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Formacin de oraciones

Pasado remoto (Used to): Sujeto + used to + infinitivo + predicado: 1. Sola soar con pelculas de miedo I used to dream with horror films 2. Ella no sola preocuparse She didnt use to worry 3. Sola besar a su abuela? Did she use to kiss her grandmother? 4. Sola comer mucho pescado I used to eat a lot of fish 5. El no sola bailar en las fiestas He didnt use to dance in the parties

Past: Sujeto + pasado + predicado 1. No fui a la playa porque estaba estudiando en mi casa I didnt go to the beach because I was studying in my house 2. Ella fue al cine con sus amigos pero la pelicula no les gust She went to the cinema with her friends but the films didnt like them 3. Encontraste el libro que te prest ayer por la noche? Did you found the book that I paid you yesterday in the night? 4. Por qu no me llamaste la semana pasada? Why didnt you call me the last week? 5. Escuch una cancin que me gust demasiado I listened a song that I liked too much

Past perfect: Sujeto + had (not) + participio + predicado 1. Ella haba aprendido mucho She had learnt a lot 2. l haba enseado ingls en el colegio He had tought english at the school 3. Laura no haba jugado al baloncesto Laura had not played to the basketball 4. Claudia haba olvidado el examen? Had Claudia forgotten the exam? 5. l haba mirado ese reloj verde He had whatched that green watch

Past continuous: Sujeto + was/were + verbo gerundio + predicado 1. Ellos estaban hablando con sus amigos en el supermercado They were talking with its friends in the supermarket 2. Qu estaba comiendo tu padre en el restaurant? What were eating your father at the restaurant? 3. Estaba olvidando todo lo que haba aprendido en el colegio I was forgetting all that I had learnt at the school 4. Ella estaba viviendo con su familia en La Laguna She was living with her family at the La Laguna 5. Haba estado durmiendo toda la tarde I was sleeping all the afternoon

Past perfect continuous: Sujeto + had (not) + been + verbo gerundio + predicado 1. Ella haba estado estudiando demasiado tiempo She had been studying too time. 2. Haba estado cantando toda la tarde en mi casa He had been singing all afternoon in my house 3. No haba estado comiendo en un sitio como este I had not been eating in a place tan this 4. Haba estado durmiendo con su gato? Had he been sleeping with his cat? 5. Haba estado bebiendo demasiado agua She had been drinking too much water

Present simple: Sujeto + infinitive + predicado 1. Ella estudia todos los das en la biblioteca She studies every days at the library 2. Ella no conoce a su familia que vive en Londres She dont known her family that they live in London 3. Siempre veo las noticias de la televisin Always I whatch the news in the tv 4. T no comes suficiente pescado a la semana You dont eat enough fish at the week 5. Ellos hablan sobre el futuro de sus vidas They talk about the future of its lives

Present perfect: Sujeto + have/has + participio + predicado 1. Ella haba vivido en Madrid diez aos She has lived in Madrid ten years. 2. Ellos no haban estado nunca en un parque acutico They have not been never in a water park 3. Yo no me haba redo tanto en mi vida I have not laughed so in my life 4. T habas comido en este restaurante? You have eaten in this restaurant? 5. No habamos llorado tanto con una pelcula We have not cried so with a film

Present continuous: Sujeto + is/are + gerundio + predicado 1. No estoy estudiando en este momento I am not studying in this moment 2. Estoy cantando en mi casa I am singing in my house 3. Est buscando un regalo para el cumpleaos de su madre She is looking for a present to the birthday for her mother

4. Estoy soando con mi perro? I am dreaming with my dog? 5. Estn bailando en esa discoteca? They dancing in this disco?

Present perfect continuous: Sujeto + have/has + been + gerundio + predicado 1. He estado dibujando toda la noche I have been drawing all the night 2. Ella haba estado hablando con su novio en la farmacia She have been talking with her boyfriend in the pharmacy 3. Habamos estado corriendo lo suficiente We have been running enough 4. He estado tomando el sol demasiado I have been taking too the sun 5. Has estado viviendo en casa de t abuela? Have you been living in your grandmothers house?

Future: Sujeto + will + infinitivo + predicado 1. Comer un poco ms de pasta I will eat a little more of pasta 2. Te dir un secreto maana I will tell you a secret tomorrow 3. Dnde estars la prxima semana? Where will you be the next week? 4. No ir a Madrid en verano I will not come to Madrid in the summer 5. Jugarn a baloncesto el prximo mes They will play basketball the next month

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Futuro inmediato: Sujeto + is/are + going to + infinitivo + predicado Voy a repetir el examen maana I am going to repeat the exam tomorrow Ellos van a comer pollo con arroz They are going to eat chicken with rice Van a venir a la fiesta? Are they going to come at the party? Ella no va a volver a Tenerife She isnt going to return to Tenerife El no va a pintar su casa He isnt going to paint his house

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Conditional (would): Sujeto + would + infinitivo + predicado Quisieras comer en casa de Laura? Would you eat in Lauras house? Ella jugara a futbol con sus amigos She would play football with her friends Ellos tomaran un poco ms de caf They would have a little more of coffee Dormira ms pero tengo que trabajar I would dream more but I have to work Quisiera una casa en el Mdano I would like a house in the Mdano

- Imperativo: Infinitivo + predicado 1. Callate ahora Shut up now

2. Enciende la luz Turn up the light 3. Bate donde quieras Wash yourself wherever you want

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