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Lesson 03 - Charles F.

Haanel - Understand the Universal System

Transcript: A completely self-made success, Charles Hannel started and built companies in the US and Mexico, all before the cusp of 1900 had turned. And his success in these would have been unremarkable but for the fact he sat down to figure out and write up a breakthrough correspondence course so that anyone with tuition could also learn to succeed in their own lives.

Even Napoleon Hill thanked Haanel in a letter, where he stated the success of his Foundation was due to using Haanel's principles laid out in his Master Key System.

My own understanding of Haanel is that he laid out a complete understanding of the Universe in this one volume. And while he wrote several more books, none ach ieved the success of this masterwork.

There is never room to try to shrink an entire book and its 24 lessons into a single video. Much less one which tells the secrets to how this world around us actually functions.

But here is a very short summary:

1. Anything is possible to achieve or acquire, if you only develop the consciousness to understand them.

2. Any problems or difficulties or situations are simply the ignorance of the laws of nature.

3. The individual can act on the Universal - thinking in the mind as the cause, and your life experiences as effect.

4. There is a single indication of what you are - it's your mind and how you use it.

5. This is a creative age we live in - and those who are using their mind to consider new thoughts are receiving the richest rewards.

6. Any degree of Health, Success, Prosperity, or anything else you want is already yours.

7. All through our long written and verbal history, humankind has always believed in an invisible, infinite power - through which all was created and being continually recreated.

8. The fascinating basis for the mind is that all your thinking is governed by one unchanging law.

9. In order to change conditions around you, you have to change yourself. Your world around you is the result of your past thinking.

10. Nothing happens without a definite cause.

11. Every result, every effect in this universe is the result of a cause.

12. "You must first have the knowledge of your power; second, the courage to dare; third, the faith to do."

13. Just as physical science has created amazing inventions that have improved our quality of living, we can now see the basics of a spiritual science - which has the capacity for routinely creating even more amazing effects in our lives.

14. To the exact degree you think creative and constructive thoughts - these start evolving into fact around you.

15. You are surrounded by a Universe which is everywhere, which records every thought placed in it, which has potential to create any effect.

16. Wealth is an effect, not a cause. It only shows the value of what you've been doing and exchanging with others.

17. As you consider, as you concentrate, you are developing an Ideal. The quality of this ideal determines the outcome you'll arrive at.

18. You can now consider that as no person is an island in this stream of living, we all are interconnected and interrelated.

19. While fear, and other self-limiting thoughts, are able to paralyze the body into inaction - this is just a thought and usually transient.

20. Around you and encompassing every cell of your body is Life.

21. As there are laws of the physical - gravity, for example - there are also laws of the spiritual.

22. Your health is dependent on your thoughts - how you use your mind.

23. Money is only a symbol which represents the valuable service you give to friends and those around you.

24. All the very practical points of creating and fulfilling every possible need have been laid out for you.

Practically, the entire world has just been opened up to you. You now know the laws which govern all life - how these work and how you can use them.

It is now up to you to put them to use. And create the world of your dreams around you.

1. Today's assignment is a longer one. Studying the wealth of data Haanel left us in his Master Key System was originally i t's own 24-week correspondence course. While it's a worthy study all on it's own, let's just get familiar with the key data.

Go over each of the 24 points and find examples in your own life and that of others around you. Find whether you can agree wi th these data or not. See if you can find how to use these to improve your goals and the planning you've already created from last week's lesson.

This can be done over several days, taking a few points each day to find examples in your own thoughts, in your workplace, in your home, or the general environment around you.

2. Meanwhile, in your daily review sessions (morning, noon, and evening), see if these new data don't provide you with insight you can use to improve your own plans and projects that you are undertaking to achieve your Burning Desire.

Lesson 02 - Earl Nightingale - Know the Strangest Secret

Transcript: Born in Los Angeles and raised in Long Beach during the Depression years, the poverty Earl Nightingale's family endured sparked his years of study to find out why his family and relatives were poor while others were much better off. And his introduction to the Long Beach City library during his childhood started fulfilling that quest.

Later, while stationed as a Marine in Hawaii, he volunteered at the local radio station. But his professional work in this field began in Phoenix, where he learned his basics and went on to Chicago's WGN to build a profitable and expanding daily commentary program. While so successful that he retired from his union broadcasting job at age 35, during this he also uncovered a key secret in a used book store in Chicago - the secret he had been looking for his entire life - found in a used copy of Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.

Nightingale invested in an insurance company, and would spend hours inspiring them with motivational talks. Once, due for a long vacation, his sales manager suggested he record a talk they could play over and over in his absence. Waking with inspiration at 4am one morning, he rushed to his study to write out what had come to him during his sleep. This recording became the first spoken-word record to sell over a million copies and go Gold.

This was his Strangest Secret recording.

Available in various formats even today, this recording has influenced an entire generation of its own.

Here are what I consider the key points - though you should get a copy of this transcript as well as the actual recording for your own regular use:

1. Success is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal.

2. People with goals succeed because they know where they're going. It's that simple. Failures, on the other hand, believe that their lives are shaped by circumstances by things that happen to them - by exterior forces.

3. The key to success and the key to failure is this - WE BECOME WHAT WE THINK ABOUT.

4. A person who is thinking about a concrete and worthwhile goal is going to reach it, because that's what he's thinking about. Conversely, the person who has no goal, who doesn't know where he's going, and whose thoughts must therefore be thoughts of confusion, anxiety, fear, and worry will thereby create a life of frustration, fear, anxiety and worry. And if he thinks about nothing - he becomes nothing.

