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A g e n i a T u r i s m u lu i


p r e z i n t



cultural TOURISM

festivals and holidays
Festivals are rather popular and are celebrated in crowds. As a rule, official national holidays are accompanied with competitions, trade fairs, launch of new products, concerts, mass events and many other manifestations. Every settlement of Moldova celebrates its Hram (holiday day of a settlement, which is different for every village or town). During Chisinaus Day, into the central street of the city enterprises advertise and sell its products, scientific institutes demonstrate their achievements, artists deliver performances, ethnographic societies introduce customs and cultures of various nations, restaurants organise testing of national dishes, while craftsmen and artisans exhibit their creation. Moldova carries out more than 40 festivals both national and international.

cultural TOURISM


Moldauer haben gern feiern, dazu nimmt eine groe Zahl von Menschen teil. Regelmig, gehen die offiziellen nationalen Feiertage zusammen mit Wettbewerben, Messen, Konzerten, Produkteinfhrungen, Masseparteien und vieles mehr. In jeder Stadt und jedem moldauischen Dorf feiert man ihren Schutzpatron/Tag der Stadt/des Dorfes (individuelle Feier der Ortschaft). An diesem Tag auf der Kishinau`s Hauptstrae zeigen die Unternehmen ihre Produkte und die wissenschaftlichen Eirichtungen ihre Ergebnisse. Es gibt auch viele Konzerte, machen die Volksgruppen die Teilnehmer bekannt mit ihrer Traditionen und Kultur, organisieren die Restaurants Verkostungen der nationalen Gerichte und zeigen die Handwerker ihre Arbeiten. In Moldau, organisiert man ber 40 Festivals, sowohl nationale und lokale Festivals als auch internationale.

Prezentm succint n continuare festivalurile care n timp au devenit cunoscute pe plan internaional. Printre cele mai memorabile evenimente ale anului n Moldova se numr festivalurile Mrior, Ziua Naional a Vinului, Invit Maria Bieu i altele.

Wie folgt, stellen wir die Festivals vor, die auf internationale Arena bekannt geworden waren. Zu den denkwrdigsten Ereignissen des Jahres gehren die Festivals Martzishor, Nationaler Tag des Weines, Maria Biesu Invite und andere.

1 ianuarie Revelionul 7 ianuarie Naterea Domnului nostru Iisus Hristos 8 martie Ziua Internaional a Femeii Sfintele srbtori de Pati 1 mai Ziua Internaional a Primverii i Muncii 27 august Ziua Independenei 31 august Limba Noastr


1. Januar Neujahr 7. Januar Weihnachten 8. Mrz Internationaler Frauentag Ostern 1. Mai Internationaler Tag der Frhling und der Werkttigen 27. August Tag der Unabhngigkeit 31. August Unsere Sprache (Tag der Sprache)



Se srbtorete anual, n a doua duminic din luna octombrie. Locul de organizare pe ntreg teritoriul Moldovei, ns evenimentele principale au loc n centrul Chiinului sau pe teritoriul CIE MoldExpo. Festivalul ofer posibilitatea de a gusta cele mai bune vinuri moldoveneti i specialiti din buctria naional, de a vedea artiti locali i strini, de a admira lucrri de artizanat sau de a merge n excursie la fabrici de vin i sli de degustare.

national WINEs DAY

The festival is organised every year on the second Sunday of October all over Moldova, while the main events take place in the center of Chisinau or on the territory of the International Exhibition Centre MoldExpo. This Festival is an excellent possibility to taste the best Moldovan wines and national dishes, to see a lot of local and foreign artists, to get acquainted with national handicrafts or to participate in excursions to wine factories and degustation halls.

, . - , - MoldExpo. - , , .


omplex Istoric i Cultural Orheiul Vechi Festivalul Gustar se desfoar deja pentru a doua oar i ncepe s devin o tradiie. Este la mod s petreci cteva zile de var aici. Ce poate fi mai gustos dect un pahar de vin de cas, cu mmlig i brnz, pe malul Rutului, cu sunete de flaut, cimpoi i chitare pe fundal? Lumea vine aici pentru c ine la tradiii i tie c acest mediu este unul ideal pentru suflet, un suflet dornic de gust adevrat, armonie i dans. Ce poate fi mai gustos dect Gustarul de la sfritul verii?

