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iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


por Greg Towsley
as bases de montaje vienen en tantas confgu-
raciones, diseos y estilos como bombas hay.
Sin importar el diseo, el propsito principal de la
base de montaje, como se describe por el Hydraulic
Instiute (HI)
, es para montar la bomba y el motor
juntos, mientras que mantienen la alineacin del
eje entre las dos piezas del equipo.
Al disear y manufacturar una base, se espera que
la unidad completa sea lo sufcientemente robusta
para perdurar despus del traslado al sitio y que
sea fcil de instalar. La base debe permitir la alinea-
cin fnal de la bomba y el motor, y permitir la
remocin y reinstalacin del equipo si es necesario.
El propsito de este artculo es proporcionar un
panorama general de los diferentes tipos de base
y las consideraciones del diseo. Se deben revisar
las necesidades del usuario y la bomba con el
proveedor para determinar el diseo de la base de
Para reducir al mnimo los Costos del Ciclo de Vida
de los equipos, se debe elegir la base de montaje
adecuada para el equipo y la aplicacin, lo mismo
que una apropiada instalacin en su cimiento y la
El tipo de base de montaje usado en una aplicacin
vara dentro de cada industria, compaa, aplicacin
y diseo de bomba. Los siguientes tipos de base nos
ayudan a entender mejor las muchas variaciones
Las placas de asiento son la forma ms simple y
bsica de base para bombas. Una placa de asiento
es una placa sencilla de acero montada bajo la base
de apoyo del equipo rotativo. Aunque es simple, es
adecuada para el grout. En el caso de una unidad
acoplada, se monta una placa de acero bajo cada
una de las bases de la bomba y el motor.
Para bombas y motores grandes, las placas de
asiento son menos costosas que las bases de mon-
taje, las cuales sera difcil de fabricar y construir en
acero de gran espesor. Una placa de asiento se usa
para bombas muy grandes, como las de doble suc-
cin o las de carcasa bipartida y su motor separado.
Tambin es comn usar una placa de asiento para
bombas turbina verticales, con el motor en la parte
superior. El uso de una base de montaje permite
la fcil remocin de la bomba turbina vertical. La
Figura 1 muestra la placa de asiento para la bomba
turbina vertical con grout en el cimiento.
Las bases de hierro fundido se usan comnmente
para pequeas unidades de bombeo, incluyendo las
bombas ANSI de proceso, debido a su bajo costo.
Muchos fabricantes de bombas proveen normal-
mente esta base por la mnima mano de obra
involucrada en su produccin.
ump baseplaIes come in as many conhgura-
Iions, designs and sIyles as Ihere are pumps.
No maIIer Ihe design, Ihe main purpose oI Ihe
baseplaIe, as described by Ihe Rydraulic lnsIiIuIe
, is Io mounI Ihe pump and driver IogeIher,
while mainIaining shaII alignmenI beIween Ihe
Iwo pieces oI equipmenI.
When designing and IabricaIing a baseplaIe, iI is
Ihe hope IhaI Ihe compleIe uniI is robusI enough
Io survive Ihe Iravel Io Ihe siIe and be simple Io
insIall. lI should allow Ior hnal alignmenI oI Ihe
pump and driver, and allow Ior removal and rein-
sIallaIion oI Ihe equipmenI iI necessary.
1he purpose oI Ihis arIicle is Io provide an over-
design consideraIions. 1he requiremenIs oI Ihe
user and Ihe pump should be reviewed wiIh Ihe
pump supplier Io deIermine Ihe design oI Ihe
1o minimize Ihe equipmenIs LiIe Cycle CosIs,
Ihe proper baseplaIe Ior Ihe equipmenI and Ihe
applicaIion musI be chosen, as well as proper
insIallaIion on iIs IoundaIion and alignmenI.
1he Iype oI baseplaIe used in an applicaIion var-
ies wiIhin each indusIry, company, applicaIion,
and pump design. 1he Iollowing Iypes oI base-
plaIes provide an undersIanding oI Ihe many
variaIions available.
SoleplaIes are Ihe simplesI and mosI basic oI
pump baseplaIes. A soleplaIe is a single sIeel
plaIe mounIed under Ihe IeeI oI Ihe roIaIing
equipmenI. AlIhough iI is simple, iI is suiIable
Ior grouIing. ln Ihe case oI a coupled uniI, a sIeel
plaIe is mounIed under each oI Ihe IeeI oI Ihe
pump and driver.
lor large pumps and drivers, soleplaIes are less
expensive Ihan baseplaIes, which would be diI-
hculI Io IabricaIe and consIrucIed Irom heavy
sIeel. A soleplaIe is used Ior very large pumps,
such as double sucIion or spliI case pumps, and
Iheir separaIe driver.
lI is also common Ior verIical Iurbine pumps,
wiIh Ihe driver mounIed on Iop, Io use a sole-
plaIe. 1he use oI a soleplaIe allows Ior ease oI re-
moval oI Ihe verIical Iurbine pump. 1he soleplaIe
Ior Ihe verIical Iurbine pump in %GESPC can be
seen grouIed inIo Ihe IoundaIion.
CAS1 lk0N
8aseplaIes oI casI iron maIerial are commonly
used Ior small pump uniIs, including ANSl pro-
cess pumps, due Io Iheir low cosI. Many pump
manuIacIurers provide Ihis baseplaIe as sIan-
dard because oI Ihe minimal labor involved in
iIs producIion.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


Para bombas pequeas, la base de hierro tiene un
remate curvo con un bloc moldeado para el motor.
