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Layout Planning Models, Algorithms l h and d computerized d Layout Planning

1. Tompikins et al., Facility Planning, 3rd edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Singapore,2003. i 2003 2. Richard L.Francis et al., Facility Layout and Location: an analytical
d edition, approch, h 2nd diti P Prentice ti H ll of Hall f India I di Ltd., Ltd 2002. 2002

3. Dr-Ing. Daniel Kitaw, Industrial Management and Engineering Economy


The generation of layout alternatives is a critical step i the in th facilities f iliti planning l i process, since i th layout the l t selected will serve to establish the physical relationships between activities.


Which comes first, the material handling system or the facility layout? Centralized versus decentralized storage of work i process(WIP), in (WIP) tooling, t li and d supplies li Fixed path versus variable path handling The degree of automation used in handling The type of level of inventory control, control physical control, and computer control of materials.

Layout procedures
A number of different procedures have been developed t aid to id the th facilities f iliti planner l i designing in d i i layouts. l t Construction type Improvement type


Apples plant layout procedure

P Procure th basic the b si data d t Analyze the basic data Design the productive process Plan the material flow pattern Consider the h dli plan handling l general material Determine storage requirements Plan service activities and auxiliary

Determine space requirements Allocate activities to total space Consider building type Construct master layout Evaluate, , adjust, j , and check the layout with appropriate persons Obtain approvals Install the layout Follow up on implementation of the layout. 4-5

Calculate equipment requirement Plan individual nd v dual workstat workstations ons Select specific material handling equipment Coordinate C din t operations groups ps of f related l t d

Design activity interrelationships

Reeds plant layout procedure

Analyze the product or products to be produced Determine the process required to manufacture the product Prepare layout planning charts Determine workstations Analyze l storage area requirements Establish minimum aisle widths Establish E t bli h office ffi requirement i t Consider personnel facilities and services Survey plant services Provide for future expansion

Layout planning chart is the most important single phase of the entire layout process, it incorporates the f ll i following: Flow process, including operations, transportation, storage and d inspection i i Standard time for each operation Machine selection and balance Material handling equipment


Layout planning chart


Systematic Layout Planning(SLP) procedure

Systematic Layout Planning (SLP) methodology was developed by Richard Muther. Muther The framework is uses activity y relationship p diagram g as a foundation activity.


SLP contd
Based on the input data and an understanding of the roles and relationships l ti hi b t between activities, ti iti a

material flow analysis(from-to-chart ) and an activity relationship analysis(activity relationship chart) are
performed. y performed, p , analysis relationship diagram is developed. the a


SLP procedure

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The relationship diagram positions activities spatially. p y Proximities are typically used to reflect th the relationship l ti shi b t between pairs i s of f activities.

Activity relationship chart

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Relationship diagram

Space relationship diagram

Alternative block layouts

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Algorithmic approaches
Algorithmic approach is a formal procedure that can h l the help th layout l t analyst l t to t develop d l or improve i a layout, l t and it provide objective criteria to facilitate the evaluation of various layout alternatives that emerge i the in th process. ss

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Algorithm classification
Most layout algorithms al orithms can be classified according accordin to the type of input data they requires. Qualitative flow data(such as relationship chart) Quantitative flow data(such as flow matrix

expressed as a from-to-chart) from to chart) Some m algorithms g m accepts p both relationship p chart and from-to-chart
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Layout algorithms can also be classified according to their objective functions. Minimizing the sum of flows times distances Maximizing an adjacency score

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Distance based objective

m = the number of departments fij = the flow from department i to department j(unit load/unit time) cij = the h cost of f moving a unit load l d one distance d unit from department i to j dij = the th distance di t f from d department t t i to t j
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Adjacency based objective

m = the number of departments fij = the flow from department i to department j(unit load/unit time) xij = the h adjacent d of f department d i and d j in the h layout l The adjacency score is helpful in comparing two or more alternative lt ti layouts l t
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According to the primary functions layout algorithms can be classified as: Improvement p type: yp start with an initial layout y and seek to improve the objective function through i incremental t l change. h Construction type: develop a layout from scratch
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Modeling techniques/methods The overall modeling techniques and/or methods used in various layout algorithms;
Pairwise P i i exchange h method th d A graph based method CRAFT BLOCPLAN MIP LOGIC MULTIPLE
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Graph-based method The graph-based method is a constructiontype layout algorithm. algorithm objective Uses the adjacency based objective.

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Graph-based method-Considerations
The adjacency score does not account for distance, distance nor does it account for relationships other than those between adjacent departments. Dimensional specifications of departments are not considered; the length of common boundaries between adjacent department are also not considered. The arcs do not intersect; this property of graphs is called planarity. The score is very sensitive to the assignment of numerical weights in the relationship chart.
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Graph-based method Consider a company want to develop layout for its new five departments p of equal q sizes.

0 9 8
12 10 13 20

2 3

9 12

7 13

8 0

10 20

2 0

0 2

Relationship chart

Relationship diagram

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Graph-based method Procedure

Step 1: from the relationship chart select a department pair with the largest weight. weight

9 2

10 13 20



0 2

Departments 3 and 4 are selected to enter the graph.

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Graph-based method Procedure

Step 2: Select the third department to enter, the third department is selected based on the sum of the weights with respect to departments 3 and 4.
3 1 2 5 8 12 0 4 10 13 2 Total 18 25(best) 2
20 12


D Department t t 2 is i chosen h with ith a value l of f 25. 25

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Graph-based method Procedure

Step 3: Pick the fourth department to enter by evaluating the value of adding one of the unassigned departments represented by a node graph p on a face of the g 2
2 1 9 5 7 3 8 0 4 10 2 Total 27(Best) 9
8 12 9 13

10 20

Department 1 is chosen with a value of 27.

