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Professor Schleiden


the moon.
from Gustav Theodor Fechner Leipzig Adolf Gumprecht 1856

Content. First part. I. pursuit and success. II Schleiden and the plant soul. III. The teleology. IV . nature as the symbol of the spirit. Second part. V. Schleiden and the moon. VI. Influence of the moon on the weather. VII more general and more special about the weather influence of the moon. VIII influence of the moon on earthquakes and geomagnetism. IX. The Od. X. Influence of the moon on the organic life on earth. XI. Atmosphere and habitability of the moon. XII. Conclusion. XIII. Additives on the influence of the moon on the weather. I. pursuit and success. (Ecclesiastes Sal 9, 11) In Scripture, "Nanna, or about the inner life of the plant in 1848," I have endeavored to show that the plants have a soul; actually show? No, because a soul can not be shown, but to create a belief and justified.

But the soul of a plant as well as a matter of faith, the soul of a worm when the soul of a bird, as my brother's soul as a soul. Beyond and as God himself, no less and no more Under my soul, I did not understand the explicit declaration of a soul in the sense that some souls take, etc as an abstract point of unity bodily life, as life force, but a soul that feels, in the ordinary, through examples and otherwise I explained the literal sense of sensation. The plant soul should a soul be of lower level of independence and individuality while as our own, and even as the animal soul, but nevertheless still a being as our and the animal soul, like these only himself appearing and other souls over only the external appearance body of a bidder, except that a higher spirit that God above all about what goes on in these souls, just as immediately knew they also live in it, and move, and stand, and he in them, as we so often by our souls say, without, however, ever believe it. A soul should be the plant soul, like a newborn child's soul, but without the development of children's ability soul, not thinking, not vorblickend, not remembering, no outside world Facing, just live with the moments in a flow and exchange of sensual feeling and instinct , and how her body was bathed in light and air and dew, enjoying the bath, any one else on their position relative to other species and other nature. I have tried to make the existence of the plant soul in this sense believable from viewpoints of similarity of the relationship, the makeup, the Stufenbaues, expediency, on the basis of experiential facts and reasonable demands, have the opposite reasons that the plants no nerves, no arbitrary movement, no central organ, no circulation have, that not a soul level for the plant is left, etc, together with diligence and consideration, have tried to make the truth or is more likely than the view of their beauty and edification in the light, I am the History of the Question investigated. In short, I have to take the subject of so many pages and wanted to treat as he ever has.I have worked myself half dead in a word, so that the plants soul to live. This is my ambition, and success? - Quite frankly I will report on how well the unfavorable result for me is and what consequences for my view one may also consider it. Almost unanimous approval has the same found in the women's world, both orally and in writing, of known and unknown to me the evidence is to become, as it had met the soul of the delicate creatures as loud sisters.Almost equally unanimous rejection she has found among the naturalists and philosophers of trade; orally and in writing, of known and unknown to me the evidence to have become, as it had met the poor soul as no soul.Probably some girls, some women saw the flowers, since a soul you looked forward to it, even with soulful eyes, and almost afraid to break it, it was also only a short time. The philosophers but wanted to grab the soul with the terms and naturalists with his hands, before hiding the soul, and they said, There is nothing. Not a lady wot I who read the book, and have read many who had declared against the plant soul, not a scientist or a philosopher by profession, has read the book or did not

read - and many disapprove of his reasons, without knowing it - which would have opted for it declares, most but decided against it. Or they were just a speck, a note, a word, a nothingness which are, indeed, the greatest praise what has become of some of my work, they take off like a seal, also meant the greatest rebuke that could meet them, their idea is a fiction. And then finally the main fruit that my writing entered me at the same time the symbol of their success, a crooked grown carrots that an unknown lady from Altenburg few days ago sent me from her garden, a sign of the interest they took in the Scriptures. The carrot had been able through a tough tree roots do not penetrate, and zwiespaltig wrapped in strange curving right and left of it, but can not thrive. I also have me in an effort to root with my idea, wrapped in vain on all sides to easily penetrate the tough resistance or to get around and can not thrive on it. And as the carrot in my closet, my book will remain as a strange oddity in the barrier are the literature. This is the end of the song of the soul plants. In fact, if you already do not wont to make even high a preacher in town, the only stirred the hearts of the ladies, he is determined to stir with, the judgment at the outset seems to talk about a natural preacher, the merely the Ladies listen, if only before the tribunal of men serious science is the subject of the sermon after his serious side, and only slightly touches the corrupt interests of the Ladies of aesthetic and cozy side. Especially when considering the means of success with them into consideration. Has the vain creature that Nanna, not intentionally cleaned with mild to tinsel and colored ribbons. But the first strong gust of wind ruffled such a state, the first penetrating rain washes it from the color of the first sharp ray of sunshine makes them grow pale. And finally has the vain fool but once out of the dressing room into the open. It was inevitable, and what is their recently met there. She runs a, with whom she has met more often in women's rooms for some time, finely done in the way he just wants to go back to a company of ladies, but as always with boots and spurs. Now she is gone before times once at the earnest man without proving him the proper respect, and einzutrnken to her's, he joined with his good boots in a puddle on the road, splashed it over and over and rips her with his spurs all fringe so much for the dress, and holes in the dress. The poor thing! Now they will not even more, yes even in any good society can be seen from more ladies. How bad after all 'which seems to be the matter of the plant soul, it is but natural that an author of an idea to its development et 25 signatures needed what he has set an age, preisgiebt not as fast as those they give so easily lost because it costs them nothing, or eagerly throw away, because throwing away still costs less, but saves the cost of care and the large drawing of the young idea. If you have yet had enough to do with plant bodies and souls of men, why even with so unnatural hybrid things as plant souls, deal, so it is their care easy going, it suffocate the little monster equal in birth is best. But for the author, the matter presents itself differently. He does not have a year lived in vain, not in vain, and finally written 25 arc not so thoroughly fooled themselves. So there must be a plant soul, and there must be reasons that there is one,

and it is folly of mind when he can not find it. The author thus defends itself with considerations as follows: What does no understanding of the understanding, which seeth in singleness of a childish nature, but the women have a much kindlicheres emotional than men, so they are also probably in the right this time around more than men in their wisdom in their childlike simplicity, and some Men thoughtful mind have indeed found yourself but also raised the idea of the plant soul. Nowhere body and soul marry beautiful than in women, and they have nothing better judgment than marriages, so they are also the most correct judgment about the marriage of body and soul with the flowers, especially since they are so similar to this myself she vividly before her window, who are in their garden, they douse and maintain them at most once and pluck the leaves when it is the question of her own marriage. While the philosophers are made almost entirely of spirit, concept, naturalists almost entirely made up of body and knife, and by each of them understood the whole of body and soul to his parts and both are rip it, rip it, which then of course those only disembodied notion that only the soulless body remains in the hands. You can even take this question to the philosophers and naturalists, it does well. Basically, the plant soul belongs to the class of schemes or ghosts, to see ghosts, one must be a Sunday child, especially as the plant souls, who are ghosts of the sunny day. You are however, as on 19 Born April 1801 by 2 clock, a Sunday child of the sunniest hour of the day. So if the naturalists and philosophers can not see anything of the plant soul, it follows just simply that they are not Sonntagskinder and blind in broad daylight, and no birth certificate to prove me wrong. The old women have always been for the existence of spirits, they believe, had the unerring experience prove that they have seen them, and so of course also have the philosopher and naturalist for the non-existence of spirits, which they do not believe the experience infallible proof that they have not seen those, but it's the same old women proof. With the scientific evidence so you can be more ready, especially if you learn how Pyrrhic victory of the Romans. The philosophers prove the non-existence of the plant soul of the terms, you beweisest your hand, the existence of the plant soul from the concept, and lives the plants soul today in philosophy, as they may so hope rather tomorrow to live in it, for finally must Everything but once it is their turn. You've got shouted philosophy from all sides: "Good night!" So it is hoped that soon again: "good morning" will call, in the night I will now let the moon shine, and after the philosophy rested and his eyes have rubbed it is turned over to the notion of a nonexisting plant soul, through self-overcoming the contrary, among other overnight into the opposite folded terms of her bed stand and see the offer you good morning, and then the day of the new philosophy, the evening and the morning. What the scientist is concerned, do it will only be important to show the soul somewhere as nucleoli in a cell. And hopefully by, yes, progressive daily improvement of microscopes still succeed. Does not succeed in increasing their strength tenfold, it will succeed in hundreds or thousands of times. Finally, of course, we must succeed once, otherwise you can of course not a scientist believe in the soul

plants. But it will succeed. In general, all progress depends on our general world views on the improvement of microscopes, and that the doctrine of the soul must be based on the cell theory, already proved by the fact that the name of soul is based on the name cell. Because you can only be in doubt after the results of modern natural science whether soul as a secretion of the cells their name by contraction of the words secretion and cell, or as a resulting appearance of Zellenbaues and cell life by merely weakening the strong word cell. The Language Instinct is quite wonderful, and the instinct of modern natural research even more wonderful. Meanwhile, I find it just a way I once someone without a telescope the position of no longer visible because of its distance map could clearly show an Other, and make use of it, even without a microscope the naturalist, if not the plant soul itself, but the place where she sits to show. Times before I was even on the Rigi; under the company where the assembled strangers there was also a lieutenant and a Berlin Berlin Schneider, and the last is always kept as much as possible to the first one. There is Bern! it said. Where? asked the tailor, where, said the lieutenant, where the black dot is. - I see no black dot. - But they see only right way, sharper, and more sharply! - I do not see him. - That's right, just there, where they can not see the black point is Bern! That's right, just there where you do not see the soul is the soul. With these considerations, the author how he can help. After all, many things remain bad for him. He can not hide how serious it is for him that for now he merely the childish simplicity and ingenious minds, not the men of reason and experience but on his side, that he was only after a must philosophical future and improving microscopes wait with it, and defend themselves with the sword against a Prussian lieutenant philosopher and naturalist.And if it would apply merely their attack to stand alone, but now the greatest naturalist and philosopher, the souls of the plants expelled as unclean spirits in one person, Everything is out, and it only remains a winner wreath from the soulless flowers to put on his head, at least have it as the safest that they do not come back the souls. What a pity! flowers and a soul is something so graceful, and I had so seemingly reasons. Yes, last Christmas, I thought at once in person to see what I've seen so long in thought. It was a friendly home, only there was song and sound, and then the doors open and on the table is the house's daughter, beautiful and slim, as a Christmas tree, surrounded by green branches, calm, silent, out looking with holdseligem smile from the green, bright lights and beautiful gifts on the branches, and on her head a crown of red-gold - a basket, it was the most beautiful in it - supporting. Any and all hurry over and reached for what he granted to rush such as butterflies, bees, beetles out there for real flowers tree, and each according to his arrived, however, laughs at the flowers gracious soul. A gift alone, with a glass of sweet fruit was broken, and that was my gift. For crooked carrot a broken glass! That was a fruit for me from the green tree, which remained as a reality of my dream.

Even worse than the idea of plant soul is gone up with another idea I three years later in a greater font, Zend Avesta 1) have developed the idea that the earth, so that all the world body a soul have. After I had so many things in vain to put the idea of the plant soul, I thought with this new idea of having to increase the use and so of course, only increased the loss. Although, as I had alluded to such an idea before auditioning times 2) , we found them very amusing: but the seriousness of the idea met the serious and this was the contradiction and even more lack of respect and noncompliance.

Zend-Avesta, or about the things of heaven and the afterlife from the point of view of nature. Leipzig, Voss. In 1851.

2) Comparative Anatomy of Angels by Dr. Mises. Leipzig, Baumgrtner. In 1825.

Well, the idea was great and serious at the same time. Not shall 'there is more to a simple soul like that of plants, act, no longer a small neighbor soul of the human soul, but rather a highly exalted, highly conscious that carries the consciousness of all people self-contained and linked uniformly by all in white one, thinks, feels, what people know in particular, think, feel, and everything also to the relations between all 'the white, a soul which includes beyond all human souls, all plant and animal souls, and contains about the low life of this world of human souls in their higher life beyond itself, as in our little soul to the lower conception of life, a higher life memories, still worn by the same body, built himself. Thus, the earth, the spirit and the body of a heavenly being, our this world should be both bound with only lower our afterlife in a higher sense, treasure in heaven and carry, and with all the other stars on both sides in the bond of divine unity and devoured. The human eye does not hear what the ear, the ear of man can not see what the eye can see, each one closes on itself in its sphere and enters the other independently over, no one knows anything of the other, none of the whole spirit of humans. But over the eye and the ear floats a higher spirit that the sensations on Aug both 'white and ears. So hears and sees and feels and thinks a man is not what the other, each one closes on itself in its sphere and another joins the opposite independently, no one knows just some of the other spirit, nor by a higher spirit, but floats a over all such people, who also knows all 'their feelings, feeling, thinking, motivation, knowledge, and the human spirit hovers over lower senses, the spirit of the earth over the spirits of men, the Spirit of God upon the spirits of all stars. Of course, there were at such 'himmelanstrebendem construction much more to do than when I first put in the plant soul, the first stone to the earth. What I have not toiled back. I went into the depth, width, height, up, down, in all directions, right, left, zigzag, from the center to the periphery, from the periphery to the center, I have panting brought supported the stones rolled, how many remained are half-way, how many are rolled down, because I thought they already on the height.

In vain I looked around for help. The philosophers and theologians did not want to build with me from the earth to heaven, but only from the sky to the earth, though always of the new building were to cloudy water if they touched the earth, but for that very reason, it was always new to build, and always new clouds piled up and melted away. Naturalists, however, before Are flood that threatened to trembling, now turn all hands were full trying to build a new Noah's Ark to einzustallen all animals and plants into it, so they do not want to sink to in that flood, and so I was all alone at work, alone, under the eaves of above and below the scorn of the carpenters from below. For because I did not build for earthly creatures, and not timbered with the same ax and saw, as all in the hands had - how could I, because it was an ark for the angels - as they mocked the work. As with the plant soul, only with higher Aufblick and further allround view, presents' I care again all the reasons together, the doctrine of the soul of the heavenly bodies built through which, the reasons for the similarity of the relationship, the makeup, etc, again went to all Reasons against a, where is the base and counterargument, which I did not come. After I followed all of the individuals being considered, I seek to show how this doctrine edifying enters it in the whole world view in an edifying, picking at a higher view of the world to enter sounds into a harmonious world view. How glorious ranks the spirit world away, how high exalted their construction, how far is expanding its horizons, such as the growing wealth, the wealth is growing! Not further convert only some high Geistesfnkchen by a dead dark world as spark run individually through the tinder, the spirit breaks out in big bright sun and radiates through all the heavens and the gods of Greece begin again revive, and the angel flying shining through the spaces;'s are gods or angels? much the same, the world is filled with high beings who are carriers and agents are the Supreme Beings of our God. "The spirit of the earth is the node through which we are all involved in God? Would it be better if we loose in it zerflatterten He is the fist in which we summarize God, it would be better if he opened them and us scattered? It is the branch that carries us as leaves in God's tree, it would be better if we fell off of this branch? Or would it be better if those nodes, instead of being a self lively band, a dead knitting when that fist froze when that branch withered? " - (Zend-Avesta.) And in the spirit of the earth there's a high point and light point, causing it to ghost associated with God, a light node highest and last conscious relationship with God, which was linked in this world, to link everything in the hereafter and the hereafter. I saw it all so bright and clear, and all should all see with me, I took the people at the hands of skirts, she was with me, and called it in their ears what they should see, and sang it to them before, sought to force open their eyes image heaped on pictures, did all that was in my power, did much for me. And the result? "Paule, thou art beside thyself and you're not even Paul."

The idea of the animation of the stars has been found neither in women nor natural scientists, philosophers still appeal? With whom? I almost think Nobody at. Have at most a few young people assured me its partial approval, and that's saying at the high wisdom of today's youth something. But the boys will also get old, and since the young wisdom is lost. Even some of the older ones though, which I gave the book or borrowed, or borrowed it from those to whom I gave it, have some proof "encouraged" by his ideas, probably even "addressed" found, but of the excitation and response to for faith it is still far! However, the main fate of what it has learned was: You did not read it. Poor Voss! Zend-Avesta 1000 copies printed and not sold 200! And the few probably only because you only thought it was a novel way to Nanna. But a heavy world body soul can not behave as light and graceful as a slender delicate floral soul. This one was soon aware. Now the world body souls beware of the store, and the Infusorienkrper, their neighbors in the store, they look askance at, and if they need space, sometimes exaggerating in other stores. And where the book is in a repository, as it stands, and still looks anywhere as clean and has no scissors with blunt cutting. And even picks a naturalist blindly followed, and then sees it is the Zend-Avesta, the doctrine of the soul of the stars, as he puts it right back out with their own eyes! "Plant soul, world body soul, fool soul If only he had remained to his last, he was on better ways, there must be something left over from his illness. " Among primitive peoples, although the belief in God spirituality of the stars is obvious. But we are on the raw nature beyond belief. The whole pagan religions have in their output and peaks. But we are just no longer Gentiles like to have behind us, itself part of our education. Even the Bible confused angel and stars, but it just confuses them only, we know today that there are no other angels, as love pretty girls and little children.Although the earth is our mother, but why can not also derived from a stone man? We still depend on her as her limbs, the whole spirit of humanity lives in her, but why can not the spirit of humanity do not live in a lump?The dead mother living children, the, dead body with living members, the sky a Hauf and drive dryer balls Geistertreppe from a tiny and an infinite level, the Spirit of God beyond all the world, are now once an irrefutable dogma of philosophy of natural science, theology, the schoolroom, the spinning room, the nursery has become the first, because the last, the last, because the first, a tight closed circle of knowledge, always complemented anew from within itself. Yes, a fool who breaks through and out of the room because of the wisdom casts a glance at the foolish nature of things. A fool, a fool, so call all the walls, all the pillars, the ceiling, the floor, the air itself in the palace of wisdom. Meanwhile, if an author has already shown some tenacity in holding an idea in whose development he turned a year of his life, and a volume of his works, he is looking of course at least three times as great tenacity to keep an idea to which he three year has turned his life and three volumes of his works. So he helps himself again, as he can, and says about himself: Of course, you're a fool, but fools tell the truth, and that is your only folly, lest you say it. If the audience their ears, the preacher does best, he goes from the pulpit. Is easier for a camel to go through a

needle's eye than a world body soul to go in today's world view, because it is itself closely enough to go through a needle's eye. The whole science has come in terms of the question of body and soul no longer sane and completely out of the skill. It is, however, about the now far beyond primitive views, but one is not yet far enough beyond, to come back to again. If the Bible angels and stars confused, so they must still be confused. Not Everything that the pagans believed, is unchristian, and not all what Christians believe is Christian.We must - but enough! With all 'which I can not overcome that my angels do not have wings, now what once part of the natural history nature of angels, and have a heavy body instead of a quasi-corpus, the main difficulty. I weigh an angel after today's performance, so should he approximately l weigh up to 2 solder in quite essential idea even less, while the angel of the Zend-Avesta, such as the one under whose care we are even, over a hundred thousand trillion quintal weighs ( Zend-Avesta IS 77). Such an angel naturally wants as little as fit in our natural history in our poems. Not even in a compendium of doctrine. For although this is the only place where the angels have today still retain a mercy a little shelter, they may be not zubreit make it to to go into the small Seitenkapitelchen, which can be unnecessary for them yet, and how vermchten that the great angel, I mean. What is the last place where they fit at all there? In truth, I only know one, the one where they are flat, and where do not fit any other, the sky. Member in the last journal, partly in a later essay 3) I have further expressed the idea and carried out so that the whole world is divinely inspired or inspirits that all individual souls only and subordinate part of the essence of divine spirit, as their bodies only and a subordinate part of the divine essence of the body, the nature, the heavenly body down to the worm and herb.

"On the knowledge of God in nature from nature," in Fichte's magazine in 1852. P 193

The whole realm of spirits and the body then closes in God's mind and body together, from the fact, and God's spirit and body are themselves only two ways or sides of the appearance, the interior and exterior, some of God's essence, two sides, not two things. God leads in creation and management of the affairs of his creatures, an infinitely high and rich life, has in them subordinate tools of willing, thinking, feeling, doing, but engages with supreme knowledge and will of references beyond all, and leads to the course of time All the eternities just and good targets to. The freedom of God is the sun, rays which we have, what is a sun without rays, which rays without a sun? Human conflict and sin is in God as in a discordant symphony. Were it better, nicer, more reasonable, the blasting apart from the sun, with the symphony, as in itself to think of the unreconciled disharmonies rather be picking up and reconciled? I clearly 'in the image of what I run there. That we live in God, and move, and have, and he in us, is now only one truth, how can a spirit in the spirit of living compared to weave his? God knows our thoughts,

like ourselves, will be only one truth, how can a mind that is the idea of a spirit to know, but rather the fact that he did not so therefore know is the other person, that our spirits all from God come, is now only one truth, a spirit dismisses anything he intellectually convinced; God the One and sole, is now only one truth, how can one speak of a certain god who still has ghosts beside him, because ghosts are small gods that God is omnipresent and omnipotent, is now only one truth, for only those who are Everything is everywhere and has power over everything. God is the center, radius and circle, you like the center alone call God, but is not the center without a circle, but the circle is not without a center, overlooks the circle if you want to find the center, looking from the center points on the circle. To hard is it all just to say, not space, not intend to run it again. In a word, I sought in all directions, the body and the spirit world by looking and borders, and all collectively, and unifying what has character and is to fill the large cavity of the Word of God with content and to divide this by and by. I searched show how this doctrine of God as far as it seems for the first sight of the Christian abzuliegen, but its saving truths underpinned only new documents and the merely contradicts, in which the Christians contradict themselves. So my goal, and the success? At the best of all he was still in the philosophers. Probably more than one exclaimed: How beautiful and true, the author has spoken here! It's the same thing I said long ago; already said deeper. Each one looked like after, like what I said, together agreed with what he said, and piled where I hit it, modest to me his own praise. Of course, what was a right, the other was wrong, because if the philosophy according to their terms, the absolute unification of all opposites, so it is to their reality, the absolute opposite of all agreement. The one hand, it was right that God consciousness includes the whole consciousness of man in himself, it was his opinion, and the other said, rather the consciousness of men includes the whole consciousness of God, the author has all runs, the third party said, neither of them includes the other, they mutually exclude each other out, and the author has mixed all in each other, and the fourth said, what I do not understand, and after that the author had no mind. So every one degree of its own length, if I too long, too short, but the fact that about my length was a cubit, what he wants to be reversed found to be short or long, the speech could not be, after seeing the absolute measure did not demonstrate that any philosopher has to be, because the philosophy is now even a mathematics with a loud absolute dimensions, the measure mutually opposite of mathematics with a loud relative measurements that measure the world. Also hatt 'I provided it with the fact that I wanted a bushel measure with the massacre, however, the philosophy measures all Metzen in the bushel, no wonder that my degree was found to be small of her. The naturalists and theologians have not much cared about my opinion. But so far it happened, of course, saw the first with the soul of the world even the whole philosophy of nature, the past, unless they befall about themselves philosophers, all pantheism. What good is it to keep to one is not a philosopher, not a pantheist in this or that sense. No matter, the Jew is burned!

Naturalists will now again have the body of God for the anatomy and such cannibals but they are not to cut a body together with the soul, and he will only lifeless. Even a frog, they only break your neck or rip his head off, so that the soul come forth before they cut him, they also break the world's neck, tearing off her head by tear off the organic from inorganic, so that the soul of the whole drive, and then anatomieren Both particularly, the earth without humans, animals, plants, people, animals, plants without soil. Also the spirit of the world flees the body; him shudder even before the mangled, he flees as far as he can, and he flees so up high that no one can reach him more, he pulls out the space, time and let them know how Elias his shoes below. And as God leaves the dead body, and let his angels their bodies and go with him into the air and gather around him, and keep and bear him, as they formerly did, because they still welled in their bellies, you can see it paint copies on each church image. And higher it rises with them, and sinks deeper and deeper down the world; theologians induce him last only to understand the terms of the incomprehensible, and keep him, as he just wants to escape completely, because even as a last bit of . But as he finally, more and more into the void and desolation to versteigend, reclaimed by the once rich, vibrant, thriving body, back and takes a look after, so they call in terror: How do you the most alive, the most high, you want the dead Graus depth you take to the apartment, the Gentiles in the sink you want, so rather climb another step further into the void, and let the body lie down. And it is still down, and God is above today, and the anatomists continue to devour the corpse, and the theologians continue after blown the angels schemes, and blowing into the little chapter of dogmatic theology, God at the corner the incomprehensibility to hold and grasp. And in all of its properties this register is the highest that it has none. The author can become a bottom view, in which all his knowledge, belief, and thinking together and closes, do not drop it, without falling himself. And he comforted himself with the hope of a great resurrection, where God and angels except now undulate their bodies will be reunited with their bodies, not where the dead out of the earth, but the earth itself will rise from the dead and and with her all the dead will live. Since the author also hopes to be involved. Part in an older small font 4) , partly, and in greater detail, in the third volume of the Zend-Avesta, I have sought to show that the human spirit is not extinguished in death, rather, come from God, is in God, and with death the sphere of his existence is only expanding and enhancing exist in God, that even the human body at death does not pass away, but from God's body, nature, created, persists in it, and after his death in higher professional and fulfilling another sphere will persist in it. I say: In God, and God's body, but instead I can say in Irdengeiste and Irdenleibe, for through the earth spirit and body, we belong to God.

The little book of life after death, of Dr. Mises, Grimmer, Voss. , 1836.

I showed how our life on this side of me belongs to the lower conception of life of the spirit of our minds, but how we respond to death in his higher, freer, richer

memories and thoughts of life, I showed how an image in the human eye with the reminder that it extinguishing leaves, the whole person may reflect fate of body and spirit in a larger eye and head. I tried to penetrate into the life that lead the spirits in the afterlife, to show how the ghosts appear and the other in the afterlife as they seem in this world, as they communicate with each other and still interact with us. I searched the whole doctrine of the afterlife to establish the conditions and laws of this world, as a consequence of that which is the result. Just as the morrow man emerges from the contemporary man, the worldly man emerges from the worldly people. - As the soul of today to change tomorrow a part of the body, it changes from this world to the Hereafter the whole body. - How can we lose every piece of the body, the rest still bears the soul, so finally our whole body, and a larger body still carries our soul. - As the light travels in our consciousness tight body, whether it is hiking in death into a larger body out and walk henceforth in this larger body. - As the body of the earth this side of us all common body, he will not be less common body beyond us all. - What Everyone now calls his one other piece of this body, this body is called to be any other way in the future. How birth into this life the death of a former life, the death of the present life is the birth in a subsequent life. - So tight and dark life before birth to life after birth, so narrow and dark life before death to life after death. - Once man lived completed, lonely, surrounded by the body of the following sphere of life, and now he lives sociable, but finished body from the body, surrounded by the body of the following sphere of life, once he is more intimate community living in higher sociability, such as wave circuits in the ponds, memories in the head meet and intersect, without interfering, surrounded by the sphere of God's life, a new birth in the same awaiting inside. - How the caterpillar crawling on scratched, the butterfly flies over all herbs, yet they are the same herbs, but all of life is lights, higher and farther, so that this world and of man. As our bodies down here half asleep, half awake and sleeping and waking changes, will change our death-sleep and waking between our present and our future body. What the eggshell of our present existence shines in secret and sinister premonitions and dreams, distance vision and clairvoyance, will be our true awake, bright, Heimatliches life after the break this bowl. - Sleep is to lose consciousness; die is to gain a higher, brighter consciousness. A drop in the pond proposes to a width, the drop up and down, will fluctuate finally stopped, and the wave passes through and fills the whole pond; thousand waves satisfy the same pond and make it more lively and colorful than the drops. The drop is the body of this world, the wave of the body of the afterlife. - The violin is played, the game is over, the violin is broken, break all the strings, the game does not die, the sound wave goes into the distance through thick and thin, and as the piece on the body violin itself has played and heard so playing and listening to it now continue on a larger violin, from the small only a small part, and the game of thousands and thousands of violins, one of which always is shattered after another, are always new

sounds to the higher nascent always full concert. I tried to show how this doctrine, in the form different from everything that Christians and pagans believe in everything cancels itself, reconciled and clarifies what Christians and pagans believe. Even we thought that once we are all angels, in fact we will be once all born as an angel children in a new heavenly life. - Over immigrate instead of distant stars, we become part of winning the higher conscious movement of the stars are the angels speak learn how children learn to speak gradually after birth with adults, and later held aloft by the one who carries us right now and future will bear closer look at the Eternal Father face to face. - With the memory of all our earthly life, we will begin with the knowledge of the whole kingdom of heaven we will close. The darkest mysteries of Christianity, that Christ's body is in his community and we enjoy his flesh and blood in the bread and wine, break out to clear the altar candles in the temple of this doctrine. - The Smlein Pauli with the drives out of the darkness into the light, it is rooted, drives and blooms by itself in the ground of this doctrine. - The house not made with hands, that we might be clothed, on solid ground with bright windows, it stands there in this doctrine. - That we are all clearly recognize that we only piecemeal and as recognized here by a mirror in the dark word that everyone will reap what he sowed, and our works will follow us, words are the leaves of this teaching. On the leaves of the same doctrine, but it is written that the fisherman's soul still hovers around the house by the sea, the boat, the nets, which he left, the Greenlander soul is as before with the seal catches, the lobes soul hunts nor with the reindeer on the snowy field. Instead of letting all the death and to leave every soul sees everything in selbigem connexion, as it moved with her as it was related in itself to the afterlife, and leads only from higher professional, with freer reign, lighter consciousness that here Started continue to higher goals. And thus falls back into the lives of those who remained behind here, and draws it out of her life and has the Ledensodem life in the soil. The living flame burning in this world, is the higher oil and wick flame of life. Cutting 'from the flower of the herb and its root in the earth, cut' from the beyond of this world and its roots in the earth, and you're doing the same thing twice. So close there is no traffic of the living than the living and the dead. Where one only thinks of the other, because it's there. Only that they do to each other close, makes that they do not see. What Plato, Socrates today work through their ideas even in this world, is just the kick go with their spirits in the afterlife. Free trial I to exhaust the unexhausted, but how many times have I let down and pulled up the bucket, thinking, I stood at the fountain of eternal life. Many saw so I thirsting ask that I not enough thought the bucket fill and can move around enough that any direction from which he would also want to drink it. So my ambition and success? This little book, which I wrote down some trains that great doctrine, nor myself clear babbling about their deep background and her powers

and Much like a child under the high Gastein mountains, has acquired many friends and some friend to, and now it is forgotten . To the third volume of the Zend-Avesta, which I extended the same doctrine to all sides, increased and deepened, and Some cogent and clear've found have come few, most people got stuck in the first or second, and who came to the third, terrified located immediately in front of that width, height, depth, which promises to give all by devouring all before, which each had previously, and held the stronger the bird in the hand. And while I thought to satisfy desires All in One, held Everyone is shortened in his short request. The would rather be put to Venus or the sun, who wanted an existence all over everything earthly humanity beyond and yet completely set up as the human; sought in a rigid dot the river of eternal life, the great new body No one wanted to believe right, and he wanted no one quite fit. Either no body or old body, but slightly thinner, more transparent and easier. Materialists but wanted the crown of their view that the soul with the body decays, of course not take leave. And so I remained alone with my faith, a faith that carried me inside but no little fruit. But you hate to go alone the way, looking at a mark, which seems to us worthy, and others to be a target. In the first and second part of the Zend-Avesta (I. 410ff., II, 312ff.), I sought the fundamental relationship between body and soul, rather than concepts that are harder to understand than it comprehended, be represented by a view nothing but the Actual into a unified point of summarizing, and then allowed to fall to the factual, as I said, any metaphysics that seeking the essence of things and of the connection of things in something other than a combination of their actual basic provisions is a full-sounding but hollow barrel. But just so I have the sound of the drum conjured up against me. The one accuses me that my view do not say anything, because they only Besage Actual, and the other that they say wrong, because they are not harmonious sounds to the hollow sound of the ton. And after you accused me of the one and the other, you have the whole view just thrown aside. In a journal: "On the Supreme Good, 1846" 5) , seeks' to show me that the pursuit of the highest good one and the same with the pursuit of the greatest pleasure, not for his own, not the individual, not after lust, no, after all the desire and according to the desire of the whole, in which one's own, the individual is understood the lust and all the higher pleasure of itself as a moment, as a part, as a branch, as the fruit at the same time and seeds , that, as the concept of the circle to be a biggest by the condition, purely satisfied, also the highest good circuit, that in this condition, the entire contents of the divine commandments log out and together, and all directions of human Trachtens and musing nothing more mean than individual radii of the same circle, which shall be subject to the highest good is, that all engines to the noble, right, a drive to this performance is, that pleasure of love core and love of engines of desire, and that religion love with their highest bid, to love God above all and your neighbor as yourself, nothing but the mind wants and justifies, in their sense, the actions of himself wins the direction of the greatest pleasure, that the conscience joy,

the hope of highest bliss only lights are in the realm of the higher mind, without which virtue creeps even in the cold and dark, that all expressions of the highest good in this sense are united and clear, and always keep a dark spot without this meaning.

For this purpose, a treatise "On the pleasure principle of action" in Fichte's Journal, 1848, Volume XIX. Issue

l, and the "practical argument for the existence of God and a future life," Zend-Avesta 11 P 251

What but it helps to show where nobody wants to see. In the dark you can see the points set out the core of things, but just like in the core of Eve's apple, from which all evil in the world has grown. Well Some people have to fry on the hot grates allow for the eternal salvation's sake, we praise him highly, must not only say's that he suffered the highest agony to the highest pleasure's sake, that virtue is the bliss turn your back and backwards by you go. That do not lie, do not steal, do not kill, the authorities should obey what's for sense of what the divine commandments thrown together so strange, is it not a sense that the pleasure of the world largest, the pain become a smallest. Yes, he who denies it, that they have this as more the result the more the general and continuous they are followed, may not only say it, that they have the same also for the purpose, and it is only by chance that it adds that. What God wants is good, and God only wants good; seeking the salvation of the highest to unite all, in the union of Trachtens Aller to the Supreme is there salvation - yes, what one has the circle, when to turn it? By's done, you can see the point around which everything revolves, only the minor matter, and all dispute is just around the point, not the but of which one has to turn. Everything is going according to God's will. But which give God's will? Common ground that he wants the merciful, the all-loving, best of all of us and finds himself his best? But what is our and his best? You just turn right and you will find the question and the answer in the same circles. That God's will is finally going to like how us all will, only after the greatest pleasure, however, the man so often sacrificed to the larger to the smaller will that he has put all his commandments in this sense that he would like the to the highest has, indeed has in the thinking in this sense, wants and feels and acts, falls out of the circle and makes the minor matter of the case. That satisfaction, happiness, prosperity, happiness, blessings, happiness and salvation only idioms, phrases, steps, summit, sources additions same side issue is that harmony, beauty, goodness, value, purpose and utility come together at the same point and is conceptually together with the fact that finally every imagination and desire of conscious beings revolves around the same center, with fingers can be's show, but one should not show it, but do not call a word that A, so that the darkness of the point will not be touched, that he is the unprecedented and remains unnamed. Only on the lantern, but not to the light in the lantern should you have. There are so many words of whither the desire to wrap the shells so many to wrap their core into it, so many of the garments, whither they clothe and adorn it, she is not ashamed suddenly naked to contact us ? And what arrogance with which she confronts the love. Love the pleasure ahead, in the aftermath, instead of love and lust is in the book of love and lust. I meant of course, both are of one heart and soul so that they would not fight for the right of

way, but took it badly and the love, the lust, the door after she first found such. I thought both could not leave of each other. But no, the love will be in and for itself, and nothing more than love is all love. The desire to be a small page, or the nebenherluft behind her and carries the knitting bag or the train and especially since this is to be scolded soundly. Then he is called back to him, just when you need him, except that he always modestly in the background, holding, gives him the best names when it comes, abzuborgen him his money and to pay it, and chases him away shamefully when he Its the calls. Woe, that the best and the worst lust perform the same name, as falls of a shame with the other, but is the worst desire of the same metals as the best, it is the coin which is available for the penny, instead of the penny should be for coins through interest and compound interest. Is it the fault of silver, is it not rather the fault of the prodigal, The greatest possible that instead of the smallest possible yes finally debt left over after all the waste? "A morality and religion," I concluded, "must one day come, not as a destroyer to the previous, but as with the previous flower, which brings back the word like to honor right. Such is the life of close and open the monasteries and the art holy, and keep it holy than all that is beautiful is good, which is not only pleasurable convincing in the near present, but for all future and round in circles, and hold as the holiest good of all God, all the best in his hand and all good wearing under his hat and saves all evil last under this hat. " "The Church is indeed already builded, the congregation now is, when the doctrine is preached by the pursuit of the greatest pleasure, because God himself has established on the first day of creation, and the voice of his preaching has always been more sounded than any human sermon; all human costumes has taken has always been the direction of the desire But a large nebula located around the large church., the congregation is not together,., the words fade half understood and misunderstood now stands on the highest tower height, the small round Act the greatest pleasure as a shining button, and after a long silent shone through the mists, they finally dispersed the rising sun, bright and brighter it shines down. And when the bell which, gratefully announces the beam that is inherited from one's night will have long since died away, will probably drown once a powerful bell that will call with all the mightier tongue impair entry into this church, from whose summit shines against the light of the Most High. " But now is held in the church, the church fair and measurement noise, and only the ravens on the roof of the Glckl hear one call and call scolding bargain. In a recent writing: "Over it the physical and philosophical atomism 6) 1855 "seeks' to show me that at the sky, which builds up over our eyes, of stars, of which the last reach every look and every pipe, a second sky is built under our eyes from stars, of which the last reach the same every look and every tubes that are truly what the stars only appear above simple nature, but purely, strictly and simply relentless.

For this purpose, an essay in Fichte's journal. In 1854.

Simple essence, centralization of all power and all light, the last frontier of what the science of physical things long since recognized as the building blocks of the world and only time called the Unspaltbare that truly Unspaltbare, the substance of all form, not even the has more shape, the last small coin, not to further the vagina, the one that is only countable and uncountable but the intense point to the radius of the time, the ball of the space. In its broadest and most solid reason, a high pyramid rises, it looks admiringly at her, but asks: Where is the peak? Since the atom is easy to give. So broad is the reason this is so sharp tip. And from the top to open the deepest insight into the whole building. The stones, which seemed only dark-porous workpieces are each a transparent, light-construction, the eye sees resistance through it up to the fact itself, the glue, the braces are ideal forces, law is the structure; mind is the builder, Inwohner and owners. Free, you want the old dark stones, so long did you do in the usual dark home where terms like white ghosts around and go through the stones and alternating hand to fear each other, that they fear the sunshine as the scariest ghost of all. Instead of a peak demand that only a new stone for the construction, the others held fixed substructure of the river and the shaft, pulling with all the history, which I have built to a high in the air, the others I have not built enough of air you against me to field my thing but I had put on quite another. And nothing had penetrated, from old with so much love clean, such diligence elaborated how it seemed to me as edifying in itself and with the nature of things as unanimous ideas - nothing. Opposition, indifference, fleeting attention, recognition of the individual, what you just recognized themselves, some compliments about good style and wealth of ideas, each one in their place to complain about something, and that was the whole, was the last success. Not one has added a second stone where I put the first. The One scrabbled on the stones, the other went out of his way, Mom did him the honor to to set the lever to clear him out of the way, here and there sat down once one out to rest for a while and went the Way more. Then I thought finally: such a success but must have his reasons. Want to be right against the whole world? Because your reasons weigh nothing before the world so, the reasons of your opponents but must weigh enormous. Well, Seize the scale and weigh everything again from seriously. Put 'Everything you have, in a bowl, and all that the opponents have to the other, to finally hear to satisfy you with a comfortable and lightweight comfort Reject and give yourself overcome if your shell is in the air.
In der Schrift "Nanna, oder ber das Seelenleben der Pflanzen, 1848", habe ich zu zeigen gesucht, da die Pflanzen eine Seele haben; eigentlich zu zeigen?

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I took the scale, and the result? Probably easy to guess him. The more an author

examines the reasons for his opponent, the more important it seemed probably always own reasons. It was no different with me. In truth, if I thought the beginning, my business it is established and well, so it seemed only right and just now found to be, after all I surveyed and considered what they should bring to the event. It seemed like everything before the wind around the tower, and I stood on the top of this tower and looked into the country. The whole world today I saw to me, all the start and end of the whole world, I saw for myself. With such enormous prospects so high and wide views himself is a dreamer and visionary, as I am already satisfied. II Schleiden and the plant soul. The plant now has no soul once! She is a soulless child of a member, and soulless nature, by which man proceeds with his soul as a strange exception. It remains and will probably remain there until once the fire goes over the stubble of today's arid world view, and old seeds that lie deep down, out germinate and begin to re-green. The spark is not catching and the bubbles does not help; tired I leave off last. You'd think the stubble itself to be green yet, but I'm looking in vain for a trace of green. One wanders through the hall and, meanwhile, kicks and passes the last track, and agrees louder than all the Call: The plant now has no soul once! Not only the plant; sad walk in his reputation, the souls of animals with the plants at the same time the souls to Hades. The soul will be safe before him! As Hercules with the lion's skin, it has brought to destroy the soul of the earth monster, and the twelve labors of Hercules now comes the thirteenth. On the distaff of Omphale seated, he sees how she flirts with a floral soul, and this one particle of favor, he spins himself around the turns. Burning with rage, he immediately reaches for his mighty mace and kills so far great circle the poor little creature. How big stick for such a small creature! After what a great club it is now only take effect if he is to meet his hero underway once a great world body soul. Raised, hard auszudenkender thought! And like the man in the moon, which has always turned towards us the face, reverse yes, the man in the moon would throw stones at him when he finds his claims to a soul after it been only a lump of stone, a art stone guest kept. And these stones would make so well when he throws on the earth for the souls. Of these, we now want to glean and gather in a basket, which he for the souls of plants and casts me as their shepherd, and want to put a tombstone on the poor dead, hoping that they will one day rise again happily. The Stone Guest, but raises his finger threateningly. So Much has been objected against my doctrine of the plant soul, while I would object back some of what you will find in the paper "On the soul question." But the objections Schleiden I must respond particularly because they come out, in fact, from

all the others. With the same weapons of course I can not defend myself against him, the plant soul has no wolf teeth, and I have none. The lamb was down by the water, and the wolf said: You have clouded my water. Least about it is so. In my work on the mental life of the plants I came several times with Schleiden's views in conflict. But apparently I was afraid of him and wanted to do the thing enough. That's why I said p. 11 occasionally a statement about the reproduction of plants that I preferred in the sense of Schleiden's ruling as to keep view: "Prof. Schleiden Start me hope because of this statement is not too strong;" imaginary p 268 with "his usual brusque manner," while its scientific zeal; contented myself (p. IX) there where not much seemed to come out to me in his philosophizing, to say I would not here to philosophize rather, I kept myself where I disagreed with his views by facts ( pp. 282 297), to touch its scientific existence, and led all possible with his very own words, so you know exactly what he said if I said anything against it. But against a Molochdiener as I have to go to work differently, like this: I'll Schleiden also folgends speak as much as possible themselves. "The whole book," says Schleiden, from Nanna and their author speaking, "is a very funny demonstration of how a man can be lost in poor philosophical selfunderstanding with the practical side of his spiritual life deep in the terrible morass of errors while with his critical sense about it floats freely. There is almost no scientific perversity which Fechner as Dr. Mises ridiculed .... 1) he is not under his own name just as bad, almost worse than that of his had committed scourged. " - The "fabric for a lovely little give away (in his book) as expatiated that it is scientifically and aesthetically disgusting." - Martius and Fechner "Unfortunately, only the spokesman of a large number of unknown heads that seem almost malicious and pernicious than the decided enemy of clarity and intellectual freedom." - "Martius and Fechner are both good people, but bad musicians, forgive rather, philosophers." - Fechner "not the remotest notion of what is plant and its organization." He is "in the evidence base completely ignorant and judgmental," he is one of the so-dangerous "taught officers serving half guy," etc.

In order to be unfaithful in Schleiden Nothing, I want to mention that he does here in some slightly

hyperbolic expressions of wit and humor, which I had only just turned better against me than against others.

Here you have together, the sum of Schleiden's judgment short and round. His evidence is to be found below. But since Schleiden has said as much to my characteristics, it is probably allowed me, before even saying a few words on his own. I think Schleiden for a deserving and valiant explorer who partly self-employed even some estimable investigation, has prompted some in others. Of the main discoveries though, which he especially owes its reputation, is the one (via cell formation) is now probably pretty much refuted, and the other (on plant fertilization) is at least very disputed, but I consider myself as a non-expert at no judgment as to whether and as well and rightly so.The last of these discoveries will in any case

recently of a very meritorious researchers (bay) defends lively again, and even wander across such difficult exams than the microscopic, are especially in this field, you can, and still remain a meritorious researchers. But there is also great generals with big losses. Schleiden to know to pass the spring as well as the anatomical knife, and it is only to be regretted that he himself often leads to the spring as a knife and it has dropped the very real knife out of his hand, especially since there still some was gathered wipe out therein. As I added the sharpness of his pen itself, we have seen by now, there still remains only the sharpness of a spring, nobody has read his writing with greater pleasure than I do. too, where you can quite different from his views and in all basic views I differ from the most thorough of him - but the true warmth of expression, the interpenetration of its object and has to Antheit easier the carried away, let itself be carried away like without its own view. A wealth of interesting particulars is his command. Who has not interested to read how the traits of the plant bugs, ants escorted in Brazil, climb the trees, and loaded with, bitten by ants leaves back into the anthill, freed of his burden, and as slaves in scanty Food will be locked to the future to provide back services, as one of the North Pole expeditions an Eskimo woman outdoor show takes her completely naked infant from the fur cap, and his chest with a cold of 32 (please yet another time to add R or C. it makes 1 /5 difference) ranges, as the crew of a ship, the hard bells of San Salvador used in three hundred English miles away from the city in the focus of the swollen sail stops etc from such stories, the writing is full, but it is more than a collection of stories, but rather all the details are as the appropriate explanation of general views. In Schleiden to now how far this has certainly estimable literary merits and literary propriety, one may themselves from the above, and how far he has literary accuracy, not to say anything more, judge from the following. I almost forgot but the main thing is his ausnehmende love for mathematics and philosophy. Whether it is appropriate counter-love, I will not examine here, you will find yourself in the following some opportunity to assess it; enough, there is not a eifrigern lovers. Yes, judging by himself, he is the angle of mathematics, including the philosopher's stone quite taken his heart, and he devours even to philosophers large and small - you automatically think like the old Fibelvers by the carpenter and the angular measure and is not particularly tired, Schelling always to devour all over again (Studies, pp. 106, 121, 212). But still! Am I not also something of a philosopher eater? It is true, and perhaps would it good if I's sometimes been a little less. In the mirror is only as we except themselves. But what will be the result? Since we are both there, and both are also philosophers, but now come together, we are before the eyes of the audience perform the old fable of the two lions that have mutually swallowed up in the tails. Now Schleiden has swallowed me this far, now is the turn to me, and he will allow me to devour it again, so far I can. So to the point. Schleiden begins: "With a dull pun could argue that Fechner's Nanna was written entirely without the spirit, because he from the start any discussion about what he wants to understand by

spirit or soul, expressly rejects, so it is nothing but the word soul." and S. 157: "Since he disdains any explanation about what spirit, soul, etc. and be rejects, the words mean nothing to him anyway, and however is just 0 = 0" Schleiden seems here the explicit statement that I in my journal about what I want to understand and do not understand by soul, give, keep an explicit rejection of such declaration. Maybe you wonder about such confusion, but stops because the strangest to appear as if it is repeated often, so you will have stopped at the end of this document, to wonder about the like. I say in the opening previews of Nanna (p. 22), literally the following:
"Perhaps, although there are just some philosophers who concede the plants most easily soul., But then of course, only by taking the soul Everything she does to the soul After all, nothing more common than wooden iron in philosophy if I my part of soul. speak, individual soul of the plant, I understand explicitly not an idea or ideal unity among them, which I see in the diversity of their structure and life, although I am this may point to the self-sensing and aspiring unity of their soul essence, and must, but I ask this yourself at that. A soul shall I not merely a reflection thrown into something else, be it meat and wealth of vivid sensations and impulses carry within themselves. Not what I have of her, but what I do not have of her, she makes to the soul., the idea of what someone else may seek or find in me, want me, too itself does not suffice as my soul. way that it helps the plant if someone so much unity idea in their construction and their life phenomena wants to find and then say, inasmuch as it has soul when they taste it for neither, nor feel, nor could smell it. I do not mean it with the soul of the plant, as some think with her, it does not seem well with the meant to her., but also not as if what we expect for the life of the soul in the plants there is, but only potentia how to express themselves, latent, always sleeping. sensation and desire to sleep, are not just sensation and desire, and if you our soul can call in sleep soul yet because they still bear the conditions of reawakening feeling and desire in itself, it would never be mentioned soul, which never before would such an awakening I write. ie to the plant soul, so I like to admit though, that this soul can fall asleep as well as ours, but not that they always sleep, then it would seem to me still unfair to want to talk about the soul of plants, as if I of soul wanted to talk to a corpse, but the feeling was even awake at least. "

In addition, I characterize the plant soul in the 4th Chapter of my writing in detail by the sensual sensations, which I consider capable, and go in the 14 elaborate on the whole constitution of the plant soul. All this Schleiden briefly summarizes the results together: I remain nothing but the word soul. Anlangend mind, I do not speak of spirits of the plants, so had no reason to tell me more detail about the concept of mind. Of course, I need the word spirit too, in my book, if I had all the words but want to define that I need in my work, so I had a lot to do. I (XXVI IS, ff, where I elaborate on the concept of spirit eingehe) me in the ZendAvesta, and continue my work on the atomic theory (pp. 83) explains in detail about the principle I have in such cases consider authoritative. It is this, that I use the words whose meaning I do not define it, everywhere possible in terms of language use and so used that from the context itself which actually means that they should just have in this connection, immediately evident;, as I believe that words are only ever there to point to things and are correct when they point to correct things. Right things, but must, if not to show themselves, but abstracting from Aufzeigbarem or can clearly be derived.

No wonder that it does not fit mine; Schleiden certainly has in this respect quite different principles. The term spirit is at hand to explain it. Schleiden meant by the word spirit a anachronistic Royal, steady, absolutely free, only the moral law untertanes beings; during every experience that we have of mind, and every idea we have about it, and every term we can build on us represents the mind as in temporal changes begriffenes except the moral law, at least not bound by psychological laws, only relatively free being, so that a unzeitlicher steady mind, in fact, only in the same sense is abstracted from reality, as if from a the characteristics of a river stone abstracted as the essence of flow 2) . And how can it be only one moral law for a steady mind? What does the law where immutability is? What will you be doing this? And how does freedom and immutability together?

The same unit of consciousness is indeed immutable, but there is no spirit merely in the abstract unity of consciousness, the self rather can exist without a flow of phenomena linked by as little as a center without a circle whose center he is.

