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(First Edition)
This treatise tifled'NewTechniques of Prediction' is brought forth in two parts for certain conveniences of reference. The first part contains all the rudimentary elements and rules under general Astrologr arranged in a systematic manner enabling easy reference. In addition to what is available in standard classic works, I have included very many new and unknown secrets after long research. My object is to render my treatise useful for both the beginner and the advanced student of astrologr. As far as possible I have avoided unnecessary and hazy ides, retaining only those that have stood true by research. This part II edition is designed to cohtain chiefly predictive portions, the elementary ones being included in Part I. This is a rare and valuable publication containing precious dictrms not knovm to many so far - 'A Million Dollar Worth' as one of the readers has expressed. I have tried to handle the subject in a mathematical way winnowing all alternatives and doubts. On application of my theory you will yoursef realise its merits. There is nothing new - no new invention. As I have once before exllressed no human being of ordinary intellect can add on even an atom to it as his ovvn. What an intelligent astrologer should do is to merely digest the proper meaning of our classic dictums and apply them diligently. That is what I have done and that is what I expect of you all. Added to it long research work is needed. It is only by way of research that I have been able to place before you the wonderful effects of Thithi, Weekday, Star, Yoga etc. The Division Chart or Phala Kundali is a unique product of my long rese,trch which is a tangible foundation for correct


meticulous predictions. A number of illustrative horoscopes cited in this treatise is a special advantage to the students. They are all a collection of well-known charts investigated by me in detail. The Chapter on Dasha Bhukti is exemplary. Gochara is treated by me in a new style which gives better results than the traditional method of reckoning from moon. No where you have seen the wonderful Daily and Hourly reading I have narrated. I-astly, very many controversial and misconceived subjects, which have been more or less traditional sayings without tangible truth in them are discussed at leng;th with illustrations. In short, this treatise is a revelation of hidden truth. I feel satisfied if the public digest these principles well and try to apply them in their future handling of horoscopes. Ha setof enthusiasts of any place in India or abroad desire to be coached on these and other lines I am prepared to honour their invitation. My chief object is to spread my theory round about India and if possible the world over.



Preface to Second Edition

This Edition is an enlarged one over the first one. As some of the readers and students desired to have a ready made Table of Divisional Amshas we have added it and combined the appendix also to this book. Some of the printer's errorsi are set right. The book is brougfrt up with a better get-up. See our latest edition Part III on Race Asfr'ologr. Bangalore


H.R. Seshadri lyer Author


Chapter I - Thithi and Yoga (07-22) - Yoga and Avayoga . Positive and Negative Signs and Planets - General Enunciations Preamble and Definitions Chapter II - Novel Metltod of Dasha Bhukti Reading (2J-45) : Preamble -Dasha Chart -Starter - Dasha Chart Calculations of Starter - Ruler - Dasha Yogi -Evolution of one Dasha Chart from another, - Easy way of working out a Dasha - How to read Dasha Chart - Rules to judge the effects ofBhukti I-ords - Special effects ofDasha Lord onAscendant. Chart Chapter III - Phala Kundali or Diuision Charts (44-gI) Preamble - Theory of Division Charts -Basic principles to frame Division Charts - Evaluation of DMsion Charts and their porfolios - Table of Amsa parts of D-Chart - How to use the D-Charts ? -Illuskations of D-Charts Reading . Chapter W - Dasha Bhulrti (classical)- (52-104) Preamble - Dasha Reading -Mathematical Navamsha Chart -Bhuliti Reading -Illustratoins, . Chapter V - Gochara (Transit) (105-118) -Gochara as part Preamble of Astakavarga - Judgement of Transit - Secondary Direciions to help transit. -Other Theories of Transit -Illustrations . Chapter W - Varshapravesh (solar map) (1 1g-141) : Preamble - Panchavargi Bala -Hadda etc. Charts -Table of


Pancha Vargi Bala - Varshapravesh - Determination ofVarshapa -Harsha Balam - Year l-ord -Dasha System - Sahamas Timing of Sahama effects - Table of Sahamas - Shodasha Yogas - Illustrations. Chapter WI - Daily and Hourty Readings and lllisconceptions and Blind Beliefs - (142-155) Preamble - Striking points guiding Day Reading -Hour of Event - Illustrations -Misconceptions and Blind Beliefs -Rahu Kalam -Thithi, New moon and full moon day -Kalasarpa Dosha -Kuja Dosha -Kalachakra Dasha -Nakshatra Dosha Marriage Alliance Tests - Single survey of one Horoscope -Mutal Verification of both charts - Muhurtharn ,4ppendix ( I ) :' Illustated Ready-made Table .

Horoscopes ( I 55- I 79) to ' erect Division Charts

Illustrative Charts : Appendix (2) : (18O - 184) Fundamental Elements


I{E\MTECHMQUESOF PREO"',O* Chapter I Thithi and Yoga


Those that have notread myArticles on this subject may feel surprised to know that for correct predictions Thithi, Week day, Star, Yoga and IGrana which form the five fundamental parts of a Panchanga (meaning pancha llngas i.e., five limbs) are as important as other things. All of us use the star, that too under limitations; and most of us leave off the res! with the result we are left in the lurch and the sacred science decried by our folly or ignorance. Is it not a common say that one is born a Yoga-Purusha (forhmate person)? But few know its real significance as we had not known so far the mode of using both Yoga and Thithi for Predictions. For the benefit of my friends, I disclose below the Golden Truflrs in Astrologr. First I dwell on Thithi and yoga, the rest will be dealt with later. In Sanskrit Thithi means Subtraction, while Yoga means Addition. Ihe difference in position between Moon and Sun gives flrithi while the sum-total of dtem glves yoga. There are 3O Thithis and 27 Yogas. Each yoga is controlled by a star in the chronological order, the first Vishkamba yoga starting with the star Pushyami. The lord of the yogia is its stellar lord. In addition to this chief birth yoga pLanet, the lord of the Rasi containing the birth yoga point will also become another yogi called .Duplicate yogi,. [For calculation of Thithi and Yoga, please go through Chapter I of Part I.l


As for anything there is a negative for every positive, tfrere is Avayoga planet (Adverse) for everyYoga planet as shovmhe r e :

9.t fl_u

Yod(l Sun Moon Kuja Budha Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Kethu

Avayogi or Enemy Shani Budha Ketu Kuja Sun Guru Moon Shukra R^ht4.-*/

Triple sets of planets



pXetu, Moon, Guru lShukra, Kuja, Shani /Sun, Rahu, Budha

As per this theory there is only one enemy for each planet and all the 9 planets are grouped into 3 sets of 3 each. The 3 planets in each set belong to one gfoup of common friendship. Thus when any one of the three planets becomes a yogi the other two automatically imbibe yoga character and this is specially noticed in the case of Rahu. When Sun or Budha becomes yoga planet, Rahu becomes yoga like planet

Etrects of Ittnar Day or Thithi

In addition to the laid dov,'n broad principles ofjudgement, Thithi has a predominating influence on the life of a person. Except on full moon and new Sroon days every Thithi has at least two Rasis called 'Dagdha' or burnt ones. For details please see Chapter-l Part I. For the sake of convenience I call these Dagdha Rasis as 7-ero Rasis hereafter. Bhavas counted by them, their lords and


planets in such Rasis lose their power, unless retrograde. That is why sometimes predictions go wrong. Add on to the usual canons of judgement the theory of Zero Rasis and Yoga and then predicl You will never fail. Effects of birth in a year, month, day, thithi, star, yoga and karana are cited in several books. Of them it is only yoga effect that stands to test. So I have narrated yoga effects in Chapter I of Part I. I now lay dovm the canons of judgement relating to thithi and yoga effects. To make the subject easy, I give own Nomenclatures as follows : /ny Positive Rasis .,Own house \ Rasis :7nro Rasi or house of debilitation Llegative Bhatns ..Auspicious Bhayas (L,2,4,5,2,9, 1O,I 1) Vositiue LNegatiue Bhauas ..Dustana (3-6-8- 12) fnosiUve Planets ..[.ords of Positive Bhavas which are 6 not Zero RasigRnd Birth Yog and Duplicate Yogi..trl[ I Planets ll-ords of Negative Bhavas, Lords of llegatir" Zero Rasis, Birth Avayogi. (Positive Stars ..Stars of Positive Planets. I Negative Stars ..Stars of Negative Planets. I VNote : Just as in mathematics :

Even here the same theory holds good. (1) Positive Planet in Positive Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes positive.



(2) Positive Planet in Negative Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes negative. (3) Negative Planet in Negative Bhna or Rasi or Star becomes positive. (4) Negative Planet in Positive Bhava or Rasi or Star becomes negative. Positive Planets give favourable results while Negative planets cause distress. The above cited formula will suffice to judge the effects correcfly. For clearer understanding, I cite the following corolLaries with illustrations.

General Enunciation
(O1)Yoga planets though attaining negative character still retain their yoga character. (Oz)YoEa planets or those that are in their stars $ve beneficial effects while Avayoga ones give malefic results. (O3)Yoga planet must be in positive Rasi, Bhava or Star while Avayogi must be in negative Rasi, Bhava or Star or Eclipsed. (O4)If 6, 8 and 12 Bhavas are Zero Rasis, good results arise; viz. no enemy, no debt and no loss. (O5)Positive planets in negative Rasis tolerable good results when retrograde. give

(06)Negative planets should not be retrograde as they become more powerful to do evil. (OZ)Rahu and Kehr are nahrral negatives. When they are in Zero-Rasis they become extremely good. Of them Rahu is exceptionally good.



(O8)Weigh your judgement from the position condition of the steller lord.


(O9)Negative planets in Zero-Rasi or negative Rasi or Bhava are good but become bad if they are retrograde. (lO)Of the 2 Rasis ov"ned by a planet (except sun and moon who ovyn only one Rasi) that Bhava which is Zero-Rasi suffers and not the other. If that planet is powerfullyand positively sihrated itdoes more harm to the kro-Rasi-Bharabut may give good of the other Bhava. If on the other hand such a planet be negatively pl,aced or eclipsed the effect of the Z-eto Rasi-Bhava becomes good while the other goes bad. (11)Planets in conjunction with or aspected by yoga or Avayoga planet imbibe their character also in addition to their onm. (12)Duplicate Yogi in the star of birth yogi or uice-versa confers high yoga. (l3)Avayogi in enemy's star is good.

Illustated Theories
A detailed discussion on the principles involved in the theory of Thithi and Yoga effects is made hereunder citing examples. Schedule of charts appended hereto and in all the discussions their serial numbers only will be quoted. Readers will please veri$ from the respective charts.

Theory (1-7)
(1) Positive planet in positive Bhava and positive Rasi -good



(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Positive planet in positive Bhava but negative Rasi -reduced good Positive planet in negative Bhava or negative Rasi -bad or Eclipsed but not Retrograde Positive planet if under 3 above, it be Retrograde - a little belter Positive planet in positive star Positive planet in negative star
-good - bad

Positive planet though in negative Bhava or Rasi if -good after hurdles it is in its ovm star

Chart: l-Sun, lord of 9 (Father) though in 7th wittr many good planets has neither lifted his father's status nor conferred paternal good to the native for the very reason of being in Zero-Rasi. Guru, lord of I and 4, with all the best traits could not give him full satisfaction of education or bodily strength as he is Zero-Rasi. Chart:3Budha, lordof 2 and 11 thouglr in 5 killed his elder brother and disturbed his finance being in7nroRasi. Chart.' dGuru, lord of 9 is in Aridra (Rahu's star) and Shani, lord of 11 though in 11 being in Shathabhisha (Rahu's star) both proved very bad during their Dashas. Chart.' 33 Guru, lord of I and 4 in 5, being in Ashwini (Kehr star) showed his bad during his Guru Dasha though not to a great extent as botlr belong to one group. '



Chart,. -l2-Shukra, lord of Lagna in 11, though in Zero-Rasi gave some good effects amidst some bad as he is in his own star (Pubba). Kethu is in Anuradha (Shani's star who is yogr). So Ketu Dasha was good.

