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Rationale and Contribution

Description of the Topic

During adolescence, dramatic changes in the body occurs (Cramer, Dittman, Dugan, Halliwell, Jacobs & Lloyd, 2000). In this stage, adolescent male and females place more importance to their looks, resulting to a high report of dissatisfaction and disappointment with themselves (Cash, Winstead, & Janda, 1986). Focus is more on other peoples evaluation on ones self and on how to look good (Lapsley, Milstead, Quintana, Flanery, & Buss, 1986). A good example for this is the recent survey in UK about teenage girls and how they view themselves.

According to Bliss Magazine, nine out of ten teenage girls are not happy with their bodies. And although nineteen percent among the girls surveyed were actually overweight, sixty-seven percent believe they needed to shed of some pounds, and sixty-four percent of girls under thirteen years of age had already been on a diet. The survey also said more than a quarter of fourteen year old girls are already considering plastic surgery or taking diet pills. The most alarming was the revelation that almost one-fifth of the surveyed girls are actually suffering from an eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia. Most of the girls consider the famous celebrity Britney Spears as having the most ideal body. (CBBC Newsround, 2004)

In relation, a study found out even children as young as seven years old in UK are already unhappy with their body shapes. Scientists fear these children may develop eating disorders in the future. They blame this phenomenon to the body shapes of famous celebrities like the Spice Girls who have skinny bodies. When the scientists asked the children to pick from pictures to describe their own bodies and pictures of bodies that they would like to have, forty-eight percent of the girls have selected thinner bodies than their own as their ideal bodies. (BBC, 2004)

Cramer, Dittman, Dugan, Halliwell, Jacobs and Lloyd conducted a research, which aimed to contribute to [the] understanding of adolescent body image by investigating ideals beyond those of (female) thinness and by comparing the body image of adolescent girls systematically with that of adolescent boys. The main aims of the study were to examine concerns of adolescents with their body image that is beyond their weight

The study basically produced these findings: body-image ideals are multidimensional, show systematic gender differences, and become more conventional with agecloser to cultural ideals. Adolescents own body mass is linked to body-image preferences, but only with respect to the ideal woman, where heavier adolescents of both genders (higher BMI) appear to distance themselves from conventional notions of female beauty. (Cramer, Dittman, Dugan, Halliwell, Jacobs & Lloyd, 2000, p. 887).

Most probably, these kinds of view of adolescents contribute in the possibility of developing eating disorders. Eating disorder is the condition wherein a person eats, or refuses to eat, to satisfy not a physical need but a psychic need. (Palme, 2003) The Eating Disorder Association (EDA) gives these descriptions on eating disorders: Eating disorders develop as outward signs of inner emotional or psychological distress or problems. They become the way that people cope with difficulties in their life. Eating, or not eating, is used to help block out painful feelings. Without appropriate help and treatment, eating problems may persist throughout life. Eating disorders are complex illnesses where both the disturbed eating pattern as well as the psychological aspects need to be treated. Restoring a regular eating pattern plus a balanced diet is needed for balanced nutrition. Helping someone come to terms with the underlying emotional issues enables them to cope with difficulties in the way that is not harmful to them. (EDA, 2004) Eating disorders may come in the form of Anorexia Nervosa (meaning losing appetite because of nervousness, wherein a person loses the ability to allow himself / herself to satisfy their appetite), Bulimia Nervosa (which literally means the hunger of an ox, but the hunger does not literally mean hunger on food but an emotional hunger that is being tried to be satisfied with food), Binge Eating disorder, and some distinct variations, such as chew and spit behavior, where a person chews the food then afterwards spits it out rather

than swallowing, regurgitation (swallowing food, then bringing it up in the mouth again to be rechewed), and eating non-foods (e.g., paper tissues) as substitution for their non-intake of calories. (EDA, 2004)

Can eating disorders result from deceptive advertising? The researcher of this research study believes there is a possible connection between eating disorders and deceptive advertising. Harrison (2000) made a study which aimed to replicate survey research done to demonstrate a correlation between eating disorders and exposure of adults to thin-ideal media. This study now focused on finding out the correlation of thin-ideal media and eating disorders in adolescents. Body improvement media content, exposure to thin-ideal television and magazines, exposure to fatcharacter television, exposure to sports magazine and eating symptomalogy were measured. The study predicted that eating-disorder symptomalogy in female can be a result of exposure to fatcharacter television, thin-ideal magazines and sports-magazine, and that body dissatisfaction in males results from exposure to fat-character television. Specifically, it hypothesized: thin-deal television viewing will be positively associated with eating disorder symptomatology, independent of selective exposure based on interest in body-improvement television; thin-ideal magazine reading will be positively associated with eating disorder symptomatology, independent of selective exposure based on interest in body-improvement magazine topics; and the relationships hypothesized in the first and second hypotheses will be weaker for males exposed to male thin-ideal media than for females exposed to female thin-ideal media. (p.121)