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Graph-based method Procedure

Step 4: Determine on which face to insert the last department. department 2
1 5 0
Faces 1-2-3 1-2-4 1-3-4 2-3-4

2 7

3 0
Total 7 9(best) 2 9(best)

4 2
12 7 9 13



2 10 20
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Graph-based method Procedure

Step 5: Construct a corresponding block layout.

12 8 9 7


0 2


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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

Introduced in 1963 by Armour, Buffa, and Vollman. CRAFT is a tool used to help improve the existing layout of the facilities. The facility f cilit is improved impr ved by b switching s itchin two t or r three departments to help arrange the facility in an optimal floor plan. plan

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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

This procedure requires the following inputs: o From-To Chart, o Cost Matrix, o Distances ( (determined for a g given layout) y ) and an Initial layout. Craft is used when the number of departments is so large that the computation by hand would be very intensive and make the improvement not worth the time for many companies.
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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

The major features of CRAFT are: o Attempts to minimize transportation cost,

T Transportation i cost=flow*distance*unit fl *di * i cost

o CRAFT is a path-oriented method, the final layout is dependent on the initial layout. o Requires q an assumption p that: i. Move costs are independent of the equipment utilization and

ii. Move costs are linearly related to the length of 4 - 30 the move

Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

CRAFT requirements: i t o Initial layout o Flow data o Cost per unit distance o Total number of departments o Fixed F d departments d and d their h l location o Area of departments
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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

The Th procedures d adopted d t d for f using i CRAFT are: o Determine department centroids. o Calculate rectilinear distance between centroids. o Calculate transportation cost for the layout. layout o Consider department exchanges of either equal area departments or of departments sharing a common boarder.

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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

o D Determine t i transportation t t ti cost t of f each h departmental d t t l interchange. o Select l and d implement l the h departmental d l interchange h that offers the greatest reduction in transportation cost. cost o Repeat the procedure for the new layout until no int interchange h n is able bl to t reduce d th t the transportation nsp t ti n cost.

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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

Major M j disadvantages di d t of f using i CRAFT o Because the basis is the cost of material handling, only l production d d departments are considered. d d No N service departments are considered. o An initial idea of the layout is required. Therefore the technique is only applies to the modification of an n existing xistin layout. l t o The distances between the departments is taken as straight t i ht lines li whereas h i practice in ti movement t is i usually rectangular along ortagonal lines.

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Computerized Relative Allocation of Facility Technique(CRAFT)

Example: consider the following layout problem with unit cost matrix. Use Craft algorithm to obtain layout. The initial layout and the flow matrix is shown below

Initial layout

Flow matrix
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COmputerized RElationship LAyout Planning (CORELAP) D Developed l d for f main i frame f computers t Adjacencybased method o CORELAP uses A=4, A=4 E=3, E=3 I=2, I=2 O=1, O=1 U=0 and X=1 values Selection of the departments p to enter the layout y is based on Total Closeness Rating. Total Closeness Rating (TCR) for a department is the sum of f the h numerical l values l assigned d to the h closeness l relationships between the department and all other departments departments.
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COmputerized RElationship LAyout Planning (CORELAP) Department D t t selection l ti 1. The first department placed in the layout is the one with the greatest TCR value. value If there is a tie, tie then choose the one with more As (Es, etc.). 2. If a department p has an X relationship p with the first one, it is placed last in the layout. If a tie exists, choose the one with the smallest TCR value. 3. The h second d department d is the h one with h an A relationship with the first one (or E, I, etc.). If a tie exists choose the one with the greatest TCR value. exists, value
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COmputerized RElationship LAyout Planning (CORELAP) 4 If a department 4. d t t has h an X relationship l ti hi with ith the th second d one, it is placed nexttothelast or last in the layout. If a tie exists, exists choose the one with the smallest TCR value. 5. The third department p is the one with most A ( (E, , I, , etc.) relationships with the already placed departments. If a tie exists, choose the one with the greatest TCR value. l 6. The procedure continues until all departments have been placed. placed
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COmputerized RElationship LAyout Planning (CORELAP) D Department t t placement l t Placing rating(PR) is the sum of the weighted closeness ratings between b the h department d to enter the h layout l and its neighbors. , where k-{departments already placed}

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COmputerized RElationship LAyout Planning (CORELAP) Th The placement l t of f departments d t t is i based b d on the th following steps: 1 The 1. h first f d department selected l d is placed l d in the h middle. 2. The placement of a department is determined by evaluating PR for all possible locations around the current nt layout l t in counterclockwise nt l k is order d beginning b innin at the western edge. 3 The 3. Th new department d t t is i located l t d based b d on the th greatest PR value.

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ALDEP Procedure Department selection o Randomly selects the first department o Out of those departments which have A A relationship with the first one (or E, I, etc. min level of importance is determined by the user) it selects randomly the second department. o If no such department exists it selects the second one n completely c mpl t l randomly r nd ml o The selection procedure is repeated until all the departments are selected
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Department placement Starts from upper left corner and extends it downward Vertical sweep pattern Sweep width is determined by the user Adjacencybased evaluation If minimum requirements met, met it prints out the layout and the scores Repeats p the p procedure (m (max 20 layouts y per run) p ) User evaluation
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