Meanwhile, we wonder not too excited about this version of the concept of mind. The spirit that speaks of Schleiden, is essential nothing else than the God of so many theologians who, after Christianity has abolished human sacrifice to God must believe that bring much greater sacrifice of human reason. Schleiden just does nothing but put his mite to the same altar. Soon Schleiden made my accomplice, who believed himself when already in a different sense and shorter than I, the plant soul, in ten rows, of which it may suffice here to cite the keywords as easy to consider, even in such small dilution do a sufficiently strong effect, "superficial and faded dreams," "insubstantial mist pictures", "psychological ambiguity and deplorable moral superficiality", "drawing a morally vile soul", "heart rot", which he, the whole force of his attack teaching me , continues: "More important than opponents seem to be Fechner, if only because we do not have to do it for him with a fleeting decisions taken and thrown fleeting thoughts, but with a thick book of twenty-five sheets with numerous citations and other scholarly tinsel., But only so sad! A substance for a lovely little give away came so wide that it is scientifically and aesthetically disgusting. " Schleiden likes to use strong expressions against his opponents. But the last I used it so hard on heart, that I will seek above all to reduce its weight by Mitverteilung to others something for me, by this I quote the following parallel passages from his "studies": P. 128: "The man of character turns with disgust from this pap sweet fantasy games." - P. 206: "So we turn away in disgust from a superstition." - P. 207: "Men like John Mueller and Himly have" turned away with disgust to the identified fraud of the matter "- p 126:"., The disgusting, often wrapped in humility mendacious arrogance "- S. 207th: "These unclean spirits" (sc Stilling, Kerner, Eschenmayer,

Mesmer, and the likes) - S. 206:. "It's a disgusting thought that we the warning and encouragement .... in the dirt of the coffee ... should be looking for "- p.207:". From . "- p 198:" all forms of superstition of the most disgusting and reprehensible is scientific., the most disgusting antics of paganism " Own that Schleiden can thus find great pleasure in his ladies on the disgusting and repulsive that it encounters to point, and I knew him in this relationship only with Dr. Katz (in Jean Paul's famous novels) to compare the a conversation with his fine neighbor table with the words initiates: "So, just to mention Some of the Allerekelhaftesten." Of course, what should begin Schleiden, if you take away those two words that I would not like to take myself once again in her mouth. It would be to break out of his criticism, the two canines. If they are so tame? Instead I think it will grow two new ones. In itself it not strange when Schleiden my "big book of 25 sheets" for evidence of the plant soul too long and the width of the same disgusting place after he prove himself the non-existence of the plant soul from the pure concepts of the soul so succinctly been able has, as you will read below. It would give me just go as if I should read 25 sheets written about nothing and follow the efforts that are being made in proving that this is nothing a little. I find this quite Schleiden in his conviction rights. While I was looking for the length of the writing in the preface to motivate: "Since it is the serious reasons for a view was, here, now still as probably the most common as the scientific opinion has totally against it, and the subject of many a pages and sites presents, would too short a treatment not meet the purpose. " I brought this with many examples from the plant life. Maybe but the book is too long but really, I can not judge it. How long but it would have become completely when I each term explanation of how the mind and soul, like Schleiden had 6 1 / 2 pages need and want through swell locations as follows: "So here, at the end of our lives, a unenthllbares secret, at the beginning and end of an impenetrable night, and between them a fleeting twilight minute, that's the truth of knowledge, that that double dark (concerning the freedom of the spirit in his bondage to the Physical) in fact is just the curtain, which the bright light of full, our actual elements, separates us is the truth of the belief in the faith, and that, even if no force can enable us to tear those curtains already here , but our faith is entitled to the truth of our religious feeling is, the whole thing but the result of the perfect philosophical inquiry, the philosophy of resignation - How should now man, whose beginning and end is a mystery whose life plays around a dim twilight. not easy to get to, to keep the mystery and the gloom of his true element. White but no one better than the one who gone through the whole long struggle for the attainment of spiritual self-consciousness, how hard it is, the twilight that surrounds us , for what it is to recognize a volatile and only slightly deceptive streak of light from the world of eternal Light and eternal glory. " Anyway, I learn from this passage, as I continue to play up the sublime, in my book on the floor flat disgusting facts trodden material once again, and hope that Schleiden more satisfying than with my previous simple representation. Moreover, it is

characteristic of the difference our mutual world views. I drive a small Egyptian idolatry with plant and animal souls, Schleiden it attracts, as you can see, the right to worship the Egyptian darkness. I mean, the souls of plants and animals are small little light of the great light, and wear our own souls lights help to light the world, and into it seem as bright light, and the lights and the little light in this and the other world, so bright it is in the world. Schleiden dressing the little light out, declared the summit of the brightness of our lights here below their consciousness that they grope in the dark and makes the world for the curtain behind which hides the great light in front of the lights. Front and rear impenetrable night and in the middle of a volatile Twilight minute, "this is the truth of knowledge". Abandoned as a puzzle, you would probably scarcely guess that this was the truth of knowledge. Since Schleiden the lady at the Schleiden his treatise directed to my seems to have taken kindly to him, which I do not miss to kiss her fair hand, so they look as follows to convince that they on their part a unworthy wasted: "You have read his book, and turnest me a reason, he proves it by the mass of the learned adjuncts, by the numerous facts communicated that he must be very familiar with the plant and its nature and therefore entitled to judgment at least. So think you and with you many hundreds of lay people, and for that reason they are taught officers serving half guy so dangerous., but I tell you, he can not the remotest notion of what is plant and its organization, and for satisfying a single sentence as evidence . - On occasion, the question of whether the plants have souls, he says: "" It seems the pulp of the plant when it only once fibers requires just as suitable and appropriate for the plants to be nervous, as the animal protein. " . "the only sentence shows the most absolute ignorance in regard to the internal organization of the plant fiber in meaning, as without exception apply all naturalists now, is not organized in any plant before; vegetable fiber, of which we probably talked for another fifty years ago, sometimes , is a thing that does not exist,. fibers as a separate organizational elements there are in the whole plant does not spiral fibers, as they are called well Fechner known only from Goethe and Oken, two people Nothing understood and understand nothing of the whole plant anatomy able, because the same only by subsequent improvements of the instruments was possible. however, is the one in the evidence base as completely ignorant and judgmental, he naturally deserves no confidence for a building he built on such a bad reason. " Imagine all the things only the correct text here, as everywhere is necessary to Schleiden's citing. What makes me say Schleiden, is not sufficiently accurate, in fact, yet sufficiently complete to evaluate what I said, but the following: "What is for ever in the egg white matter of the nerves so wonderful that she was qualified only to carriers or intermediaries of mental activity seems to me the fibrous material of plant, once you've fibers requires quite as well suited,., He is only just for the be more suitable dispositions of the plants and the protein for the animals. everything will be considered in its connexion "etc. Of this I will easily represent each word. But suppose I would not be able to represent every word had me Schleiden therefore equal to tear down the house?

How, Mr. Schleiden, there is no plant fiber? There are no fibers as a separate organizational elements? I do think there is still a wood fiber, bast fiber, flax fiber, cotton fiber, spiral fiber etc, and all these fibers are independent organizational elements. No one takes the slightest decency still together all these and other vegetable fibers under the Allemeinbegriff plant fiber, and for me, moreover, the binding was still cause for it in the opposite position in which I looked to the animal nerve fiber. Everyone knows that all plant fibers, like all nerve fibers are originally cellular structure, and, at least at a younger state, but rather the nature of fine tubes have a really solid fibers, I mention the even occasionally of the spiral fibers, but says none of wooden pipes, flat tubes, cotton tubes, tubes plants, as little as nerve tubes, why should I have to speak of where nothing mattered, and what else could I do for an expression? Yes, I add not elsewhere expressly repeats itself (Nanna p. 48, 49) to express the synonym helical filament spiral vessels. And how, in today's pulp importance is organized not in any plant? I do think the substance of all those fibers is organized as all those fibers are really organizational elements. Berzelius and countless others call this substance really fibrous, why should not I call him that because it was just, call the fabric of fibers so that, instead of as cellulose or cellulose to say, as I of course also, but in this place only inappropriate may have said. And finally, Mr. Schleiden, I know spiral fibers only from Goethe and Oken that of the whole plant anatomy understand anything? - The thing is that I (ff Nanna, p 48) , in discussing the question of nerves as a historical note (with small print) turn on that Oken and Goethe to spiral fibers, spiral vessels intended to be representative of the nerves in the plants or their in similar relationship had mentioned me by the way, however verwahrend to make this view of mine. And it makes Schleiden: I know the spiral vessels only from Goethe and Oken. And yet I discuss even directly between the reference to Oken and Goethe, p 49 the ratios of the spiral vessels almost an entire page, as I like mainly the foot on Schleiden's own hand book, talking about their (formation by fusion of cells, their air content, their lack of branching, its central position in the bundles of elongated cells, their occurrence, etc., of which Allen in Goethe and Oken is not a word , and finally add in the Pflanzenpysiologen whose view I therefore still needs to know, are very different opinions about their function. It seems quite impossible that Schleiden could overlook all this because he immediately foregoing and following refers to, and he wanted it so overlooked, to find an opportunity to put my knowledge of the crop in the most pitiable light, and me from his lady presented as an ignoramus. Well, well, Mr. Schleiden, how would they call it that, and whose would you explain the well worth of which you met like? A dance in red-hot shoes of the fairy tale Cinderella, would you, I think, pending not bad. "But" - moves Schleiden immediately continued - "Is this inadequacy is not limited to the plant itself, but is also evident in the animals or in general science fair when one by help everywhere only in parables and playful analogies, instead of deductions and. to make logical deductions, he must at least see to it that what he chooses as a

parable, also, beyond all doubt was raised fact He says somewhere. "" Burn Notice lamps by means of wicks, the sun, a large gas lamp without wick "" Here Fechner had the opportunity for a very detailed and commendable discussion,.. because until now no scientist knows even the slightest of the luminous atmosphere of the sun That it was a gas lantern, is a new, but unfortunately not proven discovery. " So, Mr. Schleiden, "until now no scientist knows even the slightest of the luminous atmosphere of the sun. Fact that it is a gas lantern, is a new, but not proven, discovery." What they mean is Mr. Alexander von Humboldt, a naturalist or not? Beat Cosmos III. S. 395 after, you will find the following passage, and what you see here, you could also find plenty of other places: "And when the sun ... no trace of polarization shows, if one examines the light that flows into very small angles significantly below obliquer direction of the edges in the polariscope, it follows from this important comparison, that what the Solar lights do not come from some form droplets superfluous, but from a gaseous envelope. We have a tangible physical analysis of the photosphere. " Thus the sun would be a big gas lamp or gas lantern, and the assertion that no naturalist would know anything about it, reduced to the fact that Schleiden know nothing about it; But both easily holds for an identical thing. (Compare Sirach 5, 14) But why should a scientist not even a little can not know, especially in a fold, which is not his. So I do not blame that he did not know that the sun is a gas lantern, and I do not lift my little knowledge, therefore, as I give myself the golden words of a wise man to heart and take the guideline, whose authority no one even Schleiden will prefer to recognize themselves as Schleiden, which are as follows: "Ever the true naturalist characterized by the greatest, but he himself probably deliberate ignorance and is always the most humble man in the world." Only against the "disgusting, often wrapped in humility fictitious unconscious arrogance of ignorance and Halbwisserei" must follow the same ways, which is none other than himself Schleiden (study 126), show the real scientist "some unruly". And no one will deny Schleiden, that he has proved herein before and almost all against all, a true naturalist, so that it almost only one case remains, which lay close to common ground so easy to fall out. Should it now the sun lamp have attached no sufficient light in this regard, so may try what they can about the following parts of the moon light, for it would be a pity if the Ungeberdigkeit of such a thorough naturalist against the One should not comment on, the it shines with all the sun and moon, are perhaps the most just cause to do so. Schleiden made me earlier ridiculous that I have explained the sun for a large gas lamp. It has been seen that I did not have it wrong as usual. But the most ridiculous is this, that it is not really occurred to me to explain the sun for a gas lamp. Schleiden has simply misunderstood me. One need only point to which refers Schleiden (Nanna p. 42), read in connection, it will be found at once that it could have no interest for me to explain the sun for a large gas lamp. What it was, was, if possible, more than

one example wick-less lights to make the wick lights opposite, upon which to base an analogy to which I continue to come to speak, and so I made the sun as a heavenly, the gas flame as an earthly example together the wick lights over, with the words: "The sun, a gas lamp burns without wick", as they say briefly: the sun, the moon shines, a candle flame, a gas flame burns, instead, both the sun than the moon, both a candle flame as a gas flame burns. I did not think that someone the light gas flame as apposition to severe sun will be able to grasp - the apposition is of course of course, after Schleiden has made a large gas lamp from the gas flame; also took Schleiden only to look at the next sentence, where I of the lack transferability of the gas flame highlighting the wick flame over to realize that I do not understand the sun, the gas flame. Or he thought I wanted to aim at the lack of portability of the sun? After all, I readily acknowledge that I myself part of the blame of the Miverstandes wear here, as I've become unclear, I just did not want to be sluggish. The difference is that here not only to a misconception, but also a false representation of my words. Quotes mean everywhere else, that reflects the author's own words, what else quotes? Thus, by Schleiden such needed, whether it was what I liked also understand the "gas flame" to give my words, not his interpretation thereof. But times are Schleiden passages from my book with quotes and pushes every time my words its own twists and cuts in a manner unfavorable to me. After this, I ask the reader, if Prof. Schleiden eventually should again take the opportunity to lead some of my writings with quotes, never believe it my words. Rather that they are his words, which he leads the reader Schleiden himself tells in his studies p 116 for evidence, "that even the most honest man, once he departed from the path of pure mathematics induktorischen Nature Research, unconscious and semi-innocent falls prey to the vicious lies," as Autenrieth a report John Davy's reflects in a way the infamous Devil's voice in Ceylon, that the more the matter impart a false coloring only "in seemingly insignificant word additions," but as "Autenrieth has his readers prepared by a wohlstylisierte introduction already on any devilish." Autenrieth probably has no quotation marks used and the demon bird is what he quotes from him no harm grown as me, could grow by what leads Schleiden from me. As well as that may be, we see that the Evil One, speaks of the Schleiden, not quite exclusively associated to the byways of pure mathematics induktorischen natural science, but also their ways to go well once the honest man who prides himself on straight even , one leg is the same. Schleiden also had the reader been sufficiently on the devilish, they could expect in my writing, prepared in a wohlstylisierten introduction, and the seemingly insignificant phrases then had an easy time, my views impose the wrong color, under which they wanted to represent Schleiden. Schleiden called playful analogies with which I am looking durchzuhelfen me. I do not want to reject entirely the expression. In Schleiden has at least taken the rights that he cites as playful rather expensive analogies, because I'm looking to win something with the same in fact. And so do I want to specify here what I was looking

to win especially with the analogies to which ties Schleiden's accusation, so will, I think, with the difference of the similarity of both playful analogies are visible. Among the objections against the plant soul also, that the plants have no nerves counts. - How can that be an objection? - Well, the animals and need nerves of sensation, so the plants are no less such need. - Also an analogy! But how to do it that way because there is no one plant soul, all analogies are against the plant soul, not only for the plant soul. - But does not that analogy quite too good reason? If I destroy the nervous system of an animal, so listen to all ability to feel, this ability is very significantly linked to the existence of the nervous system. So the plants have no nervous system from the outset, have no ability to feel well from the outset to be. NOBLE conclusion. If I destroy the strings of a violin, so you can hear all the ability to give sound, this ability is quite essential to the existence of strings attached, so are the flute, organ, strings that do not have from the outset, from the outset have no ability to tint, the sun, a gas flame can not burn because they do not have wicks, without which the wick lamps can not burn, and the cave spider can catch no flies, because a spider without a web of threads can not catch etc These analogies are the trump card that I use in games around the plant soul to that analogy, which we think we can hollow it, and I think that they are able to sting the same. Because it can be true and false there is not the same form of inference here. Schleiden has also been able to counter this playful analogies nothing else than that he called playful. Thereafter me now Schleiden sunk deep into the "terrible morass of errors" (p. 47) and then goes, this swamp befahrend, continued: "Two major errors constitute the focal points around which revolves the whole book The first is the facetious conclusion. , the animals are animated, the plants are certainly not worse than most animals, therefore we must them also admit a soul, an equity sense, what would the author make as alms distribution all honor to the natural law applied but something facetious to exempting And then, who says the Lord Fechner that the animals have a soul I turn to him his opinion around and say the same right.? The Plants have no soul, the plants are at least no worse than the animals, hence the animal has none. (It now following the accusation of the lack of a definition of spirit, soul, etc., see p 51) The second major mistake that Fechner commits is that he treated the matter anywhere teleological, that is, assuming the existence of the soul for the sake of expediency. " I like to think the way that Schleiden read my writing, that he no longer found as those modes of reasoning and conclusions therein, which seem to him so flawed and ludicrous. Who reads it attentively, will find in it the following: l) called a refutation of the counter-arguments that have been mostly placed against the plant soul, and whose chief I already mentioned (p. 4). 2) A series of coherent, mutually complementary positive arguments I, if it depended on them to indicate particular, would describe as an argument of the similarity of the supplement, the gradation of the relationship, causality and teleology (and in the have designated writing about the soul question that follows on this above), making the overall relations of plant life to

animal life and nature from different aspects come into play. To recap two of these arguments will be below the occasion. With his usual happy translation and abbreviation talent Schleiden has this pivotal points translates into a jocular circuit and a poor use of teleology in the same sense as he above my definition of soul, my knowledge of the plant organization etc in about the opposite of what is it is in my writing, has translated. After this I would spare me, nor particularly to show that this evidence, which Schleiden find so amusing that anwandelt him the desire to put them on the head, the right direction is if I did not remember that earlier a Another opponent has made known to the same inclination 3) , and there I will contact a few words on this small task.

Hall. Reference time. In 1849. P 636

Like, say, you go from the animation of the animals, to prove the plant, but one could just as well start from the Nichtbeseelung the plants to prove the animals. All right, I say my two opponents, and you would have done it when I only evidence of Pflanzenbeseelung into something kurioserer way. For a known logical rule can not flow from the right prerequisite wrong. Whoever proves the animals from the soullessness of the plants, by proving the falsity of its conclusion that his condition. Course, is the soullessness of plants "in the popular imagination" as firmly as the animation of the animals, but you can not just go so well of it, and anyway it is not considered to start from the general idea, if you want to refute it, but the natural course of thing to go. This, however, is that l, 2, 3 and not l, 3, 2 counts. Man is l, the animal 2, the plant 3 The transition from inspiration to the people of the animal and is quite safe, and from there you can try to go to the plant, the transition from the plant to the Nichtbeseelung the animal is wrong and wrong, because the question of ensoulment or Nichtbeseelung the plant is only to decide with regard to the decision that you already have like the animals. For the animation of animals but decides the force of analogy with us, however, for the Nichtbeseelung of us standing plants distant from the outset, no such constraint but merely present doubts. Therefore has no nation, no time ever doubted the inspiration of the animals, and those ever doubted, even if the two philosophers Descartes and Schleiden do it, whereas the plant today just as well apply to some peoples for animated than the animals ( Nanna cf. page 26). Watched closer there is absolutely no other means of safely vorzuschreiten in the question of the soul being beyond us, as wary of us to generalize from. The first step is to generalize from one person to another. In fact, already the generalization of a fundamental experience that can make Every solely on himself, not even experience. The second step is equally as required by the first, is the generalization from people to animals. We bridge the easiest, where the gap narrowest, the Negro to

the monkeys. Who of course the board prefers to take the bridge to be devious way, then find devious thus the world of souls. We leave him back there. From monkeys it's off inexorably through the whole animal kingdom. For the entire animal kingdom as one depends on others that we reasonably can never put a portion of the soul existence, or where? Now comes a new gap which is the type of course that one argues today, where he is and whether he is. There's no bridge over this gap, which can not be found, but after it was over that a gap, to any place. Has its limits generalization here? The soul has passed from people with brain and nerves to the brain without worm, for polyps without nerves down, can not they also from nerveless polyps to nerveless scratched over and nerveless to the tree again reach upwards? The whole plant kingdom unfolds krperlicherseits for a new tarp over the animal kingdom, a new soul plan is also not to bid? When the soul follows the bird in the air, the worm in the earth, they can not follow even the flower into the kingdom of light and the scent? Whether it be the case? One has to examine it, and I have studied it. And at least thinks I, there was no other course than this. But of course it will always be possible if someone right one to ask him why he did not prefer one wrong, and this question is that you asked me. I do the opposite question: If one can not count to three without counting wrong, how can you count on him at the World computation? Furthermore, Schleiden expressed about the teleology as follows: "The teleology, or the doctrine of expediency in nature is now so pushed in their correct application fairly in all major naturalists aside, because if it has any significance, but most of the educational treatment of practical philosophy as a means the illustration is applicable, or find a job in the aesthetic contemplation of nature. Anyway, is this their correct application always requires that the fact that she wants to connect to the purpose terms determined separately scientifically for themselves and in their original connection as cause and effect are. because like a man revel in mind that a Corolla is so constructed that an insect to slip probably, but not likely to escape again, as has to transmit it through his restless walk around the pollen on the stamp mouth, followed by wilting the corolla opens his dungeon! but it always remains a stopgap for limited minds, and it has been rightly ridiculed for a long time in countless parodies. " In truth, some audacity is one of them, after the three Weber brothers, after Leuckart, Miner, the beifallen me just in front of others - it will not be the only ones the teleological principle in the proper application homage to say that the teleology their proper application is pushed so pretty with all major naturalists at hand, and that they remain a stopgap for limited minds. Yet we continue to hear: "In fact, this approach has no authority, least of all when they are so sky incorrectly applying Fechner, that can not be explained by the already fixed connection between two facts for purpose terms but from presumed purpose of the existence of an otherwise unproven . yet to prove demonstrable object This is Fechner actually following train of thought before: "" The animals have soul and feeling, they roam but only sporadically through the plant world, would the plants do not mind and

feeling, as would be the space that they occupy, wasted, but soul and feeling should everywhere be according to the intention of the Creator, therefore the plants must have soul and feeling "" Fechner not seem to be inclined to attribute the stones and the chemical elements, even in inorganic nature, soul and feeling. . Moreover he must, as I will easily prove it. Yeah, he may have to go further and ascribe to themselves the absolutely empty space, soul and feeling. " It follows a model in this respect, then a review of the status of teleology in Kant and Fries, and finally the conclusion Schleiden's view on teleology. While I reserve on the latter 3 Chapter, which particularly deals with the teleology, and hereby also come back to the general Schleiden's views on teleology, I limit myself for now to reply to what relates to my composure and application of the teleological principle in particular. If one abstracts from the same cogent my work on the mental life of the plants, they are as follows: We find by experience, induktorisch that is in favor of a soul to the people and animals of the whole building, the whole set up, the whole of life, and the whole process of life, by all organizational resources are combined as appropriate among themselves and with the external conditions that on this basis to develop the soul, be active and can be cause for the emergence of new souls, no matter how you want to summarize and interpret the fact of the relationship of body and soul, conceptually, of which one wants to deduce the existence of the purpose facilities for their benefit themselves. In short, the experience teaches it. But we provided similar events, facilities, a similar combination of organizational resources exist among themselves and with the external things, as in the animals for the benefit of a soul encounter with the plants, we may also by analogy to support other arguments presuppose that they equally are in favor of a soul in the plants. In fact, however, the plants are equal in what we regard as appropriate event device combination in humans and animals and serve a soul existence see the animals not only in general but also to do some special provisions, which in itself special purpose of waking mental life relate, as especially true of the appropriate position, twist, suitable digestion organs against external stimuli and the conditions of reproduction. All the conditions of reproduction in man and animal kingdom vote actually in the end, together, such further propagate on top of a soul awake life, the analogy suggests that the no less carefully made and analogous events in the plant world are no less determined to , on top of a soul awake life such further propagate. The fact that the functional events for the plant kingdom here represent in another form, as for the animal kingdom, can not be mistaken, there is already evolving in the animal kingdom itself in the form of institutions similar purposes on the Mannigfachste. Although these are not the same words that I used in my writing and since it was rather here to contract briefly there through run through many discussions and examples of argument, but it is the same train of thought, can the Every detect and track easily, the general idea in pursue my writing and do not want to deliberately go

out to look for thoughtlessness in it. The example in particular anlangend to which Schleiden applies, he has my real argument, which is more than merely teleological 4) are omitted, and, added thereto in aesthetic interest Corollary to in such a silly conclusion (again with quotation marks, as if they were my words) vice stamps, such as it was convenient to attack.

I run it in Scripture: "On the Soul question" as an argument to the supplement.

My argument, attributed to the essentials, this is: Animals and plants are as members of nature in a ratio of supplement, in which the animal enters a physical page, which carrier is a psychic. The plant would have no soul, so would the physical, the mental addition of the animal missing, and the physical must surely have us on the psychical. Without the plant soul reveals the psychological advantage of the resources that we performed only on one side of the animal kingdom vision, according to the associated, the other side absent, the plant soul is all done. Here, just a few cuts, the literal version of the argument against the way it has been presented to the readers of Schleiden.
After I thought the water lily and lotus, submerge the night in the water and rise again from this morning, I continue: "Of course, raise and tend not all flowers so in exchange, although it still do many others, but need it because all do not find it just now in bloom and buds shoots, in the enjoyment of dew, air and sun satisfy any? in their special way? So I thought now on, nature has also probably built differently just about the mountain plant and placed at different location to just the freshness and purity of the mountain air and whatever else the mountain may yet have differently from the pond, one being to quite pure, to get full benefit. Is not it, I told myself that Waterlily really quite peculiar but just for the water, set up the mountain plant on the mountain, or we wanted to reverse it, we could not, and say that the water was all the water lily, the all mountain set up for mountain plant? It is true, in butterflies, the fish are already beings who enjoy a life of air and water, one can ask why not others? but how else built, furnished! But already mehrerlei butterflies fly on the same mountain, but already mehrerlei fish swim in the same water! one makes the other redundant? Each wins but after his special equipment and special behavior of other sensations and impulses from the same elements. Now the water plant, the mountain plant behaves quite unlike any fish to the water, was very different from all the butterflies to air and light, like all other feelings and instincts so it will still be able to give to them! . . . . That is indeed the largest ever art of nature, to let everyone else draw from the same Borne by the potion changes with the cup. Each being is, as it represents a differently-designed screen that winkles accordingly other sensations from nature, and what makes a choice is still for countless others. So after all, like the animal kingdom have all been taken from nature itself, what it is receptive, so probably now remains as great a half for the plant kingdom. Now it seems to me not at all difficult to guess the aspect of supplement which rules here. Man, the animal runs here, there, scattered between all sorts of pleasures, experiences, touches all sorts, which is far from each other. This has its advantages.But we see only in the human

by itself, we also recognize the benefits of this one-sidedness. In addition to the hiking and traveling also the home settling has its advantages, which must not be lost, and there are a lot of silent and related spheres of influence who want to be lived through and experienced, the benefits but, hang thereon, can not with those advantages at the same time in equally be achieved, and who wants to be right up on the one, it can not at the same time on the other. Therefore, the one and the other sticks to the soil travels. As in the human realm, as in the kingdoms of nature. The people and animals are the traveling, the plants, the stapled to the soil individuals in the world, those determined to seize the distant remuneration of sentient nature and striving to exhaust them, the category of specific conditions in a given circumference sentient and striving, then but it can not go through because each run leads beyond the fixed position, but only by growing. You omit this second side of life, and you have the omitted half of what is needed, so that everything in nature was needed. We see how nature can no lumps lost feces; bicker it probably three, four beings so any waste, and the waste of the waste used them briefly examines the use to push to the limit, - should we not also trust their have, that it is related to the running conditions of use added, because it is the standing use only together with the ongoing use of the whole? An animal infected only once the nose to where a plant is always fixed, runs superficially towards the earth, in which the plant is grown deep, breaking only to say so here and there in the direction of individual radii in the circle, the plant and filling it up constantly, in the same conditions but it is less able to exhaust the circle of relationships with his feelings, which the plant must seek to exhaust probably because it is even banned in him, and is able to exhaust, because once it is set up for him. "

Like I have anywhere in my writing to the point of truth the point of view of beauty and edification of the view that it was highlighted to add the objective reasons for adopting a subjekives moment. So it happened on this occasion. In this sense I first example in an illustrative examples indicate how to exhaust the plant that task, a narrow circle of given circumstances of a particular point of view, thereby to fulfill the best that they both soil blocks in which it is to by the finest roots, as the airspace in which it grows, filled with twigs, leaves, flowers as much as possible, so that no air can get through unenjoyed bit, and then literally go away:
"So I commend me to nature when it really comes also the only plant to good, but what vain effort and vain trifles, when the flowers and trees were growing just as deaf flourishes It would be quite labor to nothing;., And in so much woods and fields over and over repeatedly, it should only be for our benefit, it would have been better, it would grow the same logs and planks, tables and chairs instead of trees -.. now it is also gaining just the right meaning for us that the plants so tight huddle in space, however, the animals only by one between them back and forth., the room would not be so exploited when the related effects and sensory circles empty spaces would leave between them, instead they are interwoven even in the juxtaposition still in each other, he would be but it is used so little right when the Movable itself would wither the space for movement, so eating even one half of the animals the other, just to clean up again, and this is cleaning up .. itself set with instinct and feeling in relation developed in such a way and used the nature in the greatest possible manner all their wealth, their wealth is your main wealth but is like a Russian domination in a wealth of many souls belong to the soil. - How sparse would ever after removal of the plants, the sensation to be scattered in nature from the realm of souls, how few will strip only as deer through the woods, as a beetle flying around the flowers, and we should nature really trusted to such a wasteland is it, blowing through the breath of life God How different this is when the plants have souls and feel,. no longer blind eyes, deaf ears in nature stand in her so many times sees himself and feels, as souls are in it, they feel,. otherwise as to God himself, who hears the sentiments of all his creatures certainly in an interplay and harmony, when the instruments are no longer available in this long intervals of each other "

Now this is the point on the ground Schleiden (studies p. 158) says that in this way one could also show that the empty space has soul and feeling, because otherwise the room will not be used psychologically. I do not prove the plants soul by the requirement of mental use of the space, but in connection with other arguments, the overall context is actually the proof end, by the argument of the complement, I interpret the means of exploiting the purposes of this supplement because they are there not to see a pint where the conditions and character of a whole since, and make the beauty and the edification world view depends thereto, to the contrary with the carrier. And each one is, I think, admit that a world view is as well sensible than beautiful and edifying, which in the clear presence of all conditions to mental utilization of space by plants such really presupposes as that of Schleiden the plants the empty space is psychologically equivalent. After I searched restore By previous the disfigured by Schleiden property inventory of my treatment of the plant soul question as it is for those who have patience had to follow me to this point, may have some interest to hear, facing what kind of treatment the same question Schleiden of mine . In a short time she comes back to the fact that it consists of the pure concepts of the soul without further mediation, the question of the fact of the soul decides, the concept of the soul itself, but it is based on those contradictory notion of the mind, which was already thought up. One might almost hereafter come to the conclusion that Schleiden was a secret disciple of Hegel. Have word he does not want it though, but do not want some disciples of Hegel. It's quite Hegel's way to provide contradictory concepts to the forefront of consideration of things to choose from and the terms out over the fact of things. But the reader may judge for yourself by following. One finds too long, which I share views of Schleiden's, so one need merely also to follow the formula in which I finally recapitulate. But I wanted to play less of it, so I want to make the same charge I do it in relation to me, that I Mangle a misrepresentation of his views and Schleiden.
So the mind is by Schleiden "a being which is free, not subject to the laws of nature, just by itself determines the whole shape of his life, which really may say," I want "" because it may also say " "I can", "-" the spirit as a free being not part of the space and the time he is immutable, it has not beginning and not the end, because those are concepts of time, he is incorrigible and incorruptible, because both are changes, and change is a function of time. " - The belief in the freedom of the mind schechthinige is not justified by experience, but only in that ohnedem no conceivable morality. "The world of the unconditioned, absolutely free, the spirit world" is only available under the "moral law, which demands obedience, but not enforce," you face "the world of the conditioned and completely unfree, the matter" under the "law of nature, which the excludes possibility of disobedience. " The man who initially conceptualizing the world as a unified whole, but soon learns to distinguish between these two worlds. "Either he is henceforth one unique and incompatible adjacent, the free and unfree are forever irreconcilable contradictions." But he finds the spirit of "getting to the unfree, the physical, bound and subject to some degree of the same. What the connection builds as obtain the dependence, it remains an unsolvable mystery. His entry into the life on earth is it therefore wrapped an absolute secret, in the linking of his free spiritual being with the aggregated the human form dust of the earth -. further agreed and in and through formed, he feels

the impossibility that those two worlds, which he believes to have recognized, truly and indeed exist separately side by side, he feels that this duality of the world stands only as a mystery whose solution word concealed from him that a good stuff, Congener must lie to the whole underlying that space and time, the mathematical forms of the natural law, only the expression of the imperfections are what sticking his findings, is intrigued by the connection with the body as long as the freedom of his mind, but this compound will dissolve, and then we'll see "," face to face "." - what - are also us nothing on earth customer, and no God could, if he wanted to, since the bound spirit which is absolutely free forever incomprehensible. "

I hereby think the essential aspects of Schleiden's view, as does exist at all, have to be reproduced in full. Of course with the quotation marks are his own words Schleiden's called, and so you have to assess all the necessary documents to bring to what extent the following formula, under which I think his view, the same really true. Something whose essence absolute A is, is connected to a B , with which it really a good stuff, DC-like subject, to some extent non- A , but it still must look as if it A would remain. The connection of A withB prevents the same to the realization that it with the B a stuff, Congener is subject, but if it is of B is separated, it will be perceived that it did nothing of actually B is Separate. All this is an unspeakable darkness, but whoever does not believe is an immoral man. Perhaps the formula really does not quite, but it is also quite possible to take this view completely with any formula? You make yourself to try! It now follows from Schleiden the passage cited above, page 57, which does not have both the determination to educate us about the concept and the relations of mind and body more than the darkness to make us the same rather obvious what he concludes: "What I understand mind, I told you. this spirit that bound us to the corporeal appears, I call soul. And now I need you probably not only expressly declare that it is not in my animation of the animals, plants may be mentioned. Only what can be independent from the law of nature is free to determine by itself, I call spirit. For the reality of that there is no evidence, as the possibility and reality of moral struggle. From such but gives me only humanity customer. " One wonders: Is that really but really the whole argument Schleiden's for the nonexistence of the soul plants? Yes, it really is, you can see in the book by itself. Only 6 1 / 2 pages long explanation on the concept of soul and spirit, of course, I could not quite write off, but pulled together on the essentials play. But why Schleiden actually still arguing with me? I'm totally agree with him that the plants that animals have no soul in his sense, but only one soul in everyday, even all non-philosophical sense, if his explanation is the philosophical. I would go even further than he, I mean, Schleiden, otherwise timid, but it's been too timid that he still left the people of one soul: there is no soul in his sense, but only his philosophical concept of it. In fact, as Schleiden wegleugnet my souls because they do not correspond to his philosophical concepts, he likes me but also allow me wegleugne their souls, because his philosophical concept of my logic, my metaphysics, my experience and practical need contradicts .

Enough! and now, if such is possible, a few words in the sense of vershnenderen view of the controversy at all. Where those irritability to Schleiden, with which he, with the attacking not just me anyone who does not share his opinion, or whose opinion he does not share, and those attacks that even after the younger generation has become accustomed to a hard appearance nor exceptionell appear? - I believe that two reasons are sufficient, both to apologize and explain at the same time, the first reason is hypothetical, the second fact. The hypothetical reason based on their own views Schleiden. I suspect that Schleiden's absolutely free, only the moral law obedient mind, but also the extent bound by the body, is intrigued by the connection of the same to be so far limited by a hypochondriac mood of the same in his freedom, he of the demand moral law, clemency, justice and faithfulness to prove against opponents, especially can not afford to follow in all cases where the second reason comes added. This second, the factual, reason is not in the body but deep in my mind. Schleiden's view of the world differs from the most thorough of the mine. But Schleiden is so imbued with the truth and goodness, it almost seems sometimes by the beauty and grandeur of his own, and here against the utter nullity, abjection, harmfulness, folly of mine, if he likes to know such that the hardest occurrence, however him only justice, indeed a duty of conviction appears, that he does not consider it not necessary worth the effort, in the same or address their reasons in detail, so that every reason it already appears against such a bad thing for the reason well that he is ever directed against it. He has therefore neither my arguments nor words, nor even my whole book, continuing to be on something than to win the easiest attack to make it dead at once. Therefore, true, so now of course nothing fits. He did not want the baby out with the bathwater, he wanted to drown it with a flood from above, and therefore not even seriously handled. The child smiled at him after it has abgeplanschert the flood, from the bath counter. You would not even understand, in fact, Schleiden's attack right when you did not take those opposed to his world view against mine consideration, and judge it wrong if you do not wore that deep conviction of the same bill. And so little I can to be your consent to the manner of his attack of course, but I'm not, all that they can justify this belief justified to find. Where the contrast between the world view of Schleiden's is against the mine, has already indicated in part in the negotiations on the definition of the mind and soul. By providing the most contradictory concepts to the forefront, it closes, as noted, some theological and philosophical views, and indeed perhaps the most straight fights where else that Schleiden most. But yet another side of it occurs at the same time into the mine counter and in a very common world view. The world and its principal formations are a blank to him to give me a powerful symbol of the spirit. And that I seek the spirit of things in things, instead of or behind things, he can not forgive me. I just wonder here, as Schleiden, who else is still on the ground experience, in his

general world view the same can cancel altogether at once and, at the fog. I want something clear about the 4th Explain chapter. III. The teleology. As it is with so many things to Schleiden Nothing, it's after him with the teleology nothing. It is after him with the plants souls Nothing, with the animal souls nothing, and with souls on the moon Nothing, with soul in nature nothing with me Nothing short of everything Nothing is soul or spirit in nature or only examined it is of course also not be surprised that it is the teleology after him nothing, which is the spirit of quest in science itself. Only experience and mathematics are after him in the authoritative science, and certainly those are two very good things, but all good things come in threes, and this third good thing is the teleology. It reads well from the torment prisoners in solitary cells which suffer from lack of employment. Why do not they go back and forth and move arms and legs to your heart? Yes, if they only knew how to achieve a purpose with it, but it does not work. It lacks the stated purpose without the driving, directing and coordinating principle for the motion of the arms and legs. Muscles, bones, nerves, strength, desire, everything is there to move, but if the purpose is not there, nothing helps everything. It's no different in nature doctrine of the organic. Without reduction in the driving purpose, directing and coordinating principle is missing, the only excited by the principle of causality arms and legs of research fidget vain and it will soon weary, pointless to fidget. They say: But there are enough opponents of the teleological principle that have made proficient, yes, they have done much Tchtigeres, as many followers of the same, this is not a sufficient, a de facto proof that you can do without it at least. Well, it is with the teleology as with faith in God. Many may not even know about it, and act according to God's order but perhaps more than many who have faith in him. But how it would look with the morality of the whole humanity this atheist if that faith did not exist? Has but her sense conscience, the whole direction of her being in a human order of things created, with influences of education, the environment that could itself do not make yourself without a belief in God. Or as it is because, with all the, which they boast to represent the belief in God, in colonies where there is as good as any, although it may give a little where there really is none. Now it seems to them the sun unnecessary because even without it they already light, and the earth, it is rather that throws the light of the sun upon them. So now the naturalist through life and upbringing, though he thinks of the condition, the feeling of certain purposes to be achieved by the organic events, become as good as any layman to another nature, and determined involuntarily direction of his thinking, his research, the ohnedem would have no, so that he is unconsciously mentioned in that his questions, his investigation leads, and just only because he does not know that he does, thinks, his investigations were ever quite independently out of pre-legal purposes.

But I want to know how it would look with the investigations of the eye and ear, if you do not tacitly presupposed that the eye is designed for seeing, the ear to hear it. The opponents of teleology seem to think that the self-evident in this respect did not exist. It's almost like having someone who claims he has no head and do not need a head, and who bears one and needs is a freaking ridiculous. He does not look at himself arms, legs, the whole body, but just the head, which are the arms, legs, the whole body of the drive itself and the direction in which the eye is, so he sees the way he takes.

Maybe ask one or a what exactly is the teleological principle, and what is it is like? I want to say it in brief: The teleological principle diminishes presupposed purposes, the means for achieving the purposes foresee or seek and follow, however, a contrary principle, the principle of causality, include without regard to a pre-statutory purpose of the given reasons for the consequences, and so the performance and impact of the funds directly envisage and can be traced. For the purposes of the teleological principle of purpose is the Default and all funds are directed to it; within the meaning of the causal principle, the means are the Default, and the purpose, if you still want to call it so, is only the result. Set, a microscope would offer the observation represents, without one already knew the instrument, one would learn after the teleological principle, the purpose of the instrument first or try to guess by analogy with other instruments that we know already, then investigate the combination of agents used in the instrument for that purpose and pursue with regard to this purpose, but unconcerned with a purpose in terms of the causal principle, the effect of parts of the instrument and its joining to explore directly as to the performance of the instrument, after was anticipated the teleological principle to go looking. I gave you an example from the unorganized territories, but makes the hassle of teleological and causal principle rather in terms of organic and inorganic kingdom claimed so far that is may be a dispute of the same speech at all. In truth, the dispute is rather between the representatives of these Prinzipe, as between the principles themselves, notably: rather of pages one-sided advocate of the principle of causality, as in the reverse sense, because none of the representatives of the teleological principle will entschlagen the causal principle. So much for preliminary orientation, we make now the more of Schleiden's concluding remarks about the teleology, reference was made to the preliminary in nature, already mentioned above (p. 77). "Behold, - closes Schleiden his account of teleology - as I think the thing Imagine an ephemeral banks of the Rhine;. Give her consciousness and mind, of course, their

mosquito nature of the South, give her and her tribe the ability of tradition - the noon, in the full force of its development, it gets to the cathedral of Strasbourg and with fine laudable pride makes them the task to know and understand this colossus to learn, with the only measure of what you stand for bids, with her little mosquito feet she begins vigorous work, tirelessly, until the evening of the day and at the same time of life she interrupts. What they started to put another on, and after thousands of generations, it has finally been possible to measure one of the windows in all its parts and to describe. . still is as good as nothing reaches Endless is still working there for thousands of renewable grandson gender But the Fly has also her sense of self, their bold spirit of research,. they begin to philosophize, as she calls it, with her mosquito understanding, the most to the conceive of a spider's web, "" the weakest of houses "," as the Qur'an says, and a honey drop is grown, they tried with the thin material of her knowledge to develop the brilliant idea Erwin's of Steinbach., the silly fool! not it? " "Just so, yes a thousand petty and inadequate is the position of man to God's great creation. What should we say if now man," "the small world of fools", "the insolence has to judge for an infinity of purpose concepts, of which he himself hardly knows a small point Who are we going to the purpose and the desire to reach him inferior, Circa nature -? A unsubstantial schematism, a blank form in which the imperfect and limited man regarded the all forced ?'s -., or about the Creator himself, the holy author of all things - is it big different from the madness when a man imagines that he found in the interior of its temporal manifestation of any one yardstick by which he measured the eternal, the timeless could - but this is the teleology The results of our miserable every moment stumbling and erring mind we are bold enough to foist the highest ever erring beings as his own, the vain fools want to do too happy to rise to the gods height and himself.. reflected in the radiance of eternity, and do not notice that it is eternal losing sight of the draw, only to be distorted in the dust of their finitude. " Suppose now that mosquito Pompe, in which was made Schleiden's imagination to enter zulngliches image of teleology, simple and sober the form opposite, in which they represent themselves when their principle and their performance of the work of the principal representatives the same which I have already mentioned earlier (p. 76), abstracted. And how would you abstract it otherwise? Nothing important here, whether it has been uttered by any one of them with the words, which I do it, but whether it is really needed in this sense. Just look sharp to whether the case, if not, whether it is rather the sense that Schleiden for the outputs of teleology, or the sense that I, as follows, couching, which is subject to this work. We find by experience, that nature has well taken care of for the purposes listed in the organisms in the cases observed by us, so we conclude inductively that it will also be the case that we want to investigate first. But we are not certain purposes a priori expected, which has the nature want to meet, but find that certain purposes, what we call in the sense of general language use so are fulfilled in the observed by us previously cases, and close hereafter on by analogy other related cases. I do not think any of the current representatives of the teleological principle

deceive differently, or show me Schleiden One that purpose requires otherwise than by analogy with already filled purposes, and purposes something else here intellect, but what about the use of language as call right, which always has a right to guide us in naming the factual. The teleological Building is still to be tested by experience and proven and is only equal in this respect to the, according to the principle of causality has been deduced. You can be wrong if both the conclusion and therefore has as much as possible if both checks, partly in different aspects of the conclusion of the agreement, which lead to the same result, some in the experience of looking. The teleological end is reduced such formative for the naturalist in the last resort to a combination of allwrts recognized experience circuits, induction and analogy, and combined with the same exact methods by which the circuit to the other principle of combining by at the same time with this self- combined. The most common experiences that we can make in the areas of organic, serve as a beacon to new experiences, the teleological principle is precisely the principle only to be guided in this sense. So it is a heuristic principle, and is also expressly declared by the brothers Weber for such. So we can assume by analogy - and what we should otherwise require, - that is taken care of in all mammals and birds for maintaining a near constant, exceeding the average air temperature, heat level, and by induction, that for this purpose the most advantageous facilities with regard to external conditions, the lifestyle and the construction of these animals are taken, namely, that which points to the external conditions of life, the building we may also accept as a given (and to justify the analogy itself, it is already a given surface thereof ), the rest will be combined in the most advantageous manner to the results to be expected by analogy with them and among themselves. After this now just the steps taken by the natural events in a certain direction are partly foresee, let some go to; former, if our knowledge is sufficient to overlook the most advantageous combinations for its intended purpose under the given circumstances, or to compute even, the latter, if our self-knowledge is to be extended only after a given direction. If both the causal principle must perform services; same investigation using now wins but attitude, context, interest, purpose and goal and is reclaimed parts of the maximum power that they have in their interaction in the organism. Without the teleological principle is groping blindly. It lacks the hand with which you work, the foot, the one below, that conducting eye. The microscope may again serve as an example for explanation. It is determined to see small objects hirdurch. But the principle of causality goes to nothing. An eye from the microscope is just one of the most special cases, under which one can trace the effects of the microscope and its parts. Just as well, as you can see through it, can you Someone that strike your head, you can hang it as a pendant, one can examine the expansion ratios of its parts in the heat, you can check the electricity of his glasses, can the line ratios of the sound, investigate the heat through it. What keeps us from then, so good to pull all of these are indifferent effects into consideration, as the effects and benefits of the microscope for seeing? I mean, nothing but the teleological

principle. Someone else may say something else? And he can say how far the eye, which sees through the microscope, something else is in this respect, as for the microscope? Disputed that, within the meaning of the teleological principle anticipated performance to which the Teleolog visits the combination of resources and persecuted, be taken as an effect of the existing combination, but just only to direct our attention to services that may interest us, which is a have implications for the relationship of knowledge, and be able to follow the action of the agent in relation to such benefits under the principle of causality, it requires much himself already the prior application and distant line of the teleological principle. If it is not assumed that the eye was determined to see, you will not be able to examine it out above, there are infinitely many ways to investigate the various effects, be given that one disappears beneath. The teleological principle alone makes the apt point here. If you have set the purpose of the eye, even if someone has set the purpose, whether the purpose before his performance at all in any idea idea in any sense have existed, are questions that even the teleology in the hands of the scientist concern them. So little is the same causes go back to philosophical meaning to the origin and essence of nature, matter, mathematics, number, with which he has yet to do consistently, even without which he can not take a step, so little to the origin and nature of the purpose and the purpose-setting. The purpose is to him receive a related to the conservation, development, life of creatures target whose existence he assumes by analogy given cases, and the fulfillment it requires a combination of means, because he has so often found through such meets that he concludes, it will be the Appropriate or analogues in corresponding or analogous cases also find. But while it remains a high priority of the teleological principle that, although for religious as a heuristic principle of natural science and aesthetic ideas quite out of respect, but in every moment so that in reference can be set, so it is the contemplation of nature rises to a higher consecration , and is able to bear the thought further than the wealth of pure science is to itself. Schleiden and so is quite right when he attributed to it an aesthetic and educational importance, it also has one, but it has not just one. The importance it has for science in particular, Schleiden has not found under his knife. One might ask: But why has not the teleology of the same importance for the study of the organic from the inorganic world? On the contrary, their importance to both is all the same as far as the objects of both itself are equal, you argue just not as over there as here, so that rather the opposite question to pose, why it disputes the applicability of teleology in the field of the organic, however, they are considered in the field of the inorganic matter of course in all cases allow any comparison with the organic. Incomparable must of course you do not want to put together. But it seems that the opponents of teleology from their high horses down, like so many things, also overlook this. How will you because without teleology consider a machine, a factory, a house and with any reasonable success and investigate. And are not loud objects that fall into

the area of the inorganic? And conversely, the organisms are not machines, factories, buildings? Common ground that they are more than that, much more than that, but they also machinery, factories, buildings, and even the best-equipped, bestkonstruierten that there is, as far as they are but, they also fall under the same teleological than the inorganic machinery, factories, buildings. Watched closer the main difference between the organic machinery, factories, construction works on purpose question of the inorganic only that those of the soul are directly and that their existence and their development directly related to the existence and the origin of the soul and its purpose, which is also the reason is to see homes of the soul therein, however, are the inorganic machines, factories, buildings those closest means to fulfill the soul purpose, the composition itself is the soul as immanent, just as the outer ingredients, aids, supplements, and their formation and The use of all of the same dependent. Now it is very strange to concede the applicability of the teleological to the distant parts of the dependent resource to fulfill the soul purpose, and to deny to the nearest main agent; permit for that now the ax, but not that one look at the hand on the purpose considerations and their establishment in this direction examine. However, but the teleological principle summarizes the organisms with the machine under the same terms, so far as they belong to the same point of view, it can also just considered the difference of it to envisage, and hereby to grasp the point of the higher organisms, among them also include that they are internal rather than external purposes. And if the way of looking at the world, which I think is right, takes place after the dwells a spirit of the world, this higher aspect of teleology is its applicability extend to the whole world. But even if you disregard the teleology of the indispensable guide to the organic nature of the workshop, in so far as it is a workshop remains. That in the physics and chemistry of teleology does not mention, however, is quite natural, and take the physics and chemistry of the organic and inorganic, in the same degree. Since we have to learn the letters and grammatical forms of nature, but it applies to the theory of mechanical and organic instruments and machines to read the book. And without teleology, the reading of the book of nature no sense. Without going into further generalities, I give an example of EH Weber, which, apart from the explanation that will give it here, presents an interest in and among many other examples, the objects are available to enable more willingly chosen by me is, as it in one, maybe not many accessible, scholarly society journal 1) is included. It would be a pity if Weber's seal was less known, as Schleiden mosquito, and if already else, as far as I know, seals do not eat mosquitoes, but might eat the mosquito as this seal.

Reports of the Royal Saxon . Gesellsch. the Scientific. II, p 108

The thing is: It dies once in Leipzig in an animal stall a seal. Egg, Weber thinks,

because you can see how nature has begun to solve some important problems, and perhaps even a mystery to trace, whose word has the physiology since long sought in vain. The seal lives both in water and on the land in dispute, nature will have seen to it that he can do just as good in the water than in the air, his eye, yea experiences directly prove that is the case. But to see clearly in the water to given distance, the eye must be set differently than to be seen clearly in the air, because the light is refracted differently in water than in air. Also confirms the experience. Which is the way which will be the means by which the eye is placed in a position to adapt to seeing in these different circumstances? Even the land animals for themselves, the sea creatures for themselves require a certain adaptability to see clearly in the same medium at different distances, and only needs such here do not go nearly as far as the harbor seal, and there you have the means of this adjustment not at all up to now is still at peace, as granted the undisputed eye of the seal is the most appropriate object to study such because they have to be developed here in vorwaltendem degrees. But secondly, the seal is a warm-blooded animal and has to get his heat in the water, the water, especially the water and the cold polar seas, but deprives the body in the same time without comparison more heat than the air. It is therefore to be expected that the seal special equipment is expected to have in front of other mammals, which ensure the preservation of the body heat. What will become of these facilities? As nature fulfills the purpose of an animal, even under the most unfavorable conditions, to ensure the conservation of the same degree heat, show the other animals under favorable circumstances as much? One can see from the front, a beginning that guided from such considerations investigation take a completely different direction and need to obtain an interest other than if someone intends to find a seal, and starts with careful holding of an exact scientist unworthy teleological point of view, into crop to get out the construction and position of the parts to develop their services and functions. He will cut into the blue and conclude its investigation will take no safe, successful transition, its results will remain isolated, and when he does something, it will still be the teleological point of view that has guided him hidden. Since Weber's results are not yet available through the eye of the seal, I list here of what he has found in regard to the means of heat conservation in this animal. To sum it clearly first and foremost, he found, l) that all was done in the organization of this animal to hold the heat as possible, and 2) that all was done to generate as much heat, and 3) that the blood and sensation organs of the animal as it receded from the chilling effects, and finally 4) that the whole internal economy of this animal harmoniously agreed to previous purpose facilities. The first anlangend so all we see the fat in mammals, these poor conductor of heat, partly in the interior of manifold distributed, partly in a layer under the skin, which is not much in lean animals spread. When seal but to say so all the fat transferred to the skin, by being accumulated in a very powerful and forterstreckenden over the body layer under the skin, however lacking in most parts of the rest of the body, even in the parts where it in other mammals in large quantities tends to be present, especially between the muscles, in the armpits, in the kidneys, in the network, and mesentery

near the large blood vessel tribes. Only in the orbits where the fat has specific chores, it also occurs in considerable quantity in the seals. Moreover, even the dermis (ie, the main basis of the skin) in the seal very thick and hard, which helps to hold the heat. Anlangend the second point, then the seal is characterized partly as a highly trained mechanism of breathing space, some of a very large blood through a wealth of great weight and a large volume of the lungs. Strong development of breathing and blood volume are large but, through their involvement in metabolism, the main factors of a strong animal heat. Thus, the weight of the lungs as the heart was relative to the body to 1 / 3 larger than in humans, the ribs and the sternum showed a particularly high mobility, the muscles were intensely dark and in cutting came from them the blood in large quantity produced, so that they looked through and through all bloody, as was true of the liver, lungs, kidneys, and many large veins had an exceptionally large diameter etc The third point anlangend so penetrate into the dermis of the seal only very thin blood vessels, a, which has the result that the blood is more holds inside and recedes from the external cooling more, and at the same time are the nerve-rich-sensitive hair follicles especially deep into the dermis recessed so that the outer cooling is not so easy access to them. The hairy detached epidermis with the extracted hair follicles from the dermis thereby contributing not only on the outer, but also by virtue of the hair follicles deep to the inner side of a thick, colored, glossy coat. The fourth point finally anlangend, as is the large quantity of the preparatory blood and the perfection of the respiratory organs, the size of the digestive organs in relationship, unless the intestinal canal, which should be short in carnivorous animals usually kept, extremely long and the liver and kidney in relation to body weights are very heavy. Here you can see an animal of a certain teleological considerations to speak to all dimensions by measure, and the conditions associated with this aspect of his whole building uniform. There is a sense in burrows of this animal and the whole building facing in this direction. Of course you can say now is: I do not need to ask the condition of the purpose of the heat preservation to interpret the existing facilities of the harbor seal, I can take the heat preservation effect than existing facilities. And as I said, this reversal is not to deny nor reject. But as it is certain that that is the effect to be achieved, the combined votes of the funds would have never found this without starting from the premise of the purpose. And it is the teleological principle is a heuristic principle, which the scoffers have not been replaced by another, be replaced. Strange as it remains in any case if they believe that results that they owe to the teleological principle, be translated into their principle conclusions of its principle. It is not disputed in the previous Weber's studies on animal heat to the beautiful teleological considerations which Bergmann has done in another direction on this subject, recalls. Even the math, which the opponents of the teleological principle alone would

vindicate himself, win and treatment of organic construction and the organic functions in the teleological point of view the main base, so the same can not miss often. Thus, W. Weber, the brother of the above EH Weber, in his mathematical studies on the course, yet A. Fick in his studies of the rotation of the eyeball quite recently 2) , obtained only by a specific attack on the bill, that they assumed, and such a condition falls prey to all the teleological principle, the conditions were such that the movement of successes with the smallest possible force Aufwande.

