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Some people have power over us, just by what they are, or so it seems. The compulsive attractions and repulsions we experience as a result, bind us karmically to these individuals and often set up repeating incarnational dramas extending over millennia. Buddhists have called the process which contains this syndrome, being BOUND ON THE WHEEL OF KARMA. What goes around, comes around, particularly with people. Therefore, if we ever wish to gain freedom from karmic compulsion, it would behove us to take appropriate action in the area of personal relationships. Here is how to do it:


To do this, we need to look at some definitions we habitually, but mistakenly, harbour, starting with the term person. When you look at a person, you do not see a human being; you see a KARMIC PACKAGE, designed for a single life, in the form of a persona, a mask, worn to descend into form to play a role. As Shakespeare said, All the Worlds a stage, and all the people on it, merely players. A HUMAN BEING, on the other hand, is a single, individualized , immortal spark of the One Divine, infinite and eternal consciousness, breathed forth as part of a galactic life wave experiencing and expressing itself in the forms of a variety of multidimensional planes. In short, a human being is PURE CONSCIOUSNESS having an experience, at some level of manifestation, in some level of form, in some galaxy or solar system. This is YOU we are talking about, you your SELF have been around for billions, perhaps trillions of years, in a variety of galaxies and solar systems, under a number of guises, for you are INSEPARABLE from the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS which has inhabited and formed those systems. Yes, at some time in the distant past, one of the Divine Creators BIRTHED your monad, your individualized SPIRIT, into existence AS an individual, and yes, at some LATER time this spiritual monad entered what could be referred to as the human level of consciousness, after

spending lives in the lower kingdoms ( elemental, mineral, vegetable and animal). Nonetheless, you aint no spring chicken. Even as a HUMAN, you have been around for a long time, and have inhabited many, many different forms, none of which has left any trace you can see today. What you see TODAY in the mirror is the karmic package decided upon by yourself, in consultation with your guides, after your last life, as the most expedient combination of FORM LIMITATIONS designed to maximize the experience of certain LIFE THEMES you wished to explore in this incarnation, to both balance your karma and provide yourself with future growth. You yourself are virtually LIMITLESS, but to have an EXPERIENCE, you must become FOCUSED IN SOME FORM OF LIMITATION. It is like seeing a whole page of print at once. Yes, you see it all, but you have no SPECIFIC EXPERIENCE of ANY of the concepts this writing contains. So you FOCUS on the first sentence, and GET the meaning. Ah, but in DOING so, you have REDUCED and LIMITED your consciousness FIELD to that one tiny sentence, and have temporarily LOST your INFINITE view of the page as a whole. In short, you have become an EXPERT on that one sentence. No one NOT focused upon it can get it like you can, for they simply cannot SEE it. Maybe they can LISTEN to you read it aloud, but they still do not really SEE it. Now, change the metaphor: You focus upon CANADIAN FEMALE for an incarnation. Specifically, Libran Canadian female, born into such and such a family with such and such biological limitations, at such and such a time. BOOM! You are SEEING that, first hand. You can read it perfectly. No one else can. But meanwhile, you can NOT read GERMAN MALE, born into such and such a different family, at such and such a different time, having such and such different biological limitations, even though that WAS who you were the very LAST time you incarnated, and you simply LOVED being him. Are you getting the implications? You, as a current woman, meet another human being as a current man, and this man has all those qualities of body and personality YOU would choose to have (and, in fact DID have in a previous life) if YOU were a man. Now THAT is a MAN, you whisper admiringly to your friend, as you rejoin her after being with him. Instant magnetism. Instant compulsive attraction. Basically, he has you in his power. You are in love. The same works for hatred and repulsion. Lets say you came here this time to balance something you did in another life, for which you repented greatly in the afterlife, and determined you would root this out from your character. What better way than to find an EXAMPLE of it, while you are NOT

