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Includes tax
Number 29
Volume 107
July 18, 2013
from the SD
Highway Patrol
Drunk or not? Everyone knows
the guy who is dancing on tables at
the party is too drunk to rive. But
what about the person who just
stopped by to have a few drinks?
Sometimes it can be hard to tell
whether youre okay to drive. Im
Inspector Darid Cooper with the
South Dakota Highway Patrol
Motor Carrier Services and I want
to remind you not to get behind
the wheel if youve been drink-
ing...because buzzed driving is
drunk driving.
Jones County Sheriffs office to receive
money for patrol car cameras and tasers
Attorney General Marty Jack-
ley announced today that the
Jones County Sheriff s Office has
been awarded $10,808.68 for
patrol car camera systems and
tasers to be used in drug investiga-
tions. The money was awarded out
of the Drug Control Fund. The
award will assist local law enforce-
ment in drug control and appre-
hension purposes.
The Drug Control Fund allows
law enforcement to combat con-
trolled substance abuse by funding
local programs with monies seized
from drug arrests, said Jackley.
These funds will assist the Jones
County Sheriff s Office to better
protect its communities.
The items purchased will be a
great help in drug arrests and
assisting in officer safety. Without
the help of the drug control fund,
we would not have been able to
purchase any of these items for
several years due to budget
restraints, said Sheriff John
If you have any additional ques-
tions contact Sara Rabern at
County makes auto gate
maintenance decision
by Karlee Moore
The Jones County Commission-
ers met Tuesday, July 2 for their
monthly meeting. Those present
included: Helen Louder, Steve
Iwan, Monte Anker, John Brun-
skill, Karlee Moore, Bill Valburg,
Carrie Weller, Bruce Royer and
Anita Fuoss.
Valburg approached the com-
missioners about their decision not
to grant him a requested raise.
Anker suggested Valburg speak
with the Jones County weed
board. Valburg said that he needs
a raise to cover his operating costs.
He said that he is making less
than his private rate spraying
weeds for the county. He also
reminded the commissioners that
he has only asked for one raise in
10 years.
Anker said that he thinks the
weed board needs to give the coun-
ty a recommendation for Valburgs
Next on the agenda was discus-
sion about the countys current
health insurance policy. Brunskill
told the commissioners that the
county will have to start paying a
$23.59 monthly handling fee for
not using the electronic funds
transfer payment option. Anker
asked Brunskill if the county had
to pay it or if the county could get
insurance through another compa-
ny. It was further discussed that
the commissioners were uneasy
about the EFT option.
The Jones County Sheriff s
Department was the next topic of
discussion. Iwan said that the
inside and outside of the sheriff s
office needs to be updated and
repaired, and the commissioners
Brunskill informed the commis-
sioners that a records collector
from Calif. had called requesting
electronic records from the Regis-
ter of Deeds. Anker asked if the
county could charge for the
records. The commissioners
agreed to send the request to the
states attorney for further review.
Brunskill then gave the com-
missioners an overview on the
wireless internet assessment con-
ducted. He said the wireless only
works part of the time in part of
the courthouse building. The
assessment showed that the court-
house used too many out of date
computers and the system needed
to be updated.
Royer then entered the meeting
and Anker asked him who is
responsible for keeping county
roads smooth leading up to auto
gates. Royer told the commission-
ers that his crew would clean out
the auto gates if it they are on con-
crete and at least 16 feet wide. He
said it is the landowners responsi-
bility to maintain the gates if they
are not on concrete.
Anker said that it is a safety
factor to fix roads to the auto
gates. It was discussed that if
gates were replaced, they had to be
at least 16 feet wide and placed on
Royer said he would call all
landowners who are having prob-
lems with gates. He asked the
commissioners if he had their per-
mission to tell the landowners that
they had to fix the gates. The com-
missioners agreed.
Fuoss then asked for an execu-
tive session for a pending litiga-
tion issue.
At the conclusion of the execu-
tive session, Weller, 4-H youth pro-
gram advisor, joined the group to
get the commissioners up to speed
on the 4-H program.
Anker asked her how the four-
county deal was working between
Jones County, Mellette County,
Jackson County and Haakon
County. Weller said it keeps her
very busy attending each countys
evening meetings. She also said
that the state has been sending
out a lot of new information and
systems that 4-H advisors need to
Weller told the commissioners
that 4-H enrollment is up in all
four counties before the meeting
concluded at 12:00 p.m.
School board welcomes two new
members, new superintendent
by Karlee Moore
The July school board meeting
was held Monday, July 8, starting
at 8 p.m. Those present included:
Brett Nix, Carrie Lolley, Dean
Volmer, Andy Rankin, Mike Hunt,
Tami Schreiber, Lorrie Esmay,
Grant Vander Vorst, Chad Whit-
ney, Scott Mathews, Bruce Venard
and Karlee Moore.
The agenda, minutes and bills
were approved, as was the finan-
cial report. Schreiber made an
amendment to Junes minutes
regarding attendees.
Hunt then administered an
Oath of Office to Schreiber as
Business Manager for the Jones
County School District for the
2013-2014 school year.
Next, the board approved meal
prices and extra entrees for the
2013-2014 school year to remain
the same as the prior year. Prices
are as follows:
Preschool: Breakfast $1.85,
Lunch $3.20
Students: Breakfast $1.60,
Lunch $2.70
Adults: Breakfast $1.85,
Lunch $3.20
A motion was then made by Lol-
ley, seconded by Nix, to adjourn for
the purpose of Reorganization and
Grant Vander Vorst be appointed
temporary chairperson. The meet-
ing adjourned at 8:12 p.m. and
reconvened at 8:13 p.m. Schreiber
then administered the Oath of
Office to new school board mem-
bers Rankin and Volmer each for
three-year terms.
Nominations were taken for
school board president. Whitney
nominated Lolley, seconded by
Mathews and Mathews was then
nominated as vice president.
It was decided to keep the
monthly regular meeting at the
same time as the 2012-2013 school
year: April-October 8 p.m. and
November-March 7 p.m.
The board approved the same
transportation/room and board for
parents rates as the 2012-2013
school year.
Next the board established
travel and meal regulations for
school business and school board
members. Vander Vorst recom-
mended increasing the meal rates.
Mathews asked about offering a
flat rate for the day.
The board agreed to change the
meal allowances to the following:
Breakfast: $6.00
Lunch: $8.00
Supper: $11.00
Next, the board agreed to keep
the ticket and season passes for
school events the same as before.
Schreiber said that they had been
increased two years ago. The
prices are as follows:
Tickets: Adults $5.00, Stu-
dents $3.00
Season Pass: Adults: $35, Stu-
dents: $15.00
Jones County Tournament:
Adults $5.00, Students $3.00.
Rates for students meals were
also discussed, for overnight trips
only. The board agreed to increase
them to the same prices as the
adult allowance for meals.
The board then spoke about stu-
dent handbook changes, specifical-
ly, the dress code. They agreed
that the term inappropriate
needed to be defined. Lolley said
that the staff all needed to be on
the same page as to what is appro-
There was a motion to take the
self reporting option out of the
handbook. Self reporting refers to
when a student engages in acts
forbidden in the handbook, such as
consuming alcohol or using tobac-
co. Previously, if a student turned
him or herself in to the school for
using alcohol or tobacco, they
would have to miss two school
sponsored events. However, if a
student was reported to the school
by an official, the student would be
required to miss three school spon-
sored events.
By removing the self reporting
option, students will miss three
school sponsored events regard-
less. However, a law enforcement
agent or a school official must be
the reporting party.
Vander Vorst asked what would
happen if a student was over 18
years of age, as the law enforce-
ment doesnt have to notify the
school. Hunt said that in the past,
if a student over 18 who is still in
school breaks student handbook
rules, the local law enforcement
reported the incident to the school.
Mathews said that the school usu-
ally doesnt accept reporting by
parents of other students.
Another handbook issue dis-
cussed was social media. Whitney
asked Vander Vorst what the poli-
cy was in the previous school he
had worked in. He said that if an
issue should arise on social media
between students, it would be
dealt with accordingly in school.
Vander Vorst suggested includ-
ing wording regarding social
media to the current bullying poli-
Venard then approached the
board on behalf of the Murdo Fire
Department. He said that on Sep-
tember 22, District Fire School
would be held in Murdo for any-
where between 50 and 100 fire-
men. He asked permission to use
the school facilities for this train-
ing. He said they would need three
to four classrooms, the Harold
Thune Auditorium lobby and the
lunch room. The school would be
from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The board
approved the request and asked
that Venard coordinate with Van-
der Vorst when he knew more
details. Venard said the fire
department would be asking a
local group to serve lunch and they
would bring in tables and chairs
for the lunch room.
The meeting then adjourned
and executive session started at
9:07 p.m.
New to school district from left to right: Dean Volmer, school board member; Andy Rankin,
school board member; and Grant Vander Vorst, superintendent.
Photo by Karlee Moore
Philip youth day by local
Game, Fish and Parks
On Saturday, August 3, the
South Dakota Game, Fish and
Parks Department will host a free
youth event day at Lake Wag-
goner, north of Philip.
Youth, depending on their ages,
can participate in all four of the
stations. State GF&P officials and
local volunteers will work with
youth on learning and practicing
archery, pellet gun shooting, fish-
ing and viewing demonstrations
on trapping. The trapping station
will be run by a state trapper. All
supplies will be provided.
Each station is anticipated to
last about an hour, though youth
may pick and chose, or repeat.
Wildlife Conservation Officer Zach
Thomsen said that it will be fine is
some kids want to, for example,
fish the entire time.
A free lunch will be provided,
but it is recommended that indi-
viduals bring extra water to drink.
Though preregistration is not
required, a head count would be
appreciated for the needed num-
ber of lunches.
The days activities will begin
with registration from 8:00 a.m. to
8:30 a.m.
For more information and to
preregister, call Wildlife Conserva-
tion Officer Zach Thomsen at 859-
Thune, Alexander question Secretary Duncan on
Education Dept.s role in ObamaCare implementation
Senators John Thune (R-S.D.)
and Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.),
Ranking Member of the Health,
Education, Labor and Pensions
Committee, were joined today by
several of their Republican Senate
colleagues in sending a letter to
Secretary of Education Arne Dun-
can questioning the Department of
Educations involvement in imple-
menting ObamaCare.
The senators write: While we
understand that the effects of the
Presidents health care law will be
felt by parents, teachers, and their
families, we are unfamiliar with
how the Department of Educa-
tions involvement in implementa-
tion will further the mission of
educating our nations students.
This is one of many agencies
outside of the Departments of
Health and Human Services and
Treasury that, according to recent
news reports, intend to promote
ObamaCare, an effort outside
their missions.
Joining Thune and Alexander in
their letter were Senators Kelly
Ayotte (R-N.H.), John Barrasso (R-
Wyo.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), John
Boozman (R-Ark.), Richard Burr
(R-N.C.) Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.),
John Cornyn (R-Texas), Ted Cruz
(R-Texas), Deb Fischer (R-Neb.),
John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Jim Inhofe
(R-Okla.), Johnny Isakson (R-Ga.),
Mike Johanns (R-Neb.), Ron John-
son (R-Wis.), Lisa Murkowski (R-
Alaska), Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), and
Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.).
The senators letter is below:
July 16, 2013
The Honorable Arne Duncan
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, Southwest
Washington, D.C. 20202
Dear Secretary Duncan:
We write to express concern
with a recent announcement you
made regarding the relationship
between the U.S. Department of
Education and the implementa-
tion of the Presidents health care
law. During a recent interview
with Lois Romano of POLITICO,
you stated that the Department of
Education will be assisting with
the dissemination of information.
Additionally, you indicated that
there is a team at the Department
of Education currently helping
with implementation.
While we understand that the
effects of the Presidents health
care law will be felt by parents,
teachers, and their families, we
are unfamiliar with how the
Department of Educations
involvement in implementation
will further the mission of educat-
ing our nations students. To bet-
ter understand the statutory
authority, cost, and scope of the
activities the Department of Edu-
cation has taken, please provide a
detailed response to the following
How much is the Department of
Education spending this fiscal
year to further the implementa-
tion of the Presidents health care
law, and how much does the
Department of Education antici-
pate spending in each fiscal year
from 2014 to 2017? What specific
appropriation accounts and pro-
grams are being used?
If the Department of Education
is receiving these funds through
the Department of Health and
Human Services, what instruc-
tions were included with this fund-
ing and how many Department of
Education employees will be dedi-
cated to this effort?
How are the actions by the
Department of Education different
from those taken by the Depart-
ment of Health and Human Serv-
ices? Have you coordinated with
the Department of Health and
Human Services to ensure your
efforts are not duplicative?
What authority does the
Department of Education have to
disseminate information and
assist with the implementation of
the Presidents health care law?
How do the Department of Edu-
cations activities further the edu-
cation of our nations students?
What specific actions are you ask-
ing schools to take without addi-
tional federal resources? How
does that not constitute an
unfunded mandate?
In addition to these questions,
we request that you please provide
a detailed plan of your current and
future involvement with the
implementation of the Presidents
health care law by July 30, 2013.
Watch next
weeks paper
for pictures
and results
from the
2013 Murdo
Ranch Rodeo!