Henle and Pfeufer, Magazines. In 1853. 101st

The so astute and accurate investigations of Ed. Weber, the third sheet in the cloverleaf of the three brothers, part of the course, the attributes in common with W. Weber, partly through the muscles and the organ of hearing, are all fed from the point of view of the teleological principle, and the audience of his lectures on osteology can learn what mind can also bring in a dry skeleton teleology. The exceptionally fine and perceptive studies of H. Meyer in Zurich on the status and response of the human body (in Mller's Archiv), whereby the Weberian be continued, are also performed much in the sense of genuine teleological principle, and I fuck and Meyer only reason not listed above, among the representatives of this principle with, because I do not know if they want to know themselves expected to do so. How much could still lead in this regard, but it is enough. What I have said here about the teleological principle, are not empty imaginings or phrase constructions in the sense of this or that philosopher, but, as I have just demonstrated, this is the way it is fruitful came into existence and how it Today from the principal representatives of the same is practiced. Schleiden speaks four pages long by the teleological principle, he speaks of my sky wrong (heaven's wrong?) Of the same application, he speaks of the philosophical position of teleology in Kant and Fries, of the mosquito on Cathedral at Strasbourg, which is the object of is to know and understand to learn from the much greater folly of man, the purpose concepts to evaluate an infinite want of the vain fool who too readily rise to the gods height and themselves reflected in the radiance of eternity, this colossus, and he speaks of all this, it builds to ever higher sublimity by deeper, finally depresses the teleology almost to the meaning of insanity, and, by the only way that nowadays prudent and sober at the same time and witty, naturalists, the ornaments of Science apply the teleology, he does not speak. Teleology is a thing limited minds. Well, he can say: The thing that men do is not teleology, it does not meet my terms thereof. But while he fights when he fights against teleology? Against a bogey, one makes oneself, but it does not draw on the field.Those men are the main representative of what happens in the natural sciences it is called nowadays teleology. And thereafter, the term of which must be the same, not to argue against something that no one represents. But before Schleiden include all representatives of

the thing to which it is, the dispute over the matter nothing; passing their names are not heard from him, their studies, go to their points of view such as wind with him, and of course it depends entirely natural together, giant hold for windmills and fight against windmills as against giants. The way that I myself use the teleological principle in the soul question (p. 77) to still be attached to a word about this, closes the vorbetrachteten way it is used in the natural sciences, to, although it is necessary in the soul a question something therefore takes another twist because it is here just not a subject of pure natural science, which has to do only with the conditions of the physical world. Also in terms of induction and analogy but this question is the essence of the circuit. Now I can only see a new advantage of the teleological principle is that it is able to us in areas services make to where we can not control through experience the Building, but for that very reason pointed to the combination and mutual control of all modes of inference that prove themselves where they are controllable. Another example of this is granted, the question of the habitability of other celestial bodies. Without the teleological principle, the same is quite out of the range of the circuit, the teleological principle in the previous sense, with extension of the viewpoint, lets us hope that this area will also be up to certain limits, once accessible to us. I come back on this in the future again. (Cf. Chapter XI.) IV Nature as a symbol of the spirit. In thinking about the way in which Schleiden and with it so take some other the ratio of the visible, the physical, the invisible nature, the soul, the spirit, asks' I Someone I've very fond of: "Did you a soul? " - "What's the question?" - "I have come to suspect, do you want just a hollow symbol of his soul." - "And what gave you the idea?" - "Is it not natural that I, epitomized by the need, the invisible, what I carry in my heart to see in front of me, inside put a soul into you, while I nothing more than a body in front of me was you can tell me. with nothing but prove that you really have a soul, or what? " - "Well, the fact that I look at you, and as I look at you." I was well satisfied with the evidence, but because it is also a proof in the sense of the opponent? A flower sees us in a sense, soulful, and looks as if it had a soul, if it drives the changes, smells, foraging with the roots for food, opens up to the light and turns to the same, and yet, say so them, we are just that: your soul, see into a soul in it, fill it with our soul, to externalize our own inner being in need to present an invisible visible. The sun is shining, all heaven, all nature smiles when that comes up, but basically it's just our laughter, what we see here in the big mirror. The sun has ever made all primitive peoples the impression of majestic, high, divine qualities, or they would not all primitive peoples they worship divine, but it is just their desire, which of them unsuspected invisible, Unerfaliche, incomprehensible, all senses and thought About Rising in to sensualize a vivid, comprehensible, palpable symbols, thereby making himself accessible to what she was, and to be offering them the nature welcome dar. Flower, Sun, Nature have in poetic as religious view of nature at all, only the importance of our own inner with his feelings, his sinews, his idea of a

living equal to or higher than we ourselves are, reflect us, but too easy to confuse the appearance, the soul throws in the mirror, with its own soul, its own spirit of the mirror . Let us see in more detail, it is nothing more than body, physical appearance, physical composition and movement, what we see in nature and their individual designs. As in the flower, sun, nature over now sees the human in man over his own mind, his soul, her longing, her idea mirror, only that man man over an even more perfect, nor willkommneres, and therefore of course still tuschenderes symbol of the soul, is as a flower, sun, nature. However, the lighter the deception, the greater the temptation is, the more secure the natural man you fall prey, the more it is - I always speak in the sense of the opponent - for the true ways to keep the other hand, the safer to stand against it; because the principle, the means of deception are still here and there all the same, and just everything that can deceive, increased in humans in relation to man the highest. recently located Everything is reduced, what the person looks at the people opposite, no less on body , physical appearance, physical composition and emotion than with flower, sun, nature, and the similarity with what is an expression of soul qualities in ourselves, only much bigger and for that reason much more seductive, desire, myself find ourselves outside us, much more powerful, and so of course that we are mistaken here the easiest and best. While it is really giving souls our souls against our idea will not be wrong, where she came to us also, as a God against really gives us our idea has, indeed can not also be wrong, only we are the souls towards not have to look in their symbols, which only a stopgap measure to illustrate for us remains, but somewhere, somehow out of, over, apart from how we God, in his soul apart not as symbols of nature, but somehow except, of which about have to look, because one depends of course on the other. I now my well, the opponent will not drive the consequence to this point, but it would just only consequence. What holds them to drive those so far? I think the impossibility itself. A view but that can not consistently complete in itself, one must leave. Though why should not you really a symbol of the corporeal soul call, because it is not the soul itself, and you never, never sees the soul itself, but now the body with his actions but as a guide and is an outward sign, the to make the idea or thought of existence and the existence of an invisible way to soul to it. The face, with its trains, the eye with his eyes to remain always something totally else than a soul than their sensations, feelings, as love, friendship, joy, may be reflected in the eye, the face, but by the form and movement of the body varies according to the manner and movement of the soul depends, in that we have a distinctive mark of this. The entire form of man, his walk and his Behaben, its going to come, as he turned, touched the hand speaks, in this sense, a sign, a symbol of the soul, of which I do not see anything in yourself, nothing hear. The human soul does not alone, even the animals soul appears only in the symbol. Wrath of the lion, the fox cunning, the dog loyalty, greed of the vulture, the dove tenderness, what do we see it? Nothing more than what it symbolically by the body and of the body outward emotion seems. In truth, so has the importance of the physical, to be a symbol of the spiritual, but at the same time provide us with examples of those experiences, in what sense it is

such. On the basis of such examples, where we draw so to speak, from the spiritual symbol, symbolize, we then reversed the Spiritual in statues and pictures, we paint God and angels, and serve ourselves, the animals become the symbol of soul qualities. Those examples ever make at the same time the whole output of the ideas of the people about the relationship of the physical to the spiritual, and the only experiential base thereof. Or is there another way out, another experiential base for this?There are none. Now, what can be the reason to depart entirely from the connection with that outcome, this document, and to explain the whole of nature in another sense, a symbol of the invisible, the supernatural, the spirit, as their parts. But the part anywhere else is the handle to take the whole thing because, since an infinite whole. For it is only by experience that we have, not this. Or are some of the animals and our bodies do not really parts of nature? Is it not rather the most significant parts of the same for the mind, born of the whole, yet the whole abspiegelnd, but only parts of the nature of the whole, and the doctrine of part of the natural science of the whole? Yes, does not remain when she thinks torn from nature, only a punctured, torn beings left, like a web from which you pulled out the knots. Now the whole thing should be a hollow symbol, however, a full member of? The archetype of a hollow symbol, while the image of a full? The generatrix of a hollow symbol, while the generated one full? Where is the reason in the context of thinking? In fact, so little is left of it, that itself rather just the principle of considering these things raises the Reject reason, the incoherence, just to even have a principle, and all that remains of reason and connection left, for but a residual human weakness and darkness, the darkness declares the light. Although God is to be a spirit, as our spirit, but no comparison between God's Spirit and our spirit is, although he should stand as a spirit to body world in relationship, but his relationship more, the spirits of bodies so far, we look applies to have. Each comparison is called anthropomorphism, every thought that sees the connection of all things in God's unity, pantheism. Of course God is a spirit higher than all men and angels spirits, and what else is in the world of spirits. Is it about this that should make us believe that he is more than all the world beyond it? Each one can think about what he wants, just as long as he only directed his thoughts to his will. But what about the reality that should direct our thinking about realities, both in terms of dirigere and judicare. The human spirit is already unspeakably higher than the soul of a worm. But why he needs less about the body? On the contrary, the more he needs, needs of the larger, the richer running, developed a greater sense of body. And in the same sense as the angel will again need more than the body of the man, God finally over all the angels, he will take the whole of nature to his body, which is the most sublime, founded in the deepest sense, executed in the highest sense, by the richest structure and gradation performed construction, there is. Where ever is the spirit that rose higher without the physical head offered to a higher level? I saw no one. But God pulling off the whole head; God whose body is rather the whole head itself.

Of course, if God which is beyond everything, there is nothing left to desire for him but silent as to explain the existing least for his idol to still comfort themselves at the outer certificates and deceive. It seems to me than all the pagan paganism which the living God in his body and only realized it was wrong, that it was not the right account of his unit. However, I did apply it, that we explained the nature of a hollow symbol of the spirit, if we really believed only in a natural and not a God. But who sees a palace, who knows, he is built by a king, who sees him as a set up as the home of a king who seeks the king because he can not see through the walls of the palace through him, but not about the roof of the palace, and says it's only farmer faith, to look for him in the palace itself, which was erected only to the hollow character of his existence. But is it the view of the enemy by a hair different? What is last the whole idea that God created the world have faced as a symbol of his spirit in appearance, in contrast to when the analogy of God with the artist we, in stamping out his work, the statue is put over his ideas embody see, so that we find in our, the artist's spirit evenly matched analog or mirrored without the statue itself but those aware of bears in itself. But the analogy does not apply exactly what they should take. For where you have ever seen an artist a statue with his mere talent make the image of a simple mind or a mere idea and make bare his mind over and it is just the opposite of everything. Rather, even the humanities empty symbols, as far as we can speak of the statue, the image only on the basis of and through the agency of spiritual filled symbols arise, so that we may believe finally, the artist himself would not make the statue became a symbol of the spirit may, if not the hands, arms, brain, the chisel, marble, he needs together were included in a higher-souled body. The spirit, the soul of this body is constantly working on; was called so always the soul of the Bildnerin of the body, nor the creation of the statue by the people belonging to this great work, the statue is used as part of the whole of nature in the spirit of help carry around with nature, and therefore not be empty humanities in the strict sense, but it's now returning to, and wants to conclude from the assumed emptiness of the statue in the world. And how come when nature in a similar sense a spiritual empty symbol of the spirit, as the statue, but that the nature of witty pieces are grown? I ask again: are human and animal bodies not part of nature? Has the statue to have such samples of the soul in itself, as the nature in its entirety this? Anywhere else but on the whole we have only more, no less than looking in the parts. Or it seems questionable to give a body to God, because we thus instead of a fundamental principle of things get two? - But who called for take spirit and body at all as two basic principles, reason being? Interpreted them as two manifestations of the same essence, as you have so much more of a consensus being, as if their God as a spirit on one side and the opposite it puts on the body than other natural world. Or is that the reluctance to give a body to God, but that our body so frail, ephemeral beings? - But who called for giving a body like a God to men? Is the nature of such a body? And it seems to you that nature is not good enough for one

body to God, why it seems to you, but good enough for a work of God, it seems you too bad for outer extensions of his being, why it is good enough for an outside mirror image of his person. Summarizes the nature in its whole extent, wealth, height, depth, they conceived the idea that, as far and deep you go with intuition and conclusion ye comprehended them not, exhausted, penetrates, and you will not a zulngliche idea of have God's body, because here no idea just enough, but a worthy one that does not seem to be missing that it takes God all that which the spirit appears and which he expresses himself, but that they with all that they give it to him able, are not enough. Our body is finite, God's body is infinite, our body is perishable, God's body is eternal, and our body has a few, weak and small limbs, God body has worlds to members of which we, the smallest sub-limbs; circling in our body, the blood globules closely track, in his belly planets revolve around suns and suns to higher centralization, our body has weak force and is oppressed by a thousand outer obstacles in his body is all the fullness of power, and nothing oppresses it inhibits and externally, in our body is free to impulse a narrow area where his body is all free life and rain imagine what there is in the world. Now we can give from these differences of bodily existence of God from the close of our to corresponding differences in the spiritual life, if we use the relation of the mind to the body itself as a guide to watching how the spiritual with the corporeal to increase in us in connection and then listen to God, to be a man, and is still comparable to the people who can remain comparable as infinite in the finite, so far, which is realized in himself.Who's interpreted differently, the only option is either the rudest humanization of God upon themselves, or on all the comprehensibility of the divine existence in general, as to renounce its ties to nature and the creatures.However, instead of choosing between the two, if not both be united by soon between the humanization and the incomprehensibility of God back and oscillates, soon, in principle, the last holds, and in the exercise of holding on to the first. And so then, however, necessary to get to the mixing of superstition with religious faith, expecting to Schleiden in the correct manner consequence of this conception of the essence of religious life itself. Only the very fact that you hold the world for a full, not a hollow symbol of the divine Spirit, one escapes all superstition and learn to distinguish faith from superstition. If the Negro god symbolized by a stone or piece of wood, then the superstition, for God's body, the world is more than a stone and a piece of wood. Also this is superstition, when the symbol of the spirit with the mind confuses the visible external world for himself appearing in God. But it is not superstition, if one behind the face of the world, the soul of God, such as behind a human face looks the soul of a people, and of the order and the way of the world, the worlds, the leadership of the fate of the creatures, the are the living features of his countenance to glean the features of his soul seeks. To get it though, and always better to learn, we must think first of all the fact that behind the countenance of the world is also a soul. The outputs of humanity they

shone probably the people from themselves so opposite from it, like a soul from the human face over. But the time is long gone, and probably for a long time will want it, until the man is standing back to consciousness to the point that he once lifted from the unconscious. Always anew the question is directed to the Creator: What you beweisest that you are? Also the creator responds: So, I look at you, and as I look at you. But it still comes down to how you look at it again. With the microscope before the eye God can not be seen, and he who seeks his face behind instead of in the mirror, sees only one wall. There is one word: Thou shalt God in mind and heart have. The first part of this commandment, God comes in yet another sense opposite than you think, but it turns and closes his eyes and sees God only in the night. Even in the night to find him, but to find not alone. To sum it up: The view that nature is a powerful symbol of the spirit, in the same sense in which our body is such and such that its symbolic property associated with the nature and depends on, is more reasonable than the view that nature is an empty symbol of the mind or one whose symbolic property of our body is not related is still comparable to, if that view allows one to be unanimous, consistent, coherent world view, however, these contradictions, incoherence, incoherency in thinking carries and asks, - it is clear, by which the principal moments of a general world view, the relationships between the physical and the mental through the whole region of existence and between God and His creatures, a certain indication of the idea of the concept and circuit in the, we find in ourselves, have, however, another view of this situation sunk in an incomprehensible darkness and this darkness holds the consciousness of even the largest deepening of religious faith, - it is fruitful and alive entwickelungsfhiger, by then not only for the existence, but also the mode of existence of God from the contemplation of nature draw characters can establish conclusions on how we establish such consciously and unconsciously to the contemplation of the body and the physical manifestations of a person with respect to the existence and the mode of existence of his mind, while the rest of us by the View us such formative only deeper into the deception hineinverirren, - it is experiential because we, as far as we are ever experience and experience conclusions about the relationship of the spiritual to the corporeal to bids, the spiritual is not out, but in its natural symbols as in solid Find relationship of existence and the mode of existence to it and even the hollow art symbols, basically but also parts of the physical world, nature, arise only on the basis of the full nature symbols in a world and see realized that the whole character of the full symbol in a higher sense bears as our own body, it is more the natural human need, how proves the fact that the indigenous people hold in such great public nature and its distinguished designs for divinely inspired; it corresponds to finally more a higher human need, because we, despite conflicting, partly engrossing, partly gngelnder dogmas involuntarily fall back into our poetic feelings and views in the view of nature as an animated. But if a view all over the other has preceded what we can measure the value of a

view, but why should we let those of these things? Now, one can only ask: what has yet our contemporary world view contradict themselves and with the other hand can take what they are given with one yourself? what they out there, even back then lift the omnipresent and all-effective in nature God from nature, that nature is only a footstool under his feet, the God in whose image we are created, from which comes our mind itself, again quite incomparable to explain to us? I think I have enough about it to another place (Zend-Avesta II, pp. 87 ff) said, and I will not repeat here again. What hlf 'it. The fire, I say again, must first go through the stubble of today's arid world view, rather, the new seed is not green. But words are just wind, no fire. V. Schleiden and the moon. What has, however, one wonders, do the moon with your quarrels with Schleiden? Yes, the poor moon! Me and the Moon are fellow sufferers. We have a common cause against Schleiden, because Schleiden has a common cause against us. In fact, after Schleiden has cleared me in his essay on the plant soul, he treats in a second essay of his work, titled: "Moonlight ravings of a naturalist", equal to the previous directed mainly at women, the moon just the same as me, ie short He will not only not good, but almost nothing at all to him. What is a sad figure from now on the moon before the ladies play after Schleiden them to demonstrate that the object of their swarming is a dead lump that they distribute their sighs before a pigeon, her tears prior to drying their feelings in front of a stone Harten. Previously, the Vorstecklilie the earth, the swan of the sky, the shepherd of the sheep, golden, coregent of the sun in the kingdom of the weather and the winds light of fairies and elves, a cornucopia of magical powers, he now turns to them the glory of all, all mysticism, stripped of all power, as old burnt-out, lazily rotating slag ball, with varying ages ago, comparable to that of a drunken swing. No title of his reputation is still left him, and after so long deceived the people with erborgtem splendor, pathetic beings and the pretense of mysterious forces, they see in it from now on only the old worn-out charlatan, whose role is to end. Even the tides, which previously served him out of habit, show inclination to terminate him obedience; require at least the division of his power, the tide does not want to jump at the unsubstantial light of the full moon and the new moon, the craft of the weather making is it entirely set, and the hocuspocus of his magic revealed and thoroughly destroyed any claim to habitability. It is not to be surprised that we are both written about in the same way to Schleiden. But we are both dreamers, one and all, only with this difference, that the moon, the heavenly king and patron saint of all fantasies, phantasms, Phantasmagorieen, Phantoms, dreamers, and I'm just one of his most faithful servants and priests on earth. Schleiden but is a mathematician and philosopher, and as such sworn enemy of all dreamers and fantasies in heaven and on earth. How extinguishing water he confronts them. If fire occurs in the water, spattering, and Schleiden's philosophy and mathematics of pure water so that it even if the mere

moonlight falls into hisses and splashes. I looked different, as I passed yesterday evening at our swan pond, the white swan was it already gone to rest in his house, the Golden Swan pulled up his car, and in the ponds below drew his picture, and it was beautiful to look at, the foamed water and not injected, but meanwhile the swan moved away up in golden silence, shaking his picture down quietly with each gentle wave blow, hit like with golden wings, and how the wave action was over, it was again the always calm himself same image . A way that water can take the appearance of the sky. Since the moon does not want to stoop even fight out his affair with Schleiden, although a small Mondsteinchen on the main perhaps the only way would be to shake the unshakable, so I take it hereby about me, as a representative of Himmelsphantasten on earth, whose case against Antiphantasten on earth as best I can to lead, hoping that the same will repay once again at an early hour with some of my fantasies. Yes, how thankful should not consecrate his service my pen I after the first spring, with which I made my foray into the world was inspired by him. Not to show but a unbeflissenen zeal and not to miss the right point, I'll have to consider that the Moon will be very glad to a number of small offices be rid of them Schleiden has shocked him with one, yes it this can only know you, that the same so unpleasant it functions has relieved, which are: to make rotten the wood and game, to get the oysters mast to lead on the growth of carbon and Krautstrnke book, the bone meter the correct amount of marrow to oversee the sheep, to make people hair Tours from moonlight when they are the not leave hair cut at the right time to participate in the action of worms and laxatives, etc. All 'he lets go of love and leaves it Schleiden to forgive these offices elsewhere. But the office to help the sun when weather making, his mystical being, his sympathetic relations with the people, he will not want to take, and his claims on residents, he is so often rise when she reflected. Now that we want to see but after Schleiden (studies p. 135) presumes to it with all the inhabitants of the heavenly kingdom on earth, the Chinese take against me if I do not, Schleiden against a resident of the real heavenly kingdom accommodate the ruler of Turkey, can. And I'll prove folgends following seven points:
Frher die Vorstecklilie der Erde, der Schwan des Himmels, der Hirt der goldnen Schafe, der Mitregent der Sonne im Reiche des Wetters und der Winde, die Leuchte der Feen und Elfen, ein Fllhorn magischer Krfte, stellt er sich ihnen nun dar aller Glorie, aller Mystik, aller Macht entkleidet, als alte ausgebrannte, sich trge drehende Schlackenkugel, mit vor Alter schwankendem, dem eines Trunkenen vergleichbaren Gange.

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1) The Moon makes weather. 2) The moon does not only air and sea, but even the earth shake. 3) The moon is and remains a mystical creature that is aufzuraten us more than we can guess. 4) moon has magnetic relationship with the earth. 5) The moon has sympathetic relations with the people.

6) The moon has a top side and a downside,. they must not be judged by the Kehseite him 7) So far Schleiden 'rich reasons, may the moon air , water and residents have. VI. Influence of the moon on the weather. So the moon has, according to Schleiden, except that he is connected with the sun high and low tides, which can not take him for all, no appreciable influence on the earth. He has no particular influence on the weather.The weather changes do not depend in the least with the moon phases (full moon, new moon, quarter, etc.) together. Eisenlohr has proved it by experience, reason proves it too, and in general "is little understanding and consideration" to "to convince themselves of the utter groundlessness of this hergebrachten astrological musings." . - "The full moon as the other phases occur for the whole earth in the same moment had the moon to say the least influence on the changes of the weather, so would these changes have on the world occur simultaneously and in the same sense, and you need really do not have to put your nose too far out the window to know that this is never and nowhere the case. " But, Mr. Schleiden, like you studied but not with plug nose out the window, but with quite different meteorological instruments and does not mean the same when the weather is erratic, that there is no rule for it. An influence which is not felt by a respectable nose at widest unplugging from the window, but perhaps can be felt by a fine nose in seclusion on Studiertische by inserting a register longtime observations, in its central results balance out irregularities obscure the influence in detail. How is it with the light of the stars? When the sun shines, she sees no one. They are therefore less there? You just wait and see the night so she sees each; mere twilight of course is not enough out to distinguish it from other things Flinkern Flinkern. Now there is in regard to the influence of the meteorological sun no night, you could wait to become aware of the lunar influence for themselves. But science has the means to artificially produce such a night, they can be destroyed by using appropriate combination of observations in the middle results even the sun influences the moon then where influence can be seen, if there is one otherwise. Thus, the destruction was complete, it certainly calls for a long series of observations, and mere twilight here is not enough out to differ from the Flinkern Flinkern. This must of course the moon does not demand that he offer the effect of the sun, but not mine, if its effect is outbid them, they do not exist. But we do not stick to possibilities and generalities. We address the question directly with facts on the ground. Well yes that does Schleiden also. He cites yes Eisenlohr's investigations. Quite well, I will also quote Eisenlohr's investigations. I will not just quote, I will cite their main results specifically and accurately. Schleiden, although they only quoting from memory, but can be "the final result of" the same, "namely the proof that climatic changes in the phases of the moon are completely independent, completely stand for." And I can on my part to accurately inspect the same for the overall result is the same, namely completely vouch for the proof that

the weather changes significantly depending on the moon phases. And not just for the fact that this is the final result of Eisenlohr's investigations but that it is the matching result of a large number is actually independent of each other guided careful research. Here studies to studies!
To explain the following are some brief preliminary remarks: Since we have no experiential means to recognize, as it would be on the earth with the weather, when the earth had absolutely no moon, which is therefore the absolute influence of the same on the weather conditions, it can only go along the investigation, whether according to the different positions of the moon to the sun and earth change the weather conditions, and we take a lunar influence on or not, whichever is the case or not. The whole investigation has therefore to be paid to differences in this regard. As random with respect to the moon influence is subsequently Anything that is not legally dependent on the circumstances of the moon run or legally related to it. Sub-phases of the moon refers to those dependent on the angular position of the moon against the sun manifestations of the same, or even the time of its occurrence, which are: new moon, full moon, quarter, octants. New moon and full moon are under the name of syzygy, first and second quarters under which the quadratures, and all four together under the combined exchange of the moon or four main phases. Move between the four main phases in the middle of the four octants one, so that the first falls in the middle between new moon and first quarter, the last one in the middle between last quarter and new moon. With the octants together to get eight main phases. The orbital period of the moon of a given phase to the recurrence of the same phase is called the synodic month, from an average of 29 1 / 2days. Counting the days from the new moon as the first, and the so-called new moon indicates the counted as of the day of the synodic month in which the moon is. Under apses one considers the perigee (perigee) and perigee (apogee) the moon, in a similar manner as under syzygies full moon and new moon together and understands anomalistischem month period of the return of the moon from perigee to return to the perigee or apogee to back to perigee. He is shorter than the synodic month, that is only 27 1 / 2 long days. As the first day of the month anomalistic one cares to take the day or the perigee of the perigee. Direct identification, I will call such provisions below, where the true course of the phases is followed by the variability of the synodic month (ie for circumstances may the meantime, for example, between new moon and first quarter, the first quarter and full moon, etc for a few days more or less differ); indirect ones where the provisions for the mean time the phase in question apply. Under those wet days should be understood below, where it is rain or snow, hail, sleet, which one sums generally as aqueous precipitation, have been made. Now it can rain more than once in a day also, snow, etc. It is for the following observations each day where it rained once or several times, snowing, once brought into account, and when we hereafter of the number of aqueous speak rainfall, so this is to take the number of wet days identically by all aqueous precipitate, which takes place on a day when an aqueous precipitation is. Subset fallen water, the aqueous in the form of precipitates is understood fallen water determined by the level to which it is above the floor on which it falls, would arise if it would be above it, a level obtained by suitable Rain Gauge, udometer determined on meteorological observatories.

Since Schleiden before Allen, yes almost 'alone, appoints the weather question

Eisenlohr, and nothing matters to respect the historical result of the investigations, we also want to Eisenlohr make a start, the more willingly because Eisenlohr is one of those , who have studied most thoroughly with this question. His investigations are set out in three estimable treatises in Poggendorff's Annalen, referring to the influence of the moon not only rain, serene and cloudy day, but also barometric pressure, wind, thunderstorms, he has pulled the influence of daily moon Ganges, as the synodic circulation into consideration and to study it in three different places, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Paris extended, and he has not merely content to follow the influence of the four or eight main stages, but considered all the days of the synodic month. First we summarize the influence of the aqueous precipitation in the eye. Karlsruhe Eisenlohr used 1) 30-year observations from 1801 to 1830, which include in 371 (synodic) months 5019 wet days or rainfall spread in the way different on different days of the month that the average of the observations on 14 Days of the month (calculated here as the new moon in the result, more than l), ie, 2 days after the second Octants, two days before the full moon, a maximum 28 Days, di l day after the 4th Octants, a minimum of moisture took place, by the former fell on day 189, only 153 of latter rain. The ratio 189 : 153 is the same as 123.5 : 100.0, after which it around the time of the second Octants in Karlsruhe handled 1 / 4 times more often than at the time of the 4th Octants rains.

Poggendorff's Annals XXX. P 72

Common ground is a not insignificant and not easily out of hand pointing difference. But we also do not give us equal caught it. As long as inherent in the medium results of a periodic series of observations still unbalanced coincidences and of how much randomness depends but the weather down - will include also always have to offer a maximum and minimum value, the deviation from equality is wrongly readily on account of a would write legal influence. But in fact, the original table the mean values for the individual days of the month still shows a very irregular course which indicates unbalanced contingencies, because they would be balanced, so would the values, the periodic progress of the moon following a regular basis through walk through increase and decrease. Although now is the suspicion that we are dealing here with a dependent merely on chance differences, already the size of this difference contrary, if we take into account both the length of the observation period (30 years), because in the mean values of long-term observations of the contingencies more and more to compensate, however, there can be no assurance after a very naked aperfu make, how much to expect this, so it will apply to ensure on other sides to those suspicions. In this respect, meets us first and foremost the remark contrary, that the largest and the smallest number that we have found are for 14 days, ie noticeably halfway around the synodic month apart (break values of the days can not occur after the Verzeichnungsweise of observations). This is, however, in the case of a periodic legal influence with a main maximum and minimum of the most probable, what might be

expected, and thus speaks of the existence of such an influence. Then we have a means of stabilization of contingencies, including the length of the observation time was not yet sufficiently characterized to come to the aid that we take the values of individual day or multi-day totals averages into account. Should it come forward to have represented at least approximately, in such circumstances, the individual days , so we might best at 3-day funds, or stay amounts that approximated (even if only approximate) can be substituted for the values of the mean daily. But since it now applies only to decide if ever the Moon run has an influence on the number of rainfall, we will endeavor to bring the grotmgliche equalization of coincidences, by combining the half the number of days of the month the other half number face, and watch whether even now a significant difference in values for both shows. So let's add up to the Datis the original table all the rain that falls on the 15 days of the waxing moon, counting the new moon as the first day of the waxing moon, and just as all the rain that falls on the 15 days of the waning moon 2) by We expect the Vollmondstag than the first day of the waning moon. This results in the waxing moon in 2636 Summa, for the decreasing rainfall in 2469, which a majority of 167 for the former and a ratio 1.0676 : 1.0000 is between the two.
day; Vollmachung for 2 the 30th Day is a reduction, and in some cases made an interpolation of the values in the future,

Bemerktermaen actually has the synodic month not 30, but only 29 1 /

leading to series of observations. Therefore, a small disagreement between the calculated and the actually observed sums. About more details here in the larger font.

So the waxing moon fall approximately 107 precipitates, while the decreasing only 100 fall. The difference is not too much, and significant differences on even to we did not expect at the moon influence. That he was not merely a matter of chance, can us the following sample, even if not prove safe, but probably do. Why not, when chance after such large institutions granted to his compensation, as a 30-year observation period and a summary of 15 days in the month, still has so much power to make a difference from 167 to a total of 5105 rainfall for waxing and waning moon , an equally large difference arise for the sum of pairs and unpaired month days? So let's add up to the Datis the original table first, all precipitation that the unpaired month day, the 1st, 3rd, 5th & c, and secondly all those on the day mate, ie the 2nd, 4th, 6th usf fall. The sum of the unpaired days is 2570 for the pair in 2535, so the difference is only 35 instead of 167 previously Now we may assume that in pairs and unpaired days its essential difference between the lunar influence will depend, so that this difference really depended not only on balanced contingencies. But this is how much smaller than the one we found for waxing and waning moon. We admit that this sample is not in itself sufficient, since in this case happened to be the random difference could be very small. But for now you should also come to the aid only other signs and continue to be reinforced by repetition.

One could imagine that stocks still another way department of the month, just as in the waxing and waning moon, where the difference is even greater than the above were unviable. However, the above division manner has a particular interest, and I will generally notice that I, that department, an average than the've detected after examination of several sets of observations, one of which will be even mentioned that near are quite or very the biggest difference. It unite several points in previous series of observations to make the existence of a statutory moon influence very probable l) the magnitude of the difference between maximum and minimum, which of the follow-up appears to be larger with respect to the length, as you may be inclined to the naked attach random, 2) exactly to expect the time distance between maximum and minimum close to the half-month period, as in the case of a legal influence, and 3) a difference between the carrying amounts of the two main halves of the period, which is significantly greater than a casual sample can find for the chance. That do not coincide with the times of maximum and minimum with full moon and new moon, can no objection justified, if we remember that depending on the sun during maxima and minima, z as the temperature and pressure of the air even with noon and midnight, summer and winter solstice coincide. After all, it will still be good, not too much to build on a series of observations. It is not likely that the differences found between maximum and minimum, between increasing and decreasing moon resting on mere coincidence, but it is possible. If we apply. Thus to other series of observations to strengthen us for the same agreement or disagreement with the previous probability to be recovered or re-price First, this provides a second investigation of Eisenlohr represents, on a 27-year series of observations, which were made in the years 1806 to 1832 by Mr. Schneider in Strasbourg, with 3758 wet days and rainfall 333 (synodic) months. This also shows the original table of observations of the response of the mean values for each month days sporadically enough that we have to accept that accidents are not adequately compensated. But through these accidents ask themselves the following noteworthy points out: The maximum number of wet days falls on the 13th with 154 rainfall, so only one day different from the maximum of the previous series, a deviation that may just because of not fully balanced contingencies do not qualify, and if not even the minimum, but the minimum number of 117 next fall on the 29th, only one day different from the minimum of the previous row. We sum, as in the previous series of Karlsruhe, the total number of rainfall for growing and waning moon 3) , so come to Strasbourg on the waxing moon in 1988, the waning moon 1840 rainfall, what a difference from 148 to a total rainfall of 3828 and a ratio of 1.0804 : 1.0000 is. So the difference for waxing and waning moon has not only the same direction, but the relationship between the two even close to the same value as in the series of Karlsruhe, without our way want to assign to the latter circumstance special weight, because it will be shown later, that is an exact match of

this ratio is not even expected for sites with different absolute number of annual precipitation.

interpolation with the number 122 for the 30 Day of the original table.

As it is now here with the total for the unpaired and paired days. Because we now have a new opportunity to examine what can about the accident. The total for the day is by the unpaired Datis the original table 1912 for the pair rainfall days in 1916, so the difference in whole only 4! And this difference has the opposite direction than in previous series. It will be according to these conditions for each row and their relationships to each other already hard, nor to believe that the whole moon's influence was a sham of chance. Eisenlohr was recorded at the same series of observations with the number of rainfall, the amount of fallen water each month for all days. Let us see whether and how these numbers connect the past. As Maximumtag results of 14 with 814.92, a minimum of 28 by 454.64 millimeters of rain height (in sum for the entire 27 years of observation); bemerktermaen namely one measures the amount of fallen water by the height to which it in a vessel in which one it catches under appropriate measures, rising above the ground . (A millimeter is close to 1 / 2 line.) That would be quite the same again even days, we met as a maximum and Minimumtag already at the Karlsruhe series. And what a huge difference! It is not missing too much, so the amount of rain days at the maximum would be twice as large as the minimum days. The ratio is 179.00 : 100.00.This shows the same lunar influence that makes the rain more often, it makes even more dense. The total for the waxing moon is 9936.38, for decreasing 4) 8821.00 mm, giving a difference of 1115.38 mm and a ratio of 112,65 : 100,00 there. According to this, within 27 years in Strasbourg during the waxing moon 3.4336 par. Foot (ie, more than half the height of a man) more water than during the waning fallen, because so much of the difference is 1115.88 mm. The waxing moon fills hereafter 9 barrels of water, while the decreasing only 8 fills.

By interpolation of 537.28 millimeters for the 30 Day.

I tie thereto for a housewife who lives with another in the same house, and the water for washing alternately collects her from the eaves, the Council to auszubedingen the waxing moon about what it is like to admit when the wife of an enlightened man is, as they will then give nothing to the moon. So the woman professor Schleiden would certainly not opposed to the treaty, and my wife for a barrel of water have more to eighth. Putting that together make up the women, and go further in what we identify as men. Us to go back to the waxing and waning moons towards the pair and unpaired days into consideration, whether we are not yet even come to a case where the random hanging on the latter, it is good for the differences, the former depends on the same.

The sum of the unpaired days is 9152.62, 9604.76 mm for the day mate, what is only a difference of 452.14 mm, one has to leave to chance. This difference is relatively larger than usually found paired and unpaired him for days, but still by far not reached half of the above for waxing and waning moon. That would be because some of the results arising from Eisenlohr's research indicates its authority as Schleiden found by hitting against the moon influence. I say some. Because, as noted, Eisenlohr pursued the moon influence much further than merely in relation to the aqueous precipitation. I still come back to it, but leave his studies right now to even compile the results of some other studies on the aqueous precipitation with the previous one. As we have come to Strasbourg to France, we want to continue in this same direction. This offers us a 29-year old observation row (1804-1832) Paris 3625 with rainfall 359 (synodic) months constitutes what has E. Bouvard (not to be confused with the older A. Bouvard) examined 5) . His investigations also concern not only the influence of the moon on aqueous precipitation, but also on wind and barometric pressure. But we now stay in the aqueous precipitation are.

Quetelet Corresp. math. et phys T. VIII p. 257th

The maximum then decreases with rainfall 148 to 13, the minimum rainfall of 100 to 28 So once again, the same day that we have already met in the previous rows than the maximum and minimum. The difference is much more significant (48 to 100), so much so, in view of the length of the observation period, that apart from the mood of the times together with the previous series, could not stop thinking about random, probably. But now there is the further that the difference in Paris for the number of rainfall (not for the amount of falling water) also must really fail more significant than in previous places, if a legal Moon influence takes place, as I will show in the next chapter. For waxing and waning moon, we get the numbers in 1884 and 1741, which is a difference of 143 and a ratio of 1.0821, again strange to comply with the conditions found above. To feel the power of chance again on the pulse, we take the sum total of unpaired and couple days, and see the numbers 1803 and 1795, which only differ by 45th Bouvard also examined the amount of fallen water. The day of the maximum can be found here at 1.73 millimeters (as the average height for the Maximumtag), poorly consistent with the previously found on 2 Such deviations but we must always keep possible as long as the contingencies are not balanced; yes under several rows are then required by the principles of probability theory to expect such. Even the difference of location can make a difference. But I believe that the deviation in fact depends on backward contingencies, because the original table of the observations shows a very irregular course of values. Also there is the Minimumtag again, consistent with the previous, 28 of 1.01 millimeters. Found so far and the maximum days, the 13th and l4., show, with 1.36 and 1.43 mm, higher than this Minimumtag. So there is still greater harmony with all life has gone before.

Waxing gibbous moon are in the middle for 1 month 21.26 mm, 19.90 mm decreasing fallen water. Difference 1.36 mm; ratio 106.83 : 100.00. So the waxing moon does not deny its property plus the making here. Give unpaired couple days and hand respectively with 20.63 and 20.53 mm only a difference of 0.10 millimeters. We realize in retrospect that the still uncompensated remaining chance at the differences in the value totals for the unpaired and paired days, apart from its relatively small size, and thus be characterized as a coincidence that he thrice pair the greater sum for the under-five cases, was given twice daily for unpaired, however, invariably the greater sum falls into the same five cases to the increasing, the smaller of the waning moon. After this we go back to Germany, to the investigations of the Moon avid meteorologists Schbler's, which has contributed in front of others to bring the influence of the moon on the weather again honor. And if ever can expose to its treatment of the observations, partly in regard to the combination thereof, sometimes the nature of the agent pulling stuff to give him a main merit will remain in that respect, but always, but we are, in so far as the observation data themselves from him been submitted, not bound to his treatment of the same. More particularly, he Schbler except for a few together to stand treatises published two separate studies of our subject, the first in a separate document about 6) , in which he to 28-year observations with 4299 wet days in 348 (synodic) months partly to Augsburg, partly to Stuttgart, partly Munich hired examines both the number of wet days, as the amount of water fallen, as wind direction with respect to the lunar influence.

Schbler'sUntersuchungen about the influence of the moon on the changes in our atmosphere. Leipzig, in 1830.

The Augsburg observations include 16 years, from 1813 to 1828, the Stuttgart 4 years, from 1809 to 1812, the Munich 8 years, from 1781 to 1788. Here again we encounter essentially the same, for the moon influence characteristic points, which consistently resulted from the previous studies. The maximum rainfall of 167 falls on the 13th, the minimum rainfall of 129 to 28 7) The waxing moon was in 2214, the decreasing rainfall in 2085. 129 difference, ratio 1.0619 : 100.00. Pairs and unpaired days may be due to the peculiar disposition of Schbler's series of observations not compare, even with the previous compare well enough done to demonstrate that the observed for waxing and waning moon differences are far greater and more constant in direction than that for pairs and unpaired days, which should give us an approximate scale of what may write to chance.

After Schbler respectively l day after the second and l day after the 4th Octants, which corresponds to the above days of the moon's age.

For the water, the amount of fallen Schbler's investigation is incomplete by concerns only five phases of the moon, but the results agree very well again consistent with those obtained for the same periods of the previous series. (P a

compilation about the next chapter.) In his second study Schbler combined 8) the last 28 years of observation for Augsburg, Stuttgart, Munich, which is not continuously in continuo with each other, 32 years of which have been made in and around Tbingen and Stuttgart from three different observers, so that from the all the same results in a consecutive 60-year series of observations from 1772 to 1831 with 9150 rainfall 753 (synodic) months, but he said only the number of rainfall contemplates.

Kastner, Archives of chemistry and meteorology. VS 168

Now we must not conceal from ourselves that it is not hopeful to gain, but rather a weakness of the evidence for the influence of moon turns by this infliction of the 32 years. Although still is for the entire 60 years a preponderance on the part of the waxing moon, but this is much reduced from that observed previously; still the maximum falls in the area of the second octants (the day before the same, ie the 11th); but the minimum is from the area of the 4th Octants until the last quarter (which corresponds to the 25th day of the moon's age) moved, and the ratio of the number of the maximum and minimum rainfall is 1222 : 1084 di 112.4 : 100.0, so that the position of the minimum is slightly changed and shows the whole influence of the moon slightly weakened against all previous observations. Meanwhile hereafter but also a lunar influence is still so decidedly that he could Schbler of this 60-year series of observations are used to the most extensive conclusions about the moon influence. If we ask the reason of the anomaly that confronts us, in a sense, it is perhaps because certainly I am not able to specify it in the following circumstances: It is not likely that the moon has a direct influence on the increase and decrease the aqueous precipitation is expressed, but the fact that he, the pressure conditions, and in the upper regions of the temperature conditions (see below), whose virtue but the wind direction changes. In fact, we shall see that the same moon phases, favoring the number and amount of the aqueous precipitation in Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Paris, Augsburg favor, even a low barometric pressure and southwesterly winds that carry rain in generally there. But now stands to reason that, depending on latitude and longitude, depending on the location of oceans and mountains, the same change of pressure and temperature carry different wind directions and can lead to the same wind different moisture conditions, because the wind direction is quite the only relations of pressure and temperature between locations depends. Therefore, it is quite possible that the moon in places that are very different in this respect from each other, different effect on the number and amount of rain rain. We therefore may not hold for comparable observations in places whose conditions have not been investigated in this regard, or the comparability not prove by itself. Now if Schbler has combined the observations of 6 places in its 60th series of observations, it is quite conceivable that such find places which lacks comparability with the previous one. I have the figures for the 28-year series of observations considered above, of which the 60-year subtracted to obtain the numbers of a 32 year old for three places left. They show a deviation from all previous utter so well matching results, so that they are

absolutely unkombinierbar it, and I wonder how Schbler these observations with those 28 year old 32 year old has been able to combine. Whom it falls also on the meteorological effects of the sun to combine the observations of different observation places at the same set of observations. When Monde arises, however, the need to get out because there is still a lack of more observations, but it is always to examine only whether the observations can withstand a combination. The assumption that is not fully comparable to places of very divergent position of the moon's influence on the aqueous precipitation is justified by the fact that some series of observations (about which further details in my larger point) really exist for locations of very divergent geographic location, which in itself just as well show an influence of the moon on the aqueous precipitation than the previous, but very different conditions of this influence are not done, the observations of Poitevin Montpellier (south seafront location), the Arago commemorates 9) , and the observations Everest 10) in Calcutta.

Annuaire du Bureau de l.ongit. p. In 1833. p. 167th

10) Librarian. univ in 1836. Avril.

It was also the observations of Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Paris, Augsburg, Stuttgart, Munich 11) are summarized here only in so far as they fit in this compilation. But that in several places, which can be found in not too different geographical conditions, so matching results have been obtained, is always considered a substantial increase of the evidence obtained from the series of observations for each location, view, and such deviation, the shows itself to other places, this evidence can weaken considerably. It is here, as often, that the results prove positive more than the negative can prove against. For comparability is essential requirement for each comparison. We want to also record the 32 years that Schbler has the 28 added in the common nexus of all observed lines, so none the less the moon influence remains quite decided yet, and as already noted, Schbler has even the combination of the 32 with the 28 years used to Konstatierung and discussion of the moon influence.

I find that even the observations of Munich, leave by deducting the figures in the table for Augsburg and Stuttgart's investigations Schbler page 4 of the total numbers of the table for all 3 places p.8 be represented especially not with the best the remaining votes.

The five studies cited here by Eisenlohr, Bouvard and Schbler about the influence of the moon on aqueous precipitation are the most detailed that I know of. But they are aggravated even by some studies, respectively, of Flauguergues and Quetelet, extending partly to less phases, some shorter observation time, but in their results back very well with the above, proving positive for a lunar influence in the same direction match, so that the unfavorable impression of 32jhri-tions Schbler'schen series thus must be compensated more so than additional to the previous observations by the Quetelet'schen 9 new observation years (1842-1850). I will give the most essential of them in starting, as it adds nothing new, only new to all previously

Flauguergues 12) has acquired a main merit by observations on the influence of the moon on the barometer, but the same also determined the influence of the four main phases (syzygies and quarters) to the aqueous precipitation on occasion. Its to Viviers (from 1808-1828) employed 20 years as the number of precipitation observations provide the following values: L Quarter Moon Full Moon Last Quarter 78 88 82 65


Bibl univ.XXXVI. p. 264th

The minimum falls thereafter decided on the last quarter of the maximum to the first quarter. But decided at the last quarter of the 4 main phases can also all previous rows, Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Paris, and even the 28 year old 60 year old Schbler'sche, drop the minimum. The maximum among the four main phases anlangend, so it falls on two of the first-mentioned four series of observations also like to Flauguergues the l quarters, with two on the full moon, which variation may not be noticeable, when we remember that it is generally agreed actually between two main phases in the vicinity of the second Octants, falls. Quetelet's 13) observations, made in Brussels, with respect to the fallen water quantity, deal only 9 years, from 1842 to 1850, which is much too small to justify definite conclusions for themselves alone. There are summarized in three days which give the following amount of water in millimeters Height: Table about the quantity of water fallen by 9-year observations , in Brussels by Quetelet .

Days of Millim.Water. Days of the the month. month. 29th 30th l 3.40 234 567 8 9 10th 3.94 316 3.53

Millim.Water. Days of the month. 23, 24th25th

Millim.Water. 3.59

11th 12th13th 4.95 14th 15th16th 4.02 17th 18th19th 3.92 20th 21,22, 4.38

26th 27th28th 3.66

The maximum amount of water shows the fallen here 11 12th 13, where the second Octant is in the middle, corresponding to the earlier results is the minimum at the 5th6 7, soon 29 30th l, the second of which value coincides with the usual location near the absolute minimum. What even this small number of observation years provides a more than expected matching results with the longer series of observations.

Quetelet, sur le climat. de Belg, V. game. In 1852. p. 69th

Let now (obtained by subtracting the age of 60) Schbler'sche 32-year series with the Poitevin'schen and Everest'schen, as the comparison with the rest of the specified point to depriving in page, then combine the results of 6 independent of each series of observations employed for places that do not deviate too far in the geographical environment, with a remarkable consensus was that the number of aqueous precipitation and amount of water around the fallen 13 and 14 the (synodic) month (calculated as the moon left) is greatest at 28 around is the smallest that the maximum and minimum around half the synodic month apart, and the number of rain and rainfall during the waxing moon is considerable larger than during the waning. The time of the peak falls between the I. quarter and full moon in the vicinity of the second Octants, and the time of minimum between the last quarter and new moon, in the vicinity of 4 Octants. So far we have only considered the influence of the Moon on the aqueous precipitation into consideration, but the question is not whether express also other conditions of the lunar influence on the barrel. In particular, this question arises in regard to perigee and apogee, release the apses and at all the circumstances of the anomalistic run (p. 143). Their influence on the aqueous precipitation is examined not only in fact but also proved by themselves. Due to the matching results from all four other independent observers Schbler, E. Bouvard, Flauguergues and Mdler has been found: That the number of aqueous precipitation is as the fallen amount of the water at the time of perigee is larger than the time of the perigee. However, the difference in this regard, is less than that which depends on the phases.
For the sum of three days, the center is the perigee and apogee, following rainfall figures were found: 3 days from the perigee 3 days from the Erdferne Schbler 14) , AM St. (28 years) 523 Mdler 15) , Berlin (16 years) Bouvard 16) , Paris (29 years) Summa 319 404 1246 485 301 386 1172 107.83 : 100.00 105.98 : 100.00 102.02 : 100.00 106.32 : 100.00 Ratio.

For the Apsidentage but even following numbers:

Day of Perigee Flauguergues 17) . Viviers (20 years) Schbler, AM St. (28 years) Madler, Berlin (16 years) Bouvard, Paris (29 years) Summa

Day of perigee


96 184 102 133 513

84 161 95 133 473

114.29 : 100.00 114.28 : 100.00 107.37 : 100.00 100.00 : 100.00 108.88 : 100.00

Schbler's investigators. P 27 Schbler has taken into account only in the 28 year old, not the 60-year series of observations on the influence of the perigee and apogee.
15) 16) 17)

Beer and Mdler the moon. P 163 Corresp. math. et par phys Quetelet. T. VIII pag 267 Flauguergues is no provision for adjacent days of Apsidentage.

So on average for these observation sites falls on the day of perigee at about 9 p. E. frequent water than on the day of perigee.
For the fallen water quantity is given by the 29-year Bouvard'schen observations in the 3-day means the ratio of perigee and apogee 117.13 : 100.00, and for the Apsidentage only: 104.55 : 100.00, after 16 years of Schbler'schen in Augsburg for the Apsidentage alone 18) 117.46 : 100.00.
18) Schbler

examiner. 40th

For all days of the anomalistic revolution is just before the 29-year old Parisian series of observations of E. Bouvard. After this 3-day totals found in the maximum of the number of wet days with 411 at the last, ie, 28 this month (valid when perigee = l), or l day before the perigee, the minimum of 356 on 10 as a means days; fallen the maximum amount of water as well with 4.57 million liters the day before the perigee, the minimum with 3.63 million on 17 or 2 days after the apogee.These results do not make it seem unlikely that the maximum and minimum actually coincide with perigee and apogee itself and only because more backward irregularities of the series of observations still show them differently.

How easy to consider who together make the best or the worst points of the synodic and anomalistic moon run for the rain, ie the second Octant with the perigee, or the 4th Octant or his obvious last quarter with the apogee, the tendency to rain especially

large or small, and the difference between the values for the respective days of such a coincidence will be especially large. In fact Schbler found in his 28 years of observations 19)that, while 2 Octant with perigee wet days was 57.3, last quarter 20) was only 37.3 days with wet apogee, giving a ratio 153.5 : 100.0 is.

Schbler's investigators. P 56

20) For 4 Octants he is no compilation.

So when the perigee coincides with the 2.Octanten, it's raining (at the places Schbler's investigation documents) about 1 1 / 2 times more likely than if the apogee coincides with the last quarter. Admittedly will only be expected from very long-term observations because of the rare combination of the most effective points of the synodic and anomalistic round a reasonably accurate determination of the ratio of days of such a coincidence.
On a possible influence of daily (apparent) crossing of the moon or the so-called moon hours for the appearance of the aqueous precipitation no direct investigations are known to me, although after immediately afterwards to be discussed influence thereof on cheerfulness and turbidity of heaven is such an influence probably . In contrast Schbler is an influence of the width or declination of the moon on the aqueous precipitation, but what would be desired by other observations further confirmations. The details about it in my larger font.

