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Changing of iron (II). Fe ions to iron (III), Fe and vice versa.

Colour : Colour :

Experiment : To investigate the conversion of iron (II) ions to iron (III) ions and vice versa. (Practical book, pg 73) Apparatus : test tubes, boiling tube, dropper,. Test tube holder, filter funnel, Bunsen burner, matches , spatula. Materials : FeSO4 solution, FeCl3 solution, acidified KMnO4 solution, Zn powder, filter paper, NaOH solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) solution, potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) solution, potassium thiocyanate solution. Procedure : I. Changing iron (II) ions, Fe2+ to iron (III) ions, Fe3+ 1. Pour 4 cm of FeSO4 solution into a test tube. 2. Add acidified KMnO4 solution drop by drop until a yellow solution or brown solution is obtained. 3. Divide the solution obtained equally into 3 separate test tubes. 4. Test the solution with : i. Sodium hydroxide solution ii Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) solution iii Potassium thiocyanate solution. 5. Record all the observations. Data & observation : Reagent used to test Fe solution Sodium hydroxide, NaOH solution Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) solution Potassium thiocyanate solution Observation Conclusion

II. Changing iron (III) ions, Fe3+ to iron (II) ions, Fe2+. 1. Pour 4 cm of FeCl3 solution into a boiling tube. 2. Add half a spatula of zinc powder and warm the mixture gently. 3. Cool the mixture and then filter it. 4. Divide the filtrate equally into 3 separate test tubes. 5. Test the solutions with : i NaOH solution ii Potassium hexacyanoferrate (II) solution iii Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) solution. 6. Record all the observations Data & observation : Reagent used to test Fe solution Sodium hydroxide solution Observation Conclusion

Potassium hexacyanoferrate (ii) solution Potassium hexacyanoferrate (iii) solution (B) Displacement of metal from its salt solution. Experiment : To investigate the oxidation and reduction in the displacement of metals . ( Practical book pg 75) Materials : Zinc strop, copper strip, 0.5mol dm AgNO3 solution, sand paper. Apparatus : test tube, test tube rack Procedure : 1. Pour 2cm of copper (II) sulphate solution inta a test tube. 2. Clean a zinc strip using the sand paper, and then put the strip into the test tube filled with copper (II) sulphate solution. 3. Record all the observations. 4. Repeat steps 1-3 using the copper strip and AgNO3 solution. Data and Observation : Reactants 1. Zinc + copper (II) sulphate solution 2. 3. Reactants 1. Copper + silver nitrate solution 2. 3. Observations ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Observations _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________

(C) Displacement of halogens from its halide solution. Experiment : To investigate the oxidation and reduction in displacement of halogen.

Materials : chlorine water, bromine water, potassium bromide solution, potassium iodide solution, 1,1,1,-trichloroethane.

Apparatus : test tubes, test tube rack, dropper Procedure : 1. Pour 1 cm of KBr solution into a test tube. 2. Add 8 drops of 1,1,1,-trichloroethane to the mixture and shake well.

3. 5.

Leave for one minute so that the mixture can separate into two layers. Repeat steps 1-4 using the bromine water and KI solution.

4. Record the colour of the bottom layer (CH3CCl3)

Data & observation ; Halogen Chlorine Bromine Chlorine Halide solution Potassium bromide Potassium iodide Potassium iodide Colour of CH3CCl3 layer Conclusion

**(D) Transfer of electrons at a distance . Experiment : To investigate the oxidation and reduction in the transfer of electrons at a distance (Practical Book pg 77)
Apparatus : U-tube, carbon electrodes, connecting wires with crocodile clips, galvanometer, retort stand with clamp, rubber stoppers, dropper.

Materials :

chlorine water, 0.5moldm KI solution, 0.5moldm NaOH solution, 0.5 moldm K 2Cr2O7 solution, 0.5moldm FeSO4 solution, 2 moldm NaOH solution, 2 moldm H2SO4, starch solution.

Set up apparatus :

Procedure : 1. Fill up the U-tube half full with dilute H2SO4 and then clamp it up vertically. 2. Using a dropper. Fill one arm of U-tube with Cl2 water and the other arm with KI solution. 3. Observe the galvanometer needle and the colour changes to the solutions in U-tube. 4. Test the solution obtained at the negative terminal with starch solution. 5. Record the observation. 6. Repeat step 1 to 5 using the FeSO4 solution and K2Cr2O7 solution. Test the product formed at the negative terminal with NaOH solution. Data & observation Solution at anode Solution at cathode Colour change Anode Product formed

KI and Cl2 solutionswhich one is the reducing agent ? or oxidizing agent ??

Cathode Colour change Product formed

Chlorine water Iron (II) sulphate solution

Potassium iodide solution Potassium dichromate(VI) solution

3.2 Rusting as a Redox Reaction controlling metal corrosion Experiment : To investigate the effect on iron, Fe when it is in contact with other metals . (Practical book, pg 79) Problem statement : What is the effect on the rusting of iron when it is in contact with other metals? Hypothesis : ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Operational definition : __________________________________________________________________ Variables : Manipulated variable : ____________________________________________________________ Responding variable : _____________________________________________________________ Fixed variable : __________________________________________________________________ Labelled diagram :
Electrolyte : jelly solution + potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) solution + phenolphthalein

Iron nail coiled with Mg ribbon

Iron nail coiled with Zn strip

Iron nail coiled with Sn strip

Iron nail coiled with Cu strip

Iron nail

Apparatus : ____________________________________________________________________________ Materials : _____________________________________________________________________________ Procedure : 1. Clean all the metal strips with sandpaper. 2. Coil tightly four iron nails with Mg ribbon, strips of Zn, tin and Cu each. 3. Pour the same volume of hot jelly solution into each test tube. The jelly solution has been mixed with potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) and phenolphthalein indicator. You will see some gas bubbles trapped 4. Leave the test tubes aside for one day. in the jelly. What do you think this gas is ? How is it formed ? 5. Compare the intensity of the blue and pink colour in each test tubes. 6. Record all the observations.


Dispose of used chemicals safely and correctly.

Data and Observation : Test tube Intensity of blue colour Intensity of pink colour Inference A B C D E


The Reactivity Series of Metals and its Applications.

Experiment : To investigate the reactivity of metals with Oxygen, O2. (practical book, pg 83 ) Apparatus : test tubes, retort stand with clamp, Bunsen burner, matches. Materials : Mg powder, Zn powder, iron powder, Cu powder, Pb powder, KMnO4 crystals, glass wool, asbestos paper. Set up of apparatus :
KMnO4 crystals Metal powder

Glass wool Heat Heat

Procedure : 1. Put one spatula of potassium manganate (VII) crystals in a dry test tube. 2. Clamp the test tube horizontally and put some glass wool into the test tube. 3. Place one spatula of Mg powder on a small piece of asbestos paper and then put it into the test tube. 4. Heat the Mg powder strongly. Then, heat the KMnO4 crystals. 5. Observe and record how vigorously the Mg powder reacts with O2 and the colour of the residue when it is hot and when it is cold. 6. Repeat steps 1-5 using Zn powder, Fe powder, Pb powder, and Cu powder, one at a time, instead of Mg powder. Data & observations : Metal Mg Zn Fe Pb How vigorous is the reaction ? Put a or X. Does the Are there Does the Is there a slow metal burn? sparks? metal glow? change of colour? Colour of the metal oxide : when it is hot ? when it is cold ?


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