Iheory (8 to 13)
(8) (9) Negative planet in positive Bhava and positive Rasi - bad not being eclipsed causes Negative Planet in positive Bhava but negative Rasi -good or set gives -good

(1O) Negative Planet in negative Bhava (l l) (12) (13)

Negative Planet in all negative positions and set gives scellent results. Negative Planet in positive star -bad Negative Planet in negative star -uery good

Illustrations Chart: f-Budha, lord of Z and 1O (both Zero-Rasis) is in 7th (Zero-Rasi). He was married in a higfr family and his profession was also tolerably good. Chart: 7-Moon,lord of lO (Zero-Rasi), is in gth and in his own star (Rohini). So his profession is of good rank. Chart: S4Budha,lord of Z and 10 (both Zero-Rasi) is in 3rd (bad Bhava). His wife and profession have been very good. Chart : 27-Slnan| lord of 2 (Finance) though in 12 has given him heary finance. Why? As lord of Zero-Rasi (2nd) he is in Dustana as well in the star of Shukra, lord



of 5 (anoth er Tnro-Rasi). Similarly Shukra is sihrated in Shani's star. Chart: 7&Kuja as lord of lO (positive bhava) is in I debilitated and also in Pushyami (Avayogi star). So in Kuja Dasha he did not feel happy with profession. Chart : 24Gurq as lord of 3 and 6 (Dustanas) wtrich are also Zero-Rasis being in Anuradha (Avayogi star) raised him during Guru Dasha to the status of Head of Departnent. Mere Rasi prediction shows all bad. as lord of.7 (7-ero-Rasi) and lord Chart:Z3Shukra, of 12 (Dustana) is debilitated. So his Shukra Dasha was good. Chart : 7-Guru,lord of 3(Zero-Rasi) and 6 is in Ashwini (Avayogi star) lifted him up to good position. of 6 (7*ro Rasi) in Ashwini Chart : TAlk$a,lord (Ketu) star-an enemy's stargave good duringKuja Dasha. As lord of 11 caused heary orpenditure and loss also.

Theory 14
A planet (positive better, negative not bad) in Yoga gives good. star

Chart : S4Shan|lord of l-agna, in Dhanista (Yoga star) lifted him up in Shani Dasha to the rank of Rs. 1OOOper month. Chart.' 33Rahu in lagna is in Uttarashada (yoga planet's star). So his Rahu Dasha was Yogaic. Chart: 27-Ketr in 9 should have affected his father



or prosperity, but being in Hastha (yoga star) he does immense good. Chart : I4Shukra, lord of 5, is in punarrasu (yoga star). It is Shukra Dasha that started his yoga * , service officer (M.C.S.). "iil Chart : 72-Kent in Anuradha (star of Bifth yogi) gave good to family in Kettr Dasha being in 2 (house-of family).

Theory 15
Positive planet in enemy's star is bad, but negative planet in enemy's star is good. : 4Bud[ha,lord of 2 and ll, is not only in 6th but is also in Dhanista (Kuja's star) an enemy's star. During Budha Dasha he lost heavily by enemy actions.

Theory 76
A planet of the Yogi-group gives good while that of Avayogt group causes evil. Chart : 2gShani,lord of r 1dna, in 9 and in Swati star should have gone bad. But note that its lord Rahu is of Yogi-group of Budha. So it is only in his Shani Dasha that he attained Gazetted Rank.

Theory 7 7
A planet in conjunction with or aspected by yogi becomes good while with Avayogi becomes bad.

Illustrations :
Chart.,8 - Kuja in 12 no doubt gave bad to the



native during Kuja Dasha, but due to his association with Yoga, Rahu alongside he also caused some Yoga. Chart.'4 - Budha with Avayogi Rahu caused heary distress in Budha Dasha. Chart : 29 - Rahu is in Purvabhadra (Guru's star) who in turn is with Yoga Budha. Simultaneously the same Rahu is aspected by Avayogi Kuja. During Rahu Dasha he experienced both good and bad. Chart.' 6 - Shani, lord of 11 is with Yo$ moon. During Shani Dasha he had some beneficial effects. But moon being his enemy it did not stay long.

Theory 18
Yogi in Negative Bhava or Rasi - Not much good. Chart : I - Yoga Rahu being in 8 could not give solid Yoga in his Dasha.

Theory 79
Yogi, though owning Negative Rasi or Bhava gives some good at least. Chart.'3 - Guru owns 2 Zero-Rasis and yet he has given him Yoga but of a low order because he is Yogi. Chart : 76 - Guru (Yogi) even here owns 2 Zero-Rasis. As he is exalted in I-agna he has retained his high Yoga effects during Guru Dasha.

Theory 2O
Duplicate Yogi also acts as Birth Yogi.



Chart: 22 - Guru being Duplicate Yogi, the Native became the Head of a Departrnent in Guru Dasha by his Retrogression though in Zero-Rasi.

Theory 27
Avayogi in the positive star is Bad. Chart:78 - Avayoga Shani is in Rohini (positive star) I in I (a positive Bhava also); so his Shani Dasha ended his life.

Theory 22
Avayogl in Negative Bhava, Rasi or Star or.Eclipsed becomes good.

Chart.. 1 - Shukra (Avayogi) is in 6 in the Star of Moon (I-ord of 8). So, Shukra becomes good. Chart: 2 - Avayog Guru is in 8, debilitated and in the Star of Lord of 6. So her Guru Dasha has been yogaic. Rasi chart does not say so. Chart: 77- AvaS,ogS Budha is in 8th and in his ovm star. He was coronated in Budha Dasha. Chart : lO - Avayogi Sun is the ovrner of B and Zero-Rasi. In Ravi Dasha he was progressing. Further he is in the star o.f Duplicate Yogi (Budha). Chart :5- Avayogi Ketu is in Zero-Rasi and further in the star of Ravi (Zero-Rasi owner and lord of 3). Hismaximum attainment was in Ketu Dasha, drawing p.m. Rs. 1OOO Chart : 74 - AvayogSmoon is the Lord of 3 and.ZeroRasi and is debilitated and further in Yoga in Shani dtar



and also with Yoga Shani. AII these confer a very higfir Yoga during moon Dasha when his pay is raised from Rs. 5OO to Rs. 1OOOgrade. Chart : 35 - Avayoga Shani being in Shatabhisha (Rahu star) gave Gazetted Rank during Shani Dasha only. Chart : 11 - Avayoga Shani is in Dhanista (Kuja's star) and thus in the star of the lord of Zero-Rasi and 12th Bhava. In Shani Dasha she had her best days. Chart: 8- AvayoEa Shukra is in Kehr star. So good. Chart: 27- Avayoga Budha is in 8 and in Kehr star. He is having a hrgh Yoga of Rs. 5OO p.m. in Budha Dasha. You cannot read so in Rasi chart alone.

Theory 23
Avayo$ in the star of Birtfi Yogi or Duplicate Yogi gives Yoga after hurdles. Chart: 14- Avayog. Moon in the star of Birth Yogt, Sahrrn and himself a Duplicate Yogi has given higtr Yoga during Mgon Dasha. Chart : 23 - His Kehr Dasha ran well as Avayogi, Kehr being in Dhanista has gone to Yoga Kuja's star. Chart: 37 - Avayogt Kuja is in Srarana (the star of Duplicate Yog). His Kuja Dasha is excellent He draws p.m. Rs. 1OOO

Theory 24
Avayog as lord ofZero-Rasi - good. Chart : 74 - Avayogi Moon owning Zero-Rasi became good.

NIP. il


Chart : 25 - Avayogi Guru owning Zero-Rasis his Guru Dasha was good. Chart : 7O - Avayogi Sun being Tnro - Rasi owner $ras god.

Theory 25
Avayogi getting worse, increases the prosperity vice-versa" Chart: 26 -HereAvayogi Kuja is in 8, is the lord of 9th Zero-Rasi, and in the star of Shani wtro is lord of 6 and,Tnro - Rasi. So during Kuja Dasha he is elevated and happy in all urays of a far higher order.

Theory 26
Avayogi in his enemy's star gives g;ood results. Chart : 72 - Avayogi Moon in Jyesta (Ihe star of Budha, enemy of Moon). So his profession is good. Chart: 78 - Avayogs Shani in Rohini (enemy's star). So his Shani Dasha was good enorrgF.

Theory 27
Rahu and Ketu in7nro Rasi or in the star of the lord of Tnro Rasi give favourable results. Chart : 72 - Ketu Dasha was good as he is in Zero-Rasi. Chart;5Ketu Dasha was orcellent as he is both in Zero-Rasi and in the star of 7*ro-Rasi lord Sun. Chart :8- His Rahu Dasha is the best part in life as Rahu is in Zero-Rasi.



Chart: f3- His Rahu Dasha was good, Rahu being in Zero-Rasi. Chart : 25 - Rahu Dasha was good as Rahu is in Zero-Rasi. Chart:11 - Rahu in gft in Zero-Rasi. In Rahu Dasha her father prospered.

Theory 28
Rahu and Ketu even with Avayogi or in his star give good. . Chart : 24 - Rahu in lOth is both in Shani's star (Pushyami) and with Shani. In Rahu Dasha he scored M.C.S. and became a civil service officer. Note that Shani here is Avayogi. This rule is an exception to Rahu and Kehr as they are natural Negatives.

Theorv 29
Rahu in the star of Keftr is good and not Ketu in Rahu star as in the latter case he goes to his enemy's statr.

Iheory 3O
A Retrograde planet in Negative Rasi is protected from falling down. Chart.' I - Kuja lord of 2 and,7, in 12 and in Zero Rasi should have smashed his finance, family and wife had he not been Retrograde. Chart : 22 - As Guru, lord of 9, is in Zero Rasi he should have affected his prosperity. Instead he was a powerful high officer in Guru Dasha as Guru is Retrograde



Tlheory 37
The effect of a planet gets modified by the condition, sihration, conjunction or aspect of its stellar lord. Chart: f5- Shukra, lord of 4 and 9 is with Avayogl Kuja and also in moon's star and that moon is further aspected byAvayogi Kuja. In her Shukra Dasha both her parents lost tfreir finance, name and wealth and were practically reduced to penury. See how her sun's Dasha has remodelled. Sun in Ashwini (Ketu Star) should have spoiled her Ravi Dasha. On the other hand it was in her Ravi Dasha that the entire family prospered. See this stellar lord Ketu is with Budha (Birth Yogr). Hence the modified good effecl Chart: 26 - Both Sun and Moon being in lGttr stars the two Dashas should have spoiled the Native's prospects, but they were the best periods. Ketu is not only in 6 but in Zero-Rasi.

Theory 32
When there is mutual exchange between the Steller Lords of any two planets the effect of the one will be felt during the period of the other. Chart : 75 - Here Moon and Shukra have their stellar lords mutually exchanged. Shukra, lord of 4, being in Moon Star (Lord of 6 aspected by Kuja) should have caused illness to mother. But this evil was postponed to Moon Dasha when her mother all of a sudden had a paralytic stroke.



Theory 33
Of the two Rasis onmed by the plane! if one is positive and the other Negative the effects will be varied. Chart : 15 - Shukra is the lord of Positive 4 and Negative 9 (as 9 is Zero-Rasi). As lord of Positive 4 in the star of lord of 6, he causes illness to mother. As lord of Negative 9 in the star of lord of 6 his fatherrs prosperity is revealed. That is exactly how it has happened in her Moon Dasha (due to mutual exchange). Mothera paralytic patientwtrile fatherwas earning Rs. 5OO/- p.m. and healthy.

Theory 34
If Lagna be in Birth Yoga Star he will be prosperous from birth to death. Reverse will be the case if born in Avayoga Star. Chart : 27 - WM is at Srayana (the Star of Yogi Moon). So since birth he has been prospering. Chart : 7O - Laqgta is exactly in Birth Yoga star (Punarvasu). from birth to death, he was highly prosperous. Chart : 36 - I:rgrra is at oract Birttr Yoga star (Uttara). Since birth he is happy.