So much in proof of the fact of the lunar influence on the aqueous precipitation. About some more detailed provisions, the following chapters spread. One can immediately establish thereon the question of the merits of this influence, and even in a well-known songs they posed with the words: "Why are the tears beneath their moon so much?" Then a sufficient answer is now explained previously, however neither contain, nor will such be found below. But to answer the question, at what times is it the most, but the previous and in the next chapter following should give a good post. In short: It rains most when the moon soon will be full and when the moon is closest to the Earth is; weather, however, is the gayest, the sky laughs most, when the moon will be new soon, and the moon of the Earth is farthest away, and the second and 4 Octant, the more accurate times. As the tears are just a special kind aqueous precipitation, crying of course, also the man at these times the most and is due to the well-known influence of the moon on the sentimentality. Especially women, who often do not wis-sen, why they should laugh or cry, find a useful clue explained previously. It is located on the moon. They will if they want to take care of themselves, find that they second to the Octants cry the most, and at the 4thmost laugh. A knife or tears Dakryometer would therefore undoubtedly be a very useful tool for the study of the lunar influence, which I recommend to future observers. One would thus get to the micro-chemical and micro-meteorological observations, and meteorology would be the cutest science by one would take the number of whole downpours just to count or measure in a small graduated glass of the number of tears

shed. With delicate design with some gold the little instrument could very well find a place in a case next to the vinaigrette and the ladies would like to be used by them. Here we would like to counter the clear sky Given some time for the 4thOctants look, and yet far too little-powered studies in meteorology would be a job for lovers. A lot of practical rules can be based on the knowledge of these conditions, I give some to sample. When perigee, with 2 Octants coincides, it is pretty safe to bad Next to expect rain, cloudy sky, one must then make any outing; women are not embarrassed then, the drying clothes, and if men want to have DRY weather at home, they like the morning such encounter a new shawl carefully put on the dressing table of her wife, because a mere handkerchief not do it then. On the other hand free to do good to their application and at the same time to indicate their distance from earthly intentions, the meeting of 4 Wait octants with apogee, where they can be a friendly reception of the application secure if you do not someone else has already discovered it, for what does not align their noble path, her eyes violence by themselves, helping them then the gear and the face of the moon Align. - Poets do not even know to explain many times why their pieces fall through. Simply because at the first performance of the moon right time is missed. A tragedy has to be sure of success, for the first time at the time of the second Octants where the tears flow almost by itself, a comedy but at the time of the 4th Octants, where even the moon makes people laugh, are listed. The following performances then people habitually do the same again, which they did at the first, and it requires no more anxious concern. For the good advice, which is herein for the poet, the same meteorology could do a great counter favor if they each have their collections poems moon, that would enclose the phase of the moon, where it was written. On the one hand, the meteorology would then see the same alternating drought and wateriness a new convenient means to study the lunar influence, on the other hand, a new opportunity to satisfy their own desires poetic, which already betrays itself in their prophecies. But the poets would thus a respectable scholarly audience and sell their works on physical and meteorological institutes secured cabinets. Now that currently most poetry collections as Diogenesse walk around with a lantern to look for a man who buys and reads, and thereby meet with their beautiful bindings on the books stores or dodge careful as the carriers of colorful lanterns on the Taucha'schen annual markets in Leipzig, the easy way, which opens up the poets of such shape to win with assistance of Heaven attentive audience, the same dispute only be welcome and ask them for the first footsteps. All 'but really belongs in the new calendar, I'm working right now to, now practically to realize the great progress that has made in the knowledge of the moon influences recently the science for life. I casually empfehl 'it here with a few words. If already etc the rules about hair cutting, bloodletting, cupping, purging in previous calendars so well have made to supply the human body to heaven, should the etc on so much higher, hanging up laundry, marriage, poetry, setting rules of the new calendar contribute something to track the soul into heaven. All art comes at all from the sky or from Egypt, which is not far from each other according to our present notions, and so did the whole painting human portraits has taken its origin from the

calendar Konterfeien the moon face. But this view for millennia still unchanged from how the known seeds in the Egyptian pyramids, and the new moon can even - as for the beginnings of all art are unclear and imperfect - in doubt whether a Mohr face or Pfefferkorn as the first seed of art of painting has to go. With the publication of my new calendar, but the Smlein will rise and take the art of painting into a new phase by the moon's face is present, depending on its phase laughing or crying, and each will show herewith, when he had to laugh and cry, for it the sky to do the same and to do with this law, and if the woman to dry their laundry, the suitor to bring his proposal, the writer had to have his comedies and tragedies, etc., etc. But more to say about this, would lead us too far and the Heel of the new do calendar by anticipating its contents damage. Let us therefore now rain, tears, Dakryometer, poetry, painting, and go under the influence of 4 Octants dry further. It applies at all nothing else than the general public Schleiden to prove against that the moon has an effect on the weather, so the above should be enough already. One judges but the weather in ordinary life mainly by drought and rain, and this is also the main reason why I first considered the influence of the moon on it, regardless of it is probably only a mediated bemerktermaen. But it is with the consideration of the same subject only to the smallest parts by far exhausted, and it will now go on to ask whether or not there will be a moon's influence on other meteorological phenomena than the aqueous precipitation. As more or less all related meteorological changes, this can be viewed from the outset as likely, and will rise by the following certainty. The moon is in fact not so silent through the evening clouds out as the song sings, he drives the clouds and distributes them, according as he is with invisible wings shoes, we will feel the beat of the wings on the train of the wind under his swing , sometimes to increase the power of the wing, and then there is storm and tempest. The air moves under his steps up and down elastically, how he lowers wide the clouds ghost it under the carpet the foot, and pours water from under the faint prints from the wet mesh in the cups of the flowers that are thirsting down to catch it , as he lifts his foot, triggers, the carpet, and send the flowers to the spirits of the material in new carpet smell and haze to top. To change the flowers and the clouds spirits and shake hands in the service of the Spirit-prince. For this he weaves them clear dreams, we ourselves see something like this, the clouds it looks like wonderful notes, and as the moon at night is in the clear sky, and the flowers, gently lulled by the spirits of the air, precautionary measure in order to find no rest , nod, sleep, falling into each by a small clear mirror his image and flashes and shakes quietly, and people say then it thaws, the morning flies the mirror and the image as our own dreams, but he himself keeps in his swing a large mirror in the hands, he turns to the sun, and returns him now right, now left, now a part entwendend with the clear, sometimes with the dark side of the earth, the great raspberries melsgabe of light and heat, zurckzuwenden to him in a more beautiful and more moderate use. First, we configure our new issue attention to such phenomena which are related to the aqueous precipitation in the next UPHOLSTERY, where are above all clouds and cloud dispersal, hereby turbidity and joy of heaven. How easy to consider, because the sky is cloudy the rain, and on a clear day it is not raining, so the influence on the

conditions of serenity and clouding of the sky is included in some respects already been Were looking at and taken into account, but can even run the be sky overcast, without that it is raining, so it covered the ratios of rain and haze but not quite together, so you can get the effect on the latter, after all, the object of a special examination to make, though the result of which is to foresee a foresight, as is also confirmed by the following. The investigations of Eisenlohr 21) , Bouvard 22) and Schbler 23) show consistently namely, that at the time of the second Octants and full moon are more cloudy days than at the time of the last quarter and 4th Octants, which coincides so that the rainfall is greater for the first time. No less has Schbler 24) found (after 16 years of observations at Augsburg), and E. Bouvard and Mdler confirmed by general statements that the number of cloudy days is the time of perigee greater than the time of apogee as the first time more rain than the last. So it's true in this regard all for the best.

Pgg. Ann. XXX . 87th

22) Quetelet, Corresp. math. et phys T. VIII p. 265

23) Schbler, investigations. P 21

24) Schbler, Untes. P 40

Behaves according to the Eisenlohr of 25) examined 30 years of observations of Karlsruhe (in 3 - to 4-day means) the number of bright days for the second time and 4Octants as 29.602 : 34.561, and the number of cloudy days to the same phases as 23.892 : 21.262. The full moon occurs in these conditions with a bright 28.663, 24.253 cloudy days, so is the second Octants near what will soon be eligible for consideration in the following discussion. - According to E. Bouvard's 26) 29 years of observations at Paris, the number of daylight behaves in the period from the first quarter to full moon to the number of them in the period from the last quarter to new moon as 218 : 305, and the number of cloudy days for the same times like 1455 : 1362. The period from 2 3rd Octants (with the full moon in the middle) are 224 bright, cloudy day in 1461. - After Schbler's 27) 16-year observations of Augsburg (for the mere phase days), the number of daylight behaves the time of the secondOctants last quarter and 28) as 25 : 41, and the dark days as 65 : 53 Full Moon are 26 bright, 61 cloudy days.
25) 26) 27) 28)

Pogg. Ann. XXX. P 87 Quetelet, Corresp . T. VIII Schbler, Various. P 21 For 4 Octants is no indication.

The ratio of the dark days in the day of perigee and apogee was Schbler for eye Castle 110.67 : 100.00.

Bouvard noticed just in general, the number of days with overcast skies is greater than the time of perigee to the apogee been, and Maedler says in his concise description of the moon (p. 118): "That at the apogee of the moon, the weather average somewhat brighter and drier is also the barometer stands higher than at the perigee, have already demonstrated earlier observers, and I find it confirmed by my own perceptions. "

But now comes a point that causes some embarrassment, not indeed in regard to the fact of the lunar influence - what is rather so that a new, in a sense, even the best, and perhaps the easiest konstatierbare, though not previously stated in exact numerical values document results, - but in regard to the way in which the relationship of the various moments of the lunar influence is to interpret it. Finds the greatest tendency to rain and cloudiness of the sky, as we have seen, against the full moon down to the second Octants instead, the full moon is the second Octants is still close, and can even replace the more and less change with him 29) . On the other hand, experience shows that the ascension of the full moon over the horizon instead of scatter clouds, so to convey the joy of heaven acts. This seems a contradiction. Although it is not a direct. Because the tendency to turbidity depends on the full moon phase, ie the position of the moon from the sun, but the tendency to mirth of the survey of the moon, or its position relative to the horizon, what different things. Nevertheless, it was the most natural thing you should expect that, in accordance with, as the full moon has reduced with increasing height above the horizon, vertical, and the influence which it has under its phase, reinforcing itself. But it is not the case, and already the popular belief measures up to the rising full moon rather with the power to dispel the clouds when to collect.

More specifically, one can subject it to the conditions of serenity and turbidity due to the

information page 178, and in regard to the precipitation by the tabular compilations of the following chapter convincing.

But, you ask, has this not just make suspicious about it? Is that even in the matter somewhat? As the people wont to observe, it is natural that, because the full moon is visible only when no clouds cover it, the Full Moon is attributed as the effect, which is rather the cause of his becoming visible. Since such an assumption easily presents, in fact, and in similar cases shall also probably the rights, but also the people the truth sometimes better meets with his simple observation, than that which contradict the popular belief due to none at all observation, likes to put everyone in a position to form their own judgment about following his compilation of information on this subject. J. Herschel comes in his Outlines 30) on this subject occasionally to speak as follows: "Although we facing surface of the full moon (considering the half-monthlong day) must necessarily be strongly heated - possibly far above the boiling point of water - So we feel it the same no heated action, and even the focus of strong focusing mirrors the thermometer is not affected thereby.'s no doubt that his heat, according to what one does perceive in the heat of bodies which are visible under the point annealing are heated is much more easily absorbed by transparent media when

passing way than the direct heat of the sun, and that they thus consumed in the upper regions of the atmosphere (extinguished extinguished) is so that they do not come up to the surface of the earth. This win some probability by the slope of the disappearance of the clouds under the full moon (the tendency to disappearance of clouds under the full moon), a meteorological fact (because for such I consider myself completely to the right) to consider what is necessary to seek a cause, and that no seems to accept other reasonable explanation. "

Sec. ed p. 262nd

For my part, I suspect now, that what John Herschel declared a meteorological fact will also be such, especially with regard to the following note, which he the sentence: "for such a think I am perfectly entitled to see them, "under has added the text: "In my own experience, which was made quite independently of the knowledge that such a tendency was already observed by others.", Humboldt, however, in his personal message (in his personal narrative) speaks of it as of a well-known among pilots and seamen of Spanish America thing 31) . "

v. Humboldt himself refers in his Cosmos III, pp. 547 to this point by J. Herschel, but without reproducing his statement, and cited as a source of Herschel's statement except Outlines filteenth also the report of the meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of sc, 1846. Notices. p. 5

Gronau 32) leads to the same effect to: "Our famous Mr. von Humboldt remarked on his trip to South America, that the moon has an apparent power to draw in and the clouds to part, I personally obtained this often enough from the truth. Note convinced. Also, I found that I mentioned in 1761 experience a local man that the moon at approaching end thunderstorms, as soon as he breaks through the clouds, the same pastimes, until now perfectly correct and established. Only 1806 August 31 was the moon already It took, however, soon passed, the moon had now ascended higher up above the horizon, and there was still a strong storm from the southeast with heavy downpour., was in full bloom there and seemed to turn very bright, as soon a new, equally strong, and connected with heavy downpour thunderstorm came up again from the southeast, the moon completely obscured, and passed over the city. "

magazine of the society naturally inquisitive friends in Berlin. In 1808. P.105

Professor d'Arrest in Leipzig, one of the most careful, and what is important here Observatoren skeptical, assured me that in his experience many times the slope of the cloud cover, the dividing asunder, at heraufsteigendem full moons, is unquestionable. Dr. Ed. Jrg 33) writes from the West Indies: "The influence of the moon on the tides, intermittent fever and changes in the weather is too well known to discuss it here, but I will mention that I am in Cuba eight years hardly two or three rain have experienced or thunderstorms, while the moon is in the sky was visible, even the most threatening blackest clouds were scattered in front of the rising moon, like chaff before the wind, or divided like mist before the sun, when they pass by between us and the moon disk ".

Dr. Ed. Jrg's representation of the adverse influence of the tropical climate. P 23

After putting together mood this experiential evidence, which nothing but the claim precludes the like is popular prejudice, it will, I think, as it also may be the theoretical compatibility of wolkenzerstreuenden force of the up-rising full moon with the regenbefrdernden power of the full moon phase, but the fact the same can hardly be doubted. Maybe it will bring us the enlightenment of the apparent contradiction that exists here a little closer when we notice that it not the full moon phase seems to be alone, in fact, in which the ascension of the moon favors the serenity of the sky, except that the full moon may have aroused the most attention in this regard, and perhaps also really relatively stronger than the other phases acts. As namely the transport of joy is a general property of the high moon object, this property must be just as well apply to the stages use conducive to the wet, than those who favor the drought, and may possibly in the former itself produce a more noticeable reaction, as in the latter. Very often intersect yes opposite influences. But that really is the moon at all by his higher upgrade favoring the hilarity, but the observations Kreil's talk 34) in Prague, the I discuss in my larger point, that the serenity of the sky a maximum at a high position of the moon (the average of the year has 2 hours prior to passage through the top meridian) without these observations, a difference between the phases was made, so do not assume that the full moon was involved alone in this influence. (The previous information does not refer specifically to all the full moon.) But It would be very desirable that these repeated observations with regard to the distinction of the phases already present or that would further investigated it.

Magnetic and meteorological observations to Prague. l Year in 1841 and the Bohemian papers. The Scientific Society. 5 Follow. 2 Band.

We notice it. that the observations Kreil's seem rather to indicate a relationship of that lunar influence with the influence on the barometer as a Thermometer. After all, it is a gracious feature of the moon that he is looking for the clouds that he has conjured up in the blue sky, and with his friendly appearance again to scatter, and he can not be taken as a model in this regard enough. Hardly should it hereafter trust him that he can let go of a thunderstorm. But it is with him in this respect no different, as with many a soft and gentle looking man who carries the thunderbolt behind the ears. In fact, speaking of the influence of the moon on thunderstorm with great certainty the 30th Karlsruhe observations with 746 thunderstorms, which Eisenlohr 35) has put together, especially with regard to the connection of their earnings Sean those which have been obtained for the aqueous precipitation.

Poggendorff's Annalen. XXX. Page 78 87th

After three days of falls sums namely the maximum (with 85 storms) on the 13th as mid day, the minimum (with 67 (thunderstorms) to 29 now but was also the maximum and minimum of the aqueous precipitation respectively on 13 and 28 (the latter so only l day different) found. There wind, barometric pressure and heat remain still considered to be desired.

The moon is a big windbag, is not only admitted by Schleiden, in a sense, but expressly asserts, however, the confirmation of this assertion is likely to be rather close to the origin the same even from such a bag. The moon has the same a demonstrable influence on the wind, and that just as on the direction, rather than strength, in fact. In distinction only the 8 main stages in the synodic Umlaufe blow the south wind, rain bringer known, preferably, at the time of the second Octants most often that of the 4 Octants least likely, what coincides with the fact that the second and 4 Octant, the maximum and minimum phase are of the rain. The storms often blow at the time of the second Octants as the 4th Octants and last quarter.
After Eisenlohr, the number of south-westerly winds behaves the time of the second and 4 Octants in Karlsruhe as 122.19 : 100.00, according to Bouvard in Paris as 126.42 : 100.00; according Schbler (which for the 4th octants his observations has) in Augsburg at the time of the second Octants and the latter area as 142.45 :100.00. For the other winds, as the southwestern, can be learned from studies of these observers, which are to be communicated in my larger point, abstracting influence of the moon. E. Bouvard is the mean wind direction in Paris by Lambert's formula calculated for all days of the synodic and anomalistic round, and for the days of the period, which is determined by the return to the equator. In regard to the 30-year observation of the storms Eisenlohr's are 36) to Karlsruhe with 595 observed storms, and 25th Herzberg's 37) in Hardanger Gulf on the west coast of Norway with 453 observed storms before. The storms are more common Eisenlohr after the time of the second than 4 Octants in the ratio of 55.6 : 45.8 and behaved 38) as follows at the times of Neum. l district. Vollm. otherwise. District. by Eisenlohr 62.59 56.35 66.14 40.37 to Herzberg 55 59 56 50

Poggend. Ann. XXX. 87th

Kstner, Arch Ch f u meteor. 181 V.

37) 38)

After Eisenlohr in 3 - to 4-day funds, according to Herzberg in 3-day

Apart from the first quarter these results agree (at a comparatively so small number of observations) good enough match by one of the three other phases of the Moon is a very determined, minimum at two, after new moon, then full moon, both slightly different from one another followed, . Meanwhile, yet these numbers are still too small to justify definite conclusions.

The moon takes a month or a revolution revolution around the Earth. To keep up with the progress of the same always get yourself, you will be on the previous can apply the same means, what with the revolutions or upheavals on earth is so safe, that is always visible to the direction or a cloak to the wind a weather vane takes. The barometer is known to the extent of the pressure of the air, which depends on the density and heat the same. According as the heavenly bodies partly by their attraction, partly their heated power or otherwise - although we no how else to know -

win for leaks and heat the air influence, they also gain influence on the pressure of the air, and hereby to the level of mercury in the barometer, which is subject to this pressure, and by this influence varies according to the progress of celestial bodies in space and time, the same is true of the barometer. The passage of Mercury is in it no less dependent on the sun, as the Mercury of the heavenly, such as the heavenly bodies back and forth, it seemed as if a stamp on the mercury in the barometer up and down would be. Depending on the pressure and temperature differences at different locations winds now arise to balance the same, - the train through the window also has no other reason - this lead, depending on their origin and the places, which they blow, moisture and dryness, heat or Cold induced; southwest brings moisture and heat across the Atlantic, northeast wind cold and drought over Siberia. You get a glimpse into the context of weather conditions. But this is not now pursue, but the question of whether and how far the path of the moon on a same moment that has to deal with us now, the pressure of the air and therefore the level of the mercury in the barometer has influence, and thus engages in the overall context of the weather. What is in this respect to the phases, the apses, the moon hours? As regards the first phase, so their influence on the barometer by the investigations of Flauguergues, E. Bouvard, Schbler, Hallaschka, Eisenlohr, Mdler is 39) consistently demonstrated. The biggest difference, which is produced in a position of the barometer by averages for the different observation sites in our latitudes about 3 / 5 par. Lines, which is far more than can be written to account for contingencies even more unbalanced the most long-term observations.

The literature see together in a vice table at the conclusion of the next chapter.

The time of maximum and minimum although not the same for all locations, but the position of the maximum varies only within the time between last quarter and new moon and the minimum between 1 Octants and full moon, so that no overlapping of the provisions held in this regard, and the time of maximum falls predominantly on the last quarter, the minimum of the second Octants. Let us recall now that it's raining more often than at low barometric pressure at high, so we will have a meeting of the barometer with rain minimum and maximum of the minimum barometer may find only natural with the rain maximum. And in fact the rain was at minimum distinction only the eight main stages on 4 Octants, between the last quarter and new moon (minimum varies between what the barometer) is located inside the shower maximum at 2 Octants, to which the minimum barometer falls partly directly and partly by what it (varies in l.Octanten and full moon.
The difference between the maximum and minimum and the times of maximum and minimum in the barometer stands in distinction only the 8 main phases behave after 3 to 4-day means (at Viviers, however, even just for the phase days) in the following locations in our northern latitudes as follows:

Difference between the high and Min in paris. Lin. Viviers, 20ihr. Flauguergues Prague, 10jhr. Hallaschka Karlsruhe, 10jhr. Eisenlohr Strasbourg, 27jhr. Eisenlohr Paris, 22jhr . Eisenlohr Paris, 23jhr. Bouvard 40) 0,640 0,760 0,943 0,470 0,240 0,659 the Max


the Min

last. Fourth. 2 Oct. New Moon 2 Oct. last. Fourth. 2 Oct. last. Fourth. 2 Location. last. Fourth. l Oct. last. Fourth. 2 Oct.

Berlin, 16jhr. Mdler 0,507 New moon, Full moon. The mean difference between maximum and minimum is without regard to the different number of observation years 0,603, with 0,605 regardless of par. Line.
The major difference between the Eisenlohr'schen and Bouvard'schen results for Paris appears strikingly, especially since both are subject to the investigations to a large part, the same observation years. But the treatment of the observations in both was very different. More in here about one of my larger font.

I give here the results of some in the tropics (in Bogota and in Christiansburg in Guinea) observations made, which I will tell in my larger font. Comp. also about the table at the end of the next chapter. The influence of the apses on the barometer has proven unequivocally by the numerous above present observations with a remarkable agreement to unite meaning that the barometer provides the time of the perigee of the moon deeper than at the time of perigee, as at the time of perigee frequently than at the time of perigee rains, and both depend indisputably together.
In fact, I find this result consistently again in the (usually long) observations or analysis of observations for Viviers by Flaugergues (age of 20), Prague by Hallaschka (10-year), Paris by E. Bouvard (age of 23), Berlin by Madler (16 years old), of Christiansburg in Guinea by Mdler (4 years old), Padua by Toaldo (48jhrig), the Alsace by Mayer (5-year), for an unfamiliar observation by Father God 41) (age of 20).

The two last investigation I know only by a quote from Flauguergues.

The only exception is that the matching results I detailliere in my larger point, the weak opposite result compared to what Lambert 42) took place in Nuremberg from 11-year observations (1732-1742) Double Mayer's, and yet one might say, speak it at closer insight into the investigation almost as much for as against the preponderance of the apogee. In fact, let seven of the 11 years of observation, the apogee appear in the preponderance of the height of the barometer, and the little overweight, which it is clear from the mean of all the 11 years of observation in favor of the perigee, stirred only by two exceptionally unusually high numbers here, which in 2 take place for the years perigee, and in any case depend on the unmatched contingencies, such as Lambert himself draws attention to the fact that these 2 years were those where the apogee coincided with the equinoxes, which are known are characterized by strong irregularities. All in all the 11 years of

observation far enough, the random irregularities required to compensate for such a small influence, than that by which it is here to bring out with safety, especially by barometric observations, which are not corrected for the temperature what not to accept from those earlier observations. Nowadays, almost like rejects even if accomplished by itself at very long-term observations, such as those of which Toaldo draws its result, the temperature correction to say in the middle like that. One can therefore see no reason considerable opposition to the result of the other series of observations by those observations Doppelmayer'schen well.

Acta helvetica. Vol IV in 1760. p. 315

But on the aqueous precipitation was the influence of the apses lower than that of the phases, it is with the effect on the barometer by the difference between the state of the barometer at perigee and apogee under our latitudes only about 1 / 3 Parisian lines is.
The observations of Flauguerges in Viviers (20 years) arise in particular as a difference. 0,443 Lin, of Hallaschka in Prague (10 years) 0.42 Lin, E. Bouvard in Paris (23 years) 0.256 Lin, of.. Mdler in Berlin (16 years) 0,229 Lin. The means to this with regard to the number of years is 0,339 lines. The provisions apply only for the days of the apses itself

The influence of the phases and apses holds a monthly period. But should not the moon cause even a daily ebb and flow of the sea air, after he causes such of the ocean. This would show up in a way dependent on the moon hours twice daily rise and fall of the barometer. Hours under moon refers to the times which have elapsed from the highest or lowest daily registry of the Moon (passage through the upper Upper untern Meridian) to, in fifteen digits Twenty-four of the total time from starting to decline to do so. It almost seems natural to assume it. Meanwhile Laplace 43) demonstrated through mathematical calculations that the combined influence of the attraction of the moon and the sun, the sea tide dependent, under the most favorable concurrence of circumstances and below the equator, where this influence should be strongest, but no greater can cause difference in one day in the barometer, as 0.2795 paris. Lin. Even at 12 years of investigation Parisian observations by A. Bouvard has 44) , and even some recently at 22 years of investigation Parisian observations by Eisenlohr 45) found the daily atmospheric tide by the moon influence the latitude of Paris as unnoticeable or quite zweideudeutig.
43) 44) 45)

Mc. cl. T. III. pag 296, V. p. 237 and continued to add. to Conn. pour des temps, 1825. Mm. de l'Acad. roy. of Sc. T. VII p. 276, or Pogg. Ann .. XIII. S. 137 or Schweigg. J. LIX. P 4 Pogg. Ann. LX. P 193

Kreil's only 13 monthly observations for Prague 46) indeed have a (the Laplace limit is not achieved) influence of the moon hours recognize, but is unable to obtain his gait so to be related to a dependent of the attraction effects of the moon tides can , the observation time, notwithstanding the careful correction of observations for decisive results too short.

Cf Note pp. 184 View Notes.

The smallness of the influence of the moon hours not hinder but that he was present, and will be recognized by accurate observations under favorable

circumstances, and so authorities had recently seriously the daily atmospheric lunar tide in the tropics, where they must be stronger in themselves and leave is less obscured by irregular changes than ours, by means of observations at St. Helena and Singapore by several observers (Elliot, Lefroy, Smythe) recognize with absolute decisiveness 47) by both the regular course of (corrected for the solar flux) informs lower results when the times of maximum and minimum to agree completely. The influence remains way below the limit specified by Laplace. Accurate about it in my larger font.

Philos. transact. In 1847. P. II, p. 45th In 1852. PI p. 125th

Also an influence of the declination of the moon on the barometer seems to Mdler's results for Guinea, where the changes of the barometer are indeed small, but very regularly, can hardly be doubted, but the observations of Flauguergues, E. Bouvard, Hallaschka under our latitude on this point with some above, some not in agreement with each other. Comp. the X table at the end of the next chapter.

It is seen that when the moon should also have no air itself, for it the air of the earth as his own to accept. And if the people with their rock chest Nothing felt by the change of the moon air pressure, the air spirits and elves, it will be their song: "The forest is our quarters for the night, the moon is our sun," we now unfortunately only hear of the robbers, have it stolen from them, to feel better, and then be easier or harder to breathe and dance in the moonlight. The moon is the musician, who poses them with quiet, only hear from them and felt clang and puffs to dance on the green tarp, we only see his golden horn to it. The long and schweratmige lung physicist, the barometer, however, feel it a little. But if the physicists far the finest variations of electricity by the frog legs, to the vividness with which he moves under the influence of them, examined them should the elves leg after the vividness with which he moved in the moonlight, a no less fine reagent provide the changes in air pressure caused by the moon. Cause it but anyway all the movements in nature to the ivory on green tarp (impact of the billiard ball) back, now it requires only a small modification of the style of writing, they have the nature of the bone dance ivory back the Ghost Dance of the Elves -leg of the beautiful time believing. The moon seems to shine just does not get warm, you can always speaks of the cold moon. But appearances are deceiving when the cold moons as with many people, and the earth with injustice pushes the cause of her cold night in cheerful to the moon, which is contrary to their own. The warmth that radiates to the sky, is it then not returned from their own clouds. The moon but she sees only light and warm, not cold to the touch, and it is rather that the moon looks cold. So happens the moon from the earth continually wrong. Let us have already mentioned let us say, as the moon with the light of the sun at the same time heat the same radiates back to the earth, and that if a thermometer on the bottom of the air sea nothing can feel it, this is probably just so touched that this heat has been driven to the heights their game and exhausted its effects. However, the heating of the upper layers and clouds expressed by the moon and such influence on the radiation and continuing the heat from below that the overall air temperature in

the lower layers is somewhat modified by without the direct rays of the reach Earth, carry something Considerable heat. Of course, as reflected by the moon sunlight as a whole one without comparison weaker enlightening effect on the earth is expressed as the direct sunlight, we will have the same expected also in regard to the warming effect of the radiated back from the moon heat, and when Schleiden maybe meteorological under his apparatus should also use as a tool for evaluating the performance of the moon held in the moonlight hand, it is so can cause a striking proof to us that there is nothing to do with the heat of the moon. In addition, an influence of the moon on the heat could also possibly only indirectly depend on its influence on the wind, if different winds in the middle have a different temperature. Only future detailed investigation will provide information that is here mainly, or solely, or to bring in as the primary attack. Anyway, after Mdler's 48) 16-year observations in Berlin, an influence of the moon phases as the apses, and after Kreil's 49), although only 13monatlichen, but very carefully corrected because of Miteinflusses the solar observations also an influence of the moon hours on the thermometer unmistakable.
48) 49)

Beer and Madler, the Moon 164 Comp. View Notes. p to 184

The whole variation of the phases is (in three-day funds) only 0.9 R., after the perigee and apogee 0.39 R.; according to the lunar R. 0:25 hours in summer and in winter 0.37 R., in Years 0.19 R. 50) But these small sizes seem through a very regular course of the decrease and increase, the amplitude of which they designate, removed the danger of being regarded as random, even if the compliance of the Kreil'schen and Mdler ' information between each other in regard to the phases can be left something to be desired, which could potentially depend on the difference of the places. Going back to the days each month, the maximum 7 , 73 R. found after Mdler two days before the 1st quarter, minimum 6 , 72 R. three days before the last quarter, and the difference is 1 , 01 is subject to Mdler only with an uncertainty of 0 , 215th The Perigumtag alone were 6 , 87, of Apogumrag 7 , 43 More accurate in my future writing. In less than in summer than winter, both because the times of the maxima and minima of the seasons are changeable.

Finally Schbler was 51) after 425jhrigen observations in Wrttemberg about the good and bad wine years, a very striking relation of the same to the 19-year period in which the syzygies, quadrature and main points of the synodic round ever again fall close to the same day of each month to so close to the coincident period of the lunar nodes and the 9-year apses. And of course, the moon also works through all of its influences with weather on the growth of the wine.

Schbler, examiner. Page 64

So the moon causes not only an ebb and flow of the water, but also of wine, he causes such not only in the oceans, but also in cask and glass, and I call for the close

of the listing of its services to all the earth finally to bring him a cheers with the glass, which he contributes himself to fill us, to him, the heavenly Zecher, who never tires of his golden drinking horn itself to fill and empty - over and eighth, quarter, up to the edge and reason - and while he vorleuchtet the drinkers of the Earth as heavenly companion and does notice, at the same time are the berries on earth as golden berry on sky the image and example of the wealth that they should imitate, and how the tavern at the wedding at Canaan fill it with water so it turns it into empty wine in our glasses. But who would have thought at last, that the chaste Luna Bacchus has a secret love affair? Let us summarize what has gone before, we see, as the moon softly and gently engages the meteorological conditions and changes in the earth on all sides. In the main, they depend on the sun off, it holds so to speak, the reins of the entire weather conditions in the hands, and the main gear is the same follow their lead, but the moon sets so to say his hands with light touch of her hands and attacks with unvermerktem course and estate in the reins with one, so that the carriage of the weather soon after more something right, now go left, rushes something more, or something goes quiet, and how everything is purposeful in nature, we may believe that of a carter is not in vain joined the other. Let's see the small screw to the large assembled to produce the finer movements and positions and to correct the great on earth at our best instruments. The moon may be such a small bolt of heaven to the big and the smallest screws finally lie in the lights, fires and organic sources of heat on the earth, and hereby only is the purposeful engine light and heat finished, but lacked without the moon In addition to the main screw the screw head. Of course, as people are, they believe, because the moon shines even in daylight and does not appear in as many nights, so it was at all a pointless existence and certificates, and verily, when the moon had only to illuminate the world, would not make much boasting of the facility, as it happens. But now I see the sun rise but just the same moments. When the full moon goes down, and perish when he rises; see the moon in as many nights appear when the sun is not shining, and every night, where the moon does not shine little or bottom plugged and go lanterns, and think that sun, the moon and the lanterns together yet sufficiently meet the purpose to enlighten the earth, namely, the lanterns are also there in the world, one must not omit from the purpose statement. Where there is a lack of the sun, the moon occurs when the moon is missing, contact the lanterns one, and often the lights also intersect, since they come from different sides, and are together for a while on the scene. The greatest effect of the falls but a supplement together with the elimination or the smallest of the effect of the other. Therefore, the full moon in the winter where the nights are longest rises highest. Basically the night was made for sleep and a night lamp seems most people need, but the earth has its night lamp, like a rich woman.Gradually, the wick burns down, the lamp goes out, saying that it is the new moon, and it requires some meantime, until it is re-established for burning, but also every earthly lamp has its moon, only that they do not so beautiful, so secure order to comply with it, as the sky light, since each can then judge and it has been in the air at the same time the

clock. And the moon shines during the day for free, so he does it for nothing, and he makes the oil is not expensive, so what about it? This he does it modestly enough as a lamp with wicks niedergeschraubtem, and therefore saves only the fussiness of the new kindling. How often the oven is cold, when we want to warm us how often Nobody warms the heater when it is warm, and how much heat dissipates through the forge, and thus must vanish, to have heat the room, takes the oven therefore a pointless thing? What is the light effects of the moon, I think, are all effects of the moon on the earth, they will engage in subordination under the sun effect purposefully in a convenient connection of nature, only that we do with the other effects, yet less can easily track than with the light effects. So it remains a matter of faith, and the fact these effects but it is not a matter of faith, it is decided by the Past. Now let's take also a look back at what has led us to this decision. Perhaps among all of the above series of observations do not, in their conclusive evidence for themselves we could still find something missing, but the context, the mutual control and supplement can be the same no doubt left. When we see invariably drop the maximum and minimum of the barometer in two different and always the same half of the synodic month in seven studies, if we consistently available in eight studies, the barometer deeper at the time of perigee than apogee and only the result of a single older shorter series of observations without temperature correction, but seemingly contradictory than actually see (see p 191), if we wind, rain, etc with these conditions the barometer in connection to see follow through the most numerous and most accurate observer and observed the lunar influence, we must doubt or the study of the subject to give up, because more positive can the exact investigation of the existence of a subordinate influence not comfortable at all to offer, as we have found. We remember it still, with everything previous that we actually do not have the absolute influence of the moon on the weather to appreciate, but only differences of influence. How little we but the differences in the heat of day and night, summer and winter can be regarded as scale full sun effect, as little as a measure of the full moon effect the differences in the weather, depending on his rank. Only we, as already remarked input, have no means to determine the absolute influence of the moon, which would be the case if we could make it even omitted entirely. By previous best of our knowledge the one I have compiled and discussed by research and results, which is present to rule on the question of the influence of the moon weather until now. And of all these studies and results Schleiden should have known nothing at all? Schleiden accuses me, namely pure misunderstanding that I have written into a metaphor in relation to the sun in the day, without having assured myself whether it is a "beyond all doubt sublime" is based on fact and should be a whole long have written instruction on the moon, without all of the major doubts raised about facts, about which there's is to know or want to know the slightest. It is certain that apart from the mention (studies p. 288), we have theoretically detected a very slight ebb and flow effect of the moon on the atmosphere that is so small that it will covered by the most insignificant local phenomenon, and, , the

greatest art of the finest observers had been a long time in vain turned on to this phenomenon, it was assumed in theory available to demonstrate in reality as available "- is certain, I say, that apart from this mention In his treatise is not the least notice of all these studies, no trace of consideration for their results. phases of the moon to have him as I said not the slightest influence on the weather. Schbler'schen But take the tests by themselves for a whole script , and these can be found in many places quoted. too, Humboldt's Cosmos could probably be easily seen by him where he (Th 511 547 III. S.) would have found out some information on the subject, some literature about ., but in short, all these studies, according to which there is an influence of the moon on the weather, have Schleiden does not exist, of all names that have been mentioned here, only Eisenlohr is called to be cited as an authority against the moon influence by Schleiden mentioned from memory, the meritorious Eisenlohr have taken the trouble to "all weather rules related to the moon, which we are accustomed to pose as experience usually sets .... to compare very carefully guided 40-year weather registers ", and the nullity of these rules have known And why should not the shepherds rules on the influence of the moon on the weather wrong, and yet be the influence of true We are below even the annulment so many.. . come to talk rules over the moon influence thus you do not think that Eisenlohr another result draws from his research, as we have drawn from them, I will quote his own words, he says 52) : From these considerations I think I may assume that the relationship between the change in the frequency of aqueous precipitation and the synodic revolution of the moon can be viewed as agreed, but that this relationship in terms of fluctuations in the number of thunderstorm, storms, the bright, mixed and cloudy days indeed probable, but still could be somewhat problematic, and could probably be really determined only by a long series of observations. "


Pogg. Ann. XXX. 94th

And elsewhere: 53) "I have made in my writing about the climate of Karlsruhe, more fully, but in a special treatise, the results are known which result from many years employed at Karlsruhe observations, and shown in the fact that those results with the of Flauguergues and Schbler at several locations match made known experience, and the influence of the moon on the barometer 54) , the frequency of the aqueous precipitation, and even in the haze of the sky and the direction of the winds is unmistakable. "

Poggend. Ann. XXXV. 141st

54) In order to conceal nothing, I notice that Eisenlohr in a later essay in Pgg. Ann LX. P 192, where he tried
in vain to discover an influence on the lunar hours the barometer, also the influence of the Moon on the barometer to doubt again, but just only to doubt begins. Meanwhile, I do not think that have been submitted after the above highlighted together mood of facts Eisenlohr'n only smaller parts, such doubt is not so easy.

And continue 55) : "For all have become known studies on this subject and there is an undoubted most remarkable influence of the moon on the changes in our

atmosphere, and it is highly desirable that these studies would be extended even further. ... "

Pogg. Ann. XXXV. 329th

So Eisenlohr itself explains the influence of the moon on the rain for granted on barometer, overcast skies, and wind for unmistakably points to the oddity of this influence.
And I have no doubt that somewhere Eisenlohr really demonstrated the invalidity of the ordinary, related to the moon, weather, rules, or how should it Schleiden have come to rely on him. But I have the Eisenlohr'sche disquisition on the Schleiden just mentioned, without it be made clear, can not be determined despite much searching and repeated requests. Neither Eisenlohr's found in the three treatises on the moon influence in Poggendorff's Annalen, noted even in the following is therefore nachgesehenen of Eisenlohr's writings me to find something on this subject. "Investigations on the influence of the wind on the barometer etc for 43 year old to Karlsruhe observations made. Leipzig, 1837" and "research on the reliability and value of the common barometer. (Karlsruhe, 1847." His writing about the climate of Karlsruhe me not been at his command, but if this is difficult to expect something on the subject in question. discussion of the question other than the scientifically known Eisenlohr originate?

Even Humboldt intends in his Cosmos (III. 511), where he even points out with love, what can be said of the effects of the moon on the earth, "an undoubted influence of the satellite in air pressure, aqueous precipitation and clouds scatter", and promises in the past, purely telluric parts of the cosmos back to it. And Mdler 56) says that upon completion of its thorough research on the subject: "So I think the influence of the Moon as both barometer thermometer from these observations to be established."

Beer and Madler, the Moon p 165

Bouvard and E. 57) summarizes the results of his far-reaching investigations as follows: "The moon has to be mistaken for his synodic circulation influence, which it is impossible .... No less one is forced to recognize that he in his anomalistic circulation exerts, though appearing less influence. "

Corresp. math. et phys T. VIII p.271.

Arago has of anyone who took even a cursory note of the recent negotiations over the moon influence, unknown, but just from Schleiden not unknown or not considered treatise on the influence of the moon on the weather and the organic processes in the Annuaire du Bureau de longitude pour 1833. p. 157th ff delivered, entitled: "La lune exerce-t-elle une influence sur notre appreciable atmosphere", which compiles and discusses the previous studies of our question. Notwithstanding him now, most of the collected here investigations, such as in particular that stood by Eisenlohr, E. Bouvard, Ouetelet, Mdler, Kreil, Hallaschka, not to bid and he tends his whole character to the exact skepticism, he comments yet, under rejection of a course, the moon often attributed, exaggerated influence, especially on the basis of measurements of Flauguergues and Schbler, as follows:
En nous bornant aux principaux rsultats, il semble difficile de ne pas en ce qui precede conclure, que la Lune excerce une influence sur notre atmosphre, qu'en vertu de cette influence, la

pluie tombe vers le deuxime plus frquemment octant qu' toute autre poque du mois Lunaire; qu'enfin moindres les chances de pluie arrivent entre le dernier et le quartier quatrime octant. "And further:" Une adjusting concordance (the observations) ne pourrait tre l'effet du hasard.

John Herschel wolkenzerstreuende that explains the power of the full moon rising up for a well-established fact has been noted above. So even if you ask for authority, has the influence of the moon on the weather supports that no one can discard. And if some very good authority (Olbers, Brandes and others) earlier explained with the same or have the same cast doubt, the reason is simply that they are based on many years of careful observations on which it was permitted us not yet stood by commandments that so many older studies, such as of Toaldo, Pilgram, and A. Gronau, some still left much to be desired, sometimes downright founded objections subject, that finally own observations of shorter duration or the study of such convinced them that the moon has certainly not the projecting influence on the weather, was inclined to the people, and to some extent is still inclined to settle him. This then is the view emerged that he had none. Brandes has 58) , the atmospheric changes, which many places on earth took place in the year 1783, compared to without being able to discover any relation to the phases of the moon by moon and full moon, on which he mainly focused his attention, neither excellent nor for the different observation sites and months of the year in constant phenomena and changes brought with them, and also Bode 59) found no match of weather in different places in the solar eclipse of 18 Nov. 1816. Fire itself but is careful enough, the result of his investigation as merely pronouncing: 60) "We may safely assert with absolute certainty that the most important changes in the weather from all other causes (as the moon) depend, and that we therefore this first need to locate the main causes before it can help us a lot to run the subordinate influence that about the moon, he wofern has an influence may have. " In fact, a study like his, very well prove that the moon does not have any decisive influence on the weather, but such studies are often cited as evidence that he has absolutely no what they are completely unsuitable.

Brandes contrib to meteorology. P 274

59) I know its only indication of Foissac, de la Mlorol. II p. 139th 60) S. 281 Posts

But Schleiden proves so well as mathematically that the Moon may have no influence on the weather, as he continues to continue its above considerations: "But it is at all these phases of the moon nothing more than the different amounts of sunlight, which, reflected back from the moon, come to our earth., but now is the light of the full moon is not even for the greatest results of the measurements made 1 / 200 000 of the sunlight. " So small amount of light can not work through their existence nor the absence of any significant after him, just as little the almost vanishing little heat. But first and foremost it is quite untriftig that the phases of the moon are nothing more than different amounts of sunlight, which is thrown back from the moon, come

to our earth. Or how it was then, that the time of the syzygies (new moon and full moon) the tide of the sea rises higher than at the time of the district. If this is to depend about the reflected rays of the sun? If the effects of the attraction of the moon on the atmosphere are low, they still exist and are due to their insignificance omit from the bill when it comes to influences that are not even overpowering. Does not depend on the whole moon influence it, so some of it may still depend. If you do not want to include a hair on his head, because it's too little, every head is bald. Schleiden but only raises the insignificance of the influence of attraction forth, and after he no longer existed for him. The finest observations have not been able to prove it by Schleiden. In truth, they have been able to prove it. But apart from the attraction effect of the moon gave us the Herschel'sche so ingenious and physical laws yet so well reasoned argument pointed out that if the the moon reflected back to the beam heat of the sun shows no appreciable effect on the earth's surface, this hardly may depend on something other than that they have already shown such in the atmosphere above the earth's surface. Now that the spring tides and Nippfluten depending on the syzygies and quadratures in every popular exposition of the tides is the speech, after Herschel's observation in Humboldt's Cosmos occurs, which is in all hands after including the general public knows very well or may know that the phases of the moon are more than different amounts reflected sunlight without appreciable force of attraction and the heating, and after Humboldt in his Cosmos refers itself to the weathering of the moon and the same acknowledging, after Schbler's investigations and Arago's treatise on the factual the whole moon influence since have found long a widespread and especially have been first cited in the known writings frequently, you can Schleiden's teaching of the audience over the moon influence, in fact, only as a discharge thereof from the knowledge that it has been, and as a Beleerung same with the emptiness that Schleiden himself in this regard, call. You may take it but just right, so everything is in order. If the chosen of my way of seeing things continue, it would, as Schleiden has been shown above, even the empty space is filled with soul, spirit, which would be too much apparently, should Schleiden's way of seeing things will continue so, how would I here and elsewhere have shown, the soul, the mind itself to be empty space, which would seem to be little. Do you two together, the rights of it, and therefore I was not disputed teamed with Schleiden. But this can certainly be regarded as a new fine example of the workings of a purpose principle in the world, which I after my assigned by Schleiden task with soul, to fill the empty space spirit, so often notes, however, Schleiden, as Representatives of the inverse problem, the soul, to make the mind to the white space, the spirit must refer paying attention to such sway. So everyone comes to its task forces and that one hand washes the other not, but the head of the other, and hereby contributes to the overall wisdom. When the locusts are too much, so come the ravens; Schleiden is the largest among those who were called by the purpose principle to clean up under the locusts of my soul, after this had so far increased, that they threatened even to eat the empty space , the but the physicist can not do without in the experiments with the air pump - if the Ravens are too much and their voice

makes worried the few still remaining souls, it would finally come to them too, so they will piously, and heaven sent to reward a plague among the ravens, which is just the expression for the prosaic: Artemis shoots low, but Artemis is again only the Greek term for the moon, and everything previous was only the flight and the whir of the arrows of her golden bow. After considering all the circumstances, the matter is more necessary only so that they do not yet fully lead to the goal, shows now of course, that neither the attraction effects, nor heated effects of the moon, the whole influence of the moon on the weather until now to can cover, though the attraction effects suffice very well to explain the small influence of the moon hours on the barometer in the tropics, and the warming effects of the moon the influence of the up-rising full moon in the clouds scatter, but the influence of the moon phases and apses on wet precipitation , wind direction, barometric pressure, etc then remains unexplained until now. In fact, what the attraction effects is concerned, may, after Laptace's earlier mentioned account the combined influence of the moon hours, moon phases and apses, as being merely on these effects, and what depends is based, only a very slight effect on the barometer express, which is far exceeded by the observed phase effect. But if the attraction can only express a very significant effect on the barometer, so it's not a major success for the weather conditions associated with it, to presuppose. Also would have if the effect on the atmosphere of an ebb and flow of the same should depend on the attraction of the moon, new moon and full moon, first and last quarter to the same in effect and the comparison of the different phases of the biggest difference in effect between the be found both time and syzygies of the time both quadratures, the effect of the phases on the barometer also be stronger than in the tropics us what everything is not the case, as from the details can be seen in my signature greater. What the other hand, the warming influence of the moon rays regards to the upper atmospheric layers and the clouds, it is evident, at least for now is not yet clear how it establishes a coherent self-declaration of wolkenzerstreuenden force of the rising full moon and the influences of the phases and apses on the weather to be, and although it after a study to incoming full experience basics, as we have already, may be possible in the future. Perhaps, however, one would be able meteorologist by profession, who has the whole context of the weather conditions fully aware of what is not the case with me, even now, some clarification of these conditions in several things to make from the point of Herschel'schen hypothesis, because it seems to me that this aspect preferably deserves to be kept in mind. J. Herschel himself on this subject is now in error when he p. 263 Outlines of his following, Additionel note "to the above-quoted passage adds: 'Mr. Arago has shown, from a comparison of rain registered as having fall during a long period, did a slight, preponderance in respect of quantity falls near the new Moon Over That Which falls

near the full. This would be a natural and Necessary Consequence of a preponderance of a cloudless sky and about the full forms, Therefore, part and parcel of the same meteorological fact. " Thereafter, Herschel believes wolkenzerstreuende the power of a full moon rising up to the same reason as to refer to the low rain full moon phase by but he is mistaken precisely in the fact that near the moon more rain falls than near the full moon. Arago himself, as one can verify from the Gen. place, concluded the opposite from the observations, and Herschel, therefore, provided in the conception of Arago's statement somehow. In the consciousness of my own inadequacy to clear the darkness and the sincere desire to gain some insight to the public about it from a zulnglicheren source, I was with a written request, therefore, please to the most famous and most brilliant meteorologists, we have, articulate, but can be lured only a deep silence from him, which I so that the public still has some of it, do not miss to have to take the same hereby share. What follows from all this? What else than that the moon continues gehends and fully valid even just having the property of Schleiden is most trying to undress him, and he is a mysterious mythical creature and remains that he has secret powers, secret sympathies with the earthly things, magical arts drives, behind which one does not come, and you deny it or ignore it, but can not refute. Seriously speaking, there will be reasons that the moon has an effect on the weather, but it is certain that they are still in the dark, and most thorough of those researchers who have recognized the fact of lunar influence, have also recognized this darkness.
Flauguergues and Eisenlohr in one of his earlier treatises 61) (but not in his last in Pogg. LX.) still adhere to the attraction effects of the moon, which on the previous but are insufficient to explain it. Schbler believes the attraction effects in combination with a chemical influence of moonlight on the atmosphere in the games, but has nothing Likely. The others give, you know nothing. So says Mdler 62) : "The general laws of gravity are inadequate to explain these effects both qualitatively and quantitatively, and as little shake us theoretically known properties of the moonlight to represent these changes is, therefore, seems only the assumption remain that there is a third kind unknown to us, as world bodies act on each other. " Arago 63) says, "Les ingalits de pression, ont fait que les observations reconnatre, doivent donc tenir quelque cause diffrente de l'attraction, cause d'une nature encore quelque inconnue, corn certainement dpendante de la lune. "And further: Nous voil donc ramens une seconde fois, reconnatre dans les variations baromtriques correspondantes aux diverse phases Lunaires, les effets d'une cause Spciale, totalement diffrente de l'attraction, mais dont la nature et le mode d'action restent, dcouvrir. Kreil 64) says on occasion a part-presentation of his research on the moon influence on the temperature: "From the results of these observations, however, seems to indicate that the moon einwirke especially by the reflected back from him sunlight on our temperature alone if you consider that. the temperature change in summer followed a passage that the lighting is very little similar to that at the time of the full moon go on in the summer both changes even just in the opposite direction, and that finally the new moon in the winter where the few of his reflected light

arrives at a very oblique angle in our area, but to raise the temperature to 0 , 4 rounds is able, one is forced to believe that there is still some side circumstances may be present that a simple explanation of this phenomenon in the way are. "

Pogg. Ann. XXX. 95 99 Beer and Mdler the moon. P 168 Annuaire du Bureau du longit. p. In 1833. Abhandl. The Bhm. Gesellsch. 5 Follow. 2 Band. Page 45

62) 63) 64)

Kmtz says in his Meteorology he dare not decide. And in a word, there is nothing decided yet about the cause of the lunar influence on the weather, however, this influence is even decided. Common ground would be gained if you only knew what the effects of the moon, the view on aqueous precipitation, wind direction, barometer, heat, as the primary, which make the other dependent. Now the warming effects per se seem to be the most appropriate to establish a joint function of the other weather conditions, since this is also applies to the weathering of the sun. Only determined and made clear until now nothing in this regard for the moon effects, and enigmatic, it would then, apart from the highlighted Kreil points, but seem that the maximum and minimum of the most effects occurring shortly before full moon and new moon. After a would appear less conspicuous. With everything previous is not disputed that the influence of the moon has been widely posted on the weather too high, that inaccurate observations and calculations have been made of the same favor that influences him have been attributed to that he did not. His influence on the weather will always be a child, and for that reason can not be identified with certainty from short observations. He should not have to look through those same, but also beware if you do not find him by those who hold him for nothing. Since ages it has been a lot of weather rules in relation to the moon, which some, for which we shall consist of certain aspects of the moon on the future weather can conclude so far have some reason than they give at least hint at the current state of the atmosphere, related to the course of the future in some way, except that you can certainly create not safe to conclude it. There it shines from general considerations that, as we have seen the moon through our atmosphere throughout, also according to their repletion with misty vapors or her cheerfulness the light of the moon, the sharpness of his Konture, the way he casts shadows may suffer changes which suggest this backward state of the atmosphere. Arago touched up in his treatise on the lunar influence 65) goes through several such rules, which I will follow him here.

Annuaire du Bureau de longit. p. In 1833. p. 207th

After Aratus, when on the third day of the lunar run the horns of the moon appear to be quite thin (from new moon to), the sky during the month, which is in the

beginning is now, be cheerful. In fact, it may for the present, but certainly not for the future serenity of the atmosphere prove if the moon's horns are sharp and finely pointed, as each misty haze of the atmosphere, the same can appear more dull, diffuse and thereby extended. In essence, therefore, the rule of Aratus comes back to: "If the atmosphere to the west after sunset on the third day of the lunar heat must be quite clear, it will remain cheerful during a month." So taken, is any easy to concede the admissibility of the rule. Barro, when the upper horn of the waxing moon night is blackish in the destruction of this star, you will have rain at the waning moon, whereas if it is the lower horn, will occur before the full moon rain, and when the center, while the full moon itself Well, the fact that the moon will darken relatively at one point, only depend on that place after this point to be more turbid parts throughout the atmosphere, AlSiN the direction of the other parts too, and since this is by slightly changing contingencies depends on the atmosphere, this rule will be enclosed with no meaning at all. After Theon Next you can count on bad, when the moon casts no shadow at an age of 4 days. Also that the moon casts no shadow four days after the new moon, can depend only on a turbidity of the atmosphere. That Theon just selects the fourth day, probably is a reason for that earlier still small and almost always bathed in the dim light of the sky crescent do not easily cast a visible shadow, but later the stronger become the light of the growing moon and even by stronger Turbidity of the atmosphere but sufficiently acts to provide shade. Arago goes a step further on the experiential refutation that after each 19 or 9 years, again return into consideration the duration of certain lunar periods, the same weather. Does the same fire in his contributions. About m here refer to my larger font. Special influence you the moon settled striking weather changes by the changes of the moon at all favorable weather changes, and should dispose particularly certain phases of the moon in front of others to do so; although it is still quite uncertain about the more of it relevant rules 66) . Some wanted the change in weather should occur immediately after the changes of the moon, others that they only entering the fourth and fifth day after, hence the old verse: Prima secunda nihil. Tertia aliquid Quarta quinta qualis, Tota Luna talis. In summer, the change in the weather should be adjusted according to the changes of the moon, in the winter before the same, etc. In order to obtain more definite exclusions on this subject, Toaldo, Pilgram, Hoosley and Gronau have made studies, but leave all bemerktermaen much to be desired these studies left, and namely, the

way in which Toaldo has taken the object in the eye, from several points of view quite inadmissible, as shown by Arago in the treatise repeatedly mentioned. Yes, Toaldo asked by his untriftige way to handle the subject, contributed to bring the lunar influence into disrepute. More about this in one of my future writing.

