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Containerization in Shipping Execution

An Oracle Topical Essay Created April 2000

Introduction: Containerization in Shipping Execution

Containerization in Release 11i has been made much more flexible and easy to use. Whereas planning containers and actually assigning items to containers took place in two separate forms in Delivery-based Shipping in Release 11, all planning and assigning of items to containers takes place in one form, the Shipping Transactions Form, in Release 11i. There are a number of ways in which you can pack items into containers. Auto-Pack allows you to automatically pack items into specific types of containers. Auto-Pack Master allows you to automatically pack items into a specific container type and also automatically pack the container into another type of container. You can manually pack items into previously created containers. You can also pack items into previously created containers using the Packing Workbench, which allows for packing equal quantities of lines into multiple containers and also for packing full quantities of lines into one container at a time. Aside from the actual packing of line items into containers, you can also: Create multiple containers using a specified prefix, numeric string, and a suffix. Assign serial numbers to containers. Define the order in which you want to place items into containers.

Some of the functionality that is not currently handled in Shipping Executions Container Management but are handled in Oracle Inventorys Warehouse Management System include: Returnable Containersability to track individual container by partner and partner site. Increments and/or decrements the container count each time a container is shipped or received. Homogeneous Containerscan define what can and cannot be included within specific containers. Hazardous materials cannot be mixed with cereal, for example. Transactable Containers out of Inventorytreat containers as a subinventory/storage location within your warehouse. Receiving Full Containersreceive containers from a shipment and automatically receive all items within the containers into inventory. Dimensionsspecify height, width, and length of containers and items.

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Setup Steps
Before you can begin packing lines into containers, you need to define weights and volumes for the items that will be involved in the packing process. You also need to create container types, create vehicle types, define container-load relationships, specify your Shipping Parameters, and optionally default Master and Detail containers for customer items. You must perform the following setup steps in the following sequence before you can use all functionality pertaining to containers in Shipping Execution.

1. Define Container Item and Vehicle as Item Types

1. Navigate to the Item Types window (Inventory > Setup > Items > Item Types).

2. Define the Code as CN (or something meaningful to you), the Meaning as Container item (or container), and select the Enabled toggle to allow use of this container item. You can specify a Description, Start Date, and End Date if required. 3. Define another Code as VH (or something meaningful to you), the Meaning as Vehicle, and select the Enabled toggle. You can specify a Description, Start Date, and End Date if required.

2. Define Container Types

1. Navigate to the Container Types window (Inventory > Setup > Items > Container Types).

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2. Define the Code for the container type (ALC or BOX, for example), a meaning (Airline Container or Box, for example), and select the Enabled toggle. You can specify a Description, Start Date, and End Date if required.

3. Create a Container Item

1. Navigate to the Master Item window (Inventory > Items > Master Items). 2. Define the name of the container (Wood Pallet, for example) you want to create (in the Item field). 3. In the Main tab, define the User Item Type as Container.

4. In the Physical Attributes tab, define the weight unit of measure, unit (tare) weight, volume unit of measure, unit volume, container type, internal volume, maximum load weight, minimum fill percentage, and select the Container toggle. If the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter is set to Weight or Volume, Shipping Execution will use the weights or volumes you define for containers and items to calculate how many items will fit into containers. Unit Volume for a pallet is the total space occupied by the pallet when loaded (e.g. 5 x 3.3 x 4= 66 cf), while Internal Volume for the pallet is equal to

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the space occupied by the pallet itself (e.g. 0.5x 3.3x 4= 6.6 cf). Examples of Container Types include pallet, tote, box, etc. Note: Although you can enter dimensions, this measure is not used within Shipping Execution. However, dimensions are used within Oracle Warehouse Management (WMS) enabled organizations. Ignore entering dimensions unless you intend to purchase a license for WMS. 5. Select the Organization Assignment option from the Tools menu to display the Organization Assignment window. Select the Assigned toggle for each organization for which you want the container to be active. Alternatively, select Assign All to assign this container to all organizations. Save your work. 6. Optionally, navigate to the Inventory tab and click the Inventory Item check box. This action will also set the Stockable check box and Transactable check box. Next, define the Serial Generation as At Sales Order Issue if you want to assign serial numbers to the container in the Shipping Transactions Form. 7. Navigate to the Order Management tab and click on the Shippable check box and OE Transactable check box. 8. Repeat these steps for each type of container you want to create.

