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How do you use conditional sentences? There are three types of conditional sentences. But now, you will only discuss their two types. 1. How do you express possibilities?


The pattern above is used when you think about a real possibility in the present and future. Examples : a) If you know the function of these buttons, you will certainly understand how to use them. b) If I have time, I will learn how to browse on the Internet. When you think of an imaginary situation how do you state it?

If +S+ simple present, S + will/can/shall + Vbase

If +S+ simple past, S + would/could/should + Vbase

When what you say is unreal-that never happens now nor in the future-you use past tense.

Examples : a) If I used the Internet chat rooms, I would get some e-friends. (It means you dont use the Internet chat rooms.) b) If I were a rich person, I would build a cozy house. (It means you are not rich.)

Notes :Were is use for both singular and plural subjects in conditional sentences for imaginary situations. Example: If Hilman were a wise man, he would be a good leader.
3. How do you say about unreal situation in the past? In conditional sentence type 3, you are talking about something that might have happened in the Past, but it did not happen.

Examples : a) If you had told me about the problem, I would have helped you. Fact: You did not tell me about the problem. b) If Andika had had studied hard, he would have passed the exam. Fact: He did not study. He failed in the exam. Conditional Sentences Situation Example

If +S+ had+V3, S + would/could/should + have+V3

Type 1 (Probable condition) Type 2 (Improbable condition) Type 3 (Impossible condition)

True in the present/future Contrary to fact in the present/future Contrary to fact in the past

If I have enough money, I will buy a concert ticket. If I had enough money, I would buy a concert ticket. If I had had enough money, I would have bought a concert ticket.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets. 1. If Ardian tries hard, he (find) a job somewhere. 2. If I knew English better, I (read) English novels. 3. If the weather (be) warm, we will go to the park. 4. If you dont hurry, we (be) late for class. 5. If father (know) how to drive, he would buy a car. 6. If I (be) you, I wouldnt tell that secret to her. 7. If you (save) your money, you will be able to go on a vacation. 8. If you went to bed earlier, you (not feel) so tired. 9. If it (be) Sunday, we would not have to work. 10.If Vito attended class regularly, he (make) good progress.

Answers Key

1. will find 2. would read 3. is 4. will be 5. knew 6. were 7. save 8. would not feel 9. were 10 would make Complete the sentences. Write the verbs in the brackets in the appropriate. 1. If I .(to go) to the cinema, I would have watched an interesting film. 2. If the weather had been nice, we..(play) football. 3. The car..(not/to break down) if you had checked it before. 4. You(to understand) the film if you had read the book. 5. The weather in the pool would have been warmer if the sun(to shine). 6. If Vita had learnt more words, she( write) a good report. 7. My parents ..(to buy) the house if the man had not sold it to someone else. 8. If the police had not stopped me, i..(reach) your house on time.

9. If Riko .. (not / miss) the train, he would have arrived home on time.. 10. We would have helped Fani if we (to understand) the problems.

Answers Key
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. had gone would have played would not have broken down would have understood had shined would have written would have bought would have reached had not missed had understood

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