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The Bermuda Triangle - seemingly defying logic

The legend surrounding this ill-fated area has persisted:

Many ships and aircraft disappearing within its boundary appearances;
Air and sea rescue missions found neither bodies nor wreckage existed.
Many theories have been forward to explain such disappearances.

Catalina computer displays swung wildly about, erking,

Everything seemed to be saturated in magnetic field vents;
None of the instrumentation on board aircraft was working,
With nothing but ocean surrounding this was a dangerous turn of events.

As the plain flew on the island image grew no larger then,

It was as though they were getting no nearing;
They repeatedly climbed up into cloud, descended again,
Trying to figure what was happening,

But the size of the island seemingly remained constant haze.

It was impossible then to see the horizon.
Wherever they looked, an impenetrable mist met measured gaze-
They were engulfed in more murky, yellowish-grey ozone,

Flying baffled blindly and hopelessly lost the brave

Crew still made desperate calls for assistance,
Yet only the hiss of static filled airwave.
If anybody could possibly hear their insistence,

Then nobody was answering their appeals farsung.

The small crew were fighting despair as soon they would devoid options,
Then, just as dramatically as it had begun,
their nightmare ended intentions.

Suddenly the aircraft plunged into clear blue sky

With the strange yellow mist nowhere to be seen in inquisition.
Everything seemed to be working normally, why?
Also the navigation system was able to plot their position.

It was as if the aircraft had been temporarily out of normal time adherences,
Having entered another dimension. So what really happened in junction;
Is there a logical explanation for the strange disappearances,
Mysterious fogs and subsequent engine malfunction?

The way in which the Catalina seaplane seemingly disappeared into another
Reality where time and space have different rules are typical of many cases
Implying that a doorway exists between our reality and another celestial brother.
There may be a window wherein strange phenomena can intrude reality distorted.

Seemingly infinite nature of cosmos is substantiated by the theory of relativity.

Einstein argued that the speed of light represents not a barrier,
But a transition between realities in longeivity.
Equations show that, once the speed of light is exceeded carrier

Of kind of mirror universe must exist in which the laws of nature delight
In being opposite to those in our own world as we know.
To reach this place without traveling at the speed of light
Requires passage through an inter-dimensional window.
The occurrence of these naturally occurring linked conjunctures
Through space and time are increasingly believed to exist,
Like a tunnel that punctures
The everyday flow of time and space to desist,

Acting as shortcut between completely different parts of the universe,

Possibly indicating existence of portal dissension
Through which people and ships can slip at random terse,
Acting as a doorway to another dimension.

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