The study yielded the following findings: Exposure to thin-ideal television content did not predict disordered eating. Only exposure to fat-character television content was a significant positive predictor of bulimia (for all females) and body dissatisfaction (for 6th-grade males). The second hypothesis was supported for anorexia (for all females) and bulimia (for 9th- and 12th-grade females), but not for males. The third hypothesis, which predicted sex differences, was supported by way of comparison of the significant slope coefficients for males and females, but because there were so few of these, conclusions about sex differences must be considered tentative. The question of whether sports magazine exposure would predict eating-disorder symptomatology was answered with analyses demonstrating a positive relationship for 12th-grade females only. All of these relationships were significant controlling for (a) selective exposure to the relevant media sources based on interest in their body-improvement content, and (b) overall television exposure (for the television analyses). The main findings of this study can be reduced in the following manner: For females, exposure to fat-character television content is related to increased bulimia, whereas exposure to thin-ideal magazine content is related to increased anorexia and, among 9th- and 12thgrade females, increased bulimia. Sports magazine exposure is related to increased body dissatisfaction among 12th-grade females only. For males, the only significant finding is that exposure to fat-character programming is related to increased body dissatisfaction among 6th-grade

males. Thin-ideal media exposure and sports magazine exposure bore no relationship to eatingdisorder symptomatology for males. (pp. 137-138)

Accordingly, in another research, Harrison found that while eating disorders usually develop among adolescents, even grade school children can develop eating disorders. And this can simply be by watching television. The reason for this is that television viewing increases a childs exposure to dieting messages, ideas and behaviors that may lead to a change of his / her eating behaviors and cognitions. Harrison also believes it is reasonable to expect that young children may get their understanding of what is an ideal body from watching television, as research on other media effects, such as violence and aggression, suggests-that young children are more likely to model viewed behaviors than adolescents or adults. (Flapan, 2000)

Rationale for choice of Topic

This paper intends to draw a correlation between eating disorders in female teenagers in the UK and deceptive advertising. As Harrison said: It is clear that we need more research to clarify the relationships between childrens interpersonal attraction to characters of varying body types and their eating- and body-related cognitions and behaviors. Only through increased understanding of how children of varying ages and both sexes may develop damaging body standards through earlylife media exposure can we increase our understanding of how interventions, especially mediabased interventions, may be adapted to a child audience to minimize their risk of developing eating disorders in adolescence and beyond. (Flapan, 2000) The researcher of this study also shares Harrisons view, especially since female teenagers in the UK are becoming more and more conscious of their appearances. (Cramer, Dittman, Dugan, Halliwell, Jacobs & Lloyd, 2000)

Another facet of this study is to answer relevant queries on deceptive advertising (i.e., what is considered deceptive advertising, what can be the hazards of deceptive advertising, and how powerful advertising is). Advertising exerts a significant impact on consumers lives (Pollay 1986),

and the researcher of this study believes that advertising is such an effective tool to make a product a hit among its targets. It can make a person want something so badly, may it be a positive want or a negative need. As Davis (1994) had said: On the positive side, advertising has discouraged participation in harmful behaviors (such as drunk driving and drug use), encouraged participation in socially beneficial behaviors (such as conservation and physical fitness), and provided detailed information which consumers need to accurately conduct product evaluations. On the negative side, advertising has misled and deceived consumers resulting in misinformed and inappropriate (and, in the case of health and environmental products, potentially dangerous) product selections. (p. 380+)

Finally, this study hopes to identify how prevalent eating-disorders are among young ones in UK, so that this study may draw some recommendations that can address or solicit for the solution of this grave problem. As Childline says, there are more and more children that have to deal with eating disorders, but theres not enough help around or understanding of how they affects kids, when kids with eating disorders need more help. (CBBC Newround, 2003)

Significance of the Study

The study shall be a welcome addition to the vast field of resources based on eating disorders, particularly among young children. Also, it will be an additional research on deceptive advertising, which the researcher of this study feels, has a need for further probing. The study shall point out if there is a correlation between deceptive advertising and the eating disorders among teenage girls in UK, so that recommendations to make a stop on this or at least a suggestion for a plausible solution can be made. Moreover, the study would be able to help the UK government in dealing with eating disorders of children in UK and also, will call for a more responsible advertising so as to protect young minds and thus provide for a suitable environment that promotes self-confidence and high self-esteem.

Aims and Objectives

Statement of the Problem

This researcher finds it necessary for a study that will specifically try to find out if there is a correlation between deceptive advertising and eating disorders of teenage girls in the UK. The general objective of the study is to identify if deceptive advertising has an impact to how teenage girls in UK see themselves-how they look, how they feel about themselves, and the like. Specifically, the study will try to answer the following queries:


What is the statistics of teenage girls in the UK that are dealing with eating disorders?