4. Create a Vehicle
1. Navigate to the Master Item window (Inventory > Items > Master Items). 2. Define the name of the vehicle (Cargo Plane, Truck, etc.) you want to create (in the Item field). 3. In the Main tab, define the User Item Type as Vehicle.

4. In the Physical Attributes tab, define the weight unit of measure, unit (tare) weight, volume unit of measure, unit volume, internal volume, maximum load weight, minimum fill percentage, and select the Vehicle toggle. If the Percent Fill Basis parameter is set to quantity, then Shipping Execution will use the quantity you defined in container-load relationships to fill the containers, as discussed on the next page.

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5. Select the Organization Assignment option from the Tools menu to display the Organization Assignment window. Select the Assigned toggle for each organization for which you want the container to be active. Alternatively, select Assign All to assign this type of vehicle to all organizations. Save your work. 6. Repeat these steps for each vehicle you want to create.

5. Define Physical Attributes for Items to Include in Containers (Load Items)

1. Navigate to the Master Item window (Inventory > Items > Master Items). 2. Query an existing Item Name or define a new Item Name.

3. In the Physical Attributes tab, define the weight unit of measure, unit weight, volume unit of measure, and unit volume. Defining weights and volumes for your items allows you to calculate the weight and volume for your containers and deliveries. If the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter is set to Weight or Volume, Shipping Execution will use the weights or volumes you define for containers and items to calculate how many items will fit into containers. 4. If you are creating a new item, make sure to define the item as Shippable and OE Transactable in the Order Management tab. 5. Select the Organization Assignment option from the Tool menu to display the Organization Assignment window. Select the Assigned toggle for each organization for which you want the item to be active. Alternatively, select Assign All to assign this product item to all organizations. Save your work.

6. Setup Container-Load Relationships for Containers and Items

1. Navigate to the Container-Item Relationships window (Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Container Load Details). The purpose for setting the container-load relationship is to establish the link between: item and container type, or two types of

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containers. This allows the auto-pack and auto-pack master functionality to perform automatic packing.

2. Select the Container Item for which you want to define a relationship, select the Load Item you want to load into the Container Item, and define the Maximum Quantity of the Load Item that you can load into the Container Item. You can specify container-item relationships or container-container relationships. 3. Continue creating container-load relationships for all containers and items you plan to use. Container-load relationships are used for packing whenever the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter is set to Quantity and also when you use the Auto-Pack and AutoPack Master features to pack items into containers. 4. Select the Preferred Flag toggle to use the container-load relationship as the preferred relationship between items and containers (and containers and containers). You could potentially have multiple load-relationships between items and different containers. When you select the Preferred Flag toggle for a container-load relationship, Auto-Pack and Auto-Pack Master will use the Preferred relationship when packing that item. For example, if you have two container-load relationships for ItemAone with ContainerA, which is the preferred container, and one with Container Bthe maximum load defined in the relationship with ContainerA will be used when you select Auto-Pack or AutoPack Master for packing ItemA. You must set the Preferred Flag for one of the Container-Load Relationships you have for an item in order to use Auto-Pack or AutoPack Master for that item. If you do not set the Preferred Flag for one of the relationships for an item, you will receive an error message. NOTE: You must define container-load relationships for each warehouse. 4. Save your work.

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7. Define Shipping Parameters

1. Navigate to the Shipping Parameters window (Order Management > Shipping > Setup > Shipping Parameters).

2. Select the Percent Fill Basis you want to be used to determine whether or not containers have met their minimum fill percentage. Use 'minimum fill percent' specified on LPN to give a warning (whether the item is under-packed or over-packed) when you manually pack/unpack the items into an LPN. You can also use 'minimum fill percent' specified on LPN to determine 'how many' of an item can be packed into an LPN during autopacking process. Select from Quantity, Weight, Volume, or None. For example, if you define a container-load relationship in which CONTAINERA can hold quantity 5 of ITEMA, you select Quantity in this field, and you define the minimum fill percentage for CONTAINERA to be 75 percent, you must have at least a quantity 4 of ITEMA in CONTAINERA to meet your minimum fill percentage. If you select Weight or Volume, the Percent Fill is calculated based on the weight or volume (physical attributes) you have defined for your items. When 'percent fill basis' is set to None, then shipping will not calculate fill% of an LPN and hence there will be no warning as whether an LPN is under packed or over packed. Also, you will not be able to do auto-packing.

