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Guadalupe E. Carballo Riva Palacio Ana Mara Cuevas Cant Yolanda Reyes Bernab Silvia G. Ruiz Ramos Gloria Irma Castro Calderas

Revisin 2011:


Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Directora General: Mtra. Silvia E. Jurado Cullar Secretario Acadmico: Bil. Alejandro Martnez Prez

Diseo de portada: DCV. Cintia Amador Saloma Actualizacin de la edicin: DCG. Edgar Rafael Franco Rodrguez 4 edicin: 2011 Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico Escuela Nacional Preparatoria Direccin General Adolfo Prieto 722, Col. Del Valle C. P. 03100, Mxico, D. F. Impreso en Mxico 2

La Escuela Nacional Preparatoria ha trabajado durante casi 145 aos en la formacin de jvenes llenos de ideales y metas por cumplir, con deseos de superacin y comprometidos con su pas, a quienes tenemos que guiar y conducir hacia el logro de sus xitos acadmicos, factores que reforzarn su seguridad personal. Las herramientas que adquieran los estudiantes, durante esta etapa escolar, sern fundamentales, columna vertebral que sostenga sus estudios profesionales, con lo que el desarrollo de habilidades y actitudes se ver reflejado en su futuro prximo. Es nuestra responsabilidad dotar a los alumnos de todos los materiales didcticos que ayuden a enfrentar los retos de adquisicin del aprendizaje, para que continen con sus estudios de manera organizada, armnica y persistente. Por lo mismo, los profesores que integran esta dependencia universitaria, trabajan de manera colegiada; ponen toda su energa en desarrollar las Guas de estudio para aquellos alumnos que, por cualquier razn, necesitan presentar un examen final o extraordinario y requieren elementos de apoyo para aprobarlos y concluir sus estudios en la Preparatoria. La presente Gua de estudio es un elemento didctico que facilita la enseanza y el aprendizaje. Se puede utilizar de manera autodidacta o con la ayuda de los muchos profesores que a diario brindan asesoras en cada uno de los planteles de la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Continuaremos buscando ms y mejores elementos didcticos: presenciales y en lnea, con el objetivo de ayudar a nuestros alumnos a que aprueben y egresen del bachillerato. Slo me resta desearles xito en su camino personal y profesional. Juntos por la Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Mtra. Silvia E. Jurado Cullar Directora General

Prlogo .............................................................................................................................5 Unidad 1. Usar el ingls para aprender ms ingls ...................................................... 6 Unidad 2. Saludar y presentarse.................................................................................... 9 Unidad 3. Localizar lugares..........................................................................................15 Unidad 4. Relaciones familiares ...................................................................................26 Unidad 5. Describir rutinas y preferencias .................................................................. 30 Unidad 6. Describir las actividades realizadas en el momento .................................. 36 Unidad 7. Hacer planes .................................................................................................41 Unidad 8. La hora y el clima ..........................................................................................46 Unidad 9. Ir de compras ................................................................................................51 Unidad 10. Platicar acerca del pasado ......................................................................... 58 Respuestas a los ejercicios de prctica y autoevaluacin ......................................... 72


Bibliografa .....................................................................................................................80 Examen modelo .............................................................................................................81 Respuestas examen modelo .........................................................................................88

La presente gua est dirigida a ti, alumno, y tiene como objetivo principal ayudarte para la preparacin de tu examen extraordinario de ingls. Por favor, sigue las recomendaciones que sta te brinda y dedcale el tiempo suficiente para su estudio. Esta gua est diseada para darte oportunidad de practicar, en forma adicional, las estructuras y funciones que viste a lo largo del curso. Esta gua sirve tambin como refuerzo de lo visto en clase y, sobre todo, para prepararte para tu examen extraordinario. Los ejercicios que se incluyen son slo ejemplos, y no reactivos que aparecen en los exmenes. Probablemente, te enfrentes a ciertas problemticas como: comprensin de vocabulario, de gramtica, etc., por lo cual te sugerimos consultar la bibliografa mencionada al final de esta gua, un buen diccionario o solicitar ayuda de un profesor de Ingls. La gua consta de: una introduccin en cada unidad donde sabrs lo que se espera que realices una explicacin gramatical de cada uno de los temas que conforman el programa actividades con ejercicios parecidos a los que encontrars en el examen extraordinario, los que te ayudarn al logro de los aprendizajes esperados de manera autnoma y eficiente ejercicios de autoevaluacin con un examen modelo que te permitirn conocer tu grado de avance en el conocimiento de la lengua inglesa, y saber que es lo que necesitas reforzar o repasar para poder aprobar tu examen ligas a las que podrs tener acceso para que puedas ampliar tu informacin o reforzarla de manera independiente bibliografa de consulta hoja de respuestas para todos los ejercicios incluidos al final de esta gua

Te deseamos mucha suerte en esta tarea que hoy emprendes y esperamos que adems de prepararte para el examen te vuelvas autnomo, independiente y autorregulado en tu manera de aprender, lo que te ayudar en tu vida futura


Introduccin A la tierra que fueres haz lo que vieres. Cuando ests en la clase de Ingls, desde el primer da, lo ideal es comunicarte en la lengua que ests aprendiendo, para esto es conveniente conocer las estructuras, el vocabulario y los usos comunicativos de este idioma. En esta unidad intercambiars informacin que te permita aprender ms acerca del mismo. Objetivo general: Usars e intercambiars informacin sobre las expresiones ms comunes y tiles para comunicarte efectivamente en el saln de clase. Objetivo Especfico: En esta unidad aprenders a estructurar preguntas para pedir, por ejemplo, el significado de palabras que desconoces: Contenidos lingsticos (muestra de vocabulario y expresiones): Estas son algunas expresiones que escuchars en clase Open your book to page 2. Close your book, please. Look at page (number) / Look at unit (number) Listen (to the tape / CD) Say the word Spell, please. Repeat, please. Please, go to the board. Take out a pencil. Work in pairs / Work in groups. Check with your partner. Algunas expresiones que puedes usar en clase. Could you speak more slowly? How do you spell that? Excuse me, could you repeat that, please? How do you say in English? What does mean? / Whats the meaning of in Spanish? How do you pronounce this word? Im sorry. I dont understand. Im sorry. Im not sure. Could you repeat that, please? Can you play the tape / CD again, please? What page are you on? Whats this / that? Whats the difference between bitter and better? Excuse me, may I come in?


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I. Completa el siguiente dilogo: Teacher: Hello, my name is Miss Taylor. Im your English teacher. How are you? Students: 1. ___________________ Teacher: Whats your name? Student: 2. ____________________. Teacher: Excuse me, 3 _______ you ________ your last name, please? Student: Sure. R-y-a-n. Teacher: Thank you, Paul. Come 4 ___________and write the next sentence. Student: Im sorry. 5 __________________. Can you speak more slowly, please? Teacher: Yes, of course. EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I. Completa los espacios en la siguiente conversacin con las expresiones que has aprendido: Teacher: Good morning. How are you? Students: (1) _________, thank you. Teacher: Please, open your books (2) ______ page 5. Susy: Excuse me. (3) ________ you speak more slowly, please? Teacher: Sure. (4)_______ your (5) _______ (6) _______ page 5 Bob: (7) ________ me. (8)___________ I come in? Teacher: OK. Bob. Come (9) _____ . John: Miss Taylor. What (10) _________ sunglasses (11) ________ in Spanish? Teacher: It means lentes para el sol. Meg: Miss Taylor. I (12) ________ understand the first question. Whats the (13) _____________ of last name? Teacher; Ed. Can you help her? Ed: Apellido. Teacher: Good. Erika. (14) _______ to the board and write the first sentence, please.

II. Escoge la mejor opcin: 1. _____________ you speak more slowly, please? a) Does b) Can c) Are 2. What ______________ are we on? a) book b) difference c) page

3. What does clock _____________ in Spanish? a) repeat b) mean c) meaning 4. How do you ___________ your name? a) spell b) mean c) open 5. Whats the _____________ between wash and watch? a) understand b) difference c) meaning 6. Im sorry. I dont ____________. Please, repeat. a) mean b) take c) understand 7. _________ your books to page 8. a) Speak b) Close 8. Excuse me. _________ I come in? a) Spell b) May 9. ____________ does between mean? a) What b) How c) Open c) Does c) Can

10. __________ out your notebook, please. a) Mean b) Can c) Take




Dime con quin andas y te dir quin eres. Es muy comn que en la vida diaria conozcas a personas y te relaciones con ellas. Para esto, es conveniente saber como presentarse y entablar una conversacin. En esta unidad utilizars frmulas y patrones lingsticos que te permitan presentarte, proporcionar tus datos personales (nombre, nacionalidad, origen, edad, direccin y nmero de telfono y ocupacin) e identificar a otros. Objetivo general: Saludars a alguien, te presentars t mismo y a otros; dars informacin personal; preguntars sobre personas y las identificars; preguntars sobre empleos, profesiones y ocupaciones. Objetivo especfico: Usars las formas correctas del verbo be en diferentes situaciones. Usars los pronombres de sujetos. Usars los adjetivos posesivos. Usars las formas correctas de contracciones con sujetos y el verbo be. Hars preguntas con palabras como: What, Where, When, Who, How old. con el verbo be. Demostrars buena ortografa y la adecuada estructuracin del plural de sustantivos regulares e irregulares.

Forma del verbo BE en tiempo presente: AFIRMATIVA I am You are He is She is It is We are You are They are NEGATIVA I am not You are not He is not She is not It is not We are not You are not They are not INTERROGATIVA Am I? Are you? Is he? Is she? Is it? Are we? Are you? Are they? CONTRACCIONES Im / Im not Youre / You arent Youre not Hes / He isnt Hes not Shes / She isnt Shes not Its / It isnt Its not Were / We arent Were not Youre / You arent Youre not Theyre / They arent / Theyre not


En Ingls, cada pronombre personal corresponde a un adjetivo posesivo. Estos adjetivos se refieren a posesin y deben de ir acompaados de un nombre. PRONOMBRE PERSONAL I You He She It We They ADJETIVO POSESIVO My car Your friend His house Her doll Its bone Our school Their books

EJEMPLOS: Lisa and Mike are from Canada. Their family is Canadian. Peter is doing an exam. His pencil is on his desk. I am a student, my group is 402. Today is Lucys birthday. This is her new dress. The children are at school, their room is D-103. John, is this your backpack?. Yes, it is. Look at the horse! Its saddle is new. We have a new house. Our address is 8 Reforma Avenue. SUSTANTIVOS SINGULARES Y PLURALES Plurales regulares La mayora de los sustantivos forman su plural agregando s a la forma singular: boy boys teacher teachers pen pens etc.

Agregamos es si el sustantivo singular termina en ch, -sh, -s, -z or x: glass-glasses box- boxes sandwich-sandwiches brush-brushes buz-buzzes

Algunos sustantivos que terminan en o agregan es en el plural: tomato-tomatoes potato-potatoes hero-heroes mosquito-mosquitoes pero no en: piano-pianos radio-radios zoo-zoos shampoo-shampoos avocato-avocatos

Los sustantivos que terminan en una consonante + -y cambian la y por i y agregan es: baby-babies pero no en: day-days monkey-monkeys boy-boys guy-guys lady-ladies country-countries city-cities


Plurales Irregulares Los sustantivos que terminan en f o fe la cambian por v y agregan es: wife-wives life-lives thief-thieves shelf-shelves knife-knives half-halves

pero no en: chief-chiefs chef-chefs

Algunos sustantivos forman el plural cambiando su(s) vocal(es): man-men woman-women foot-feet tooth-teeth mouse-mice

Pocos sustantivos forman el plural con en: child-children ox-oxen

Algunos sustantivos tienen la misma forma en singular y plural: sheep-sheep deer-deer fish-fish series-series species-species

No tienen forma singular: scissors pants shorts pajamas glasses clothes

El plural comn de person es people Yes No Questions and Short Answers con Be (Preguntas Si - No y Respuestas Cortas con el verbo Be) Are you a worker? Are you a student? Is Giovani from Canada? Is she from Wales? Are you and Mike in the same class? Are you and Mike in the same soccer team? Are Mr. and Mrs. Mndez Colombian? Are they Argentinian? No, Im not. Im a student Yes, I am. No, he isnt (No, hes not).Hes from Italy. Yes, she is. No, we arent. (No, were not) Were on the same soccer team. Yes, we are. No, they arent. (No, theyre not) Yes, they are.