Rules given by the author are clear. They rcquire ao commenb. They are conect in our daily e.rperience. -Ed

NIP. il


Chapter II Novel Method of Dasha Bhukti Reading

Of all the chapters in Astrologr Dasha Bhukti is of paramountimportance as the timing of the events is what is requiredbydl. Ahoroscope may containYoga trutwhen will it come to fruition is the anxiety of a consultee. A poor horoscope backed by good Dashas is far better than a rich horoscope with poor dashas. Sometimes it may so happen that such Yoga Dashas may not at all act in one's Iife ntren dre native will be simply dreaming of his prospects. Or, itmay intervene in childhood teens or old age when he would not be in a position to enioy it. So it is absolutely necessary thatYoga Dashas should operate in one's life at proper age of enjoyability. What purpose would it serve if the Dasha of a planet which is good for conjugal happiness or professional felicity operates either in childhood or dotage? In such cases he may have o'nty the mental satirsfaction rather than physical. Next comes the most intricate problem of ascertaining the effect of Bhukti Lord. One may be successfrrl with Dasha Reading but very many are likely to falter in fte proper handling of Bhukti effects. We have seen several texts on this subjecL After all they follow a Chinbmani" rigmorole way far from actuality. "furwrdn 'I{rishna lWisriam'are voluminous editions that and narrate a lot on this topic. Alas, they are not helpful for candid prediction. In my ensuing Chapter, I deal with flre same but more intelligently handling the subject. Still under this usual method of Dasha Bhukti Readings sometimes doubts mayarise. Hence, we mustfind a way out of this ambigUity. We experience ftrat the same Bhukti



Lord under rlifferent Dasha l-ords gives different effects. It is therefore necessary to find a method to discriminate such differential effects. I expound in this chapter a system by which proper aslsessment of Bhuktis may be made at a mere glance without ambiguity. The changing nature of Bhukti Lord may be easily seen from the theory involved in the framework of this Novel Dasha Chart- not knovyn so far to most of us till at least the publication of nry articles in the Astrologtcal Mag;azine.In my Chapter - I, Part I on Thithi and Yoga, I have stated that for correct prediction Thithi, Yoga, Nakshatra and Week Day are needed. Of these I have used the first three elements. Now I use the Week Day also. Under this theory the effect of Dasha l-ord has to be read out from the Birth Chart reckoning Thithi, Star and Yoga as detailed in Chapter - I of Part - 1, except some special featrres that will be pointed outlater. The effects of Bhukti lords have to be read out from the Dasha chart treating their 'Starters'and. 'Rulers'akin to their Stellar Lords and applying all the Rules enunciated in Chapter-I of part - 1 on Thithi and Yoga. Thus dre Dasha has to be read out from Birth Chartonlywhile theBhukti has to beanalysd from botlt the Birth and the Dasha Charts.

7. Dasha Chart
Form a chart of 1O rows and 12 columns. In the first row from 3rd col. onwards place all the pl,anets (one in each square) in their natural Week Day order from Sun to Shani and then Rahu, Ketu and laEna.In Col. 2 from 2nd Row downwards place in each square from Sun to Moon (one in each square) in the descending order of Udu Dasha. This gives the fragile Dasha Chart.


2. Starter
It is an undisputed fact that of all the planets Sun and Moon pLay a very important role both on human beings and also on the other planets. In fact they are named Ilminaries and the rest as planets. Any light or power to others should emanate only from these Ilminaries. It is this basic principle that is made use of here. As we deal with Udu-Dasha we are mostly concerned with stellar positions rather than Rasi positions. When we deal with a Dasha based on Rasi, then Rasi positions should be taken. The two should not be mixed up. So the stellar positions of pl,anets are the guiding factors to determine this Dasha Charl you will also see that the effect of the Bhukti lord is read only after proper blending with Sun and Moon.


Chart I of 19-6-1902 For Guru Dasha Chart :

-Mrigasira-4 Sun *Moon = Vishaka Shulrra = Rohini-l = U-Bhadra Shani



= Punarvasu - 4 = Poorvashada-A Rahu Kuja * U-Shada - 2 Ketu Budha = Punarvasu-3 - Moola - 4 = Asc. Punarvasu-2 Guru Though at Birth, Moon is in Uttara - 4 while working Guru Dasha Chartwe should reckon the star of Moon as Vishaka (vide reasoning Infra). Birth Day Birth Yogi Birth Avayogi Zero Rasis Guru DashaYogl Guru Dasha Rairvog = = = = Wednesday Rahu (Shathabhisha) Shukra (Pubba) Mit'huna and I(anya* Kehr (Makha) Moon

Wth referenee to Guru Dasha Chart on Page 27: 1. Starters are marked in Capital I-etters. 2. Rulers are marked in Small I-etters. 3. When Starter and Ruler are the same, they are in italics. 4. Squares under Col. 1 and Rows 5 and 8 are left blank as there are no Starters in those Rows. So by the chronological order of Ketu, Guru, Chandra-the two squares are filled up by Kefir. 5. Note for brevity only, the notations of planets as described in Chapter - I of Part - 1 are used. To work out a Dasha Chart the stellar positions of all the planets and t-agna except that of Moon are kept constant for all Dashas while Moon's star will be progressed by one star for each successive (advance) Dasha.



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To have a clear perspective of a Dasha it is not enough if the mere name of the Dasha Lord is said. In addition, the actual Dasha Star has to be known. For e>rample, in the cited Chart-1 of 19-6-1907 at birth time it was Uttara-4, Sun Dasha sihrated in tenth Bhava. You know there are 3 varieties of Sun Dasha viz., Uttara in 1O, U-Shada in 1 and,2 and Krithika in 5 or 6. Each one is of a different trait obtaining from its situation with reference to I-agna and the nahrre of the Stars. For the nature and characteristic of stars, please refer to Chapter-Il of Part-l, I said that at birth it was Uttara-Sun Dasha; next follows Hasta-Moon Dasha, Chitta-Kuja Dasha, Swati-Rahu Dasha, Vishaka-Guru Dasha, Anuradha Shani Dasha and so on. While working out a Dasbaffiiit the star of Moon should be taken as the actual star of Dasha in question. For example, while erecting Guru Dasha Chart in the above horoscope treat Moon's star as Vishaka and for Shani Dasha Chart as Anuradha and so on.

Mode of Calculation for Starter

First qnite down the Stars of all the Planets and Lagna (1) (2) (3) Count the no. of the stars from Sun's Star to the Bhukti l-ord's Star and multiply itby 2. Count the no. of stars from Moon's star to that of Bhukti Lord. Count Ore no of Birth Week Day from Sunday in regular order of Week Days.



Add the above three results and diuide the sum by 27 (the no. of stars) and count the remainder from Iftithika. You get the star of the starter of that Bhukti I-ord. Similarly work out for all Planets and I agnas. you get all the starters. How to fix them up in the Dasha Chart? In the square formed by the Planets column and its stellar l-ords Row, the concerned Starter falls. Instead of putting the star write out its lord (as per Udu Dasha Lordship). Then that Planet becomes the starter of that Bhukti lord. Here you will notice one symmetry among starters. In any Dasha all the starters belong only to one group of triple planets vtz., (l) Ketu, Moon, Guru, (2) Shukra, Kuja, Shani and (3) Sun, Rahu, Budha. This I have explained at length in Chapter - I, Part -l on Yoga. Ukewise their enemies are also fixed up. For the ready reference of my readers I repeat them here. To the first set of planets the second set are enemies as follows : Sun-Shani, Moon-Budha, Kuja-Kehr, Budha-Kuja, Guru-Sun, Shukra- Guru, Shani-Moon, Rahu-Shukra and Kettr-Rahu.

Example to work out Starter :

In the above chart, suppose we want the starter of Rahu in Guru Dasha, Sun star (Mrigasira) to Rahu star (Punarvasu) is 3. Double of it is 6. To this add the no of stars from progressed Moon's Star (Vishaka) to that of Rahu (Punarvasu) i.e., 19. Thus total is 2b. This added to Birth week day (Wednesday no.4) makes 29. As this exceeds 27 (one cycle of stars), dividing by 27 we get 2 as remainder. Reckoning always from Krithika, the 2nd star is Rohini. Thus the starter of Rahu



in Guru Dasha falls at Rohini and the planet is Moon. Place this Moon under Rahu col. against Guru Row as Rahu's star is Guru. If you work out in full you will see that all the starters belong to the group of Kehr, Moon and Guru. This trio are muhral friends and if any one of them becomes a Yoga planet the other two automatically become Yoga-like planets.

3. Ruler
Onceyou locate the Starteritis easytofindthe Ruler. The Starter is obtained by equating the planet with its Stellar Lord. What he would be if he were himseffis what fixes the Ruler. See how many squares dovm is the Row of the pLanetfrom that of its Stellar I-ord and progress so much from that starter in the order of Udu-Dasha. That planet becomes the Ruler. Fix him up in that square. Similarly work out for all. Note that in the case of I ^gna, the Starter and the Ruler is one and the same planel On the other hand if you move upwards you will have to digress the order. For e:rample, to find the Ruler of Rahu in Guru Dasha of the above chart : Rahu equated with his stell,ar lord Guru becomes Moon (Starter), but equated with himself what he would be? In the Dasha Chart the square of Rahu Col. and Rahu row is sihrated one place dovm the Starter (Moon). So progress the Starter Moon by one more Dasha. You get Kuja. Put him in that square. Thus the Ruler is Kuja. In Guru Dasha, Moon is the Starter (Rohini) and Kuja is the Ruler (Ililrigasira being next to Rohini). Thus you are able to locate not only the planets but their actual stars which will be very useful for Gochara.



4. Dasha yog
Uke the Birth Yogi acting throughout lifetime there is Dasha Yogi playing an equal part in that Dasha. To evolve it, add to the longitude of Birth yogi twice the longitude of the Dasha I-ord. you get the point of Dasha Yogl located. Why twice the Dashi I-ordl Once for Sun and again for Moon round which all factors revolve. This holds good in the case of all planets except Moon, Rahu and Ketu whose Dasha yogis have to be struck by special Rules. Dasha Yogi of Moon :It is the same as Birtfi yogi.

Tb find the Dasha Yogi of Rahu and l(efit

Between the Stellar Lords of Rahu and Ketu see who is the enemy of the other (usually they will be in inimical stars). First work out the Dasha Lord as in the case of gther planets with respect to the latter, i.e. the stellar Lord of this first planet not being inimical to that of the second. After ascertaining the Dasha yogi of the first of the two the Dasha Yogi of the other automatically becomes the planetwho is the enemy of the above Dasha Lord. Example.. (Refer the above chart on page 2Z). To find the Dasha Yogi of Guru Dasha : Birth Yoga point is Twice Guru l-ongihrde tO-tZ-49 OS-18-14

(Guru is O2-24-O7) Total Subtracting 12 Rasis We get f 6-06-03 12-OO-OO




So Guru Dasha Yogi is sihrated at 6 deg. 3 min. in Simha, i.e. Malrtra Star ruled by Ketu.Thus Guru Dasha

Yogiis Ketu. Tb work out Dasha Yogi of Rahu and Ketu :

Rahu is in Punarvasu (Guru Star) and Ketu in U-Shada (Sun Star). Sun is Guru's enemy. So we must first work out for Guru controlled Rahu. Rahu's natal position is Double that is Add Birth Yoga point We get O3-O2-L7

06-04-34 LO-L7-49 t6-22-23

Subtracting 12 Rasis rve get 04-22-23 (Pubba). So its lord Shukra becomes Rahu Dasha Yogi. Automatically Shukra's enemy, Guru becomes the Dasha Yogi of Kehr. On the other hand if Kehr qas in U-Shada (Sun) and Rahu in Pushyami (Shani) then you should firstwork for Ketu and then conclude for Rahu.

