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1LL 212.532.7160 FAX 212.213.2495
1LL 800.367.9692 FAX 800.542.7567
ISN 978-1-60582-086-6
Cover art from History of Flight by Riccardo Niccoli






N W T I T L S [ FAL L 2 0I 3
F13 Adult Cover_FINAL.indd 1 5/2/13 9:51 AM
pg. 64
pg. 90 pg. 95
pg. 63
pg. 41
pg. 72 pg. 47 pg. 42
pg. 78 pg. 27
pg. 46
Table of Contents
August 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
September 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
October 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
November 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
January 2014 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Recently Published . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Author Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
eBooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
August 2013 August 2013
500 Teapots VoIume 2
I|e u|eat|ta||r aJJ --co|s |aurc|ec a uestse|||r se||esarc |t |ea|rs |ue|] pcpu|a|. |cw cces a
c|ecus lc||cw-up t|at cccuerts t|e ccrt|ruec v|ta||t] cl t|e lc| arc cl a rew |cup cl tcp |rte|rat|cra|
a|t|sts. Rar|r l|c c|ass|ca||] ueaut|lu| tc wcrce|lu||] w|tt] tc w||c|] |a|rat|ve arc u|t|acce|r, t|ese
teapcts w||| |rsp||e ce|a|c|sts, cc||ectc|s, c|alte|s, arc ert|us|asts.
J| lawtcr |s ||clessc| cl Ce|a|cs arc lc|e| /|t|sar|] Depa|tert C|a|| |r t|e Cc||ee cl V|sua|
|e|lc||r /|ts at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl Vassac|usetts Da|tcut|. |||c| tc uVass, |e was /sscc|ate ||clessc|
at t|e Sc|cc| cl t|e /|t |rst|tute cl C||cac ar |ac |es|cerc|es at t|e |er|arc Sc|cc| cl C|alts, /rce|scr
Rarc| /|t Certe|, |rte|rat|cra| Ce|a|cs Stuc|c (|ura|]} arc t|e Wate|s|ec Certe| lc| t|e Ce|a|c /|ts,
w|e|e |e cu||ert|] se|ves cr t|e Bca|c cl I|ustees. J| |as |ece|vec twc |E/ V|sua| /|ts |e||cws||ps, t|e
Scut| Ca|c||ra /|t|st |e||cws||p, arc |esea|c| |arts l|c t|e /|t |rst|tute cl C||cac arc uVass
Da|tcut|. |e was e|ectec a eue| cl t|e |rte|rat|cra| /cace] cl Ce|a|cs |r 2011. ||s wc|| |s
e||u|tec at t|e Rerw|c| Ca||e|]/S|t|scr|ar |rst|tut|cr, l./. Ccurt] Vuseu cl /|t, V|ctc||a arc /|ue|t
Vuseu, t|e |c|ecr Wc||c Ce|a|c Certe| (Kc|ea}, t|e V|rt Vuseu cl C|alt Des|r, arc ct|e| puu||c
arc p||vate cc||ect|crs. J| ||ves |r Da|tcut|, V/ arc B|ulltcr, SC.
- |ts p|ececessc|, aJJ --co|s, |s t|e seccrc-|||est-se|||r ce|a|cs ucc| |r t|e 500 se||es
- Ju||ec u] J| lawtcr, a ||||] |espectec ce|a|cs epe|t, a|e|, |ectu|e|, arc puu||s|ec p|clessc|
- Ce|a|c|sts arc cc||ectc|s a|e ve|] la|||a| w|t| t|e 500 se||es arc rew acc|t|crs a|e eae||] art|c|patec
- Et|ac|c|ra|] wc||s we|e se|ectec l|c cve| 1,800 |aes suu|ttec l|c a|t|sts a|curc t|e wc||c
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
120 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
JournaI Your Way
Desighihg 8 Usihg Hahdmade Books
W|t| |rst|uct|crs lc| c|e t|ar s|teer lc|ats arc 10 ccve| st]|es, Cwer D|e|r ce|eu|ates t|e a|t cl t|e
pe|scra||tec jcu|ra|. |rsp|||r |aes s|cwcase wc|||r jcu|ra|s, lasc|rat|r s|ceua|s |rt|ccuce |crt|e
jcu|ra| |eepe|s, arc r|re |uc|] |ec|p|erts cl custc|tec |arcc|altec jcu|ra|s l|c t|e aut|c| s|a|e t|e|| cwr
paes. Iwc |rse|t |ele|erces, 5oo||1) |ss-|-|s arc ||oos- o. 0z 5oo||1) 41.-|.-, ep|a|r
uas|c tec|r|cues arc u|ce ]cu cr ]cu| jcu|ra||r acvertu|e.
Cwer D|e|r |as e||u|tec |e| a|twc|| |rte|rat|cra||] arc wc||ec |r ar] p||vate arc puu||c cc||ect|crs,
|rc|uc|r t|e |at|cra| Vuseu cl Wcer |r t|e /|ts |r Was||rtcr. S|e |as tau|t cc||ee a|t as we|| as
wc||s|cps lc| ar] ]ea|s arc |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| ct|e| la|| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r |- |-.o-|-1 |-)-, |-
|-.o-|-1 Jo.-|, arc |- |oc|-|- |-.o-|-1 Jo.-|. |e| |.- 5 |-- |--| ||- Jo.-|s (la||} was
||stec as cre cl t|e tcp ter c|alts ucc|s cl 2010 u] 5oo||s|. Cwer ||ves |r Swararrca, |C.
C|alt u|ce| cut|eac|
B|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
- /ut|c|s p|ev|cus ucc|s |ave a sc||c t|ac| |ecc|c, |- |-.o-|-1 |-)- |as sc|c rea||] 15,000 ccp|es, w|||e
|- |-.o-|-1 Jo.-| |as sc|c cve| 20,000 ccp|es
- Iwc |arc] |ele|erce u|ces a|e |ccatec |r erve|cpes attac|ec tc t|e |rs|ce l|crt arc uac| ccve|s lc| cu|c|
- |ue va|ue. 180 paes w|t| twc pcc|etec |rse|ts lc| just $17.95
- Ca||e|] |aes t||cu|cut t|e ucc|
- lcacec w|t| |rlc|at|ve step-u]-step |cw-tc |||ust|at|crs lc| u|rc|r tec|r|cues
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
180 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Creative ldeas ahd Exercises to Make the Most of Your Fashioh Sketchbook
Eve|] wcu|c-ue las||cr ces|re| c| |||ust|atc| ust |ave t||s! Rercwrec aut|c| Va|t|r Dawue| |ves t|e
|cwccwr cr |cw tc c|eate a successlu| s|etc|ucc|, l|c l|rc|r |rsp||at|cr tc captu||r cc|c|, s|||cuette,
arc tetu|e tc ces|r ceve|cpert. |ts l|||ec w|t| ee|c|ses tc spu| c|eat|v|t] arc case stuc|es t|at s|cw
|cw ct|e| ces|re|s |ave cre l|c t|e pae tc t|e l|ra| p|ccuct.
Va|t|r Dawue| |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] acc|a|ec aut|c| w|c w||tes cr ccrtepc|a|] las||cr, st]|e, arc |ae.
/ |acuate cl t|e p|est||cus Rc]a| Cc||ee cl /|t, |e was t|e |||rc|pa| lectu|e| |r |as||cr at Jc|r Vcc|es
ur|ve|s|t] lc| cve| 30 ]ea|s arc ccrt|rues tc ue |r cearc |cua||] as ar aut|c||t] cr las||cr arc |||ust|at|cr.
|e |s t|e uestse|||r aut|c| cl 1HZ)DVKLRQ,OOXVWUDWLRQ, 1HZ)DVKLRQ3ULQWV, arc %LJ%RRNRI)DVKLRQ
,OOXVWUDWLRQ (a|| Batslc|c}.
- |ac|ec w|t| ee|c|ses arc case stuc|es
- |urc|ecs cl wc|||r s|etc|ucc| paes arc pc|tlc||c wc||
- ||c a |espectec aut|c| w|cse wc|| |as a successlu| t|ac| |ecc|c

|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
192 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
10 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
With Over 20 Techhical Workshops ahd 15 Beautiful Fatterhs
/ aste| c|ass car |ea||] |e|p |rte|ec|ate arc acvarcec |r|tte|s |ea|r ever |rt||cat|r st|tc|es arc s||||s.
I||s ccp|e|ers|ve cc||ect|cr l|c 7KH.QLWWHU |ec|eates t|at epe||erce cr t|e pae, w|t| tec|r|cues
c|awr l|c t|e aat|res pcpu|a| Vaste|c|ass se||es. I|e 'se|ra|s'|ec u] tcp teac|e|s, |av|s||]
p|ctc|ap|ec, arc leatu||r ec|us|ve p|cjects|rc|uce C|eat|r |e|lect lace, Stee||r w|t|cut |ea|,
Ccrl|cert Cau|es, ||cv|s|cra| Cast 0r Vet|ccs, ||aw|ess |a|| |s|e, arc c|e.

7KH.QLWWHU |s a crt||] aat|re a|ec at |r|tte|s w|c |cve cua||t] ]a|rs arc ueaut|lu| patte|rs. W|t|
|rsp||at|cr l|c wc||c-c|ass ces|re|s arc rew tec|r|cues tc t|], 7KH.QLWWHU clle|s ar et|a |eve| cl
c|eat|v|t] tc c|alte|s. / w|ce |are cl c|||ra| c|ct||r arc |cewa|e patte|rs |r eve|] |ssue a|es 7KH
.QLWWHU e|rert|] cc||ectau|e!
Ju||et Be|ra|c stuc|ec tet||es arc wc||ec |r t|e tet||e arc las||cr |rcust|] uelc|e uecc|r ec|tc| cl 7KH
.QLWWHU |r 2008.
- |ccuses cr |rte|ec|ate arc acvarcec |r|tt|r tec|r|cues
- Ec|us|ve p|cjects l|c |eac|r |r|twea| ces|re|s
- ||ccucec |r cc||auc|at|cr w|t| tcp aat|re 7KH.QLWWHU

|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
1c0 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Vogue Knitting Very Easy Sweaters
50 Simple, Stylish Desighs
||c t|e ec|tc|s cl 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ cces a c||c arc ueaut|lu| cc||ect|cr cl 50 s|p|e sweate| patte|rs, a||
u] rctau|e |r|twea| ces|re|s |||e Cat|] Ca||cr arc Kalle |assett. Se|ectec l|c |ecert |ssues cl t|e
aat|re, t|ese 'uest cl' ces|rs a|e pe|lect lc| ue|rre|s arc ccve| eve|]t||r l|c stcc||rette, st||pes,
arc cau|es tc |||twe||t |r|ts arc |e|aec l|t.
|c| c|e t|ar 30 ]ea|s, 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ aat|re |as set t|e starca|c lc| ece||erce |r |r|tt|r, leatu||r
t|e wc|| cl t|e u|est arc cst ta|ertec raes |r |r|twea| ces|r arc las||cr arc clle||r |eace|s
aut|c||tat|ve |rlc|at|cr cr tec|r|cue. |uu||s|ec s| t|es a ]ea|, 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ |s |ec u] ec|tc| |r c||el
I||s|a Va|cc|.
- 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ u|arcec t|t|es |ave erjc]ec ccrs|stert|] st|cr sa|es, w|t| c|e t|ar 550,000 ccp|es sc|c
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patte|rs cr t|e vcue|r|tt| patte|r stc|e
- /r ece||ert va|ue. 50 sturr|r arc tec|r|ca||] access|u|e ces|rs, p|us a |r|tte|-l||erc|] apperc| cl
|cw-tcs arc u|carce cr ]a|r arc ate||a|s, a|| lc| just $21.95 (|rc|v|cua| patte|rs se|| lc| $5.00-$c.00 eac|}

|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
192 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Sweet Booties!
Ahd Blahkets, Bohhets, Bibs 8 More
W|at ccu|c pcss|u|] ue c|e acc|au|e t|ar a uau] We|| . . . |cw aucut a uau] |r ucct|es arc ct|e|
ercea||r accessc||es I|ese rea||] 30 |||es|st|u|e arc s|p|e sew|r p|cjects a|e lc| sa|| l|] cr|]. I|e]
|rc|uce u|ar|ets, u|us, ucrrets, arc c|e, a|| las||crec l|c ccrtepc|a|] lau||cs arc leatu||r a cce|r,
s|||t|] ec] aest|et|c t|at cs arc cacs w||| |cve.
Va|e||e S||ace| |s a lc|e| ec|tc| at la|| Bcc|s arc |as w||tter arc ec|tec ar] ucc|s |e|atec tc tet||es
arc reec|ewc||, |rc|uc|r +LS+DQGEDJV arc 6XUYLYDO6HZLQJ (uct| la||}, arc ar] c|e. S|e |ecert|]
pu|c|asec t||ee sew|r ac||res |r cre ]ea|, |r|ts eve|] rcw arc t|er, arc |cpes t|at a|t cu||ts w||| ue |e|
ret c|eat|ve ep|c|at|cr. Va|e||e ||ves |r /s|ev|||e, |C.
C|alt arc c] u|ce| cut|eac|
B|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
Sap|e p|ccuct a|||r tc |e] cut|ets
- |rc|uces a CD w|t| tep|ates arc lu||-s|te patte|rs
- Bau] accessc||es a|e ar |cea| c|eat|ve carvas lc| ue|rr|r sewe|s arc reec|e a|t|sts cue tc t|e|| sa||
s|te . . . arc t|e] a|e |eat |lts
- Sew|r lc| uau|es |s a tcp|c epe||erc|r a su|e cl |rte|est |r c|alt u|cs arc aat|res
- Icca]s ||p cs (arc |arcas} a|e ta||r a l|es| |cc| at uau] accessc||es, t|e] wart p|cjects t|at c
ue]crc t|e t|ac|t|cra||] cute ces|rs arc acc c|a|, pe|scra||t] arc w|t
- |ew pape|uac| pac|ae |as ar |||es|st|u|e p||ce pc|rt
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. la||
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
132 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Bcc| w|t| CD
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 23
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
FIip DoIIs Other Toys That Zip, Stack,
Hide, Grab Go
W|] a|e ar c|c|ra|] stullec tc] w|er ]cu car sew |||es|st|u|] p|a]lu| c|eat|crs t|at l||p, t|p, srap, stac|,
cve, arc c|e! St|tc| a cate|p|||a| t|at c|ares |rtc a uutte|l|], a vap||e w|c uecces a uat, c|c|ra|]
cc||s t|at tu|r |rtc supe||e|ces, a ca| w|t| sp|rr|r w|ee|s, a p|ett] u||c t|at pe|c|es cr ]cu| s|cu|ce|, arc
ct|e| lur t||rs.
lau|a W||scr |s a ces|re| arc |||ust|atc| w|c ||ves uetweer Vep||s arc |as|v|||e, I|. |e| c|eat|ve wc||
|as ueer leatu|ec |r ar] puu||cat|crs arc weus|tes, |rc|uc|r |-||c-, S-z V-- S-z|, w|c Jc, arc
|1s |-||-oo S-z). ||rc |e| cr||re at WeW||scrs.B|
C|alt arc c] u|ce| cut|eac|
B|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
Sap|e p|ccuct a|||r tc |e] cut|ets
- S|rce eve|] tc] leatu|es ar |rrcvat|ve arc urusua| |cea |r |ts ccrst|uct|cr, t||s ucc| starcs apa|t
l|c t|eccpet|t|cr
- |e|lect lc| ar] |eve|. sce ces|rs a|e pe|lect lc| ue|rre|s w|||e ct|e|s uu||c s||||s lc| t|cse
w|c a||eac]j
- WeW||scrs, t|e aut|c|s u|c, att|acts rea||] 10,000 ur|cue v|s|ts a crt| arc lau|as cute, |rte|act|ve

p|cjects a|e l|ecuert|] leatu|ec cr ajc| weus|tes suc| as |BCs |V|||ae

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 30
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
75 Creative Exercises from 18 Artists
us|r a s|p|e cccc|e as a sta|t|r pc|rt, 18 a|t|sts ta|e |eace|s cr ar |rsp||at|cra|, c|alt] jcu|re]! ||||ec
w|t| |rvert|ve p|cpts ces|rec tc lue| t|e |a|rat|cr, t|ese 75 ee|c|ses ct|vate c|alte|s tc p|c| up a
perc||, u|us|, c| a||e|, arc ep|c|e t|e|| a|t|st|c vc|ce. ||c cu|c| 't|] |t' |ceas us|r s|apes arc patte|rs
tc cccc|ec pc|t|a|ts arc ccrtcu| c|aw|rs, t|ese step-u]-step p|cjects a|e w||c c|eat|ve lur.
Jerr] Dc| |s t|e lc|e| Ec|tc|-|r-C||el cl So-s-| S|.1o aat|re arc t|e ||es|cert arc |curce| cl
c|escercc|.cc. Jerr] se|ves |eu|a||] as |e]rcte spea|e| ac|css t|e rat|cr tc ce||ve| essaes |e|atec tc
c|eat|ve pass|cr, aut|ert|c |eace|s||p, ellect|ve ccur|cat|cr, arc lccusec ccpass|cr. |c| |e| |eace|s||p
|r puu||s||r arc t|e a|t arc c|alt|r ccur|t], Jerr] was |eccr|tec u] |o|o as cre cl t|e aat|re
|rcust|]s tcp 10 |eace|s, |rl|uerce|s, arc |rrcvatc|s. Jerr] |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r |-1
|-1 arc w- V-|- |o||s (uct| la||}. S|e ||ves |r Sarta /ra, C/.
C|alt arc c] u|ce| cut|eac|
B|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
B|c tcu|
- Cap|ta||tes cr t|e |rc|easec pcpu|a||t] cl c|eat|v|t] arc cccc||r ucc|s erccu|a|r |eace|s tc epe||ert,
p|a], arc ceve|cp ar a|tlu| p|act|ce
- Dccc||r appea|s tc a c|csscve| cl |eace|s |rte|estec |r c|aw|r, jcu|ra||r, arc c|eat|v|t] ee|c|ses
- W|t| 75 ee|c|ses, t||s ucc| su|passes t|e ccpet|t|cr t|t|es |r va|ue (cst clle| la| lewe| p|cpts}
- Bcc| w||| ue |eav||] p|cctec tc a w|ce ret cl aat|res arc u|cs
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 28
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Uhlock Your Creativity with Desigh Classes ahd Techhiques
|r |e| secue| tc t|e uestse|||r &RQWHPSRUDU\4XLOWV, awa|c-w|rr|r tet||e a|t|st Sarc|a Veec|
ce||ve|s a supe||at|ve u|ce ||c| |r |rrcvat|ve |ceas. Veec| s|cws cu||te|s |cw tc uecce a|t|sts,
us|r s|etc|ucc|s arc jcu|ra|s, arc ta||r |rsp||at|cr l|c a|c||tectu|e, tet||es, arc ct|e| scu|ces.
I|e p|ctcs cl l|r|s|ec p|cjects p|cv|ce lue| lc| c|eat|v|t], epe|t |rst|uct|crs ep|a|r |cw tc tu|r |ceas
|rtc |ea||t], arc t|e lauu|cus tec|r|cues atc| t|e c|||ra||t] cl ces|r.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
A Sourcebook for Feltmakers
||c |||t arc a||] |urc lau||c, pe|lect lc| wecc|r ve||s arc ce||cate a|erts, tc |eav|e|, c|e
cu|au|e tet||es lc| |arcuas arc ct|e| |a|cwea||r |tes, t||s |rsp||at|cra| ucc| at|e|s a eru cl
c|ecus le|t |ec|pes. |r acc|t|cr tc sturr|r|] ceta||ec |||ust|at|crs arc |rst|uct|crs, p|us |ceas lc|
ueaut|lu| p|cjects, t||s |arc] scu|ceucc| ep|a|rs |cw tc use p||rts, c|eate s|apec eces, arc
|rcc|pc|ate ueacs arc eue|||s|erts.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
128 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Use the Alexahder Techhique to Combat Neck, Shoulder ahd Back Faih
Bac| pa|r |s ep|ce|cuut t|e /|earce| Iec|r|cue car clle| |e||el. I||s essert|a| u|ce |e|ps
sulle|e|s c|sccve| |cw t|e|| pcstu|e arc cveerts |a| t|e|| |ea|t| arc |ves rew wa]s cl
pe|lc||r ca||] act|v|t|es. I|e |esu|t. |ecucec uscu|a| ters|cr arc st|ess cr t|e ucres arc jc|rts . . .
arc a c|e pa|r-l|ee ||le. |act pare|s, t|ps, cu|c| |ele|erce sua||es, arc |||ust|at|crs a|e t||s a
ust-|ave lc| ar]cre w|c |u|ts.
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
192 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
10 u/w |||us.
c / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
24 Jewelry Frojects that Spih, Sway, Swihg, ahd Slide
Beace|s w||| |ejc|ce |r t||s |cr-awa|tec rew cc||ect|cr l|c wc||c-lacus teac|e| arc ces|re| Va|c|a
DeCcste|. DeCcste| |as cev|sec 21 sturr|r ueacwcver jewe||] p|cjects t|at s|cwcase c]ra|s arc
cveertl|c a s|p|e c|cp t|at sw|rs l|c c|a|rs tc e|auc|ate p|eces w|t| |rt||cate ccpcrerts t|at
sp|r a|curc a cc|e cl ueacs c| a|cr a ueacec uase. I|e]|e p|a]lu|, ce|||tlu|, arc |rsp||at|cra|!
Va|c|a DeCcste| |s a pcpu|a| ueac|r teac|e| arc u|ce| w|t| ar |rte|rat|cra| lc||cw|r. |e| l||st ucc|,
V-.- |-|os|-s 5--1-1 0c.|-.-, was t|e seccrc clle||r |r la|| Jewe||] c Beac|rs Beacweav|r
Vaste| C|ass se||es. Va|c|as wc|| was |rc|ucec |r V-s|-s 5--1z--.) arc S|oz.-s- aJJ 5--1-1
J-z-|, (uct| la||}. |e| weus|te |s a|c|aceccste|.cc. S|e ||ves |r lecr C|cve, C/.
- |a|t cl la|| Jewe||] c Beac|rs Beac |rsp||at|crs se||es
- Va|c|a DeCcste| |s a supe|sta| |r t|e ueac|r ccur|t] arc |as ccrrect|crs w|t| ar] ct|e| |||-p|cl||e
ueace|s a|curc t|e ccurt|] arc t|e wc||c w|c w||| p|ccte t|e ucc|
- DeCcste| |s cre cl t|e wc||cs cst lacus ueace|s, arc t||s |s just |e| seccrc p|cject ucc|. |e| l||st,
V-.- |-|os|-s 5--1-1 0c.|-.-, |e|easec |r 2009, |s cre cl t|e cst successlu| ueac|r ucc|s la|| |as
eve| puu||s|ec
- |e| ret wc||, t|e a||e|] ucc| V-.- |-|os|- |-s-|s (la||}, puu||s|es |r |eu|ua|] 2011
- DeCcste| |s a pcpu|a| u|ce| arc act|ve scc|a| ec|a pa|t|c|part w|t| a w|ce arc pass|crate lc||cw|r

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
128 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 2c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
15 Frojects ahd a Kit for Your Stitchihg Fleasure
We|cce tc t|e a|ca| wc||c cl Stc|]|arc, w|e|e c|css st|tc|e|s cl a|| |eve|s w||| l|rc a|ca|
p|cjects|rc|uc|r V|r|atu|e Vct|ls, Sec|et Ke] Bcc|a||s, Cc|cer Cccse laverce| Sac|ets, arc Caec
||aes. I||s erc|art|r ucc| ever |as a pac|et ccrta|r|r a sa|| scua|e cl everweave, a reec|e, arc
t||eac sc ]cu car |ec|ate|] sta|t a||r a ur|cc|r, l|c p||rce, c| jac|a|cpe!
W|at De|||a| D|c |s t|e wc|| cl Scp||e S|pscr, w|c sta|tec t|e ccpar] |r 2010. S|e se||s |e| wc||
t||cu| |e| weus|te w|atce|||a|c| arc |r l|ue|t], lcrccr, lc||cw|r |e| success at t|e Best cl B||t|s|
0per Ca||. I||s |s |e| l||st ucc|.
- |a|t stc|]ucc|, pa|t c|css-st|tc| patte|r ucc|
- ||lteer la||]ta|e p|cjects |rc|uce lces, ur|cc|rs, arc a l|c p||rce
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/1 / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Over 500 Desighs for Fihgertip Fashiohs
|a|| a|t |srt just t|e |cttest las||cr t|erc a|curc, |ts a ccc| wa] tc a|e a pe|scra| stateert. ||c
st||pes, c|ev|crs, arc l|cwe|s tc ||tte| arc estcres, t||s lur scu|ceucc| clle|s |urc|ecs cl |eat ces|rs
tc ccp] c| |ave p|cless|cra||] ccre. / step-u]-step |rt|ccuct|cr ccve|s a|| t|e uas|c tec|r|cues arc tcc|s lc|
acc|r acc|rerts, sterc|||r, stap|r, arc t||ee-c|ers|cra| wc||.
|ars] /|earce|-|ctte| |s a uK-uasec a|eup a|t|st arc ra|| tec|r|c|ar w|t| |c||]wccc c||erts t|at |rc|uce
Jc|rr] Depp arc Ve|]| St|eep. /lte| |urr|r a sa|cr '|a||s tc Cc' |r Kers|rtcr, lcrccr, |ars] wc||ec as
a ueaut] ps]c|c|c|st, p|cv|c|r se|v|ces l|c |e| p||vate |ce stuc|c w|||e a|sc wc|||r w|t| pat|erts at St
I|cass |csp|ta|.
-|a|| a|t |s t|e pcpu|a| ccset|cs c|ate w|t| sta|s |||e lac] Caa, R||arra, Be]crce, arc Kat] |e||] a||
s|cw|r cll e]e-catc||r ra|| a|twc||
- |rc|uces a |ue |are cl |cw-tc tec|r|cues lc| acc|r ||tte|, estcres, ||uucrs, arc lc||s, as we|| as 3D
ra|| a|t, staps, p|e|c|r, arc c|ac||e arc t|cpe |ce|| ellects
- /|| t|e ces|rs a|e su|tau|e lc| use cr |ea| c| la|e ra|| t|ps c| lc|s, |rc|uc|r t|e rew pc|rt] 'st||ettc'
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
25c paes
$17.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 3/1 / c 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 28
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Frofessiohal Techhiques for Creatihg Origihal Looks
Icp a|eup p|cless|cra|s, ar] l|c lcrccrs laec /cace] cl ||ee|arce Va|eup, |ve us a ||pse |rtc
t|e|| |ac|cus wc||c. I|ese epe|ts clle| |a|rat|ve |ceas, |rs|ce |rcw|ece, arc a wea|t| cl acv|ce lc|
asp|||r a|t|sts, a|cr w|t| |rst|uct|crs lc| a |are cl |rvert|ve |cc|s us|r spec|a||st tec|r|cuesl|c
u|t|av|c|et a|eup tc |rer|cus S|/ |cc|s ces|rec lc| l|| arc v|cec.
I|e /cace] cl ||ee|arce Va|eup, w|t| sc|cc|s |r |ew Yc|| C|t] arc lcrccr, |as uu||t ar ur||va|ec
|eputat|cr |r t|a|r|r p|cless|cra| a|t|sts. /|| cl t|e|| tutc|s a|e wc|||r a|t|sts w|c t|ave| a|| cve| t|e |cue
cecrst|at|r t|e|| s||||s, w||c| erau|es t|e tc teac| t|e |atest st]|es arc tec|r|cues l|c |rte|rat|cra|
las||cr s|cws arc acve|t|s|r capa|rs. |r acc|t|cr tc lcurce| Jara R|||ru|, ccrt||uutc|s tc t|e ucc|
|rc|uce Descrc Vu||a], Rac|e| Wccc, Sarc|a Ccc|e, Jcse Bass, Jc Sua|, l|ra Da||uec|, Jace |ur|a,
C|||st|ra ||avec|a, E|suet| Iar, arc Ka||a V. Ba|c||e||.
- I||s upcatec, eparcec seccrc ec|t|cr |rc|uces 32 c|e paes cl a|eup acv|ce arc step-u]-step
|rst|uct|crs lc| spec|a||st tec|r|cues
- I||s rew ec|t|cr rcw |rc|uces |rlc|at|cr cr us|r u|t|av|c|et a|eup arc c|eat|r S|/ |cc|s l|c
V|c|e||e Weuu, w|c spec|a||tes |r l||c|ap|] arc us|c v|cecs
- 0lle|s |rs|ce| |rcw|ece lc| ar]cre t|]|r tc u|ea| |rtc t|e l|e|c
-I|e lcrccr /cace] cl ||ee|arce Va|eup |s cre cl t|e wc||cs uest ueaut]-t|a|r|r |rst|tutes w|t|
u|arc|es |r lcrccr arc |ew Yc||. /0|V tutc|s a|e acr t|e cst ta|ertec |r t|e ueaut] |rcust|] w|t|
p|est||cus c||erts suc| as Ve|sace, /|ar|, D|c|, C|acu|, E||e, arc B||t|s| arc |ta||ar Vcue
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
210 paes
$31.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
230 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 7/8 / 10 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Top 100 HeaIthy Recipes for Babies
Delicious, Healthy Fecipes for Fures, Fihger Foods ahd Meals
C|ve uau] t|e uest sta|t |r ||le w|t| t|ese 100 supe|-|ea|t|] |ec|pes-arc estau||s| ccc eat|r |au|ts
t|at w||| |ast a ||let|e. Reree E|||ctt, t|e c|eatc| cl ||aret 0|ar|c, |as c|eatec a cc||ect|cr cl
eas]-tc-a|e c|s|es t|at lccus cr c|ar|c |r|ec|erts, ece||ert rut||t|cra| va|ue, arc c|||c-appea||r
taste. I|e ]u] se|ect|cr |ares l|c D||ec /p||cct |u|ee arc Spe|t |arca|es tc C||c|er c
Vus||cc |asta, V|r| ||ta ||ttas, arc B|ueue||] B|eac.

|uu||s|e|. Durcar Ba||c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/2 / c 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Drink Your Own Garden
A Homebrew Guide Usihg Your Gardeh lhgrediehts
D||r| up, w|t| t||s lu||] |ev|sec arc wcrce|lu||] |a|rat|ve u|ce tc a||r t|e cst cl ]cu| a|cer
p|ccuce. I|e 110 |ec|pes |e|e |are l|c l|u|t arc ue||] w|res tc uee| arc |cre] eac, as we|| as
rcra|cc|c||c ju|ces, cc|c|a|s, arc teas. |t |rc|uces u|ce||res lc| eve|] step, acv|ce cr ecu|pert,
|r|ec|erts, arc w|at tc |cw w|er, arc a ||st cl pctert|a| p|cu|es arc |eec|es, acccpar|ec u]
att|act|ve v|rtae-st]|e cc|c| |||ust|at|crs.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
25c paes
$19.95 ($23.95 Carac|ar}
cc|c| |||us. t||cu|cut
5 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
My Favorite Recipes
I|e cst ce||c|cus ea|s, t|e cres t|at evc|e t|e |app|est ec||es, a|e t|e cres s|a|ec at t|e
la||] tau|e. Reeue| t|e lc|eve| w|t| t||s ueaut|lu| |eepsa|e rcteucc|, ace tc |c|c t|ac|t|cra|
la||] |ec|pes arc ]cu| cst p|ec|cus ccc||r sec|ets. Eac| sect|crlc| sta|te|s, appet|te|s,
ert|ees, s|ces, arc cesse|ts|as a stc|ae pcc|et p|us t|ps tc |e|p w|t| p|epa|at|cr.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
1c8 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Trees That Live for a Thousahd Years
Ce|eu|ate sce cl t|e cst ueaut|lu|, |crest-||v|r c|ar|ss cr t|e p|aret. t|ees t|at |ave su|v|vec 1,000
]ea|s. Sturr|r p|ctcs captu|e spec|es |ar|r l|c Eu|cpear 0a|s arc Ca||lc|r|a Recwcccs tc /l||cas
'ups|ce-ccwr' Bacuaus arc /s|ar C|r|cs. |||u|rat|r arc v|sua||] st||||r, t||s ec|t|cr cl $QFLHQW7UHHV
leatu|es rew p|ctc|ap|] arc |ev|sec tet, p|us uctar|ca| ceta||s, t|e t|ees ]t||ca| asscc|at|crs, arc
|rlc|at|cr cr w|e|e tc see t|ese ar|l|cert p|arts.
/rra lew|rtcr |s a we||-|rcwr w||te| arc |esea|c|e| cr t|e uses pecp|e a|e cl p|arts. |e| p|ev|cus
ucc|s |rc|uce 3ODQWVIRU3HRSOH (I|arswc||c |uu||s|e|s}, 7KH:D\ODQG$WODVRI5DLQ)RUHVWV (|ccce| Wa]|arc
C|||c|ers}, arc seve|a| ecucat|cra| ucc|s. S|e tcc| pa|t |r BBC IVs5RXJK6FLHQFH
Ecwa|c |a||e| |s a |ercwrec arc p||te-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e| w|c |as wc||ec |r c|e t|ar 30 ccurt||es
cccuert|r erv||crerta| |ssues. |e |s t|e p|cject arae| cl t|e /rc|ert I|ee |urt.
- /ut|c||tat|ve tet w|t| t|e ||stc|] arc uctar|ca| ceta||s cl eac| t|ee spec|espuu||s|ec |r asscc|at|cr w|t|
Kew Ca|cers
- Sturr|r p|ctc|ap|] l|c p||te-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e|

||a|sc lc| ca|||c| cJ|t|crs cl 4.e| ees.
'I||s er|css|r arc v|sua||] appea||r ucc| |s |rtercec as a ce|eu|at|cr cl sce cl t|e wc||cs c|cest ||v|r
t|ees. |a||e|s ar] ueaut|lu|, lu||-cc|c| |aes ccrt||uute a |eat cea|, uut w|at a|es t||s ucc| espec|a||]
|rte|est|r |s a c|scuss|cr cl t|e |c|es t|ese t|ees |ave p|a]ec t||cu| t|e aes |r |uar |e|||crs, ]t|s,
eccrc|es, arc eve|]ca] ||le.'/LEUDU\-RXUQDO
'Vc|e t|ar ar acc|rert lc| t|e ccllee tau|e.':DVKLQJWRQ3RVW
'0re cl ] lavc||tes . . . /|| t|e t|ees a|e awe-|rsp|||r.'3KLODGHOSKLD,QTXLUHU
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
221 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
A Celebratioh of the Foetry of Flowers
Sturr|r|] ces|rec w|t| rcsta||c |||ust|at|crs cl ueaut|lu| u|ccs, t||s ||c| cc||ect|cr cl pcet|] ce|eu|ates
t|e |uu|e l|cwe|, l|c srcwc|cps arc callcc||s tc |cart|c |cses, cc|c|lu| aste|s arc scertec jas|re. I|e
ve|ses |e|rc us cl ratu|es |lts arc cce l|c c|ass|c pcets cl a|| e|as, |rc|uc|r C|auce|, S|a|espea|e,
Cc|e||ce, Ierr]scr, |a|c], W||tar, arc D|c||rscr |||t up tc Seaus |eare].
Saue| Ca|| |s t|e ec|tc| cl a se||es cl pcet|] art|c|c|es.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
50 cc|c| |||us.
5 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Cosmo's 365 Naughty Nights
A Year of Hot Sex
Cet |eac] lc| t|e se|est ]ea| eve| w|t| t||s stea] clle||r l|c &RVPRSROLWDQ. I||s s|tt||r |ct ae
|ves ccup|es 3c5 |ceas lc| tu|r|r up t|e tepe|atu|e |r t|e uec|cc . arc t|e ||v|r |cc, arc t|e
ca|, arc cr t|e ||tc|er ccurte|, arcwe||, p|ett] uc| ar]w|e|e at a||. ||a]e|s ta|e tu|rs c|aw|r
ca|cs tc |evea| a rew ca|ra| c|a||ere tc t|] eve|] r||t.
New Format
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
200 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
a|| |r cc|c|
3 3/8 / 1 3/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Cosmo's Kinky Sex Games
Erotic Advehtures That'll Take You Both to New Levels of Ecstasy
||lt] s|aces cl . . . &2602! |ts t|e lc| t|e |ea| c|ap|cr cl lur, lea||ess se tc s|cw t|e wc||c w|at
'|ct' |ea||] ears. Ccup|es car tu|r up t|e rau|t] w|t| t|ese ter ||r|] se aes, pac|aec |r t|e
aat|res uestse|||r s|ratu|e ca|c cec| lc|at. ||c 'Vaste| c Se|vart' tc 'Ia|| D||t] tc Ve' tc
'Se lc| Desse|t,' t|ese e|ct|c act|v|t|es a|e lc| t|e uc|c arc ca||r!
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
210 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
a|| |r cc|c|
3 3/8 / 1 3/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Cosmo's Steamy Sex Games
All Sorts of Naughy Ways to Have Fuh with Your Lover
/|e ]cu |eac] tc p|a] Ic et ccwr arc c||t] I|er |et t|e lur arc aes ue|r! I||s stea|r-|ct
ca|ra| cc||ect|cr cl ccup|es act|v|t|es l|c t|e epe|ts |r uec|cc lur leatu|es se] aes t|at |are
l|c D||t] D|scc tc I|t|||at|r I||v|a arc ||r|s| t|e |artas]. ||a]e|s l|rc cut w|ats reecec, w|at
eact|] tc cc, arc t|e pass|cr pa]cll. Ia|e |t uecs|ce, arc l||e up ]cu| |cve ||le!
New Format
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
210 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
a|| |r cc|c|
3 3/8 / 1 3/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Cosmo's Truth or Dare
Our Naughtiest Sex Game Ever!
Vc|e se] lur l|c &RVPR, |r t|e sae supe|-successlu| lc|at as &RVPRV6WHDP\6H[*DPHV! I||s
rau|t] sp|r cr t|e c|ass|c I|ut| c| Da|e ae leatu|es 120 ert|c|r ca|cs |r a uc, ccup|es s|p|]
ta|e tu|rs p|c||r l|c t|e cec| arc c|ccs|r a sp|c] 'I|ut|' c| ar ec] 'Da|e.' W||c|eve| cre t|e
p|a]e|s c lc|...t|e |esu|ts a|e |0I!
New Format
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
210 paes
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Ca|c Dec|
a|| |r cc|c|
3 3/8 / 1 3/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Cosmo's Naughty Notes
100 Sexy Stickies to Tease, Tahtalize, ahd Turh Oh Your Mah
Eac| cl t|e 100 essaes |r &RVPRs uestse|||r ||tt|e st|c|] pac cc||ect|cr |s pe|lect|] ces|rec tc
ec|te arc ert|ce ]cu| |cvec crearc a|e ||s |a|rat|cr s|tt|e. Just pee| cut cre cl t|ese |ac]
essaes (|||e '| ca|e ]cu tc ccwr|cac a rau|t] cv|e arc |eeract a stea] scere w|t| e}, |eave
t|e w|e|e |e|| l|rc t|e . . . arc |et t|e lur ue|r.
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
112 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 / 1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c1
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
50 Things to Do with a Rabbit Other Sex
|c| ccup|es p|a] as we|| as 'rc ar |arc]' certs, t|ese |rer|cus |ceas |ve wcer ccc
v|u|at|crs! ||c| ar] cl t|e 50 ca|cs lc| ua|arteec lur. t|e se] aes a|e ces|rec tc |eac| a||
ucc] pa|ts arc use t|e v|u|atc| a|cre c| w|t| ct|e| tc]s. /rc u]sccrt wc||]. t|e|e a|e wa]s tc
et ]cu |r cr t|e act|cr, tcc!
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
50 lu||-cc|c| ca|cs
1 1/2 / c 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
50 Tie-Me-Up Tricks Bondage Knots
S|cw sce |est|a|rt! Icca], c|e pecp|e t|ar eve| a|e c|sccve||r t|e p|easu|es cl ucrcae arc t|e
t||||| cl ta||r (arc |e||rcu|s||r} ccrt|c|. I|ese ca|cs w||| u||r t|e|| se ||ves tc t|e uc|||r pc|rt w|t|
c|e t|ar 20 |rcts tc use lc| t|e t|es t|at u|rc. /|cr w|t| ar ep|c|at|cr cl t|e u|t|p|e jc]s cl culls,
st|aps, arc |a|resses, ccup|es w||| l|rc t|ps cr e|ct|c pcs|t|crs arc ucrc|r a||areerts tc er|arce
t|e|| ecstas].
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
Ca|c Dec|
50 lu||-cc|c| ca|cs
1 1/2 / c 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
A New Look at History's Oldest Argumeht
|s t|e|e a Cccc| rct Betweer u|u||ca| lurcaerta||sts arc at|e|sts ||e va||cus s|aces cl ue||el, |rc|uc|r
arcst|c|s. Ce|a|c Berec|ct ep|c|es t|e ar] ccrt|cve|s|es w|t||r t|e pass|crate ceuate. 0lle||r a
|el|es||r | cl |c|c arc cuest|cr|r sp|||tua||t], |e tcuc|es cr suc| cuest|crs as t|e t|ut| cl sc||ptu|e, t|e
va||c|t] cl ||ac|es, t|e pcss|u|||t] cl ar alte|||le, arc w|et|e| p|ccl cr atte|s cl la|t| car eve| ue pcss|u|e.
Ce|a|c Berec|ct |s ar epe|t |r ccpa|at|ve |e|||cus p|||cscp|] arc t|e aut|c| cl 7KH0D\DQ3URSKHFLHV
(Wat||rs}, acr ct|e| ucc|s.
- / t|cu|tlu| arc pe|cept|ve u|ce t||cu| t|e |au]||rt| cl ccrl||ct|r cp|r|crs cl ue||eve|s, at|e|sts, arc
- W||tter |r c||ect |espcrse tc R|c|a|c Daw||rs |erse|] pcpu|a| 7KH*RG'HOXVLRQ (Va||re| Bcc|s} arc
C|||stcp|e| ||tc|ers *RGLV1RW*UHDW (Iwe|ve}
- Cap|ta||tes cr t|e pe|err|a| lasc|rat|cr arc |pc|tarce cl t|e Ccc ceuate arc |cw we car arswe| t||s
cuest|cr w|t|cut la|||r |rtc se||cus p|||cscp||ca| c| c|a| p|tla||s
- W|t| la|-|eac||r appea|, 7KH*RG'HEDWH |s a|ec at eve|]cre w|c see|s tc ccrs|ce| t||s v|ta| cuest|cr cl
cu| e|sterce arc c ue]crc t|e usua| uall|eert arc l|ust|at|cr
- Ce|a|c Berec|ct, ac|rcw|ecec epe|t |r ccpa|at|ve |e|||cus p|||cscp|], clle|s |eascr arc ua|arce |r a
l|e|c |ea||au|e lc| |ts pc|a||tec pass|crs arc c|uce s|p||l|cat|crs

|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
How the Church Fewrote the New Testameht
|cw c|c tcca]s acceptec ccrcept cl Jesus cce tc e|st I||cu| eters|ve sc|c|a||] |esea|c| arc
|rte|p|etat|cr cl t|e e|st|r tets, |ete| C|esswe|| clle|s a |curcu|ea||r arswe| tc t|at cuest|cr. Ia||r a
|a|c |cc| at t|e su|v|v|r arusc||pts l|c ea||] C|||st|ar|t], |e |eac|es astcr|s||r ccrc|us|crs aucut t|e
|ew Iestaert, t|e lcurc|r cl t|e C|||st|ar C|u|c|, arc t|e t|ue c|a|acte| cl Jesus.
|ete| C|esswe|| |ece|vec ||s B/ |r Scc|a| /rt||cpc|c] at Cau||ce arc wert cr tc cc a B|||| |r Scc|c|c]
at Yc|| ur|ve|s|t]. |e wc||ec as a |esea|c| cll|ce| at t|e 0per ur|ve|s|t] arc |r |cca| cve|rert, arc a|sc
as a jcu|ra||st w|c w|cte cr p|arr|r arc t|e erv||crert. |r |ecert ]ea|s, |e |as |esea|c|ec t|e c|||rs cl
C|||st|ar|t] arc |ts tetua| t|ars|ss|cr. |e |s t|e aut|c| cl &HQVRUHG0HVVLDK (Jc|r |urt |uu||s||r} arc
- uses rew tec|r|cues tc ara|]te t|e tets |e|at|r tc t|e |ew Iestaert arc clle|s rew |rs||ts |rtc t|e
- /r |rt||u|r acccurt lc| ar]cre |rte|estec |r t|e lcurc|r cl t|e C|||st|ar C|u|c|
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
352 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Explorihg Evolutioh ahd Humah Destihy
W|t| |ts ccpe|||r ccu|rat|cr cl sc|erce arc sp|||tua||t], |-- w1ozs o ||-|, clle|s ar e]e-cper|r
wa] tc urce|starc t|e |e|at|crs||p uetweer ccrsc|cusress arc t|e ur|ve|se ue]crc. Ia||r a ve|] pe|scra|
jcu|re] l|c t|e B| Bar tc t|e 21st certu|], /||e|c St|||e| clle|s a ur|cue |rte|p|etat|cr cl evc|ut|cr, cre
t|at lccuses cr cu| |rre| pe|cept|cr arc t||es tc |estc|e cc|e|erce arc |cpe |r a see|r|] c|v|cec arc
c|s|rte|at|r wc||c.

