaries like Glen Beck though. I believe that she is wrong on some issues (like on economics). Republicans regularly inject race in their campaigns in calling blacks to have personal responsibility when most blacks accept personal responsibility. They inject race via their controversial comments (from Santorum, Gingrich, etc.). This doesnt apply to all Tea Party and all GOP members, but some of them. Where is the modern evidence (in 2012) of Al Sharpton and Jesse showing extreme racism? Al Sharpton supports voting rights; he opposes police brutality, and wants freedoms. You can disagree with him on many things, but on those issues, he isnt presenting racism on those topics. Al Sharpton expressed regret on some of his errors of the past. I dont support Sharpton on every issue, but he is better than an OReilly or a Limbaugh type. Jackson is rather not in the spotlight as he was in times past. The black community is awaked on many levels. Every day, people in the black community are having voter registering drives, fighting for education, fighting crime, promoting the beauty of the black African phenotype, and fighting against war. Collectively, my black people are fighting for improvement and justice period. You just deny that since you want black people to accept 19th century thinking in a near 22nd century world. Also, no one here worships Democrats. No party is perfect, but we realize the massive imperfections in the GOP (from advancing bellicose war mongering to supporting anti-voting

policies). You want all Americans to accept your philosophy. You may want all Americans to do well, but you want blacks and all people to accept your reactionary views. You cant have your wish since people have the right to disagree with you in a cogent, tolerable fashion. We dont need privatization of all resources in the world to be free. We dont need theocracy to be free. We dont need austerity, xenophobia, and Islamophobia to be free. We just need human rights to spread unto all backgrounds in order to be free. We need both public and private resources in order for us to be free. The mainstream media is dominated by corporate/CFR interests, so a real person doesnt unconditionally trust the corporate-sponsored mainstream media at all. You have the right to be a Tea Party adherent and I have the right to accept individual/private power and collective/public power to help society. By Timothy (Me)


AntSWeb wrote the following information: Well Al Sharpton isn't Jesus and he's far from being any kind of Christian. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing if anything. Truthseeker, you have a lot to learn about Al Sharpton. Just because he has a "REV." in front of his name, doesn't mean he follows that righteous path. He's incited a nation full of hate and racism. Blacks murdering and raping whites is so common, everybody seems to have accept it as a fact of life, some will even make up excuses for the black criminals, believing that white people deserve it and/or that whites have, possibly via mind control, made blacks do it. It's unacceptable if the victim of a violent attack defends himself, as e.g. Zimmermann did, it may inspire other people to finally grow a pair and stand up to thugs on our streets. Sharpton's demanded they arrested Zimmerman, so Florida did. Sharpton demanded a trial and he got one. Sharpton didn't like the verdict so his comment was this is "an atrocity." After the verdict, Sharpton didn't like the jury, even though the prosecution and defense both picked them and approved of them. Sharpton now says the jury is racist. The true atrocity was the incredible blatant and sickening anti-White - pro-Black bias exhibited by the media controlled by the person yelling the loudest or for ratings. The media blew this case out of all proportion for what really should have only been a news item of interest to a local audience. Sharpton ensured it was not. Why is that...It was an opportunity for him to cash in and to take this anti-White - pro-Black war to a different level, which it has. And the black community fell for it. The media and Sharpton and Trayvon's parents went so far as to use photo bias in using a four year old photograph of Trayvon, rather than a recent image that would have portrayed him in an accurate light. Most of all, they tried to frame the whole event as being another tall tale of the evil, hateful, and bad 'White racist' man who fatally attacking a poor and innocent young black youth because of the color of his skin. George Zimmerman isn't even a white man nor is he racist. Sharpton was wrong about Tawana Brawley, Duke LaCrosse Players, and now he's wrong about Zimmerman. Sharpton, in 1987, there was the Tawana Brawley case and at the same time of the Crown Heights Riots. Sharpton's role were vile words that incited the anti-Semitic rioters, which

made an already volatile violent situation much worse. Sharpton constantly screamed to the rioters, "No justice, no peace!" Sharpton has blood on his hands because he is partially responsible for the continued violence during that riot and for the stabbing death of a jewish scholar visiting from Australia. Not to mention the 100's of other people that were injured or killed. Looting and burning buildings, rapes, murders and he fueled that fire ANDDD fueled that fire and he called numerous people racist....all from a lie this girl told that Sharpton kept going. If you let the law handle things appropriately, the truth will prevail. Sharpton didn't do that and he pushed, and pushed, and pushed the hate of the rioters and in the meantime, innocent lives were lost or injured. You all hang on to every word Sharpton says like he's Jesus. That's sick, disgusting, and ignorant. Your mob mentality brain isn't capable of logic hence the HIGH rate of black on black crime. It's a fact and there's your truth, Truthseeker. My Response:

You listed so many errors, false statements, stereotypes, etc. that is shocking even for me. Now, like many of what you people do, you take things out of context, you put words in folks mouth, and you change the subject. The subject at hand in this article is about the lives of black males mattering. That is the point. He is right in saying that the life of black males matter. Black males matter in the world and in the black community just like all black human beings matter regardless of nationality or gender. I never called Sharpton Jesus. I know all of the reactionaries views on Al Sharpton. I know many of his controversies. The truth is in between the 2 extreme perspectives of the situation. The truth is that Al Sharpton is not perfect, but he is right on some issues (from being opposed to police brutality to wanting the life of innocent black males to be protected in the world). You just want black folks to accept your reactionary way of thinking. Sorry, we will not, because we will follow our own thinking. Our black community believes that we are our brothers' and sisters' keepers (We don't agree with telling the suffering let them eat cake). My black people reject imperialism and Empire and we believe in collective action beyond just individual initiative. The rest of your points outline issues that you need to take up with NAN and Sharpton not with me. I am my own man and I have my own independent thinking. Al Sharpton apologized for his previous errors and in the 21st century, he never called for inciting a nation to hate and racism. You cannot find a single quotation from him saying that recently at all. Most black human beings are not raping white human beings. I never support rape of anyone of any color, gender, or background period. Rape done by whites or blacks is evil. Whites have a huge legacy raping blacks (including other humans of color) in epidemic levels for centuries and even recently. White folks target us all of the time for romance or sexual exploitation. You stalk us all of the time including here in social media when we want to independently express our ideals. You say nothing here to rebut the white racist trolls here, but want to target my sincere, non-offensive words on the issue of the value of black life. How ironic. I reject the offers from many whites who want to have romance with me. I love Sistas. Most black human beings love black people. I love black women socially and romantically. Also, most crime in America is intraracial or occurs among the same race. Not to mention that black folks have talked about the great evil of black on black violence for a very long time and white reactionaries like Bill O'Reilly ignore that truth. Crime in the black community has to do with many

factors. It has nothing to do with all black human beings collectively being culturally inferior (which your ilk implies all of the time). No one is many excuses for anything. Folks are talking about how poverty, discrimination, oppression, recessionary economic realities, and socioeconomic factors contribute to criminal actions including the bad conditions in poor areas including other areas. That is reality not excuses. Zimmerman has a known history of assaulting a woman, he was accused of sexual molestation, and he assaulted a police officer. These actions are far worse than what Trayvon Martin ever did in his life. His or Zimmerman's MySpace was filled with bigotry against Mexicans, so he is no hero. Any man that assaults a woman is no hero. The family of Trayvon Martin demanded an arrest. The family of Trayvon Martin demanded a fair trial revolving around the murder of their innocent son. The family of Trayvon Martin shed tears sincerely over the passing of their beloved son. Al Sharpton was asked by that family to help. See, you disrespect a grieving family since you dont care about a grieving family. You care about advancing an agenda that gives vigilantism a path to exist in the world (and give license for racists to kill innocent, unarmed black youth in cold blood under the guise of stand your ground. Your agenda is to try to make black human beings docile to the system of white supremacy. You want black human beings to accept an Eurocentric way of thinking that abhors protests, that abhors standing up strongly for justice, and that abhors expressing a black cultural identity in a firm way. We as blacks have the right to roar for freedom and roar righteousness in our legitimate indignation). Also, a lot of folks and many human beings did not like the verdict. The verdict was a tragedy and Sharpton never called the jury racist explicitly. You just use anti-black race baiting rhetoric. The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. The other real atrocities are when Sean Bell was murdered by the crooked police and when the innocent six year old Sister Aiyana Jones was murdered by evil police too. The real tragedy is North Carolina trying to pass a regressive voter ID law that limits voting access. The real tragedy is when our brothers and sisters are taught self-hate by a wicked, materialistic Western society. The real tragedy is about reactionaries ignoring the epidemic of white pedophilia, white serial killing, white massive war crimes against foreign lands, white rape, and other crimes by white supremacists then and now. There is nothing wrong with being pro-Black, so to imply that it is a sin to be pro-Black is silliness. The mainstream media reported on the trial and was down the middle in my eyes (in some cases and biased in other cases). Many folks in CNN and FOX supported Zimmerman. FOX is like Zimmerman central, so you obviously need to learn that. FOX News labeled Zimmerman as an angel. The truth is that Zimmerman is half white and he is not black. He not being black is a fact. No real person said that he was totally white. Zimmerman is blatantly a vigilante, a fake cop, claims that it is God's will for him to murder a teenager, and an assault of a woman. He is a sick person. Also, you ignore the whites rioting in Tulsa, Oklahoma where dozens of innocent black, women, and children were murdered by white terrorists. You forget about rioting Europeans harming and even killing black human beings in Europe because of their black skin color recently. You ignore even today, some black Americans experience racism. You ignore the civil liberty violating stop and frisk action in NYC. So, you want to minimize black suffering as an excuse to justify white domination of Western society (which is the system of white supremacy). See, that is the point. I do not hang onto every word of Al Sharpton. That is another lie that you have made. I am not ignorant. I am intelligent, I am black, and I am beautiful. I have rich and noble history. Black women are the most beautiful women on the face of the Earth too. I do not have a mob mentality you bigot.

My brain is highly cognitive. There has been a decrease in overall crime in the span of three decades inside of the USA. We have issues in our black community, but we are not mostly criminals you bigot. We can defeat racism with the destruction of the system of white supremacy. You try to ignore some of your faults as an excuse to paint the false narrative that black human beings are collectively brutes (and we are responsible for the Maafa and our oppression totally. We are not). I make no excuses for Al Sharptons errors. You just want to change the subject as a means to make it about him while ignoring the subject at hand. Unjust laws have the right to be eliminated via constructive avenues. I have never condoned rioting of innocent property at all. Most blacks never endorse rioting that destroys property of their own communities at all. We condone justice and peace. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice for freedom and you have to fight for freedom without being docile to white people. A real black person never bows before a white man or a white woman at all. The subject in this article was about black males having value. My life as a black man has great value. We just stand without malice like men and like women. That truth is what you can never refute at all. Black is Beautiful. Black is Strong. Black is Lovely. Our dark melanin is indeed

God's Gift and it is great as well. Black is the Truth for God is pro-Black African. The truth is Golden and it is in 4-D. I will break it down for the Brothers and the Sisters indeed. My flavor is real, the struggle continues, and my soul is blessed. By Timothy (Me)

courtneyrR: Standing Ovation!!! Racist really should worry about the 86 percent of YT on YT crime, that happens in their communities that rarely gets told by the media . The focus seems to be a bit one sided. Excellent post. :) Me: Thank you Sister from my heart. You hold it down as well. At first, I did not want to respond to the guy. Then, I read the rest of his words and then I felt a thought in my mind to wanting to respond. Also, you are blessed with your wisdom too. Yes, the enemy focuses on our issues as a means to push psychological buttons, try to intimidate debate, and have a very limited view of the issue at hand. Thanks for your words Sista. You are very intelligent and filled with Glory.

The following is my discussion with the Nice Sister Courtney on racial profiling and other issues:

CourtneyR: You are right.We certainly do not need to become a police state but they will turn it into one unfortunately, the wheels have been set in motion. Smh. Me: You are correct. That agenda that you mentioned has been accelerated since 9/11 unfortunately against everyone. We as a people have experienced that (or a police state atmosphere) for centuries with the Maafa, slavery, Jim Crow, etc. We should be judged on the content of our character not on the color of our skin. That truism refutes the nefarious policy of stop and frisk comprehensively. CourtneyR: You are right. Profiling of the black man started with slavery and continues today,

Me: Indeed, Sweet peach :) We have suffered a lot, but we continue to exist. We have many victories against the Maafa, Jim Crow, and other injustices. We are strong. Brothers and Sisters will persist amidst the storm and see the sunshine when it is all said and done irrespective of the evils of profiling. Stop and frisk should end including other injustices in the world. I think this is the time where we should reminded that we should care for each other. We are allies and I appreciate your views and gracious insights on issues. The common bond of us in the mutual Power of Black Love is more potent than the evils of the world. The struggle continues, but we can have victory. White supremacy is never omnipotent. The power of the Creator and black human beings are surely more powerful than white supremacy indeed. We have been through tests and exciting events. Not everything will be perfect in life. We are still works in progress as you have eloquently mentioned before. What is most important is how we serve our people filled with altruism and righteousness. CourtneyR: Great post! :) Interesting facts I was reading about Profiling. In 1514: The Ultimatum of King Charles.The Requerimiento of King Charles I mandated that all natives of the Americas must either submit to Spanish authority and convert to Roman Catholicism or face persecution. It was the only one of many colonial Spanish criminal justice mandates, established ostensibly to promote law and order in the New World, that used a racial profiling policy against American Indians. 1642, a Maryland man named John Elkin confessed to the murder of an American Indian leader named Yowocomco. He was acquitted in three consecutive trials by fellow colonists, who refused to punish a white man for killing an American Indian. The governor, frustrated with the bizarre verdict, ordered a fourth trial, at which point Elkin was finally found guilty of the lesser charge of manslaughter. 1669: When Murder Was Legal As part of its 1669 slavery law revisions, the Commonwealth of Virginia passed the Casual Slave Killing Act--legalizing the murder of slaves by their masters. 1704: To Catch a Slave The South Carolina slave patrol, arguably the first modern police force in North America, was established in 1704 to find and capture fugitive slaves. There is abundant evidence to suggest that pro-slavery governments sometimes arrested free African Americans as "fugitive slaves," transferring them to slave traders for later sale. 1831: The Other Nat Turner Massacre Immediately following Nat Turner's rebellion on August 13th, approximately 250 black slaves were rounded up and killed--55 executed by the government, the rest lynched--in retaliation. Many of the slaves, particularly the lynching victims, were selected more or less at random, their bodies mutilated and displayed on fenceposts as a warning to any slaves who might choose to rebel. 2000: Tales from the Jersey Turnpike In response to a lawsuit, the State of New Jersey released 91,000 pages of police records documenting a consistent pattern of racial profiling in motor vehicle stops along the New Jersey Turnpike. According to the data, black drivers--accounting for 17 percent of the population--made up 70 percent of drivers searched, and had a 28.4 percent chance of carrying contraband. White

drivers, despite having a slightly higher 28.8 percent chance of carrying contraband, were searched far less often. Me: These are great historical descriptions of profiling in history. This is great research from you Sista Courtney. That information is useful in allowing skeptics and our people to witness what both of us are talking about when we discuss about racial profiling or various forms of oppression in general. The Kings or Queens back then created many of these policies. Their descendants are many of our oppressors today in this modern generation. In other words, Presidents, corporate leaders, and other factions of white supremacy are related to the European Royal & Religious elite back then who instituted the Maafa and various unjust laws that you have mentioned. I heard of the racial profiling evils in New Jersey as well. CourtneyR: Yes, you start to see the pattern. You see how and why it came about. smh....If we didn't start it, who did? it sure wasn't us. Me: It certainly wasn't us. That is why I do not understand why reactionaries try to justify racial profiling, stop and frisk, or likeminded laws when you have mentioned the evil historical precedents for those policies at all. It is flabbergasting. The good news is that many human beings see the handwriting on the wall and desire real changes in society. Some are standing up. Once that brick wall of oppression is cracked, then the wall will come tumbling down. The worth of our people are worth more than the rose of Sharon and the lilies of the valleys (as my mother use to say. Yes, my mother is a very country woman. She speaks with a Southern accent. She is a great Woman. My competitive nature including my interests in politics comes from my Father and my humanitarian, sensitive side comes from my Mother), so we should continue in our work. This work includes charity, mentoring, speaking out, communicating in the Net, learning our history, funding real black business, having connections with family including friends, and improving our souls. You have mentioned boycotts and that is a great idea. Collectively, we have huge economic influence and we should use it against those who never respect us. We should care for each other and respect our similarities including our differences as Brothers and Sisters. We may stumble at times, but as long as our total trajectory is improvement than we can be further inspired to carry on. In the final analysis, we are all Family. We are all one blood and one people. The struggle for human liberation is not easy, but our efforts now is worth it for our descendants. We are worth it and our work shall not be in vain. So, thank you Sister for your excellent research and your strength. CourtneyR: Can't rationalize irrational things. Your mother and father seemed like a great team. :) My mother is a leo,a natural leader at 5 '2 lol I was always in awe growing up ,witnessing her work. :) Dad was too, him being a virgo fit well . Both worked with kids etc. both from the country but also really quick on their feet being up north for 30 plus years. Nothing wrong with competitiveness when men and women are pushing one another towards balance. Also, nothing wrong with women showing that they can keep up and be relied upon, when men need them for that. We are not competing to be men, but competing to be assets and team players when called for. That's a good thing in my book.

