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THE RULE ON THE WRIT OF AMPARO (amended Section 9 & 11) 2 ! Oct 1" A#M# No# !

$9$12$S% RESOLUTION Pursuant to the action of the Court en banc in its session held on October 16, 2 Rule on the #rit of $%&aro are hereb' $(EN)E) to read as follo*s+ !, Sections " and 11 of the

Sec, ", Return- Contents, . #ithin /I0E 123 #OR4IN5 )$6S after ser7ice of the *rit, the res&ondent shall file a 7erified *ritten return to8ether *ith su&&ortin8 affida7its *hich shall, a%on8 other thin8s, contain the follo*in8+ 1a3 The la*ful defenses to sho* that the res&ondent did not 7iolate or threaten *ith 7iolation the ri8ht to life, libert' and securit' of the a88rie7ed &art', throu8h an' act or o%ission1b3 The ste&s or actions ta9en b' the &ossession to deter%ine the fate or *hereabouts of the a88rie7ed &art' and the &erson or &ersons res&onsible for the threat, act or o%ission1c3 $ll rele7ant infor%ation in the &ossession of the res&ondent &ertainin8 to the threat, act or o%ission a8ainst the a88rie7ed &art'- and 1d3 If the res&ondent is a &ublic official or e%&lo'ee, the return shall further state the actions that ha7e been or *ill still be ta9en+ 1i3 to 7erif' the identit' of the a88rie7ed &art'1ii3 to reco7er and &reser7e e7idence related to the death or disa&&earance of the &erson identified in the &etition *hich %a' aid in the &rosecution of the &erson or &ersons res&onsible1iii3 to identif' *itnesses and obtain state%ents fro% the% concernin8 the death or disa&&earance1i73 to deter%ine the cause, %anner, location and ti%e of death or disa&&earance as *ell as an' &attern or &ractice that %a' ha7e brou8ht about the death or disa&&earance173 to identif' and a&&rehend the &erson or &ersons in7ol7ed in the death or disa&&earance- and 17i3 to brin8 the sus&ected offenders before a co%&etent court, T:E PERIO) TO /ILE $ RETURN C$NNOT ;E E<TEN)E) E<CEPT ON :I5:L6 (ERITORIOUS 5ROUN), The return shall also state other %atters rele7ant to the in7esti8ation, its resolution and the &rosecution of the case, $ 8eneral denial of the alle8ations in the &etition shall not be allo*ed, Sec, 11, Prohibited Pleadin8s and (otions,. The follo*in8 &leadin8s and %otion are &rohibited+ 1a3 (otion to dis%iss1b3 (otion for e=tension of ti%e to file o&&osition, affida7it, &osition &a&er and other &leadin8s1c3 )ilator' %otion for &ost&one%ent1d3 (otion for a bill of &articulars-

1e3 Counterclai% or cross.clai%1f3 Third.&art' co%&laint183 Re&l'1h3 (otion to declare res&ondent in default1i3 Inter7ention1>3 (e%orandu%193 (otion for reconsideration of interlocutor' orders or interi% relief orders- and 1l3 Petition for certiorari, %anda%us or &rohibition a8ainst an' interlocutor' order, The a%end%ents to the Rule shall ta9e effect on October 2?, 2 ne*s&a&ers of 8eneral circulation, October 16, 2 ! ! follo*in8 its &ublication in three 1@3

As8d,B REN$TO S, PUNO Chief Custice As8d,B LEON$RO $, DUISU(;IN5 $ssociate Custice As8d,B CONSUELO 6N$RES.S$NTI$5O $ssociate Custice As8d,B $N5ELIN$ S$N)O0$L.5UTIERREE $ssociate Custice As8d,B $NTONIO T, C$RPIO $ssociate Custice As8d,B ($, $LICI$ $USTRI$.($RTINEE $ssociate Custice As8d,B REN$TO C, CORON$ $ssociate Custice As8d,B CONC:IT$ C$RPIO (OR$LES $ssociate Custice As8d,B

$)OL/O S, $ECUN$ $ssociate Custice As8d,B )$NTE O, TIN5$ $ssociate Custice As8d,B (INIT$ 0, C:ICO.N$E$RIO $ssociate Custice As8d,B C$NCIO C, 5$RCI$ $ssociate Custice As8d,B PRES;ITERO C, 0EL$SCO, CR, $ssociate Custice As8d,B $NTONIO E)U$R)O ;, N$C:UR$ $ssociate Custice As8d,B RU;EN T, RE6ES $ssociate Custice