Contenidos lingsticos (muestra de vocabulario y expresiones): Good morning / afternoon / evening Greetings Hello / Hi / Howdy? / Whats up? (Saludos) How are you? / How do you do?


Leave-takings (Despedidas) Introductions (Presentaciones) Countries (Pases) and (y) Nationalities (Nacionaliadades)

Good bye / Bye / See you later So long / Good night A. Hi. My names Antonio Jimnez. Whats ypur name? B. Im Alfred Sanders. A. Nice to meet you, Alfred. B. Nice to meet you , too, Antonio. A Where are you from, Alfred? B. Im from Denver, Colorado. Im American. And you? A. Im from Mexico City. Im Mexican. A. Whats your name? B. My name is David. C. What day is today? D. Today is Friday E. Whats this? F. Its a spider. A. Whos he? B. Hes my brother. A. What does he do? B. Hes an engineer. A What do you do? B. Im a student. A. B. A. A. A. B. A. B. A. B. C. D. E. F. How old is she? Shes twenty-five years old. How old are you? Im sixty-four. What color is your sweater? Its red. What color is the sky? The sky is blue Whats he like? Hes a tall and thin, handsome boy. Whats she like? Shes a thin, short, pretty girl. What are they like? Theyre good students.

Identification (Identificacin)

Professions (Profesiones/ Ocupaciones)

Age (Edad)

Colors (Colores)

Descriptions (Descripciones)

Weather (Clima) Condition (Condicin) Places / Location Lugares / Localizacin

A. Whats the weather like in Acapulco in July? B. Its hot and rainy. A. Whats the weather like in New York in winter? B. Its very cold. A. How are you today? B. Im happy / hungry / tired. A. Were thirsty. A. Where is he? B. Hes in the hospital. A. Wheres the hospital? B. Its near the shopping center.


A. Where is your mother? B. Shes at home. Time (La hora) A. B. A. B. What time is it? Its seven-thirty. What time do you start classes? At eight oclock.

Debes ejercitar las funciones arriba enlistadas con un vocabulario ms amplio de nmeros, adjetivos, pases y nacionalidades. EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA: I. Completa los dilogos con am, is,are: Alex.- Good morning. (1) _________ you Paul Johnson? a) Am b) Are c) Is Paul - Yes, I (2) ______. And this (3) ______ my son, Richard. a) is b) am c) are Alex- Hello, Richard. I (4) ______ Alex Brown. a) are b) is c) am Richard - Hello, Mr. Brown. We (5) ________ late. Im afraid. a) are b) am c) is Alex - Only five minutes! What (6) _________ those things? a) is b) are c) am Paul -They (7) _______ my drums. a) am b) is c) are Alex- Well, here (8) _____ my car. Can I help you with your drums? a) is b) are c) am Paul - Thats OK. Mr. Brown. They ( 9) _________ not heavy. a) are b) is c) am Alex - Richard, please help him. Paul - Oh., that (10) __________ very kind. a) am b) is c) are EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN II. Completa las siguientes preguntas y respuestas cortas: Betty is a teacher. 1.____________ an English teacher? No, __________. Carlos is Colombian. 2. ___________________ from Cali? Pierre and Marie are in the USA. 3. __________________in Denver? Sue is a student. 4. ______________ a good student? That is my new car. 5. ______________________ fast? Yes, _________. No, _________. No, _________. Yes, ________.


III. Completa una oracin en forma negativa y otra en afirmativa: 1. Today _________ Tuesday. It _____________ Monday. 2. Alice ___________ your girlfriend. She ____________ my girlfriend! 3. Toronto _________ in the U.S.A. It _______________ in Canada. 4. Paola and Carlos ___________ British. They ___________ Brazilian 5. Apples __________ blue. They ____________ red or green. IV. Escribe el adjetivo posesivo que corresponda al sujeto de los siguientes enunciados: 1. The boy walks to _________ chair. 2. The girl walks to _________ chair. 3. I put _________ book on the desk. 4. We study __________ lesson every night. 5. The children play with _________ balls. 6. The cat drinks _________ milk. 7. Mickey looks at _________ watch during the lesson. 8. Miss Smith, our teacher, often looks at _______ watch, too. 9. You and Peter study in ________ room. 10. Monica likes ________ English class. V. Escribe el plural de cada sustantivo: 1. clock 2. foot 3. tomato 4. child 5. toy 6. university 7. sandwich 8. fish 9. ox 10 woman _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________ _____________


Introduccin. Preguntando se llega a Roma. Se encuentre uno en la ciudad de origen, o en un lugar extrao e inclusive extranjero, constantemente surge la necesidad de preguntar cmo llegar a determinado sitio (una calle, un cine, teatro, restaurant, etc.). En muchos pases tienen inclusive el hbito de traer consigo un mapa para localizar los lugares, ya sea donde la persona se encuentra, o hacia dnde tiene la intencin de llegar. En nuestra ciudad, tenemos la Gua Roji. Objetivo general: En esta unidad, pedirs y dars informacin sobre los servicios de la comunidad (escuelas, bancos, tiendas, transportes, etc.) y su ubicacin. Objetivos especficos: Ubicars lugares y objetos. Dars y seguirs instrucciones para localizar ciertos servicios. Contenidos: 1. Haz preguntas y contstalas usando there is / there are (hay, en espaol) para sealar la existencia de personas, lugares, cosas. 2. Utiliza preposiciones en ingls que indican lugar. 3. Usa el artculo a / an con nombres o sustantivos contables en singular. 4. Observars que hay una diferencia entre sustantivos contables y no contables. 5. Notars la diferencia en el uso de los nmeros cardinales y ordinales. 6. Utilizars los cuantificadores some, any, several, a lot of. Forma There is, there are: Las expresiones there is / there are corresponden, en espaol, a la expresin hay. Observa que there is se utiliza en el singular, y there are en el plural. Ejemplos: Oraciones afirmativas Oraciones negativas Oraciones interrogativas


There is a white house in There isnt a white house Is there a white house Washington. on the corner. near your house? There are some boys in There arent any boys in Are there any boys in the the classroom. the classroom. classroom?


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I.- Escribe there is o there are en los siguientes espacios; recuerda que there is se utiliza con sustantivos en el singular, y there are con sustantivos en el plural. 1. There _______ a magazine on the chair. 2. There _______ _____ any telephones in this town. 3. _______ there any money in our bank account? No, there isnt. 4. _______ there any good programs on TV? Yes, there are many good ones. 5. _______ _____ a baseball major league in Colorado? Yes, there is. 6. _______ _____ eleven players on a soccer team. 7. _______ _____ any eggs in the fridge? No, _______ _____. 8. _______ _____ some ham, but _______ _____ any cans of beer! 9. _______ _____ 29 days in February this year? Yes, _______ _____. 10. There _______ a lot of smog in Mexico City. Los anteriores son unos ejemplos. En el siguiente espacio, escribe otros para que practiques un poco ms. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Forma Preposiciones. Las siguientes son algunas de las preposiciones ms comunes en ingls. BETWEEN NEAR / CLOSE TO IN FRONT OF IN ON AT NEXT TO


Nota: Para entender el uso y significado de las preposiciones, observa con atencin las siguientes oraciones con unos dibujos que tratan de ilustrar un poco.

IN The letters are in the mailbox.

ON The apple is on the books.



. The bike is between the soccer balls

. NEXT TO The cat is next to the dog



The right hand is opposite the left hand.

There is a star on the corner of the box.



The dish is in front of the dog. The door is behind the box


Observa el mapa de la ciudad de Smithborough. Redacta oraciones similares a las de los ejemplos. There is a mall in Smithborough. There is a school on Second Avenue.














II.-Observa detenidamente el mapa para que puedas decidir qu escribir en los siguientes espacios. Puede ser: there is / there are, o alguna preposicin. 1. There _____ a ________ on the corner of Main Street and First Ave. 2. _______ _____ a bank _____ First Ave. 3. _______ _____ a hospital on ____________. 4. _______ _____ a mall between the _______ and the _______________. 5. _______ _____ a mall _________ the restaurant and the hospital. 6. _______ _____ a hospital ____________ the school. 7. _______ _____ a church _____________ the library. 8. _______ _____ a book shop ___________ First Ave. and Bristol St. 9. _______ _____ a library _________ _________ and _______________. 10. _______ _____ three avenues in Smithborough. Cuando alguna persona nos pregunta cmo localizar o llegar a algn lugar, podemos dar las instrucciones utilizando tanto there is / there are, como las preposiciones. Ejemplo: John: Pardon me, can you please tell me how to get from here to the school on Third Avenue ? Pablo: Sure. Now we are in the book shop on First Avenue and Bristol Street. To get to that school you walk to your left on First Ave. Cross Bristol St. Then walk one block and turn to your right on Main Street, walk one block, cross Second Avenue and there you will see a hospital. The school is in front. You cant miss it. John: Thank you very much. Pablo: My pleasure.


Con este mismo mapa da instrucciones de cmo llegar a algn lugar. __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ARTCULOS INDEFINIDOS: A y AN Estos artculos se usan con nombres o sustantivos en singular. Ejemplos: Cuando una palabra inicia con sonido de consonante, se usa a: a student a house a girl Cuando una palabra inicia con sonido de vocal, se usa an: an elephant an egg an engineer III. Anota a o an en los espacios de acuerdo a la informacin del uso de estos artculos. 1. It is _______ carrot. 2. I have _____ orange. 3. He is ______ architect. 4. She is _____ lawyer. 5. This is _____ university. 6. I want _____ apple. SUSTANTIIVOS CONTABLES O NO CONTABLES. Los nombres o sustantivos en ingls pueden ser contables o no contables. Los sustantivos contables se usan para cosas o personas que podemos contar puesto que las podemos separar; stos tienen forma singular y plural. one book two books a man some men Los sustantivos no contables se usan para las cosas u objetos que, como no los vemos como separados, no podemos contar. Por lo tanto, no tienen formas en plural, slo en singular. sugar milk rice weather Recuerda que los sustantivos contables pueden tener una forma singular o plural, debido a ello tienes que recordar qu forma del verbo vas a usar. This book is expensive. These books are expensive. That man lives next door. Those men live next door. Para los sustantivos no contables, debido a que slo cuentan con la forma singular, tendrs que usar la forma singular del verbo. o o Milk is good for you. The weather was very good yesterday.

Con los sustantivos contables se pueden usar tanto a o an como nmeros. a man one book two books Generalmente con los sustantivos no contables no utilizamos a o an, ni nmeros. Por ejemplo, no se dice en ingls a weather , two weathers, etc. Pero es normal utilizar a, an y nmeros cuando en un restaurant ordenamos tazas o vasos de caf, t o cerveza (coffee, tea, beer).


