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11EC313 MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Credits: 4:0:0 Course Objective To study the different technologies of microwave integrated circuits

and to analyze the microstrip line. Course Outcome It will be helpful to design and fabricate different lumped elements and nonreciprocal components. Unit 1 Technology of Hybrid Mics & Monolithic Mics: Hybrid MICs: Dielectric substrates - thick film technology and materials - thin film technology and materials methods of testing encapsulation of devices for MICs mounting of active devices. MMICs: Processes involved in fabrication epitaxial growth of semiconductor layer growth of dielectric layer diffusion-ion implantation electron beam technology. Unit II Analysis Of Microstrip Line: Methods of conformal transformation numerical method for analysis hybrid mode analysis coupled mode analysis- method of images losses in miscrostrips. Unit III Coupled Microstrips- Slot Line and Coplanar Waveguides: Coupled microstrips even and odd mode analysis microstrip directional couplers branch lines couplers periodic branch line couplers synchronous branch line couplers. Unit IV Lumped Elements and Non-Reciprocal Components: Design and fabrication using microstrips flat resistors flat inductors interdigital capacitors sandwich capacitors ferromagnetic substrates for non-reciprocal devices microstrip circulators latching circulators isolators phase shifters. Unit V Microwave Circuit Design: Microwave amplifier Design Two port power gain- stability single stage transistor amplifier design- low noise amplifier design- broad band amplifier design. Microwave Oscillator Design- negative resistance oscillator- transistor oscillators designdielectric resonator oscillator design- oscillator phase noise- Periodic structures- Analysis of infinite- terminated periodic structures filter design by image parameter method- insertion loss method -Distributed element (transmission line/TEM) filters. Text Books 1. D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2005. 2. Robert E.Collin, Foundations for Microwave Engg., 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 2001 Reference Books 1. Gupta,K.C, and Amarjit singh , Microwave Integrated Circuits, John Wiley and sons Wiley Eastern Reprint, 1978. 2. Samuel Y. Liao, Microwave Devices and Circuits, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1996. 3. Hoffmann, R.K , Handbook of Microwave Integrated Circuits, Artec House, 1987.

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