3. Set the Enforce Packing in Containers display list to Yes if you want OE/Shipping to display an error message during Ship Confirm when you try to ship a delivery that contains unpacked delivery lines. NOTE: You must define shipping parameters for each warehouse.

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4. The Delivery Grouping Attributes determine how your delivery lines will be grouped into deliveries. Your lines are also packed into containers using the same grouping attributes. Ship From and Ship To are mandatory, the rest of the attributes are optional. 5. Save your work.

8. Define Default Containers for Customer Items

Note: The following setup is only necessary for special circumstances. If the item is a standard item then skip this section. Only read this section if you plan to pack a Customer Item. An example of a Customer Item . . . if the item is a computer monitor manufactured as Standard Item AS54888 but when that item is shipped for a specific customer, e.g. Hewlett-Packard, it is shipped as a Customer Item HP54888.

1. Navigate to the Customer Items Summary window (Inventory > Items > Customer Items > Customer Items).


Query your customer item and define default Master and Detail containers in the Containers tab. These containers will default in the Master and Detail fields in the Shipping Transaction Form when you query the item associated with your customer item. When you Auto-Pack, these containers will be used to pack the items. If a

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container-load relationship is defined for the item and the detail container (as well as for the detail and master containers) and the Percent Fill Basis is set to Quantity, Shipping Execution will use the Container-Load Relationship to determine the required number of containers. If no relationship is defined, the weight and volume of the items and the maximum load weight or volume for the container will determine how the items are packed into containers (and containers into containers).

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Creating Containers
You can automatically or manually create containers. Containers are created automatically when using the Auto-Pack and Auto-Pack Master functionality by using a defined ContainerLoad Relationship between a type of container and an item. Shipping Execution uses the container type, the item, and the defined maximum quantity of the item that will fit in the container and automatically create the required number of containers with automatically generated names. However, to manually pack items into containers using the Pack and Packing Workbench functionality, you must manually create containers. You create containers using the Create Containers option on the Actions menu in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transactions Form. This option displays the Create Containers form in which you define: the organization which contains the type of container you want to use, the type of container you want to pack your items into, the total number of containers you want to create, the prefix that you want to be used in the name of the container, the starting number for the string of containers you are creating, the width of the numeric string (numeric portion) used in naming the containers, and the suffix that will be used in the naming of the containers. For example, if you specify PC as the prefix, 1 as the starting number, 3 as the Pad to Width for the numeric string, BX as the suffix, and you are creating 5 containers, the resulting created containers would be named: PC001BX, PC002BX, PC003BX, PC004BX, and PC005BX. If you set the Pad to Width as 4, you would get PC0001BX, PC0002BX, PC0003BX, PC0004BX, and PC0005BX. Once created, you can select the containers from a List of Values that displays when you choose the Pack option in the Shipping Transactions Form. You can also query up existing (created) containers using the Query Manager (via the Containers or Lines and Containers options).

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Packing Items into Containers

There are several methods in which you can pack items into containers: You can manually pack items into an existing container (Pack option). You can automatically pack an item into a container (Auto-Pack). You can automatically pack an item into a container, and pack that container into another (parent/Master) container (Auto-Pack Master). You can automatically pack equal quantities of multiple items into multiple containers (Equal Packing in the Packing Workbench). You can automatically pack line items into a container until you fill the container or use all of the items, and then continue packing the next line into the next container (Full Packing in the Packing Workbench).

Manual Packing
Manual Packing involves packing items into containers that have already been created using the Create Container action in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transactions Form. Manual Packing can be accomplished by selecting the line (in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transaction Form) that you want to pack into the container and choosing the Pack option from the Actions list, which displays a List of Values containing previously created containers. Manual Packing does not use a Container-Load Relationship when packing, but the weight, volume, and percent fill (based on the setting for the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter) are calculated to determine whether or not the items will fit into the container. A warning message will display if the total weight and volume of the items is greater than the available capacity of the container. A warning will also display if the minimum fill percentage is not attained. The warning message can be ignored if desired. You might want to use this method of packing if you have several items (maybe pencils, paper clips, and pads of paper) that are heading to the same customer and the customer does not care about what type of container is used. So, you could query up your delivery lines in the Shipping Transaction Form (using the Query Manager), multi-select your lines, choose Pack from the Actions list, and then select the container you have created from the resulting List of Values.