Me Answering a Bigot on Africa. Me: This person seems to forget the diverse urban and rural communities in Africa filled with transportations, homes, stadiums, shopping locations, and diverse amount of human beings. He is a deceiver to assume that Africa is collectively a land of squalor when it is not. He wants to accuse folks of racism to cover up his own racism. Therefore, we know the truth of the matter. The enemy can't stand Africa, so they try to bash it when it has the richest resources in the face of the Earth (and it is the origin of all human life). mikeinnc232: truth, I will bet that you have never been to Africa either. Keyna, Tanzania, and Djibouti take up half of the African continent. Everywhere I went, the people lived a life of poverty. I took pictures and would be happy to send them to you so you can be more aware of what Africa is like. However, after you two never going there, you still think it is this magical place of your ancestors, please feel free to move there. Hmmm, I don't see the door hitting you in the rear as you rush to go there! Me: You can enjoy your bigotry all you want, but doesn't ignore the truth. You need to learn and appreciate the jewels and gems that Sister EjErica gave you. The reality is that there are numerous locations in Africa with firm economic development, with technological growth, and with great transportation infrastructure. Issues like poverty still exist in Africa. Much of it is a byproduct of racist white European imperialism, neoliberalism, and colonialism. Africa is not totally in ruin at all. Now, it was good thing that many Black Brothers and Sisters organized strongly to defeat imperialists and colonialists heavily after the end of World War II. Dundo, Angola is a growing city with an ecological background. Nairobi, Kenya has improved. Also, the greatest refutation of your

argument is improvement. Just because some areas of Africa have issues like poverty doesn't mean that they can never be improved upon. Areas globally have similar issues as Africa. In the future, Africa will be stronger and you can't stand it. Also, who are you to tell where we as black people will go. Many of us from the States went to Africa and have stories opposite of your deception. You have ignorance and you mock my folks' ancestors, so I will not respond to you anymore. Your ilk is one reason why I will never ally with your ilk. That is all the more reason for Black Unity to be strengthened since folks like you express how you really feel about us in the Net (but you rarely express that same hatred of Africa, etc. in public in front of a mass of black people). Monrovia, Fes, Cotonou, Freetown, Kaduna, Kampala, and other locations of Africa have rich architecture, down to Earth human beings, and a strong cultural history. There are many development plans occurring all of the time in Africa. See, Africa is the origin of human life and has the richest resources on the face of the Earth. Dr. Umar Johnson, Malcolm X, and others went into Africa and outlined a description opposite of your perspective. Nothing is racist about my words here. I never dehumanized you. It is never racist to outline the beauty, the value, the insight and the strength of black people at all. It is never racist to describe and expose the racist practice of European imperialism either. So, you lie here accusing me of racism as a means to cause tensions, but I will not fall for your trap. Black people are the first humans on Earth and dark melanin is very Beautiful. Black is Beautiful. Blackness is God's Gift. Black is the representation of truth, beauty, and the Creator's first humans. See, I told you. It is a crossover, a slam dunk, and Game Over. You can never intimidate a Strong Black Mind. You can believe in that. You can never stop the truth or Africa at all. By Timothy (Me)
EjErica: Excellent! Me: Thank you and you made excellent responses as well. I will not sleep on your wisdom as well. We will not stop, because we can't stop. The enemy can never stop the flow or the funk. EjErica: Right! Truth, don't we know it. He continued to name areas that were undesirable, deliberately leaving out the lingering affects of Apartheid (which existed not just in South Africa as written law)which has a lot to do with the problems that he speaks of as well. Transport, infrastructure, open market economy, residential and business continual development, etc..(let him read up on it).. as well as its natural resources that finally are going back into its countries( a slow, but promising process due to corporations that have their dirty little hands all over it still, which he also failed too mention that these same corporations and politics as well as some inner political corruption play a major role in funding the Kony's of the world in order to stall progress so to make it easier to benefit from the fighting and atrocities in some areas) instead of being raped and pillaged by foreigners and stolen. Smh at the mindset of these people.

My Debate with a Racist:

Jim: This is so pathetic that Afro-Americans call these 2 men names because they don't bow down to "pity poor me because I'm an Afro-American". Martin was a thug following his father's foot steps. He chose the wrong man to attack. By the way, GZ isn't a white man but Hispanic. These men chose to get an education, work for the position they hold without blaming the white men for any missed opportunities. I mean Hell if had all of the Government programs that give me jobs based on my skin color and laws that protect gangs when they attack one individual. I wouldn't complain about nothing. Afro-American men can't fight a single white man or woman without a gang therefore that tells me that they're cowards & boys not men. Me: Black Men fought one on one for ages you racist (from Muhammad Ali to Brothers in certain situations). That is why you say this garbage on the Net, but we as blacks say what we feel about you in the Net and out of the Net. Jim: Apparently, you don't follow some news channels that report non-bias news. It's never 2-3 guys of the caucasion or hispanic race attacking a single person it's always Afro-Americans. By the way, I could care less about what people thinks of me because I know I'm NOT racist. My comments will always be the same either in person or on the net. I don't have false friendships with anyone or ethnic groups. I have been discriminated by Afro-Americans more than any other group including the Uber-Rich white folks. Me: I do listen to the news. So, you trying to be intellectual is not warranted. See, this Brother is very intellectual. I know my stuff. I realize that select corporate interests advance stereotypes about blacks via the news media. I know that the news have lied about the Iraq War and other events in history. So, the news is a tool. It is not infallible at all. Apparently, you mention news accounts as the sole basis to create your irrational opinions of black human beings. There are tons of accounts in real life that outline black men fighting one on one in martial arts tournaments, boxing activities, and self defense actions for a long time. Also, whites have been involved in jumping blacks for centuries from James Byrd Jr. to the old riots in the 20th century where groups of whites jumped innocent black human beings.

So, you need to know history. The vast majority of Black Americans are not murderers, rapists, or imperialists. The most degenerate imperialists, pedophiles, meth addicts, murderers, rapists, and liars in modern history has been one ethnic group. It is not mine. We as blacks are the ones who have the blessed dark melanin. We are the ones who are the first humans on Earth. We are the ones with the genetics of the origin of human race. You came from us not the other way around. You ought to give us the respect that we deserve (especially in this forum) or we can just move on. Also, any unjust violence made by anyone towards innocent human life is immoral irrespective of race. You cite no evidence that you have been restricted of a job, restricted to go on the Net, restricted to own a home, restricted to eat at a shop, restricted to make a loan, restricted to own a car, or restricted on how to live your life day by day solely by so-called black discrimination. You are a racist by assuming that blacks can not fight non blacks one on one outlining your embrace of the lie of black inferiority. Obviously, blacks are not physically inferior and can fight one on one via MMA fighters, boxers, regular folks, etc. Jim: I don't make irrational opinions about no one from news stories but from facts.. Seriously though, the Afro-Americans need to get over the PAST because that's exactly what it is: Past. Not one, AfroAmerican in 21st century has been a slave or owned by anyone. Apparently, you don't hear about Chicage with black on black murderers on a daily basis. Someone is the first humans according to what scientist you want to listen to. Me: LOL. I will never get over a single thing. That is my right. You have the right to ignore the past. See, the events of Sean Bell, Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, and Aiyanna Jones did not occur in the long distance past. These events occurred in our generation in the 21st century. For the sake of my God, my ancestors, and my people, I will get over nothing. I will advance Justice though. I want the end of the system of white supremacy. Native Americans being slaughtered by white racists have been over, but they have received reparations centuries later. Black slavery is still here in many nations of the world. Also, what does African Americans not being slaves now have to do with Justice. Justice is done in many forms. There should be economic justice and racial justice since oppression in many forms currently is still a reality. Also, I know about Chicago and you are a slick racist by citing racist talking points. The murder rate in Chicago has declined in the past months. The situation in Chicago has to do with socioeconomic factors, illegal gun trafficking, and poverty not black genetics at all. Also, my community has talked about black on black violence for decades. Also, most mainstream scientists have proved that blacks are the first human beings on Earth conclusively. You are grasping at straws here. In the final analysis, there is nothing immoral about Black Power and Black Equality. By Timothy (Me) ____________________________________ Refuting a Capitalist Extremist:

your insult of hardworking men, black men ESPECIALLY THOMAS, as your passive aggressive racism destroys you from within, also shows that you have no credibility and are weak morally

you might have great intelligence than that would put you in the same league as Clarence Thomas, so what you call him YOU CALL YOURSELF -Socialismisevil My Response: Clarence Thomas is hardworking though. I will give you that. He is hardworking to work for the Tea Party agenda. He is hardworking to falsely compare affirmative action to Jim Crow segregation. He is hard working to advance corporate interests with his ties to Monsanto. He is hardworking to ally with an extremist like Rush Limbaugh (who made disrespectful, bigoted comments for many years). In that regard, he is extremely hardworking. These words are not insults. These are stone cold facts. Me not wanting to be like Thomas, Tiger Woods, and Benson is not insulting them. It is outlining my personality in a descriptive fashion. Clarence Thomas has intelligence, but even intelligent human beings can be greatly deceived about certain political parameters. I have no racism at all, which is falsely assumed by you. I am not morally weak, but you desire blacks to be docile to your agenda though. I consider myself a black man with the free speech right to outline my views. Blacks have the right to be independent beyond the two party system. -By Timothy (Me)

Socialism is evil: interesting response you say Nat Turner is your guy hmmmm the only people Nat went after were the very people who were "helping" him now why do you suppose that ??? because like the welfare preachers they know how to give people "just enough" to buy Dem votes and keep you angry and Nat knew THAT back in his time ( I know they didnt have welfare but I think you get what I state) he knew that real /true help wasnt the patronizing garbage heaped upon innocent people ,, but by allowing a man to work and be rewarded for whatever the going rate was a persons self esteem is the foundation for how they view the world/// themselves false high self esteem? and you stay angry works the same as low self esteem but honesty =respect hey, you put in an honest days work here is your honest days pay So think about the "paycheck" that is given so that the self esteem stays right where THEY want it to and THEY know that THESE people would rather get a little and in return vote for these "helpers" b/c they cant find that self esteem within themselves to rise above it If they were to condemn that "help" they would not only be socially ostracized but then ok, dont take that "help" and the cycle of self loathing continues which group/person promotes no men in the home the CLARENCE THOMAS group or the nancy pelosi group? My Response:

This is the quintessential argument from folks like you who have a certain economic perspective. Nat Turner was living under a tyrannical system and his rebellion against a tyrannical system was justified. He went after many oppressors and slave-owners, who were never helping him at all. They were oppressing him and his people. Also, the rest of your words deal with a political argument. I am not a Democrat and I am not a Republican. Your argument should be taken with the Democrats not with me since I am an Independent. As for welfare, I do believe that welfare should be fairly granted to those that need it and not given to those who do not need it. That is a fair proposition for me. I do not believe that folks should be starving to death. If private resources cant help some who are starving, then I do believe that public resources should assist those that private help cant reach. Also, poverty is complex. Many folks are in poverty not because of laziness or morality issues. Some are poor by no fault of their own via sequestration. So, it is not immoral for those to receive help if they need it without this help being exploited or corrupted. I am not angry all of the time. I can be filled with joy. There is nothing wrong with building self-esteem. Also, human family is diverse. There are many loving nuclear families, blended families, and single families. The Black Community is a community and there is strength in the communal value of humanity. Using community related solutions is fine with me. You will have social dysfunction in any family if a community suffers poverty, economic inequality, lax schools, lax health care, and lax education. Wall Street is granted record welfare, but the poor is readily cut of welfare. So, we should advance more real fathers in home, but we have to face the fact that not all families will be nuclear. We have to face that fact, because of numerous reasons. Male and female influences ought to exist for any child though. It is not about Clarence Thomas (who I exposed his resume for all to see here) or Nancy Pelosi. It is about forming independent solutions to solve our problems. We need both individual and collective solutions for life is individual and social. We need social changes including institutional changes beyond just individual initiative (which I have no issue with per se). By Timothy (Me)


My Response to an Angry Human Being showing stereotypes and racism against Black people:



My Response: You mentioning the mantra of white racists is normal for folks like you. You have a sense of great anger, yet I have done nothing to you neither have most of the black community either. The reality is that most black men and most black women are not murderers, rapists, imperialists, stalkers, and self-haters at all. Most in the black community want constructive means as a means to achieve Justice in society. Just because you utilize capital letters and outline demagogic rhetoric doesn't mean you are right on every point that you have outlined. The reality is that there are organizations and activists discussing the needs and interests of every background under the sun (including the interests of you). It is just that my black interests are heavily undervalued and under appreciated by people like you and others (We know who the others are). The majority of black human beings are not the fulfillment of sick stereotypes, which are notoriously devised by white racists. The greater crimes of white society far exceed the errors of black human beings. Most black human beings are hardworking, are trying to do the right thing, and seek true equality in the world. I am not ignorant nor are others Black Brothers and Black Sisters here. Also, black human beings have the intellectual Curiosity and strength to comprehend fully that blacks are not the only folks suffering in the world. We blacks just realize that this is a forum dedicated to black interests and we have every God-given right to outline our grievances, our passions, and our agenda irrespective of the cries of get over from you or anyone else. The truth is that blacks are not responsible for the growth of economic inequality, for environmental degradation, for the Shoah, for the Maafa, for the modern existence of imperialism, for massive poverty, for the War on Drugs, for gentrification, and for other problems in the world. We know full well who is responsible for these actions. The lie that black human beings are responsible for their own oppression totally is refuted by the fact that now many black human beings are constructively living their lives (and also racial discrimination, job discrimination, and bad economic policies continue to harm the poor. These realities have nothing to do with all blacks bringing it on themselves. It has to do with a wicked system that blacks have the right to fight against). The morality issues that you bring up should be talked about, but moral rectification is not enough. We need radical the changing of institutions so that all black people can benefit. Yes, we as blacks are owed Justice from a system that used us for labor without pay among the time span of long centuries. Yes, we as blacks are owed respect since all men are created equal. Yes, we as blacks are owed equality and an end to white supremacy, because the arc of the moral Universe is long, but it bends toward Justice. We are owed something here. Not to mention that no human made it on their own in human history. All humans fundamentally had help, because all humans are interconnected in their interpersonal relationships. That means that legitimately assisting a human being is not immoral at all. We are all our brothers' and sisters' keepers. Yes, we are. Wall Street banks receive trillions in record bailouts, but some of the reactionary extremists refusing to just bailout the poor is hypocrisy personified. Many of the new poor were once middle class workers. They are now poor by being laid off with no fault of their own (or by sequester). So, the lie that social

mobility is a guarantee is fantasy. A radical redistribution of economic and political power must be executed as a means to seek real change. You being biracial means that you are biracial. All biracial human beings should be treated with dignity and respect. It has nothing to do with black oppression, but I do find that many blacks and many biracials try to make justifications of an oppressive system by totally scapegoating all black human beings in general. Other blacks and biracials sincerely want Justice for black human beings indeed. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. We can change by activism (We as blacks should act in boycotts, creating businesses, and developing our infrastructure in the black community), but we should advocate the end of white supremacy without blaming blacks for everything under the sun. I believe in the Golden Rule (of doing unto others as others would do unto me), but I will not be a Golden Fool and kiss up to white reactionaries at all. I will never forget my ancestors. I will never forget the struggle of my blood. So as individuals, we as blacks should improve our lives individually and collectively we should work as a community to fight for collective solutions. Justice can never come until there is a radical change in society. I will move forward for justice and not move on into bourgeois, arrogant attitudes and social compromise. Since the Jews will never forget the Holocaust, I

will not forget the Maafa. Many Brothers and Sisters are doing something with their lives. I believe in self-determination without ignoring the past. Ignoring the past increases the risk of repeating history. I will always remember my African past and I will forever love my Black Heritage. Nyeusi Nguvu
-By Timothy ________________________ The Following debate is about Guantanamo Bay and Torture.

