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Lateral Earth Pressure

Lateral Earth Pressure

The magnitude of lateral earth pressure depends on: 1. Shear strength characteristics of soil 2. Lateral strain condition 3. Pore water pressure 4. State of Equilibrium of soil 5. Wall and ground surface shape Previous conditions depends mainly on: a) Drainage conditions b) Interaction between soil and wall

Soil state of Equilibrium

The state of Equilibrium of soil can be divided into two states : a) State of Elastic Equilibrium When a small change in stress produces a corresponding small change in strain.
b) State of Plastic Equilibrium When irreversible strain takes place at a constant stress.

The strain state relating to earth pressure calculation fall into three categories:
a) At Rest State:

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Lateral Earth Pressure


It is the case when state of elastic Equilibrium with no lateral displacement occurs (Figure 1 ). It is the case when plastic equilibrium with lateral expansion takes place (wall moves outward from the soil). ( Figure 2 ).
Passive state: Active state:


Plastic equilibrium with lateral contraction takes place (wall moves toward the soil). ( Figure 2 )

Figure 1

Figure 2
(1) Earth Pressure at rest (ko condition )

lateral strain , h = 0

ko = coefficient of lateral earth presser at rest. ko depends on : Soil type ( sand, silt, clay)

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Lateral Earth Pressure

Loading Unloading history Relative density of soil

For normally consolidated soil (N.C.) and sand

For over consolidated soil (O.C.)

where OCR is the over consolidated ratio

and in general where is Poisson ratio

In this case ,the mohre circle is below the shear envelope of this soil (Figure 3).

Figure 3

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Lateral Earth Pressure

(2) Active Earth pressure (Rankines Active state )

Rankines theory neglects friction

between soil and wall .

when the wall moves outward from the soil , the lateral earth pressure starts to be reduced until it reaches its , minimum

Figure 3

value ,

where , where ,

ka = coefficient of active earth pressure. (Figure 3)

And in this case , the failure plane makes ( 45 /2 ) with the direction of the major principal plane ( usually horizontal axes ) .

(3) Rankin Passive State

If the wall moved toward the soil , the passive condition will take place. The passive pressure will increase until it reaches its maximum value of:

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Lateral Earth Pressure

and in this case , the failure place makes ( 45 + /2 ) with the direction of the major principal plane.

Earth pressure Distribution for Sand

In general, the active earth pressure distribution in sand will be:

Figure (4)
where = soil unit weight H = wall height

However the distribution and value of passive earth pressure in sand is, Figure(5)

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Lateral Earth Pressure

Figure 5
(b) For clay

The value of active earth pressure is (Figure 6)


where , c = soil cohesion

The passive pressure values are (Figure 7)

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Lateral Earth Pressure


Effect of Ground Water Table a) Static water table

For static water table the water pressure should be treated separately from soil lateral pressure as shown in Figure(8)


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Lateral Earth Pressure

where sub = submerged unit weight of soil = sat - w

b) Moving Water Table

In this case , the flow net and equipotential lines should be drawn for the wall , Then the pore pressure against the wall can be determined, ( Figure 9)

Figure (9 )

Effect of Stratified Soil

As an example of stratified soil shown in(Figure10)

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Lateral Earth Pressure

(Figure 10)

Effect of Sloping Ground Surface

In this case the active coefficient of lateral earth pressure is

and the resultant in this case will be parallel to the ground surface,

(Figure 11)
Coulomb's Theory for Rough Walls

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Lateral Earth Pressure

Figure(12) = angle of wall friction for concrete wall



Strutted Trench sheeting

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Lateral Earth Pressure

Figure(13) The location of struts affects the values and distributions of lateral earth pressures


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