Los blocs de montaje para la bomba y el motor se
maquinan planos. Se usan motores con armazn
NEMA estndar, y la base tiene orifcios para el grout
y para ventilacin.
Las bases de hierro ms pequeas no tienen elemen-
to para colectar el drenaje. Las bases mostradas en
la Figura 2 son de hierro, con orifcios para el grout,
para ventilacin y blocs para montaje. El uso de estas
bases requerira la limpieza de los blocs de montaje
para eliminar la pintura y otros materiales.
Las bases de hierro para bombas horizontales
grandes tambin cuentan con preparacin para mon-
tar motores NEMA y colectan todo el drenaje. Para
las bombas grandes que usan motores que no son
NEMA o que usan motores especiales, las bases de
hierro generalmente son planas en la parte superior
y tienen un borde continuo para goteo alrededor de
la parte superior de la base.
Cuando la bomba es impulsada por bandas en V o los
motores son suministrados por un proveedor distinto
al de la bomba, puede estar disponible una base de
hierro. Este diseo puede incorporar un borde para
Cuando la bomba y el motor son extremadamente
grandes, las bases de hierro pueden no ser las ms
econmicas. El uso de una base fabricada en acero
lor small pumps, Ihe casI iron base has a camber
Iop wiIh a moIor pad casI in place. 1he mounIing
pads Ior Ihe pump and driver are machined aI.
SIandard NLMA Irame moIors are used, and Ihe
baseplaIe has grouI and venI holes.
1he smaller casI iron baseplaIes do noI have any
IeaIure Ior drainage collecIion. 1he baseplaIes
shown in %GESPC are casI iron wiIh grouI holes,
venI holes, and mounIing pads. Use oI Ihese base-
plaIes would require Ihe cleaning oI Ihe mounIing
pads Io remove painI and oIher maIerial.
CasI iron baseplaIes Ior large horizonIal pumps
also provide mounIing provisions Ior NLMA mo-
Iors and have an inIegral drainage collecIion Iea-
Iure. lor Ihose large pumps IhaI use non-NLMA
moIors or special drivers, casI iron baseplaIes are
Iypically aI on Iop and have a conIinuous drip
lip around Ihe Iop oI Ihe base.
Where Ihe pump may be driven by v-belIs or driv-
ers supplied by a supplier oIher Ihan IhaI oI Ihe
pump, a casI iron baseplaIe mighI be available.
1his design may incorporaIe a drip lip.
When Ihe pump and driver are exIremely large,
casI iron baseplaIes may noI be Ihe mosI eco-
nomical. 1he use oI a IabricaIed sIeel baseplaIe
may be required when Ihe dimensions oI Ihe
Drificios para Crout
8Iocs para Montaje
Drificios de VentiIacin
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


puede ser necesario cuando las dimensiones de la
base son mayores de 32 pulg. (81.3 cm) de ancho o
114 pulg. (289.6 cm) de largo o ambas.
Las bases de montaje fabricadas en acero se manu-
facturan usando diferentes materiales. Se pueden
hacer ms rgidas que las bases de hierro. Sin em-
bargo, generalmente son ms costosas por los mate-
riales requeridos y por la mano de obra adicional que
se requiere para la soldadura.
El acero laminado o doblado, que ha sido formado
en una dobladora grande, es el menos costoso. Los
blocs de montaje para el motor se sueldan en la base
de montaje. Como se muestra en la Figura 3, el bloc
de montaje del motor se fabrica del tamao nec-
esario segn el motor, y luego se suelda a la base de
montaje de la bomba.
Los extremos son abiertos para ayudar al movimien-
to de la bomba ensamblada. Adems, las bases de
acero rolado no tienen orifcios para el grout, lo que
ayuda a mantener un bajo costo. La Figura 4, brinda
una vista de una base de acero rolado lista para
montar el motor elctrico.
El acero industrial estndar en perfl en C, se usa
para bases en tamaos hasta de 18 pulgadas (45 cm)
de ancho. Al igual que las bases de acero rolado, el
bloc de montaje para el motor, tambin construido
de perfl de acero, se suelda a la base. Adems los
extremos abiertos ayudan a mover la bomba ensam-
blada y este diseo no tiene orifcios para el grout.
La base de la Figura 5 es nica pues es adaptada
segn requisitos del cliente para montar dos juegos
de bombas y motores. Se usa un pequeo perfl en C
para la estructura de soporte. La base completa tiene
un borde para goteo alrededor del canto externo,
que ha sido soldado con un cordn continuo.
Por el tamao del material y con el fn de minimizar
los costos, la base fabricada en acero, generalmente
es construida para no sobresalir por encima de la
bomba, motor, vlvulas u otros accesorios, excepto
de la caja tomacorriente (para facilidad de cableado).
Sin embargo, la base fabricada en acero tiene ms
GkUNDlOS WHl1 PAPk | 3
baseplaIe are greaIer Ihan 32 inches (81.3 cm)
wide or 114 inches (289.6 cm) long, or boIh.
labricaIed sIeel is more rigid, has greaIer
sIrengIh, and, aI Ihese larger sizes, is lighIer
in weighI Ihan casI iron. ln addiIion, Ihe cosIs
involved wiIh baseplaIes aI Ihis size prove Io be
less expensive Ior IabricaIed sIeel.
fA8klCA1D S1l
labricaIed sIeel baseplaIes are manuIacIured
. 1hey can be made
more rigid Ihan casI iron bases. Rowever, Ihey
are Iypically more expensive due Io Ihe maIeri-
als required and Ihe addiIional labor required Ior
kolled or benI sIeel, which have been Iormed in
a large brake, are Ihe leasI expensive. 1he driver
mounIing pads are welded on Ihe baseplaIe. As
shown in %GESPC, Ihe moIor mounIing pad is
IabricaIed as necessary Io meeI Ihe moIor size,
and Ihen welded Io Ihe pump baseplaIe.