/||e|c St|||e| wc||ec |r eecut|ve pcs|t|crs |r t|e |rcust||a| sectc| lc| 30 ]ea|s. |e cuta|rec ar V/ ce|ee
|r I|ec|c] arc Re|||cus Stuc|es l|c leecs ur|ve|s|t] arc puu||s|ec |- -s|o-|o |-.|o oz-1s
|.o|o).-| |os.o.s-ss (E|eert Bcc|s}, ||os) ||- o-c |\c|o) ||- |s|o, o| o-1- |-|-|os
(/ste|ca ur|ve|s|t] ||ess} arc w-|- |- 5|oo1 o| ||- |-|| (Ccs|c Bcc|s}. |r 2010 |e c|eatec Va||e]
|curcat|cr, a rct-lc|-p|cl|t lcurcat|cr t|at l|rarc|a||] suppc|ts |r|t|at|ves u] sa|| ert|ep|ereu|s arc
|rst|tutes t|at ceve|cp |rrcvat|ve sc|ut|crs lc| p|cv|c|r c|ear c||r||r arc sar|tat|cr wate| lac|||t|es |r
ceve|cp|r ccurt||es.
- / pe|scra| acccurt cl a sea|c| lc| t|e c|||r cl cu| e|sterce arc t|e ratu|e cl t|e p|ccess cl evc|ut|cr
- /cc|esses arc c|a||l|es tcca]s |ssues cr |estc||r ua|arce |r ar |rcc|e|ert scc|et]
- Ccve|s a ccp|e suuject |r ar access|u|e wa] w|t| cve| 100 |||ust|at|crs
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Fihd the Keys to Lastihg Chahge through the Cohfidehce Karma Method
Deve|cp |ast|r ccrl|cerce at wc||, |r |e|at|crs||ps, |r eve|] aspect cl ||le w|t| t||s |rsp||at|cra| u|ce.
|s]c|c|c|st arc ||le ccac| Ca|] Wccc |evea|s |cw tc a|e t|arslc|at|ve c|ares |r t||ee cc|e ue|av|c|a|
a|eas. |ee||rs, /ct|crs, arc I|cu|ts. I||cu|cut, |e ta|es a |c||st|c app|cac| t|at ep|as|tes uu||c|r cr
e|st|r st|ert|s arc s||||s, see|r ccrl|cerce as a 'w|c|e ucc]' p|ercercr, arc p|cject|r ccrl|cerce
w|||e st||| accu|||r ar urce||]|r |eve| cl se|l-ue||el.
D|. Ca|] Wccc, Bsc (|crs}, |C, ||D, ||E/, Csc|, Cps]c|c|, /|B|sS, |s a scc|a| ps]c|c|c|st, pe|scra|
ccac|, arc u|caccaste| w|t| c|e t|ar 15 ]ea|s epe||erce teac||r ps]c|c|c]. |e |as puu||s|ec |r t|e
5|s| V-1.-| Jo.-| arc t|e |s,.|o|o)s| as we|| as a|rst|ea pe||cc|ca|s l|c o-| aat|re tc t|e
-s |)|- |1..-|o |-.-z. ||s ucc| |o| w-| |o o. S|c o |o- | Sz 0.| o V--| ||
(Capstcre} |as ueer t|ars|atec |rtc seve|a| |aruaes. |e |s |eu|a||] cuctec |r t|e p|ess arc ccrt||uutes tc
|ac|c IV arc |as l|crtec seve|a| ec|a capa|rs lc| t|e lea|r|r arc S||||s Ccurc||.
- I|e l||st ucc| cr ccrl|cerce tc ta|e a t|u|] |c||st|c app|cac|, uasec cr t|e |rte|p|a] cl t|cu|ts, lee||rs,
arc act|crs
- |eatu|es cuest|crra||es arc p|act|ca| ee|c|ses tc |e|p t|e |eace| put t|e |ceas |rtc p|act|ce
- Et|ee|] use|-l||erc|], w|t| c|apte| p|ev|ews arc sua||es ersu||r t|at |eace|s a|e c|ea| cr t|e |e]
pc|rts arc act|cr p|ars
- / |||-p|cl||e aut|c| w|t| a st|cr ec|a p|eserce. D|. Wccc ur|cue|] st|acc|es t|e wc||cs cl p|act|ca|
ps]c|c|c] arc acace|c aut|c||t]
- |uu||cat|cr w||| cc|rc|ce w|t| t|e aut|c|s rew p|c|a cl ccrl|cerce wc||s|cps
- Case stuc|es arc eap|es l|c t|e aut|c|s p|act|ce |e|p tc |curc t|e acv|ce |r |ea|-||le scera||cs arc
p|cv|ce |ea||st|c arc ac||evau|e st|ate|es lc| c|are
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
288 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The CiviI War: In Words, In Photographs, In
I|e C|v|| Wa| |esu|tec |r cve| 750,000 ceat|s arc testec t|e c|a|acte| cl t|e /e||car pecp|e. 0|||ra||]
puu||s|ec tc ccec|ate t|e 150t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e ccrl||ct, t||s ucc| clle|s a ur|cue ||pse |rtc t|e
|||ta|], pc||t|ca|, arc scc|a| everts cl t|e pe||cc, arc |crc|s |ts |e|ces, l|c |eat |eace|s tc c|v|||ars. |t
|rc|uces c|e t|ar 250 |aes, 30 uatt|e aps, ar auc|c CD, arc 10 |tes cl ec|au|||a.
Ja] We|tt |s t|e ccaut|c|, w|t| t|e p|c|rert ||stc||ar Ecw|r C. Bea|ss, cl S|t|scr|ars o--| 5-|||-s 5
5-|||-|-|1s o| ||- |.| w-. |e |s a|sc t|e p|ccuce|-c||ectc|-w||te| cl t|e awa|c-w|rr|r 13-pa|t
cccuerta|] se||es S||so-s o--| 5-|||-s o| ||- |.| w- lc| I|e lea|r|r C|arre| arc I|e-l|le
V|cec. Ja] |s cu||ert|] a cc|ur|st lc| t|e |.| w- -s arc |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| a|t|c|es puu||s|ec |r
l|| |rcust|] jcu|ra|s. |c| Ca||tcr |e |as a|sc w||tter |- |-|.- 4-.- |\c--.-.
- 2013 w||| a|| 150 ]ea|s s|rce t|e |eerca|] Batt|e cl Cett]suu|, arc t||s arr|ve|sa|] w||| ersu|e
ccrt|ruec puu||c|t] arc rue|cus everts w||| ue |e|c tc a|| |t
- I|e C|v|| Wa| p|a]ec a |e] |c|e |r c|eat|r t|e ur|tec States as we |rcw |t rcw, arc |rcw|ece cl t||s
pe||cc |r ||stc|] car |e|p us tc urce|starc uct| cce|r /e||ca arc c|v|| wa|s e|sew|e|e tcca]
- ||ev|cus ec|t|crs cl t||s t|t|e |ave sc|c cve| c0,000 ccp|es |r t|e uS s|rce puu||cat|cr |r 2005. I||s
spec|a|-ec|t|cr ucec set w||| ue |eces|rec arc |elc|attec tc |rc|uce ar auc|c CD cl |eac|rs cl
ccrtepc|a|] cccuerts, eparcec tet, arc c|e pe|scra| arc cll|c|a| cccuerts tc |ve t|e |eace| t|e
cst ccp|e|ers|ve ||stc|] cl t|e C|v|| Wa| tc cate
- |eatu|es c|e t|ar 30 sturr|r aps s|cw|r t|e |e] uatt|es |r ceta||
- Stever Sp|e|ue|s u|cp|c |.o| was |e|easec |r Deceue| 2012, st|u|at|r |rte|est |r t|e ccrl||ct. I|e
l|| |ece|vec seve|a| /cace] /wa|c rc|rat|crs
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
132 paes
$75.00 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| c CD
250 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
10 3/1 / 11 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The WorId's 100 Best Adventure Trips
I|e sp|||t cl acvertu|e st||s |r us a||arc t|ese 100 t||||||r jcu|re]s w||| ur|eas| |t! Ccve||r t|e |cue u]
eve|] lc| cl t|arspc|t |a|rau|el|c lcct arc |c|se tc ae||a| t|at|e] p|ure us |rtc w||c ratu|e,
|rt|ccuce us tc c|lle|ert cu|tu|es, arc test cu| p|]s|ca| |||ts. Sce |ast cr|] a lew ca]s, w|||e ct|e|s, |r t|e
/atcr c| /rta|ct|c, a|e crce-|r-a ||let|e ep|c vc]aes.
Jas|ra I||lcr| |s a jcu|ra||st w|c spec|a||tes |r tcu||s arc w||tes cr t|e suuject lc| ajc| |ta||ar
aat|res. Icet|e| w|t| Va|cc Cattarec, s|e w|cte /l|ar|star. |e ccrre, |a ue||a, ||s|a (/l|ar|star.
wcer, wa| arc |s|a, 2001} |r cc||auc|at|cr w|t| Ee|erc]. I||lcr| arc Cattarec |ave a|sc w||tter a
t||ee-vc|ue wc|| cr u|ESC0 Wc||c |e||tae S|tes. |- --s.-s o| 4|, |-|.- S-.|.--s, arc 4.-|
|.|c-|os, as we|| as o--| ||-s o| ||- wo|1 (2005} arc 3J |s|-1s |o |s.-c- |o -1 |.- |-cc|, |.-
4||- (a|| W||te Sta|}.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
301 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 10 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Green Design
Creative Sustaihable Desighs for the Twehty-First Cehtury
||c vast a|c||tectu|a| p|cjects tc ccest cre-cll p|eces cl sa|vaec lu|r|tu|e, *UHHQ'HVLJQ s|cws |cw t|e
ces|r wc||c |as |espcrcec tc t|e ecc|c|ca| c|a||eres cl t|e twert]-l||st certu|]. Ea|r|r ee|ert
t|ercs suc| as |ec]c||r, et||ca| scu|c|r, scc|a| susta|rau|||t], arc c|e, |t s|cwcases e|st|r |eer
|rrcvat|crs, v|s|cra|] p|cjects, arc a lutu|e |r w||c| tec|rc|c] arc et||cs e|e.
Jcu|ra||st, |ectu|e|, arc ert|ep|ereu| Va|cus |a||s, lc|e||] lcurc|r ec|tc| cl t|e a|c||tectu|e arc ces|r
aat|re LFRQ, |s ec|tc| cl cr||re ces|r aat|re 'H]HHQ (}. W|rre| cl seve|a| jcu|ra||s
awa|cs, Va|cus w|cte arc p|esertec a cccuerta|] aucut |||||ppe Sta|c| (BBC, 2003}, |as appea|ec |r t|e
IV se||es +RPH (BBC, 200c} arc |r Septeue| 2007 cev|sec arc cu|atec t|e I|as| lue e||u|t|cr cl
|ec]c|ec ces|r at l|ue|t]s |r lcrccr. |e |s a|sc t|e aut|c| cl 7ZHQW\)LUVW&HQWXU\'HVLJQ (Ca||tcr}. Va|cus
||ves |r lcrccr.
- |c|ewc|c u] |ercwrec ces|re| Ic D|cr, awa|cec t|e 0BE lc| se|v|ces tc B||t|s| Des|r |r 2000
- Ep|c|es t|e c|aat|c ellect c||ate c|ares |ave ace tc t|e ces|r wc||c |r t|e l|e|cs cl a|c||tectu|e,
|cus|r, p|ccuct ces|r, lu|r|tu|e, tet||es, ate||a|s, |cusewa|es, arc tec|r|ca| acet|]
- Ia|etec tc ces|re|s |p|eert|r aspects cl |eer ces|r as we|| as ccrsue|s w|c wart tc ue
|rlc|ec aucut t|e p|ccucts t|e] uu]
- |||rtec cr pape| scu|cec l|c susta|rau|e lc|ests urce| t|e |SC (|c|est Stewa|c Ccurc||}
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
25c paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/1 / 9 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
52 Weekend DigitaI Photo Projects
lhspiratiohal FrojectsCamera SkillsEquipmehtlmagihg Techhiques
Erjc] a ]ea|s wc|t| cl c|eat|ve acvertu|es w|t| 'LJLWDO3KRWRt|e essert|a| puu||cat|cr cr c||ta|
p|ctc|ap|]. W|t| |rva|uau|e acv|ce arc lu||] |||ust|atec step-u]-step u|ces, t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr |e|ps
ar]cre c|eate ueaut|lu|, p|cless|cra|-|cc||r |aes us|r a va||et] cl suujects arc tec|r|cues. I|e 52
p|cjects |are l|c pc|t|a|ts |r ratu|a| |||t arc r||t p|ctc|ap|] tc |c||ca] at|e||rs, a|c||tectu|e,
|el|ect|crs, ct|cr u|u|s, spec|a| ellects, arc aust|acts.
Ec|tc| l|t Wa||e| |as l|ee|arcec lc| 3UDFWLFDO3KRWRJUDSK\, 'LJLWDO3KRWR, arc 3KRWR$QVZHUV a|cr w|t| ar]
ct|e| p|ctc|ap|] aat|res. S|e wc||s as a l|ee|arce jcu|ra||st arc |s uasec |r Cau||ces|||e, Er|arc.
- |uu||s|ec |r asscc|at|cr w|t| 'LJLWDO3KRWR, a ||||] |ea|cec arc cutt|r-ece aat|re w|t| ar
|rte|rat|cra| c||cu|at|cr cl c0,000 a crt|
- I|e 52 ec|t|r arc c|a||er|r leatu|ec p|cjects a|e su|tau|e lc| uct| aateu| arc p|cless|cra|
- |u||] |||ust|atec w|t| |r-cept| step-u]-step p|cjects, |rc|uc|r pcst-p|ccuct|cr s||||s |r /ccue
- Cua|artees a lartast|c cc||ect|cr cl t|e |eace|s uest p|ctc|ap|s, l|r|s||r w|t| a pc|tlc||c cl p|cless|cra|
starca|c, |rrcvat|ve p|cjects
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
210 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
500 cc|c| p|ctcs
9 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Dav|c Bcw|e las||crec a ||tte||r ca|ee| lue|ec u] t|e sp|||t cl |e|rvert|cr. |ct cr|] c|c |e a|e c|e t|ar
20 |curcu|ea||r a|uus (arc |s |ecc|c|r aa|r}, |e a|sc c|eatec v|v|c c|a|acte|s t|at tcc| ||s us|c |rtc
t|e |ea| cl t|eate|. ||c Z|] Sta|cust tc t|e I||r W||te Du|e, Bcw|es s||lt|r pe|scras |ac a p|clcurc
cu|tu|a| |rl|uerce. |l a p|ctu|e sa]s a t|cusarc wc|cs, t||s |av|s||] |||ust|atec vc|ue pa]s t||uute tc Bcw|es
|ast|r |eac] |r t|e a|t scere.

/s a |epc|te| cr uK us|c wee||] 0HORG\0DNHU, C|||s We|c| wert cr t|e |cac w|t| lec Zeppe||r arc I|e
W|c cu||r t|e c0s arc 70s arc lc||cwec ct|e| |e] B||t|s| uarcs cl t|e e|a (Rc|||r Stcres, Dav|c Bcw|e,
Vctt t|e |ccp|e}. |e s|rce wc||ec cr a va||et] cl us|c aat|res arc |as w||tter c|e t|ar 20 ucc|s cr
va||cus aspects cl |cc| us|c, spec|a||t|r |r B||t|s| uarcs cl t|e 19c0s crwa|csa suuject |e ||vec c|e
t|ar ar] ct|e| jcu|ra||st.
- |csta||c p|ctc|ap|s cl Dav|c Bcw|e |r a|| staes cl ||s cc|c|lu| ca|ee|, l|c ||s c0s ue|rr|rs w|t| t|e
R|ct Scuac t||cu| ||s I||r W||te Du|e cc]sse], ||s act|r st|rt |r lau]||rt| tc t|e p|esert ca]
- Dav|c Bcw|es ceep-|cctec |rl|uerce cr us|c st||| |rsp||es ]cur us|c|ars cl a|| er|es, l|c t|e tcp cl
t|e pcps |||t ccwr tc t|e urce||curc
- Bcw|e a|rta|rs ||s pcpu|a||t] ever alte| cecaces pe|lc||r arc ar etercec u|ea| l|c us|c arc l||
- Bcw|e |as sc|c app|c|ate|] 110 ||||cr |ecc|cs, erccpass|r 11 p|at|ru a|uu ce|t|l|cat|crs uetweer
uK arc uS/

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
1c0 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Ic Jcres |s a ||v|r |eerc w|c |as a|rta|rec ||s |cua| supe|sta| status cve| s| cecaces. |c||cw ||s
ca|ee| |r |c||cus p|ctcs, l|c ||s ea||] ]ea|s p|a]|r c|uus |r Wa|es arc Er|arc tc ||s succer success |r
las Veas, tc ||s |ecert appea|arce cr uK te|ev|s|crs I|e Vc|ce. |rs||tlu| tet arc |c||cus p|ctcs cl t|e
ete|ra| se s]uc| a|e 7RP-RQHV$/LIHLQ3LFWXUHV a ust-|ave lc| ||s cevctec lars.

C|||s Rcue|ts |as w||tter aucut us|c, l||s, arc ucc|s lc| ar] puu||cat|crs arc weus|tes |rc|uc|r &ODVVLF
5RFN, 8QFXW, 10(, 0HORG\0DNHU, 6RXQGV, (OOH, ,NRQ, t|e *XDUGLDQ, t|e BBC arc (PSLUH. 0lter appea||r cr
IV arc |ac|c, |es a|sc puu||s|ec ucc|s cr lcu Reec, /uua, Sca||ett Jc|arsscr, arc |eat| lece|. /
We|s|ar |||e Jcres, C|||s Rcue|ts rcw ||ves |r West lcrccr.
- S|| Ic Jcres ca|ee| |as sparrec s| cecaces-arc |e |as erjc]ec success t||cu| cst cl t|e!
- Jcres |as sc|c c|e t|ar 100 ||||cr |ecc|cs wc||cw|ce, arc |r 2012, ||s 38t| a|uu, 6SLULWLQWKH5RRP,
et w|t| c||t|ca| arc pcpu|a| success
- Ic |as erjc]ec lae |r t|e uS eve| s|rce ||s |c-1970s pe|lc|arces |r Veas
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
1c0 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
110 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
CeIebrity Face-Off
Get oh the A-List!

W|c |asrt wartec tc ue a sta| |cw |ts eas]just put cr cre cl t|ese 12 |||-cua||t] as|s arc
vc||a! Ycu car |pe|scrate ||c|| V|raj, Step|er Cc|ue|t, t|e 0uaas, arc ct|e| ce|eu||t|es. I|e]|e
s|p|e tc usejust pcp cut t|e sa|| |c|es rea| t|e ea|s arc t|e cr ar e|ast|c st||r (rct |rc|ucec}
tc secu|e. I|ese 'laces' a|e lauu|cus lur!
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
21 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 1/5 / 12 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Defihitive Compahioh to the Most Terrifyihg Movies Ever Made
||c )UDQNHQVWHLQ tc 3HHSLQJ7RP, t|e |a|rat|ve l|a|| cl t|e |c||c| l|| |as a|wa]s s|cc|ec arc
ce|||tec v|ewe|s. |ac|ec w|t| |aes cl t|e cst te|||l]|r sceres |r c|rea ||stc|], t||s lu||]
upcatec vc|ue t|aces t|e er|e cecace-u]-cecace, p|cv|c|r a w|tt] arc |rlc|at|ve c||t|cue cl
c|e t|ar 300 cv|es l|c a|| cve| t|e wc||c.
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
3c0 paes
$21.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
200 u/w p|ctcs
7 1/1 / 9 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Asterix Omnibus 7
lhcludes Asterix ahd the Soothsayer #19, Asterix ih Corsica #20, ahd Asterix
ahd Caesar's Gift #21
$VWHUL[ stc||es 19 t||cu| 21. rcw tcet|e| |r cre lauu|cus vc|ue! |r $VWHUL[DQGWKH6RRWKVD\HU, t|e
s|r|ste| ||c|| c|a|s tc ue c|a||vc]artuut /ste|| |srt ccrv|rcec. $VWHUL[LQ&RUVLFD |as /ste|| arc
0ue|| cut tc lc|| t|e ev|| ces|rs cl ||aetc| |e|l|c|us arc cppcse Ju||us Caesa|s a|]. le|cra|]
I|eersce||||us ets t|e ceec tc t|e Cau||s| v|||ae |r &DHVDUV*LIW, uut /ste|| |srt aucut tc |arc
cve| ||s v|||ae!
|uu||s|e|. 0||cr
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
15c paes
$27.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Asterix Omnibus 8
lhcludes Asterix ahd the Great Crossihg #22, Obelix ahd Co. #23, ahd Asterix ih
Belgium #24
/ste|| lars car rcw erjc] ucc|s 22 t||cu| 21 |r a c|ecus spec|a| cc||ectc|s ec|t|cr! / stc|
u|cws cu| ||stc||ca| |e|c wa] cll ccu|se |r $VWHUL[DQGWKH*UHDW&URVVLQJ. Caesa| sercs Ca|us
||epcste|us, |acuate cl t|e lat|r Sc|cc| cl Eccrc|cs, tc cc||upt t|e |rcc|tau|e Cau|s |r 2EHOL[DQG
&R. /rc t|e Cau|s ccpete w|t| t|e Be||ar t||ues tc cete||re w|c |s t|e u|avest |r $VWHUL[LQ
|uu||s|e|. 0||cr
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
152 paes
$27.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Street Tricks, Sleight of Hahd ahd lllusioh
|ts a|cc|cse-up, |r-]cu|-lace a|c, as tau|t u] B||ta|rs |eac|r ccec] ccrju|e|. Zercr
p|eserts a|| ||s |eat t||c|s arc |||us|crs |r ar access|u|e lc|at t|ats we|| |||ust|atec w|t|
eas]-tc-lc||cw c|a|as. I|e ucc| ue|rs w|t| t|e s|p|est t||c|s, arc as s||||s |cw, rcv|ces car
p|c|ess tc ca|c ccurt|r, p|ec|ct|crs, |ap|c|c], arc a |ea|t-stcpp|r |cut|re w|e|e t|e ceac see
tc appea|.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
17c paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
50 2-cc|c| |||us.
5 / c 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Frotect Yourself ahd Learh the Secret Skills of Twehty-First Cehtury Espiohage
Sp|es |ave |ept t|e t||c|s cl t|e|| t|ace sec|eturt|| rcw. W||tter u] ar e||te B||t|s| S/S aert,
6WUHHWZLVH6S\FUDIW urccve|s t|e t|ut| aucut eact|] w|at sp|es cc arc |cw t|e] cc |t. /rc |ts just |r
t|e, uecause s||||s t|at we|e crce et|ee |ave uecce essert|a| lc| su|v|va|. lea|r |cw tc |arc|e
aerts, erccce essaes, t|ac|, escape arc evace, cc su|ve|||arce, arc c|e.

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
17c paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
50 2-cc|c| |||us.
5 / c 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Learh the Skills for Copihg ih Ahy Extreme Situatioh
Ie||c||s, c||e, u|ta||e weat|e|, arc l|ea| acc|certs. |ts a care|cus wc||c cut t|e|e arc pecp|e
|ave tc p|epa|e t|ese|ves lc| eve|]t||r. W|t| |ts w|ce |are cl essert|a| su|v|va| s||||s, t||s arua|
ccu|c |eep ]cu a||ve. ||c se|l-celerse tc l||st a|c tc l|rc|r lccc arc wate|, |t ep|a|rs |cw tc ccpe
w|t| a ||le-t||eater|r s|tuat|cr ar]w|e|e, w|t| st|ert|, awa|eress, arc w|scc.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
17c paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
50 2-cc|c| |||us.
5 / c 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
lhspiratioh ahd lhstructiohs for Over 100 Games
Ra|se a |asst|er |a|se |t aa|r arc aa|r! 'ULQNLQJ*DPHV w||| a|e ar] r||t, w|et|e| |ts cut cr
t|e tcwr c| |r cr t|e ccuc|, lur arc |au|te| l|||ec. |t |rc|uces c|e t|ar 100 act|v|t|es a||arec |r
erte|ta|r|r catec||es, l|c ca|c, cre], arc c|ce aes tc tcrue tw|ste|s, c||r||r spc|ts, ua|
aes, arc c|e.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
25c paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
50 2-cc|c| |||us.
5 / c 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
l||e acc|r cre cre cre, t||s cc||ect|cr w||| |rc|ease ]cu| rue||ca| sa|ts arc uccst ]cu|
at|eat|ca| ccrl|cerce. Sta|t sc|v|r w|t| a se||es cl t|eec c|a||eres, w|er ]cu c|ec| ]cu|
arswe|s, ]cu|| l|rc ||rts, t|ps, arc u|carce tc |e|p ]cu as ]cu tac||e t|e seccrc |cup cl putt|es.
Ccpa|e t|e scc|es arc see |cw uc| ]cuve |p|cvec!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 1/1 / c 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
|atte|rs a|e eve|]w|e|e, l|c ||pp|es cr a pcrc tc S|a|espea|es ||]|r ccup|ets, arc cu| u|a|rs
a|e |a|cw||ec tc |espcrc tc t|e. I||s twc-pa|t cc||ect|cr cl putt|es w||| ta|e t|cse
patte|r-|eccr|t|cr s||||s t|at we|e rct a|wa]s awa|e cl arc u||r t|e cut tc p|a]!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 1/1 / c 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Secuerces c|ar|te t|e wc||carc cu| au|||t] tc |eccr|te t|e |e|ps us |r eve|]t||r l|c at| tc
c|ac||r ccces arc c|p|e|s. W|t| t||s s|ew cl secuerce-uasec putt|es, |a|c cut |r twc sect|crs,
sc|ve|s car s|a|per t|e|| s||||s, uu||c t|e|| u|a|rpcwe|, arc watc| t|e|| au|||t] |cw!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 1/1 / c 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
D|c ]cu |rcw t|at eve|] t|e ]cu|e t|]|r tc l|t a ccuc| t||cu| a ccc|wa] c| l|u||r cut t|e |||t
ar|e tc s|r| t|e e||t ua||, ]cu|e sc|v|r a s|ape-|e|atec p|cu|e Sc, et ]cu| u|a|r '|r s|ape' w|t|
t|ese c|a||er|r ccrurc|us. See |cw uc| ]cuve |p|cvec as ]cu ccpa|e ]cu| l||st scc|es
aa|rst t|e seccrc-|curc |esu|ts!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 1/1 / c 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Sit SoIve Easy as Can Be Crosswords
S|t, sc|ve, arc ta|e |t eas]! I|ese 12 |r|-c|csswc|cs w|t| supe|-s|p|e c|ues c|eate a ert|e arc
p|easart sc|v|r epe||erce t|ats pe|lect lc| putt|e rewcce|s. /|| t|e arswe|s leatu|e la|||a|
wc|cs arc p||ases, as we|| as l|es|, |rte|est|r, uut rct-tcc-t||c|] c|ues.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Sit SoIve Ouick as a Wink Crosswords
Cet |r a cu|c|-as-a-w|r| sc|v|r sess|cr w|t| t|ese 12 |r|atu|e c|csswc|cs! I|e]|e last arc lur tc
ccp|ete, ]et w|t| lasc|rat|r c|ues t|at a|e t|ese putt|es ve|] erjc]au|e. C|eat lc| ue|rre|s c|
c|e epe||ercec lars w|c ccrt wart tc st|a|r t|e|| u|a|r.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Sit SoIve Tough as NaiIs Crosswords
|eec a |ue||r erta| wc||cut I|ese 12 |r|atu|e c|csswc|cs w||| |ave ]cu| u|a|r l|||r cr a||
c]||rce|s. W|||e t|e arswe|s use cst|] la|||a| wc|cs arc p||ases, t|e c|ues a|e t||rs |ea||]
t||c|], c|eat|r a sat|sl]|r sc|v|r epe||erce.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Two-CoIor Paint-doku
||ctu|e-pe|lect |c|c putt|es . . . |r v|u|art twc-cc|c|! |cw, w|er ]cu|e c|ac||r a ccce tc sc|ve a
ccrurc|u, ]cu|e a|sc c|eat|r a|t. S|p|] use t|e ruue|s a|curc t|e ||csce |r cc|c|, sce |r
u|ac|tc u|ce ]cu as ]cu l||| |r t|e scua|es. C|acua||] ar |ae w||| ee|e, arc ]cu|| ue |ewa|cec
w|t| a ccp|etec p|ctu|e u] t|e erc.

|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Amazing Sudoku Variants
|ts t|e tc u|ea| cut cl t|e uc. t|e t|ac|t|cra| 33 putt|e uc, t|at |s! I||s assc|tert cl era|r
arc c|a||er|r va||arts ta|es succ|u up a rctc|. I|e c|eat|ve tw|sts |rc|uce cve||app|r arc
urusua||] s|apec ||cs, spec|a| |u|es t|at a|e sc|ve|s up t|e|| ae, arc ever supe|-|a|e succ|u lc|
ar et|a-lur epe||erce.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
111 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 31
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Scratch SoIve Hangman in the Moon
S|cct lc| t|e ccr, |arar-st]|e! Cc cr a putt|e acvertu|e w|t| t|ese l|es|, |rte|est|r wc|cs arc
p||ases lc| ]cu tc uess.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$c.95 ($7.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Scratch SoIve Tough Hangman in the
Bar, tcc-tc t|e ccr, arc ue]crc! I|ese tcu| |arar putt|es w||| t|u|] test t|e s|||| cl
wc|cp|a] avers.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$c.95 ($7.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
BuII's-Eye PuzzIes
90 Wordplay Teasers That Aim to Tickle Your Braih
Bu||s-e]e! I|ese ta|et-s|apec putt|es w||| capt|vate wc|cp|a] lars. Eve|] ||c |as 20 sect|crs, eac|
ccrta|r|r a wc|c. use t|e c|ues tc l|rc arc c|css cll wc|cs. |c| eap|e. Spe||s a us|ca|
|rst|uert |r |eve|se, wcu|c ue /BuI, c| IuB/ uac|wa|c. E|||rate |t, arc cve cr. W|er
eve|]t||rs sc|vec, t|e |ea|r|r wc|cs lc| ar aus|r cucte.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
128 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
5 3/8 / 8 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Bite-Size Crosswords
Sc|ve|s |cc||r lc| a ||tt|e erta| srac|, |at|e| t|ar a lu|| ea|, w||| l|rc t|ese u|te-s|te c|csswc|cs
ve|] tast]! Ever t|cu| t|e ||cs a|e t|r], t|e erte|ta|rert pe| scua|e |rc| |s erc|cus. |ac|ec w|t|
l|es|, |rte|est|r wc|cs arc c|ues t|at w||| t|c||e ]cu| purr] ucre, t|e putt|es a|e pe|lect ||ru|st|c
urc||es lc| ]cu| u|a|r.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Easy as ABC Crosswords
|cw cc ]cu spe|| |-u-| W|t| (DV\DV$%&&URVVZRUGV, cl ccu|se! I||s ucc| cl 72 ca||] putt|es |s
c|cc|-lu|| cl eas]-tc-|asp t|ees, arswe|s t|at ccrt use 'c|csswc|cese,' arc erte|ta|r|r c|ues
t|at test ]cu w|t|cut ue|r tcc t||c|]. |c| ar]cre |r sea|c| cl t|e ve|] uest cc||ect|cr cl ue|rre|-|eve|
c|csswc|cs, t||s a|es t|e c|c|ce as E-Z as car B!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
9c paes
$8.95 ($9.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Large Print Crosswords #9
/s a|wa]s, t||s r|rt| ert|] |r cu| la|e |||rt putt|e se||es leatu|es c|csswc|cs w|t| u| eas]-tc-|eac
c|ues arc ruue|ssc sc|ve|s st|a|r t|e|| u|a|rs, uut rct t|e|| e]es. |r t||s |atest |rsta||ert, tcp
c|eatc| Vatt Callre] c|alts ccters cl erte|ta|r|r c|a||eres lc| ar]cre w|cse |rc |s s|a|p, uut
w|cse e]es||t |srt.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. /uust 2013
288 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
September 2013
The Pocket Beer Guide
The Essential Handbook to the
Very Best Beers in the World
by Stephen Beaumont and Tim Webb
ISBN 978-1-4549-0647-6 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Paper | 4
/3 x 7 | 320 pages (all in color)
Territory: US/Can | September 17, 2013 | Sterling Epicure
he best beers are here, so drink up! The authors of
the acclaimed World Atlas of Beer (Sterling Epicure)
have collaborated with top international contributors to
create the most extraordinary, comprehensive, and up-
to-date guide to brews available. This team of experts
provides tasting notes on an amazing selection of suds,
organized by country, complete with information on
breweries and each beers key characteristics. Beer
destinations and a calendar of beer festivals worldwide
round out the fun!
Stephen Beaumont is an international gure in
the beer world and has authored, co-authored, or
contributed to a dozen books, including the pioneering
A Taste for Beer (Storey Books) and The Beerbistro
Cookbook (Key Porter Books), the latter based on the
beer-focused cuisine of the Toronto restaurant he co-
founded. He is also a prolic journalist and has written
hundreds of articles and columns for publications as
diverse as the International Herald Tribune and Whisky
Advocate. He lives in Toronto, Canada.
Tim Webb is a renowned beer writer in Europe
and North America who focuses on Belgian and
international craft brewing. Hes compiled eight editions
of Good Beer Guide Belgium and co-wrote 100 Belgian
Beers to Try Before you Die (both CAMRA Books) and
LambicLand (Cogan and Mater Ltd). Webb writes for
Beer Advocate Magazine in the US and is managing
editor of his own niche publishing company. He lives
near Cambridge, England.
t Stephen Beaumont and Tim Webb are two of the worlds
leading beer experts, and theyve put together this guide
with a group of top international contributors
t Follows the publication of Beaumont and Webbs well-
reviewed World Atlas of Beer, which Publishers Weekly called
The ultimate glossy resource . . . [takes] beer-loving readers
on a comprehensive,fact-lled tour
t Offers up-to-the minute information on the worlds best beers
t A convenient pocket guide thats perfect to take along
while traveling
t Reviewer mailing to beer publications and to beer writers
at daily newspapers
t National and local radio campaign
t Gift guide outreach
t Digital marketing campaign
t Blog tour
Also Available
The World Atlas of Beer
ISBN 978-1-4027-8961-8
$30.00 ($35.00 Canada)
/5 x 11
The Complete Beer Course
Boot Camp for Beer Geeks:
From Novice to Expert in Twelve Tasting Classes
by Joshua M. Bernstein
ISBN 978-1-4027-9767-5 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 8
/2 x 9
/4 | 320 pages (all in color) | Territory: W
Carton Qty: 12 | Print Run: 15000 | September 2013
Sterling Epicure
hrough 12 easy-to-follow lessons, beer expert
Joshua Bernstein demysties the sudsy stuff, breaking
down the elements that give each type its distinctively
delicious avor. His course hops from lagers and pilsners
to roasty stouts and mouth-puckering sour ales, and
targeted tastings teach you which avors are appropriate
and which to dump.
Joshua M. Bernsteins rst book, Brewed Awakening,
was published by Sterling Epicure in 2011. Josh is a beer
journalist and critic who has written for New York, Time Out
New York,, Forbes Traveler, New York
Times, and, where he was the beer columnist.
He is a contributing writer to the drinks magazine Imbibe,
where he writes feature articles on craft beer. As a beer
expert, hes been featured on NPRs Marketplace and
Beer Sessions Radio. He lives in Brooklyn, NY.
t Joshua M. Bernstein is one of the hottest experts on beer
in North America, having written for major magazines,
newspapers, and websites
t Both information-packed and edgy, this
beer-tasting guide is unlike any other on the market
t An excellent gift book for all beer geeks
t Review copy mailing to beer publications
and to beer writers at daily newspapers
t Digital marketing campaign
t Blog tour
class two 53 52 Class two
beer, matching summers favored
crispness with the hearty richness
required for the cooling nights of
autumn. In time, the beer style became
closely aligned with another beer-centric
rite of the season, Oktoberfest (which
traditionally occurs in September, mind
you). Munichs weeks-long celebration
of sausage, beer, and Bavarian culture
was born in 1810 to commemorate the
epic wedding of Crown Prince Ludwig
I of Bavaria and Princess Therese of
The frst beers served at the festival
were mrzens, which in time came to
be identifed under the Oktoberfest
mantle. And herein begins a bit of
tricky business. In 1841, the legendary
Austrian brewer Anton Dreher unveiled
the lightly sweet, gently hopped, amber-
tintedVienna lagers, which rose to fame
in the mid-1800s and later fourished
in Texas and Mexico (see page 54). In
1872, the Munich brewer Josef Sedlmayr
(he worked for Franziskaner, which is
today part of Spaten) released a German
spin on theVienna style, a lager he called
Ur-Mrzenoriginal mrzen. It quickly
became the festivals gold standard
and continues to set the Oktoberfest
template today.
Though the mrzens no longer
are brewed in March (few breweries
can aford to let lagers hibernate
in precious fermentation tanks
for six months), they remain a
delicious reminder of spring to
keep you company during the fall
ideally, with a sausage at your local
Oktoberfest celebration.
Bostons Harpoon Brewery makes
a heck of an Octoberfest lager
and during the last weekend of
September hosts the rollicking
Harpoon Octoberfest, an annual
tradition since 1990. Expect
oompah bands, chicken dancing,
keg bowling, and plenty of beer.
Munichs Oktoberfest kicks o
every year with a 12-gun salute,
followed by the citys mayor tap-
ping the rst keg of Oktoberfest
beer and proclaiming, Ozapft
ist!It is tapped! Te rst beer
is served to Bavarias minister-
president, and then the revelry
begins. Te celebration normally
welcomes more than 7 million
visitors annually.
massive one-liter
beer stein
is known as a Mass.
Hacker-Pschorr Bru
ABV: 5.8%
This Bavarian brewery offers a
textbook example of the classic
Oktoberfest lager. The tawny
mrzen makes itself known with a
clean, toasty-sweet scent tempered
by a touch of spicy hops. The taste is
what you should expect but rarely
receive: smooth and pleasantly
sweet (honey, nuts) with a dry close.
Savor it alongside a bratwurst.
Brooklyn Brewery
ABV: 5.5%
Brooklyn Brewery does a splendid
job with traditional German
lagers, including aVienna-style
beauty, a snappy pilsner, and
the Oktoberfest, which was rst
introduced in 2000. Brewmaster
Garrett Oliver relies on Bavarian
heirloom Munich and pilsner malts
and German noble hops to create
this full-bodied lager with bready
notes and a scintilla of bitterness.
BACKUP BEERS: Ayinger Oktober Fest-Mrzen, Great Divide Brewing
Co. Hoss, Left Hand Brewing Company Oktoberfest, Spaten Oktoberfest
Ur-Mrzen, Summit Brewing Company Oktoberfest Mrzen Style
Austrian brewer
Anton Dreher was
the father of the Vienna
lager, which led to the creation of
the traditional Oktoberfest lager
known as the mrzen.
class two 57 56 Class two
It has become my humble, anal-
retentive mission in life to correct
every bar menu that mistakenly
spells Negra Modelo with an
extra o instead of an a.
took of in Mexico and parts of Texas,
largely as a result of Graf s exacting
Though American Prohibition and
Mexican political strife eroded Vienna
lagers toehold in the Americas, echoes of
Mexicos infatuation with the Austrian
style can be found in Negra Modelo
and Dos Equis Amber, though theyre a
bit sweeter than the historical standard.
In America, the Vienna lager also has
found its footing in the modern craft-
beer landscape, where brewers interpret
the style as crisp and full-bodied, with
less sweetness, a nice hop zap, and a dry
fnish. In Texas, Live Oak plays the style
closer to tradition with its smooth Big
Bark Amber Lager, and Ohios Great
Lakes turns up the alcohol and hops a
notch in its Eliot Ness. Most surprisingly,
that all-American example of American
beer, Samuel Adams Boston Lager, is in
fact a Vienna-style lager.
Somewhere, Im sure Anton Dreher
is smiling.
In 1935, archaeologists unearthed a
fascinating fnd. During a dig innorthern
Bavaria, near the city of Kulmbach, the
explorers discovered a Celtic tomb that
dated to around the eighth century BC.
The grave contained an amphora, a
vase-shaped container with handles and
a narrow neck. A peek inside revealed
charred, blackened crumbs of partially
baked bread, one of the earliest known
brewing ingredients. The bread was
crumbled into water, whereupon passing
yeasts hunkered down and fermented
the mixture into something faintly
very faintlyresembling beer.
The possible remains of this
ancient brew may be the forebearer of
Germanys inkiest, most delicious beer
style, the schwarzbier (pronounced
shvarts-beer; schwarz is German for
black). Over the ensuing centuries,
the schwarzbier evolved into a coalition
of dark and light: a crisp-drinking lager
with roasty notes but little of the harsh,
astringent bitterness that accompanies
stouts and porters.
Brewers can achieve this by driving
down one of two avenues. First, they
can use dehusked malt, which dials
down the burnt, roasty character. (This
is accomplished by means of a process
similar to rice polishing.) Alternatively,
brewers can borrow a trick from cold-
brewed cofee.The dark-roasted malts are
submerged in nonboiling water, drawing
out the roasty favorsand none of the
Breweries in eastern Germany used to make the hybrid alt-schwarzbier, which
was brewed with special ale yeast (like the altbier; see page 81). The last brewery
specializing in these beers closed several decades ago, but Louisianas Bayou
Teche Brewing has revived the style with its LA-31 Bire Noire, a dark, beguiling
brew that calls to mind a cup of strong coffee.
GmbH & Co.
ABV: 4.8%
Founded in 1543, this German
brewery is one of the nations most
august schwarzbier producers.
Naturally, the agship is nothing
short of perfection. The nearly
black beauty drinks dry, light, and
smoother than a sailboat on a lake.
The roasty notes of coffee and dark
chocolate are buffed down with a
mild rounded sweetness.