5. Our mind can do any kind of job we assign to it, but generally speaking, we use it for little jobs instead of big ones. So decide now. What is it you want? Plant your goal in your mind. It's the most important decision you'll ever make in your entire life.

6. Every one of us is the sum total of our own thoughts. We are where we are because that's exactly where we really want or feel we deserve to be - whether we'll admit that or not. Each of us must live off the fruit of our thoughts in the future, because what you think today and tomorrow - next month and next year - will mold your life and determine your future. You're guided by your mind.

7. You see, the very law that gives us success is a double-edged sword. We must control our thinking. The same rule that can lead people to lives of success, wealth, happiness, and all the things they ever dreamed of - that very same law can lead them into the gutter. It's all in how they use it - for good or for bad. That is The Strangest Secret!

8. The moment you decide on a goal to work toward, you're immediately a successful person - you are then in that rare group of people who know where they're going. Out of every hundred people, you belong to the top five. Don't concern yourself too much with how you are going to achieve your goal - leave that completely to a power greater than yourself. All you have to do is know where you're going. The answers will come to you of their own accord, and at the right time.


Nightingale gave a 30-day program to follow in that recording. And certainly, you could follow that and become a complete success in everything you set your mind to.

Your lesson assignment will incorporate many steps of this program - so that you, too, can master the Strangest Secret.

We are going to borrow from Nightingale's 30-day program to advance your progress this week. If you can get a copy of his recording, The Strangest Secret, it will help keep you motivated. Again, while Nighingale-Conant and others still offer his recording, you can also get this as a free download from different sites. (It's even been made into a video several times and available that way.)

These steps will add to what you are doing on a daily basis:

1. I want you to write on a card what it is you want more that anything else. It may be more money. Perhaps you'd like to do uble your income or make a specific amount of money. It may be a beautiful home. It may be success at your job. It may be a particular position in life. It could be a more harmonious family. Each of us wants something.

Write down on your card specifically what it is you want. Make sure it's a single goal and clearly defined. You needn't show it to anyone, but carry it with you so that you can look at it several times a day. Think about it in a cheerful, relaxed, positive way each morning when you get up, and immediately you have something to work for ---something to get out of bed for, something to live for.

Look at it every chance you get during the day and just before going to bed at night. As you look at it, remember that you m ust become what you think about, and since you're thinking about your goal, you realize that soon it will be yours. In fact, it's really yours the moment you write it down and begin to think about it.

2. Now we come to the difficult part. Difficult because it means the formation of what isa probably a brand -new habit, and habits are not easily formed: Stop thinking about what it is you fear. Each time a fearful or negative thought comes into your mind, replace it with a mental picture of your positive and worthwhile goal. And there will come times when you'll feel like giving up. It's easier for a human being to think negatively than positively.

3. Remember these words from the Sermon on the Mount -- and remember them well. Keep them constantly before you this month of your test: "Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, recieveth. And he that seeketh, findeth. And to him that knocketh, it shall be opened."

Nightingale actually recommended to write these words on the back of that card above. You read the your goal on one side and then flip it over to read the other.

4. Devote your thirty-day test to completely giving of yourself without thinking of giving anything in return -- and you'll be amazed at the difference it makes in your life. No matter what your job, do it as you've never done it before -- for 30 days. And if you've kept your goal before you every day, you'll wonder and marvel at this new life you've found.

5. See that during these crucial first thirty days, your own inspiration is kept at a peak. And above al l, don't worry. Worry brings fear, and fear is crippling. The only thing that could cause worry during this test is trying to do it all yourself. Know that all you have to do is to hold your goal before you. Everything else will take care of itself. Remember also to keep calm and cheerful. Don't let petty things annoy you and get you off course.

Lesson 06 - Serge Kahili King - Live Lessons from Long Ago

Transcript: Serge Kahili King's training began with his father, who was assigned by the British Diplomatic Corps to Hawaii in 1911. Owing to a unique mystical experience, the elder King met and was adopted by an Hawaiian family. They trained King's father in an ancient tradition of Hawaiian shamanism.

At 14, Serge began his training under his father and then continued this education with his uncle which extended on for many years, interspersed with college degrees and 7 years of studying under a West African shaman.

He trained until one day he finally realized that this knowledge he had learned and accumulated was too precious not to share. So he formed Aloha International, which utilizes all forms of techniques, including the Internet, to disseminate the wide knowledge Dr. King has accumulated.

In my book, I only touch on a small part of this knowledge - a lecture where King introduces us to the 7 Huna principles. While there is much more knowledge from this ancient philosophy, we are touching on these here to give you some underlying principles which cross into Haanel, Hill, Wattles, Nightingale and our other authors.

I recommend his books and also those of Max Freedom Long for further study (see Resources section).

The 7 Huna Principles:

1. Ike (ee-kay) - The world is what you think it is. If we would change this reality, then we must change ourselves. And it is wasted energy to try to change the outer world alone, but if we would truly change it - we must go within and find that place within us which is creating the outer world, and change that. Change that idea, change that fear to hope, change that anger to love, change that belief in lack to a belief in abundance.

2. KALA - which says, There are no limits. Meaning that we are all connected. Each one of us is connected. We are all one, we are all connected together. Now Kala also says that separation is an illusion, but that because we can create our own reality with our thoughts, we sometimes create a sense, a belief in separation. And that if we can get rid of those ideas and feelings and acts and behaviors and thoughts of separation, that oneness comes together. That connection is made again, we become healthy and whole within ourselves and with the world around us.