1he ends are open Io assisI in moving Ihe as-
sembled pump uniI. ln addiIion, rolled sIeel
baseplaIes do noI have grouI holes, which assisI
in keeping Ihe cosI low. %GESPC provides a view
oI a rolled sIeel baseplaIe ready Ior mounIing Ihe
direcI drive elecIric moIor.
SIandard indusIrial c-shape channel sIeel is used
Ior baseplaIes in sizes up Io 18 inches (4S cm)
wide. As wiIh Ihe rolled sIeel baseplaIes, Ihe driver
mounIing pad, also consIrucIed oI channel sIeel, is
welded on Ihe baseplaIe. ln addiIion, Ihe ends are
open Io assisI in moving Ihe assembled pump uniI
and Ihis design does noI have grouI holes.
1he unique baseplaIe in %GESPC is cusIomized
Io mounI Iwo seIs oI pumps and drivers. Small
c-shape channel is used Ior Ihe supporI sIruc-
Iure. 1he enIire baseplaIe has a drip rim around
Ihe ouIer edge, which has been welded wiIh a
conIinuous bead.
8ecause oI Ihe size oI Ihe maIerial and Ihe
inIenI Io minimize Ihe cosIs, Ihe IabricaIed sIeel
baseplaIe is Iypically consIrucIed Io have no
overhang oI Ihe pump, driver, valves, or oIher
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


fexibilidad con otras caractersticas que pueden ser
necesarias, como por ejemplo, las dimensiones espe-
ciales, el borde para goteo con drenaje y los orifcios
para el grout.
La base fabricada en acero mostrada en la Figura 6
brinda una vista de un motor elctrico montado arriba
de la bomba y una base con espacio solamente para la
Las bases de montaje fabricadas con polister reforza-
do con fbra de vidrio (FRP) generalmente se sumi-
nistran con bombas ANSI en servicios que requieren
resistencia a corrosin severa.
Para dar rigidez a la base, se insertan placas de soporte
de acero inoxidable dentro de la base de FRP y bloques
accessories, excepI Ior Ihe conduiI box (Ior wir-
ing ease). Rowever, a IabricaIed sIeel baseplaIe
has more exibiliIy wiIh oIher IeaIures IhaI may
be required, such as special dimensions, a drip lip
wiIh drain, and grouI holes.
1he IabricaIed sIeel base shown in %GESPC pro-
vides a view oI an elecIric moIor IhaI is mounIed
above Ihe pump and a baseplaIe sized only Ior
Ihe pump.
fl8kClASS klNf0kCD P0lS1k {fkP}
8aseplaIes manuIacIured wiIh hberglass-rein-
Iorced polyesIer (lkP) are commonly provided
wiIh ANSl pumps in services IhaI require severe
corrosion resisIance.
accessories, excepI Ior Ihe conduiI box (Ior wir-
ing ease). Rowever, a IabricaIed sIeel baseplaIe
has more exibiliIy wiIh oIher IeaIures IhaI may
be required, such as special dimensions, a drip lip
wiIh drain, and grouI holes.
1he IabricaIed sIeel base shown in %GESPC pro-
vides a view oI an elecIric moIor IhaI is mounIed
above Ihe pump and a baseplaIe sized only Ior
Ihe pump.
fl8kClASS klNf0kCD P0lS1k {fkP}
8aseplaIes manuIacIured wiIh hberglass-rein-
Iorced polyesIer (lkP) are commonly provided
wiIh ANSl pumps in services IhaI require severe
corrosion resisIance.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


de montaje para el equipo. La base puede ser mon-
tada en algn otro tipo de confguracin fexible.
En aplicaciones donde est presente la expansin
trmica de la tubera de succin y descarga, las bri-
das de la bomba pueden experimentar cargas excesi-
vas. Generalmente, se puede usar juntas o anillos de
expansin, pero en los sistemas de tubera grandes
esta opcin puede resultar prohibitiva por los costos.
Una opcin que puede permitir algo de movimiento
en los planos horizontal y vertical debidos a las altas
temperaturas o altas presiones, es el uso de bases
con resorte.
Aunque el uso de bases con resorte puede com-
pensar estos movimientos, NO deben usarse para
compensar un mal diseo del sistema de tubera. El
mximo movimiento permisible ya sea en el plano
horizontal o en el vertical, no debe exceder de una (1)
pulgada (2.54 cm).
Para compensar el movimiento vertical, un doble
juego de resortes helicoidales o en espiral se ubican
en las cuatro esquinas de la base y en puntos adicio-
nales conforme sea necesario.
Uno de los resortes en espiral limita el movimiento
hacia abajo, el otro resorte limita el movimiento
hacia arriba. El tamao del resorte se selecciona
basndose en las cargas aceptables en la brida de la
bomba y para acomodar las expansiones trmicas.
La compensacin en el plano horizontal se realiza
con un juego de placas de soporte, montadas sobre
la base que usa un sustancia tipo grafto con bajo
coefciente de friccin. stas permiten a la unidad
moverse horizontalmente sobre los bloques de acero
inoxidable en el cimiento o el piso.