Session Black
Full Sail Brewery
ABV: 5.4%
Blacks perfume is an intoxicating
muddle of roasted malts and Cocoa
Puffs, childhood pleasures in an
adult package. As for the taste,
please strap in your taste buds: the
crisp tongue tingler rides a avor
roller coaster across caramel and
chocolate, with tangy oral hops
hiding in the rumble seat. The
throwback stubby bottles
are also a nice touch. Grandpa
would approve.
BACKUP BEERS: Cervejaria Sul Brasileira Xingu Black Beer, Kulmbacher
Brauerei AG Mnchshof Schwarzbier, The Duck-Rabbit Craft Brewery
Duck-Rabbit Schwarzbier, Moonlight Brewing Company Death &Taxes
Black Beer, Spoetzl Brewery Shiner Bohemian Black Lager
BayouTeche focuses on beers that complement Cajun cuisine.
101 GirIy Drinks
/|ec at t|e ||| aucut tcwr, t||s |ccv] u|ce leatu|es |ec|pes lc| 101 |||-pcwe|ec, u|||t|] cc|c|ec
ccc|ta||s|rc|uc|r rcra|cc|c||c cpt|crsl|c Bee St|rs arc B|ue Ve|vets tc ||r| ||a|rcs arc
W||te lac|es. I|ps cr |c|c], p|esertat|cr, arc |||s r||t everts |e|p tu|r eac| c||r| |rtc a lur
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
9c paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
20 cc|c| |||us.
1 5/8 / c 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The CompIete Bartender's Guide
S| |urc|ec c||r|s, p|cless|cra| ua|terce| tec|r|cues! I||s ccp|ete u|ce tc ccc|ta||s p|cv|ces
|ec|pes arc ||r |rst|uct|crs lc| t|e cst pcpu|a| |ec c||r|s, l|c /usc|ute |e|c tc Zcu|e. |r
acc|t|cr tc suest|crs lc| stcc||r a |ce ua|, spec|a| leatu|es cr ter c|ass|c ccc|ta||s cut||re t|e||
||stc|]. /rcjust |r case t|ese wcrce|lu| ccrccct|crs p|cve tcc tept|rt|e|es acv|ce cr
|e||ev|r t|at |arcve|!
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
100 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
200 cc|c| p|ctcs
5 / 7 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The CompIete Wine Course
|c| tcc |cr w|re |as ueer w|appec |r a ]st|cue arc |aruae ces|rec tc |rt||cate t|e
ur|r|t|atec. |c c|e, t|ar|s tc t||s pe|lect step-u]-step |rt|ccuct|cr lc| w|re rcv|ces w|t| a pass|cr
tc |ea|r c|e. Se|vec c||||ec w|t| a ucucuet cl |uc|, 7KH&RPSOHWH:LQH&RXUVH ep|c|es eve|]
aspect cl w|re l|c |ape tc |ass, l|c /|e||a tc Z|uauwe, l|c |arc Bc|ceau c|ateau tc
|uu|e C||art|s tc |apas |||-tec| w|re||es.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
100 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
200 cc|c| p|ctcs
5 / 7 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
350 Juices, Shakes 8 Smoothies to Boost Your Mihd, Mood 8 Health
W|t| 150 |ec|pes |r a w|cpp|r c00 paes, t||s ucc| |as sc uc| ju|c] (arc s|us|] arc scct||e}
cccress! D||r| up l|c c|r|r t||| r||t, w|t| u|ea|last |ceas t|at c ue]crc c|are ju|ce, l|tt] arc lur
pa|t] cc|ta||s, jur|c| c|c|ces ||cs w||| |cve, p|us c|ea] |rcu|erces, w|rte| wa|e|s, sue| ccc|e|s, arc
c|e. Da||] ju|ce p|c|as ta|et |ea|t| arc c|et arc a t||ee-ca] cetc p|c|a a|es c|ears|r ]cu|
s]ste s|p|e!
Werc] Sweetse| |s t|e aut|c| cl aJJ |-ss-|s (Se||e|s |uu||s||r}, |-|o |-|-s 5 |oo|-s (C|C0 Bcc|s},
4s- ||-.os (Kccars|a Bcc|s}, arc |- o|. |o |--||| |oo||oo| (S||ve|ca|e}. S|e |as a|sc w||tter a|t|c|es
lc| BBC Cccc |ccc, Da||] Va||, arc l|v|r ||arce. Sweetse| t|a|rec at t|e Cc|ccr B|eu Sc|cc| |r lcrccr.
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
0r||re ccrtests arc |veawa]s
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
c00 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 5/1c / 7
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
/lte|rccr tea |s a ce|eu|at|cr cl a|| t||rs ce|||tlu| arc ce|ectau|e, p|ett] arc le|r|re. I||s ueaut|lu||]
|||ust|atec |eepsa|e ucc| leatu|es eve|]t||r t|at a|es t|e teat|e epe||erce spec|a|. |cve|] sa||
sarcw|c|es (|||e p|awr arc ||e peppe| a|c||}, ]u] sccres, ||tt|e ta|ts, arc ct|e| t|eats|||e p|r| ve|vet
ca|e. /rc eve|] |ec|pe |as ueer t||p|e testec tc ua|artee ]cu| success l||st t|e, eve|] t|e.
|ae|a C|a|| |as a pass|cr lc| lccc t|at |s |el|ectec |r |e| |c|e as |eac cl a wc||c-lacus test ||tc|er. I|e
tea ceve|cps arc tastes |ec|pes lc| aat|res arc ccc|ucc|s.S|e ||ves |r S]cre], /ust|a||a.
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
25c paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/1 / 7 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Family Italian
Simple, Delicious Favorites Made to Share
by Gennaro Contaldo
ISBN 978-1-4549-1021-3 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 7
/2 x 9
/4 | 240 pages (all in color)
Territory: US/Can | September 3, 2013 | Sterling Epicure
Gennaro Contaldo was born in Minori, in Amal, Italy.
He came to Britain in the late 1960s and worked in
several restaurants, eventually opening up the award-
winning Passione. Later, Contaldo worked together with
Jamie Oliver at Antonio Carluccios Neal Street restaurant,
and he and Carluccio copresented Two Greedy Italians
on BBC2, followed by Two Greedy Italians Still Hungry.
Contaldos books include Gennaros Easy Italian, Gennaros
Italian Year, Gennaros Italian Home Cooking, and Passione
(all Headline Book Publishing).
t Easy, delicious family fare at a good price point
t Italian food is always popular, and this book is lled with
the authors cherished family recipes
t Gennaro Contaldo is widely known as the chef who taught
Jamie Oliver how to cook Italian food. Hes a well-known
television celebrity in Britain and currently works for the
Oliver chain of restaurants, creating the recipes and training
the cooking staff
t Review copy mailing to food magazines
t Review copy mailing to the food sections of
daily newspapers
t Cookbook round-ups
t Digital marketing campaign
t Blog tour
Praise for the Author
Gennaro Contaldo is one of the worlds best Italian chefs. Hes a legend.
Jamie Oliver
othing brings people together like a good meal
cooking it and enjoying it. Family Italian is about
preparing fresh, honest, seasonal food; instilling smart
eating habits in our children; and spending quality time
around the kitchen stove and table. From delicious
soups (like Zucchini and Basil) to homemade pastas,
rich risottos, frittatas, steak, roast chicken, and of
course desserts, these recipes are simple, tasty, and
family pleasing.
Good Housekeeping One Dish!
90 lrresistibly Easy Dihhers That Are Feady Wheh You Are
I|ese l|es|, ccrtepc|a|] cre-c|s| ea|s |ecel|re eas] arc ce||c|cus! *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ p|cv|ces
sat|sl]|r |ec|pes t|at |rc|uce suc| la||] lavc||tes as scups, stews, st||-l||es, casse|c|es, pastas, sa|acs,
arc sarcw|c|es. I|e] a|e |t s|p|e tc st|ea||re eru p|arr|r, s|cpp|r, ccc||r, arc c|earuparc
uecause eac| cre, l|c Iu||e] |ctp|e w|t| Cc|rea| C|ust tc Butte|rut Scuas| R|scttc, |as ueer
t||p|e-testec |r t|e Cccc |cuse|eep|r K|tc|er, ]cu |rcw t|e]|e la||-p|ccl.
*RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ aat|re |s ar /e||car |ccr cl ccrsue| p|ctect|cr arc cua||t] assu|arce. Eac| |ssue
|eac|es 21 ||||cr |eace|s arc, w|t| 15 ec|t|crs puu||s|ec wc||cw|ce, |t |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec
- Vc|e t|ar 550,000 ccp|es cl t||s upcatec c 9 se||es |ave ueer sc|c, arc ct|e| ec|t|crs cl t||s ucc| |ave
sc|c c|e t|ar 1c,000 ccp|es
- I||s |s a |ea||] pcpu|a| suuject. |eac] tc eat w|er ]cu a|e, cre-c|s| ea|s a|e a lavc||te wa] tc et c|rre|
cr t|e tau|e w|t| ease
- *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ, w||c| |eac|es cre cut cl l|ve /e||car wcer eac| crt|, w||| suppc|t t|e ucc|

New Edition
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Good Housekeeping Low Carb!
90 Easy 8 Satisfyihg Fecipes
lcw ca|u-w|t| ||| l|avc|! *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ p|cv|ces ar |rsp|||r cc||ect|cr cl ce||c|cus c|rre| |ec|pes t|at
|e|p ]cu s|||r| ]cu| ca|u ccurt w|||e sat|sl]|r ]cu| appet|te at t|e sae t|e. Va|r c|s|es |rc|uce Sesae
C||c|er St||-||] w|t| /spa|aus, C|||e Stea| w|t| /vccacc-Icatc Sa|ac, arc C|au Ccuu Sa|ac. Iast] |ceas
lc| s|ces |e|p ]cu |curc cut ]cu| ca|u-sa|t ea|s.
*RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ aat|re |s ar /e||car |ccr cl ccrsue| p|ctect|cr arc cua||t] assu|arce. Eac| |ssue
|eac|es 21 ||||cr |eace|s arc, w|t| 15 ec|t|crs puu||s|ec wc||cw|ce, |t |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec
- Vc|e t|ar 550,000 ccp|es cl t||s upcatec c 9 se||es |ave ueer sc|c. 0t|e| ec|t|crs cl t||s ucc| (6PDUW
&DUE6XSSHUV} |ave sc|c c|e t|ar 1c,000 ccp|es
- lcw-ca|u c|ets a|e a t|e-testec et|cc tc ac||eve we||t |css. /t ar] |ver t|e, aucut lcu| pe|cert cl
t|e pcpu|at|crc| 10 ||||cr /e||carsa|e lc||cw|r sce ve|s|cr cl a |cw-ca|u c|et, accc|c|r tc t|e
a||et |esea|c| l|| ||D C|cup
- *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ w||| suppc|t t|e ucc|, t|e aat|re |eac|es cre cut cl l|ve /e||car wcer eac|
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r cc|c|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Classic Fizzas, Fizettas, Kids' Fizzas, Express Fizzas
Eve|]cres lavc||te ta|ecut lccc |s aucut tc uecce eve|]cres a|e-|r ea|! ||ttas a|e s|p|e tc
ccc|, arc t||s ccc|ucc| ep|a|rs t|e uas|cs, l|c c|ust tc sauce. I|e t||p|e-testec |ec|pes |rc|uce
suc| c|ass|cs as t|e Va||e||ta arc |apc||tara, |a c|eat|crs tcppec w|t| w||c us||cc, u||e, arc
wa|rut, ||c-l||erc|] p|ttas, arc supe|-last p|ttas. I|e|e a|e ever cesse|t p|ttassc ]cu car eat |t lc|
eve|] ccu|se!
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Authehtic Fecipes from the South of the Border
|ecp|e |cve c|r cut tc eat Ve|car lcccuut |ce ccc|s p|cuau|] stcp at taccs arc rac|cs.
I|ats aucut tc c|are! I|ese t||p|e-testec |ec|pes s|cw |cw eas] |t |sespec|a||] us|r
stc|e-ucu|t tc|t|||astc p|epa|e suc| lavc||tes as laj|tas, uu|||tcs, cuesac|||as, arc erc|||acas. 0| t|]
a sa|ac, c|||| ccr ca|re, sp|c] sa|sa, arc a sweet t|eat, a|e a Va|a||ta (t|e|es a |ec|pe}, arc
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Tahtalizihg Small Flates from the Mediterraheah
Sa||-p|ate c|r|r |s a supe|-|ea|t|] Vec|te||arear t|ac|t|cr t|at eve|]cres eu|ac|r. C|eate
ueaut|lu| aut|ert|c tapas w|t| ccrl|cerce, us|r t||s se|ect|cr cl t||p|e-testec arc eas]-tc-lc||cw
|ec|pes c|ar|tec u] |e|cr. ||c Spar|s| |ar-Sea|ec Sca||cps w|t| /rc|cv] Butte| tc tarta||t|r
|ta||ar art|pastc tc C|ee| Dc|aces arc V|r|-C||c|er Scuv|a||a, t|e]|e l|avc|lu|, ert|c|r, arc
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Casse|c|es a|e sc s|p|e tc p|epa|ejust cre c|s|!arc a pe|err|a| lavc||te w|t| la|||es. W|t|
|||es|st|u|e ert|ees, |rc|uc|r C||c|er arc Sweet Cc|r Ba|e, Cau||l|cwe| arc B|cccc|| C|at|r, arc
Ba|ec Veatua||s, p|us eas] arc appet|t|r s|ces, t||s ccc|ucc| arswe|s t|at p|ess|r cuest|cr.
w|ats lc| c|rre| /rc s|rce eve|] |ec|pe |as ueer t||p|e testec t|e |esu|ts a|e pe|lect eve|] t|e!
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Fresh, Delicious Dishes for All Occasiohs
I|e]|e rct just s|ce c|s|es ar]c|e! Sa|acs |ave uecce t|e |ea|t|], ce||c|cus sta| cl t|e ea|. Sc
w|] st|c| tc |ettuce arc c|uc|tes, w|er |ts sc s|p|e tc a|e scet||r spec|a| I|ese t||p|e-testec
|ec|pes s|cwcase a wc||c cl |usc|cus cpt|crs, |rc|uc|r lecr-a|||c Sp|c] |ctatc Sa|ac, Iarccc||
C||c|er c Sp|rac| Sa|ac, arc C||sp] |c|erta Sa|ac arc Sc|ec Sa|cras we|| as c|ess|rs lc| a
pe|lect l|r|s|.
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Beautifully Decorated Cakes from Easy to Experiehced to Expert
Iu|r a |ceace ca|e |rtc a wc|| cl a|t! I||s e|eart t||p|e-testec cc||ect|cr cl ccrlect|crs |as
scet||r lc| cecc|atc|s cl a|| |eve|s, l|c t|cse w|c just wart tc a|e ueaut|lu| crc|aec
cupca|es tc epe|ts eae| tc acc|r t|e|| c|eat|crs w|t| e|auc|ate c|e||] u|csscs, |ea|ts, arc ucw
t|es. Step-u]-step p|ctc|ap|s |a] cut t|e ec|ar|cs cl t||s |p|ess|ve cu||ra|] tec|r|cue, l|c
p|p|r tc l|ull] l|cst|r, erau||r ar]cre tc p|ccuce a aste|p|ece.
|uu||s|e|. Vet|c Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
210 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 3/8 / 10 3/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 12
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Delicious Breakfasts, Luhches, Kids' Farties 8 Sweets
|c| ce||acs arc ct|e|s sulle||r l|c |uter |rtc|e|arce, t||s |rva|uau|e ||tt|e ucc| |s a ea|t|e ||lesave|! |t
se|ves up suc| ]u] ]et aat|r|] |uter-l|ee la|e as Barara |ctca|es, ||tta ||rw|ee|s, Beel lasare,
C|urc|] C||c|er ||re|s, arc p|ert] cl ca|es arc cesse|ts. I|cse w|t| a||e||es w||| l|rc ar] ]east-, ca||]-,
e-, arc rut-l|ee c|s|es, tcc.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lccc aat|res
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lccc w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
|ccc u|ce|s ccrtests arc |veawa]s
B|c tcu|
- C|uter-l|ee |ec|pes a|e |r cearc
- 50 |ec|pes at a lauu|cus |cw p||ce pc|rt
- |r acc|t|cr tc |uter-l|ee |ec|pes, t|e|e a|e seve|a| c|s|es pe|lect lc| t|cse w|t| ct|e| a||e||es,
|rtc|e|arces, arc c|est|ve p|cu|es
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/1 / 7 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Cure Your Owh Bacoh, Make the Ferfect Chuthey, ahd Other Delicious
I|ese ca]s, sta]|r |r |s t|e rew c|r cutarc |ceace ce|| |s t|e wa] tc eat cu|et! I||s lartast|c
t|easu|e t|cve cl cu||ra|] ce|||ts s|cws |cw tc p|ccuce ce||cac|es |ar|r l|c cu|ec eats, sc|ec l|s|,
arc sweet p|ese|ves tc la||cuse c|eeses, l|es| pasta, arc l|es|-ua|ec p|es. I|e cut|wate||r |ec|pes
|rc|uce |ast|a| w|t| Sweet Cucuue| Re||s|, S|tt||r Beel w|t| Kc|ear Veetau|e ||c||e, arc C|ccc|ate
R|scttc w|t| C|e|||es |r K||sc|.
Ea VacDcra|c, a t|a|rec c|el, lcurcec I|e Ba] I|ee l|c |e| ct|e|s ||tc|er tau|e. Se|||r |rtc a|| t|e
ajc| supe|a||ets arc u|t|rat|cra| stc|es, as we|| as |rcepercert ce||s ac|css t|e uK, I|e Ba] I|ee |s
rcw pcss|u|] t|e l|rest arc cst pcpu|a| cua||t]-u|arc p|cv|ce| cl p|c||es, |e||s|es, jas, a||races, arc
c|utre]s |r t|e uK.
- ||c t|e wcar ue||rc I|e Ba] I|ee, t|e p|e|e| ce|| |r|ec|ert ccpar] |r t|e uK, w||c| se||s tc
custce|s suc| as t|e c|sce|r|r |c|tru c Vascr arc |a|ve] ||c|c|s
- ||c|||r, sc||r, cu||r, arc ccrse|v|r a|e a|| t|e |ae-t||s |s a ucc| t|at ce|eu|ates t|ese wcrce|lu|
t|ac|t|crs, u||r|r spec|a||st ce|| |r|ec|erts tc ]cu| cwr |ce
- |rc|uces |ec|pes lc| ce|| |r|ec|erts ]cu car a|e ]cu|se|l as we|| as lc| c|s|es us|r stc|e-ucu|t ce|| la|e
|uu||s|e|. Durcar Ba||c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
221 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
80 cc|c| p|ctcs
7 1/2 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Vintage Pattern: 1950s
||c weste|r-uasec ct|ls w|t| ccve|ec wacrs tc l|eelc| aust|act a|||rs |rsp||ec u] |c||ac| arc ce
Kccr|r, t||s reat cc||ect|cr cl 1950s patte|rs captu|es t|e ajc| t|ercs l|c t|e |e]ca] cl pcstwa| ces|r.
|eatu||r a|| t|e p||rt u|us cl t|e t|e, |rc|uc|r luc|erre Da], Rcue|t Stewa|t, arc Va|ja |sc|a cl
Va||e||c, l|-)- |-||- !9aJs |ves lu|| ep|ess|cr tc t|e c|eat|v|t] cl t|e ae.
Va|r|e |c |s a ec|a ccrsu|tart cr a|| aspects cl t|e las||cr |rcust|]. S|e |ectu|ec |r V|sua| Stuc|es arc
t|e Cu|tu|e cl |as||cr at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl |ctt|r|a, arc |as a Vaste|s De|ee |r /|t arc Des|r
/cvarcec ||act|ce arc I|ec|]. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| ucc|s |rc|uc|r 5o.|.- 4 |Js |.||.-|
||-o-o (V|tc|e|| Beat|e]}, l|-)- w-11)s (la||}, arc || |-s|o (Batslc|c}. Va|r|e ||ves |r
Dull|e|c, De|u]s|||e.
- I|e 50s we|e a |e] cecace cl ces|rarc |ts rcw erjc]|r a ajc| |ev|va|
- / ur|cue scu|ceucc| lc| ccrtepc|a|] ces|re|s arc stucerts
- Ccrta|rs ec|us|ve |||ust|at|crs arc c|||ra| a|twc|| cl p||rt ces|re|s
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
192 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c / c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Vintage Fashion IIIustration
From Harper's Bazaar 1930 - 1970
Sce cl t|e |eatest las||cr |||ust|at|crs eve| c|eatec appea|ec |r |-c-s 5-c--, arc t|e|| st]|es, s|apes,
arc cc|c|s ccrt|rue tc |rl|uerce tcca]s p|act|t|cre|s. I||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr s|cwcases c|e t|ar 250
|ccr|c |aes puu||s|ec uetweer 1930 arc 1970|rc|uc|r a|twc|| l|c Jear Cccteau, lecr Ber|r|, arc
Jare B|u]. W|et|e| t|e] wc|| w|t| t|ac|t|cra| perc||s, c|a]crs, wate|cc|c|s, c| a c||ta| per, las||cr
|||ust|atc|s w||| l|rc |rsp||at|cr |r t|ese u|eat|ta||r ces|rs.
Va|r|e |c |s a ec|a ccrsu|tart cr a|| aspects cl t|e las||cr |rcust|]. S|e |ectu|ec |r V|sua| Stuc|es arc
t|e Cu|tu|e cl |as||cr at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl |ctt|r|a, arc |as a Vaste|s De|ee |r /|t arc Des|r
/cvarcec ||act|ce arc I|ec|]. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| ucc|s |rc|uc|r 5o.|.- 4 |Js |.||.-|
||-o-o (V|tc|e|| Beat|e]}, l|-)- w-11)s (la||}, arc || |-s|o (Batslc|c}. Va|r|e ||ves |r
Dull|e|c, De|u]s|||e.
- Sturr|r |escu|ce lc| ar] las||cr stucert, |ap||c ces|re|, c| las||cr ||stc||ar w|t| cve| 250 v|rtae
|||ust|at|crs l|c t|e |-c-s 5-c-- a|c||ve
- Eve|]t||r l|c t|e arre|ec s|apes cl lecr Ber|r| |r t|e 30s tc t|e |ccse| s|apes cl t|e 19c0s
- |rc|uces t|e wc|| cl E||c ||ate|, C|||st|ar Be|a|, Jear Cccteau, ||ece||c |er||cr, arc Jare B|u]
New In Paperback
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
208 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/2 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
40 Stylish Frojects to Fe-lhveht ahd Update Your Wardrobe
Susta|rau|e, eccrc|ca| . . . lauu|cus! Rec|eate t|e cst ccvetec catwa|| t|ercs at |ce w|t| p|e-cwrec
arc seccrc|arc |tes. I|ese sturr|r|] p|cless|cra|-|cc||r a|erts arc accessc||es |are l|c c|esses,
s|||ts, jac|ets, arc t|cuse|s tc jewe||], |ats, uas, arc sca|ves. |as||cr|sta et|ac|c|ra||e Cereva Varce|te||
ep|a|rs s|p|e sew|r tec|r|cues as we|| as custc|t|r, eas] ]a|r wc||, jewe||] a||r, arc c|e.
Cereva Varce|te|| u|cs cr t|e s|te '/ |a|| arc / Spa|e' (apa||-arcaspa|e.u|} arc |as a pass|cr
lc| cc-|t-]cu|se|l las||cr. Du||r t|e ca] s|es ar u|uar p|arre|, uut s|e a|sc wc||s w|t| ajc| u|arcs (3V,
Ccac|, V|c|ae|s, Spc|ts|||, Icr] B|arcc, arc Ic|] Bu|c|}, aat|res (&RVPRSROLWDQ, +DUSHUV%D]DDU
/ust|a||a, /XFN\, 6HYHQWHHQ, 9RJXH}, arc weus|tes tc |ec|eate cu||ert t|ercs us|r D|Y. Cereva cu||ert|]
||ves |r |cr Kcr u] wa] cl lcrccr.
- ||c t|e pcpu|a| u|c / |a|| arc a Spa|e cces a ucc| cl |arc] D|Y p|cjectsw|t| ec|us|ves ]cu wcrt
see crsc|eer
- I|e u|c ets 500,000 pae v|ews pe| crt| (250,000 ur|cue v|ews} arc |as ueer |cw|r at 15 pe|
- I|e aut|c| arc |e| ces|rs |ave ueer leatu|ec cr Icca].cc arc |r 3HRSOH aat|re. S|e |as a|sc
cc||auc|atec w|t| las||cr u|arcs arc |eta||e|s |rc|uc|r J B|arc, Bcc|, arc /S0S (}, arc
w||tes a |eu|a| st]|e retwc|| cc|ur lc| /ust|a||as +DUSHUV%D]DDU
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
17c paes
$21.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Vc|e t|ar a certu|] cl |arcua ||stc|] urlc|cs |e|e, cecace u] cecace arc |av|s||] |||ust|atec. ||c t|e
ve|] l||st cecc|at|ve ever|r pu|ses |r 1910 lc||cw a pa|ace cl cc||ect|u|e uas l|c suc| raes as
Sc||apa|e|||, |e|es, |erc|, C|are|, Vu|ttcr, Cucc|, arc ||aca. But ]cu|| a|sc see t|e ee|erce cl c|ass|c
u|arcs |||e Ccac|, cl eve|]ca] las||cr t|ercs, |||e t|e s|cu|ce| ua, arc cl ces|r up|eava|s |||e t|e 19c0s
Va|r|e |c |s a las||cr arc ec|a ccrsu|tart |r t|e uK. W|t| ar V/ |r a|t arc ces|r, s|e |as ueer a
ser|c| |ectu|e| |r las||cr arc tet||es at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl |ctt|r|a. Va|r|e |s t|e aut|c| cl c|e t|ar ter
ucc|s, |rc|uc|r 9LQWDJH:HGGLQJV arc 9LQWDJH)DVKLRQ.QLWZHDU (uct| la||}.
- |c|ewc|c u] /r]a ||rca|c|, t|e B||t|s| ces|re| |rcwr lc| |e| ucw-|aue| uas sc|c |r suc| stc|es as
Sa|s, Ba|re]s, ||ec Sea|, as we|| as |r |e| ucut|cues |r |ew Yc|| arc l/
- /ppea|s tc wcer w|c wart tc ceve|cp a ur|cue |cc| as we|| as t|cse w|c wart tc sra ar aat|r
c|||ra| p|ece at a t|||lt] p||ce
- V|rtae |arcuas a|e w|ce|] sc|c |r ccrs|rert arc seccrc|arc s|cps arc v|rtae ucut|cues t||cu|cut
t|e uS
- /|c||va| |||ust|at|crs arc p|ctc|ap|] u] t|e cst |aucec las||cr p|ctc|ap|e|s cl t|e t|e |erc
uac||curc tc eac| cecace w|||e spec|a||] cc|ss|crec p|ctc|ap|s cl ces|re| uas s|cw t|e ceta||s
arc c|a|acte||st|cs tc |cc| lc| w|er s|cpp|r
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
221 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
250 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
7 1/1 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
30 Crochet Frojects lhspired by the Fuhway
I|ese |urwa]-|eac] p|cjects w||| |ave c|cc|ete|s |cc|ec! Ccrtepc|a|], t|erc], arc tcta||] c||c,
)DVKLRQ&URFKHW leatu|es 30 patte|rs lc| c|ct||r arc accessc||es, eac| acccpar|ec u] a p|ctc cl
t|e p|ece t|at |rsp||ec |t. |rcc|pc|at|r a w|ce c|css-sect|cr cl tec|r|cues l|c |arr] scua|es arc
|rctwc|| tc |ace, t|e ueaut|lu| c|eat|crs |rc|uce eve|]t||r l|c s|||ts, tcps, arc ueac|wea| tc
s|aw|s, sca|ves, arc uas.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
17c paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/1 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
12 Statemeht Sweater Fatterhs, 12 Motifs to Meddle With
I|ese sweate|s a|e a stateertarc erccu|ae |r|tte|s tc c w||c pe|scra||t|r t|e! Eac|
patte|r ta|es |ts |rsp||at|cr l|c a scr, |ar|r l|c a |ecpa|c p||rt ('Ve Jare'} tc Scarc|rav|ar
srcwl|a|es ('I|e K||||r Vccr'}. But t||s ucc| |ea||] ep|as|tes c|eat|v|t] w|t| ces|rs t|at
p|act|ca||] ue ]cu tc c|ccse ]cu| cwr cc|c|s arc ]a|r, t|e|e a|e ever s| custc|tau|e |ap||c
swatc|es tc p|a] w|t|!
|uu||s|e|. Cc|||rs c B|cwr
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
112 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 7/8 / 7 7/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Huhdreds of Classics 8 Origihal Fatterhs
W|t| c|e t|ar 310 uc|ce| arc uarc st|tc| ces|rs tc use cr c|ct||r, tet||es, |arcc|alts arc c|e,
t||s |s t|e u|t|ate c-tc u|ce lc| c|cc|ete|s! |cw ava||au|e |r pape|uac|, t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr cl
c|ass|c arc c|||ra| patte|rs leatu|es. a p|ctc cl t|e st|tc|, |eace|-l||erc|] |rst|uct|crs, arc a c|a|a
t|at s|cws eac| st|tc| |r t|e uarc c| uc|ce| w|t| |ts p|aceert, sc t|e ert||e ces|r |s
urce|starcau|e at a |arce.
|uu||s|e|. la||
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
25c paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Creative Techhiques for Khittihg Both Sides Fight
W|at a w|rr|r ccu|rat|cr. ce|eu|atec aut|c| |||s Sc||e|e|, 23 ecu|s|te p|cjects, arc ar |r-cearc
tec|r|cue t|at |esu|ts |r a|erts t|at |cc| |eat cr uct| s|ces. us|r |r|t/pu||, twc-cc|c|, ccuu|e
|r|tt|r, arc ccu|a|, |||s c|eates ueaut|lu| sca|ves, t||cws, scc|s, arc c|e. /s a ucrus, t|e|es a
supe|-|arc] ]a|r suust|tut|cr c|a|t arc ar apperc| w|t| et|a va||at|cr lc| acvarcec |r|tte|s.
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
111 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 9/1c / 8 11/1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
25 Fuh, Fabulous Outfits for 18-lhch Dolls
W|c uette| t|ar ces|r supe|sta| ||c|] Epste|r tc c|eate ar acc|au|e cc||ect|cr cl c|cc|et
patte|rs lc| tcca]s w||c|] pcpu|a| 18-|rc| cc||s Epste|rs 25 p|a]lu|, las||cr-lc|wa|c
a|ertsl|c |ats, ccats, arc jac|ets tc c|esses, s|||ts, tcps, arc parts|are l|c c|ass|c
tc c||c tc t|erc]. ||c|]s cutl|ts a|e up a st]||s| ccp|ete cc|| wa|c|cuepe|lect lc| a spec|a|
||tt|e |||s spec|a| l||erc!
||c|] Epste|r |s a p|c||l|c c|cc|et arc |r|twea| ces|re|, t|e aut|c| cl rue|cus uestse|||r
ucc|s cr c|cc|et arc |r|tt|r, arc a pcpu|a| teac|e| w|c t|ave|s rat|cra||] arc |rte|rat|cra||] tc
|ectu|e arc |ve wc||s|cps cr |r|tt|r arc c|cc|et tec|r|cue. S|e |as c|eatec ces|rs lc| ar]
]a|r arulactu|e|s, arc |e| wc|| |s l|ecuert|] puu||s|ec |r |r|tt|r arc c|cc|et aat|res,
|rc|uc|r 9RJXH .QLWWLQJ, 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ, &URFKHW, arc .QLW6LPSOH. |r 2005 s|e |ece|vec a
p|est||cus awa|c l|c I|e |at|cra| |eec|e/|ts /sscc|at|cr, arc |r 200c |e| wc|| was leatu|ec
|r a |et|cspect|ve las||cr s|cw at t|e Vuseu cl /|ts arc Des|r |r |ew Yc|| C|t], w|e|e s|e
- /ccc|c|r tc a |ecert 0RUQLQJ(GLWLRQ |rte|v|ew w|t| a cc|| |rcust|] ara|]st lc| t|e :DOO6WUHHW
-RXUQDO (||R, 5/23/12}, t|cu| Ba|u|e arc ct|e| cc||s |r t|e 11-|rc| catec|] a] st||| ue t|e
urc|sputec cueer cl t|e cc|| a|s|e, t|e|| |cwt| |s s|cw|r arc t|e 18-|rc| catec|] |s
acce|e|at|r. Var] cc|| arulactu|e|s |ave |rc|easec t|e|| cc||s tc 18 |rc|es c| |aurc|ec rew
||res, a|| p||cec ccpet|t|ve|]. I|ese ta||e| cc||s see tc |ave 'sta]|r pcwe|' ever acr c|ce|
|||s uecause t|e|| statu|e a|es t|e see |||e p|eteer c| ea||] teers |at|e| t|ar uau|es c|
- |r t||s cc||ect|cr, ||c|] clle|s |e| c|cc|et cevctees eve|]t||r t|e]ve cce tc epect l|c |e|
ces|rs. lur ec|rs, eue|||s|erts, arc ct|e| spec|a| tcuc|es. /s w|t| |e| .QLWVIRU
'ROOV (S|t| c Sp||r} |e| app|cac| ta|es t|ese p|cjects tc a rew |eve|, ersu||r |eace|s t|at
w|at t|e]|e a||r lc| t|e|| ||tt|e |||s cc|| w||| uecce spec|a|, ue|cvec |eepsa|es
- I|e p|ctc|ap|] arc st]||r cl t|e cc||s arc a|erts w||| |ave ar upsca|e |cc|.

|uu||s|e|. ||c|] Epste|r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
25 |ur, |auu|cus 0utl|ts lc|
18-|rc| Dc||s
Fublisher: Nicky Epsteih Books
Fublished: May 2013
128 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Territory: WENG
Creative Cuttihg, Bohdihg ahd Mark-Makihg with the Solderihg lroh
I|e aut|c| cl t|e uestse|||r )XVLQJ)DEULF ta|es a l|es| |cc| at t|e c|eat|ve pcss|u|||t|es cl t|e sc|ce||r
||cr-t|e tcc| t|at |evc|ut|cr|tec tet||e a|t. |rsp||ec u] t|ac|t|cra| eu|c|ce|] arc sew|r tec|r|cues,
Va|a|et Bea| epe||erts w|t| a va||et] cl s]rt|et|c lau||cs|rc|uc|r Eva|cr, lut|acu|, arc
pc|]eta|||cstc ceve|cp rew su|lace tetu|es arc t||ee-c|ers|cra| p|eces. /|cr w|t| ceta||ec
|rst|uct|crs, Bea| p|eserts a ueaut|lu| c|sp|a] cl tcca]s cst ec|t|r tet||e wc||.
Va|a|et Bea| |s ar eu|c|ce|e| w|c t|ave|s a|| cve| t|e uK teac||r |e| |rrcvat|ve arc pcpu|a|
sc|ce||r-||cr tec|r|cues. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl )XVLQJ)DEULF (Batslc|c}. S|e ||ves |r /rccve|, |aps|||e.
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Creatihg Collaborative Textile Frojects
Icca], tet||e a|t|sts wart tc st|tc| tcet|e| a ccur|t] as we|| as a p|cject. Cas |c|es arc /rre Ke||],
w|c lc|ec t|e|| cwr p|ccuct|ve pa|tre|s||p, ep|a|r t|e a|t cl c|eat|ve cc||auc|at|cr, |r sa|| |cups c|
|a|e, rea| c| la|. I|e] p|cv|ce acv|ce cr l|rc|r cc||eaues, c|ccs|r verues, arc sett|r |curc |u|es, p|us
a wea|t| cl wa]s tc wc|| tcet|e|, swap p|eces, ceve|cp va||at|crs cr a t|ee, arc ever a|e jc|rt
c|eat|crs |cr c|starce.
Cas |c|es |s cre cl t|e uKs cst |ercwrec tet||e a|t|sts, arc t|e aut|c| cl 7KH)RXQG2EMHFWLQ7H[WLOH
$UW. |r acc|t|cr tc e||u|t|r w|ce|] arc |ur|r ccu|ses at West Dear Cc||ee, s|e |as w||tter lc| aat|res,
|rc|uc|r 7KH4XLOWHU, arc ccrt||uutec tc Wc||s|cp cr t|e Weu. Cas ||ves |r Va|cstcre, Kert.

/rre Ke||] |s a tet||e a|t|st arc teac|e|. S|e t|a|rec |r Caraca arc t|e uK arc |as e||u|tec w|ce|] |r uct|
sc|c arc |cup e||u|t|crs.
- |c||cw-up tc Cas |c|ess |ue|] successlu| 7KH)RXQG2EMHFWLQ7H[WLOH$UW (|rte|weave ||ess}
- Iaps |rtc ar |rc|eas|r|] pcpu|a| t|erc |r tet||e a|t tcca]

|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Contemporary JeweIry in Perspective
W|at |s ccrtepc|a|] jewe||] W|at a|es |t ur|cue W|at c|st|ru|s|es t|ese cujects arc p|act|ces l|c
ct|e| v|sua| a|ts |o|-co-, J-z-|, |-sc-.|.- p|cv|ces c|ea| cel|r|t|crs, ccrc|se ||stc|], arc cu|tu|a|
ccrtet lc| t|e lc|. |eatu||r auurcart |||ust|at|crs arc rctau|e ccrt||uutc|s l|c a|curc t|e wc||c, |t
clle|s lasc|rat|r c|scuss|crs cr c|eat|r, cc||ect|r, e||u|t|r, se|||r, arc wea||r t|ese p|eces, p|us
|rc|v|cua| essa]s t|at p|esert a |cua| pe|spect|ve cr t|e a|t.
Da|ar S||rre| |s ar a|t ||stc||ar, cu|atc| cl app||ec a|t arc ces|r at t|e /uc||arc Vuseu arc lc|e|
ec|tc| cl 4| J-z-|, |o.. |e was a |ewtcr |rte|rat|cra| |e||cw at t|e Vuseu cl /|c|aec|c] arc
/rt||cpc|c], ur|ve|s|t] cl Cau||ce, arc ||s ucc|s |rc|uce |- |-.- -1 ||- 4|s| V-o 4| ||-
z-|-|| |-|., (/uc||arc ur|ve|s|t] ||ess}, w||c| was uasec cr ||s ||D t|es|s, |o- - |oz S|.1o
|o||-, |-z /--|-1 !91a!93J (Batear |uu||s||r}, ccaut|c|ec w|t| Vc]|a E|||ctt, 4|- |-s|o
5-|z-- 1-s (Cccw|t}, |o| 5oss|-1 oo|1s|| (Batear |uu||s||r}, |o.|-| o.1- |o |-z /--|-1
J-z-|, (Ve|vet ca V|rc|, 2010}, arc ||-.- -1 41o-| 4 |s|o, o| |o|-co-, J-z-||-,
4.s|-|-s- (Batear |uu||s||r}, ccaut|c|ec w|t| Kev|r Vu||a].
- I|e c|cut cl t|e /|t Jewe||] |c|u arc t|e ce|eu|atec w||te|s leatu|ec |r t|e ucc| w||| a|e t||s essert|a|
|eac|r lc| t|e ert||e ccrtepc|a|] jewe||] wc||c. jewe|e|s, teac|e|s, stucerts, cc||ectc|s, arc a|t lars
- Bcc| w||| |ave a |cua| |eac|. |t |rc|uces essa]s l|c ar] rcr-|c|t| /e||car ccrt||uutc|s arc ccve|s
t|e ||stc|] cl ccrtepc|a|] jewe||] ccrt|rert u] ccrt|rert
- / l|as||p ucc| lc| la|| Jewe||] c Beac|r t|at w||| se|| t||cu| tc t|e |a|e ccur|t] cl jewe|e|s arc
ueace|s we pa|t|c|pate |r arc a||et tc
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
2c1 paes
$10.00 ($11.00 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
500 Handmade Books VoIume 2
Eve|]cre w|c |cvec t|e c|||ra| aJJ |-1-1- 5oo|s w||| eae||] c|p |rtc t||s v|sua||] c]ra|c lc||cw-up.
0lle||r 500 sturr|r rew c|eat|crs u] ar |rte|rat|cra| |cste| cl a|t|sts, |t s|cwcases t|e ur|||tec c|eat|ve
pcss|u|||t|es cl ucc|s as cujects arc as scu|ptu|a| p|eces. /|cr w|t| t|ac|t|cra|, ||c||] eue|||s|ec vc|ues,
ucurca|]-pus||r wc||s urlu||, sc|c||, arc l||p, leatu|e |p|cuau|e ate||a|s |||e eta|, lau||c, wccc, arc
|ass, arc |rc|uce |us|, |arcc|altec pape|s.
Ju||e C|ers ucc|s a|e ccrs|ce|ec ecept|cra| lc| t|e|| c|alt arc cua||t]. /|wa]s |rclu| cl t|e |eace| w|c
w||| |rte|act w|t| |e| st|uctu|es, s|e se|ects pape| tc ce|||t t|e e]e arc appea| tc t|e tcuc|, w|||e c|eat|r
ccrceptua| lc|s t|at lurct|cr as 'vesse|s' lc| tet, |aes, |ceas, arc ear|r. |r acc|t|cr tc teac||r
Bcc| /|ts at V|||s Cc||ee arc cpe|at|r ||]|r ||s| ||ess, C|er |eu|a||] |ectu|es cr ucc|a||r arc
teac|es wc||s|cps rat|crw|ce. S|e ||ves |r Be||e|e], C/.
- |ts p|ececessc|, aJJ |-1-1- 5oo|s, sc|c ve|] we||
- Ju||ec u] Ju||e C|er, a |ercwrec epe|t ucc| a|t|st, |ectu|e|, arc |rst|uctc|
- W|er 7j puu||s|es, |t w||| |ave ueer l|ve ]ea|s s|rce t|e l||st vc|ue was |e|easec, arc |rte|est |r
ucc| a|ts |as |cwr c|aat|ca||] cu||r t|at t|e
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
120 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Iwc t||rs a|e c||a| ueaut|lu|. t|e cua||t] cl t|e lc|c|r arc t|e pape| |tse|l. I||s ur|cue ucc| ccrta|rs
1,032 paes cl c|ecus patte|rec c||a| pape| w|t| 21 c|lle|ert ces|rs. |u|| t|e cut cl t|e u|rc|r arc
use t|e lc| w|ateve| c||a| p|cject ]cu|e c|eat|r, e||t paes cl |rst|uct|crs ep|a|r |cw tc aste| t|e
uas|cs sc ]cu car a|e a|| ]cu| lavc||te cce|s tcca]!
C|alt u|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
||crt cl t|e ucc| p|ccuct ccve|ae |r |cr |eac puu||cat|crs
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r |rrcvat|cr
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1010 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Easy-to-Make Lifelike Models
|cu| lavc||te |c|t| /e||car uac|]a|c u||c spec|es ta|e l|||t! |rs|ce t||s |rsp|||r ||t ]cu|| l|rc eve|]t||r
reecec tc c|eate 1c ueaut|lu| u|ueu||cs, pe||] ca|c|ra|s, |cve|] c|cl|rc|es, arc ce||cate rut|atc|es. |r
acc|t|cr tc 3c p|e-p||rtec p|cject s|eets arc cre uctt|e cl |ue, ar erc|csec |rst|uct|cr ucc| ccrta|rs
ceta||ec |||ust|atec c||ect|crs lc| cutt|r, |u|r, arc lc|c|r t|e u||cs.
Jc|ar Sc|e|lt |s ar a|t|st arc pape| er|ree| uasec |r le|cer, t|e |et|e||arcs. ||s t||ee-c|ers|cra| u||c
cce|s, a|cr w|t| ||s c|aw|rs, ea|rec Sc|e|lt a p|ace at t|e Rc]a| /cace] cl /|ts |r I|e |aue, l|c
w||c| |e |acuatec |r 1993. ||s wc|| |as appea|ec |r rue|cus e||u|t|crs, |rc|uc|r t|e |et|t Ca||e|] |r
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r |rrcvat|cr
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
10 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 5/8 / 8 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Country Living Spooky Bright
101 Halloweeh ldeas
W|er 0ctcue| a|||ves, t|cu|ts tu|r tc |a||cweer arc a|| t||rs sca|]. Ic a|e t|e |c||ca]
a|ve|cus|] acau|e, &RXQWU\/LYLQJ |as a cc||ect|cr cl 125 c|eep||] ccc| wa]s tc c|eate
ear|rlu| ec||es lc| la||] arc l||ercs. Reve| |r |a||cweers a|c w|t| tc-c|e-lc| pup||r
c|sp|a]s, u|ccc-c|||||r |aurtec |cuses, s|rlu||] sweet t|eats (|||e sp|ce|-weu cupca|es},
|a||-|a|s|r pa|t] |ceas, t||c|-c|-t|eat t|ps, arc cev|||s||] ce|||tlu| cecc|at|crs!
&RXQWU\/LYLQJ, w|t| 11 ||||cr |eace|s, |s t|e |a|est-se|||r s|e|te| aat|re cr t|e rewsstarc
arc t|e cel|r|t|ve u|ce tc ccurt|] ||lest]|e.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc c|alts arc wcer's aat|res
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc c|alts sect|crs cl ca||] rewspape|s
C|alt arc c] u|ce|s cut|eac|
|at|cra|/|cca| 07 cut|eac|
Cc-p|cct|cra| a||et|r w|t| |ea|st puu||cat|crs
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
111 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r cc|c|
5 / 7
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
ArtfuI HaIIoween
31 ||||tlu||] E|eart ||cjects
Fublisher: Lark Crafts
Fublished: September 2012
128 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: World
Country Living Happy
Bew|tc||r |a|t|es arc Rec|pes,
Erc|art|r |up||rs arc
Decc|at|crs, ||us lcts cl 0t|e|
Sp|re-I|r||r |ceas
Fublisher: Hearst
Fublished: September 2009
224 pages
$17.95 ($23.50 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 X 9 1/2
Cartoh Ouahtity: 22
Territory: World excl UK
Spooky HaIIoween
|urc|-0ut W|rccw S|accws
lc| a |aurtec |ce
Fublisher: Sterlihg lhhovatioh
Fublished: September 2011
34 pages
$10.95 ($12.95 Cahadiah)
12 X 15
Cartoh Ouahtity: 34
Territory: World
Zombie Sudoku
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: August 2011
240 pages
$7.95 ($9.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
5 1/4 X 5 1/2
Cartoh Ouahtity: 48
Territory: World
Fublisher: Sterlihg Childreh's
Fublished: September 2012
122 pages
$9.95 ($11.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback Cohcealed Spiral
all ih color; 50 sheets of origami
7 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 28
Territory: World
My First Three Years
Ce|eu|ate ]cu| ||tt|e uc]s u| ||estcres. l||st steps, wc|cs, u||t|ca]s, arc ue]crc! I||s ueaut|lu| a|uu w|||
|c|ta||te eve|] p|ec|cus cert cl t|e l||st t||ee ]ea|s. |eatu||r a cce|r arc c|ee|lu| ces|r, |t |as a
la||] t|ee, p|ert] cl |cc lc| p|ctcs, arc space lc| pe|scra| stc||es arc |el|ect|crs l|c pa|erts arc
|e|at|ves. ,PD%R\ |s su|e tc uecce a |eepsa|e t|at t|e la||] w||| t|easu|e lc|eve|.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
My First Three Years
Ce|eu|ate ]cu| ||tt|e |||s u| ||estcres. l||st steps, wc|cs, u||t|ca]s, arc ue]crc! I||s ueaut|lu| a|uu w|||
|c|ta||te eve|] p|ec|cus cert cl t|e l||st t||ee ]ea|s. |eatu||r a cce|r arc c|ee|lu| ces|r, |t |as a
la||] t|ee, p|ert] cl |cc lc| p|ctcs, arc space lc| pe|scra| stc||es arc |el|ect|crs l|c pa|erts arc
|e|at|ves. ,PD*LUO |s su|e tc uecce a |eepsa|e t|at t|e la||] w||| t|easu|e lc|eve|.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
128 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Live Longer, Live Younger
The 10-Step Frogramme to Healthy Ageihg
S|cw ccwr t|e a|r p|ccess! leac|r |rte|atec |ea|t| p|act|t|cre| D|. Rajerc|a S|a|a ep|a|rs
|cw, w|t| s|p|e c|ares |r c|et, ee|c|se arc erta| att|tuces, we car erjc] |ea|t||e| arc c|e
p|ccuct|ve c|ce| ||ves. D|. S|a|a p|eserts ccpe|||r sc|ert|l|c ev|cerce cr w||c| lcccs car |ecuce
t|e c|arce cl ceve|cp|r a|t|||t|s arc ce|ta|r carce|s, cr t|e aat|r ellect|veress cl |eu|a|
ee|c|se, arc cr |cw tc tu|r ]cu| |ea|t| a|curc, rc atte| |ts cu||ert state.
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
272 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
5 / 7 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The CiviI War in Photographs
I|e ae cl p|ctc|ap|] cc|rc|cec w|t| t|e e|upt|cr cl t|e C|v|| Wa|. /s a |esu|t, c|e t|ar 2,000
p|ctc|ap|e|s ccve|ec t|e ccrl||ct, lc| t|e l||st t|e captu||r eve|] aspect cl wa|. |e|e a|e t|e l|rest
cl t|ese |aes, w|t| |||u|rat|r tet tc acccpar] t|e. Var] cl t|ese evccat|ve p|ctcs a|e |a|e,
arc pc|t|a] t|e uatt|es, t|e|| t|a|c alte|at|, arc t|e pecp|e cau|t |r t|e cevastat|cr.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
25c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
350 u/w p|ctcs
9 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Three Weeks to eBay Profits, Third Edition
Go From Begihher to Successful Seller ih Less thah a Mohth
S|rce |ts |e|ease, S||p VcC|at|s c|ass|c u|ce tc eBa] |as ueer a uestse||e|arc t||s ccp|ete|]
upcatec ec|t|cr w||| |e|p use|s rav|ate t|e pcpu|a| weus|tes sweep|r |u|e c|ares. |t ccve|s a|| t|e
|ev|sec leatu|es, l|c t|e rew Icp Ratec Se||e| ces|rat|cr tc t|e w|cesp|eac |rte|at|cr cl se|v|ces
suc| as |a]pa| arc autcatec u|S/uS|S s||pp|r. Se||e|s w||| a|e c|e cre] t|ar eve|!
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
301 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
7 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The CompIete Guide to Stonescaping
Dry-Stackihg, Mortarihg, Favihg 8 Gardehscapihg
Iwc uestse|||r ucc|srcw |r cre ccp|e|ers|ve vc|ue! Icet|e|, 7KH$UW&UDIWRI6WRQHVFDSLQJ
arc 7KH$UW&UDIWRI6WRQHZRUN a|e up t|e uest ue|rre|-l||erc|] u|ce ava||au|e cr uu||c|r stcre
wa||s, steps, uerc|es, pat|s, pat|cs, arc uc|ce|s. / u|arc-rew a||e|] cl |rsp|||r p|cjects, |cts cl
|cw-tc p|ctcs, arc |rlc|at|ve |||ust|at|crs a|e t||s |art |escu|ce a ust-|ave.
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
21c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
From Arsehic to Xahax, 250 Milestohes ih the History of Drugs
Ccve||r eve|]t||r l|c arc|ert |e|us tc cutt|r-ece c|e|ca|s, t||s rew vc|ue |r t|e
pcpu|a| V||estcres se||es |cc|s at 250 c|uc|a| certs |r t|e ceve|cpert cl ||le-a|te||r,
||le-sav|r, arc scet|es ||le-ercare||r c|us. Desc||u|r t|e c|sccve|] arc c|e|st|] cl
c|us |||e a|cc|c|, cp|u, |e|cc|, t|e sa||pc vacc|re, /ara, arc /ZI, t||s |us| ec|t|cr a|sc
leatu|es t|e sc|ert|sts, ccctc|s, arc ccpar|es w|c u|cu|t t|e tc us.
V|c|ae| C. Ce|a|c, ||D |s ||clessc| Ee||tus cl ||a|ac] at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl Ccrrect|cut arc
|as se|vec as Dear cl t|e sc|cc|. |e was p|ev|cus|] a p|clessc| cl p|a|acc|c] arc /sscc|ate
Dear at t|e Cc||ee cl ||a|ac] at I|e 0||c State ur|ve|s|t] arc a ccrsu|tart tc t|e Wc||c
|ea|t| 0|ar|tat|cr |r Cereva. / eue| cl t|e Bca|c cl D||ectc|s cl t|e |at|ert /ccess
|etwc|| |curcat|cr, |e |as aut|c|ec c|e t|ar 100 puu||cat|crs arc l|ve ucc|s, |rc|uc|r 7KH
3UHVFULSWLRQ'UXJV (/|p|a}. |e ||ves |r Stc||s Varsl|e|c, CI.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc ca||] rewspape|s
|at|cra| arc |cca| |ac|c cut|eac|
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
B|c tcu|
- ||ev|cus Ste|||r V||estcres vc|ues |ave ueer puu||s|ec tc |eat success ccest|ca||] arc
cve|seas, w|t| a ccu|rec 120,000 ccp|es s||ppec arc c|e t|ar ter lc|e|r |aruae ec|t|crs
- |c ct|e| |||ust|atec t|ace ucc| |as eve| tac||ec t|e ert||e ||stc|] cl c|u ceve|cpert, arc
p|esertec eve|]t||r l|c p|e||stc||c |e|ua| |eec|es tc t|e p|cjectec suust|tut|cr cl ec|c|res
w|t| ere t|e|ap], |r suc| ar |rv|t|r pac|ae
- D|u ceve|cpert |s ar |rte|rat|cra| ellc|t cl |eat |pc|t arc |rte|est tc a |ap|c|] |cw|r |cua|
p|a|aceut|ca| a||et, est|atec tc |eac| $1.1 t|||||cr u] 2011
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||c |]t|ac|as tc t|e 57t|
D|ers|cr, 250 V||estcres |r
t|e ||stc|] cl Vat|eat|cs
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: February 2012
528 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
7 5/16 X 8 7/16
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
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Author Hometowh:
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Su|ecrs, 250 V||estcres |r t|e
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Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: September 2012
528 pages
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Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
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Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
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||c t|e B| Bar tc 0uartu
Resu||ect|cr, 250 V||estcres |r
t|e ||stc|] cl ||]s|cs
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: November 2011
528 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
7 5/16 X 8 7/16
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
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||c t|e Be|rr|r tc t|e Erc
cl I|e, 250 V||estcres |r t|e
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Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: May 2013
528 pages
$29.95 ($35.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
7 5/16 X 8 7/16
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: World
The New York Times Book of
Physics and Astronomy
More Than 100 Years of Covering the
Expanding Universe
Edited by Cornelia Dean,
Foreward by Neil deGrasse Tyson
ISBN 978-1-4027-9320-2 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 6 x 9 | 576 pages (25 b/w illus.) | Territory: W
Carton Qty: 13 | September 3, 2013 | Sterling
rom the discovery of distant galaxies and black holes
to the tiny interstices of the atom, here is the very best
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These 125 articles from the award-winning papers
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than a century of breakthroughs, setbacks, and mysteries.
Cornelia Dean is a science writer for the New York
Times, where she writes mostly about environmental
issues and science policy, and a lecturer at the School
of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard
University. From January 1997 until June 2003, Dean
was science editor of the Times; during her tenure staff
members twice won the Pulitzer Prize (and came in as
nalists three times), the Polk Award, and the Lasker
Award for public service, among many other honors.
Deans rst book, Against the Tide: The Battle for
Americas Beaches (Columbia University Press) was a
New York Times Notable Book of the Year. Her second
book, Am I Making Myself Clear?, was published by
Harvard University Press in 2009. She is currently
working on a book about the misuse of scientic
information in American public life.
t Includes such renowned and Pulitzer Prize-winning
science writers as Malcolm W. Browne, James Glanz,
George Johnson, William L. Laurence, Dennis Overbye,
Walter Sullivan, and more
t Cornelia Dean is one of the leading science writers in the
country and the ideal editor to cull the vast collection of
articles for this collection
t Foreword by Neil deGrasse Tyson
t The New York Times is an award-winning paper in the eld of
science. Many Pulitzer-Prize winners are part of this collection
t National and local radio campaign
t Reviewer mailing to science publications
t Mailing to book reviewer and science editors at
daily newspapers
t Digital marketing campaign
t New York Times ads
t Gift guide outreach
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Visit the 100 Most Awe-lhspirihg Destihatiohs ih the Uhiverse!
Ia|e ]cu| seats lc| ar cut-cl-t||s-wc|c tcu| t||cu| t|e Ccscs! B||ar Va], |at||c| Vcc|e, arc C|||s
l|rtcttaut|c|s cl %DQJl|] us l|c Ea|t| tc t|e la|t|est-cut a|a|es, stcpp|r a|cr t|e wa] tc ep|a|r
100 aat|r s||ts, l|c aste|c|cs tc tcc|aca| cust. Et|ac|c|ra|] |aes p|esert t|e ur|ve|se as seer
t||cu| t|e u|est arc uest te|esccpes, arc cccas|cra||] l|c t|cse cl epe|t aateu| cuse|ve|s.
/|t|cu| uest |rcwr as t|e |eac u|ta||st cl supe||cup 0ueer, B||ar Va] |as a ||D |r ast|cp|]s|cs. |e
uses ||s |ea||au|e ccur|cat|cr s||||s tc s|a|e ||s ert|us|as lc| ast|crc] w|t| t|e wc||c.
S|| |at||c| Vcc|e |s t|e wc||cs uest-|cvec ast|crce|, aut|c| cl c|e t|ar 100 ucc|s, arc p|eserte| cl t|e
wc||cs |crest-|urr|r IV p|c|a, BBCs 7KH6N\DW1LJKW. |at||c| |s a|sc a |ercwrec us|c|ar, w|t| a
u|t|tuce cl ccpcs|t|crs tc ||s rae.
C|||s l|rtctt |s ccp|eserte|, w|t| |at||c|, cl 7KH6N\DW1LJKW. |e |ece|vec a ce|ee |r ||]s|cs l|c
Cau||ce, t|er ea|rec ||s ||D |r /st|cp|]s|cs at ur|ve|s|t] Cc||ee lcrccr. |e |s rcw cc|r lu|t|e|
|esea|c| at 0lc|c.
Rev|ewe| a|||r tc sc|erce puu||cat|crs arc ucc| ec|tc|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
- %DQJ, u] t|e sae aut|c|s, |as sc|c cve| 100,000 ccp|es |r 13 |aruaes, arc |r t||ee ec|t|crs, s|rce 200c
- &RVPLF7RXULVW |s a ve|] pe|scra| se|ect|cr cl eac| aut|c|s lavc||te s||ts a|curc t|e ur|ve|se
- B||ar Va] |s |cvec arc |espectec as a eue| cl t|e |cc| uarc 0ueer. |e |s a|sc a Dcctc| cl /st|cp|]s|cs
w|c ccu|res a ceep |rcw|ece cl ast|crc] w|t| a |lt lc| ccur|cat|cr
- S|| |at||c| Vcc|e was t|e l||st ar |r t|e cce|r e|a tc |rt|ccuce ast|crc] tc a ass auc|erce t||cu|
||s c0 |cc|s arJ tc|cv|s|cr. |c |as a|sc ass|stcJ |/S/ w|t| |ura| ca|tc|ap|]
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
192 paes
$39.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
See Through the World Arouhd You
We t||r| cl ar /-|a] as a c|arcst|c c| secu||t] tcc|uut |ts uc| c|e. /s awa|c-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e|
||c| Vease] s|cws |r t||s e]e-cper|r cc||ect|cr, /-|a]s |evea| wc||cs ||ccer uereat| t|e su|lace. Vease],
clter |r cc||auc|at|cr w|t| sc|ert|sts arc ec|ca| pe|scrre|, uses a va||et] cl spec|a||tec ecu|pert tc
c|eate sturr|r|] et|e|ea| |aes cl eve|]t||r l|c tu||ps tc t|actc|s.
||c| Vease] |s ar awa|c-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|e| w|cse stuc|c |s a ccrve|tec R/D/R stat|cr cr a |||| |r Kert.
||c| |as appea|ec cr te|ev|s|cr |r t|e uS/ (cr t|e 7RGD\ s|cw} arc t|e uK. ||s /-|a] p|ctc|ap|] |as ueer
leatu|ec |r rewspape|s a|curc t|e wc||c, |rc|uc|r t|e 1HZ<RUN'DLO\1HZV |r t|e uS/. ||s wc|| |as a|sc
-RXUQDORI3KRWRJUDSK\. Ycu car l|rc cut c|e aucut ||c| arc ||s wc|| cr ||s weus|te. r|c|vease].cc.