Me: It is a good thing that Yasiin Bey is bringing this issue to light. The human beings in Guantanamo Bay suffer much trauma and injustice. That is why many of them suffer hunger strikes and many of them are not even major terrorist leaders at all according to researchers from across the political spectrum. That place of Gitmo ought to be closed and alternatives should be made in dealing with foreign policy issues indeed. Scapegoat4URLife: Okay, if they're not major terrorist players, they're just poor innocent little Muslims, then why is the U.S. willing to spend 800,000 dollars a year on housing just ONE Me: The reason is that the U.S. establishment wants to continue the war on terrorism. Likewise, I feel that a closure of Gitmo along with alternatives are necessary. Constitutional law professor

Marjorie Cohn is a Guantanamo/civil rights reporter and analyst. She has documented the information that I have mentioned here. Many of the prisoners in Guantanamo Bay receive no charges or no extensive due process. The experience recreated by Yassin Bey describes torture activities. The war crimes made by some in the West has been fully documented from the use of cluster bombs to immoral wars of aggression. The vast majority of Muslims in the Earth are not guilty of massive, extreme terrorism in the globe. I will never defend Empire in my life. Human rights mean something here in this Earth. Scapegoat4URLife: I will agree with you that human rights are important...but why is America scrutinized and held to a higher standard than anyone else. I severely doubt that any Middle Eastern country abides by the rules of the Geneva Conventions or cares as deeply about human rights than the citizens of the overly criticized empire. Me: You are right that no nation is perfect. Even Middle Eastern nations that enact social policies or any political maneuver which violates fundamental human rights ought to be called out on it. America is placed in a huge sense of scrutinization because it existed as a major superpower after the conclusion of WWII. With great power comes great responsibility. Since the U.S. is the strongest superpower presently, its actions are monitored more (especially since we who are Americans are supposed to follow freedom, justice, and all of those other wonderful sounding concepts). The fruit of the war on terror causes the U.S. to bear responsibility on that fruit. Also, we have to remember that many Middle Easterners want freedom and want true human rights as evident with the various protesters seeking those aims. We realize that there is a difference between real Americans that want freedom in the world and the corruption found in the Western Empire indeed. By Timothy (Me)

This was a discussion with Courtney on the generation gap: Me: Jay Z made many interesting points. Many of his words are accurate, but racism is still in epidemic levels in the States. You can just look at the criminal justice system and various unjust laws on books now to witness that. A lot of his words reflect the differences between the younger and older generations. The following is what I have wanted to write for a long time. The younger generation seeks transformative human expression & unique creativity, which is fine. Yet, sometimes, some of them glamorize vulgarity and some of them view that form of expression as being equated to enlightening commentary on society. I disagree with that view. The older generation wants stability and social continuity. That is fine, but some of them must realize that even the younger generation has a lot of value and the youth's spirit for justice and social change is not inferior to the older generation's spirit for the same aims. In other words, the younger generation's unique style and strength should never be downplayed or devalued by the older generation. Therefore, the younger and older generation (who has massive similarities) should work together on common cause to build up our communities and execute solutions. I do not agree with many of Jay Z's lyrics that in my mind degrade his own people including women. Yet, we should also have a dialogue among our people and we should fight for economic justice, social justice, and real revolutionary changes in the world in favor of the interests of our people. That is the fundamental point.

CourtneyR: YOu said--In other words, the younger generation's unique style and strength should never be downplayed or devalued by the older generation. So true,in all actuality, we need them but they need us too. We just have to show them how to redirect that energy as well as helping them to close the generational gap that exists between the two. We need their strength, creativity , lively spirit like they need our experiences and wisdom to help create real unity and real solutions to problems that exist. Another great post . :)

Me: Thanks Sis Courtney. I have been thinking about this issue for a while. There has been news about it and debates here about it. Also, your words are correct as well. We should bridge this generation gap and our energies are important to harness in the positive direction. The older generation's experience and long lessons and the youth's creative spirit and huge strength merged together is a great combination as you say. Balance and social Unity are great parts of our cultural ethos. So, you always bring that fire of wisdom too. I do greatly respect you, love your insight, and certainly it is great to see Brothers and Sisters coming together for a common cause. I am 29 (I am approaching my physical prime. When we approach our physical prime, our spiritual development grows exponentially if we do the right thing), so I know both angles. I know what older folks say and what younger folks say also. Once again, bless you, Lovely and Insightful Sister :) CourtneyR: Thanks Truth. Your insight is much appreciated. So much strength and truth coming from people on this site despite all the other nonsense. At 29, you are already ahead of the game with your mindset. :) Wait until you hit your 30's. The age of being your best you physically,as well as seeking more wisdom, strength, more spirituality. Knowing both angles leads to more understanding about life. Bless you too. :)


Canuck Sailor: Here's a thought for you - most of America expected riots after the verdict. That didn't happen, at least not in a big way - and that, as I think Sharpton said, shows that the black community has matured since Rodney King. It also surprised the heck out of a lot of white people, who, as you said, 'equate being firm with nihilistic behaviour, etc'. Now the white community has to accept the fact that blacks didn't behave as expected, didn't riot and loot - that's a good thing. A lot of whites are going to be listening more closely now to what you have to say, because of that. The problem with speaking too strongly is that you feed into SOME people's expectations of what blacks might do/say/are. Take Edud for example. He's almost scary with the way he speaks and the things he believes. Most white folk would be afraid to be in a room alone with him, based on what he says here. I'm not saying don't be firm - but seriously, there's a fine line there. Can I ask why you have a problem with Clarence Thomas?

My Response: You are an honest white man. I will give you that. It is true that not everyone is going to handle what I say or mention. That is the reality of life. This doesnt mean that truth is to be obfuscated so to speak. Not to mention that my words are hardly neither brutal nor offensive. They are direct, sometimes sensitive, sometimes creative, at times direct, and sometimes indirect. They represent the diversity of the human experience and the range of profound human emotions. Too often, many whites want blacks to be gentle as in submitting to their power base of interests instead of allowing black people to advance their own self-interest (and their own power or independence). We need to be careful that the term gentle is never used for an excuse for trying to make blacks docile or accommodating to an oppressive system. The LA riots 11 years ago never spread massively in America and the riots in the aftermath of the verdict of Zimmerman also were never huge. So, it is a reality that refutes the lie of white racists of collective black barbarism. Also, the black community has always been mature for thousands of years, even during and before the unjust beating of Rodney King. There is a time and place for everything. Sometimes, it is necessary to be sensitive and other times, it is not. We are in a state of emergency in the world, so being firm is a just action of a real man or a real woman. I cant slip tea or sit in a reclining chair when an emergency is occurring among my people. I like Eduds style. He is a great man and white folks fears of strong black men are common. I know that, because a black man has every right to be strong in the face of discrimination and oppression. Strong black men and Strong black women were the causes of many of the legitimate changes in the world. We have the right to strong in the face of police brutality and extrajudicial murders of our brothers and sisters in cold blood every day. We have the right to be firm and strong regardless of the expectations or reservations of some white people. So, yes, Edud is fully justified in showing his strength in this forum. I will never throw a Brother or Sister under the bus to validate your ideologies. Nice try though. Clarence Thomas. That is a long story. In summary, Clarence accepts the reactionary agenda of harming the Voting Rights Act and he has ties to Monsanto. He ignores the system of white supremacy oppressing him while blaming blacks totally for our own issues. As a Supreme Justice, he on many occasions voted against the interest of the poor, minorities (he falsely equates affirmative action to segregation. Affirmative action brought into college and now he opposes it), and suffering prisoners. He sexually harassed a beautiful Sister and then tries to use deception afterwards. He loves the agenda of the Tea Party Movement that loves oppressive laws and an economic regressive agenda. It is what it is.

By Timothy (Me)


A Discussion with Courtney about Jesse Lee Peterson:

Courtney: I was watching the Rev Jesse Lee Peterson on Piers Morgan, and I could not believe the words that was coming out of his mouth about about TRAYVON. Even if we are diversified as african americans, how could anyone that looks like him, say the awful things that he said ,about another african american unarmed teen that was shot down and murdered for no reason? Me: Yes, I heard about Jesse Lee Peterson for years since 2007. He's no Rev. to me. He is notorious with his self hate. He said that thank God for slavery and other disturbing commentaries. What he said about Trayvon is typical of him. This male Peterson (not a real man) should at least respect the parents of Trayvon Martin by not slandering a child that passed away. He slandered the First Lady Michelle Obama in offensive terms before too that I won't mention here. He is a traitor to our people. His words have to do with massive submission to the agenda of white supremacy. Obviously, Allen West is wrong on many issues and he is in league with the reactionaries. West refuses to expose racial profiling or the racist criminal justice system, because he has a vested interest to submit under the throne of white reactionaries. Courtney: i've never seen anything like Peterson and he calls himself a REV? a rev of what? hate?I was told that also, that he has been like this his entire life. What he said about TRAYVON was despicable.I didn't hear what he said about First Lady Michelle Obama. I will have to look that up. How can any african american man,refuse to recognize racial profiling? Especially, when other races of people are.? Me: He is a minister of true hatred for his own people (by saying that the Maafa was a like plane ride or saying that women should not be allowed to vote), which is one of the worst hatreds that a human can have. The stars are aligned and the sky is blue, so it is obvious that racial profiling exists. He lives in Los Angeles today and was born in the Deep South. Jesse Lee Peterson definitely has issues and suffers from the slavery mentality (he views whites as superior culturally, mentally, socially, and religiously to his own black people). Allen West is another extremist. West is wrong, but Peterson is on a whole other level. Jesse Lee Peterson, Larry Elder, and the rest of that reactionary CLIQUE are something else, but the Lord and real human beings are something special. So, it is always RBG 4 Life Sista. You can best believe in that.

Courtney: Their is another rev by the name of James david manning on you tube. I have to listen to them sometimes to get an understanding on how and why they believe what they are saying. A part of me thinks that, they truly don't believe what they are speaking but, aligning themselves with those that hate us ,for profit. We most certainly should be valued as human beings. Me: Indeed. Your words made me to mention another point. Psychologically, some of them mention those extreme words since they want to mimic the old school, Eurocentric system of thinking that was very common in the States decades ago. They believe that we must mimic a white supremacist, Eurocentric, anti-female, authoritarian system (which was hugely common in the 20th century, before that century, and in the Middle Ages too) to have true freedom. Yet, when you look at African history and culture, we see men and women treated as equals. We see balance, love for spiritual insight, and the need to not mimic our oppressors to gain liberation. So, they or these personalities want to copy their oppressors (in loving neoliberalism, loving imperialism, loving xenophobia, having an anti-female thinking process, using ad hominem attacks against black human beings constantly), since they were taught by the enemy to despise any expression of progressive insight that deals fairly with males and females. They were taught to hate Africa and when they hate African culture, then they hate themselves. It is in our culture to love one another without spewing irrational rhetoric under the guise of religion when true spirituality deals with courageously and forthrightly building up Brothers and Sisters (for justice and equality. That is the point). You will notice that folks like Manning and Peterson use negative energy in trying to break Brothers and Sisters down (in trying to brainwash folks into accept white supremacist views. That is why Peterson is quoted as slandering Africa. That is why Manning loves to condemn Africa also. Manning ignores the fact of advanced African civilizations of yesteryear). Manning and Peterson are victims of being brainwashed by the system of white supremacy. There are deeper insights in their mentalities as well. I do not want to preach too long though. Courtney: It's a form of brainwashing in a sense. The Mannings and Peterson etc. What they are doing is a great disservice. Thank you for what you wrote. I can look into it deeper now.

Refuting a Lying Woman Hater named Indy Syder and a Great Communication with the Great, Sweet Black Woman Courtney:

Indy Syder: "And shouldn't lady O be allowed to complain or have her opinions like everyone else? The man with the bad beard, spoke so badly about my sister. All the good that she has done and one disagreeable opinion with the right and now she's so bad. Please!" I don't know who "Lady O" is because Oprah isn't much of a lady. That's just my one little opinion.

She should be allowed to have her opinions that are exploitative of a situation and that's misguided as well. Trayvon Martin doesn't belong in the same sentence as Emmitt Till. Trayvon Martin was a hoodlum in contrast to Emmitt Till who was tortured because of his skin color for sassing a white chick. Martin was profiled because he looked suspicious not because he was black. Till was killed because he was black - the sassing of the white witch give those but holes their sick reason to murder him. When Oprah had her feminist-driven talk show, Trayvon Martin wouldn't have been discussed or mentioned. When her junk show was on the air, how often did she bring up the shootings of black men by the police? Rarely during her crappy talk show did she address issues surrounding black men. In fact, she took indirect cheap shots at black men when the opportunity arose. So the hell with that load of crap. There are other reasons to hate Oprah even before she made her silly comments. So screw Noprah! Onto the maggots on here, anytime black people say something that doesn't fit into the black way of thinking - in other words, if you think outside the porch, you're not black - then they're sellouts. Those two black men made decent points but some chicken-and-rib-eating clowns on here manipulated the message to depict them as sellouts. Critical thinking is very unwelcome in the black community.

My Response: It is time to have fun. You are such a coward. You will never say those ad hominem attacks to me as a man (or a real Sister. A real Sister would put you in your place with the quickness). You are never a real man. If you were a real man, you would inspire both genders of the black community to improve themselves in an inspirational fashion and use constructive solutions to enrich all genders of the black community. You could of build up black women and any black woman suffering. You can advocate plans and programs to assist the Sisters suffering in negative straits (like child care, self-esteem programs, advancing educational programs to help the Sisters, anti-poverty programs, teaching community development, teaching the value of Sisters in society and their true, great value in general). You do not do that since you want hatred to spread like a cancer in our community (with your wicked, lying dehumanizing comments constantly about black women). Your hatred has nothing to do with expressing the diverse views that is legitimately found in the black community. Your views has to do with stirring up emotions and trying to falsely blame black women collectively for all issues going wrong in the black community, which is inaccurate. These two black men are wrong since there are similarities among both young human beings. Of course, differences abound among both young males. Although, Trayvon Martin was never convicted of any felony. George Zimmerman is the real super hoodlum that assaulted a woman. He assaulted a police officer. He was accused of sexual molestation. I have no respect for George Zimmerman at all. Zimmerman stalked an unarmed, innocent child. Trayvon Martin had every legal right to walk in that vicinity. He has every right to walk away from the stalker. He had every right to defend himself against a fake vigilante cop. Also, I did some research and found one law that could of convicted Zimmerman in Florida if the prosecutors had done their jobs. So, Trayvon Martin had a much greater character than George Zimmerman period. One of the liars on the panel said that Oprah Winfrey knows nothing about the Civil Rights Movement, which is a

lie. Oprah in that situation was not exploitative. She gave her honest opinion. I outlined the similarities of both boys being each were unarmed, each were innocent of any crime, each being black, each being murdered in an extrajudicial fashion, and each inspiring us to carry forward in the movement for black equality. You can't refute that at that unless you lie about it. You are such a liar. Never did I call someone a sellout when a black person outlines a minority opinion in the black community. I did not call Alveda King a sellout at all. I did mention that a black person is a sellout if they ally with characters like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (that don't give a care about real black interests at all since they refuse to want to end the system of white supremacy). Your comment about critical thinking not welcomed in the black community is your other great lie. We have black doctors, black lawyers, and other black scholars loving critical thinking today. Critical thinking is a cultural ethos of black people, so you can take that lie somewhere here. Critical thinking is loved by black academia and in other realms of black society. I am not finished yet. You listed so many lies about me that I lost count. If you do not have respect for an unarmed, innocent black teen being murdered, then you are a traitor to your race. All of your words are filled with lies, slander, half-truths, and ad hominem attacks (since you have no mature thinking on the issue of black relationships). You embrace hatred and bitterness. I embrace love for the Sisters and respect for the Brothers doing the right thing. You are an unstable, cowardly man indeed. Just because some black women talked about issues of gender oppression in the past doesn't mean that we should end such discussions completely today. Such discussions are necessary with the news of females being sexually assaulted in the military. We should still talk about it and inspire all black men and all black women to be better human beings. Never do I justify errors made by some black men or some black women at all, which is your lie again. You are a pathological liar. To further imply that against me makes you a liar. The Don Imus controversy has to do with a white man slandering black women. It has nothing to do with all black women at all. All black women are not moral degenerates. They are Queens and Black Women are the mothers of human civilization. Most black women try to do what it right period. No one forced these artists' against their will to degrade their own race including black women. Degrading black women in lyrics is truly an abomination. The corporate executives are wrong also. Black women are our greatest allies in this struggle for liberation.

