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The Hunt In land trodden to nought by hoof and foot alike With creamy waters thrashing its rocky

coast One morn the mellow sun in routine dis strike. Thence did untamed waves for a second split Spectator as a mighty beast entered swift In pursuit of a gullible seal along ocean's drift. Silky, creamy as mother pearl, veiled light grey Flipping backward adroit nary a lone spray That Hunter fathomed none its hunt gone astray Sharp eyes against harsh rays a moment closed; Hunted in desperation its last power deposed, Escaped death in time. Then from afar approached In stealth, killers of unrelenting beauty And quite power, in a small group twice three, Glistening black and white as they swam merry. The Hunter blinded was caught unaware As killers moved in two upfront, two at rear And two flanking the Hunter at side unspare. Hunter in panic, gigantic jaws-opened head reared Killers with a greater might poor Hunter upturned. When this feast was done, little of Hunter remained. Washed upon the sandy coast plain and stark, When predator turned prey, as vanished the orcas' track Left of their kill,remains of Hunter- a great white shark.

A Tale of Travel At the entrance of the college I stood Green, knowing little of my neighbourhood. How was I supposed to reach home? As minutes passed, nervy I did become And then with great relief did I see My friend. To 19B she did guide me. 19B like a town quaint and small Ferrying passengers short and tallLike a couple in the middle chatting aflow Or the school students occupying the last row, The software professional with dog-collar ID, The working women on a mundane duty Halting at the sight of even a lone hand. I, after many a ride can aptly understand Brief camaraderie between its commuters shared Apart in interests,status,age from worlds myriad, Whether they get in at Kelambakkam or Siruseri For that fleeting ride, their lives a common story. Plodding along Madhya Kailash I see The half-filled seats in an approaching 5C. Plying just about once in a full hour Its bright green top easily spotted afar, In I enter to pick my favourite seatthat middle one away from Chennai's heat. Aboard the bus at the next stop a crowd Barged in a boisterous gang mouthed loud And tap-tapping the window panes alone Sang a slow folk in rhythmic tone. Enchanted by this unhurried pace, I hear their melody till I reach my place. At times that I miss that lone 5C, I steel myself for a tryst with 21Gthat demon amongst all buses here With no place to even stand,it'd appear! I brace myself for the imminent struggle Trying to get my inch with a wriggle.

Men, women, children,bags- a tight squeeze In the jam-packed middle of the bus I freeze Trodding on toes, dashing into arms I move Upfront; More humans than anyone dare disprove On a square metre of this huge earth Leave me as I get down to catch my breath. Thousands are the buses that roam free In Chennai, this is a tale of but three The zoom in and out in this life of mine. My dear, dear friends I humbly opine Portray degrees of joy,sorrow,(dis)harmony These memories untarnished in eternity.

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