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Wap=> write a program 1) Wap to input number & check it is prime or not.

2) Wap to print series of prime number up to given number. 3) Wap to display the sum of first ten even natural numbers square. 4) Wap to display the Fibonacci series (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13..) 5) Wap of input a name &find the length of name. 6) Wap to input an alphabet character in lower case &print in an upper case or vice-versa. 7) Wap to print the swapping of two numbers by using third variable. 8) Wap to input a number & print all digits in words. 9) Wap to program to display the series of number given below where n is a row number input by user. (Input n=4). (a) 1 12 123 1234 10) Wap to print the swapping of two numbers without using third variable. 11) Wap to check if given character is a vowel. 12) Wap to print the largest number from 3 given numbers. 13) 14) 15) Wap to print the sum of the series 1+1/2! +1/3! +1/4! +. +1/n! Wap to print factorial of a number. Wap to print the Armstrong number up to 1000.

16) Wap to program print the sum of the series 1+1/2! +1/3! +1/3! +1/4! +..+1/n! 17) 18) 19) Wap to print the sum of integer number. Wap to check whether the number is palindrome or not. Wap to print the reverse of a number.


Wap to print the Farenheight temperature.

21) Wap to return the sum of digits of a given number with the help of function.

22) Wap to calculate the area of the circle, rectangle and triangle using function.


Wap to find out the factorial of given number using function.


Wap to read an integer & evaluate its factorial by recursion.


Wap a program to display Fibonacci series using the recursion.


Wap to display the nth number of the Fibonacci series using recursion.


Wap to display reverse of an integer number using recursion.


Wap to calculate the power of an input number using recursion.


Wap to display the series of prime number using recursion.

30) Wap to convert a decimal number into binary number, octal number, or hexadecimal.

31) Wap to display greatest common divisor (God) between two number using recursion.


Wap to calculate the sum of the two matrix.


Wap to calculate product of two matrix


Transpose of a matrix


Wap to sort the number to array using bubble sort.


Wap to search an element through binary search.


Wap to explain call by value


Wap to explain call by reference.

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