*Black Women are always Beautiful and Strong. Black Men are always Strong and Real. Black women are not responsible for the Maafa, for the War on Drugs, for the war on terror, for the destruction of the Tulsa community, for the murder of the Brothers and Sisters from the Black Panther party, for the corporate exploitation of our community, for the assassinations of Dr. King and Malcolm X, for the murder of Trayvon Martin, for the murder of Sean Bell, for the current recession in our community, for environmental racism, for the corporate funding of lyrics that degrades our people, for the Tuskegee Experiment, for the murder of Oscar Grant, for the harsh realities of struggle many black people have to go through in finding job employment, the corrupt subprime mortgage that harmed much of our communities, for the modern existence of imperialism in the world today, and for the system of white supremacy in general you liar. You, Indy, are such a coward (including your cohorts. See, you mimic the evil white male sexism that is oppressing the world today. Therefore, your thinking is a white male sexist thinking not a real black African conscious thinking. You love the views of your oppressor, because you are a traitor. You are a collaborator with the enemy) in refusing to confront white racists causing these things against black men, black women, and black children in the first place. For me, I debated racists all my face. They know I feel about them. At least I will fight evil and not bash my people. So, Black males and Black females are great human beings indeed. You have the right to outline disagreements about Oprah's views on feminism and other topics. No one says that you have no right to free speech. I do not justify Oprah's errors. Oprah is not perfect, but that is not the issue. The issue is in reference to the debate about Trayvon Martin. Yet, you lose profound credibility when you issue ad hominem attacks and perverted rhetoric against women (including folks like me. You can show disagreements like a man, but calling folks maggots and all of this other phony mess makes no one fear you). You say not a single thing about black women being demonized in musical lyrics. You say nothing about black women having gender inequality still. You say nothing about black women being called out of their names and blatantly assaulted by sick

human beings of all stripes. You say nothing about black women being sexually assaulted. You say nothing about black women being scapegoated for all ills in the world by white supremacy (since you follow a white supremacist, Eurocentric narrow minded view of gender. In ancient Africa, there were Kings and Queens and it is in our culture to never call Sisters out of their names you race traitor. Mothers and black women in black African cultures always were placed on a pedestal). You say nothing about poverty and economic inequality harming our communities. Nothing. I am real black man, so I will always defend black men (from Malcolm X to Dr. Umar Johnson) and black women. I defended black men in this forum now when a bigot questioned black manhood and black physical strength. If you deny it here, you are a liar. I knew you would type about me, because I am the type that doesn't agree with your anti-black female misogyny nonsense. I get under your skin (which you have admitted), because you know full well I will never be brainwashed by the likes of you. Anyone with your level of misogyny has issues (which I won't discuss here). So, I do believe that a diversity of thought should be advanced in the black community. Yet, these 2 black men ally with a racist like Sean Hannity. You ally with that agenda. I will never collaborate with my enemy. My enemy is my enemy. I am not a maggot. I am a grown black man with strength, dignity, and honor period. You will never say that those words to me face to face at all. You can never intimidate me or any Brother or Sister here. It is a shame that a person like you wants to cause division when we should be uniting with Black Women in common cause to advance liberation for our people. No gender is perfect. Males and females made mistakes and errors. No one denies that. Yet, we need to acknowledge our mistakes and solve our problems in the right way (without blaming each other for all ills in our community). You know full well with my intellect, you seem to want to target Brothers like me. Your types always target me since I refuse to put up with your ideological garbage. We need to have real dialogue without hateful rhetoric. You always shift subjects as a means to get away from the real issue. The real issue is that Brothers and Sisters with imperfections need solutions, hope, correction, love, compassion, respect, and inspiration without being dragged to the dirt. You are such a woman basher. Real men stand up for justice. Real men acknowledge the great intellect and beauty of black women. Real men are opposed to white supremacy. Real Men will never stereotype black women negatively. Real Men will place Black Women on a pedestal. Real men praise Women and that is one cornerstone of true manhood. Black women are apples in my eye. Black women protested with us in Jena Six, in the Civil Rights Movement, in the SYG protests, in the protests for Justice for Trayvon Martin, and in other real, progressive movements in our history. They cared for us, educated us, inspired us, loved us, and respected us as full human beings. Black women are strong and they are great human beings. Black women are great inspirations and me saying that truth has nothing to do with being a simp. It has to do with me being an honest human being. I will always defend my people. You calling a suffering woman the h word signifies your hate. Instead of giving programs to uplift and assist these women, you want to call them every name under the sun, which is your cowardly and lying agenda. You are a male and not a true man. A true man advocates solutions not ad hominem attacks and immature. You have a long way to go in being a real man. If you are not part of the solution then you are part of the problem. Black Men and Black Women have great value in our community and they should be honored and respected. You need to step in the House of the Lord and get blessed with Truth and Facts. You have no respect for black women and you have no respect for the black community, so these are my last words to you in response. Since you are not a real man (with your anti-black woman

misogyny, immoral ad hominem attacks, blatant lies, etc.), I will not respond back to you anymore. Black Women are always Queens and they deserve respect, freedom, and justice. Game Winning Score. Game Over. Checkmate.

By Timothy (Me) ___________________________________

Words from the Great, Sweet Black Woman named Courtney:

courtneyrR: Good Morning Truth. :) ON behalf of black women, and men everywhere, who understand what you just wrote, Thank you. You are absolutely right. This blame game has to stop between black men and women.It serves no purpose at all in solving anything. The blame game does not allow for discussion and dialogue to take place at all. I know, I'm grow sick of it and so do others. What are people bringing to the table to help for better understanding, healing and conversation to take place? What little changes are people making in their everyday lives, in how they treat other black men , women, girls and boys.? How do they choose to engage others? Is it with more hostility? The two people that you are speaking about that criticized Oprah, in my opinion, are out of line. If nothing else, Oprah has put her money were her mouth is. Yeah ,she may have had to dance with the devil but she took some of that money, and redistributed back to many. She gives away a lot of money to African Americans. What have these two done? Because I'm not aware of anything. SEcondly, you are right. What purpose does it serve for any Black, African American , to align themselves with the disgusting rhetoric or those like Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, O Rielly and the likes of those like them? Can they not see the real agenda as to why they need some black people , to agree with them to make their hatred of black people valid? People never look beyond the surface and never examine how and why things are being said to them and about them. They just take things at face value. Their is a reason why , YT racist, need Blacks to agree with them. Not because these YT racist love black people. It's a way to falsely validate why they hate blacks to begin with. Then they can turn around and say, even your OWN people agree with us. Now, that's sick.

YOu said "Game Winning Score. Game Over. Checkmate." Like Mookie Wilson in the 86 world series lol

My Response to the Sweet Sister Courtney: Thank you Sister. Good morning to you Sis Courtney. You are strong and eloquent as always. Sometimes as a man, the lion comes out of me. I will always defend Sistas as this is how my mother and my father raised me to be. We are in the right side of history and we are in the winning Team. We should thank the Lord that we are brainwashed to that reactionary propaganda from Limbaugh, Hannity, and O'Reilly. On Behalf of your defense of Black Men, I thank you too. You always defend black men here, so all of us as real Black men appreciate you too. I know you are sports fan Sis with your baseball reference I see you. LOL. Go ahead on wit your bad self. LOL. Bless you. :)

Courtney: Funny how my comment disappeared on here again. :) Likewise. I was a mets fan for that year then traded them in for the yankees.. According to my brother ,even to this day, I'm not a real yankee fan. lol

Me: LOL. Yes, sport rivalry is something serious among many. In Virginia, there are many sports fans as well. Football season is coming on and it is an interesting time of the year. Courtney: Tell me about it. lol. I went to baseball games a lot. I do enjoy watching different sports. Yup , football is knocking. :) Me: It is interesting that you mentioned baseball since my grandfather and my oldest brother loves baseball. I have been to local baseball games before including other sporting events. I like to eat food too not just enjoy the game. Football is great and the thing about football is that you are in the edge of your seat. I also like track and field and basketball too. You are like a great, excellent homegirl that a Brother can feel a positive vibe with. You are a Real Black Woman and I greatly respect you indeed. :)

Courtney: Thank you, it runs in the family. My father played baseball and football. He was even scouted and went on a few tryouts for the big time in both. He was a product of the GRAMBLING greats , under Eddie Robinson. He was a very good athlete for both but sadly it never happened for him due to injuries. he use to take me to games when we were younger and showed me how to play. He was very involved in our lives so he wanted us to know everything. lol. My brother ran track and field. He was pretty fast. I played softball and basketball but softball was my absolute favorite. You're right about football. I learned a lot watching it with him as well. My brother is really into soccer and has been for a few years. He also plays with people when he see's folks playing at parks. smh. lol He runs with his two dogs. He's in great shape at 34. AS for me, It does not take much for me to get involved, get excited about things. If its going to spell out fun, i'm pretty much all in. :) I grew up with it so its very normal. going to yankee games with dad was always a great time. EVeryone gets so into it. Yelling ,screaming, booing. You're right. It gets serious. lol Who is your grandfathers favorite team? YOur brother also and what about you? Me: You have a blessed life Sis. You are a true Queen. Ironically enough, my grandfather loves the Yankees and the old school all black Baseball leagues from back in the day. I received a card from one member of that league as well. There is nothing wrong with a Sista getting her sports on. Athletics readily teach discipline, leadership, and teamwork. Exercise can improve our immunity, thinking, and emotional strength. I love to do football and running when I was a child as well. My oldest brother loves random teams from baseball. I am not into baseball like that now, but back in the 1990's, I received baseball cards, etc. from various team. Team cards were readily common when I was a young child. I do respect many teams like the Yankees and the Giants. I like the Heats, I like Washington (in terms of football) including the Cowboys (LOL. I know it is like water and oil. My other older brother loves the Cowboys a lot), and I like other teams as well. Back in the 1990's, I love the Chicago Bulls with Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, and so forth. My youngest brother loves sports, but he is a pretty boy. He loves the women and he will not sweat. LOL. Ideologically, we are like a Dream Team (with the Brothers and Sisters communicating and being mature in our daily lives). We can appreciate our similarities and our differences in a progressive, spiritually enlightening fashion as human beings. Sista, there is nothing wrong with a good Sweat either (in terms of exercising and sports). :)

Courtney: And you, a true King. We all have had a blessed life. That includes you and yours so Thanks :) You got a card from one of the players from the Negro league? You are in possession of a piece of history. Don't lose it and safe guard it in a plastic, clear case. So special. Their was a player who played in the negro leagues my father told me about, who was or still is apart of the chicago cubs franchise in some way. I can't remember if he said that he was a scout or not. I don't remember his name but I was told stories about that league. So many overly talented black men who could not play in the major leagues all because they were black. smh. Football and running as a kid huh? Well, you can always sign up for fall league in something if you ever get the itch to run around some more. :) My fathers favorite football team was the Cowboys. I remember watching the games with him and he talking about Tony Dorset all the time. I still have his Cowboys caps and jackets. I'm a Cowboys, Saints and Jets fan. Basketball, it's the bad news knickerbockers all day. You are a heat and bulls fan? They are our arch enemies. Yeah I know, Scottie, Jordan, the rings. The only thing I can say positive about that rivalry with the knicks was, we talked a lot of junk in high school when John S posterized Jordan and Grant. lol. No rings still to this day but hopefully we will get a ring before I hit my 40s. lol Your youngest brother is not down with the sweating. That's cute. lol You're right .So many good things about sports that we can learn from. Leadership,discipline, emotional strength, learning the importance of teamwork, immunity like you said and helping to keep us young. :) Absolutely nothing wrong with sweating. Even that is good for us. Gets rid of toxins. Thanks for the convo. It's appreciated brother Truth. :)


Me Dropping Science on JJ:

JJ: Cool story bro..... I guess pointing out the fact that blacks commit the majority of crime in America is comparable to the Nazis spreading lies about the Jews, which were based on the capitalist nature of Jews. You know what, forget it, you are to caught up it the victim identity to try to reason with.

My Response: I will have to drop some science on you. Those who commit the most pedophilia, Wall Street corruption, meth crimes, drug abuse, robbery, rape, serial killings, other forms of sexual abuse, and other most crimes in America are not black human beings. Scapegoating blacks is a pastime of folks like you. It is in your nature to be hostile to a strong, masculine black man (and to a strong Sister I might add) that tells it how it is. Yes, I am roaring with masculine power here and I am not ashamed by my blackness. Now, we know about the Nazis' crimes. We know the economic system of the Nazis. They murdered socialists, communists, and Social Democrats. They were funded by multinational corporations from the West. So, we know their agenda. Also, our ancestors were victims of oppression by you know who, so I have right to mention it. Our people are battling against the system of white supremacy (which oppresses many folks today). Victims have every right to mention the oppressor by name. Also, you have no right to dictate to a victim of oppression that they can not call themselves victims seeking justice. We seek justice plain and simple. By Timothy
______________________ Answering another Racist:

MLK was a drunken serial womanizer and adulterer, a card carrying member of the COMMUNIST party. A liar and a plagiarist and a fake. MLK and Rosa parks went to communist training camps in Tennessee and the whole bus incident took them 3 months to STAGE. RP admitted to this! Why did they seal his FBI files for 50 years? Your hero was a scumbag! My Response: You are a liar. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. rejected Communism as a philosophy. He was never a Communist. He was never a member of any Communist Party membership files at all. He fired many suspected Communists in the SCLC. He disagreed with Communism in his many speeches, books, and interviews like the one he did with the Merv Griffin show back in 1967. He wrote the following about Communism (from his Strength to Love book): "...Communism is based on ethical relativism and accepts no stable moral absolutes. Right and wrong are relative to the most expedient methods for dealing with class war. Communism exploits the dreadful philosophy that the end justifies the means. It enunciates movingly the theory of a classless society, but alas! its methods for achieving this noble end are all too often ignoble. Lying, violence, murder, and torture are considered to be justifiable means to achieve the millennial end. Is this an unfair indictment? Listen to the words of Lenin, the real tactician of Communist theory: "We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, lawbreaking, withholding and concealing truth." Modem history has known many tortuous nights and horror-filled days because his followers have taken this statement seriously...This is our best defense against Communism. War is not the answer. "

There is no evidence that he was a fake. He was not perfect and your heroes have been imperialists, adulterers, and murderers spanning centuries (from Thomas Jefferson to others). What does going into a training camp have to do with accepting all Communist principles. Nothing. The truth is that the Highlander Research and Education Center was a location that wanted labor rights and human equality. It was never dominated by Communists at all. It was smeared as Communist by racist white reactionaries. Horton argued otherwise. "Highlander did not and does not welcome enrollment of anyone with a totalitarian philosophy, whether from the extreme right or the extreme left," he said. "The attempt of the Georgia governor's commission to draw from the serious and fruitful deliberations of this gathering sustenance for the efforts of Southern racists to equate desegregation with communism evokes our strong condemation." While no evidence was found linking Highlander with any subversive group, Tennessee Attorney General Albert Sloan filed a suit to have the schools charter revoked based on allegations the school was conducting integrated studies which was against Tennessee State law. Not to mention that worshippers of capitalism murdered millions of human beings from the Maafa to various wars. Also, many civil rights leaders were independents and were not Communists like Ella Baker and Malcolm X. By 1976 the FBI had acknowledged that it had not obtained any evidence that King himself or the SCLC were actually involved with any communist organizations. The FBI sealing his records can never negate many of the truths that he spoke. The abolitionist movement, the civil rights movement, and other black movements for social change were never dominated collectively by Communists at all. Communism is an economic philosophy that human beings have the free speech right to agree or disagree with. Rosa Parks was never a lifelong Communist at all. It takes a true liar to smear a Black Woman, especially after she has passed away. I made a promise to Almighty God in private that I will defend my race. I will. Rosa Parks courageously stood up for human rights long before you were born. There is nothing immoral about the Montgomery Bus Boycott or any moral boycott at all. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was never a farce since it worked to end discrimination and to fight oppression in the world. The FBI is a terrorist organization and has no right to lecture any black person on morality. The FBI directly murdered Black Panthers. They lied about human beings. They executed illegal warrantless wiretaps all over the country. J. Edgar Hoover enacted illegal secret projects like COINTELPRO and Operation Chaos. Many of them or FBI agents are traitors not heroes. Dr. King was never scum. He was not perfect, but he was right to believe in equality. He was right to believe in human justice. He was right to fight against poverty. He was right to speak up like a strong black man for liberty. He was right to fight institutional racism. He was right to disagree with Jim Crow oppression harming the black community back then. He was right to sacrifice his time to express sympathy for the plight of the American ghettoes back decades ago. He was right to adhere to strength and compassion, which exemplifies the strength of our black people. He was right to disagree with the war in Vietnam and wanting a legitimate resolution to it. So, you are a white racist that wants to harm black progress. It is as simple as that. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did more for our people than what you could ever do. It is always right to agree with Black Power, Black Equality, Black Strength, Black Truth, and Justice (including an end to white supremacy).