5. Evolution of one Dasha Chart from Anotlter

Under this system to predict the effects of Bhul(i f.ords in a Dasha you have to erect a seperate chart for each Dasha which may look cumbersome and taxing. But it is not so. In a second you can work out any Dasha chart from one worked out chart as there is symmetry in the theory. For every advanced Dasha the Starter and Ruler recede by one stage (reckoning being in the order



of_Udu Dasha). Similarly for a previous Dasha they advance by one stage. In this way by increasing o-r decreasing as the case may be by asmany 5fages as tlre difference of a Dasha is from one worked orq yo, -uy work out at mere sigfrt the Dasha Chart you need. This holds good in all cases except Moon. In the case of Moon the starter of an advanced Dasha will b three stages highel and for a previous Dasha three stages lower. HIre you must first work out the Starter and then find out the 1"t9. independentlyfor a Dasha as no symmetryfollows for Ruler as in the case of other planets.

6. fusy vuay ofworking outa Dasha Chart

The method of erecting a Dasha chart reckoning the Stars oc-cupieg by planets has been discussed in detail Derore. Now I am g_gingto show a more easy method wo$ed.ou! fs ner this rheoryyou get the planeL tst"rGi and ruler) direct but not- the parkcuhr star. But you may guess the star also with a little practice. Method .. Have four columns marked at top (1) Planef (2) Stellar Lord, (3) Starter, (4) Ruler. W;6 out the planets and their Stellar I-ords utta!. cols. 1 and ! respectively; then, note that the stellar lord of Moon is the Dasha Lord himself.

To find the Starter of a planet :

(f) Count from the stellar lord of Sun to that of the Planet concerned and double it (Counting in-Udu Dash order). Count from the Dasha stellar lord of Moon (i.e. the Dasha lord) to.that of the planel Count the birttr week day from Sunday. Add the above three; if it exceeds g, divide it b; 9 d". ;i

(2) (3)



planets) and take the remainder- This remainder number counted from Sun in Dasha order gives the Starter.

See by how many stagies (Dasha order) higher up is the stellar lord from the planet. Increase the Starter by so many stages. You get the Ruler. Example(thd above cited chart) : Guru Dasha Charl PIanet Sun Moon Kuja Budha * Guru Shukra Shani Rahu Ketu Lagna Working; (1) SteIIar lord Kuja Guru Shukra Guru Guru Moon Shani Guru Sun Kehr Starter Guru Moon Guru Moon Moon Moon Guru Moon Ketu Moon Ruler Budha Guru Moon Shukra Moon Rahu Guru Kuja Sun Moon

Say we want the Starter Kuia.

Shukra, the stellar lord of Kuja is 7 stages higher than Kuja-the stellar lord of Sun. (Kuia-Rahu-GuruShani-Budha-Ketr and Shukra). Double it ; you get 14. (2) The same Shukra (stellar lord of Kuja) is 5 qtages higher than that of Moon (Guru). (3) Birthday, being Wednesday, its number is 4. Addingl fire above tlrr e nturrbers we get L4 + 5 + 4 = 23Dividing this by 9 we get 5. Counting from Sun the Sth



Dasha lord is Guru. So Guru is the Starter of Kuja in a Guru Dasha.


Shukra (Stellar lord of Kuja) is Z stages hig;her than _ Kuja himself. So the 7th higher Dasha planet from Guru (Starter) is Moon. This Moon is the ruler of Kuja in Guru Dasha. Note l:When a planet is in his ovm star, its Starter and Ruler is the same planel That is because such a planet which does not get itself mixed up with any other will be a pure one giving a uniform eifect of iG own during its entire period. 2. The Starter and Ruler of l^agna is the same always.

To evolve one Dasha Chart from another :

Now we have Guru Dasha Chart. Suppose we want Shani Dasha Chart. As that is one in advance, decrease all the Starters and Rulers by one srage except in the case of Moon. For Moon you have to increase the Starter by 3 stages. The Starter of Moon in Guru Dasha being Moon in Shani Dasha it becomes Rahu. Then you havJ to work out its Ruler as per usual Rules. Being Shani Dasha, Moon's stellar Lord is Shani. As this Shani is 5 stages higher than Moon the Sth Dasha l-ord from Rahu is Ketu. So Ketu is the Ruler. Likewise, for every receding Dasha increase by one stage for all planets but Moon; both for Starter and fruler and Moon decrease by 3 stages for Starter only and then work out its Ruler independenfly.



7. How to read this Dasha Chart ?

Except some special mentions stated below regarding the effects of Dasha Lords it is only the Bhukti effects that have to be read out from this chart. To liorow the effect of a Bhukti, see who are the Starter and Ruler. Findout from Birth Chart their ov,'nership and situation as well as that of the Bhukti I-ord. See how the Starter and Ruler are disposed towards the Bhul(i l.ord - Friend, Enemy, Birth Yogi, Avayogi, Dasha Yogi, Raja Yogi' Positive or Negative Planet etc. Judging in the matrner prescribed for Dasha Reading in Chapter-Il, Part-II read the effects of the Bhavas relating to Bhukti Lord, Starter and Ruler. The Starter shows the commencing effectwhile the Ruler the final effecl As we are chiefly concerned with finality whatever be its beginning the Ruler is most importanl So while reading Bhukti effects you may even ignore the Starter and go straight to Ruler. For example, at the initial stage of a Bhukti there may be disappointrnents in life but in the latter portion 'all may tend to be happy. So it is enougfr if you read the Bhukti effect as being finally good.

8. RuIe toJudge frteEffrctofBhukti Lords

In addition to the general rules enumerated in this Chapter the following additional rules may be followed : (O1)Negative Planet crossing himself or another Negative Planet gSvesgood results. (O2) Negative Planet crossing any of the three Yogis.(Birth Yogi, Dast-a Yogi or Raja Yogi) causes Yoga in the end after hurdles. (O3) Positive planet crossing himself or another positive planet or any of the above stated three Yogis - Good -



(O4)Negative Planetbeing himself aYogi (one of the above three) crossing any planet gives Yoga, but of a lower orden (Os)Yogi crossing any other Yogi-excellent (O6)Positive planet crossing Negative Planet as Starter and tlren Positive or Yoga Planet asRuler-First bad and flten good. (O7)Negative Planet crossing Negative Starter and Positive Ruler - Firstgood, Iaterbad. . (O8)Positive Planet crossing Positive Starter and Positive Ruler or Negative Planet crossing Negative Starter and Negative Rluler-Zhe entire Bhukti is good. (O9)Positive Planet crossing a Yogi who is the former's enenry-Botlt inimical and Yoga effects happen. (lo)Negative Planet crossing a Yogi who is former's enerny - exc eII en t re s ults. (ll)Birth Yogi crossing Negative enemy-good. (12) Birth Avayogi crossing Negative enerny-Excellent a ttainm en ts th ro uglt en emi es. (l3)Negative Retrograde Planet crossing himself or another Negative Planet - good. (14) Birth Avayogi crossing his enemy-good. (15)Birth Yogi crossing his enerny-bad. (16)Rahu crossing Rahu when Shani isYogj-good. (17)Ketu crossing Ketu when Kuja is Yog - good. (Note : I{etu is like l{uja and Rahu is like Shani). (18)Positive Planet crossing Birth Avayogi or Negative planet or an enemy -Bad. (19) Birth Avayogi crossing Positive Planet not being any of the Yogis - Bad.



(2O) Birth Yogi crossing a Negative .Planet or his enerny-Bad. (2l)Raja Yogi or Avayogi - tud. Dasha Yogi crossing Birth

(22) Positive Planet crossing the enemy of Birth Avayogi - Good. P.S. :- In all the above Rules the crosser is Bhukti l-ord and the crossed one is Starter and Ruler.


Dasha Raja Yogi

Prepare a tablb of the Dasha Chart in the form shown on page 27. Flll'd the planet that is common under Cols 1 and 2. He becomes the Dasha Raja Yogi. For example in t'his case Moon repeats in both columns and so Moon is Dasha Raja Yogi of Guru Dasha.

9. Special Effects of Dasha Inrd and Ascendant

(Of ) If in the Birth Chart the Birth Yogi and Birth Dasha Yogi or Birth Dasha Raja Yogi are powerfully situated in the Ascendant it will confer Raja Yoga from birth to death. In Sri l(rishna RajaWadeyar's Chart, Birth Dasha is Kuja. Birth Yogi is Guru and Birth Dasha Raja Yogi (Kuja Dasha Raja Yog) is Shukra. These two planets Guru and Shukra are in l-agpa:Guru being exalted. (O2) If the Lord of the Ascendant sign or its stellar lord (Sthoola or Sookshma lord) be Birth Yogi he will enjoy Yoga from birth to death. For Sthoola and Sookshma Iords see Part-I



(O3) If the stellar lord Ascendant be in the same star or in the Ascendant then it should be construed as lord of Ascendant being in his own house. If such a stellar lord be himself the Birth Yogi or in the star of Birth Yogi he confers Yoga all through his lifetime. (O4) Some special features of Ascendants : (a) Even Negative Planet in the star of Ascendant is good. (b) Even Negative Planet as lord of Ascendant is good. (c) Though Lagna is Zero-Rasi its Lord gives good. (O5) From Ascendant col. judge such total effect : Longevity, Bodily health, Character etc. This confirms the changing nahrre ofpersons as Dashas change. (O6) During a Dasha if the Bhukti Lord crosses the enemy of Dasha Lord and if that Dasha Lord is weak at Birth, Bhavas of that Bhuldi l-ord suffer during that Dasha. (O7) To read a particular effect during a Dasha consider the planet who is the nahrral or functional ov,'ner of that effect from its Starter and Ruler. For e:rample to know the educational aspect in a Dasha, read the effects of Budha (Ikraka) and Lord of fourth Bhava (House of Education). The effects will be predominantly felt during their Bhuktis. (O8) If BirtfiYogi crosses DashaYogi then that Dasha becomes very porverful and affluentwhile the rest of the Dashas get spoiled. In Sri l(rishnaraja Wadeyar's Shani Dasha Charf BirthYogi Guru crosses DashaYogi Shani. His Yoga ended with Shani Dasha as he died in Shani Dasha.

(O9) Birth Yogi crossing himself-Neutral Dasha. (1O) Birth Avayogi crossingrBirth success during flre Dasha der strain. Yogi-final

(11) Birft Yogi crossing Dasha I-ord-Good Dasha. (L2) If both the'Birth and Dasha Yogrs are same that Dasha is encellent. In Sri Jayachamaraja Wadeyar's Budha Dasha, Moon is both Birth Yogi and Dasha Yogi. He ascended the throne in Budha Dasha. (13) Birth Yogi or Dasha Yogi crossing Dasha I-ord that Dasha is very good. In Sir Mirza's Moon Dasha, Sun who is Birth Yogi and Ketu Dasha Yogi cross moon as Rulers. His Moon Dasha was superb (14) Among Dasha Lord BirthYogi, DashaYogi and Dasha Raja Yogi, if one crosses the other very good results occur during the Dasha. (15) In judgmg a Dasha the friendship or otherwise between Birth and DashaYogis counts. In the cited Chart I of 19-6-19O7 in Guru Dasha, Birtfi Yogi Rahu is the enemy of Dasha Yogi Ketu. So during Guru Dasha he exlrerienced both good and bad effects. (16) If the Starter or Ruler belongS to the group of Yogps-good. (17) lt Birth Yogi is the enemy of Dasha Lord during this Dasha all the good so far attained vanishes. (f 8) Rahu and Ketu playing special role. The defect caused by a Birth Yogi becoming also a negative planet would be remedied, if Rahu or Kehr being its group planet is associated with that planet as stellar lord- Starter or Ruler.



kample:When Guru or Moon is a negative Birth _ Yogi the effects of its Bhavas would be remedied if its group planet Ketu be associated. similarly Rahu for sun or Budha. Mathematical Navamsha Chart. As per that chart, find out the following three stars. . (a) The star in which the Dasha Lord is sihrated. (b) The star to which the above star gives its Narramsha. '(c) The star that falls on flre Radix position of Dasha Lord in Navamsha.