Ejemplo: Waiter, could you please bring us two coffees and a tea, please? Recuerda que en ingls se utiliza a antes de sonidos de consonantes, por ejemplo: a book, a man. Pero se utiliza an antes de sonidos de vocales, por ejemplo: an apple, an egg. Podemos usar some con sustantivos contables y no contables. some books some rice some men some milk Tambin se usa para otras funciones como ofrecimiento e invitaciones en forma de pregunta. Ejemplo: Do you want some more cake? IV. Observa las siguientes palabras. Decide si son sustantivos contables o no contables, y escribe (C) o (nc). Ejemplos: coffee ___ bread ___ time ___ apple ____ dog C oil ___ wine ___ orange ___ meat ___ sugar NC car ___ egg ___ rice ___ friend ___ banana ___ cream ___ ham ____ cheese ___ money ___ carrot ___ girl ____ smog ___ chair ___ traffic ___ tomatoes __ water ___

V. Ahora haz un listado de palabras, usando a / an o some. Ejemplos: some coffee a car _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

_______ _______ _______










VI. Escribe los siguientes nmeros en ingls. (1) 93 _______________ (3) 18 _______________ (5) 1059 ______________ (2) 539 _______________________ (4) 841_______________________ (6) 1001001 ____________________

Piensa otros ejemplos y escrbelos. __________ __________ _________ ____________________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ ____________________ __________ _____________________

Ahora practica con los siguientes nmeros telefnicos. five five six nine zero three eight two ___________________ seven two five one four zero six three ___________________ one seven three five zero six two nine ___________________ REPASO DE LOS NMEROS ORDINALES. Estos nmeros sealan una secuencia u orden. Se usan, por ejemplo para fechas (May 1st ) calles (5th Avenue) para enumerar los das (Tuesday is the third day of the week.) para enumerar los meses (June is the sixth month of the year.
th th th th th th th


st rd th th th th th


th nd th th


th th th th th th th






th th th







Escribe algunos nmeros ordinales a manera de prctica. Los puedes usar para referirte a fechas, das de la semana o meses del ao. Ve los ejemplos anteriores. _____ ____________________ _____ ______________________ _____ ____________________ _____ ____________________ _____ ______________________ _____ ______________________

Las palabras ms comunes que generalmente acompaan a there is / there are son: A SOME ANY SEVERAL A LOT OF

El artculo A se utiliza con sustantivos en singular. Ejemplo: There is a mouse in the house. SOME se usa con sustantivos no contables en singular. Ejemplo: There is some water left in the bottle. Tambin puedes usar SOME con sustantivos contables en plural. Ejemplo: There are some soldiers outside the bank. Recuerda que: SOME se usa en enunciados en plural. ANY se usa en oraciones interrogativas (preguntas) y negativas. Sustantivos no contables se usan en oraciones en singular. Sustantivos contables se usan en oraciones en plural. Ejemplos: There isnt any milk left in the bottle. There arent any students in the room. Are there any people smoking inside? Is there any money left? Yes, there are. No, there isnt.

SEVERAL significa varios en espaol, y se usa con oraciones en plural. There are several irregular students in this school. A LOT OF equivale a mucho (a), muchos (as)en espaol. Se utiliza con oraciones en singular y plural. There is a lot of smog in the city. There are a lot of new cars on the streets.


Contenidos lingsticos (muestra de vocabulario y expresiones): Observa algunos ejemplos que se usan en ingls para solicitar informacin. Excuse me, is there a bank near here? Yes, there is one right around the corner. And there are two more on the next block. Im looking for a city map. Theres a news stand across the park. Excuse me. Where is the flower shop? Its on the first floor between the Italian restaurant and the beauty shop. How do I get to Sanfers restaurant? Go along Mart Street and take the first left. Its on your right. Can you tell me the way to the British bookstore? Sure. Walk two blocks and turn right. Its on your right. You cant miss it. Thank you. Not at all. / Youre welcome.

Ms vocabulario: nombres de servicios en su comunidad como escuelas, bancos, libreras, medios de transporte, nmeros cardinales, cientos, miles, millones, adjetivos. Vocabulario relacionado con el tema (calle, cuadra, etc.) Expresiones de distancia: (cerca, lejos, siga de frente,, doble a la izquierda/derecha, cruce la calle, etc.How far is? There is, there are, how many, some, any. Uso del imperativo en afirmativo y negativo al expresar y ejecutar rdenes, peticiones e instrucciones. Vocabulario bsico. far : take a bus right at the corner of go along cinema phone booth restaurant near: at a walking distance in front of block hospital police station school on the left on the

turn left / turn right go straight bank bookstore library museum restroom, bathroom, services

Ms ejemplos: - Excuse me, sir. Im looking for a -------------------. Do you know if there is one around here? Can you tell me where to find it? A. B. A B A B Excuse me, sir. How do I get to the Metropolitan Cathedral? Walk on Madero Street up to the Zocalo. The Cathedral is on the left. Is it near the National Palace? Its on the same square. Thanks a lot. Youre welcome.

Redacta otros ejemplos a) solicitando informacin para localizar un lugar; b) dando informacin para llegar a un lugar.


EJERCICIO DE AUTOEVALUACIN I. Elige la opcin que mejor completa las oraciones. 1. A: Excuse me, where is the supermarket? B: _______________________________ a) Youre welcome. b) Sure, you can try. c) Next to the beauty shop. d) Im looking for an apartment. 2. A: __________________________________? B: Walk one block and turn right. a) What do you do b) How do I get to the bank c) Can you tell me how he is d) Excuse me, can you help me 3. A: ____________ a movie theater near here? B: Yes, its on Amsterdam Street. a) Are there b) Is there c) There are d) There is 4. A: _____________ is her birthday? B: On August 2nd. a) Where b) When c) Why d) What 5. ____________ some books on the table. a) There is b) There are c) Is there d) Are there 6. Terry hasnt got _________ brothers or sisters. a) some b) any c) more d) much 7. A: How much juice do we need? B: ________________________ a) a little b) many c) a few d) five


Introduccin La familia es primero. Generalmente se dice que todo podemos escoger, menos a nuestra familia. A veces estamos muy contentos con lo que nos toc; otras veces no tanto. Pero estemos contentos o no, generalmente pertenecemos a una familia. Y, muchas veces, para saber quines somos, es necesario saber de dnde venimos. Ello implica preguntar a nuestros padres, abuelos o parientes ms allegados para lograr informarnos, e inclusive poder elaborar nuestro rbol genealgico. En esta ocasin, tendrs que recabar la informacin en espaol, para luego elaborar tu rbol genealgico en ingls. Objetivo general: En esta unidad, identificars a las personas por sus relaciones familiares y sus actividades. Objetivos especficos: Describirs actividades de parientes. Identificars personas y sus actividades. Contenidos: 1. En esta unidad usars vocabulario en ingls que tiene que ver con profesiones y ocupaciones. 2. Utilizars el vocabulario que describe la vida familiar. 3. Practicars el uso de adjetivos para describir a personas y cosas. Forma Vocabulario referente a profesiones y ocupaciones CASHIER COOK / CHEF WAITER / WAITRESS JUDGE LAWYER MUSICIAN PILOT POLICE OFFICER RECEPTIONIST SECURITY GUARD SINGER DOCTOR

Unidad 4

Nota: Para entender el significado de estas palabras, lee con cuidado las siguientes oraciones que tienen que ver con profesiones y ocupaciones y el lugar donde las personas laboran. Ejemplos: John Wilson / a doctor / in a hospital John Wilson is a doctor and works in a hospital. Johns father / a chef / in a restaurant Johns father is a chef and works in a restaurant. Johns sister / a cashier / in a supermarket Johns sister is a cashier and works in a supermarket.


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I. Redacta oraciones similares a los ejemplos anteriores. 1. her mother / a receptionist / at a doctors office ________________________________________________________ 2. her friends / security guards / at BBVA Bank _______________________________________________________ 3. her uncle / a mechanic / in a garage _______________________________________________________ 4. her aunt / a cashier / at J C Penny ______________________________________________________ 5. her brother / a police officer / at Crystal Bookstore ______________________________________________________ Forma Observa cuidadosamente los siguientes trminos que se refieren a relaciones familiares. Grandparents Parents siblings grandfather grandmother father mother brother sister Children son daughter other relationships husband wife uncle aunt nephew niece cousin in-laws father-in-law mother-in-law brother-in-law sister-in-law

En el siguiente rbol genealgico, observa cmo se usan los trminos, que tienen que ver con relaciones familiares. RBOL GENEALGICO ( Tiggers Family Tree )

Elabora tu rbol genealgico. Usa las palabras que aparecen en la forma anterior.


Forma Como ya sabes, los adjetivos son palabras que describen o califican a un sustantivo. En otras palabras, los adjetivos nos dicen cmo son las personas, las cosas, los lugares, etc. Ejemplos: a blue house a rich man a beautiful woman Recuerda que en ingls, los adjetivos no tienen plural,o sea que no se pluralizan, que no tienen una forma en nmero plural. Ejemplos: an old man old men a nice child nice children Recuerda tambin que los adjetivos generalmente se colocan ANTES de los sustantivos, pero tambin se pueden colocar DESPUS de verbos como: be look appear seem taste feel smell sound

Ejemplos: She is pretty. . The meat smells good.

He seems worried.

Recuerda que si quieres preguntar acerca de cmo son las personas o cosas (o sea una descripcin) puedes usar whatlike. Y la descripcin misma la realizars con el uso de los adjetivos. Ejemplos: What is your father like? He is short, thin with grey hair and black eyes. What are your new neighbours like? They are very nice and friendly. What is your house like? Its big with a pretty garden and many rooms. Forma 3b: Ejemplos de los adjetivos ms comunes en ingls. Tall narrow poor interesting Ugly difficult comfortable Easy clean intelligent, smart Fat pretty, beautiful Show Low dark High Cheap expensive Exciting Wide wonderful Happy Angry hungry Sad worried nervous Clber untidy lazy Hot Warm old Cold New young Colores: Blue Red green Violet brown pink Black White silver Purple Beige Otros adjetivos: dark light

nice thin dirty fast light rich boring thirsty fool short hardworking tidy yellow gray orange


Escribe el equivalente de cada adjetivo, y luego encuentra su opuesto. Haz una listaEjemplo: fast = rpido slow = lento II. Ordena las siguientes palabras para construir oraciones. Ejemplo: Mercedes / He drives / big / a / black Respuesta: He drives a big black Mercedes. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. very / He / fast / can / run ______________________________ bottles on the shelf / green / ten/ There are / big __________________________ He is / science / our / teacher / new ____________________________________ seems / teacher / The / friendly / English _______________________________ a very / He / fast / is / runner _________________________________________

Ejercicio opcional: escoge una persona, un lugar, un pas o una cosa, y descrbelo (a). __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________ Ejemplos de expresiones y vocabulario en esta unidad: What does your father do? My father works in a bank from 8 to 4. How old is he? Hes 45. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Yes. I have two brothers and one sister / No, I dont.

Betty: Where does your brother work? Susan: He works in a hotel. Betty: Oh! What does he do exactly? Susan: Hes chef in an Italian restaurant. Betty: Thats interesting. My boyfriend works in a hotel, too. Susan: Is he a chef? Betty: Hes a bellboy, but he doesnt like his job. So hes looking for a new one.



Introduccin: Al que madruga Dios lo ayuda. En gustos se rompen gneros. Es importante reconocer que frecuentemente nos vemos inmersos en conversaciones donde tenemos que comentar acerca de los hechos cotidianos de nuestra vida personal, a la vez que sobre eventos que nos agradan o desagradan por lo que es de gran utilidad esta unidad en la cual alcanzars los siguientes objetivos. Objetivo general: La presente unidad pretende brindarte las bases gramaticales para que seas capaz de describir rutinas o hbitos de la vida cotidiana, as como expresar tus preferencias hacia determinado objeto o circunstancia. Objetivo especfico: Aprenders a aplicar frmulas (estructuras) y expresiones para hacer oraciones afirmativas y negativas usando el presente simple, escribir correctamente la forma del verbo en tercera persona singular en presente simple, usar adverbios de frecuencia y expresiones de tiempo, describir actividades diarias y preferencias.




Describir actividades diarias Expresar preferencias Informar acerca de costos (inform about prices) Hablar de cantidades (talking about quantities)

Se usa para hablar acerca de acciones repetidas o hbitos, acerca de situaciones permanentes o que ocurren por largo tiempo y acerca de verdades generales o hechos.

Afirmativa I you he she it we you they work works I you he she it we you they

Formas Negativa dont work doesnt work I you he she it we you they

Interrogativa work? work?


dont work



Observa con atencin los siguientes ejemplos:

I take a shower every morning. Most evenings my parents stay at home and watch t.v. Do you go to the movies very often? Her children dont study in the same school. Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan live en New York. (That is their permanent home) Vegetarians dont eat meat or fish. The River Amazons flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

Contenido Lingstico (Muestra de vocabulario y expresiones)

Mike: Joan: Mike: Joan: Mike: Joan: Mike: Joan: Fred: Liz: Fred: Walt: Liz: Walt: Fred: Liz: Lets go to the park on Sunday. Ok, but not too early. I get up early on weekdays, so I sleep in on the weekend. What time do you get up on Sundays? At ten oclock. Oh, thats early. I get up at noon. Do you have breakfast? Sure. I eat breakfast every day. Then lets meet at Vips at ten oclock. Can I buy you a cup of coffee, Liz? Thank you, Fred. Id love one. And what about you, Walt? No, thanks. I dont like American coffee! I prefer iced tea. Well, have an iced tea, then. You dont have to drink coffee! Oh, all right. Where shall we go? Lets go to Charles at the mall. Good idea!