Therefore, I will continue to roar for truth here. You can never slander a black man here that stood up like a man for freedom and peace. Also, you never addressed by points about the FBI, etc. at all since you spew half truths and blatant lies. The truth can never be destroyed. The truth is that black human beings have every right to have equality and justice. The truth is that black human beings are very strong and resilient in the face of tyranny and oppression. The truth is that Black is Beautiful. See, this Brother right here now knows your scheme, but Black Unity is stronger than your evil. I will always respect the Brothers doing the Right thing. I will always love the Sisters with a Social and a Romantic Love. It is always RBG for Life.

By Timothy (Me)


I had to take this racist T. Davis to school for a minute:

T. Davis: Throw more of TAXPAYER'S money at the problem is always the liberal imbecile response. How about a fast lane to the lethal injection? How about enforcing the laws on the books? How about the culture of savage feral violence that is promulgated and encouraged in the black community and every stupid rap song? No amount of "funding" would stop crazy a** people from doing stupid sh*t! You will eventually run out of other people's money and starve to death like you deserve! My Response: Yes, I mention that GOP information to stir your mind. It worked. You say nothing on the trillions of dollars sent to Wall Street banks or the trillions of dollars sent in wars. Investments to help society have worked for the many thousands of years of human history. Advancing the general welfare of society is legal. I rather my taxpayer dollars got out to fund or help human beings than to enrich

corporate elites or the military industrial complex. Taxpayer funding for Social Security and other public tools have enriched society in many ways. You omit that. Article I, Section 8 makes this action legal. Your ad hominem attacks are immature. Government funding ended the Great Depression. Government money cut poverty in half from 1960 to 1970. Government funding and investments grew the economy in the 1990's as well. Using investments wisely have worked wonders in Sweden, Singapore, Finland, etc. I am not a simpleton you racist liar (You love Lincoln, but Lincoln used taxpayers' money to fund the transcontinental railroad and the Homesteads). That is why I do not understand why some blacks want to ally with you since you believe in silliness. My words are not an imbecile response you racist and liar (by claiming the Dr. King was a Republican). You only want blacks to be a mental slave to your views not liberated. It is not about Republican vs. Democrat. It is about human compassion vs. selfishness. It is about liberation vs. white supremacy. There must be radical changing of institutions not just moral development. A harsh theocracy never worked here. Even the Founders understood that. That is why we reject such reactionary theocracy proposals. We need economic and social justice not just improvements in ethics. We need jobs, a living wage, and an end to the war on terror. Rap has nothing to do with the origin of poverty, crime, and environmental issues in the world. You can ban rap and such problems will still exist. These issues existed before modern rap was formed. Music is complex and many forms of rap reject unjust violence. The corporate elites advance nihilistic music while rejecting more positive music. That is the truth you ignore, because you want to scapegoat blacks for the ills of American society. We should advance more positive music and cultural development, but not selfish individualism or blaming the poor for all social ills of the world. You are the types of people that always want to change the subject when you do not have your way. I am a strong black man with a strong intellect. You can't play me and you can't intimidate me. I know my worth. I know my views and I know how to refute folks like you every day of the week and twice on Sunday. You wanting human beings to starve to death is your evil, demonic agenda all along. -By Timothy Other Real Folks responding: edud01: Cut his head OFF with the SWORD of TRUTH!!! Courtney: Did he really just blame rap? Maybe we should blame Death Metal for all the serial murderers and murders they commit? snh Anyway, you said " You only want blacks to be a mental slave to your views not liberated. It is not about Republican vs. Democrat. It is about human compassion vs. selfishness. It is about liberation vs. white supremacy. There must be radical changing of institutions not just moral development Brilliant and spot on. That requires work. Work that many of them are not willing to do and cannot do. :) Me: Right Sista. They act like rap is to be blamed for the sun rising, the water moving, and the stars exploding. They seem to forget about the complex nature of music. I listen to all sorts of music like you do (You are obviously a fan of music and you are gifted in musical expression), but I have the

sense enough to not blame every condition in our communities on one genre of music. The reactionaries will have to be left behind, while we will be on grind and our work as a means to fight for real changes in the world. Our people will always be live and direct with loquacious, eloquent words and pure soul. Soul power is better than their evil agenda. Thanks for your words Sis. You are always down for the cause and you have real flavor. You are a true Sista indeed Courtney. :) Courtney: Yes. Having sense is the key. :) Second, I love music and always will. That means,just about every kind of music. Even a folk song, here and there. lol. That's something that is not going to change in me. Hip hop, soul, rnb, classical, some rock, some country,gospel, etc. But that does not mean that just because someone likes the different messages and expressions of music that, they do not know who they are. The first time I ever heard the word Soul Power, I heard it from James Brown, the JB,s Fred Wesley.My dad wore those vinyls out. lol I agree, at some point, when do people stop being so overly reactionary and really start looking at the role that everyone plays in these situations and what we can do to point it in a different direction? Thank you for just understanding. :)

______________________________ Refuting a White Racist from South Africa Me: There is nothing wrong with real economic development. Our goal should be for black human beings to totally run, control, and influence their own resources (without no hands running these resources except for us. That is the real definition of Real Power). The growth of independent infrastructure in the black community is always a great goal to aspire today. Jamal (the white racist): How is that working you for you in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), South Africa, Haiti and Somalia? Liberia? Blacks destroy any country the infest, period. Being able to speak English and having an education would be a start. But average 65 IQ left of the bell curve savages will never be able to compete with Humans. Sorry! The TRUTH hurts. Me: You are a racist piece of work. You can never make me angry, but your cowardly self constantly harasses black human beings all of the time. See, there is not a single piece of evidence that black humanity in the world have an average IQ of 65 collectively at all. Many scholars have refuted the claims of the Bell Curve. Black human beings are not savages. We as black human beings are humans created in the image of God. Many African nations suffer via imperialism, neo-imperialism from the West, and other issues not because black human beings in Africa are less than human you liar. If European imperialism never existed in Africa, Africa would be in much better condition today. Your lying self ignores how UN agents and Western imperialists have harmed Haiti with sanctions and other evil policies. Black human beings are human. There are many black communities in the world that are doing the right thing. You conveniently ignore the growth found in Kenya, Nigeria, Namibia, Sierra Leone, and other African nations (which are highly successful nations) since you embrace a distorted, false narrative. Since you love to throw numbers around. Here are some more. Among black teenagers, 15-19 (almost all of whom are unmarried), birth rates have plummeted since 1991, from 118.2 births for every 1000 such women to only 51.5 births per 1000 women in 2010. And even with the weak economy, black folks are almost 40 percent less likely to be dependent on government

benefits now than they were in 1993. Currently, only 1 in 9 African Americans are dependent on various forms of cash or SNAP benefits throughout the course of a given year, down from about 1 in 6 in the early 90s. According to the stats, the same one that points out the 72 percent figure for the share of black births out of wedlock the birth rate for unmarried black women fell by nearly a third between 1970-2010, from 95.5 births per 1000 unmarried black women at the beginning of that period, to only 65.3 births per 1000 such women by the end of the period. In terms of achievement itself, while white reading scores for 9-year olds on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) have increased about 6 percent since 1971, black scores have risen by 20 percent; among 13-year olds, reading scores barely budged for whites from 1971 to 2008, while rising 12 percent for blacks; and for 17-year olds, white scores remained flat while black scores rose by 11 percent. Likewise, math achievement scores for black 9, 13 and 17-year olds have risen faster since 1971 than scores for whites. These stats are accurate. The reality is that Africa is not monolithic. Africa has a lot of strong, independent, and honorable human beings. Africa has issues, but Africa still is filled with technology, highways, and other great domestic services. Some of the most beautiful fauna and flora are in America and especially in the Motherland of Africa. Beautiful black women are found in Africa too. That is why I would not mind it if I marry a Black American woman or a Black woman from Africa either. 2BDetermined (A Brother): There you go again! Never educate your enemy. Leave him and his kind in the dark my brother. You and I know the whites got everything through theft and dishonesty. Not to mention they skip out on taxes and swindle other peoples wealth. Each one teach one but, not him. Me: It is what it is Brother. I rarely respond directly to him. Yet, on this instance I wanted to as a means to show this racist that if I wanted to, I could refute him badly and I did. We can all refute him badly. Your words are correct. Their modern empire was created by conquest, theft, subterfuge including religious deception. Therefore, they have no moral right to lecture any real human about anything. So, we as Brothers and Sisters should continue to fight for global black pan Africanist liberation indeed. Also, After this, I will never respond to him again. By Timothy (Me)

Answering a False Accusation: Sandy Jones: Lol, you figured it all out all by yourself there Dr. Hater racist. You sound just like a Professor teaching at a real University. Most white people and black people don't understand why a white women is wanted so badly by the black men that seek them out. But you figured out. WOW. HEHEHEHEHE LOL My Response: I can respond in a million different ways. Here is one. Now, black human beings (among both genders) have displayed great intellectual curiosity since the dawn of black human existence, so your words are typical of folks like you. I do not hate you. I choose not to date folks like you. I choose not to marry folks like you. I choose not to worship folks like you or grovel at your feet. I worship God and I romantically love Black Women with all of my heart. So, all humans should be treated with dignity and respect, but as a Black Man I will love Black

Women with a great Love beyond apage LOVE. Black Men and Black Women in history refuted folks like you intellectually. Now, what I have mentioned details specific black human beings with self hatred. It is accurate and you have not outlined why my words are racist at all. See, these words are not racist, because it is a reality is that some black human beings date or marry white women for purposes of self hatred and low self esteem (including not realizing the greatness of their BLACKNESS). That is a documented fact. I never outlined the proposition that I have all answers or that I deciphered all knowledge. Also, Sandy, most Black Men love Black Women. Most Black Women love Black Men. Nice try though. So, most black men do not seek white women at all. Many white women seek out black men in real life. Therefore, Black Unity and Black Love are superior to your rhetoric. What I do mention is that Black Love and Black Power are legitimate actions that black human beings can do as a means to develop further the Black Community. When Black Men and Black Women ally, struggle together for justice, use almsgiving, and humanely advance their interests, then these legitimate activities can benefit all black people, especially in the long one. So, I will be thankful of my black skin melanin. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect,and beauty of Black Women. I will be thankful of the strength, intellect, and integrity of Black Men. I will be thankful of my ancestors including real Brothers & real Sisters then including now that fought for black liberation. I will continue in my life to inspire humanity and to fight for justice for my people point, blank, period, and exclamation point. I with respect the Creator. It is what it is. It is always RBG4Life. By Timothy (Me)

______________________________ This Debate is about Politics:

Me: Well it is what it is what brother. You covered all bases. I do believe that we should be Independents politically as to not worship either one. Yet, the GOP has gone far off the cliff. Rand Paul allying with a neo-Confederate is antithetical to black people alone. The Republicans always used religion as a means to gain votes. When you look at religion and spirituality, it talks about helping your neighbor, economic justice, caring for Nature or the environment, and it talks about the poor receiving justice. Taking care of the least of these means something. We are all our brothers' and sisters' keepers. Many of the leadership of the Republicans including much of the Tea Party crowd hate much if not all of that agenda. So, we as a people are not deceived about the GOP's antics. This is a party who wants to get our vote, but they advance policies that can restrict the African American vote is morally hypocritical. Also, we know about the Democrats' errors too. With the advent of the Trayvon Martin death, more Brothers and Sisters are coming together. We realize the

enemy's tricks. I can never trust the wolves nor the foxes unconditionally. If the Republicans refuse to change their reactionary agenda, then they do not deserve our vote at all. The blueprint is there too. We know what they must do. If the GOP believes in infrastructure investment, an end to the War on Drugs, loving voting rights, seeking to have a living wage, wanting the rights of workers to be preserved, calling for the complete end of the system of white supremacy, having a clear pro-environmental agenda, loving the social safety net, working to enhance the economic development of the African American community, seeking the advancement of human civil liberties, advancing an end to imperialism, fighting to have universal, strong education like Finland, and believing in universal heath care, then their support will grow in leaps and bounds. T. Davis: Or you can just blindly vote democRAT, the party of the KKK. The party of gay loving, baby killing liberal Obamabots. Gay marriage and abortion are what they love! DemocRATS hate Jesus and any religion. The article left out Robert KKK Byrd (dem.) and all the democRATS that voted against the civil rights act! Republicans wrote the civil rights act! The Southern Strategy it was claimed would have blacks voting democRAT for 100 years! It seems to be working! By the way Lincoln and MLK were also republicans. Please pull your heads out and try to sniff a clue! Me: LOL. Enjoy your life. I heard of this story before. Sorry, I will not bow before the donkey nor your elephant. Both national parties have a history of nefarious actions and bigotry. Today, the Republican Party is for radical austerity, radical war mongering, and a sick hatred of many real human rights. Now, no one said that the Democrats are perfect (many of Robert Byrd's actions were wrong), but folks do know the wicked history of the GOP. The modern Republican Southern Strategy was created in the late 1960's by Nixon (and others) as a means to appeal to the thinking of white racists including as a means to gain political power. That has nothing to do with advancing black equality. It has to do with a bigoted, politically evil purpose. Reagan used the Southern Strategy as a means to scapegoat the poor and the minorities in his many speeches during the 1980 election. Also, many religious followers of Jesus and other religions are from across the political spectrum. The GOP or mainstream conservatives have no monopoly on spirituality at all. You love to mention Lincoln forgetting that he was an economic progressive. Abraham Lincoln wanted massive government funding for the Western homesteads and the Transcontinental railroads. Dr. Martin Luther King was never a Republican. Black human beings had a leadership in the cause of black liberation not Republicans or Democrats. The Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act was supported by many Republicans, but it was signed by a Democrat. Today, many Republicans want to eliminate certain sections of the Civil Rights Act including certain sections of the Voting Rights Act ironically. The 2 social issues that you cite have been exploited as a means for reactionaries to try to intimidate black human beings to go along with their regressive agenda. Many of the same ones that claim to be for the sanctity of human life reject public care for mothers (many of them reject food stamps or even some nutrition programs to assist newborns via public money) and they reject an end to unjust wars. Evil wars & war crimes violate the sanctity of human life constantly. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was an Independent by not registering with the 2 major parties. He voted for JFK and LBJ since he felt that Barry Goldwater had an extreme reactionary agenda. So, the truth is never pale. It is live in living color. The devilish policies of the modern Republican party are ever known. We are all know who is the Devil though. Wink Wink. LOL.

By Timothy _______________________

A funny discussion with a man named Clarke101 (who makes the errors of using excessive profanity and slandering a womans child. The great woman is named Erica):

Clarke101: Elderly people LOVE having a bunch of cops around. Me: Elderly human beings should be treated with respect not as prisoners in public locations though. If the police were in the halls outside of the theater, then that is one thing, but them being inside of the theater is highly distracting and deals with the agenda of intimidation. I will not worship cops. Some of them abused our race for decades. I am on the civil libertarian side on this one, yet you have the right to your views. We are not obsessed with victimization (since many of our people don't even know that they are true victims of oppression). We just hate oppression and we want white supremacy ended. Hopefully, you can change much of your ways and just refuse to curse, harass, or use other sick language against certain women on here. Clarke101: And I still say ELDERLY PEOPLE LOVE HAVING A BUNCH OF COPS AROUND. If for no other reason than to keep all you disrespectful young hooligans with ya hats turned backwards and ya underwares showin, playing that loud PROFANITY LACED HIPPITY HOP in check. And to knock ya in yo head if you get out of line. HIT HIM AGAIN OFFICER HE'S STILL KICKIN. Me: This is a new younger generation. The younger generation has the right to say what is real and we will say it loudly and triumphantly. I know what you are trying to do. It won't work on me, because I believe in reasonable actions without distractions. I will respect my elders, but I will not be fooled by old prejudices and old deceptions. Also, the vast majority of older folks and younger folks are not hooligans regardless of what you mention. They love peace. They respect black cultural themes and they love fair treatment among the human race. The rest of your stereotypes of young folks seems to make mention of a point though albeit your exaggerations. Hats or caps, hoodies, and other forms of clothing never outlines the total definition of a person. It is the character, deeds, and actions of that person that defines the true essence of that person. I reject an authoritarian society where we are to be conformed to strict codes that violate individual liberty (or make cops like gods, who can arbitrarily enforce rules against the populace in any fashion possible). I reject vulgarity, but we can have individual creativity without vulgarity. That is the fundamental, iconic truth of the situation. This legitimate right to express our grievances and to fight white supremacy are great procedures to enact during our generation indeed. Clarke101: LOLOLOL. Yeah it's NEW alright. ND MAKE EM PULL THEM D_______ PANTS UP!!! Me: LOL. LOL. You are a dang silly man. Most young folks have their pants up. We should encourage moral growth not old reactionary dogmas. Also, I will tell my people to stand up

against the enemy and we all know who the enemy is. It is a vicious, devilish enemy that harmed our people for a long time. I am not coded with my language here. At the end of the day, Black Power is greater than the enemy. The other slick comment that out made below this comment threatens no one. You are much older man than me. No one is intimidated by you at all and we who disagree with you are very intelligent indeed. Opposing police brutality is intelligent and not worshipping cops like they are Gods is intelligent as well. ____________________________________ This Discussion is on Racial Issues and History Me: You are 100 percent right. We should more appreciate of our gifts and talents. We can never be apologists for white racists, reactionary politicians, extremist media pundits, or vigilante murderers at all. We should respect our own culture and support each other in a potent fashion. Stockholm syndrome and the slavery mentality didn't die in 1865. We have to continue to fight for our true liberation and help our communities. The self haters use the arguments that white racists use against blacks as a means to justify their sickness. This has nothing to do with true ideological diversity among our people, which I have no issue with. It has to do with some of our people seeking to intentionally go against Black Love, Black power, and justice for black people in the world (while denying accountability among whites who act in a fowl way). You will notice that the self haters refuse to mention the 2 words of white supremacy (which is the modern system causing this oppression in the world's population in the first place). We should discuss issues about spying, the economy, foreign policy matters, health care, the environment, and other things. Yet, I will not use those issues as an excuse to deny the beauty of my black heritage at all. I will always love my blackness.

