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JANOm 1981f _ ,

0J^6 4"'^
_ -

Beloved Family of the Lord,


Greetings In Jesus* Holy a^d Precious name.

The year 198^4- is growing old, but seeing this is my first letter to you since the year comes, I am wishing you a blessed a^d pros
perous One* May there be added joys to your labour that you be

It Is with enthusiasm tv^e.t I talc<? this opportunity to write youo

feeling encouraged to more forward with courage and firmness in

the Lords work.

with treatment a^d the help of God he will be well again.

doing well, although Mark, the first little bog Is having mumps at this time of writing. However, we believe within a few days

I am glad to report to you that my wife and children are

have'a lot of work to keep us going most of the times,but we afe not iRUrmuring only praying that God will strengthen us to keep up to our responsibilities. We had a humble af^d quiet Christmas
In i t .

We do

spent and the New Year found us well and so far we are travelling

Concerning the churches I serve,, most of the brethren are well, but some are ailing; one sister of the Beecher Town church

was hospitalized for couple weeks; she is out of hospital now ' and at home making steady improvemenJls. We suffered the loss of
one of the brothers from the Claremont church who went to be with

wife and eight children* Please remember them in your prayers also the Claremont church which is faced with some problems at
this time.

the Lord during the Christmas season. (Lemuel Archer). He was a deacon of the church; a very hard worker. His ilness was a shart one but the Lord knows everything best. He is survived by his

Yesterday several churches rnet with the Beecher Town Congre gation to celebrate that congregation's yearly Harvest ar,d Thanks giving Rally. It was a rich time of fellowship. Our hearts were greatly blessed as once a|!aln we were challenged by ministers conceprnlng the great Eesponslbllitles we face this year as never be

fore to work in God*s vineyard.... I minister to that congrega tion. (A sister of that corgregation recently lost her father; he
was not a Christian).

During the past yeaa the devil was instrumental in sowing discord among some of our brethren and succeeded. The devil's tide

is raging high against the people of god, but we are certain that if Christ is in the vessel, we'll smile at the storm and we shall
Thank God our weapon for warfare is not carnal.


Thank you very, very much for your supp^ to us. I know you do
not hear from us as often as you should and we desire, but do not forget us. We love you at all times. Pray for us please as
we do for you and may God bless you still.

Finally, I should like to assure you that we are in the Lord's service ar>d mean to stay there by His gracee assisting us.

- 2.

CaJ^ ^ y 7^
July, 198^

Dear Christian Brethrenj

With delight, from the "Land of Wood and Water", we greet you
in Jesus* name. "being shared. The sun still shines here and the Word of God is

Our gratitude is hereby extended to you for your continued support although there is limitation in our communication to you. The Great
God is still in control of things with us, the devil continues to fight but we are resisting him in Jesus' name.

There is no exciting news to share with you; however, the churches are doing well with the exception of the Claremont church. A severe blow has been dealt to it through the devil's plan. Problems started there prior to the death of a brother of that church. He and his family had broken fellowship with the church before his death. Some .
members becaiae deliquentsome outsiders have a "wait and see"

attitude. We do need to have a Mighty Revival of that church. Please pray with us for that work; it really brhgs a burden to the heart. The Beecher Town church is having good fellowship? a backslider of the church has been restored to the Lord; a young brother of the
church also got married to a sister of the Pedro.River church. In

addition, I performed the wedding ceremony of another backsliden brother this past Saturday. We are, therefore, looking forward to his restoration. Yesterday, I baptized a young mother into Christ
who is now a member of the Pedro River church.


the ch^ches, basically to the town areas or they migrate to foreign They either go in search of work or go to some schools.

rural churches iit times is the leaving of promising young people of

We do experience problems at times

One of the problems with

their leaving the- Lord's service. Many times, less prepared persons have to fit into positions that warrant more experienced persons. Still, the case is not hopeless; it means that we must be on the job, seeking to save the lost and as they come, try helping them to
improve themselves and be ready for service. to pray with us about these things*

Unfortunately, at times, the leaving of some from the areas also means

Because of the magnitude of the task to be done, I am asking you Strength and wisdom for us to face the task and operate in



That the churches in general will experience great harvest

of soulrf and workers be added.

a way pleasing to God.

That God will provide for our children and that they grow in a way pleaseing to God. (Mark, Opal, Erwin, Suzette, Omar)
That our needs be met and God will get first place in our
lives at all timeso

May the peace, grace and love of God abide with you always and
may you not be eary in well-doing. God bless you.

Lushington, Rose & family

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