Jones County News
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 2
Murdo Coyote Murdo, SD
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Phone: (605) 669-2271
FAX: (605) 669-2744
USPS No.: 368300
Don Ravellette, Publisher
Karlee Moore,
Lonna Jackson
Local $34.00 + Tax
Local subscriptions include the towns and rural
routes of Murdo, Draper, Vivian, Presho, White
River, Okaton, Belvidere, Kadoka and Midland
In-State $39.00 + tax
Out-of-State $39.00
Periodicals Postage Paid at
Murdo, SD 57559
Send address changes to:
Murdo Coyote
P.O. Box 465
Murdo, SD 57559-0465
Deadlines for articles and letters is
Thursdays at 5:00 p.m. (CT)
Items received after that time will be
held over until the next weeks issue.
Fridays at 4:00 p.m. (CT)
Tuesdays at 10:00 a.m. (CT)
Dorothy Louder and family had
visitors from Minnesota on Mon-
day and Tuesday Dorothys
cousin, Edward Medeck and
daughter. They were there for
supper on Monday and stayed the
night in Murdo. Tuesday daughter
Susan Hamer brought a carry in
dinner for the group. They
returned home on Wednesday.
Janet Louder hosted the Court
Whist Card Club Wednesday at
the hall annex. Prize winners
were: Dorothy Louder, Esther
Magnuson and Margie Boyle.
Ground beef sandwiches, chips,
dips, pickles and a frozen oreo
dessert were served.
PHL members Rosa Lee Styles,
Velma Scott and Lila Mae Chris-
tian attended the meeting hosted
by Linda Brost at her home last
Tuesday. A very short meeting was
held and then all enjoyed the very
tasty lunch of cherry turnovers
topped with ice cream, along with
coffee served by Linda.
Cheryl Volmer and son Bran-
dell have been here visiting fami-
ly and friends. Janet Louder got
in a brief visit with her Thursday
evening where she was visiting at
Kim and Tony Schmidts. Also
there were Amanda and Kraig
Henrichs and kids.
Dorothy and Brad Louder visit-
ed Dwight on Friday in Kadoka.
Eldon and Esther Magnuson,
along with Chad and Heather
Whitney and boys and Dusty and
Heather Pelle and family, took in
great-grandson Alecs ball game in
Pierre Wednesday evening. The
Magnusons visited daughter Lori
Karen Miller met her daughter,
Bobbie Boetel, in Sioux Falls on
Friday evening and went to the
Brookings Arts Festival on Satur-
day for some shopping and lots of
Brenda and James Murray,
Sam and Ben of LaCrosse, Wis.,
arrived last Monday at Margie
Boyles. They did tourist type
things in Murdo. On Wednesday
evening the group had supper at
Grandma Rosa Lee Styles, along
with David and Robert. Thursday
the Murrays, Margie and Rosa
Lee went to the hills, rented a
cabin near Lead and took in many
of the tourist attractions. Margie
and Rosa Lee returned home Fri-
day evening. Brendas dad, Gary
Boyle, and friend Gaylene of
Gillette joined the Murrays for the
weekend. They returned back to
Murdo at Grandma Margie's on
Monday and returned home on
Jim and Jo Mitchell joined
friends at the Hart Ranch in the
hills and camped over the 4th of
July week. Some were friends that
they camp with in the winter in
Arizona. It was a fun week, and
Jim said it only rained at night
when there was nothing to do.
Following church Sunday Rosa
Lee Styles, Lila Mae Christian,
Alice Horsley, Eldon and Esther
Magnuson, and Nelva and Janet
Louder had dinner together in
Nelva and Janet Louder were
Sunday evening supper guests of
the Magnusons. They sat out
there and watched the rain pour.
Also got rain in town, but not as
Little Mallory Venard celebrat-
ed her 5th birthday Sunday at her
home hosted by parents Drew and
Kati and sis Tenley. There for sup-
per and to help her celebrate were
grandparents Bob Rankin, Bruce
and Kerri Venard, Barb Venard,
Margaret Rankin, and Ray and
Janice Pike; Karen Authier; Andy
and Jill Rankin, Riley and Peyton;
Tyler and Chelsee Rankin, Addi-
son and Joey; Kyle Venard and
friend Maria. Supper was topped
off with a Barbie birthday cake
and ice cream. Andy also had a
birthday, so Kati baked him a cou-
ple of cupcakes decorated with the
Kansas Jay Hawks logo. Happy
birthday, Andy and Mallory.
On Friday, July 5 Ginger Walt-
ner of Freeman and Janice Whit-
ney of Bennett, Colo., arrived at
the Pikes to visit former class-
mate Sandy Zibell and hubby Tim.
They went out for supper and
then back to the Pike's to visit. On
Saturday Eldon and Esther and
Ginger visited the Pikes and
Tim and Sandy Zibell left on
Tuesday after spending a week
here with family and friends.
They went to Isanti, Minn., to
work a rodeo.
Ray and Janice Pike spent from
Wednesday through Friday in the
hills at the campground. While
there they kept doctor appoint-
Kim and Dan Smiths son,
Craig, was married to fiance
Angela Saturday at a beautiful
outdoor wedding held at Custer
State Park followed with a recep-
tion/supper/dance. Among the
many there were: Eleanor Miller;
Curt and Janet Miller; Casey and
Gavin Miller and Monica Reder;
Shawna and Adam Lizotte and
Landen of Ft. Collins; Wayne and
Cheryl Heisinger of Heron Lake,
Minn., and daughters Kari and
Sara and children. All stayed at
the game lodge and returned
home on Sunday. Congratulations
to the newlyweds.
On Friday Vicki Hagemann of
Yankton arrived and accompanied
son Casey and Gavin to Rapid
City. That evening a barbeque was
held at Cara and Don Pearsons.
Monica Reder; Brian and Jay
Louder; Shawna, Adam and Lan-
den Lizotte; Calli, Nick and Aria
joined the group. Vicki spent time
at the Pearsons as Casey, Gavin,
Monica and the Lizottes went to
Custer to the Smith wedding.
Casey, Gavin and Vicki came back
to Draper on Monday and stopped
for a visit at Nelva and Janet
Troy and Jody Iversen and boys
of Lismore, Minn., spent the
weekend in the hills. They spent
the week at Gerald and Wanda
Mathews. Troy and Jody put up
hay and the kids entertained
Grandma Wanda.
The very pretty wedding of
beautiful bride Karissa Miller and
good lookin groom Ben Zimmer
was held Saturday afternoon at
the Holy Family Catholic Church
in Mitchell with Father Larry
Regynski officiating. A reception/
supper/dance followed, held at the
Wild Oak Golf Club which was
beautifully decorated. Karissa is
the daughter of Ken and Carmen
Miller (who looked very nice, too,
by the way.) Sister Kia was her
maid-of-honor and her brother,
Clayton, was a groomsmen. Read-
ers were her aunt, Penny, and
Becca Gregoire. Jordon Miller was
a soloist as was Derik Fossum,
friend of the groom. Carmens dad,
Roy Anderson of Sturgis, was
there for his granddaughter's big
day, as was Carmen's brother,
Jim and Julie Anderson and fami-
ly from Chamberlain. Jim and
Julie also acted as host and host-
ess at the reception. Ken was
pleased to have his sisters all
there, but his brother, Doug, was
unable to attend. Present were:
Becky and Grant Myers of Iowa
and daughters Brenda Maas and
family and Angela and Gideon
Dixon of Rapid City; Diana and
Bill Glantz of Minnesota and
daughter Denice Arneson and
family of Wisconsin; Linda McGee
of Minnesota; Penny and Terry
Dowling and family Amy Nelson
and family of Canton, Troy and
Stacie Dowling and family of Alpe-
na, Trent and Kristen Dowling
and family of Sioux Falls, Melanie
and Tim Stampe and daughter
Ashley of Pierre; and Uncle Ralph
and Aunt Virginia Lingscheit of
Walnut Shade, Mo. The family,
along with Ken and Carmen,
Clayton and Becca, Kia, Karissa
and Ben met on Friday for the
rehearsal supper, along with Bens
family. Understand all went so
well that they even got in some
card playing and lots of visiting.
All returned home on Sunday. Of
the Millers present were six sib-
lings, 10 cousins and 13 second
cousins just a lil statistic! Oth-
ers from here attending were:
Ardith Miller; Rosa Lee Styles
and Lila Mae Christian; Paul and
Katherine Patterson; and Nelva
and Janet Louder.
On Sunday Penny Dowling
joined son Troy and Stacie Dowl-
ing and girls for a picnic lunch
and a paddle boat ride on Lake
Mitchell that I understand proved
Grant Myers visited and spend
the night Sunday with sis Wanda
and Gerald Mathews. On Monday
he went to White River and visit-
ed sis Jean and Roland Iwan. Wife
Becky accompanied their daugh-
ter Angela to Rapid City. Grant
went out on Monday.
For AlAnon meetings call
669-2596 for time and place.
Open AA meetings
Thursdays 8:00 p.m. at the
East Commons. Call 530-0371
or 280-7642.
Methodist VBS
The Murdo United Methodist
Church will be hosting Vacation
Bible School Sunday, July 28-
Thursday, August 1 for children
ages five through 6th grade. The
program this year will be held
Thursday, August 1 at 8 p.m.
Blood Drive
A blood drive will be held in
Murdo on Friday, July 26 from 1
p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Mickelson
Community Building, 305 Jef-
ferson Avenue. Call Velma
Vollmer at 669-2175 to make an
Jones County School
The Jones County School Dis-
trict #37-3 will be starting the
2013-2014 school year on
August 19, 2013. Look for more
information on Fall Sports
meetings in future Murdo Coy-
ote issues.
Coyote News Briefs
East Side News
by Janet Louder 669-2696
Jones County Weather
7-10 85.8 60.3 0
7-11 86.0 64.8 0
7-12 99.5 74.6 0
7-13 91.3 68.1 .04
7-14 95.0 67.9 T
7-15 78.4 68.2 .11
7-16 88.7 66.0 0
Date High Low Prec.
To have your NON-PROFIT meeting listed here, please submit
them by calling 669-2271 or emailing to
We will run your event notice the two issues prior to your
event at no charge. PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, if you charge for
an event, we must charge you for an ad!
JC Sheriffs Report
The Sheriff s report is printed
as received by Jones County Sher-
iff s Office. It may or may not con-
tain every call received by the
Sheriff and Deputy calls:
July 1
Sheriff Weber confirmed a
Jones Co. warrant on a subject
that had been arrested in Pierre.
Sheriff Weber responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm 208.
The owner fixed the problem and
drove away.
Sheriff Weber transported a
transient from Murdo and
turned him over to a Lyman Co.
July 2
Sheriff Weber responded to a
gas drive off that occurred in
Murdo and went east. The vehi-
cle was stopped in Lyman Co. by a
Lyman Co. Deputy and the SD
Highway Patrol. The vehicle was
found to have been stolen from
Montana. The driver was arrested
on several charges.
July 3
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a possible domestic
that was occurring in a vehi-
cle travelling eastbound from
Murdo on I-90. The vehicle was
stopped in Lyman Co. It was
found that no assault had hap-
July 4
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a person driving west-
bound from Murdo on I-90
drinking alcohol. The vehicle
was stopped and handled by the
SD Highway Patrol in Jackson Co.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a motorist needing
help that was parked on the exit
191 ramp. It was found to be a
medical issue and the Jones Co.
Ambulance transported a patient
to Avera St. Marys.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
motorist assist on I-90, mm 180.
The owner had his own help on
the way.
Deputy Sylva responded to and
removed several different
reports of tire debris on I-90 at
mm's 180, 191, and 198.
Deputy Sylva responded to
complaints of barking dogs in
Murdo. The calls were all related
to fireworks going off.
July 5
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a vehicle complaint/
motorist assist on US Highway
83, just south of Murdo. Unable to
Deputy Sylva responded to a
two-vehicle collision that
occurred near Okaton at an inter-
section. There were very minor
injuries sustained by the occu-
July 6
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of an intoxicated subject
that was walking on I-90,
mm182. The subject was taken to
a motel in Murdo. It was found
that the subject had run out of gas
and he was taken to his vehicle
the next day and after putting gas
in his vehicle, he drove away.
Deputy Sylva responded to a
report of a cow that was stuck
in a dam on the Ft. Pierre
National Grasslands in Jones Co.
The owner of the cow was contact-
AIice Tornow
100th Birthday
The family of Alice Tornow of Collegedale, TN, formerly of Murdo, is
requesting a card shower in honor of her 100th
birthday. She was born July 20, 1913 in Dooley,
MT, the daughter of John and Maude Webb. Her
family includes children LaVern R. (deceased) &
Marlys Tornow of Cheyenne, WY; Joyce & Don
(deceased) Dick of Collegedale, TN; Larry &
Susan Tornow of Leesburg, FL; Mary & Gaylen
(deceased) Noldner of Mitchell, SD;
16 grandchildren; 41 great-grandchildren; &
28 great-great-grandchildren.