3. Makia, that Energy flows where attention goes. Wherever there is a flow of energy and attention, events are created. And wherever you direct your attention, and keep it directed in that way, to an object or to an idea, then the flow of energy carries. And according to the nature of your thoughts, that's the return flow that you get. If you are putting our thoughts of abundance, and keeping that consistently, not just once in a while, but thinking that way, then abundance flows into your life.

4. Manawa , is the idea that Now is the Moment of Power. That there is no power in the past, no power in the future. That the past has no power over you either. That you are the one that has power right in this moment to change what you think, and then the past, and the effects of the past, fail to hold you. And the future, as well, does not lie in front of you, waiting for you to move forward and bump into it. The future is created in every present moment by the seeds of thought that you plant now.

5. ALOHA, which means To love is to be Happy With. To the degree that you are happy with yourself, with other people, with the world around you, you are in love. And love is being expressed, and love is flowing. But to the degree that you are criticizing, to the degree that you have anger, are not pleased with, do not like things in people around you, you reduce and diminish love. Love is the happiness and the joy and the friendship and the pleasure in any relationship.

6. Mana, means that all power comes from within. This is the principle, meaning that there is no power outside of you that has any power over you. That all the power for your existence comes from that one source through you. Now Mana is a power to do something, to be creative, not a power over. So it is that inner power within each thing, within each person to be itself, and to be itself to its utmost potential.

7. Pono, says that Effectiveness is the Measure of Truth. That there is always another way to do anything. That we are never really stuck in one way, that there is no one way for anything. That there is no one truth, that there is no one method, one technique, one kind of medicine, one way to heal, one way to be happy, that there is only one person with whom you can be happy. There are many, many ways to achieve your goals, to be happy, to enjoy life, to fulfill it.


King has much, much more to say about this ancient wisdom. Do get his books or those of Max Freedom Longand continue your own studies.

Your assignment today will cover these Huna Principles in far more detail. Good luck.

These 7 Huna Principles can be a breath of fresh air to our Western-educated minds. This now starts really boiling down Haanel, Hill, Wattles, and the rest into very concrete terms.

In these few weeks, you already have practiced daily with keeping your goal in front of you and working the plan to get there. Your several-times-daily review is helping you to keep this foremost in your mind.

Since you have now been at this for several weeks, you'll probably noticed that certain positive actions have been reinforced and you have now genned-in several new mental habits.

1. Get another card to carry with you, along the one we made last week.

2. On this card, write down the 7 Huna Principles:

The World is What You Think It Is There Are No Limits Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Now is the Moment of Power To Love is to Be Happy With All Power Comes From Within Effectiveness is the Measure of Truth

3. You may see that these principles reenforce each other, that they build into a very solid understanding of how this world we've built around us actually works.

Review these simply every day so they become easily to mind when you are going about your daily work. (And if you wanted to memorize them, you'd do even better at this...)

Look for coincidences in the actions you take and those which happen around you which might be explained by these principles.

4. If you find these to be truths you can use, start seeing how you can implement them into your plan so they will help you attain your goal more simply and easily.

Lesson 07 - Releasing Your Way to Freedom

Transcript: On an afternoon's walk at my parent's farm, accompanied by the two family dogs, I had an epiphany which changed my life.

And it took nearly a dozen years to sort out how it happened, how to help others to find this for themselves, as well as make it a permanent state.

Out on the farm that day, in the woods, suddenly all thought dropped away for a long moment. And I was struck with an immense peace. Nothing in all the long years as a counselor had prepared me for such a revelation.

It didn't last forever, but it haunted me from that time forward. I wasn't even able to continue with my 20-plus year career, since all I was doing seemed pointless compared to that singular event.

I then retired without pension, to make my own way and research what I had stumbled into.

This lead through hundreds of books and recordings, and found me writing several books to organize this into a pattern anyone could follow. I knew, however, this pattern was flawed in some way. Something was incomplete.

One day, a friend sent me a copy of Lester Levenson's work, and this then solved it all. Looking up his book "Keys to the Ultimate Freedom", as well as his earlier recordings answered all my questions - and gave me the missing puzzle piece.

The remainder of this and the following lessons are based directly on Levenson's works:

a - As you seek freedom purposely, as more important than this world we live in, all these needless and unimportant points tend to drop away.

b - Negatives and positives are just two sides of the same coin. One can't exist without the other. And you can simply move from one to the other just by your own consideration or choice.

c - The basic premise of this book is that all the Freedom you seek is inherently within you. You demonstrate this every single day - or the lack of it. All that keeps you from demonstrating this in your life - also known as manifesting or attracting - is the agreed-upon limits you've accepted in your lifetime up to this point. Agree with this or not. Your mileage may vary.

d - The word "No" is a placeholder only. It's apparent power comes from the positive statement. NLP says that when you have this word in a sentence, the mind interprets it as a positive. Always state things in the positive version, in order to get them into your life around you.

e - Develop your ability to concentrate. Work on a single activity or purpose at any given time. And turn off any distractive elements such as TV, radio, newspapers, and the Internet if they don't serve your forward progress toward developing your own freedom.

f - Understand Levenson's releasing techniques fully. Study various authors, but get these simple basics down to a version you can use on your own.

g - Learn to release constantly. Anything that comes up in your life, just learn to welcome and let it go.

h - Take no other example or anyone else's life experience as a standard or goal for yourself. Be true to yourself.

i - When you run out of material to release, and the world around you is perfect all the time, answer, "What Am I?"

j - Huna, Hill, and Nightingale say your world is exactly as you think it to be, how you create it. So you should be responsible as you can be, and release that which doesn't give you peace or more freedom - or allow you to let your freedom or peace shine more.