Auto-Pack is an option on the Actions list in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transaction Form that will automatically calculate and create the number of containers required to pack all of the items and then pack all of the items into the created containers.

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Auto-Pack Master behaves identically to Auto-Pack except that it goes one step further and packs the created detail containers into one or more parent (master) container(s). If you have multiple Container-Load Relationships set up for the same item (with different containers), Auto-Pack will look at the Preferred toggle on the Container-Item Relationships window to determine which relationship to use. You must define one of the Container-Load Relationships for your items as the Preferred relationship. If you do not toggle on the Preferred Flag for one of your Container-Load Relationships, you will receive an error when you try to use Auto-Pack or Auto-Pack Master for that item. There are two different ways to specify the type of container to be used when using AutoPack or Auto-Pack Master: specify a Master and/or Detail container for a customer item, or set up a Container-Load Relationship between the item(s) and container(s). If you are AutoPacking a customer item with a pre-defined Master and/or Detail association (set up in the Customer Item Summary window), then Auto-Pack will use those container types to create the containers required and pack the customer item. To determine how many containers are needed, Auto-Pack will use the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter. If Percent Fill Basis is set to Quantity, Auto-Pack will look for Container-Load Relationships set up for the item and the Detail Container, as well as for the Detail Container and the Master Container. If these Container-Load Relationships are not set up, then Auto-Pack will use the weights and volumes for the item and the available capacities defined for the containers. For example, lets say your customer preferred that you pack the monitors that you make into a cardboard box (one in each box) and that you pack twelve cardboard boxes (containing the monitors) on a pallet for shipment. You can assign the specific cardboard box (type of container) as the detail container for the customer item and the pallet as the Master Container for the customer item in the Customer Item Summary window. When the order is booked and the line is pulled into (imported into) Shipping Execution and viewed in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transactions Form, the cardboard box and the pallet container types will default into the Master and Detail fields for the line. When you run Auto-Pack for this line and Percent Fill Basis set to Quantity, Auto-Pack uses the Container-Load Relationship set up for the item and the container or, if no Container-Load Relationship is set up, Auto-Pack uses the weight and volume and container capacity for the item and container to calculate the required number of containers. Once the number of containers is calculated, the containers are created and the items are packed into the containers. Then, the total number of Master containers are calculated based on the number of Detail containers created, and the appropriate number of Detail containers are placed into the appropriate Master container. So, if you set up a Container-Load Relationship where a maximum of 1 monitor fit in 1 cardboard box and 12 cardboard boxes fit on one pallet and your customer ordered 24 monitors, the 24 monitors would be placed in 24 cardboard boxes (1 in each box) and then 12 cardboard boxes would be placed on each of the 2 pallets that were created. For any other type of item you are Auto-Packing, you must have a Container-Load Relationship set up. If you try to Auto-Pack items into a container and no Container-Load Relationship is established, you will receive an error message. Auto-Pack will use the Container-Load Relationship to determine the type of container to needed to pack the item. The setting of the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter is used to determine how many containers are going to be needed to pack all of the items. If the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter is set to Quantity, the Maximum Quantity defined for the Container-Load Relationship (being used to determine the type of container) will be used to calculate the

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necessary number of containers. If Percent Fill Basis is set to Weight or Quantity, the Physical Attributes (weight and quantity) that are defined for the item and container are used to calculate the total number of required containers. Once the type of container is determined and the required number of containers are calculated, Auto-Pack/Auto-Pack Master creates those containers and packs the items into the containers. For example, lets say you had a Container-Load Relationship set up so that 6 of ItemA fit into ContainerA and Percent Fill Basis was set to Quantity. If you have a delivery line with a quantity of 12 of ItemA and you run Auto-Pack, Shipping Execution will create two containers, split the line into two lines with a requested quantity of 6, and pack the first split line into the first container and pack the second split line into the second container. Auto-Pack Master packs not only an item into a container (Detail Container in this scenario), but it will also pack the Detail Container into a Master Container. For example, lets say you had a delivery line with a quantity of 12 of ItemA and a Container-Load Relationship set up so that 6 of ItemA will fit into ContainerA and 2 of ContainerA will fit into ContainerB (and Percent Fill Basis is set to Quantity). If you run Auto-Pack Master, the line will be split into 2 lines of 6, the first line will be packed into the first container, the second line will be packed into the second container, and the two Detail Containers (2 ContainerAs) will be packed into ContainerB.