Cards of Congratulations will reach her at:
Box 556, 10120 DieteI, CoIIegedaIe, TN 37315
Cara Scwcr
Cara Scwcr
:u cucr cj
':ca 1ccr's
8cr b:rraa
cu }u .1
Send cards to: 609 Custer St. Belle Fourche SD 57717
After the Ranch Rodeo,
Dance to
South Pine
Saturday, July 20
10 p.m. - close
The Rusty Spur
Farm bill moves forward
by Rep. Kristi Noem
After months of debate and
hundreds of amendments, the U.S.
House passed a Farm Bill this
week. This legislation, which I
supported, is anticipated to move
to a conference committee so dif-
ferences between the Senate and
House versions can be worked out.
This process hasnt been easy,
but getting a five-year Farm Bill
passed and signed into law has
been a top priority for me since I
came to Congress. Although pas-
sage of this legislation is a key
step, we still have a long way to go
to get a Farm Bill to the presi-
dents desk and signed into law.
Separating out the nutrition
title from the Farm Bill is not ideal
and certainly wasnt the path I
would have chosen, but at the end
of the day, we need to get a Farm
Bill into conference with the Sen-
ate. I was proud of the bipartisan
bill we passed out of the Agricul-
ture Committee in April. It was
unfortunate that many members
were unable to put people before
politics and pass that bill when we
had the opportunity last month.
However, the legislation we
passed this week includes impor-
tant provisions for the agriculture
community in South Dakota. The
House has now reauthorized live-
stock disaster assistance pro-
grams, included important sod-
saver protections which encourage
good land stewardship, passed
measures to help combat the pine
beetle in the Black Hills, and
established a permanent Office of
Tribal Relations within the United
States Department of Agriculture.
This bill repeals direct pay-
ments to farmers and stops pay-
ments to those who no longer
farm. In fact, traditional farm pol-
icy funding was cut by 36 percent,
the biggest reduction in Farm Bill
history. Additionally, the bill
makes important and necessary
reforms to the crop insurance pro-
gram, which is vital to the South
Dakota agriculture community.
These reforms make sure that
farmers have skin in the game
while providing a safety net.
A rigorous debate on the nutri-
tion title, which includes the food
stamp program, lies ahead for the
House. Traditionally, the nutrition
title accounts for approximately 80
percent of the Farm Bill funding.
Democrats believe the Agriculture
Committee proposals reforms
went too far, while some Republi-
cans believed it didnt go far
enough. We need to ensure that
the nutrition title is done in a way
that helps those most in need and
is accountable to taxpayers.
Its time to move forward. Its
time to ensure we have sound pol-
icy that provides a safety net and
certainty for our agriculture com-
munity. Decades ago, we decided it
was important for us to grow our
own food in this country and pas-
sage of this bill brings us closer to
policy to ensure that continues to
I look forward to receiving your
feedback as the Farm Bill process
continues. I hope youll take the
time to give my office a call to
share your thoughts, comments
and concerns.
Church and Community
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 3
Catholic Church of St. Martin
502 E. Second St., Murdo, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Saturday Mass: 6 p.m.
St. Anthonys Catholic Church
Draper, S.D. Father Gary Oreshoski
Sunday Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Draper United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m.
Murdo United Methodist Church
Pastor Rick Hazen Corner of E. 2nd and Jefferson Ave.
Sunday Worship: 9:30 a.m. and Fellowship Time Sunday School: 10:30 a.m.
United Methodist Women: 1st Wednesday at 2 p.m. ALL WELCOME!
Okaton Evangelical Free Church
Okaton I90 Exit 183 Pastor Gary McCubbin 6058372233 (Kadoka)
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. (CT) Sunday School: 10:30 a.m. (CT)
Messiah Lutheran Church
308 Cedar, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 9 a.m. Sunday School: 10 a.m. Bible Study: Tuesday 7 a.m.
Thursday 9:30 a.m. Midweek: Wednesday 3:15 p.m.
St. Pauls Lutheran Church
Draper, S.D. Pastor Ray Greenseth
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesday 9 a.m.
Community Bible Church
410 Washington, Murdo, S.D. Pastor Alvin Gwin 6692600
Sunday Worship: 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.
Wed. Night Bible Study: 7 p.m.
Best Western
First National
6692414 Member F.D.I.C.
PHONE: 6692271 FAX: 6692744
Super 8
Dakota Prairie
Draper and Presho
6692401 Member F.D.I.C.
The New Creation
by Pastor Cornelius R. Stam
In Romans 5:12 God tells us how we are all related to the first man, Adam:
Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin so death passed upon all men
This verse clearly indicates that every child born into the world since Adam has partaken of Adams sinful nature.
Parents sometimes wonder why their children act as they do. The answer is simple! Every child is related to rebellious Adam by physical birth, and soon
rebels like Adam, whose offspring he is.
In Scripture we are told that God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us (Rom. 5:8).
When you are in trouble and someone comes to your aid, are you not automatically drawn to that person? Should we not then be attracted to the One
who cared so much for us that He made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: and
being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross (Phil. 2:7,8)?
Through natural birth we partake of the sinful natures of our parents back to Adam, and frequently we even have the same physical features as our par-
ents. How touching, then, to know that the Lord Jesus Christ took on Him the likeness of men (apart from sin) and, as the God-man, died for our sins
upon the cross, where sinful men (people like us) nailed Him! As we recognize this and place our faith in Him, a spiritual birth takes place and we become
the children of God (John 1:12). More than this, we become members of the Body of Christ, Gods new creation, for if any man be in Christ, he is a new
creation (II Cor. 5:17). created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained, that we should walk in them (Eph. 2:10).
Two minutes with the bible
Chamber Yard of the Week ... The home of Scott Buxcel
and Christy Brink at 111 Second Street in Murdo was chosen as
this weeks winner for the Murdo Area Chamber of Commerce
Yard of the Week. They will receive $25 in Murdo Bucks.
~Photo by Lonna Jackson
}u 1;, .c1_
We Iove you!
JeII and Nancy Iveisen
Maicus Iveisen
Chiistine Stiait
Jonathan and Ginnie Stiait
SheIby Stiait
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Announces the addItIon of
0r. Aaron umpca to famIIy
dentaI practIce, joInIng
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Lcntistry for thc wholc family, including orthodontics
Acccpts Ncdicaid and othcr dcntal insuranccs
Call to make an appointment witb Dr. Rompca today!
609 Garficld Avcnuc - 60-669-2131 - 60-222-292
Cpen Toesday - Tborsday and Fridays doring scbool year
Murdo 0entaI, LLC
by Donna Adrian
Its not uncommon to venture
out to the garden at the end of a
hot day to find some pretty droopy
plants. Dont immediately assume
that they need to be watered. It
may be that there is adequate
moisture in the soil but your
plants roots just cant keep up
with the needs of the leaves. If the
soil is already moist you are better
off letting the plants catch up on
their own overnight. If they're still
droopy in the morning give them a
Get more blooms...deadheading
roses and annuals such as petu-
nias, marigolds, and zinnias will
promote reblooming throughout
the season. You can fool biannual,
like hollyhocks and foxglove, into
thinking they are perennials by
cutting off the old blossoms before
seed pods form. To deadhead a
rose, cut the flower stem back to
an outward facing bud just above a
5-leaflet or 7-leaflet leaf. For most
other flowers simply cut the stem
just below the spent bloom. Iris
clumps may be raised and divided
every three years or so. Dig up the
rhizomes carefully to avoid dam-
age to rhizomes and their roots.
Examine them for the presence of
worm-like insects called iris bor-
ers, which may seriously damage
or destroy the plant. If they are
found, remove them, cut out the
affected tissue and dust with a
garden insecticide, such as Sevin,
before replanting. Select sound
rhizomes with two or more grow-
ing points. Rhizomes may be cut
apart with a sharp knife, or
snapped apart by hand. Be sure to
preserve as many rhizome roots as
possible. The best time to divide
iris is in mid-summer while the
plants are dormant. Late July
through mid August is preferred.
Tomatoes are growing vigorous-
ly now. However, the end of spring
and the onset of hot, dry weather
can lead to several problems in
tomatoes. Tomatoes that experi-
ence early vigorous growth often
drop some blossoms during the
transition to summer weather.
Dont worry. New blooms should
develop rapidly to replace the fall-
en ones. Also, tomato plants may
be subject to leaf curl where the
leaves roll up from the edges. This
is a short-term condition that
develops as the tomato is trying to
reduce its leaf surface to allow the
roots to develop.
The Clinical View
Dr. P.E. Hoffsten
A 67-yr old lady entered the hos-
pital to have surgery for urinary
incontinence. She had six children,
a previous hysterectomy, and now
had a urinary leak that exceeded
the ability of Depends to manage it.
Extensive surgery was done to
make a repair and a catheter was
put in place as she left the operat-
ing room.
Two days later, she was ready to
go home but she was still very nau-
seated. An x-ray was taken of her
bowel and it was seen that the
bowel had an ileus. She was very
insistent that she wanted to return
home but was told that was not at
all advisable until her bowel
cleared the ileus. She wanted to
know what is an ileus.
It was explained to her that the
bowel has a huge neurologic sys-
tem that leads to the propulsion of
food through the bowel. This
propulsion system is mediated by
the bowels nerves and hormones in
a very complex manner. For a vari-
ety of different reasons, this sys-
tem will occasionally shut down
and the bowel looses its propulsion
system. This results in nausea and
vomiting along with distention of
the abdomen. Normally, if the
bowel is listened to with a stetho-
scope, one can hear bowel sounds
as the propulsion system does its
job. With an ileus, the propulsion
system stops and the bowel is very
silent. When an x-ray is taken, it is
seen that a great deal gas develops
in the bowel from food that decays
in the non-moving silent bowel.
Unfortunately, there is no quick-
fix treatment to this condition.
Standard treatment is decreasing
the persons oral intake and wait-
ing one day or two days or three
days, even a week. As you might
imagine, this is maddening for the
patient who only wants to get well
and go home but instead is kept in
the hospital with intravenous flu-
ids, nothing to eat, and all of the
routines that a hospital stay
The most common cause of an
ileus is abdominal surgery such as
this lady had. Other causes
1. Compression fractures of the
vertebrae that happen when a per-
son falls and breaks a vertebral
bone in the back.
2. Over zealous use of diuretics
Call Karlee or Lonna
TODAY to place your ad!
to deal with edema can cause elec-
trolyte abnormalities that may
lead to an ileus. This is usually
associated with a very low potassi-
um and simple potassium replace-
ment will correct this.
When a person comes to medical
attention because of the symptoms
of an ileus, this must be distin-
guished from a true mechanical
bowel obstruction. With an ileus, a
person usually doesnt have a fever
related primarily to the ileus.
There are various blood tests that
remain negative and the abdomi-
nal pain is usually not cramping.
With a small bowel obstruction
that can be caused by a tumor or an
adhesion, the abdominal pain is
usually cramping as the bowels
normal propulsive system tries to
push fluids past the obstruction.
Very frequently a small bowel
obstruction does require surgical
intervention to correct it. This is
opposed to an ileus which if any-
thing is usually made worse by sur-
gery. The healthcare providers at
your local clinics are well aware of
these considerations and have the
ability to diagnose and obtain
treatment for these types of prob-
Send your
classified or
display ads
to our
email address
Favorable tax structure makes South
Dakota a great place to do business
by Senator John Thune
For business owners across
South Dakota who have wisely
chosen to do commerce within our
borders, news that CNBC had
ranked South Dakota the number
one state in the country to do busi-
ness was not surprising. Our state
government has worked hard over
the years to create favorable eco-
nomic conditions for our residents.
South Dakotas strong leadership,
good fiscal management, low regu-
latory burden, and simplified tax
structure have created conditions
that have increased prosperity and
continue to create jobs throughout
the state.
Im proud to represent a state
that has found such great success
managing its budget, cutting red
tape, and creating incentives for
good jobs through a pro-growth tax
structure. Unfortunately, South
Dakotas success is yet another
reminder of how Washingtons bro-
ken policies of new spending and
higher taxes are not working.
The Senate Finance Committee
has begun a critical debate on how
to best address tax reform in our
country. Comprehensive tax
reform can make American busi-
nesses more competitive in the
global economy and can benefit
families who are dealing with a
growing and increasingly complex
tax code. Additionally, tax reform
can help to address our ever-
expanding budget deficit by
unleashing economic activity that
will ultimately raise federal tax
receipts, even at lower tax rates.
Our tax code has grown consid-
erably and has become a complex
maze of special interest provisions
and temporary tax measures.
However, America now faces a
much more intense global competi-
tion for jobs and investment than
it did 25 years ago. Today, multina-
tional corporations can place the
next cutting-edge research and
development or manufacturing
facility anywhere from Bangalore
to Shanghai. Unfortunately, our
tax code still operates as if this
competition for jobs and invest-
ment is irrelevant.
Americas combined state and
federal corporate tax rate is the
highest in the developed world,
topping out at nearly 40 percent.
Even Russia, at 20 percent, and
China, at 25 percent, are lower.
Since 1998, the average corporate
tax rate of advanced economies
has dropped by 19 percent, while
the U.S. rate has risen by 1 per-
America should take a lesson in
economic growth and prosperity
from the success South Dakota has
found with its simplified tax struc-
ture. Streamlining our tax code
will strengthen our economy,
improve the competitiveness of our
businesses, and greatly ease the
tax burden for American families.