- /wa|J-w|rr|r p|ctc|ap|c| ||c| Vcasc] |s t|c |cccr|tcJ |caJ|r spcc|a||st |r t||s lc| cl |ac a||r.
Recert c||erts |rc|uce /ccue, BV/, |||e, lev|s, |||cr, ES|| (/e||cas u|est spc|ts c|arre|} arc t|e
uarc Supe||ass

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|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
221 paes
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200 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
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Chapman PiIoting Seamanship 67th Edition
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e|ect|cr|c rav|at|cr w|t| t|ac|t|cra| ucat|r tec|r|cues, |p|cvec ccve|ae cl sa|||r t|ec|], upcates
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Anatomy of the Ship: The BattIecruiser Hood
I|e cest|uct|cr cl t|e |VS |ccc |r 1911 was cre cl t|e cst s|cc||r ep|scces |r t|e ||stc|] cl t|e
Rc]a| |av]. I||s ert|] |r t|e /ratc] cl a S||p se||esrcw |r pape|leatu|es a ceta||ec
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tec|r|ca| ceta||s, arc t|e |cccs lu|| se|v|ce ||stc|].
New In Paperback
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128 paes
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|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
150 u/w |||us.
10 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Anatomy of the Ship: The BattIeship
laurc|ec |r 190c, |VS 'UHDGQRXJKW |evc|ut|cr|tec uatt|es||p ces|r. /s t|e l||st 'a||-u|-ur'
uatt|es||p, s|e |ac supe||c| l||epcwe| arc speec tc ar]t||r t|er al|cat, w|t| up-tc-t|e-|rute
tec|rc|c]. I||s ert|] |r t|e /ratc] cl t|e S||p se||es cccuerts t|e 'UHDGQRXJKW |r ueaut|lu| ||re
c|aw|rs, w|t| uct| ccrvert|cra| p|ars arc ep|aratc|] v|ews, a|cr w|t| tec|r|ca| ceta||s arc a
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|es Bcrc, Jaes Bcrcarc Dar|e| C|a| |as capt|vatec t|e wc||c w|t| ||s pe|lc|arces cl t|at
|ccr|c |c|e arc ue]crc. I||s ||c||] |||ust|atec u|c|ap|] ea|res t|e ||le cl t|e rctc||cus|] p||vate
C|a|. ||s t|a|r|r, ||s pat| tc sta|cc, ||s l|| arc IV appea|arces, arc ||s pe|scra| |e|at|crs||ps
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|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
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17c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
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I|e |u|e cl t|ue c||e stc||es |s |||es|st|u|earc t||s pcpu|a| ucc|, rcw upcatec tc |rc|uce tcca]s
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certu|] tc t|e p|esert, t|e ||st cl pe|ps |rc|uces t|e cst rctc||cus v|||a|rs cl cce|r ||stc|], |||t up
tc Jcsel |||tt|, w|c |p||screc arc |apec ||s cau|te| lc| 21 ]ea|s, arc /||r Ve|wes, t|e carr|ua|
w|c lcurc a w||||r v|ct|.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
100 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
500 u/w p|ctcs
7 / 8 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
S|e||cc| |c|ess ue|cvec cetect|ve stc||es a|| |ave t|e|| c|||r |r rctes ta|er u] |c|ess l||erc arc
u|c|ap|e|, D|. Jc|r Watscr. |cw, lars car pee| at t||s p|ec|cus p|e|||ra|] ate||a|, l|c |ette|s tc
rewspape| a|t|c|es. /|| t|e lacs|||e cccuerts a|e |ep|ccucec as eru|re ||stc||ca| a|t|lacts,
ccp|ete w|t| tea|s, sta|rs, lc|cs, arc |arcw||tter arrctat|crsarc 18 cl t|e a|e |r spec|a|
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c1 paes
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|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
1c0 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
8 1/2 / 11
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Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
BBC Sport WorId FormuIa 1 Records 2014
|c|u|a 1 |s t|e u|est arc cst |ac|cus cl a|| ctc| spc|ts c|ap|crs||psarc t||s |ecc|c ucc|
||||||ts a|| t|e |eat uatt|es lc| t|e Wc||c D||ve|s C|ap|crs||p arc t|e Ccrst|uctc|s Cup s|rce t|e]
uear |r t|e 1950s. |t leatu|es |urc|ecs cl stc||es arc stat|st|cs cr |eerca|] c||ve|s, teas, arc t|ac|s,
acccpar|ec u] c|aat|c, ]cu-a|e-t|e|e act|cr p|ctc|ap|] t|at w||| t||||| lars.
B|uce Jcres |as ueer ccve||r ctc| |ac|r lc| c|e t|ar 25 ]ea|s, w||t|r ccurt|ess ucc|s cr t|e suuject,
|rc|uc|r t|e uestse|||r arrua|, %%&6SRUW:RUOG)RUPXOD2QH*XLGH (Ca||tcr}. /s a jcu|ra||st |e wc||ec cr
$XWRVSRUW |r t|e |c-1980s, a aat|re ac|rcw|ecec as t|e vc|ce cl ctc| spc|t t|e wc||c cve|, uecc|r
|ts ec|tc|. B|uce a|sc |as ueer a p|t|are |rte|v|ewe| lc| |0V Ie|ev|s|cr, arc |eu|a||] u|caccasts evert
ccerta|] l|c t|e le Vars 21 |cu|s arc t|e Ccccwccc Rev|va| ||stc||c |ace eet|r. |e ||ves |r
scut|e|r Er|arc.
- |c|u|a 1 |as sp|eac a|curc t|e |cue w|t| C|arc ||| cr a|cst eve|] ccrt|rert
- |rte|est |r |c|u|a 1 |r t|e ur|tec States erjc]ec a |ev|va| w|t| t|e cper|r cl t|e rew |acet|ac| |r /ust|r,
Ieas. |t |ece|vec |eat |ev|ews l|c c||ve|s, teas, arc lars alte| sta|r |ts l||st C|arc ||| |r 2012
- Eve|] |c|u|a 1 Wc||c C|ap|crs||p |ace |s u|caccast ||ve (c| cr tape ce|a]} cr te|ev|s|cr |r c|e t|ar 50
ccurt||es a|curc t|e wc||c
- |u||] |ev|sec arc upcatec tc |rc|uce t|e 2013 seascr

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
192 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
380 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The Car
|r 1911, t|e l||st ca|s |c||ec cll |er|] |c|cs asseu|] ||re, arc ||le c|arec lc|eve|. / certu|] |ate|, |ts t|e
lc| a ccp|ete v|ew cl t|e ve||c|e t|at c|eatec cce|r ||le. Jcrat|ar C|arce], a |eac|r aut|c||t] cr pcpu|a|
cu|tu|e arc ces|r, p|cv|ces a sraps|ct ||stc|] cl t|e autccu||e-rct just t|e a|es arc cce|s, uut |ts |c|e
|r pc||t|cs, la||] ||le, wa|, acve|t|s|r, a|c||tectu|e, l||, arc te|ev|s|cr.
Jcrat|ar C|arce] |s Des|r Ec|tc| cl uK rat|cra| rewspape| t|e *XDUGLDQ. |e |s ar aut|c||t] cr ces|r arc a
l|ecuert ccertatc| cr |ac|c arc te|ev|s|cr. ||s p|ev|cus puu||cat|crs |rc|uce 7KH6WRU\RI$UFKLWHFWXUH (DK
/cu|t} arc Ca||tcrs 7KH7UDLQ. |e ||ves |r lcrccr, Er|arc.
- / |av|s||] p|ccucec v|sua| ||stc|] cl t|e autccu||e. cre cl cu| |eatest tec|rc|c|ca| arc scc|a|
- 2011 w||| see t|e 100t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e ue|rr|r cl asseu|]-||re p|ccuct|cr u] |er|] |c|c, as we|| as
t|e 225t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e l||st autccu||e patert |artec |r t|e uS (tc 0||ve| Evars}
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
25c paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
2c0 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
8 1/1 / 8 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
|r 19c0, cr ||s ve|] l||st attept, 23-]ea|-c|c V|||a|| Ia| uecae t|e ]curest c|ess c|ap|cr |r ||stc|].
|c cre |as ]et su|passec ||s et|ac|c|ra|] tact|ca| au|||t]. I||s ecept|cra| arua|, l||st puu||s|ec |r t|e
ea||] 1980s, |s uasec cr c|a||es |ept u] Ia|s ccac|. |t s|cws |cw Ia| ac||evec ||s |eatress arc |ves
cce|r |eace|s a ||pse cl t|e ceve|cpert cl a t|ue c|ess er|us.
V|||a|| Ia| (193c-1992} was cre cl t|e |eatest c|ess p|a]e|s cl a|| t|e arc was |ercwrec as a c|ess
/|earce| Kcu|ercs (191c-1993} was ccac| tc t|e |eat c|ess p|a]e| V|||a|| Ia|, l|c w|er |e was 13
urt|| |e wcr t|e wc||c c|ap|crs||p |r 19c0.
- Basec cr c|a||es w||tter u] Ia|s teerae c|ess ccac|, cut||r|r t|e p|a]e|s jcu|re] tcwa|cs uecc|r
Wc||c C|ap|cr |r 19c0
- |u||] |ev|sec a|eu|a|c ve|s|cr cl a c|ass|c c|ess tet
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
272 paes
$23.95 ($25.95 Carac|ar}
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
I|e stc|] cl K|r /|t|u| arc t|e C|a|| ||ves cr. t||cu| |||rcess D|ara, |||rce W||||a /|t|u| W|rcsc| |s
cescercec l|c /|t|u| arc ccu|c ue t|e '0rce arc lutu|e ||r.' I||s et|ac|c|ra|] |esea|c|ec ucc| |evea|s
t|e |ccat|cr cl ar] s|tes cert|a| tc t|e /|t|u||ar |eerc arc c|uc|a| cc|e teac||rs cl C|||st|ar|t] t|at we|e
|ept sec|eturt|| t|e ca] a rew /|t|u| wcu|c s|t aa|r upcr t|e B||t|s| t||cre.
/c||ar C. C||ue|t |s t|e aut|c| c| ccaut|c| cl ter ucc|s, |rc|uc|r seve|a| Surca] I|es uestse||e|s suc| as
7KH2ULRQ0\VWHU\ (B|cacwa]}, 7KH0D\DQ3URSKHFLHV (E|eert}, arc 7KH+RO\.LQJGRP (|rv|s|u|e C|t|es
||ess}. ||s ucc|s a|e c|a|acte||tec u] sc|upu|cus |esea|c| ccup|ec w|t| ar eas], ra||at|ve st]|e t|at |as
w|ce appea| lc| ere|a| |eace|s. |e |s a|||ec arc ||ves w|t| ||s w|le arc cau|te| |r Kert.
- We||-|rcwr aut|c| cl suc| uestse||e|s as 7KH2ULRQ0\VWHU\ (B|cacwa]}, 7KH0D\DQ3URSKHFLHV (E|eert},
arc 7KH+RO\.LQJGRP (|rv|s|u|e C|t|es ||ess}
- l|r|ec w|t| a IV cccuerta|] cr B||ta|rs C|arre| 1w|t| a lu|t|e| ajc|, |rte|rat|cra| cccuerta|]
se||es urce| c|scuss|cr |r Caraca arc t|e uS/
- Deta||ec arc |peccau|e |esea|c| cr arc|ert arusc||pts |r t|e B||t|s| l|u|a|] arc e|sew|e|e jc|rs t|e ccts
tc |evea| t|e et|ac|c|ra|] t|ut| cl D|aras t|ue |eac]. a lu||] cccuertec u|ccc||re ||r||r |e| tc t|e C|a||
c]rast] cl t|e V|||r Va|]s la||]
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
320 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
c / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
AbsoIuteIy Nasty Crosswords LeveI 1
Sc|ve|s car ue|r t|e|| c|ar|u-c|us||r c|csswc|c jcu|re] w|t| t||s cc||ect|cr u] |eerca|]
ccrst|uctc| Bcu K|a|r. |t tests t|e|| w|ts w|t| eve|]t||r l|c t||v|a tease|s tc w|tt] wc|cp|a].
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
AbsoIuteIy Nasty Crosswords LeveI 2
I|ese u|a|r-uas||r c|csswc|cs ta|e rast] tc t|e seccrc |eve|. Sc|ve|s w|c l|rc c|c|ra|] putt|es
|au|au|] eas] w||| s||e |app||] at t|e supe|-st|u|at|r c|a||ere cev|sec u] t|e |eat Star|e]
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
AbsoIuteIy Nasty Crosswords LeveI 3
Cet |eac] lc| sce erta| acress w|t| t|ese |rc-e|t|r|] curr|r c|csswc|cs. ||ar| lcrc, cre
cl t|e uest putt|e aste|s |r t|e uus|ress, |as c|altec c|ues t|at w||| |ave ever t|e cst epe||ercec
sc|ve|s tea||r t|e|| |a|| cut!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
AbsoIuteIy Nasty Crosswords LeveI 4
I|e] just ccrt et ar] |a|ce| t|ar t||s! I|ese a|e t|e |cu|est, tcu|est, |/SI|ESI c|csswc|cs eve|
ccrccctec. Wc|cp|a] ccrrc|sseu|s |cc||r tc c||u t|e Vt. Eve|est cl putt|es |rcw. ccp|et|r t|ese
puts t|e at t|e pea| cl sc|v|r success!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
CakewaIk Crosswords
Sc|v|r t|ese 72 ca||]-s|tec c|csswc|cs |s a wa|| |r t|e pa||! Eve|] cre |as a te|||l|c t|ee arc uses
la|||a| wc|cs arc p||ases, ever t|e |crest arswe|s |e|ate tc eac| ct|e| |r sce wa]. S|p|e,
st|a||tlc|wa|c c|uesw|t| a ||tt|e lur wc|cp|a] sp||r||ec |ra|e t|ese putt|es pe|lect lc|
rewu|es c| lc| p|cs |r t|e ccc tc ta|e |t eas] . . . arc s|cw cll t|e|| s||||s.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
9c paes
$8.95 ($9.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 18
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Laid-Back Sunday Crosswords
Surca]s t|e ca] tc ||e uac|, |e|a . . . arc sc|ve r|ce, |a|e c|csswc|cs. I|ese putt|es a|e 2121,
|at|e| t|ar t|e sa||e| ca||]-s|te 1515 ||cs. /rc u|e| putt|es ecua| c|e |cu|s cl lur. Des|rec
u] twc cl t|e wc||cs tcp c|csswc|c c|eatc|s, t|ese a|| |ave tcp-rctc| t|ees arc c|eve| c|ues.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
9c paes
$8.95 ($9.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Large Print Easy Monday Crosswords #2
Vcrca] |s lur aa|r, t|ar|s tc t|ese eas] arc erte|ta|r|r putt|es, w||c| ert|] ta ]cu| |rc arc
rct ]cu| e]es. W|t| |a|e|-t|ar-usua| ruue|s arc |ette|s, sc|ve|s car lccus a|| t|e|| ccrcert|at|cr cr
l|u||r cut t|e arswe|s |rsteac cl cr |eac|r t|e c|ues. ||||ec w|t| t||v|a arc wc|cp|a], t|e] clle| just
t|e |||t acurt cl c|a||ere tc erae t|e u|a|r.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
288 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
October 2013
Extraordinary Birds
Essays ahd Flates of Fare Book Selectiohs from the Americah Museum of
Natural History Library
/e||car Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|] c|r|t|c|c|st |au| Sweet ta|es |eace|s cr a ||atc|]
jcu|re] ac|css t|e |cue, |rt|ccuc|r t|e tc ur|cue arc ecu|s|te u||cs, as we|| as tc
|curcu|ea||r av|ar stuc|es l|c t|e past l|ve certu||es. |eatu||r 10 l|aeau|e p||rts, t||s
sturr|r cc||ect|cr |ves u||c |cve|s a p|ec|cus |cc| at |||ust|atec p|cree||r c|r|t|c|c|ca|
crc|ap|s l|c t|e useus Ra|e Bcc| Cc||ect|crs.
|au| Sweet |s t|e Cc||ect|cr Varae| |r t|e Depa|tert cl 0|r|t|c|c] at /V|| arc t|ave|s
eters|ve|] cr u||c-cc||ect|r epec|t|crs t||cu|cut Scut|east /s|a tc stuc], cata|c, arc
c|ass|l] va||cus rat|ve u||cs.

|ete| Capa|rc|c |s t|e Ser|c| Sc|ert|l|c /ss|start |r t|e Depa|tert cl 0|r|t|c|c] at /V|| arc
ar acjurct lacu|t] eue| |r t|e Depa|tert cl B|c|c] at I|e C|t] Cc||ee cl t|e C|t] ur|ve|s|t]
cl |ew Yc||. |e |s t|e aut|c| cl +RZ)DVW&DQ$)DOFRQ'LYH")DVFLQDWLQJ$QVZHUV7R4XHVWLRQV
$ERXW%LUGV2I3UH\ puu||s|ec u] Rute|s ur|ve|s|t] ||ess. Capa|rc|c ||ves |r lcr |s|arc, |Y.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc ||stc|] arc w||c||le puu||cat|crs arc |ev|ewe|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
- / lc||cw-up tc t|e successlu| arc c||t|ca||] acc|a|ec 1DWXUDO+LVWRULHV
- |rc|uces 10 ecu|s|te u||c p||rtscre lc| eac| essa]t|at car eas||] ue custc l|aec
- Sc|c|a||], ]et c|est|u|e, |r-cept| tet p|cv|ces a ccp|ete ||stc|] cl eac| c|r|t|c|c|ca|
crc|ap| arJ cl spcc|l|c |||J spcc|cs
- I||s ueaut|lu||] ces|rec ec|t|cr a|es t|e pe|lect scp||st|catec |lt lc| uct| se||cus u||c
ert|us|asts arc a|t |cve|s
||a|sc lc| |-|.-| |s|oes.
...a t|u|] sturr|r cc||ect|cr cl |a|e p||rts ccve||r a ||tar] cl tcp|cs. [Reace|s w|||[ cu|c||] l|rc
t|ese|ves suc|ec |rtc t||s lartast|ca||] asseu|ec arc |rlc|at|ve wc|| . . . t||s e cl a ucc|
|s cre cl t|e uest |r |ts c|ass.' 3XEOLVKHUV:HHNO\ (sta||ec |ev|ew}
...t||s cc||ect|cr l|c t|e /V|| |s su|e tc p|ease. |t p|eserts |a|e essa]s arc a|twc|| aucut t|e
ratu|a| sc|erces a|cr w|t| a se|ect|cr cl p||rts lc| c|sp|a]. 7,0( aat|re
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
111 paes
$50.00 ($55.00 Carac|ar}
Bcec |ape|uac|
Bcc| |||rts
a|| |r cc|c|
9 / 12
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
NaturaI Histories
Et|ac|c|ra|] Ra|e Bcc|
Se|ect|crs l|c t|e /e||car
Vuseu cl |atu|a| ||stc|]
Fublisher: Sterlihg Sighature
Fublished: October 2012
176 pages
$50.00 ($55.00 Cahadiah)
Boxed Faperback
Book + Frihts
all ih color
9 X 12
Cartoh Ouahtity: 7
Territory: World
From the world-famous American Museum of Natural History:
This quartet of attractive journals is the perfect accompaniment to our AMNH books, Natural Histories and Extraordinary Birds.
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Key Selling Point
B|arJcJ w|t| t|c /c||car Vuscu cl |atu|a| ||stc|]
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Published: October 2013
192 pages
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Natural Histories Journal:
by American Museum of
Natural History
Publisher: Sterling Signature
Published: October 2013
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
all in color
5 x 8
Territory: World
Natural Histories Journal:
by American Museum of
Natural History
Publisher: Sterling Signature
Published: October 2013
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
all in color
5 x 8
Territory: World
Natural Histories Journal:
by American Museum of
Natural History
Publisher: Sterling Signature
Published: October 2013
192 pages
$14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
all in color
5 x 8
Territory: World
Edison and the Rise of Innovation
by Leonard DeGraaf, Foreword by Bill Gates
ISBN 978-1-4027-6736-4 | $29.95 ($32.95 Canada)
Hard | 8
/2 x 9 | 272 pages (all in color) | Territory: W
Carton Qty: 12 | October 1, 2013 | Sterling Signature
ebook: 978-1-4549-1014-5 | $12.99 ($13.99 Canada)
homas Alva Edison did more than bring incandescent
light into every household and industry; he created
a world-renowned brand, raised capital to support
research, and pursued patents on 1,000+ inventions.
Through primary and never-before-published sources,
including letters, lab notebooks, drawings, and
advertising material, as well as historic and modern
photographs, Edison and the Rise of Innovation
chronicles the life and work of the man who engineered
the modern world.
Leonard DeGraaf is an archivist at Thomas Edison
National Historical Park. Before joining the National Park
Service in 1991, he was on the staff of the Thomas A.
Edison Papers. DeGraaf is the author of Historic Photos
of Thomas Edison (Turner Publishing, 2008), and his
articles have appeared in the New York Daily News,
Seaport magazine, and Business History Review, among
other publications. He received an MA in history from
Rutgers University.
This book was produced in collaboration with the Edison
Innovation Foundation, the Charles Edison Fund, and
Thomas Edison National Historical Park. The Edison
Innovation Foundation is a nonprot organization that
supports the Edison legacy and encourages students
to embrace careers in science, technology, and
engineering. A partner of the National Park Service,
the Foundation raises funds to support Thomas Edison
National Historical Park. The Charles Edison Fund, based
in Newark, NJ, is an endowed philanthropic institution
dedicated to the support of medical research, science
education, and historic preservation.
t Edisons legacy as an inventor/celebrity lives on through
numerous place and company names, museums,
memorials, awards, and honors. In 1997, Life magazine
named him Man of the Millennium
t The Charles Edison Fund (established by Thomas
Edisons son) has ties to numerous scientic research
and educational organizations, providing abundant sales
and marketing opportunities for the book
t The author, Thomas Edison National Historical Park
archivist Leonard DeGraaf, has comprehensive
knowledge of and unprecedented access to a treasure
trove of Edisonia
t National and local radio campaign
t Review copy mailing to science, history, technology, and
men s publications
t Review copy mailing to science/technology writers at
daily newspapers
t Digital marketing campaign
t Promotional materials available
t Local events
by Bill Gates

Screehprihtihg Techhiques 8 Frojects
I|ar|s tc t|e pcpu|a||t] cl ces|re| p||rtec lau||cs, |||tec-ec|t|cr tees, a|t p||rts, arc c|e, sc|eerp||rt|r
|as ueer epe||erc|r a |era|ssarce. C|alte|s w|c wart tc |ea|r t|e uas|cs w||| l|rc eve|]t||r t|e] wart |r
t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr, p|esertec u] sce cl t|e tcp a|t|sts |r t|e l|e|c. Eac| ccrt||uutc| teac|es a cc|e
tec|r|cue w|t| a p|cject c| twcsuc| as cve|p||rt|r, pa|rt|r p||rts, p||rt|r w|t| ||| ccrt|ast, arc c|e.
Jerr] Dc| |s t|e lcurce| cl c|escercc|.cc, a pcpu|a| cr||re c|eat|ve ccur|t]. / lc|e| Ec|tc|-|r-C||el
cl 6RPHUVHW aat|re, Jerr] was |eccr|tec u] |c||c as cre cl t|e aat|re |rcust|]s tcp 10 |eace|s,
|rl|uerce|s arc |rrcvatc|s. S|e |cves tc |r|t, c|cc|et, arc p|a] t|e ce||c. Jerr] |s t|e aut|c| cl +DQGLQ
+DQG, :H0DNH'ROOV, arc seve|a| ct|e| lc|t|cc|r la|| t|t|es. S|e ||ves |r Sarta /ra, C/.
- |||rt|r |s a |ct tcp|c. la||s 6LPSOH6FUHHQSULQWLQJ |as sc|c rea||] 20,000 ccp|es. Ccpet|t|ve ucc|s a|e
just as st|cr
- W|ce va||et] clle|ec |r t|e 20 teac||r p|cjects. I|e starca|c stat|cre|] |ceas a|e |rc|ucec, uut t|e|es a|sc
p|ert] cl a|erts (|||e a t-s|||t arc |ccc|e} arc |ce cecc| (p|aceats, p|||cws, arc c|e}
- I|e ccrt||uutc|s |rc|uce. l|tt|e Kc|uccse ' Kat Jac|scr cl |ea|t c C|alt ' B|| ' Rut| B|ea||e] '
|at||c| Ece|e] cl /rt| C|ap||c ' B|||t Be|e ' Vaas Sauce ' Bcu|ra Stuc|cs ' Vatt
S|apcll ' ||||a|] W||||as
- |rc|uces a CD w|t| a|| 200 ces|r ct|ls
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Bcc| w|t| CD
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
|cw ccp|ete|] |ev|sec, &UHDWLYH)DVKLRQ'HVLJQZLWK,OOXVWUDWRU teac|es stucerts, ces|re|s,
e|c|arc|se|s, arc ceve|cpe|s |cw tc aste| t|e |rcust|]s cst estau||s|ec app||cat|cr. |t ue|rs u]
ep|a|r|r t|e uas|cs cl c|eat|r l|at c|aw|rs cl s|p|e |tes suc| as vests, s|||ts, arc s|||ts, t|er cves
cr tc se|-l|at arc c]ra|c ||le a|ert c|aw|r. Essert|a| acvarcec s||||s, l|c p||rt ar|pu|at|cr tc
patte|r wa|p|r, |curc cut t|ese v|sua||] ||c| tutc||a|s.
Kev|r Ia||cr |s a v|s|t|r teac|e| cl t|e B/ |as||cr Des|r ccu|se at t|e |rl|uert|a| Cert|a| Sa|rt Va|t|rs
Cc||ee |r lcrccr, w|e|e |e a|sc set up t|e Des|r lauc|atc|]. |e a|sc wc||s w|t||r t|e las||cr |rcust|] arc
- Ccp|ete|] |ev|sec arc upcatec starca|c wc|| cr c|eat|ve l|at c|aw|r |r las||cr
- |rc|uces rct cr|] a|ert ces|r uut accessc||es, uas, |eacwea|, arc jewe||]
- Step-u]-step |||ust|atec |rst|uct|crs l|c t|e uas|cs tc acvarcec tec|r|cues
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
17c paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
10 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Make Cute Crochet Feople
Va|e a |r|atu|e ve|s|cr cl ]cu, ]cu| l||ercs, arc ce|eu||t|es tcc! Kr|tte|s arc c|cc|ete|s w||| |cve t||s
ccp|e|ers|ve u|ce tc c|eat|r a|u|u| pecp|e. /|||scr |cllar ep|a|rs |cw tc c|alt arc custc|te
t|ese Japarese cc||s at eve|] stae, l|c pe|lect|r t|e s||r tcre arc c|alt|r t|e laces tc ett|r t|e
c|ct||r, |a||, arc accessc||es just |||t. I|e pcss|u|||t|es a|e |rl|r|te . . . arc |rl|r|te|] lur!
/|||scr |cllar ces|rs a|u|u| patte|rs l|c |e| stuc|c |r /ust|r, I/ s|rce arc |e| wc|| |as s|rce ueer
seer eve|]w|e|e l|c |- V-||- S|-z-| S|oz tc |o-, as we|| as |r a|t e||u|ts a|curc t|e ur|tec
States. S|e |s l|ecuert|] leatu|ec |r uct| pcp-cu|tu|e arc c|alt puu||cat|crs, suc| as |o.|-| o1-,,
||-z--.- |o.|-|, Bc|rBc|r.ret, |e|et|||, arc c|e. S|e u|cs at C|alt]|sCcc|.cc arc ces|rs
patte|rs lc| seve|a| ]a|r ccpar|es. S|e teac|es a|u|u| c|asses |r /ust|r, w|e|e s|e ||ves w|t| |e|
|usuarc, t||ee ||tt|e uc]s, arc twc laus.
- /|||scr |s a ec|a lavc||te. s|e arc |e| ce|eu||t] cc||s |ave |acec t|e sets cl |o-, |- V-||- S|-z-|
S|oz, J, |-| |.-|, arc c|e
- /|||scr |as upcc|r pa|tre|s||ps w|t| V|c|ae|s (a p|cject pe| crt| lc| a ]ea| cr t|e V|c|ae|s weus|te
arc e-a|| ||st} arc |o.|-| !?3 (Wa|a|t ec|us|ve aat|re}. S|e a|sc l|ecuert|] ces|rs lc| ]a|r
ccpar|es, |rc|uc|r l|cr B|arc arc Ca|cr
- 4).. |as sc|c c|cse tc 30,000 ccp|es
W|er /|||scr ace a c|cc|etec cc|| w|t| ] |||eress, | |rew t|at | |ac t|u|] ace |t. S|e |s tc c|cc|et
w|at Iupac |s tc |ap.Ccrar 0B||er
'/|||scr |cllar |s a aste| at a||]|r pcp cu|tu|e arc c|alt, c|eat|r |ea|-||le |||eresses t|at a|e a|wa]s
awesce. |e| astcr|s||r attert|cr tc ceta|| |s |el|ectec cr eve|] pae.' K| We||e|, aut|c| cl |o.|-|
/|||scr |s a c|alt|r er|us. 0l a|| t|e |lts t|at |ave ueer uestcwec cr e, | |ave tc sa] t|e cc|| s|e ace
tc |cc| |||e e |s ] lavc||te. /||| '0uest|cve' I|cpscr cl I|e Rccts arc |-|- |)|| z|| J,
/|||scr |s t|e cueer cl c|cc|etec c|a|acte|s. V|c||e |cwe||, ces|re|, c|alt ucc| aut|c|, arc IV
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
27 Sweet 8 Simple Zakka-lhspired Frojects
S|p|e, e|eart, arc access|u|e, Japarese ta||a'c|alts lc| t|e |ce'|s a |ct rew t|erc. Jerr] Dc|
u||rs t||s cc|c|lu| arc supe|-cute aest|et|c tc t|e c|cc|et wc||c . Iwert]-l|ve sa||, ue|rre|-l||erc|]
p|cjects |rc|uce a lur l|s| cu||e, cct] seat cus||cr, jewe||], uas, arc c|e. / uas|cs sect|cr p|cv|ces a||
t|e |rlc|at|cr ]cu reec tc et |r cr t|e lur!
Jerr] Dc| |s t|e lcurce| cl c|escercc|.cc, a pcpu|a| cr||re c|eat|ve ccur|t]. / lc|e| Ec|tc|-|r-C||el
cl Sce|set aat|re, Jerr] was |eccr|tec u] |o|o as cre cl t|e aat|re |rcust|]s tcp 10 |eace|s,
|rl|uerce|s, arc |rrcvatc|s. S|e |cves tc |r|t, c|cc|et, arc p|a] t|e ce||c. Jerr] |s t|e aut|c| cl |-1
|-1, w- V-|- |o||s, arc seve|a| ct|e| lc|t|cc|r la|| t|t|es. S|e ||ves |r Sarta /ra, C/.
C|alt arc c] u|ce| cut|eac|
0r||re ccrtests arc |veawa]s
Sap|e p|ccuct a|||r tc |e] cut|ets
- St|cr sa|es ||stc|] w|t| c|cc|et t|t|es arc w|t| Japarese c|alt|r t|ercs, |rc|uc|r a|u|u|
- ||cjects appea| tc ue|rre|s, a|rst|ea c|cc|ete|s, arc t|e cr||re c|cc|et ccur|t]
- /ut|c| |s we|| ccrrectec arc a|rta|rs a pcpu|a| c|alt|r u|c w|t| cve| 733,000 v|ews

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
128 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Needle-Felted Treats to Make 8 Give
Bestse|||r aut|c| Ka|| C|ap|r (7KH+DQGPDGH0DUNHWSODFH} arc reec|e-le|t|r a|t|st Ke||| Wesse| ccrccct a
ce|||tlu| 'ccc|ucc|' cl 25 aat|r le|tec lcccs. I|e eru leatu|es suc| la|e as Cccc Vc|r|r u|ea|last
c|s|es, D|re| De|||ts, |a|e|s Va||et l|u|ts arc veetau|es, Sweet Icct| cesse|ts, arc |c||ca]
I|eats|||e |ea|t-s|apec |c|||pcps lc| Va|ert|res Da]. /|sc |rc|ucec. ceta||ec |rst|uct|crs lc| tu|r|r t|ese
tast]-|cc||r p|cjects |rtc srac|-s|te jewe||], arets, c|raerts, |a||c||ps, arc pape|we||ts.
W||te| Ka|| C|ap|r |s t|e uestse|||r aut|c| cl 7KH+DQGPDGH0DUNHWSODFH+RZWR6HOO<RXU&UDIWV/RFDOO\
*OREDOO\DQG2QOLQH, w||c| was |ar|ec t|e ruue|-cre c|alt ucc| cl 2010 u] /, arc *URZ<RXU
w|t| a ccu|rec tcta| cl 120,000 ccp|es |r p||rt. S|e ccu|res |e| uac||curc |r a||et|r arc puu||c|t]
w|t| ar av|c ert|us|as lc| c|alts arc scc|a| retwc|||r tc clle| pe|scra| ccac||r arc c|eat|ve uus|ress
e-ccu|ses at |a||c|ap| Ka|| ||ves |r |a|| |aver, VI.