Debida a la complejidad de la unidad, las bases con
resorte se ensamblan en campo, en el lugar donde
se presta el servicio. Para una ubicacin apropiada
de la unidad, la tubera de succin y descarga deben
estar apoyadas adecuadamente. Una ventaja de este
estilo es que la frecuencia de vibracin puede llegar a
ser muchas veces mayor que la frecuencia natural de
la unidad ensamblada.
Aunque los fabricantes cuenten con diseos y ca-
ractersticas estndar para sus bases de montaje,
muchas consideraciones adicionales de diseo
pueden mejorar la base y ayudarle a prolongar la
vida del equipo.
Al montar un motor en una base comn, se debe
realizar la alineacin antes de operar el equipo. La
alineacin prolonga la vida del equipo y puede re-
ducir el consumo de energa.
Para facilitar la alineacin, el bloc(s) de montaje del
motor est diseado y fabricado para permitir un
mnimo de cuas de 0.125 pulg. (3.175 mm) bajo la
base de apoyo del motor. Despus del envo y de
la instalacin fnal, se puede ajustar la cantidad de
cuas segn sea necesario.
Los bloques de montaje para la bomba y el motor se
deben extender un mnimo de una (1) pulgada (2.54
cm.) ms all de las patas de apoyo del equipo en
cada una de las direcciones.
Adems, en cuanto a los bloques de montaje de la
bomba y el motor, se puede maquinar en el mismo
plano con 0.002 pulg. (0.05 mm) de nivelacin co-
planar. Esto se debe llevar a cabo despus que se ha
terminado toda la fabricacin a la base de acero.
Esta caracterstica ayuda para la alineacin y confa-
bilidad del equipo. La base mejorada mostrada en
la Figuras 7 y 8 brinda una vista de los bloques de
montaje de la bomba y el motor.
Como se describi arriba, algunos fabricantes ofre-
cen un elemento para contener el goteo con su base
por un costo adicional. El borde de goteo con drenaje
roscado se puede ver en la Figura 8.
Una alternativa barata para detener fugas es una
bandeja colectora de acero inoxidable. Esta se puede
montar bajo la bomba y su tamao se puede exten-
der bajo las cmaras del sello mecnico y bridas.
Para bases fabricadas en acero que puedan ser muy
largas o muy anchas, se pueden proveer refuerzos
bajo la base de montaje. La Figura 9 muestra una
vista de un refuerzo soldado al lado inferior de una
base de montaje fabricada en acero inoxidable.
To provide rigidity to the baseplate, stainless
steel support plates are inserted within the FRP
baseplate to provide rigidity and mounting pads
for the equipment. The baseplate can be grouted
into place or mounted in some other type of ex-
ible conguration.
In applications where thermal expansion of
suction and discharge piping is present, pump
anges may experience excessive loads. Typi-
cally, expansion loops or joints may be used, but
large piping systems may cause this option to be
cost prohibitive.
An option that can allow some movement in the
horizontal and vertical planes due to high tem-
peratures or high pressures is the use of spring-
loaded baseplates.
Although the use of spring-loaded baseplates can
compensate for these movements, they should
NOT be used to compensate for poor design of the
piping system. The maximum allowable move-
ment in either the horizontal or the vertical plane
should be no more than one (1) inch (2.54 cm).
To compensate for movement in the vertical
plane, a double set of coil springs is located at the
four corners of the baseplate and at additional
points as necessary.
One of the coil springs limits the downward
motion, and the other limits the upward motion.
The spring size is selected based on calculations
for acceptable ange loads on the pump and to
accommodate thermal expansions.
Compensation in the horizontal plane is done
with a set of bearing plates, mounted on the
feet that use a graphite-type substance with low
coefcient of friction. These allow the unit to
move horizontally on stainless steel pads on the
foundation or the oor.
Because of the complexity of the unit, spring-
loaded baseplates are assembled in the eld at
the location of the service. For proper installa-
tion of the unit, the suction and discharge piping
must be properly supported. An advantage of
this style is that the vibration frequency may
become many times greater than natural fre-
quency of assembled unit.
Although manufacturers have designs and
features that are standard with their baseplates,
many additional design considerations can en-
hance the baseplate and assist in extending the
life of the equipment.
When mounting a driver on a common baseplate,
alignment must be done prior to operation of
the equipment. Alignment extends the life of the
equipment and can reduce energy consumption.
To assist in ease of alignment, the driver mount-
ing pad(s) is designed and fabricated to allow
a minimum of 0.125 inch (3.175 mm) of shims
under the driver feet. After shipment and nal
installation, the amount of shim can be adjusted
as required.
The mounting pads for the pump and the driver
should extend a minimum of one (1) inch (2.54 cm)
beyond equipment feet in each direction.
In addition, with respect to the mounting pads
of the pump and driver, they may be machined
to the same plane to 0.002 inch (0.05 mm) co-
planer atness. This would be done after all of the
fabrication is done to the steel baseplate.
This feature assists in the alignment and equip-
ment reliability. The enhanced baseplate shown
in Figures 7 and 8 provide a view of the pump and
motor mounting pads.
As described above, some manufacturers can
provide a drip containment feature with their
baseplate for an additional cost. The drip rim
with a threaded drain can be viewed in Figure 8.
An inexpensive alternative to capture leakage is a
stainless steel drip pan. This can be mounted un-
der the pump and sized to extend under anges
and mechanical seal chambers.
