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Spirit-filled life Eph.

5:18 Intro: I remember when I was a child the first gift that I received from my earthly father was a remote control car and I love this gift and every time I went to school I brought it shows off to my friends and my classmates and it was so funny because I did not know how to use it, how to drive it. . . . Story of a Man and new car. He saves for it, buys it, has it delivered to his home. Then he has it parked in his driveway, washes it, waxes it, shows it off to his friends, even sits in it all afternoon long. But, he doesnt know how to start it, so he has to push it wherever it goes. That is a foolish, childish or ridiculous sounding story, but thats how many Christians run their spiritual lives. They know they are saved the moments of our salvation we are sealed and indwelled by the Holy Spirit, but they have never quiet gotten the hang of, or understood being Spirit-filled. O they have faith, but they end up pushing it around instead of allowing it to carry them through life. For these people, Christianity is a constant battle, everyday a struggle. If you and I are going to experience the fullness of the Christian life, then we must learn how to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The key and the secret to living that abundant Christian life, that fruitful and victorious life, is letting the spirit who indwells you control you. Tonight lets look together at How To Have A Spirit-Filled Life. I want to help you reach your fullest potential for God. I want to help you be Spirit-Filled. Eph. 5:18- God commanded that every believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit of God, Christian that are not filled with the Spirit of God is rebellious towards Him. Filled means to be controlled by or to be dominated by, The Christian is to be controlled by the Spirit and dominated by the Spirit of God, We are to be filled continuously, consciously and conspicuously. Until this is a personal reality in your life, you will never be able to fully enjoy, appreciate or participate in the Christian life. Let me remind you that being filled with the spirit of God is not an events or mementos experience of believers. . Spirit filling is not the privilege of s few, this is the command for all. It is not the abnormal Christian experience, it is the normal Christian experience! The evidence of the Spirit's control is revealed in a person's character. Those who have yielded their lives to Christ's leadership are continually being transformed into His likeness. The degree of surrender determines the level of transformation.... Being a Christian we are obliged in every area of our lives, We must strive to be everything we can be for His glory and to do this, we must be Spirit-filled! Notice several areas where it is especially important. 1.Your Worship life Eph. 5:19-20 - To experience true worship, we must be sensitive to, and controlled by the Spirit of God - John 4:24. 2. Your Wedded Life Eph. 5:22-25 (Ill. The wife is to submit to her husband as unto the Lord - (Ill. The husband is to love his wife as if he were Christ loving the church.) Neither husband or wife can fulfil their duties to the other until they are living under the of influence of the Spirit. Children the filling also - Eph. 6:1-4)

3. Your Work Life

Eph. 6:5-9 We are to do our job as if we were working directly for the Lord. You ought to serve your boss as if He were Christ Himself! Our daily work ought to be carried out with the same enthusiasm that we have when we go the church. Every Christian ought to let his light shine brightly on the job. Lazy, slow, critical, dishonest versus honest, careful, punctual, trustworthy, hardworking.) There is a great need for Spirit-filled workers on the job.

4. Your War Life Eph. 6:10-17 - We are locked in mortal combat with a marriage, your faith, your health, your happiness, anything he can ouch and destroy. Your only hope is to be Spirit-filled! 5. Your Witness Life Eph. 6:18-19 - To be a good witness demands that and they will have no power to touch the heart. (III. Acts 1:8)

Character Strong, mature, godly character is the key to successful pastoral ministry. If you need to choose between someone who is educated, experienced, gifted, and skilled and a person who possesses godly character, choose the person with character. Character is about the only pastor qualification referred to in the Bible. Paul made his own list of pastor qualifications in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1. Pastor Qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7

Above Reproach - An accusation of sin won't stick to him. Husband of One Wife - He must be faithful to his wife. He adores his wife and doesn't flirt with other women. Temperate - the Gr. Word lit. means "wineless" means alert, watchful, vigilant, or clear headed. Sober-minded- A man is discipline, knows how to properly order his priorities and is serious about spiritual matters. Has a Good Reputation - People at church and in the community think highly of him. He is respected. Hospitable - His home is open to others. He Can Teach - He has gifted insight into the scripture and communicates well those insights to others. Not Given to Wine - He never gets drunk or over-indulges in alcohol. Not Violent - He resolves conflict peacefully. Does Not Love Money - He is not consumed with his retirement fund or the price of gas. Gentle - His manner and words are not abrasive ...he has a good "bed side manner." Loves Peace - Is someone who works toward peace in every relationship he encounters. Not Covetous - Elders must be motivated by love for God and His people Manages His Home Well - His family and home are in order, not in chaos. His children are polite and respectful. His finances are in order. His children must be believers who are not wild or rebellious. Take care of the church of God - an elder must first proved in the intimacy and exposure of his own home, his ability to lead others to salvation and sanctification. Not a New Christian - He has proven experience as a faithful follower of Jesus. Not Arrogant - He must be humble, thinking of others first. He has a servant's heart. Have a good testimony outside

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