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1. The figure below is composed of 6 equal squares. If the area of the figure is 216, find its perimeter. A.65B.68C.72D.

76 2. A recreational softball team won 4 of their games and lost 12 of them. What was the ratio of games won to the total number of games played? A. 1/4B. 1/3C. 1/2D. 2/3 3. If 3 ounces equal approximately 84 grams, then 1 pound is approximately equal to x grams. A. 1,344B. 1,000C. 448D. 543 4. The average of 2 numbers is 15. If one number is 6, what is the other number? A. 6B. 15C. 24D. 28 5. An intern is assigned a shift that starts at 3:30 A.M. and ends at 11:55 A.M. How long is the shift? A. 8 hours and 25 minutesB. 9 hours and 45 minutesC. 10 hours and 15D. 10 hours and 25 minutes 6. James learned that water boils at 100C. He converts the temperature to F and learns that water boils at A. 100B. 150C. 183D. 212

Frank Tower, have you ever heard of him? He is the questionable figure who supposedly survived three doomed ships in the 1900s. Some consider him one of the luckiest men alive. He was touted to be a middle-aged fireman in the engine room. Some considered him an ordinary, hardworking person, but he had the ability to avoid dying in some of the most horrendous ocean liner accidents ever recorded. He was said to have once been a crew member on the Titanic at the time that the ship hit the iceberg. Two years later, he was working on the Empress of Ireland when she collided with the Storstad. Over one thousand people died in that disaster. He was then employed in May of 1915 on the Lusitania when it was hit by a U-20 torpedo. He apparently lived through that without a scratch as well. If you are beginning to doubt this mans existence, you are probably not to far from the truth. No records have been found ever listing a man by Frank Towers working on any of the three ships. The legend of Frank Towers seems to be another case of an urban folk tale, humanitys desire to see triumph over a tragic situation. Fact or fiction, Frank Towers is one of the multiple characters that help color the history books.

1. According to the article, the Lusitania is a? A. AirplaneB. Torpedo BoatC. ShipD. Train 2. In this statement from the article, He was touted to be a middle-aged fireman in the engine room. Touted means? A. PublicizedB. Demeaned C. Set-up D. Sighted 3. This passage sheds doubt on A. The fact that three ships sank.B. The thought that America was at war with other countries. C. Frank Towers causing the ships to sink.D. Urban folk tales are not always based on real people. 4. The title of this article could be A. Frank Towers, a Man of Mystery B. Surviving the Impossible C. The Legend of Frank Towers DebunkedD. How to Survive Doomed Ships 1. 8 is what percent of 40?A. 10%B. 15%C. 20%D. 25% 2. 2. 9 is what percent of 36?A. 10%B. 15%C. 20%D. 25% 3. 3. Three tenths of 90 equals:A. 18B. 45C. 27D. 36 4. 4. .4% of 36 equals:A. 1.44B. .144C. 14.4D. 144 5. 5. The ratio of 8:5 = (?)%A. 75%B. 150%C. 175%D. 125% 6. Answer Key1. C. Finding the percentage of one number and another. 2. D. Finding the percentage of one number and another. 3. C. Determining percent from a whole number.4. B. Determining the fractional percentage of a number. 5. D. Determining the percentage of a ratio statement.

Reading Comprehension Answer Key 1. C2. A3. D4. C

Mathematics Answer Key 1. C2. A3. C4. C5. A6. D A goat eats 214 kg. of hay in 60 days, while a cow eats the same amount in 15 days. In how many days could they eat 214 kg. of hay together? 37.5 75 12

15 8 Ann went from point A to point B. Simultaneously Peter went from B to A. In 6 hours they met and in another 3 hours Peter reached B. How many hours did Ann travel from A to B? 18 9 4.5 15 12 In a small village called Rose" there are 9 families with 3 children, 8 families with 2 children and 4 families having 5 children. What is the average number of children in a family? 2.5 2.8 3 3.5 4 The price of the book was decreased by 20% two times in one year. It now costs 180$ less than the original price. What was the original price? 252 259.2 450 500 900 A local football team season ticket sales have gone up 10% in the current season, reaching 880 tickets. How many season tickets were sold in the last season? 700 800 880 928 968 Answer Key - Part 1 1. C2. E3. C 4. D5. B

Find x+y, if: 5x+8y=67 and 2x-y=31 98 46 21 14 7 Peter's salary is twice Ann's salary and half of David's salary. Then the average salary of Ann and David is Peter's salary. smaller than equal to larger than depends on salary there is no correct answer