Canuck Sailor: You're American. Not African, except by heritage. I happen to trace my ancestry to England, but I'm not English, I'm Canadian, of English heritage. Live with what you are, not what you pretend to be. Me: Enjoy your life. I have every right to call myself in a designation. You using hypotheticals will never intimidate anyone here. I am of Black African heritage point blank period. I have the right to classify myself as I wish. I am an African as Kwame Ture said about himself. I pretend to be nothing. Your arrogance in telling blacks what they ought to be is telling. I will not be put in my place. I will stand on my feet. Canuck Sailor: Truth, if I might comment? What you said about 'firm' in discussing your African roots....not every white person is going to be real comfortable with what you call firm - you might offend some, although others, like me, will toss it right back at you ;>)...can I suggest, when someone white appears to be asking an honest question, that you start gentle, because the concepts are fairly foreign to what we, as whites, know as the norm. The gentle approach won't scare some of the more timid away and you'll win more converts to the cause. You can let your mother's sensitivity talk through you... Me: This is a common sentiment among some. Here is my response. I will never be ashamed of my black masculinity here. Being firm (without malice) in advocating justice, in advocating truth, and advocating an end to white supremacy is purely intrepidly legitimate in my eyes. If any man can't handle the truth (no matter how painful it

is), then that man needs further enlightenment. Now, for a long time, black men like me have been told to be silent, to be docile, and to never offend certain people for the sake of accepting the tenets of a hypocritical white supremacist society. Black men have been harmed and many have forsaken their masculinity as an excuse to be passive like a Tiger Woods or a Clarence Thomas type of a Brother. Yet, this is not how I role. I will never get down like that. I will not be docile to an oppressive society. I will stand and speak my mind like a strong black man in a tolerable, firm, and a gloriously progressive way. Black manhood ought not to be emasculated, homogenized, or sanitized at any circumstance. See, you can be firm and act constructive at the same time. Some whites falsely equate being firm totally with nihilistic behavior, bigotry, malice intent, or obscene violence (within their preconceived biases about some black human beings. They need to eliminate their erroneous biases). Constructive dialogue can be firm not just gentle. Now, there is nothing wrong with real sensitivity. A man being sensitive is not a threat to his manhood. There is a time and place for everything. I will be sensitive to women, friends, allies, and children like my mother, but if you are a grown man, then you are capable to accept grown truth (especially if you are 25 years old or older). If some white folks can't accept or are easily offended by real, non threatening words in a keyboard screen peacefully shown about justice, then that is not my problem. My goal is to have justice for Brothers and Sisters (I will always love Black Sisters with a social and romantic love. The Sisters are very special gifts in the world from the Creator. They will always be placed on a pedestal). I will always respect humanity (you should be treated the same as any human being), but I will not be politically correct for the sake of selling out my principles. The truth can be sensitive (or filled with flowers & sunshine) and it can also be politically incorrect.

Canuck Sailor: How can you be proud of what you aren't? You're not African, you're of African heritage, as you correctly noted in your reply. If you want to be African, then you should move back there and take up citizenship. Same as if I want to be English - I'd move to England. I'm not putting you in your place by the way - I'm trying to understand why, after how many hundreds of years, you insist you're African - when you aren't. Fact is - America is what it is in large part because of black people - particularly when you consider the challenges your people have faced - you have much to be proud of when you call yourself a black American. Me: I think we have different cultural interpretations and a disagreement. Men can agree to disagree on subsequent issues. I come from a unique social, cultural reality than you. My ancestors were brought here in the Americas via in chains and suffered centuries of mistreatment (along with the destruction of our language, culture, creed, and societal structures). So, you have to understand that many blacks legitimately express a lot of the anger against the system of oppression (not against you personally) because of the system of white supremacy. Many of us identify with Africa since it is our original homeland. It is the land of our origin. Many leaders from Malcolm X to Kwame Ture called themselves Africans as a means to identify with their cultural origin including their true identity. We know that we are born in America, but my heart and soul is African. I will forever love Africa as apart of our social, mental, spiritual being.

We live in a new generation and many Brothers and Sisters want to know more about Africa. It is all about representing our humanity and we have moral right to call ourselves African if we choose to. Africa is not England. Africa is a continent and a fixed cultural identity. England is a nation not a continent. I am not ashamed of the accomplishments of black Americans in the States. I celebrate them from legal affairs to human rights affairs. Yet, as black people, we have the right to identify culturally and historically with Africa. The pan-Africanist movement is not about unjust antagonism. It is about advancing justice and love for all African peoples of the world. Canuck Sailor: That makes more sense now, and there was no need to say the anger wasn't against me personally - the tone of your note said that - but thank you all the same. And yes, you're correct, it's difficult to understand, coming from my perspective. John Henry (a Brother): " I will not be put in my place. I will stand on my feet." -------Stand Tall!


The Following Discussion with Sista Courtney is about Trayvon Martin and Our Community: CourtneyR: You know what I find strange with these racists? All of a sudden, they appear so concerned about black life in chicago and across this country. What's going on in those neighborhoods etc. You can see right through them, what they are attempting to do. What are they doing about it to help out? SEcond, the bottom line is, TRAYVON's situation and murder has nothing to do with what is going on in chicago and across this country. His murder has to do with racist propaganda , attempting to muddy the waters of TRAYVONS murder by trying to link the two. These are two separate issues and they know this. It is their way AGAIN, of not taking responsibility for their own racist, unjust actions towards african american men in this country. Me: Exactly, Sister. The racists talk about situations in our communities, but they never advocate radical, revolutionary solutions in our communities. They just advocate the same old gentrification and privatization schemes that never fully work to solve our issues. They exploit the suffering of our people as a means to try to dominate us (and falsely scapegoat us totally for our oppression). They want control over us, which is why they try to constantly follow us

on social media (or in other areas in real life). If we were not a threat to them, they would ignore us. Obviously, every black male and every black female is a threat to their system. The good news is that since 2012, more folks see their wickedness. Their Empire is crumbling and we must be prepared for the aftermath of the end of white supremacy fully. Genetically, they are jealous of us being the first, being blessed with dark melanin (and having a great phenotype), being heavily fertile (with having 2 billion worldwide in the near future), being musically gifted, being creative in unique forms, and being heavily spiritually attuned the ways of the truth. We are the original humans. We are a naturally compassionate and loving people, which is why when we love each other, that spiritual force of goodness overshadows the racists' negative energy. So, Sister we are blessed and our humanity shines through. Trayvon Martin's death was a turning point in our history. It separated the wheat from the rotten plants. It has galvanized our community. Hopefully, we can use his memory to fight for more improvements in our community. The war is not over yet, so we ought to continue to be active and help our people with love and altruism. We owe it to the brothers and the sisters that passed away unfortunately to fight for a better world for us (and our descendants). You certainly inspire me including Erica, Dandelion, Soulty Soul (whose comedy is so good that she can win in Apollo with one try. LOL. Go ahead on with your bad self), Vanity, BroShabbazz, Jazz, John Henry, edud, marcus, and others. CourtneyR: Dr. William Gates was arrested because, a YT stranger in HIS community saw Gates trying to gain entrance into his own home. Unbelievable right? NOSEY! Also, when a human being does something wicked against another, they have to cover their tracks. They have to keep an eye out and look over their shoulder because of the criminal ,wicked act that they committed against another. Like slavery affects african americans in this country, you better believe it does the same to YT people in this country. They are terrified of consequences so, trying to control, dominate,and using false scapegoats against african americans is actually, their way of trying to keep african americans from coming together and rising up, as an united front, to deal with their imposed system of racism against brown black people. Also,I was watching something about the power of melanin and dark matter and the Pineal Gland. OMG!!!!!!!!!! So very interesting and I am still learning about it. :) One part it states that, We havent learnt yet that not all people are our friends nor that all people have the true sense and patterns of humanity. It also goes on to say that this includes some of our own.So very deep. EVeryday, we are learning and working on ourselves. The people that you mentioned, have real, relevant stories to tell. Things that we can all learn from since we have different experiences but share the same common story in this country.I am inspired by you and those that have such a fight,balance,compassion, and leadership role towards life. Me: You are right Sister. I did some research on the Internet and it confirms our high level pineal gland power. Also, I found out that melanin contributes to great eye development. This has been found by Chemist James Norris, PhD, and retina surgeon Kourous Rezai, MD. So, Sister we are blessed. That is why they (we know who the they are. Wink Wink. LOL) hate it when we act in Unity against the oppression of our people. Dr. William Gates is a

moderate type of Brother and they treated him like a common criminal. If they can do that to him, they can do to anyone. Yet, we should not live in fear all of the time. We should just live our lives faithfully and be in tuned with spiritual truth and strength. Strength and compassion are not 2 mutually exclusive actions that we can execute separately. We can utilize both at the same time as a means to have liberation and soul enrichment. CourtneyR: I find the connection of melanin and the pineal gland, absolutely intriguing because it is. And so do they( we know who they are WINK WINK LOL) You are right. We should not live in fear because it's our GOD given right to exist peacefully.Strength and compassion are apart of being spiritual. It does not have to be one or the other... Me: You are right sweetie. That is why they try to mimic our image with surgeries, tans, fashion, music, and culture in absolute jealousy of our God given gifts. When the Brothers and Sisters peacefully protested for Justice for Trayvon Martin in over 100 cities recently, that refuted their lies about these protesters (of claiming that they were enacting violence as falsely said by that reactionary Sean Hannity). We have the right to protest and allow our voices to be heard in the world. So, this move towards justice is a long one, but a necessary one. We are in the right side and we win in the end. One of the human beings that inspire me ideologically is the Sister Cynthia McKinney. Her words led me into the path of advocating true social justice on another level. So, Blessings to You Sista. You are amazing like always. :) CourtneyR: I was very proud to see all of these younger people mobilizing and letting their voices be heard, about what happened to TRAYVON. Speaking loudly against STAND YOUR GROUND LAW. And it looks like things are picking up steam.. They have realized that, they can't let this issue go now. Not after what happened to TRAYVON, JORDIN DAVIS and the countless other black men who are profiled for being AFRICAN AMERICAN.. Hannity has gotten worst. Rush worst. They have so much hate inside of them. We are certainly on the right side of life, on this issue and it has to be corrected. Thank you, so are you. :) ______________________

Appendix A: More Great Discussion Between Me and the Great Black Sister Courtney Me: Some of these trolls exploit political controversies as a means to try to intimidate black people in this forum. They also want as much black human beings as possible to ally with bigoted, nefarious characters from the Tea Party movement and other reactionary characters. So, I know what the deal is. Debate, Dissent, and critique are fine with me, but not disinformation, fear mongering, and obscene rhetoric against the President including his family by white racist extremists (since these sick folks have not just slandered the President, but his family too. Also, I do give due respect to the elegant and beautiful first Lady Michelle Obama for her exercise campaign that contributed to the lower childhood obesity numbers in the States recently). Courtney: But that's the thing, they are NOT intimidating anyone here or anywhere else for that matter. Pretty much a waste of time and space on their part. smh Me: Indeed. They are wasting real time for real discussions about solutions in our communities. They are like Don Quixote. They are riding the horses into faux causes and falling down hurting no one, but themselves. Brothers and Sisters know the real truth amidst their smokescreens. We are not intimidated by their rhetoric for we have truth on our side. When we have the truth, their deceptions will never effect us at all. We should continue to advance Unity, real solutions, Love for each, growth spiritually including morally, and the fight for Justice (as a replacement of the wicked system of white supremacy). I love your genuine, Kind Heart. Good Morning to you Sister. Bless you Soul. :)

Courtney: Absolutely, What they are trying to do is disrupt flow but as they can see, it does

not work. I'm all about advancing unity and finding real solutions but I also recognize that we should do our part as well by not becoming the problem. We all have work to do because the wicked, believe in their sick agenda. One of the goals for these types is to create issues and problems when their aren't any. We see it on here all the Be bless and thank the one that made you that you do not see life, through their eyes. That many do not subscribe to their way of thinking. Good morning to you.As always, stay blessed. :) _________________________

Me: Indeed, Sister Courtney, I feel like my mind is running on huge cylinders today. LOL. My conscious feels stronger. Maybe it is because of the food I ate or I had a huge time to rest. Courtney: Your conscious feels stronger? What are you eating? :) Me: LOL. Just regular foods (cereal, bananas, meats, applause, etc.). Sometimes, it is just one of the those days when you have a lot of energy to write information. Also, Sister, I feel like we are in the right track here more than ever. I find it interesting that the anti-woman haters (and the pessimists including the psuedo-black conscious types) are readily allied with white reactionaries like Alex Jones (a man that slandered the family of Trayvon Martin and these sellouts want to love him like he is a Savior. Just like these sellouts can't get enough of their idol). Alex Jones loves Larry Elder, made exaggeration about riots, made numerous false predictions about events, outlines massive xenophobic rhetoric, loves Stand Your Ground, loves the Tea Party movement, etc. Alex Jones also touts Thomas Jefferson, a 100% racist, rapist, and slaveholder. These liars need to keep it real for minute and listen to reality. Alex Jones allows Ted Nugent on his show and he never calls Nugent out on his rant against the black community on his show. Nugent is known to mention racist, sexist garbage for years. Alex Jones refuses to call out white supremacy as public enemy number one as the reason for our oppression explicitly. I am doing my research about this. Actually, I did my research about him or Alex Jones for years. I know all about his agenda. I am putting things together. Also, these frauds & sellouts readily demonize Brothers and Sisters who are doing great research (those who are doing Great Research are Dr. Fuller, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, and others). Ever since August 1, I feel like these liars (who constantly have a negative, demonic attitude, which signifies anti-blackness) are coming out the woodwork to try to use black conscious (or opposition to globalism) as a means to demonize black human beings on the low (especially black women). I will not obsess on this point for now on since I made my peace on this issue. I will move forward in advancing real Black Power. Courtney: Brain food. :) Nothing wrong with that. One of my favorite fruit is a pear. That's

my go to fruit that I carry during the day to curb the sweet tooth. You are aligned in thought. Maybe it's time to write a book. :) Me: LOL. Maybe I will when I am older. Thank you Sista. LOL. I love a good pear. Back in the day, I would eat a pear with the quickness. Bless you. I do like strawberries since they give me a lot of energy as well. Courtney: You. are welcome. Yes, the obsession to try and make everything black, obsolete is beyond wicked. The fear has to do with not dealing with their history truthfully. What saddens me is that, we have some of our own, who really hate themselves to the point that they will do all in their power to side with the many lies told about us from racist people. It's really crazy to see how you are prejudged as an African American woman or man by others when in fact, they don't know a thing . This is why it's so important to hold your head high and keep on stepping. Me: Indeed Sister. We should never give up. That is the fundamental focal point that you have eloquently mentioned. Positive energy and real inspiration can lead into momentous achievements among our people. You as an African American woman and me as an African American man have been prejudged before, but we do realize that we are in a long family tree of heroes. Our ancestors were great heroes that worked, cared for each other, built up great civilizations, and carried forward the idea of Justice for humanity. We carry their tradition by the legitimate things that we enact in this generation of near the 22nd century. All of your words are accurate here of keeping our heads up. One thing that racists hate is when we will not show hateful, negative energy. If we show positive, strong energy, it can go a long way in inspiring our people (and it can cause more hope plus joy to exist in our communities. This energy along with militant action can further develop solutions in our communities too). So, Courtney, thank you for your words of wisdom and your inspiration for me and others here. Your light shines brightly here. You truly inspire me in my life. Thank You. :) Courtney: Thank you for your wisdom , strength and inspiration. Thank you for STANDING up and DEFENDING AFRICAN AMERICAN black women and men. As you can see, the world needs it more than ever now. I really hope Mr. Simmons can clear this up. WE don't need people making light of black heroes and the very real sacrifices that they made on the account of us and the entire world. _________________________ Courtney: I guess he does not know that their are black people who would rather work 2 and three jobs than ,take assistance. Assistance should be for those who really need it. Nothing wrong with it but lets be clear,the percentage of whites using food stamps, are very