In the text for this lesson, I include a succinct sequence to learn to release, for any who have not run across Sedona Method or Release Technique before.

And of course, there are accompanying assignments for your use and practice. But I'll leave you with a simple approach to living a more peaceful life:

The next time you feel like doing something to someone that you wouldn't like having happen to you - try this:

1. Pause for a moment.

2. Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth - slowly. Take several if you want.

3. Then just accept that emotion which is coming in. Let it really show up in full - don't act on it, just let it be.

4. Then see if you can simply let it go, release it.

5. Now, go ahead and treat that person the way you'd like it.

This is a long section of text. Now I also cover it in Lesson 12, so you can skip ahead to that lesson in order to apply this below: Basics of Releasing This is just a record of the basics for you to refer to if you haven't done releasing before, and a refresher if you have.

Actually, if you go to any of the various Levenson releasing technique sites, you'll find all the basics you could want. Addi tionally, you can get free downloads and materials, including CD's, which will cover this in far more detail and with examples.

The simplicity is just these two actions:

1. Accepting what is,

2. Letting it Go.

The ultimate goal is wanting Freedom more than you want the World. This will take you right on out to a high level of personal enlightenment.

As some had difficulty with this, the World was broken down into 4 singular "wantings" you use to relate with that World around you:

- Wanting Control

- Wanting Approval

- Wanting Security

- Wanting Separation and-or Oneness

Of course, use the below steps to release what you find as you find it. Practice will make this easier.

And remember - you can't do this wrong, you can't screw it up. No one is looking over your shoulder and giving you a grade on your performance. What happens when you release is only what happens for you. So be easy on yourself and do only what you can when you can. You'll make it eventually, regardless.

The six steps were revised from Levenson's own original series. But were changed only to make them more workable. Again, these are laid out in more detail through any of the various books and recordings you can find. Even videos online will explain these more.

The six steps of releasing are:

1. You must want freedom more than you want approval, control, security, or separation/oneness.

2. Decide that you can release in the moment.

3. Notice what you are feeling in the moment, and determine which of the four wants underlies that feeling, and then let the feeling go. But don't hold onto a feeling if it's already gone in order to determine what want was present.

4. Release constantly, regardless of what you are doing or who you are with.

5. If you feel "stuck", then simply let go of that stuck-feeling, or wanting to change that "stuckness".

6. Every time you release, you will probably feel lighter, happier, and freer. Often you need to release on any exhilaration you feel - so you can keep releasing.

You can make a chart of the four needs and the six steps to keep in your wallet or purse or pocket - until you know them by heart and are able to release easily.

A simple way to do this is to notice when some emotional thought has come in to your awareness. Don't try to figure on it or solve it - just look for what emotion comes in with it. Now, look below that to find out what of the four wants would use that emotion. Then see if you could let the whole thing go.

There are many examples of how to do this, and several techniques which have been developed. Again, you can access the various web sites listed in Lesson 12 video and the appendix of this book for more guidance. In addition to their paid courses, they also have many free explanations and downloadable examples of how releasing works.

Your assignment is to simply incorporate releasing into your daily review times. At least at first. You'll find releasing to be a very valuable tool for use all during the day, once you get the hang of it.

For right now, as you consider your goal - and holding that you already have it - if or when any other thought comes in, trace it back to the feeling or emotion it contains and then right back to the underlying want or desire. Then see if you can let that whole package go.

Keep doing this until you feel better about it and back to being calmly cheerful and expectant as a regular attitude.

Releasing is what makes Hill, Nightingale, and all the rest really start to work like gangbusters for you. So feel free to splurge on this!

Lesson 08 - What This Can Mean For You

Transcript: Practically, you'll see as we go down this line, that there isn't any reason people haven't actually and already used this to master their own lives.

This high level of living - of letting your real Freedom and Peace shine out all the time - and can be simply attained. When you do, there is little that you feel you have to give a hoot about. The phrase, completely hootless, describes this state. It's also known by terms such as imperturbable, unflappable, courageousness, acceptance.

Now, Levenson's approach has been known and being used since the 1970's. And as it's possible for any person to become completely hootless in three mo nths or less, it's more than likely that many people have gone ahead and done this.

Of course, they aren't worried or concerned about getting approval for what they've done, or even using this to control others. They just live calm, cheerful, imperturbable lives.

For today's lesson, we have several points to review.

1. Levenson said, "Don't release to get high - get high to release." The point here is not to get stuck into your successes and the bliss which can show up from releasing. Instead, concentrate on releasing daily so that you do it in an intensive basis as possible. Full time is recommended. This gets you into a high energy level so that you can release more deeply-seated desires - and so blow whole chunks of endless thinkingness which has tied up your native abilities for so long.

2. Your importances may be unimportant. A lot of people push this point of "knowing and following a basic life purpose." And of course Hill has a "Burning Desire" as a top point.

However, these two are different, not identical. Having a vision or a goal of something you want to accomplish is one thing. Having a set series of actions or some thing you "have to do" is completely another.

Because you can work from insatiable desires and feel driven to accomplish something. Many do. But release these basic desires and see if you still are driven - or are you driving your own life?

3. Get everything you want by giving it all away. When you really take apart the Golden Rule - by any of its myriad names and descriptions - you'll see that you can really only get the treatment you want by first giving that treatment to others openhandedly and in advance.