I will continue my work in the tax-
writing Senate Finance Commit-
tee to fight for a tax structure that
will create wealth and improve
take-home pay for the people of
our state and nation.
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 4
or in person by December 2.
Newly elected committee mem-
bers and alternates take office on
January 1, 2014.
Failed acreages must be report-
ed within 15 days of the disaster
event and before disposition of the
crop. Filing an accurate acreage
report for all crops and land uses,
including failed acreage and pre-
vented planting acreage, can pre-
vent the loss of benefits for a vari-
ety of programs. Acreage reports
are required for many Farm Serv-
ice Agency programs. All acreage
reports are to be certified by the
July 15, 2013 deadline.
Acreage reports on crops for
which NAP assistance may be
paid are due in the county office
by the earlier of July 15, 2013 or
15 calendar days before the onset
of harvest or grazing of the specif-
ic crop acreage being reported.
August 1: COC nomination period
August 2: DCP sign-up ends
November 15: 2013 NAP Produc-
November 15: 2014 Acreage
reporting deadline on perennial
grasses and winter wheat
Feel free to call the office if you
ever have questions on any of our
programs 605-669-2404 Ext. 2.
The nomination period for local
Farm Service Agency (FSA) county
committees began on Monday,
June 17 and ends August 1.
FSA county committees make
decisions on disaster and conser-
vation programs, emergency pro-
grams, commodity price support
loan programs and other agricul-
tural issues. Members serve three-
year terms.
To be eligible to serve on an FSA
county committee, a person must
participate or cooperate in a pro-
gram administered by FSA, be eli-
gible to vote in a county committee
election and reside in the local
administrative area in which the
person is a candidate.
Farmers and ranchers may
nominate themselves or others,
and organizations representing
minorities and women also may
nominate candidates. To become a
candidate, an eligible individual
must sign the nomination form,
FSA-669A. The form and other
information about FSA county
committee elections are available
online at http://www.fsa.usda.
gov/elections. Nomination forms
for the 2013 election must be post-
marked or received in the local
USDA Service Center by close of
business on August 1, 2013. Elec-
tions will take place this fall.
FSA will mail ballots to eligible
voters beginning November 4. The
voted ballots are due back to the
local county office either via mail
David Klingberg
Managing Herbicide
Resistant Weeds
The leadership of the CCA (Cer-
tified Crop Advisor) program
asked the members to take part in
an online survey on the issue of
herbicide-resistant weeds. Nearly
1,700 people responded to ques-
tions about the resistant weed
pressure in their areas, the most
effective management tools and
approaches, and the obstacles to
achieving wider adoption of best
management practices (BMPs) for
managing herbicide resistance.
The respondents came from a
variety of backgrounds, with
roughly 75 percent being retail
agronomists, independent agrono-
mists and retail sales managers.
The remaining respondents were
made up of manufacturer repre-
sentatives, wholesale representa-
tives, Extension and university,
production agriculture, and gov-
ernment employees. The largest
number of responses came from
the north central United States.
Forty-nine percent of respon-
dents reported a moderate level of
resistant weed pressure in their
regions, 34 percent reported mini-
mal, 12 percent heavy, three per-
cent none, and two percent an epi-
demic level. When asked what
they felt the most effective tool
was in the fight against resistant
weeds, 52 percent of the CCAs
said different chemical modes of
action. Twenty-four percent listed
crop rotation, eight percent tillage,
eight percent Best Management
Practices (BMPs), four percent
education, three percent new
chemical solutions, and one per-
cent seed.
Herbicide resistant crops have
been available for a number of
years and enjoyed a wide level of
adoption. Nearly 60 percent of
respondents thought they were an
extension of the problem, 25 per-
cent thought they were a solution
to the problem, 10 percent consid-
ered them a tool, but not the solu-
tion, three percent considered
them a short-term solution, and
four percent both a solution and
extension to the problem.
When asked what they thought
the next silver bullet in the fight
against herbicide resistant weeds
will come from, 57 percent indicat-
ed knowledge and implementation
of BMPs. Nineteen percent of
respondents said there is no silver
bullet, nine percent suggested
chemical solutions, seven percent
thought traits, two percent report-
ed grower innovations, and one
percent suggested mechanical
solutions. Two percent chose a
combination of these choices,
another two percent chose all of
these solutions, and one percent
selected other.
As indicated in the second para-
graph, the vast majority of respon-
dents were in some type of adviso-
ry role relative to managing herbi-
cide resistant weeds and were
asked what describes their grow-
ers actions/thoughts when consid-
ering adoption of weed resistant
BMPs. Forty percent said growers
would only adopt BMPs if resist-
ant weeds became a problem in
their fields. Another 30 percent
responded that their growers were
at least trying BMPs or were
jumping right in because it was
the right thing to do. Twenty-five
percent stated that their growers
were open to BMPs, but were also
concerned about the cost and effort
of implementing them. Three per-
cent thought their growers would
adopt BMPs only if their neigh-
bors did too, and five percent chose
other options.
Herbicide resistant weeds is a
very real problem, and becoming
worse. Visit for
more information on managing
8/20-22/2013 DakotaFest,
Mitchell, SD
8/27/2013 Winter Wheat Meet-
ing, 6:30 pm, Auditorium, Draper,
Extension News
Bob Fanning (605) 842-1267
Come enjoy the range ride
plus much more! Get out and
support your local cowboys!
Calcutta: 4:30 p.m.
Limited to (10) 4 person teams
100% payback added purse
Adults: $7 Under 10: Free
Concessions provided by the Turner Youth
To enter, call Kelly Green at 530-5226 or 669-3310 or
Sharon Connot at 516-0080
Bring your
lawn chairs!
Mini-broc ride, boot & candy
scrambIe for the kids!
Sat. July 20 5 p.m. CT

urdo Hodeo Arena

lar except the edges were more
rounded and not as fluted. The
word, moonflower, came to
mind, but I wasnt really sure
why. I showed the posy to wife
Corinne who also thought it might
be that flower. She went on the
Internet to do a bit of research
and shortly found a photo that
proved we did indeed have a
moonflower in bloom in the front
yard. Nifty. They are supposed to
smell really good, but so far I
havent gotten down on hands and
knees to find out. Maybe later.
Thinking back, I have probably
only seen moonflowers twice
before in my life. The first was
back in grade or high school when
one of our neighbors in town had a
bunch of them. They were rather
impressive since they were big
and nice smelling. Quite a few
years later, I remember seeing
some over at Barb and Teds ranch
some six miles from us. They too
had a lot of them and seemed to
think they were quite fine. Even
that latter sighting of these flow-
ers was well over twenty years
ago so the memory of them was
not as active as it might once have
been. Anyway, having a pretty and
interesting plant grow up and
flower all on its own was a nice
surprise, especially when you
have no idea how it got there.
Then we come to surprises that
are slightly less enjoyable. One of
those was also last evening after
the flower experience. As it hap-
pened, some weeks ago a tornado
or other strong wind tore the roof
off a machine/shop shed at our
river place and tossed it over
north towards the river. On the
way by, that pile of wood and
twisted metal did some damage to
our big John Deere tractor such as
bending the smokestack over,
nudging the radiator a little etc.
In any event, the tractor needed to
be fixed.
I had considerable difficulty in
finding a way to get the thing to
town for repair, but John finally
came through with a truck and a
method. The tractor was loaded
and taken to town. Unfortunately,
the loading took longer than
expected so the unloading would
have to be after dark. Since the
machine was going to our mail-
man who is also experienced in
tractor repair, the delivery to him
was slightly out of town and John
was unsure of the exact location.
He called and asked me to serve
as a guide which was fine with
me. I met them by the sale barn
and confidently led them east.
Before long, however, confusion
set in. I didnt recognize the land-
marks. When we finally came to a
paved road, surprise, surprise, I
realized I had no idea where on
earth we were although we were
less than a mile from town. Like I
said, some surprises are not so
great. In this case, there was little
left to do but retrace our steps and
try again. This area, by the way,
has several roads meeting in a
small area and all leading differ-
ent directions. Instead of heading
straight east, I had gotten con-
fused in the dark and gone north-
east. When we then tried going
straight east instead of northeast,
that soon got us to where we
wanted to be. The tractor was
duly unloaded, and we could all go
home. I told John that I could mis-
direct him to several other places
if he wanted before I left, but he
said they were fine and could
probably somehow muddle their
own way home without my help.
This was apparently a case of the
blind leading the unsure, but
John was now sure enough of his
bearings to get by without me.
So, yesterday was full of surpris-
es. At least it wasnt dull. I even
later had to chuckle a bit about
getting lost when I was so sure I
easily knew the way. Ah well,
today has been fairly straightfor-
ward. No odd plants growing up
and flowering and no roads lead-
ing to nowhere. I cant decide
which was better, yesterday or
today. I guess both were okay.
Some surprises are rather fun.
Others are less so. One pleasant
surprise this week was when an
unknown plant in our rock border
threw out a huge white flower. I
walk by that area almost every
day and had noticed this plant
which I could never quite identify.
At first I thought it might be a
cocklebur. Then I wondered if it
could be some sort of sunflower.
Other possibilities came to mind,
but I was never quite sure enough
it was a weed to make myself pull
it out. Of course, there was a rag-
weed nearby that I recognized all
too well and didnt pull either, but
this one at least was a little too
interesting to consider uprooting.
So, a couple of days ago I noticed
this foot-high plant throwing out a
big flower stalk in the middle. I
watched it with interest. Finally,
last evening, it unfurled. It was a
large white trumpet-like blossom
about the size of those you see on
Easter lilies and somewhat simi-
Lookin Around
Syd Iwan
Saturday, JuIy 20 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Hair Inc, 209 Main Sircci in Murdo
Join us lcforc iIc Murdo FancI Fodco io cIccl
oui our cloiIing and acccssory sclcciion!
LIke our Facebook page Ior upcomIng specIaIs!
Your source for
Murdo City Council
Draper Town Board
Jones County Commissioners
Jones County School Board
West River Water
Development District &
Township Board public
All the information you need
is right here
PO Box 465 669-2271
The Murdo Coyote
Straight from the headlines

SD Dept. of Ag reorganizes
Division of Agricultural Development
In an effort to better support
and promote the states agricul-
ture industry, the South Dakota
Department of Agricultures
(SDDA) Division of Agricultural
Development has assigned repre-
sentatives to specific regions in
South Dakota.
In working with Secretary
Lentschs vision to streamline
SDDAs efforts and increase effi-
ciencies, we are excited to be tak-
ing this new approach to best
serve South Dakotas agriculture
community, said Paul Kostboth,
director of Agricultural Develop-
In the past, agricultural devel-
opment specialists have worked
throughout the state. Agricultural
Developments new representa-
tives will now focus on specific
regions of the state, serving as a
resource for all local agriculture
related efforts.
This regional focus will give
the Division of Agricultural Devel-
opment a better way to be a consis-
tent local resource, said Kostboth.
Representatives will be reach-
ing out to the counties, towns,
townships, economic development
groups and producers in their
regions over the coming weeks and
Agriculture is the only indus-
try that is consistently investing
in rural South Dakota, said Kost-
both. We want to work closely
with local leaders, supporting
their efforts to pursue those
investment opportunities that are
so vital to the ongoing success of
their communities.
A map and contact information
for the appropriate regional repre-
sentatives can be found at the fol-
lowing link:
ume nt s / f ar mi ng - r anc hi ng -
For more information regarding
this re-organization, contact Paul
Kostboth at 605.773.6503 or e-
Marketing your hay
As producers finish harvesting
their second cutting of alfalfa or
first cutting of grass hay some may
be looking to market the hay they
dont need. To maximize profits,
there are a few things Tracey
Renelt, SDSU Extension Dairy
Field Specialist encourages hay
producers to consider.
First, have you taken an analy-
sis of the forage to determine the
quality? This can be done by coring
the bales via a hay probe, Renelt
Hay probes should be placed on
the side and coring towards the
center in round bales or on the
butt ends when coring square
bales. Renelt said it is important
to core several random bales per
lot - approximately 20 cores per
eight to 10 large round bales - and
combine the sample and place the
cores into gallon size plastic bag or
other container and seal.
Samples should represent a
cutting of hay from a particular
field or lot, she said.
To watch and learn about the
proper methods of hay sampling
you may want to watch a short
how to video at http://www.
fuA or simply go to
and click on Visit our You Tube
There are several labs which
then can perform an analysis on
the sample to determine the feed
quality. For lab contact informa-
tion, contact an SDSU Extension
Regional Center, contact informa-
tion can be found at
You can either perform a wet
chemistry analysis or what is most
commonly done is a Near Infrared
Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS)
analysis which is the quickest and
cheapest method, Renelt said.
The NIRS analysis provides
results for relative feed value
(RFV), relative feed quality (RFQ),
percent dry matter, crude protein,
acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral
detergent fiber (NDF), digestible
NDF, lignin, crude fat, ash, Calci-
um, Phosphorus, Magnesium,
Potassium, Total Digestible Nutri-
ents, Net Energy for gain, lacta-
tion and maintenance, NDF
digestibility, and non-fiber carbo-
hydrate (NFC).