Comp. Mag the Gesellsch. nature inquiring. Friends in Berlin. In 1808. P 103

The influence of the moon, however, is irrefutable; short, there is no lack of information on the influence of the moon on the weather, which can be refuted and refuted are. VII more general and more special about the weather influence of the moon. This chapter should be considered as an interpolation of more scientific than general interest and can be skipped by those who just need the general fact of the lunar influence. Part of it is intended to give an example of how to treat, which is experienced by the subject in my larger point, just that I much purely allusive here or display what I run there, partly darzubieten some specific data and compilations that even in circumstances others may be of benefit to these subsequent investigations; like because I in the 10th Chapter, have the initiative in investigating the question about the moon influence on the organic life will, rckzubeziehen me here. I am attaching below are not always the literature of studies in, such as you can easily supplieren from the quotations of the previous chapter, mostly also from the notes to Tables VI, VII and X at the end of this chapter.Where to find Kreil's oftmentioned studies, 184 is shown in the notes. When it is decided, the influence of the moon on the weather following the discussions of the previous chapter as a fact, yet the whole task is done with finding them just the beginning. It is now still wondering how far the influence of the moon on the places and the seasons change, what according to what exists so far (in regard to the seasons in particular from the observations of Schbler, Eisenlohr and Kreil) Although many things, but nothing decisive, can say what the future script executes, it will further be partly the accurate determination of the Ganges, sometimes the size of the impact, including the time and the difference between maximum and minimum for the different weather conditions. Unfortunately, we have until now not even for a single location, a series of observations, which would be continued long enough to find so far compensated the mean values the influence of contingencies that the course and the main conditions of the lunar influence directly purely turned out by it. How serious it is but to combine observations from multiple locations in order to gain a greater length of time of the observations, has been already noticed earlier, also is the result of what the trial of such a combination has delivered, was not pleasing. While this has not prevented to recognize the fact of the lunar influence also by the observations still adhering contingencies through in general, how to saw in the previous chapter, but reduces the result in the main to this general finding, and both the cleanliness of the results as an

opportunity to draw more specific and more accurate inferences, is significantly associated with the ownership of observations which prove the moon directly influence pure than in the past yet the case. It is highly desirable that future studies on this subject as much as possible for all the major moments of the weather, including pressure, heat, wind and rain conditions and for all main conditions of the moon round, phase, vestibules, declination, lunar hours, in connection were performed because only the examination of the whole relationship of the effect relationships promises to open an insight into it. The satisfaction of such a desire will probably be a long time in coming. Although Eisenlohr for Karlsruhe, E. Bouvard Paris, Kreil Prague, Schbler to consider during its 28-year series for different locations, the task of the various moments of weather and different ratios of the moon run simultaneously until suited to certain limits, but some not so fully, partly for not so long time, as would be desirable. If you what previously present observations, which envisioned, one easily recovers the belief that even a series of observations of 100 years would not be enough by far, the effect of randomness, even at the relatively effective lunar influences of a monthly period, so far as to eliminate the mean values for the same to get a quite regular speed for all days of the month. The longest series of observations for one and the same place that exists so far, (Eisenlohr of Karlsruhe, concerning the influence of the synodic revolution of aqueous precipitation, thunderstorms, cloudy and serene days) but includes only 80 years. The length of the required observation time will be very short cut now by appropriate correction of the observed values for the solar influence (in terms of day and season), because this influence is mainly under which hides the moon influence, and it is also in some previous studies, notably by Kreil for the influence of the moon hours in various weather conditions in Prague, Mdler for the influence of the Holy Synod and the respect to the equatorial circulation on the barometer in Christiansburg (Guinea), by Eisenlohr (Poggend. Ann. LX.) for the influence of the synodic orbit and the moon hours on the barometer in Paris, and of the English observers of the influence of the moon hours on the barometer in the tropics, characterized already important, though (except for the last observation) because of too short observation time been made by no breakdown end. It is important to perform the correction of the sharpest and most advantageous manner.
Kreil and sometimes looking the English observer effect correction in that they of each individual observed at a given hour of the day, values deduct the value that belongs in the middle of the whole month of this hour, by this value dependent on time of day sun effect for that month represents. By the correction for the observations of each month, especially running, is also included in the correction due to the hour of the day at the same time because of the season with sufficient approximation. - Even more (ie not just for months, but days) but specializes in the correction due to the season by Madler's method. This brings the total value of the series of observations by the least squares method to a periodic function of the season (so much daily observation hours, as much functionality), and determines therefrom for each day especially the value which belongs to the observation hour, than to be deducted size . However Mdler has not calculated for each observation year especially, but only for the middle of all the years of observation correction function, and in this respect is Kreil's correction, which specializes not only for months but years of observation, special. - Eisenlohr finally brings each of the observed values only general means that the relevant observation hour after the whole of the observations belongs, in withdrawal, so that the

correction so this specialized neither in the individual years, not months, even days. The Korrektionsweise Kreil's and the English observer, has in only 13monatlichen observations of the First Prague, as the also relatively brief observations of the latter, as will the Korrektionsweise Mdler's in just 4 year old for Christiansburg, proved to be very effective, whereas the Korrektionsweise Eisenlohr's in its way, very meritorious investigation in principle not appear likely enough, yet, find a support in the negative and doubtful results of the whole investigation, which of course also depend significantly on the nature of the object.

Or from any other page you can the adjustment of the contingencies thus come to their aid, that instead of the values of each Observation Date or (in the case study of the influence of the moon hours) to take hours of observation into consideration, several united them to total or average values, and these comparing with each other. Often leads to the summation or average contraction through the whole series of observations through, so as to obtain as much total or average values as individual values by here for the first and last values of the series running back thinks in himself what the following Tables I and II with their 3-day and 7-day totals give illustrative examples. One would be wrong, in the way and the ratios of these total values, or their exact equivalent mean values of the response and the ratios of the values of the individual days or hours (the middle they assist in the tables) to keep properly represents, rather, the deviation so as to become larger on the right in the representation of this relationship, the more days or hours, to the sum or to the combined agent. But some of the dependent stabilization of accidents increase of regularity can be in progress to the total or average values against which the individual values, if any, a legal transition is hidden under contingencies, as a win for the realization of such are given, some of the ratios of several days or more hours of music if they can not even accurately represent the individual days and hours, but no less than these provide an indication to remarkable conclusions.Usually we stick to 3 - to 4-day or hour total or average values are, by this consideration for an at least approximate representation of the individual values thus maintains to keep in mind. Where to but waiving merely the object, in this regard to the existence of a statutory moon influence through the regular course of dependent values to detect at all, you win, like me, a closer examination has shown the presence of only one statutory maximum and minimum at Most, if almost the values of the half period summed, and this carries through the whole series, by considering the same into itself continuously, ie at the anomalistic and synodic circulation adds up the values of each of 14 or 15 consecutive days. Examples of this are some tables in the 10th Provide chapter in which I'm putting together Schweig's results on the influence of the moon on the metabolism in this species. In Tables I and II of this chapter is merely gone up to 7-day totals, and you hereby made a big gain of regularity in the way of values. Where, as in the present influence of the moon on the tides hours of the atmosphere, and so the magnetic variation, two daily maxima and minima are sixhour totals or means the most advantageous. This method has a kind of magic to the prominence of small periodic influences from the hideout by contingencies, and often brings series whose individual values directly or show a very irregular course, on a very regular course (eg Schbler's 28-year series on the influence of synodic circulation on the number of wet days, Eisenlohr's 10-year series on the influence of

this race on the barometer, etc), if at all is just a regular influence exists.
Notwithstanding the frappanten results that this method provides the summation of the values of the half or quarter period respektiv in the implementation of a periodic series of observations, I have to in this document, except for the observations in the 10th Schweig'schen Chapter, refrained myself to rely on the same, since they also had to do without and. Justification and without further discussion of the method, which is beyond the limits of this specification, an application was released the same inadmissible Here are just a hint of a few words about it: If a set of observed values of a, b, c, d ... suczessive for days or hours, so you can the growth of a range of values for each following with +, with the decline - call (examples, Table I and II in this chapter), and of course the series is then generally by the way how to change the character or follow determined. Now you combine the individual values to sum, for example, trivalent (a + b + c), it must be noted, (b + c + d), etc., or equivalent means, and does this through the whole series first and foremost, that the differences between consecutive sums not with the differences between the middle letters b, c, but the comment a, d agree that even so the passage of successive sums or their equivalent means as to the decrease and increase the passage of successive individual values to decrease and increase not match and can not be substituted for it. On the other hand, it should be noted that the difference in from each distant discrete values a, d, by which differ successive sums, generally speaking, in a series of observations showing a periodic effect greater than the immediately successive b, c . This has the result that the influence of random differences, if such is complicated by the legal of the period, are more easily outbid by and means of carrying out the summation of a regular course may prove easier through the whole series, if ever a legal schedule for the series subject, as if one stops at the individual values. The cheapest in this regard will be when you put as the maximum difference between the successive sums of the full difference between maximum and minimum yourself in the game. This is a brief indication of the reason the above rule. It should not be forgotten that a portion of the gain of regularity, which is obtained in the series of total or average values against the number of unique values, the success of the method itself only apparent, because even at quite accidentally thrown together values visible is. Denoting namely in the manner indicated, the increase from one value to the next of a periodic grating by +, the decrease through - so the Behaftetsein the series, with many accidents by the frequent change of sign is betrayed, while one of them free periodic series with only one maximum and minimum (the number thought to be running back) only two characters exchange presents. Now it is found that in a number of quite accidentally thrown together values on average, the number of sign changes between successive values is twice as large as that of the strings in the series of cumulative sums formed from them but (no matter how many days or hours this one takes) on average only as great as I have convinced myself by a more detailed investigation partly empirical, partly by reference to the theory of combinations, so that by the summation method to a relative reduction in the number of sign changes and hereby an apparent gain of regularity in the march of values is obtained, which is not to be regarded as highlighting a hidden legality of the series, and then he just shows up even at very random values. But going on the power summation method on purely random values not as to reduce the number of sign changes on average of twice on par with the number of strings, and if so by the summation method, the change of sign of the series entirely or almost entirely except for those which the existence of the statutory maxima and minima calls disappear, but this is to be regarded as a hidden legalism by highlighting them on the principle indicated above. These ratios are not yet sufficiently discussed so far, yes, it seems, had not even noticed them in treatment regardless of series of observations in which legal influences hide under another significant backward contingencies, are of great importance. But I must content ourselves with this brief, not sufficient, however, as I hope for, with some of the ideas into details and check the thing

itself wants, but understandable hints. More about this in one of my future writing, where you will find the statements, documents and examples.

Now these general discussions I add some specific combinations and designs over the moon influence on the aqueous precipitation and the barometer. a) influence on rainfall. First, here is a table in which I (as always counted as a full moon l) added together give the total precipitation for Karlsruhe, Strasbourg and Paris, by Eisenlohr and E. Bouvard, for each day of the synodic month. I would also like the numbers of 28-year Schbler'schen series have combined with it, but the special facility of its observation table does not allow this. To understand the table, the following preliminary observations: The column contains the number of wet days numbers obtained directly by the addition of the three rows for those three places. In the three-day totals column are with regard to the observations made above, for better balancing of contingencies, united three consecutive numbers for this sum; beistehende the day is the average. Thus, the three-day total in 1270, which stands by the l day, the sum of the three numbers 417, 418, 435, which the 30th, the l and 2 belong. One must in fact the moon run returning to think, so that the last day is considered to be the day before l. In the 7-day column sums the values of each 7 days are even better adjustment equally united to the sum, and the beistehende day is again the center. It gives also the interest that can be seen from the week of the biggest, smallest and medium-sized effect. In addition, characters are + and - placed between two values, then the response to the increase (+) or decrease (-) of a value to another to be overlooked so easily. The greater or lesser number of sign changes are bemerktermaen a hint of greater or less irregularity in the way the values (see Table I).
The 29 and 30 Day comes in the Strasbourg observations before contracted only to an average 117, and this average is here for 29 Day taken as Strasbourg value into account, for the 30th Day 122 but as the average 117-126, 126 if the Strasbourg value for the day l. Through this interpolation, the total is slightly higher against the really observed. Table I. Total number of the aqueous precipitation, which in 86 years of observation 1) 12558 with aqueous precipitation (wet days) in Karlsruhe (30 J. v. 1801-1830), Strasbourg (27 J. v. 1806-1832) and Paris ( 29 J. u are like 1807-1832) to D. Eisenlohr and E. Bouvard, obtained by summation of the fallen at the places of rainfall days this month.

Month-day Number of 3-day wet days totals

7-day totals Month days

Number of 3-day wet days totals

7-day totals

l 2

418 + 435 -

1270 + 1273 -

2860 + 2920 +

16 17

388 + 407 +

1210 + 1222 +

2969 2914 -

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

420 397 + 434 407 + 408 + 423 + 435 + 467 458 + 460 + 490 441 415 -

1252 1251 1238 + 1249 1238 + 1266 + 1325 + 1360 + 1385 + 1408 1391 1346 1244 -

2928 2919 + 2924 0 2924 + 2971 + 3032 + 3058 + 3141 + 3174 3166 3119 3059 3028 -

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sum Means

427 401 + 435 407 383 + 412 393 + 405 399 + 403 374 + 399 + 417 + 12558 418.6

1235 + 1263 1243 1225 1202 1188 + 1210 1197 + 1207 1176 0 1176 + 1190 + 1234 + 37674 1255.8

2880 2848 + 2872 2858 2836 2834 2802 2769 + 2785 + 2790 + 2815 + 2845 + 2866 87906 2910.2


One must not disregard that they overlap to some extent.

This combination now represents the overall result is concerned the three series of observations at a time out, and we note the following: The maximum and minimum drop on the column for each day to 1 / 2 month apart, at the 13 and 28, dil day after the second Octants and l day after the 4th Octants with the numbers 490 and 374, which is about the ratio 4 : 3 corresponds. The threeday totals allow the maximum and minimum fall on the same day, whereas the 7-day maximum and minimum sums to 11 and 25 drop as a means days, which we may regard as no lack of conformity, since the ratios of the mean days not be represented properly by bemerktermaen much sums day. But the 7-day totals teach us that among all departments week, you can make out of the synodic month, week, which the 11 Day in the middle, has di of 8 to 14 (Approximately up against full moon from l quarter), the most rainfall, during the week of the 25th In the center, ie from 22 to 28 (What about the middle ground between full moon and new moon occupies),

which is least, and in the ratio of 3174 : 2769 (= 114.6 : 100.0). The mean values of 2910.2, which is at the end of the column, which correspond most weeks, which the second and 4, 17, and which the have in the middle. So the means of the maximum and minimum days week, as the means weeks apart to half the month. In addition, you will not see without interest as regular progress in the values of the 7-day totals column. Apart from a small random fluctuation around the beginning of the month and the number 2848 on the 19th, is a regularly updated continuous growth and reremoving the numbers during the month instead. After it is now customary to plot the values of a periodic series of observations as a function of time, whose constants are calculated by the least squares method, it is also by me, with the values of each of the three series of observations, which are summarized in the previous table especially happen, and I went up to four periodic elements. The constants show some very remarkable agreement between the three rows, sometimes significant deviation. Here, however, over the more in my larger font. To the previous combining table of the number of wet days, we now want to add a lot of those over the fallen water for Strasbourg and Paris. Karlsruhe No data are available (see Table II).
For the 30 Day in Strasbourg is an appropriate remark as in the previous table. By the interpolated 30 Day, the total amount fallen water, which actually amounts to Strasbourg 18220.10 million for the original table for 29 days, has been increased here 18757.38 million. The figures of the Paris observations are obtained from the original table, where it is treated as a medium for one month by multiplying by 359 than the number (the synodic months of observation, to make it compatible with the Strasbourg numbers. Due to the omission of the last decimal place in the Strasbourg observations that took place in our table, determines the sum of the two numbers 18757.38 and 14776.50 = 33533.88, where this omission has not occurred in the decimals not exactly with the sum of 33533.7 conclusion as to should be the case., but the difference is of course completely irrelevant. Table II the total quantity of water (in millimeters), which in these days of the month in 55 years of observation 2) , has fallen in Strasbourg (27 J. of 1806-1832) and Paris (29 J. of 18041832) by Eisenlohr and Bouvard obtained by summation of the fallen at the places these days in the month quantity (total quantity in Strasbourg 18757.38 millim. synod in 333. months in Paris 14776.50 millim. synod in 359. months).

Month days l 2 3

Quantity 3-day fallen water totals

7-day totals

Month days

Quantity 3-day fallen water totals

7-day totals

1080.7 + 1246.1 1115.5 +

3381.1 + 3442.3 + 3579.3 -

7634.6 + 8043.7 7934.5 -

16 17 18

1123.6 1057,3 + 1212.4 -

3151.4 + 3392.3 3186.0 +

7803.8 7722.6 7588.0 +

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

1217.7 + 1226.3 993.9 971.7 + 1158.1 + 1277.0 1226.0 + 1277.4 + 1283,0 + 1195.4 + 1328.3 971.5 +

3559.5 3437.9 3191.9 3123.7 + 3406.8 + 3661.1 + 3780.4 + 3786.4 3755.8 + 3806.7 3495.2 3422.4 +

7851.9 + 7929.3 + 7960.2 + 8070.7 + 8130.4 + 8187.1 + 8388.6 + 8745.2 8558.6 8404.2 8235.5 8170.5 -

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Sum Means

916.3 + 1114.2 + 1193.7 1085.4 1150.0 1012.0 988.1 + 1103.8 + 1034.7 817.2 + 1103.1 + 1054.3 + 33533.7 1117.79

3342.9 3224.2 + 3393.3 + 3429.1 3247.4 3150.1 3103.9 + 3126.6 2955.7 2955.0 + 2974.6 + 3238.1 +

7701.9 + 7729.3 7684.0 7459.7 + 7647.2 7567.7 7191.2 + 7208.9 7113.2 + 7181.9 + 7439.9 + 7451.6 -

100,599.1 234,735.9 33533.03 7824.53


to cover part of it.

This table is analogous to observations than the previous occasion on which I will not go into further here since they each can easily make yourself. Although the maximum and minimum is not exactly the second and 4 Coincide octants, we want to but because they differ only by about l day of it, be a small assortment of these, the maximum and minimum nearest phases according to the various series of observations to make some further remarks on it. For elimination of contingencies but are instead the values for the individual days 3 - to 4-day averages (with respect to the phase can fall as closely as possible to the center) with the second and 4 Octants serve as a means days. According to the original tables Datis results of such shape following compilation:
III. Table on the ratio of the number of wet days on 2 Octants with number 4 on the same Octants in 3 - to 4-day means of

2 Oct. 4 Oct. 29 annually. Observed. v. Bouvard in Paris 125,26 100,00 27 per year. Observed. v. Eisenlohr in Strasbourg 120,65 100,00 28 per year. Observed. v. Schbler AM in St. 115,14 100,00 30 per year. Observed. v. Eisenlohr in Karlsruhe 113.79: 100.00 In the observations Bouvardschen containing no direct determination of the phases are in view to allow the phase of the m possible fall centers connected to the center days connected to the middle of the 11 12th 13, for the 4th Octants of 25 26th 27th 28th Day of the original table. The Schbler'schen number below direct provisions for the phases and are, for the end of days as a middle phase 4-day means. The Eisenlohr'schen 3 - to 4-day means are determined by the direct method by himself. (Pogg. XXX 87. XXXV. 319) If one wanted them in an appropriate manner, as here, the Bouvard'schen, determined indirectly from the original table for the individual days of the month, then something other than the above values would result, namely Karlsruhe 111 , 41: 100,00, 120,21 for Strasbourg: 100.00. But the above values are preferable as directly determined. Taking from the above figures, the means in which you like a the number of years of observation attributes to the observations proportional to weight, then finally finds the total result of 114 years of observation in 3 - to 4-day funds by Bouvard, Eisenlohr, Schbler, Paris, Strasbourg, Augsburg (etc), Karlsruhe, that the number of wet days on 2 Octants for the number 4 Octants as 118.66 : 100.00 behaves according to which the number of wet days by the moon influence the time of the second Octants by more than 1 / 6 of the time of the fourth Octants is increased. If the individual studies from which this agent is drawn match only in the direction, not the size in terms of that relationship, one has to take into account on the one hand, that the effect of randomness in the underlying individual provisions, albeit by means drawing from is reduced several days, but by no means compensated; other hand, that for places of differing situation absolutely no exact match is presupposed. But mainly the following point will be to consider, which is suitable even without consideration of other grounds of explanation, the way in which the individual results differ from each other, to explain to let yes foresee up to certain limits. In short, a place with different absolute number of annual rainfall the nature of the case, the above ratio must be also different, less to those with larger, greater in those with lesser number 3) . This is evident from the following slightly easier viewing.

If not always process the different observers in different places quite comparable in their records, it comes

here to the recorded rather than the actual number of rainfall on.

In one place it rains more often than by virtue of local influences on one another. If we now even exaggerating, these local factors had so strong that it rained all day in

one place, so the influence of given phases of the moon would still be large enough to increase the amount of rain, he would but this by the difference in the number of rainfall at phases can not be detected at all, because yes it rains all day, though the amount of water fallen at different locations may be different. So must, apart from all the contingencies, the difference between maximum and minimum, or at all given between the observed values phases are lower in areas with greater than a smaller number of rain days by in the former but an approximation to those extreme case occurs. In fact shows confirmed this in a striking manner in the given observations, teaches as a look at the following small table, wherein the ratio found above for these places between the number of wet days on 2 and 4Octants is compiled with the absolute number of year there (in the same series of observations) provided perfect wet days. The smaller the annual number of wet days, the more that relationship.
Table IV. Absolute annual number of wet days. Ratio of the number of wet days on 2 Octants for the number 4Octants, the latter = 100.00 replaced. 125.26 120.65 115.14 113.79

Paris (29 per year). Strasbourg (27 per year). Augsb.M.St. (28 per year). Karlsruhe (30 per year).

125.0 139.3 158.5 167.3

From this, it is clear also that the locations with lower number of wet days that must be geeignetern to reveal the influence of the moon on that number. We keep the previous figures for authoritative (which can certainly be only temporary), it is in a place like Paris, where the number of wet days is an average of 125 to the 2.Octanten 1 / 4 drop more water than currently of the 4th Octants. In one place, however, where, as in Karlsruhe, the number of wet days per year is 167, only about 1 / 7 more. So you see how essential it is to take into account this difference. Let now the results as to the quantity of water fallen for the second and 4 Octants clearly together, where we however, since Schbler not specified for the 4th Octants, has instead substituted its statement for the last quarter, but applies to the other observers of the 4th Octant. V. Table on the ratio of the quantity of water fallen at the time of the second Octants at the time of the fourth Octants (respect. last quarter) to
2.Oct. 4.Oct. (OLB)

16jhr. Observed. of Schbler 136.46 100.00 27 "" "Eisenlohr 135,70 : 100,00 9 "" "Quetelet 135.24 : 100.00

29 "" "Bouvard 119.53


When Schbler'schen specification is the ratio of the values for the simple days of the 2nd Octants and last quarter derived, as for the days surrounding the missing information, the other information contained in the ratio of 3 - 4-day funds derived, which are taken at the Bouvard'schen information as in Table VI. In the specification of the value for the Quetelet'schen 2 is Octant on the table as a means to the 11th, 12th, 13th, for the 4th after 26, 27, 28 Day of the synodic month determined.

So would fall towards the center of 81jhrigen (however, some looking nationwide) observations at the time of the second Octants almost 1 / 3 more water than at the time of the 4th Octants or last quarter. It is remarkable how closely matches the ratio of Schbler, Eisenlohr and Quetelet, and in fact is the quantity of fallen water is not the same reason as in the number of wet days ago that the ratio change of the absolute amount of rainfall of the place. However, this is probably something close to agreement by chance as not yet settled contingencies of series of observations could carry a significantly greater deviation and explain; also weichtin fact, the information is not irrelevant from Bouvard'sche in size, and is Schbler'sche because it refers to the last quarter and not on simple averages, not strictly comparable with the other. So we can not put on the close match even the substantial deviation of the numbers in the size of one side and the other great weight, but only on the agreement that all but a very substantial preponderance of 2 on the 4th Give octants in regard to the amount of water fallen. Taking the average of the ratios of the table with respect to the number of years of observation, we find 130.01 : 100.00. Let us now attempt a more precise determination of the maximum and minimum of time and size, we may remind us in regard to the time that and in Table I that the summary of Karlsruhe, Strasbourg and Paris observations on the number of wet days after Eisenlohr Bouvard contains the time of the maximum on the 13th the synodic month, di l day after the second Octants, the minimum 28, di l 4 days after the Octants falls, which can be considered as the resulting overall result of these three sets of observations. Quite on the same day but can also Schbler'sche 28 year old range, the maximum and minimum fall, so that is all 4 rows at all give a clue to this provision 4) , unite in this result. Here is not the consideration of the sum or average values for three or more days, but each day itself under. THEREFORE you can probably look at those two days for the whole of the relevant observation sites with great approximation than the maximum and minimum number of aqueous precipitation in the middle of the year and it will have an interest to make another special compilation for these days, where we because in the mean values of several days, the maximum and minimum influence, so to speak somewhat jaded represents only want to apply the values for each day itself, though, is more of course, the risk that the conditions are the same still affected by randomness , which, however, somewhat offset by the compilation of the results of several series of observations again. This compilation has the purpose to highlight the full difference of the maximum and minimum as much as possible. Now following are the numbers of observed rainfall with the corresponding conditions.

1 T. by T. d 1 to Oct 2. T. l after 4 d Oct. Relationship Bouvard, Paris, J. 29 148 100 148.0 : 100.0 Eisenlohr, Strasbourg, 27 J. 154 121 127.2 : 100.0 . Schbler, Augsb, M. St., 28J. 167 129 129.4 : 100.0 Eisenlohr, Karlsruhe, J. 30 188 153 122.9 : 100.0 Summa 651 503 129.4 : 100.0

also would namely only the 32-year series Schbler's so, p.11, their consideration, however, we go over here,

as indeed in all other provisions of displayed reasons.

It is seen that such formative in fact larger, sometimes considerably larger ratios are obtained as in the above table, where we more day and this means for 2 and 4 Compared octants, which are the true maximum and minimum only near, eg for Paris 148.0 : 100.0, 125.26 instead of there : 100.00, Strasbourg 127.2 : 100.0, instead of there 120 , 65 : 100,00, & c The final result is: The day after the second Octants, the largest, the day after the 4th Octants the lowest number wet precipitation, and indeed exceeds the number of wet precipitation on the first day, the number of wet precipitation on the second day according to the average of four tests for various places (Karlsruhe, Strasbourg, Paris, Augsburg, Stuttgart, Munich) under our northern latitudes of 29.4 p. C. However, this relation is not to be considered as a constant, but depending on the absolute number of rainfall in different in different places, so that it is greater in places with greater number of smaller wet precipitation in places with less number of wet precipitation. In fact, you will find also confirmed in the present compilation latter sentence in general, only the result of Eisenlohr for Schbler of Strasbourg and Paris should then replace the place. Such a deviation from the rule in detail should not surprise us, as long as the contingencies still have considerable influence. Incidentally, the difference lie justified that the information Schbler'schen direct, indirect subject to other provisions. In direct determination but the relationship must be found slightly larger than indirect, which corresponds to the direction of the deviation exist in fact. Our final result for the number of wet days also agrees very well match the end result of what is to be gained from the observations for the quantity of fallen water. Are available for all individual days of the month here at all, only the information of Eisenlohr for Strasbourg and Paris before Bouvard, which are combined in Table II. We also keep us in the answers for each day, we see the number of wet days the minimum with full determination (and so that the three-day totals match it) to 28 or the day after the 4th Octants fall, but vary only the position of the maximum of the position of the day l maximum for the number of days wet by 13 instead of the as for the number of the wet days at 14 falls, however it after the 3-day totals on the 13th would fall. And that results when we go back to the special observations for Paris and Strasbourg, the total quantity of water fallen in millimeters

as follows: on 14 on 28 Relationship by Bouvard in Paris 513.37 362.59 141.6 : 100.0 by Eisenlohr in Strab. 814.92 454.64 179.2 : 100.0 Summa 1328.29 817.23 162.5 : 100.0 What time of the maximum at 2 After 2 days Octants 62 1 / 2 p. C. more water falls, as the time of minimum, ie the day after the 4th Octants. Since it is not likely that the maximum for the number of wet days and the amount of the fallen water really fall on two different days, but take into account the observations No fractions of days, then it would be most probable that the maximum between 13 . and 14 falls in the same time, and thereafter, as already permitted to close the existing approaches, that the minimum at exactly 1 / 2 synodic month dista it. In fact, we add between 13 to 13.5 as a means and 14 half of the synodic month 14.75, we get 28.25, so noticeably exactly the day of the minimum. This is how earlier recalls, one, very favorable to the reality of the lunar influence outcome, as in the case of such a the distance of the maximum and minimum (assuming that there is only one maximum and one minimum) to half the period while does not require as a necessary challenge, but as the most likely, and this distance is not herausgeknstelt, but the simple and unsought result of the combination of those sets of observations that could be combined at all on this question with respect. You can also, if you will, time and size of the maximum and minimum means of the well-known statement process (differentiation and zeroing of the differential) derived from a periodic function, by which one is able to represent the path of the moon influence, but without this laboriously method significantly can do more than the previous simple derivation, as long as the observation series are still fraught with so much randomness, as in the present series of cases, because the derived values are then affected with by these contingencies; also obtained not irrelevant to other provisions contained this regard, as I was particularly convinced of the individual rows, depending on whether one derives the function of the 30 values for each month of days above only the (communicated in Table VI) 8 values for the 8 main phases, which then of course on the influiert determine the maximum and minimum, no less different from that provision falls, depending on whether one incurs 2, 3 or more elements of the periodic function to determine. If ever we were to the full differences, which takes place in the number of rainfall and amount of the fallen water, depending on the phases of the moon, as close as possible to the previous provisions, is yet to take the following considerations that we have this rather too little found to be too much. The moon is running in non-uniform such that for example, not always 12 Exactly

on the 2nd day of the same Octant, 16 (Almost) full moon takes place, and so with the other phases. If now at certain stages, a certain influence is linked, this influence will shift to the phases at the same time in months, and therefore do not always fall exactly on the same day of the lunar age. Now enter the previous provisions, with the exception of Schbler'schen, the value of the maximum and minimum only for the month, while average falls the largest and smallest amount of rain, but as the true time of the maximum and minimum soon later, sometimes a little earlier falls so can not be the full maximum and minimum are found in this way, and the difference between maximum and minimum must hereafter fail in previous provisions less than it actually is and as you would find him, if instead of by us indirectly mentioned Determination manner, subject to the previous provisions, in general, the direct uses, which follows the progress of the phases themselves. If an influence of the seasons take place at the time of maximum and minimum, as Schbler assumes such a other further reason would herein nor are that the full difference between the two can not prove by previous provisions, because the maximum in different seasons then to various times falls, as did the minimum, so that the year in which we have always had to do the falling real minimum and maximum again can not get to changing times, but I would like to note that such an influence of the seasons following the discussions my larger point, though seen to be not unlikely, but still not sure of the observations, for Schbler's statements in this regard are based on one used by him untriftige manner of means dragging, and you can find different results if, in the ordinary way means of pulling stops. Anyway, according to the above, we may assume that we. Using our information, the number of wet precipitation amounts to the time of maximum of the compared types on average 29.4 p C. and the quantity of water fallen 62.5 p. C. for more than Zeitdes minimum, have remained rather under than over the true values. It goes without saying that when the difference in the number of wet days or fallen water quantity at the maximum and minimum values held in relation to the minimum, but at the mean or the sum of both expresses the term must turn out smaller. It is arbitrary as to be jogged in this respect, except that where it is a question of the size of the difference, which may depend on the moon over, obvious highlight, the minimum unit is to be the cheapest. If we add in a compilation in relation to the ratio of precipitation at increasing and decreasing moon, as always, by looking at the new moon and Vollmondstag than the first day of the one and the other. We find the numbers given earlier in detail recapitulating, rainfall following figures: Zun. M. Abn. M. Ratio Paris, Bouvard .... 1884 1741 1.0821 Strasbourg, Eisenlohr. . 1988 1840 1.0804 Karlsruhe, Eisenlohr. . 2636 2469 1.0676 Augsb. M. St., Schbler 2214 2085 1.0619 8722 1.0719 8135 we get for the amount fallen water in millimeters for

Zun. M. M. Abn ratio Paris, Bouvard. . 7632.34 7144.10 5) 106.83 Strasbourg, Eisenlohr 9936.38 8821.00 17568.72 15965.10 110.045


given by multiplication of S. 157 numbers with 359 as the number of months of observation, get to specify

the observed total quantity here.

There could be many Spezialvergleichungen on the ratio of the aqueous precipitation, such as the time of the new moon and the full moon, the syzygies and quadratures and other phases hire. I'm the same here, but give each the opportunity to make such self due to the following tables, in which the results of the principal series of observations have been collected for all eight main phases of me. With respect to the two rows Schbler'schen I remember that the 28-year series for Augsburg, Munich, Stuttgart in the 60th, which was previously reported, is included with. Considering the discussions there employed, it seemed advisable, however, the 28 year old, which is probably comparable with the other series, however, the 60 year old is kicked out by the addition of 32 years from passage of this comparability to some extent, also particularly darzubieten. Tables VI and VII indicate the original values, the tables VIII and IX but such reduced to the total number 100 000 (See Table VI-IX). Influence on the barometer. The comparison of the different series of observations on the influence of the moon on the barometer calls for in-depth discussions on which I verspare on my larger font me restrictive here, following tabular summary for the 8 main stages to notify the apses and Lunistitien which all particulars, I know about these relationships, including. As for all the individual days of the synodic month are also in the original sources, the data from Karlsruhe and Strasbourg by Eisenlohr, Paris by E. Bouvard, Berlin and Christiansburg by Madler; concerning all days of the anomalistic round just for Paris by E. Bouvard; concerning all days of the circulation regarding the return to the equator Paris by E. Bouvard and Christiansburg by Madler. As for the influence of all individual data are lunar hours ago by Eisenlohr for Paris and Prague Kreil. The messages Spezialia this one has to look into my future writing.
VI. Table on the proportionate number of wet days in the 8 main phases in 3 - to 4-day funds.

(Except for F).

A B C D E F Flauguer-gues 6) Viviers

Eisenlohr 1) Eisenlohr 2) Schbler 3) Karlsruhe Strasbourg Augsburg,

Schbler 4) Bouvard 5) 60 J. Paris

30 J.

27 J.

Stuttgart, Munich 28 J.

29 J.

20 J.

New Moon 46301 l Octant l district 2 Octant Full Moon 3 Octant 4 Octant Sum Means
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

37143 37510 40000 42678 37490 38828 37215 35373 306237 38279.6

132.2 129.2 140.7 144.5 146.2 133.7 122.5 125.5 1074.5 134.313

285.2 275.2 288.5 296.7 297.5 294.7 271.0 278.5 2287.3 285.91

122.50 118.25 123.00 139.67 $ 119.25 120.50 115.33 111.50 970.00 121.25

78 88 82 65

45359 47004 48986 47013 45420 43050 366405 45800.6

Last Quarter 43272

Pogg. Ann. XXX. 87th - Three to fourth. Agent. The number of current for each phase set 100000 days ever. Pogg. Ann. XXXV. 319 g By the way, how to View Notes. l Schbler, examiner. P 8 Four-day funds, the figures are for the end of the day phase. Kastner Arch 176 V. How to View Notes. 3

Corresp. math. et par phys Quetelet, T. VIII p. 261st 3 - to 4-day means. It is connected to the middle following days from the original table for the days of the month: New Moon 29 30th 1 2, 1 . Oct. 3 4 5 6, 7 quarter l 8 9 10; 2 Oct. 11th 12th 13, then 14-17,. 18-21,. 22-24,. 25-28. - This way, the connection is on the one hand, the consideration that each phase is possible in the middle of the day combined, on the other hand the demand, incurring all the days of the month in the middle, below.

Bibl univ XL. 265th or Schweigg. J.LIX. 27, the data seem only to apply to each phase even days.

Table VII of the fallen proportionate amount of water to the 8 main stages (Strasbourg and Paris, 3 - to 4-day means for Brussels 3 - to 6-day means for Augsburg each day). Eisenlohr1) in Bouvard 2)i Quetetet 3) Schbler 4) Strasbourg n Paris, 27J. aged 29 9J in Augsburg 16 Brussels. years New moon. . 176219 l Octant. . l district. . 2 Octant. . 199525 194228 205136 1.5650 1.2825 1.4275 1.5300 3,670 3,500 3,345 4,950 298.89 276.55 301.44

Full moon. . 3 Octant. . 4 Octant. . Means

1) 2) 3)

203583 182025 151172 1503904

1.2875 1.3450 1.2775 1.2800 1099.50

4,020 4,150 3,985 3,660 31,280

278.36 220.90 -

Last Quarter 192016

Pogg. XXXV. 324th Corresp. math. et phys T. VIII p. 261st The agent as in the preceding Table, in millimeters of water height.

The detailed observations f p 165 There are combined for New Moon, Day 29 30th l 2 3 4, l Oct. 2 3 4 5 6 7, l quarter of 5th 6 7 8 9 10; 2 Oct. 11th 12th 13, the full moon 14 15th 16th 17th 18th 19; 3 Oct. 17th 18:19. 20th 21, 22; Last Quarter 20 21, 22,23, 24th 25, 4 Octant 23 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th This was no different when the Quetelet'schen information with the phase days should contact some consistency.

Schbler, Various. P 21

Table VIII on the proportionate number of wet days in the 8 main phases in 3 - to 4-day means the same number in l synod. Month = 1000000 set. (Corresponds to Table VI.)



C. Schbler 28 J.

D. Schbler 60 J.

E. Bouvard Paris 29 J.

Eisenlohr Eisenlohr Karlsruhe Strasbourg 30 J. 27 J.

New Moon l Octant l district 2 Octant Full Moon 3 Octant 4 Octant Sum Means

12637 12380 12828 13370 12830 12396 11749 100000 12500

12129 12249 13062 13936 12242 12679 12152 11551 100000 12500

12303 12024 13095 13448 13606 12443 11401 11680 100000 12500

12469 12032 12613 12971 13007 12884 11848 12176 100000 12500

12628 12191 12680 14399 12294 12423 11890 11495 100000 12500

Otherwise.Fourth. 11810

IX. Table of the relative amount of water fallen to 8 main phases in 3 - to 4-day funds, the amount fallen into water l synod. Month = 100000 set.

(Corresponds to Table VII)

Eisenlohr Strasbourg 27 J.

Bouvard Paris

Quetelet, Brussels 9 years

29 J. New moon. . . l Octant. . l district. . 2 Octant. . Full moon. . 3 Octant. . Last quarter. 4 Octant. . Sum Means 11718 13268 12915 13641 13535 12104 12767 10052 100000 12500 14234 11664 12983 13915 11710 12233 11619 11642 100000 12500 11733 11189 10694 15825 12852 13267 12740 11700 100000 12500

X. Table 8 on the influence of the main phases in the barometer, this expressed in Parisian lines.

Flauguer- Eisenlohr2) Iron lohr 3)Stras gues 1) Karlsruhe bourg, 27 J. Viviers 20 J. v. 18081828 10 J. v. 18061832

Eisenlohr 4) Paris 22 J. v. 1819-1840

E. Hallaschka6) Bouvard5) Prague Paris 10 J. 23 J. 1818-1827 v. 1810- v. 5 1832

Mdler 7) Mdler 8) ChristianBerlin i burg 16 years Guinea v. 1820- 4 years 1835 v. 18291833

Boussinga-ult 9) and Bogota 1J. v.1823-1824

No. I. No. II New Moon l Octant l district 2 Octant 334.893 334.339 4,900 4,884 4,594 4.409 3,927 3,620 333.1461 3.0179 3.0044 2.7532 335.168 335.186 335.1478 329.90 4,997 5,057 5,057 4,956 5,134 5,059 5.0988 5.0028 4.6820 9.51 9.75 9.14 337.018 336.757 6,610 6,824 6,583 6,725 6,716 6,635 8,963 249.204

Full Moon 3 Octant Last Quarter 4 Octant Perigee Erdferne Southern. Lunistit. Mo.i.Equat. Gen. Means

4,822 4994 5,234 4,910 4,568 5,011

3,963 4,193 4,563 4,427 -

2.9881 3.1228 3.2230 3.0160 -

5,129 5,071 5,238 5,118 -

5,118 5,107 5,185 5,102 -

4.9745 5.2618 5.3413 5.1675 4,944 5,219 5.11

9.73 9.21 9.63 9.53 9.20 9.62 10.26

6,511 6,540 6,706 6,582 6,570 6,773 -

6,653 6,624 6,657 6,716 6,676 6,726 6,579

9,124 9,231

Nrdl.Lunistit. 5,021











335.106 335.106 335.088


336.663 336.686


Librarian. univers. XXXVI. 264th XL. 265th or Schweigg. 3 LIX. 11th The barometer stands belong to only the phase even days. You are at 12 noon clock observed and reduced to 0 . Pogg. Ann. XXX. 78th XXXV. 314th It is not stated what year and what hours of observation. The barometer reduced to 10 Fahr. Three-to four-day funds. Pogg. Ann. XXXV. 314th The barometer three times daily, between 6 to 7 U. early 12 noon and night, between 9 to 10 U. observed. and reduced to 10 Fahr. Three-to four-day funds. Pogg. Ann. LX. 185th Bouvard'sche observations of Eisenlohr calculated. The barometer reading four times a day, morning at 9 U., 12 noon Evening and night 3 9 U. observed. and reduces to 0 . Three-to four-day funds. No. I and No. II calculated using various methods via which the original writing or my future look. Corresp. math phys et par Quetelet. T. VIII p. 159th Three times a day, observed the barometer at 9 U. morning, noon and 3 U. Price Chart and reduced to 0 . Three-to four-day means from the original table for the individual days of the month as in the View Notes. 5 of Table VI provides, because there are no direct provisions for the individual phases. For the passage through the equator but 3 days of ascent and three days of descending united to the middle, for the northern Lunistitium three days with the 8th, for the southern three days with the 21 days as a means, and when the passage through the equator north l. - These observations are not consistent with the calculated earlier by A. Bouvard only for syzygies and Ouadraturen 12 year old Parisian observations. of 1815 to be confused in 1826. Kastn. A. f u Meteorologist Chem. II 81 It lacks details of the method of observation, and therefore also questionable whether the values are averages for several days. The observations for each perigee and apogee were 131 It is not stated whether the measure is Paris.
7) 6) 5) 4) 3) 2)

Beer and Madler, The moon. P 163 Noon observations, reduced to 10 R. Three-to four-day funds.

8) Ebendas. P 166 Daily 5-hour observation., Adjusted to 6, 7, 9, 12, 4, 9, 10 clock. of Trentepohl and Chenon, calculated from Madler, reduced to 10 R., corrected for the regular daily and yearly period (see p 229). Three-to fourday means of it. For equatorial and Lunistitien like Bouvard. Christiansburg is less than 5 1 / 2 N latitude 19 3 / 4 L. Ferro, and the transition of the barometer there is so regular that after application of the corrections due to the regular periods, the individual observations only in very few cases differ from the general annual average up to line l. The warmest day as the warmest season, both very close to the minimum of the barometer.

v. Humboldt trip to the quinoctialgegenden. VS 700 Employed daily early morning at 9 clock, reduced to 0 . The values are valid only for the day itself phase you are in millimeters to 562.16, 561.61, 561.98 and 562.22 indicated, therefore what I notice, because I put them in Mdler's works on the moon in the decimals something think differently to reduced Parisian lines. Bogota is located less than 4 1 / 2 0 n B. 8180 par. F. height. The fall of the barometer is very regular here.


VIII influence of the moon on earthquakes and geomagnetism. That the moon is not indifferent neighbor to the earth, has already proven enough and will also prove yet. In fact, we see it parts the veil when he turns his face on them, their clothes, air and sea breeze, and undulate as she goes with him, shaking her breasts into him when he comes near you, in it's glowing, and a slight tremor of the needle because of the moon reveals magnetic power over them. What wonder that lovers on earth her gaze directed at him, looking for a confidant in him, as the earth in its relation to the heavenly lover himself of all earthly love is the supreme example. Without image: The influence of the moon engages not only by air and sea, he reaches through the depths of the earth, taking the same time the imponderable ponderable, the earth shakes and the magnetic needle trembles under his influence. You will not notice this still reluctant to find the new facts here. It is as if there were a flood and ebb of the solid mass of the earth to flow and ebb of the sea, for, as the sea flood the highest increases if they if they coincide with perigee, however, remains low in the quadratures and with full moon or new moon and apogees, the frequency of earthquakes increases according as the new moon or full moon draws near and reaches a maximum at this yourself, a minimum contrast in the quadratures, is also greater in the perigee than apogee of the moon. This result is shown in a recently published study, which Alexis Perrey 1) has submitted to the French Academy. One might be inclined to doubt it, but is the observation time (50 years from 1801 to 1850 inclus.) long, the number of combined confess sparkled observations (5388 days with earthquakes) so large, the response of the medium results so regular compliance between the different sections of the observation period so satisfactory, that doubt should probably mention.

Compt. during . T. XXXVI, p. 537th

After all interesting that just at the same time, it has been made obvious with such great zeal that the moon is not even able to shake the light air, so weighty evidence to the contrary is made, that he is even able to shake the heavy earth, which still wants to say something more. Here some more on this subject. Perrey once counted all the days of the lunar period for which can be found earthquake ever recorded, which was 5388 days one time he counted the same day 2, 3, 4 .... times when an earthquake at 2, 3, 4 .... distant places was called without extending that earthquakes on the intermediate places.Thus, there were 6596 days. These 6596 days are as follows: New moon full moon 854.0885 873.7890 1 Oct. 834.9870 3 Oct. 808.8280 1 811.0395 last quarter. Fourth. 772.6010 2 Oct. 825.0395 4 Oct. 815.6275

The frequency of earthquakes has two maxima hereafter, which fall on the syzygies and two minima that fall on the quadratures. The largest maximum (moon) is to the smallest minimum (last quarter) as 854.0885 : 772.6010. Similar results are obtained if you respect the 50-year period into 2 departments. 1801-1825 and 1826-1850 shares, namely maxima for the period of syzygies, minima for the period of quadratures, one may thereby incidentally put the total number of 5388 or 6596 as a basis. Already at the 422 earthquake, which are listed in the 4 years from 1841 to 1845, reveals the same for a note that Perrey in the Mm. de l'Acad, de Dijon 3 Published in 1848. He has the relevant conditions in his treatise partly graphically represented in part by trigonemetrischen functions.

But now, how much you like and trust the moon, this one will not trust him that he really is able to bring the dead, rigid movement, life. So how's you will have to think? Let us remember that the earth has not only the sea: it has two seas, one visible on the surface, a cold from the water, on the ships of man swimming, one in depth, a glowing of liquid stone and metal throws in volcanoes his bubbles and the solid crust of the earth is only inserted as a thin eggshell between both. Well then, as the sea ebbs and floods out, ebbs and floods also the inner sea, where there is the strongest tide, it pushes on to the strongest against the relatively thin shell, and the earth begins to tremble at. Perrey suggests itself as the appearance. Of course, this success comes as little each time to a maximum of his times, as the rain to the phases that favor him most. We do not know the main causes on which depend the earthquake, the influence of the moon is in any case only a contributing cause, which is therefore also be seen as just as his meteorological influence of only a means of numerous observations. As soon as it seems, however, that an alternative explanation of the effect than the given are possible. And so you can see how the ever so mysterious moon from a distance of 50,000 miles reveals to us the secrets of the depths of the earth. Its rotation around the earth, the rotation of a key to. Some even doubted that the earth's core is liquid, and the moon gives us a proof that man would want less striking. That the moon is engaged in the game of the magnetic forces of the earth, has come up with doubt until very recently, after earlier incomplete investigations by Kupffer 2) and Kreil 3) to secure any decision led. Now its magnetic influence on the earth by the new 10-year observations Kreil's is 4) completely decided. Small is the influence that is true, but is it an influence. In the middle of the year, the deviation of the needle through the influence of the moon hours change daily only 24 ", 6, so not even at 1 / 2 degree minute., but this influence is by the care and precision with which he is prosecuted and found and the regular swing (with 2tglichen Maximis corresponding to the upper and lower culmination of the moon in the magnetic meridian and two minima in the middle hours between) who turns out in the corrected due to the solar influence values for the successive lunar hours, the bestkonstatierten that we know. During the summer, the influence is greater than in winter and rises in August up to 56 ", 5, ie by almost l degrees minutes daily variation, while he up in the months of Nov. Feb. inclus. is small, and even

sometimes has the opposite direction than in the summer months than in the middle of the year. An influence of the Moon or apses on the deviation of the needle could not be detected by Kreil, whereas a weak influence of the declination of the moon was noticeable.
2) 3)

Pogg. Ann. , 1836. XXXIX. P 225 417th Pogg. Ann. In 1839. XLVI. P 448 Magnet. and Meteorologist. Observed. to Prague. IS 59 influence of the moon on the magnetic declination, by Karl Kreil. Vienna in 1852. From the Vienna



Kreil also examined the influence of the moon on the horizontal intensity of the needle at its previous incomplete investigations. Over here, so how about the detailed his recent investigations see my future writing.

Shall we keep the moon thereafter even for a magnetic body? Why, because its mass and the mass of the Earth magnetic sure if not flesh of one flesh, but legs are not of one leg. But that is not proof. It would be at least possible that, there would be indirectly through the influences that expresses the Moon elsewhere on the earth an influence on magnetism. Only the future can be secure about digestion. IX. The Od. Under the influences of the moon last was also its influence on the earth's magnetism thought. After what could be argued that, he seemed hardly worth mentioning. And you surprised to see, in fact, as an observer ten years every day ten hours of observation under such great tension own and other forces and afterwards could turn even the laborious calculations and petty corrections on the moon, the small trace of influence on the course to secure and state of the needle, which would not have been noticeable even without magnifying aids and invoice. All 'that he could save himself. He needed only the nose stuck once in a Boussole, he would have found that all the daily variation of the magnetic needle by the sun and moon at the same time is nothing, he could rely on the meritorious investigations of Gauss and Weber, the same long have demonstrated, he could see the details of all other observers about as non-existent, and he could finally point out that the different positions of the moon anything further than the different ways are, as reflected by his sunlight to the earth in relationship occurs , was not thinking of anything else but, as he had all the magnetic variation of the sun and moon at the same time by means of experience, authority, reason as well dismissed, as the influence of the moon on the weather has become recently dismissed, and was soon to proceed to dismiss something else. But now nothing but the small little mouse a daily variation in the ten years circling mountains a truly stupendous diligence on average in the year of not even 1 / 2 come by the moon to light minute, which Schleiden will find no trouble and no concerns with a kick to kick dead. Let us not be very sorry and from the outset not strange that the moon in this

direction proves so weak. Apparently it at the same time his fickle and mystical character of rigid mineral magnetism physicist says not to. This makes all the more with magic, sympathetic, animal-magnetic forces, yes, gehends continued increases in such forces. Hardly had he still delivers with goiter and warts your, and that was for dena beginning, now he has come to a consciousness entirely new forces that previously neither he nor Someone in the world knew anything, and yet how now know, have all worked wonders in the world that existed, and will work all the miracles that will be. Yes, the moon is one of the main representatives of these two heavenly forces. My author career began with the evidence that the moon consists of iodine. I was wrong, but not quite, I just needed an iota of iodine drain so hatt 'I's all. The moon is not a source of iodine, as I thought, but of Od. Mr. von Reichenbach has rightly seen as I, with the moon is a duel of positive, negative, however, the sun of Od. The proof is simple: The sun makes cold, the moon makes warm. Although previously thought the wide, either way around, but this depends merely because the sensitive half of the world had been subjugated by the non-sensitive, which will now hopefully reverse, according to von Reichenbach's new great works soon. Because the sensitive half feels the moon warm, the sun cold, and when Herschel earlier recognized the sky in a hot water bottle moons, he was apparently a Sensitive. Because though only a Sensitive can experience the new wonder. But half of the people is yes, according to von Reichenbach sensitive; these half now has to experience the wonder, the other has to believe it. The biggest surprise here is that the leader of the seeing is a blind man. Because von Reichenbach is not even aware. But all he sees with his eyes sensitives, and they see everything through his eyes again, then where the consistency of the results can not be missed. We hear some of the new wonders that accomplishes the moon as odgewaltiger Lord of the Night 1) .

v. Reichenbach, The sensitive man. l p 684 11,365. Khlergl. and Wiss. P 20

One who belongs to the sensitives half of humanity, close the right eye and see odnegative with the left odpositiven in the moon. He will be blinded, find the reddish moon, cloudy, foggy, unconstitutional. He now close the left and to the right to see the moon. It is clear, sharp, beautiful bluish see him. - Set Seems the moon on a metal plate instead of window in the opening of a dark chamber where a high-sensitivity is, it will be for this as transparent as glass, and have a bright spot in the chamber, it is trees, mountains, bridges, see for yourself the stars through the window sheet through. - The Sensitive will find the moon seemed to be cool rather than hot, especially on the left side. He needs even just a stick of glass, metal, wood with one end in the moonlight or a subject illuminated sheet to keep them, he is holding the other end with the left hand, feel a sense lauliches it.Also, it tastes like water that stood in the moonlight, mild than what has stood in the moon's shadow, while in the

sunshine STOOd water tastes it cool, even acts of sunshine 2) because he, however, the moonlight is odnegativ OD-positive, quite contrary to the moonlight; after which, it is also erroneous, as so often happens, to compare the odpolar opposite eyes with two suns, rather because the person carries microcosmic image of the world as a sun and a moon on his head.