Check it out for yourself. When is a person most loved? When they are unconditionally loving. When is a person richest? When he is working to ensure people around him are becoming more abundant in their own lives.

That will start unlimited peace - the kind that exists beyond all understanding - to show up in your own life.

4. How to make your own luck is simple - just release all the reasons and negative emotions which are keeping that from showing up. If you're new to releasing, this seems a bit far-fetched. But the world around you is just as you consider it. If you hold onto negative thoughts, feelings, and desires - then you will never get anything but those negatives.

So make it a practice of daily - several times a day - release on whatever it is that you are trying to accomplish, or acquire, or attain for yourself or others. Look for what's holding you back and then simply let it go. That action makes luck.

5. The Universe is one big joke - be the punchline, not the butt of it. As you keep releasing, you find yourself more and more un-serious about life. Because less and less has any drastic effect on you. Life becomes calm, even serene, and you find more and more to be honestly cheerful about - as you start getting all your joy from within and no longer have to have others cheer you up or make you smile.

You'll find that you are smiling a great deal more - and that you are more interested in helping other people find their own smile and their own joy.

The universe becomes the joke - but we all know why it's funny.

6. Getting Rid of Nagging Worries is Easy You've probably already guessed it. Worry is a thought with feeling behind it. Find out what you are trying to change or won't get approval for, or can't control, or makes you unsafe or insecure. Release all of these.

No more worry. And as you keep this up, you'll find all the other various reasons you ever started to worry and release those again. None of these come back when you clear them back to basic.

And you may find that the past doesn't haunt you any more. It's now simply a record of what happened, the lessons you learned. You start living exclusively in the Now, which becomes a very quiet and peaceful place.

Again - I'm not here to teach you. Try this releasing stuff the next time you worry and see if it doesn't help.

Your choice. As usual.

Now that you are familiar with releasing, we can really start to have some fun with life. You now have been having your goal and plan in front of you every day, several times each day. And this alone has helped you make progress toward it. As Hill covers, you may have revised this plan a few times by now - you can tweak it as much as you want to make it more efficient.

Incorporating releasing into this makes it all more interesting.

This week, consider your goal and your general life progress from the points of this lesson:

1. Don't release to get high, get high to release. Use releasing to help you maintain a calm, cheerful expectancy that your goal is already achieved. When you find yourself with any non-optimal emotion or feeling hanging around - just see if you can let it go.

2. Your importances may be unimportant. Look to see if there is anything about your goal or your planning is dependent on "have to do's". These stem mostly from basi c "wants" which we all have. Some are based on good manners and common sense. It's key to sort out if you are "having" to do something, from something which will foreward your goal. One key here is "when in doubt, release." If something won't release, it's probably some truth that you need to examine more carefully. Get releasing into an all-the-time, always-on basis.

3. Get everything you want by giving it all away. Are you helping people around you with their goals? How could you help them more? You see this in Haanel, Wattles, and Huna - if you want to make your own life easier, help to ease others' lives. Golden Rule and all that. Review your daily actions and your planning to see if you have some points of simply giving openhanded help whenever you can. Of course, this also includes charitable donations, but action is best. Donate your precious time and see if this doesn't help you find more time in your life for achieving your own goals. Help others unexpectedly and see if you don't suddenly find some unexpected help arriving in your life.

4. Make your own luck. Simply start releasing any negative thought or emotion that comes up. If what you are experiencing doesn't help you achieve your goal, if it doesn't help you be calm and cheerfully expectant - than see if you can just let it go. Look over what is happening in your life and see if these aren't actually unexpected opportunities...

5. Be the punchline of the Universe's Joke. You will find with releasing that it's easy to stay upbeat and positive. Because you just release anything that comes in which isn't. And so, you find more and more to uplift you. If something or someone "gets you going", then pause for a moment, take a deep breath, and release that emotion with it. Then release anything else that came in as a result. As you practice this, you'll be able to quickly move back to center with that calm, cheerful expectancy that guides your success. Help others with this as well - and they'll be able to become more cheeful as they do.

6. Get Rid of Nagging Worries. Some thought of a past situation that keeps coming up is really just telling you that there's something else you can now release on. Welcome that worry-thought and accept it. Don't resist it or put it off. See the "want" which is below it, then see if you can simply let it go. Get this in as a regular action as you move through your day and implement your plan. Remember, you've been a success from the first time you wrote down that goal.

Lesson 09 -The World is Just as You Create It

Transcript: Today's points:

1. Take a look inside and see the Master or Kahuna you already are. Kahuna has always meant "keeper of the secret". It is another term for master, as there were kahunas for every trade and activity in ancient Hawaiian culture, not just mystic healing or surfing.

Now, you don't have to have money, a big house, servants, or numerous sexual partners to be a success. And you very definitel y don't want to have to have someone else's approval about what makes your success. There are Masters who walk this earth and they need not be famous or wealthy or outrageously lucky.

My point here is that you are looking for personal freedom, above and beyond any fame or fortune. The society around you worships these ego-traps. That doesn't mean you have to. You have to want freedom more than you want the world. And once you get yourself on that route, you'll walk it right on out.

2. Your pet can teach you something about life - Unconditional Love dissolves all. Where people get into trouble is when they expect that they have to be loved. Those people have this limited and backward. Love is a two-way street, but you are best served to simply always and continuously give it away for free. As you release, you then have fewer and fewer reasons not to give love to everyone you meet.