So why is this important? As
we know alfalfa and grass quality
will vary greatly based on maturi-
ty at the time of harvest, condi-
tions it was put up under, and
storage methods, she said. Thus,
it has given you a way to value the
product based upon its quality.
The second item Renelt encour-
ages growers to consider when
determining a fair price is the
method it was put up under.
Was the hay put up as a large
round bale or small or large square
bale? Was it net wrapped or not? Is
it plastic twine or sisal twine? Has
it sat out and been rained on since
harvest or has it been stored in the
shed? All these things should be
considered when pricing your com-
modity or purchasing it as a feed-
stuff, she said.
The last item Renelt said grow-
ers should consider before setting
a price is to visually inspect the
hay to determine if there are nox-
ious weeds, mold, or foreign mate-
rial present in the hay. All of
which, she said, can change the
price received but will not show up
on an NIRS analysis. Additionally,
if state or locally noxious weeds
are present it will prevent you
from transporting the hay.
To see what hay is selling for,
she directs growers to a website
maintained by the USDA which
provides a weekly market update
on hay markets: http://www. Once
there, click on Market News in the
left hand column, then click on
Livestock, Meats, Grain and Hay,
then click on Hay under Browse by
Commodity. Once there growers
will be able to pick the region
where they want to view the week-
ly hay report for. If growers do not
have internet access, they can con-
tact their local SDSU Extension
Regional Center and staff can look
up the price.
To learn more, visit
Are you advertising? Are you advertising?
In a tight market, keep people thinking about you,
Not the Other Guy.
To advertise, call the Murdo Coyote at
Youth & Sports
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 5
City Wide Rummage Sale List
Chris &Beth Feddersens behind the
Catholic church -- Friday, July 19
ONLY, 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. Lots of
kids clothing, toys, adult clothing, crib,
household items, patio set, wheelbar-
row, and much, much more.
Lana Feddersens at 709 Garfield Ave.
-- Friday, July 19 ONLY, 8:00 a.m.
5:00 p.m. Two family sale. Lots of toys,
dishes, home decor, lawn furniture,
small appliances, planters, hardwood
table and chair, pet carrier, bird feeders,
child safety gate, potty chair, baby
swing, crib sheets, sipper cups, walker.
Lots &lots more! Something for every-
Cindy &Mike Josts at 110 Washing-
ton -- Friday, July 19 ONLY, 7:30
a.m. 4:00 p.m. Silver metal tool box,
TiVo machine, clothes - all sizes, kids
clothes, lots of household items, bed-
ding, blankets, comforter, kerosene
heater, brown leather couch, loveseat,
chair and ottoman, antique bed, tire
chains, camp chairs, screened in tent,
lounge chairs, two army cots and mat-
tresses. More added daily.
Dean Fabers at 27109 242nd St
(brown house on hill east of baseball
diamond in Murdo) -- Friday, July 19,
4:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.; Saturday, July
20, 8:00 a.m. Noon. Small furniture,
doilies, table runners, kitchen items,
dishes, tupperware, potted plants, some
kids toys. Lots more items added daily.
Coffee pot will be on.
Lori Iversen at 607 Lincoln Ave. -- Fri-
day, July 19, 7:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.;
Saturday, July 20, 8:00 a.m. 5:00
p.m. Tons of kids clothes/boys and girls
/newborn to size 6-7, crib and mattress,
crib comforter set & sheets, Graco high
chair, Graco pack-n-play, Graco stroller,
infant bathtub, toys, blankets, bottles,
vibrating chair, Ameda breastpump, chil-
drens shoes, coats &toys, outdoor plas-
tic slide and infant swing, twin boys bed
quilt/pillow sham/sheets, household
items, TV, baby gate, small kids bikes,
some adult clothes/shoes.
Judy Iversen at 206 Cleveland (former
Richard Hatheway home), Friday,
June 19, 8:00 a.m. 5:00; Saturday,
June 20, 8:00 a.m. Noon. Console
stereo from 70s, two new sets of China,
Christmas decorations, electric blanket,
karate stuff, computer desk in cabinet,
queen bed w/ headboard & matching
long dresser w/ mirror, futon, old sewing
machine in table, entertainment stand,
dishes, curtains, toys, coats, juniors
clothes, old storm windows & screens for
craft projects, home decor, chairs, end
tables, old gas cans, old glass insula-
tors, old hubcaps, old Schwinn bicycle.
WILDTHINGS will also be there!
Venard Multi-Family, at the old car
wash building of Venard, Inc. -- Satur-
day, July 20 ONLY, 8:00 a.m. 2:00
p.m. Baby girls clothes, household
items, clothes, & much more miscella-
neous. Finding more items daily!
Karen Nelson, Multi-Family, at Senior
Center -- Saturday, July 20 ONLY, 8:00
a.m. 5:00 p.m. Mens & womens
clothes, girls & boys clothes/newborn to
3T-4T, maternity clothes, purses, shoes,
bedding, air purifier, 2 older TVs - 20 in.
& 36 in. Plus much more!
Linda Michalek at 302 Garfield -- Sat-
urday, July 20, 8:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.;
Sunday, July 21, 9:00 a.m. 3:00 p.m.
Household items, tools, clothing - infant
through adult, crafts & MUCH more.
605-669-2201105 E 2ad Street, Murdo
Huge d|scounts on DEWALI too|sI
Stop by to check out our borgo|n b|n |ooded w|th o
vor|ety o| quo||ty |tems morked down to c|eoronce pr|cesI
*Cosh on|y, no returns
-Smo| | App| | onces-G| oves-Sow 8| odes-Much MoreI
signs with
Williston State
Young swimmers take in two weeks of lessons
Capital High shortstop Haley
Pardy, of Helena, Mont., has
signed a National Letter of Intent
to play softball for Williston State
College next season.
Pardy posted the fourth-best
batting average for the Bruins this
spring, hitting .394. She led Capi-
tal with 29 runs batted in and six
doubles, was second with a .590
slugging percentage and third
with three home runs.
Defensively, she was one of the
top shortstops in the state, with a
.941 fielding percentage, partici-
pating in eight ground-ball double-
plays and three unassisted DPs.
Pardy was selected second team
2013 all-conference after making
honorable mention as a junior.
Haley is exactly what we need-
ed to provide depth, said Williston
State coach Eric Peterson. Shell
be asked to play multiple positions
for us and will be an asset with her
bat. Were very fortunate to have
her in our program.
Pardy will join former Capital
teammates Anna Morgan and
Jasyn Mulcahy on the Lady
Pardy is the daughter of Crystal
and Tom Pardy and granddaugh-
ter of Lonis and Lois Wendt of
Splash! Kamri Kittelson takes the plunge into the deep end
to kick off her swimming lesson session.
Youre it! Jacey Jensen eludes other swimmers in a quick game of tag after her 9:30 a.m.
swimming lesson.
Scissor kick Instructors Trait Thorne and Becky Bryan help swimmers practice the scissor
kick as they hang onto the pool wall for support.
Practice makes perfect The 10 a.m. class practices arm movement outside of the water
with instruction by Trait Thorne and Becky Bryan before getting into the water to start their les-
Photos by Karlee Moore
Statewide News
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 6
S.D. Court System launches
social media presence
The South Dakota Unified Judi-
cial System is pleased to announce
that you can now access informa-
tion about the UJS through Face-
book, Twitter, Google+ and
The expansion into social media
follows the UJSs launch of a new
website last month at You can link to
the UJS social media outlets
directly through quick links on the
bottom of the UJS homepage or by
searching South Dakota Unified
Judicial System on those social
media sites directly.
The UJSs social media pres-
ence is intended to allow anyone
interested in the work of the
courts to receive regular updates
on what is happening in the UJS.
Our initial launch of a social
media presence for the court sys-
tem is intended to help us commu-
nicate important information
through a new format, and if all
goes well, engage a new audience
of persons interested in the work
of the courts, stated Patricia Dug-
gan, State Court Administrator.
According to Ms. Duggan,
Social media tools will allow us to
disseminate information quickly
and conveniently for things such
as courthouse closures, the release
of new opinions, significant events
and items of interest to the public
happening in the court system.
Social media is about communica-
tion, and we welcome feedback
and comments from the public,
court users, media and attorneys
and encourage any ideas on how
we can better expand our social
media presence to meet their
To access our social media sites
or to look for more information
about the UJS please visit us on
our website at
CNBC names South Dakota
top state for business
CNBC has named South Dakota
as the number one state for busi-
ness in Americas Top States for
Business 2013.
Thanks to a history of fiscal
responsibility, South Dakota is the
place to do business, said Gov.
Dennis Daugaard. Businesses
plan for the long-term. When con-
sidering moving or expanding,
they need stability and certainty.
They need to know that govern-
ment wont get in their way. Thats
what we can offer here in South
Previously ranked seventh in
last years study, South Dakota
earned the number one spot by
scoring 1,639 out of 2,500 points,
the highest score of any state since
CNBC launched the study in 2007.
South Dakota has always been
a solid performer in our study, but
with businesses focusing more
than ever on low costs, the state
really shines, said CNBC Senior
Correspondent Scott Cohn. We
found it has one of the lowest tax
burdens in the country as well as
low wage and utility costs. The
regulatory climate is one of the
friendliest to business anywhere,
and the biggest issue in South
Dakotas booming economy is that
low unemployment means fewer
available workers.
CNBCs study uses 55 measures
of economic competitiveness,
which are developed with input
from business groups including
the National Association of Manu-
facturers, the Council on Competi-
tiveness and the states them-
The 55 metrics are further sep-
arated into 10 broad categories:
cost of doing business, economy,
infrastructure and transportation,
workforce, quality of life, technolo-
gy and innovation, business
friendliness, education, cost of liv-
ing and access to capital.
Among the subcategories, South
Dakota ranked No. 1 in cost of
doing business, No. 2 in business
friendliness, No. 6 in economy and
No. 7 in quality of life.
To learn more about CNBCs
Top States for Business 2013, visit:
Growing peonies this summer
Peonies or Paeonia are one of
the most common flowers growing
in many South Dakotans gardens,
and for good reason, said David
Graper, Extension Horticulture
Specialist and Director of McCrory
There are few plants that are
as durable, easy to grow and long-
lived as a peony. In fact, peonies
often out-live their planters,
Graper said.
Peonies are prized for their
large, showy and fragrant flowers
which come in a wide variety of
colors including pure white, pinks,
reds, purples, burgundy, peach
and multi-colored types. The
flower form may be classified as
single, Japanese, anemone, semi-
double, double or bomb. Peony
flowers may range from about
three inches to eight inches wide
depending on the species and culti-
var. Flowering time varies from
early June to early July.
Graper said peonies grow best
in a site that receives full sun
exposure but many will still grow
well and flower with partial shade.
They prefer a well-drained soil but
they will tolerate clay soils too.
Peonies are available in the
spring, usually as potted plants in
garden centers or as bare root
plants in the fall.
September to early October is
considered the best time of year for
planting and dividing existing
plants. Keep in mind that if you
are tackling an old, well estab-
lished plant that the roots can be
quite large, two inch to four inch in
diameter and up to 12 inches long.
You will need a heavy spade or
shovel to dig one up, but be careful
to not damage the roots. They may
be large but tend to be quite brit-
tle, he said.
Graper encouraged gardeners
when transplanting peonies to try
taking out a section, like a piece of
pie, from a large plant so that you
will have less chance of causing
major damage to the original
Each division should have sev-
eral buds or eyes, which will be
quite evident in the fall of the year,
usually found one inch to two inch-
es below the soil surface. These
buds should be positioned at about
the same depth in their new loca-
tion when planted. Cut off the
stems about six inches above the
soil line to make it easier to handle
and to reduce water stress on the
division after planting. New
foliage will develop next spring
from the buds on each division,
Graper said.
Most gardeners in this area are
used to the herbaceous peonies
which originated from the Chinese
Peony Paeonia lactiflora and the
common peony P. officinalis. Grap-
er said there are hundreds of dif-
ferent cultivars available that
were developed from these original
two species. Some gardeners may
have also discovered the woody or
tree peonies.
These were mostly derived
from P. suffruticosa. These plants
offer the largest flowers and a new
range of colors that include yel-
lows and other flower colors. How-
ever, tree peonies are generally not
as hardy so will need to be planted
in a protected site or mulched over
the winter, he said. Unlike the
herbaceous types, these plants
actually develop woody stems that
should persist and continue to
grow from one year to the next,
allowing the plant to get larger
each year.
Supporting peonies
One of the biggest issues with
growing peonies Graper explained
is that the flower heads become
quite heavy as the flowers develop
and without support the plants
tend to droop.
Unfortunately what usually
happens is that just when the
flowers are at their prettiest, they
get knocked down by a storm. The
stems often fall over from the
weight of a large flower soaked by
rain and blown by winds, he said.
If this happens to you, Graper
said gardeners should consider
placing some support for the
flower stems in place in the spring,
just as the new shoots are begin-
ning to grow.