Ke||| Wesse| se||s |e| aat|r reec|e-le|tec c|eat|crs at c|alts s|cws, s|cps, arc a||e||es t||cu|cut |ew
Er|arc. |e| wc|| car ue lcurc at |e|||wesse|.cc. S|e ||ves |r East|aptcr, V/.
||cject sap|es tc rat|cra| cut|ets
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
- |ac|ec w|t| |||ust|atec step-u]-step |esscrs, )HOWOLFLRXV |s uct| a ccp|ete u|ce tc reec|e-le|t|r tec|r|cues
arc a Jc|||tlu| ccc||cc| cl lc|tcJ lccJ |Jcas arJ cutc p|cjccts
- Bestse|||r ccaut|c| arc savv] se|l-p|ccte| Ka|| C|ap|rs c|alts arc scc|a| ec|a ccrrect|crs, arc |e|
ucurc|ess ert|us|as lc| Ke||| Wesse|s wc||, w||| ue |rva|uau|e |r sp|eac|r t|e wc|c aucut |e| |atest
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
111 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 9
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
300 Floral, Leaf 8 Border Motifs to Embroider
0re pa|t p|cject ucc| arc cre pa|t |escu|ce u|ce, 6WLWFKHG%ORRPV w||| ue t|e c-tc cc||ect|cr cl l|c|a|
eu|c|ce|] ct|ls lc| tcca]s st|tc|e|s arc c|alte|s. |ts 300 ces|rs |ur t|e aut l|c c|ass|c l|cwe|s tc
lc||-a|t |eaves arc uc|ce|s, arc t|e acccpar]|r CD clle|s ]et c|e pcss|u|||t|es! use t|e cr t|e 20
leatu|ec p|cjects, |rc|uc|r a u|cuse, Swec|s| stullec |c|se tc], cute |||s s|||t, arc c|e.
Ca||ra Ervc|cser-|a|||s |s a ces|re|, u|ce|, arc aut|c|, w|c pa|rts, c|aws, eu|c|ce|s, arc c|cc|ets. |e|
weus|te pc||aarcu| leatu|es cc|c|lu|, l|eelc| eu|c|ce|] ces|rs |rsp||ec u] lc|| a|t arc |e|
rat|ve Dera||. Ycu car see c|e cl |e| wc|| cr |e| u|c. ca||rasc|altu| S|e ||ves just cuts|ce cl
lcrccr w|t| |e| |usuarc.
- Eu|c|ce|] |cve|s arc ere|a| c|alte|s et t|e uest cl uct| wc||cs w|t| t||s ucc|. 20 lauu|cus p|cjects tc
a|e arc 300 ct|ls tc st|tc|, a|| at a te|||l|c p||ce pc|rt
- Vct|l ucc|s a|e ||||] pcpu|a| acr c|alte|s. I||s ucc| |rc|uces a CD cl t|e ces|rs lc| ever c|e
c|eat|ve pcss|u|||t|es
- Bcc|s cr t||s suuject se|| we||. pe|lect lc| lc||s w|c |cve t|e Dccc|e St|tc||r se||es!
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
128 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Bcc| w|t| CD
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 32
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
MetaI CIay 101 for Beaders
Create Custom Fihdihgs, Beads, Embellishmehts 8 Charms
Beace|s eae| tc acc eta| c|a] tc t|e|| a|sera| cl c|alt|r tec|r|cues w||| srap up t||s seccrc ert|] |r t|e
101 lc| Beace|s se||es. K||sta| W|c| ep|a|rs |cw tc use ccppe|, s||ve|, arc u|crte eta| c|a] tc c|eate
s|p|e custc|tec eue|||s|erts, l|rc|rs t|at atc| t|e|| ueacs, arc space|s, ueac caps, car|es, arc
||r|s. |rc|uces c|e t|ar 20 |rsp|||r p|cjects.
K||sta| W|c| was t|e ec|tc| cl 5--1) |-|,, t|e |eac|r ueac|r u|c, arc |s a jewe||]-ces|r epe|t lc| |||e
Vcurta|r Ces arc Beacs cr||re 0c/ leatu|e. S|e |as c|eatec twc DVDs, V\-1 V-1- 5--1-1 5-.-|-|s
z|| ||- 5--1s -1 |,s|-|s |-s -1 w- arc V\-1 V-1- J-z-|, V-|) z|| |-1-1- 5--1s
|,s|-|s |-s -1 Vo-|, arc |s t|e aut|c| cl |o\, |co\, (la||} arc |-|.|o.s |-|. 5--1s (|rte|weave
||ess}. K||sta| |as appea|ec cr |CIV arc cr t|e |BS s|cws 5--1s 5-.||-s -1 J-z-|s arc .||) 4|s.
|e| ces|rs |ave ueer leatu|ec |r 30 aat|res arc puu||cat|crs. W|c| ||ves |r lcrcrt, C0. lea|r c|e
at |||sta|w|c|.cc.
- V-|-|zo|) !J! |o 5--1-s was a st|cr |e|ease l|c la|| u] a st|cr aut|c|, arc t||s ucc| ccrt|rues
a|cr t|e sae ||re, p|ccuc|r ccp|eerta|] s||||-uu||c|r |rlc|at|cr lc| ueace|s |r a |e|atec catec|]
- K||sta| |s cre cl t|e uest-|rcwr raes |r c|alt jewe||], arc s|e |as a ve|] act|ve sc|ecu|e |r w||c| s|e
w||| suppc|t t|e ucc|, |rc|uc|r u||c arc ucc| s|r|rs, wc||s|cps, |ectu|es, arc ueac, c|alt, arc t|ur|
- |uu||c|t] cut|eac| w||| |rc|uce uct| la|| Jewe||] c Beac|rs stap|e ueacwc||-|ev|ewe| ||st arc eparc cut
|rtc eta|-c|a] puu||cat|crs arc u|cs

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
128 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Bead Embroidery JeweIry Projects
Desigh ahd Cohstructioh, ldeas ahd lhspiratioh
Ja|e C|cuc Ea||r |s a ueac|r supe|sta|, arc t||s lc||cw-up tc |e| uestse|||r |-so-| 5--1 ||o1-,
ep|a|rs t|e lurcaerta|s cl ueaut|lu| ces|r, l|c p|c||r t|e ueacs tc c|ccs|r a pa|ette. I||cu| 30
c|ecus p|cjects, Ea||r |a]s cut t|e sec|ets cl ccrst|uct|crc|eat|r l||re, u|t|st|arc, s|apec, arc
ct|e| lc|s cl ueacwc||arc |ves ueace|s a va|uau|e |esscr as t|e] ue|r t|e|| cwr ces|r jcu|re].
Ja|e C|cuc Ea||r ||ves |r Vccestc, C/. S|e |s t|e aut|c| cl |-so-| 5--1 ||o1-,, 5--1) z||
|-|o.|os, arc 5.)|- 5--1 5o-c- (a|| la||}. Ja|e |as ueer a p|cless|cra| ueac a|t|st lc| twc cecaces,
arc teac|es arc se||s |e| wc|| |r a||e||es ac|css |c|t| /e||ca. |e| weus|te |s stuc|cja|
- Ja|e C|cuc Ea||r |s a supe|sta| |r t|e ueac|r ccur|t] arc |as a |ue lar uase
- I||s ucc| uu||cs cr Ea||rs twc p|ev|cus ueac-eu|c|ce|] ucc|s arc w||| ue a ust-|ave lc| a||
|rte|ec|ate ueace|s
- |a|t cl la|| Jewe||] c Beac|rs Beac |rsp||at|cr se||es ea|ec tcwa|c |rte|ec|ate ueace|s, la||s cc|e
ueac|r auc|erce
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Art of Outdoor Living
by Lisa Newsom
ISBN 978-1-61837-088-4 | $60.00 ($66.00 Canada)
Hard | 10 x 12 | 288 pages (all in color) | Territory: WEX*
Carton Qty: 6 | October 15, 2013 | Hearst
eranda knows what makes a home exquisiteand
following the successful Houses of Veranda, the
magazine has produced a lavish new book with a
wealth of ideas for exceptional outdoor spaces. Take
a private tour of magnicent homes with lush gardens,
inviting courtyards, and pools set amid breathtaking
landscapes. Created by the worlds best designers,
these environments are among the most spectacular
ever featured in Veranda.
Lisa Newsom founded Veranda in 1987 as a showcase
for exceptional design, and from the rst issue it
distinguished itself with lush visual presentations, as
well as substance behind the beauty. Respected by
the design community, applauded by a discerning
readership, and honored with numerous awards, Lisa,
who began her storied career as cofounder of Southern
Accents in 1977, has always focused on the best. Lisa
divides her time between Atlanta, GA and Cashiers, NC.
Veranda is a forum for the very best in living well.
Always gracious, and never pretentious, we keep
readers abreast of the nest in decoration, fashion,
jewelry and watches, art, and travel, inspiring them with
beauty and elegance. Veranda is both an idea showcase
and a deeply pleasurable escape, a place where homes
feel as good as they look.
A follow-up to last years bestselling The Houses of Veranda,
which has 23,000 copies in print
A collection of gorgeous designs to rival any in the world,
with breathtaking photos of lavish, welcoming outdoor
spaces from pools and patios to courtyards and gardens
Editorial and marketing support by Veranda
t Veranda readers rank in the highest-income brackets of any
Hearst magazine readership, and its advertisers number
among the top design and decorating suppliers in the world
Review copy mailing to decorating publications and home
sections at daily newspaper
Gift guide outreach
Co-promotional marketing with Hearst publications
Key events
Also Available
The Houses of Veranda
ISBN 978-1-58816-927-3
$60.00 ($72.00 Canada)
Hard 10 x 12
House Beautiful Color
The Perfect Shade for Every Room
by Lisa Cregan
ISBN 978-1-58816-979-2 | $40.00 ($44.00 Canada)
Hard | 9 x 11 | 336 pages (all in color) | Territory: WEX*
Carton Qty: 8 | October 1, 2013 | Hearst
ouse Beautiful has created the ultimate vibrant,
gorgeous guide to using color in the home, lled
with photos, swatches, and lively commentary from
designers explaining exactly how and why they make
their choices. Going shade by shade, it shows how to
select the perfect hue for any room, create modern
twists on traditional colors, make a subtle statement
or a bold one, experiment with colors you might never
have considered, and more!
t House Beautiful has a proven track record of success
with color titles: House Beautiful Colors for Your Home
sold 52,000 copies
t House Beautiful, which has a circulation of 835,000, will
support the book with editorial and advertising coverage
t Filled with insider color tips and tricks from the
design elds top stars
t Review copy mailing to decorating publications
and home sections at daily newspapers
t National/local TV outreach
t Co-promotional marketing with Hearst publications
t Decorating blogger outreach
t Blogger giveaway
Lisa Cregan is a regular contributor to House Beautiful
and the author of House Beautiful Blue, House Beautiful
Style 101, and House Beautiful Kitchens. She lives in
Palm Beach, FL.
President Clinton and the Rabbi
Biblical Lessons on Faith and Leadership
Edited by Rabbi Menachem Genack,
Foreword by Bill Clinton
ISBN 978-1-4549-0791-6 | $24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
Hard | 6 x 9 | 288 pages | Territory: W | Carton Qty: 16
October 1, 2013 | Sterling Ethos
ebook: 978-1-4549-0792-3 | $11.99 ($12.99 Canada)
abbi Menachem Genack and Bill Clinton rst met
as Clinton began his road to the White House. As
their friendship deepened, the rabbi started sending
Clinton brief essays highlighting spiritual insights from
the Bible. Later, at Clintons request, Genack took a
more formal approach, also inviting many distinguished
acquaintances to contribute. This universally inspiring
collection gathers more than 100 of these mini-sermons,
with a foreword by Clinton himself.
Rabbi Menachem Genack is rabbinic administrator and
chief executive ofcer of the Orthodox Unions Kashruth
Division overseeing the certication program of some
7,000 food-production facilities in 80 countries. The
Orthodox Union (OU) is Americas oldest and largest
Orthodox Jewish communal organization, embracing over
800 synagogues across North America. Rabbi Genack
is viewed as one of the most inuential and prominent
members of the American Orthodox rabbinate. He
was founding Chairman of NORPAC, a political action
committee that supports a strong US-Israel relationship,
has traveled with President Clinton to Israel several times,
and has published over 180 articles on Jewish thought
and law. Genack is the General Editor of OU Press, the
publishing division of the OU, and served as the main
advisor on Sterlings successful Out of the Depths, which
had the OU Press as imprimatur. He lives in Englewood, NJ.
t Features a foreword by President Clinton, whose speech
at the recent Democratic National Convention testied to
his continued popularity; also includes copies of many of
his handwritten notes
t Rabbi Menachem Genack is well connected: he delivered
the benediction at Governor Corzines inauguration, has
a personal friendship with Senator Joe Lieberman and
the Clintons, and interacts with business, political, and
religious leaders around the world on a daily basis
t Will appeal to all people interested in matters of religion
and spiritual wisdom
t Many prominent contributors, including Senator
Lieberman; Norman Lamm, chancellor of Yeshiva
University; Shimon Peres, president of Israel; introduction
by Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Chief Rabbi of England,
will draw attention to the book overseas
t OU Pressthe publishing arm of the Orthodox Union
will advertise and promote book in Jewish Action
Magazine; on the OU website and social media accounts;
on radio, on JM in the AM, a popular radio talk show
targeted to Jewish community
t Genack has access to many key people in Jewish media
(including the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, a news service
for hundreds of Jewish newspapers and other media)
t Review copy mailing to Jewish publications
and book reviewers at daily newspapers
t Digital marketing campaign
t Goodreads giveaway
t Key inuencers sample mailing
t Co-promotions with Jewish organizations
t Galleys available
Writihgs oh Art, Sciehce, ahd Feace
W|e|e cces |uar|t] l|t |r t|e ccscs /|ue|t E|rste|r, cre cl ||stc|]s tcwe||r sc|ert|l|c er|uses,
ep|c|es t||s lasc|rat|r suuject |r a ur|cue art|c|c]. E|rste|rs ccp|e wc||cv|ew ccup|es ||s c||r|ca|
|rcw|ece cl t|e ac||rat|crs cl t|e ur|ve|se w|t| a p|cu|r, p|||cscp||ca| |rc. |e|e, sc|ert|sts, sp|||tua|
see|e|s, arc E|rste|r lars w||| c|sccve| ||s ue||els cr t|e alte|||le, t|e ratu|e cl l|ee w||| arc e|sterce, arc
|cw a ccrce|r w|t| cuart|l|au|e |rcw|ece car ur|te w|t| t|e ces||e lc| '|u|||t]' |r t|e lace cl ar
ur|rcwau|e cc.
Vaca 0tt stuc|ec Ce|ar, S|av|c, arc /e||car |rc|ar ||te|atu|e at J.W. Ccet|e ur|ve|s|t] |r ||ar|lu|t arc
ccp|etec |e| stuc|es cl ||te|atu|e at Va|a||s|| |rte|rat|cra| ur|ve|s|t] |r Was||rtcr, DC, arc |a||l|e|c, |/.

Wa|t Va|t|r |acuatec l|c Va|a||s|| |rte|rat|cra| ur|ve|s|t] (rcw Va|a||s|| ur|ve|s|t] cl Varaeert} |r
|a||l|e|c, |cwa w|t| a B/ |r |rte|c|sc|p||ra|] Stuc|es w|t| a ccrcert|at|cr |r ecucat|cr. Va|t|r |as ueer
|rst|uerta| |r |cca| erv||crerta| |elc|s t|at |ave ueer p|a|sec u] t|e E|/ arc |ave |ec tc rat|cra| pc||c]
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc sc|erce puu||cat|crs arc sc|erce ec|tc|s at ca||] rewspape|s
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
Sap|e a|||r tc |e] |rl|uerce|s |r at|/sc|erce
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
-0uctes arc w||t|rs c||ect l|c t|e E|rste|r a|c||ves, |rc|uc|r reve|-uelc|e-puu||s|ec ate||a|
-|||ust|atec t||cu|cut w|t| ueaut|lu| p|ctcs cl ast|crc|ca| p|ercera
-St|cr ercc|seerts l|c || t|e Da|a| laa, |e|| ceC|asse I]scr, arc c|e
-C|eat |lt ucc| lc| E|rste|r ert|us|asts, asp|||r sc|ert|sts, arc p|||cscp|e|s, arc ar]cre |rte|estec |r t|e
|rte|sect|cr cl la|t| arc sc|erce

|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
17c paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/2 / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 32
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Life, the Fresidehcy, the Assassihatioh
Jc|r |. Kerrec]s p|es|cerc] was t|a|ca||] cut s|c|t, uut ||s |eac] |ccs |a|e ever tcca]. I||s ueaut|lu||]
|||ust|atec u|c|ap|]w|t| 15 |ecvau|e lacs|||e cujectsclle|s a ur|cue |cc| at /e||cas 35t|
p|es|cert. ||c ||s wa|t|e |e|c|s arc a|||ae tc Jaccue||re Bcuv|e| tc t|e ccrt|cve|s|a| 19c0 e|ect|cr,
Cuuar V|ss||e C||s|s, C|v|| R||ts cveert, esca|at|r ccrl||ct |r V|etra, arc assass|rat|cr, |t captu|es t|e
|e] certs cl ||s ||le arc ca|ee|.
|ar S|||cc|e |as a uac||curc |r jcu|ra||s, puu||s||r, arc |ectu||r, arc |s t|e aut|c| cl t|e uestse|||r
|osc-.,| 19 |--sos |o |o.|| aJ |--sos |o 5-|-.- (Jc|r B|a|e} a|cr w|t| seve|a| ct|e| ucc|s.

Dav|c Scut|we|| |as supp||ec p||a|] |esea|c| lc| ucc|s u] t|e ||stc||ca| |esea|c|e| /rc|ew Cc|||rs arc |s a
jcu|ra||st, suuec|tc|, arc sect|cr ec|tc| |r t|e rewspape| |rcust|]. |e |as w||tter rue|cus ||stc|] ucc|s,
|rc|uc|r |osc-., ||-s S-.-|s -1 |-s, arc |- |s|o, o| 0)-c-1 |- (a|| Ca||tcr}.
- ||lteer |ecvau|e lacs|||e cujects l|c t|e Kerrec] /|c||ves at t|e u.S. |at|cra| /|c||ves |rc|uce.
|arcw||tter rctes lc| Kerrec]s |rauu|a| acc|ess ' Icp-sec|et ecs arc cau|es ' / 'Wartec lc|
I|eascr' pcste| t|at c||cu|atec |r Da||as t|e ca] uelc|e ||s assass|rat|cr ' / u|cccsta|rec s|etc| l|c
||es|cert Kerrec]s autcps]
- / C|| pc|| ccrcuctec at t|e ue|rr|r cl 2011 statec t|at Kerrec] |ea|rs t|e cst pcpu|a| /e||car
p|es|cert cl a|| t|e
- |cveue| 2013 w||| a|| t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e assass|rat|cr cl ||es|cert Jc|r |. Kerrec], ersu||r
erc|cus puu||c|t]
- Bestse|||r aut|c| Step|er K|rs cst |ecert ucc| !!??|3 lccusec cr Kerrec]s ceat|. |t was puu||s|ec
|r |cveue| 2011, wcr t|e 2011 |os 4)-|-s -s Bcc| |||te lc| Best I|||||e|/V]ste|], arc |as ueer
rc|ratec lc| rue|cus ct|e| awa|cs. S|cct|r lc| a l|| ve|s|cr, set lc| |e|ease |r 2013, uear |r /utur
- |-||-1, a c|aa aucut J|Ks assass|rat|cr sta|||r Zac El|cr, |au| C|aatt|, arc B|||] Bcu I|c|rtcr, |s
sc|ecu|ec lc| |e|ease cr uS IV |r |cveue| 2013
|uu||s|e|. /rc|e Deutsc|
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
9c paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
170 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
9 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
PopuIar Mechanics 101 Things That Go Fast
Flahes, Traihs ahd Automobiles You cah Make ahd Fide
I|ese 101 c|ass|c p|cjects l|c t|e paes cl 3RSXODU0HFKDQLFV w||| u||r cut t|e ||c |r eve|]cre! Cc lu||
speec a|eac w|t| aat|r|] lur t||rs tc uu||c, l|c a Vctc| Ca|, Vctc|c]c|e-pcwe|ec Cataa|ar, arc
|e|||s W|ee| tc a Sp||r-p|cpe||ec Ic] Stea Er|re arc ar ert||e E|ect||c-lcccct|ve Vcce| arc I|ac|
S]ste. /rc rcw t|e aat|res ueaut|lu| v|rtae |||ust|at|crs appea| |r |c||cus lu|| cc|c|, s|cwcasec |r ar
cve|s|te |a|cccve|.
3RSXODU0HFKDQLFV |rsp||es, |rst|ucts, arc |rl|uerces r|re ||||cr cu||cus |rcs t|at |eac t|e aat|re
eve|] crt|. I|e aat|re leatu|es u|ea|t||cu|s |r t|e |atest |rrcvat|crs |r sc|erce arc tec|rc|c].
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
Cc-p|cct|cra| a||et|r w|t| |ea|st puu||cat|crs
- /|cst 300,000 ccp|es cl a|| t|e %R\0HFKDQLF t|t|es |r tcta| |ave ueer sc|c
- ||ev|cus v|rtae t|t|es u] 3RSXODU0HFKDQLFV |ave sc|c st|cr|], espec|a||] lcu|-cc|c| ucc|s w|t| ueaut|lu|
|||ust|at|crs, |||e 7KH:RQGHUIXO)XWXUH7KDW1HYHU:DV (17,c53 ret sc|c}
- 3RSXODU0HFKDQLFV w||| p|ccte v|a acs arc ec|tc||a| suppc|t

|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
208 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
History of FIight
From Leohardo's Flyihg Machihe to the Cohquest of Space
||c ars l||st |cpelu| attepts tc ac||eve ||ltcll tc t|e e|a cl jets, supe|l||te|s, arc space s|utt|es, t||s
lasc|rat|r vc|ue captu|es t|e a|c arc sc|erce cl l|||t. Var|l|cert|] |||ust|atec, |t cves lc|wa|c
c||crc|c|ca||], w|t| eac| c|apte| cec|catec tc a spec|l|c t]pe cl a||c|alt c| evert|rc|uc|r wa|t|e
av|at|cr arc t|e u||t| cl cce|c|a| a||||res. Erte|ta|r|r areccctes, arc a sect|cr cr tec|rc|c], |curc cut
t||s ccp|e|ers|ve ||stc|].
R|cca|cc ||ccc||, cre cl |ta|]s uest-|rcwr av|at|cr ||stc||ars, |as puu||s|ec a|t|c|es arc p|ctc|ap|s |r t|e
spec|a||st p|ess s|rce 1982. |e wc||s w|t| a ruue| cl aat|res arc puu||s||r ccpar|es |r Eu|cpe arc
t|e uS, arc |as w||tter seve|a| ucc|s arc ct|e| wc||s cr av|at|cr.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
33c paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
c9c cc|c| p|ctcs
9 1/1 / 12 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Exploratioh 8 Cohquest of the Greatest Mouhtaihs oh Earth
|r u|eat|ta||r |aes arc parc|a|c curta|r aps, +LPDOD\D a||s t|e c0t| arr|ve|sa|] cl S|| Ecurc
||||a|] arc Iert|r |c|a]s |arca|| ascert cl Eve|est, as we|| as t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e l||st
successlu| /e||car epec|t|cr. |t ea|res t|e |e|crs ec|ap||ca| c|||rs, pecp|es, arc c|sccve|] u] t|e
West, a|cr w|t| |e|c|c p|cree||r ascerts|rc|uc|r K2, |ara |a|uat, /rrapu|ra, Karc|erjura, arc
l|ctsearc rew l|crt|e|s, |cutes, arc curta|ree||r tec|r|cues.
W||te| arc ||stc||ar |||||p |a||e| |s lc|e| puu||s|e| cl t|e 7LPHV ucc|s ||st. |e was |espcrs|u|e lc| Ccrwa]s
7KH*UHDW7UDGH5RXWHV, 7KH7LPHV+LVWRU\RIWKH:RUOG, arc rue|cus t|t|es cr arc|ert c|v|||tat|crs. |e |s
a|sc t|e aut|c| cl 7KH(PSLUH6WRSV+HUH (||||cc}, a ucc| acc|a|ec as 'era|r' ()LQDQFLDO7LPHV},
'awe-|rsp|||r' (7KH6FRWVPDQ}, arc 'a cu|te u|eat|ta||r arc eccert||c ec|l|ce cl sc|c|a|s||p.
et|ac|c|ra|]' (t|e *XDUGLDQ}.
- |uu||s|ec |r 2013 tc a|| t|e c0t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e l||st successlu| su|t cl Vcurt Eve|est arc t|e
50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e /e||car l||st ascert arc t|at cl t|e West R|ce
- W|t| ccrt||uut|crs l|c t|e wc||cs p|ee|rert curta|ree|s arc a|p|re w||te|s |rc|uc|r Step|er
Verau|es, V|c| Ccrel|e], |ete| C|||ar, Stewa|t Weave|, arc /arca |aue| as we|| as |eerca|] passaes
l|c t|e |||es cl Vau||ce |e|tc, Ecurc ||||a|], arc |e|arr Bu||

|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
192 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/1 / 10 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Lifeboat
Courage oh Our Coasts
||c t|e Cc|r|s| ccasts tc t|e S|et|arc |s|es, t|e er arc wcer cl t|e Rc]a| |at|cra| l|leucat |rst|tut|cr
a|e cr ca||, |escu|r t|cusarcs cl pecp|e eac| ]ea|. I||s c|aat|c vc|ue ce|eu|ates t|e|| u|ave|],
ccpass|cr, arc cc|tert. C|ewar arc p|ctc|ap|e| ||e| V|||a|c cccuerts ||s epe||erces as |e
t|ave|s t|e |ert| cl B||ta|r arc ||e|arc, ||v|r arc wc|||r w|t| ||s le||cw ||leucater arc acccpar]|r
t|e cr ||lesav|r |ss|crs.
||e| V|||a|c |s a ||leucat c|eweue| arc ar awa|c-w|rr|r |rte|rat|cra| p|ctc|ap|e|. |e |s uest |rcwr
lc| ||s crc|r cc|ss|crs lc| t|e Rc]a| |at|cra| l|leucat |rst|tut|cr, lc| ||s spec|a| |ssue Rc]a| Va||
staps, arc lc| p|cct|r salet] at sea w|t| t|e ||s||r Salet] capa|r. |e |as ueer wc|||r w|t| t|e
R|l| rcw lc| a|cst a cecace. |r 2010 ||e| was awa|cec t|e |rc|v|cua| /wa|c lc| ||s ccrt|ruec suppc|t cl
t|e se|v|ce.
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
192 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
cc|c| p|ctcs t||cu|cut
10 1/2 / 8 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
ore than 5,000 years ago, the ancient
Egyptians founded one of the worlds
oldest civilizations. We know of its pyramids,
art, and pharaohsnow, nd out was life
was really like for ordinary people!
From the beds people slept in to the way they worked,
played, prayed, and loved, the past comes alive in these
vibrant portraits of everyday life during tumultuous
times and in the great civilizations.
Bob Brier is senior research fellow at Long
Island University. Recognized as one of the
worlds foremost experts on mummies, he
has investigated the renowned mummies
of King Tut, Lenin, Ramses the Great, and
others. Brier has hosted award-winning
television specials for TLC and written over
100 articles and many books, including
The Encyclopedia of Mummies (Facts
on File) and The Murder of Tutankhamen
(Penguin). He lives in Long Island, NY.
A. Hoyt Hobbs is professor of philosophy
at the C. W. Post Campus of Long Island
University. He is author of Fieldings
Complete Guide to Egypt and A Complete
Guide to Egypt and the Archaeological
Sites (both HarperCollins).
$17.95 ($19.95 Canada)
Hardcover with jacket | 6 x 8
Color and black-and-white images throughout
Territory: WENG | Carton Qty: 22 | Sterling
Ancient Egypt
Everyday Life in the Land of the Nile
by Bob Brier and Hoyt Hobbs
ISBN 978-1-4549-0907-1
320 pages | October 15, 2013
t The you-are-here living history approach is
becoming increasingly popular, as evidenced by the
recent success of books, movies, and television series
that take this approach
t Unique and descriptive, these attractive volumes
include four-color images throughout, as well as maps
t Most other books in this category are academic,
outdated, and minimally illustrated
t Trade copy mailing.
t Review copy mailing (75+) to book review editors
t Blogger outreach to history, mommy, and
educator blogs
t Social media campaign from @Sterlingbooks
promoting the series
t Big mouth mailing to inuential history academics
and educators
t Local author events
t Ancient Egypt is perennially fasci-
nating, as evidenced by the recent
popular Discovery exhibition in
New York and Seattle on King Tut
rom our concept of government, to
science and mathematics, and
architecture to literature, ancient Greece
had a powerful impact on modern culture.
Here is what life really was like during
that historic era.
rom the knight in shining armor to
the idealized noblewoman, the
medieval period furnished some our
most enduring icons. Look at the truth
behind the legend of the age that, in
many ways, represented the start of
modern Western culture.
hough infamous for their pirating and
raiding, active Vikings were actually
only a tiny fraction of the total Scandinavian
population. This exploration of their culture
goes beyond the myths and into the
intimate details of their everyday lives.
Robert Garland is the Roy D. and
Margaret B. Wooster Professor of the
Classics at Colgate University. He is the
author of many books, including The
Greek Way of Death (Cornell University
Press), The Greek Way of Life (University
of Michigan Press), and Julius Caesar
(Liverpool University Press). He lives
in Hamilton, NY.
Jeffrey L. Singman has written several
works on medieval and early modern
Europe, including Daily Life in Chaucers
England, Daily Life in Elizabethan England,
and Robin Hood: The Shaping of the
Legend (all Greenwood Publishing Group).
Dr. Singman has worked at various living
history sites, including Greeneld Village
and Plimoth Plantation, and is now the
Paul S. Morgan Curator at the Higgins
Armory Museum and Adjunct Professor
of Humanities at Worcester Polytechnic
Institute in Worcester, MA, where he lives.
Kirsten Wolf is professor and the Torger
Thompson Chair of Scandinavian Studies at
the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where
she teaches courses on Old Norse-Icelandic
language and literature and Scandinavian
linguistics. She is currently working on
an edition of AM 672 4to, an Icelandic
handbook for priests from the fteenth
century, and is associate editor of the
Journal of English and Germanic Philology.
Professor Wolf lives in Madison, WI.
Ancient Greece
Everyday Life in the Birthplace
of Western Civilization
by Robert Garland
ISBN 978-1-4549-0908-8
384 pages | October 15, 2013
The Middle Ages
Everyday Life in Medieval Europe
by Jeffrey L. Singman
ISBN 978-1-4549-0905-7
320 pages | November 15, 2013
Viking Age
Everyday Life During the
Extraordinary Era of the Norsemen
by Kristen Wolf
ISBN 978-1-4549-0906-4
272 pages | November 15, 2013
t Ancient Greece will be in the
zeitgeist as 300: Rise of an
Empire, the long-awaited sequel
to the blockbuster movie 300,
comes out in early fall 2013
t The Middle Ages continue
to be one of the most widely
read-about subjects, and
medievalists, students, and
history book lovers will be
intrigued by this inside look
at life during that time
t This spring, the History Channel
began airing Vikings, its rst
scripted series; starring
Gabriel Byrne and produced by
Michael Hirst (The Tudors and
The Borgias), the series is a huge
hit and has been renewed for a
second season
The Ouest to Fihd the Gateway to Higher Cohscioushess
,QILQLWH0LQGILHOG |ves us a p|clcurc rew wa] tc urce|starc t|e |e|at|crs||p uetweer ccrsc|cusress arc
t|e ete|ra| wc||c. us|r cutt|r-ece sc|erce, /rt|cr] |ea|e ue|rs l|c t|e ue||el t|at t|e p|rea|
|arct|e 't|||c e]e'|s a p|clcurc|] |pc|tart c|ar cert|a| tc t|e evc|ut|cra|] p|ccess. |e ||r|s |t tc
arc|ert ]t|s cl c|acrs c| se|perts u|c|r |uar|t] . . . arc p|eserts ev|cerce t|at t|ese ue|rs a|e
s]uc||c cl D|/.
/rt|cr] |ea|e |s t|e aut|c| cl t||ee c||t|ca||] acc|a|ec ucc|s|rc|uc|r 7KH2XWRI%RG\([SHULHQFH
(Wat||rs}arc |as |ac va||cus a|t|c|es puu||s|ec |r aat|res, acace|c jcu|ra|s, arc weus|tes ac|css t|e
Er||s|-spea||r wc||c. ||s ucc|s |ave |ece|vec ccrs|stert|] ece||ert |ev|ews arc |e |s last ceve|cp|r a
|eputat|cr as cre cl t|e cst ec|t|r arc c|eat|ve cl t|e rew wave cl w||te|s w|t||r t|e l|e|c cl |cet|c
- I|e l||st ucc| tc lccus sc|e|] cr t|e ||stc||ca|, scc|c|c|ca|, arc reu|c|c|ca| aspects cl t|e p|rea| |arc arc
tc c|scuss |r |a]ars te|s t|e |c|e cl suustarces |rcwr as ert|ecersccpcurcs t|at a||cw t|e
suuject tc access |||e| states cl ccrsc|cusress
- /ut|c| |as ||r|ec up w|t| sce cl t|e wc||cs |eac|r |esea|c|e|s |r t|e va||cus l|e|cs, |rc|uc|r
art||cpc|c|sts Je|e] |a|u] arc Va|t|r Ba||, reu|c|c|st R|c| St|assar, arc p|]s|c|st Be|ra|c |a|sc|
- /|ec at ar]cre w|c |s |rt||uec arc ]st|l|ec u] t|e wa] |r w||c| |rar|ate atte| suc| as t|e u|a|r
car c|eate t|e ||c| |rre| wc||c cl ccrsc|cus awa|eress arc |cw c|eas a|e lc|ec
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Creatihg a New ahd Better Feality
||a] ]cu| wa] tc |ea||rarc a c|arec arc |p|cvec ||le! I||s cc||ect|cr cl |rsp|||r p|a]e|s car |e|p
a||ev|ate spec|l|c p|cu|es t||cu| t|e pcwe| cl sp|||tua| |cwt| arc |ve us t|e |rs||t tc a|e cec|s|crs |r
accc|carce w|t| |||e| ccrsc|cusress. |rsp|||r arc p|act|ca|, |t clle|s wa]s tc |ecve u|cc|aes, |esser
st|ess, |ecve reat|ve t|cu|ts, arc ||ve |r jc] arc |app|ress.
/a R]j||a |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec |ea|e|, c|arre|e|, arc sp|||tua| teac|e|. / ta|ertec us|c|ar, s|e
cu||ert|] |es|ces |r K|cste|reuuu|, /ust||a, w|e|e s|e a|rta|rs a p||vate teac||r arc |ea||r p|act|ce.
|e| rue|cus c||erts cce l|c ac|css Eu|cpe tc |e| wc||s|cps |r 'Veta|c|c|ae,' t|e |ea||r et|cc
s|e ceve|cpec. |c| lu|t|e| |rlc|at|cr aucut /a R]j||as wc||, p|ease see |e| weus|te. aa|]j||
- W||tter u] a |eac|r sp|||tua| p|act|t|cre| arc teac|e|
- W||| appea| tc |eace|s cl 7KH6HFUHW |cc||r lc| a rew, p|act|ca| wa] tc ar|lest |app|ress arc auurcarce
|r t|e|| ||ves
|uu||s|e|. Wat||rs
|uu||s|ec. Septeue| 2013
221 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
5 1/1 / 8 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Good Housekeeping
Christmas Cookbook
Rec|pes Decorat|ng Joy
by The Editors of Good Housekeeping
lSBN 978-1-58816-974-7 $30.00 Oanada $33.00}
Hard 8
/2 x 9
/8 400 pages a|| |n co|or}
Terr|tory: WE* Oarton Ouant|ty: 8 Pr|nt Run: 35,000
October 1, 2013 Hearst
hen |t comes to Ohr|stmas, no one does |t ||ke
Good Housekeeping! Br|mm|ng w|th more
than300 fest|ve tr|p|e-tested rec|pes, spark||ng
decorat|ng |deas, ce|ebr|ty t|ps, and suggest|ons for
homemade g|fts, th|s sumptuous cookbook w||| make
the season extra merry. Warm the hearts and be|||es of
|oved ones, w|th Oranberry Moj|tos, G|azed Ham w|th
Apr|cots, a Du|ce de |eche Wreath, and a feast
of mouthwater|ng de||cac|es.
Rev|ew copy ma|||ng to food magaz|nes and food sect|ons
at da||y newspapers
Oo-promot|ona| market|ng w|th Hearst pub||cat|ons
Ho||day g|ft gu|de outreach
Nat|ona|/|oca| Tv outreach
D|g|ta| market|ng campa|gn
Good Housekeeping magaz|ne |s an Amer|can |con
of consumer protect|on and qua||ty assurance.
Each |ssue reaches 24 m||||on readers and, w|th
15 ed|t|ons pub||shed wor|dw|de, |t |s an |nternat|ona||y
recogn|zed brand.
t Good Housekeepings cookbooks se||
fabu|ous|y, w|th more than three m||||on
cop|es so|d across the ||ne
lnc|udes fest|ve rec|pes, ho||day memor|es,
trad|t|ons, and t|ps from: Sunny Anderson
Mar|ah Oarey Jam|e |ee Ourt|s Pau|a
Deen Bobby F|ay lna Garten v|nce G|||
Amy Grant Fa|th H||| Me||ssa McOarthy
A|yssa M||ano Ke||y R|pa Martha Stewart
St|ng Mered|th v|e|ra Reese W|therspoon
A gorgeous package, w|th a treasure trove
of beaut|fu| photos of seasona| decorat|ng
and craft |deas as we|| as |nsp|rat|ona| ho||day
|mages and food shots
t Good Housekeeping reaches one out of fve
Amer|can women each month. The December
|ssue of the magaz|ne |s a|ways devoted to the
subject of Ohr|stmas
Ce|eu|ate C|||stas Scarc|rav|ar st]|ew|e|e eve|] ca] l|c t|e l||st /cvert Surca] tc t|e erc cl
Deceue| |s pa|t cl t|e |c||ca]. I||re |a|rearr se|ves up a cc|ruccp|a cl lest|ve |ec|pes lc| uct|
t|ac|t|cra| ccc|es arc ce||c|cus cce|r c|s|es. Erjc] |e|cra| spec|a|t|es suc| as sp|cec |c w|re,
S|cw-Ccc|ec Cccse w|t| /pp|es arc ||ures, Veatua||s w|t| ||c||ec Beets, Ca|ae| |ctatces, arc
C|ccc|ate-D|ppec Carc|ec 0|ares.
I||re |a|rearr |as w||tter l|ve ccc|ucc|s |r |e| rat|ve Dar|s| arc twc |r Er||s|, 7KH6FDQGLQDYLDQ
&RRNERRN (/rc|ews VcVee|} arc 7KH1RUGLF'LHW (S|]|c|se}. |a|rearr sta|tec cut as a cate|e| lc| |cc|
sta|s, |rc|uc|r E|tcr Jc|r, t|e Rc|||r Stcres, arc B|uce Sp||rsteer, arc tcca] cwrs arc |urs a cale |r
Dera||s |cuse cl |a|||aert as we|| as seve|a| |a|e cc|pc|ate cales. /r acvccate lc| susta|rau|e arc
c|ar|ca||] scu|cec lccc, |a|rearr a|sc w||tes lc| teste|ca||].cc arc appea|s |eu|a||] |r aat|res arc
rewspape|s |r t|e uS, B||ta|r, arc Dera||. Ic |ea|r c|e, v|s|t t||re|a| S|e ||ves |r
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc t|ave| w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
I|ave| u|ce| cut|eac|
- |c||cws cr t|e pcpu|a||t] cl Scarc|rav|ar supe| c|el, |estau|ateu|, aut|c|, lccc |p|esa||c, arc ec|a
pe|scra||t] Va|cus Saue|sscr
- Rere Rectep|s Dar|s| |estau|art, |ca, |s rcw ccrs|ce|ec t|e uest |estau|art |r t|e wc||c, alte| C|el
|e||ar /J||a c|cscJ c| Bu||| |r 2011lu|t|c| p|ccl t|at ScarJ|rav|ar cu|s|rc |s cr t|c asccrt
- |ew Scarc|rav|ar |estau|arts a|e cper|r |r lccc|e |ctspcts suc| as /s|a |r W||||asuu|, B|cc||]r, arc
|l/J, |r Sar ||arc|scc
- I|e aut|c| t|ave|s l|ecuert|] tc t|e uS arc w||| cc puu||c|t]

|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
111 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 9 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car/|||||pp|res
Go-to Family Fecipes for Each Night of the Week
I||s |s c|rre| ace eas]! ||c t|e ||tc|ers cl pcwe||cuse aat|re :RPDQV'D\ cces ar |rc|spers|u|e
c-tc ccc|ucc| l|||ec w|t| la||] |ec|pes. I|e |eat a|r ccu|ses |rc|uce lavc||tes |||e pcu|t|], ueel arc
|au, pc||, sealccc, veeta||ar, arc pasta, arc t|e]|e a|| |ver ces|rat|crs t|at |e|p a|e |t s|p|e tc
cec|ce w|ats |||t t|at r||t. S|cw Ccc|e|, |c Ccc|, 20-V|rute Vea|s, Va|e-a|eac, ||eetau|e, arc urce|
100 Ca|c||es.
:RPDQV'D\s lccc ccve|ae |s a|ec at uus], va|ue-ccrsc|cus wcar w|c erjc] eat|r we||. I|e
aat|res ca| |s tc ecucate |eace|s aucut ccc||r tec|r|cues arc |r|ec|erts |r a t|e-ellect|ve arc
ccst-ccrsc|cus wa] sc t|at t|e] car et c|rre| cr t|e tau|e ell|c|ert|], |ea|t|lu||], arc |app||]. (I|e |ec|pes
ever |rc|uce |e|plu| ccst-pe|-se|v|r |rlc!}

Kate Ve||e| |as ueer t|e |ccc c |ut||t|cr D||ectc| cl :RPDQV'D\ s|rce /uust 2010. Ve||e| |as ueer
p|cless|cra||] |e|sec |r t|e lccc |rcust|] lc| cve| ter ]ea|s, uut |ew up |r t|e ||tc|er (|e| |arcpa|erts
cwrec a |estau|art |r 0ueers, |Y}. S|e |acuatec l||st |r |e| c|ass at t|e Cu||ra|] |rst|tute cl /e||ca, arc
t|er wc||ec as a ||re ccc| at Ba]a|cs, a c|ass|c ||erc| |estau|art |r |cwe| Var|attar, arc |ew Yc|| C|t]s
lacus Cct|a Ba| arc C||||. S|e |as a|sc p|ccucec lccc seerts lc| te|ev|s|cr.
- :RPDQV'D\ |s |eac u] c|e t|ar 20 ||||cr wcer eve|] crt|, |a|l cl w|c |ave c|||c|er at |ce.
I||s |eat ccc|ucc|, t|e l||st |r a rew se||es, w||| |ve t|e ar ece||ert |escu|ce lc| eas] ea|s, w|et|e|
t|e]|e a||r t|e cr t|e spct c| l|eet|r t|e |r acvarce
- :RPDQV'D\ w||| suppc|t t|e ucc| w|t| ec|tc||a| ccve|ae arc acve|t|s|r
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 25
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
Publisher: White Star Publishers
Published: October 2013
224 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
all in color
7 x 10
Carton Qty: 8
Territory: US/Can
Fat-Free Gourmet Recipes
Text by Maurizio Cusani & Cinzia Trenchi
With obesity affecting nearly 10% of the worlds populationand risingthe time is right for recipes
that combine low-fat goodness with gourmet taste. Designed to promote a healthy lifestyle, these
80 simple, delicious dishes include Crepe Roulades with Tomatoes, Spicy Chicken with Rice, Eggplant
with Mint and Turmeric, and even a Chocolate and Orange Cakebecause everyone deserves a
little sweetness!
Gluten-Free Gourmet Recipes
Text by Maurizio Cusani & Cinzia Trenchi
For people suffering from celiac diseasethe inability to digest glutena gluten-free diet provides
the only relief. But theres no reason why healthy, nutritious, gluten-free dishes cant be delicious too!
With nearly 80 gourmet-quality recipes to choose from here, celiacs wont feel theyre missing out on
anything. From Spinach Breadsticks and Cornbread to Carbonara Revisited, Lemon Chicken, Ratatouille,
and desserts, these dishes will satisfy all the senses.
Mastering the Art of Baking
A Complete Step-by-Step Guide
Anneka Manning
Baking can be challengingbut with this book, anyone can master the techniques. With over 280 easy-
to-follow recipes, beautiful photos, and expert tips, it guides readers step-by-step through the entire
process, from measuring and mixing to creating breads, cakes, mufns, pies, scones, and tarts just like
a professional. Before long, even novices will experience the heavenly aroma of freshly baked treats
wafting through their kitchens!
Publisher: White Star Publishers
Published: October 2013
224 pages
$24.95 ($26.95 Canada)
all in color
7 x 10
Carton Qty: 8
Territory: US/Can
Publisher: Sterling
Published: October 2013
384 pages
$24.95 (NCR)
all in color
8 X 10
Carton Quantity: 6
Territory: US only
Kevin ZraIy's Windows on the WorId
CompIete Wine Course
New, Updated Editioh
Vc|e t|ar eve|, t||s |s t|e w|re u|ce aa|rst w||c| a|| ct|e|s a|e jucec. Kev|r Z|a|]s uestse|||r ccu|se
rcw leatu|es a |el|es|ec tast|r sect|cr w|t| l|avc| p|cl||es, a 'Best cl t|e Best' c|apte| w|t| ||r|s tc 20
sa|tp|cre tas, ar auc|c p|crurc|at|cr u|ce, arc upcatec |aue|s, v|rtaes, stat|st|cs, arc c|e. /s
a|wa]s, t||s |ev|sec, upcatec ec|t|cr ccve|s a|| t|e uas|cs, arc Z|a|]s |e|cr-u]-|e|cr c|ar|tat|cr pc|rts
|eace|s tc t|e l|rest w|res.
Kev|r Z|a|] |s ce|eu|at|r ||s 37t| arr|ve|sa|] |r 2013 as t|e lcurce| arc teac|e| cl t|e W|rccws cr t|e
Wc||c W|re Sc|cc|, w||c| |as |acuatec c|e t|ar 20,000 stucerts. Z|a|] |ece|vec t|e p|est||cus Jaes
Bea|c l|let|e /wa|c, ||s ct|e| |crc|s |rc|uce t|e l|let|e /c||eveert /wa|c l|c t|e Eu|cpear W|re
Ccurc|| arc t|e Jaes Bea|c /wa|c lc| W|re arc Sp|||ts ||cless|cra| cl t|e Yea|. |e |as ueer leatu|ec |r
t|e 1HZ<RUN7LPHV, 3HRSOH, t|e :DOO6WUHHW-RXUQDO, arc 1HZVZHHN, arc ar] ct|e| puu||cat|crs. |e |s
a|sc t|e aut|c| cl Ste|||rs ||||] acc|a|ec 7KH8OWLPDWH:LQH&RPSDQLRQ.
||a|sc lc| Kcv|r Z|a|] arJ wJozs o ||e wo|J we |

0re cl t|e uest sta|t-l|c-sc|atc| w|re ucc|s eve| w||tter. ||ar| |||a|, 7KH1HZ<RUN7LPHV
'I|e |eat Z|a|] w|t arc ||s |eerca|] l|crt-cl-t|e-c|ass|cc p|eserce a|e |rte|a| pa|ts cl t||s l|es|
app|cac|.' :LQH6SHFWDWRU
'/ v|sua||] ec|t|r, |rte|||ert|] st|uctu|ec |ele|erce.' /rt|cr] D|as B|ue, %RQ$SSpWLW
'B||s w|t| ert|us|as.u|eet], ccwr-tc-ea|t|.Reacs |||e ar |rte|est|r ccrve|sat|cr.' &KLFDJR
'I|e ||ve||est s|c|t ccu|se cr w|re eve| w|appec uetweer twc ccve|s.' %RVWRQ*OREH
'/s erte|ta|r|r as |t |s |rlc|at|ve.' 1HZ<RUN'DLO\1HZV
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
311 paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 12
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Oz CIarke's Pocket Wine Book 2014
/|| t|e w|re |rlc|at|cr ]cu reec|||t |t |r ]cu| pcc|et! I|e 22rc ec|t|cr cl 0t C|a||es c|ass|c 3RFNHW
:LQH%RRN |as c|e |rlc|at|cr, |eccercat|crs, s|ee| lacts, pass|cr, arc cp|r|cr t|ar ar] ct|e|
ccpa|au|e u|ce. Vet|cu|cus|] upcatec arc ces|rec lc| cpt|u u|cws|r, |t |rc|uces a
ccurt|]-u]-ccurt|] |rce tc cve| 1,000 tcp w|re p|ccuce|s, ceta||ec v|rtae c|a|ts, aps, |||ust|at|crs cl
|aue|s arc uctt|es, arc c|e.