What are the eating disorders present among teenage girls in UK?


What is the definition and characteristics of deceptive advertising?

4. What are the advertisements that present deceptive meanings of being beautiful or having a beautiful body?


What is the definition of being beautiful or having a beautiful body for teenage girls in UK?

6. What is the role of these deceptive advertisements, and the media in general, in the views of teenage girls in UK about themselves?

Based on these queries, the researcher came up with the following assumptions:

1. That there is a significant relation between deceptive advertising and eating disorders among teenage girls in the UK.


That there is already a high statistic of eating disorders present among teenage UK girls.


That the most common eating disorder among teenage girls in the UK is Anorexia Nervosa.

4. That advertisements that promote beauty products, diet pills, fashion, slimming machines and advertisements being promoted by celebrities are those that are capable of using deceit.

5. That teenage girls in the UK define being beautiful in the standards of models and famous celebrities.

6. That the media creates a specific standard of beauty-that only those with beautiful bodies are to be considered beautiful.

Scope and Limitations

Although a lot of studies have already been advanced in eating disorders, the writer feels that there are only few studies that had been advanced, in particular, in finding out the relationship between the media and eating disorders, more specifically, with advertisements. Thus, the researcher of this

study feels a need to fill this gap for more information on the relationship or non-relationship of eating disorders and deceptive advertising so as to establish more effective guidelines in addressing the issue of eating disorders in teenage girls in the UK. Further, the study may provide authentications on earlier studies made on either eating disorders and deceptive advertising, or even both. The study shall be acquiring information from teenage girls in the UK, relevant literature and studies, and also views from experts on the field of health for the subject of eating disorders (like psychologists) and advertisement. Moreover, the study will only be limited to the teenage girls based in the United Kingdom (UK) with ages ten to fifteen. This way the findings as well as the conclusion of this research could be considered as competent to formulate recommendations for the improvement of advertising in the United Kingdom that is more conducive in promoting selfconfidence and high self-esteem among teenage girls, and also, come up with suggestions on how to deal with eating disorders among UK children (and young people) more effectively.


Research Methodology and Techniques for Data Collection

This research requires an organized data gathering needed to answer the objectives. Data will be gathered from relevant literatures and previous research studies. Specifically, the descriptive research method will be applied so that the study will be fast and inexpensive. It can also suggest unanticipated hypothesis. Further, this study will utilize observations in the duration of the study. The reason behind the application of descriptive approach is to be able to describe the nature of a situation, as it exists at the time of the study and to explore the cause/s of particular phenomena, and also, because the researcher desires to obtain first hand data from the respondents to be able to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study.

A number of teenagers in the UK, specifically girls, will be surveyed and interviewed to get the relevant data needed for this study. Their cooperation will be eagerly sought after. If possible, they will be visited and observed in their within a few days. However, these girls will be assured with the strictest confidence, so that the girls will be more open and also, trust with the researcher will be promoted.

Data analysis techniques and validity of data

The chi-square test will be applied so as to know if there is a correlation between the two variables: eating disorders among teenage girls in the UK and deceptive advertising.

Primary sources of data are other studies, journals and theses related to eating disorders and deceptive advertising, while secondary sources of data will be coming from interviews with professionals from the field of medicine and media. Analysis of the data will be based on these sources so as to be more credible. Grace Gaddy

Siapa pun yang mengatakan kamera tidak berbohong berbohong. Kamera memang berbohong, dan media berbohong dengan itu. Atau lebih tepatnya, orang bermain-main di Photoshop melakukan kebohongan tersebut. Terlepas dari cerita detektif, telah ada beberapa bisnis lucu berputar-putar di ranah integritas citra dalam berbagai media. Sebuah foto membawa pesan yang terdiri dari bentuk yang signifikan komunikasi. Tidak ada hasil yang baik datang ketika batas-batas etika komunikasi yang menjadi kabur - sebagai garis di Photoshop.

Ketika seseorang memanipulasi foto digital tetapi pasangan dengan pesan yang menunjukkan aktualitas, yang berjalan tali tegang tipis di atas ketidakjujuran. Dan akibatnya, pemirsa mengembangkan persepsi yang menyimpang dari realitas.

Iklan, misalnya, dapat memutar persepsi kita tentang apa yang normal, indah dan nyata. Semua kita perlu lakukan adalah pergi ke toko dan mengambil sebuah majalah. Di dalamnya, mereka pasti akan disambut oleh sempurna, tongkat-tipis super, dan mungkin beberapa adik-adiknya. Tapi sebenarnya, mereka adalah karya dari Picasso digital.