For fabricated steel baseplates that may be ex-
cessively long or wide, stifeners may be provided
under the baseplate. Figure 9 provides a view of a
stifener welded to the underside of a fabricated
stainless steel baseplate.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


8ASPlA1S "-0)!*. WHl1 PAPk | 6
8Iccs para Mcntaje
0rejas de lzaje
0rificics para Crcut 0rificics de VentiIacin
kefuerzcs 8ajc
Ia PIaca 8ase 8crde para Cctec
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


(2) alignment frames, roller chain, two (2) dial indi-
cator assemblies with swivel joints and mounting
rods, tubing of varying lengths, instruction manu-
als, alignment worksheets, and a sturdy carrying
case with handle. This type of kit will handle the
vast majority of shaft alignment situations.
When initially getting ready to use a dial indica-
tor, make sure that it works properly and can
travel the full range of the indicator.
Upon installation of the indicators and at the
beginning of the process, note the direction that
the indicator travels. The indicator should be
adjusted to start at zero (0.000).
The indicator needle traveling clockwise is
considered positive, while counterclockwise is
considered negative travel.
During the alignment process and a full 360
sweep, the summation of the left and right side
readings should equal the summation of the top
and bottom readings.
In addition, the indicators should have read the
same reading (0.000) when it reaches the origi-
nal position.
Bar sag is a deection that occurs in the over-
hung indicator bar due to the bars weight and
the weight of the indicator. Because of the preci-
sion that is required for alignment, the bar sag
must be compensated for.
To determine the amount of bar sag, mount the
indicator on a pipe in same approach, distance,
etc. as it will be mounted on equipment shaft.
Next, zero the indicator on top. Then roll the dial
indicator 180, so that it is located at the bottom.
Read the indicator.
During the alignment process, this bar sag
amount must be included in your alignment
calculations. Instead of zero on the top of the dial
indicator, dial in the positive value of the bar sag
reading. During the alignment process, the dial
indicator should read zero when rolled to bottom.
There are a number of diferent tasks to com-
plete and check prior to doing the actual align-
ment. The preparation for alignment can be as
important as the alignment itself. Approximately
85% of the time spent in aligning equipment is
with preliminary checks, repositioning the equip-
ment and post alignment documentation. The
alignment basics and preliminary checks apply to
all alignment methods.
To insure accuracy and speed of the alignment,
the equipment should be aligned three times.
The rst time should be during the installation
process (preliminary).
Next, the equipment should be nal aligned after
it is piped and before the start up of the equip-
ment. Finally, the alignment should be checked
when the equipment is hot, after running for a
Safety of personnel is important during any part
of the alignment process. The rst step is to
lock out and tag all driver controls and isolation
valves. Other safety regulations required at the
installation site must be followed.
As people are doing the alignment of the critical
equipment, it is imperative to make sure that
they have the proper training to complete preci-
sion alignment.
A properly trained technician in the fundamen-
tals of alignment will not only provide a quality
alignment, but also should do it in a timely fash-
ion, exceed the recommended standards, and do
it right the rst time.
The tools used in alignment are also important. If
using dial indicators to align, calibrated indica-
tors are required with the additional equipment
used to hold the indicators in place. Laser align-
ment kits are typically complete with all the
necessary alignment diagnostic equipment.
Para aplicaciones con alta temperatura, la base est
diseada para soportar la carcasa de la bomba en su
lnea centro. Este diseo evita tensiones excesivas
derivadas de las fuctuaciones de temperatura del
producto que est siendo bombeado.
sta es una caracterstica estndar de las bombas en
la industria petrolera, que tambin puede obser-
varse en las bombas para alimentacin de calderas.
Dependiendo del material de construccin y del
diseo del fabricante de bombas, tambin se puede
requerir en temperaturas tan bajas como 250 a
350F (121 a 177C).
Por seguridad personal y para evitar daos al equipo
en un rea de mucho trfco, las bases se pueden
disear para que no se permita ninguna saliente,
fuera de la base, de la bomba, motor, vlvulas o
accesorios. Puede ser aceptable permitir que la caja
tomacorriente sobresalga para facilidad del cab-
Para motores y bombas muy grandes, ganchos de
posicionamiento con tornillo pueden ser soldados
en la base para ayudar a mover axial y lateralmente
el equipo pesado durante la alineacin. Si se elige
esta caracterstica, se debe incluir originalmente
durante la fabricacin. Si esto se hiciera en campo,
la soldadura puede provocar deformacin o dao a
la base.
Muchos usuarios de bombas grandes desarrollan
especifcaciones para bases con el fn de brindar con-
sistencia en los productos que compran, lo mismo
que para controlar la calidad y rigidez de su diseo.
Diversas asociaciones tcnicas profesionales tam-
bin cuentan con especifcaciones para la manufac-
tura de bases de montaje.
ANSI B73.1M-2001
La intencin de ANSI B73.1M-2001
es proveer requi-
sitos de dimensiones intercambiables y caractersti-
cas de diseo para instalacin y mantenimiento. La
Norma detalla los requisitos para que los fabricantes
provean bombas y equipo relacionado con dimen-
siones intercambiables.
Estos requerimientos de dimensiones son con res-
pecto a las dimensiones de montaje de la bomba,
lor high IemperaIure applicaIions, Ihe pump and
baseplaIe is designed Io supporI Ihe pump cas-
ing aI iIs cenIerline. 1his design prevenIs excess
sIrains Irom IemperaIure ucIuaIions oI Ihe
producI being pumped.