Sensit. Person. l p 651 II, p 366

Nothing more than simple facts of observation! Common ground while lacking the same something to the focus, which is usual to find in astronomical lunar observations, though the astronomer tends to use only one eye to, and sensitive instruments are somewhat less accurate than the micrometer and graduations of Astronomers, yet only in the sense of astronomers. If these really small, so is it with those seen quite invisible. And what abgebt them to astronomical sharpness, replacing them with their lot. The science certainly wonders if she has the profits to look different than that of the host, who sold too cheap every pitcher of beer a penny, so immense paragraph had, and when we asked him how he could handle it, satisfied answered "The crowd does it." In fact, however, if it is not made, the amount, how could the doctrine can quickly outstrip her four sisters from Od. How long have the teachings of light, heat, electricity and magnetism, of so much more accurate and safer methods and means of research, used in possession before it brought each to a few fixed rates, as they are very ashamed the doctrine of Od. If it did not matter the amount, how could such an intricate anodic polarity, as has the human body, so the fine can be unraveled by the sensitive instruments with such complete success, when it happened. Would be a magnet with polarity such as that still can be handled quite differently located, to opposite poles of the right, left, front, back, up, down and to the Poles nor sub Poland, as it is in humans body, it wants the ablest physicists not succeed with all his caution and his most accurate instruments, however, it would certainly quite even succeed without caution only by the amount of observations with sensitive instruments as well to find a more intricate polarity of an ordinary magnets. In short, everything depends on extensive and docile method of observation. - So even with the moon polarity. And now a word seriously. Probably see a lot of people, not to mention sensitivity, Everything, especially flames, with one eye slightly different than the other. So why not also the moon. Where are the author the preliminary checks, which were therefore to hire? Where can I find something on an accurate count of the applicable and nonapplicable cases in the sensitives themselves? Where is the security that these or those not saw what they wanted to see, or should? The general indication of the author, in a place that same "can hear more or less pronounced (ie, but also less pronounced) of all sensitives," the very cursory notice of six individual cases, in another place without any of the controls to Ensuring each individual case were necessary but sufficient, in fact, not so whimsical Konstatierung conditions. And unfortunately, this, is devoid of rigorous evidence, how the observations concerning the moon polarity by the author, it was made, whether it has been obtained, not an

exception, but an example of the rule. And yet, I think, v. Reichenbach will last stay with his not quite accurate based on studies more faith in rights, as Schleiden with his unbelief, which is certainly the injustice by ignoring or denying the results of the most accurate observations. Also have to be cheap. A field of research is not just suitable for accurate observations than the other and there should not be grown because of it? Then there would be no therapy. Some will of course say that there are really none. But one must always observe and try anew. Of course, the Odlehre could be more miss than the therapy, however, the less accuracy allows a field of observation, the more one must caution and means the same true, the more hold back with the saying of certain results. That as it may, I hope, the author of Odlehre the jokes input not too bad interpret that were not meant to be bad, but certainly have their true side, while I concede at the same time, the Odlehre will also have had their true side . So much is certain, that is not to hope excluding the first page the author to get through the last page, but rather it will go away from him gehends so in the realm of experimentation, as happened to me in a realm where there are no experiments . Now, the intent is to take a little closer to the discussion of this teaching without further joke, as impartial as it can Someone who does not belong to the unbelievers in such things, and yet also like looking closer, which he bases his faith. I shall therefore satisfy neither the author nor the opponents of Odlehre, of course of course all by itself Like pioneering involvement as a brief outline of the Odlehre, the same summarizing the main aspects and sets clear. All the versatile applications of the same on the doctrine of sympathies, antipathies, Idiopathien, the animal magnetism, the table back, different medicinal purposes and the like, I can not of course be taken into account here.
To literature. As far as I know, the investigations of the author (March and May 1845), where she of course exclude something strange appeared over the OD first in Liebig's Annalen der Chemie, nor has Liebig later in the opening speech of his lectures at the Munich University decided declared against Reichenbach's Odlehre, but it seems after one, communicated by the author, writing (sensit. man, Preface, p XXIII) to have initially been interested in a more favorable sense. The treatises on the OD in Liebig's Annalen appeared later in the particular footprint under the title: "Physical and physiological studies on the Dynamide of magnetism, electricity, heat, light, crystallization, the chemistry in its relations with life force,.. 2 vols 2nd revised edition Braunschweig, 1850, "and to the following for this impression to as" cited Dynamide ". A more general audience Odlehre was the first known author of the "odic magnetic letters" in the Augsburger Allgemeine Zeitung, which are subsequently came out in the special imprint. The principles set out in these documents, studies are now out of him in a new major works, in two large volumes, which bears the title: ".. The sensitive man and his behavior to the Ode Stuttg, 1854 and 1855", reproduced according to their main content been, but at the same time considerably expanded and corrected here and there. Finally, following pamphlet was published by him: "blind faith and after wisdom, in response to Mr. Karl Vogt in Geneva, Vienna, 1855." (About 4 sheets). I myself have the "Dynamide", the first part of "sensitive people" and the polemic against Vogt not fully studied, but gone through in so far just to have an opinion on content and method, and enter the following presentation of to, the second part of "sensitive people" but only gone as far as it seemed necessary to control this judgment, and here and there to supplement the

presentation. Where folgends page numbers are cited without addition, they refer to the first part of this work.

General aspects and provisions of the Odlehre. The people are divided into two classes, the class of sensitives and non-sensitives, the most general difference is that under many conditions the sensitives feel or perceive something, where non-sensitive feel anything, perceive nothing in general. Special recognition sign of the former follow below. The sensations and perceptions of sensitives under given influences vote in the various sensitives, if not in degree but in kind, substantially agree are determined by law and law related to each other together. To represent this correlation and to represent the wealth of facts, subject themselves to the same under simple considerations, subsequent to the previous physics teaching, refers to the author, the emergence of those sensations and perceptions among the sensitives on the existence and effect of a hypothetical principle or agent, which he calls Od, derived from the Old German name of the god Odin, Odin (see odically magnet. letters p. 98). For example, if a magnetic pole in the dark is seen by sensitives bright, it's Od what he flows, if it is felt by the hand of the sensitives in contact or approach (depending on the circumstances) lauwidrig or cool, it's OD , which acts on the hand of the sensitives. This so-called Od joins the author previously known Impoderabilien (light, heat, etc.) as an analog, but for certain features to distinctive of principle, without to decide here whether the imponderables at all material nature or just force expressions are what He therefore also in the OD then, but he treated the same in general, have the lighter comprehensibility because, as a substance. For all imponderables together, with the inclusion of chemistry, he has the name Dynamide. The OD is at least as common as the other Dynamide so that the sensitives are involved basically everywhere and at all times of the influences that can only be felt, depending on the degree of sensitivity and the strength of the effect of influence more or less . The sensitives and non-sensitives are not difficult to distinguish, and there are a lot of simple detection means. In general, the following characters come to sensitives, and the more you together with such a person and the more one finds prominent, more secure and more determined you will be able to expect the same to the sensitives. Sensitive are generally nervenreizbarer as non-sensitive, more of changing the environment, weather, and external conditions are ever influenziert, scare easily, restless sleep, though are not as sensitive to it. sick, but inclined in front of others to certain contingencies, as convulsions, migraine, somnambulism and the like; eaters are not strong, especially love cold meats, salads, and spurn fatty foods; may not work well in small rooms, or between other persons , especially not stand in the crowd, be affected by the placement of a magnet or magnet swipe in a particular way; also slightly worried by the moonlight; feel to stand before the mirror as something retardant. Melkmale following highlights the author (sensit. man l p. 2) preferably out: "As one of the lightest, easiest, and without any attempt to erlangendes feature," he

says, I have the pleasure and pain recognized that many people certain colors lock. It is to learn a few words, if someone harbors a dislike for the yellow color (clothes, living rooms, etc.) and next to it a preference for blue. All those who have this peculiar inclination, I've found always sensitive to my previous observations, and this is all the stronger, the more lively the train spoke out to them. " "However, for the touchstone by which I distinguish the sensitives and nonsensitives determined from each other, I have a very short and simple means found. Purpose It requires nothing more than the bare hands. I order of the person whose nature I know want the left hand proffer, and stroke with the index finger of my right hand upright and slowly lower it until about without touching the wrist, the tip of the middle finger it and at the distance of about a TAX. Feels the Audited there an action in the way when a fine cool breeze my fingers following along on his hand would run, about how blown out of a straw quiet, so he is a Sensitive, he feels nothing, he is not. " The number of sensitives is according to the recent data of the author's larger than it was to accept earlier inclined and is about half of the people, only that under the same are many gradations through which they pass into the non-sensitives, also to remain the degree of sensitivity is not always the same for the same subject. Men and women, healthy and sick, young and old are found among the sensitives. Overview of the most remarkable phenomena which depend on the sensitivity. magnetic poles, crystal points, the different parts of the human body, but also a variety of other body excite the sensitives in contact with your hands or other parts of their body or even on the approach to it, as swipe at it, in contact or some distance, by law certain pleasant sensations of warmth or coolness or adverse lukewarmness, according to circumstances, pulling, tingling, etc. In particular, the feelings of pleasant coolness (well cool) and Lauwidrigkeit are by the author as the largest in expansion occurring taken into consideration. Sensitive higher degree of sensitivity to take in perfect darkness at the poles to a magnet flame-like light phenomena true at the North Pole, a blue and blue-gray, at the South Pole a red, red and yellow and rotgraue. Even the tips of crystals, living human, animal and plant body, especially the fingertips, metals, sulfur, liquids that are on the chemical or Kristallisationsakt, etc., lit. Finally comes the author (sensit. man. 192 11) to the result that all bodies throughout the Erdballe ever emanate Odlicht that only one more, some less. The hands, arms etc of the sensitives experience in higher states of sensitivity statutory attractions and repulsions proffered against magnetic poles, and crystal peaks. Some experiments which produced quakes, the author of a preferably hitting. 3) You let the sensitives the 10 fingers with the tips easily create the next room wall, and the left finger tips are the wall cooler, feel the right warmer, the same experiment, not a to cold iron furnace room or mercury mirror repeatedly, gives the reverse result. - A bottle with concentrated potassium hydroxide solution will laulich,

felt cool in his right hand in his left hand, a bottle of concentrated sulfuric vice versa. - Two fingers of the left hand, one administered sensitives are taken from the left, laulich be felt cool from the right. - A sheet of yellow paper is the left eye (however, the other is closed) turbid, unclean, uncomfortable, the right clearly appear clean and pleasant. A blue bow vice versa. Here also the above-mentioned experiment with the moon. - The Sensitive is with the right eye (however, the other is lightly covered) just to the left, look to the left into the right eye of another person with relish, to turn away from the other eye with shyness -. One must the left eye sensitives of the fingers of the right hand, the north pole of a magnet, but not the left hand not approach the south pole of a magnet without it hurting and harming etc The author presents a a O. several more attempts than those who present themselves easily to probation on. It will be easy, according to the following basic laws of Odlehre and directory of Odquellen like to find yourself and modify as desired.
3) blind faith and science, pp. 17 ff

Precautions. I can not mention here all the precautions recommended by the author from the facial points, partly to prevent the interference of different influences odic mess, partly to ensure the enjoyment of these influences themselves. It is sufficient for the general remark that on this side the care and diligence of the author should be no objection. A part of the precautions to be taken is also apparent from the following, of course.Only one caution I will remember especially here, that's not a failure just the most striking experiments due to lack of consideration of the same will be easily interpreted against the author. The essential precautions in experiments in the darkroom heard that the eclipse is absolute. (Sensit, M. II 4) "The slightest trace of daylight or by candlelight, which penetrates through any one column in the fourth or sixth reflexes, makes most sensitives unable to recognize any odic light." , I have, "says von Reichenbach,,, leave my doors make all double, and carpets need to be suspended between two doors. Below to the same interior and exterior windows must pillows be pressed, and indeed on both doors. Organization I have I made so that three rooms are next to each other darkened, and all are mutually closed light-tight, but only in the middle, which has no door to the outside, I work with the sensitives ". In such complete darkness Highly sensitive catch often immediately or only after funds Sensitive after 5 to 10 minutes 1 / 2 to 2 or 3 hours to see Odlicht. . Fundamental facts and laws if you (regardless of whether you yourself are sensitive or not) of the left hand of sensitives his own left hand giveth or approaches only up to a certain distance, 4) it is felt by the sensitives as lauwidrig, when the same left hand the sensitives giveth his right hand or approaches, it is cool to be pleasant, or as the author says, in short, probably felt cool. So right and left hands show their effect on the sensitives a contrast, and will be explained hereinafter set by the author as anodically polar-opposite and indeed, according to certain reasons beiseitzulassenden here, the left for OD-positive, the rights for odnegativ. Quite the same contrast in their effect on the sensation of sensitives as the hands of a man

showing the two poles of a magnet, the south pole right there in line with the action of the left, the North Pole with the effect of rights, by those when attacking with the left hands of sensitives or mere approximation to the same rather lauwidrig, this is probably felt cool. The South Pole is so OD-positive, the North Pole odnegativ. Same contrast show the opposite peaks (hereafter the author also called poles) large quartz crystals and other crystals are therefore also opposite polar. But not always both polarities are found together in the same body. Metals, for example, behave at all ODpositive, in that they are perceived lauwidrig anywhere from the left hand of the sensitives when touched, or when approaching, whereas to metal oxides, stone walls, all the direct rays of the sun gewesene exposed shortly before the experiments behave Body Ever odnegativ . by being perceived by the left hand of the sensitives everywhere probably cool. Ever find the sensitives especially higher degree, with all natural bodies differences in this respect, and thereafter notify the author of all natural body into two large classes of odpositiven and odnegativen body. A list of the main follows below. Odpositive bodies are so much those which are perceived lauwidrig it in contact with the left hand of the sensitives or approach; odnegativ those which are perceived by means of the same hand probably cool. Some bodies, such as the human and animal body, magnets, crystals, close both polarities at the same time, others (the so-called unipolar) show only one type of polarity.
4) has a sufficient degree of approximation in relation odic as all corresponding contact, and in general, the author moves in the experiments mere approximation of the body to be tested prior to the hand of the sensitives to the influence of temperature, etc., the roughness of the body to the sensation better to exclude. This applies to everything that follows.

It is important to note that the odpositiven body as absolutely well cool can not be regarded as absolutely lauwidrig that odnegativen not for the sensation of sensitives, but that this applies only in so far as they left on the left hand or any side of the sensitive act, whereas on exposure to the right hand or right side at all the sensation just reversed so that, for example, the left hand of the people, the south pole of a magnet, which are perceived lauwidrig of the left hand of the sensitives, the right hand rather produce the same well-coolness. One can therefore examine the anodic polarity of the body by the right hand of the sensitives, by having but there to interpret the statements in the opposite sense, as when tested with the left hand, but the author has made the observation that in general the Left Hand of sensitives is so much more receptive to influences anodic than the right, preferably those that he uses for such testing, and makes use of the generally weaker and less resolute statements of rights only a minor use. Since the right hand of the sensitives will lauwidrig affected by the right hand of another person, just as the left hand lauwidrig of the left hand of another person, however, the right hand of the sensitives probably cool of the left hand, the left hand of sensitives probably cool of the right hand of another person, it is clear with regard to the fact that the action of the right and left hand of the other person the action of magnetic poles, crystal Poland and any unipolar bodies can be substituted, and that

the same way as the right and left hands of sensitives to other parts of his body behavior, the general and important fundamental theorem: The Sensitive feels with the parts of his body that have a given Odpolaritt, the touch or approach the same name odpolarer lauwidrig body, not equally well odpolarer body cool, or short exposure to the same effect is ungleichnamige lauwidrig from sensitives felt well cool. Meanwhile, this set suffers several limitations and qualifiers. First place, it is generally only for Ersteinwirkung the body to the sensitives by but emits a not equally acting body be Od gradually on the sensitives, a charge saturation and self-saturation of the opposite polarity can be done, and now by virtue of the hereby occurring exposure of the same skip the first reaction probably cool in Lauwidrigkeit. Second, separation generally takes the opposite effect by itself, as an approach or touch, the well-coolness when approaching or touching follows Lauwidrigkeit, the Lauwidrigkeit well cool in the separation etc Third, apply the above principle, so far as it relates to ungleichnamige exposure, generally only for affected directly or first of the ungleichnamigen exposure of sensitive body parts, whereas distant parts behave like as if they were affected the same name. Fourth, does pranks on the sensitive body, such as fingers, a magnetic pole, etc, according to different rules than mere proximity and contact. In all these and many other factors must be taken into account in the tests, if you want to get the law given by the above successes correctly. The anodic characteristics of each body can be transmitted by message to each other, or to the expression of Verfass. loaded by one person it is in contact with or close to the other brings, and remains the charged body some time to tend to bring problems and complications not associated with caution in the phenomena. So every body comes out of the right hand of the man (he is sensitive or not) with odnegativer or odpositiver but weakened condition, out of the left hand of the people with weakened or odpositiver odnegativer texture. Also contact with magnetic poles, crystal points, metals, sulfur, etc., Inserting points in sunlight or moonlight effectcharging, and since basically all bodies have a certain odic nature, the one only one more pronounced than the other, as is evident that the anodic condition of the body is always determined by the environment and to this is to take into consideration in the observations. Of course, the strongest body of odic force to defend their property most consistent and be able to imprimieren other. Gradually the charge communicated through looses OD from the body when they are removed from the loading Odquelle. The OD can be propagated. Summarizes a Sensitive one end of any long or short rod or wire of glass, wood, metal, anything, so that the end does not protrude from

any solid matter in hand over the hand and then any Odquell than hand , magnetic, crystal lace, metal, sunlit body and the like, is placed in contact only in the vicinity of the other end of the bar, as soon feels the hand of the well-sensitives Lauwidrigkeit or coolness in the same manner as if the Odquell hand immediately would be presented. It's good, in these experiments the end of the rod, which summarizes the sensitive, only a short time, about l minute to leave in the hands of sensitives before you attach the body to be tested at the other end, which is called the author, take some getting used by the character, and which has the purpose, the anodic and temperature difference that exists between staff and hand, balance before the experiment, so that the effect of the continuing headed Ods was perceived purely. Worth noting that the line ratios for the OD do not match those for electricity, eg by glass is one of the best leaders for the OD, and actual dielectric for the same are not known at all, but derive some substances less well than other . Even the human body fluids and lead the OD very well therethrough; summarizes eg Someone with his right hand, the left hand of sensitives, as it felt the impact of this Odquelle, which holds that the left hand or touched, by this effect is propagated through the body to the sensitives. The propagation is not instantaneous. . Principal Odquellen Although practically all bodies have some texture are anodic, to name but some processes in the body and odic relationship before others, accurate gradation in the strength, but its effect is not yet odic course known. As OD-positive are made especially designated by the author: the entire left side of the people, vornmlich the left hand, - the south pole of the magnets; - the north pole of the Earth, which is known to the south pole of the magnets have the same magnetic properties, - the end of a or a tip or corner of crystals (quartz, alum, gypsum spar, spar, heavy spar, tourmaline, garnet, etc), including the base, so they grew up or mangelhaftere, less educated corner; - hydrogen and the most water-rich body such as alcohol, ether, some oils and resins; - all metals, with the exception of doubt or arsenic, tellurium, Melybdn, tungsten, chromium and antimony, preferably strong potassium, sodium, osmium, rhodium, gold, silver, platinum, Irid, Pallad , mercury, copper, - alkalis and organic alkaloids, - ordinary mirror covered with amalgam, Moonlight, - by means of refraction polarized sunlight, yellow and red rays of the spectrum; - rough fabrics, - Floral odors etc. As odnegativ be especially mentioned: the whole right side of the people, vornmlich the right hand, - the north pole of the magnets; - the south pole of the earth, - the one end or a tip or corner of crystals, namely the grown surface having opposite free tip or full trained corner; - oxygen, chlorine, sulfur, selenium, bromine, iodine, phosphorus, arsenic, coal, diamond, graphite - silica, quartz, iron ore, copper oxide, litharge, zinc oxide including metallic oxides - all mineral acids and organic acids - sulfur, chlorine, iodine, bromine, fluorine and cyano compounds, including sodium chloride, carbonates, sulfur. Salts - gum, starch - sunshine, even more than all the sunshine, the polarized by reflexion sunlight, the blue rays of the spectrum -

Flame - strongly heated body. Only slightly negative among other nasty glass bottles, well water, linen wall. Also, some processes are effective odically. OD-positive : friction, flow and agitation of water, air leakage, pressure. Odnegntiv : sound, resolution of salts, evaporation, several chemical decomposition. Odic polarity of humans, animals and plants. angegebenermaen Man is from one side to the other polar, the left side is positive and the right negative, and this polarity most pronounced in the hands, herein preferably again in the fingers. In this Subject polarity of the human author writes an anodic width axis or Latitudinalachse to. It is the main polarity which man possesses, and which tends to identify the main success odic effects on people. But the whole front of people behave in schwcherm grade OD-positive against the back of what the author as anodic thickness axis or transverse axis of the foot of humans and even lesser degrees of potitiv against the headboard, which the anodic; designated length axis or longitudinal axis are the people . The effect of the thickness axis makes only in the middle between the two sides argued clearly for themselves. Moreover, adds or subtracts the effect of the thickness axis and longitudinal axis of the generally outweigh the effect of the width-axis, depending on it is directed in the same or opposite sense. Thus, although each of the right front and right rear side of the human odnegativ, in consideration of the width axis, and the right front side but less negative than the right rear side, since the effect of the transverse axis, the width axis of the front subtracted added from the rear. Besides these three main polarities, which relate to the people as a whole, even minor polarities of the individual parts are present, their influence also, to this is added depending on the similarity or contrast with the predominant polarity, which belongs generally to the width axis or subtracted. Most accurately the writer has examined this child polarities on the hands. Hereafter, first and foremost the Handweiche behave positively towards the back of the hand, and the negativity that primarily and virtue as a whole belongs to the right hand of the width axis, that shows up this way in the switch decreases, increases to the back, however, the positivity of the left hand plays as a whole, thereby increasing the turnout and shows reduced on the back. A odpostitiver body that are seen lauwidrigsten on wohlkhlsten perceived by the left hand switch, from the right hand back, a odnegativer body reversed, and offers you a sensitives themselves a hand represents (which does not need to go to the contact), then the left Handweiche most positive, the right hand back affect him the most negative, and therefore the reciprocal shaking hands indicating the wohlkhlste sensation for the sensitives, when his left hand switch to the right hand rear of the others met the lauwidrigste when his left hand switch of the left hand switch of the other encounters. For the right hand of the sensitives arises hereafter easily wohlkhlste and lauwidrigste way encounter with the hand of the other, but angegebenermaen the Rights of the sensitives in general ever less susceptible to anodic stimulation than the left.

Following this example, one can easily interpret the success of the still to be discussed further polarities also. Namely, it now behaves even further by the hand, as in the arms of the little finger edge and the same corresponding side of the arm positively to the index finger edge and against the corresponding side of the arm, the thumb positively to the other four fingers, of which the middle finger and index finger, the little finger is the weakest most negative. All these polarities are actually only relatively understood, and remain generally the width polarity subordinate, but it seems to experience, which tells the author p 97 that the positivity of the thumb in relation to the other fingers can itself increase so far that he was on the right side, where he virtue of the width polarity should be negative, by outbidding the main polarity is even absolutely something positive so that you know where it is to be done by a strong negative effect of the fingers, the thumb rather leaves aside. In contrast, the polarity of the other four fingers on both hands remain always under the ascendency of the width polarity. Is provided in the fingertips at all, the seat of the most powerful anodic action both as a receptivity to the human body, it is preferably used to, if you will greatly affect sensitive, or if want to feel self-Sensitive fine. To work around the middle finger of one hand balled fingertips, held against the palm of his hand a sensitives it a much stronger than a flat hand itself, and produce cool or Lauwidrigkeit according to the same or ungleichnamigen action. The foot shows similar polarities as the subordinate hand. However the main polarity, ie the width of the body after polarity, the whole right foot negative, the left is positive, each foot is a minor sense inside positive, outside negative, on the sole positive, negative on the back. On a possible contrast of the big toe towards the other toes there is nothing specified. On both sides of the pit, some of them down, there are two, preferably for sensitive anodic reaction from the rest of epigastric points, which indicate the position of the two wings of the solar plexus in the body. The left digit is positive, the right negative. The stomach itself, but in so far reveals a odpositive nature as he tolerates drinking odically positively charged water is not good, so much the better of the negatively charged.

I have searched the author explained previously faithful as possible to follow, except that I pulled the wide versions into narrow, and the experimental confirmations with left side, and I think that will suffice Reported, a view of the foundations, if not of the to give huge, you can hardly contain yourself to say monstrous development built on the doctrine. A resounding criticism of the doctrine is to take place only on the basis of careful experiments be tested, not at my command, but one can without new experiments to submit the question of what the existing evidence and what claim has the whole doctrine on trust. This question I am looking for the following by the standard that I can bring myself to it, and to answer according to the documents, which has given to the author. Each other will certainly

bring a different scale, and it may be included in the investigations of the writer some of what would otherwise make the judgment when it was suffered. Why should it not be able to give conditions of irritability, and where this is felt, what in other circumstances, irritability, lack of receptivity. Rather Nobody will deny that there are such conditions. You need in this respect only to the sensations of the hysterical to think that so many illusions insane. Basically, each outer product of a subjective perception and objective factor, and how only changes a factor, the whole product changes. Well basically, the subjective factor in every human being arranged somewhat differently than in the other; nothing stopping but that there was also a certain more or less drastic difference (sensitivity and non-sensitivity) in it. It can be and can not be, and whichever is the case or not, is also v. Reichenbach's doctrine or have not reason. Takes place once a different susceptibility of individuals to the powers of the outside world takes place, it will in any case be laws to dependent phenomena, and on closer comparison of the ratios of these phenomena may be much that is new and unexpected offer. It was no different with electricity and magnetism, who had been looking so much behind the phenomena of the rubbed sealing-wax. And thereafter it will always be accepted with thanks, if someone with perseverance and zeal undergoes researching these laws, and is the new and unknown not be immediately throw it away as something absurd, especially since the principle itself, from which the phenomena flow includes, that they differ from the ordinary. What should be an improbability of the fact that light phenomena of magnets and crystals and otherwise other bodies are perceived by some people in the dark, where others perceive anything that the same people are affected in their thermal sensations of the same objects differently than others - and it reduced mainly the differences in the perceptions of the sensitive and non-sensitive people, for the more nearly concerns only detailed provisions of these differences - is not clear well. May now often lacking in determination of the special laws of this situation and asked not equal all clear and cogent be, is it justified to no fault of the whole doctrine. In short, it seems to me that can no longer be against the Odlehre from the outset argue as against the theory of electricity and magnetism was no objection in its origin, so it has come from the areas of Odlehre even the common experience in the whimsical conditions of irritability of many people from the outset before more facts than have been present at the beginning of the teaching of those Dynamides. The rejection of Reichenbach's theory can support as few as being founded on a reasonable assumption, but only on experience, after all, and after v. Reichenbach taught such a large amount of experience to his teaching, after it has already reached such a great development after she has so much participation, he awakens itself in the event that its reasoning should not be the most accurate, but the fall of the same can only depend on an exact refutation. But after what I it is known, it has not yet found such, for attempts to reach rhapsodic not go there, especially when doing the precautions that explicitly calls the same author, are not scrupulously observed.Because in order to refute strict, it requires so much precision,

perseverance, prudence, diligence, than to prove rigorously. It is essential to take into account that the Odlehre nature has to deal with the matter of much greater difficulty than the doctrine of the other Dynamides if their objects, and not as instruments produce comparable and so are not in the power of the observer, than the physics. Now make the difference that exists in this respect between observations in the field and the ODs in the field of purely physical agents invest at least not the only observer to the load. Mr. von Reichenbach made himself known through the discovery earlier glorious and almost fearful Konstatierung and accurate description of the properties of several partially self had become medically and technically important substances (creosote, paraffin, Eupion others), and I do not know that we here had a chance to accuse him of lack of care and accuracy. It's hard to believe that the mind which made him the creosote from a hodgepodge of materials, as there are a few drop out, has quite failed, as it was, the OD withdraw from a non-inferior hodgepodge of symptoms. Not only the mass, and the nexus of facts, he demonstrates, are truly impressive, and it may be that some of the French meaning of the word is imposer here, but so are among the great mass of facts he presents, even some who are so arranged and described that it must be rejected as fabrications or give only a hypercriticism room. Some not unimportant facts have even men like Berzelius and Baumgartner to witnesses, and generally does not lack the author to many observations of a credible witness. It would finally an equally incredible carelessness suppose if he had so many, relatively easy to bewhrende fact that can serve as a touchstone of his teaching (see above) put forward with such challenging determination, as bad faith if he has a tremendous mass invents facts or concealed facts from opposite would, as one would assume, to keep his teaching for quite groundless, or self-deception when he trying to deceive without Others, had deceived himself anywhere. This, taken together, I add to my faith in so many things which outside the strict limits of knowledge, and is probably even a strict investigation, the faith that there was something on the Odlehre. But how much of what?Only to the subjective, objective, let decide the author has of course very difficult. And some serious concerns falls against the weight of his facts in the balance. This side of the object, it is now considered noteworthy. 's First and foremost concern is that the author in his latest great work, I see so much still stands alone on the basis of the self-employed and represented by him under his influence observations. After all, it may be that the multiple failure of attempts that have been made here and there to test his theory, actually based on inadequate job way thereof, and lack of caution - as claimed v. Reichenbach - as it can on the other hand, confirmations, such as the on which it is based, by people, the observers of trade are not, or only occasionally lent to experiments, or have attended the same, but do not even have methodically carried out in connection a series of observations, just as little for his cause, as prove those negative results against the same. And if it is not the fault of the author that he still has no support from their side ge-found in the reluctance of the exact researchers to deal seriously with this subject,

so it is certainly a drawback of the his thing hard is pressed. It is not disputed, there are observations that support the verification of their accuracy, ensuring their results in themselves. But one can doubt on whether the field on the move, the observations of the author, such a being that can do without the control of the observer by the observer at all, and in any case one misses in the investigations of the author Some of what not missing allowed, they should be able to do without one. Not that the author of the desfallsigen props would ever escaped, so they are available for open and he could probably point us to some places where occasional reference is made, but only occasionally, and that's not enough. Rather depends on the thorough, steady and cohesive account of the points that we want to discuss the latter, the whole Heil, ensuring all such studies, and this we can in what is present from the investigations of the author and do not find. Certain it is that people of all kinds, but above all from the class of those soft observing subjects the author form, sensitive people, especially women room, subjective illusions of feeling and face are the easier they jemehr previously expected to feel something or to see, and that these illusions take the easier a common character for many, it jemehr it by common ideas and requirements are managed under a common influence. Numerous errors have already threatened to do in this way breaking into the science, and the whole investigation the author is on this dangerous path. If you sit hours around a table, in the expectation that he should move, he at last move, one can easily imagine that even lighter than the wood outside the imagination moves indoors when it is made a determined task, at last if you repeated the experiment quite a long and often go completely mad, and you, as the sensitive table so sensitive to the need to put people last only a finger to the phenomenon, what is to do it immediately watch.Learned but Meyer 5) after some practice all that he wanted to see, really see. Meyer is a sober scientist, how much easier are those that are not, and most sensitives are rather the opposite, see what they want to see or want to see, especially when it comes down to it, of science for a service to do. The possibility of intentional deception I do not even consider this. The biased idea is everywhere easily in the image, the feeling among many people is both separates itself in the ordinary state hardly; such exclude otherwise most carefully by all accurate experiments, whereas just be the nature of the investigations of the author, the allerreizbarsten observation subjects the most welcome and had to have a predominant influence on the contraction of its results, while he himself needed a common influence on all his subjects observation has had.

Meyer's investigations of the Psysiologie the nerve fiber p 239

Now indisputably the most careful preliminary studies, partly in general and partly in the individual observation subjects would have been necessary to insure, how much could depend on this circumstance. We find nothing of such preliminary investigations. Common ground would be in the course of the investigations, even the most timid, always repeating of new and circumstances always been required of new modified precautions to avoid the risk itself, which could arise from that

circumstance, could hardly be enough to do it; instead comes to the idea that she had been present at its reading tests barely. I'm not saying that all the results of the author are flowed only from this circumstance, some experiments are described as they are not subject to a desfallsigen immigration, but with the great mass of his observations and observation subjects we find by the above cited the suspicion that those fact have played a major role not only not excluded, but even challenged. In general, an anticipation of this or that sensations or perceptions took place. The same observation also configure subjects so often in the investigations of the author that a certain inauguration of the same is necessary to presuppose in his system. In general, though with some exceptions (such as Dynamide. Pp. 2, 25, 39 Sensit. Humans IS 257) you will not know how far the observation of subjects already had knowledge of the expected results, or they could guess which often have good instincts Sensitive likely 6) . Control experiments with sham magnets, etc sparkle crystals do not occur. And finally, it can be argued from general considerations that the enormous mass of results submitted by the author, was not at all to gain from a careful consideration of the given circumstance. With results like that on the very farreaching and accrued on certain distances odic effects (p. 291, 292, 827), about how to feel of warm through cold (p. 745), etc. No one is likely to keep the imagination than a feature, it would be for precautions, controls specified, of which there is nothing, and the concern can not be dismissed that the lack of mention of the same in cases where they appear most in need, with a little attention at all related to the same.

In particular, can quite easily be a serious mien or not complete satisfaction of the observer at a correct

answer is not the first time the following answers the direction.

The low light of this brought to language circumstance is so striking that I confess to be able to tell me no other way than by the assumption of the authors have received them as often fluctuating, contradictory results, considering that it was there where observing subjects Nothing or the opposite expected, even so usually nothing or the opposite of what the author wanted to come to light that he would rather had abstained from applying such measures where nothing came out, in the view that a certain mindfulness to the observer is required to observe it. The latter now generally can not be denied, for it is true of objective observations, but it is also in itself a source of objective observations herein deception; Some even see through the microscope's what he wants to see. This source of deception but is doubly dangerous, where subject and object coincide with the observation, and it sounds so that the criterion of reality and appearance pretty much on. Only when one finds ways to inspire mindfulness subject of observation, without noticing it somehow guessed to have come behind the direction in which the result is to be, you will miss this conflict. If now the writers have done what was necessary in this regard, he has at least done much too little in the presentation of his observations on which the judgment has to be based, to let it all presuppose. The second concerns in addition occurs, and does not add to the previous, but multiplied by the fact that we are not told so must be very doubtful whether the contradictory results in the observation of the same complete, accurate and unbiased

account has been taken as the true. Who does not feel that the OD attached effects, is a non-sensitive, and falls in the author except for compliance, it is even close to, even those who Opposite feel to expect it, or attach conflicting results contingencies or neglect, or the influence to interpret gradually acquired a knowledge of the expected results on the part of the sensitives as an exercise only allm-lig obtained (see p 795) or only gradually occurred right stimulus condition (see page 783) in the sensitives, which all act to must produce a false appearance unanimous results. The physicist, if it is a dubious influence (such as the lunar influence on the weather) which can be easily disturbed by participating contingencies and outweighed, or likely to be caused as a mere appearance of such is long observations to, and does not include the applicable relevant cases and both weigh against each other. Of course he runs hereby threat to find the end result nothing or only a small little thing. Against this one can achieve positive results with certainty when relying on the relevant cases alone, so if you pretty much observed, soon obtained an impressive amount of positive evidence. Common ground that it is the method whereby the phrenology grew up. It is a science that is based on nothing but positive evidence, by letting all the negative aside, or removed by excuses. And investigations conducted by the author take off just as they shared the method of phrenology. Nothing or almost nothing as true cases. And so decided not occur but according to their own confession of the author of the sensitive state indicated that it had not been well enough that apply to the non-count. Where is it gone? How is it taken into consideration? Excluded by a soft principle? If at all for a purpose other than that, the Non Applicable, not in the nexus of view Matching to exclude? It is a question of survival for the whole experimental justification of the view. The answer lacks it. But what can the long register of positive testimonials, which accompanied the author almost all the facts, weigh even if we do not know how much of the subject Swaying is on the other shell, has not even been whether and how ever weighed and yes against weighed. Indisputably will it be necessary for each experimental investigation to exclude a lot of observations in which the strange disorders were poorly adjusted or not sufficiently removed, just to mention the punch end. But then the studies must be also thrived as meaning that it has the observer in the power to exclude all disturbance, and always get the same result. Where this is not possible, and it seems to me not on the field of observation the author's possible, just nothing remains but, as has happened in the meteorological moon influences and should be done in phrenology to register the True and Not True accurately, and about the aspects of the exclusion to explain exactly. Even in the most sincere observer, we arrange have no reason which Prdikatdem author, it will be at once detected view hard not to sometimes involuntarily, and seduced others, and to communicate with the impossibility and inadmissibility, all being watched, always full impartiality in considering to preserve and communication of what is observed. Precisely for this reason is control by the attempts of other doubting observers, especially in a field of observation, which no sharpness permits to be essential, and can be in control, which seem to give the tests One observer

mutually, in which the author's mainstay examined are not sufficiently represented and replaced. One of the most diligent observer of Austria was recently on a without comparison less slippery field of observation "by hundreds and thousands of attempts" to himself and others, has been spoken of with great pomp, a polarization phenomenon in double vision, which with careful repetition by two proved by him and other independent observers as nothing. So be careful! To the previous occurs following third concern is striking, with what diligence, but also which exclusivity, the author emphasizes the considerations which demanded by the intricate relationships of the anodic polarization even when the observations are the, and almost no word for a discussion has, how a different skin thickness, skin sensitivity, temperature, heat radiation, wind and the like to the difference of temperature sensations, which have mainly been decisive in his observations, have influence on the parts of the human body and could penalize the purity of the results. I have no doubt that the obvious precautions have been taken in this regard, and the Anempfehlung, rather than undertake the examination of body contact by approaching, as the so-called habituation take (See above p 286) belongs here, but if one is accustomed to see taken in this UPHOLSTERY in physics and physiology of the finest considerations, the considerations do not appear sufficient merely to the obvious and therefore only general measures. On the whole, in any case takes the consideration of such problems so little in the investigations of the author show that you then would almost think it would be for the actions of the ODs absolutely no other complicating and disturbing influences than by the OD itself if also the od should play a more important role than the rest Dynamide in nature, it is not disputed but the effect is not the same as on offer to allow consideration for her so much recede as we find it in the Constitution. Nevertheless, he declares himself to be not sensitive, but so far it surpasses its best sensitives, as he reveals in his work almost exclusively for anodic influences eyes and mind, so that these exclusive direction it sometimes appears almost in the light of a fixed idea. Thus, a countless amount of symptoms from life, who may have very different reasons and probably derived by the author without further effects of the Odes, which he often goes incredibly far. Some men tolerate riding, some women dancing not good (pp. 71 350), because the former occur with the same Odpolen the horse relationship, the latter changing the anodic relationships to the environment too fast an incorrect position of the work table to the has directions for their odpolarer meaning probably countless people morally and physically ruined (p. 560) - all Viennese cooks (is everyone sensitive?) be aged by the long odic exposure to the stone floor tiles in the kitchens miserable (S . 743), - the leaf position of the plants is essentially based on its anodic polarity, etc. It is not disputed such conclusions must be very weaken into the distance and the confidence in the conclusions, by which the author draws his conclusions from his experiments next. Of how much different reasons than the OD, it may depend that some men riding is not well tolerated, and how much different reasons than the OD, it may depend on that here and there and make cool feelings lauliche law. The author has not sufficiently considered the first options, which guarantees us the fact that he has spent the last considered

sufficiently? Finally, we still opposes a fourth concerns. Not only the anodic body polarities, but also the fundamental provisions on the OD thwart, limit, complicating itself in such a way that it must always be possible even for very contradictory published results, and has been the author really possible to find interpretations; and it may be true that this depends on a real complication of the anodic conditions, but we confess that favorable conditions here are much closer. So it is a fundamental theorem of the author that the same Odquelle from the right side of the people opposite is perceived from the left, but when they once did not determine perceived by the right and even if it is perceived in the same way by the same, this also is the author explained (. 284 1147. 1414). Thus ungleichnamige effects on people in general cooling and conducive same lauwidrig, and even very lasting impacts are assessed by the author in this sense, but the author finds in the principle of more or less quickly entering odic saturation and other conditions also the means to suggest a counteractgengesetzten failure of the results, such as that of the sensitive interplay beating its own hands, standing and walking between two other people perceive unconstitutional. Sometimes WidrigkeitsgefhIe be explained by the author of the sensitives linger long in the same position, even in the area of unlike action, other times rapid exit from such situation, of unlike progress bar has generally cooling, eponymous tepid, but every stroke leads also some of the other sensation with what opposing statements explains usf In this series of concerns that present themselves, must be taken into consideration that the author could have included in each of his experiments one, two or three of them very well without the result of what he has drawn is secured, if not all were taken into account except the last. To note that here and there this and that does not take place, therefore, is not enough. But for the fact that they are really always considered in connection, so that only one of them is considered pervasive is not in the representation of the investigations of the author definitely the one guarantee that we would require in order to follow with the same confidence. Although it is possible that in the presentation is still in debt more than in the matter, but you can only go up after the presentation. Now, of course, is to concede that if the author at each observation, each individual results all may however contribute to elevating concerns that measures to be all there and taken precautions also should affect only the appearance will suffer unbearably long-winded and with excruciating repetitions had; EIIT also that can show superfluous for the basics, some precautions, lodged in a field of observation initiated after quite sure yet which seem most necessary for the uninitiated and the basic facts themselves doubting. But one might expect and demand that the author before so overwhelming mass of detailed observations presented to us in areas where faith is hasty scientific crime, and after the experience itself has taught him what resistance he encountered with his teaching, would have explained carefully and in detail, above all, in some general preliminary discussions, which guarantees it can provide to those fundamental concerns in order afterwards to be able to keep the above highlighted in the individual observations, or that he in a certain series of observations with respect

to any class of important facts and considerations taken all precautions in addition to have explained exactly. But neither his earlier writings, nor his last major works is to find something of the kind, at the top of the colossal work that is offered to us, nothing is ever said about the method of investigation, and the detailed observations even leave us completely in the dark about not true that the author here and there which I certainly do not ask denied, but also not at all enough - but how far it takes into account the above concerns in connection, how far he had carried out the precautions, however, how far hence his system against could stand. It is common ground there really cases where the amount of observations can replace the accuracy, up to certain limits, at least, if that is a compensation of the errors caused by the amount of observations that adhere to the individual. From this point of view we have under the given observations, which suggest that at the time of perigee, the barometer is lower than at the time of perigee, with also listed some older observations, because of the imperfection of the instruments and the lack of temperature correction to the demands that we make today in good barometer observations that do not comply. But the imperfection of the instruments, if they are not the same there is a variability rather relate absolute magnitude of the values as the direction of their differences, and the inequalities that arise from the changes in temperature of the mercury will be compensated so well in the length of time than other contingencies whose compensation we expect the length of the observation period, it will require only the longer the time to do so. Also, the observations of several observers are thereby confirming to the side. And after all, it would desirable to have very accurate observations. But there is still something else entirely herewith as with the inaccuracies, rather than compensated for by the set of observations, but thus reproduce. And thereafter matches the example that Gen. host. The objections to the method of investigation of the author reinforce But even by looking at the results thus obtained. The General thereof has indeed, as previously conceded to be nothing particularly improbable, but partly in the fundamental provisions that had drawn from his observations of the authors, partly in the way they determine after the whole situation with any accuracy, and safety, is However, its too much. In fact, the anodic polarities statuiert the author for his experiments on people, do not differ only by the crossing and subdivision of their axes, inability, their opposites to balance the effect on the nerve (p. 24) among others points of the ratios of the magnetic and electric polarity, so you should expect an analogy, yes, even of all known natural conditions so strange from, but the Konstatierung the intricate, coming into conflict with numerous disturbing influences and mutually interfering ratios of these polarities would also at the most constant and given all the power of the observer ratios and means of observation so extraordinary difficulties are that one can absorb the establishment of the system of polarities on the part of the author only with great suspicion, if now see how all this sensitive to the statements in the views of the author usually already more or less outsiders' about subjective sensations of heat and Lau, agreeable and retardant based, and, moreover, in many cases the author himself (pp. 25, 88, 100, 257, 539, 544, 782, 795) point to the fluctuating in the

statements of sensitives looks. Thus, some susceptible than the other for a sensation, do not always or only after of acquired exercise correctly the predominant sensation at, sometimes quite unfit for observation, etc. Prolonged exposure to a Odquelle or rapid interruption of the action, or reverse the direction of movement, and even in other distances, different position to the vertical and horizontal, including a pressure Odquelle etc can just turn the success of the action. To the feelings of Lauwidrigkeit and so-called well-coolness when subjected to a Odquelle almost always occur in Gemeng. How is it possible, the influence of all these factors, so to master, to draw on a pure result anodic polarities. While we must admire the diligence and zeal with which to overcome the author of all the difficulties and subordinating certain laws have searched but can nevertheless in the solid results that he draws, find no reasonable assurance that such efforts have not been really successful because Rather, the safety of these results is provided even by the existence of difficulties in question, where the observation method of the author, after all, what is before us it does not appear grown. Leaves but even the simple determination of the anodic polarity of the magnet according to what the author p. 536 ff and 590 of their difficulties (especially from i to n) says, yet the impression of ambiguity. So you can get it in fact exact researchers not too much blame when they feel a reluctance to enter into a field of study, or make an exam where a pure result seems impossible and left for any negative result an excuse. At high internal improbability almost feels trying to say, to impossibility suffer especially following two key provisions of the Odlehre, while contributing at the same time, the interpretation of the statements of sensitives to be take the edge and open back doors: l) that from the simultaneous action of two opposite Odpolaritten (even if, like the colors in the white light of the sun, are completely mixed) a Mengung distinguishable sensations of Lauwidrig and pleasantly cool (good cooling) rather than neutralization or unilateral predominance seen (p. 24, 25, 745 , 819, 827), - 2) that although the OD is very well guided by the human body (197 p, 221), but according to one but to come into conflict laws (with the action of unlike) effects an opposite way than according to the propagation should expect to remote locations by the local action of the body produces (p. 249, 252, 313 et seq.) Very confusing, if not contradictory in itself, is also following circumstance. As a main rule is established by the author, and performed in the main that a positive either as negative Odquelle pleasant cooling effect on the ungleichnamigen, lauwidrig acts on the same Odpol on people, but encountered several times also information and ideas by which, irrespective of ungleichnamige same or a negative effect at all Odquelle pleasantly cool, even lauwidrig a positive effect on humans (see, eg, . 293, 536, 872, 1053, 1143, 1215, 1414). Even harder us this conflict is encountered in the Dynamides, where . 226-233 demonstrated the first law and yet . 236, 239 ff, the second expressed and applied in assessment and testing many Odquellen. I have not been able to get over this conflict, which concerns one of the fundamental points of the whole teaching, and must have the most important influence on their grounds to clear. Anyway, the author puts in his new works, the first law as primarily the tests

and observations to reason that I can only assume a mistake, if he refers here and there to the second. Should the opposition be solved by the fact that the author in his attempts usually the left (odpositive) applies and the left hand side is at all sensitive odically? In any event, a bestimmtern explanation of the author to look forward about it. Apart from these objections to the doctrine of justification seems to me such against the view to raise the same. One may let it be true that author the facts on a particular named, referring to them collectively under-lying hypothetical principle or agent, if such name itself grants the shortest term of the relation of these facts, but it hardly seems justified if the author of this agent to known so-called imponderable agents at the same level anreiht.To make similar observations and draw conclusions about the fundamental forces thereof, also the subjects of observation and subjective conditions must be comparable. But inasmuch as electricity, magnetism, etc significantly only by effects which are noticeable for non-sensitive or without regard to the sensitive state, which is OD only, characterized by those which are noticeable in the sensitive state, falls away the possibility of the OD in a row perform with those agents, and generally determine its relationship to on a physical basis, but rather something of the OD retains the character of a ghostly intruder in the territory of those agents, but rather belongs to a pathological than physiological physics. Even those deserves to be treated, if it exists, but it's just another field. Finally, all previous objections to the doctrine of the author are still far from being a refutation to be the same, however, prevent them from another side, the same grant with confidence a place among the products of exact research, is making a momentous progress of science held, and one can only wish the sincere and non-party interest of the thing that the doubts that still exist about the nature and value of these studies, soon rather by precise and multilateral as volatile, rhapsodic exams and convenient deny accurate researcher or the enthusiasm not exact trailer to an end 'm made, which can both lead to the same little late, in fact. Possible that then the highlighted concern about sharp, possible that they appear too merciful. The author could just check in with the reply: "These are all words that Kriteleien, I give Facta, checks, and you will find the same." Yes, it's really about what he says to his opponents. But this of course words remain until the examination is present or bewhrende, appears superfluous by the way, how represent the author's own observations. After we but by no means can throw all the results of the author on page - and I at least, it can not go beyond - is it much yet about the main question is whether the bulk and the system of the same durability and only this and that is to correct them, resulting in a so extensive a field no reproach was, and would let the fame of his discoveries and the importance of his teaching undiminished, or whether only this and that it durable and the main mass and the system is unsustainable, then where to interpret the individual right to be facts otherwise , and would be regrettable that the science inundated with a new Knew and has been threatened with a new intervention. An objective decision this alternative I know my part not admit, not even a subjective. Something to want to build a lesson already, which itself is still so uncertain in their

foundations would, in any case be more than risky, and it is regrettable that the author did not preferred, instead of a large building of dubious strength, or some foundation stones to lay firmly for the same. As the matter stands now, no one knows where the parties raises and stops, and this makes the necessary room for doubt, whether or not there is a feast. If I become the great effort that many years of work, the unmistakable care and caution, the strong persuasion consider moving to a certain page that has put on the construction and defense of his great work of the author, and finally the probability that exist in itself is that can be found on the trodden by his field of observation and results legalities of novelty and interest, I myself can hardly help but believe that the above concerns here and there to really stand out sharply, and threatens to do the wrong thing. One must not forget that they are deemed a final judgment, that so many things against them is on the other pan, I with equal attention and all the weight with which it had to emphasize sought has appeared to me. It seems to me, however, that it is the duty of science, any concerns still remain for them to emphasize with the greatest possible clarity, it would be only that they are sharper than previously done. And the author should perhaps admit that he has some important wishes until now still not satisfied enough in this regard. X. Influence of the moon on the organic life on earth. After we finally have all the Odlehre as it stands today undecided, let it hereby including leave undecided even as it is with the wonderful odic effects of the moon on the people, their remembered we found in the previous chapter. Impossible they are not, they probably are not. Wait and see. Especially over the moon it is to be careful and above all the science lawful for such caution. Of course, since they invented the steam engine, it has become very cocky and hard to get along with or even just meet her, because apparently the machine is now up in the runaway conceived with her. Where? Heaven knows, at least not in the sky when it goes away in the same direction. Now she thinks it has to have some of his omniscience. Even though she knows a lot, but does now, as if she knew everything. The means for this is simple: all that which they know nothing, they explained that it was not. But over the moon she draws the short straw. Yet the greatest fame she now has acquired in terms of the moon have been that she has always disproved itself anew to the most thorough and their own former ignorance proved themselves. We have just had a new striking case of this kind just. Of these, the following chapter. But they may be wary that you do not encounter something like in this chapter. The moon has demonstrated an effect on the air sea, he has demonstrated an effect on the water sea, he has demonstrated an effect on the gluten sea depth, he has demonstrated an influence on the magnetic tide, the fortress of the earth itself trembles under his influence; what's missing? He also erstrecke an influence on the organic life. And how? Should only root and stem of the earth, not even the foliage and the flower - because what else are plants, animals, people of the earth? - Suffer the heavenly influence? It is hardly credible. However, science has nothing to believe, and here is another field where they can say, I do not need to believe, and we want to concede a box where they can say, it

was thought too much. Since there is nothing now but to believe anything for nothing resists, and we shall investigate. The belief in the influence of the moon on the life process of organic beings is ancient, and even today when very relaxed, but not extinguished. Plants, animals, humans, all living things are subject to him, and, in particular decreasing and increasing moon stand in striking contrast to the significant effect thereon. Like the moon and from increasing, materials, scale, strength, prosperity of organic beings, or of this or that parts are from the same and grow. Depending on whether one performs something in decreasing or increasing moon, will be the success in terms of loss or gain. Therefore, the rules governing the time to make when sowing, planting, felling, cutting hair, etc Churchill's creators, the belief in a change of decrease and increase of goiters, warts, tumors, ulcers, etc., and their cures by the moon. The moon is so to say as (decreasing the heavenly minus sign, as) increasing the heavenly plus sign in front, after the things of the earth set themselves. New Moon is the black zero, a full moon the golden circle of perfection, both of which varies between the decrease and increase of things. Into the cavity of the waning moon can be with the right, into the cavity of increasing grip with the left hand; former takes him a little, the latter gives him something, and the earth has its hands full trying the same imitate the earthly things. It has the saying: "Luna mendax", "the moon is a liar." If he has the shape of C, he says: "Cresco", "I grow" when he is in the shape of the D, he says: "Decresco", I take off "But things are well aware that he. it means conversely, and do them. Normal, such as pathological processes of development and frequency of life are associated with the periodic course of the moon partly, partly depend or which suffer influence as: births, deaths, periodicitas catameniorum et haemorrhoidum , the ratios of sleep irritable people, somnambulistic states, bouts of fever, madness, epilepsy, asthma, etc. So you saw earlier and looks good here and there, still in the moon, the great general life clock which regulated all the affairs of the internal budget, and according to which it would apply to see every day, the calendar hung just like his dials on the walls, and equal to a galvanic clock at the same time he showed through all the time. Finally, the moon is (to deal with its effects on also many other things to summarize the life) by his light black complexion, but the Wachsbleiche and canvass bleach be favorable, in winemaking and the Weinabziehen be taken into account, the putrefaction of meat and fish transport, in hot climates on the head excite translucent headache; finally make the barber knife dull, so also probably the barbers hang his picture in front of their stores and carry around as a fetish in their Scheer bag to soothe him. Is that all really nothing but superstition? - The most certain. However, as a subordinate influence of the moon on the weather remained after the predominant that was attributed to him the people, refuted, it could also be the influence of the moon on the organic life. But before we speak of the reasons to believe it, we first

want to discuss the reasons of superstition. Indisputably the main reason of faith is in the power of the moon in pagan astrological ideas. - But where they had their reason again? - Last but most striking in any manifestations of power, or at least the imagination properties of the moon. How to Hercules but ascribes all sorts of miracles because he has some really done, and has admiration from all admired him, something similar could happen with the moon. But are to be lights gear, his new and full Will and his power the sea alone so great miracles, and yet was the basis of the same earlier so little understood, that one could easily look behind it a lot more, which is no longer possible after having shone in the depth of that reason. But in particular circumstances could easily give rise to an error: l) The moon causes the tides. But when. In the ground, why not in the human body Is it the moon over him no less than on the earth, and man is but a microcosm to the macrocosm. In fact, the moon would undoubtedly cause an ebb and flow in the human body, if man were as large as the Earth. But just as a dependent of the attraction of the moon tides in a glass of water or ponds may be noticeable and perceptible, as in the little people. Meanwhile, this does not in itself would exclude that the moon nor by any other influences than his attraction to effectively would prove to the people, how we found something corresponding with the weather. 2) The moon shines only in blue. Can easily be seen as a success of moonlight, which is only a success for the joy of heaven. But this one has some very definite success. Because the heat rays, which emits the earth be thrown back at the blue from no clouds to the earth and the sun does not replace the loss of the radiated heat of the night, the Earth cools down in serene nights more and thawed it stronger than in turbid, which then easily carry effects on organic beings. The chilling effect has been attached to the moonlight, the rule that one should not expose the moonlight in hot climates (where the radiation due to the generally greater serenity of the air is stronger) not sleeping under the moon, and uncovered body parts, and even the transported decay effect of the full moon (considering the lighter condensation of the flesh in blue) can be put under our relationship.Everything depends on whether thereto, is certainly not proven by accurate experiments.
According to Dr. Jrg E. (representation of the adverse influence of the tropical climate., 1851. P. 20) it would be as to the effect of the full moon hardly believe the uncovered head. But without a precise comparison of the effect serene nights without moon and moonlight, and so nothing can be safe from this information close.

