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PERCEPTION- Study of how an organism becomes aware of objects,events and relationship in the outside word through senses PSYCHOLOGY-

scientific study of mental processes and behavior MAJOR FIELDS OF PSYCHOLOGY 1.Abnormal Psychology- deals with behaviour disorder and disturbed individual 2. Biological Psychology- studies relationship between behaviour and body structures of functions. 3. Clinical- used to diagnose and teat mental disorder and adjustment problems 4. Cognitive- explores the way people accrue store and retrieve information. 5. Counseling Psychology- helps people to adjust to changes in their lives. It may help people to make causes, decisions, deals with personal or be relationship problems. Developmental Psychology- studies the physical cognitive and social changes that occur across the life span of humans. Gerantology- focuses on physical psychological and social experives change Educational Psychology- attempts to improve teaching methods to measure learning ability. Evolutionary Psychology- examines how generesponde to natural selection to produce particular traits on behaviour. Industrial Psychology- concerned w/ people at work. It studies how to improve performance. Personality- characteristics that make individual approved from one another. Social Psychology- studies the social behaviour of individuals and groups.

Famous Filipino Psychologist. 1. Randy Dellosa 2. Virgilio Enriquez 3. Clarito Candos 4.Wargie Holmes SOCIOLOGY- study of the individuals, groups and institutions that make up society SOCIETY- group of people who have similar culture and live in a certain area

SOCIOLOGICAL DATA- help explain the causes of prime poverty of other social status What Sociologist Study ( 5 Major Alemp) 1. Population Characteristics 2. Social Behavior 3. Social Institutions 4. Cultural Influences 5. Social Changes Denography- study of composition and distribution of human population. Human Ecology- deals with the structure of envirolants of patterns of settlement growth.

Filipino Sociologist- Randy Davia, Walden Bello Accentes of Socialization. Family, School Anthropology - Scientific Study of humanity and of human discover What Anthropologist Do? 1. Examine the characteristics that human beings share as member of a single species and the different ways that people live in different environments MAJOR FIELDS OF ANTHROPOLOGY 1. Anthropological Linguistics- ways of people of different culture use language. 2. Archeology- Study of reason and past culture. 3. Ecological Anthropology- involves the origins development of fundraising of human culture 4. Economic- deals on how people of different culture produce distribute goods. 5. Ethnography- science description of social cultural groups. 6. Physical Anthropology ( BioAnthropology)- study of biological characteristics of human 7. Political Anthropology- how people make decision and resolve conflict w/in a political system 8 Primatology- study of origin structure debt and behaviour of human and apes. 9 Psychological Anthropology- study of how individual personality are shaped by culture. 10. Social Anthropology- investigates social relationships. Favor Filipino Anthropologist 1. F. Handa Jocano 2. Laurel Elizalda 3. Manuel Santiago

4. Alfredo Evangelista Cultural Relativision- This suggest that one culture is better than the other

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