Mike: What do we need for the barbecue? Maria: Well, we need hamburger meat and hot dogs. Mike: We have some hamburger in the freezer, But we dont have any hot dogs. Maria: Right, and there arent any buns. Mike: Do we need any soda? Maria: Yes, we do. Lets buy some soda and Some lemonade, too. Mike: All right, and how about some potato salad? Maria: Great idea! Everyone likes potato salad.

Ejercicios de prctica:
Aqu encontrars actividades de aprendizaje que te permitirn reforzar los conceptos anteriormente vistos en la unidad.


I. Completa las oraciones. Usa la forma del presente simple de los verbos en parntesis. The president of the USA lives in the White House. (live) I dont go to the theater very often. (not / go)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rose __________ part time. (work). We __________ early in the morning (get up). Peter __________ in a restaurant every day) (eat). Loud music __________ me a headache (give). They __________ from Canada. They __________ from the USA (come).

II. Completa las preguntas en presente simple.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What time do you get up every morning?

I usually get up at 7:00 oclock. I listen to it most mornings. No, he lives in Merida. She usually finishes at 5:39. They watch it every evening. He earns about $ 800. Yes, it snows a lot in winter.

How often __________ to the radio? __________________ in Mazatlan? What time __________ work every day? When __________________ watch TV? How much money __________ a month? _______________ much in your country?


1. Si el sonido final del verbo es: (for example: p/t/k/f/s/th): sleep 2. Si el sonido final del verbo es; (for example: b/d/g/v/m/n/l/r or a vowel): prepare 3. Si el verbo termina en: sh/ch/x/z/ss: watch 4. Si el verbo termina en una consonante + y: hurry 5. Si el verbo termina en una vocal + y: play 6. Irregular Forms. Formas Irregulares: have go do

Add -s Aade -s He sleeps eight hours every night. Add -s Aade -s

He prepares dinner. Add -es Aade -es He watches TV. Change y to i add -es. Cambia y por i y aade -es He hurries home. Add -s. Aade -s He plays tennis on Saturday. Alice has a job. She goes to work every day. Frank does the dishes.

III. Completa estas oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo (en parntesis) en presente simple. 1. She __________ in Orlando. (live) 2. I __________ in an office. (work) 3. What time __________ the bus __________ every morning? (come) 4. He __________ his homework every night. (do) 5. They __________ to the cinema on Saturdays. (not / got) 6. We __________ pizza on weekend. (eat) 7. She __________ Italian food. (not like) 8. __________ Americans __________ presents at Christmas time? (give) 9. I __________ my family every week. (call) 10. The children __________ every Sunday. (play)


Forma: Para responder Preguntas S / No

Cuando hacemos una pregunta empezando con un auxiliary (do, does) la respuesta ser s / no = Yes / No. Do you like English? Yes, I do. Does he have a girlfriend? No, he doesnt.

Verbo Auxiliar Auxiliary Verb Sujeto Subject I you we they he she it Forma base del verbo Base form of the verb work? Respuestas cortas Afirmativas Negativas Afirmative Answers Negative Answers Yes, I we you they he she it do. No, I we you they he she it dont





doe s.



Forma: Adverbios de frecuencia:

Son aquellos que te dicen que tan a menudo sucede algo. .

Question: how often does Sam watch television? Pregunta: Qu tan a menudo Sam ve la televisin?
Always Siempre Almost always Casi siempre Usually generalmente Often / frequently a menudo, frecuentemente Sometimes algunas veces watches televisin Seldom / rarely rara vez Never nunca 100%



La posicin de los adverbios de frecuencia es entre el sujeto y el verbo. I always have a shower in the morning. She never plays on Saturdays. Pero hay una excepcin: si el verbo principal es be, el adverbio de frecuencia va despus de l. He is always hungry. We are never on time.


I. Ordena las palabras correctamente para formar oraciones. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. fish on eat usually we Fridays ____________________________________ never Death Valley it rains in _______________________________________ the very sometimes is cold it in mornings ______________________________ he always movies to the goes Wednesdays on _________________________ often do eat you meat? ___________________________________________

II. Completa las oraciones usando el presente simple de los verbos en parntesis. The Concorde __________ (make) a lot of noise. I __________ (not live) in Leon. I __________ (live) in Xalapa. The sea __________ (cover) two thirds of the world. We __________ (not come) from Australia. We __________ (come) from Brazil. She __________ (work) from Mondays to Fridays. She __________ (not work) on weekends. III. Elige la mejor opcin para completar las oraciones. 1.- Marco usually _______________ early. a) get up b) gets up c) is getting up d) are getting up 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2.- A: Do you like sports? B: __________________ a) I hate it b) I love them c) you were right d) you are welcome 3.- I dont like to go fishing, so I __________ go fishing. a) always b) usually c) often d) never 4.- We ____________ shopping every Friday. a) have b) do c) go 5.- Dad ____________ the dog every morning. a) walks b) walk c) walked d) make d) is walking

6.- Mary seldom __________ TV in the afternoon. a) watchs b) watches c) watched d) watch 7.- Thanks for the invitation, but Im afraid I cant __________ it. a) make b) do c) take d) go 8.- Bob likes listening to music, but he is __________ rock music, he really likes it. a) crazy about b) cant stand c) hate d) doesnt like 9.- Do you usually brush your teeth after meals? a) Yes, three times a day b) Really? c) chocolate and candy 10.- What does she like for dinner? a) A little b) fruit, fish and coffee c) you dont like d) shes happy d) O.K.



Introduccin: Silencio: Genios trabajando En la vida diaria realizamos muchas actividades cotidianas que en un momento dado debemos describir para dar informacin a alguien o para aclarar alguna situacin con respecto a lo que se est realizando en el momento. Objetivo general: Esta unidad pretende proveerte de los elementos necesarios para que puedas hablar acerca de algo que est llevndose a cabo al momento de hablar. Objetivo especfico: Al finalizar la unidad sers capaz de hacer oraciones afirmativas y negativas en presente progresivo o continuo, aprenders cmo se escriben correctamente los verbos terminados en ING y a hacer preguntas para responder si / no en presente progresivo o continuo. Contenido: Describir actividades que se realizan en el momento.


Contenido Lingstico (Muestra de vocabulario y expresiones)

A: B: A: B: Honey, Im home. Where are you? In the kitchen. Im cooking dinner. And, where are the children? Theyre in the garden. Theyre playing basketball.

El presente continuo o progresivo se forma con be + ing. AFFIRMATIVE I am eating. He / she / it is eating. You / we / they are eating. NEGATIVE I am not eating. He / she / it is not eating. You / we / they are not eating. INTERROGATIVE Am I eating? Is he / she / it eating? Are you / we / they eating?

Uso: Usamos el presente progresivo para hablar acerca de algo que est en progreso al momento de hablar. Im snowing and its very cold. Im eating a sandwich because Im very hungry Im studying for my exam. El presente continuo tambin lo puedes usar para hablar acerca de algo que se est realizando en la actualidad, pero no necesariamente en el momento preciso de hablar. What are you doing now?


Youre spending a lot of money these days. Hes looking for a job at the moment. De igual manera lo usamos para hablar acerca de situaciones que estn en desarrollo o cambiando en la actualidad. Im reading a very good book at the moment. Janes studying Economies at Harvard. The children are taking part in a school play. As mismo para quejarse sobre alguna situacin. Youre standing of my foot! These children are eating all the cakes! Reglas para aadir ing a los verbos. Aade ing a la forma base del verbo. eat ing drink ing read ing wash ing spend ing Si el verbo termina en e, se la quitas y aades ing. Dance > dancing, write > writing, make > making, hire > hiring Si un verbo tiene una slaba y termina en consonante precedida de vocal, duplica la consonante y aade ing. put > putting, get > getting, run > running, swim > swimming Cuando el verbo termina en y, aade ing. study > studying, cry > crying, play > playing EJERCICIOS. I. Escribe la forma correcta de ING de los siguientes verbos. Example: learn > learning 1. talk _______________________ 2. come _____________________ 3. cut _______________________ 4. admit _____________________ 5. run _______________________ 6. dry _____________________________ 7. make ___________________________ 8. slip ____________________________ 9. cancel __________________________ 10. drive ____________________________

II. Completa las siguientes oraciones en presente continuo. Usa el verbo en parntesis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The children want to go to a picnic but it _______________ . (rain) Look! Jeff _______________ (wear) his new shoes. What are you doing? I _______________ (make) a cake. Can you two come out? Sorry. We _______________ . (study) Where are the girls? They _______________ . (swim)


III. Ordena las palabras para crear oraciones. 1. days / what / and / doing / these / Mary / are / you? 2. running / own / we / business / our / are 3. on / still / campus / living / you / are 4. arent / no / we / parents / living / we / Marys / with / are 5. you / golf / and / still / playing / are? 6. not / no / Im / fly / but / to / learning IV. Completa el reporte sobre economa con los siguientes verbos, usando el presente progresivo continuo. begin find buy hire spend

Theres good news on the unemployment front. More people 1) __________ jobs and the people 2) __________ more money in the stores. Inflation is still quite low but it 3) ___________ to rise. More people 4) __________ more houses than a year ago and construction companies 5) __________ more workers. Ahora vea la diferencia entre el presente simple y el presente progresivo. PRESENTE PROGRESIVO What is in progress at the moment of speaking We use the present progressive to talk about Are you working now? Dont forget your umbrella. Its raining. We use the present progressive when referring to temporary actions: Im sleeping on a sofa these days because my bed is broken. PRESENTE SIMPLE We use the simple present to talk about repeated actions or habits, And about universal truths: Do you work on Saturdays? It rains a lot in Mexico City in July We use the simple present when talking about permanent actions: I always sleep eight hours every night.


I. Selecciona la forma correcta. snowing. It snows quite often in Britain in winter. Im going. I go to bed now. Good night. Normally, Im going. I go to bed at around 11:30 every night. Wheres Simon? Hes cooking. He cooks the dinner. There is something wrong with Oliver at the moment, so hes going he goes to work by bus this week. 6.- The Thames River is flowing flows through London. 7.- Sarah has got an exam soon, so shes working she works very hard at the moment.

II. Elige la mejor opcin para completar las oraciones. 1.- The children __________ a snowman now. a) are building b) built c) building d)build

2.- What are you doing today? I __________ all day. a) working b) work c) worked d) am working 3.- They ____________ dinner with some friends tonight. a) having b) are having c) had d) have 4.- Ken and Lucy are ____________ for a new house at the present. a) look b) looking c) looked d) looks 5.- Our dogs ____________ biting each other now! a) is b) are c) was d) were

6.- Maya ____________ calling Beth on her cell phone right now. a) were b) was c) am d) is 7.- Peter y Carol ____________ with Mark and Linda now. a) is playing b) are playing c) was talking d) were talking 8.- Carlos __________ studying for his test now. a) were b) was c) am d) is

9.- They __________ drawing the illustrations for the book at the moment. a) were b) have c) is d) are 10.- You are __________ a jacket because it is cold today. a) using b) have c) wearing d) hot


Introduccin: El hombre propone y Dios dispone. Cuando vamos a salir de vacaciones generalmente hacemos planes, por ejemplo, cmo vamos a viajar, a dnde vamos a hospedarnos, etc. En esta unidad intercambiars informacin acerca de los planes que tienes para tus prximas vacaciones. Objetivo general: Hars planes futuros, por ejemplo, para tus prximas vacaciones, para los estudios que piensas realizar, etc. Objetivo Especfico: Hablars sobre el futuro usando going to. Identificars el significado y posicin de expresiones en futuro. Forma Be Going to ENUNCIADOS AFIRMATIVOS I You He She It We You Thev Am m are re Is s Are re going to leave. ENUNCIADOS NEGATIVOS I You He She It We You They am not 'm not are not aren`t is not isn`t are not aren`t going to leave.