Historical and Cultural Center Orheiul Vechi The Festival Gustar is already underway for a second time and is becoming a tradition. It is becoming fashionable to spend a few summer days here. What could be tastier than a glass of homemade wine with polenta and cheese on the side of the Raut River, with sounds of flutes, bagpipes and guitar in the background? People come here because they respect traditions and know that this environment is ideal for the soul, a soul eager to taste true harmony and dance. What could be more tasty than Gustar in late summer?


Gustar . . , ? , , , , , .

Oraul Criuleni Festivalul Folcloric Internaional bienal are loc n oraul Criuleni, la sfrit de august.

Town of Criuleni The International Folk Festival is biennial and takes place in the Town of Criuleni, at the end of august.

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Municipiul Chiinu Festivalul Internaional al Artelor Scenice are loc o dat la doi ani, la sfritul lunii mai, n teatrele din Chiinu. Fondatorul festivalului este Teatrul E. Ionesco.

Chisinau Municipality The International Performing Arts Festival takes place at the end of May, every two years in Chisinau theaters. The founder of the Festival is the theater of E. Ionesco.

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Primul muzeu din Moldova, cel al Nataliei Sicard, a fost deschis n 1878 la Vadullui-Vod, un orel balnear, azi suburbie a Chiinului. n muzeu a fost adunat o colecie bogat de obiecte antice din Egipt, Italia, Grecia i alte ri. n anii 80 ai secolului al XIX-lea, arheologul i omul de tiin cu renume mondial, boierul iluminist Ion Suruceanu, a fondat la Chiinu Muzeul Pontului Scitic. La nceputul secolului al XX-lea, muzeul lui Ion Suruceanu a ncetat s mai existe, s-a nchis i muzeul N. Sicard. n 1889, n baza Expoziiei de Agricultur i Industrie, la Chiinu este nfiinat Muzeul Basarabean de Zemstv. n 1905, el este transferat ntr-o cldire construit, pentru prima dat pe teritoriul nostru, special pentru a gzdui un muzeu. Astzi n Moldova exist zeci de muzee, private i de stat. Aproape n fiecare raion funcioneaz muzee dedicate istoriei inutului, obiceiurilor, portului, tradiiilor locale. Se deschid i muzee ale satului. Iar n localitile care au dat natere unor personaliti marcante ale epocii noastre, n casele sau conacele restaurate sunt inaugurate muzee consacrate marilor personaliti.


First museum opened in Moldova was that of Natalia Sicard in the year 1876 in Vadul-lui-Voda resort settlement close to Chisinau. The museum exhibited a rich collection of antique items from Egypt, Italy, Greece and other countries. In the 1880s, the archeologist and scientist acclaimed worldwide, an illuminist boyar, Ion Suruceanu established Pont Scythians Museum in Chisinau. The collection of this museum was replenished with exhibits from the deposits of Natalia Sicards museum. At the beginning of the century, Ion Suruceanus and Natalia Sicards Museums were closed. In 1889, Bessarabias Zemstvo Museum was established on the basis of the Agricultural and Industrial Fair in Chisinau. In 1905, it was moved into a building which was, for a first time, built especially to host the museum. Nowadays dozens of museums both private and national are opened in Moldova. Almost every region hosts its own museum dedicated to the history of the place and customs of its inhabitants. Village museums have been established either. While in the places that have seen famous personalities to be born and grow up, museums are opened in reconstructed houses and estates to introduce distinguished personalities of our epoch.


- - 1876 --, , . , , . 1880 - . . , .. 1889 . 1905- , . - , . , . , . - , , , , ..


Municipiul Chiinu Muzeul a fost inaugurat n 1987, n sediul reconstruit al fostului Liceu Regional. Muzeul gestioneaz i pstreaz peste 263 mii de exponate, dintre care peste 165 mii de piese originale de patrimoniu naional. Seciile Arheologie i istorie antic, Istorie medieval, Istoria Basarabiei, Istorie contemporan i Tezaure reprezint nucleul tiinific al instituiei.


Chisinau Municipality Opened in 1987, within the rebuilt premises of the former Regional High School, the museum preserves and manages over 263 thousand exhibits, including over 165 thousand original pieces of national heritage. The core of the institution is represented by its Sections of Archeology and Ancient History, Medieval History, History of Bessarabia, Contemporary History and Science Thesaurus.

1987 . , 300 . , : - , , , , , - .