T:E RULE ON T:E #RIT O/ $(P$RO 2 ! Se& 22 $,(, No, !.".12.SC SECTION 1, Petition, The &etition for a *rit of a%&aro is a re%ed' a7ailable to an' &erson *hose ri8ht to life, libert' and securit' is 7iolated or threatened *ith 7iolation b' an unla*ful act or o%ission of a &ublic official or e%&lo'ee, or of a &ri7ate indi7idual or entit', The *rit shall co7er e=trale8al 9illin8s and enforced disa&&earances or threats thereof, SEC, 2, #ho (a' /ile, The &etition %a' be filed b' the a88rie7ed &art' or b' an' Fualified &erson or entit' in the follo*in8 order+ a, $n' %e%ber of the i%%ediate fa%il', na%el'+ the s&ouse, children and &arents of the a88rie7ed &art'b, $n' ascendant, descendant or collateral relati7e of the a88rie7ed &art' *ithin the fourth ci7il de8ree of consan8uinit' or affinit', in default of those %entioned in the &recedin8 &ara8ra&h- or c, $n' concerned citiGen, or8aniGation, association or institution, if there is no 9no*n %e%ber of the i%%ediate fa%il' or relati7e of the a88rie7ed &art', The filin8 of a &etition b' the a88rie7ed &art' sus&ends the ri8ht of all other authoriGed &arties to file si%ilar &etitions, Li9e*ise, the filin8 of the &etition b' an authoriGed &art' on behalf of the a88rie7ed &art' sus&ends the ri8ht of all others, obser7in8 the order established herein, SEC, @, #here to /ile, The &etition %a' be filed on an' da' and at an' ti%e *ith the Re8ional Trial Court of the &lace *here the threat, act or o%ission *as co%%itted or an' of its ele%ents occurred, or *ith the Sandi8anba'an, the Court of $&&eals, the Su&re%e Court, or an' >ustice of such courts, The *rit shall be enforceable an'*here in the Phili&&ines, #hen issued b' a Re8ional Trial Court or an' >ud8e thereof, the *rit shall be returnable before such court or >ud8e, #hen issued b' the Sandi8anba'an or the Court of $&&eals or an' of their >ustices, it %a' be returnable before such court or an' >ustice thereof, or to an' Re8ional Trial Court of the &lace *here the threat, act or o%ission *as co%%itted or an' of its ele%ents occurred, #hen issued b' the Su&re%e Court or an' of its >ustices, it %a' be returnable before such Court or an' >ustice thereof, or before the Sandi8anba'an or the Court of $&&eals or an' of their >ustices, or to an' Re8ional Trial Court of the &lace *here the threat, act or o%ission *as co%%itted or an' of its ele%ents occurred, SEC, ?, No )oc9et /ees, The &etitioner shall be e=e%&ted fro% the &a'%ent of the doc9et and other la*ful fees *hen filin8 the &etition, The court, >ustice or >ud8e shall doc9et the &etition and act u&on it i%%ediatel', SEC, 2, Contents of Petition, The &etition shall be si8ned and 7erified and shall alle8e the follo*in8+ a, The &ersonal circu%stances of the &etitionerb, The na%e and &ersonal circu%stances of the res&ondent res&onsible for the threat, act or o%ission, or, if the na%e is un9no*n or uncertain, the res&ondent %a' be described b' an assu%ed a&&ellation-