When you do start doing this again, then of course you will then find love coming back to you from all sorts of places, not just your pets. Good old Golden Rule again. And as you love, you create - so the world-and-universe around you changes perceptibly.

3. This world we live in is filled with every reason not to continue and not to regain your Freedom. That Freedom - your own perpetual and personal peace and happiness - they all lie within as they always have.

There's no real difference between where you start and where you end up - because you are only changing the world around you by changing your attitudes toward it - just by letting go of the thoughts, feelings, and emotions which aren't and never have helped you become more free or have greater peace.

4. The trick is to get the ego to undo the ego, the mind to undo the mind. As we've covered before, the mind and the ego are mostly composed of fiction. You've set up various thoughts as solutions to problems and hold them in place so you have a ready answer to anything that comes in front of you.

By concentrating on a given subject, all manner of these thoughts-feelings-desires packages present themselves for releasing. Use the mind to present the very things you need to release on the most.

Of course, you have to try this before you can know how well it works for you.

5. You can take the easy way out to achieve your personal freedom. By releasing, you are simply taking the effort out of everything. So anything you try to do or achieve, or acquire - these become far easier and simpler. This explains the phrase "miracles as usual".

And this can take you to the point where you simply enjoy all of life and living - having the perfect moment at all times.

Factually, you may have to do a considerable amount of releasing before it gets easy at all to do this. But you can meanwhile look forward to having an effortless life as you do. Maybe even think of it as the "Lazy way to enlightenment".

6. How to take control over everything that happens to you. As you go through life, and as you take more and more responsibility for your life and the world around you, it gives you more to release. And as you release, it is easier to sort out things, fix things, or simply let them be in their own perfect moment as you encountered them.

What you are clearing out of your life is the bad control. And replacing it with pleasurable responsibility - not blame, but sensible and harmonious action which helps you and everyone around you that is somehow involved.

7. Answer this - How does Helping Others Help Me? Mostly, this can't be answered by our modern schools, colleges, and universities. Because they are stuck into a very solid reality that everything is separate from everything else. Enjoy your connectedness.

Whenever you are helpful to someone, you are helping yourself. As you cheer someone else up, you are putting a smile on your own face. The more love you spread, the more love you feel.

The real fun is in making the movie, not watching it. Life is like that.

Help yourself out. Start helping everyone you meet.


And today's assignment should be really fascinating.

Again, these points are each their own essay in the book. And these lessons are simply an additional way to understand what's written there. If some of this is too abbreviated, read that section of the book again.

1. Take a look inside and see the Master or Kahuna you already are. This isn't a common idea in self help. Most of them are saying you are going somewhere, rising to new heights. I say you are just getting rid of all the stuff you've collected which keeps you down. It's just native to have a lot of talent and genius abilities. Keep working at your goal and releasing. As you do, look around for "serendipitous synchronicities" which tell you how you already know how to do this stuff - and what steps on your plan can be made more efficient.

2. Your pet can teach you something about life - Unconditional Love dissolves all. In order to get what you want, start looking for ways you can just give openhandedly. Holding doors open, remembering a birthday or other celebration, simply smiling in order to lighten up someone's day. The more you give away, the more you get back. Set this up on a daily basis to give away at least your smile. Make this infectious.

3. This world we live in is filled with every reason not to continue and not to regain your Freedom. Figure that there are a lot of vested interests in keeping things the way they are. But you don't have to threaten their control, security, or needing approval in order to get your own Freedom. Just work out your own goal and keep releasing. But realize the indicators of being opposed and release on that to get your intuitive action to take. Watch for coincidences. Incorporate these into your planning updates.

4. The trick is to get the ego to undo the ego, the mind to undo the mind. One point of keeping your goal in mind is that this will give you points you need to release on. And that is why goals are pushed in these lessons. Your mind will give you the exact points you need to handle in order to get your Freedom back. Recognise these, release them, and look for intuitive guidance for your daily actions.

5. You can take the easy way out to achieve your personal freedom. As you release, it gets more effortless to move through this world. And with less effort, the more "miracles" start happening around you. This is the reason to get releasing as an "always on" condition. You want to make achieving your goal as easy as possible. So incorporate releasing every chance you get into all your daily work. Review your successes every day to see how you could improve how you are progressing toward your goal. Release during these reviews.

6. How to take control over everything that happens to you. You release the bad control around you and any examples of bad control which come up. You want to treat people they way they would like to be treated. So give them great control, and help them as much as you can. In your review sessions, release on any bad control or enforced security or demanded approval you may have gotten during the day. Get back into feeling a calm, cheerful expectancy all during the day. That's why you release over lunch time...

Lesson 10 -Ultimate Freedom is Already Within You

Transcript: Thanks for listening so far. Hope you're getting a lot of gains with this. Today's lesson is a bit longer as we cover more material from the book.

Here's today's points:

1. Life isn't just a board game. Live for others in order to improve your own life. The only way to win at the game of life is to help everyone else win first. Because the most basic law of this universe can be simply stated as -

You only get back what you give away.

As you've been practicing this right along, this is probably too logical at this point. Golden Rule, Law of Attraction, Principle of Correspondence - we've been over these.

If you want to succeed in business, you need to concentrate on the value of the service or product you are offering. Because your clients' success is the absolute measure of your own. All the money people get is just the value they give. See Hill, Haanel, Nightingale, Wattles - all this is basic. Practice win-win.

2. How you, me, and the world around us actually works. While this book chapter goes into more detail, here's the bottom line:

The world around you works exactly as you think. Probably obvious by this point.