3) The brightness of the moon itself may produce effects that emerge without, itself from the confines of ordinary light effects, but can be easily interpreted as a peculiar effects in the moons. So many people sleep under a full moon restless, some are beginning to transform and night somnambulist take their direction towards the lunar light. It is conceivable that people with irritable brightness alone is sufficient to cause the like.
Esquirol had carefully the windows of some patients who had been referred to as lunatics, guard

against the invading moonlight and then they remained quiet. So also noticed Baumgarten-Crusius in his Periodologie (p. 270): 'I know Dr. L., who sat up in bed as a child in bed and asleep constantly pointed to the moon. After darkening the room he slept soundly. " Against this, I hear Somebody insure, without, however, can state more precisely the fact that he was at full moon bad sleep well at all darkened bedroom, and just writes Dr. Toel in Knyphausen 1) . , I know someone who, incidentally, very healthy, regularly suffers under a full moon, even in the darkest bedroom from insomnia. "This object is therefore not to be regarded as completely settled, and it is asking for more detailed observations about it. Mr. von Reichenbach ( Sensit. humans l p 684) identifies 40 sensitive to bad sleeping under the moonlight, and still brings in about potpourri otherwise, without more precise information can be found in it. Yet one finds him casually mentioned two cases where shutters helped therefore. Anyway, it seems to be the rule .

Korrespondenzbl. of the Association f shared. Arb 1855. No. 14 P.164

In the interest of saving the magic of the moon, however, there is still some left to say that of course excludes also the peculiar influence of the moonlight. And so the full evidence, would that the moonlight has no such still be necessary comparative tests with other enlightenment way of the bedroom.
About the effects of the moon on sleep-walker, there are many observations that have been until now but still not regarded as crucial, especially here on the way, I confess not to have the required knowledge of the literature. If someone can tell me exact Fakta or literature associated cases here, so it would be very desirable to me.

4) It is even slightly inclined to suspect a causal relation between the time coincident, similar operations. The decrease and increase, the whole periodicity of the moon on one side and the decrease and increase, the whole periodicity of organic life on the other side offer but presented in a very striking analogies, and in the countless amount of what in the organic areas alternately off and increases, it can not fail that much really just then increases when the Moon is increasing, and much decreased when the moon is decreasing. Since it is customary to look at now usually preconceived opinions only on the true, and only to report this, so this creates a false appearance slightly konstatierter effectiveness of the moon. The largest part of the moon But faith might rest on this ground. 5) Once again there is the belief in the effectiveness of the moon, can, especially in nervenreizbaren people, women, wonder believers easy faith, the imagination, the attention is directed to this effect, just the successes, for example, Seizures, sleep disturbance and the like, cause that one of the moons expected.
F. Moreau of Tours, a doctor at the Bictre Hospital, says, in his treatise on the etiology of epilepsy 2) : "Most epileptics have the opinion that the Moon alternately have a real influence on the course of this terrible disease ... . As for me, I do not doubt that they themselves contribute very significantly to recurrence of seizures. Some of impressions very susceptible patients, as are almost all awaiting the moment when the moon will come into this or that phase, with a fear which contributes undoubtedly much to the recurrence of seizures. I could cite cases where the attacks were merely delayed by the fact that I had managed to put off the sick in their bills so that they were wrong about a quarter of the moon. "

Mm. de l'acad. Imperial de Md. Paris, 1854. T. XVIII. p. 90, 91

Common ground are enough reasons explained previously before, after which perhaps the whole belief in the lunar effect on the organic life is just superstition. Meanwhile, this possibility must be balanced with the opposite, and in this regard I will first highlight a very general point of view, which can introduce a certain, albeit very general, probability for the moon influence on the organic life and at the same time made a distinction claim that the non- is always observed and is certainly to be considered theoretically. The human, animal and vegetable organism provide in their fiefs processes various periods shown, which are each organism peculiar to some, but in part also to broader periods, especially for daily and annual period, so the sun over, are related, as sleep and waking , hibernation, estrus, Mauser, Geweihewechsel, migrations, the metamorphosis of insects, the growing season of plants, etc. Now, if hereafter in effect, a reference to the organic periodicity to periodicity of a major celestial body, what earthly conditions dominates and controls takes place, then from the front enter not be unlikely that such also that of the other takes place (just as conscious enough, people have the conditions of their lives after the swing ordered both), only that the relative importance of the two bodies in accordance with the Mondperiodizitt the Sonnenperiodizitt in the may subordinate such organisms, may cause just as weak fluctuations in the processes of life, to hide in the Sonnenperiodizitt and evade the superficial observation, though not therefore a thorough investigation. It is not disputed is the establishment of the organisms on the Sonnenperiodizitt already at their first emergence a more general cosmic causal ahead in which the periods of sunshine, though unknown as to have interfered with. Then, however, is difficult to imagine that they isolated, should come with the exclusion of the lunar periods since in that solar and lunar running even stand in a more general effect nexus, and all astronomical conditions, which may be considered their effects are related. The clock of the organism is made apparently from the beginning to after World clock, but the world clock has not just one, but two major pointers that could have acted only in that connexion to the position of the organic clock, or at least had it come into account, in which they themselves are. The above-mentioned comparison of the moon with a regulating life clock would hereafter not so far wrong.After the Sundial is directed everywhere anyway. Why you should not judge after the lunar clock when the organism from the beginning would be directed at himself afterward. Our mechanical watches must always be made anew by the celestial clock. Anyway, seems to me the principle established here viewpoint rationally enough to not be ignored. What it exceeds the ability of our explanation meets the Sonnenperiodizitt in the organisms, but the fact is, faintly like the Mondsperiodizitt, but we must recognize the fact of the first one, the same, the probability of the second draws on general grounds for themselves. Those dependent on such original features, correspondence of the periodicity between the moon and the organism would be now, though the moon had to be at their first emergence involved with, once it has been there, not as a still continue walking lunar influence on the organisms to grasp, but still useful to examine the occurrence Did this correspondence in connection with the lunar influence, and in

general to clarify the relationship between correspondence and influence in more detail. It has nothing improbable in itself that the causal connection was active in the development of organisms, still persists in some ways, as we because in its periodicity corresponding to the earthly organism not only with the Sonnenperiodizitt but see also suffer influence it. Both are therefore not mutually exclusive, but depends itself together. And so could it also be subject of the moon to distinguish a corresponding periodicity and influence though in a sense, but consist with each other. Both will not only be divorced anywhere exactly, which is not the most essential also for the beginning, but rather where it starts to apply the terms to be stated at all after the present state of the observations. We are preferably keep us below the point of impact, without ruling out that this aspect of the correspondence with wesentlichst in games is, what one might keep in mind for all that follows. But it can be presented here is general viewpoint of course not beat on its own, but requires support by experience. And when it directed investigation will then apply to take out on the above sources of deception on the following points, the neglect of which can be easily fooled in the opposite direction into consideration. l) If the moon really expresses an influence on organic beings, it is expected that he will not comment on all such persons in the same way. Very strong people, for example, are full at all little affected by external influences underway of their life process, whereas others through the slightest influence. It is, of course, preferable that the more sensitive instruments to Konstatierung the influence per se, and in this regard women, children, and nervenreizbare persons suffering from nervous diseases, sensitive in the sense of von Reichenbach's seem to be preferable. Unfortunately, that these instruments are also the least reliable on average, so that in the use of their information almost in the same proportion more caution is needed, as these details appear even more to speak for the moon influence. The conflict of these two factors is often difficult to solve, even the critique of information often makes uncertain, and will earn at more distant studies special consideration. Anyway will probably always be to distinguish what sort of individuals the observations are made, and you will have to expect to statistical records in larger institutions, in particular men, women and children but also, and in the latter two positive results easier than the former.
Thus, for example, by the following statistical data below Monro's out that an influence of the Moon on epileptic seizures in some women become more pronounced than in men. After a few notes seem restless children to sleep in the moonlight night and easier to convert than adults.

2) As such, one can not consider it improbable that if an influence of the moon on organic beings takes place, such, also has a stronger effect in the tropics, where the moon is higher ascends the sky on tides and low lit by a fog freer atmosphere it will, more prominent than ours. In fact, it is striking how many and one must add, in whole matching reports of a significant influence of the moon, for example, epilepsy, fever, Vagetation etc from the tropical-between areas, of which the compilation is partly ( is found in the subject fever) in the following, partly m my future writing. However, only one must confess. that the reports of travelers, doctors, etc here on the required

accuracy often lacking. 3) Neither observations that go just in general on the ratio of the effect of the waning and waxing moon, even those in which only the effect of individual main phases, or the syzygies and quadratures, or the changes of the moon and split times will be compared may be sufficient on existence or non-existence of a lunar influence to decide with certainty. Let us recall the meteorological influences of the moon, as is mainly the second Octant with the 4th Unlike the effect octant and the latter quarter; however new moon and full moon, syzygy and quadrature, changes of the moon and split times differ less, even relatively so little that if you had thereon addressed the comparison, it will not be so easily have been possible influence the moon run safely be stated. The same could also be something that is taking place with respect to effects on the organic world, of course, other conditions may also apply here. THEREFORE, it will be necessary to register accurate, if not all days each lunar month, whatever the most appropriate but at least over the 8 main stages to lead the perigee and apogee, to come across a questionable relationship to terms. Only the only investigation of the influence of the moon silent run on the course of metabolism (the discussion below follows) is known to me, which provides the required in this regard. 4) If the moon ever expresses an influence on the life process, this influence is at any rate just as the meteorological only a subordinate, so that it can not be detected from short observations and by superficial details with certainty by other irregular influences it easy can obscure. Nevertheless, in order to discover it or to decide about its existence or non-existence, no other means than in a similar manner in regard to the meteorological influences of the moon run remains to be traversed, ie to make many observations, and to combine the results to mean or comparable amounts . One can, in fact, the meteorological observations, by which is stated on the weather, the influence of the moon, this almost take for patterns.
, Les choses de toutes natures soumises sont une loi universal, qu'on peut appeler la loi des grands nombres. Elle consiste eu ce que, si l'on trs considrables observe the nombres d'vnements d'une mme nature, causes Dependants de Constantes et causes de qui varient irrgulirement, tantt dans un sens, tantt dans l'autre, c'est sans dire que soit leur variation progressive dans aucun sens dtermin, on trouvera, entre ces rapports nombres of trs peu pr constants (Poisson sur la Rech Probabilit of jugmens., 1837. p. 7). I find a lot of information here and there, that this or that kind of lunar influence have not been confirmed in the experiments to be stated him. But all indefinite indication of the nature are entirely worthless. Most observers require that an influence to be present, it soon and obvious, and if observations only reveal irregularities in a small number, they explain the influence of absent, probably even when the number of data to the principles of probability for such a talk, because they do not appear the differences large enough. As long as this indeed only has meaning to refute the popular superstition to a predominantly strong influence of the moon, you can let it apply, but should be decided the finer scientific question whether, under the predominant other influences held a subordinate Miteinflu of the moon, as is needed is a more thorough method. Also the influence of meteorological moon has been made on the basis of observations untriftiger way too short to deny. The moon influence on the life process can easily be subject to the same fate the same unfairly.

Observations of the moon influence on individuals can be used alone do not be easily beating by a positive success may at random repeated meeting certain phenomena with certain phases of the moon, a random, justified in the body, but independent from the moon periodicity, a negative on specific unresponsiveness may be due to the subjects in question, but can give the composition of individual observations with other cases where one or the other side weight. Ideally suited to decide the question whether an influence of the moon on organic processes at all takes place, observations about the possible influence should the same be on disease states during epidemics and in hospitals; does not only because expected from the point already mentioned above that under the manifold and quite opposite pathological states to which man is subject, there will be also those in which the moon influence, if any at all present, preferably represent claims is, but also because during epidemics and in larger hospitals the best is an opportunity to make some very broad, sometimes very long-continued observations under circumstances and measures that have been possible in his power. Mainly mental illness epileptic and asthmatic seizures, fever, goiter and other chronic ulcers, dropsy, skin rashes recommend to such investigation, because the existing information on the lunar influence mainly refer to such. Some also happened in this relationship, but unfortunately much less than would be desirable.
Mr medical officer Dr. Gntz, director of a mental hospital in Leipzig, has had the kindness to my request to look up sine extensive library about mental illness with respect to the moon influence, but found no yield when looking up and viewing of more than 200 books, would be located at the slightly . Also look up the entire tab of Schmidt's yearbooks have had no success in this regard. To indefinite information as it certainly is not lacking (they are found largely in Friedreich, Handb d general Pathol. Psych d. Disease., 1839. S. 262 together, but lack so much all the features to support a more precise investigation is that there is nothing to build it, what does it say when you read that a register is kept, from which there has been no effect if it is not said how it has been implemented and used,. themselves that all has made an effort to discover an influence, and has discovered no if is not told how it started, such discover, etc. With such negative information then weigh in equally vague positive information where it is not missing . recently are numbers decisive, and for that it is still to use them necessary. Tiedemann has long tables of numbers given in proof that the brain of the Negro is not less than that of the European, and his numbers prove decisively that the brain of the is Negro smaller than that of the European. And so we are down from the same numbers that have been added to the evidence that the moon has no effect on epilepsy, close if not with certainty, but more likely than not that he has such .

Finally, it is me but managed four fairly extensive series of observations of Monro, Moreau, Delasiauve and Leuret with statistical Datis to identify some of madness attacks, partly to epileptic seizures 3) , basically the only ones to which I as to the moon's influence in these diseases knew how to build something, so I go into more detail below on their discussion. They prove decided that somehow significant influence of moon phases takes place on insanity seizures (if I unlike a number of Monro'schen table that would such a rather prove a misprint properly interpret), but they speak more than likely not for something that only weak influence on epileptic seizures.

The one of Moreau, Prof. Dr. Winterkorn passes through here to my knowledge, as I mention grateful.

True, true, if you know how it tends to be designed with statistical records in large institutions, such as negligent and inaccurate they are mostly completed, so you can against the results of such records to be suspicious, and I will not claim that the records, where we have to be based, this suspicion are removed, but I do miss many things even in what would be required for precision. However, we must distinguish. If, for example, on the basis of records, how much seizures during day and night will have occurred in an institution, to investigate whether the day or night, those more favored, and in what proportion it is the case, then you probably can pretty safely count on it that you win an incorrect result (such as the various information about it completely different) because the cases are not easily found during the night time with the same attention than during the daytime. If, however, some uncertainty exists in the record, how much seizures in the different phases of the moon have occurred, so no reason to assume that this inaccuracy certain phases preferably before other hits in a certain direction, and you can count on it that long at a number of observations, these inaccuracies are compensated near by contacting only a very under the same terms as the already innumerable contingencies, which allow independent of the moon influence soon on this, now on that stage more attacks fall, and their adjustment to the length of the observation time is to be expected. In addition, it has definitely not opt for one, but according to the mood together several series of observations. With these considerations, we are of statistical compilations make use, we vouch for their accuracy per se neither, nor can even adequately controlled. Anyway, they are removed from the suspicion that something is distorted in favor of the lunar influence or moved because they are made explicitly by the authors as against the moon influence speaking law. Also in relation to the fever itself is good stuff can be put together, what a statistical character approaches at least to some extent. Moreover, neither of the moon-influence are the estimable Schweig's observations concerning the metabolism before and Katamenieneintritt and the information about the Buek's influence on births and deaths with Zahlendatis. Under what else exists - and it's the one big pile - probably find remarkable particulars, but even less for themselves than the above studies may, individually justify a decision in our question. 5) After it is very easy to obtain the certificate accurately thoroughness in that we reject without any thorough investigation Anything that does not even have a defined through thorough investigation and according to previous principles is explained, and thus has already thrown away many a child what you afterwards with some shame has to pick up again, one has to beware not to fall into the same error with respect to the moon influences. After these general preliminary considerations we may proceed to consider the Approach, which is about as refuted by the previous assumptions about the moon influence what can be regarded as stated. But I pass over the negative criticism that

can not miss in my future writing, and can thus more likely to go here, as Schleiden and others enough, indeed more than enough do it by using the many, what really is refuted, all declared refuted.The following should therefore only it aimed to restore the correct state of affairs, as I am trying to show it is not only not refuted everything but it remains even Some of the positive facts of the moon influence on the organic world what unprejudiced before criticism maintains his weight. Here I can get a similar response as in the weather question go by I start, an authority that makes Schleiden against the moon influence to assert influence of the moon. Eisenlohr should have proved to Schleiden through his observations that the moon has no influence on the weather. Buek will have to Schleiden (Studies, p 313) evidenced by his observations that the tide has no or just the opposite effect on deaths attributed to it to the old faith. If however the tides depend on the moon, this is also a question of the lunar influence. There is namely since ages and today 4) the opinion that at the time of low tide the deaths occur more frequently than at the time of the flood. Buek has studied this subject for Hamburg, and after Schleiden found that this is not just untriftig, but on the contrary, the mortality rate at the time of the flood still slightly larger than the time of low tide.

For notes see Nieberding in small font "influence of the moon" page 18: "On the coast of Norddeutschtand it is the people, if someone is struggling with death, if the resolution is hourly expected, and yet the end is always still delayed: "" When the tide is low, it will certainly be of "" and more part these statement is true, especially in consumptive ".

Literally thus: "The thing is done entirely by the investigations of the Paris Academy One also compare Buek still in Gerson and Julius, magazine of foreign literature in general medicine volume XVII p 349 Buek proves here that in Hamburg... proportion to the period of high tide and low tide , when the tide mortality is also greater than the time of low tide. " We hear now literally what Buek says on this subject, and in connection with some other conditions of the lunar influence (at the specified places of Schleiden):
"Because these natural phenomena (tides) without doubt certain changes caused in the atmosphere, it seems such an influence (on births and death), especially on mortality, less on the number of births, not unlikely that struck me as well at a precise, rather laborious calculation confirmed - The tide takes in Hamburg 7th 3 /4 hours, the tide 4 1 / 4 hours, it would, therefore, if they were without influence, the ratio of dying during the ebb and flow like 31 : be 17, 646 or 1000 would die during low tide and 354 at high tide., but it was to me a different relationship. died in 1050 from 1548 during low tide, 498 during the flood of 1000 there di 679, here 321, or 22 in each quarter of an hour of low tide, and only 19 in every quarter of an hour the flood. mortality is the greatest during low tide and the first hour of the tide, while the smallest of the remaining flood time instead, as the following summary shows. Of 1000 deaths were namely: In the l hour after the onset of low tide in every 89 Viertelst. 22.25

"" 2 "" "" "80" "" 20.0 "" 3 "" "" "93" "" 23.25 "" 4 "" "" "80" "" 20.0 "" 5 "" "" "91" "" 22.75 "" 6 "" "" "92" "" 23.0 "" 7 "" "" "90" "" 22.5 Add the last. 3/4 St. "" "64" "" 21.3 L. In the hour of the flood ..... 92 "" "23.0 "" 2 "" "..... 70 "" "17.5 "" 3 "" ".... . 75 "" "18.75 In the last 3/4 St. "" ..... 84 "" "16.8 Also, this proportion seems to me thus understandable that the increase during low tide and the time of occurrence of the flood, and the minus during the flood on account of worn-out, neardeath subjects come, in which even the change in the atmosphere, perhaps Prints in the air, which brings the changes of the ebb and flow with it, suffice to obliterate the faint light of life. " On the births tides seem to have no noticeable effect. Of 311 births, which I compared in this respect, are 207 and 104 on the ebb of the tide, a ratio of 31 to :. comes pretty close to 17 " "Since the changes of the moon prior to the appearance of the tides play such a vital role, I also felt the influence they might have on the birth and death of the people who can afford to let not entirely disregarded, and share the results desfalls employed in the investigations shortly. From 2281 births, vorfielen in recent years, mostly in the upper classes, since my birth announcements mainly supplied the materials in the weekly messages occurred in the days between Quarter Moon ul 820 or 228 1 Quarter & Full Moon 557 "244 Full Moon & 2nd Quarter 594 "260 2 Quarter and new moon 610 "268 2281 1000 or Thus, with increasing Monde 472, against 528 during the waning moons Here, however, does not seem a very insignificant difference obzuwalten why I undertook the investigation of the influence of the moon prior to the mortality from scratch again, because the earlier of me, Vol XII. P 311 of this journal, mentioned negative result was the result of a single year. Due to the completeness of our death lists, in which the mortality of every single day is particularly indicated, I was able to extend this study to the whole number of deaths, and find the following result. From 23569 deaths, which of 7 January 1822 to 25 August 1828, occurred in 82 lunar months, fell into the time between new moon ul quarter 5934 daily or 9.81 "l Quarter & Full Moon 5842" "9.66 "Full Moon & 2 Quarter 5872 "" 9.69 "2nd quarter and new moon 5921 "" 9.79 23569 Here, of course, only shows a minor difference, and indeed seems to be the greatest mortality with the new moons, and the slightest coincide with the full moon.That the mortality was greater at the time of the new moon, is also confirmed to me in a different way. If I namely the number of days of admission to the moon change compared dead, so I took admission in 82 days 868 or of the new moon day 10.59 "l district 771" "9.40 "full moon 800" "9.76 "2nd Quarter 790" "9.63

This already shows a fairly significant preponderance of the new moon time, and even mortality in the syzygies appears to be greater than in the quadratures, namely there in 1668, only 1561. But the question is whether these results are show in ongoing investigations, I hope to inform the public later than constant. "

So Buek says just the opposite, which makes him say Schleiden and prove his observations, in so far as they can ever prove anything, the opposite of what they should prove to Schleiden. As it now begins Schleiden that it can go to him so unhappy with his authority and citations, especially in a font that has the title "studies", he may even know best, it's hard to explain, if not about a secret influence of the moon is in this game, which would then come to us in this chapter stead. Incidentally, I mean of course not saying that is to put far too much weight to the question regarding our Buek'schen observations. Apart from the results of the Paris Academy, makes Schleiden argued Buek himself points out that the influence of the ebb and flow of time could be very indirect in the deaths. And the numbers that Buek teaches how the remaining cases in regard to the deaths, while they must be the size of the differences they show attract attention and prompt further consideration of the subject, but are still too small to something safe decide. In short, I want to build on Buek's nothing positive tests, as well Buek wants nothing definite decided by; course, is only a negation of the lunar influence even less to build it.
Occasionally this the following note, which recently Dr. Toel in Knyphausen in Korrespondenzbl. the Association for gemeinschaftl. Work for the promotion of wissenschftl. Dentistry (. 1855 No. 14 p.164) tells: 'Even in Emden, in several other coastal towns, as again, I often heard old midwives comment that the onset of high tide on the progress of the birth activity of significant is influence. " Common ground now is not much to give to the talk of midwives. However, Dr. Toel has the midwives of his circle told a scheme to record more definite information about the object in question, and invite other doctors of the association, who live on the coast, one to do the same. After all, that seems better than to throw all such information unaudited aside. Preference would certainly records the part of scientific doctors and maternity hospitals.

Next I turn to the discussion of the above-mentioned series of observations on the influence of the Moon on insanity seizures and epileptic seizures, which appear to be particularly suitable due to the statistical nature of their data and the large number of observations, the subject, a guide to decision-making with regard to our question about grant. In this case, as indeed in the whole pursuit of this chapter, I must of course take a somewhat more detailed attention, as it is consonant with only very superficial interest in the subject, and I Nobody likes to feel like, more to go along, as it in its interest may be the subject, so I'll let all those who like to back, their interest would not also be able to follow. The detailed conditions of the relevant series of observations follow here in activation:
This is a series of observations of H. Monro in his Remarks on Insanity. London. In 1851. p. 126

informed, but even made the observations of Dr. and Mrs. Castel de Vitre Asylum in the county of Lancashire from January 1841 to August 1848. It deals in 12324 Summa Madness bouts (paroxysms of excilement) in men, 11229 insanity seizures in women; 24735 seizures in men, 17760 epileptic seizures in women. Monro is the only definitive numbers that I reproduce below. The other (more detailed notified) series of observations by Dr. F. Moreau of Tours, physician at Bictre Hospital, finds himself in a winning prize essay on the etiology of epilepsy in the Memoires de l'Acad. Imper. de Medic. In 1854. T. XVIII. p. 90 and engaged in Summa 16326 seizures, suffered from epileptic 108 during the five years from 1845 to 1849. Since the Bictre my knowledge only men are taken, it also refers only to common ground, though it is not explicitly stated in Scripture. A third series of observations of Delasiauve, also a physician at the Bicetre, in the Trait de l'epilepsy (translation, Weimar. 1855) included and engaged in 4942 Summa epileptic seizures that were over a year in Bictre, so in men, is observed. Besides the number of seizures (Attaques), it has the number of afflicted (TOMBES) indicated that other conditions presents. One can namely, instead of the number of seizures to count that are incurred during a day in an institution, the number of patients are having seizures during the day, what other numbers are, because often a patient has multiple seizures during the same day. The previous three series of observations concerning the influence of the four main phases of the seizures. A fourth of Leuret, also after one year of observation of 70 patients in the Bicetre, is gn in the Archives. de md. In 1843. T. II, p. 46 included, and are about the influence of the four main phases to the number of afflicted not only some very accurate data, but a more accurate indication of the influence of the waxing and waning moon to this number Moreau is calculated on each phase of three days Delasiauve how to count out, without, however, indicating that it is a whole week. The same seems to have been the case with Monro. But lacking a definite indication.

So in summation are of insanity seizures after Monro's 23553 observations, of epileptic seizures after Monro's, Moreau's observations and Delasiauve 63763, which is a compilation concerning the effect of the four main phases permit. Indisputably the number of cases is large enough to build something on it and to keep the main thing in compensating by contingencies. Definitely Here are the results that matter.
l Number of madness seizures (Paroxysms of excitement) to Monro. New Moon Men 3082 Women 3583 Total 6665 l district 3124 2567 5691 Full Moon Otherwise.Fourth. Sum 3025 2531 5554 3095 2548 5643 12324 11229 23553

II number of epileptic seizures by Monro.

New Moon Men 6184 Women 4474 Total 10658

l district 6070 4079 10149

Full Moon Otherwise.Fourth. Sum 6124 4484 10608 6357 4723 11080 24735 17760 42495

III. number of epileptic seizures according to Moreau.

Year of observa- New Moon l district tions 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 Total sum 890, 910 794 813 619 949 872 861 823 490

Full Moon Otherwise.Fourth. Sum 927 985 672 834 535 919 1066 891 860 616 3685 3833 3218 3310 2258 16326

4026 3995 3953 4352 IV number of epileptic seizures after Delasiauve.

New Moon

l district

Full Moon

Last Quarter


1301.1 1208.5 1206.4 1225.9 4941.9 V. Total sum of epileptic seizures by Monro, Moreau and Delasiauve.

New Moon 15985

l district 15353

Full Moon 15767

Last Quarter 16658

Sum 63763

VI. A proportionate amount of epileptic seizures when the sum thereof will be set for all 4 phases = 1.00000.

New Moon l district After Monro men "" Women After Moreau 1845 "" 1846 "" 1847 "" 1848 "" 1849 After Delasiauve 1851 0.2500 0.2519 0.2413 0.2374 0.2467 0.2441 0.2739 0.2633 0.2454 0.2297 0.2575 0.2275 02676 0.2471 0.2208 0.2446

Full Moon 0.2476 0.2525 0.2516 0.2570 0.2088 0.2504 0 2367 0.2440

Otherwise.Fourth. 0.2570 0.2659 .2494 0.2781 0.2769 0.2582 0.2726 0.2481

After the whole 0.25069 0.24078 0.24728 0.26125 VII. Definite ratios of epileptic seizures, from the previous table with all of the arrangements regardless of the number of observations determined. with the likely errors.

New Moon = 0.25069 0.00182 l quarter = 0.24078 0.00286 Full Moon = 0.24728 0.00256 Otherwise. Fourth. = 0.26125 0.00210

Notes to Table IV , the fractions are due to a reduction forth, which had to be made to the comparability of the figures (after matic means the percentage of the original column), the total sum of observations but has not been changed by this reduction. To Table VI. Figures in the lowermost transverse column (which can be found reproduced in Table VII) are not the simple arithmetic average of the eight numbers in the longitudinal columns about what is not the most accurate because of the different number of observations from which these individual figures have been derived, would be result but will so that each of the eight abovementioned figures the number of observations, from which it was derived (according to the preceding table), multiplied by and the sum of the eight products to the total number of observations that this longitudinal column belong, was divided, whereby each of the eight numbers with the correct weights in the space below Definitely funds received. To Table VII , the probable error of the provisions in this table are in the same way as it otherwise tends to happen for observation error, calculated by the least squares method, since in fact no other or more accurate means existed to assess what degree of confidence one should give the results of the combination of the different sets of observations. It is noted here that the probability comes out basically the same thing, whether the failure of a central provision depend on contingencies that are like here in the general nature of things or in the specific instrument and the observer.

We now discuss the figures in these tables. The first, related to the insanity seizures, table leaves, with the exception of the large number of the new moon with the women recognize absolutely no predominant influence of one phase over the other, because the differences in the figures are for all other phases in both men and women as small that they can be quite random to be written according to the theory of probability, whereas the large number of the new moon with the women just as decided emerges from the limits of deviation, which are still reachable by chance after chance. Meanwhile, the deviation is so large and so exceptionally for this phase, I also can not believe that she is writing on behalf of the lunar influence. It is, I think, be a misprint. Easy is it to put a 3 instead of a 2 because all the numbers start in the column was about a 3. Monro Impossible else could have made this observation series against the moon influence felt. Unfortunately, the original agent is not given safely to decide, for the sum below 6665 is added as the other sums from me in Monro'schen are neither original totals for men and women together, according to details of the individual years for both especially given . It seems to me hereafter by this series of observations, in fact, more likely than not that the Moon does not have noticeably different effect on the insanity seizures. The situation is different with the second, related to the epileptic seizures Monro's

table. A deviation as large numbers as they last between 1 and Quarter, overconsistent in men and women, occurs is probably not acceptable to chance.
Applying those given by Poisson in his Recherches sur la probabilit formulas of probability theory to the question of whether the total sum of the two numbers 10149 and 11080, which fall on the two quarters, according to purely by chance in this relationship could share between both, without being in the nature of things a different chance of the cases took place for both, we find the probability of such a random vanishingly small. But I will not put on this info far too much weight, as these formulas is subject to the condition that all the individual cases are independent of each other, such as loose balls in an urn. Common ground but are the attacks of the same people more or less coherent complexes (similar to (conglomerates of spheres, such that pulling out the one from the urn favors such other or carries) what conditions, which drive the calculus of probability without detailed knowledge the conditions can not be controlled. This fact is also in the Buek'schen results into consideration, provided that deaths and births in a city subject to certain related conditions. Otherwise Buek'schen numbers to the Poisson formulas would be to find a very significant part of probabilities for the moon influence. I think it is useful to draw attention to this point because I have encountered applications of the Poisson formulas where this consideration has not been taken into account, which of course is related to the fact that it has not Poisson even discussed. But is not an exact bill in this respect possible so we can make the vanishing probability of chance depends almost solely on the given circumstances but first and foremost, since the same account of the difference of syzygies for epileptic seizures, as well as the different phases in general for the madness attacks (apart from typographical errors), however, permitted to make depends on luck. I think on these calculations and discussions of the qualifier in my future correspondence to respond, however, as this could not happen without fussiness and preliminary discussions here, like the size of the difference between the districts do not apply at least for as resounding, but merely a general probability moment to the Now add in the eye to adopt aspects of the agreement, to offer different sets of observations.

We start from the observation series Monro'schen to the other series of observations on, we see the Moreau, also contains considerably large numbers, the same big difference between the last and first quarters again, as in the Monro'schen, and even the observation series Delasiauve of which could decide for themselves not much because its relative low numbers, but right in line with the previous in the overweight of the last quarter over the first quarter, though here the maximum falls on the new moon. But in small numbers at all unreliable, as for example, the year 1845 is here for himself deviates significantly from the others in Table VII. It is here the principle of large numbers. On the whole, it is the last quarter, which deviates the most determined from the mean. The other phases show a more fluctuating ratio, which indicates a lower and possibly random difference. Definitely arises as an expression of the moon influence, which is inferred from the totality of 63763 seizures that fall on the average only 12 l quarter epileptic seizures, while 13 fall on the last quarter which, if the ratio 0.24078 : 0.26125 (Table VII) noticeably from the same 12 : 13, while the full moon and new moon not differ significantly from equality relationships with each other and from the central relationship (1/4 = .25). While Table VII shows after the new moon is a little bit

about the full moon below the average 0.25, which would have come if all had the same effect on all phases, but so little that the probable error of the determination is sufficient, this difference . meet
In order to express the probability of result, which is apparent from the combination of the respective series of observations in certain numerical values, can serve us at all the probable error, is annexed to the provisions Definitely in Table VII. Each of these provisions differs by virtue of contingencies from the true purpose, which belongs to the phase in question, and the probable error is the amount by which it meanwhile with probability (whose term can not be discussed in detail here) in virtue of which different contingencies. Now, however, the deviation of the new moon and full moon from the general funds, which is 0.25, and is hereby of equality, less than or only slightly greater than the probable error, therefore, to mid, or mittlen probability very close to coming all probability on account of contingencies can be written, this is no longer the case with the deviation of the first and second quarter of 0.25, as rather the deviation of the first quarter of 3.22 times, and the last quarter is 5.35 times as large as the probable error which deviations are only a very low probability by chance. In fact teaches the probability that after the first 33 quarters is to bet against L and the last quarter even against approximately 3000 l that their deviation from the general funds not only rests on chance. This is the result, which can expose an exact treatment of those observations, with all keys and my indeterminate is excluded. However, a later counter-balancing not to disregard.

For the first sight it may seem all the more striking that the biggest difference rather takes place between the quadratures as between the syzygies (new moon and full moon), the side and the middle behave almost the same as the ordinary people view just contradicts the in turn, is inclined to one of two syzygies or attach a preferred effect on epileptic seizures. But let us remember, and you can easily to X specific convince that with regard to the weather quite the same thing takes place from Tables VI. Both as regards the effect on wet days as the barometer of the four main phases, the difference is far greater between the two districts, as the syzygies, and approach this even more the agent; also differs among the districts the last much more important from the middle down, as the first thing just as with epileptic seizures in different series of observations easily exchanged his relationship with the full moon in the rain and barometer. Whether it is that the influence of the moon on the epileptic seizures is mediated self-same only by the influence of the weather, which question we continue to discuss, or that he merely coincides than walking in parallel with it, then in any case such a meeting for the probability of both only be interpreted favorably. Maybe if you looked at the octants, just as one would like the weather here still find more differences than for the district. In addition, you can see how to Monro's results, the difference of the influence of the different phases for women is more considerable than for men.
Even a small thing can be added to support the previous results. Delasiauve which is equal Monro and Moreau, his observations only leads to disprove the lunar influence, such as these, however, would not emerge from his observations alone, noticed that he had his eyes work directed with whether not yet certain patients more clearly than others felt the lunar influence. Six of them had been individually identified as such, their attacks, whether in the full moon or new moon or waning moon, reappeared. In the one below could be, given the high frequency in which the attacks occurred immediately after admission to the hospital (Bictre), konstatieren nothing definite. For

the other five are the result of close observation in the hospital specifying showed rather unfavorable than favorable. Namely, it arrived within 7 months at these 5 individuals following number of seizures before. (S.nachf. Tab) One considers now the sum of the lowest transverse column in the eye so you can see how even with this small number of prominent cases of individuals who might preferably be impressionable, the last quarter of a very decisive ascendancy over the other phases claims, after which the new moon, just as in the overall table standing imperceptibly above the mean, it follows, however, keep full moon and l district, close to the same, slightly below the average. Names of individuals Big .... Mor ... Mart ... Leping ... Maub ... Summa New Moon l district 14 67 19 8 18 126 9 65 15 0 20 109 Full Moon Otherwise.Fourth 12 47 3 13 28 103 23 87 23 2 25 160 Average 125

Moreau has its communicated above observations are not employed both to compare the effect of different phases, which he rather does not enter, though, as we saw with his observations contain the documents to it than to disprove the popular belief that the changes of the moon (syzygy and quadratures favored the attacks more than the intermediate times In fact, his observations may serve to this refutation,. however you calculate its data more closely, even an opposite excess weight of the intermediate days seem to indicate, but remains me some doubts whether this calculation to the. way he has taken the intermediate times, fit, and I will put no weight on it.

In counter balance against the previously derived probability result is now not to overlook the fact that the 1-year observations Delasiauve's in 48 patients, as the also only 1-year and not just recorded Leuret's in 70 patients, as far as both relate to the number of afflicted (TOMBES) not reveal the same influence of the phases, as on the previous results for the number of seizures (Attaques). Also that the observations allow this Leuret's (the difference of the calculation, see above about this), and find no eligible difference between increasing and decreasing moons.
After Delasiauve the number of daily Afflicted was a percentage of the existing hospital on average: New Moon 19.25 p. C.; quarter l 18,50, 19,58 full moon, last quarter 17,75. So here in the last quarter of the minimum. Total number of afflicted 3069th - Leuret's statement about the four main phases is unclear, but in any case it is clear from the fact that full moon and last quarter, keep to the middle number of TOMBES. During the waning moon, were affected by it every day on average during the growing 14.4 14.3 sick.

As it now does not seem as if the different calculation of seizures and afflicted can change the type of the result, the results of this, though far less extensive and sometimes less accurately recorded observations need to get the caution still awake after all, of the influence no moon to keep on seizures for fully proved; however, from the other side, the positive result is mainly derived from such large numbers that thereby also a corresponding probability of being overweight is established. Anyway,

to encourage new observations on this subject. Common ground can not object to the result of the Monro'schen and Moreau'schen observations that the reason the same only in the light of the moon charm or imagination of the sick to seek, because thereafter the maximum of influence could not possibly fall on the last quarter. Other hand, is located near another guess. It is very likely that, albeit weak, held influence of weather on epileptic seizures. Since the moon itself expresses an undeniable influence on the weather, which is approximately of the same order in size and proportions with which he expresses to the epileptic seizures, then the suspicion arises that the observed effect on epileptic seizures only indirectly mediated by the influence of the weather is without the moon directly affects the states of the organism, such as already Heusinger 5) has expressed such a view when he says: "Sans doute elle (la lune) n ' exerce mystrieuse pas une influence sur la vie de l'homrne), si elle existe, elle doit tre dans les fonde chan gemens physiques de l'atmosphre, produit que la lune ". My opinion is to decide until now still not sure about this question. Because this included only long-continued observations on the influence of atmospheric conditions on the epileptic seizures in order to assess whether the direction and magnitude of the influence can cover the found influence of the moon. And as far as my knowledge, in this regard at all zulnglichen Datis still missing. Meanwhile, it is what I have found it is not suitable to support the view of the placement of the lunar influence on the life process by weathering. Over here some discussions.

Heusinger, Recherches de pathol. comp. I. p 635

I noted above that the size of the moon about the influence of the weather and the epilepsy appeared to be of the same order. In fact, we have seen that in the last quarter of 1 / 12 drop seizures more than on the first (the number of seizures in the fourth set as l l), and we assess the size of the lunar influence on the weather according to the number the aqueous precipitation, we find by different observers and for different locations (with the reverse direction of the speed difference) of Table VI, Chapter VIII 3 - last following to 4-day means most of the aqueous precipitation at l quarter of the number in quarter, when it is set in the last quarter l.
1/ Karlsruhe, Eisenlohr 11.7 1/ Strasbourg, Eisenlohr 13.3 M. Augsburg, St., Schbler 1 / 6.7 1/ Paris, E. Bouvard 15.0

Now the weather but depends only to a small part of the moon, and one would therefore expect, if the influence of the moon on the epilepsy due to the influence of the same would be conveyed to the weather, that the weather even apart from considerable influences expressed on the Epileptic , that the moon caused by

influence but only a small fraction of that would be. Of such significant influences but the previously available observations disclosed no, the whole influence of the weather on the epilepsy is only one size smaller order and not even quite sure stated; also seems, as far as the same hints are available, not to have the direction he would have to be regarded as an agent of the moon can influence.
The documents on these remarks are in the observations on the influence of weather and seasons on the frequency of epileptic seizures: Beau at 273 epileptic women in the Salptrire (Paris), while not quite 2 months in the Archives Gen. de md. In 1833. p. 351; Delasiauve of 48 patients at the Bictre (Paris), during 19 months in s Trait de l'epilepsy p. 107 ff, and gn of Leuret to 70 patients in the Bictre during l year, in the Archives. de md. In 1853. T. II, p. 46th - I compared these observations with each other and with E. Bouvard's Parisian observations on the influence of the weather, and generally authorized this compared to the above remarks. The observations were Beau'schen no relationship of seizures to recognize phys recorded in the Journal de simultaneous meteorological conditions. - Also from the observations Delasiauve'schen nothing could be inferred for the influence of temperature, moisture and dryness of the weather; clearly appears here a dependence of the seizure of the wind direction. But while according to E. Bouvard's more mentioned Parisian observations the same moon phase, in which the East blowing in the maximum, the Southwest carries a minimum, both winch (Attaques) are after Delasiauve's observations in the influence of the number of epileptic seizures close, and the Southwest but has (especially in the TOMBES) but a certain priority in promotion of epilepsy, while he is in the last quarter, which supports most of the epilepsy, almost at the minimum. About the influence of the seasons and the results of Delasiauve Leuret differ greatly. But seems to occur consistently in both a non-negligible difference in the frequency of epileptic seizures at the solstices and equinoxes, and Leuret declares that the storm were not without influence. - Probably the way, there is another wide observations on the influence of weather on epilepsy, but I do not know.

After that, the influence of the moon on the weather and on epilepsy in fact seem rather parallel influences of the same order as the last of the first conveyed. And this view comes to the rescue, that we will also get to know an influence on the metabolism of the moon, which can not be regarded as probably mediated by an outside influence. But the effects should only come to life through this process to be able to at least an indirect influence would remain an influence.
Recall now even the fact that de epilepsy has been considered standing for ages preferably before disease other than under the influence of the moon. After several entries (from Hughes for Barbados, Bruce and Kruse for Sennaar) can be assumed that it is subject to this influence, especially in hot climates. - Individual observations with us are listed variously, sometimes in the negative, sometimes positive sense that I, as a resounding pass over neither one nor to the other side. Of negative individual observations deserve particular by Eisenlohr (in Pogg. Ann. XXX 99.) consideration. The dependence of the period of epileptic seizures of the Moon Period, in which silent Roser and Wunderlich Arch IV 234 found in an individual, I consider artificially eliminated. (Further detail on individual cases would be superfluous here. Except epileptic seizures are also other types of convulsive seizures after multiple details subject to influence of the moon, especially for asthmatic attacks are examples of V. Helmont, Floyer, Bennet, and A. Reil stated.

I'm last on the influence of the moon on the fever in the tropics. Here accurate records would be desirable as we have, while they gain through their accumulation of a certain weight in so far as them, so far as I know, none contradict the information-

conflict, and in particular Datis not quite like missing. I share from me about it in the following FOUND involvement with, for the most part, literally, not even to reproduce the lack of accuracy in the information provided by an incomplete message.
"By me," writes Jackson 6) "from Jamaica, at the end of the year overlooked my calendar (in which I intended on white sheets, the seizures of all fever called, I got to deal with), so I found that among 30 cases one actually diminishing fever, the entry of eight on a fell of the 7 days, which fro immediately before the new and full moon, ie the second and last quarter. I sat Those method continued in the following years, and although the result was not entirely the same, but the previous similar. Among 28 cases were 22 in the just mentioned period, ie, to be in the second and last quarters of the moon. Deserves noted, however, that three of the six cases that did not appear in the ordinary period exactly on the day of the new moon itself a few hours after the moon change occurred. Besides these cases actually remitting fever, I found in my calendar also still a lot of mild febrile ailments and protracted fever, under which the largest number fell into the ordinary period. "

Jackson, of the fever in Jamaica. , 1796. Page 68

"In 1773 I went back to the army to America and went to put my unfinished in the West Indies observations on this subject., The regiment in which I served, had mounted in the Junius and Julius in a found area of York, England, rarely fever came on, and when they appeared, so I limited the time of its occurrence mainly on the second and last quarters of the moon. At the beginning of August the camp was moved to King's Bridge, where the terrain was very unhealthy. Soon appeared a . intermittent fever and spread through the whole battalion, most but it raged on the right side of the camp, which was surrounded by a low and marshy ground Even in this climate, the number of patients grew at the approach of the new and full moon: but this increment was still low in relation to the side that was closer to the swamp, and where the disease is in the highest degree epidemic prevailed, as on the other side, where the same was present to a much lesser degree. When at last the regiment at the beginning of the November left this position, so were the time over than 100 recorded cases, 80 in the normal period, that occurred in the second quarter and last quarter. On the relapses, the relationship moved to a lesser extent. Mein Regiment embarked in November to a southern campaign .., and came to the end of the year at its destination in Georgia, it was out of this province, camped in the Carolina's to the handover of York-Town During this period I noticed still the same course of disease, but as I I lost my comments about it, so I can present the way this influence is not determined. Meanwhile, I know me so much to remember with certainty that even during the most violent epidemic, where the influence of the moon was apparently weakened the diseases number of patients still at the new moon and full moon was usually around twice as big. "
Leonard Gillespie 7) , English fleet and Hospital doctor on the island of St. Lucie, said in a treatise on the lazy or scorbutic ulcers, "I for my part am of the effects and the influence of the moon changes to the human body, when such is already predisposed to diseases, so convinced that giving in my opinion the doctors not only with Sydenham on the day and night same respect, but, as the learned through the experience Schiffmann and compatriot a change in atmosphere at the time

of the full moon and new moon expected should expect some changes at this time also in the nature of the disease., it must designate any person who has been afflicted with an ague in an unhealthy and situated between the Tropic circles area, necessary to every 14 days taking place regular return of seizures have noticed, the match scores from the time of the full and new moon. I myself during my stay on the island of St. Lucie a long time about compelled seen me all, to use the new and full moon fever bark, and I have had occasion to notice the coming back of many other illnesses both as to the ague the imaginary time. "

London med Journ. VI. p. 373 or auserles Coll. Abhandl. for Gebr f prakt doctors. , 1787. XII. Page 177

Especially in detail by Dr. Francis Balfour made in the East Indies observations on the influence of the sun and moon has spread to the foul occurring there remitting Intestinalfieber 8) , and this detail is not permitted to follow him here in the Special. It is sufficient for a number following the same result to which he himself is only an approximate way. Thereafter behaved the number of fever, which broke out during the week, have the new moon or full moon in the center, the number of fever, which broke out in the interim weeks, approximately = 90 : 10 He goes into more specialties, in terms of which I must refer to the future writing.

Dr. Francis Balfour's new system over the lazy Intestinalfieber waning and the sun and at the same

Mondeinftu etc A. d Engl, 1792.

The previously mentioned data are based on observations from earlier times, but there is no lack of recent confirmations.
Annesley 9) says in his valuable work on the diseases of India: "I must express my did the doctrine was so warmly contended for by Dr. Balfour, respecting sollunar influence in the production of fevers, and in occasioning relapses, is founded in a correct observation of the phenomena connected with the causation of diseases synthesis. "

Diseases of India, p. 524; here by Heusinger Rech de pathol. comp. I. p. 637th

Burnard 10) stated the moon influence in the fever epidemic of Arracan to 1825:,, relapses in febrile form were Commonly DECIDED intermittents, and were particularly apt to take place about the periods of new and full moon, in this respect obeying the same laws as fevers of tropical climates in general. "

Calcutta Transact. III. p. 52, here by Heusinger Rech de pathol. comp. I. p. 637th

Dr. Ed. Jrg 11) writes of his 8-year stay in Habana, Cuba:
"In all fever patients, especially in nervous fevers, the moon has a decided influence and exquisite, it is the new moon, the case in the highest degree expresses adversely. After years of experience I had here, too, give his right and get used to it the moon, while severe epidemics in these days always the worst cases in treatment to have. Especially to the moon reflected deteriorating effect on yellow fever patients in the propagation of nervous and inflammatory symptoms with fast subsequent exhaustion., it is of great practical value to know also that fact and just to be during the time of the new moon doubly cautious, and apparent improvements, which the

re-aggravation usually follows very quickly, not too much to be trusted. "

Ed. Jrg representation of the adverse influence of the tropical climate. P 23

After this large amount of older and newer products now at least it would be the greatest haste to deny the moon influence on the fever in the tropics without further investigation. Ratios, as given by Jackson and Balfour, appear to have even to be totally crucial. Only the lack of a guarantee for the accuracy of the observer can leave room for doubt, and concede generally remains that only a methodically conducted series of observations with precise registration and summation of the cases, as they do not present course of those observers, a fully valid decision will be to .
Also, I do not want to let pass some contradictions, who find themselves between the statements of observers. According to Balfour not only the days that precede the new moons and full moons, but also dispose subsequent to seizures and relapse of fever, while this applies only to Jackson from the preceding. Jackson himself has become aware of this award again and keeps his observation against the Balfour upright. Jrg measures the new moon a preponderant influence over all other phases, however, for the other observers full moon and new moon are the same. These inconsistencies can arouse suspicion, concern, however, but only minor provisions, and the predominant influence always falls on or around Allen or both of the syzygies. Also consider Lind on the bottom of the moon influence on the fever is below what is considered to bring in opposite to commemorate. Jaques Lind 12) frherhin had believed to see a great influence on the changes of the moon remitting fever in eastern India. Later, 13) he takes it back himself and agrees to go, what you here ascribe to the moon changes, stir forth only from the swamp air from the covered with mire and mud paddy fields when the muddy shore of the sea at low tide remained uncovered.

Lind, Dissert. de febre putrida in Bengalia. Bench. In 1762. Auserles. Abhandl. f prakt doctors. XII. 546th

13) Here n by Balfour Syst. customary. the lazy declining. Intestinalfieber S. VII Against this now explains while Jackson (fever in the Jam. P. 66), as he claims to have found the same influence in the interior of the country. However, it would apply but to take into account the fact asserted by Lind future still very special. That the moon had an influence on the fever, the way an old Galenic view is already (De thief. Decretor. L. III. C. 2, 3, 5, 6 et 8). Some, but not critical observations about this influence in European climates have been communicated by Ramazzini, Diemerbroek and others. Occasionally, it may be mentioned that some information about the influence of the moon present on the cholera epidemics of Orton in the East Indies and Nylander in Helsinki, which sufficiently conclusive, however, either for themselves, or each other in regard to the type of influence are consistent. (See Orton. Strong in general Pathol. L. S. 280 Nylander in "Review of the experienc, and Leist, the birth of Cholera, by Hirsch, P. 5.")

The previous examples related to an influence of the moon on the sick body. But should be healthy for it unresponsive? Sanctorius 14) says: "virorum corpora sana et moderatissimo Victu utentia, singulis mensibus fiunt solito ponderosiora, unius scilicet duarumne librarum pondere et redeunt ad consuetum pondus circa finem mensis, ad instar mulierum, sed facta crisi urinam by paulo copiosiorem, vel turbidiorem."

De stat. med Aph. Satellite I. Aph. LXV.

So after Sanctorius the healthy body within one (but probably synodic) month is alternately a few pounds heavier and lighter, and, as it seems to the not very precise indication, heavier, lighter again at the end to the beginning. Indisputably one has right to such, not covered with certain Datis indication 15) not much to give, if you already know has with what diligence and what perseverance Sanctorius made observations concerning mass metabolism changes in weight of the body so that presuppose , this statement will not be written into the wind. However, instead of repeating the experiments, we have found it more convenient to contradict them. And so today asks how it is that.

I can not make sure whether or not elsewhere, as in the passage quoted, but definite evidence of Sanctorius

are given.

Now, however, be quiet, which has approximately the same importance for the influence of the moon on the organic conditions, as Schbler for the influence of the meteorological 16) employed, observations so far have some relation to the Sanctorius'schen, as they also concerning the influence of the moon on the metabolism.

Silence's tropical periods, and many other things in his "customary investigations. the period. operations" I would, however, represent as little as his studies of the influence of the moon on the frequency of epileptic seizures. Whereas its data (in Roser and Wunderlich's Arch Jahrg III and IV) for the purchase of Periodicitas Catameniorum not to synodic months of 291 / 2 days (for which no observations A. noticeable reference occurs after Parchappe's below), but for the anomalistic (concerning perigee and apogee) of 271 / 2 days deserve great attention. See the difference of the synodic and anomalistic month p.143

Schweig 17) examined in this respect the amount of uric acid, which is secreted in the successive days of the synodic and anomalistic month, by (I think, but without sufficient evidence) the production of uric acid as "a nearly parallel expression for the intensity of the total diet keeps ". However, what it mainly caused them to adhere to it, preferably in front of other secretory or Exkretionsprodukten, was the, for a longcontinued series of observations important fact that it allows a convenient determination. He continued this investigation with great stamina five synodic months in yourself at a very uniform way of life continues by stating that the total amount secreted daily uric acid. I will give the details of this series of observations in my future writing, and content myself here, the main conditions to discuss the same.

Shut up, studies of the periodic processes. Karlsruhe. In 1842.

Since an observation period of five months by far can not be sufficient to offset the influence of contingencies on the mean values of individual days, such as the passage of the same is still very irregular, so we want to, with regard to the earlier remarks made, this adjustment thereby looking for help to come, that we take to take the course and relationships of individual days of the month in the eye, apply to semi-

monthly periods. (The special values that are subject to the following compilations are to be found on the graphs at the end of Schweig's writing.) Here is the series of sums secreted uric acid, which is obtained from the observation 5 months Schweig's. This means the first number is the sum of 29.013, which, starting during the first 15 days of the synodic month, with the new moon as l and the 15th been closing, secreted, and the second the sum of 29.156, which was secreted during the 15 days that the second Days of the synodic month starting with the 16th close so on, so that each of the sums so in 14 days coincides with the previous one. The month is thought running back in, so that say, for example, contains the total for the 30 days, except for the values for day 30, the total for the day l through 14. There are not specified in these totals, the figures for a single observation of the 5 months, but added together for every 5 s. Maximum and minimum sum are highlighted in the press. Some sums that emerge from the regular swing with are! known (see table page 364).
As in the original table, the values are missing for a few days, they are interpolated and the interpolated values go into the above sums with a. For the 4 missing days of l month in the beginning of the observations of the author are 0.361, and the values 0.429, 0.422 and 0.352 respektiv interpolated by the following method: Since the first except the values for the four days in question are present in the other months, then calculating the mean values for these four days were determined. However, this could not be substituted directly for the first month for the missing days because it was found that the first month summation of the days, the values are there in the ratio is greater values than the average of other months for the same day . Hence Five Ten-day totals uric acid secreted within 5 synodic months, from new moon to as l, in grams, of Silence.

