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Newsflash: City Attorney for Carrollton Texas (Clayton Hutchens) has invented a new law for his municipality. Unlawful use of Roadway and it was used to establish that only DMV licensed vehicles can be driven on Carrollton streets; i.e. in his recorded suite of Alvin Sugar vs City of Carrollton. This establishes case law, to be used against all folks that use alternate transportation; from walking to bicycling, or using legal (per State of Texas) hybrid mobility equipment designed to assist the elderly, and the incapacitated, to handle local functions. The court just erases the words Hybrid, and NEV (unless a class II NEV; that is recognized as a motor vehicle by DMV). Obviously the original Title 49 regulations with its 2 classes of NEVs (published) are now ignored, (including its grandfather clause), and only a new version written by EDU Cornell, that is post facto acceptable, although legally unacceptable. This is a blatant Constitutional violation, but is now a supported agenda by the Republican party in its (immature) struggle to dethrone a President; that is not of their choice, who is attempting to deflect Fascism from spreading into Totalitarianism. So, the Republicans are now out to destroy all Civil Rights; American, International by treaty, along with any human gallant enough to stand up against their abuse. The tough ones amongst us will have to be brave, forceful, and clever enough to bypass local jurisdictions, and force situations into Federal Court to gain respect for Civil law! Stand up for your Civil Rights! That are now under attack! When the enslavement by Government occurs (called Fascism), and individuals are being robbed of their civil rights, the only adventure humans can undertake is to create an underground society, and practice Gandhian philosophy. Government has the firepower to exterminate all us folk who honestly believe in law and order existing for the seeking of justice. Government will unleash intense martial retaliation supporting their imperialistic demands over trivia; and through peer pressure brainwash, actually have the will of the majority militating against us radicals, who actually believe, and follow the concept of law that has justice, instead of a WIN, the national policy. Currently the American court only recognizes a winner as the one with the most power, so we truly have a medieval situation of fighting with money as swords and cannons (leaving us peacenicks with swiss army knives to fend off Government's cannons). When rules are used under color of law, (that have no basis in law) and are employed against we the public, we have no other avenue; especially if blind obedience is totally unacceptable, or ridiculous. If ordered to walk on water, we sink! So we have to develop the concept that it pays to be ignorant, and must overload the jailers! We have to become the new 1960 Flower Children! Alternate transportation appears to be the Government's current concern, so it is now removing safeguards for citizens, violating oaths of keeping the peace, and over aggressively attacking normal peaceful folks that are easily manipulated [like the elderly]. So: 1. When traveling in/on a vehicle where you have no control of, nor are in contract with the DMV; you do not volunteer any information. No driver license, social security number, or birth date. Nada. If pressured, use my hometown; Io of Jupiter. If demanding a Vin # for your bicycle or wheel chair, demand that it accompanies you instead; if arrested, or that the officer arresting you supply you with a signed property receipt; while you jam up 911 with very vocal accusations i.e. if the officer refuses to accept truth and logic by cooperating. 2. Accept the fact that individuals have no say in the stream of political bullshit. No one on earth will assist you. And for all the various corporations that requested you to donate to their worthy (virtual) cause? They will tell you to go to hell regardless of your donations; unless one was a