Packing Workbench
The Packing Workbench allows for two different methods of packing: Equal Packing and Full Packing. As the name suggests, Equal Packing involves packing equal amounts of items from one or many lines into one or many containers. Full Packing involves packing the entire quantity of one delivery line into one or many containers, and then packing the entire quantity of the next delivery line into one or many containers. If the entire quantity of the first line does not fill a container, items from the next delivery line will be added to the container with available space until it is filled. To use the Packing Workbench, you must select the delivery lines and the containers in the Lines/Containers tab in the Shipping Transactions Form that you want to pack and then select Packing Workbench from the Actions list. So, you must have queried up lines and previously created containers or you must have queried up lines and then created new containers. When selecting lines in the Shipping Transactions Form to use in the Packing Workbench, you can use the Packing Calculator (accessed by clicking on the bar on the far right hand side of the Shipping Transactions Form or by selecting Packing Calculator from the Tools menu) to determine whether or not the lines might be able to fit in the containers you have selected. The Available Capacity region shows how much weight and volume the containers that you have selected can hold and the Item Total region shows the total weight and volume for all of the lines you have selected. Once you have selected your lines and containers and have selected Packing Workbench from the Actions list, the Packing Workbench displays containing your selected containers on one tab and your selected lines on the other tab. You can see the total Available Capacity for the containers and the weights and volumes for the items on the left side of the Packing Workbench. By default, you will notice the Pack toggle next to your lines and containers is selected. If you turn the Pack toggle off for a container or line, then that line or container will not be used for packing and, hence, the Available Capacity and Item Total regions will be updated accordingly.

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Equal Packing

The first method of packing within the Packing Workbench is Equal Packing. The best way to explain Equal Packing is by giving an example. Lets say your customer ordered 10 computer monitors and 10 keyboards. The order would consist of two lines, one for 10 monitors and one for 10 keyboards. Once the order is booked, you can query your lines in the Shipping Transactions Form. If you wanted to pack one of each item into a container, you would create 10 containers (using a container type that was large enough to hold one of each item. You would then select your two lines and your ten containers and pull them into the Packing Workbench. Once in the Packing Workbench, select the Equal Packing Method and choose the Pack button. The Packing Workbench will split the two lines into ten lines for each item and pack 1 monitor and 1 keyboard into each container. So you will end up with 10 containers that have 1 monitor and 1 keyboard in each. There is a potential drawback to using Equal Packing. When you use Equal Packing, lines are split evenly so that equal quantities will be packed into the selected containers. Container-Load Relationships and weight and volume limitations within containers are not used when packing the items equally into containers. In other words, the lines are split and packed into the containers prior to performing weight and volume validations. Validations based on weight and volume do take place to determine whether or not the containers are over-packed (weight or volume exceeds maximum weight or volume for a container), resulting in the display of Warning messages, but not until after the lines are split. Once the lines are split, you cannot return the lines to their original status (if one line for quantity of 6 was split into two lines for quantity of 3, you cannot return the two lines into one line for quantity of 6). So, if you split the lines and find out that you really want to pack them differently, you will have to pack the resulting split lines rather than the initial pre-split lines.
Full Packing