c, The ri8ht to life, libert' and securit' of the a88rie7ed &art' 7iolated or threatened *ith 7iolation b' an unla*ful act or o%ission of the res&ondent, and ho* such threat or 7iolation is co%%itted *ith the attendant circu%stances detailed in su&&ortin8 affida7itsd, The in7esti8ation conducted, if an', s&ecif'in8 the na%es, &ersonal circu%stances, and addresses of the in7esti8atin8 authorit' or indi7iduals, as *ell as the %anner and conduct of the in7esti8ation, to8ether *ith an' re&orte, The actions and recourses ta9en b' the &etitioner to deter%ine the fate or *hereabouts of the a88rie7ed &art' and the identit' of the &erson res&onsible for the threat, act or o%ission- and f, The relief &ra'ed for, The &etition %a' include a 8eneral &ra'er for other >ust and eFuitable reliefs, SEC, 6, Issuance of the #rit, U&on the filin8 of the &etition, the court, >ustice or >ud8e shall i%%ediatel' order the issuance of the *rit if on its face it ou8ht to issue, The cler9 of court shall issue the *rit under the seal of the court- or in case of ur8ent necessit', the >ustice or the >ud8e %a' issue the *rit under his or her o*n hand, and %a' de&utiGe an' officer or &erson to ser7e it, The *rit shall also set the date and ti%e for su%%ar' hearin8 of the &etition *hich shall not be later than se7en 1!3 da's fro% the date of its issuance, SEC, !, Penalt' for Refusin8 to Issue or Ser7e the #rit, $ cler9 of court *ho refuses to issue the *rit after its allo*ance, or a de&utiGed &erson *ho refuses to ser7e the sa%e, shall be &unished b' the court, >ustice or >ud8e for conte%&t *ithout &re>udice to other disci&linar' actions, SEC, H, :o* the #rit is Ser7ed, The *rit shall be ser7ed u&on the res&ondent b' a >udicial officer or b' a &erson de&utiGed b' the court, >ustice or >ud8e *ho shall retain a co&' on *hich to %a9e a return of ser7ice, In case the *rit cannot be ser7ed &ersonall' on the res&ondent, the rules on substituted ser7ice shall a&&l', SEC, ", 1See $%end%ents3 Return- Contents, #ithin se7ent'.t*o 1!23 hours after ser7ice of the *rit, the res&ondent shall file a 7erified *ritten return to8ether *ith su&&ortin8 affida7its *hich shall, a%on8 other thin8s, contain the follo*in8+ a, The la*ful defenses to sho* that the res&ondent did not 7iolate or threaten *ith 7iolation the ri8ht to life, libert' and securit' of the a88rie7ed &art', throu8h an' act or o%issionb, The ste&s or actions ta9en b' the res&ondent to deter%ine the fate or *hereabouts of the a88rie7ed &art' and the &erson or &ersons res&onsible for the threat, act or o%issionc, $ll rele7ant infor%ation in the &ossession of the res&ondent &ertainin8 to the threat, act or o%ission a8ainst the a88rie7ed &art'- and d, If the res&ondent is a &ublic official or e%&lo'ee, the return shall further state the actions that ha7e been or *ill still be ta9en+ i, to 7erif' the identit' of the a88rie7ed &art'ii, to reco7er and &reser7e e7idence related to the death or disa&&earance of the &erson identified in the &etition *hich %a' aid in the &rosecution of the &erson or &ersons res&onsibleiii, to identif' *itnesses and obtain state%ents fro% the% concernin8 the death or disa&&earancei7, to deter%ine the cause, %anner, location and ti%e of death or disa&&earance as *ell as an' &attern or &ractice that %a' ha7e brou8ht about the death or disa&&earance-

7, to identif' and a&&rehend the &erson or &ersons in7ol7ed in the death or disa&&earance- and 7i, to brin8 the sus&ected offenders before a co%&etent court, The return shall also state other %atters rele7ant to the in7esti8ation, its resolution and the &rosecution of the case, $ 8eneral denial of the alle8ations in the &etition shall not be allo*ed, SEC, 1 , )efenses not Pleaded )ee%ed #ai7ed, $ll defenses shall be raised in the return, other*ise, the' shall be dee%ed *ai7ed, SEC, 11, 1See $%end%ents3 Prohibited Pleadin8s and (otions, The follo*in8 &leadin8s and %otions are &rohibited+ a, (otion to dis%issb, (otion for e=tension of ti%e to file return, o&&osition, affida7it, &osition &a&er and other &leadin8sc, )ilator' %otion for &ost&one%entd, (otion for a bill of &articularse, Counterclai% or cross.clai%f, Third.&art' co%&laint8, Re&l'h, (otion to declare res&ondent in defaulti, Inter7ention>, (e%orandu%9, (otion for reconsideration of interlocutor' orders or interi% relief orders- and l, Petition for certiorari, %anda%us or &rohibition a8ainst an' interlocutor' order, SEC, 12, Effect of /ailure to /ile Return, I In case the res&ondent fails to file a return, the court, >ustice or >ud8e shall &roceed to hear the &etition e= &arte, SEC, 1@, Su%%ar' :earin8, The hearin8 on the &etition shall be su%%ar', :o*e7er, the court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' call for a &reli%inar' conference to si%&lif' the issues and deter%ine the &ossibilit' of obtainin8 sti&ulations and ad%issions fro% the &arties, The hearin8 shall be fro% da' to da' until co%&leted and 8i7en the sa%e &riorit' as &etitions for habeas cor&us, SEC, 1?, Interi% Reliefs, U&on filin8 of the &etition or at an'ti%e before final >ud8%ent, the court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' 8rant an' of the follo*in8 reliefs+ 1a3 Te%&orar' Protection Order, The court, >ustice or >ud8e, u&on %otion or %otu &ro&rio, %a' order that the &etitioner or the a88rie7ed &art' and an' %e%ber of the i%%ediate fa%il' be &rotected in a 8o7ern%ent a8enc' or b' an accredited &erson or &ri7ate institution ca&able of 9ee&in8 and securin8 their safet', If the