Keep holding onto those worrisome thoughts and you'll get more to worry about. Pain, fear, irritation, impatience - you had thoughts of them first before they happened.

So release on and about everything. And start thinking a better world.

3. The 7th step of releasing. Make your behavior that which a Master would do.

Whatever you do, do it successfully.

The more imperfectly we work, the lower down the scale we are.

The action required to go free is releasing all the obstruction.

Be the Master you've always been. Let your light shine. You know how, now.

4. Getting your life in order - cleaning your room. All life revolves around order, prediction, simplicity.

The best way to improve your life, to put order into your environment, to make life simpler and more predictable - release consistently during your day.

The scenes you view or sense in your mind are simply holding you back. You don't need a bunch of thoughts, feelings, and desires. You do need more Happiness, Joy, Peace, and Freedom. These show up as you let go of the rest.

Yes, it's just that simple.

5. How you can't win them all and why you shouldn't even try. There are a small amount of people who simply are dedicated to losing - and taking you down with them. They actually don't want to be helped, but are insane enough to want to hurt everyone around them one way or another. But remember this - when you quit beating your head against the wall, the pain will quit, too.

The point is to move them off your lines as simply as possible. As you calm your own mind, you'll get intuitive action to take to help these others move off your lines. Just keep releasing to improve your world, even as these show up. The other 99 plus-or-minus percent will appreciate everything you do for them.

6. How can "What Am I" achieve my personal freedom? To answer this question, you have to drop using the mind. The mind is really only composed of thoughts. Thoughts are simply collected solutions to problems in the past hoping that we might run into that problem in the future and have a ready answer to use.

But our mind can't really answer a question. It only poses more questions and analysis and reaction about the original thought - so that thinking is just a series of thoughts strung together in loose association. Unless you think in disciplined patterns, (force your mind to think in a concentrated approach) your mind winds up with thoughts widely different from what you started out.

Concentrate on releasing what comes up. As you calm your mind, then you'll get your own answer to this question.

7. The fiction of Death and Living - it's only really Love Sin, Money, the government, taxes, and death - are all fictions. They are various games we play to amuse ourselves. They are all used to enforce the basic desires of approval, control, and security. Of all those five, none except death occur anywhere in the natural world.

The ancient Polynesians held that death is just a dream. We waken in a new dream - or quit wakening in this one. And this concept is shared by many more ancient religions and philosophies. Even the early Christian churches had quite different ideas than the dogmas currently preached.

But just take this idea for checking. Once you truly get over the fear of death - which Levenson held as basic below all other desires - then you no longer have to even have those desires in your life. And you'll find instead that "peace that passes all understanding."

Try this one out for yourself.

8. What is your path - how do you find your way? One key point has to be covered here.

Your path is entirely your own. There is only one Way for you - and that is the one you pick out and resolve for yourself.

This idea of using the releasing technique to get everything you really want in life - that doesn't work for everyone. I recommend it as it has worked marvels for me and others.

That doesn't mean it's a key point of your own path. Only you can make that decision.

Remember that phrase, "No one school has all the teachers." And as well, while you are working to get your own Freedom, you have to work at helping people find their own. As no two people are identical, neither are their paths.

9. Now you know your own path - what's next? Mostly, just working on stilling the mind has done wonders. But the 1-2 punch of releasing any thought that comes in, followed by asking, "What's that thought coming from?" took me right back to "What am I?"

And that has produced the best results.

While I can't say that the mind is completely stilled all the time, I am having wider and wider gaps in time where there are no thoughts and I can just simply enjoy a very peaceful existence, just "Being the Witness" as Levenson covered so often. Because when you still the mind, in my experience, there's not much choice or reason to do anything else.

Once you quiet the mind, you start living more intuitionally. More and more inspiration enters your life. And as you follow these hunches, life becomes far more interesting and exciting and beautiful. You have begun your spiritual re-training, learning to live the rest of your life as the Master you have always had within you.

But that's just what I've found. You are going to have to test this for yourself - because that's your path, the one you alone can walk.

Good Hunting!

These first few points are simply yours to review your goal and planning and see if you have them in or if they can help you improve the goal you are currently working for. 1. The only way to win at the game of life is to help everyone else win first. 2. The world around you works exactly as you think. 3. Whatever you do, do it successfully. 4. The best way to improve your life, to put order into your environment, to make life simpler and more predictable - release consistently during your day. ----

This next point we've touched on, but can throw your whole approach off -- if you let it:

5. How you can't win them all and why you shouldn't even try. There are a small amount of people who simply are dedicated to losing - and taking you down with them. They actually don't want to be helped, but are insane enough to want to hurt everyone around them one way or another. But remember this - when you quit beating your head against the wall, the pain will quit, too.

The point is to move them off your lines as simply as possible. As you calm your own mind, you'll get intuitive action to take to help these others move off your lines. Just keep releasing to improve your world, even as these show up. The other 99 plus-or-minus percent will appreciate everything you do for them.

So this week, again, concentrate on keeping your calm, cheeful expectancy going through releasing. And look for the coincidences which will give you intuitive insight into how to move these purposely negative people off your lines.


These next points start bringing up exactly why I've stated this book is probably the last self-help book you will need to study. Because from here on out is really your spiritual retraining. You already know how to get all the "stuff" you could ever want. And as you move beyond "needing stuff" in your life, it all gets far more interesting.

So this week's lesson now introduces you to a whole new operation. Again, check out the chapters in the book for greater description and examples.

