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Front - Nassau Street Magistrate Court Building 24th July, 2013

The song writer says: Dog dont bark at park Car. The fevor that I had when I started the Save Clifton campaign in February 1998, was re-awakened in January of this year when Prime Minister Christie internationally gave credence to an outright lie by self-described white foreign outsider, Louis Bacon, that he led our 1998 grassroot movement that is credited for 2 things: FIRST, it established the foundation upon which the PLP gained the government in 2002; and SECOND, it led to the promulgation of the Clifton Heritage Authority Act in 2004 by whichthe 208.41 acres of land making up the Clifton

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Heritage, was saved by way of a statutory trust for the benefit of BAHAMIANS. As I had accomplished during the 2012 general election campaign period throughmy organization, Renegotiate.Org which is dedicated to exposing the truth by way of public commentary,in February of this year, I launched Saving Clifton Heritage Again to ensure that the Government never believe that it would ever be allowed to go back on its word, especially when it was given by way of statute to OUR PEOPLE. The success of our efforts has compelled Bacon to come out of his HOLE andadmit that as far back as 1998, he wanted to buy our beloved Clifton. With his heritage having links to the nefarious Klu Klux Klan, no doubt, he was geared toward re-writing our historyand keeping our people from utilizing what belongs solely to US.

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His so-called Coalition to Protect Clifton Bay has now fallen apart. Again, our strategy has led to the newly appointed 2012 Chairman of the Clifton Heritage Authority resigning after we exposed his and the Authoritys improper involvement with Bacons Coalition. That set up was designed to sneak the purchase of coastland of our Clifton Heritage so as to extend the Lyford Cay gated community and block us from the coast and the Bay of Clifton itself. That said, I must give CREDIT to that former Chairman, who, after realizing that he had been DUPED by Bacon, did the honourable thing and resigned his Chairmanship. Our successful initiative that led to the repair of the dock at Jaws Beach and the clearing of debris and sand from our boating ramp that Lyford Cay Property Owners Association had covered up with more than 10 feet of sand, left Bacons Coalition and his lead lap-dog, Fred Smith, so punch drunk that they are making fools of themselves maliciously abusing the process of the Court for the sake of public

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They now trying to change their name to Save the

Bays;laughable. In so doing, Fred Smith, employing a dangerous tactic of provoking young black men engaged in positive activity, knocked down and seriously injured a whole human and has seemingly gotten away with it. In the meantime, Fred Smiths baseless and secret complaint to those in VERY HIGH OFFICE, led to the police being compelled to bring criminal charges against me in respect of which I believe, in my heart, I will be vindicated from. In my current ordeal, I do not hold any ill will toward the police. As a person in political life, I know too-well that there are many with power who havemastered the ability to bully the police in using them to achieve selfish objectives.And these powerful operatives are so coldhearted, that they do not care that they maybe scarring innocent lives.

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In fact, they put out malicious rumors aimed at doing just that. Latest is that I was locked up in a cell for the whole of this past weekend because I beat my wife. I guess this was all designed to stop me from championing this 2013 cause; a continuation of the 1998 cause which, amazingly has recently been called;foolishnessby a person who has personally benefitted from the movement and on my back and the backs of our people. WELL, THINK AGAIN!!! I will not back down! I will not alter my course! I will not retreat! Im going all theway!!

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