&etitioner is an or8aniGation, association or institution referred to in Section @1c3 of this Rule, the &rotection %a' be e=tended to the officers in7ol7ed, The Su&re%e Court shall accredit the &ersons and &ri7ate institutions that shall e=tend te%&orar' &rotection to the &etitioner or the a88rie7ed &art' and an' %e%ber of the i%%ediate fa%il', in accordance *ith 8uidelines *hich it shall issue, The accredited &ersons and &ri7ate institutions shall co%&l' *ith the rules and conditions that %a' be i%&osed b' the court, >ustice or >ud8e, 1b3 Ins&ection Order, The court, >ustice or >ud8e, u&on 7erified %otion and after due hearin8, %a' order an' &erson in &ossession or control of a desi8nated land or other &ro&ert', to &er%it entr' for the &ur&ose of ins&ectin8, %easurin8, sur7e'in8, or &hoto8ra&hin8 the &ro&ert' or an' rele7ant ob>ect or o&eration thereon, The %otion shall state in detail the &lace or &laces to be ins&ected, It shall be su&&orted b' affida7its or testi%onies of *itnesses ha7in8 &ersonal 9no*led8e of the enforced disa&&earance or *hereabouts of the a88rie7ed &art', If the %otion is o&&osed on the 8round of national securit' or of the &ri7ile8ed nature of the infor%ation, the court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' conduct a hearin8 in cha%bers to deter%ine the %erit of the o&&osition, The %o7ant %ust sho* that the ins&ection order is necessar' to establish the ri8ht of the a88rie7ed &art' alle8ed to be threatened or 7iolated, The ins&ection order shall s&ecif' the &erson or &ersons authoriGed to %a9e the ins&ection and the date, ti%e, &lace and %anner of %a9in8 the ins&ection and %a' &rescribe other conditions to &rotect the constitutional ri8hts of all &arties, The order shall e=&ire fi7e 123 da's after the date of its issuance, unless e=tended for >ustifiable reasons, 1c3 Production Order, The court, >ustice or >ud8e, u&on 7erified %otion and after due hearin8, %a' order an' &erson in &ossession, custod' or control of an' desi8nated docu%ents, &a&ers, boo9s, accounts, letters, &hoto8ra&hs, ob>ects or tan8ible thin8s, or ob>ects in di8itiGed or electronic for%, *hich constitute or contain e7idence rele7ant to the &etition or the return, to &roduce and &er%it their ins&ection, co&'in8 or &hoto8ra&hin8 b' or on behalf of the %o7ant, The %otion %a' be o&&osed on the 8round of national securit' or of the &ri7ile8ed nature of the infor%ation, in *hich case the court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' conduct a hearin8 in cha%bers to deter%ine the %erit of the o&&osition, The court, >ustice or >ud8e shall &rescribe other conditions to &rotect the constitutional ri8hts of all the &arties, 1d3 #itness Protection Order, The court, >ustice or >ud8e, u&on %otion or %otu &ro&rio, %a' refer the *itnesses to the )e&art%ent of Custice for ad%ission to the #itness Protection, Securit' and ;enefit Pro8ra%, &ursuant to Re&ublic $ct No, 6"H1, The court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' also refer the *itnesses to other 8o7ern%ent a8encies, or to accredited &ersons or &ri7ate institutions ca&able of 9ee&in8 and securin8 their safet', SEC, 12, $7ailabilit' of Interi% Reliefs to Res&ondent, U&on 7erified %otion of the res&ondent and after due hearin8, the court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' issue an ins&ection order or &roduction order under &ara8ra&hs 1b3 and 1c3 of the &recedin8 section, $ %otion for ins&ection order under this section shall be su&&orted b' affida7its or testi%onies of *itnesses ha7in8 &ersonal 9no*led8e of the defenses of the res&ondent,