swimming pool for a Senator. 3. America is below 3d world status, and is now Fascist regardless to the propaganda otherwise, so adapt yourself into Hitler's world for survival. 4. Do not believe in the Constitutional 2nd Amendment; the Fascist's disregard of Armed Citizens now is due to their extreme overpowerment by their possession of WMD; so arming oneself for chaos is truly filing your death warrant - known as Suicide by Officer. 5. All agencies that claim to honor and support the Constitution by oath; are no longer required to follow any of its laws/amendments. 6. If riding a bicycle, (or hybrid mobility scooter) on the street violates an officers ire, one must be aware of the prime law of alodial property, and this kind of property must accompany one to jail and be stored accordingly with wallet watch and keys, and cannot be striped away and treated as a motor vehicle - because an equity contract with the state simply doesn't exist. Police do not have a license to be criminals. So the American Citizen (who is not a corporation) now has the same status as the American Indian had in 1839; when president Van Buren stole their land by force. The Hippy State of demonstrations by ghost dancing (that was religious in context), only increased the Indian massacres and atrocity; justified only by propaganda (lies) - inspired by an ignorant population. This just goes to show that politicians will always bypass the Constitution, the church, and civil rights if associated events do not help to fill their coffers, and if necessary, use death squads for punctuation. This document is not an attempt at scare tactics, but is a wake up call to the sleeping American giant without the gory details of 1941. We citizens have an obligation for survival, and cannot permit ruthless villains (modern crackers) manipulating us to their obscure advantage. To stand and be the mouse that roared is now a necessity. Anything less will tighten our bondage of slavery. Like Patrick Henry stated, forced bondage is so hated that death is preferable. I realize royalty has been a basic human attribute to have a logical interface with a great spirit (God, who truly needs no interface). Instead of attacking the religions, and their faithful, it is the evil (and wealthy) evangelists that refuse to walk in Christs shoes, that is the problem. Wealth should foster philanthropists, and not superficial evangelists. Unfortunately, it is the church that organized politics, and academia, to follow it's paradigm mold. To create the empirical zero tolerance attitudes prevalent today, as demonstrated by the ruling class against financially weaker opponents. One must be bold enough to stand up for International Civil Rights against a gaggle of misguided authoritarians that avoid law that is written/recorded against their short term emotional mindset. The Nazi proposition of martial law when attacked by foreign enemies; has merit when we are invaded physically - but has no merit to militate against any virtual thoughts of attack. This is how American departmentalization is a total failure, and feeds ignorance to handle invasions of basic liberties via illegal usury i.e. equity contracts that do not exist. Police department handle keeping the peace, Fire department is dedicated to putting down fires, under emergencies they are under Semper Fi togetherness; however, must be separated from each other's trivia under normal conditions! And should have the common sense to support a victim of a bullying policeman as an example. Politicians tend to eliminate all these boundaries, and lump agencies together for their self serving interests. This then creates legislation by stupidity i.e. ones who know the least about a situation's details are now governed by the even more ignorant; believing a religious type of dedication can overcome a realistic one - that is initiated by the surrounding world. Obviously in their Universe; self education is merely a criminal act; thus (although educated by institutions), 6th Amendment Attorneys dedicated to Constitutional law, are all criminals?? Now installing political control of municipalities by using corporate law for jurisdiction, the overbearing (pompous) rulers grab all the municipality's agencies, and bully them into forced

compliance of irrational demands. This tends to destroy competence, conscientiousness, along with empathetic concern for the folks to be serviced; creating my 'human cattle' concept, without trust. When treated like cattle we must react like cattle, with the no speaky inglsch, stubborn attitude this document describes! Author's Comment: I wish to add that I had intense interest on the American Civil War and spent 10 years in the law library of SMU to research this era; and learned facts that Academia doesn't, or refuses to acknowledge. Then when seeing the consistent pattern of lying via cover-ups, and the ease of creating patsies by liability inversions executed in a teflonic manor; it stabilized me to comprehend more about our nation's confusions, and brainwashing. I was a loyal Libertarian for 20 years - to the point of assisting the David Duke's run for president of United States. As a Jewish citizen myself, I do comprehend his theory of overcompensation by the Jewish state. Now I have no party affiliations because competition itself, only makes Fascist corruption more uniform. While living in Melrose Park Illinois, I learned to respect the credo of the 'Outlaws', and their peaceful usage of marijuana. [The only underground free market left in America... So it is annoyingly illegal! Just to make absurd profit for high ranking American officials] I have been pleasantly surprised recently that my philosophy is close to the 'Warlock Motorcycle gang'; with the exception of the G factor i.e. using Gandhi instead of Guns! This Gang appears to be more family oriented, than the majority of the more savage American families - that are closely hinged to the Republican party. 1787, George Washington's last term as the 1st President of the United States, he sent our American Ambassador to France to sign the British peace treaty; that gave our Revolutionary victory over to Britain, thus maintaining our status as a British possession (13 British colonies). Our American Ambassador signed the treaty: Benjamin Franklin, Ambassador from Hell! Strangely, Ben Franklin's grandson was arrested for publishing the fact generated by a meeting behind closed doors; that president George had signed over $60,000,000 to king George for repatriations? The unfortunate whistle blower, young Ben Franklin Blaine (the editor of the Aurora 1787) died while in prison awaiting 2 years for a trial, and extradition for a charge of sedition, that was never assembled or registered. Hmmm. The first trashing of the American Constitution while the ink was drying, and obviously a prediction of our future! L' 'bl 7-19-2013

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