Day of month Uric acid l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 29.013 29.156 29,323 29.371 29,724 30,256 30,802 31.074! 30,984 31,025 31,467 31.546 32.248

Day of month Uric acid 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 32.123 31,980 31.813 31.765 31.412 30.880 30.334 30.062! 30.152 30.111 29.669 29,590 28,888

14 15

32.004! 31,932!

29 30 Means 30.568.

29.132! 29.204!

the mean values of those four days by multiplying by the factor after demgemen ratio increased, and as above 4 numbers are obtained. - In the midst of missing values in the original table is the mean of the values of days between which they fall, accepted. For the missing observations at the end of the value is accepted 0,413 as the average of the first and last values of the relevant month column values (0.458 and 0.367).

Now one considers the number of these sums into the eye, the same eye falls first and foremost, the only for the 2 with the almost regular gear! designated places on each side of the table suffers an exception. If we denote increase and decrease between the successive values of + and - just as it is done I and II in the tables in Chapter VII, Table, one finds (the number of values in thought back to running) only 8 sign changes and 22 strings, however, one would have to expect the same amount of characters and strings change quite randomly thrown together with values for the summation (see Chapter VII).
As the success of the summation method and not as a sign of legitimacy of the series is to consider that each number on one vertical side of the table are supplemented with the standing in the same horizontal of the other to the sum of 61.136 grams, and that, accordingly, increase and decrease on both sides symmetrically done to each other. But the summation method does not have the power to set the values for each vertical column in regular order, if not the individual values is subject to a rule.

Moreover, one may notice that the sum of 29.013, which (with day l as the beginning) listened to 15 days of the waxing moon, significantly (by about the middle secretion Quantum of l 1 / 2 day) is less than the sum of 32.123, which (with 16 as the beginning) the 15 days of the waning moon listened (ratio of the two sums 1.0000 : 1.1072), and that these two sums coincide at all in position and size with almost the smallest and largest, which are 32.248 and 28.888, and respektiv the 28th and 13 belong to the beginning. If you add up the values for undpaare couple days and in a similar way than we formerly Section VI. done on the effects of the weather, we obtain for the sum of unpaired 31.061, 30.075 for the pair. The difference between the two, as can the past give us a hint about what to expect from accidents, is only 0,996 grams, while it between increasing and decreasing Moon 3,110 grams, and between the real maximum and minimum of the sum of 3,360 grams . This alone suggests that the latter differences not only depend on chance. More decisively, but this is shown by the following points: If you follow the size of the uric acid secretion by 5 months of observation through, we find that it decreases continuously from the first to the last months due to some unknown circumstance. Because it is (under Mitrechnung the interpolated values) in 1 Month 13,006 frames

2 "12,794" 3 "12,079" 4 "11,637" 5 "11,620"

Silence begins in its tables, for special reasons, each month column with the days before the new moon on. In the above summation, I have to go along with the original tables as possible, the day before the new moon, not the day before the next new moon, added to the sum of the first month so on for the remaining months. Of course it is indifferent in itself, in which days of the synodic month you start counting when you only make the sum of the days of the full period. Just as is also moved down further in the section for each month in the waxing and waning moon. Each monthly column for the author is divided into days of the waxing and waning moon. The whole series of observations give the 23 Nov. 1840 to 19 April 1841. If now the moon is running have no effect, then one would expect that this continuous decrease is not only visible, if we even if we consider the whole month, but half months after each other in the eye, whereas when the waning moon multiplication , the crescent moon causes a reduction in the secretion, it must show itself in a change of decrease and increase. Now let us see how the matter arises. One can find each other after the following amounts for each 15 consecutive days (the day of the waxing moon as l, l considered as the full moon day of the waning moon): 1 Month, initially. M . 6,073 grams "acceptance." 6,933, 2nd Month, initially. M . 6,215 " , dec. "6,579" 3 months, initially. M. 5.485 " , dec. "6,594" 4 Month, initially. M. 5,958 " , dec. "5,679"! 5th month, initially. M . 5,282 " , dec. " 6,338, THEREFORE seen with the single exception of with! designated waning moon in the 4th Month, which comes out in relation to the increasing moon of the same month of the rule, a perfectly regular alternation of increase and decrease. But As for the exception, it may partly depend not yet sufficiently balanced contingencies, partly be due to that the continuous monthly purchase at this time was so great as to outweigh the periodic increase, which listened to the waning moon, unto whom really the value of the waning moon in the 4th Months missing by his smallness. To obtain the ratio of the waxing and waning moon for successive monthly departments of observation series irrespective of the continuous decrease because of the season, we want each of the figures of the previous table with the average of the

numbers between which it falls, compare whereby we be put in a position to assess the level of compliance that has between the individual provisions for the various departments of the observation series instead. (P. refillable. Tab) As you can see, all agree 8 Provisions then agreed to leave to find the value of the waning moon is greater than the increasing, and the value of the ratio remains very close to the same everywhere. The final result is that the depleted amounts of uric acid as 1.1080 during the waning and waxing moon itself : 1.0000 behavior, or as close to 11 : 10
Waning Moon 6,933 6,756 6,579 6,587 6,594 6,136 5,679 6,009 51.273 Waxing 6,144 6,215 5,850 5,485 5,722 5,958 5,620 5,282 46.276 Relationship 1.1284 1.0871 1.1246 1.2009 1.1524 1.0299 1.0105 1.1377 1.1080

After this rail the old view that the waxing moon cramming, the waning of drain body pulls them off, but to have some reason. Certainly, the investigation of a single Exkretionsbestandteiles still do not justify any general proposition. The result itself can to be less doubted, as the same observations could not be adapted somehow. Because apart, that is no reason to doubt the faithfulness of the observer, has the same them this result does not even wrest sought by here rather some effects of the anomalistic moon run, what I come back later, sometimes of another ratio of the periodicity of the so-called trophic fluctuation in six-day periods, see, which, I confess, rather for artificially to keep as unfounded in nature. I compared the waxing and waning moon, because this way department has a special interest, and the department in minimum and maximum sum but comes very close, though they (possibly because not balanced randomness) does not coincide exactly with it. Subjecting the real maximum and minimum sum, with the 13th and 28 as a beginning, a similar treatment for each successive months, then the alternating increase and decrease the amounts that we found for decreasing and increasing moon with only one exception, even all without exception, and the compliance of the 8 individual determinations is even more striking than with decreasing and increasing moons. In order not to be too tedious, I pass over the communication of this calculation, since it reproduces the previous result only slightly increased. Common ground that it had to be highly desirable to obtain a confirmation of other individuals for such striking results. Schweig has also taken care of this to some extent by appropriate observations as he made to himself at another individual, but

some are merely continued for 3 months, and not have the same reliability according to his own account, but only to a general control determines previous to serve are, because the subject had not been among the Bedingnissen a quite normal condition, and it was also made to the diet no consideration, and it would have still acted many other disturbing moments, which meet the requirements of an exact observation was not met. The emptied daily amount of uric acid was also without comparison less than silent in this second individual. I did not let me, however, by these remarks hold to subdue the observations in this second individual of the same treatment as those who hired silent on themselves, in the hope that something more substantial irregularities could be approximately offset by 15-day sums; and give here the results that have surprised, in fact, by their great agreement with the results, which provide their own observations Schweig's highly appreciated.
The following table shows the results of three full months are just drawn together, also the existing fragment of a month observation but to retain analog averages for all months, left aside. As for the interpolation of some missing values procedure was as in the table above. Multiplier means for the first 4 missing values (see refillable. chart)

Again we note the progress of these sums, with the exception of with! designated, a perfect regularity, again is the sum of 3,612, which listened to the 15 days of the waning moon, chosen greater than the sum of 2,894, avoiding the 15 days of the waxing moon listened, and approaches in location
Five Ten-day totals uric acid secreted within 3 synodic months, as the new moon 1 to, in grams, of a second individual .

Day of month Uric acid l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2,794 2,937! 2,877 2,955 3,036 3,169 3,275 3,377 3,455 3,508 3,575 3,342! 3,400!

Day of month Uric acid 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3,612 3,469! 3,529 3,451 3,370 3,237 3,131 3,029 2,951 2,898 2,831 3,064! 3,006!

14 15

3,538! 3,669

29 30

2,868! 2,737

and size to the full maximum and minimum. The full maximum and minimum sum respektiv 3,669 and 2,737 are namely the 15th and 30 than at the beginning, which differs by only l day of the early days of the waning and waxing moon, and around 2 days from the early days of the maximum and minimum sum of the previous row. We take again the sums for the unpaired and paired days, we find respektiv 3,255 and 3,151, which is only a difference of 0.104, which is a hint of what to expect about at random, however, the difference between maximum and minimum sum of 0,932 is between the moon is waxing and waning 0,872. For the individual months of observation we obtained by we denote the corresponding months of observation by the same numerals as in Silence,
2 Month, initially. M . 0.988 ,,,, dec. M. 1.076 3 Month, initially. M. 0.920 ,,,, dec. M. 1.408 4 Month, initially. M. 0,986 ,,,, dec. 1.128 M.

So again an unexceptional exchange of increase and decrease without incidentally as a continuous decrease in Silence would be visible. No less showed the full maximum and minimum sum every three months by this change. If we compare in turn each of the above values with the mean of those between which it lies, we obtain:
dec. M. 1,076 1,242 1,408 1,268 4,994 initially. M. Relationship 0954 0,920 0,953 0,986 3,813 1.1279 1.3500 1.4775 1.2860 1.3097

The course of the values for each day of the synodic month is far too irregular for both individuals, as that would draw a safe conclusion about the location and size of the maximum and minimum, and would be expected in a match between the two, but although this in regard to the position of the maximum has (up to l day) instead; contrast is found in three-day totals for both the minimum consistent throughout the second (L day after new moon) the maximum to 21 (Midway between Oct 3 and last quarter.) And mean daily fall; Schweig respektiv at 5,477 and 7,298 grams (in 5 months), with the other individual 0,395 and 0,962 grams (over 3 months), which indisputably are striking again highly must. Certainly can notice that the maximum and minimum not to be 1 / 2 month lay apart, as in the case of a periodic impact on themselves and expect from analogy with the meteorological Mondeineinflssen,

however, a likely reason for this circumstance is below let up. It is not without interest, (with 21 and 2 days as agent) to track the ratio between maximum and minimum of the three-day totals again by the individual months to examine the degree of agreement that takes place between them is. Under consideration for the few observations that have contributed to any means of the detailed provisions of the ratio from soft again strange little among themselves, and from the overall mean of the ratio.The detailing thereof, and the mean value determined for the 8 main stages that I have done is, meanwhile skipped here for brevity. When influence of the moon on the weather we have seen that comment out the phases of the moon and the vestibules (perigee and apogee) influence. It is not unlikely hereafter he s cheinen when the same in regard to the influence of the organic life of the case is 18) . Schweig's observations provide an opportunity to examine this issue in which he has pointed out the phases, Apsidentage in his observations. He acknowledges the influence apses, and there p. 56 ff his writing a compilation of values for the Apsidentage and the nearest days, after which time the apogee is secreted by something more uric acid than during perigee.

One can think hereto more so than after the above-mentioned observations Schweig's Periodus et reditus

catameniorum is in a recognizable UPHOLSTERY with ratios of the anomalistic month.

In fact, one can conclude quite as good an influence of the apses, as the phases of his observations. However, I wish to notice that they are not continued long enough to separate the influence of both right, so to take out the remote past of the moon during contingencies that disrupt the regularity of results, and mutual interference of these two influences in his observations is, and this may very well be the reason why we are the maximum and minimum phase effect not 1 / 2 synodic month found apart, and just as maximum and minimum of the anomalistic effect is not accurate (although close) to 1 / 2 anomalistic month be found lying apart.
It come in Schweig's observations 6 apogees before, but the whole period of 4 to 22 the synodic month (new moon where l is considered as always) leave blank, and mostly (4 of them) covered by the waning moon, however, the 5 perigees that occur at him from over the space 9 to 17 keep the synodic month, so mainly in the second half of the waxing moon belong to 19) . The influence of the apogee must therefore mainly complicated by the waning moon, the perigee by the waxing moon, and thus appear disturbed and vice versa. The observations were continued longer, so this would eliminate interference by itself, since the phases and apses not go parallel to each other.

apogee suzessiv the 4th 2 29th 27th 24th 22, Perigee to 17 16th 15th 13th 9

We now discuss in consideration that we hereafter became mere results now have to wait as little as before, the observations of the author, as it is just now happened for the synodic and anomalistic moon in relation to the run, in a similar way. It must be remembered here that the anomalistic month 27 1 / 2 has days that are added here for 28 days. In 14 day totals we find the following:

Fortnightly sums secreted uric acid in 5 apogee than anomalistic months from l to, in grams, of Silence. 20)

Day of month l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Uric acid 27.625 27.167 26.952 26,906 27.281 27.561 27,679 28.373 28,337! 29.019 29.556 29,642 29.802! 29.280!

Day of month 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Uric acid 29.666 30,124 30,339 0.3385 30.010 29.730 29.612 28.918 28,954! 28.272 27.735 27.649 27.489! 28,011!

Since 7 days are duplicated at the apogee, respectively at the beginning and end of the observation range of the original, as are the summation of the mean values of ge taken. To Vollmachung of 28 Day one days had to be double-counted a few times.

Fortnightly sums secreted uric acid in 8 months from anomatistischen apogee than at l, in grams for the other individual 21) .

Day of month l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Uric acid 2,818 2,796 2,783 2,616 2,724 2,890 2,866! 2,990! 2,906

Day of month 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

Uric acid 3,249 3,271 3,284 3,451 3,343 3,177 3,201! 3,077! 3,161

10 11 12 13 14

3,000 3,073 3,103 3,252! 3,301!

24 25 26 27 28

3,067 2,994 2,964 2,815! 2,766!

The treatment of the data was as original as in the previous table.

It is seen that the minimum and maximum sum in silent and the other individual exactly the same corresponding period, namely the 14 days, what with the 4th respektiv and 18 . start Also emerging from the regular swing with! designated sites have almost the same position. All this suggests more than coincidence.
The ratio between the maximum and minimum amount is in very close agreement with that which has been found for the synodic run. It has namely as Ratio of the maximum to the minimum sum

Over the synodic at Hush. . 1.1163

Over the anomalistic l, 1293

wherein the other Ind. 1.3406 1.3192 The sum of the unpaired and paired with silent days were 29.523 and 27.768, 1.755 difference, in the other Indivuiduum 2,930 and 3,137; 0,207 difference. Whereas the difference between the maximum and minimum sum at Schweig 3,379, with the other individual is 0.835. In three days of sums can be found for the minimum Schweig with 4,919 to 15, the maximum with 7,006 on the 25th anomalistic month as a means of decreasing days when apogee l. The position of the minimum corresponds to the central position of the perigee, while the maximum is 3 days from the apogee. The difference between minimum and maximum is greater than the synodic over here. In the other individual the maximum of the 3-day totals 0,844 grams falls close to the previous together and even closer to the apogee, namely on the 26th as Mitteltag, while the minimum of 0,465, 10 Belonging as Mitteltag deviates significantly from the previous one. On the 15th as Mitteltag here comes the sum of 0,570. If you yourself (with the apses mean days) by direct pursuit summarizes the three days of the apogee and perigee in the eye, as is found in Summa respektiv for 5 months and 3 months with silent at the other Ind. Apogee 5,677 0,640 5,349 0,582 perigee

I discussed in such detail to the discussion of these observations, not only because they are the only ones who can serve on the metabolism of a particular indication in regard to the lunar influence, but also because they are on at all the only example of an accurate Verfolges the lunar influence provide the organism that I know them, and

because those discussions were necessary, the weight of what they have to emphasize. But they contain so much responsibility even after the above discussion that the differences found not rest on mere coincidence, one is of course, before you can thus keep definitely find a result for science, nor must expect the probation by other observers, not to be deceived by some neglected fact in the investigations One observer. Such could in my opinion be sought only in an off-lying influence the course of the moon, but as of this about a monthly period cheated on and worked consistently to both observers. You may remember that the geocentric rotation period of the Sun (27.26 aver. Days) coincides very closely with the period of the anomalistic month (27.555 days).But apart from that there is no reason, And thus a stronger influence than a moon periods to establish 22) , also the maximum and minimum effect clearly shows the Apsidentagen in relationship, and the influence of the synodic month can be at significantly different length of the same (29.530 days), not to be confused with an influence of the rotation period of the sun. In addition, but it's hard to think of anything else. Incidentally, a renewal and continuation of these observations is already therefore be necessary to more accurately by the distinguish and can, when conditions permit only five months continued observations of the author's divorce the influence of the phases of the moon apses.

According to the latest survey d'Arrest's who have just as Nervander and Carlini done in an investigation, sets the rotation time to the above reason, a temperature change of 1 , 2902 C. rotation of the sun depends. (Sitzungsber. the Saxon. Soc., 1853. P. 791)

But Ever is likely to in the preceding observations Schweig's very much at the same time prompt and encouragement to be the same renewal, continuation, amendment. The influence of the moon on a given factor of metabolism would hereafter significant enough to be stated also by not too long continued experiments can, and the relatively large consensus that the valuation of the individual monthly time periods, and at two observers regarding offer to each other, offers the prospect of not too difficult to be discovered statutory conditions; yes it exceeds so much the expectation that one can perhaps find a reason to distrust herein, but then do the opposite points of view only the repetition of the observations desirable would be to demonstrate that the bill, which now anyway in favor of the lunar influence makes the claim than to insist on majority-probability. The segregation ratios would indisputably some other substance, especially of urea and carbonic acid, deserve more attention than the uric acid, was only that of course the ease of determination in long-continued observations will always keep in mind. Should really the moon run express a significant effect on the metabolism, or to lose a previously brought to the language point of view is not entirely out of eyes, held a legal correspondent of the periodicity between the two after the establishment of the organism, one would then also not strange find can, if such an influence stretched or such correspondence to other autonomic processes, and some of what is considered popular opinion, because it's certainly not exactly stated, could

have a reason after it has just refuted so little accurate. I will come back to stuff in this regard, which I recommended the test above, here a few words. After a very general adoption of the crop decreases with increasing moons, with decreasing, yes, not uncommon to hear those that are kropfig or have to do with those that assure there is no doubt about it. However, it is not disputed so long to be doubted, even to someone takes the trouble to provide a more continuous series of observations measured at a plurality of patients. Such has not happened to me, but rather I find in the medical writers only general information about the now, as far as I know them, rather than to speak against the influence. Stark (. General Pathol IS 279) will have the same perceived even with other "countless times", except that Heusinger (Recherch. I. 636) is inclined to limit this influence on non-lymphocytic nature of old goiters. However, since these are precisely those where one would expect an emergence of the influence most - because of old fixed deposits has nothing more - so this would also be more favorable than unfavorable to interpret for the workshop have the influence. In other tumors to the moon have an influence. Thus, apart from manifold older information here about, lately of Nieberding in the small print (The Moon influence. Wrzb., 1842.) Very firmly maintains an influence of the moon on to the swamp and intermittent fevers often left behind in the march areas Milzanschwellungen and dropsy . Accurate data, but he has certainly not given. Similarly to some chronic skin diseases the influence of the moon are very. Except older information Bennet's 23) and Menuret's 24) I find it a more recent indication of Ed. Jrg in its' presentation of the adverse influence of the tropical climate. " P. 22, which very definitely at least in the tropics, this influence would be.
23) 24)

Theatrum tabidorum p. 98th 99th According to Arago in the Annuaire pour 1833. p. 240th

As for the impact on the vegetation of plants, are some folk judgments as to a striking lunar influence, refuted by positive tests, more accurate experiments on the question of a possible minor influence or a subordinate Mondsperiodizitt in the vegetation of plants are not known to me. Many details of the tropical countries would indicate that there is noticeable as with us the influence or the Mondsperiodizitt, but also lacks this information, all accuracy. XI. Atmosphere and habitability of the moon. Finally, the moon still all 'will make the offenders to ridicule and shame to his abuser. Like wise the hen cackling about the science had him finally shows up, the golden egg is wiser than the hen. They said he was a deaf egg, however it was the blind hen. It should be able to give no water, no air, no living soul on it. Now it can water all at once, there may be air, there may be living souls on it. It is a joy and triumph for the dreamers. Having had the same science as long objected, they must confess, due to the thorough bills through a thorough their representatives today: The

visionaries were right. And the dreamer had no laborious calculations needed to see what is not seen, and yet there is. But not only followed, but also put works quite beautifully, science has the dreamers: Everything, water, air and living creatures, which you see nothing on this side of moon side of science on the far side may be present according to the latest results. Then, however, does not penetrate observation. So what it is like water and air because, as the creatures look as what they do, what the situation is with their houses, streets, gardens, woods, fields, to determine this, is again pure matter of dreamers; astronomers be able to do anything until they finally invent the telescope, which they see through the moon, where they will then find that it is exactly as it is thought the dreamers. Meanwhile, they have the most beautiful playground for her fantasies; become the being beyond the moon a true block mountain for them, and each moon a first Mainacht; nothing wants science in long robes the spook capture with their formulas, suggests a cross over the other, makes a dash to the other, it has opened the Pandora's box once, and now in the cold for what results from it. What but was it because, as it happened, that after Schleiden had proclaimed but just as a herald of science to the ladies out loud: There can be no lunar habitat, exclaims the science at once, "Mr. Schleiden, gently, it can still inhabitants of the moon give, "which of course already knew the dreamers. Why was it? on a small little thing. Science had earlier put a dot on the moon wrong. Now she has set it right. How many dots may be so wrong in science is a small little thing that a wide difference depends on it yet today. Admittedly, it was the punctum saliens the moon. They searched far as to say his heart was in the wrong spots. Who recognized the right place, had to be very well acquainted with the moon. In truth, there was one who leads so sure the horses of the moon vehicle on the reins as the Apollo of the solar car. And thereafter one can only guess at a. But, you ask, what is it at last? What is the new discovery that, if not the moon itself, but all views threatened to circulate the moon? In fact, a discovery that almost sounds like nothing, and yet really threatened such a transformation, the simple discovery: The focus of the moon does not coincides with its center. And because he did not order coincides, as you would previously took for granted, the most excellent arguments against the habitability of the moon will no longer meet, or only want to meet halfway, by only the worldly, not the otherworldly half of the moon . meet So which side of the moon facing away from us should be inhabited? But can about the inhabitants of the moon beyond eat stones? Or can one seriously believe that air and water, the conditions of organic life, are available on the far side of the moon, if they are missing on the facing? And what can the center of gravity change this? Now, if faith can move mountains, so I will seek to generate faith reversed by transplantation of mountains.

We proceed from the earth. On our high mountains the air is very thin, it would be several miles high, one would feel nothing of air Considerable more; also it would be missing from lack of fuel vapors to the precipitation of water and consequently there. The mountains were so protrude so bare and empty of water and barren and unfruitful in the sky as the mountains on the side of the moon facing us, even as the whole side of the moon facing us. Now, let us once these imaginary sky-high mountains think all put together on one side of the earth, so that they pile up on this whole page as a coherent mass or mountain plateau. So now would this whole side of the world by virtue of its height bald, water empty, vacuous, and all water, air, organic would be found only on the other side of the earth, which represented the lowlands. Rather than displace a portion of the Earth's mass, but one needed to only their focus so crazy to think of the center points that he too would be closer to one than to the other side, it would have the same success, it would be the more focus away from the page as it raised a mountain side, the side of him closer to behave as a flat side. Well, but it's just the moon. The side of the Moon facing us is considerably further away from the center of gravity of the moon, hereby like a mountain on the same or eliminating certain average level surface raised as those of us remote, which has a lower position against the same. The former is therefore empty of air, water, organisms, there is nothing to prevent that everything is available on the second. This is the discovery of Hansen's, the famous astronomer Gotha, the sooner we owe the finest calculations on such a difficult movements of the moon. He has brought out by a comparison of older and more recent observations of the motion of the moon, the gravity of the moon facing away from our side of it considerably closer than the facing us, by virtue of non-uniform distribution of mass does not coincide with the center of the moon, but dista around 8 geographical miles to the opposite side of the center points of us. And Hansen himself draws the conclusion indicated for the habitability of the opposite side of the moon. The moon has hereby once again proved his mysterious beings. He actually held right behind the mountains, we were faced with this mountain, but did not think about how my wife aptly put that behind the mountains are other people living. He betrayed his secret but just after it was proven that he did have his secrets to prove that he had but such.
Since the discovery of Hansen's is still not moved hardly at known to us and the message that he is about as far as I know the German, I believe many a to shew a favor if I should communicate this in a literal translation. She finds herself in a letter dated 3 Hansen's Nov. 1854 to the English Astronomem Airy in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol XV. In 1854. Nov 10 The letter is one of the Royal Astronomical Soc. directed treatise on the theory of the figure of the moon accompanies and performs the title: "On the Construction of New Tables, and at some points in the Lunar Theory DEPENDING on the Conformation of the Moon with respect to its center of gravity." The first part of the letter, which refers to the lunar tables, I go on, and the, related to our subject, last is as follows: . "Let me turn to a circumstance which has not been drawn in the lunar theory into consideration the remarkable relationships, which characterize the rotational motion of the moon,

ask for the matter of which is the mass of the moon, a special condition; and the theory determines this as meaning that the moment of inertia with respect to the major axis, which is the radius vector close parallel, must be the smallest,. moment of inertia with respect to the rotation axis but the greatest of the three moments of inertia of the lunar mass on the basis of this principle, it is . to take the next, that the shape of the moon is an ellipsoid, the largest axis is parallel to the radius vector near The observation, however, has not yet confirmed this assumption this were, for example, this axis to one of the other two as 21st : 20, then it would be necessary and, by virtue of a variation in the half-moon libration diameter of 2 "are noticeable. But I have been able to deduce from the observations of the lunar diameter no appreciable variation of this kind, and even if there was really a variation axis of the moon, so much they must be smaller than that derived from the above relationship. Under these circumstances, nothing remains but to assume that the interior of the moon of non-uniform density, and that this, the difference depends on the moments of inertia, which complicates the theory of rotational motion of the moon. This is followed first linked the question of whether the planet just as with the center of the figure of the moon coincides with the same focus, as it has always been assumed, or about whether the positions of these two points differ from each other? If the latter is really the case, then some laws for the tightness of the interior could be found, according to which the moment of inertia, which refers to the radius vector close parallel major axis, the smallest of all three, even if the shape of the abwiche moon of a sphere. " , I was the determination of the elements of the lunar orbit, of which I spoke above, busy, I undertook the investigation of this question, and found as a result of them has found that the lunar observations are quite unite then (Entirely concur), a difference between the positions of the two points mentioned are to (lassen. " "There are , , , based on the focus, so that three coordinates of the center of the Moon point with respect to radius vector is close to parallel, vertically on the equator, and perpendicular to both, the theory then shows that and are well be determined by the observations while only with great difficulty, if at all, can be determined. the coefficient is up to small sizes is the coefficient of variation of the length of perigee, and the effect of there is therefore a great extent only fact that is increased or decreased the length of the perigee to a constant value for. give the Grennwicher observations - 1 ".01, and this size is determined to be really sure, only I must here recall a circumstance which may can express an influence on the magnitude of these quantities.Notwithstanding all the care to rid the declinations of the stars of the errors of the instruments, known to be very soft but often on a specific observatory declinations of the specific on another observatory in one direction, north or south, from, and it is clear that An error of the deviation of this kind, if it is present, the determination of must affect us. The numerical value obtained for this quantity is thus basically the aggregate of the above-mentioned coordinate and the constant error of declination " "I must leave the question undecided whether at the Greenwich observations, such an error is to accept and give it your own judgment prey because you best with all conditions of working there observations must be known as a director of the Greenwich Observatory, but could not help , in general, pointing out that possibility, yes felt myself penetrated, to commemorate the same against you. " "The coordinate of can be determined by the libration of the moon, and I have come to the following remarkable theorem regarding it. " "If the center of gravity and the center do not coincide the figure of the moon, so all interference coefficients to be multiplied by the average length by a constant factor which is a function of the projected to the radius vector distance between these two points. When the center of the moon is further away than the focus of us, so this factor is less than unity, whereas if the former is closer to us than the latter, the factor is greater than unity. "

"The observations decide that this factor is greater than unity, therefore, that the center of the figure of the moon differs from its focus and that is closer to us than the latter. I have taken much trouble to give this provision, the maximum security, I have they performed in several different ways, and I have always found, both from the Dorpat as the Greenwich observations, that this factor is greater than unity, though its absolute value, as might be expected, for the various uses a small difference shows the final determination showed that factor.: = 1.0001544 and from this comes with other consequences of the enlargement Evektionskoeffizienten is 0 ", 69 out, and it is easy to find that the increase in the sum of all interferences l" may exceed ". "Dear Friend and Colleague, you have found through your discussion of the Greenwich observations, which range from 1750 to 1830, that the main coefficient of moon interference must be enlarged., You have the magnification of Plana's Evektionskoeffizienten = l", 28 and the increase in its coefficient of variation = 0 ", 68 found, since now the Evektionskoeffizient is almost twice the Variationskoeffzienten, this increase seems to indicate the existence of a constant error." "The increase found by you of these coefficients is certainly greater than that derived from me, but I must here remark that Plana's Evektionskoeffizient to 0", 34 less than mine, and this fact leads to a more precise correspondence between our results. Nor do I wish to notice that you have found that Plana's coefficient of the annual equation to l ", must increasingly be 07, but your coefficient is to 1.", 1 is too small, and the amount of increase is diminished thereby considerably " "Allow me in conclusion a few remarks on above explanation of the increase in the coefficients of the moon disorders. From the obbemerkten values of the factor, it follows that the center of the figure of the moon approximately 59000 meters, ie about eight geographical miles (calculated 15 miles on l equatorial degree ) closer to us than the focus, which is a considerable difference in regard to the level of the air and all other dependent circumstances must take place between us facing and facing away from us Mondhemispre As the layers of uniform density close relative to. need to rearrange focus, it follows if we look at the shape of the moon as a spherical, that the center of the visible lunar disk is about 59000 feet above the mean level and the midpoint of the opposite hemisphere almost as much below that level, I say almost; for if, as we assume here, facing away from us lunar hemisphere than we facing tight, so it necessarily follows that the mean level of the former somewhat reduced and this is something where the latter. Suppose the moon for an ellipsoid is extended to the earth, the earth is closest hemisphere the mean level exceed a little more, and the opposite a little longer fall under the same thing. Yeah, we can not hold for impossible that the surface of the opposite hemisphere of the Moon in whole or in part pointing to one and the same level set up (accommodates itself), as we find in a similar way in this Earth. " "Under such circumstances, we are not surprised that the Moon, seen from Earth, has a parched look, shows neither an atmosphere nor animal or vegetable life. Because if on the Moon, just as there was a relatively high mountain, which therefore would have a height of 216,000 feet, or 29 geographical miles, it would on its summit is not the slightest trace of an atmosphere or of anything that depends on it, be present. however, we can not conclude that it is just on the opposite lunar hemisphere behaves; may rather, by virtue of the distance of the center of the figure, the center of gravity, assume that an atmosphere, as well as animal and plant life to exist there, the average level must close occur at the edges of the moon,. according to which we are entitled to expect (wemay reasonably expect to discover) that here are some "can advertise discover traces of an atmosphere." "If we ask now the cause of this condition of the moon, I do not consider it impossible that volcanic and other similar forces far less resistance on one of its hemispheres than on the other found inside this world body and therefore much greater elevations of the surface have on the former causes the latter. too, I am inclined to believe that the so-called grooves, which can be

observed at the lunar surface, and what the Selenographen seem to have reached a whole nor to no satisfactory conclusion, cracks or crevices are that Strictly caused by these enormous elevations. I submit these considerations to the judgment of astronomers. taken they do not belong to the theory, which is dedicated to this letter, but are based on the positional difference between the focus and the center of the figure of the moon. "The theory of the shape of the moon, which, as with several other inferences leads to the theorem above, has been developed by me in a paper which I have the honor to present herewith the Royal Astronomical Society." Gotha, in 1854. 3 Nov.

So you have to Hansen's own account, according to imagine so that the average lunar level is approximately at the edge of our visible lunar disk, from there the us facing moon ball rises to a mountain whose summit, lying in the middle of us facing side, the mean level surmounted about 8 miles; however, reversed the moon facing away from us at the edge of the area deepens below the average level so that the middle of the side facing away from us lunar surface about 8 miles below the mean is level. But one must not think of this as if the moon had now made convex on one side, on the other concave, but in everywhere convex globular shape of that behaves one side only because of its greater distance from the centroid as a mountain side, the other , because of their smaller distance from the centroid, as the valley. To give an indication of inexperienced idea as the focus of a ball from the center of which may vary, you'll only an ordinary bowling ball. Here the focus is in the middle. You now cut off a piece, and replace the light piece of wood by heavy gold or lead, the focus is now more naturally fall to this page. The moon is so to say a tumbler, with this, the focus is not in the middle. Only, strange, while the tumbler with the hardest part is getting used to the earth, the moon turns with the lightest parts of the earth. The conditions are certainly different with him: he is a curved body, which is not the tumbler.
Very strange hereafter the behavior of the sea on the lunar surface must be, if there is such a there. Meanwhile on Earth, the sea spread over almost the whole surface, so that only about 1 / 4 of the earth's surface from the sea is uncovered, must be on the moon collecting the sea in the middle of the opposite surface of the moon, which is so in spite of their convexity as a depression of about 8 miles below the mean level of behavior, but there like a mountain or support, in the form of a patch on a larger ball watch glass on the lunar surface.

Zend-Avesta II, p 249 I said, speaking from the Moon: "You can look at it as that, as man and beast by going around the earth, always returns the same base surface against the ground and never on the head is, this is also the moon, of how high he goes about the earth, but still takes place in the series of earthly creatures. " Well, if the moon really has to be organic life only on the side facing away from us, the comparison of head side to side and sole shall adopt better. The moon angel enlightens us the night with his foot, and alternately as our sole unwinds and rewinds from the ground, so the moon with the luminous passage in its path. I think this comparison is the Antiphantasten give pleasure. As we have now come to the habitability of the moon, so it seems reasonable to

question how are the people be like? Why, because you need only Gruithuisen, or somnambulism, or tables, or to ask the psycho graph. And why do not you tell us? they say. It's a task made for you. Once you can already plant souls, world body souls, otherworldly souls continue to be created people, an anatomy of the angels, the Jodbestande of the moon, a fourth dimension of space, the life of the shadow, simple atoms, just louder things to know about Nothings , knew so much to say, it will be easy for you to say something about the moon creatures. Certainly something very easy, if I just make use only of the visionaries that benefits granted whose input I thought, of course, only a little dubious, the confidence that one has been to me, and I about things you nothing know much to say know to increase even more, as it is in conjunction with the confidence that I know you have something to say about things, not to say know. However, seems to me the question of how the inhabitants of the moon are designed to not quite belong in fact to the things about which you know nothing to say. Can science know that inhabitants of the moon are possible, why should they not also dare to explore how such is possible. So it would be bolder than Alexander, is said to have said when they spoke to him of moon dwellers: "Woe is me, that I can not conquer the kingdom inhabitants of the moon." And why should not science be bolder than Alexander? You probably already conquered more, which as in time and space is further off than India, even as the moon itself. Why should she give up hope, to conquer the kingdom of the inhabitants of the moon, at least a little bit to penetrate into it, like Alexander in India? But by what means? Earthly kingdoms to conquer with the pipes of muskets and cannons, the kingdom of the heavens with telescopes, the realm of infusoria with the tubes of the microscopes, the realm of diseases with the tubes of the stethoscope and Uroskope, what manner of tubes stand for the kingdom of the inhabitants of the moon on the rear side of the moon to bid? Only a small modification of the telescope or telescope needed to's, do you turn the telescope, a telescope, ie an instrument through which one sees through the eye of teleology. Everything that the telescope can not see, can be found through the telescope, and vice versa, both instruments should be mounted on an axle, as they complement each other so beautifully. But before we can attack the kingdom of the inhabitants of the moon with it, it is again only beat Schleiden from the field, the reverse swing such a thirst for conquest of science his sword with his usual force. We hear (p. 305 studies): "Both the sun, as far as we can judge from our sun, as the moons and comets of our Earth so much different that any attempt to paint the dream for them to absolute silliness is., But also our similar heavenly bodies that Planets, usually offer represent

different relationships such that a wise man can use his imagination to something better than the possibility of human-like existence on these bodies to develop. " And of course, it is true, there is still life in science and to explore so much closer Lying and more important and to do that you can ask cheap, if it is not really foolish to deal with the lunar inhabitants. Alexander himself was looking for the far-off India, but not to conquer rather than to the nearer he had conquered kingdoms. Meanwhile, measures the science, the distance at all for miles, and dispute may just be nothing more appropriate to put bit and bridle vague dreams about the inhabitants of other world body as a study on, even if ever so poor scientific basis, what proportions of residents ever there to the existing conditions are possible, however, the dreams go free if you do nothing, than to them, as Schleiden, threatening the mathematical inch rod. What kind of whimsical fables one has not already been basking on the inhabitants of the moon. Nobody has yet drawn while the limits of the possible, the probable, and the after-Hansen's discovery offered a new basis to the request, the existing data is close enough, even in this direction combine. But it is quite natural that Schleiden considers it an absurdity, it depends Moon residents or residents of other world body is to make a clearer view. There will always be an absurdity, if, as Schleiden, adheres only to the principle of causality, which suggests to us for the sake of the consequences, because no thing to remember is that we have ever made causal reasons alone, even the existence, much less the nature of any creature on any celestial bodies will learn to derive. While the teleological principle, which suggests to us for purposes of the means for the purposes (see chapter 3), permits conclusions as well and gives room for hope that it will succeed in the future once again, something, even if only in a very general trains to testify definite about it. As this requires the exercise, rather than the completed execution Abweises of principle. Just about the construction, the forces of life of the people and every earthly creature useful etc with respect to the severity, the heat, the day length, are as they now just find yourself on the ground, set up without us this kind of causal reasons derive vermchten, we may teleological analogy to assume that this will be the case on any world body. Now we see, like on earth in accordance with the amendment in circumstances, the organic bodies, which are made under these circumstances, change in this or that sense, and herein may be an indication find the direction in which they undergo a further change, when the conditions on other celestial bodies change even further, of course, causal considerations are to be taken to help, without ever the teleological principle in the sense established by us can do nothing. The previously considered case of the seal (Section III.) Can teach us principles according to which nature in general this procedure. For example: Is there a different moon air, yet it is for reasons which I shall afterwards, even on the far side of the moon is much thinner than to take on the world. Breathing process, hereby metabolism, hereby force development, which all related physiologically, that are under less favorable conditions than on Earth, for the gravity is six times as much as at the surface, do hereby moon dwellers is also less power capacity in carrying one's own body and in the handling of loads reasonably expected. Both are to establish causal and teleological certain general conditions and

implications for the construction and establishment of the body. Day and New Year coincide on the Moon in the simple turn of the month, the Hauptperiodizitt of life for the inhabitants of the moon is thus different and altogether easier than intended for us. All water whose amount is of course hypothetical, but may be considered proportional to preliminary analysis compared with our earth the mass of the moon is gathered on the habitable side of the moon, so probably something of marine climate to compensate for the drought of us facing continental side and to mitigate the harsh light and temperature changes, which carries the thinness of the air from the other side. All changes and contrasts on the Moon crowd ever on the circumstances of the season and selenographic length and width more closely resemble each other and therefore more easily and quickly made, have smaller room, but a more lively game. Everything aspires to the conditions of space and force more in height than the width. The meteorological conditions are rapid, and the precipitate more rapidly partly because of the smallness of the moon, some of the lesser gravity, partly because of the thinner air, partly because of other water distribution, partly because of the months of day and year, very different than ours, evaporation, the restless winds, etc, which all helps to make other external conditions of life, which must be adapted to the inner. Certainly, if one puts all the inhabitants of the moon than the earth's inhabitants, without warm blood, without large energy of the life process, without strong force development, but of slightly excitable changing the meaning, lively, REGSAM quickly are much smaller, much leaner, much more delicate built movable, but only so long as the moon shines, ie as long as the sun shines upon it, whilst they were asleep, the rest of the time.Their reason is not sophisticated, they study not, they do not cook all the arts and trades, for which it takes fire, missing them, whereas they lead a gregarious, simple, in all essential, not very tiered, nature life in the narrow limits of the ratios varies rapidly and quickly and oscillates as that of the inhabitants of the earth; repeated in relation to these somewhat the antithesis of the feminine to the masculine, the child to adult, the male flowers to the moon than females, whose kingdom is no less developed and so are, in a word, there are elves. Joke or serious? Some of Ernst, when the Moon has air, pure joke, if he has none. But he has air. Well, it would apply but, to think that only once seriously. The dreamer has initially left his joy about Hansen's wonderful discovery run free, giving it so very convenient to address the Antiphantasten so, and even a little taken part in the dance of the moon Hereafter, however, since I not only am a dreamer, so I started to consider, in fact, whether not yet difficulties remain even after this discovery. Now, it would certainly actually the Antiphantasten thing to put forward such; however since he has only been previously submitted Pre-Installed it, so maybe is not too much to expect it. And thus I will now take his place itself, just as well otherwise an opponent after he hung around with the other long, finally at the pointto may be. For indeed, there is still a major difficulty, and before she is not

thoroughly lifted, can, I mean, are not seriously advanced in the lunar habitat question. I will look for it in the near future to explain. Also like the air on the opposite surface of the moon to be much denser than on the side facing us, it may still, if any at all is present somewhere on the moon, according to the laws of the air distribution anywhere and especially on visible for us moon edge not be zero. But suppose the density of the air on the moon edge is given, we can calculate the ratio in which they are diluted in a survey of eight geographical miles above the level of the lunar edge and must condense at a humiliation to eight miles below, how much more so the dilution and densification in the middle of the facing and the side facing away from us us page amount. Now we have the tightness that the air can at most be attached to the visible lunar edge, certain data, and can therefore make use of such statements give a judgment as to whether the compression until the middle of the remote lunar surface is large enough to allow reasonably believe that organic life could exist there. Now it seems a priori the conditions in this respect not to ask inconvenient, especially among Mitrcksicht that on the Moon can suffice a lower air resistance than ours, to maintain the energy of the life process that has grown the obstacles to the reduced severity. Although Bessel 1) proved (established by a study that seems to allow no objection to the phenomena of occultations of stars by the Moon) that the air on the moon the edge, if such exists at all, but most, if one all assumptions in favor maximum density exaggerates, 1 / 968 the resistance of our air can have. But even if we 1 / 1000 or even put considerably less for it, we have, it seems, according to the center of the moon beyond, more than we need, even when we may need.

astronomer. Msg No. 263 Pp. 916 ff - Earlier similar to Tobias Mayer in cosmography. Msg to the year

1748. Pp. 408 ff

Set, you would rise to the earth from sea level eight miles upstream, it would be (at condition of a temperature of the air column from 0 C.) in accordance with the barometric formulas airtightness 1 / 1174 of those who has the sea level instead, reduce; - set you would rise just as deep down, it would be increased to the 1235fache, so that the air in such a depth of about 1 1 / 2 times would be so dense as water (assuming that the Mariotte law as far as validity would retain). We carry these ratios over the moon. Set, the air would have the moon the edge of 1 / 1000 of the resistance of our air, so this most low density would be at the center of the near side, ie, at an elevation of eight miles, on 1/ 1174000 reduce the resistance of our air, hereby indeed become vanishingly small as we actually find it, but increase on the middle of the opposite side to the 1235-fold, thus 1235 / 1000 times, ie nearly

1 1 / 4 times are as close as our air, which is far would be more than a lunar habitat need and can tolerate. Now if the air is still significantly thinner than 1 / 1000 on the edge of moon, just disappearing for observation, but could be even think of a hereafter for the needs of the habitability of the moon sufficient air tightness. But unfortunately this favorable result is illusory, and this whole bill has been employed by me just to show how careful you have to be in this field to be nonessential data ignore. So strong rarefaction and condensation of air at height differences of eight miles, which takes place on our earth, may simply not the case on the place Monde, because the gravity on the moon only 1 / 6 of the gravity on Earth, and in virtue of which the there compresses air with inferior force by their severity; yes, the difference is quite tremendously 2) . The density of air is in the collection of the lunar surface at disproportionately slower than in elevation is the same height from the ground surface, and descent in the reverse direction without comparison slower. However, the rarefaction and condensation of air at elevation or descent to eight miles from the Earth's surface at respektiv 1 / 1174 and 1235 is, is the same in elevation or descent to eight miles from the level of the lunar edge at only 1 / 3,116 , and 3,346 ie about 1 / 3 and 3 2 / 5 3) It would thus an air that the moon edge 1 / 1000 is on the density of our own, in the middle of the opposite surface of the moon 3 2 / 5 times 1 / 1000 , ie about 1 / 300 have the tightness of our air, and now of course be diluted according to the lunar edge more and more. With such a small air leak but can not do anything.

This is due to that the logarithm of the ratio of air tightness for two views of different height is proportional to the severity.

3) To establish a temperature below which the truth may still approach a little over 0 to 14 I have here, down below 625 C (mean temperature of the earth's surface Dove). Meanwhile, the general result is nothing essential to a slightly higher or lower temperature. My calculation is performed according to the formulas, Bessel has given himself in his treatise, with substitution of the constants for the density of mercury and expansion of the air, which are now considered valid.

Now, one can certainly take some comfort in that the moon creatures might be able to live without air. However, the conclusion does not live on the habitability of the moon on the conditions of habitability of the earth without air or would even be quite airy. It but we do not want to engage us. Another question is whether a vanishing density of the air is really proved decisive edge at the moon through the Bessel account. I confess that I know nothing decisive objection. However, one may nevertheless still receive the same negative result and the conclusions that tied to it, with caution. It speaks for many things but not even a lunar atmosphere of not quite vanishing density at the edge of moon, which of course does not penetrate to the Bessel's investigation, which allows counter remarks, but

not everything is strictly refuted. I think in my future writing detailed to go into a discussion of the pros and cons. And after taken by Hansen's discovery of the whole question at once as a whole new unexpected twist, who is it that not once again a new circumstance and the difficulty we are considering is a new twist. This I notice explicitly that Hansen himself, whom I have allowed myself to question in writing because of this difficulty, for reasons whose discussion would lead me here more than I intend to go in this document yet (mainly with regard to the possibility of lunar eclipses despite the existence of an earthly atmosphere), in turn, does not hold for the Bessel investigation by beating, and the possibility of holding that a sufficient airtightness of habitability is available on the opposite side of the moon. Over here is my positive statement and motivation before in his letter. But this still remains a subject of only very marginal enters it at all in his studies that touch on their purely exact character of the inhabitants of the moon question does not arise. As is the case now. Now I am in fact not visionary enough to continue on one, but still very doubtful, based on a consideration of which I confess that it would have some appeal for me. Just as I secured the possibility of air of the moon, I want the same also of the inhabitants speak further. For I too am a dreamer, and not afraid such a spirit of accuracy compared to how it represents Schleiden, the right to represent the type of fantasies. XII. Conclusion. If I am not mistaken, the previous chapter can probably provide some interest in contributing to attribute the view of a cosmic and telluric insignificance of the moon on the right measure, which can in excessive zeal to overthrow the moon superstition, something through their compilations has been rash to spread without having thorough expertise, as the audience that you want to teach, and not considering that hereby commits a superstition same error. Because contradict a belief without sufficient reasons, is not thoroughly than believe without such. But Schleiden encounters in fact in this regard only in the general Trombone those scouts, whom the world just as much light as the light of their own knowledge and reason on. Now you can see that the moonlight her light still little lights. Apart from this general trend I had with the previous compilation nor particular intention, or owes them rather their first origin, only the intention if it is possible to bring Schleiden it really is time to be aware that something more caution and forbearance in judgment On the other it just might themselves pious, because the lack of both, of course, occasionally must avenge himself. In fact, you would have, not too high to take one from a non-physicists like Schleiden in a popular essay on days specified ignorance of physical facts, which have become less popular until now, especially as the same some interesting notes in this essay, and a most charming introduction it probably can compensate if we do not, even forced upon Schleiden by the way he judged Others another measure of his judgment. Who can be the same-alltrades, so they wanted to write about any subject, as if you know for sure that you know all of what it is possible to know so much good would also remain unwritten. But of course, if you know nothing at all, of what is possible to know about it, but it's also too little. But we finally quarrel not our knowledge or our

ignorance sake in things that we do when we know, but both know only of others. Maybe I've made more than one error in the presentation and discussion of the above facts, and it is certain that I did not know all that can be know of the matter. Schleiden Schleiden will last but if he does not know that the moon does weather and sometimes an authority for with an authority against mistaken. His last is the cell and not the moon, and it is natural that when it comes to the bars of the cell to the moon, it does not fit. So he remained in his future strips. I let him the cell, he let me the moon, I'll let him plant body, he let me plant souls, and did not cut into my soul by slashing with the bodies of their souls that do not concern him. Let's stick to the present Covenant, we will continue to live in peace with each other. XIII. Additives on the influence of the moon on the weather. I'm sorry, drawing and presentation of results at this writing a note does not have to take into account that only came up to me as the meteorological part of it was already printed. By, a few days ago by traveling here American astronomer Gould me was in fact informed that 80 years of him by a (unpublished) study, daily three times, observations about Boston have been found in the Definitely means a negligible influence of the moon phases, barometer and thermometer. This negative result is partly due to the thoroughness of the researcher, from which it derives, in part because of the length of the observation period of great weight and would need to, the existing situation of the observations contemporary expression of security, the positive results of the above the influence Moon have been pronounced upon those meteorological conditions, need to modify. But from the other side is clear that, if a more detailed exposition of that investigation should be the weight that an oral notice it can be attached only to a limited extent but reiterate how I thereof have no doubt about the source, but with a negative result for observation and for two meteorological elements of the whole nexus of positive facts for the entirety of the weather, of the 6th and 7 Chapter of this document has been presented, the Everyone itself may judge wesentlichst to enter into the the barometric conditions, can not be invalidated, so that only one can so call are stronger then the reason of contradictions that still exist here to educate through distant studies which stimulate yes even a main purpose of this writing is. Thus I have to close a few additives as to some older studies on the me the original sources have become accessible only these days, so rather than get some more meaning in combination with the newly listed Gouldian negative result. The studies mentioned Toaldo's about the effect of the apses of the barometer in Padua do not rely, as I indicated to the second source, to 48 year old observations, but, as I in his, I only now been arrived original works Saggio Meteorologico, 2 ed p. 115, 122 see by, on 56jahrige observations (1725-1780), which belong to the Marquis Poleni, 16 years Toaldo even 40 years. They deal apogees 743 and as much perigees, with each 5-day, every day 1maliger observation, and are employed according to the pattern of the whole method, which Lambert has applied for an investigation. 39 years gave a preponderance of the barometer for apogees, 17 for the perigees, and Summa was the excess of the barometer stands at 56 years for the apogees 94.58 Engl. Inch, or nearly 8 Engl. Feet above the stands at the perigees what

narrowed 0.02546. Inches or 0.3055 Engl. Lin.Are overweight for l Apogumtag. Furthermore, among the 33 gave 56 years overweight for the quadratures, 23 for the syzygies. The sum of the barometer stands for 1283 quadratures with each 5-day observation outweighed the sum of as much syzygies to 135.38 Engl. Inches, which an excess of 0.0211 Engl. Inches or 0.2532 Engl. Lin. l is for quadrature. - Now the Toaldo'schen studies of the influence of the moon on weather changes are rightly rejected because untriftiger scientific method, and also the here mentioned, not to be confused with it, and those not affected by the method Untriftigkeit studies of the influence of the moon on the barometer is because they are based on observations made with older instruments, and are not corrected for the temperature to settle not too much weight for his. However, if one takes into account: l) that the temperature correction had to be determined by the length of the observation time to speak of himself accomplish, 2) that the result for both apses phases, the overall result of all the new observations that are specified followed, (only with except for the short observations for Prague and the tropics as to the phases), 3) the use of Gould 80-year observations (if I remember correctly, even 12 or 16 years ago came from him) anyway half the last century belong to their investigation, were therefore certainly mostly not korrigirt because of the temperature, however, there is reason, even without regard to the other nexus of facts, which I will not reproduce here due some counterweight to the long-term observations Gould's in the long-term observations Toaldo's finding . - But I wish her pass nothing, except for a positive or negative side, which may contribute to the assessment, I will notice that after a casual note I had just the astronomer. Maintenance. In 1855. # 38 find, "Placidus Heinrich concludes from his research that the Moon at apogee lower, at perigee brings a higher level of the barometer."Something more about this, also older observations, the result of the match contrary to rest, but I do not know. In regard to the rainy conditions is still nachzutragen to support the results previously obtained, that also Toaldo after many years of observation in Padua (17251772) and Venice (1751-1785) is inclined to settle the last quarter and the apogee of a predominating tendency for good weather without, however, rely on accurate census (Saggio met. p. 103), and that after Pilgram's in the years 1763 to 1787 employed in Vienna observations of the Full Moon in excess weight of the wet and muddy days is against the moon and the perigees a very have significant influence on the transport of rain and cloudy days in relation to the apogees. 100 full moons gave 29 times, 26 times 100 moons humid weather, 100 full moons 62 times, 100 times 55 moons cloudy. 100 perigees gave 36 times, 100 apogees only 20 times humid weather, perigees 100 60 times 100 46 times apogees cloudy. 100/4 (both not distinguished) gave 25 times damp, cloudy 53 times. Pilgram only these percentages not absolute numbers, which have been observed. (Pilgram, the probable of Meteorology II, p 434) These notes are therefore of some importance, because they provide an affirmative moment of agreement of all the recent observations of previous years and other places. Notwithstanding this however, is that for him the rainy days of the waxing moon (new moon as the beginning) in the negative against are of diminishing. Ratio 479 : 527

Some, but not accompanied by accurate records information about the moon influence on winds, thunderstorms and serenity of the sky by Prestel found in the astronomical. Entertainment. In 1855. No. 38 P 289 Nor adjustment to remember that the statement that no series of observations of more than 30 years were available for the weather influence of the moon for one and the same place, was to be limited to newer more accurate series of observations, since both the aforementioned 56-year Toaldo'sche series on the influence on the barometer, more than a hundred years Schbler'sche about the influence on the prosperity of the wine considerably exceed this time.

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