1his is a sIandard IeaIure on pumps in Ihe peIro-
leum indusIry, and can also seen on boiler Ieed
pumps. Depending upon Ihe maIerial oI con-
sIrucIion and Ihe manuIacIurer's pump design,
iI may also be required in IemperaIures as low as
2S0` Io 3S0`l (I2I ` Io I77` C).
lor personnel saIeIy and Io prevenI damage oI
can be designed Io noI allow any overhang,
ouIside Ihe baseplaIe envelope, oI Ihe pump,
driver, valves or accessories. lI may be accepI-
able Io allow Ihe conduiI box Io overhang Ior
ease oI wiring.
lor very large pumps and drivers, posiIioning lugs
wiIh |ackscrews may be welded onIo baseplaIes
help move Ihe heavy equipmenI axially and laI-
erally during alignmenI. lI Ihis IeaIure is chosen,
iI musI be originally included during IabricaIion.
lI Ihis were done in Ihe held, Ihe welding could
cause warping or damage oI Ihe baseplaIe.
Many large pump users develop baseplaIe speci-
hcaIions Io provide consisIency Io Ihe producIs
Ihey purchase, as well as conIrolling Ihe qualiIy
and rigidiIy oI Iheir design. SpecihcaIions Ior
Ihe manuIacIure oI baseplaIes also exisI Irom a
number oI Iechnical proIessional socieIies.
ANSl 873.!M-200!
1he inIenI oI ANSl 873.IM-200I
is Io provide
dimensional inIerchangeabiliIy requiremenIs
and design IeaIures Ior insIallaIion and main-
Ienance. 1he SIandard deIails requiremenIs Ior
pump manuIacIurers Io provide pump and relaIed
equipmenI Io be dimensionally inIerchangeable.
1hese dimensional requiremenIs are in respecI Io
Ihe mounIing dimensions oI Ihe pump, Ihe size
and locaIion oI sucIion and discharge nozzles,
Ihe locaIion oI Ihe inpuI shaIIs, Ihe baseplaIe,
and Ihe IoundaIion bolI holes.
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


el tamao y ubicacin de las conexiones de succin
y descarga, de la ubicacin de los ejes de entrada, la
base y los orifcios para los pernos de anclaje.
El diseo tambin proporciona una base ms resistente
que una de hierro o de perfl de acero. El diseo brinda
mayor rigidez y confabilidad al equipo montado.
ANSI/HI 1.3.5-2000
Una norma desarrollada por el Hydraulic Institute

es especfcamente para los criterios de fabricacin
de las bases de montaje de bombas horizontales. La
norma aplica para todo tipo de bombas horizontales.
Es un criterio para dimensiones, tolerancias, esfuer-
zos de trabajo y rigidez de la base.
Las caractersticas de diseo no se cubren en la
especifcacin, como el estilo de base, los elementos
para goteo y la soldadura continua vs. la intermi-
tente durante la fabricacin. Esta Norma puede no
aplicar para ciertos tipos de bombas, como las de
acoplamiento directo o las de alta energa. Se deben
utilizar los estndares del fabricante u otros para
discutir estas otras necesidades.
La Norma discute el uso de bases de montaje no
maquinadas para trabajo ligero, como el perfl
de acero para bombas menores de 10 hp (7.5 kw).
Conforme se incrementa el tamao del motor y
hasta 200 hp (150 kw), las bases requieren mayor
rigidez. Para unidades mayores a 200 hp (150 kw), las
tolerancias de manufactura de las bases deben ser
mayores, por lo que para estas unidades son general-
mente maquinadas.
Requiere consideracin especial los niveles de
esfuerzo de las bases de las bombas y motores
grandes. El diseo y fabricacin inapropiados de las
bases pueden producir una instalacin inadecuada
en campo y difcultar la alineacin. A su vez, esto
hace menos confable al equipo y que consuma ms
Al revisar los niveles de esfuerzo de la base, deben
considerarse sus materiales de construccin y el
tipo de soldadura usados. Despus de la fabricacin,
tambin deben revisarse los esfuerzos provocados al
deslizar, transportar o elevar el equipo.
La rigidez de la base afecta muchas reas de la bom-
ba despus de la instalacin fnal. Una rigidez inapro-
piada puede provocar distorsin de la base despus
de la instalacin, grout e instalacin de la tubera, y
difcultades en la alineacin fnal. Las cargas en la tu-
bera o la torsin del motor pueden afectar tambin
a la bomba si la base no es lo sufcientemente rgida.
La Norma
recomienda que la torsin del motor y las
cargas en la tubera combinadas, no deben provocar
ms de 0.010 pulg (0.254 mm) de distorsin paralela
y 0.005 pulg/pulg (0.127 mm/mm) de distorsin
La Norma recomienda que los pernos y orifcios
de montaje del motor y la bomba sean de tamao
tal que permitan un movimiento del equipo para
propsitos de alineacin. Los sujetadores que se usan
para montar la bomba y el motor deben ser roscados
directamente en el material de la base a una profun-
didad igual al dimetro de rosca.
Tambin se pueden usar tuercas en la parte inferior
de la base de montaje para sostener la bomba y el
motor en su sitio. Las cuas slo deben usarse bajo el
motor durante la alineacin fnal, no bajo la bomba.