Municipiul Chiinu Cel mai vechi muzeu din Moldova a fost fondat nc n octombrie 1889 de ctre baronul A. Stuard. Edificiul muzeului a fost construit n 1905 n stil oriental, fiind unica cldire de acest fel din Moldova. Este cunoscut vizitatorilor prin bogatele colecii geologice, paleontologice, zoologice, entomologice, arheologice, etnografice i numismatice.


Chisinau Municipality The oldest museum in Moldova was founded in October 1889 still by Baron A. Stuard. Museum building was built in 1905 in an oriental style, making it a unique building of its kind in Moldova. It is known for rich collections of geological, paleontological, zoological, entomological, archaeological, ethnographic and numismatic.

1889 . . , , . . .


Oraul Tighina Monument de arhitectur din secolul al XVIlea, situat pe malul drept al rului Nistru n oraul Bender. Nu este o cetate moldoveneasc, ci turceasc, deoarece n anul 1538, dup ce turcii au rupt acest teritoriu de la ara Moldovei (pn atunci acest ora purta numele de Tighina), ei au reconstruit practic cetatea pe acest loc se afla o cetate moldoveneasc din lemn i pmnt. n traducere din iranian Bender nseamn cetate la vad.


Tighina Town An architectural monument of the sixteenth century, located on the right bank of the Nistru River in the city of Bender. It is not a Moldovan fortress, but a Turkish one, since in 1538, when the Turks secluded this area from the country of Moldova (before the Turks the town bore the name Tighina), they virtually rebuilt the city this place is a Moldovan wood and earth fortress. The translation of Iranian Bender means the city at a ditch.

XVI . , , , 1538 ( ), - - . .


Oraul Hnceti Castelul de vntoare se afl la intrarea secundar pe teritoriul palatului de reedin al lui Manuc-Bei, construit din iniiativa fiului magnatului Oganes. Destinaia acestei cldiri inea de divertismentul proprietarilor ei. Arhitectura cldirii are drept model castelele europene medievale cu turnuri, acoperite cu acoperiuri piramidale, cu sgei decorative n vrful lor. Conacul are dou cldiri: palatul vechi (mijlocul sec. al XIX-lea) i Castelul Vntoresc (1881).


Hncesti Town In 1881 in Hancesti (some 36 km west of Chisinau) in the middle of a square there was built a Hunting Lodge and a Palace on the estate of a famous personality from the beginning of the XIX century, Manuc Bei. The architecture of the building was inspired by that of the medieval European castles with towers capped with pyramidal roofs, and decorative arrows on the top. The manor includes two buildings: the Old Palace (middle of the XIX century) and the Hunt Castle (1881).

1891 ( 36 ) , XIX . : ( XIX ) (1881.).

Oraul Soroca Domnitorul tefan cel Mare a construit, n anul 1499, pe locul fortreei genoveze Olihionia (Alciona), o cetate de lemn de form ptrat, care a devenit parte a sistemului de aprare al Moldovei. n perioada 1543-1546, n locul cetii de lemn a fost ridicat una de piatr. Valoarea istoric inestimabil a Cetii Soroca const n faptul c ea s-a pstrat pn n zilele noastre aa cum a fost creat de meterii din Evul Mediu.

Soroca Town Prince Stephen the Great built in 1499, on the place of the Genoese fortress Olihionia (Alciona), a square wooden fortress. The fortress became part of Moldovas defense system. Between 1543-1546, instead of the wooden fortress was built one in stone. The priceless historical value of Soroca Fortress lies in the fact that it is preserved until nowadays the way it was created by Middle Ages craftsmen.

1499 . . 1543 - 1546 . , , .


Satul Donici La circa 30 km de oraul Orhei (40 km nord de Chiinu), ntr-o zon pitoreasc de codru se gsete satul Donici (n trecut Bezeni), unde s-a nscut marele fabulist moldovean Alexandru Donici, clasic al literaturii romne. Din 1976 n conacul familiei Donici funcioneaz un muzeu, n care sunt expuse piese ce reflect viaa i activitatea fabulistului. Casa este amplasat n mijlocul unui mic parc, iar n preajm se gsete mica bisericu stilizat a familiei Donici.

Donici Village


At about 30 km from town Orhei (40 km north of Chisinau), in a picturesque forest area is located the village Donici (formerly Bezen), where Alexandru Donici, the great Moldovan fabulist, a classic of Romanian literature was born. In 1976 the family mansion museum Donici is open, exhibiting works to reflect the life and work of the fabulist. The house is located in the middle of a small square, and there is a small stylized church of the Donici family in the area.