The most effective method is to
use a piece of woven wire or even a
piece of cattle panel, suspended
about a foot above the ground by
surrounding stakes. You can also
purchase round mesh supports
from garden centers and online
outlets, he said. Trying to tie
them up, after they have fallen,
usually doesnt work very well so
these stems often end up in a vase
on the kitchen table which will add
color and a wonderful aroma to
your home.
Some gardeners might be sur-
prised at the cost of a peony plant,
especially for some types like the
fern-leaf peony which can cost $20
to $50 for a single plant. But
remember that a peony is an
investment in your garden that
will pay dividends for many years
to come.
Demand for locally produced and processed meat
Consumers are more interested
than ever in purchasing locally
grown food - and that includes
meat explained Shannon Sand,
Livestock Business Management
Field Specialist.
In recent years a consumer
driven movement to know where
their food comes from has evolved.
This movement is anecdotal evi-
dence of greater demand for local-
ly produced meats, Sand said,
adding that according to a 2007
study, direct-to-consumer sales
only accounted for 0.4 percent of
total agricultural sales.
Sand said support for local ani-
mal products is not surprising
given the value animal agriculture
can bring to communities, particu-
larly in a state like South Dakota.
Animals provide nutrients for
cropland and can make productive
use of land where crops do not
grow well. By processing locally,
farmers and ranchers can capture
a greater portion of the revenue
stream, Sand said.
In 1997, locally produced farm
products in the U.S. accounted for
$551 million dollars in sales. By
2007 sales jumped to $928.9 mil-
lion - even accounting for inflation
this is an increase of 59 percent.
Among all vegetable and melon
farmers 44.1 percent sold directly
to consumers in 2007, while only
6.9 percent of livestock producers
sold directly to consumers. Sixty-
five percent of gross farm sales for
fruit, vegetable, and nut farms
came from the sale of locally pro-
duced products (this includes local
sales through packers to local sup-
ply houses), Sand said.
However, Sand pointed out that
only 37 percent of gross annual
sales of livestock and field crop
producers came from local mar-
This leads to the question why
aren't more livestock producers
selling locally? Even when
demand for local meat exists,
sometimes there is not a local
processor, Sand said.
Sand pointed to a USDA report
which showed that one issue
affecting producers ability to
bring local meats to market is a
lack of meat and poultry process-
ing facilities. Sand said challenges
may include producers having to
travel long distances to reach the
nearest inspected processing facil-
ity or delivering only a few head at
a time.
This results in increased trans-
portation and opportunity costs.
Also, producers may have difficul-
ty getting slaughter dates during
processors busy times of the year.
Some smaller processing facilities
may not offer specific services that
farmers and their customers
demand, Sand said.
When a local processor is avail-
able, Sand said they are often
smaller and have a hard time
breaking even. Smaller sized
processors often lack the steady
and consistent business needed to
be profitable while providing high
quality services to individual cus-
Demand for local processors
services is highly seasonal. Esti-
mates suggest that to be profitable
a small processing plant providing
basic services must annually
process a minimum of 450-head of
cattle, or the revenue equivalent
from combinations of other live-
stock, Sand said. Operations
offering more sophisticated servic-
es require higher volumes to meet
expenses. Thus, the processor may
try to pull volume from other
places, and as a result local pro-
cessing may not always be avail-
able when farmers want it.
In order to bring local meat and
poultry to market, Sand said it is
necessary to stabilize and enhance
processing capacity for local mar-
kets, therefore producers and
processors must establish good
business relationships. This
means shifting from a relationship
of convenience to a longer term
commitment relationship.
Key or anchor customers are
critical for processors to ensure a
steady volume of businesses.
Aggregators or Brands which
bring livestock from multiple
farms and have the ability to coor-
dinate the rest of the supply chain
can be valuable partners for
processors. Aggregators are often
in a better position than an indi-
vidual to coordinate scheduling,
create a steady flow of animals,
and serve as a central point of
communications, Sand said.
Sand said commitment matters
for both parties.
Producers and processors must
demonstrate a commitment to pro-
viding, maintaining, and improv-
ing quality services, Sand said.
By building business relation-
ships, processors can work more
effectively with their customers,
build loyalty, and ultimately
increase demand for their own
Mosquito numbers, WNV
positives increasing across S.D.
Culex tarsalis mosquito num-
bers are increasing across the
state and more of the mosquitoes
are positive for the West Nile virus
(WNV), says a state health official.
The Culex tarsalis is the primary
carrier of WNV in South Dakota.
From the first week of July to
the second, we saw a substantial
increase in Culex mosquitoes and
also a rise in the number of West
Nile positives, said Lon
Kightlinger, state epidemiologist
for the Department of Health.
Those higher numbers mean an
increased risk of disease transmis-
sion so its important that people
protect themselves with appropri-
ate repellent.
Kightlinger noted that histori-
cally 90 percent of South Dakotas
WNV cases have occurred from
mid-July to mid-September. To
date, South Dakota has reported
four cases of human West Nile
(Brookings, Buffalo, Jones and
Spink counties) and 23 positive
mosquito pools.
To prevent mosquito bites and
reduce the risk of WNV:
Use mosquito repellents (DEET,
picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus,
or IR3535) and limit exposure by
wearing pants and long sleeves in
the evening.
Limit time outdoors from dusk to
midnight when Culex mosquitoes
are most active.
Get rid of standing water that
gives mosquitoes a place to breed.
Support local mosquito control
Personal precautions are espe-
cially important for those at high
risk for WNV people over 50,
pregnant women, transplant
patients, individuals with diabetes
or high blood pressure, and those
with a history of alcohol abuse.
People with severe or unusual
headaches should see their physi-
Find WNV prevention informa-
tion on the Web at http://westnile.
South Dakota ends fiscal year with surplus
South Dakota state government
closed the 2013 budget year on
June 30 with a surplus, Gov. Den-
nis Daugaard announced today.
The state general fund budget for
Fiscal Year 2013 ended with high-
er revenues and lower expendi-
tures than budgeted.
Revenue growth for the com-
pleted 2013 fiscal year exceeded
estimates adopted by the legisla-
ture last March by $13.6 million.
In addition, state agencies also
demonstrated fiscal restraint,
spending $10.6 million less than
In total, the states financial pic-
ture improved by $24.2 million
from the March fiscal year 2013
For the second year in a row,
we maintained structural balance
in our budget. This was my num-
ber one priority when I took
office, Gov. Daugaard said. Im
pleased that FY2013 was closed
successfully, and that South Dako-
tas ongoing expenses are being
fully covered by ongoing revenues
without the use of one-time
receipts or rainy day funds, and
without raising taxes. The
strength with which we end
FY2013 increases the likelihood
that we can maintain a balanced
budget for FY2014 while continu-
ing to invest in critical areas like
education, Medicaid and public
South Dakotas sales and use
tax receipts, the states largest
revenue source, finished the fiscal
year well, growing nearly 6 per-
cent in the month of June, indicat-
ing an economy that continues to
Sales and use tax collections in
FY2013 totaled $766,095,539,
which was 4.26 percent or $31.7
million above the previous year.
Collections from the sales and use
tax accounted for 57 percent of
general fund receipts in FY2013.
Other notable revenue increas-
es came from the insurance com-
pany tax and property tax reduc-
tion fund receipts, which grew 8.01
percent and 4.70 percent, respec-
tively, over FY2012. The revenue
source that experienced the
largest decline was the bank fran-
chise tax, declining 40.93 percent
or $12.2 million compared to
the prior year.
Total state general fund receipts
were $1,363,765,170 for the
recently ended fiscal year. Ongoing
receipts to the general fund
totaled $1,258,177,217.
State agencies remained well
within their appropriated budgets
in FY2013. Collectively, the three
branches of state government
spent $10,639,304 less than appro-
priated. Most of the ongoing
expense reduction, $9,762,087,
was seen in the Department of
Social Services, as enrollment
growth in Medicaid and the Chil-
drens Health Insurance Program
declined unexpectedly to near-zero
percent in recent months.
South Dakota state government
ended FY2013 by transferring
$24.2 million to the Budget
Reserve Fund, as required by law.
The states Budget Reserve Fund
now has a $95,325,807 balance,
and the Property Tax Reduction
Fund has a $63,626,269 balance.
The combination of those two
funds, totaling $158,952,076, is
the highest in state history and
represents a combined reserve of
12.3 percent of total general fund
spending for FY2013.
Gov. appoints new SD Science and
Technology Authority board member
Gov. Dennis Daugaard
announced today that he will
appoint Ron Wheeler of Deadwood
to the Board of Directors of the
South Dakota Science and Tech-
nology Authority. The Authority
owns and operates the Sanford
Underground Research Facility at
the old Homestake Mine in Lead.
Ron Wheeler has been crucial
to the success of the underground
lab over the past five years, said
Gov. Daugaard. He is uniquely
qualified to help guide this impor-
tant project, and I thank him for
his continued service.
Wheeler recently stepped down
as the Authoritys executive direc-
tor, after five years in that post.
Prior to that, he worked in private
business for 28 years in Water-
town and Huron. Wheeler spent
seven years in the Janklow
Administration as Secretary of
Transportation and Commissioner
of Economic Development.
Wheelers appointment is effec-
tive immediately. He will fill the
vacancy that was caused last fall
by the death of President Robert
Wharton of the South Dakota
School of Mines and Technology.
Public Notices & Statewide News
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 7
Notice of Intent to
Continue Operations
Jones County Highway Department
mining operations conducted by the
Jones County Highway Department, PO
Box 307, Murdo, SD 57559, will continue
their operations at the following location:
Miller-Mathews Pit- SW Section 30;
T2N R26E, Jones County
Material being mined: Gravel
The operations originally advertised to
be completed on 01/01/2010 will now be
extended to 01/01/2024. Proposed
future use of the affected land will remain
as originally advertised.
Additional information about the opera-
tion may be obtained from either the
Jones County Highway Department,
(605) 669-7102 or the South Dakota
Department of Environment and Natural
Resources, Minerals and Mining Pro-
gram, 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre,
SD 57501-3182, (605) 773-4201.
Published July 18, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $11.91.
Unofficial Record of
Proceedings of the
Murdo City Council
Regular Meeting
June 5, 2013
The Murdo City Council met in regular
session on Monday, July 1, 2013. Mayor
Geisler called the meeting to order at
7:35 p.m. Members answering roll call
were: Wayne Esmay, Jay Drayer, Matt
Kinsley, Arnie Waddell, Mike Jost, Joe
Connot and Mayor Geisler. Also present
Karlee Moore (The Murdo Coyote), Ray
Erikson, Jerry Hatheway, and Krysti
Barnes. All motions were unanimous
unless otherwise stated.
The agenda for the meeting was
reviewed and approved on a motion by
Esmay, seconded by Connot. The min-
utes for the May meeting was reviewed
and approved on a motion by Esmay,
seconded by Drayer.
The building permits for the month were
presented as follows: Mike Jost garage
door; Wanda Olson sidewalk; David
Venard roofing. The permits were
approved on a vote by Connot, second-
ed by Esmay. The permit from Matt
Cazan from last month was reviewed.
Measurements had been taken and it
was in the right of way. The City Council
discussed a variance and will have the
attorney work on this.
Madeline Host met with the council rep-
resenting the Jones County 4-H. She
asked if after Achievement Days on July
19, the 4-H could host a pool party as
they did in the past. This would be open
to anyone. She also asked if the 4-H
could borrow the City tractor and mower
for the events needed. A motion was
made by Esmay, seconded by Jost to
allow that event and the use by the 4-H.
Rod Senn from Kadrmas, Lee and Jack-
son met with council at this time. He
gave an update on the airport extension
project. He discussed the upcoming final
of the environmental and the next steps
in the grant process. He wanted to note
that it seemed the City wanted to still
proceed with this and it was agreed. He
also discussed the acquisition of land
that would be necessary for the safety
zone for the lengthened runway and
noted that all construction would be on
City land currently owned. After discus-
sions with the FAA, it was determined
that grant for the design could be written
and land acquisition to follow. Council
thanked Mr. Senn for attending.
Jay Keever met with council about the
flooding at the housing during the recent
rains. He showed photos and stated his
car had been flooded and needed
repairs. Council stated that he needed to
address this to the insurance companies
and let them handle the situation.
The vouchers for the month were pre-
sented as follows and approved on a
motion by Waddell, seconded by Drayer.
GENERAL: Payroll 4,047.73, Payroll
taxes 834.56; Retirement 309.84;
The Murdo Coyote (publishing) 262.84;
FNB (travel/supply/postage) 191.98;
Wellmark (insurance) 901.53; Golden
West (phone) 112.66; Servall (mats)
41.04; Harmon Law (legal fees) 340.00;
Quill (supplies) 808.06; Petty Cash
(postage) 3.24; SDPAA (insurance pre-
mium) 25,834.90; Fidelity Agency (insur-
ance) 203.34.
PUBLIC SAFETY: Jones County (law
enf contract) 1,600.00; West Central
(electricity) 100.25.