Deben tomarse previsiones para levantar y mover la
base ensamblada durante la transportacin y la in-
stalacin. Debido a que el grout aumenta la rigidez
de la unidad ensamblada, se hacen recomendaciones
para el tamao y separacin de los orifcios para
grout en la base. Para evitar tensin del grout
bajo la base, todas las esquinas deben tener un radio
La base ANSI mejorada de la Figura 10 muestra mu-
chas de las caractersticas discutidas: blocs maqui-
nados de montaje, orifcios para grout, orifcios de
ventilacin, contencin de fugas, orejas de izaje, tu-
ercas de nivelacin (menos tornillos) y dimensiones
En la instalacin de las bases se deben seguir las
recomendaciones del fabricante de bombas. Algunos
aspectos de la instalacin que se sugiere revisar, en
relacin con la base, incluyen asegurarse que la parte
inferior est limpia y libre de aceite, sarro y sucie-
The design also provides for a more heavy-duty
baseplate than a cast iron or channel steel base-
plate. The design provides increased rigidity and
reliability of the mounted equipment.
ANSI/HI 1.3.5-2000
A standard developed by the Hydraulic Institute

is specically for fabrication criteria of baseplates
for horizontal pumps. This Standard is applicable
for all types of horizontal pumps. It is a criterion
for the dimensioning, toleranceing, working
stresses and stifness of the baseplate.
Design features are not covered by the speci-
cation, such as the style of base, drip collection
features, and continuous vs. intermittent weld-
ing during fabrication. This Standard may not be
applicable for certain types of pumps, such as
close-coupled or high-energy pumps. The manu-
facturer or other standards should be utilized to
discuss these other needs.
The Standard discusses the use of unmachined,
light duty baseplates, such as channel steel, for
pump units under 10 hp (7.5 kw). As the driver
size increases to 200 hp (150 kw), the baseplate
requires additional consideration for greater
rigidity. For those units over 200 hp (150 kw), the
manufacturing tolerances of the baseplates must
be greater, so these units are typically machined.
With larger pumps and drivers, the stress levels
of the baseplates need to be considered. Improp-
er design and fabrication of the baseplate may
cause improper installation in the eld and dif-
culty during alignment. This, in turn, may make
the equipment less reliable and cause increased
power consumption.
When reviewing the stress levels of the base-
plate, the materials of construction and the type
of welding used need to be considered. After
fabrication, the stress that may be caused during
skidding, transportation or lifting must also be
included in the review.
The rigidity of the baseplate afects many areas
of the pump unit after the nal installation.
Inadequate rigidity may cause distortion of the
baseplate after installation, grouting and piping,
and difculty in the nal alignment. Piping loads
or motor torque may also afect the pump unit if
the baseplate is not rigid enough. The Standard

recommends that the motor torque and piping
loads combined should not cause more than
0.010 inch (0.254 mm) parallel and 0.005 inch/
inch (0.127 mm/mm) angular distortions.
The Standard recommends that the pump and
driver mounting holes and bolts be sized to al-
low maximum movement of the equipment for
alignment purposes. The fasteners that are used
for mounting the pump and driver should be
threaded directly into the baseplate material to a
depth equal to the thread diameter.
Nuts can also be used on the underside of the
baseplate for holding the pump and driver in
place. Shims should only be used under the
driver, not the pump, during nal alignment.
Provisions should be made for lifting and moving
the assembled baseplate unit during transporta-
tion and installation. As grout adds stifness to the
assembled unit, recommendations are made for
the size and spacing of grout holes in the base-
plate. To prevent grout stress under the baseplate,
all corners should be fabricated with a radius.
The enhanced ANSI baseplate shown in Figure 10
shows many of the features discussed: machined
mounting pads, grout holes, vent holes, leak con-
tainment, lifting lugs, leveling nuts (less screws),
and standard dimensions.
Although a separate specication has not been
developed for baseplates, the American Petro-
leum Institute (API) addresses baseplates for
centrifugal pumps in API-610
. Other API speci-
cations for reciprocating, controlled volume,
rotary pumps address baseplate specications in
a similar manner to API-610.
API-610 requires some of the features discussed
in the Design Considerations section above, such
as machining of the mounting pads, minimum
shim requirements, drain collection rim, piping
iIh requiremenIs oI organizaIions Io cuI
cosIs and manage operaIion and main-
Ienance budgeIs beIIer, minimizing equipmenI
downIime has become increasingly imporIanI.
An aspecI oI Irouble-Iree operaIion is Ihe align-
menI oI roIaIing equipmenI.
AlignmenI should be compleIed on any equip-
menI IhaI has a driver and driven equipmenI.
lI should noI be sIandard pracIice Io only align
"high energy" or high-speed pumps. ALL pumps
should be considered Ior alignmenI.
1o provide an overview oI alignmenI, Ihe discus-
sion in Ihis arIicle applies primarily Io horizonIal
cenIriIugal pumps IhaI are operaIing in a general
service and driven by a separaIe driver Ihrough a
exible coupling on a common baseplaIe.
Many oI Ihe Ierms and Iechniques described can
be used Ior oIher Iypes oI pumps and roIaIing
equipmenI, buI Ihe insIallaIion and operaIion
insIrucIions should be Iollowed as required by
Ihe manuIacIurer.
1his arIicle is meanI Io be used as a primer only.
LxIensive Iraining and pracIice should be compleI-
ed prior Io aligning equipmenI IhaI is in service.