SEC, 16, Conte%&t, The court, >ustice or >ud8e %a' order the res&ondent *ho refuses to %a9e a return, or *ho %a9es a false return, or an' &erson *ho other*ise disobe's or resists a la*ful &rocess or order of the court to be &unished for conte%&t, The conte%nor %a' be i%&risoned or i%&osed a fine, SEC, 1!, ;urden of Proof and Standard of )ili8ence ReFuired, The &arties shall establish their clai%s b' substantial e7idence, The res&ondent *ho is a &ri7ate indi7idual or entit' %ust &ro7e that ordinar' dili8ence as reFuired b' a&&licable la*s, rules and re8ulations *as obser7ed in the &erfor%ance of dut', The res&ondent *ho is a &ublic official or e%&lo'ee %ust &ro7e that e=traordinar' dili8ence as reFuired b' a&&licable la*s, rules and re8ulations *as obser7ed in the &erfor%ance of dut', The res&ondent &ublic official or e%&lo'ee cannot in7o9e the &resu%&tion that official dut' has been re8ularl' &erfor%ed to e7ade res&onsibilit' or liabilit', SEC, 1H, Cud8%ent, The court shall render >ud8%ent *ithin ten 11 3 da's fro% the ti%e the &etition is sub%itted for decision, If the alle8ations in the &etition are &ro7en b' substantial e7idence, the court shall 8rant the &ri7ile8e of the *rit and such reliefs as %a' be &ro&er and a&&ro&riate- other*ise, the &ri7ile8e shall be denied, SEC, 1", $&&eal, $n' &art' %a' a&&eal fro% the final >ud8%ent or order to the Su&re%e Court under Rule ?2, The a&&eal %a' raise Fuestions of fact or la* or both, The &eriod of a&&eal shall be fi7e 123 *or9in8 da's fro% the date of notice of the ad7erse >ud8%ent, The a&&eal shall be 8i7en the sa%e &riorit' as in habeas cor&us cases, SEC, 2 , $rchi7in8 and Re7i7al of Cases, The court shall not dis%iss the &etition, but shall archi7e it, if u&on its deter%ination it cannot &roceed for a 7alid cause such as the failure of &etitioner or *itnesses to a&&ear due to threats on their li7es, $ &eriodic re7ie* of the archi7ed cases shall be %ade b' the a%&aro court that shall, %otu &ro&rio or u&on %otion b' an' &art', order their re7i7al *hen read' for further &roceedin8s, The &etition shall be dis%issed *ith &re>udice u&on failure to &rosecute the case after the la&se of t*o 123 'ears fro% notice to the &etitioner of the order archi7in8 the case, The cler9s of court shall sub%it to the Office of the Court $d%inistrator a consolidated list of archi7ed cases under this Rule not later than the first *ee9 of Canuar' of e7er' 'ear, SEC, 21, Institution of Se&arate $ctions, This Rule shall not &reclude the filin8 of se&arate cri%inal, ci7il or ad%inistrati7e actions, SEC, 22, Effect of /ilin8 of a Cri%inal $ction, #hen a cri%inal action has been co%%enced, no se&arate &etition for the *rit shall be filed, The reliefs under the *rit shall be a7ailable b' %otion in the cri%inal case, The &rocedure under this Rule shall 8o7ern the dis&osition of the reliefs a7ailable under the *rit of a%&aro, SEC, 2@, Consolidation, #hen a cri%inal action is filed subseFuent to the filin8 of a &etition for the *rit, the latter shall be consolidated *ith the cri%inal action, #hen a cri%inal action and a se&arate ci7il action are filed subseFuent to a &etition for a *rit of a%&aro, the latter shall be consolidated *ith the cri%inal action,

$fter consolidation, the &rocedure under this Rule shall continue to a&&l' to the dis&osition of the reliefs in the &etition, SEC, 2?, Substanti7e Ri8hts, This Rule shall not di%inish, increase or %odif' substanti7e ri8hts reco8niGed and &rotected b' the Constitution, SEC, 22, Su&&letor' $&&lication of the Rules of Court, The Rules of Court shall a&&l' su&&letoril' insofar as it is not inconsistent *ith this Rule, SEC, 26, $&&licabilit' to Pendin8 Cases, This Rule shall 8o7ern cases in7ol7in8 e=trale8al 9illin8s and enforced disa&&earances or threats thereof &endin8 in the trial and a&&ellate courts, SEC, 2!, Effecti7it', This Rule shall ta9e effect on October 2?, 2 ne*s&a&ers of 8eneral circulation, !, follo*in8 its &ublication in three 1@3

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