Ann and Kate have 80 dollars together. If Kate buys ice-cream for 5 dollars, then Kate will have double Ann's money. How much money does Ann have? $20 $25 $40 $50 $55 Given: a=b+2c, b=3c. What is the average of numbers a, b and c? c 1.5c 2c 2 1/3 c 3c In a forest 4/7 of all the trees are conifer and the rest are leaf-bearing. Among the leaf-bearing trees 7/15 are oak and 2/3 of these oaks are new. There are 160 old oaks in the forest. How many trees in all are in the forest? 2400 2800 3200 3600 4000 Find x+y, if: 2x+3y=8 and 3x+5y=13 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 The speed of one car is 20% less than the speed of a second car. How many per cent more time does the first car need to travel the same route as the second car? 12.5% 20% 25% 30% 33 % Number of boys in a class is twice the number of girls. 20% of the girls are brunettes and of the rest half are blondes: Mary, Clara, Gina and Trisha. How many boys study in this class? 20 24 30 32 40 In the previous question what part of all the students are brunette girls? 20% 1/10 1/2 1/15

15% Find x+y, if: 5x+8y=67 and 2x-y=31 98 46 21 14 7 Peter's salary is twice Ann's salary and it is half of David's salary. Then the average salary of Ann and David is Peter's salary. smaller than equal to larger than depends on salary there is no correct answer If the average of three numbers is V. If one of the numbers is Z and another is Y, what is the remaining number? A. ZY - V B. Z/V 3 - Y C. Z/3 V - Y D. 3V- Z - Y E. V- Z Y Two cyclists start biking from a trail's start 3 hours apart. The second cyclist travels at 10 miles per hour and starts 3 hours after the first cyclist who is traveling at 6 miles per hour. How much time will pass before the second cyclist catches up with the first from the time the second cyclist started biking? A. 2 hours B. 4 hours C. 5 hours D. 6 hours E. 7 hours Jim can fill a pool carrying buckets of water in 30 minutes. Sue can do the same job in 45 minutes. Tony can do the same job in 1 hours. How quickly can all three fill the pool together? A. 12 minutes B. 15 minutes C. 21 minutes D. 23 minutes E. 28 minutes Mary is reviewing her algebra quiz. She has determined that one of her solutions is incorrect. Which one is it? A. 2x + 5 (x-1) = 9 x = 2 B. p - 3(p-5) = 10 p = 2.5 C. 4 y + 3 y = 28 y = 4 D. 5 w + 6 w 3w = 64 w = 8 E. t 2t 3t = 32 t = 8 Answer Key

1. 4 2. 3 3. 2 4. 5 5. 1 6. 2.5 7. 3 8. 1 9. 4 10. 4 11. 3 12. 4 13. 2 14. 2 15. 5

Directions: Read the following paragraphs and answer the questions that accompany them. Circle the correct answer, which you believe most accurately satisfies the requirements of each question. The answer key is located at the end of this test.Passage OneParagraph A Lightning is an electrical discharge that occurs in a thunderstorm. It can be seen in the form of a bright streak (or bolt) from the sky. Lightning occurs when an electrical charge is built up within a cloud, due to static electricity generated by supercooled water droplets colliding with ice crystals near the freezing level. When a large enough charge is built up, a large discharge will occur and can be seen as lightning. The temperature of a lightning bolt can be five times hotter than the surface of the sun. Although the lightning is extremely hot, the duration is short and 90% of strike victims survive. Contrary to the popular idea that lightning does not strike twice in the same spot, some people have been struck by lightning over three times, and skyscrapers like the Empire State Building have been struck numerous times in the same storm. The loud bang that is heard is the super heated air around the lightning bolt expanding at the speed of sound. Because sound travels slower than light the flash is seen before the bang, although both occur at the same moment. 1. What can be inferred from paragraph A?A: Lightning is caused by an electrical discharge in the clouds.B: Lightning is not as hot as the temperature of the sun's surface.C: The sound made by lightning occurs when the electricity strikes an object.D: The sound of lightning is heard before the lightning can be seen. 2. Being struck by lightning means:A: Instant death.B: Less than a fifty percent chance of survival.C: A ninety percent chance of surviving the strike.D: An eighty percent chance of survival. 3. Lightning is caused by:A: Static electricity generated by cool water droplets and ice crystals colliding in the clouds.B: Friction from the clouds rubbing together.C: Extreme heat in the clouds caused by solar energy.D: Warm and cold air mixing together.

Answer Key 1. A: Lightning is caused by an electrical discharge in the clouds when static electricity builds up. 2. 2. C: A ninety percent chance of surviving the strike without permanent

injury. 3. 3. A: Static electricity generated by cool water droplets and ice crystals colliding in the clouds.

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