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What is Coprolalia, Tourettes Syndrome?

Coprolalia Syndrome (Tourette Syndrome), the worlds most common unknown disease, is the genetic neurological disease that involves involuntary movements (tics) and sounds that are repeated many times a day.

Coprolalia Tourette Syndrome is a disease in which often occur during the day voice and motor tics that last at least one year. Tourette syndrome often begins with muscle childhood complex simple tics (repetitive, recoil early to in involuntary, purposeless, and

movements) movements



vocal tics and abrupt, spastic breathing. Voice tics can begin as grunting or barking and thrive in a forced, involuntary attacks of cursing. The number, frequency and complexity of the tics in coprolalia change over time. From mild, such as unintentional winks and coughs to severe that inhibit speech and movement. The disease is four times more common in boys than in girls. A parent has a 50% chance to pass disease on to their children. When speaking about children, we at always recommend our dear readers to take an Avoidant Personality Disorder Test and find more about Erythrophobia Causes and Symptoms. Coprolalia syndrome is an inherited disease that is three times more common in men than in women. The exact cause is not known, but it is thought that it occurs because of an abnormality in dopamine and other neurotransmitters in the brain (substances that nerve cells use to interconnect).


Coprolalia Syndrome Symptoms

Many people have a simple tics, such as repeated eye blinking, which are usually nervous habits and may eventually disappear. Tics in coprolalia are more complex than eye blinking. A child with Tourette syndrome may repeatedly move its head from side to side, eye-blink, open mouth and stretch its neck. More complex tics include banging and kicking, complaining,

contemptuously blowing and buzzing. People with coprolalia syndrome can from obscure reasons shout vulgar expressions, often in the midst of conversation. They can also repeat the words immediately after they have heard (echolalia). Some may suppress some tics, usually with difficulty, other people have difficulties in their suppression, especially during emotional stress. People with Tourette syndrome often have difficulty in social situations. In the past, they were avoided, isolated and even thought that they were possessed of the devil (as inObsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder). Many people with the disease develop rapidly, aggressive and self-destructive behavior, and children often have difficulty with learning. It is not known whether it is caused by the disease itself or the specific stress of living with the disease.

Coprolalia Treatment Association



Early diagnosis can help parents to understand are that not these or behaviors willing

malicious and that they can not be prevented by punishing the child. Parents need to understand how to help a child. Tics can be prevented with antipsychotic drugs, although psychosis is not a problem. Effective is haloperidol, commonly used antipsychotic drug, but it can cause side effects such as numbness, weight gain, blurred vision, drowsiness and slow blunt opinion. Side effects of pimozide, another antipsychotic drug, are usually milder. Clonidine, which is not an antipsychotic, can help to combat anxiety and obsessive-forced behavior, side effects are milder than of haloperidol and pimozide. Clonazepam is a drug against anxiety that in the treatment of Tourette, Coprolalia syndrome has limited success. The disease is not curable, but there are drugs that can control the symptoms that eventually decrease as you get older. Neurochemical term of disease is still not well understood. The main biochemical theory says that there is an imbalance in the function of neurotransmitters (gear information in the brain) called dopamine. The theory is based on the well-being of the effect of drugs that block dopamine, and the fact that certain stimulants such as pemoline and methyilphenidate can increase tics. There is an coprolalia-tourette syndrome association, we recommend you to check (TSA).

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