These three sfars play an important part in shaping the nature of Dasha l-ord. If the Dasha l-ord is a positive planet and the above stars are also positive (A star is positive when its Lord is positive ) good effects follow. Likewise the rest of the readings. Exarnple.. Chart No. lO. Here, Rahu is in U-Bhadra 3 in Radix position. On this point Uttara 4 falls in Navamsha Chart, i.e. Sun Star. To this Native, Sun is Rirth Avayogr and lord of g n 2. Thus Rahu assumes the character (aeaflr inflicting trait) of Sun. He died in Rahu Dasha. Chart-7- Here, Guru is in Ashwini 4 at Birth. On this falls_Makha I (Ketu Star). Guru is a negative planet (I-ord of 3 and 6 and also lord ofZero_Rasi). Ketu is notfr a natural negative and Birth Avayogi. Thus the negative Dasha l-ord Guru being.""o"iut"a (by stellar



positions) with two-fold negative Ketu has conferred on the native during Guru Dasha Yoga of a far higtrer order' His Jupiter Dasha was the only period par excellent in his life-time. You cannot read this from the fragile Rasi Chart under the old PrinciPles.

Examples of Bhulrti reading under Guru Dasha of Chart No. 7 cited before.
Guru Bhulrti.'Guru l-ord of 1 and 4 crosses Moon, lord of 8 in 1O but Zero-Rasi thus assuming the character positive. Further this moon is Raja Yogi' So with initial failure finally in the latter part of Guru Bhukti' trhere was change of profession for better. Shani Bhul<ti: Shani, lord of 2 and 3 in 4 crosses Guru, I-ord of 1 and 4 rn 7 as both starter and Ruler' This Guru is of the group of Dasha Yogi K.etu and Raja Yogi Moon. During this period his finance improved' He was also happy. Budha Bhutrti.' Budha, lord of 7 and 1O (both Zero-Rasis) in 7 crosses Shukra as Ruler, Shulrra is Birth Avayogi and lord of 6 in 6. Thus Shukra has become positive planeL Budha, by reason of his being posited in Zero-Rasi has also become positive' So during this period profession was good. Though wife's health was upset it ended haPPilY. Ketu Bhukti; Ketu in 2, who is the Sookshma lord of ragna, crosses Sun as Ruler. Sun is lord of I in 7 belonging to Birth Yogi Rahu group. Period was good for finan& etc., but bad for father as Kettr is a natural negative. Shutn'a Bhukti.'Shukra, Birth Avayogi crosses Rahu Girth Yogi) as Rulet-good time.



Sun Bhulrti.. Sun - I-ord of g in Z crosses Budha_ lord of 7 and 1O. He celebrated marriage andwas happy. Moon Bhukti.. Moon - lord of g in lO (a Zero-Rasi) tlrus becoming positive crossing Guru (lord of 1 and aj asRuler-happlr, I{uja Bhukti.. Kuja - lord of S, crossing Moon (positive) and Raja yogs-good. Thus you have Sun, Moon, Budha, Guru and Rahu as positive planets, Ketu as negative planet and Kuja, Shukra and Shani as mixed ptanets. _This as basis, iudge their merits from their Stellar Lord or Ruler. In the above case Sun (positive) in Mars (positive) gives good for Sth and 9th bh"rr". The same Mars (being negative ].2), it also affects 9th Bhava. Ukewise judge

Further research is needed. The audtor also had expressed this uiew in his studies. _Ed.



Chapter III
I. PREFAICE In this chapter I deal with my specialised subject of 'Diuision Charb', the outcome of my 'Phala Kundali'ot call hard latrour, long research and intuition' I prefer to these from (effects) Phalams read I it Phala Kundalias are hitherto treated as mere Division Charts to "fr*t"*tti"tt that are being used for a different purpose-chiefly use I ascertain the sum-total strength of a planet' But each Division Chart for reading the effect and its magNritude of a particular aspect in life' A Rasi in Sanskrit means a heap of things and so a Rasi or 7-odiacal Sign contains a multitude of elements' It is commot .*p".i.nce that all these porfolio uffg"q *.y ,rof be simultaneously good, bad or mixed of a or "igr, in onels life. Some of them may be good, some bad may time particular good a at is which that mixed. Also good at a different time' So time is also a factor in the ""tU. additioi to differentiation of effects' For example' Mothel' Happiness, Education, connotes Bhava fourth p."p"ttv etc. A highty educated man may be wanting inof happiness. A weatttry man may not have much her on education. The mother may be quite happy but account the son may feel unhappy and so on' Also, it may so happen that happiness at one time may dwindle into misery at some -other period' Texts have said of particularisation of effects by considering the Bhava and Karaka, but experience does not support high class or a very low class horoscope is il. n ".tv



easy to handle as all things are good and bad respectively. Some of the so-called notable Astrologers who have made their names by sheer chance of luck have had the advantage of handling the charts of only notable persons. This happens when the Astrologer himself is running a good period. When the saire Astrologer runs a bad period, middle class people will approach him only to bring dovyn his name. It was therefore my cherished desire to make this sublime science as mathematical as possible, myself being a Mathematics Graduate and thus render it to be correctly handled by all at all times. For several years I laboured to find a way out. AII methods failed. Ai last a day of intuitive flash dawned in my life when a new light struck me and thatwhen I was running proper Dashaior it. Its outcome is this Division chartl A MiIIion Dolrar Worth'as one of my readers has stated. This is notunknov,rn to-you butyou maynotbe aware of the mode of 'operandi. As I have expressed before f am no inventor. In fact nobody can take that role in a Vedic Science. I am only an ocponent of the mode of application of the well laid classic principles. AII these years I was underthe misconception thatVarahamihira's BrihatJataka was not at all helpful for prediction as many things said therein did not aid u"",rrut prediction. For example, the exalted position of a planet, Gajakesari yoga and all the oflrerYogas including Nabhasadi yogas cited in the text do not act in many cases if Rasi Charialone is considered. I have seen many horoscopes with Gajakesari Yoga and many exalted planets. Unforhrnately, they are after all very ordinary persons. Some of them are-even servers and cooks in hotel . Can then the spell of such a Daivagna go wrong was whatwas perplexini me all ttrese



years. When I found out the theory of Division Charts it convinced me that every word of Varahamihira or Parashara is gospel truth. The mistake lay with us. We did not know how to apply ilrem. The method of Division Charts is quite handy' intelligible, mathematically precisive and splendid too which has been very much appreciated by all the readers of my previous Articles in Prof' B.V Raman's Astological Magazine. With this brief preamble I take my readers now to the flreory of Division Charts. il TTIEORYOFDIVISION CIIARTS The Division Chart is the Varga Kundalis used to ascertbin the Sthana Bala of a planet such as Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Navamsha, Dwadashamsha, Trimshamsha etc. called Shadvarga Bala or sit'old strength of a planet. Varahamihira and Sripathi have narrated only 7 Yargas while Mantreswara quotes 1O Vargas. In Brihalparashara Ifora Shastayou get many more. Still for prediction some more are needed. I have supplied the deficiency out of a rare publication. Hereafter I call the several Vargas by notation as follows. Rasi as Division 1 or by shorter notation as D-1, Hora as D-2, Drekkana as D-3, Chaturamsha as D-4 and so on' the numerals representing the order of the Division. As stated before each Division Chart is used to ascertain the nature of a particular aspect in life. As present I have been able to cull out 2O Divisions and they are Divisions l-2-3-4-5-6' 7-8-9- f O-1 l - 12- 16-20-24-27 -30-40-45-60. Of these, I omit 2nd and 6oth Divisions for reasons explained later. The other 18 Divisions have 7-odiacal Maps from which the respective port'olio effects may be read out as per rules that are stated Supra. Some texts state the mode of

NrP - tr


using these charts but they are not satisfactory. Some differ in the framing of some of these charts. Byresearch I have found out ilrat my method is genuine. III. BASIC PRINCIPIES 7O FRAIME DIWSION CI{ARTS. Generally, I do not like things said at random like a particular combination of planets causing a particular effect at a particular age or that a particular chart has to be worked out as per particular rule and so on suppressing the fundamental basic principles on which these theories are built. Any of us desire to know the fundamentals than their off-shoots. I would not relish such suppressed knowledge. you may publish a book of thousand planetary combinations. Buihow far will that help you? To locate your particular combination it taxes you much and it may so happen that your combinations may not at all be there or if there be the readings may not turn out to be true. Instead, if the fundamental basic principles are given out one can emulate not thousands but even crores of combinations. In this case texts lay down rules for the framing up of these charts. One is different from the other. ffre" a doubt arises as to whether trrese rules are dictated at random by any celestial personality or one framed out of fundamental basic principles. If it is former, we have no further voice in the matter when it does not become scientific. So we still believe that there are those basic principles on which the rules are framed. My mind always works that way and I request my readers also to be research-minded. My approach to this subject will be better understood by classifring the Division Charts into five groups as follows :




(a) D-l

(b) (c) *, (d) 7r6y

D-2, D-3O,D-6O D-3, D-4,D-12 UYJL rc .. tr ."Jd D-11, D-24,D-40 D-45, D-1ONot* )\ D-s, D-6, D-2, D-8, D-9, D-16, D-zo,D-27

In framing all these charts, please note that all the of a Division must be equitably and wholly and s5rmmetrically or consecutively distributed among the 12 signs of the Zodiac. This must be satisfied in all charts. Then we shall discuss each group. Group-l.'D-1 is original chart lorown to all. Group-2 : D-2 By its very name Hora all parts must be retated to Ravi Hora and Chandra Hora only-so in their Rasis. D-3O It is spoken of not in terms of Rasis but in / perhaps /ter-s of Planets. Even then a chart is evolved / by sheer intelligence. O-OO The names only are given out and not their I this' So we should notworrvwith L9". 'Group-S: D-3 Its parts are distributed at equal . D-4 is simil,ar to D-3. D-12 It completes one cycle of Tndiac: As these cannot be distributed evenly in entire Tndiac some special rules are laid dovvn for these. God only knows how and why they are so defined. Group-S .' All these charts are framed as per a definite basic principle as follows : In all these cases start always from Mesha. Keep on the re$ular order and continuity of Rasis and Parts in succession. You get the evolution.



For example.'D-6 Starting from Mesha its lst part of D-6 stays there alone, the second part of Mesha goes to the next rasi - Vrishabha and so on till the 6th (last) part of Mesha goes to Iknya. Further parts commencing from next Rasi Vrishabha must be continued from the nexttowhere the lastpartof Mesha falls, i.e. Thula. Similarly, the sixpa.rts ofVrishabha range fromThula to Meena and again the six parts of the next Rasi Mithuna fall from Mesha (next to Meena) to Kanya and by working further you will reach a s5rmmetrywhich can be summed up asin odd Rasis it commences from Mesha and in even Rasis frdmThula. Likewise, if you work for all these charts you will yourself establish the Rule without troubling yourself to remember the Rules parrot-like. TiakeD-7:Starting from Mesha its last 7th partgoes to Thula. Next the parts of Vrishabha continue from Vrischika to Vrishabha. Next parts of Miflruna continue from Mithuna to Dhanus and so on. The symmetry struck here may be stated as follows. In odd Rasi it commences from itself and in even Rasi from its seventh. Take D-B ,' Mesha parts cover from Mesha to rVrischika, Vrishabha parts from Dhanus to I(ataka and Mithuna parts from Simha to Meena and again the same order of Mesha, Dhanus and Simha repeats. Thus in ' morrable Rasi it starts from Mesha, in fixed from Dhanus and in cornmon sign from Simha. I hope that these examples will do to enlighten the readers properly.