/ lc|e| |eac|r West Erc actc|, 0t C|a||e |s cre cl t|e wc||cs uest-|rcwr w|re epe|ts, w|cse lc||cau|e
|eputat|cr |s uasec cr ||s eters|ve w|re |rcw|ece arc access|u|e, rc-rcrserse app|cac|. Krcwr lc| ||s
p|ercera| pa|ate, |||eve|ert st]|e, accu|ate p|ec|ct|crs arc ert|us|as lc| ||le |r ere|a|, 0t |s B||ta|rs
cst pcpu|a| w|re w||te| arc t|e aut|c| cl a cc||ect|cr cl uestse|||r ucc|s aucut w|re. |e a|sc u|caccasts
eters|ve|] cr BBC te|ev|s|cr arc |ac|c.
- 22rc ec|t|cr cl t||s uestse|||r u|ce, ccp|ete|] upcatec eac| ]ea|
- Vc|e t|ar 1,c00 ert||es, leatu||r cve| 7,000 w|res
- |ac|ec w|t| 0ts |rcw|ece arc a|wa]s |crest cp|r|cr

New Edition
|uu||s|e|. |av|||cr
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
3c8 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
3 3/1 / 7 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
WorId's Best Ciders
Taste, Traditioh ahd Terroir
W|t| t|e c|alt |a|c c|ce| a||et |cw|r |ap|c|], |ts c|ea| t|at c||r|e|s a|e eu|ac|r t||s |el|es||r
a|te|rat|ve tc uee|. :RUOGV%HVW&LGHUV taps |rtc t|at t|erc, p|esert|r c|e t|ar 500 c|ce|s l|c
uct| a|t|sar a|e|s arc |cua| u|arcs. |eatu||r |r-cept| ep|arat|crs arc tast|r rctes, |t |evea|s a||
]cu reec tc |rcw aucut t|e c|ce|-a||r p|ccess, p|ccuce|s, arc u|ewe||es ac|css t|e |cue.
Rec|pes lc| c|ce|-uasec c|s|es ccp|ete t||s p|ercera| u|ce.
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
25c paes
$30.00 ($33.00 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10 5/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
I||s e|eart u|ce tc 100 ccc|ta||s, l|c c|ass|c tc t|erc], |s a ust-|aveespec|a||] lc| t|cse |r
sea|c| cl a w|ce |are cl eas]-tc-pe|lect |ec|pes. C|ccse l|c |app] |cu| lavc||tes |||e t|e
/e||carc arc Vcj|tc, /r]t|e ccrccct|crs (t|e C|r ||tt, Iecu||a Sur||se}, /lte| D|rre| ce|||ts,
|rc|uc|r t|e Ca|p||cs|a, arc Ccc| D||r|s. Beaut|lu||] p|ctc|ap|ec, arc w|t| ccc|ta|| ||stc|], t|ps, arc
||rts, |t |as eve|]t||r a wcu|c-ue ua|terce| reecs.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
128 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 3/1 / 8 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Shake, JiggIe Shoot
More Thah 150 Boozy Shakes, Jiggle Shots 8 Frozeh Treats
Ve|vet |ae|! E|ect||c lecrace Sc|uet! C|e||] B|cw |cp! Su|e, t|ese ]u] ccrccct|crs scurc
|||e cesse|tuut t|e]|e cel|r|te|] rct ||c stull. I||s ||p, aut|c||tat|ve u|ce clle|s a ua|-lu|| cl
upsca|e, c|eat|ve, arc t|erc] a|cc|c|-|rlusec sweet t|eats su|e tc et t|e pa|t] sta|tec. ||c ucct]
s|a|es tc j||] e|at|r s|cts arc s|cts|c|es, t|ese |cwr-up ce||cac|es pac| a purc| |r eve|] |ass!
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
132 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 3/8 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Tea Sommelier
by Gabriella Lombardi,
photographs by Fabio Petroni
ISBN 978-88-544-0767-1 | $39.95 ($43.95 Canada) | Hard
/8 x 12 | 272 pages (220 color photos) | Territory: US/Can
Carton Qty: 8 | October 1, 2013 | White Star Publishers
ike ne wine, good tea is a gastronomic delicacy
that possesses a deliciously wide range of aromas
and avors. And just as an excellent wine guidewould
do, this richly illustrated volume initiates drinkers
into the art of tasting, making, and serving. A careful
examination of 50 grand cru teasincluding some of
the best-known varieties availablewill give drinkers a
new appreciation of what goes into a cup.
Photographer Fabio Petroni specializes in portraits
and still lifes. Over the years he has photographed
leading Italian celebrities, and he now works with
top advertising agencies where he handles the
publications of some important Italian brands.
His books with White Star include Horses: Master
Portraits, Mutts Life!, Cocktails, and Supercats! He
lives and works in Milan.
Gabriella Lombardi attended university in Granada,
Spain, where she became enamored of tea and
its rituals thanks to the citys numerous teterias or
tearooms. When she returned to Italy, Gabriella
worked as an advertising sales agent until, in 2010,
she realized her dream by opening the Ch Tea Atelier,
the rst shop in Milan specializing in the tasting and
sale of quality tea. She regularly visits China to learn
more about the art of tea making and to increase
her expertise in the cultures where this extraordinary
beverage originated. Tea Sommelier is her rst book.
Gabriella lives and works in Milan.
t An extraordinary book dedicated to all tea lovers, it
offers a new perspective in tea appreciation, similar
to that oenophiles enjoy
t A selection of exclusive recipes, together with many
useful recommendations for ideal tea and food pairings,
show how to match tea with savory or sweet dishes
t Includes a rich and exhaustive glossary summarizing the
language of tea and the professional tasting vocabulary
t Review copy mailing to beverage publications
and drink writers at daily newspapers
t Blogger outreach
t Gift guide outreach
Il Darjeeling un t che si fa amare per la sua speciale texture persistente nel tempo
forse per i neofiti leggermente allappante, ma decisamente vigorosa e mordente.
Pochi giardini produttori di t in India sono protetti come quelli di Darjeeling, que-
sto fa si che si possa parlare di t speciali, esclusivi e ricercati sotto ogni profilo: non
si sorseggia certo in una flte, ma piuttosto in una sottile tazza di porcellana con ma-
nico; la teiera perfetta ha invece una forma inglese e panciuta.
Diversa e inaspettata la questione degli abbinamenti: se con le bollicine frances
si parla di Champagne e fragole, Champagne e ostriche, Champagne e fois gras
non vale lo stesso per il liquore del Darjeeling che ci riserva un curiosa sorpresa
il suo abbinamento pi adatto infatti, con una saporita caciotta senese o con
un buon croccante siciliano
A New Look lhside the World of J. F. F. Tolkieh
Ic|||er epe|t C|||stcp|e| Sr]ce| p|eserts t|e cst |r-cept| ep|c|at|cr ]et cl Ic|||ers scu|ce ate||a|s lc|
V|cc|e-ea|t|-l|c t|e |aruaes, pcet|], arc ]t|c|c] cl ec|eva| Eu|cpe arc arc|ert C|eece tc t|e |a||s
cl 0lc|c arc t|e uatt|el|e|cs cl Wc||c Wa| |. I||s ||c||] |||ust|atec ucc| a|sc |evea|s t|e pe|vas|ve |rl|uerce
cl Ic|||ers t|e|ess lartas|es cr cce|r cu|tu|e.
D|. C|||stcp|e| /. Sr]ce| |s p|clessc| cl Eu|cpear ||stc|] arc Dear cl S|ac|cu|s |crc|s Cc||ee at
V|ss|ss|pp| State ur|ve|s|t] |r Sta||v|||e. |e |as w||tter rue|cus ucc|s, |rc|uc|r 7KH:RUOGRI.LQJ$UWKXU
(I|aes c |ucscr}. ||s wc||s |ave ueer leatu|ec |r t|e Bcc| cl t|e Vcrt| C|uu arc t|e ||stc|] Bcc| C|uu,
arc |ave ueer t|ars|atec |rtc ar] |aruaes. D|. Sr]ce| |as appea|ec cr t|e ||stc|] C|arre|, BBC,
lea|r|r C|arre|, arc |at|cra| Cec|ap||c C|arre|. |e |ectu|es at t|e S|t|scr|ar |rst|tut|cr, arc teac|es
|crc|s se|ra|s cr J. R .R. Ic|||er at t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl 0lc|c.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc sc|-l| aat|res as we|| as ||te|a|] puu||cat|crs
I||v|a s|eet w/lacts aucut J. R. R.Ic|||er
|at|cra| arc |cca| |ac|c cut|eac|
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r ta|et|r J.R.R. Ic|||er lars, u|cs arc weus|tes
B|ce| cut|eac| tc sc|erce l|ct|cr s|tes
Cccc|eacss |veawa]
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|

- /uc|erce lc| ucc|s u] arc aucut Ic|||er ccrt|rues tc |cw eve|] ]ea| as rew |eace|s c|sccve| t|e ue|cvec
ucc|s arJ l||s
- 7KH+REELW$Q8QH[SHFWHG-RXUQH\ was |e|easec |r 2012, tc ue lc||cwec u] 7KH+REELW7KH'HVRODWLRQRI

6PDXJ ?J!3 -J |e |o||| |ee -J 5-.| 4)- ?J!1
- I||s ucc| w||| ue t|e l||st tc ccrrect a|| cl t|e t||eacs t|at |rl|uercec Ic|||er, as we|| as ep|c|e ||s
ccrt|ru|r |pact cr cu| cu|tu|c tcJa]
- I|e BBC ccrcuctec a pc|| cr t|e uest-|cvec rcve|s cl a|| t|e arc 7KH/RUGRIWKH5LQJV cae |r at 1
- /ut|c| |s a se||cus arc |espectec sc|c|a|, a|t|cu| t|e ucc| |tse|l w||| rct ue acace|c, t|e aut|c|s p|ev|cus
wc|| |as |ece|vec ece||ert c||t|ca| |ev|ews
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
352 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
c 3/1 / 8 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
|r t|e|| |e]ca], t|e tcp 500 cc|cs sc|c cve| c0 ||||cr ccp|es a crt|, arc a|e st||| av|c|] cc||ectec. ||c|]
W|||t te||s t|e lasc|rat|r stc|] cl t||s ||||] c|eat|ve pcpu|a| a|t lc| l|c t|e 1930s tc t|e 1950s, t|ac|r
|ts ||se arc evertua| cec||re cue tc t|e se|l-cersc|s||p |pcsec u] Ccr|ess arc t|e c|u|c|es. ||||]
|||ust|atec, t|e ucc| a|sc ccve|s t|e w||te|s, a|t|sts, arc ec|tc|s cl t|ese c|ass|c wc||s.
||c|] W|||t cc||ectec cc|cs a|| ||s ||le arc w|cte lc| $PHULFDQ&RPLF aat|re. |e was p||rc|pa||] |rcwr
as ar awa|c-w|rr|r w||te| arc p|ctc|ap|e| cl ucc|s cr /e||car ca|s. |e ||vec lc| cst cl t|e |ast 15
]ea|s cl ||s ||le |r V|c||ar, uut c|ec |r 2000 |r Er|arc, |ce cl ||s u||t|.

Jce Kuue|t sta|tec wc|||r |r t|e cc|cs uus|ress at ae 11 arc lc| t|e ret c0 ]ea|s p|ccucec stc||es
aucut |aw|ar, Ia|tar, arc Batar, as we|| as ar] ct|e| |eat cc|cs. |e was ar ec|tc| lc| DC Cc|cs
lc| 25 ]ea|s arc lcurcec t|e cr|] sc|cc| lc| cc|c a|t|sts. |e |ece|vec ar] |crc|s |rc|uc|r t|e 1998 W|||
E|sre| |a|| cl |ae awa|c. |e c|ec |r /uust 2012.
- |c|ewc|c u] Jce Kuue|t, cre cl /e||cas |eac|r cc|c a|t|sts
- ||erc|s||] erte|ta|r|r arc |av|s||] |||ust|atec, t||s |s t|e ccp|ete stc|] cl t|e puu||s|e|s, a|t|sts, arc t|e
|rcust|], l|c t|e 1930s tc t|e 1950s
- Cc|cs a|e cre cl /e||cas |eatest ccrt||uut|crs tc twert|et|-certu|] pcp cu|tu|e, a|crs|ce jatt, |cc|
arc |c||, arc t|e cv|e |rcust|]
- Cc|cer e|a t|at c|eatec t|e |eat supe||e|ces suc| as Batar, Supe|ar, arc C|eer larte|r, a|| cl w||c|
a|e erjc]|r a |esu|erce cl |rte|est lc||cw|r t|e |ecert wave cl |c||]wccc cv|es
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
210 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
100 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
8 7/8 / 11 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 12
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The CompIete BeatIes Recording Sessions
The Official Story of the Abbey Foad Years 1962-1970
/lte| ]ea|s cut cl p||rt, a rew ec|t|cr cl t||s |ct|] scu|t-alte| c|ass|c |s ava||au|e aa|r! Va|| lew|sc|rs
cel|r|t|ve u|ce ccve|s eve|] |ecc|c|r sess|cr ccre u] t|e Beat|es at EV|s laec /uue] Rcac |ecc|c|r
stuc|c|rc|uc|r t|e ruue| cl ta|es lc| eac| scr, w|c ccrt||uutec w|at, stuc|c cccuerts, arc
lacs|||es cl ccrt|acts arc ct|e| ec|au|||a. lav|s||] |||ust|atec, t||s ust-|ave vc|ue a|sc leatu|es ar
ec|us|ve |rt|ccuctc|] |rte|v|ew w|t| |au| VcCa|tre].
Va|| lew|sc|r |as |cr ueer |eccr|tec as t|e |eac|r aut|c||t] cr t|e Beat|es, ||s ucc|s cr t|e |au |cu|
|rc|uce t|e cel|r|t|ve |oc|-|- 5--||-s ||o.|-. Basec |r |e|tlc|cs|||e, Er|arc, |e a|sc w||tes lc| a
ruue| cl aat|re puu||cat|crs.
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
Rac|c |veawa]
- lcr urava||au|e, ea|||e| ec|t|crs cl t||s ucc| se|| lc| |urc|ecs cl cc||a|s cr t|e |rte|ret
- |rc|uces 350 p|ctc|ap|s, |a|e |aes u] l|rca VcCa|tre] acr t|e
- Ccrta|rs |rte|v|ews w|t| /uue] Rcac pe|scrre|
- Vec|au|||a |rc|uces lacs|||e |ep|ccuct|crs cl /uue] Rcac |ecc|c|r s|eets, tape uces, a|uu s|eeve
|cu|s, ccs, ccrt|acts, p|css |c|cascs arJ c|c
'/ ccpe|||r jcu|re] ceep |rtc t|e |ea|t cl /uue] Rcac. . . . Revea|s scc|es cl p|ev|cus|] urcccuertec
p||vate ccrts' Rc|||r Stcrc
'I|e u|t|ate wc|c cr t|e suuject... cre cl t|e cst |pc|tart |cc| ucc|s cl a|| t|e. /usc|ute|] essert|a|
pu|c|ase lc| eve|]cre |rte|estec |r t|e Beat|es.' |-.o1 |o||-.|o
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
201 paes
$19.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
11 1/1 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
The BeatIes in 100 Objects
||c p|e-Beat|ear|a |rst|uerts arc cutl|ts tc t|e cll|c|a| arrcurceert cl t|e uarcs sp||t, arc ue]crc.
|e|e a|e 100 cl t|e cst lacus c| |rl|uert|a| cujects asscc|atec w|t| t|e |au |cu|. /ut|c||tat|ve
ccerta|] l|c c|st|ru|s|ec |cc| us|c c||t|c B||ar Scut|a|| acccpar|es t|e p|ctc|ap|s cl eac| |te,
|evea||r |ts s|r|l|carce |r t|e Beat|es ||stc|].
B||ar Scut|a|| uear w||t|r aucut us|c |r t|e 19c0s |r a |cca| rewspape| uelc|e |acuat|r tc puu||cat|crs
suc| as V-|o1, V-|- arc |s.. ||c t|e|e |e pu|suec a ca|ee| |r t|e |ecc|c uus|ress w|t| t|e |||es cl
/cV, Ia|a Vctcwr, EV|, arc Wa|re| Vus|c. ||s l||st ucc|4||-, |o-1 |- S|o, o| ||- wo|1s Vos|
|-o.s |-.o1) S|.1os (0r|uus ||ess}was puu||s|ec |r 1982, arc |e a|sc w|cte |o||- So)s
(0r|uus ||ess}, t|e stc|] cl t|e Beat|es us|c puu||s||r ep||e, 5--||-s V-o-||- |- J.|- |-o
|o||-.|o (Ca||tcr}, J |-1\ V-1- | |)|-1 (C|cua| Vus|c Cc||ect|cr} arc c|e.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc us|c arc erte|ta|rert puu||cat|crs
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc us|c w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
Rac|c |veawa]
- I|e cst |rl|uert|a| uarc cl a|| t|e l|c a tcta||] rew pe|spect|ve
- 2011 a||s t|e 50t| arr|ve|sa|] cl t|e Beat|es ||stc||c v|s|t tc t|e ur|tec States |r |eu|ua|] 19c1arc
t|esta|t cl t|c B||t|s| |rvas|cr
- |r t|e lc|at cl suc| uestse|||r ucc|s as 4 |s|o, o| ||- wo|1 !JJ 0|-.|s arc 4 |s|o, o| ||- wo|1
- / |eat |c||ca] |lt lc| Beat|es lars
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
25c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
7 1/1 / 9 5/1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
W|er t|e Beat|es cae tc /e||ca, t|e] spa||ec a |evc|ut|cr . . . arc rct||r was eve| t|e sae aa|r.
I||s ur|cue cc||ect|cr cl 20 l|aeau|e pcste|s captu|es t|e ||ves arc ca|ee|s cl t|e |au |cu| |r t|e uS,
sta|t|r w|t| t|e cert t|e] steppec cll t|e p|are |r |YC lc| t|e l||st t|e. /r |rs||tlu| essa] ea|r|r
t|e uarcs |rl|uerce cr us|c, cu|tu|e, arc las||cr acccpar|es t|e pcste|s.
Va|| |a]wa|c |as ueer uu]|r arc se|||r pcp ec|au|||a lc| 30 ]ea|s. ||s ccp|e|ers|ve cc||ect|cr cl
Beat|es |aes |are l|c ea||] p|ctc|ap|s cl Jc|r as a sa|| sc|cc|uc] tc t|e |cups |ast ca]s |r 1980.
/s a |ecc|c p|ccuce| |e s|rec uarcs suc| as t|e C|a|||e Watts 0u|rtet, as we|| as t|e C|arue|||es. |e |as
clter appea|ec cr |ac|c arc te|ev|s|cr as a w|ce|] |rcwr arc |rte|||ert epe|t cr pcpu|a| cu|tu|e.
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
Rac|c |veawa]

- Eac| pcste| |s ucurc |rtc t|e ucc| cr pe|lc|atec paes
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
18 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
11 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 3c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
W|t| cve| 250 ||||cr a|uus sc|c arc a cecaces-sparr|r ca|ee|, lew uarcs |ave ueer as a|t|st|ca||]
|rl|uert|a| as ||r| ||c]c. /rc t|e|| pcpu|a||t] st||| s|cws rc s|rs cl c||r. I||s ueaut|lu| s||pcasec vc|ue
ta|es lars cr t|e cel|r|t|ve jcu|re] t||cu| t|e uarcs ca|ee|, ea|r|r |ts lasc|rat|r ||stc|] arc
|ea||au|e |ecc|c|rs |r ceta||. |r acc|t|cr, t||s t|easu|e-pac|ec set |rc|uces ueaut|lu||] |ep|ccucec lacs|||e
ec|au|||a, |rc|uc|r pcste|s, |arcu|||s, p|c|as, arc t|c|et stuus.
C|err |cve] lcurcec t|e ||||] |ea|cec ||r| ||c]c lart|re %UDLQ'DPDJH arc was |ts ec|tc| l|c 1985 tc
1993. |e cc-w|cte 3LQN)OR\G,Q7KH)OHVK7KH&RPSOHWH3HUIRUPDQFH+LVWRU\ (St. Va|t|rs C||ll|r} arc
aut|c|ec (FKRHV7KH&RPSOHWH+LVWRU\RI3LQN)OR\G (C||cac Rev|ew ||ess}, w||c| supe|secec |t as t|e
ruue|-cre aut|c||t] cr t|e ||stc|] cl t|e uarc. |e |as w||tter eters|ve|] aucut t|e uarc lc| 0RMR, 5HFRUG
&ROOHFWRU, &ODVVLF5RFN, arc ct|e| us|c aat|res. |e wc||s |r a|t|st araeert arc tcu| p|ccuct|cr |r
t|e us|c |rcust|] arc ||ves |r |e|tlc|cs|||e, Er|arc.
- 0re cl t|e cst cce|c|a||] successlu| us|c |cups cl a|| t|e
- Barc ccrt|rues tc p|a] tcet|e| lc| c|a||t] everts arc Rce| Wate|s |as |ecert|] eua||ec cr a
wc||cw|ce 7KH:DOO l|ve tcu|
- Bcc| ccrta|rs ep|ee|a l|c t||cu|cut t|e uarcs ca|ee|

|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
c1 paes
$35.00 ($38.50 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
a|| |r cc|c|
11 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
0u|rtessert|a||] Er||s| |cc| |eerc Ra] Dav|es cl t|e K|r|s ta|es us cr a
pe|scra| |cac t||p t||cu| ||s ||le arc ca|ee| arc |evea|s w|at us|c,
lae, arc /e||ca |ea||] ear tc ||. W|t| carcc|, |uc|, arc w|t,
Dav|es ep|c|es ||s |cr |cve-|ate |e|at|crs||p arc epe||erces w|t| t|e
ccurt|]l|c pa|t|c|pat|r |r t|e B||t|s| |rvas|cr tc su|v|v|r a rea|-lata|
s|cct|r, l|c ue|r pa|t cl cre cl t|e cst |ccr|c |cc| uarcs |r ||stc|],
tc ||s sc|c success.
|ccr|c |cc| |eerc Ra] Dav|es |rsp||ec ere|at|crs cl us|c|arsl|c
t|e W|c, t|e C|as|, arc t|e Racres tc B|ac| Sauuat|as |eac s|re|
arc scrw||te| cl t|e K|r|s. I|e uarcs st||r cl tcp ter |rte|rat|cra| ||ts
|rc|uce 'Ycu Rea||] Cct Ve,' '/|| Da] arc /|| cl t|e |||t,' 'I||| t|e Erc cl
t|e Da],' 'Cce Darc|r,' arc cl ccu|se, 'lc|a.' |r 1990, t|e K|r|s we|e
|rcuctec |rtc t|e Rcc| arc Rc|| |a|| cl |ae. Dav|es |as a|sc actec,
c||ectec, arc p|ccucec s|cws lc| t|eate| arc te|ev|s|cr. S|rce t|e K|r|s
c|suarcec |e |as eua||ec cr a sc|c ca|ee| arc ccrt|rues tc tcu| arc
|ecc|c. Dav|es was ace a Ccarce| cl t|e 0|ce| cl t|e B||t|s| Ep||e
|r 2001, arc |r 2012, ||s pe|lc|arce cl t|e K|r|s scr 'Wate||cc
Surset' was a ||||||t cl t|e c|cs|r ce|ecr] cl t|e lcrccr 0|]p|cs.
0r ||s cst |ecert a|uu, 6HH0\)ULHQGV (2011}, |e cc||auc|atec w|t|
suc| a|t|sts as B|uce Sp||rsteer, Veta|||ca, arc Jcr Bcr Jcv|.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc us|c puu||cat|crs arc us|c w||te|s
at ca||] rewspape|s
Cccc|eacs |veawa]s
B| cut| a|||r tc |e] |rl|uerce|s
Rac|c |veawa]
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
|at|cra| te|ev|s|cr cut|eac|
Ke] everts
|at|cra| arc |cca| |ac|c capa|r
- Dav|es |s a ue|cvec |cc| |eerc |rcwr lc| ||s w||t|r. I|e Rcc| arc Rc||
|a|| cl |ae weus|te states. Ra] Dav|es |s a|cst |rc|sputau|] |cc|s
cst ||te|ate, w|tt] arc |rs||tlu| scrw||te|'
- |e w||| ue tcu||r w|t| ||s uarc arc p|cct|r t|e ucc|
-|r t|e wa|e cl |ue successes u] Ke|t| R|c|a|cs, |att| S|t|, arc |e||
Ycur, |cc| ec||s a|e u| |||t rcw
- I|e K|r|s cata|cue ccrt|rues tc se|| ]ea| alte| ]ea|, arc Ra]s 7KH
&KRUDO&ROOHFWLRQ a|uu |as p|cver tc ue a ||t, w||c| |e suppc|tec cr
ec|a |ar|r l|c 5HJLVDQG.HOO\ tc ||R
- I|e ucc| w||| |rc|uce a p|ctc|ap||c |rse|t w|t| |aes t|at w||| |rc|uce
ar] l|c Ra]s pe|scra| cc||ect|cr

|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
210 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
8-p lu||-cc|c| |rse|t
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
Kurt Cobain
/p||| 2011 a||s t|e 20t| arr|ve|sa|] cl Ku|t Ccua|rs t|a|c su|c|ce. W|t| |||vara, Ccua|r a|t|cu|atec
t|e c|act|c ect|crs cl teer sp|||t, uut lae cve|w|e|ec ||. ||||ec w|t| cuctes arc |rte|v|ews l|c
t|e pecp|e w|c we|e t|e|e, .XUW&REDLQ te||s t|e stc|] cl t|e c|a||sat|c s|re|/scrw||te|.
/uurcart|] |||ust|atec, |ts as c|cse as pcss|u|e tc a ca]-u]-ca] |c cl eve|] s|r|l|cart evert l|c
|||varas |rcept|cr tc Ccua|rs ceat|.
|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
192 paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
150 cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs
10 1/1 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Legendary Movies
||c s||ert c|rea tc tcca]s u|cc|uuste|s, l|c |c||]wccc tc Bc||]wccc, t||s supe|u vc|ue
c||cr|c|es cu| lavc||te cv|es arc t|e|| sta|s, uct| ue||rc arc |r l|crt cl t|e cae|a. |ew|] upcatec
arc c|ar|tec u] e|a, |t leatu|es v|u|art |aes, |rs||tlu| tet, arc ar |rt|ccuct|cr u] c||ectc| ||arcc
Zell||e|||. /r erte|ta|r|r se|ect|cr cl 130 ust-see cv|es, p|us |ep|ccuct|crs cl pcste|s arc st|||s,
p|cv|ce l|| lars w|t| a wea|t| cl |rlc|at|cr arc erjc]ert.
New Edition
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
c00 paes
$c5.00 ($72.00 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
cc|c| c u/w p|ctcs t||cu|cut
9 7/8 / 11 5/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 5
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
||c t|e l||st epe||erts cr twc w|ee|s tc tcca]s |]pe|t|cp||c c|eat|crs, 0RWRUF\FOHV |||ust|ates
t|e evc|ut|cr cl t||s uc|-|cvec ac||re. I||cu| sturr|r |aes |t s|cwcases t|e ea|||est
|a||e]-Dav|cscrs, t|e |crca arc Kawasa|| l|c t|e 1970s arc 1980s, t|e jewe|s cl |ta||ar ces|r,
suc| as t|e Ducat| 91c arc t|e Cutt| CI 500 |c|e, t||cu| t|e |atest cce|s. 0utl|ttec w|t| ceta||ec
c|a|as arc cata s|eets, |t captu|es t|e esserce cl ctc|c]c||r.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
172 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
50 cc|c| p|ctcs
9 3/8 / 11 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
WorId Soccer Records 2014
C0/l! |u||] |ev|sec arc upcatec, t|e 2011 ec|t|cr cl t|e uestse|||r :RUOG6RFFHU5HFRUGV ccve|s a||
t|e p||rc|pa| everts l|c t|e 2012-13 seascr-|rc|uc|r t|e 2013 |||/ Ccrlece|at|crs Cup |r B|at||. |t
|ves lars t|e ec|t|r |ecc|c-u|ea||r ac||eveerts cl 37 leatu|ec rat|crs, |rc|uc|r s|ceua|s w|t|
|e] stats, p|us |ecc|cs lc| cst cl |||/s 172 lu|| eue|s, t|e Wc||c Cup 2011 0ua||l]|r
Ccpet|t|cr, arc |||/ Wc||c Rar||rs.

|uu||s|e|. Ca||tcr Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
25c paes
$29.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11 1/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
||ccucec |r asscc|at|cr w|t| t|e Vusee Va|cttar Vcret, t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr p|eserts
t|e ||le arc a|t cl C|auce Vcret, a |eac|r |||t cl t|e |p|ess|cr|st cveert. Vc|e t|ar 12
|a|e, |ecvau|e lacs|||e cccuertsl|c s|etc|es arc pcste|s tc uapt|sa| arc a|||ae
ce|t|l|cates||||||t t|e ceve|cpert cl ||s wc|| arc |ve |rs||ts |rtc ||s |rl|uerces,
|rte|ests, arc pe|scra| wc||c.
V|c|ae| |cwa|c |s Ser|c| lectu|e| |r ||stc|] cl a|t arc ces|r at t|e Vet|cpc||tar ur|ve|s|t] |r
Varc|este|, Er|arc. ||s p|ev|cus ucc|s |rc|uce *DXJXLQ (Dc|||r K|rce|s|e]} arc ,PSUHVVLRQLVP
(Ca||tcr}. |e |as a|sc ccrt||uutec tc $UW4XDUWHUO\, $UW1HZVSDSHU, arc t|e 7LPHV/LWHUDU\
- 0ll|c|a||] ercc|sec u] Vusee Va|cttar |r |a||s, t|e cu|atc|s cl Vcrets pe|scra| pape|s
- Vcrets wc||s a|e sce cl t|e cst pcpu|a| |r t|e wc||c, arc 500,000 pecp|e a ]ea| v|s|t ||s
lc|e| |ce arc a|cer at C|ve|r]
- I|e cu||ert |ecc|c lc| t|e sa|e cl a Vcret pa|rt|r |s $c2 ||||cr lc| le Bass|r au |]p|eas |r
- Ccrta|rs 12 lacs|||e cccuerts

|uu||s|e|. /rc|e Deutsc|
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
c1 paes
$39.95 (|c Carac|ar R||ts}
|a|cccve| w|t| S||pcase
150 cc|c| c u/w |||us.
11 / 9 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS 0r|]
Fublisher: Ahdre Deutsch
Fublished: October 2010
64 pages
$50.00 ($60.00 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Slipcase
150 color 8 b/w photos
11 3/4 X 10 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: US/Cah
Fublisher: Goodmah
Fublished: October 2011
112 pages
$45.00 (No Cahadiah Fights)
200 color 8 b/w photos
10 1/4 X 11 3/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 8
Territory: US Ohly
Fublisher: Ahdre Deutsch
Fublished: August 2012
64 pages
$29.95 (No Cahadiah Fights)
Hardcover with Slipcase
120 color 8 b/w photos
8 1/2 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 15
Territory: US Ohly
Fublisher: Ahdre Deutsch
Fublished: August 2012
64 pages
$29.95 (No Cahadiah Fights)
Hardcover with Slipcase
140 color 8 b/w photos
8 1/2 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: US Ohly
Fublisher: Ahdre Deutsch
Fublished: August 2012
64 pages
$29.95 (No Cahadiah Fights)
Hardcover with Slipcase
140 color 8 b/w photos
8 1/2 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 10
Territory: US Ohly
|ur|] lc| wc|c sea|c|es I|ese putt|es w||| sat|sl]! Eac| cre leatu|es a pa|t|cu|a| t|ee, |||e
l|cwe|s c| t|e 0sca|s. /rc w|er t|e sea|c| |s sc|vec, a ||tt|e scet||r et|a awa|ts wc|cp|a] lars.
t|e urusec |ette|s |r t|e ||c spe|| cut ar acc|t|cra| essae |e|atec tc t|e tcp|c!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
I|ese wc|c sea|c|es a|e lc| sc|ve|s w|t| cu|et tastesputt|e lars lc| w|c cr|] t|e uest w||| cc!
Eac| t|t|ec sea|c| leatu|es a t|eec wc|c||st, arc t|e w|ce-|ar|r tcp|cs p|cv|ce a sc|asuc|c cl
lur. /rc just lc| a ||tt|e et|a erjc]ert, w|er t|e putt|e |s ccre, t|e urusec |ette|s |r t|e ||c spe||
cut ar acc|t|cra| essae.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
'Ycu |ave tc ||a] tc W|r.' I|ats just cre cl t|e t|eec putt|es |r t||s sc|upt|cus|] erte|ta|r|r
cc||ect|cr. W|er sc|ve|s |ave l|r|s|ec l||||r |r t|e ||cs lc| suc| lur wc|c sea|c|es as 'B| Cae,'
'Ec|tec lc| Ccrtert,' arc 'Va|| Ca||,' t|e] car ta|e a|| t|e urc||c|ec |ette|s arc l|rc arc et ar
acc|t|cra| essae |e|at|r tc t|e suuject. |ts a least lc| t|e u|a|r!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
|e|es a tast] t|eat lc| wc|cp|a] lars! /lte| t|e]ve cevcu|ec t||s uullet cl putt|esw|t| t|ees |||e
'Sett|r t|e Vccc,' '|cuse Ca||s,' arc '|a|t] 0r'sc|ve|s w||| lee| t|at t|e|| u|a|rs |ave ueer we||
lec. ||us, a ||tt|e erta| cesse|t awa|ts t|e, uecause t|e urusec |ette|s |r eac| ||c spe|| cut ar
acc|t|cra| essae.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
|c| wc|c sea|c| lars, t|ese putt|es a|e 'I|e Sp|ces cl l|le!' I|ats just cre cl t|e ar] t|ees |r
t||s supe|-lur cc||ect|cr t|at w||| p|cv|ce sc|ve|s w|t| |cu|s cl ]u] erjc]ert. ||c 'E|eerta|]!'
tc 'We Cae tc ||ease,' t|e]|e ausc|ute|] lartast|c.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
1c0 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
|cc|a] lc| |c||]wccc, w|t| c0 t|eec c|csswc|cs t|at ccve| eve|]t||r l|c c|ass|c l||s tc |ecert
u|cc|uuste|s tc ||t IV s|cws. |utt|e avers w||| |cve t|e w|ce-sc|eer c|ers|cr. eac| c|csswc|c |s a
|cr 1223 |ectar|e |rsteac cl t|e usua| scua|e. |ct cr|] cces t||s er|arce t|e |c||]wccc lur, |t
a||cws lc| sce |cr arc c|a||er|r arswe|s.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
9c paes
$8.95 ($9.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 / 10
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
November 2013
The Holiday Kosher Baker
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ISBN 978-1-4549-0714-5 | $35.00 ($38.50 Canada)
Hard | 8 x 10 | 288 pages (all in color) | Territory: W
Carton Qty: 12 | November 5, 2013 | Sterling
ebook: 978-1-4549-0715-2 | $9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
or kosher bakers, this book is nothing short of a
revolution. Featuring more than 45 Passover dishes, plus
recipes for every Jewish holiday, this comprehensive and
contemporary collection is an absolute must-have. Even less-
observant Jews will enjoy celebrating with these decadently
delicious delicacies, including an exquisite Raspberry and
Rose Macaron Cake. Plus, there are nut-free, gluten-free,
dairy-free, and low-sugar treats!
Paula Shoyer, Paula Shoyer, a former attorney and
graduate of Ritz Escofer cole de Gastronomie Franaise,
is a pastry chef who owns and operates Paulas Parisian
Pastries Cooking School, where she teaches classes
in French pastry and Jewish cooking, both locally and
around the United States and Canada. She is the author
of The Kosher Baker: Over 160 Dairy-Free Recipes from
Traditional to Trendy (Brandeis) and has appeared on Food
Networks Sweet Genius. Shoyers articles have appeared
in Washington Jewish Week, Kosher Inspired Magazine,
Joy of Kosher magazine, Whisk magazine, and Hadassah
Magazine. She is an editor for the Kosher website, Kosher
Scoop, as well as the editor of Kosher by Design Entertains
and Kosher by Design Kids in the Kitchen (both Mesorah
Publications). She lives in Chevy Chase, MD.
t Jewish Book Council program
t National and local tv outreach
t Review copy mailing to Jewish food and
baking publications
t Food section outreach at daily newspapers
t Holiday gift guide outreach
t Digital marketing campaign
t Food bloggers contests and giveaways
t Blog tour
t Contains 49 Passover recipesone of the hardest
Jewish holidays to bake for
t Will be released in time for Hannukah 2013 (November 28th)
t Paula Shoyer does media in DC area, including holiday
dessert segments on TV and in magazine pieces
t Paula uses Facebook to drive trafc to her website
( and blog (,
where she posts holiday-themed articles
t Paula is in the top 20 Jewish lifestyle experts on Twitter,
and tweets about menus and recipes every Jewish holiday
t Paula appears before at least 200-300 people almost
every month to capture new fans
t There are 10 million kosher consumers in the United States;
more than four million American Jews observe holidays and
keep kosher homesa huge audience for this book. And
even nonobservant Jews often want to keep kosher on the
major holidays
t These delicious recipes will appeal to the everyday baker
and the nut-free, gluten-free, dairy-free, and low-sugar treats
will also reach a wider audience
. . .
m o r e t h a n
p a s s o v e r
r e c i p e s
. . .
t h e
paul a shoyer
More thah 200 Delicious Fecipes to Ehjoy ahd Share
Eve|]cres c|at] aucut c|ccc|atearc t||s cut|wate||r cc||ect|cr w||| sat|sl] ever t|e cst
c|ccc|ate-ac lar! Vc|e t|ar 150 sweet arc savc|] |ec|pes leatu|e eve|]t||r l|c carc|es
arc ccrlect|crs tc c|cwc-p|eas|r ca|e pcps arc cupca|es tc spec|a| |c||ca] t|eats. |r acc|t|cr
tc essert|a| tec|r|cues arc c|eat|ve |cw-tcs, uestse|||r aut|c| Caste||a ep|a|rs |cw tc
p|epa|e t|e pe|lect|] cecc|atec c|ccc|ate |lt.
K|]st|ra Caste||a |s t|e aut|c| cl &UD]\$ERXW3LHV, &UD]\$ERXW&XSFDNHV, &UD]\$ERXW&RRNLHV,
arc &UD]\$ERXW&DNHV (a|| Ste|||r}, as we|| as 3RSV,F\7UHDWVIRU(YHU\RQH (0u||| Bcc|s},
%RR]H&DNHV (0u||| Bcc|s}, arc $:RUOGRI&DNHV (Stc|e] |uu||s||r}. S|e |s ar |rcust||a|
ces|re| arc p|clessc| w|c ces|rs erv||crerts, lu|r|tu|e, c|ct||r, tc]s, stat|cre|], arc
ua|ec cccs. K|]st|ra ||ves |r lcs /re|es, C/.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lccc arc ua||r aat|res
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lccc w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
|ccc u|ce|s ccrtests arc |veawa]s
- Bcc| 5 |r Ste|||rs successlu| C|at] /ucut se||es, w||c| |as sc|c c|e t|ar 100,000 ccp|es
- C|ccc|ate, /e||cars lavc||te l|avc|, acccurts lc| $315 ||||cr |r sa|es (lc| c|e t|ar 58 ||||cr
pcurcs cl c|ccc|ate carc]} cu||r Va|ert|res wee| a|cre (||e|ser |esea|c|}
- Cccc carc|cate lc| spec|a| sa|e tc Kc||s

|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
272 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Vc|e t|ar 150 De|ectau|e
Rec|pes lc| Eve|] 0ccas|cr
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: November 2011
384 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
300 Sc|upt|cus Rec|pes lc|
Eve|] 0ccas|cr c C|av|r
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: November 2010
304 pages
$17.95 ($19.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 16
Territory: World
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: August 2006
256 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: World
Vc|e t|ar 150 Sweet c Savc|]
Rec|pes lc| Eve|] 0ccas|cr
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: April 2013
288 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 12
Territory: World
Coffee Inspirations
68 Ways to Ehjoy
Ccllee |s ar et|ac|c|ra|] ueve|ae, capau|e cl ea|t|r t|e serses. /rc t||s erte|ta|r|r ccc|ucc|, c|eatec
|r cc||auc|at|cr w|t| t|e wc||c-|ercwrec |||]calle, |s cec|catec tc a|| t|cse w|c |cve ccllee. |t at|e|s
tcet|e| lc| t|e l||st t|e a|| t|e |ec|pes l|c t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl Ccllee. t|e c|ass|cs, t|e cc|c cres, t|e
ccc|ta||s, arc c|e. ||c cappucc|rc arc calle allcatc tc a B|ac| /re|, w|t| D|sa|crrc arc |u, t||s |s a
ccllee-|cve|s ce|||t.
/ |eac|r u|arc |r t|e sectc| cl |||-cua||t] ccllee, |eaccua|te|ec at I||este, |||]calle p|ccuces arc a||ets
a ur|cue u|erc cl esp|essc ccllee. Eve|] ca] c|e t|ar c ||||cr cups cl |||] ccllee a|e tastec arc erjc]ec.
|||] |s sc|c |r c|e t|ar 110 ccurt||es a|curc t|e wc||c, arc |s ava||au|e |r c|e t|ar 100,000 cl t|e uest
|estau|arts arc ua|s. Esp|essaerte |||], t|e |ta||ar-st]|e ccllee l|arc||se, |s rcw p|esert |r c|e t|ar 30
ccurt||es arc |as cve| 230 act|ve u|arc|es.