YES / NO QUESTIONS (Preguntas para responder Si No)

Auxiliary Verb Am Are Subject I you we they he she it -ING Form of the Verb playing? playing?

SHORT ANSWERS (Respuestas Cortas)

Afirmative Answers am. Yes, I Yes, we you they he she it are. Negative Answers No, I am not No, we you they he she it are not. arent. is not. isnt.







WH-QUESTIONS (Preguntas para pedir informacin) When Where What there? How there? How long Who (m) Who's leave? go? do Im going to get stay? visit? going to drive?

ANSWERS (Respuestas) leave in two weeks. go to Colorado. go skiing. go by car. stay for one week. visit rny cousin.

are you going to

My friend (is going to drive)

Tomado de Grammar Dimensions.

Observa los siguientes ejemplos: Mark: Say, Rose, What are you doing tonight? Would you like to go out? Rose: Oh, sorry, I can't. I'm going to work late tonight. I have to finish this report. Mark: Well how about tomorrow night? Are you doing anyhing then? Rose: No, I'm not. What are you planning to do? Mark: I'm going to see a musical. Would you like to come? Rose: Sure, I'd love to! But let me pay for the tickets this time. It's my turn. Mark: All right! Thanks.

Amy: We're going to have a birthday party next Saturday. Would you like to come? Phil: Whose birthday is it? Amy: I can't teII you. It's a secret. By the way, when's your birthday? Phil: In fact, it's next Saturday. I think I can't come to your party. Amy: Why? Phil: Because my mom is going to take me to a restaurant. Amy: Oh, no. The party is going to be a surprise...for you! Uso L os enunciados con going to conectan el futuro y el presente. Usamos going to para hablar sobre algo en el futuro, el cual podemos ver como un resultado de algo en el presente.


Look at those black clouds in the sky. It 's going to raIn. Look out! The ladder is going lo fall. Those crazy drivers are going to have an accident! It`s very cold. I think it's going to snow. Se usa going to para referirnos a lo que intentamos hacer en el futuro. y para cuando hemos decidido hacer algo.


Observa el siguiente ejemplo: Paul: Why have you moved all the fumiture out of this room? Mary: Because I'm going to clean the carpet. - Im going to buy a new car next week. - Mary says she 's going to read all Shakespeare' s plays. Expresiones en Futuro (Later) this morning afternoon evening Next week month year Sunday weekend Tomorrow morning afternoon evening night Soon later the day after tomorrow a week from today tonight

(Ms tarde) esta La / El prxima(o) Maana en la Pronto, ms tarde, maana, tarde, noche semana, mes, ao, maana, en la tarde, pasado maana, en domingo, fin de noche. ocho das, esta noche. semana. EJERCICIO Observa el horario de Samira: SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY
1 8 2 Labor day Holiday 9 3 10 Music class 4:30 17

4 11


5 12




13 4:00 20 Party Ed 8:00 27


15 Church Dinner 7:00 22 29



23 30

24 31

tennis game 3:00 25







Ahora haz preguntas sobre el horario de Samira y contstalas Ejemplo: - When is Samira going to go to the dentist? - Shes going to go on Thursday 12th. - What time is she going to go there? - At four. ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA: I. Completa los enunciados con going to y los verbos en la caja: see do have rain buy work visit be get tell

1. We _________________________________ to have chili con carne for dinner. 2. Joe: What ________________you ___________________________tomorrow? 3. Kay: I______________________________ my grandmother in San Francisco. 4. Dan: Look at those clouds. It________________________________________ 5. Sue: Yes. and those people ____________________________________ wet. 6. John _______________________ a new house near the park, 7. but he ______________________________________ his wife. (negative) 8. It _____________________________________________a surprise for her. 9. Mark: I _________________ a musical tonight. Would you like to come? 10. Rose: Sure. Id love to, but I ____________________ until six. Mark:: No problem. Ill pick you up. II. Escribe las preguntas correctas para estas respuestas: 1. ______________________________________________________? Yes, it is. It's going to rain tomorrow. 2. ______________________________________________________? No, she isn't. She is going to study physics. 3. ______________________________________________________? Yes, they are. They are going to drive to work today. 4. Where ________________________________________________? They are going to go to the cinema. 5. What _________________________________________________? They are going to see "Titanic. EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I. Elige la mejor opcin para completar los enunciados: 1. ________ Carlos ____________ to study for his test tonight? a) Were_____ going b) Are ______ going c) Is _______ going d) Am ______ going 2. Im sure you ______________________ well on the exam tomorrow. a) going b) is going c) are going d) am going 3. I think Tom _____________________ to be at the party. a) going b) is going c) are going d) am going


4. My parents __________________ going to travel to New York next month. a) is b) does c) do d) are 5. We ________________to go to the cinema. We need to study. a) are not going b) is not going c) am not going d) were not going II. Completa esta conversacin. Usa going to y los verbos que estn entre parntesis. Mary: What(1) ______ /you_________________________________this weekend, Richard? (do) (question) Richard: I (2) _______________________ to an art gallery on Saturday. (go) Mary: That sounds interesting. Richard: Yeah. There' s a new exhibit at the Modern. And how about you, Mary? Mary: WeIl, Brian and I (3) _______________________a ball game in the afternoon (see) in the evening? (do) (question) Richard: And what (4) /you _____________ Mary: Brian (5) ______________________his mother in the hospital. (visit) But I (6)________________________anything really. (do) (negative) Richard: Well, I (7) _________________________some friends over for a barbecue. Would you like to come? (have) Mary: Thanks. Id love to. Richard: What (8) ____________ Brian __________________ later? (do) Mary: The children (9) ____________________________ a party at a friends house. (go) They (10) _________________________________ with us. (be) (negative)


Introduccin. El tiempo vale oro. Actualmente estamos viviendo en un mundo tan vertiginoso que nos hace casi esclavos del reloj, ya sea porque tenemos que llegar a nuestros lugares de trabajo o estudio, o a una cita con nuestro mdico, dentista, o amigos, o simplemente a nuestros hogares. Debido a ello, es recomendable poder hablar del tiempo no slo en nuestra propia lengua sino al menos en una lengua extranjera, en este caso, en ingls. Generalmente nos quejamos del clima: si hace calor, porque hace calor; si hace fro, porque hace fro, etc. Debemos aceptar lo que no podemos cambiar. Objetivo general: En esta unidad, utilizars expresiones y el vocabulario necesarios para hablar sobre la hora y el clima. Objetivos especficos: 1. Pedirs y dars la hora. 2. Describirs diferentes climas. 3. Ubicars diferentes climas en el tiempo y espacio. 4. Usars adjetivos y pronombres posesivos para expresar posesin de algo. 5. Usars sustantivos posesivos (s / s) Contenidos lingsticos (muestra de vocabulario y expresiones) Helen: Hey! Why are you getting dressed so early? Henry: Its late. Helen: Late? What time is it? Henry: Its quarter to eight. Im almost late for work. Helen: Work? But its Saturday! Theres no work today! Ted: Hi, Bob. Im calling you from Chihuahua. Bob: Really! Whats the weather like there? Ted: Its horrible. There is no sun. Its really cold and rainy. And whats the weather like at home now? Bob: Its just beautiful, really hot and sunny! Just as we like it! Beth: When is your birthday? Lucy: Its on July 6th. And when is your sisters birthday? Beth: Its on July 8th. Lucy: Lets organize a party! Liz: Mom, may I go to a party? Mom: Ask your father? Liz: Dad, may I? Dad: O.K. But dont come home late!



Forma 1: El tiempo
12 9 3 9 6 12 3

What time is it? Its 3 oclock.

12 9 6 3

What time is it? Its quarter past six.

12 9 6 3

What time is it? Its half past nine. Expresiones de tiempo Time Expressions

What time is it? Its quarter to twelve.

a.m. = 12:00 midnight to 12:00 noon (in the morning) p.m. = 12:00 noon to 12:00 midnight (in the afternoon) EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I.- Escribe en ingls los siguientes tiempos. What time is it? (1) 7:00 (3) 1:14 (5) 9:15 (7) 11:01 (9)4:48 (2) 9:45 (4) 8:30 (6) 10:50 (8) 5:59 (10) 3:00

Ahora escribe tu horario: las materias y la hora para cada da (time schedule). TIME MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:00


Forma 2: El clima Preguntas Its sunny Its hot Its cold Its snowy Its cloudy Its rainy Respuestas Summer Winter in Spring Fall

Whats the weather like in Denver?

Its windy Its cool Whats the Its 70 degrees Its 22 degrees temperature today? Fahrenheit (F). Celsius (C). Nota: Para hablar acerca del clima puedes usar adjetivos como: Clear Wet Foggy Humid warm frozen

Dry Smoggy

III. Completa las siguientes oraciones tomando en cuenta el vocabulario acerca del clima. Ejemplos: The weather in Acapulco is usually very hot, but the weather in Toluca can be very cold. In winter, the weather in London is usually foggy and cold. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. In July, the weather in Merida is _______ and _______. In January, the weather in Alaska is __________. In summer, the weather in Australia is __________ and __________. The weather in Arabia is __________ and _________ most of the time. In winter, the weather in Monterrey is __________.

What is the weather like in your city? Describe it. ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________.

Forma 3: Adjetivos y pronombres posesivos Cuando queremos hablar de pertenencia (que algo nos pertenece), podemos hacerlo, por lo menos de las siguientes tres maneras: 1. Utilizando adjetivos posesivos, 2. Utilizando pronombres posesivos, 3. Utilizando lo que se conoce como posesivo anglo-sajn. Observa los siguientes ejemplos.


Possessive adjectives My Your His Her Its Our Their

car is old. house is new. dog is friendly. Clothes are beautiful. fur is black. classrom is dirty. Children are young.

Possessive pronouns The car is The house is The dog is The clothes are (its cannot be possessive pronoun.) The classroom is The children are

mine. yours. hishers.

ours. theirs.

Possessive nouns This is Anas new car. This is my students house. Its Marios dog. They are Silvias clothes. The dogs paws are bleeding. The students classrooms are dirty. They are Paul and Marys children.

Nota: Observa la diferencia entre its e its. We live in a big city. Its museums are very interesting. Its a nice place to live. En la primera oracin, its est funcionando como adjetivo posesivo. En el segundo caso Its esta funcionando como it is; es la contraccin de it is. Elabora un ejercicio parecido al que se muestra en la Forma 3, utilizando los adjetivos posesivos, los pronombres posesivos y los nombres ya sea propios o comunes utilizando s y spara indicar posesin.


EJERCICIO DE AUTOEVALUACIN Selecciona la opcin que t consideres adecuada. 1. Its snowing today. I feel ____________ a) warm b) mild c) cold d) hot 2. What time does the class begin? It begins at _________ a) four and quarter b) to quarter tour c) quarter to tour c) four four five 3. My brothers biology exam is at ________ a) twefth day b) twelve days c) twelve clocks d) twelve oclock 4. Whats the _______ today? a) classroom b) weather c) book d) mother 5. A: What time is it? B: Let me see. The short hand is a little before seven and the minute hand is pointing to forty-five. So its _________ A: Thanks. I must rush a)forty- five past eight b)forty-five to seven c) quarter past six d) quarter to seven 6. A: What time _______ Rebelde? B: I think it _________ at six thirty on channel 2. A: Thanks. a) does / starts b) is / start c) does / is d) is / starts 7. A: You told me youve lived in London, havent you? Whats the weather like there? B: Well, London is almost always _________. Thats why I moved to Los Angeles. Here its _________ most of the year. A: Then, I think Ill miss California when I move away from here. a) snowy / windy b) foggy / sunny c) rainy / mistyd) sunny / foggy 8. A: If forty-five minutes make _________ . Whats the time if my watch says 8:45? B: Its _________. a) an hour/ fifteen to nine b) a quarter of an hour / a quarter to nine c) half an hour / fifteen to nine d) three quarters of an hour / a quarter to nine


Introduccin: Lo barato cuesta caro. En situaciones de compras resulta necesario manejar vocabulario relativo al tema y cmo expresarlo en distintas estructuras segn el propsito, por ejemplo, cuando queremos adquirir prendas de vestir y objetos personales. Objetivo general: Al finalizar la unidad podrs hablar acerca de prendas de vestir y objetos personales utilizando las estructuras y expresiones que se utilizan al ir de compras. Adems de poder preguntar por el precio de diversos objetos. Objetivo especfico: Aprenders a usar CAN para expresar habilidad, comprenders los diferentes usos de COULD, sabrs usar MAY para pedir permiso, al igual que pedir y dar informacin usando HOW MUCH y HOW MANY al hacer compras. Contenidos: Ir de compras Preguntar por algn producto o mercanca en una tienda Hablar acerca del color, forma, tamao y textura de los objetos


Contenido Lingstico
A: B: A: B:

(Muestra de vocabulario y expresiones)

Excuse me. Is there a department store in this mall? Oh, yes! There is a very good one. What do you want to buy? I need a pair of jeans for my son. You can buy them at Liverpool. Its opposite Mc.Donalds. You cant miss it!

