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External Order Form utilisation

Function: The objective of the External Order Form (EOF) is to enhance the transmission of information between the purchaser, the administrator, the supplier and the storekeeper. The External Order Form can be used when: - Action contre la Faim has an account within the supplier - The supplier needs few days to prepare the order

Instructions for a correct use of the External Order Form

An External Order Form can only be use when the payment occurs after the delivery. For other case the elaboration of contract signed by the supplier is imperative. The purchaser has to prepare an EOF, mentioning the budget(s) line(s). Depending on the procurement procedure the purchaser will also prepare a purchase file. The Administrator keeps the first sheet when approving the expense. The purchaser leaves sheets 3 and 4 of the EOF to the supplier; its the confirmation of the order. The supplier delivers the articles to the storekeeper (or purchaser). The storekeeper (or purchaser) signs the 3rd and 4th sheet for the delivery. This signature is essential when the supplier has no waybill or debit note, its the proof of delivery. The storekeeper keeps the 4th sheet of the EOF. With the 3rd sheet, the supplier can request the payment, or keeps it in case of cumulative payment at the end of the month. Without proof of the delivery to Action contre la Faim the supplier cannot be paid.

Instructions to fill the External Order Form

N Printed number, 6 digits

Action contre la Faim - Kit Log V 2.0 V 2.0 English / 02 procurement

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When the EOF are printed on a mission the country code (two letters) has to precede the number, ex BU 090912 Supplier: Signature and stamp: Delivery date: Delivery address: Ref. IOF: Name of the supplier, address, phone number Of the supplier, to acknowledge the terms and conditions When the articles have to be ready or delivered Where the supplier has to deliver the articles, or supplier warehouse when ACF collects the articles Reference of the Internal Order Form. Write LOG if the Logistic Coordinator or LogisticianAdministrator have initiated directly the purchase. When the External Order Form is prepared Name of the person organising the purchase

Ordering date: Order from:

Designation of articles: Articles to purchase (+ reference of quotation if any) Project code: Quantity: Unit: Unit price: Total price: Amount w/o V.A.T.: V.A.T. Total amount: Destination of the articles using the project code as defined by the Administrator Quantity to buy Kg, litre, pce Unit price of the article according to the quotation or catalogue Total price = Qty * U.Price Total amount without V.A.T., when relevant V.A.T. when relevant Total amount to be paid to the supplier.

Total amount in words: Total amount written in letters Payment conditions: Mode of payment: cash, bank transfer, bank cheque and conditions: AFTER DELIVERY or END OF THE MONTH Any useful and complementary information
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Action contre la Faim - Kit Log V 2.0 V 2.0 English / 02 procurement

Currency: Budget code & line:

Currency used, only one currency per EOF No EOF can be approved without a valid budget line

Signatures for approval: Signature Logistician-Administrator or signatures of the Administrator + logistician in capital Articles received: Signature of the Storekeeper or the person who receives the goods, essential in case the supplier has no waybill or debit note.

Action contre la Faim - Kit Log V 2.0 V 2.0 English / 02 procurement

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