high. The first time I ever saw one was someone that I knew from school, who was YT , using them, and they lived in a very nice house. Getting the kitchen remodeled with straight granite countertops but was on food stamps. Go figure. True story. smh Me: Indeed Sister. Poverty is a real scourge and it does not discriminate. I see a lot of the white poor all of the time in Hampton Roads, Virginia (where I am from). Many of them vote against their economic interests all of the time. It is ironic to say the least. That is why it is certainly necessary for us to fight against poverty. Also, assistance should be given to those that need it as you have mentioned. These extremists like O'Reilly & Limbaugh fail to see that our average tax rates are in fact lower than most years in the past five decades (among many taxpayers), we have record corporate profits, and the social safety net is being radically cut (yet, they still want more radical cuts when humans now in America are literally starving to death). Many of us have been blessed, so we will treat the suffering and the poor with humane compassion and profound, mature dignity. That is why I am more progressive on economic issues. Helping the least of these and the Golden Rule are common sense spiritual truths that both of us take to heart. Good morning to you. :) Courtney: NO it does not discriminate at all. The poor come in all colors ,shapes and sizes.As you stated, just because someone is poor, does not mean they do not deserve compassion, dignity and a helping hand because it can happen to any one of us at any given time. The poor are not to be pitied but helped as you stated and being witnesses to people who are poor, should humble us. Again, what we take for granted, others need and could use. I always heard from my mother, " finish everything on your plate because their are kids who wished they had food to eat, or water to drink. Same principal. Good morning back. :) Me: Thank you back. Courtney: lol You're welcome. __________________ Me: I think that age has nothing to do with it since many young folks are mature. He is 26. Yet, it is common sense for a pastor to not party at a Rick Ross concert, especially if you are in that position. Pastors are not perfect, but there is a line. He could of gone to a political rally, go into a barbeque, go hang out with friends, go to other concerts (from musicians like Sade, Anita Baker, and even some young religious musicians), and other places for having enjoyment. Just because you are a pastor, doesn't mean that you should end your fun. Yet, Ross talks about things in his lyrics that a real pastor can never support totally. The good news is that he can build himself up. He can use that as a learning experience (of seeing that we fall at times and his error is not the end of the world, just a bump in the road). In the final analysis, we are all fighting against police brutality, oppression, unjust wars, and monopoly

capitalism. So, with faith and strength, he can be a better man. Courtney: Yes. he even could of invited rick ross to a gathering , spoke to him about many things to take back messages to others. Learn and move on. Me: Indeed, Wise and Sweet Sister. :) He or the young pastor can use his youth to bridge the generation gap among his parishioners and other religious human beings. Courtney: I agree. Why not? :) Me: Right Sister, Instead of tearing the Brother down, we should allow the Brother to redeem himself and be a better human. He is not like Jimmy Swaggart or a person like that. Redemption and human improvement ought to be one of the very vital basis of true spirituality. In this generation, we need to build up the Brothers and the Sisters in the world. I think that the youth have a lot of great value and this Pastor Rodney can have a real chance to be more revolutionary. He only needs a little direction, education, and inspiration. At the end of the day, we should help the poor, comfort the suffering, and use action as a means to benefit the people. That is how we receive our Crown and become real human beings. ___________________________ Me: You are right. He tries to slander black people (both males and females now) as an excuse to deny the criminal nature of white supremacy. I will never ally with a man that says to blacks go back to Africa if they want reparations. I will never ally with a man that committed perversion in violation to his marriage commitments to his wife. This adulterer has no moral right to judge the black community at any circumstance. He is 6 ft. 3 and I am slightly shorter than him. So, he is no threat to anyone here. I wish that I was on his show, because I will say some words to him. He is a puppet of the FOX News network and the banking elite. Single mothers have nothing to do with the death of Trayvon Martin at all. This liar Bill O'Reilly has omitted that we in the black community has talked about and debated issues of family, the entertainment industry, and other likeminded issues for decades. Trayvon Martin's death has to do with a vigilante and woman beater killing an unarmed, innocent black male. I can not mention all that I want to write here, because of censors. In private, let's just say that I have colorful words for Bill O'Reilly. O'Reilly is a piece of the work that ignores the need for economic and social justice (not just moral including ethical development) as a means to liberate black human beings. Sociologist Dr. Stephen Steinberg made an article about these issues refuting Bill O'Reilly's lies called, "'Poor Reason: Culture Still Doesn't Explain Poverty." In other words, regardless if you are a single mother or not, if you lack educational, economic, and political resources including fair institutions, some (not all) will still suffer in certain circumstances. Humanity is dynamic not monolithic. The Leave it to Beaver stuff doesn't work all of the time. I do believe that any child should have male and female influences though since we are in the human family. We need comprehensive solutions not Eurocentric, theocratic, and reactionary propaganda. Our

African culture has been communal. We had grandfathers, cousins, and the whole community caring for our children beyond just the nuclear family (which I have no issue with if that family is loving and real). Ironically, his ancestors were oppressed heavily centuries ago by the same corporate elites that dominate his network today. He follows the agenda of our oppressors. Courtney: Bill O rielly is a bully. Ever notice when he does not like what you are saying, he talks over you? or tries to get you out of there? Some people on here do that. lol. They are truly tragic. When people like Billio do this, you know you have them beat. You got to them and they can't control themselves. Making immature, degrading remarks about people they don't personally know. To easy. smh Me: Right Sister. He is a bully. He disrespected Jeremy Glick (who was a grieving son), so that outlines his character. I talk with a masculine voice especially if I want to make an explicit point. If I was on his show, it will be a loud exchange. Yet, Sista, with folks like that, we can thank God that we can never be brainwashed. We can thank God that we love truth and wisdom not dissension or ignorance. He loves torture and he tries to lecture us on morality. On economic issues, he is the like Tea Party activists. We have them beat ideologically as you say since their intemperate anger outlines insecurity and hatred of any progressive insight. Blessings to you like always. You are certainly a gifted Sista and I love your wisdom. I love your sensitivity and I love your strength :)

Courtney: HAving to much COMPASSION is like having to much LOVE. :) Life is a journey and everyone has their own scheduled time, living their journey and bringing,calling into their lives what they want it to be. It has to come from a very pure place that does not judge. Something as all of us as human beings do,. We are not perfect but, we have those among us that strive to lend understanding to others, even if they themselves, have not gone through whatever someone else may be dealing with. It's harder to have compassion for someone when they can't relate. But even with that being said, you still have those people who are good natured, who try anyway. :) Their are a lot of wicked people in the world and on this site, who look to project the VENOM that is in their hearts, onto others. It's like looking at them through a mirror. I just have to shake my head because what they fail to realize is, the only thing that is truly in CONTROL, is the one who made you. Once you understand that in your being, EVerything else , and everyone who think like them, are small in nature. The great thing is, those that walk with us ,still try and extend that hand. The receiver of that kind of extension that shuns that, is not ready to deal with their issues. Step away, give it time,. Before its over for them, they will hopefully get it. I love your Strength, insight, intellect and kindness. Don't conform to those around you, who do nothing but put bad energy back out. Me: Thank you. I will remember your words. You are so kind and your words inspire my soul, Sista. __________________________

Me: Tattoos are not a fad anymore. I seen the rich, poor, middle class, elderly, every race, and every background have them now. The vast majority of folks I have seen age 35 or younger have at least one tattoo. Back in the 1960's, that was not the case. This is a case of generational differences, cultural differences, and a wide spectrum of issues. I will look at both sides to make up my mind fully about this issue. Courtney: I don't mind a few. Just my personal taste. NOthing against those that have sleeves on arms and legs,necks and faces (overboard) but I don't like that many on the human body. I think he should of worn a suit because so many YT males like Jesse James etc have the same amount of tats that the game has and I don't think he would be turned away if he wore a suit. Had the game wore proper attire for their dress code. ,and they turned him away, that would be a serious issue.. Me: Yeah, generationally the older crowd are more repulsed by tattoos all over the human body than the younger generation. For folks in my generation and younger, it is the in thing is to have tattoos on the neck, on the back, on the hand, on the legs, on the feet, on the torso, etc. You get the picture. LOL. This incident deals with his attire, dress codes, and what other occupants were wearing. The Game is an artist that folks in my generation know about. We know about his errors and some legitimate things that he has done. There is a balance to be struck. We should have decorum in a setting (in other words, we can't be nihilistic or obscene), but at the same time, we should not use this incident as an excuse for us to sugarcoat our soul or our normal black creativity too. We are Brothers and Sisters and we ought not to be bourgeoisie for anyone. Courtney: tattoos on the neck, on the back, on the hand, on the legs, on the feet, on the torso, etc. You get the picture. LOL. Thats not a person, that's a walking build board. lol.. Just kidding. Thats way to many and plus, this is what I think about. What happens when all of these people get older, like in their 60's and 70's with that many tats everywhere? I have two small ones. One on the inside of my left wrist. A music note I got in 2001.i'm done. :) I do believe that we should not have to be bourgeoisie for anyone. Just be respectful ,when you walk into someone else's house, so to speak. :) Me: You are correct. We can be humble in our walk, but not sellout our core convictions. That is the name of the situation. When we walk into anyone's location, we should show human beings dignity and respect. I have looked at both sides and now I have made up my mind now. My view is that the Game certainly has a long way to go in improving his conduct. I believe that he can not just go into any establishment looking any type of way. Long term, he doesn't have to be like Benson, but he can express his gifts in more constructive ways. That is the fundamental truth. We are not children anymore and vulgarity and other evils are antithetical to the values of our community. Thank you for your words, Sister. Also, you are a genius on the essence of music situation. You really know your stuff about music. Courtney: Absolutely. I believe the game has great potential to be a really good leader. He

takes care of his children, and the show that he had with his fiancee and children, was an eye opener to a different, gentler side of him. But like you said, he has some more growing to do in certain aspects of life. Like we all do. So , I can't write him off because, he showed me some things that I like about him. Not talking about his past but he deserves a chance. As far as Robin, Pharrell and company, what they did, by trying to sue the GAYE estate first so the family didn't sue first, when its CLEARLY a rip off of Marvins song, is straight up GREEDY. But, that's what this business is about, and this is why its so hard for many to make it,if you are not about the many games that go on in that industry. Certain sides and things about the industry, is not for everyone. Me: Indeed. In the long term, the Game can shock humanity if he go into radical improvements. As long as a Brother or a Sister is living, I will never completely count that human being off totally in life. As long as we are alive, folks can wake up and see the light. We can see history where folks we least expect can do great things in the future. We know about the Game's errors, but one thing that is true is that he loves his children. Even on the reality show, you can never deny that. We all need that growing including the Game as you have mentioned. Our bodies are our temples and we should love our people in a compassionate way (but we can never give our people license to glamorize nihilism or revelry either. Checking our people is an example of compassion as well without breaking someone down in an evil way). We know the enemy loves unnecessary chaos and evil vulgarity. We should never fall into their footsteps. Your words about the industry are accurate indeed. The industry is like a hot mess and a half. Courtney: I can agree with that.You said. Checking our people is an example of compassion as well without breaking someone down in an evil way). Love that! One thing that is great about the internet is,we don't really have to rely on the industry now to get music out. That is crazy to me. The great producer, Easy Moe Bee, gave me some really good advice when I was younger.He was also a really nice person to talk to because he was patient in teaching me some things about radio.At that time, I was trying to come in with my own sound and not sound like everyone else and he showed me what the difference was about what radio wanted ,vs what I wanted. I met a few cool people along the way and not so cool people along the way. Their were no women around when I was actively pursuing it. Groupies yes, but not many women behind the machines.. Lenny Green was cool too but, at the end of the day, every creative person, has to stay true to what it is that they do and thats a huge decision to make. At the end of the day, no one can see your vision.No matter what avenue of creating that may be. Whether it be painting,drawing, music,writing, photography and the list goes on. Me: Indeed Sister. You are certainly gifted in music. We all have great stories that deal with our gifts. At the end of the day, we all have our paths in life. We should follow our inner voice or conscious as a means to fulfill our life's potential. We should individually work on Self and collectively fight for the improvement of the black community in general. There are huge temptations in life in general, but we can overcome them with self control and learning lessons along the way. You seem to be a great soul by your reflective nature (and your great insight on music,

policy matters, and life in general). Therefore, we should encourage each other and respect each other as full human beings. I think things happen for a real. Every since I communicated with you, it feels like I put my life into more perspective and spiritually I have grown. I am not perfect in every way, but I have improved in my own personal maturity. You are great Sister and Keep up the great work in inspiring minds and building up the community. All of us here love you as a Strong Sister and respect you as a Great Human Being. :) Courtney: Truth, NONE of us are perfect in life but because we are imperfect, it makes us all the more beautiful. We have nothing, if we don't continue to strive upwards for clarity,reflection,understanding. If we don't go out and experience what life has to offer. We owe that to ourselves while we are here, with the time that we are given.No one knows what's going to happen but appreciating the gift of life, being alive, reaching out to one another, is apart of living life peacefully. Doing what is right so everyone can at least experience what its like to be kind, understanding, compassionate, uplifting towards each other. I don't understand the unnecessary cut throat behavior that happens with one another. That is not how it's suppose to be and it does not have to be in my opinion. That is a waste of time. Like you stated, we all have our own journey and things do happen for reasons that we may not understand or simply, those things just were not meant to be. Maybe their are other avenues that are meant instead. I appreciate so many people that I come across on this site and in life. No one is better than any other. Both women and men alike. I am drawn to your energy because its a subtleness that I understand, that comes across people ,especially in men. Your parents should be very proud of you because so many of us here respect your nature. Thank you and blessings to you too. :) Great human beings are all around us and they are made. We all are great. _______________________ Courtney: what does surprise me is how many people out here think they have the right to control others. REALLY? People are really having a conversation about how black men should walk on the sidewalk in 2013? are you kidding me? you have the right to walk anywhere you want and how you want. You have the right to breath and defend yourselves like any other living breathing human being. People are pacifying black men by telling them to bow down to these unjust laws? the attitude should be , don't start none ,wont be none. you stay in your place,and there will be no need for me to come out of my place. Don't walk slow, don't walk fast, don't run so you don't look suspicious. Well F that.You have the right as black men to poke your chest out as men and claim your manhood and put anyone in there place if they feel they have the right to take your life. The only thing any man should be bowing down to is his creator. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO EXIST WITHOUT FEAR of being MURDERED because of the color of your skin. It is time for black men to unite because ,all of this is beyond ridiculous. Me: You are 100 Percent Right Strong and Lovely Sister. Western society always wants to emasculate black men, which is one of their biggest crimes. A man should always be a man. We have to be strong in the midst the storm. As long as we have the umbrella of

righteousness, then the rain won't effect us. We can stand the rain and overcome it. A man has every right to be aggressive in opposing injustice in the world. The actions of pacification and submission to evils are played out. If a Brother like Forest Whitaker (who is a great actor and an easy going Brother) was treated like a criminal when he was just peacefully walking in an establishment, then they have no respect for us. They definitely do not have respect for women (who are the creators of human life). We as black men and black women should stand up for our rights and oppose unjust laws. I am a Brother and showing my creativity, strength, and swagger is cool. A'int no man has the masculinity or the swagger like black men. A'int no woman has the femininity or the swagger naturally like a black woman. So, we are first with it and we will the last with a glorious legacy. The Brother from Richmond (BroShabbazz) is right that we have to teach the youth about the real truth and do legitimate actions to assist our communities. It is better for us to do constructive work than stay on the sidelines. I will never be ashamed of how I look, how I talk, my natural masculinity, or my basic social dispositions. The Trayvon Martin decision hopefully can be a turning point in our community for us to really cause radical, revolutionary changes in our black community. We have to do what is right for us and for generations unborn. You always defend us Brothers Courtney and we always defends Sisters like you (All black women also are deserving of dignity, equality, and respect). We will always have your back. :) We will always advance justice firmly. Courtney: know matter our unique differences, we have your back too. The first man I ever laid eyes upon was my father. A black man.I see the beauty in black men because of him. Because of my brother, I see the beauty in you, john, BROSHABAZZ, edud and others. no matter how idealistic I grew up, i'm not EVER going to turn my back on the black man.I see the truth and know it. That does not mean that I dont wish peace on others to live their lives the way they see fit and with who but,this TRAYVON situation is serious.2013 and my grandmother who is still living, my mother and people of those generations have to continue to see this nonsense? Its time to start looking out for each other on all fronts and it starts now.Its why on the net or otherwise truth, I will not argue with another sister, or brother. will discuss and even not agree but, you will never see me go after,talk down, curse out another african american because I won't. I will give my opinion and agree or disagree and admit when someone teaches me something that I may not of thought of before or knew.And when another women does that to me, I will state that, Im not going there with them like that. but we can talk it out ...the rest, I put on ignore because they are here to agitate and purposely start problems by lying on you to push there agenda.