C 30 ( 40 ) ( ), , . 1976 , , . , .


Satul Zaim Casa a fost construit de preotul Mihail Mateevici. Aici, familia Mateevici a locuit ntre anii 1893 i 1907. Vizitatorii pot admira, n cele ase sli ale muzeului, o mare varietate de piese originale. Patrimoniul de baz i cel de rezerv numr peste 7000 de uniti, inclusiv 7 lucrri de pictur, 4 de sculptur, 132 de obiecte de uz casnic, 510 fotografii, peste 100 de documente, literatur de epoc i o colecie cu peste 400 de materiale de publicistic etc.


Zaim Village The house was built by the priest Mihail Mateevici. Here, Mateevici family lived between 1893 and 1907. Visitors can admire the six halls of the museum, a great variety of original creations. The core heritage and the reserve part number over 7,000 exhibits, including 7 paintings, 4 sculptures, 132 household items, 510 photos, over 100 documents, more than 4000 epoch literature and a collection of publishable materials etc.

. 1883 1907 . , . 7000 7, 4, 12, 510, 100, 400 .

Municipiul Chiinu


La galeria C. Brncui i expun lucrrile sale artiti plastici din Moldova i din rile strine. Amatorii i colecionarii obiectelor de art viziteaz galerii locale de art, admirnd exponatele i completnd propriile colecii. Colecionarii strini tot mai des viziteaz Moldova pentru tablouri ale pictorilor moldoveni talentai - tablouri care nu sunt scumpe, dar care corespund pe deplin celor mai exigente cerine. Oricare tablou poate deveni un suvenir sau un cadou plcut.

Chisinau Municipality


Moldovan and foreigh artists present their achievement at the gallery C. Brancusi. The collectors and amateurs of art visit local galleries, admire the exhibits and fill up their own collections. Foreign collectors visit the Republic of Moldova very often for paintings of talented Moldovan painters - which are not very expensive, but corresponds to the highest requirements. Every picture can be a nice souvenir or gift for your relatives.

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Republica Moldova
Este o ar mic, cu populaie dens. E situat n Sud-Estul Europei. Suprafaa - 33,8 mii km2. La nord, la est i la sud se nvecineaz cu Ucraina, iar la vest - cu Romnia. Teritoriul R. Moldova are o ntindere de la nord la sud de 350 de km, iar de la vest la est - 150 km. Populaia - circa 3,5 milioane de oameni. Capitala - Chiinu, (peste 800 mii de locuitori.) Valuta naional - leul (1 dolar SUA - aproximativ 11 lei), 1 leu este echivalent cu 100 de bani (monede). Limba de stat - moldoveneasca (romn). Limba de comunicare dintre reprezentanii etniilor - rusa, n unele regiuni - gguza, ucraineana, bulgara. Zona-Internet - .md; Codul telefonic - 373; Religia - 98,5% din populaie sunt cretiniortodoci. Republica Moldova i-a proclamat independena la 27 august 1991.

The Republic of Moldova

Is a small, densely populated country in South- Eastern Europe. The area - 33.8 thousand km2 Moldova neighbors Ukraine to the north, east and south, and Romania to the west. Moldovas territory is 350 km long from the north to the south and 150 km from the west to the east. Population - about 3.5 mln. people Capital Chisinau, (over 800 thousand residents.) National currency - Leu (1 USD = about 11 MDL), 1 leu equals to 100 bani (coins). The state language - Moldovan (Romanian), the inter-ethnic language of communication - Russian, in some regions Gagauzian, Ukrainian, Bulgarian . Internet zone - .md Telephone code - 373 Religion - Orthodoxy - 98.5% of population. The Republic of Moldova proclaimed its independence on August 27, 1991.

, - . - 33.8 .2. , , . 350 - 150 . - 3,5 . - , 800 . - (1 - 11 ), 1 100 (). - ( ), - , - , , ). - - .md - 373 : - 98,5% . 27 1991 .

Turism Cultural = Tourism Cultural = / Agenia Turismului. Ch. : S. n., 2011 (Tipografia-Sirius SRL). 32 p. Tit., text paral.: lb. rom., engl., rus. 2000 ex. ISBN 978-9975-57-001-5. 338.48 T 95 ________________________________________________________________ Agenia Turismului a Republicii Moldova, 2011 Fotografii i concepia grafic Grigorii & Alexandr Kornienko Traducerea Diana Croitoru, Valentina Popa

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