Dua tahun lalu, saya ingat tersandung di sebuah artikel di yang menunjukkan efek fantastis manipulasi foto. Pakaian merek Ralph Lauren telah diambil model Filippa Hamilton dan digital meremas ke dalam koleksi abnormal tongkat-seperti pelengkap, "sangat kurus sehingga pinggang benar-benar muncul lebih kecil dari kepalanya," artikel itu menunjukkan.

Setelah Ralph Lauren menghadapi torrent kegemparan publik atas insiden itu, pertanyaan mulai lingkaran: Kapan editing pergi dari ringan membersihkan dan memperbaiki dari suatu gambar untuk menyelesaikan distorsi - dan pelanggaran integritas etika? Di mana kita menarik garis antara fakta dan fiksi? Dalam kasus Ralph Lauren, saya pikir aman untuk memanggil Hamilton kemiripan sebuah karya fiksi. Tetapi bahaya yang terjadi kemudian dari distorsi digital tersebut sangat nyata.

Lebih dari sekedar gambar terdistorsi, pesan itu juga. Hamilton diwakili fashion. Jadi kesimpulan dapat ditarik bahwa fashion adalah kerangka - yang berbau bahaya.

Tahun lalu di Inggris, masalah ini mendapat perhatian khusus di tengah survei menemukan bahwa satu dari empat orang mengaku tertekan tentang tubuh mereka, dan gangguan makan memiliki

"lebih dari dua kali lipat" dalam 15 tahun terakhir, menurut sebuah artikel di Associated Press . Pejabat pemerintah Inggris yang disebut pertemuan tahun 2010 dengan anggota dari industri periklanan, kesehatan dan fashion untuk "membahas bagaimana untuk mengekang praktek airbrushing dan mempromosikan kepercayaan tubuh."

Para aktivis ingin iklan Inggris dan majalah fashion untuk label foto retouched sebagai hanya itu retouched. Untuk ini, saya memuji mereka. Namun ternyata, masalah ini masih sangat hidup.

Di AS, penelitian oleh Kampanye Dove menemukan bahwa 68 persen wanita sangat setuju "media dan periklanan menetapkan standar yang tidak realistis keindahan yang paling perempuan tidak pernah bisa dicapai." Sebuah gambar model dengan mata cerah digital, anggota badan menyusut dan anehnya kurang pori-pori bisa mengirim pesan kepada pemirsa rata-rata bahwa mereka tidak mengukur sampai.

Tapi tidak ada yang bisa lebih jauh dari kebenaran. Kecantikan datang dalam berbagai bentuk, ukuran dan warna, dan yang paling penting, kecantikan tidak sempurna.

Jadi saya bertanya pada diri sendiri: "Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi di sini di media dengan iklan layanan masyarakat" Dalam rangka untuk menjual produk, produsen tahu mereka harus menciptakan kebutuhan. Dan untuk melakukan itu, mereka harus meningkatkan daya tarik produk. Ini adalah setua dosa - secara harfiah, ketika ular Eve yakin dia membutuhkan sebuah apel menjadi bijaksana.

Demikian pula, penjual mungkin resor untuk mendistorsi gambar dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan daya tarik produk dan meyakinkan konsumen kebutuhan. Singkatnya, itu penipuan - serta keserakahan - dan itulah di mana etika terganggu.

Yang mendasari pesan ditempelkan ke iklan berbunyi bahwa dengan "produk tertentu," konsumen dapat menjadi lebih diinginkan dan / atau mengalami kualitas hidup yang lebih baik.

Tapi pesan didasarkan pada penciptaan di Photoshop - bukan realitas - dan karena itu tidak karena produk. Sementara saya percaya ada kebebasan tertentu harus dilaksanakan dalam iklan, dengan ruang untuk imajinasi artistik dan penciptaan, saya pikir perlu ada lebih pengiklan akuntabilitas.

Jika iklan jelas sangat absurd yang akan diberikan palsu, yang berbeda, karena jatuh ke dalam kategori surealisme.

Pikirkan beruang kutub minum Coke pada hari Natal. Semua orang tahu beruang kutub tidak minum Coke, bukan dari kehendak bebas mereka sendiri pula.

Tapi dalam kasus mencoba untuk menyiarkan pesan yang halus membebankan kepalsuan, seperti versi meremas-down dari manusia atau produk yang menjanjikan sesuatu yang tidak pernah bisa benar-benar mencapai, bahwa kerajinan bohong. Dalam kasus iklan Coke, seperti gambar jelas fiktif, namun upaya lain untuk menunjukkan kehidupan nyata.

Jika klaim menjadi representasi sejati dari realitas, itu perlu. Jika tidak, beberapa media telah beberapa fessing dapat dilakukan.

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