W|t| t|e cuject|ve cl ccrt||uut|r tc arc p|cct|r t|e cu|tu|e cl ccllee, t|e ccpar] |as c|eatec t|e
ur|ve|s|t] cl Ccllee, a t|a|r|r certe| clle||r ccp|ete t|ec|et|ca| arc p|act|ca| p|epa|at|cr cr a|| tcp|cs
|e|at|r tc ccllee.
- Bcc| |as a c|ct| sp|re arc ||uucr a||e|
- Cces pac|aec |r a eta| |||] ucpe|lect lc| |lt |v|r
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
192 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
Bcec Set-|a|cccve|
110 cc|c| p|ctcs
5 1/1 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
American Whiskey, Bourbon Rye
A Guide to the Natioh's Favorite Spirit
I|e ruue| cl cce|c|a||] ava||au|e /e||car w||s|e]s |as |cwr epcrert|a||] cve| t|e past 20 ]ea|s-as
|as |ts pcpu|a||t]. D|sce|r|r c||r|e|s w||| savc| t||s, t|e cr|] u|ce cevctec sc|e|] tc uS-ace w||s|e], |]e,
arc ucu|ucr. /||arec a|p|auet|ca||] u] c|st|||e|] arc/c| u|arc, |t clle|s ||stc||es, |at|rs, arc tast|r rctes
lc| cve| 200 ep|ess|crs. Eac| a|r acccurt |rc|uces t|e rae arc acc|ess cl t|e a|e|, |rc|uc|r weus|te
uRl arc ccrtact |rlc|at|cr, a|cr w|t| |ts va||cus p|ccucts.
C|a] R|ser |as ccve|ec sp|||ts arc uee| lc| t|e /t|art|c weus|te s|rce 2009. |e was lc|e||] t|e ara|r
ec|tc| cl 'HPRFUDF\$-RXUQDORI,GHDV, arc |r 2011 |e uecae ar ec|tc| cl t|e 0p-Ec sect|cr cl t|e 1HZ
<RUN7LPHV. |e |as puu||s|ec |r t|e 1HZ<RUN7LPHV0DJD]LQH, 6PLWKVRQLDQ, arc ,QF, acr ar] ct|e|
puu||cat|crs. |e |s a|sc t|e aut|c| cl $1DWLRQRQ)LUH$PHULFDLQWKH:DNHRIWKH.LQJ$VVDVVLQDWLRQ (W||e]}.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc ueve|ae puu||cat|crs arc tc a|cc|c| arc sp|||ts w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
- /e||car w||s|e] |as erjc]ec |ue |cwt|, accc|c|r tc t|e 2010 Beve|ae |rlc|at|cr C|cup |epc|t,
'[t[||cu| t||s certu|]s l||st cecace, t|e c|st|||ec sp|||ts seert |as |cwr u] ar cutstarc|r 29.5'
- R|ser w||| act|ve|] u|c cu||r t|e p|epa|at|cr cl t|e u|ce
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Ep|cu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
301 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
5 / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The MedicinaI Chef
Eat Your Way to Better Health
|a]|r ca|elu| attert|cr tc rut||t|cra| sc|erce, Da|e ||rrcc| uses ||s cu||ra|] s||||s tc c|eate p|act|ca|,
ce||c|cus c|s|es t|at car |e|p us ||ve |cre|, |ea|t||e| ||vesarc a||ev|ate a||erts |ar|r l|c s||r
p|cu|es arc jc|rt pa|r tc |esp||atc|] arc c|est|ve |||resses. Rec|pes |rc|uce I|a| ||s| Scup, W|c|eea|
Bear 0uesac|||as, arc-lc| a sweet t|eat-V|rt C|ccc|ate |c-C|eese Ca|e. / ere|a| cve|v|ew ccve|s
rue|cus ccrc|t|crs arc lcccs t|at |ea| t|e.
Da|e ||rrcc|s |rcw|ece cl lccc arc |ts |ea||r ellects a|e || a pcpu|a| uest cr IV arc |r t|e rat|cra|
ec|a |r t|e uK. |e |as ce|ees |r |uar |ut||t|cr arc |e|ua| Vec|c|re, |s cu||ert|] ccp|et|r a aste|s
ce|ee |r |ut||t|cra| Vec|c|re, arc |as a|sc wc||ec as a w|c|e-lcccs c|el. |e |urs rut||t|cr c||r|cs |r
cert|a| lcrccr. Ic |ea|r c|e aucut t|e aut|c| v|s|t ca|ep|rrcc|.cc.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc lccc puu||cat|crs arc lccc w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
|ccc u|ce|s ccrtests arc |veawa]s
- /ut|c| w||| cc puu||c|t] |r t|e uS
- I|e use cl supe|lcccs as pcwe|lu| |ea|e|s ccrt|rues tc a|r lc|ce arc ucc|s cr t|e suuject|rc|uc|r
Ste|||rs cwr |ca||r Sp|ccs, C||a, Supc|lccJ K|tc|cr, arJ Supc|lccJ Scct||csa|c |uc|] pcpu|a|
- Bcc| leecs |rtc t|e eat|r |eer cveert arc t|e e|c|arc|t|r cl ccc |ea|t| t||cu| sa|t
lccc c|c|ces
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
192 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
7 3/8 / 9 3/1
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car/|||||pp|res
Good Housekeeping 400 CaIorie MeaIs
Easy Mix-ahd-Match Fecipes for a Skihhier You!
Cc|r |cw ca|c||e |as reve| ueer s|p|e|! Eve|] cre cl t|ese a|r c|s|es l|c *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ |as 100
ca|c||es c| |ess, tastes ausc|ute|] ce||c|cus, arc ccu|crt ue eas|e| tc p|epa|e. Vc|e t|ar 110 |||es|st|u|e
ert|ees |are l|c Wa| Vus||cc arc C||c|er Sa|ac w|t| Baccr tc S|||p |ettucc|re, C|||es Re||ercs
Casse|c|e, arc Veeta||ar Scuv|a||, 88 tept|r acc-crs ever |rc|uce cesse|ts-|||e Barara Be||] |a|la|ts.
*RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ aat|re |s ar /e||car |ccr cl ccrsue| p|ctect|cr arc cua||t] assu|arce. Eac| |ssue
|eac|es 21 ||||cr |eace|s arc, w|t| 15 ec|t|crs puu||s|ec wc||cw|ce, |t |s ar |rte|rat|cra||] |eccr|tec
- Sa|es successes. *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ%HVW,WDOLDQ5HFLSHV |as sc|c c|e t|ar 19,000 ccp|es, 100
Ca|c||e || Ccc|ucc| (Rcca|e, 2010}, uasec cr a 1HZ<RUN7LPHV uestse|||r c|et, |as sc|c c|e t|ar
208,000 ccp|es, arc t|e uestse|||r 6NLQQ\%LWFK se||es (Rurr|r ||ess} |as sc|c c|e t|ar 272,810 ucc|s
u] se|v|r up s||rr] vear la|e t|at tastes |eat. *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ)DPLO\9HJHWDULDQ |as sc|c c|e t|ar
18,000 ccp|es
- I|e t||ee suujects |r t||s ucc| a|e |ct tcp|cs. |ta||ar |s st||| /e||cas lavc||te cu|s|re, t|e ave|ae
/e||car eats c||c|er ter t|es a crt|c| twc tc t||ee t|es eve|] wee|, 7.3 ||||cr /e||cars a|e
veeta||ar, arc 22.8 ||||cr lc||cw a veeta||ar-|rc||rec c|et (Scu|ce. |a|||s |rte|act|ve Se|v|ce
Bu|eau/Veeta||ar I|es}
- *RRG+RXVHNHHSLQJ |eac|es cre cut cl l|ve /e||car wcer eac| crt|. I|e aat|re cevctes
eters|ve ccve|ae tc |||||r eve|] sue|
|uu||s|e|. |ea|st
|uu||s|ec. Deceue| 2013
180 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 3/8 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c w|t| ec|us|crs'
60 Ouick Knits from America's Yarn Shops
Everyohe's Favorite Frojects ih Cascade 220
/e||cas |r|tte|s |ave spc|er! I|e c0 patte|rs |r t||s sturr|r cc||ect|cr cce l|c ]a|r
stc|es ac|css t|e uS arc Caraca, w|c c|cse t|e st]|es t|e|| custce|s |||e uest. C|eatec
espec|a||] lc| t|e ucc| u] c|e t|ar 10 ces|re|s asscc|atec w|t| t|e stc|es, arc leatu||r t|e
pcpu|a| arc ve|sat||e Cascace 220 ]a|r, t|e p|cjects |are l|c a|erts tc |ce cecc|a||
|r a |are cl s|||| |eve|s.
S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s |s t|e ucc| c|v|s|cr cl Sc|c |uu||s||r Cc., w||c| puu||s|es lo).-
|||), || Sc|-, arc ct|e| |r|tt|r arc c|alts aat|res. lccatec |r |ew Yc|| C|t],
S|t|cSp||r puu||s|es 15 tc 20 rew |r|tt|r, c|cc|et, sew|r, c|alts, arc ||lest]|e t|t|es eac|
]ea|, arc |as a uac|||st cl c|e t|ar 100 t|t|es.

Cascace Ya|rs was lcurcec u] Bcu arc Jear Duruau|r, w|c c|eatec a |are cl 100
|e|uv|ar ||||arc e||rc wcc|s, |rc|uc|r Cascace 220 (a wc|stec we||t}, tc clle| |r|tte|s |||
cua||t] as we|| as allc|cau|||t]. ||ccucec |r |urc|ecs cl cc|c|s, Cascace 220 |s cre cl t|e cst
pcpu|a| ]a|rs ava||au|e tcca]. I|e Duruau|rs ||ve |r Iu|w||a, W/.
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|alt u|ce| cut|eac|
B|ce| ccrtests arc |veawa]s
- I|e s|t| t|t|e |r t|e uestse|||r c0 0u|c| Kr|ts se||es, w|t| c|e t|ar 110,000 ccp|es sc|c
- |rc|ec|u|e ve|sat|||t] at a |eat p||ce. Eccrc|ca|, cu|au|e, w|ce|] ava||au|e, arc p|ccucec |r
c|et|ar 150 cc|c|s, Cascaces 220 |s pe|lect lc| cu|c| |r|ts
- W|t| c0 patte|rs lc| just $17.95, t|e c0 0u|c| Kr|ts se||es |s a lartast|c va|ue
- Eac| patte|r w||| |rc|uce t|e stc|e, |ts |ccat|cr, arc t|e ces|re|s rae
|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
17c paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 / 9
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
60 Ouick Baby BIankets
Cute c Cucc|] Kr|ts |r 220
Supe|was| arc 128
Supe|was| l|c Cascace
|- |1|os o| S\||5Sc)
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: April 2013
176 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 24
Territory: WENG
60 Ouick Baby Knits
B|ar|ets, Bcct|es, Sweate|s c
Vc|e |r Cascace 220
S\|| 5 Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: May 2011
176 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 30
Territory: WENG
60 More Ouick Baby
/cc|au|e ||cjects lc| |ewuc|rs
tc Icts |r 220 Supe|was|
Spc|t l|c Cascace Ya|rs
S\|| 5 Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: May 2012
184 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 28
Territory: WENG
60 Ouick Knits
20 |ats'20 Sca|ves'20 V|tters
|r Cascace 220
S\|| 5 Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: April 2010
160 pages
$17.95 ($23.50 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 36
Territory: WENG
60 More Ouick Knits
20 |ats'20 Sca|ves'20 V|tters
|r Cascace 220 Spc|t
S\|| 5 Sc) 5oo|s
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: November 2011
176 pages
$17.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
all ih color
8 X 9
Cartoh Ouahtity: 32
Territory: WENG
25 Moderh-Vihtage Accessories
I|e|ess, access|u|e, arc urauas|ec|] |cart|c. t||s cc||ect|cr l|c |ercwrec |r|twea| ces|re| lcu|sa
|a|c|r w||| c|a| |r|tte|s cl a|| |eve|s. |rsp||ec u] Ecwa|c|ar st]|e, t|ese 25 accessc||es a|| leatu|e lcu|sas
s|ratu|e tcuc|es. suut|e s|ap|r, aste|lu| arc ce||cate st|tc| patte|r ccu|rat|crs, ueaut|lu|
eue|||s|erts, arc ec|t|r l|ue|s. I|e las||crau|e, le|r|re p|cjects |are l|c cape|ets arc ccw|s tc
|ats arc pu|ses.
lcu|sa |a|c|r |s a |eac|r |r|twea| ces|re| w|t| a wc||cw|ce |eputat|cr lc| |cart|c, ueaut|lu||] l|atte||r
ces|rs. S|e uear |e| ca|ee| w|t| Rcwar Ya|rs arc rcw |as ar epcr]cus ]a|r ||re t|at |s c|st||uutec
|rte|rat|cra||]. |e| wc|| |as ueer puu||s|ec |r 9RJXH.QLWWLQJ, 'HVLJQHU.QLWV (uK}, ,QWHUZHDYH.QLWV, arc
ar] ct|e| |r|tt|r aat|res. S|e ||ves |r Yc||s|||e, Er|arc.
- Kr|tte|s |cve accessc||es uecause t|e] a||cw lc| epe||ertat|cr w|t|cut a ajc| |rvestert cl t|e c|
cre], a|e ur|ve|sa||] l|atte||r, a|e |eat |lts, ere|a||] ccrt |ecu||e s|t|r, arc a|e a |eat wa] tc
supp|eert a wa|c|cue arc c|are t|e |cc| cl ar cutl|t
- 0r t|erc w|t| t|e Ecwa|c|ar-e|a |rl|uerce cr las||cr. I|e Dcwrtcr /uue] |cc|-|cart|c rcsta||a w|t| a
cce|r tw|st-|s a |ct |urwa] st]|e
- W|t| |e| s|ratu|e |cart|c ces|rs arc |uu||cus, we||-p||cec, arc w|ce|] ava||au|e ]a|rs, lcu|sa |a|c|r
|s a st|cr p|eserce acr |r|tte|s
- Cc|ecus |ccat|cr p|ctc|ap|] arc scp||st|catec p|esertat|cr a|e t||s a sturr|r|] ueaut|lu| pac|ae

|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
111 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
Dimehsiohal Jewelry ih Feyote Stitch
|r 2009, D|are ||tte|a|cs 6KDSHG%HDGZRUN |aurc|ec t|e pcpu|a| Beacweav|r Vaste| C|ass se||es,
lu|l||||r |rte|ec|ate ueace|s c|av|r lc| ucc|s cr t|e|| |eve|. |ccus|r cr ecet||c s|apes lc|ec |rtc
t||ee-c|ers|cra| ueacec p|eces, t||s c|ecus lc||cw-up uu||cs cr D|ares ea|||e| |ceas w|t| 10 sturr|r
p|cjects. S|e ces |r ec|t|r rew c||ect|crs w|t| |a|rat|ve arc ueaut|lu||] ccp|e ces|rs t|at p|a] w|t|
patte|rs, c|]sta|s, arc ar|pu|atec s|apes.
D|are ||tte|a|c |s t|e cst pcpu|a| arc lacus ueacwc|| ces|re| |r ||stc|], arc s|e |as ar |rte|rat|cra|
lc||cw|r. |e| 12 ucc|s |rc|uce twc lc| la|| Jewe||] c Beac|r, 'LDQH)LW]JHUDOGV6KDSHG%HDGZRUN arc
'LDQH)LW]JHUDOGV)DYRULWH%HDGLQJ3URMHFWV. D|are teac|es c|asses ac|css t|e ur|tec States arc
|rte|rat|cra||]. S|e |as t|ave|ec tc Scut| /l||ca tc stuc] Zu|u arc /|csa ueacwc|| arc tc t|e Ctec|
Repuu||c, Ce|ar], arc ct|e| a|eas tc |ea|r aucut t|e |ass ueac |rcust|]. S|e ||ves |r V|rreapc||s, V|.
lea|r c|e aucut |e| at c|arel|tte|a|
- D|are ||tte|a|c |s t|e wc||cs p|ee|rert ueacwc|| ces|re|, teac|e|, arc aut|c|
- I|e p|cjects a|e access|u|e lc| cete||rec ue|rre|s ]et t|e ueaut|lu|, ccp|e ces|rs w||| |ave st|cr
appea| lc| |rte|ec|ate arc acvarcec ueace|s
- D|ares ea|||e| ucc| cr t|e sae tcp|c |as sc|c c|e t|ar 25,000 ccp|es
'D|are ||tte|a|cs 6KDSHG%HDGZRUN%H\RQG la| eceecec ] epectat|crs. |ts a ccp|e|ers|ve u|ce tc
c|eat|r ces|rs w|t| t||ar|es, tea|c|cps, ueacec ueacs, uete|s, arc pc|rtec cva|s w|t| a st|cr ep|as|s
cr pe]cte st|tc| us|r Japarese c]||rce| ueacs. |ea||] l|lt] c|lle|ert ces|rs a|e p|esertec w|t| c|ea|,
sta|t-tc-l|r|s| |rst|uct|crs arc c|a|as...I|e c|a||ere w||| ue cec|c|r w||c| cre w||| ue l||st.'
les||e ||at|e|, %HDGZRUN aat|re 2012 Des|re| cl t|e Yea|

|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
17c paes
$27.95 ($30.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
20 lcohic ltems that Chahged the History of Style
Scet|es a s|r|e a|ert car c|are t|e ccu|se cl las||cr lc|eve|. Ccrs|ce| t|e Bu|ue||] t|erc| ccat c|
C|verc|]s ||tt|e u|ac| c|ess||estcres t|at t|arslc|ec eve|]t||r. I||s et|ac|c|ra|] ucc|, a v|sua| arc
|rte||ectua| least cl ||stc||ca| |||ust|at|crs, cu|t acve|t|s|r, arc ueaut|lu| st|||-||le s|cts, ra||ates t|e ||stc|] cl
2 |ccr|c las||cr |tes, |ar|r l|c lev|s jears tc |e|es sca|ves arc I|llar] pea||s.
|ece||cc Rccca |acuatec l|c t|e ur|ve|s|t] cl Bc|cra w|t| a ce|ee |r ||stc|], arc ||s t|es|s cr |ete| De|
Vcrte was ccrs|ce|ec lc| t|e ||e|c Sacc|| awa|c. |e wc||ec as a sc|eerw||te|, l||st lc| Ie|ep|u, arc t|er
lc| S|], alte| w||c| |e erte|ec t|e las||cr wc||c. /s ec|tc| arc aut|c|, |e puu||s|ec ||o1-, ||-|-
|-s|o (Da|ar|}, S|.-- V-)-o (lEpcs}, |o|-co-, |1- |-s|o (Da|ar|}, arc ec|tec |-^s
|-..-|.- 1-| |.sso (l|rcau}. Icca] |e |s a p|cless|cra| jcu|ra||st arc las||cr ec|tc| lc| st]|e.|t, t|e las||cr
arc ||lest]|e pc|ta| cl Ccrce |ast.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
221 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
||e|ucurc w|t| ||aps
180 cc|c| p|ctcs
10 / 11 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
||lt] ]ea|s alte| V|c| Jae| uu|st cr t|e scere, |es st||| t|e starca|c aa|rst w||c| a|| |cc| sta|s a|e
jucec. ||s c|st|rct|ve vc|ce arc p|eer|r, p|arc|r art|cs crstae |ea|r uratc|ec, ||s scrs w|t| Ke|t|
R|c|a|cs |ave uecce c|ass|cs, arc ||s |eputat|cr as se s]uc| wcrt lace awa]. I||s sturr|r
p|ctc|ap||c vc|ue |cc|s at ||s ||le arc ca|ee|, l|c lcrccr suuu|us tc e|ce| statesarw|t| ||s att|tuce
|c||cus|] |rtact.
B|||] /|tar |s a C|a]-rc|ratec us|c c||t|c arc ||stc||ar w|cse wc|| |as appea|ec |r suc| p|aces as
t|e |-z o| -s, t|e |-z o|-, |o||) S|o-, |s.-, arc Sc. / |crt|e ec|tc| cl |-- Vaat|re
arc ec|tc| |r c||el cl VIV Ic Cc, |e |as aut|c|ec scc|es cl ||re| rctes lc| c|scs |rc|uc|r ||.s |-s|-, /a
ooo1 |o.| o)||, |- ||..| 5-, 5o\, arc |-o-s--. / lc|e| cu|atc| lc| t|e Rcc| arc Rc|| |a||
cl |ae, arc a ccrsu|tart tc t|e |at|cra| /cace] cl Recc|c|r /|ts arc Sc|erces, |e teac|es |cc|, lc||,
arc jatt ||stc|] ccu|ses |r t|e |uar|t|es Depa|tert cl t|e Sc|cc| cl V|sua| /|ts |r |ew Yc|| C|t].
- I|e Rc|||r Stcres just ce|eu|atec t|e|| arr|ve|sa|] w|t| a tcu| arc a w|ce|] seer pa]-pe|-v|ew ccrce|t

|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
208 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
110 cc|c| p|ctcs
10 / 11 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
The Bride's EssentiaI Wedding PIanner
Deluxe Editioh
W||c|] pcpu|a| |r ea|||e| ec|t|crs, t||s ccp|e|ers|ve u|ce |as |ece|vec a we|cce upcate. |t ccrta|rs
eve|]t||r t|e cce|r u||ce reecs tc c|ar|te |e| u| ca]. c|ec|||sts lc| eve|] step, cuest|crs lc| pctert|a|
se|v|ce p|cv|ce|s, wc||s|eets tc |ecc|c vercc| se|v|ces arc ccsts, D|Y arc cre]-sav|r ||rts, a 1c-crt|
ca|erca|, s|eeves tc |c|c uus|ress ca|cs, uest ||st arc seat|r c|a|t c|ar|te|s, pcc|ets cr a|| tau c|v|ce|s,
arc c|e!
/] |euers, a lc|e| ser|c| a|t|c|es ec|tc| at V-||- S|-z-| w-11)s arc asscc|ate ec|tc| at 51-|
o.1-, |s a l|ee|arce w||te| arc ec|tc|. I|e aut|c| cl |- 51-s 5oo| o| |s|s |)s |o |o 5 .-s|os |o
4s| (Ste|||r} arc |o o. w-11) -1|o-| oozs (|||ecar}, s|e ||ves |r CI w|t| |e| |usuarc arc
t||ee c|||c|er.
- ||ev|cus ec|t|crs |ave s||ppec cve| 115,000 ccp|es tcta|
- upcatec tc |rcc|pc|ate D|Y, cr||re, arc ct|e| ccrtepc|a|] aspects cl wecc|r p|arr|r
- |rc|uces spec|a| ta|e-cut sect|cr lc| t|e |cc
- /e||cars sperc cve| $10 u||||cr pe| ]ea| cr wecc|rs, w|t| c|e t|ar twc ||||cr wecc|rs p|arrec |r
/e||ca eac| ]ea|
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
311 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
8 3/1 / 11 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Bride's EssentiaI Book of Lists
Thihgs to Do 8 Ouestiohs to Ask
Ccpact, pc|tau|e, arc pac|ec w|t| |rlc|at|cr, t||s p|arre| |s t|e essert|a| |escu|ce lc| eve|] savv]
u||ce-tc-ue. Ccp|ete w|t| wc||s|eets lc| ccpa||r se|v|ces arc ccsts, pcc|ets tc |c|c pape|s, vercc|
sap|es, arc uus|ress ca|cs, arc t|ps arc c|ec|||sts lc| eve|]t||r l|c t|e ce|ecr] arc |ecept|cr tc t|e
|cre]ccr arc ue]crc, |t |as eact|] w|at a cce|r u||ce reecs tc sta] st|ess-l|ee.
/] |euers, a lc|e| ser|c| a|t|c|es ec|tc| at V-||- S|-z-| w-11)s arc asscc|ate ec|tc| at 51-|
o.1-, |s a l|ee|arce w||te| arc ec|tc|. I|e aut|c| cl |- 51-s 5oo| o| |s|s |)s |o |o 5 .-s|os |o
4s| (Ste|||r} arc |o o. w-11) -1|o-| oozs (|||ecar}, s|e ||ves |r CI w|t| |e| |usuarc arc
t||ee c|||c|er.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc u||ca| puu||cat|crs arc wcer's |rte|est w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
- ||ev|cus ec|t|cr s||ppec a|cst 130,000 ccp|es
- upcatec tc |rcc|pc|ate D|Y arc cr||re aspects cl wecc|r p|arr|r
- /e||cars sperc cve| $10 u||||cr pe| ]ea| cr wecc|rs
- Vc|e t|ar twc ||||cr wecc|rs a|e p|arrec |r /e||ca eac| ]ea|

Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
208 paes
$11.95 ($15.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 3/8 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 32
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Bride's EssentiaI Mini 411
Checklists, Calehdars 8 Cohtacts
Sa|| ercu| tc l|t |r a t|r] pu|se, ]et u| ercu| tc |c|c eve|] recessa|] rae, ruue|, arc cate,
t||s |s t|e 111 eve|] uus] u||ce w||| ca|| cr! |t |rc|uces p|arr|r c|ec|||sts t|at ue|r c|e t|ar a ]ea|
uelc|e t|e wecc|r arc c ue]crc sa]|r '| cc,' as we|| as taus lc| cu|c| access tc t|e ccrtacts arc
ca|erca| sect|crs arc ap|e space lc| rctes cr eve|] pae.
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
128 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
3 11/1c / 5 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Bridesmaid's Handbook
Savvy Advice, Sehsatiohal Showers, ahd Secrets to Success
Eve|] u||ce reecs a suppc|t|ve u||cesa|c w|c |rcws eact|] w|at s|es suppcsec tc cc. I||s
essert|a| u|ce ep|a|rs |t a||, |eep|r t|e u||cesa|c c|ar|tec arc st|ess-l|ee w|t| ccp|e|ers|ve
c|ec|||sts, |e|plu| D|Y arc cre]-sav|r t|ps, sersat|cra| s|cwe| |ceas, arc c|e. |t ersu|es t|at t|e
ert||e epe||erce, l|c t|e s|cwe| tc t|e ce|ecr] |tse|l, |s a jc]lu| epe||erce lc| eve|]cre |rvc|vec.
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
1c0 paes
$12.95 ($13.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
5 3/8 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c1
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Groom's Game PIan
Gettihg to the Altar ahd Survivihg the Trip
Scet|es t|e wecc|r sees a|| aucut t|e u||ceuut |ccs reec a st|ate], tcc. I||s |arc]
u|ce w||| stee| t|e |cc-tc-ue successlu||] t||cu| t|e ate cl wecc|r p|arr|r, l|c t|e
p|cpcsa| tc t|e u| ca]. |arc] c|ec|||sts ersu|e t|at rc |pc|tart ceta|| s||ps u], arc ]cu|| a|sc l|rc
acv|ce cr uu]|r a ||r, ett|r t|e ||cerse, c|ccs|r |ccser, c|eat|r a uucet, a||r a |eat
|p|ess|cr t||cu|cut t|e lest|v|t|esarc c|e!
Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r S|ratu|e
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
17c paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
1 1/2 / 7 1/2
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. c0
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Photographs by Fabio Petroni
Text by Anna Maria Botticelli
ISBN 978-88-544-0765-7 | $45.00 ($49.50 Canada)
Hard | 10 x 13
/2 | 208 pages (135 color photos)
Territory: US/Can | Carton Qty: 7 | November 5, 2013
White Star Publishers
rchidswith more than 25,000 speciesspark passion
as nothing else in nature. Personages as diverse as
jeweler Henri Cartier, designer Vivienne Westwood, author
Susan Orlean, and thousands upon thousands of plant
hunters have been seduced by their bewitching beauty,
aroma, and rarity. Now master photographer Fabio Petroni
has created a stunning tribute to this ower, capturing them
in close-up and detailed still lifes, with irresistible charm
and appeal.
Photographer Fabio Petroni specializes in portraits and
still lifes. Over the years he has photographed leading Italian
celebrities, and he now works with top advertising agencies
where he handles the publications of some important Italian
brands. His books with White Star include Horses: Master
Portraits, Mutts Life!, Cocktails, and Supercats! He lives
and works in Milan.
Anna Maria Botticelli is a biologist and microbiologist with
a passion for plants. For more than 20 years, she has worked
with various Italian publishers, including Arnoldo Mondadori
Editore, Cairo Editore, Periodici San Paolo, and Pentagono
Editrice. For Gardenia, Italys most important monthly
magazine for owers, plants, and gardens, she oversaw the
production of several monographs, including one dedicated
to orchids, and also published Ritratti di Orchidee (Idealibri).
Together with herbalist and pharmacist Clementina Cagnola,
she wrote La salute foglia per foglia (A. Mondadori) and in
collaboration with the IBC (International Flower Bulb Centre),
she edited the technical introduction to the book Giardini in
vaso (A. Mondadori). Anna Maria lives in Milan.
t Orchid shows are some of the most popular exhibits for
botanical gardens. These include annual extravaganzas
at popular institutions including the New York Botanical
Garden and Missouri Botanical Garden
t American Orchid Society lists membership-only chapters
across North America, proving that this ower is one of
Americas obsessions.
A Good Day
A Gift of Gratitude
by Brother David Steindl-Rast
in collaboration with Louie Schwartzberg;
foreword by Patricia Carlson
ISBN 978-1-4549-0798-5 | $12.95 ($13.95 Canada)
Hardcover + DVD | 7 x 7 | 96 pages (all in color)
Territory: W | Carton Qty: 40 | November 2013
Sterling Ethos
ebook: ISBN 978-1-4549-0799-2 | $5.99 ($6.99 Canada)
t Br. David, a friend of the Dalai Lama, is revered in both
Catholic and body, mind, and spirit circles; the book includes
an introduction by Br. David
t Schwartzberg, a favorite speaker on the TED circuit in addition
to other venues, attracts large audiences and millions of
YouTube fans (Beauty of Pollination received 21 million+ hits);
hell publicize the book in conjunction with his lm festival
appearances, motivational speeches, and TEDx talks
t Gift guide outreach
t Digital marketing campaign
that incredible array of colors
that is constantly offered to
us for pure enjoyment.
You turn a faucet and
there is warm water and cold water
and drinkable water.
Its a gift that millions and millions
in the world will never experience.
his moving book pairs the uplifting poem A Good Day
by revered spiritual leader Brother David Steindl-Rast
with images by acclaimed cinematographer Louie
Schwartzberg, whose TEDx talk and short lm Gratitude,
based on the poem, is an Internet phenomenon. The
perfect gift for any occasion, this inspirational package
includes a DVD with two short Schwartzberg lms
(including Gratitude); Br. Davids own A Good Day video;
and his audio track, which readers can use to make their
own gratefulness videos.
Brother David Steindl-Rast trained for 12 years in the
Benedictine monastic tradition before practicing Zen with
Buddhist masters. He was a post-doctoral fellow at Cornell,
where he became the rst Roman Catholic to hold the
Thorpe Lectureship, and cofounded the Center for Spiritual
Studies, as well as His often-reprinted
books include A Listening Heart (Crossroad Publishing
Company) and Words of Common Sense for Mind, Body,
and Soul (Templeton Press).
Louie Schwartzberg won two Clio Awards for TV adver-
tising, the Heartland Film Festivals Truly Moving Picture
Award for Americas Heart & Soul (Disney), and best
theatrical program at the Jackson Hole Science Media
Awards for Hidden Beauty (Disney Nature). He is currently
directing Mysteries of the Unseen World, a 3D large-format
lm, for National Geographic, and launching Moving Art
channel ( Louie has been a featured speaker
at TedX, Google, Viacom, and Bioneers, and his online
videos have collected over 25 million views. He lives in
Los Angeles, CA. See
Mon|e /a|be| 8 Amy Ze|ne|
Va|a p|a]e| ueacs |ave |cr ueer ccrs|ce|ec sac|ec cujects. |cw, uestse|||r aut|c|s Vcrte |a|ue| arc
/] Ze|re| |ave cev|sec a |ea||au|e wa] tc tu|r t|ese arc|ert Bucc||st ueacs |rtc a cce|r c|v|rat|cr
tcc|. Just |c|c t|e a|a u|ace|et|rc|ucec |r t|e ||tw|t| uct| pa|s, |ec|te t|e art|a, lc||cw t|e
|rst|uct|crs lc| ccurt|r t|e ueacs, arc sta|t c|eat|r a ueaut|lu| lutu|e.
Vcrte |a|ue| arc /] Ze|re| |ave s|a|ec t|e|| ur|cue u|arc cl ||le aste|] arc a|t|st|c ece||erce w|t|
t|e|| |eace|s |r t|e|| awa|c-w|rr|r wc||s|rc|uc|r .DUPD&DUGV (Ste|||r}, 3V\FKLF&LUFOH (|||es|ce/S|cr
c Sc|uste|}, arc 7KH&KDNUD0HGLWDWLRQ.LW (Ste|||r}w||c| |ave sc|c c|e t|ar twc ||||cr ccp|es arc
ueer puu||s|ec |r 11 |aruaes.
- / rew wa] tc use sac|ec a|a p|a]e| ueacs
- |rc|uces a spec|a| a|a u|ace|et w|t| c|a| p|us a ueaut|lu||] |||ust|atec 3c-pae u|ce tc us|r t|e ueacs
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
3c paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
lu||-cc|c| ucc| ccpcrerts
7 / 7
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Forbiddeh Wisdom of the lhferhal Dictiohary
A|/ana Dsbo|ne o|//na/ ///os||a|/ons by /oo/s 0|e|on /|om !acqoes
Aoos|e $/mon Co///n de P/ancy's D/c|/onna/|e /n/e|na/
|r 1818, ||erc| cccu|t|st Jaccues /uuste S|cr Cc|||r w|cte a |eerca|] tce t|at cesc||uec arc|ert
caecrs arc c|ar|tec t|e |rtc |e|||s| ||e|a|c||es. I||s ucc| arc ta|ct ca|c set c|aws upcr t|at wc||,
|cert|l]|r t|e ur|cue st|ert|s cl c9 caecrs arc ep|a|r|r |cw tc sucr t|e|| ere||es tc arswe| cu|
cst p|ess|r cuest|crs aucut ||le, |cve, |ea|t|, cre], arc c|e.
/||ara 0suc|re |s a p||rt arc weu ces|re| w|c ||ves |r St. Jc|rs, |c|t|arc, 0R.
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
0r||re ccrtests arc |veawa]s
B|ce| cut|eac|

- Ie|||l]|r |||ust|at|crs l|c ar arc|ert ccperc|u cl cecr w|scc
- ||act|ca| wa]s tc |a|ress cecr ere|] tc p|cv|ce u|carce arc |rsp||at|cr
- W||| appea| tc eve|]cre l|c casua| |cve|s cl t|e a|care tc cevctec cecrc|c|sts
- /ut|c| |as st|cr ccrrect|crs tc t|e cc|cs arc a|r wc||c
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r Et|cs
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
1c0 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
lu||-cc|c| ucc| ccpcrerts
c / 8 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 21
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Catherine the Great, CEO
7 Frihciples to Guide ahd lhspire Moderh Leaders
|r t||s s|t| vc|ue cl /|ar /e||ccs CE0 se||es, |e c|sperses t|e w|scc cl a lea|e cra|c| lc|
t|e l||st t|e s|rce ||s %XVLQHVVZHHN uestse||e| (OL]DEHWK,&(2. Cat|e||re t|e C|eat uecae cre cl
t|e cst |ea||au|e, pcwe|lu|, arc capt|vat|r |u|e|s |r ||stc|]. /e||cc p|cl||es t||s ue|cvec |eace|,
ea|r|r |e| cua||t|es cl |rte||ect, |ea|t, arc c|a|acte|, arc c|st||||r |e| wc|cs arc act|crs |rtc c|e
t|ar 100 p|act|ca|, cce|r |eace|s||p |esscrs.
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
288 paes
$22.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
c / 9
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 20
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
The Last Supper
The Masterpiece Fevealed Through High Techhology
lecra|cc ca V|rc|s 7KH/DVW6XSSHU |s cre cl ||stc|]s |eatest aste|p|ecesarc w|||e ||s ur|cue
c|] pa|rt|r tec|r|cue |esu|tec |r a wc|| cl |eat l|a|||t], |t a|sc a||cwec || tc ac||eve urpa|a||e|ec
|||t ellects arc a p|ec|s|cr uest ||psec c|cse up. I|ats w|at t||s sturr|r vc|ue clle|s. ar
ec|us|ve c||t|tec, |||-cel|r|t|cr ar|l|cat|cr cl t|e pa|rt|r t|at |evea|s ever t|e sa||est ceta||s,
|rv|s|u|e tc t|e ra|ec e]e, |r t|e|| lu|| ep|ess|ve sp|ercc|.
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
17c paes
$80.00 ($88.00 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
110 cc|c| p|ctcs
11 1/3 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Mapping the First WorId War
Battlefields of the Great Cohflict from Above
|c||cw t|e everts cl Wc||c Wa| 0re l|c a ur|cue pe|spect|ve. c|e t|ar 100 |a|e-lc|at aps arc
c|a|ts, p|us |e|atec cccuerts l|||ec w|t| wa|t|e ceta||s aucut ccrsc||pt|cr, weapcrs, |a|cs, arc
stat|crs. I|ese |aes captu|e t|e ert||et] cl t|e cevastat|r ccrl||ct, t|ac|r |ts cveerts l|c
Ce|ar]s 1911 ca|s tc t|e l|ra| pcs|t|crs cl t|e t|ccps. /|| t|e aps a|e c|awr l|c t|e |at|cra|
/|c||ves at Kew |r lcrccr.
|uu||s|e|. Ccrwa]
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
111 paes
$21.95 ($2c.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
11 / 9 1/2
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Back in the Day
101 Thihgs Everyohe Used to Khow How to Do
W|||e cce|r ccrver|erces a|e ||le eas|e|, t|e]ve a|sc causec us tc |cse s||||s cu| arcestc|s tcc|
lc| |artec. W|er was t|e |ast t|e ]cu p|uc|ec a c||c|er lc| c|rre| Du a we|| Delercec a cast|e
|e|e, |r a c|a||r|] rcsta||c vc|ue, a|e 101 lasc|rat|r t||rs t|at weve lc|ctter |cw tc cc,
a|cr w|t| step-u]-step |rst|uct|crs. I|e arc|ert t|ps arc u]cre suest|crs w||| capt|vate ]cu.
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/8 / 7 1/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Curious Events in History
D|c ]cu |rcw t|e|e crce was a c|ate lc| ccrsu|r pcwce|ec u] as a cu|e lc| ar] a||ert 0|
t|at |ete| t|e C|eat put a ta cr uea|cs I|ese 10 st|are-uut-t|ue stc||es p|cve t|at ||stc|] ccesrt
|ave tc ue uc||r! I||s |||ust|atec ccperc|u cl u|ta||e lacts w||| t|c||e t|e larc] cl |eace|s ]cur
arc c|c.
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/8 / 7 1/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Mind Games
I|e u|a|r |s t|e ucc]s cst pcwe|lu| c|ararc t||s lasc|rat|r ucc| |evea|s a|| cl t|e |rcs t||c|s
arc sec|ets. ||c uecc|r a c|ess epe|t arc cece|v|r a ||e cetectc| test tc aste||r pa|r arc
wa|||r cr l||e, 0LQG*DPHV |ves step-u]-step |rst|uct|crs lc| pe|lc||r 50 erta| leats. Sce a|e
s|p|] |p|ess|ve, ct|e|s sc aat|r t|e]|e sca|ce|] ue||evau|euut |ts a|| t|ue!
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/8 / 7 1/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Stuff You ShouId Have Learned at SchooI
|c| ar]cre w|cse sc|cc| ca]s passec |r cate, t||s pcc|et u|ce |s just t|e t||r tc l||| |r t|e aps! |t
u||rs |eace|s up tc speec w|t| eas] |el|es|e|s cr 50 uas|c cu|||cu|u pc|rts |r sever essert|a|
a|eas. ||c a|eu|a|c ecuat|crs tc ||te|a|] te||rc|c] tc E~c

, t||s 'stull' w||| |e|p cre-t|e

s|ac|e|s spa|||e at ccc|ta|| pa|t|es, catt|e |r t|e uca|c|cc, arc |p|ess pee|s!
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
111 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
5 1/8 / 7 1/8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
If You Read Anything OffIine This Year,
Make It This Book
45 ways to tell people you're takihg a momehtary break from the ihterhet
|l ]cuve ct scet||r rct r|ce tc sa], sa] |t w|t| sra||, sa] |t w|t| st]|e, arc sa] |t w|t| w|t!
Cu||ec l|c sceeca|, t||s |||a||cus cc||ect|cr at|e|s c|e cl t|e ||t weus|tes sr|pp],
su, arc sa|cast|c pcstca|cs. Serc t|e lc| |c||ca]s, u||t|ca]s, wecc|rs, arr|ve|sa||es,
ccr|atu|at|crs, w|ereve| ]cu|e lee||r c|ee|]! |c atte| w|at t|e scc|a| cu||at|cr, t||s ucc|
|as ]cu ccve|ec.
- sceeca| |ece|ves cve| lcu| ||||cr ur|cue ||ts pe| crt|, arc t|e ucc| w||| ue we||
p|acec arc ||||] puu||c|tec cr t|e s|te
- ,I<RX'RQW/RYH%RRNV<RXUH*RLQJWR/RYH7KLV%RRN, t|e l||st cc||ect|cr leatu||r pcstca|cs
lc| a|| cccas|crs, was t|e cst pcpu|a| ucc| |r t|e se||es. I||s clle|s 15 rew pcstca|cs |r t|e
sae ve|r
- I|e c|st|rct|ve u|arc|r cl t|e ca|cs ces|r w||| ue |rstart|] |eccr|tau|e tc ar]cre w|cs eve|
seer t|e weus|te c| |ece|vec a ca|c l|c |t
- I|e pcstca|cs t|ese|ves w||| ue p||ce|ess a||et|r tcc|s. l||e a v||a| |rte|ret capa|r,
ar]cre w|c |ece|ves a ca|c w||| wart tc l|rc t|e scu|ce arc pass ||s c| |e| cwr ca|cs a|cr
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
c 1/2 / 1 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 5c
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
If You Don't Love Books,
You're Going to Love
This Book
15 Ca|cs lc| /|| 0ccas|crs, l|c
Et|ee|] |pc|tart tc utte||]
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: October 2009
90 pages
$9.95 ($11.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
6 1/2 X 4 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 60
Territory: World
You'II Love This Book as
Much as You Hate Your
15 ca|cs lc| cecc|at|r ]cu|
cuu|c|e, |rsu|t|r ccwc||e|s,
arc just|l]|r ]cu| ecess|ve
Fublisher: Sterlihg
Fublished: October 2011
96 pages
$9.95 ($10.95 Cahadiah)
all ih color
6 1/2 X 4 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 56
Territory: World
Sunday Hammock Crosswords
Wee|ercs a|e t|e pe|lect t|e tc et awa] l|c |t a||, arc 6XQGD\+DPPRFN&URVVZRUGV |s t|e t|c|et
tc putt|e pa|ac|se. |artast|c t|ees arc c|ues, ec|tec u] a aste|, p|us ucrus lur lacts |r t|e
arswe| sect|cr a|e t||s a |eat t|eat lc| ar] sc|ve|. /rc cl ccu|se t|e |a|e|-t|ar-usua| c|csswc|cs
a|e ar et|a p|us!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$8.95 ($9.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| Ccrcea|ec Sp||a|
8 1/2 / 11
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 50
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Sit SoIve Easy KenKen
KerKer, a ||c-uasec rue||ca| putt|e, |s tcutec as ]ca lc| ]cu| |rc arc t|e putt|e t|at a|es
]cu sa|te|. |t uses uas|c at| cpe|at|crsacc|t|cr, suut|act|cr, u|t|p||cat|cr, arc c|v|s|crw|||e
c|a||er|r |c|c arc p|cu|e-sc|v|r s||||s. W|er p|a]e|s t||r| a|eac, p|ar t|e ret cve, arc
ccrs|ce| a|| t|e pcss|u|e cutcces, t|e uette| t|e]|| et at t|e ae . . . arc t|e c|e t|e]|| s|a|per
t|e|| |rc.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Sit SoIve Hard KenKen
I|e tcu|e| t|e KerKer, t|e uette| t|e u|a|r wc||cut! I||s cc||ect|cr cl t|e pcpu|a| rue||ca| putt|es,
leatu|ec |r t|e 1HZ<RUN7LPHV, ta|es sc|v|r tc a |||e|, |a|ce| |eve|. |ct lc| ue|rre|s!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Sit SoIve Pathem
|rt|ccuc|r a c|eve|, acc|ct|ve rew |c|c putt|e l|c |rvertc| J.K. Ccc|! Eas] tc |ea|r, lur arc
c|a||er|r, |t |rvc|ves a||r wc|cs Bc|e-st]|e u] putt|r |ette|s |rtc a ||c |r t|e cc||ect p|aces.
Ycu car cve |r ar] c||ect|cr as ]cu sc|ve, p|ace t|e |ette|s cre u] cre, arc ever |euse t|e.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$5.95 ($c.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 128
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Cutting-Edge Sudoku
Succ|u cevctees car sp|ce up t|e|| sc|v|r w|t| t|ese t||ee lur tw|sts cr t|e pcpu|a| putt|e!
Erjc] a t||c cl |eat erta| t|eats, |rc|uc|r ||cwe| Succ|u, w|e|e |rrcvat|ve |rte||cc||r ||cs lc| a
l|cwe| s|ape, 0uts|ce Succ|u, w||c| ue|rs w|t| t|e ruue|s cuts|ce t|e ||c, arc Ccrsecut|ve
Succ|u, w||c| uses ca|| ||res tc sepa|ate re||uc||r ce||s w|ereve| t|e] ccrta|r ccrsecut|ve
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
128 paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
7 / 7
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Scratch SoIve Prime Time Hangman
/|e ]cu |eac] lc| p||e t|e sc|v|r /|| t|ese putt|es use wc|cs arc p||ases l|c t|e wc||c cl IV-sc
t|e]|e pe|lect lc| putt|e lars w|c a|sc crcpc||te t|e |ecte arc t|e DVR.
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$c.95 ($7.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 120
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Scratch SoIve Underwater Hangman
I|ese putt|es a|e ccears cl lur, uecause a|| t|e wc|cs |e|ate tc t||rs urce|sea. |c| sc|ve|s, |ts s|r|
c| sw|!
|uu||s|e|. |utt|ew|||t
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
9c paes
$c.95 ($7.95 Carac|ar}
1 1/2 / c
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 120
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Dcuu|e t|e p|ctcs, ccuu|e t|e lur! Eac| cl t|ese 100 c|a||eres ccrta|rs twc see|r|] |cert|ca|
p|ctc|ap|s. But |cc| c|cse|] arc ]cu|| see t|e]|e rct cu|te t|e saea]ue a sa|| cuject |as
c|sappea|ec, t|e uac||curc patte|rs c|lle|ert, c| a cc|c| |as c|arec. I|ese ce|||tlu|
ccrurc|usw||c| spar lcu| |eve|s cl c|ll|cu|t]w||| tu|r casua| v|ewe|s |rtc aste| sp|es!
- ||ev|cus ec|t|cr sc|c 35,000 ccp|es
|uu||s|e|. |a|| R|ve|
|uu||s|ec. 0ctcue| 2013
17c paes
$9.95 ($10.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
10 / 8
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
I||s |av|s||] |||ust|atec vc|ue spct|||ts 55 cl t|e cst sturr|r c|l ccu|ses ac|css t|e |cue. I|arspc|t|r
us tc t|e u||t|p|ace cl c|lC|eat B||ta|r arc ||e|arcas we|| as |ercwrec s|tes l|c St. /rc|ews |r
/uusta tc Ba||]uur|cr |r Ve|ucu|re, l|c |euu|e Beac| tc Va|ce||aa, *ROI$URXQGWKH:RUOG
cecrst|ates t|e t|eerccus appea| cl t|e ae t||cu| cep|ct|crs cl t|e tcp wc||c-c|ass ccu|ses.
Du||r ||s stuc|es at Bccccr| ur|ve|s|t], |u|v|c Cc|cu se|vec as v|ce c||ectc| cl 6FLDUH aat|re, ccve||r
lcu| success|ve W|rte| 0|]p|c Caes. Suusecuert|] |e uecae arae| cl ct|e| spc|ts-|e|atec
puu||cat|crs, |rc|uc|r )RU]D, a ||stc||ca| aat|re cr |ta||ar a||re spc|ts, arc 6SRUW&OXE. |e t|er le|| |r
|cve w|t| c|l, arc |as |ac t|e ccc lc|ture cl ue|r au|e tc ru|tu|e t||s pass|cr u] |eac|r t|e twc
uest-estau||s|ec |ta||ar aat|res |r t|e l|e|c, *ROI7XULVPR arc ,O0RQGRGHO*ROI, cl w||c| |e |as ueer
ara|r c||ectc| s|rce Jure 2007.

