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The poster is a fake one, in the sense that the website mentioned is not a real one.

Nevertheless it is based on many websites that do truly exist and that address the same issue across the globe: Parents of cardiac children helping other parents in the same situation find their way and cope with the psychological stress, medical diagnostics and the very different way of life a family is often obliged to adopt when raising a child with heart disorders. The inspiration behind the poster and the text is true. It is based on my own story as a young mother. 8 babies out 1000 are born with congenital heart defects. Many children can live normal lives, while others will require transcatherer management or surgical correction, once or more depending on the severity of the defect. As science and medicine advance, more and more children are saved and the mortality rate is falling. Still, finding out that your child has a serious cardiac condition that requires open heart surgery remains an utterly devastating moment in life. Its a time of helplessness, anxiety, a thousand questions without answers, uncertainty, fright and prayer. How does one understand the medical terminology ? How do you recognize an emergency ? How do you prepare your child for surgery ? How do you answer your little ones questions ? How do you respond to others, teachers, grandparents, caregivers, your employer etc. ? How did other children with the same defect respond to their treatment ? What is the expected quality of life ? How do you learn to live differently ? ..and how can the sun possibly continue to shine ? Parents may find true support and comfort when discussing and sharing these issues with other parents. School-age children and teens are often consoled to know that there are children fighting the same battles. It is important for parents to know that they are not alone and that help, understanding and solace are available with these on-line support associations. No medical advice is dispensed on-line, that is always respectfully and wisely left in the hands of medical professionals. Visual pathos was expressed with the use of the nest with hearts to convey the safety of a family home and a parents love and protection for their special needs children. Visual wording pathos was defined by using the same colors as the hearts and the nest to underline the issue. Softer hues of green were employed for the reassuring words to contrast the strong red color used for the concrete medical terminology of the title. The size of the fonts was purposefully enlarged to attract the reader to the title, but also to the words you and reach and help. The white background was chosen to reflect a hospital environment. The children-around-the-world logo was used to stress that point that congential heart defects are common to all humanity. Logos was supported by the list of topics the website could address. Ethos was underlined with the credibility and understanding of other parents in the same situation.

More information regarding Congenital Heart Defects:

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