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The Subjunctive
Generalities The subjunctive is a personal mood which expresses hypothetical, unreal actions. Types and Forms: Bantas considers the subjunctive to be synthetic if it has just a one verbal element and to be analytical if it has two verbal elements. Synthetic Subjunctive Type I Short / Bare Infinitive , without s / -es for the 3rd person, singular: I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they go with us. Synthetic Subjunctive Type II Past Tense , the verb TO BE has the form WERE for all persons. Analytical Subjunctive Type I Past Perfect Analytical Subjunctive Type II A modal verb (shall / will / may / might / can / should / would ) + Short Infinitive of the verb.

2 Uses: Synthetic Subjunctive Type I Short / Bare Infinitive , without s / -es for the 3rd person, singular: I / you / he / she / it / we / you / they go with us. This type of Subjunctive is also called The Present Subjunctive (See Levitchi). It is an archaic form and today it is used only in the following sentences: a. Independent sentences which express wishes, exclamations: 1. Long live the Queen! (Sa traiasca regina!) 2. Thanks be to his mothers care! (Sa ii multumeasca mamei pentru grija) 3. Bless you! (Fii binecuvantat) b. Subordinate Clauses i. Direct object clauses, after such verbs as: to suggest, to recommend, to require, to order, to demand, to urge: 1. The Security Council requires that all resolutions be observed. (Consiliul de Securitate cere ca toate cererile sa fie luate in seama). 2. The Court rules that Jones be acquitted. (Curtea decide ca Jones sa fie achitat) 3. She ordered that he sit down and listen carefully. (Ea dadu ordin ca el sa stea jos si sa asculte cu atentie). ii. Concessive clauses introduced by though, although, whatever: 1. However difficult it be. 2. Be that as it may, still you are very wrong. (Indiferent cum ar sta lucrurile, totusi tu te inseli). iii. Conditional clauses 1. If it be so there is nothing more to say. (Daca-i asa, nu mai e nimic de spus)

3 iv. Final clauses 1. Come earlier, so that you find him at home. (=Vino devreme, ca sa il gasesti acasa). c. Fixed constructions, especially in the formal language in American English (after it is necessary, it is advisable, it is recommendable, it is possible, it is probable etc.) 1. It is necessary that he do it now! (E necesar ca el s fac acest lucru acum!)

4 Synthetic Subjunctive Type II Past Tense , the verb TO BE has the form WERE for all persons. It is used: 1. In conditional clauses, to express a Present Conditional The children would like the film, if they saw it. 2. After WISH, ITS (HIGH) TIME, AS IF, AS THOUGH, EVEN IF, EVEN THOUGH, WOULD RATHER, WOULD SOONER, SUPPOSE THAT I wish I were at the seaside now. (As vrea sa fiu acum la mare) 3. After ITS HIGH TIME we can also use FOR + OBJECT + LONG INFINITIVE. * But there is a difference between the two constructions. The FOR + INFINITIVE construction implies that the correct time for the action has arrived, while the SUBJUNCTIVE suggests that is already a little late: a. Its high time for him to start learning a foreign language. (= The proper time for this activity has arrived.) b. Its high time he started learning a foreign language.(= He has passed the usual age for starting learning a foreign language). 4. When the subject of WOULD RATHER / SOONER is also the subject of the action which follows, the WOULD RATHER / SOONER construction is followed by the Short Infinitive. If the subject is different, we use the Subjunctive: a. My sister would rather stay at home today than go to the theatre. (Sora mea ar prefera sa stea acasa azi, decat sa mearga la teatru) b. My sister would rather he stayed at home today. (Sora mea ar prefera ca el sa stea azi acasa).

5 Analytical Subjunctive Type I Past Perfect It is used: 1. In conditional clauses to express a Past Conditional: a. I would have bought that book if I had found it. (As fi cumparat cartea, daca as fi gasit-o). 2. After WISH (to express a regretted action in the past) and SUPPOSE, AS IF , AS THOUGH and EVEN IF , EVEN THOUGH a. I wish you hadnt said that. (=Im sorry you said that) (=As fi vrut ca tu sa nu fi spus acele lucruri).

6 Analytical Subjunctive Type II A modal verb (shall / will / may / might / can / should / would ) + Short Infinitive of the verb. This type of subjunctive is much more frequently used than the Synthetic Subjunctive. It may occur both in main and subordinate clauses: 1. SHALL + INFINITIVE (invitation, request) a. Shall we have coffee together? (=Ce-ar fi sa bem o cafea impreuna?) 2. SHOULD + INFINITIVE a. In main clauses: 1. Why should they come so early? (De ce ar veni ei asa devreme, cu sensul: De ce ar fi necesar ca ei sa vina asa devreme?) b. In subordinate clauses i. Subject clauses following impersonal constructions like: it was important / necessary / natural / surprising / advisable 1. It is necessary that you should be present. (= E necesar ca tu sa fii present) ii. Conditional clauses (to underline the hypothetical nature of the action) 1. If she should come here, what would you tell her? (Daca ea ar veni aici, ce I-ai spune?) iii. Direct object clauses, after such verbs as TO DEMAND, TO INSIST, TO COMMAND, TO PROPOSE, TO REQUEST, TO SUGGEST 1. They suggested that you should tell him the truth.(=Ei au sugerat ca tu sa-I spui adevarul) iv. Subordinate clauses of purpose introduced by LEST, FOR FEAR THAT, IN CASE 1. We left in a hurry lest she should see us there. (=Am plecat in graba ca ea sa nu ne vada acolo)

7 v. Appositive attributive clauses 1. His desire that no one should enter that room surprised us. (=Dorinta lui ca nimeni sa nu intre in camera, ne-a surprins) vi. concessive clauses introduced by THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, WHATEVER 1. Whatever she should say, dont contradict her. (Orice ar spune, nu o contrazice) 3. MAY / MIGHT + INFINITIVE a. In main clauses to express a wish 1. May all your dreams come truth! (Fie ca toate visurile tale sa se indeplineasca!) b. In subordinate clauses i. Subject clauses introduced by IT IS POSSIBLE / PROBABLE / LIKELY 1. It is possible that she may come today. (E posibil ca ea sa vina azi.) ii. In subordinate clauses of purpose introduced by THAT, IN ORDER THAT, SO THAT 1. He took a seat in the first row so that he might hear the actors well. (A luat loc in primul rand ca sa poata auzi bine actorii.) iii. Concessive clauses introduced by THOUGH, ALTHOUGH, HOWEVER, WHATEVER, NO MATTER 1. However painful it may be to you, you must know the truth. (Oricat de dureros ti-ar fi, trebuie sa stii adevarul.) 4. WOULD + INFINITIVE a. Direct object clauses after WISH, to express a possible action i. They wish we would pay them a visit soon. (Ei doreau ca noi sa ii vizitam curand)

8 b. Subordinate clauses of purpose i. She learnt all the new words so that she would be able to translate the text. (Ea a invatat toate cuvintele noi astfel ca a fost in stare sa traduca textul) 5. COULD + INFINITIVE a. This construction is used to express purpose as an alternative to MAY / MIGHT. The COULD + infinitive has, in this case, a higher degree of certainty 1. She studied a lot so that she could pass the difficult exam. (A studiat o multime ca sa treaca examenul dificil.)

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