PUBLIC WORKS: Payroll 2,464.92;
Payroll taxes 835.56; Retirement
367.47; Golden West (phone) 56.33;
Wellmark (insurance) 901.53; Heartland
Waste (garbage) 3,621.00; Dept of Rev-
enue (sales tax) 302.21; WR/LJ (water
airport) 65.00; Farmers Union (gas/fuel)
336.10; West Central Elec (electricity)
2,362.04; Kadrmas Lee and Jackson
(engineering) 1,513.00; Moore Building
(supplies) 18.15; John Deere Fin (parts)
401.48; FNB (conference/parts) 245.65.
8,654.04, IRS (payroll taxes) 2,196.86;
Golden West (phone) 41.09; West Cen-
tral Elec (electricity) 320.55; Farmers
Union (gas) 147.79; Hawkins (chemical)
236.50; Moore Building (supplies)
125.89; Kiefer (pool supplies) 84.66;
Community Partners Research Inc.
(housing study) 2,500.00; DHS Ent.
(shirts tball) 143.10; In the Swim (sup-
plies) 255.98; Jones County Caring and
Sharing (donation from Magic City
Run/Walk) 286.64; Mike Boni (reimb
baseballs) 45.52; Petty Cash (postage)
2.75; Stadium Sports (supplies) 185.00;
The Royal Flush (porta potties) 135.00.
park) 689.43; West Central Elec (elec-
tricity) 744.00.
WATER: Payroll 3,946.23; Payroll
taxes-1,061.58; Retirement 425.45;
Golden West (phone) 56.33; WR/LJ
(water/tower) 4,739.00; FNB (supplies)
439.81; West Central Elec (electricity)
513.27; HD Supply (supplies) 458.11; SD
Dept of Revenue (fee and lab) 13.00:
Petty Cash (postage) 1.24; FNB (sup-
plies) 439.81; Justin Andrews (refund
deposit) 25.80.
WASTEWATER: SD One Call (locates)
8.88; Runnings (supplies) 221.08; FNB
(supplies) 48.79.
Sheriff Weber was unable to attend the
meeting this evening. Some discussion
was held about issues in town with the
sighting of underage drivers, tall lawns
and fireworks.
Hatheway gave the street report at this
time. He discussed state surplus items,
equipment maintenance, work on the
shop building, the mower needing
upgraded, flooding, and the tennis
courts. At this time, council also dis-
cussed with him about crack sealing and
ditch cleaning and general road mainte-
nance as well as other issues felt not
being done. Erikson was unable to
attend this evening as he is on vacation
but council at this time also discussed
problems and issues at the swimming
pool and felt it would be good to have the
manager at future meetings. A motion to
approve the street report was made by
Connot, seconded by Drayer.
Barnes gave the finance report at this
time. Her written report was presented at
this time. Council further discussed items
at the swimming pool and decided they
wanted the Mayor and Barnes to meet
with the pool manager the next day to
discuss these items and address solu-
tions. Barnes discussed with council
some insurance issues. The City insur-
ance (SD Public Assurance Alliance) will
no longer cover the city dams without an
annual inspection. Earlier in the month,
the Mayor and Barnes discussed this
and Kadrmas, Lee and Jackson were
contacted. They could come do the
inspection on a trip through to save
mileage so did that and presented a con-
tract for a 3 year period not to exceed
$1,000 per year. A motion was made by
Connot, seconded by Waddell to author-
ize the Mayor to sign this contract.
Barnes also discussed a proposal she
sent in on a company looking for an area
for expansion. She submitted this earlier
in the month but has not heard anything
yet. Council also felt Schwans Sales
could be contacted again to see if they
were still interested in expansion.
Barnes discussed some questions on
annexation and presented the Central
SD Enhancement Dist. Joint powers
agreement. A motion was made by Wad-
dell, seconded by Drayer to authorize the
Mayor to sign this agreement. A motion
was made by Waddell, seconded by
Esmay to approve the finance report.
OLD BUSINESS: Barnes informed
council that the north dam hay contract
went to Mike Barnes after the rebidding
because of a tie last month. She also
informed them that the bill sent to Tom
and Judith Ingalls regarding the tear-
down/legal fees and such on their prop-
erty on Main Street has been paid with a
cashiers check.
Barnes informed council that Brett Nix
had asked about fencing the Industrial
Park site off from the rest of his land in
order to be able to graze his land. He
stated he would pay of the materials
and provide the labor if the city would
pay materials and council agreed to
Barnes presented copies of a portion of
the housing study to council for their fur-
ther review. She provided a brief
overview and asked they read this in the
upcoming months and a future meeting
would be organized to see what else
could be done about housing issues.
A plat for some property owned by Low-
ell and Nancy Iversen was presented
and a motion to approve the plat was
made by Connot, seconded by Drayer.
The Pre Disaster meeting held earlier in
the month was discussed and it was
mentioned having Rob Fines attend a
future meeting to further discuss items
with emergency management. Being no
further business, council adjourned at
9:35 p.m.
Krysti Barnes,
City Finance Officer
Published July 18, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $81.55.
Proceedings of the
Jones County School
District #37-3
Regular Session
July 8, 2013
The Board of Education of the Jones
County School District No. 373 met in
regular session on Monday, July 8, 2013
in the High School Library with the fol-
lowing members present: Michael Hunt--
President, Carrie Lolley--Vice President,
Chad Whitney, Brett Nix and Scott Math-
Board President Hunt called the meeting
to order at 8:02 p.m. with Board mem-
bers present answering roll call. All
actions in these minutes were by unani-
mous vote by members present unless
otherwise stated.
Others Present: Grant Vander Vorst--
Superintendent, Lorrie Esmay--Principal,
Tami Schreiber--Business Manager,
Andy Rankin, Dean Volmer and Karlee
AGENDA: Motion by Whitney, seconded
by Lolley to approve the agenda.
MINUTES: Motion by Lolley, seconded
by Mathews to approve the minutes of
the June 10, 2013 Regular Meeting and
the June 26, 2013 Special Meeting.
EXPENDITURES: Motion by Mathews,
seconded by Whitney to approve the
expenditures and the issuing of checks
on July 10, 2012. PAYROLL BY DEPT:
FICA paid through First Fidelity Bank,
Retirement check issued to SD Retire-
ment System and Health Insurance
check issued to Wellmark. PAYROLL:
$4,737.55, RETIREMENT $3865.75;
GENERAL FUND: Sanford--Cobra
$1,256.86; ASBSD--Membership
$819.01; Avera--Driver Testing $96.00;
Bankwest--Ins $8,711.00; BE Publishing-
-Fee $374.50; Stacey Booth--Supplies
$110.83; City of Murdo--Pool Fees
$123.00; Corkys--Supplies $70.39; Do
All--Citrix $80.00; EMC--Ins $16,052.00;
Farmers Union $374.25; Amazon--
Recorder $252.21; Golden West--Phone
$81.16; Amoco--Gas $400.64; Pepper--
Reg Fee $105.00; Moores--Weed Eater
$173.59; Coyote--Minutes $190.65;
Music Alive--Subscription $215.00; Pear-
son--Licensing $1,187.50; Plank Road--
Magazines $124.70; SASD--Member-
ship-- $221.24; SD Library--Membership
$675.00; Teacher Placement--Member-
ship $420.00; SD United Schools--Mem-
bership $00.00; SDSSA--Conf Fee
$40.00; Software Unlimited $2,550.00;
TIE--Membership $640.00; Post Office
$227.00; Venard Inc--Service $248.45;
Verizon--Phone $57.78; West Central--
Electricity $832.10.
Equip $1,579.21; Bad River--
Stove/Refrigerator $1,329.98; City of
Murdo--1/2 Lights $5,880.00; Hauff--VB
Shorts $416.45; West Central--Elect
$389.84, RETIREMENT $319.25,
Comp $746.00; Childrens Care--Servic-
es $874.00; Edhelper--Subscription
$69.97; Pearson--Licensing $617.50.
FOOD SERVICE: MooresSupplies
seconded by Lolley to approve as fol-
lows: GENERAL FUND: Bal.Bro't Fwd
$640,13.34; RECEIPTS Ad Valorem
Taxes $39,297.14, Mobile Home Taxes
$1,041.19, Prior Yrs Taxes $78.16,
Penalties $61.20, Interest $49.20,
Admission $197.04, Rental $775.00, Co
Apportionment $3,361.00, State Aid
$33,766.00, Title II $11,079.00, 21st
Cent Attendance $18,810.00, Natl Min-
erals $9,046.00. EXPENDITURES
$117,423.97; Bal on Hand Checking
$285,441.43; MMDA $104,918.87;
Investments $250,000.00.
$267,635.72; RECEIPTS: Ad Valorem
Taxes $12,222.33; Mobile Home Taxes
$171.86, Prior Yrs Taxes $16.57, Penal-
ties $15.91, Interest $8.72, Donations
$22,963.28; Bal on Hand Checking
$170,542.52; MMDA $90,865,41; Invest-
ments -0-.
$976,270.71; RECEIPTS: Ad Valorem
Taxes $17,775.38, Mobile Home Taxes
$248.67, Prior Yrs Taxes $23.59, Penal-
ties $22.92, Interest $70.22, Title VI
Reimb $10,501. EXPENDITURES
$20,026.89; Bal on Hand Checking
$512,509.89; MMDA $212,355.35;
Investments $260,000.00.
$309,280.75; RECEIPTS: Ad Valorem
Taxes $3,851.05, Mobile Home Taxes
$55.87, Prior Yrs Taxes $5.91, Penalties
$5.32. EXPENDITURES $43,424.68;
Bal on Hand Checking $269,774.22;
MMDA -0-; Investments -0-.
$24,677.57; RECEIPTS: Pupil Sales
$3,178.31, Adult Sales $107.50, Due
from Fed $3,312.94, NSLP $119.16, Pro
Ration $897.63. EXPENDITURES
$7,805.80; Bal on Hand Checking
$24,487.31; MMDA -0-; Investments -0-.
TRUST & AGENCY: Bal Bro't Fwd
$65,248.69; RECEIPTS $4,110.78;
EXPENSES $37,486.95; Bal on Hand
OFFICE: Board President administered
Oath of Office to Tami Schreiber, Busi-
ness Manager for the Jones County
School District for the 2013-2014 year.
MEAL PRICES: Motion by Mathews,
seconded by Whitney to have school
breakfast and lunch prices remain the
same as the prior year for the 2013-2014
school year.
MENTS: Motion by Nix, seconded by
Lolley to approve all signed and returned
contracts and work agreements for the
2013-2014 school term.
CONTRACTS: Sharon Aman--Title I
$33,130.00; Beverly Ball--Reading/
Physical Ed/Health $34,210.00; Larry
Ball--AD $5,000.00; Betty Benedict--
4/5ths Speech $32,968.00; Christy
Brost--Elementary $33,490.00; Rose
Comp- - Vocal / I nst r ument al / Jazz
$34,855.90; Jane Daum--Math
$34,040.00; Bonnie Dowling--Special Ed
$31,530.00; Jeanette Drayer--Elemen-
tary $31,897.00/21st Century $16.00hr;
Lorrie Esmay--Elem Principal/Special Ed
Director/RTI $50,000.00/21st Century
$16.00hr; Jody Gittings--Industrial
Arts/PE $30,320.00; Teri Kinsley--Ele-
mentary $32,610.00/ 21st Century
$16.00hr; Tamara Mathews--Science/JH
Music $30,320.00; Carmen Miller--
Elem/JH/HS $33,850.00; Teresa Palmer-
-Elementary $39,410.00; Margie Peters-
-Language/ Journalism $40,680.00; Mar-
cella Schmidt--Elementary $39,979.00;
Tami Schreiber--Business Manager (12
months) $31,135.00/21st Century
$3,000.00; Jaytee Sealey--Social Stud-
ies/Physical Ed/History $31,250.00;
Grant Vander Vorst--Superintendent/
JH/HS Principal $69,000.00; Deborah
Venard--Kindergarten/Elem Music
$32,519.00/ 21st Century $16.00hr;
Katie Venard--Language Arts/Science
$29,370.00/21st Century $16.00hr; Bri-
tany WillisSpecial Ed $30,450.00.
Anthony Benda--Route Bus Driver
$12hr/Custodian $10.00hr; Stacey
Booth--21st Century (10 months)
$30,360.00; Dale Convey--Computer
Tech $32,000.00; Lana Feddersen--Aide
$8.00hr/21st Century $8.00hr; Lea
Glaze--Aide $8.20hr/Nurse $15.80hr/
DDN Monitor $8.20hr/21st Century
$16.00hr; Stephanie Hespe--Secretary
(12 months) $24,740.00; Susan More-
land--Route Bus Driver $32.00/trip;
Jeannette Newsam--Aide $8.40hr, 21st
Century $9.00hr; Mary Trumbo--Aide
$8.40hr/21st Century $9.00hr; Beth Van-
Dam--Aide $8.00hr; Tammy VanDam--
Librarian $10.55hr/21st Century $10.35.