Inside the department store. C: B: C: B: C: B: C: B: C: B: Can I help your, sir? Yes, please. Im looking for a nice pair of jeans for my son. Sure. What size do you need? Five, please. Any particular color? Light blue will be all right. What about these? Theyre perfect. How much are they? Theyre two hundred pesos. Thats reasonable. Ill take them.


CAN Poder (realizar una actividad = tener la capacidad) Forma:

AFFIRMATIVE I You He She can speak English We You They NEGATIVE I You He She cannot speak Chinese We You They NEGATIVE CONTRACTION I You He She cant speak French We You They

Este auxiliar modal no aade una s en la 3a. persona singular (l, ella, ello), del presente simple y nunca tiene la forma ing.


Can expresa: Habilidad: I can run. Animals cannot (cant) talk. Saber hacer: To know how to: Yes, I can No, I cant. ability:

Can you speak English? Can you fly?

Pedir permiso: To ask for permission: Can I go out? Usa cant para prohibicin: Use cant for prohibition: You cant smoke in here Usamos could (podra) para expresar probabilidad Could is used to express probability: The weather is nice today, it could be sunny tomorrow. Tambin expresa permiso Could also expresses permission:


If you finish your homework, you could go to the party. Y para solicitar Could is used for request: Could you help me, please? Podra (could) y no podra (couldnt) son las formas en pasado de can y cant Could and couldnt are the past forms of can and cant The old man could run when he was young. She lost her keys yesterday and she couldnt find them. May and may not express possibility: We may go to Mexico next year, but we are not sure. Passengers in the smoking section may smoke if they wish. Tambin usamos May para pedir permiso: May is used to ask for permission: May I leave early today, please? Yes, you may. Para prohibir: To forbid:

May we stay out late tonight? No, you may not. Food may not be taken into the auditorium. Para solicitar: Requests:

May I have a cup of coffee? Nota: (May is the only modal that doesnt have the contraction nt in the negative form) May es el nico verbo modal que no tiene contraccin nt en forma negativa.


A continuacin, resuelve los siguientes ejercicios que te ayudarn a practicar los temas vistos en esta unidad. I. Trata de formar preguntas completas relacionando las 2 columnas y escrbelas en las lneas abajo del cuadro. May I sit in? Do you think I could close a book or a magazine? Could I have this on? Can I try here? May I come your bike for half an hour? Can I borrow the window? _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________



Se utiliza cuando queremos saber el costo o precio de algo. Por ejemplo: How much is this sweater? Its $ 35.00 How much are the shoes? Theyre $ 49.50 a pair Questions with How Many and How Much PREGUNTA SUSTANTIVOS QUESTION How may CONTABLE Count Noun RESPUESTA ANSWER

How many How many How many

universities brothers oranges Noncount noun

are there? do you have? do you eat

A lot Two every week?

How much How much How much How much

No contables money time gas do you have in your account? do you have? do you need? $ 200 Not much Five gallons

Recuerda: Cuando queremos preguntar por la cantidad de algo, how many se usa para cuntos y how much para cunto.


I. Haz preguntas con How much o How many 1.- _______________ juice do you drink every morning? 2.- Do you know _______________ cholesterol is there in an egg? 3.- _______________ calories are there in a vanilla ice cream? 4.- _______________ money do you spend on transportation a day? 5.- _______________ cans of soda are there in the refrigerator? I. Gloria compra comida para su familia, observa su mesa de cocina y llena los espacios


Gloria buys food for her family. Look at Her kitchen table. Fill in the blanks. 1. How ________ cheese ________ there? Two kilos. 2. How ________ eggs ________ there? A dozen. 3. How ________ apples __________? Six. 4.- How ________ meat __________? ______________________________ 5. How ________ milk ___________? ______________________________ 6. How ________ butter __________? ______________________________ 7.- How ________ tomatoes ________? _______________________________


II. Elige la mejor opcin para completar las oraciones. 1.- A: How much is it? B: ______________________ a) nine oclok b) ten pesos c) two kilos 2.- A: How much juice do you need? B: ______________________ a) A little b) Many c) A few

d) nota t all

d) Five

3.- A: May I help you? B: Yes, thanks. How much _________________ that cotton t-shirt? A: Its only US $ 150 B: ______________. And you call that a bargain? a) is / wow! Thats expensive. b) is cost / O.K. Thats reasonable. c) does cost / Hey! Thats still too much. d) costs / Fine! Thats cheap. 4.- A: Those gray jeans are nice. Hmm, theres no price tag __________________ B: They are $ 50 _________________ A: No, its O.K. I think theyre my size. a) Excuse me, how much are they? / Would you like to try them on? b) Which ones do you like better? / What size do you need? c) Could you tell me now much are they cost? / Do they fit you? d) What about the price? / What color are you looking for? 5.- A: These leather boots are great! B: _______________________ A: Well, Im going to buy them anyway. a) Not for me. I prefer the vinyl ones. b) Thank you. c) Youre welcome. d) Youre right, I dont like them. 6.- How many apples do I need to prepare an apple pie? a) just 1 gallon b) KG c) 6 are fine d) two cans 2 7.- A: Do you have any western wear? B: _________________________ a) Where can I buy something like that? b) And where is that? c) Thank you so much. d) You should try Hookem Horns.


8,- A: How does the dress fit you? B: _____________________ a) cash or credit? b) Perfect. Ill take it. c) What size? d) Yes, Im looking for a long dress. 9.- What size are you looking for? a) Green, black or white please. b) I think 9 would be fine. c) I think 9 would be fine. d) Short sleeves. 10.- Are you going to pay with _________________? a) I dont have many cheques. b) Formal or casual. c) Shes not going to pay. d) Credit card or cash .



Introduccin: Lo que no fue en tu ao, no fue en tu dao. Cuando platicas con tus amigos o familiares sobre lo que hiciste el fin de semana, tus ms recientes vacaciones, y en general, sobre tus actividades de esparcimiento y diversin, es importante saber como hacerlo. Objetivo general: El propsito de esta unidad es que intercambies, precisamente, informacin acerca de actividades realizadas en el pasado. Objetivos especficos: Formulars enunciados afirmativos y negativos con el verbo be en el pasado, tanto con verbos regulares como irregulares. Aprenders el significado y la posicin de expresiones de tiempo en pasado en un enunciado. Identificars la secuencia de eventos. Hars preguntas para responder s o no (yes-no questions) y para pedir informacin (wh-questions).


Contenidos lingsticos (muestra de vocabulario y expresiones): A: Oh, no! I lost my cell phone. B: Oh, thats terrible. Where did you go today? A: Well, first, I went to the dry cleaners. Then, I went to the bank. Next, I had lunch with .some friends Sam: So, Al, how was your day? Al: It was busy. I went to the library. Sam: What for? Al: To look for a book. Then I went to the shopping center. Sam: What did you do there? Al: I bought some clothes for my son. Sam: Uh, huh. Al: And then I went to Chilies Grill for lunch. Sam: Who did you have lunch with? Al: With my wife, of course.


Forma Enunciados afirmativos: SUJETO I You He She It We You They There There

PASADO DE BE VERBO was were was were a famous actress in that film. many political leaders at the meeting.
Tomado de Grammar Dimensions.


was were

Enunciados negativos: SUJETO I You He She It We You They There There BE + NOT was not were not was not were not was were

PASADO DE BE CONTRACCIONES I You Famous He She It We You They There There NEGATIVAS wasnt werent wasnt werent wasnt werent any time to eat. any good restaurants. famous.

no time to eat

Tomado de Grammar Dimensions


Preguntas para responder s o no (yes-no questions) y respuestas cortas (short answers) con Be en Pasado Simple. Forma: YES-NO QUESTIONS Verbo Sujeto Was I

Afirmativo you were

SHORT ANSWERS Negativo you were not you werent I was not I wasnt he/she/it was not. he/she/it wasnt we/ you/ they were not we/ you/ they were nt there was not there wasnt there were not there werent
Tomado de Grammar Dimensions


you He She It we you they there right? Yes,

I was He She was It we you were they there was there were



Were Was

A good game at Disneyworld? long lines at Disneyworld?





Wh-questions con BE WH-QUESTIONS When Where Who What How Why was BE SUBJECT JFKs assassination? the assassination? the assassin? his motive? the day? people sad? ANSWERS November 22, 1963. It was in Dallas, Texas. Lee Harvey Oswald, we think. There were different theories. Very sad. Because Kennedy was a popular president. Lee Harvey Oswalds.
Tomado de Grammar Dimensions





It ?


Observa los ejemplos con atencin: -Robert was at the museum yesterday. Was Robert at the museum yesterday? Yes, he was. -Last week we were at the lab from 1:00 to 3:00. Were you in the lab from 4:00 to 5:00? No, we werent. Where were you last week from 1:00 to 3:00? In the lab. EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA A. Completa las preguntas con was o were: Ejemplo: Were you born in this city? No, I wasnt. I was born in Monterrey. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) II. ____________ you born in this city? When _________ you born? __________ your parents born here? When ________ your mother born? When_________ your father born? _________ you a good student in high school? What __________ your favorite subject? __________you good at sports? __________ you at maths? Who ________ your first English teacher?

Contesta las siguientes preguntas: 1. Were you on time for school today? ______________________________________ 2. Was your teacher absent yesterday? _____________________________________ 3. When was the last time you went to the beach? _____________________________ 4. Which was the last book you read? _______________________________________ 5. Who was William Shakespeare? _________________________________________ 6. When was the First World War?__________________________________________ 7. What was theTitanic? __________________________________________________ 8. Where were the1968 Olympic Games held? ________________________________ 9. Who was Leonardo Da Vinci? ____________________________________________ 10. Where were The Beatles born? ___________________________________________


VERBOS REGULARES E IRREGULARES Forma y ortografa de los verbos regulares en Pasado. Yesterday was Sunday I stayed home. You washed your clothes. He studied his French lesson. Yesterday morning We walked to school. Last night They watched television. I You He She It We You They stayed home washed your clothes studied his lesson walked to school played football watched television listened to music worked late last night Who She listened to music. last week? yesterday? last night? yesterday morning? last month? I You He She It We You They did. You played foot-ball.

listened to music played football watched television stayed home washed your clothes studied his lesson walked to school

Nota: Observa que en los verbos regulares el pasado simple y el pasado participio tienen la misma forma. III. Puedes escribir en pasado los siguientes verbos? 1.- visit __________ 2.- invite _________ 3.- look _________ 4.- bake _________ 5.- enjoy _________ 6.- worry _________ 7.- die __________ 8.- correct __________ 9.- study ___________ 10.- use ____________ 11.- pick ____________ 12.- try _____________ 13.- stop ____________ 14.- live ____________ 15.- drop __________ 16.- play __________ 17.- hurry _________ 18.- need _________ 19.- carry _________ 20.- divide _________ 21.- love __________


VERBOS IRREGULARES EN PASADO Forma Enunciados afirmativos

Muchos verbos en pasado son irregulares y no tienen la forma ed. SUBJECT I You He She It We You They VERB


to Miami last year.