6. How can "What Am I" achieve my personal freedom? As you start getting everything you want quickly, and you learn you don't "have to have" anything in order to enjoy the native Freedom, Joy, and Peace that has always been there -- then try answering "What Am I?" as your next challenge. This will take you to a completely new level above what you've known for a very long time.

7. The fiction of Death and Living - it's only really Love Know that most of what is around you in humankind culture is a fiction. None of it exists in nature. So concentrate on releasing any need or want connected with that culture. Concentrate instead on giving openhanded and unconditional Love to everyone you deal with, even those who "hate" you. Examine your activities as regards government, taxes, and other "requirements" of modern life and see how you can release on them. Find out through intuitive in sight how you can move these off your lines as much as possible.

Death is a trickier one, but is held by some (and it's twin cousin, Identity) to be below all desires, wants, and needs. Fear of death can really bring the whole scene down. Once you've been releasing for awhile and gotten pretty stable at this, start working over fear of death as a subject. Once you are secure in your own skin - or out of it then it's all a very calm life for you from here on out.

8. What is your path? Your "path" is your own. While releasing has worked for me and many others, it will come the time where you actually have to release on releasing itself. Because no single tool is more valuable than any other. Tools are necessary to build your path. You still have to walk it.

Review your progress so far and see if you have started to live more intuitionally. See what you could do to live more imperturbably. Check out what you are doing and see if your life is the way you've always wanted it to become. And then examine those wants to see if they are helping you to build your path.

Lesson 04 - Wallace Wattles - Give Value in Excess

Transcript: Born in Indiana to a gardener and house-keeper, and raised spending most of his life in Illinois, our earliest record of Wattles' life is that of a farm laborer - a hired hand. Probably the most "uneducated" of all the authors we cover here, he nevertheless was able to transition from a poor and austere background to a well-paid author and a comfortable existence for himself and his family by the time he died at age 51.

Lacking academic papers didn't stop him from studying everything he could in the areas of self-help and personal development. Visiting nearby Chicago, he attended various lectures and communed with New Thought authors and publishers. He was known to have studied Hegel and Emerson as well as other authors who are included under the wide New Thought umbrella.

Also consistent with our other authors is that he lived what he wrote. And would test out his own theories before he wrote about them. But as he wrote, he only told people to test his writings in their own lyves, not to take his word as an authority.

I've often referred people simply to the summary of his "Science of Getting Rich." If you memorize this - or even keep a card with this printed on it at your desk or with you - it will give you the key points of his book and as well remind you the simplicities of how to live a very rich life.

As we go through these books - and I do encourage you to study each of these authors - you may find, as I did, how these authors keep starting to say the same things over and over. They speak in different voices, different words, but the underlying concepts are nearly identical.

"THERE IS A THINKING STUFF FROM WHICH ALL THINGS ARE MADE, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the inter-spaces of the universe."

A thought in this substance produces the thing that is imaged by the thought.

A person can form things in his thought, and by impressing his thought upon formless substance can cause the thing he thinks about to be created.

In order to do this, a person must pass from the competitive to the creative mind. Otherwise he cannot be in harmony with formless intelligence, which is always creative and never competitive in spirit.

A person may come into full harmony with the formless substance by entertaining a lively and sincere gratitude for the blessings it bestows upon him.

A person must form a clear and definite mental image of the things he wishes to have, to do, or to become, and he must hold this mental image in his thoughts, while being deeply grateful to the Supreme that all his desires are granted to him.

The creative energy works through the established channels of natural growth, and of the industrial and social order. What he wants will come to him through the ways of established trade and commerce.

In order to receive his own when it is ready to come to him, a person must be in action in a way that causes him to more than fill his present place. He must hold the advancing thought so that the impression of increase will be communicated to all with whom he comes into contact.

The men and women who practice the foregoing instructions will certainly get rich, and the riches they receive will be in exact proportion to the definiteness of their vision, the fixity of their purpose, the steadiness of their faith, and the depth of their gratitude.

Boil this all down, and you get to the same ideas which Carnegie, Hill, and Haanel - plus the other authors later in this book - all hold as vital:

To the extent that you consider you can change and control what you think and what you would like to have show up around you - it is exactly to that extent, plus your faith in yourself, that your world will change.

So, if you haven't guessed already, it's entirely up to you to change the world you live in.

In this week, we are further expanding our plans in order to accomplish, attain, or acquire our Burning Desire. You've now set up a daily set of time periods where you can review your goal and the planning you have created to attain that.

We've also added to your understanding of how this universe works, so that you can use whatever additional tools to improve your daily efficiency toward attaining that goal.

Today, we will augment your understanding, by examining Wattles' Summary and seeing if this doesn't increase your abilities.

1. Taking each paragraph from the Summary, find examples in your life and the world around you which either prove or disprove the truth of what Wattles said here.

Again, take the time to do this fully in order to verify these data as true for you or not. The key point here is that you need to be able to work on data that you have complete faith in. Only by discovering your own truth will you be able to progress at any speed toward your goal.

2. Next, update your plan. Taking each point of Wattles' Summary, review the various points of your plan, step-by-step, to see if it can't be improved.

What we are looking for here is to see if the steps you are taking can be made more efficient, saving you time and allowing your goal to manifest in the world around you even faster.

So do this very exactly. You could even check off each point as you've studied it and compared it to each point of your plan.

If you need more clarification of any point Wattles talks of, get a version of his book, The Science of Getting Rich. Nearl y every paragraph has it's own chapter in his book, which gives more examples.

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