This is known to all and itis the essential basic chart upon which others are evotved. It comprises the sumtotal effects in one's life. This must be first perused along with Bhava Chart before going to other Divisions. I-ordship of planets should always be looked into only in Rasi Chart and not in other charts except the lords of Ascento the dants of Division Charts. read outonly should Stars Rasis and of Le characteristics f own or exaltation house, its conjunctions and iilr-ical, aspects, its position from Ascendant and other planets and all Yogas, being judged from all charts. Please note that a planet in combustion is always an eclipsed planet in all the charts. You know how to erect this chart (See Part I). (II) Diuision -2 (tfl)-Hon (Wealfl1) In odd signs the first Hora belongs to Sun ranging from O to 15 Degrees while the latter half is of Moon. In even signs it is reversed. So no separate sign positions are allotted to form a full chart. Some sugf;est placing Sun hora planets in Sun's Rasi (Simha) and the ot.hers in Moon Rasi (I(ataka). If this is adopted all the planets and Lagna fall in either of the two signs only and readings based on such a chart have not been correct Satyachariar suggests a novel method to fix up a complete Hora charl A planet in the first Hora of a sign remains there alone while that in the second Hora gives its Amsha to the eleventh sign from it. Here there is no mention of



Sun or Moon. As per this theory the Hora Chart of Chart No.l of l9OZ will be :

As I am not fully impressed with the use of tlris division, I leave it to my readers to research. (m ) Diuicins (1O o) - Mdwa i'"'^ {nofif Varahamihira's theory of reckoning in the order of l-5-9 Rasis for all signs proves to be correct. Each Division has 1Oo span and matters relating to the prospects, longevity etc. of the coborns have to be judged from this Division. ( IV) Diuision-4 (7/o) - Chaturamsha (NetAsseb ) : In each sign the Amshas are distributed to Kendras (l-4-7-l0) from iL The span of an Amsha is Ztro.Any net savings such as Cash, Gold, Deposits, Investrnents and Property will have to be judged from this chart. (V)Diuision-s (6o) - Panchamsha (Spiritualism) : In Chara Rasi it starts from itself and moves in successive signs. In Sthira Rasi from its fifth sign and in



Dwiswabhava Rasi from its ninth sign. Each Amsha is of 60 span. Matters relatingto Spiritualism, Godliness, Saintliness etc. have to be judged form this chart. (W) Diuision-d (5o) - Shastyamsha (IIeaIth): In odd Rasi start from Mesha and move in succession till l(anya. In even Rasi, startfromThula and move till Meena. Its span is 50. Health is the chief - . porffolio of this chart. ;a; <{tr.a'


( wI ) Diuision-7 fazr'l- sffin"

(rssues) :

In odd sign start from itself and move in succession. In even sign start from its seventh sign and issues. tnove in succession. Its span is 4l".ftconnotes is found it In the case of female horoscopes'sometimes when prosperity especially to throw light on husband's This is point and see. this one is chitdless. Research on with the consonance is in it my Latest observation and theory of peculiarity with female Horoscopy. (Wil) Diuision-S(Sio) - Astamsha (Inngevitv) : Start from Mesha in the case of Chara ll:tsi, from Dhanus for Sthira Rasi and frorn Simha for f)wisw:rlrhava Rasi and move in regular order. Its spitn is 3io.

In Chara Rasi start from itself, in Sthira Rasi from gth Rasi and in Dwiswabhava Rasifrom Sth and move tts in regular order. Please note that I show you here a special feature of this chart. All know how to cast this chart butvery few larow atwhat exact point in Navamsha -sign a planet has to be placed akin to its degree position in the Rasi (D-1 Chart) Chart. I call this as

NTP-[ 'Mathematical


Navamsha Chart' which reveals wonderful results. This has been wrongly shown in. The Astrological Nlagazine under my Article due to press mistake. I give the correct chart in this chapter later. (X) DivisionJo(g) 4,r. -Status


- Dashamsha (profession


In odd sign startfrom itself and in even sig;nfrom its 9th sign. This is a very important chart. Alfof us are desirous to know our status quo. Its span is 30. AII about one's attainments by personal efforts, professional status and income thereon, promotions or demotions in the same prgfession not affecting r be read out'from this chart whi-ie

This is next in importance. For, even if one's profession and status - quo is notgood a happily situated XI Division Chart will confer on the native financial felicity tending his Balance Sheet towards profit side even without the least exertion for the same due to his past good I(arma (Prapathi). The formation of this chart is peculiar. In all Rasis start from Mesha only and go in reverse order. Thus you see that the sign Vrishabha goes without anyAmsha as the last elevenilrAmsha closeswith Mithuna. *J ffale,. Division- I O represents earned income, while Division-ll represents unearned income as patrimony, easy income, side income, lottery, gambling etc.


6'!-t6'^"4^ Dim) 6rD

- Dvradashamsha(Parents) :

Always startfrom the same sign and go in order' Its span is 2+o. Atl matters relating to parents will have to be read out from this chart. A little care is needed to differentiate Fattrer from Mother. For this you must supplement this chart with Rasi Chart and Karaka' XIII Diuision-16 Gto) - Shodasamsha (Ilappiness

and Vehicles)' *33j32y

Here tlrere are two versions. Btihafinrashara Hora Shasfra states that the amshas of Chara, Sthira and Ubhaya Rasis start from Mesha, Simha and Dhanus respectively and go in regular order. But Mantreswara lays down a different Rule. In odd sign start from itself and move in regular order till the 12th sign and 13th' 14th, 15th and 16th are knovvn as Brahma, Vishnu, Iswara and Sun. In even sign the order is Sun, Iswara, Vishnu, Brahma are the first four amshas and the rest commencing with the fifth amsha go from the 12th sign from it in reverse order. As expressed by me before whenever there are alternative theories conclusion should be made by practical applications. By research I have found Mantreswara's rule satisfactory. But here there is a flaw. If lagna or a planet be in one of the four non-zodical amshas, viz. Brahma, Vishnu etc', what to do? I-atest research has proved that these Amshas may also be brouglrt inside the chart by continuing the counting further in the same order. In odd signs 13th to 16th amshas fall in 1st to 4th signs from itself and in even signs the 4th falls in lst sign itself, 3rd amsha falls in 3rd fom the sign and the lst amsha in 4th sign from that sign. Thus all the amshas are brouht inside the charL




Diuision-2o(1+o) - Vimhsamsha (Upasana)

Just like Division-8 you have to start from Mesha. Dhanus and Simha for Amshas of Chara, Sthira and ub.lury signs respectively in regular order. Its span is !%1. Worship of a deity and having its blessings, Upasana Shakti has to be read out from this chart. - Siddhamsha @ducation) : (XV) Diuision-24!+\ In odd Rasis start from Simha and in even Rasis from Kataka and move in regular order even after completing the first cycle of Zndiac.Its span is 1*". Its portfolio is Education. By education all types are included; General, Vedic, Psychic, Mantric, Scientific, Culhrral, Physical etc. (XVI) Diuision-2 7 (t L/ *)- Nakshatamsha (Suength) : In Mesha and its trinal signs (Simha and Dhanus) start from Mesha. In Vrishabha and its trinal signs (IGnya and Makara) start from Iktaka. In Mithuna and its trinal signs (Ihula and Kumbha) start from Thula. In Kataka and its trinal signs (Vrischika and Meena) start from Makara. In all the above cases go in regular order any number of times round the Tndiac till you reach youi poinl Please note that a sort of symmetry exists here. The amshas start from Mesha or itj euadrants (l-4-7-LO). On the other side the Trinal Rasis form one group. Thus there is trinal position on one side and Quadrantial on the other side. It is called so because of there being 27 stars. Physical strength and stamina of the body has to be judged here.

56 qd^(rq.-"el,6v=hfr-w-srffi3o and lllisery)

NrP'lt (1o) - firimshamsha (Ilappiness

In odd Rasis the Thrimshamshas are distributed to planets as follows : The first 50 to Klria, the next 50 to Shurri, the next 80 to Guru, the next 70 to Budha and the last 50 to Shukra. In even Rasi the revetsie is the case' Shukra 50, Budha 70, Guru 80, Shani 50 and lasffy Kuja 50. The text stops with this but does not say anything about their position in the Tndiac' But I try to fix them up as follows : If lagna or planet be in odd Rasi place, it is the odd Rasi of the tord of that division- If even pl'ace, it is erren rRasi. - O(Z0> - Smuedamsha (Auspicious 6UffD Diuision or Inauspicious efffects) : In odd Rasi countfrom Mesha, in even fromThula' This is akin to Division-6. Its span is 10 and anything good or bad has to be read out here. - (Chancter tod Cnodu"tl t (XDQ Diuision - 45 61 r Just like Division - 16, startfrom Mesha Simha and Dhanus in the Rasis of Chara, Sthira and Ubhaya respectively. Its span is 2/3o and' its portfolio is character reading. (XX) Diuision - 60(+") - Shas\amsha: ' Only the names are cited and they are termed good or bad. You have to infer the effects from its name only' No spepific place is assigned to them T th. Tnihac.Its span . ,u rsi.


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Ifow to use the above Table ?

This table does not show Amsha parts of all Divisions. Divisions 2-3-4-5.6-LO-L2-2O and 6O are not tabulated as they may be readily struck being wholesome measurements not involving fractions as in the case of the Divisions included in this table. Divisions 7-8-9-11 and 16 are worked to 12 stages only and Divisions 27 up to 9 stages only. The reason is this : I For example, wtrite working tln'e D-24 for planets situated within 15 degrees count the parts as shown in the Table. If a planet is more than 15 degrees then subtract 15o out of it and find the part represented by the balance. That represents its count. Similarly in the case of D-4O divide the planetary position in Degrees etc. by 9 and find the part corresponding to the remainder. Likewise for D-45 divide by 8 and take the remainder. In the case of D-27 up to 1O degrees find the parts. Exceeding 1Oo and below 2Oo divide by 1O and reckon the part corresponding to the remainder and add 9 to iL The total is the part. But if the planetary position be more than 2O0 find the part corresponding to excess over 2Oo and add to it 18(9+9) or say 6(18-12 one hdiac) that gives the part.


Prior to getting into this subiect one must have a thorough knowledge of all the general principles laid down by Varahamihira, Parashara, Jaimini, Mantreswara,



Satyachariyar and other classic rnasters. For the benefit of the readers I cull out in a nutshell the most important ones that are of much importance here. While dealing with a Division Chart treat it as if that is the principai chart and apply all the general rules. you get the result so far as that porfolio is concerned. While l,ooking into a D-Chart, confine only to the particular effect of that chart. The effect will be experienced only during their periods. The following rules may be noted in handling O_ctrart.

(1) . a plqnet to aive beneficialffi I."ttair" good =pg:iaiol to ll"Tgt".

irrespective of other f4ctors such u" n*i"g in ini-i*t o, or conjunction with other 'Ihus

position from D-Lagna. If the planet be in places other than 3,6,8 and 12 (Dusthanas) it gives good results, its magnitude depending on other factors. gg]!j{_thgy ar"!, Dusthanas they always give bad results-*hatev.iElr gtlrer positions be.

under this theory primary factor is

But tltere are some exceptions to friis rule : (a)Kuja even in 6th in all D-charts does good. For he aspects lagna from 6th. (b)Budha even in 8th in D-4 only gives good. Note the general theory of Budha in g as being e><ceptionally luclry. It is only here and not in othei D-charts. (c)Shani though in 8 does not kill, is the general say. This holds good only in D-8 chart when Shani is in D-S-Lagna and not elsewhere. Thus the above tlree e>rceptionshave to be remembered.