being that? So, if it is being a rich snob you want to get over, you as someone currently poor, might develop an instant dislike for any rich people you laid eyes on, and begin to criticize what they do and the way they are. This is what puts people on missions. You can bet David Icke was an Illuminati in a previous life, for he now spends his entire life crusading against it. Tony Robbins is a bit more like Saint Germain in his approach: He certainly is PART of the Illuminati (George Bush invited him to attend a the Bilderberg Group meeting, to which he was asked to fly Mikhail Gorbachev in his personal jet to meet with Margaret Thatcher and others) but Tony is about BREAKING Illuminati control through CONSCIOUSNESS development; he works on the INSIDE to change things, like Saint Germain did in the Courts of Louis XIV and XV, and throughout Europe. Was Gandhi previously a leader of a powerful repressive government, and Nelson Mandella previously a racial bigot? Perhaps. Why otherwise have such MISSIONARY zeal? We all believe in what David Icke, Tony Robbins, Gandhi and Mandella are doing, but we dont dedicate our entire lives in some almost obsessional quest towards that end like they. They are like Olympic atheletes, totally consumed with that one single objective, You can BET there is force wishing great karmic balance, driving them to do this. Now we get to the crux: When YOU feel an overwhelming passion, compulsion, hatred or whatever towards another individual, STOP. Remind yourself: This is simply a KARMIC PACKAGE you are looking at. Would you allow yourself to hate Mother Terese? No, of course not. But you can be SURE that you WOULD hate one of the karmic packages she once wore, which she no doubt balanced off in the life as the karmic package you call Mother Teresa. Here is why: LIFE IS ETERNALLY IN PERFECT BALANCE AND ALL INCARNATIONS ARE SIMULTANEOUS In other words our TOTAL RANGE of human incarnations on this planet (maybe as many as 700) exists like a NOVEL of 700 pages, all at once, beyond the framework of time. But, to EXPERIENCE any ONE of these, it is like reading a single sentence on a page: We need to FOCUS in time upon just that single incarnation, and read its events like SEQUENTIAL sentences. Caught in this single life experience, it SEEMS like we have both past and future lives, but really, these exist all at once and are all in PERFECT BALANCE. You have heard

the expression, BALANCE YOUR KARMA AND ASCEND. To DO that, as did Masters like Jesus, you simply read through in TIME to the LAST PAGE, (the last LIFE) which completes the set. But the set has BEEN there from the beginning, ALWAYS perfectly balanced, and containing every POLARITY PAIR you individually wished to explore in the series of incarnations. So you can BET that every hero has been a coward, every leader a follower, every strong man a weak woman, and every saint a villain. In Tibet, Milarepa showed this in a single life as a demonstration of this phenomenon of karmic balance: he was a thief and a murderer in the very same life he achieved sainthood and reportedly levitated. So look at those who now have power over you: power to attract you sexually, power to arouse your anger and hatred, power to make you feel small, power to make you dependent. Realize that these HUMAN BEINGS are THE SAME AS YOU ARE Nothing, really, just pure CONSCIOUSNESS, having an experience wearing a KARMIC PACKAGE, and YOU are getting caught up in either worshipping or hating this PACKAGE. They do not own the package. It is as much yours as theirs. In fact you may have owned it last time, so do not drool all over THEIR package now. See it as something you could have ANY TIME in an incarnation IF YOU NEEDED IT. Do not be jealous or scornful, but rather see them as HUMAN BEINGS, fellow players upon this stage of life, like yourself. That woman in your life is no woman, nor is your wife. Can you possibly see THROUGH this package? Only then will we free ourselves from being SNEAK THIEVES, constantly plotting to get one anothers bodies and other personality possessions so we can vicariously experience the other side of our current limitation. Only then will we stop being JEALOUS of one another, and realize a sense of BROTHERHOOD, which can only come when we truly SEE one another as the SAME as ourselves. To do this, we must see THROUGH the current KARMIC PACKAGES each of us wear. Only then will we stop HATING the bad guys, and realize that even THEY are, even NOW, saints on some other page of their karmic novel, who we could just as easily worship. Only then will we stop the Jungian Anima/Animus PROJECTIONS which pass as love, and lead to one infatuation after another, but never to true love. How we see one another, as PACKAGE or HUMAN BEING, the choice is ours. Let us make it CONSCIOUSLY, thus freeing ourseves, once and for all, from those forces which bind us to the Wheel of Karma, bringing us back to face one another time and again in jealousy and discord. If our human society is to

ascend to a fourth density level as we pass the 2012 mark, it will only be through seeing each other as CONSCIOUSNESS HAVING AN EXPERIENCE , and letting go entirely of our obsession with KARMIC PACKAGES.

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