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Australian Human Rights

Face book has consistently produced hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Potential stalkers, cyber bullys that know that their presence is going to cause a consequence but appear to not care as they feel its Face book why should I care...... The Privacy ACT 1900 does not give us a clear precise guarantee that we will be protected from a stalker or cyber bully because the technology changes daily and the Police or other Government departments cannot keep up with what is stalking what is not.... Australian Human Rights is a organisation determined to to advocate for real victims of cyber bullying on social media as they are let down more times than not by inaction of the police reluctant to provide any form of protection from those that seek to satisfy their need to cause harm on the internet....

Nine out of Ten criminal complaints surrounding complaints from undue attention from a stalker on Face book is NOT investigated, not because they are vexatious but more because the Police Officer taking the complaint really just doesnt care enough to realise how the stalking or threats have caused you to fear for your life. Many of us have made several complaints to police and have been ignored time and time again whilst the stalker consistently posts evidence of their associations with the police to further show you that they are un-stoppable and can organise the police to act for the stalker and cyber bullys. Police in Australia are reluctant to investigate any internet crime, their investigating is usually left to a phone in complaint as in Queensland Police Link where you speak to a little old lady on the phone who decides if your complaint is serious enough to warrant a phone call back. Police lack of investigating real claims of criminal stalking and cyber bullying has seen many crimes exacerbated when the victim has feared for his safety and the safety of his family and take the law into his own hands. Australian Human Rights aims to publicize and to promote action within all communities to raise the awareness of the vulnerability of us all when we go online knowing that Police do not have the powers to stop any stalking or do they have the knowledge to deal with it......

CRIMES ACT 1900 - SECT 35 Stalking (1) A person must not stalk someone with intent

(a) to cause apprehension, or fear of harm, in the person stalked or someone else; or (b) else; or (c) to cause harm to the person stalked or someone to harass the person stalked.

Maximum penalty: (a) imprisonment for 5 years

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