1he lack oI alignmenI, or misalignmenI, is a
condiIion where Ihe roIaIing cenIerlines oI
Iwo or more machinery shaIIs are noI in line
wiIh each oIher. 1his is noI easy Io deIecI when
machinery is running. 1he roIaIing equipmenI is
aligned Iollowing a series oI deIailed sIeps oI a
Iew alignmenI Iechniques.
lI can be said IhaI Ihe goal oI alignmenI is Io
posiIion Ihe equipmenI so IhaI any deviaIions
oI Ihe shaII cenIerlines are below specihed or
required criIerion. lurIher, Ihe ob|ecIive is Io
minimize equipmenI downIime and maximize
Ihe operaIing liIe oI Ihe roIaIing equipmenI.
MisalignmenI oI roIaIing equipmenI can have
sysIem. As can be seen in %GESPC, Ihe greaIer Ihe
misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe reducIion in Iime
Ihe equipmenI can conIinuously run unIil Iailure,
Ihe lower Ihe misalignmenI, Ihe greaIer Ihe
oI misalignmenI.
8earing liIe oI Ihe pump and Ihe driver can
be reduced due Io misalignmenI causing high
IemperaIure or oil leakage.
AlIhough exible coupling manuIacIurers
adverIise IhaI Iheir design can compensaIe Ior
misalignmenI, mechanical seals can Iail due Io
alignmenI IhaI is noI wiIhin Ihe mechanical
seal manuIacIurer's recommendaIions.


dad antes de aplicar el recubrimiento epxico o el
Cualquier soldadura, especialmente las continuas,
deben estar libres de grietas. Los orifcios de venti-
lacin no deben estar obstruidos antes de colocar el
ANSI/HI 1.3.5-2000, Centrifugal Pumps for De- 1.
sign and Application, Hydraulic Institute, 9
Sylvan Way, Parsippany, NJ, http://www.pump.
ASME B73.1M-2001, Specifcation for Hori- 2.
zontal End Suction Pumps for Chemical Process,
American Society of Mechanical Engi-
neers, 345 East 47th Steet, New York, NY 10017,
API standard 610, Centrifugal Pumps for Petro- 3.
leum, Heavy Duty Chemical, and Gas Industry
Services, Eighth Edition, American Petroleum
Institute, 1220 L Street Northwest, Washington,
DC 20005,
Figuras 1, 3, 6, y 11:
Diagnostic Solutions, LLC.
.+'/. GkUNDlOS2#$/++-<
accessories clearance, and sIandard dimensions
and cenIerline heighIs based on Ihe size oI Ihe
As previously menIioned, a rigid baseplaIe is im-
porIanI Io Ihe reliabiliIy oI Ihe equipmenI. APl-
6I0 provides specihc requiremenIs Ior welded
lI is can be required by Ihe purchaser IhaI Ihe
1o provide a more robusI uniI, APl-6I0 requires
many IeaIures on Ihe baseplaIe IhaI are used
when grouIing Io Ihe IoundaIion. LiIIing lugs, as
idenIihed in +MKYVI, are required Io aid in Ihe
insIallaIion oI Ihe assembled uniI.
8esides dehning Ihe size and locaIion oI grouI
holes and venI holes, locking hooks under Ihe
baseplaIe are specihed Io adhere beIIer Io Ihe
grouI. Also Io improve Ihe bond beIween Ihe
baseplaIe and Ihe grouI, iI is required IhaI Ihe
underside oI Ihe base be sandblasIed and epoxy
coaIed, and have ouIside radii IhaI are a mini-
mum oI 2 inches (S cm).
1o assisI in alignmenI, APl-6I0 requires |ack-
screws IhaI move Ihe drive componenIs IhaI
weigh more Ihan 4S0 pounds (20S kg) Io ease
alignmenI in Ihe horizonIal plane, |ackscrews
IhaI move Ihe drive componenIs IhaI weigh
more Ihan 900 pounds (4I0 kg) Io ease align-
menI axially, and verIical leveling screws. 1he
|ackscrews idenIihed in +MKYVI provide as-
sisIance in horizonIal movemenI oI Ihe moIor
during alignmenI.
1he insIallaIion oI baseplaIes should Iollow Ihe
recommendaIions oI Ihe pump manuIacIurer.
Some suggesIed insIallaIion iIems Io check, wiIh
regards Io Ihe baseplaIe, are Io make sure IhaI
Ihe underside clean and Iree oI oil, scale, and dirI
prior Io epoxy coaIing or grouIing.
Any welds, especially Ihose IhaI are conIinuous,
are Iree oI cracks. venI holes should be unob-
sIrucIed prior Io grouIing.
Ser responsable es nuesIro IundamenIo
Pensar hacia adelanIe lo hace posible
La innovacin es la esencia
L-C8S-WP-02 kev. 06]10
GkUNDlOS Pumps CorporaIion
17100 WesI 118Ih 1errace
OlaIhe, KS 66061
1el. (913) 227-3400
lax. (913) 227-3S00
GkUNDlOS Canada lnc.
2941 8righIon koad
Oakville, OnIario
L6R 6C9
1el. (90S) 829-9S33
lax. (90S) 829-9S12
8ombas GkUNDlOS de Mxico S.A. de C.v.
8oulevard 1LC No. 1S
Parque lndusIrial SIiva AeropuerIo
C.P. 66600 Apodaca, N.L. Mxico
1el. (81) 8144 4000
lax. (81) 8144-4010
PACO Pumps - NaIional ReadquarIers
GrundIos C8S lnc.
902 Koomey koad
8rookshire, 1X 77423
1el. (800) 9SS-S847
lax. (800) 94S-4777

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