Expresiones de tiempo En el pasado

Las expresiones de tiempo especifican en qu momento ocurri la accin en el pasado. In the morning en la maana Yesterday afternoon Ayer por la tarde in the evening por la noche last year el ao pasado Ejemplos They flew to New York on Sunday. Lisa and Kate went to Spain two years ago Yesterday morning, we met our new English teacher. last night anoche last week las semana pasada an hour ago hace una hora two days ago hace 2 das on Sunday el domingo at 6:00 a las 6 last summer el verano pasado in 1988 en 1988

last month el mes pasado a year 1 ao

six months 6 meses

the day before yesterday antier - anteayer



Completa el siguiente texto con la forma apropiada en pasado de los verbos irregulares que aparecen a continuacin: wear eat keep begin draw make

Primitive men were certainly not savages. They (1)____________ simple tools and (2)______________ pictures on their cave walls. They not only (3)_______________ the meat of the animals they killed but also (4)_______________ their skins for protection against the cold. In the Neolithic period (about the Eighth Millennium B.C.) primitive men (5)_______________ to cultivate food and by this time (6)______________ domestic animals such as dogs. This is also the period in which pottery was invented.

TIEMPO PASADO Forma Enunciados Negativos


did not didnt


Tiempo pasado: preguntas para responder S o No y respuestas cortas




New York last year?

Forma Algunos ejemplos de cmo los verbos regulares se escriben en pasado.


Si el verbo termina en: consonante want need vocal + y enjoy play ( c ) consonante + e like smile (d)consonante + y study worry ( e ) consonante + vocal+ consonante (verbos de una slaba) stop drop (f) x, -w (verbos de una sola slaba) show fix (g) Si se trata de verbos de 2 slabas con acento en la ltima slaba occur prefer (h) Si se trata de verbos con acento en la primera slaba listen visit

Regla a seguir: Agrega ed wanted needed Agrega ed enjoyed played Agrega d liked smiled Cambia y a i, y agrega ed studied worried Duplica la consonante, y agrega ed stopped dropped No dupliques la consonante. Slo agrega ed showed fixed Duplica la consonante, y agrega ed ocurred preferred No dupliques la consonante. Slo agrega ed listened visited

T puedes aprender los verbos irregulares en grupos Ejemplos de algunos cambios que hacen los VERBOS IRREGULARES.
La forma base y el pasado simple son iguales

GRUPO 1 beat bet cost cut hit hurt let put set shut


La d final de la forma base cambia a t.

La letra d final cambia a t


beat bet cost cut hit hurt let put set shut

bend build lend send spend

bent built lent sent spent


Las letras ea de la forma base cambian a o


Las letras ea cambian por o

El sonido /iy/ de la forma base cambia a /e/.


El sonido /iy/ cambia a /e/ Fed Felt Kept Led Left Met Read slept Cambio de vocal became came dug drew fell forgot got gave held hung ran sat won

break speak steal swear wear tear

broke spoke stole swore wore tore

feed feel keep lead leave meet read sleep

las letras ow de la forma base cambian a ew.


Las letras ow cambian a ew. Blew Grew know threw

La vocal de la forma base cambia a otra vocal.


blow grow know throw

become come dig draw fall forget get give hold hang run sit win

La vocal de la forma base cambia a ought o aught.

El pasado termina en ought o aught.


El sonido /I/ de la forma base cambia al sonido /ae/.

El sonido /I/ cambia al sonido /ae/.


buy bring catch fight teach think

bought brought caught fought taught thought

begin drink ring sing sink swim

began drank rang sang sank swam


La forma base sufre diversos cambios.

GRUPO 9 bite do eat find fly go have hear hide lose make say shake shoot stand

Cambios diversos

bit did ate found flew went had heard hid lost made said shook shot stood

From The Heinemann English Grammar


Observa las siguientes formas para elaborar preguntas en el pasado con palabras como what, when, where, etc. WH-WORD Auxiliar: Sujeto Forma base del verbo Respuestas. DID What did do last summer? I I went to Paris. When make your you (I made them) last wedding plans? month. Where go last summer? he (He went) to Scotland. Why the slip sink? (It sank) because it collided with an ice berg. How get to Paris? she (She got there) by plane. How long ago visit Alaska? you (We visited Alaska) ten years ago. How long stay in London? they (They stayed there for) two weeks. Who(m) Liz and Sue meet in New York? (They met) Hillary Clinton. Cuando el sujeto de la oracin es what o who: What Who El verbo est en pasado simple. happened to Peters ship. had a terrible vacation? Respuestas It sank. Monique and Charles (did).


V. Completa los siguientes enunciados en forma afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa. Usa los verbos que se encuentran en parntesis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Carla ____________with some relatives. (stay) _______ you _________ a good time? (have) Yes, I _______. The children __________ in the park. (play) Kate and Richard _________ _______ in a good restaurant. (eat) Karen _________ to England for a year. (go) _______ John _________ English in England? (study) No, he _________. Pierre and Jim _________a good film on TV. (see) Jenny _______ _________Spanish in Colombia. (learn)

VI. Completa las siguientes preguntas en pasado simple. Ejemplo: When / talk / to / your parents? When did you talk to your parents? 1. what time / finish / your homework? _______________________________________________ 2. where / go / on your last vacation? ________________________________________________ 3. when / class / start / this semester? _________________________________________________ 4. how late/ stay up / last night? ________________________________________________ 5. how long / study / last night? _________________________________________________ 6. what / have / for dinner / last night? __________________________________________________ VII. Completa la siguiente conversacin usando el pasado simple de los verbos en parntesis Beth: Is there anything wrong, Anne? You look upset. Anne: I think I (1)____________ (fail) the chemistry exam. I (2)____________ (study) hard for it, but I guess I (3)______________ (not study) the right things. The professor (4) ___________ (ask) really difficult questions. Beth: I know. Tim and Joanna (5)____________ (tell) me it (6) _________ (be) too hard. A lot of students (7)_______________ (complain) to Professor Harris. They (8)___________ (say) it was impossible. Anne: It (9) _________ (be)! I (10)____________(need) a good grade on the exam too, because my other test results (11)_________________ (not be) that good. By the way, how (12) _______ (be) your history exam? Beth: We (13)_________ (have) 24 multiple choice questions and then we (14)_________ (write) two essay questions. Im not sure how I (15)_________ (do) but I think I (16)_________(pass) it. It (17)____________( not be) bad. But I like history and I (18)___________(spend) a lot of time on my homework. Anne: Oh, here comes Jim! He just (19)_________ (have) the exam. Hi, Jim, how (20) ________ (be) your exam?


Jim: Would you believe that I (21)_________ (miss) it! I (22)____________ (leave ) home early this morning but the subway (23)___________(break) down in the Holland Tunnel and we (24)_____________ (be) stuck there for 35 minutes. What a bummer! I have to make it up tomorrow. Beth: Thats too bad. Well, lets forget about exams right now and have some lunch. I m hungry. EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I. Selecciona la respuesta para los siguientes dilogos. 1. A: Pardon me. You look familiar to me. Where ____ you _____? B: Im from Dorset, England. But Ive always lived in Scotland. a) do/borned b) are/borned c) did/born d) were/born 2. A: Im sorry! I couldnt make it on time. B: Really! You _____late again for the tenth time. What time ____ you _____up today? A: Believe me, late enough. I overslept three hours. B: Well, be sure to set your alarm clock properly next time. a) are/do/ woke b) were/did/wake c) are/did/woke d) were/do/wake 3. A: Oops! Im very sorry. I _________ a mistake. I _______ you with somebody else. B: Oh! Never mind. Its nice to meet new people every day, dont you think so? A: You are right. But sometimes it may be embarrassing! a) did/confused II. b) had/confusing c) made/confused d) was/confusing Lee el siguiente poema, y selecciona las respuestas para las preguntas. A little gray kitten, By Shenya Gay A little gray kitten with big yellow eyes Looked into a mirror with the greatest surprise For there in the mirror and just the same size Was a little gray kitten with big yellow eyes. 1. How many kittens were there? a) One b) two 2. What was just the same size? a) the kitten b) the eyes c) more than two c) the surprise d)none d) the mirror c) It was happy d) It was amazed

3. How did the kitten react? a) It doesnt say b) It got angry

4. What did the kitten see when it looked into the mirror? a) nothing b) another kitten c) the greatest surprise 5. What size was the kitten? a) It doesnt say b) Just the same size c) Big

d) itself d)Little



EJERCICIO DE PRCTICA I 1. Fine, thank you 2. My name is 3. can / spell 4. to the blackboard 5. I dont understand EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I 1.- Fine 2.- to 3.- Can 7.- Excuse 8.- May 9.- in 13.-meaning 14.- go II 1. b 2.- c 3.- b 4.-a 5.-b 6.-c

4.- Open 10.- does

5.- books 11.- mean

6.- to 12.- dont




10.- c 19 = 65 18= 62

29 = 100 28 = 96

Tabla de aciertos 23 = 79 27 = 93 22 = 75 26 = 89

Total de aciertos: 29 21 = 72 25= 86 20= 68 24= 82


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA: I 1. b 2..b 3. a 4. c 5. a

6.. b

7. c

8. a

9. a

10. b

EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN II 1. Is she 2. No, she isnt. 3. Is he 4. Yes, he is 6. No, they arent 7. Is she 8. No, she isnt 9. Is it III 1. isnt 6. is 2. is 7. arent 3. isnt 8. are 6. its 4. is 9. arent 5.isnt 10.are

5. Are they 10. Yes, it is

IV 1. his 2.her 3. my V 1. clocks 2. feet

4. our 5 their

7. his 8 her 9. your 10. her 7. sandwiches 8. fish 9. oxen 10 women

3. tomatoes 4. children Tabla de aciertos 45 = 90 44 = 88 43 = 86 42 = 84 41 = 82

5. toys 6. universities

50 = 100 49 = 98 48 = 96 47 = 94 46 = 92

40 = 80 39 = 78 38 = 76 37 = 74 36 = 72

Total de aciertos: 50 35 = 70 34 = 68 33 = 66 32 = 64 31 = 62

30 = 60 29 = 58 28 = 56 27 = 54 26 = 52



EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA 1. is 2. arent 6. There are 7. Are there 3. Is 8. There is / there arent 4. Are 9. Are there 5. Is there 10. is

II 1. is / mall 2. There is / on 3. There is / Main St. and Second AV. 4. There is/ cinema /church 5.There is / between 6. There is / in front of 7. There is / across from 8. There is / on the corner of 9. There is / on Bristol St. / Second Av. 10. There are III 1. a IV. 1. nc 13. nc 2. an 3. an 4. a 5. a 6. nc 7. nc 8. nc 9. c 18. c 19. c 20. nc 21. c 10. nc 11. c 12. nc 22. nc 23. c 24. nc

2. nc 3. c 4. c 5. nc 14. c 15 nc 16 nc 17. c

V. 1. ninety-three 2. five hundred thirty-nine 3. eighteen 4. eight hundred forty-one 5. one thousand fifty-nine 6. one million, one thousand-one VI 1.) 55690382 59=100 2.) 72514063 Total de aciertos 54=91 50= 84 3.) 17350629 Total de aciertos: 59 45=76 40=67 35=59

EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I 1. C 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. B 7=100 Tabla de aciertos 6=85

7A Total de aciertos: 7 5=71 4=57


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I. 1. Her mother is a receptionist and works at a doctors office. 2. Her friends are security guards and work at BBV Bank. 3. Her uncle is a mechanic and works in a garage. 4. Her aunt is a cashier and works at J C Pennys. 5. Her brother is a police officer and works at Crystal Bookstore. II. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. He can run very fast. There are ten green big bottles on the shelf. He is our new science teacher. The English teacher seems friendly. He is a very fast runner.


EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN 1) C 2) D 3) B 4) C 5) D 5=100 Tabla de aciertos 4=80 3=60 Total de aciertos: 5 2=40


EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I. 1. Works 2. get up 3. eats II. 1. do you listen 2. Does he live 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. lives work does / come does dont go / do not Tabla de aciertos 20 = 95 15 = 70

4. gives

5. come, come 5. does he earn 6. does it snow

3. does she finish 4. do they


6. eat 7. doesnt like / does not 8. do / give 9. call 10. play 19 = 90 14 = 65 Total de aciertos: 21 18 = 85 13 = 60 17 = 80 12 = 55

21 = 100 16 = 75

EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I. 1. We usually eat fish on Friday. 2. It never rains in Death Valley. 3. It is sometimes very cold in the mornings. 4. He always goes to the movies on Wednesdays. 5. Do you often eat meat? II. 1. makes III. 1.- b 6.- b 2. dont live / live 2.- b 7.- a 3. Covers 4.- c 9.- a 4. dont come / come 5. works / doesnt work 5.- a 10.- b Total de aciertos: 21 13 = 61

3.- d 8.- a

Tabla de aciertos 21 = 100

15 = 71


EJERCICIOS DE PRACTICA I. 1. talking 4. admitting 2. coming 5. running 3. cutting 6. drying

7. making 8. slipping 9. canceling

10. driving


II. 1. is raining III. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. IV.

2. is wearing

3. am making

4. are studying

5. are swimming

What are you doing these days Mary? We are running our own business. Are you still living on campus? No, we arent. We are living with Marys parents. Are you still playing golf? No, Im not, but Im learning to fly! 1. are finding 2. are spending Tabla de aciertos 26 = 100 3. is beginning 20 = 76 4. are buying 5. are hiring

Total de aciertos: 26 15 = 57

I. 1. it snows 5. he goes 2.- d 2. Im going 6. flows 3.- b 4.- b 3. I go 7. she s working 5.- b 6.- d 4. Hes cooking

II. 1.- a

7.- b

8.- d

9.- d

10.- c


Tabla de aciertos 17 = 100

12 = 70

Total de aciertos: 17 10 = 58

I 1. are going have 2. are you going to do 3. am going to visit 4. is going to rain 5. are going to get II 1. Is it going to rain tomorrow? 2. Is she going to study (medicine)? 3. are they going to drive to work today? III 1. c 2. c 3. b 4. d

6. is going to buy 7. is not going to tell 8. is going to be 9. am going to see 10. am going to work 4. are they going to go? 5. are they going to see?

5. a 6. am not going to do 7. am going to have 8. is (Brian) going to do 9. are going to go 10. are not going to be Total de aciertos: 30 20 = 66 15 = 50

IV 1. are you going to do 2. am going to go 3. are going to see 4. are you going to do 5 is going to visit Tabla de aciertos 30 = 100 25 = 83



I. 1. Its seven oclock. 3. Its fourteen past one. 5. Its quarter past nine. 7. Its one past eleven. 9. Its twelve before five. II. 1. hot / humid


2. Its quarter to ten. 4. Its half past eight. 6. Its ten to eleven. 8. Its one minute before six. 10. Its three oclock. 3. hot / wet
12=80 11=73

2. freezing

4. hot / dry

5. cold
8 =53

Tabla de aciertos 14=93 13=86

Total de aciertos = 15 10=66 9 =60

EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN 1. a 2. c 3. d 4. b 5. d 6. d 7. b 6=75 8. d Total de aciertos: 8 5=62 4=50

Tabla de aciertos 8=100 7=87


EJERCICIO DE PRCTICA How much juice do you drink every morning? Do you know how much cholesterol is there in an egg? How many calories are there in a vanilla ice cream? How much do you spend on transportation a day? How many cans of soda are there in the refrigerator? Tabla de aciertos 5 = 100 4 = 80 EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACION I. 1. much / is 4. much / is there / 2. many / are 3kg 3. many / are there 5. much / is there II. 1.- b 6.- c 2.- a 7.- d 3.- a 8.- b Total de aciertos: 5 3 = 60 2 = 40

6. much / is there / kg 7. many / are there / 5

4.- a 9.- c

5.- a 10.- d

Tabla de aciertos Total de aciertos: 17 17 = 100 16 = 94 15 = 88 14 = 82 13 = 76 12 = 70 11 = 64



EJERCICIOS DE PRCTICA I a) Were b) were f) Were g) was II

c) were h) Were

d) was i) Were

e) was j) was

1. Yes,I was/ No, I wasnt. 3. Last month / year. 5. He was an English writer. 7. It was a film. 9. He was an Italian painter/architect. visited invited looked baked enjoyed worried died drew corrected studied used picked tried stopped lived 3. ate

2. Yes, he/she was. / No, he/she wasnt 4. It was 6. It was in 1914. 8. They were held in Mexico. 10.In England / Liverpool dropped played hurried needed carried divided loved 5. began 6. kept


1. made

4. wore

EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN I 1. stayed 5. went 2. Did / have / did 6. Did / study / didnt 1. played 7. saw 2. ate 8. didnt / learn II 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What time did you finish your homework? Where did you go on your last vacation? When did your classes start this semester? How late did you stay up last night? How long did you study last night ? What did you have for dinner last night? 9. was 10. needed 11. werent 12. was 13. had 14.wrote 15. did 16.passed 17. wasnt 18. spent 19. had 20. was 21. missed 22. left 23.broke 24.were

III. 1. failed 2 studied hard 3. didnt study 4. asked 5. told 6. was 7.complained 8. said


RESPUESTAS A LOS EJERCICIOS DE AUTOEVALUACIN 1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) II. 1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (d) Tabla de aciertos 54 = 100 50 = 90 45 = 80 40 = 75 35 = 65 30 = 55

Total de aciertos: 54

ALLEN, H. y VOELLER, E., Pathways to English 1, USA..McGraw-Hill.1984 BADALAMENTI, V y HENNER-STACHINA, C., Grammar Dimensions (Form, meaning and use), Boston, Ma. Heinley & Heinley. Thowson Learning 2000 BEAUMONT, D. y GRANGER, C. The Heinemann English Grammar. London, U.K. Heinemann International. 1989 DEFILIPPO, J. y MACKEY, D. Grammar Plus. Massachussets, USA.Addison-Wesley, 1987 HUBBARD, P. et al., Spotlight 2, Florida,USA.Hancourt, Brace Jovanovich,Inc.1988 NUNAN, D. Expressions 1 Boston, Ma. Heinley & Heinley. 2001 RAHT, C. et al. In Contact 1.Illinois, USA. ScottForesman. 1991 RICHARDS, J. Interchange. Intro. USA. Cambridge University Press. 1994 RICHARDS, J. et al. New Interchange 1.U.K.Cambridge University Press. 1997 STANLEY, N. et al. Think in English 1.Mxico. MacMillan. 1988 TAYLOR, J. y STANLEY, N. Gramtica DELTI de la Lengua Inglesa. Mxico. Delti. 1993 TAYLOR, J. et al. Reflections 1.London, U.K. MacMillan. 1994 YEDLIN, J. y RAUPP, M. Passport to English Mxico. Sitesa. 1986. Basic Grammar in Use (Reference and practice for English students),Cambridge, University Press.


UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTNOMA DE MXICO ESCUELA NACIONAL PREPARATORIA EXAMEN EXTRAORDINARIO 4to. Grado I. Lee cuidadosamente el texto, elige una opcin de cada una de las preguntas de la 1 a la 10 y antala en la hoja de respuestas. LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Some people learn a second language easily. Other people have trouble learning a new language. How can you help yourself learn a new language, such as English? There are several ways to make learning English a little easier and more interesting. The first step is to feel positive about learning English. If you believe that you can learn, you will learn. Be patient. You do not have to understand everything all at once. It is natural to make mistakes when you learn something new. We can learn from our mistakes. In other words, do not worry about taking risks. The second step is to practice your English. For example, write in a journal, or diary, every day. You will get used to writing in English, and you will feel comfortable expressing your ideas in English. After several weeks, you will see that your writing is improving. In addition, you must speak English every day. You can practice with your classmates outside class. You will all make mistakes, but gradually you will become comfortable communicating in English. The third step is to keep a record of your language learning. You can write this in your journal. After each class, think about what you did. Did you answer a question correctly? Did you understand something the teacher explained? Perhaps the lesson was difficult, but you tried to understand it. Write these accomplishments in your journal. You must be positive about learning English and believe that you can do it. It is important to practice every day and make a record of your achievements. You will enjoy learning English, and you will feel more confidence in yourself.

1. According to the text, learning a second language is a) more difficult than other subjects b) easy if you are confident about it c) as difficult as other subjects d) boring because you dont understand it


2. How many steps are mentioned to make English pleasant. a) several b) one c) two d) three 3. It is important that you understand everything. a) true b) false c) it doesnt say d) sometimes 4. Its _____________________ to make mistakes. a) uncommon b) normal c) worrying d) stressing 5. If you write and speak in order to practice your English, you will feel _____________ Expressing your ideas in English. a) troubled b) anxious c) relaxed d) unpleasant 6. According to the text, if you practice your English every day, you will _______________ improve it. a) gradually b) gradual c) slowly d) happily 7. The third step is related to: a) take down notes about your learning b) practice your English c) be confident about learning English d) the previous ones 8. In line 21, it refers to: a) teacher b) lesson c) class d) question 9. Read the last paragraph carefully and choose the meaning of achievement a) dudas b) errores c) fracasos d) logros


10. Whats the authors opinion about learning a second language? a) Its very important to learn a second language. b) Some people learn a second language easily. Other people do not. c) There are ways to help you learn a second language more easily. d) Its not important your attitude. II. Elige la respuesta correcta y antala en la hoja de respuestas. 11. You want to know how to say a word in English. The correct question is: a) How do you say entender in English? b) How do you pronounce understand? c) Can you repeat that, please? d) How do you spell understand? 12. How do you ___________ that word? a) to spell b) spelt c) spell d) ------13. Hello, I __________ William. a) m b) is c) are d) re 14. Where is she ___________? a) for b) at c) from d) to 15. Where __________ you live? a) is b) does c) are d) do 16. A. Excuse me, ______ is the post office? B. Its on Malven Road, next to the bank. a) why b) who c) when d) where 17. There are _________ apples on the table. a) any b) some c) a d) an


18. There is a bank ________ to my house. a) next b) near c) in front of d) between 19. A. Excuse me. Is there a restaurant near here? B. Ok, Go _______ the cinema and then turn left. a) round b) in c) along d) off 20. My mother works in a hospital. She is a _____________. a) nurse b) engineer c) fireman d) pilot 21. My cousins mother is my _____________. a) mother b) uncle c) aunt d) sister 22. I ___________ two brothers and one sister. a) has b) have c) am d) are 23. Laura always ________ to the gym on Saturdays. a) go b) goes c) doesnt go d) doesnt goes 24. Id like two _______________ of bread, please. a) loaves b) loafs c) loaf d) slice 25. A. What kind of music ________ you like? B. I like pop a lot. a) does b) ------c) do d) is


26. Tony and I ___________ on the computer at the moment. a) are working b) works c) is going to work d) work 27. A. Where is your mom? B. She is in the kitchen. She ______________ right now. a) are cooking b) was cooking c) is cooking d) am cooking 28. A.Where are the children now? B. They ______________ computer games. a) play b) is playing c) plays d) are playing 29. A. How long is he ______________? B. 5 nights. a) going to stay b) going stay c) going to staying d) stay 30. A. What are you going to do this weekend? B. Im ___________ visit a museum. a) go to b) going c) go d) going to 31. Mary ___________ a cake tomorrow. a) makes b) are going to make c) is going to make d) is going make 32. A. What time is it? B. Its (8:30) ___________________. a) eight thirteen b) eight thirty c) quarter past eight d) half to eight 33. Its really hot! Whats the weather like? a) Its cloudy b) Its rainy c) Its windy d) Its sunny


34. Whens your birthday? a) Its on January seventh b) Its in January seventh c) Its at January seventh d) Its of January seventh 35. A. How _________ is this leather jacket? B. Its 499. Would you like to try it on? a) much b) many c) long d) far 36. The cotton dress is ____________ than the wool one. a) pretty b) the prettiest c) prettier d) as pretty 37. A. Whats size are you? B. Im _____________. a) loose b) long c) leather d) large 38. A. Who is he? B. Hes Mark. I _________ him last week. a) met b) didnt met c) dont meet d) meet 39. _______ she ______ to Acapulco last Summer? a) did; went b) did; go c) did; gone d) did; goes 40. A. Did they play tennis yesterday? B. No, they ___________it a day before yesterday. a) played b) dont play c) didnt play d) did play


Respuestas del Examen Modelo


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20




21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40




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