(2\ Consider both the Rasi chart (D-1) and the Division chart to weigh an effect. As stated above, position in D-chart surpasses that in D-l charl Even though a planet is in bad Bhava in D-1, he gives good effects of a D-chart if he is there in good position from D-I-agna. Likewise however powerfully and favourably a planet is situated in D-1, if he is in Dustana in the D-chart he gives bad effects of that D-chart. (3) Having concluded the good or bad effect as per Rules 1 and 2 above the maglritude of the effect has to be judged from both D-l and D-charts as follows : . (a) If the planet has any kind of Shadbalas [Temporal (Kalaja), Motional (chesta), exaltatiop . (uccha), Directional (Digbala)' Declinato4y (Ayanabala) or Positional (Sthanabala)l in D-char{ and favourably situated from its l-agna it gives good effects of a higher magnitude, the more the . quantum the more the simultaneous varied strengths. If in addition to this the planet is also powerfully situated in D-l also excellent results of a superior degree happen. (b) Even a mere ordinary good position in D-chart coupled with a strong position in D-l (though in Dusthana in D-1) gives effects of higher order. (c) But, however strongly and favourably situated in D-l if the planet be in Dusthana in D-chart he does bad to that chart porfolio even if he is exalted or in his own house in that D-charl All these establish the necessit5r of a planet being in good positions from D-lagna to give good results. (4) A combust or vanquished planet (in planetary fight) in D-l is of no avail in D-chart even if he is well

NTP- rr


and powerfully situated in D-chart. He will give worst results to that D-effect if he is also badly placed in D-chart. It practically amounts to dealing with a dead object . (5) If a planet situated favourably in D-chart is debilitated itgives good effectif itattains Neecha Bhanga. For tests of Neecha Bhanga read part-l on yogas. (6) Of all the powerful positions the most important are (i) Exaltation, (ii) Vargottama, (iii) Ovr,n h-9r:. (i") Digbala. All these have to be appiied to 1nd all the D-charts. In this connection I wish to point out that a planet situated in the same sign both in D_1 and ,any other D-chart must be construed as being in Vargottama position with respect to that D-chart and effects of that D-chart read thereon. Unforhrnately, this aspect is being judged only by Navamsha position in-gl. When you apply this theory you get convinced -V argument. "f (7) For reasons stated above exaltations in 3,6,g oi 12 n D-chart are of no avail. (8) See if any of the general yogas edst in the D-chart. If so gauge the magnitude by their strengths as stated above. (9) The effects of planets in D-chart get modified by conjunction or aspect of other planets in the D_charl Here only the natural trenefics and malefics are to be taken and not the functional ones. Among benefics, I consider Guru as the only planet to alleviate the evil indicated bv a planet in bad position in D-chart. If that Guru is powerfully situated in that D-chart his aspect is certainly of effect, but a debilitated Guru cannot be Uantea upon.



(1O) The Birth Yogt and Avayo$ have to be noted here. If the Birth Yogi is in good place in D-chart, he gives Yoga to that effect but in bad position he is lost' Birth Avayogi in a favourable position in Si-it.tty, D-chart will while causing good to that effect create hindrances, anxieties and ruptures hand in hand' (11) Inrdship of Bhavas are to be considered only in D-l and not in D-charts except lord of D-lagna' (12) A debilitated planet in D-chart though in good position gives bad, if there be no Neecha Bhanga' (13) D-I-agna becoming Vargottarna is itself an indication of the effect of that D-chart going very high provided its lord is well placed there. If he is in Dusflrana in such a D-chart, only dreamy effects are felt by the native. In addition to D-lagna being Vargottama its lord be also fitewise or otherwise powerfully and favourably situated in D-chart, he gives orcellent results' (14) 3rd and Sth places are death-like places' A planet in 8 or 3 in D-chart causes death to that effect' In b-g to wife, in D-lO to profession. Death may be construed as also severtulce. Aplanetin 3 in D-lO causes retirement from service (severance). Please note the exception of Shani in 1 in D-8 and Budha in 8 in D'4' (15) 2nd house is said to be neutral house' Aplanet in 2 in D-chart also behaves likewise. (16) A planet in 6th in D-chart in a powerful Rasi gives good first and bad later on. (17) It is said in general Astrologr that the more the number-of planets aspecting I'agna, the more powerful the native becomes. The same theory applies to D-chart also.



(18) Benefics on either side of l_agna is said to confer Yoga. True even in the case of D_chart. But in such a situation if any malefic joins the benefic, tt . i"ga gets marred. Similarly, malefics on either side thoufh spoils first, gets better if any benefic joins them. Whatls -said of Lagna holds good with respect to the seventh house too. Here one thing has to be noted. In the case of malefics if they are Birth yogi or in their own house in D-chart they give modified good effects. / (19) Just as the 2nd and the l2th places from lagna were dealt within 18 above, if planets are placed gqridistantb from lagna such as Z_72,9_ll, a-fb, S-g, 6-8, l-7 they cause effects as stated aborr. a.purrJiog on their natural benefic or malefrc character. This is a special mention of Jaimini, knoum as Sankhya yoga. (2O) In D-12 if Moon is with Kethu invariably the native's mofier becomes a widow. (21) Planets or Bhavas hemmed in between malefics is declared to go bad. Similarly a planet in a D_chart or D-Lagna hemmed in between malefics becomes bad. (zz)Malefics in1t2,l and 2 in D-chart-bad.Benefics in 12,1 and 2 in D-chart-tood. (23) An inciderrt such as mtrriage day, commencement of profession or fresh undertaking, firft of i";;"; during the period of a planet ""situated 9tu:_ hlpp.ning badly in the respective D-chart may not Lna happity. ' -(24) Accession, Election and other positions of conferrable nature are to read from D-lf . (25) Uccha with Neecha or one with his enemy_aaf good.



(26) Of the two planets on either side of lagna or ot'her equiiistant from D-lagna if one is benefic and the then bad t."olt" only during the malefic period' -rl"fi., (27) Aplanet, thoug[r in 8 in D-chart" does notharm if aspected by Powerful Guru' ' (Zg) Female horoscope is specially treated by Our classics confining at least to our Indian womanhood' husbands their either to females are mosfly subordinates remain or their care takers orcept in the cdse of few who life married and marriage as independent memb.t". At females' for important is held Sacred in India D-9 is very good' If this Navamsha Chart is good, all the rest are ' (2g) A Karaka in bad position in D-8 kills the in 8 in relative connoted by the l{araka' Example " Sun on' D-8 kills father, Moon-mother, Shukra-wife and so (3O) ArrV Yogla in a D-chart is no doubt operative tt roughout iife time but particularly felt during their periods. (31) Even a debilitated planst in good position in D-chart does good if he is a Yoga pl'anet. (32) In D-11 the effect of the Bhava occupied by the ptanet counted from D-lagna happens, one in 7 causes marriage, in 4 ProPerty etc. (33) Parivarthana Yoga (mutual exchange of planets) existinglin D-chart has its due effecl (34) What are all said of the planets in D-charts will be felt during their Periods' (35) If the lord of D-tagna is BirthYogi or Duplicate position' Yogi ire gives Yoga effects even in ordinary



(36) If the lord of D-lagna is in I)usthana the result will be bad on and after its Dasha. (37) Karaka in Bhava is bad as per general astrologS. How to apply it to D-charts? Karaka in the corresponding D-lagna is bad. Example..If Budha is in l-agna in D-24, Education gets spoiled. Guru in Lagna in D-7, issues are affected. Shukra in D-9 lagna affects the wife. Sun or Moon in D-12 lagna affects father or motherrespectively. Kuja and Guru in D-3.Lagna affects the younger and elder co-borns respectively and so on. gry rLLa,flRltTIONS OF DTWSTON CI{AR T RUIDTNGS Note : For charts seepages from 16O to I7g (O1) Chart-I ;In D-9 Rahu is in lagna asVargoftama. So he rvas married in Rahu Dasha with a higft fa,mily girl and thatwas to his benefit. This cannot be read out from D-1. In D-lO Guru and Shukra are on either side of lagna and Budha too in lagna with Rahu (Birth yog). So all gpod though this Yoga is operative throughout the life; it is specially felt in Guru Dasha when he rose up in rank and stafirs. In D-11 I-agna is Vargottam and its lord Guru is in 9th but in ordinary sign. yet because of Vargottam lagna his income during Guru Dasha was hig;h enough .nd he had a credit balance. In D-4 Rahu, Birth Yogi is Vargottam in S. So in Rahu Dasha he acquired a good property and in Guru Dasha itwas bettered and had net assets as that Guru is in lagna and own house. D-7 is powerful only in Shani Dasha as Shani is qalted in 9. His children's prosperity to be read in Shani Dasha.


NIP - tI

D-24 Shani in 7 is exalted and has Digbala a very powerful combination. So in Shani Dasha his real education came to lime-liglrt. (O2) Chart-s (PlyIB),'His D-l is very deceptive. See how good is his D-10. In D-lO.' Budha is in 5 in oraltation. In Budha Dasha he was an officer drawing Rs. 8OO p.m. Shulrra in 3 caused his retiremenl Can you read this from D-l where Budha is in 12? (OS) Chart-7 (PR).'This is also a very difficult Rasi chart to perdict. In D-lO : Guru as exalted with Digbala and Moon in own house are together powerfully sitrrated in Lagna causing also Gajakesari Yoga. In Guru Dasha he rose up to the rank of an officer on Rs. 6OOp.m. in a Firm thougfr an S.S.LC. His D-4 is equally powerful which gave him a Bungalow at Madras and other properties of higft value more than a Laldr. His D-l1 is also powerful where Guru is in 7 in his onm house. So during the same Guru Dasha he had high help from his wife side relative. (O4) Chart - I (KGr).'His Rasi Chart is wholly deceptive. Moon, Kuja, Sun and Rahu are all in Dusthanas and their Dashas operated in succession and now Rahu Dasha is running. Whatgood can be saidfrom D-1?

In D-1O Sun in f O (Digbala), Moon in 9 (Vargottam), r'Kuja in 8 bad, but in his onm house and lord of this lagna. Rahu is his Birth Yogi in l0th with strong Shani.



So of all Dashas that ran to some satisfaction his Rahu Dasha is best sanning Rs.zoo p.m. in a firm as consult_ ing Engineer. In D-6 Rahu is in 8th, but his own sign. He is also Birth Yogi. So with all ill-health caused he is maintaining health as Guru aspects Rahu. In D-12 Moon and Ketu are in 8th causing widowhood to mother in Ketrr Bhukti. (o5) Chart- 7 O (Abhijit) In D-9 lagna is Vargottam, Shukra is there as Vargottam and lord of Lagyra Budha is in 4 as Uccha. In Shukra Dasha he married a gtrl of a higher family arld lived happily with her. In D-lO Shukra in I ^gna as exalted with Moon (Benefic). In Shukra Dasha he became a Gazetted Officer. Sun in 9 in ordinary condition had no perceptible change. In D-l Moon is in 6th and Neecha, so appears to be bad. But that Dasha rras good to him nhen he became Head of Departmenl In D-lO he is in Lagna with exalted Shukra. Though Kuja occupies an ordinary 4 in D-1O, his being in ov,'n house in D-1 gave hirn a far higher position. Though Rahu is in lO in D-f being in 12th in D-lO got him out of service as he died in Rahu Dasha. D-8 Rahu is in 8th. He died in Rahu Dasha. (OO) Chart-Il (Mrc. Rath) This is a female horoscope. So her D-9 has to be ' chiefly examined. Here all planets e>rceptKuja and Shan;, are good. Shani is also Birth Avayogi. So she lost


NTP- Itr

,.her husband in Shani Dasha being in 3rd (death house). Her Guru Dasha was excellenl See Guru in l0th in his ov,n house, Retrograde and Vargottam. Her husband was a State Officer drawing Rs. 2OOO p.m. (o7) Chart-Iz (MSS): D-4 : Shukra in 4 (Digbala) in his own house and with Shani (Birft Yogr). Too many qrralifications. By his 'father's death he acquired patrimony in Shutffa Dasha about a lakh worth. D-11 : His Shukra in g as Vargottama gave him ,easy money of his father (9th house) in Shukra Dasha. D-lO : Shukra in 4 wift Digfuala. In Shukra Dasha he became a Gazettud Officer. (O8) Chart-I4 (IYIW