Full Packing involves taking items in a delivery line and packing them completely into one container, then taking the next line and packing its entire quantity. If the items in the first delivery line do not completely fill the first container, the items in the second delivery line will be added to the first container until it is filled. If all of the items in the second delivery line were not used to fill the first container, then the remaining items are packed into the second container. For example, lets say you had two delivery lines, one consisting of 10 of ItemA and one consisting of 10 of ItemB, and you wanted to pack them into three containers. If the Percent Fill Basis Shipping Parameter was set to Quantity, the Packing Workbench would use the Container-Load Relationship set up to determine the maximum number of items that could fit in the first container. If Percent Fill Basis were set to Weight or Volume, the Packing Workbench would use the weight and volume defined for the item and the maximum load weight or volume defined for the container to calculate the total number of items that could fit in the first container. Lets say Percent Fill Basis is set to Quantity and a Container-Load Relationship is established that says that 5 of ItemA will fit in the first container. Five of ItemA will be placed in the first container, then the Packing Workbench calculates the total number of ItemAs that will fit into the second container. If a ContainerLoad Relationship is set up so that 10 of ItemA will fit in the second container, the Packing Workbench will place the remaining 5 of ItemA in the second container. The Packing Workbench then calculates that the container is only fifty percent filled, so the Packing

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Workbench will look at a Container-Load Relationship set up for ItemB and the second container. If the Container-Load Relationship for ItemB and the second container was defined so that 4 of ItemB will fit, the Packing Workbench takes fifty percent of the total defined Container-Load Relationship (2 of ItemB) and packs that quantity into the second container. This leaves us with 8 of ItemB. The Packing Workbench then looks at the Container-Load Relationship between ItemB and the third container. If 10 of ItemB fits into the third container, the Packing Workbench will pack the remaining 8 in the third container.

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Additional Functionality
1. Assigning Serial Numbers to Containers
You can assign a master serial number to your container. After you create your container in the Shipping Transactions form, you can assign a master serial number to your container. Enter a numeric serial number in the master serial number field; the field will not accept serial numbers with alpha digits. No uniqueness is associated with the serial numbers assigned; there is no intelligence around the sequence of numbers assigned. If you assign a container (Detail Container) to another container (Master Container), the serial number of the Master Container will automatically default into the Master Serial Number field for the Detail Container and the Delivery Lines. If you change the serial number for the Master Container, Shipping Execution will automatically update the Master Serial Numbers for all Detail Containers and Delivery Lines assigned to that Master Container.

2. Generating a Loading Sequence for Deliveries/Containers

You must have imported order lines with a defined Production Sequence Number or you must have entered a Customer Production Sequence Number in Others tab in the Lines region of the Sales Orders window. Generating a loading sequence is optional. You would only generate a loading sequence when you wanted to place items in a container or on a delivery in a certain order. For example, if an automotive manufacturers assembly line needed specific items in a certain order, they might want to have items shipped to them placed in a certain order in the container or delivery so that they could remove the items in the most efficient order for their assembly line. The loading sequence is printed on the Vehicle Load Sheet Detail report. 1. Navigate to the Shipping Transactions form, and then select the Delivery tab. In the Loading Lines field, select a loading pattern. You can select from Forward (1, 2, 3, 4), Reverse (4, 3, 2, 1), Forward-Inverted (2, 1, 4, 3), and Reverse-Inverted (3, 4, 1, 2). Loading sequence determines the order in which the delivery lines are placed in the container or the delivery, depending on whether or not you have defined a Detail Container for the delivery line. If you have specified a Detail Container, the loading sequence determines the order in which the delivery line is placed into the container. If you have specified a Master Container or if you have not specified any container for the delivery line, the loading sequence will determine the order in which the delivery line will be placed in the vehicle. 2. Select Generate Loading Sequence from the Actions list. If you have ITEMA with a Production Sequence Number of 1 and ITEMB with a Production Sequence Number of 2 and you select Reverse as your Lines Loading order, ITEMB would have a Loading Order Number of 1 and ITEMA would have a Loading

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Order Number of 2 (ITEMB would be loaded first and ITEMA would be loaded second). If a Customer Production Sequence Number is not assigned to the delivery line, you can enter a Loading Sequence to determine the order in which the delivery line will be loaded into the container or delivery.

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Containerization in Shipping Execution Updated: June 2004 Author: Kevin Hamant Contributing Authors: Timothy Conroy Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Web: This document is provided for informational purposes only and the information herein is subject to change without notice. Please report any errors herein to Oracle Corporation. Oracle Corporation does not provide any warranties covering and specifically disclaims any liability in connection with this document. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle corporation. All other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright Oracle Corporation 2000 All Rights Reserved

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