C|u||a Vuttcr| uear wc|||r w|t| t|e aat|re $UWHH0HUFDWR w|||e st||| at ur|ve|s|t] arc |ate| ccrt|ruec
l|ee|arce w||t|r lc| a va||et] cl aat|res. |r 2000 s|e uecae |rte|estec |r c|l, l||st wc|||r lc| *ROI
7XULVPR arc t|er ,O0RQGRGHO*ROI as ar ec|tc||a| ccc|c|ratc|, p|ctc|ap|e|, arc jcu|ra||st. S|e a|sc w||tes
aucut c|l lc| va||cus rat|cra| puu||cat|crs.
- |ew sa||e| ec|t|cr arc a |cwe| p||ce
|uu||s|e|. W||te Sta| |uu||s|e|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
301 paes
$29.95 ($32.95 Carac|ar}
|a|cccve| w|t| Jac|et
a|| |r cc|c|
9 1/1 / 12 3/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 8
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
Winning Chess
:LQQLQJ&KHVV |s a c|ass|c, ue|cvec lc| c|e t|ar 10 ]ea|s. I||s upcatec ec|t|cr, rcw |r a|eu|a|c lc|at,
|ea|rs as ||ve|], ccrve|sat|cra|, arc appea||r as eve|. W||tter u] twc et|ee|] pcpu|a| c|ess aut|c|s, |ts
a|ec at acvarcec ue|rre|s arc |rte|ec|ates eae| tc ta|e t|e|| ae tc a rew |eve|. |ts |a|rat|ve
t|ees arc |rst|uct|cra| et|cc a|e t|e|ess, a|cr w|t| |ts serse cl lur arc |uc|.
||v|r C|e|rev (1900-1981} was a Russ|ar-/e||car c|ess aut|c| w|c w|cte cve| 20 ucc|s, |rc|uc|r t|e
uestse|||r ,QYLWDWLRQWR&KHVV (w|t| Kerret| |a||ress, |s|| ||ess} arc /RJLFDO&KHVV0RYH%\0RYH

||ec Re|rle|c (1910-19c1} was a p|c||l|c c|ess aut|c| w|cse w||t|r was ac||ec lc| |ts cecept|ve s|p||c|t]
arc c|a||t].
- / ||ve|] |rst|uct|cra| ucc| lc| |p|cv|r c|ess p|a]e|s. t|cse w|c |ave aste|ec t|e uas|cs arc rcw
wart tc |ea|r tc w|r
- |ew ec|t|cr cl a c|ass|c wc||, l||st puu||s|ec |r 1970, ccrve|tec tc a|eu|a|c lc|at lc| t|e l||st t|e
- C|att], ccrve|sat|cra|, eas]-tc-lc||cw st]|e a|es |t |cea| ever lc| ]cur c|ess p|a]e|s,
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
210 paes
$22.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
100 Chess Master Trade Secrets
From Sacrifices to Ehdgames
/r] wcu|c-ue c|ess aste| |as tc |rcw ce|ta|r essert|a| t|ps arc tec|r|cues |r c|ce| tc ac||eve
|eatressarc t||s cre vc|ue |as t|e a||! ||c cper|rs tc ercaes, |ercwrec |arcaste| /rc|ew
Sc|t|s p|cv|ces t|e tcp 20 s||||s arc st|ate|es |r eve|] catec|]. sac||l|ces, c|uc|a| |cc|eae cec|s|crs,
eact ercaes, arc c|e. W||tter |r Sc|t|ss ete|ra||] era|r st]|e, t||s ucc| |s |rva|uau|e lc| ar] se||cus
|rte|rat|cra| C|arcaste| /rc|ew Sc|t|s |s c|ess cc||espcrcert lc| t|e 1HZ<RUN3RVW arc a ve|] pcpu|a|
c|ess w||te|. |e |s t|e aut|c| cl ar] ucc|s |rc|uc|r 7KH:LVHVW7KLQJV(YHU6DLG$ERXW&KHVV, 7UDQVSR
- ||c pcpu|a| c|ess aut|c| /rc|ew Sc|t|s
- Eac| c|apte| ccrta|rs a Icp 20 cl t|e cst essert|a| t||rs tc |ea|r, |ar|ec |r c|ce| cl |pc|tarce
- /|ec at a|| c|uu p|a]e|s w|c asp||e tc c|ess aste|]
|uu||s|e|. Batslc|c
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
208 paes
$22.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
c 1/8 / 9 1/1
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 1c
Ie|||tc|]. uS/Car
January 2014
Key Selling Points
Cutc ar|a| |cc|s ccrt|ruc tc |c supc| |ctarJ t|csc a|c t|c pc|lcct |lts lc| Jc arJ cat |cvc|s cvc|]w|c|c!
|catu|cs t|c cst pcpu|a| ||ccJs
|t's |cvc at ||st s||t! Cc|c||atc t|c cutcrcss cl allcct|cratc pupp|cs arJ ||ttcrs as t|c] cuJJ|c, sru|c, arJ tuss|c |sc||cvcus|].
I|c |||cs|st|||c p|ctcs |r t|csc twc |cc|s s|cw pa||s cl pupp|cs, w|t| Jcta||s cl |cw t|c] ||st ct arJ |cccc swcct|ca|ts, arJ
||ttcr p|a]atcs |u|r cr |us arJ crjc]|r a wa| ||ar|ct altc| t|c|| carJ|c||t |at|. W|c |rcwst|csc crJca||r ar|a|s
a] cvcr |vc |uars scc |cart|c |Jcas!
Kitty Love
How Cute Kittens Play

|u|||s|c|. Stc|||r
|u|||s|cJ. Jarua|] 2011
9o pacs
$9.95 $10.95 CaraJa
a|| |r cc|c|
o o
Ic|||tc|]. Wc||J
Puppy Love
How Cute Puppies Meet

|u|||s|c|. Stc|||r
|u|||s|cJ. Jarua|] 2011
9o pacs
$9.95 $10.95 CaraJa
a|| |r cc|c|
o o
Ic|||tc|]. Wc||J
NaturaI SoIutions for Digestive HeaIth
Basec cr t|e |atest ec|ca| |esea|c|, 1DWXUDO6ROXWLRQVIRU'LJHVWLYH+HDOWK p|cv|ces |e||el lc| ar]cre
sulle||r l|c ut c|sc|ce|s. |t ccve|s eve|]t||r l|c |cw-|ace ||||tat|crs suc| as u|cat|r, ccrst|pat|cr,
arc |actcse |rtc|e|arce tc u|ce|at|ve cc||t|s, ac|c |el|u, c|ve|t|cu||t|s, arc |rl|aatc|] ucwe| c|sease. /
spec|a| sect|cr lccuses cr pec|at||c c|est|ve p|cu|es, arc t|e|es epe|t rut||t|cra| arc c|eta|] acv|ce p|us
D|. J||||ar Sa|rc Ieta, |D |s ||es|cert cl t|e |c|t| Ca|c||ra /sscc|at|cr cl |atu|cpat||c ||]s|c|ars (|C/||}.
S|e |ece|vec |e| ccctc|ate |r ratu|cpat||c ec|c|re l|c Bast]| ur|ve|s|t], w|e|e s|e s|accwec
we||-|rcwr p|]s|c|ars w|c a|e epe|ts |r t|e|| l|e|cs. S|e p|act|ces at t|e |atu|cpat||c |ea|t| C||r|c cl
|c|t| Ca|c||ra arc w||tes lc| puu||cat|crs |rc|uc|r 1DWXUDO7ULDG, )RUV\WK:RPDQ, 3DLQ3DWKZD\V, 2Q)LWQHVV,
D|.0t 0r||re, arc t|e C|uter |rtc|e|arce C|cup |at|cra| lette| arc ct|e|s. J||||ar a|sc |ectu|es eters|ve|].

Jearrette Bess|re|, C||C, awa|c-w|rr|r ecucatc| arc c|el, |s I|e C|ear |ccc Ccac|ces|re| cl
'C|ear Cu|s|re'ar |rrcvat|ve app|cac| tc p|epa||r laste|, tast|e| ea|s l|c seascra| w|c|e lcccs
(t|ec|earlcccccac|.cc}. S|e |s t|e aut|c| arc cc-aut|c| cl sever ucc|s, arc |e| |ec|pes |ave ueer
s|cwcasec |r cve| 100 ec|a cut|ets, |rc|uc|r &RQVXPHU5HSRUWV, 3DUHQWLQJ, 0DUWKD6WHZDUW/LYLQJ, arc
||R. S|e ||ves |r |c|tscut|, R|.
|at|cra| te|ev|s|cr cut|eac|
|at|cra| arc |cca| |ac|c capa|r
Rev|ewe| a|||r tc |ea|t| arc ere|a|-|rte|est puu||cat|crs
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc |ea|t| arc ||lest]|e w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
- Cast|c|rtest|ra| ccp|a|rts a|e acr t|e cst cccr |eascrs lc| ccctc| arc |csp|ta| v|s|ts, acurt|r
tc a w|cpp|r $55 ||||cr cvc|] ]ca|. |-|.-| So|.|os |o |)es|.e |e-||| car |c|p |Jcrt|l] arJ sc|vc C|
c|a||eres w|t|cut a ccctc|s |rte|vert|cr.
- 1DWXUDO6ROXWLRQVIRU'LJHVWLYH+HDOWK p|cv|ces a sale, ellect|ve, p|act|ca|, arc c|u-l|ee app|cac| tc erc|r
C| t|cu||cs w|t| s|p|c cvc|]Ja] J|ct arJ ||lcst]|c c|arcs, |rc|uJ|r a ccp|c|crs|vc ca| p|ar w|t| |cts
cl Jc||c|cus, cas] |cc|pcs.
- I|e l||st ucc| tc c||ect|] acc|ess t|e |cw|r p|cu|e cl pec|at||c c|est|ve |ssues
- 1DWXUDO6ROXWLRQVIRU'LJHVWLYH+HDOWK ce]st|l|es t|e ccrlus|r a||a] cl ratu|a| c|est|cr-suppc|t|ve
supp|eerts suc| as p|c||ct|cs, arJ cp|a|rs |cw tc c|ccsc t|c |||t crcs lc| ]cu| ccrJ|t|cr.
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
25c paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r 2-cc|c|
c / 9
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Everyday HeaIth" My CaIorie Counter,
Second Edition
Complete Nutritiohal lhformatioh oh More Thah 8,000 Fopular Brahds,
Fast-food Chaihs, ahd Festauraht Mehus
||c t|e 1 cr||re |ea|t| cest|rat|cr cces t||s upcatec pcc|et u|ce tc rut||t|cr arc we||t |css. |cw
c|e |eace|-l||erc|] t|ar eve|, t|e ucc| leatu|es sepa|ate sect|crs cr |eu|a| lcccs, stc|e u|arcs, arc
|estau|art/last lcccseac| w|t| t|cusarcs cl ert||es t|at |rc|uce ca|c||e ccurts, lat ccrtert, arc ct|e|
rut||t|cra| va|ues.
Vau|eer |a|ccr |as a B/ |r Ee|c|se Sc|erce/Spc|ts Vec|c|re arc ar V/ |r |ut||t|cr. S|e |as wc||ec
at Eve|]ca] |ea|t| lc| c|e t|ar e||t ]ea|s, w|e|e s|e cu||ert|] se|ves as t|e D||ectc| cl |ut||t|cr arc
||tress. Vau|eer ||ves w|t| |e| |usuarc arc c|||c|er |r t|e ueaut|lu| Be||s|||es |r V/.
Jerr|le| Succv |s V|ce ||es|cert cl Ec|tc||a| at Eve|]ca] |ea|t| arc ||ves |r |ew Yc|| C|t].

- Rev|sec w|t| t|e cst cu||ert rut||t|cra| |rlc|at|cr|rc|uc|r ca|uc|]c|ates, scc|u, l|ue|, arc
p|cte|ras we|| as ar upcatec |rt|ccuct|cr
- |ew |a]cut lc| t|e ca|c||e c|a|ts ersu|es eas] rav|at|cr arc |eacau|||t]
- Eve|]ca] |ea|t| w||| p|ccte t|e ucc| cr||re arc |r t|e|| rews|ette| t|at |s c|st||uutec tc cve| s| ||||cr
eue|s, Eve|]ca] |ea|t| tcta|s c|e t|ar 25 ||||cr ur|cue v|s|tc|s pe| crt|
- |rc|uces c||ta| ccpcrerts t|at s]rc tc t|e ucc|
- Reace|s car ||r| tc Eve|]ca] |ea|t|s pcpu|a| s|te, ]-ca|c||e-ccurte|.cc, tc c|eate a l|ee acccurt

Revised Edition
|uu||s|e|. Ste|||r
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
301 paes
$7.95 ($8.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
1 1/1 / 5 7/8
Ca|tcr 0uart|t]. 51
Ie|||tc|]. |c|t| /e||ca Er||s|
Crochetihg for Womeh's Heart Health
|cw c|cc|ete|s car ccrt||uute tc t|e l||t aa|rst wcers |ea|t c|sease! I||s t|||c ucc| |r
lau|a Zarce|s successlu| St|tc| Rec se||es clle|s c|e t|ar sturr|r p|cjects. |ts ar appea| tc
wcer tc ta|e c|a|e cl t|e|| |ea|t |ea|t|. &URFKHW5HG leatu|es t|e ces|rs cl 30 ce|eu||t]
ces|re|s, p|us p|cl||es |r w||c| t|e] s|a|e t|e|| epe||erces w|t| |ea|t c|sease arc t|ps lc|
sta]|r |ea|t|].
lau|a Zarce| |s t|e cclcurce| arc cc-cwre| cl J|] Bears Wcc| (j|]uearswcc|.cc},
w||c| was raec u] ,QF. aat|re as cre cl t|e 5,000 lastest-|cw|r p||vate ccpar|es |r
t|e uS lc| lcu| ]ea|s (2009, 2010, 2011, arc 2012}, arc |s t|e l||st cll|c|a| ]a|r supp||e| tc t|e
uS. 0|]p|c Srcwuca|c|r arc ||ees|||r teas lc| t|e 2011 0|]p|cs. Zarce| was raec cre
cl ter rat|cra| w|rre|s cl E|rst c Ycurs Ert|ep|ereu||a| W|rr|r Wcer lc| 2011. S|e |s a|sc
t|e aut|c| cl .QLW5HG arc 6HZ5HG (uct| S|t| c Sp||r}, w||c| s|e ccrce|vec as pa|t cl |e|
St|tc| Rec |r|t|at|ve tc suppc|t I|e |ea|t I|ut| |curcat|cr tc |a|se awa|eress arc lurcs tc
l||t |ea|t c|sease.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc |r|tt|r puu||cat|crs arc u|ce|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
Scc|a| ec|a capa|r
C|alt arc c] u|ce| cut|eac|
- |ea|t c|sease |s t|e ruue|-cre ||||e| cl wcer |r t|e uS. accc|c|r tc t|e Certe|s lc| D|sease
Ccrt|c|, |r 2007 cre |r lcu| wcer c|ec l|c |ea|t c|sease, c|e t|ar l|c u|east carce|, |ur
carce|, arc st|c|e ccu|rec. Due tc a |cuust puu||c|t] ellc|t u] t|e CDC, t|e /e||car |ea|t
/sscc|at|cr, arc ct|e| c|ar|tat|crs, awa|eress cl |ea|t |ea|t| lc| wcer |s cr t|e ||se
- /at|r ||reup cl ccrt||uut|r ces|re|s, |rc|uc|r Ec|e Ec|ar, Rcu]r C|ac|u|a, K||st|r 0ca||,
l|rca |e|arr, Jerr|le| |arser, Ve||ssa leapar, ||c|] Epste|r, Deuc|a| |ewtcr, arc Jerr]
-Cc|ecus pac|ae at a |eat p||ce. 30 ueaut|lu||] p|ctc|ap|ec p|cjects-p|us t|ps arc |ec|pes lc|
|ea|t |ea|t| arc essert|a| c|cc|et |cw-tc-lc| just $17.95
- Zarce| |as pa|tre|ec w|t| I|e |ea|t I|ut|, a puu||c-awa|eress p|c|a spcrsc|ec u] t|e
|at|cra| |rst|tutes cl |ea|t|, w||c| w||| |ece|ve a pc|t|cr cl t|e p|cceecs l|c t|e sa|e cl t|e

|uu||s|e|. S|t|cSp||r Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$17.95 ($19.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
St|tc||r lc| Wcers |ea|t
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: Juhe 2012
144 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
Hardcover with Jacket
all ih color
8 1/2 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 18
Territory: WENG
Sew|r c 0u||t|r lc| Wcers
|ea|t |ea|t|
Fublisher: Sixth8Sprihg Books
Fublished: February 2013
144 pages
$22.95 ($27.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback Cohcealed Spiral
all ih color
7 7/8 X 10 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 16
Territory: WENG
Fashion Design Studio
Learh to Draw Figures, Clothihg, Accessories, Hairstyles, Makeup 8 More
I||s lur |rt|ccuct|cr tc ces|r cpers t|e wc||c cl st]|e tc uucc|r las||cr|stas! Bestse|||r a|t
|rst|uctc| C|||s |a|t rct cr|] |ves step-u]-step |rst|uct|crs cr c|aw|r l|u|es l|c ar]
pc|rts cl v|ew arc |r va|]|r pcses, |e ep|a|rs t|e t||c|s cl t|e t|ace. |cw tc 'c|ess' ]cu|
l|u|e, |erce| cc|c|, tetu|e, arc p||rt, arc c|eate accessc||es, |a||st]|es, arc a|eup |cc|s.
Rercwrec lc| ||s l||erc|], access|u|e teac||r st]|e, C|||s |a|t |s t|e wc||cs uestse|||r aut|c|
cl c|aw|r, ara, arc ca|tccr|r ucc|s, w||c| |ave sc|c cve| t||ee ||||cr ccp|es |r Er||s|
arc ueer t|ars|atec |rtc c|e t|ar 20 |aruaes. |e ||ves |r Westpc|t, CI.
- W|t| c|e t|ar t||ee ||||cr ccp|es sc|c, C|||s |a|t t|t|es appea| ccrs|stert|] cr t|e Bcc|scar
Icp 50 /|t ||st
- I|e ta|et a||et|||s ae 10 arc upa|e st|cr|] |rl|uercec u] las||cr, w|t| c8
|cert|l]|r las||cr aat|res as ar |pc|tart |rl|uerce (seccrc cr|] tc t|e|| l||ercs}
- IV s|cws t|at clle| v|ewe|s ar |rs|ce |cc| at las||cr arc st]|e, |rc|uc|r 3URMHFW5XQZD\
(l|let|e}, )DVKLRQ6WDU (|BC}, :KDW1RWWR:HDU (IlC}, arc 7KH5DFKHO=RH3URMHFW (B|avc},
|ave |rsp||ec ar] |||s tc ep|c|e las||crs c|eat|ve pcss|u|||t|es arc ep|ess t|e|| cwr st]|e
t||cu| uct| c|aw|r arc sew|r
- ||cv|ces |rlc|at|cr cr t|e uas|cs as we|| as ceta||s arc |el|reerts sc t|at ]cur a|t|sts at
eve|] s|||| |eve| car u||r t|e|| c|eat|ve v|s|cr tc ||le

|uu||s|e|. C|||s |a|t Bcc|s
|uu||s|ec. |cveue| 2013
128 paes
$1c.95 ($18.95 Carac|ar}
|ape|uac| w|t| ||aps
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. WE|C
I|e u|t|ate C|a|acte| Des|r
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: May 2008
144 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
color 8 b/w illus. throughout
8 7/16 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: WENG
Drawing the New
Adventure Cartoons
Ccc| Sp|es, Ev|| Cu]s arc /ct|cr
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: May 2008
128 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
color 8 b/w illus. throughout
8 7/16 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 20
Territory: WENG
Figure It Out!
I|e Be|rre|s Cu|ce tc D|aw|r
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: August 2009
144 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
Faperback with Flaps
2-color 8 b/w illus. throughout
8 7/16 X 11
Cartoh Ouahtity: 26
Territory: WENG
Manga Mania": Shonen
D|aw|r /ct|cr-St]|e Japarese
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: September 2008
148 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
50 color illus., 330 b/w illus.
9 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 30
Territory: WENG
Manga Mania":
D|aw|r S|cjc C|||s arc B|s||e
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: July 2008
144 pages
$19.95 ($23.95 Cahadiah)
color 8 b/w illus. throughout
9 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 30
Territory: WENG
Manga Mania": GirI
D|aw|r |auu|cus |ea|es lc|
Japarese Cc|cs
Fublisher: Chris Hart Books
Fublished: Juhe 2009
144 pages
$19.95 ($21.95 Cahadiah)
color 8 b/w illus. throughout
9 X 10
Cartoh Ouahtity: 30
Territory: WENG
50 Simple ldeas to Make from Top Desighers
Custc|te ]cu| wecc|r, w|t| ueaut|lu| p|cjects u] sce cl c|alt|rs u|est sta|s. Eac| tcp a|t|st
ccrt||uutes seve|a| cu|c| arc s|p|e ces|rs, |rc|uc|r |rv|tat|crs, tau|e sett|rs, lavc|s, cecc|at|crs, arc
|lts lc| t|e u||ca| pa|t]. W|t| s| s|ratu|e t|ees tc c|ccse l|cl|c |a| C||c|s Ccurt|] tc V|rtae
C|acu|eve|] u||ce w||| l|rc t|e pe|lect ccst-ellect|ve |cea lc| |e| spec|a| ca].
Jerr] Dc| |s t|e lc|e| Ec|tc|-|r-C||el cl 6RPHUVHW6WXGLR aat|re arc t|e ||es|cert arc |curce| cl
c|escercc|.cc. Jerr] se|ves |eu|a||] as |e]rcte spea|e| ac|css t|e rat|cr tc ce||ve| essaes |e|atec tc
c|eat|ve pass|cr, aut|ert|c |eace|s||p, ellect|ve ccur|cat|cr, arc lccusec ccpass|cr. |c| |e| |eace|s||p
|r puu||s||r arc t|e a|t arc c|alt|r ccur|t], Jerr] was |eccr|tec u] )ROLR as cre cl t|e aat|re
|rcust|]s tcp 10 |eace|s, |rl|uerce|s, arc |rrcvatc|s. Jerr] |s t|e aut|c| cl seve|a| ucc|s, |rc|uc|r +DQGLQ
+DQG arc :H0DNH'ROOV (uct| la||}. S|e ||ves |r Sarta /ra, C/.
Rev|ew ccp] a|||r tc u||ca| puu||cat|crs arc wcer's |rte|est w||te|s at ca||] rewspape|s
D||ta| a||et|r capa|r
C|lt u|ce cut|eac|
- |rc|uces tcp c|alte|s arc u|ce|s w|c w||| act|ve|] p|ccte t|e ucc|. '|a| C||c|' Se|era I|cpscr,
Cc|e] /a|c, |eat|e| Bu||a|c, I|llar] K||c|r||, V|rra Ve|c|e Sc||ct, arc I|ac] Sc|u|tt
- ||||ec w|t| 50 access|u|e, |repers|ve, arc cu|c|-tc-a|e p|cjects t|at w||| appea| tc a w|ce a||et cl
uucet-|rcec arc t|e-c|a||erec u||ces
- Reta|| p||ce ue|cw $20
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
1c0 paes
$19.95 ($21.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 10
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Fuhctiohal, Moderh Hahdbuildihg
I|e tec|r|cue |s s|p|e, t|e |esu|ts a|e c|ecus! Susar |a||ss sturr|r|] |el|rec, scp||st|catec, arc
cce|r p|cjects |are l|c a u arc vase tc a teapct arc t||p|e |e|u p|arte|. Be|rr|r w|t| t|e uas|c
p|rc| pct, t|e] cve cr tc w|ce|, ta||e|, arc ccpcs|te lc|s, a|| w|t| sturr|r cpt|crs lc| cc|c| arc su|lace
Susar |a||s |s t|e aut|c| cl &HUDPLFVIRU%HJLQQHUV$QLPDOV)LJXUHV (la||}. |e| wc|| |as e||u|tec w|ce|]
t||cu|cut t|e ur|tec K|rcc, t|e ur|tec States, arc Eu|cpe, |rc|uc|r. I|e Sac||e| |curcat|cr, |ew Yc||,
t|e V|ctc||a arc /|ue|t Vuseu, lcrccr, /ue|]stw]t| ur|ve|s|t], Wa|es, t|e S||a|a|| Ce|a|c Certe|,
Japar, arc t|e Ccrtepc|a|] /|t Scc|et], lcrccr. S|e ||ves |r East|aptcr, V/.
- |c ct|e| ucc| cr t||s suuject e|sts
- I|e p|cjects a|e s|p|e ercu| tc appea| tc ue|rre|s arc ueaut|lu| ercu| lc| seascrec ce|a|c|sts
- I|e s|p||c|t] cl t|e tec|r|cue ears t|e ucc| w||| appea| tc ecucatc|s, ||u|a||es, arc a|t teac|e|s
- |c| et|a |rsp||at|cr, eac| cl t|e r|re p|cjects a|sc leatu|es t||ee va||at|crs
- |rc|uces a a||e|] cl ccrtepc|a|] p|rc| wc||
- Decc|at|ve p|eces car ue ace us|r eas||] pu|c|asec a||-c|]|r c|a]sc rc |||r |ecu||ec
|uu||s|e|. la|| C|alts
|uu||s|ec. Jarua|] 2011
128 paes
$21.95 ($23.95 Carac|ar}
a|| |r cc|c|
8 1/2 / 11
Ie|||tc|]. Wc||c
Recently Published
The Last Pope
Francis and the Fall of the Vatican
by Robert Howells
ISBN 978-1-78028-569-6 | $21.95 ($23.95 Canada)
Paper | 6 x 9
/4 | 304 pages | Territory: US/Can
Carton Qty: 28 | July 2, 2013 | Watkins
ould the new pope be the nal pope? A millennium
ago, the Archbishop of Armagh (St. Malachy) made
a series of prophecies hinting at the identities of the
111 popes from medieval times to the present. Now
Rob Howells offers a stunning interpretation of these
predictions, concluding that Francis may signal the end
of the Papacy . . . and of the Catholic Church.
Robert Howells has spent the last 20 years
researching and writing about religious and historic
mysteries. His rst major book, Inside the Priory of Sion
(Watkins), concluded with an examination of apocalyptic
prophecies from historical, spiritual, and psychological
perspectives and touched upon the Prophecies of the
Popes. By drawing on his extensive knowledge of both
the political and spiritual history of the Catholic Church
he places Pope Francis in the context of what will
potentially be the most challenging era for the papacy.
He is the former manager of Londons legendary
Watkins Bookstore.
t A timely release, as the book predicts that Pope Francis
will oversee the fall of the Vatican
t Rob Howellss book Inside the Priory of Sion was
featured on and he was
invited to speak at Ramthas School of Enlightenment in
Washington State in November 2012
t Howells refutes the charge that the prophecies were
a seventeenth-century forgery created for propaganda in
a papal election
t A must-buy for the large number of people who
are fascinated by unresolved mysteries in the history
of Christianity
Eat, Fast, Slim
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Amazing Weight Loss and Optimum Health
by Amanda Hamilton
ISBN 978-1-84899-116-3 | $14.95 ($15.95 Canada)
Paper | 6 x 9
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Carton Qty: 28 | July 2, 2013 | Duncan Baird
elcome to intermittent fasting, the
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plans (plus menus) so dieters can nd the right
one for their lifestyle, from a daily 16-hour fast to
twice-a-week full-day fasts with only one evening
meal, and beyond.
t Amanda Hamilton is one of the UKs most recognized
health broadcasters and nutritionists, with a large online
following and a web-based weight-loss program with
tens of thousands of followers:
t Intermittent fasting is a diet trend gaining momentum
with backing from Dr. Andrew Weil
t An easy-to-follow diet plan you can tailor to your lifestyle
and weight psychology in order to harness the fat-loss,
anti-aging, and well-being benets of intermittent fasting
t Features practical menu plans and more than 40 delicious,
easy-to-prepare recipes
t Eat, Fast, Slim is receiving major coverage in the UK,
including Red, Daily Express, and Zest, as well as on
Gwyneth Paltrows Goop blog
t The books weight-loss claims are supported by the
latest scientic ndings
Broadcaster and nutritionist Amanda Hamilton
is one of the UKs most recognized personalities
in health and well-being. In demand both in
the UK and abroad, she produced and hosted
several health-based TV series that have now
been shown in 22 countries. Hamilton has a large
online following through her weight-loss site,, which boasts tens of
thousands of members. A regular contributor to
the national press and author of two books on
nutritionLifeDetox: Clear Physical & Emotional
Toxins from Your Body and Your Life and Life-
Changing Weight Loss: 3 Steps to Get the Body
and Life You Want (both cowritten with Sandy
Newbigging; Platkus Books)she is a member
of the British Association of Nutritional Therapists
and adviser to the Scottish Governments
Curriculum for Excellence.
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by Mark Danna
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2013
96 pages
Ages: from 12 and Upwards
$6.95 ($7.95 Canadian)
/8 x 8
Carton Qty: 92
Territory: World
Fantastic Word Search
Puzzles for Kids
by Mark Danna
Publisher: Puzzlewright
Published: May 2013
96 pages
Ages: from 12 and Upwards
$6.95 ($7.95 Canadian)
/8 x 8
Carton Qty: 92
Territory: World
with an order
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Recently Published
Fun & Games Titles
Brain Aerobics
|-|.| 5-, 5 |-., |o|-
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 88
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics
|-|o-| |.cc|-s |--).-
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics Logic
|-.- .||- 5 V.|--| |os
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
112 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 80
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics Math
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Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics
-, S|.|-|s
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
128 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 72
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics
JJ V-1oc- |--1-c
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: WENG
Brain Aerobics
Stopwatch PuzzIes
|-s- Scso
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics Word
Search PuzzIes
V-| |--
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
128 pages
$7.95 ($8.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 72
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics
Wordoku 1
|-| |o)o
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
Brain Aerobics
Wordoku 2
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New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
Math PuzzIes for the
CIever Mind
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New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
Ages: 12 upwards
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
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New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
Ages: 12 upwards
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
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4|- S|||so
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Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
96 pages
Ages: 12 upwards
$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
Territory: World
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$6.95 ($7.95 Cahadiah)
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5 3/8 X 8 1/4
Cartoh Ouahtity: 92
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Picture This! Mazes
|o.-c|s |.cc|-s
New Edition
Fublisher: Fuzzlewright
Fublished: May 2013
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Canada Toronto Stephen Beaumont Author Pocket Beer Guide
The Netherlands Leiden Johan Scherft Author Beautiful Paper Birds
UK Ray Davies Author Americana
UK Cambridge Tim Webb Author Pocket Beer Guide
UK Hertfordshire Glenn Povey Author Pink Floyd
UK London Carina Envoldsen-Harris Author Stitched Blooms
UK Pete Brown Author Worlds Best Ciders
UK Bill Bradshaw Photographer Worlds Best Ciders
International Authors
CA Berkeley Julie Chen Juror 500 Handmade Books Volume 2
CA Los Angeles Brother David Steindl-Rast Author A Good Day
CA Los Angeles Krystina Castella Author Crazy About Chocolate
CA Modesto Jamie Cloud Eakin Author Bead Embroidery Jewelry Projects: Design and
Construction, Ideas and Inspiration
CA Santa Ana Jenny Doh Author Craft-a-Doodle, Crochet Love, Stylish Weddings
CT Storrs Manseld Michael C. Gerald Author Drug Book
FL Palm Beach Lisa Cregan Author House Beautiful The Color Book
GA Atlanta Alan Axelrod Author Catherine the Great, CEO
GA Atlanta Margie Deeb Author Beaders Guide to Jewelry Design
GA Atlanta Lisa Newsom Author VERANDA The Art of Outdoor Living
MA Dartmouth Jim Lawton Juror 500 Teapots Volume 2
MD Chevy Chase Paula Shoyer Author Holiday Kosher Baker
MN Minneapolis Diane Fitzgerald Author Shaped Beadwork & Beyond
NC Asheville Valerie Schrader Author Sweet Booties
NC Swanannoa Gwen Diehn Author Journal Your Way
NJ Englewood Rabbi Menachem Genack Author President Clinton and the Rabbi
NJ West Orange Leonard DeGraaf Author Edison and the Rise of Innovation
NY Huntington Paul Knorr Author Shake, Jiggle & Shoot
NY New York Cornelia Dean Editor New York Times Book of Physics and Astronomy
NY New York Dan Jewel Author Grooms Game Plan
NY New York Kathy Passero Author Bridesmaids Handbook
NY New York Clay Risen Author American Whiskey, Bourbon & Rye
NY New York Dr. Mark Siddall Author Poison
NY New York Paul Sweet Author Extraordinary Birds
TN Memphis Laura Wilson Author Flip Dolls and Other Toys That Zip, Stack, Hide,
Grab & Go
TX Austin Allison Hoffman Author AmiguruME
VA Arlington Christopher Snyder Author Making of Middle-earth
Author Residence
Bourbon & Rye
A Guide to the
Nations Favorite
by Clay Risen
Published: November
$11.99 ($12.99 Canada)
Territory: World
by Ray Davies
Publisher: Sterling
Published: October 2013
$11.99 ($12.99 Canada)
Territory: WENG
Catherine the
Great, CEO
7 Principles to
Guide and Inspire
Modern Leaders
by Alan Axelrod
Publisher: Sterling
Published: November
$10.99 ($11.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Revised Edition
Piloting &
67th Edition
Edited by
Jonathan Eaton
Publisher: Hearst
Published: September
$34.99 ($37.99 Canada)
Territory: World
The Cosmic
View of Albert
Writings on Art,
Science, and Peace
by Albert Einstein,
edited by Walt Martin
and Magda Ott with
Preface by James Van
Allen and Foreword by
Alice Calaprice
Publisher: Sterling Ethos
Published: October 2013
$6.99 ($7.99 Canada)
Territory: World
The Drug Book
From Arsenic
to Xanax, 250
Milestones in the
History of Drugs
by Michael C. Gerald
Publisher: Sterling
Published: September
$12.99 ($13.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Edison and
the Rise of
by Leonard DeGraaf
Publisher: Sterling
Published: October 2013
$12.99 ($13.99 Canada)
Enhanced eBook
Territory: World
A Good Day
A Gift of Gratitude
by Brother David Steindl-
Rast in collaboration with
Louie Schwartzberg;
foreword by Patricia
Publisher: Sterling Ethos
Published: October 2013
$5.99 ($6.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Low Carb!
90 Easy &
Satisfying Recipes
by The Editors of Good
Publisher: Hearst
Published: September
$9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
Territory: WEX*
One Dish!
90 Irresistibly
Easy Dinners That
Are Ready When
You Are
by The Editors of Good
Publisher: Hearst
Published: September
$9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
Territory: WEX*
The Holiday
Kosher Baker
Traditional &
Holiday Desserts
by Paula Shoyer
Publisher: Sterling
Published: November
$9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
Territory: World
The Making of
A New Look Inside
the World of J. R.
R. Tolkien
by Christopher Snyder
Publisher: Sterling
Published: October 2013
$9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
Territory: World
The New York
Times Book of
Physics and
More Than 100
Years of Covering
the Expanding
Edited by Cornelia Dean,
Foreword by
Neil deGrasse Tyson
Publisher: Sterling
Published: September
$11.99 ($12.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Clinton and
the Rabbi
Biblical Lessons
on Faith and
Edited by Rabbi
Menachem Genack,
foreword by Bill Clinton
Publisher: Sterling Ethos
Published: October 2013
$11.99 ($12.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Revised Edition
Three Weeks to
eBay Prots,
Third Edition
Go From Beginner
to Seller in Less
than a Month
by Skip McGrath
Publisher: Sterling
Published: September
$9.99 ($10.99 Canada)
Territory: World
Crazy About
More than
200 Delicious
Recipes to Enjoy
and Share
by Krystina Castella
Publisher: Sterling
Published: November
$7.99 ($8.99 Canada)
Territory: World
50 Things to Do with a Rabbit & Other Sex Toys. . . . . 13
50 Tie-Me-Up Tricks & Bondage Knots. . . . . . . . . . . . 13
52 Weekend Digital Photo Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
60 Quick Knits from Americas Yarn Shops . . . . . . . . . 90
100 Chess Master Trade Secrets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
101 Girly Drinks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
500 Handmade Books Volume 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
500 Teapots Volume 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Absolutely Nasty Crossword Level 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Absolutely Nasty Crossword Level 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Absolutely Nasty Crossword Level 3. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Absolutely Nasty Crossword Level 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Afternoon Tea Collection, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Amazing Sudoku Variants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Amazing Word Search Puzzles for Kids . . . . . . . . . . 114
American Whiskey, Bourbon & Rye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Americana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
AmiguruME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Anatomy of the Ship: The Battlecruiser Hood . . . . . . . 48
Anatomy of the Ship: The Battleship Dreadnought . . . 48
Ancient Egypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Ancient Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Ancient Trees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Artisan Market, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Asterix Omnibus 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Asterix Omnibus 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Back in Balance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Back in the Day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
BBC Sport World Formula 1 Records 2014 . . . . . . . . . 50
Bead Embroidery Jewelry Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Beatles in 100 Objects, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Beatles in America Poster Book, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Beautiful Paper Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Bite-Size Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Blood of Avalon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Brain Aerobics Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Cryptograms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Logic Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Math Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Mind-Bending Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Mindteasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Stopwatch Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Word Search Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Wordoku 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Aerobics Wordoku 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Brain Builder Numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Brain Builder Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Brain Builder Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Brain Builder Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Brides Essential Book of Lists, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Brides Essential Mini 411, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Brides Essential Wedding Planner, The . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Bridesmaids Handbook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Buddha Beads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Bulls-Eye Puzzles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Cakewalk Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Car, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Case Notes of Sherlock Holmes, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Casseroles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Catherine the Great, CEO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Celebrity Face-Off . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Chapman Piloting & Seamanship 67th Edition . . . . . . 48
Civil War in Photographs, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Civil War: In Words, In Photographs, In Memoriam,
The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Classic Era of American Comics, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Clever Word Search Puzzles for Kids . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Cocktails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Coffee Inspirations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Complete Bartenders Guide, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Complete Beatles Recording Sessions, The . . . . . . . . 78
Complete Beer Course, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Complete Book of Crochet Border Designs, The . . . . . 37
Complete Fashion Sketchbook, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Complete Guide to Stonescaping, The . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Complete Wine Course, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Connected Cloth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Cosmic Tourist, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Cosmic View of Albert Einstein, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Cosmos 365 Naughty Nights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cosmos Kinky Sex Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cosmos Naughty Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Cosmos Steamy Sex Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Cosmos Truth or Dare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Country Living Spooky & Bright . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Craft-a-Doodle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Crazy About Chocolate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Creative Fashion Design with Illustrator . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Creative Quilts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Crochet Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Crochet Red. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
Curious Events in History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Cutting-Edge Sudoku. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
Daemon Tarot, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Daniel Craig. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
David Bowie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Decorating Cakes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Delicious Word Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Deluxe Origami Paper Pack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
DIY Fashionista . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Double Vision. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Drink Your Own Garden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Drinking Games. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Drug Book, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Easy as ABC Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Eat, Fast, Slim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Edison and the Rise of Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Everyday Health My Calorie Counter,
Second Edition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Extraordinary Birds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Family Italian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Fantastic Word Search Puzzles for Kids . . . . . . . . . . 114
Fashion Crochet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Fashion Design Studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
Fat-Free Gourmet Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Felt Fabric Designs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Feltlicious . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Flip Dolls & Other Toys That Zip, Stack, Hide,
Grab & Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Gluten-free Cookbook, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Gluten-Free Gourmet Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
God Debate, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Golf Around the World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
Good Day, A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
Good Housekeeping 400 Calorie Meals . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Good Housekeeping Christmas Cookbook, The. . . . . . 71
Good Housekeeping Low Carb! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Good Housekeeping One Dish! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Gourmet Word Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Great Word Search Puzzles For Kids. . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Green Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Grooms Game Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Himalaya . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
History of Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Holiday Kosher Baker, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Horror!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
House Beautiful Color . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Im a Boy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Im a Girl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
If You Read Anything Ofine This Year, Make
It This Book. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Innite Mindeld, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Invention of Jesus, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Iris Schreiers Reversible Knits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
John F. Kennedy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Journal Your Way . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Kevin Zralys Windows on the World Complete Wine
Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Kitty Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Knit Parade, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Knits from an English Rose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Knitting Masterclass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Kurt Cobain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Laid-Back Sunday Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Large Print Crosswords #9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Large Print Easy Monday Crosswords #2 . . . . . . . . . . 53
Last Pope, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Last Supper, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Legendary Movies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Lifeboat, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Live Longer, Live Younger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Makeup Is Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Making of Middle-earth, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Mapping the First World War . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Marcia DeCosters Beads in Motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mastering the Art of Baking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Math Puzzles for the Clever Mind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Matter of Fashion, A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Medicinal Chef, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Metal Clay 101 for Beaders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Mexican. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Mick Jagger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Middle Ages, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Mind Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Motorcycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
My Favorite Recipes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Nail Art Sourcebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Natural Histories Journal: Bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Natural Histories Journal: Crab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Natural Histories Journal: Fish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Natural Histories Journal: Owl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Natural Solutions for Digestive Health . . . . . . . . . . . 107
New Ideas in Fusing Fabric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
New York Times Book of Physics and Astronomy,
The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Nicky Epstein Crochet for Dolls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Number-Crunching Math Puzzles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Ode to Flowers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
One-Minute Brainteasers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Orchids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
Outside-the-Box Lateral Thinking Puzzles . . . . . . . . 115
Oz Clarkes Pocket Wine Book 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Picture This Mazes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Pinch Pottery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Pink Floyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Pizza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Pocket Beer Guide, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Popular Mechanics 101 Things That Go Fast . . . . . . . 66
Prayers of Manifestation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
President Clinton and the Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Print Collective. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Puppy Love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Salads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Scandinavian Christmas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Scratch & Solve 48-Copy Counter Spinner . . . . . . . . 116
Scratch & Solve Hangman in the Moon . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Scratch & Solve Prime Time Hangman. . . . . . . . . . . 102
Scratch & Solve Tough Hangman in the Moon . . . . . . 23
Scratch & Solve Underwater Hangman. . . . . . . . . . . 102
Scrumptious Word Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Secret Picture Mazes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Shake, Jiggle & Shoot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Shaped Beadwork & Beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Sit & Solve Easy Can Be Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Easy KenKen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Sit & Solve Hard KenKen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Sit & Solve Pathem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Sit & Solve Quick as a Wink Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sit & Solve Tough as Nails Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Sterling Fun & Games Floor Spinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Sterling Sit & Solve Spinner Rack. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Stitched Blooms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Storyland Cross Stitch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Street Magic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Streetwise Spycraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Study Chess with Tal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Stuff You Should Have Learned at School . . . . . . . . . . 99
Stylish Weddings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Sunday Hammock Crosswords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
Survival Manual, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sweet Booties!. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Tapas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Tasty Word Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Tea Sommelier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Three Weeks to eBay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Three Windows on Eternity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Tom Jones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Top 100 Healthy Recipes for Babies & Toddlers, The. . 10
Treasures of Monet, The. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
True Crime. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Two-Color Paint-doku . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Ultimate Juice Book, The . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Unlock Your Condence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
VERANDA The Art of Outdoor Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Viking Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Vintage Fashion Illustration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Vintage Handbags . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Vintage Pattern: 1950s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
Vogue Knitting Very Easy Sweaters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Wide-Screen Crosswords. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Winning Chess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Womans Day Easy Everyday Dinners. . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
World Soccer Records 2014. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Worlds 100 Best Adventure Trips, The . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Worlds Best Ciders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
X-Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Yummy Word Searches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
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Cover art from History of Flight by Riccardo Niccoli






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