Me: Thank you for your words Sister. I can not mention all that I want to mention about the evil man Tommy Sotomayor here since I have to be TV G here. You are so compassionate Sista. With a man like me, I can be

sensitive (to you and others since you are definitely 100 percent real with you having true love for our community and making a difference in the lives of many human beings), but towards others, I have to speak my mind in a politically incorrect fashion. Also, I like to listen to Neely Fuller, Trojan Pam, and others. You are right that those who slander black women, women in general, black men, and people in general have no backbone. They are cowards and traitors to our people. Many of them refuse to confront poverty, racial oppression, or any form of oppression in the world. They refuse to look at the complexities of society. So, they project their insecurities at black people (which they make a scapegoat for the horrendous system of white supremacy). Like always, we can be constructive without fear mongering or evil hatred. As black men and black women, we bring great insight into the table of discourse. We are equal in our intellectual power, in our human value, and in our fundamental drive for Justice. Likewise, we can respect our physical, emotional, physiological, and other differences that we have as well in a progressive fashion. I can learn a lot of from various black men and various black women as a means to understand the world better and be more inspired to fight for black liberation. Thank you for speaking up strongly for Black Women and speaking up for Black Men as well (with your great words about us Brothers. You were raised by a Strong Father, a Strong Mother, and a Strong Family across many backgrounds. We all love your inspirational life. You are Blessed and all of us who are real respect you a Great Deal Sister Courtney). Thank You Dear Sister for your words and your Strength. We are all in this same struggle for liberation and we will win with the Help of God, our Ancestors, and our people. On a lighter note: I recently got my edge up and my goatee is shaped up greatly, so everything is all good Sis. LOL. :) Courtney: Thank you. I'm reading the haters comment toward you and it's the typical nonsense spewed against stand up men. Why do some males think that when a man can talk to women, that they are simps.? I know men like you. You understand what black women go through and what they need. But black women also understand that, when MEN like you ,mean business, when its time to get your roar on, We step back so men can deal with business. The hater, does not know what that is about. They think, controlling women, talking down to them, cursing them out,making babies and cooking is the only thing women are good for, in his world. He does not understand ,generally speaking that, men who respect women can get women to listen and trust and eventually submit to men who understand that women and men are pairs that come full circle. smh Anyway,Keep being you.Women here respect your leadership,intelligence,wisdom,care and concern. Black men and women, can learn a lot from each other, when they are not fighting each other but listening more. You have a great family thats full of togetherness and love. Protect that and keep it near.Your mother and father should be so proud ...Bless you and yours. :) lol, Well, you can never go wrong with a goatee. :) __________________________________

Me: Go ahead with you bad self then. :) Sista Courtney. There is a time to be logical (like if I am dealing with bills or handling other affairs of life) and there is a time to be emotional (if I want to celebrate joy or root for a team) at certain times in life. It is all about balance. Continue to show your Great Wisdom. Courtney: Hello Truthseeker2436577 I see. He see's women a certain way, thats fine but women being other ways, does not make them wrong.. No man in their right mind, would have an issue with women who are emotional and can be logical.. Um, women tend to be emotional and nurturing. People that can see both perspectives,can work out issues between them. Me: Hello to you too. You are correct. Life flows in cycles and life is never mechanical or extremely scientific all of the time. Sometimes, life will throw a curveball and we have to adjust to it in a great fashion. Humans are dynamic filled with logic and emotion. We can handle each in a strong fashion as a means to grow our maturity and our social development. A man or a woman showing emotion and logic is just a part of being human. That is the real and that's the deal. Goodnight Sista Courtney. A Brother is about to get some Sleep now. LOL. Peace Lovely Sister.

Courtney: Lol, its how I see life so thank you. You always have such intelligent things to say and always defending black men and women who deserve to be defended. You never make excuses or paint black people with one large brush. As we all know, their are issues and solutions to them. At the same time, so many black men an women, do not fall into these negative stereotypes that we see some on here speak about. For those who never see anything good about black women only means, they are dealing with things that's reflective inside of them. One day, they will wake up. I know what you are talking about today, about getting some sleep. lol I plan on doing that myself, after I write back a few more .:) You are a blessing to everyone here and such a strong, inspirational man. Thank you. Me: Thank you your words. I am a fair man and I never paint broad brushes against any human being. I do realize that life is filled with complexities and unique dynamics. You defend our people with compassion and strength. Hopefully, those deceived about society will wake up. Some of our community have woken up indeed. The reality is that we should continue fighting for justice. Our ancestors never stopped fighting and we will never stop because we can't stop. We can use mentorships, fund black conscious groups, institute other unique solutions, and fund local black businesses as well. Like you have mentioned, there is great value in Black Men and especially Black Women. You as a black woman and me as a black man complement each other in great ways. We go through similar struggles and we love the essence of our black identity too. Sister, you are the one that is inspirational too. You go out of your way to give advice and outline tolerant words here. Your light stay shining and that is a great asset for our people. I will always defend you and appreciate the goodness that you bring here and in lives of our community. Your family should be thankful of a great Sista like you. All of us who are real here love you as a Great Black Woman. You are a glorious inspirational woman inside and out. :) I care for you and I respect you. Thank you Sister. Courtney: Good afternoon. You are so right. Our ancestors never stopped fighting. You touched upon something so profound and that is. like you stated "there is great value in Black Men and especially Black Women. You as a black woman and me as a black man complement each other in great ways. We go through similar struggles and we love the essence of our black identity too". And because of this, we should be a bit more tolerant of each other as black men and women,and in general. Great black MEN and WOMEN exist not only here in America, not only in different states and cities,but around the world and on this site. They know who they are. :) It does not cost anything , to say something to someone that will help them understand things. But I'm also a believer in how things are said. That includes me too...If you want good for yourself, then how could you not want it for others? OUr experiences make up different but we share a common struggle as well as issues. All the more reason to learn from one another,uplifting each other, showing those differences so others can relate but having respect for each other in the search for common grounds on issues. I can only share what I know like others.NO one is better than anyone else .I can tolerate a lot like most black women, men, people but somethings we shouldn't have to and won't..I appreciate your words, your gentle nature, strong leadership,intelligence, laid back nature.. Your family should be so proud. I respect you too so thank you back. :)

Me: Good afternoon Sister You are so great and eloquent with your words. We inspire each other and I am filled with joy in the sense that we can help our people in a myriad of ways. Have a Blessed and Nice Day Sister Courtney. :) Courtney: Likewise and absolutely. Have a wonderful day too Truthseeker2436577 :)


On the Death of Brother Jonathan A. Ferrell Me: Hitting him 10 times. This was as an evil, unjustified execution. These recent revelations confirm my view about this case. It has always been evil murder done against unarmed black males, but the brazenness of it now by crooked officers is truly disturbing to say the least. A black man's life ought to valued, but a lot of ignorant folks hate black men and black women all of the time. This man was trying to receive assistance and he was treated as less than a man by corrupt officers. Justice should be done, but the crooked boys (not men) in blue will try to make excuses. Kudos to Newsone for showing this story here, because our people should be reminded of the injustices confronting our community. Courtney: Hello truthseeker2436577 Last week, around 9pm here, a man of latin origin, knocked on my door and rang the doorbell.I went to the door, never opening it, asking him what he wanted. It was hard to understand him a bit because of his accent but finally figured out that he was asking me about the house for sale across from me. Now, I'm looking at this tall man, asking about some darn building supplies at 9 pm, pitch black out. He wanted to know if I saw some outside the house. In my mind, he was not making sense to me. Could he have been totally legit? Of course but I don't open the door for people at night and not really during the day, when I am home. State your business through the door where I can see you. Anyway, I was like "I don't know what you are talking about.I told him to call the police if someone pulled a fast one on him. I ended up calling for a patrol car to patrol the area anyway. What I said to them was, someone knocked on the door asking about building supplies. That is was probably nothing but found it kind of strange that someone would be asking at 9 at night. I did not panick and tell the police that someone was trying to kick my door in. smh. I am confused as to why this female thought that this man ,who was knocking on the door, was trying to rob and harm her and her child. Me: Hello Sister Courtney. Thank God you are Okay. You being Okay is great first and foremost. You did the right thing since you can just crack the door a little to allow someone to state their business and so forth. I never had an incident like that before. I do have Jehovah Witnesses religious missionaries knock on my door and talking to me about their religious

view before on Saturday mornings though. JWs target homes all of the time, but this act to the young man was totally unjustified without question. The women talking to the operator could have had a preconceived notion (we know the notion) about a black male knocking on her door. He obviously was unarmed and ran away from the house meaning that he was no long term threat to the female. The female acted hysterically. The man was involved in an accident. This incident requires little investigation. It is a clear cut case of excessive force. The officer is lucky that he is charged manslaughter since he should be charged with 1st degree murder as you have mentioned before. Courtney: Thanks but i'm never worried but cautious. I got stuff for that. :)Anyway, The reason why I told it is because, their is a clear line between being hysterical and being rational,calm,and collected. Their would of been no reason for me to ASSUME THAT this latin, mexican, or other man, was going to do me harm right off the back because the door was closed.If the scenario by him changed in some sort of way that was threatening, then I would of went to plan b and called 911 describing what was unfolding. This woman opened the door at 2 in the morning for someone who she thought was her husband? REALLY? Usually, a responsible husband will tell his wife, about what time he is going to be home. And a husband will always say outside the door, "ITS ME" IDENTIFYING himself to his woman in some way with visual conformation because that would be apart of that MANHOOD PROTECTION THING for his woman and family.I'm not buying this scenario. This sounds like a case of the BIG BLACK SCARY MAN SYNDROME. When in fact, it should be the other way around. Me: We know the stuff that you got. :) There is nothing wrong with self defense indeed Sister. :) The rest of your points are very interesting. The "big black brute" sick stereotype is still among us as evident with this incident. Many of the racists have embraced this lying stereotype as an excuse to try to repel legitimate, aggressive black masculine power in the world (and to scapegoat black men for all ills of America). That is an excellent point that you have made. That is why black men have every God given right to be aggressive against oppression, to be aggressive against injustice, to be aggressive as a means to build in society (and achieve their real, total potential as black men), and to be sensitive to the needs of the community, the poor, and the oppressed in society. Black women being strong too is no detriment to her femininity either since as Malcolm X said, when the women is progressive, then the whole of society is progressive. Also, there are always signals that a wife and a husband know when a husband comes home. It can be a specific door ring, or a key opening a door (because if you own a home, you have a key or multiple ones. It is strange for her to not realize that the murdered man was not her husband). The other way around is also correct by you since many black human beings (including strong, black grown men) fear losing their jobs, losing their income, etc. from the current white power structure (as Dr. King said). So, we should use strength not fear as a motivating factor in fighting for our liberation as black human beings. Courtney: You Said- The "big black brute" sick stereotype is still among us as evident with this incident. Many of the racists have this as an excuse to try to repel legitimate, aggressive

black masculine power in the world (and to scapegoat black men for all ills of America). Exactly Truthseeker. When in fact , it was the black mans Masculinity and strength that built America. The stereotypes about the Masculinity of black men are beyond ignorant and it comes from others who fear and lack and have absolutely no confidence of their own masculinity. As a woman, the black man and his masculinity,manhood is something that women should never fear when it's balanced and controlled. That is something that black women need and look for because it's his manhood and masculinity that protects us and gets things done as well as understanding that his power is colossal in nature but never misusing it against his women and children. When WE see a strong,masculine black man, We don't fear it, We smile at it. Their is nothing wrong with BLACK MANHOOD,MASCULINITY. He is not made to be soft but we as women ,tap into his compassionate side for us. The black mans masculinity should not be watered down. Me: Co-Sign 100 percent Sista Courtney :) Once again, you are a great defender of us black men and us Brothers appreciate you for it. Yes, when racists demonize black masculinity, the express their own inadequacies and inferiority complexities. For some, they falsely assume that strength, power, and legitimate aggressiveness are negatives in the world. These folks confuse these items with real evil negatives in the world like mistreatment, abuse, and unjust evil. See, I can be aggressive legitimately or show my strength as a man, but I should not mistreat or abuse a fellow human being. That is the point that you and others have made. We as men and women have differences and similarities. When we appreciate our differences and similarities in a mutually beneficial fashion, then Unity can grow, love can grow, and Life will be more fulfilling. I will continue to defend black men and black women forever like always. Have a Blessed Day Sista Courtney. :) I love you as a great, inspirational human being. :) I love you. Courtney: You said- For some, they falsely assume that strength, power, and legitimate aggressiveness are negatives in the world. As you stated, they are not. Anyone with commonsense, can understand this.I have a brother, have great masculine black men in my family so I will always defend the truth and what I recognize as positives, masculine manhood in black men period.No one can convince me of anything other than that. You have blessed day too Truthseeker2436577 :) _____________________

Me: I heard of the popularity of the show Castle before. I like to look at political shows around this time and then look at other shows later on like comedies or movies on various channels. I am doing fine. Also, I like Soul Story on VH1Soul too (which shows videos about one artist's musical evolution throughout their career). In the final analysis, the grind can never be stopped, the drum still beats, and the soul continues to fly in the Universe. Courtney: I usually do but sometimes, I get sick of all the talking points on certain news channels.. I use to like to watch the Keith Olbermann show until they canned him.I will tune into Melissa Perry, Rachel Meadow wasn't to bad, Chris Mathews. Sharpton. To keep us with all the lies being told. :) CAstle is great! well written show plus sister Tamala Jones plays the medical examiner. Just wish she had more face time but hopefully the new season she will. Love movies. didn't see World War Z yet so hopefully it will be in red box this weekend. :) Me: I know what you mean. I remember watching the Phil Donahue show back in 2003 during the run up to the Iraq War. It was cut soon after the Iraq War began. I look at many political shows to get how folks think on issues and look at the Internet, books, etc. as a means to get the fuller picture on political matters. I do love Angela Rye's tribute to her unborn son. I think she spoke from her heart on that matter. I almost shed tears when I heard her tribute to black males from her heart. Tamron Hall is another strong, qualified, and determined woman too, regardless of how you think of her politics. Balance is what we need as you have mentioned. There is time for joy and a time for seriousness. There is a time to work and a time for play. As long as we fight for truth and improve ourselves including our communities, then that is all that matters at the end of the day. :) Courtney: Yup. Tamron Hall has her own show on Investigative I.D and yes I will watch her on msnbc when I can catch it as well. She is extremely strong ,intelligent. I have even more respect for her, learning about the murder of her sister and how she channeled that into her new show. Thank you for putting me on to Angela Rye. I just watched Letter to my unborn Son. She spoke 100 percent TRUTH and walks with truth to put it out there like that.YOU CAN'T CENSOR THE TRUTH AND IT SHOULD NOT BE. She is right and what she said should

be heard and internalized by every black woman with a son and those of us who have non as of yet.. Thank you for this vital information. :) Me: You're Welcome Sista. Approaching 2020, the struggle continues, but our faith is strong and our cause is just. There is nothing like the truth and true love also. I am human so I will love. I will continue to keep the faith and believe in the honorable adherence to black liberation. Thank you for your insightful Wisdom. :) Courtney: Yes it does. Different Generation,same nonsense.So we have to be careful and not get to comfortable because sometimes things appear as if they have changed, and some things have ,but these institutions of racism that edud01, you,broshabbazz,blackheywood,and even the real smitty in his own way, speak about, are still very much alive. Thank you and thanks to them as well.

Peace. Stay Wisdom Up. I will show the truth filled with the realness and with the quickness, No Doubt.

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