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Serving our armed forces is a dream for many of the youngsters.

Each aspiring ca ndidate is put through a series of rigorous tests to assess the individual on an overall basis, taking into account all the aspects such as aptitude, physical f itness and personality. The SSB (Service Selection Board) interview process test s the personality and the intelligence of an individual and tests their adaptabi lity and compatibility; they use scientific analysis to test and evaluate the in dividual. SSB selection process consists of two levels, the initial screening test and the second level comprises of three tests including a psychology test, Group Testin g Officers (GTO) test and a personal interview. The initial screening tests chec k your intelligence and the test involves verbal and non-verbal questions follow ed by PPDT tests (picture perception test and discussion). In order to get selec ted in Indian navy and other armed forces an individual should prepare effective ly to crack ssb interview. When you have cleared all the rounds and you are in the final stage of personal interview it is very essential that you create a very good impression. This is b est done by demonstrating your ability to handle any kind of stressful situation , to think clearly, to make feasible decisions, to take the initiative and owner ship in certain issues and above all the willingness to serve our nation. Since the personal interview consists of questions which are very common, it is very essential that a test taker prepares for this in advance when he or she dec ides to take an SSB interview. Some of these questions are listed below; individ uals are assessed based on their effective response. General Questions: What is your name and meaning of the name? Your family members name and the meaning of their names, how do you compare yourself with them? Which place you come from and what do you do currently? Tell me about yourself? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What things do you like about your native place? Education Related Questions: Which school and college you graduated from? What is your favorite area of study/subject? Which teacher you like very much and why? Which teacher you don t like and its reason? Tell me about your specific achievements during your study? Did you choose your area of study or group of study by yourself or did you d o by compulsion? How much did you score in your tenth, twelfth, college? If your marks decrea sed in any particular subject what steps did you take to overcome that? Family and Friends: Which family member you like the most and why? How you help your father and mother? How much pocket money did you get when you were in college and how you utili zed it? How do they utilize the monthly income in your family and how do you feel ab out that? Who are the other family members you are very attached to and why? What activities do you do on your holidays? Who are your friends? What do you like most in them? How many friends you have and how many of them are very close to you?

How have you helped your friend in their time of need? Among your friends to whom do you share your personal things? Hobbies and Interests What is your favorite hobby? Why? From when do you have this as a hobby? Is your latest hobby different from the childhood one and the reason for it? Describe about the things that you have learned from your hobby? The interests question will vary depending on the individual s interests some of which are sports, games, music, art, literature and many more. There will also be questions that will check your knowledge in your area of interest and also related to your academic background, there will also be questi ons which check your Leadership and organizational capability, Current affairs, general knowledge questions, Practical questions. General Tips for SSB Interview Here are a few general tips to follow while you prepare for ssb interview: First Impression is the best impression, so create one. Follow proper dress code. Display a proper body language, since most of the communication is always no n-verbal. Keep smiling always. Be truthful and straight to the point; do not beat around the bush. Be very clear and audible when you explain your thoughts. Develop your analyzing capability. Do not lose your temperament, stay calm and grounded. Tips for answering the questions When you are answering any self-descriptive questions, do not just repeat the po ints in the bio-data or resume you have submitted to the interviewing officer. I nstead, tell the interviewer things that are not mentioned, for instance your sp ecial qualities, goals, ambitions, source of motivation, unique traits etc. When you are put through a stress interview, understand that it is basically done to test the true personality of the candidate. Handle all the questions with a smi le on your face and answer truthfully. Always try to explain things in a very si mple and very elegant way; the interviewer will surely be impressed.

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