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Minutes of the Meeting of the Helmsdale and District Development Trust Held on the 14th March 2013 In the

Community Centre PRESENT: Ruth Whittaker Barbara Jappy Ronald Sutherland Anna Vermehren Karen Sutherland Eileen Grant Paul Harrington (LDO) Valery George Peter Guthrie HIE APOLOGIES: Lucy Fraser Deirdre Mackay, THC Graham Phillips, THC

Welcome & Apologies: The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies, Lucy Fraser, Graham Phillips, Deirdre Mackay Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes: 14th February 2013 - Proposed by Karen Sutherland, seconded by Ronald Sutherland



Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes: None FINANCE Karen Sutherland said that the accounts were up to date and that the rent and office costs for the LDO post was paid until the end of the year. She continued by saying that the supplementary account (32248) had been confirmed until the end of 2013. Peter Guthrie asked how the funding stood. Karen Sutherland replied that the LDO Travel, Subsistence and Training were efficiently managed by Paul Harrington. However the Office Costs were underfunded hence the supplementary fund. Ruth Whittaker asked about progress of the evaluation exercise, being undertaken by HIE, as to the future of the CAM initiative. Karen Sutherland replied that it was still in progress. Peter Guthrie indicated that HIE will in the coming months identify potential support to those areas of the CAM initiative that have been successful to date

Peter Guthrie

LDO Report HOUSING To date we are still at 548k (92%) of the project funds total project cost 596k (until Tenders returned). Tenders have been issued and will be returned by Friday 5th April. Myself and Fiona Munro, AHS will be in attendance to open and record the tender submission. We need to have 1 other there, suggestions. The tenders will then be taken away to the QS for auditing etc.

Minutes of the Meeting of the Helmsdale and District Development Trust Held on the 14th March 2013 In the Community Centre

LDO Report Cont . To speed up the process of the plots sales so that the monies are received before we start construction, THC has agreed to take payment/sale agreed and hold in the interim. The plots deadline for note of interest is Friday 15th Feb, already received confirmation from one person to potentially purchase 2 plots. Exit strategy for the plots, should the finance for those interested not be forthcoming, then we need to be prepared to sell to a developer. FILLING STATION We have had a refusal for funds from the BLF unexpected. Based on the feedback received in letter format, we have responded to this and we are meeting up with them to discuss a further supporting application, over the next couple of weeks


Lucy Fraser Paul Harrington

RENEWABLES ONSHORE Balnacoil Wind Farm I met with the consultation for Vento Ludens, and outlined our intentions as a community body to provide investment within the development. Over the coming days I will draft a formal request, outlining our proposal. OFFSHORE Marketing material in draft format has been produced on behalf of HIE by their consultant. There are some omissions within this draft, such as the use of Helmsdale Harbour during the demonstrator project. I will be attending the meeting in Wick on Monday 18th. HYDRO The tenders for the 5 hydro schemes have been received this will be discussed in AOB Paul Harrington

OTHIN HOUSE Business Units The report from the consultant has been received. It does not bode well and the recommendations are that we do not proceed, unless we can attract specific groups/organisations. To be included on the agenda for the May meeting.

Paul Harrington

Minutes of the Meeting of the Helmsdale and District Development Trust Held on the 14th March 2013 In the Community Centre

COMMUNITY COMMUNICATIONS Community Broadband - Paul Harrington asked if Peter Guthrie if BT had signed the contract for the Highlands & Islands Area. Peter intimated that this was imminent. This was taking longer than expected as the process is extremely complex.


GUEST SPEAKER - Sarah Jones, Development Officer, Community Energy Scotland Sarah gave an outline on the possible Hydro Schemes that HDDT are considering, this include, viability, finance, grid connection, landowners, tenders received and the scoring of those tenders to identify the consultancy to undertake the preliminary assessment feasibility. Additional information relating to Sarahs presentation is attached. Lucy Fraser thanked Sarah for her time and effort in attending. At this point Sarah left the meeting.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS HIE Growth Plan Paul Harrington indicated that the Helmsdale & District Growth Plan required updating. Peter Guthrie replied that he would be looking at the Growth Plans, and has a planned visit with Paul Harrington to progress further. After a general discussion it was agreed to hold the AGM on the 11 April 2013 Paul Harrington reminded the Board that the Elected Directors would have to stand down at the AGM. However, as continuity was important Lucy Fraser had agreed to stay on as Chairman for the rest of the year as funding continuity was a priority for the LDO post. Ruth Whittaker then asked if the date of the LDO conference had been announced. Paul Harrington said that no date had yet been given but Hughie Donaldson (HIE) & Liz Howard (HIE) were aware of the need for plenty of notice. The Highland Council Challenge Fund meeting in Golspie 28th Feb Deirdre Mackay gave an outline of the Fund For information only. NEW DIRECTORS HDDT Paul Harrington said that he had spoken to Tony Usher (HC Harbours) concerning any possible conflict of interest if the harbour master became a Director. Tony Usher said there would be no problem, but would suggest that Duncan Mackay became a Co-opted Director, to prevent any conflict with his day to day role and that of the Council as a whole. He continued by saying that he had written to Duncan, and as yet had had no reply. Paul Harrington indicated that Penny Innes was no longer a Member of the Board (see Mem & Arts non-attendance), she had that due to her working commitments, and it was not possible for her to take part in further activities or Director meetings in the future. It was agreed that he would write to Penny Innes outlining this. Paul Harrington Peter Guthrie

Paul Harrington

Paul Harrington

Minutes of the Meeting of the Helmsdale and District Development Trust Held on the 14th March 2013 In the Community Centre

NEW DIRECTORS HDDT Cont . Karen Sutherland seemed to believe that Penny Innes would still like to be involved in the HDDT in some way or other, and that she would check if this was still the case. Karen indicated that Debbie Burgess may be interested in joining the HDDT as a Director. However, she would await the outcome from Penny Innes.


Karen Sutherland

HYDRO TENDERS Paul Harrington outlined the Hydro Tender criteria, the receipt of tenders, scoring of these and presented the best value for money tenders. The Directors then made the choice by voting for the following: Baby Hydro Proterra Energy Ltd = Nil votes = 8 votes Paul Harrington

It was therefore agreed that Proterra be the nominated organisation to carry out the preliminary assessment feasibility. Paul Harrington will contact the preferred organisation, Proterra, and inform them by email, with a hard copy by post. He would also arrange and confirm the start date of the contract and the submission of the report and its format. Ruth Whittaker proposed a vote of thanks to Paul Harrington for all the work involved. All agreed.

There being no further business the Chairperson thanks everyone for their attendance, and closed the meeting at 9.30pm. ALL


The next Directors meeting will be on Thursday 9th May 2013


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