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Norwegian Forest Cats

Norwegian forest cats, also known as wegies (wee-jees), are a very hardy, sociable, and trustable breed. Because of their characteristics they have been made a very popular breed in North America and it homeland Europe since it has been domesticated


Breed Origins
The ancestors the Norwegian Forest Cat started in Europe Where this type of breed was kept by farmers to kill of mice. By1930 groups of breeders in Germany tried to preserve this cat into a national breed. In 1938 the Norwegian Forest Cat was planned to be at the cat exhibit in Oslo, but was interrupted by War World I. After the war, the groups of breeders tried hard again to preserve this breed once more in the 1950s. They were successful when Elgilt and Else Nylad bred the famous role model for Norwegian Forest Cat, the Dans Truls. Not long after, the breed was accepted by the Federation of International Feline (Fife) in France. By popularity, King Olaf made this cat the official cat of Norway. In 1979 the first Norwegian Forest cat was introduced in the North America and was accepted by The International Cat Association (TICA)

This cat would weigh to 7-20lbs. and is very hardy, although there had been several cases in which this breed has received the genetic illness GSD IV, a disease when the body cant produce enough sufficient energy. Shone on the diagram below the gene for GSD IV is usually recessive and only a few are infected

Parent 1

Parent 2

A a

A a

Kitten 1

Kitten 2

Kitten 3

Kitten 4





This cat has a huge heavy double layered coat that has to be brushed often especially once in the fall and in the summer when it sheds. It also is very energetic making this a playful cat not to be mistaken for a lap cat Ear tufts
Not necessary to have but breeders and pet owners prefered this

Double layered coat

Has a very heavy Surrounding coat that Needs to be brushed daily

Toe Tufting
The toes are covered In huge amounts of fur

The tail is the same length as the body

This cat has been made well known throughout the North America for its history and for its health which is why it is such a popular breed. Frith-Macdonald, Candida.CATS2009. pp.64-63 pageID=CBD&breedPage=norforca.html http://www.Ntcbc

(Above) a black smoke tabby pelt one of the most common

Norwegian Forest Cats

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