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PARALYZED MOTHER DASH WRITE Amber Rutan Red Cedar Writing Project

Grammar and mechanics are to be done correctly or not at all is more often the underlying message. What about experimentation? Play? Approximation? -Jeff Anderson
Contentions: Students need to explore real world issue, real world topics and controversial news to become critical global citizens; these explorations will also allow them to find their own voice and stance to real world issues, and how to justify their claims with a mature writing voice and evidence. All students have a writing voice, but they need to learn different writing tools to better express itone of the greatest tools to create voice is grammar. Taking a stance or voicing your argument is not restricted to just ACT writing, or standardized prompts, and can be done in many ways, and with many topics. Students usually understand grammar best when it is in action, in front of them; therefore, the use of mentor text is vital for every writing experience a teacher presents to their students. Students learn through a diversity of strategies, especially discussion, and should have as many discussion opportunities as possible in their classroom and with their peers. Teachers need to use cooperative learning strategies, not just group work, because cooperative learning strategies will create critical, meaningful participation and accountability for every student. The Demonstration 1. Opening Activity: Mentor textpoem. What do you notice about the dash? How is it being used? Reflect. Could you recreate your own dash sentence? Imitate. 2. Reading: Read the news article. As you hear the article read aloud, underline (two different ways) and be ready to discuss what stands out to you in the article. Watch Video. Pair discussion, large group discussion. 3. Mentor Sentence Study: What are some rules for the dash? Independently first, then group comparison. 4. Grammar Notes: Determine class rules, more sentence studies (interrupters). 5. Application: Position Write. How can you apply the dash to your own writing? How can it help create voice? How can it help with argument writing? 6. Shares. 7. Closing: One thing I learned today was Rutan, 1 RCWP Summer Institute 2013 Paralyzed Mother Dash Write

Prezi Link: py&rc=ex0share

Additional Resources: Anderson, Jeff. Mechanically Inclined: Building Grammar, Usage, and Style Into Writers Workshop. Portland, ME: Stenhouse, 2005. Print. "Cooperative Learning." Kagan. Kagan Publishing and Professional Development, 2013. Web. 05 July 2013. <>. Fight for a Mother's Right to See Her Kids. YouTube. ABC News, 14 Apr. 2010. Web. 05 July 2013. <>. Gallagher, Kelly. "Article of the Week." Kelly Gallagher Building Deeper Readers and Writers: Resources. Kelly Gallagher, 2008. Web. 05 July 2013. <>. Gallagher, Kelly. Write Like This: Teaching Real-World Writing Through Modeling & Mentor Texts. Portland, ME: Stenhouse, 2011. Print. Kittle, Penny. Write Beside Them: Risk, Voice, and Clarity in High School Writing. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2008. Print. Orwell, George. 1984. New York, NY: Published by Signet Classic, 1977. Print.

"Poems for Teens." Poets.Org. Academy of American Poets, 1997-2013. Web. 07 July 2013. Rogers, John. "Judge Rule If Kids Can See Paralyzed Mother." Children's Health on NBC News, 24 Mar. 2011. Web. 05 July 2013. <>.

"Using Dashes." The Writer's Handbook: Using Dashes. Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System, 2009. Web. 05 July 2013. <>.
Rutan, 2 RCWP Summer Institute 2013 Paralyzed Mother Dash Write

Rutan, 3 RCWP Summer Institute 2013 Paralyzed Mother Dash Write

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