Ball--JH Girls Basketball $1,468.50/ Ply-
ometrics--$15.00hr; Michael Boni--JH
Football $1,468.50; Rose Comp--Pep
Band $2,643.00; Jane Daum--Boys
Track $2,115.00/Homecoming /Com-
mencement/Student Council $940.00;
Ashley Geigle--Head Volleyball
$2,585.00; David Geisler--Asst Boys
Basketball $1,880.00; Jody Gittings--
Golf $2,055.00; Michael Hunt--Asst Girls
Basketball $1,880.00; Teri Kinsley--JH
Volleyball $1,468.50; Neil Krogman--Var-
sity Girls Basketball $2,820.00; Scott
Mathews--Head Boys Basketball
$2,820.00; Lori Nix--Girls Track
$2,115.00; Clifford Olson--JH Boys Bas-
ketball $1,175.00; Margie Peters--
Pa p e r / Ph o t o g r a p h e r / Ye a r b o o k
$2,643.00; Jaytee Sealey--Varsity Foot-
ball $2,585.00; Beth VanDam--Asst Vol-
leyball $1,645.00/Plyometrics $15.00hr.
Mathews, seconded by Whitney to termi-
nate the health insurance reimburse-
ment plan with West Central Electric
effective July 1, 2013.
Motion by Lolley, seconded by Nix to
adjourn for the purpose of Reorganiza-
tion and Grant Vander Vorst be appoint-
ed temporary chairperson. Meeting
adjourned at 8:13 p.m. Meeting recon-
vened at 8:14 p.m. Tami Schreiber, Busi-
ness Manager administered the Oath of
Offices to Andy Rankin and Dean Volmer
each for a 3 year term.
Motion by Whitney, seconded by Math-
ews to nominate Carrie Lolley as Presi-
dent. Nominations ceased and a unani-
mous ballot was cast for Carrie Lolley
Hunt as President.
Board President Carrie Lolley took office
and presided over the remainder of the
Nominations were in order for Vice Pres-
ident. Motion by Whitney, seconded by
Rankin to nominate Scott Mathews as
Vice President. Nominations ceased and
a unanimous ballot was cast for Scott
Mathews as Vice President.
Mathews, seconded by Whitney to des-
ignate the second Monday each month
as the regular meeting day with the
meeting to begin at 8:00 p.m. April
through October and 7:00 p.m. Novem-
ber through March in the High School
library unless otherwise stated with legal
notice posted (SDCL 13-8-10).
Resolution #386
Designation of Depositories
the School Board of the Jones
County School District #37-3,
in accordance with SDCL 13-
15-15 hereby designates the
First Fidelity Bank of Murdo,
SD; Dakota; Dakota Prairie
Bank, Draper, SD; and First
National Bank, Murdo, SD as
the official depositories for the
School District for the 2013-
2014 year.
Chad Whitney, seconded by
Scott Mathews to adopt the
foregoing resolution.
ROLL CALL--In Favor: Chad
Whitney, Scott Mathews, Dean
Volmer, Andy Rankin and Car-
rie Lolley. Opposed: None.
Rankin, seconded by Volmer to approve
the Murdo Coyote as the official newspa-
per for the publications of all notices and
proceedings. (SDCL 13-8-10)
Motion by Whitney, seconded by Math-
ews that grades K through Eighth trans-
portation allowance be $.37/mile for dis-
tance traveled by the shortest route on
publicly traveled roads in excess of 5
miles each way. If children from more
than one family are transported in the
same vehicle payment shall be made to
only one family. Room and Board in lieu
of transportation to be established at a
rate of $100.00 per month. (SDCL 13-30-
3. 13-30-4)
Motion by Whitney, seconded by Volmer
to establish travel regulations for person-
nel as follows: MILEAGE: at a rate of
$.37/mile, MEALS: Breakfast $6.00,
Lunch $8.00, Dinner $11.00. Meals will
be reimbursed for required overnight
trips and required workshops held on
Saturdays or Sundays or during Summer
break for employees not otherwise on
contract for those periods. If available,
the school owned van shall be utilized in
lieu of mileage. Out-of-State-Clinics:
Flat rate of $200.00 for all expenses
(one clinic per fiscal year) in lieu of a clin-
ic held in state.
Mathews, seconded by Whitney to set
the compensation of each board mem-
ber at $50.00 per Regular Meeting actu-
ally attended by such member and no
additional compensation for Special
Meetings. Mileage for all Board Meetings
actually attended (Regular and/or Spe-
cial) to be set at $.37/mile.
Motion by Rankin, seconded by Volmer
to approve the sale of tickets for High
School events--(football, basketball, vol-
leyball, etc.) at $5.00 for adults and
$3.00 for students; Season tickets for
adults $35.00 and season tickets for stu-
dents $15.00. Invitational Tournaments
at $5.00 for adults and $3.00 for students
(per session). Royal Blue Passes for
ages 60 and up--no charge--good for
regular season events not including Invi-
tational Tournament.
TRUANCY OFFICER: Motion by Whit-
ney, seconded by Mathews to appoint
Grant Vander Vorst as truancy officer for
the 2013-2014 school year.
LEGAL COUNCIL: Motion by Mathews,
seconded by Volmer that Churchill,
Manolis, Freeman Attorneys at Law be
appointed as legal council for the 2013-
2014 school year.
Resolution #377
Investment of Funds
School Board of the Jones
County School District #37-3
authorizes the Business Man-
ager and Principals to invest
school district funds to best
serve the interest of the Jones
County School District #37-3
in accordance with the laws
governing governmental enti-
ties whereby the securities
invested are guaranteed by
the United States Govern-
School Board hereby adopts
the foregoing resolution and to
implement the same. Motion
by Chad Whitney, seconded
by Andy Rankin to adopt the
foregoing resolution.
ROLL CALL--In Favor--Chad
Whitney, Scott Mathews, Dean
Volmer, Andy Rankin and Car-
rie Lolley. Opposed--None.
Motion by Mathews, seconded by Whit-
ney to designate Tami Schreiber as cus-
todian of the Fiduciary Accounts and to
continue the Imprest Fund at
Rankin, seconded by Volmer to advertise
for bids for the following which shall be
net price and shall not include the
amount of federal, state and excise taxes
effective for the 2013-2014 school term:
(1) Gas for vans and buses (2) LP Gas
for buildings (3) Diesel for buses.
by Whitney, seconded by Volmer to set
meal allowance for students at $6.00
Breakfast, $8.00 Lunch. $11.00 Dinner
for the 2013-2014 school term for
required overnight trips, events held on
Saturdays or Sundays or during Summer
BER: Motion by Mathews, seconded by
Whitney to appoint Carrie Lolley to repre-
sent the Board on the Three Rivers
Board and all other members as alter-
nates for the 2013-2014 school term.
TRACT: Motion by Whitney, seconded
by Rankin to approve the rental agree-
ment with Oahe Child Development for
August 1, 2013 through July 31, 2015.
Chad Whitney, seconded by Andy
Rankin to approve the following policies
and handbooks for Fiscal Year 2014 with
the changes and updates: Acceptable
Use Policy; Attendance Policy; Break-
fast/Lunch Policy; Bullying Policy; Crimi-
nal Background Policy; Crisis Manage-
ment Policy; Drug, Alcohol & Controlled
Substances Policy; Federal Funds Com-
plaint Policy; Homeless Policy; Home-
work Policy; Promotion & Retention Pol-
icy; Smoking Policy; Student/Parent
Handbook; Substitute Teacher Hand-
book; Title I Policy; Transportation Poli-
cy; Weapons Policy; Wellness & Nutri-
tion Policy.
First reading for changes to the Non-Cer-
tified Staff Handbook for Fiscal Year
DISCUSSION: Dakota Step, Joint Con-
vention, New Board Member Workshop,
Inservice, Firemens Training.
ney, seconded by Mathews to enter
executive session at 9:10 p.m., in accor-
dance with SDCL 1-24-2 subchapter a.
Board President declared session over
at 9:40 p.m.
Motion by Whitney, seconded by Rankin
to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 9:41
Tami Schreiber,
Business Manager
Published July 18, 2013, at the total
approximate cost of $177.72.
a printing
job done?
in Philip
Coyote Classifieds
Murdo Coyote July 18, 2013 Page 8
available. Email Dan.haberling@ or call Midwest Coop-
eratives 1(800)658-5535.
erative opening: part-time early
childhood special education para-
professional for the 2013-2014
school year: Contact Director Cris
Owens 605-466-2206, Christine.
LOCK School District #62-6 for
2013-2014 School Year: HS Math;
MS Special Education and Birth
to 2nd Grade Special Education.
Contact Tim Frederick at 605-
845-9204 for more information.
Resumes and applications can be
mailed to the school Attn: Tim
Frederick at 1107 1st Avenue East
in Mobridge SD 57601. Open until
filled. EOE, Signing Bonus avail-
SION is taking applications for
full- time Douglas County High-
way Superintendent. Must have
valid Class A Drivers License.
Experience in road/bridge con-
struction/maintenance. For appli-
cation contact: Douglas County
Auditor (605) 724-2423.
ENT POSITION. Duties include
supervising staff, scheduling
shifts, planning and organizing
department activities, preparing
budget, representing department
at public meetings. Must main-
tain valid SD Drivers and Com-
mercial Drivers License. Salary
dependent on experience. Applica-
tions from Hutchinson County
Auditors Office, 140 Euclid Room
128, Olivet SD 57052 (605) 387-
4212. Applications close 4:30 p.m.
July 26, 2013.
WYLIE? $1000 Flatbed Sign-on
*Home Weekly *Regional Dedicat-
ed Routes *2500 Miles Weekly
*$50 Tarp Pay (888) 692-5705
SD. We have lowered the price &
will consider contract for deed.
Call Russell Spaid 605-280-1067.
representing Golden Eagle Log
Homes, building in eastern, cen-
tral, northwestern South & North
Dakota. Scott Connell, 605-530-
2672, Craig Connell, 605-264-
5650, www.goldeneagleloghomes.
at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) &
High Speed Internet starting at
$14.95/month (where available.)
Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-
Digital Phone-Satellite. Youve
Got A Choice! Options from ALL
major service providers. Call us to
learn more! CALL Today. 888-337-
everywhere By Satellite! Speeds
Deadline is Tuesdays at 10 a.m.
Call: 669-2271
CLASSIFIED RATE: $5.00 minimum for up to 20 words.10 per word after
initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted as one word.
CARD OF THANKS: Poems, Tributes, Etc. $5.00 minimum for up to 20
words.10 per word after initial 20. Each name and initial must be counted
as one word.
NOTE: $2.00 added charge for bookkeeping and billing on all charges.
DISPLAY AD RATE: $5.20 per column inch.
PUBLISHERS NOTICE: All real estate, advertised in this newspaper is
subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968, which makes it illegal to
advertise any preference, or discrimination on race, color, religion, sex, or
national origin, or any intention to make any such preference, limitation, or
This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate
which is a violation of the law. Our readers are informed that all dwellings
advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis.
Help Wanted
position available in the Murdo
area assisting elderly and disabled
individuals in the comfort of their
own homes. Will assist with basic
cleaning, laundry, meal prep, per-
sonal cares, and other tasks which
allow independence. Flexible
schedules and great supplemental
income. Please contact the office
(605)224-2273 or 1-800-899-2578.
Be sure to check out our web site
For Sale
FOR SALE: Alfalfa seed, grass
seed and high test alfalfa hay.
Delivery available and volume dis-
count available. Call 798-5413.
ING: Specializing in controlling
Canada thistle on rangeland. ATV
application. Also prairie dogs. Call
Bill at 605-669-2298. M21-24tp
Thank You
Thank you to the Chamber of
Commerce for choosing our yard
as Yard of the Week.
Matt and Lisa Kinsley
Thank you to the boys: Connor,
Skyler, John, Cody and Clayton for
helping at the school.
Tony Benda
Murdo Nutrition
Program Menu
July 22
Spaghetti w/ Meatsauce
Tossed Salad
French Bread
July 23
Baked Ham
Mashed Potatoes w/ Cheese
Baked Apples
July 24
French Dip w/ Au Jus
Macaroni Salad
Mixed Vegetables
Mandarin Oranges & Pineapple
July 25
Barbecue Chicken
Baked Potato
Dinner Roll
Banana Pudding w/ Vanilla Wafers
July 26
Salisbury Steak in Gravy
Mashed Potatoes & Gravy
Sliced Beets
Peach Crisp
MANAGER of convenience store
in Lemmon, SD. Will assist in the
day-to-day operations of a c-store.
Please call or send resume to Deb
Stoltman, 701-223-0154; P.O. Box
832, Bismarck, ND 58502. Salary
DEPARTMENT accepting appli-
cations for FT Highway Mainte-
nance Person. Competitive salary,
benefit package. EOE. Closes July
29. For application call 605-598-
TIVES is seeking people interest-
ed in an agronomy career. Various
positions in central South Dakota
up to 12mbps! (200x faster than
dial-up.) Starting at $49.95/mo.
CALL NOW & GO FAST! 1-888-
statewide for only $150.00. Put the
South Dakota Statewide Classi-
fieds Network to work for you
today! (25 words for $150. Each
additional word $5.) Call this
newspaper or 800-658-3697 for
owner operators, freight from Mid-
west up to 48 states, home regu-
larly, newer equipment, Health,
401K, call Randy, A&A Express,
M MuRdo uRdo C CoyoTe oyoTe
will print your
and wedding
abSoluTely fRee.
Send your information to

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