O-g : Moon (Rirth Avryog) in 6 with Ketr caused ; paralytic stroke to his wife. As Guru aspects this Moon she survived. D-4 : Note one permanerrtAvayoga acting here. Kuja pnd Rahu, the two malefics are on either side of lagna. So with all and any amount of income he camnot lay-by any savings. D-6 : A similar good Yoga is here guarding his health 6lways. Budha, Guru and Shukra are irr 6, 7 and 8-good. Thougfi Sun is with Shukra as that Sun is in his own house does good. D-lO : Sun in 11 is exalted here and in his ovyn house in D-1. So doubly strong. He occupied high positions in Sun Dasha. D-24: Among all planets Sun in 1O (Digbala and



iUccha with Swabala in D-1) is of high brilliancy. In Sun 'Dasha he attained higfrest Degree in M.I.E. (O9) Chart-16 (Sri Krishnanja D-lO : Guru, though in ordinary position here, is sralted with Digbala in D-l and also is the lord of this 'lagna and more than all this Lagna falls in the Rasi of Birth Yogi. So in Guru Dasha his fame spread far and wide as Raja-Rishi learned in all suhjects. Shani though in t here is with Ketu and worse with Avayo$ Sun. So he "died in Shani Dasha severing kingship. D-8 : Here again Shani in 7 (rnaraka house) with Avayog Sun and Guru in 8. He died in Shani l)asha Guru Bhuldi. As Guru is both a benefic and Birth Yogi he will have gone to a higfuer world. (1O) Chart - 77 (Sri Jayachanataja Wadeyar) The Rasi Chart (D-1) is highly misleading. See the D-charts. How splendidly facb are nakedly visible. In D-4 Budha in 8 andhe is lord ofthis l^agna.Added to it Budha and Shukra on eit.her side of VII and Moon (Birth Yogi) in 7th as Vargottam. Thus the 6,2 and 8 from Lagna are occupied try benefics. Also you know that Budha in 8 in D-4 Chartgives good. So in Budha Dasha he got the throne and what not and that too quite unerpectedly. This cannot be read out in D-1. In D-12 : The same 8th position of Budha (Avayogi) killed his father. In D-lO : Shani is ordinary and Budha too except that he is lord of this I-agna. But he is Avayogi. Even Ketu, Shukra etc. are all placed here in ordinary positions and yet he is a great personality of the day. How to account for this ? This shows that he is blessed with a

good past karma the results ofwhich he will enjoy in this birth. Such events have to be foretold from D-l1. So see his D-l1. In D-11 : AII the planets are happily powerfully sihrated. Hence the effecl and very

I have already said that one's professional income has to be judged by D-lO while free and voluntary opporttrnities are to be seen in D-11. Even as Governor he did not earn by profession as he surrendered the entire pay to the Government But he had enougfu of D-l1 good things. In D-16 : r rona is Esm'ara. So by Eswara kripa he had conveyance since birth. See all the pLanets in the Zndiac are superb. So he enjoyed best of comforts. (11) Chart-B (Sir lWirza Ismail) ,In D-lO : Shukra is e>rtraordinarily brighq e)6lted in 5 here and in ovm house wift Digbala in D-1. In Shukra Dasha he became the pet of His Highness and occupied a key position. Except that Sun is Birth Yogi otherwise he has no superior pou/er. Moon in 10 here and in oum house in D-l made him a renov,'ned Denan. Kuja,lord of this lagna, is in 9th butwith his enemy Kettr and in Neecha. He is also Neecha in D-1. So he methis retirement under unhappycircumstances in Kuia Dasha. This is to prove that Vargottama Neecha is no good. In D-8: Rahu in 8 killed him inRahu Dashathougfu with Guru as that Guru is also there submerged. (12) Chart-Il (SirP.N ltrishna )llurthy)

His D-l is not remarkable. See his D-lO.



In D-1O : All the planets are extraordinarily powerful. Moon in 2-neutral, but in D-l Uccha : Kuja and Rahu in lagna with its lord Guru, there alone with Digbala and Snabala, Shani in 11 in own house aspecting lagna, Budha in 5 as Vargottama, Ketu in 7th in the house of Budha and aspected by powerful Guru; Shukra in 4 as Vargottama and Digbala; Sun in 1O with Digbala. What else is needed? He was a very capable Dewan. (13) Chart-2o (Wealthy lligh Officer)

For wealth and status we have to look to D-4; and D-10 In D-4 : Kuja in 7 with powerful Guru. Also this Kuja is here in own house and D-l with Digbala. Rahu is Birth Yogi in sth in his own house with its lord Shani. So Shani also has become powerful. Guru is Vargottam in 7. Budha is Vargottama in 4 here with Digbala in D-1. Ketu in 11 with good aspects. Shukra in 9 ttrough ordinary is exalted in D-1. Sun is Neecha, not so good. Moon in 1O in ovm house. What else is needed ? AII the good and powerful Dashas intervened at proper ages. So he had huge wealth at his command. In D-lO : Guru in l-agna as Vargottam with Digbala with exalted Sun. Kuja and Budha are the only bad pLanets here. But their Dashas did not come in time. So the other happy Dashas lifted him up in life and status. (I 4) Chart-2 1 (I-eading Statesman) For the Statesmanship D-lO to be looked to. In D-lO Rahu in 11, Guru in Lagna as Vargottama and Digbala himself Duplicate Yogi with a similarly powerfully placed Birth Yogi Budha. Shani as lord of this lagna is also there. Rest are also well placed. But we



are chiefly concerned with planets whose Dashas intervene at proper age. At birth he ran Rahu Dasha for 17 years, then Guru Dasha dll33, then Shani Dasha till 52 and later Budha Dasha till 69 by which time he lr'as sufficienfly old. See how to his good luck the highly powerful and yogaic planets have ruled him in succession. So all round from birth to lifetime he was flamous. (15) Chart-2z (T'GR)-(A powerful IIead of Depar/ment) and intelligent

In D-lO, Rahu in 5 Vargottama, Guru as lord of lhis Lagna in I as Retrograde and Vargottama (extraordinarily powerful) and he is also Duplicate Yogi. So he started as a Gazetted Officer in Rahu Dasha and became a very powerful Head of the Departrnenl Shani in 3 caused his retirement from service. In D-4, Guru in 8 made him sell away his house. Shani in lagrra as Vargottama gave him a Big Blngatow worth a Lakh in his Shani Dasha. In D-8, Shani in2 maraka house killed him in Shani Dasha. (16) Chart-2? (Srt l(asturi Sdniuasan of Hindu) See his D-10 is worse till the end of Ketu Daslra, i.e. till his 45flr age. On and after Shukra Dasha there is some light but even that is not satisfactory. But he uras wealthy and notable, all due to past karma effect for which see his D-l1. In D-I1. Even here planets till the end of Kehr Dasha are bad. See his Shukra in 4 as Uccha with Digbala and Sun in 9 in own house. These two Dashas blessed him very higfrly when he enjoyed all comforts of finance


without exerting for dre same. Thus it is enouglr if in one's life a long period Dasha is good as in this case. In D-12, Guru a-slord of this lagna in 1O in his own house is highly pon'erfrrl. Shani in 7 has Digbala. So during these tsrc Dashas that ruled him from birth to his plst age his parents were in higfr status. i In D-8 : Note Sun in 8. He died in Ravi Dasha. (17) Chart-z4 minister) (AW): (A qivilian officer wtro was a

In D-lO : Rahu in 5, Guru lord of lagna in lO aspected by Birth Yogi Sun were gd during their pashas that ran till his 53rd age rvten he became the Head of Deparhnenl Shani in 11 as Uccha lifted him as minister in Shani Dasha. But as he is Avayogi and with Kefir he retired in Shani Dasha alone. In D-11 : AII are good and strong. So his finance is good. (18) (hart-zs (Prof, B.V Raman):

D-lO : Till the end of Rahu Dasha (25th age) his professional aspect is mediocre. Guru is in g as VargoUam. In his Guru Dasha his profession improved. As he is Avayogi his Guru Dasha is not a period of smooth walk-over. [Ie had to face many anxious periods but finalitywould be good. Shani being in 2 as Neecha he has to slonr-dosm his profession in Shani Dasha. Budha Dasha is better. D-l1 : Here Guru, Shani, Budha are all well placed. Shani in 11 and in his own house is excellent- During Shani Dasha he witl have plenty of profits and financial felicity with least trial.



D4 : AII planets are good and powerftrl. So he is blessed with high valued properU and net assets. (19) Chart-26 (KPO: (An officerwith inheritance and property througft wife) good paternal

D-9 : See how powerful is this charl Shukra is in 4 both here and D-l witr Digbala. Moon is also in 4 here with Digbala. Sun in 1 is exalted aspected by Birth Yogi gsdha. Note that Moon is also lluplicate Yogi. Shukra, Ravi and C1andraDashas rufed till his 36th age all happy and highly prosperous ones for wife and marital happine*s. He has a handsome wife through whom he had much gains too. D-lO : Sun is Vargottam in 5 and he is flre lord of fti5lagna too witr Moon the Duplicate Yogi aspected by powerful Birth Yogi Budha. Kuia in 6 in e)ltation is errcellent but not wiftout rubbing as he is Avayogi. Rahu in 3 causes retirement in Rahu Dasha. Thus you see the Dashas of Sun are excellent He is an officer drawing Rs. 60O p.m. D- I I : All planets are happy here. So he has gains in atl direc'tions. IIe is giood for a lakh of rupees today. Budha is bad but his Dasha does not intervene. D4:AsbeforeMoon and Shukrahave Digbala here, Sun Vargottam, Guru Vargottam and own house. Shukra, Ravi and Moon Dashas that ran till his 36th age gave higf surplus assets. Here after itfalls dovvn as Kuja is in 8 and Rahu with Neecha Shani. Note as Kuja is also Arravogi he will lose plenty of surplus assets. (2O) Lhart-27 (l)IRR): This is a case to show that if a Birth Yogi or Iluplicate Yogi is well situated in D-chart he will confer



Yogg even in ordinary Rasi. See his D-lO. Budha is very ordinarily situated in 9&. As he is duplicde Yogi in Budha Dasha he is drawing Rs. 5OO p.m. as an Engineer in a firm. (21) Chart-28 (I{^SK): Guru in 10 being Duplicate Yogi frKed him up in a decentiob to startwith. Shani who is Birth Yogi is here in 7ft with Digbala- So in Shani Dasha he is a Garrfted. Officer aran'ing Rs. 600 p.m. His D.ll is gpod u'hich $ave hirn rnany fi nanciat promotions. ln D-12 : Guru is in 10 in oqm house. Ife is also Duplicate Yogi. During his Guru Dasha his father fued well. Shani in 7 witr Digbala caused name to his frfter. As it is maraka house father died in Shani Dasha. (22) Chart-z9 (U.P.N) .' (Patrimonv in I -rrhs but not successfrrl in professional stahrs) D-4 : Except Sun and Moon dre rest re good. In Guru Dasha he assumed mastery oyer patrnal goodShani in 9 as Vakra and in own house and also in exaltation in D-l showered in Shani Dasha good property and income out of iL See its coniunction wilh Kuia and Arnayogi. During the sme perid one of his younger brotrer ffulrXarata) dreindled the ioinffy held ancestral gpod. Budha in 8 in D4 irs gpod-more so as he is BirthYogi. gpod here is Shmi in D-lO : The only plmetftatis 7 with Digpala, Vakra Bala and Uccha Bata in I>.1. In Shani Dasha he became a Gazetted officer. D-3 : As bcfore Shani is here exalted, in 5 andVakra and Vargottam. In Shani Dasha his brolhers proqrered



well. Budha, lord of this Lagna wtro is Birth Yogi and Retrograde is here in 5 and in D-l in own house. In Budha Dasha one of his trrothers shot out into Public Name and held a high position in life. (23) Chart-So : (Sri B.N. Wiaw Deu) D-lO : Rahu, Birth Yogi is here in 7 with Digbala. In Rahu Dasha he was public prosecutor. Guru is in 12. In Guru Dasha his profession failed and he left off practising as a Larryer. D-l1 : Better than Rahu, Guru is powerfully placed here in 11 in e:raltation. He is also Vakra. With all these lrcv/ersr he had free flow of income without exertion. D-7 : Putrakara Guru though e>ralted is in 12 with Ketu and Avayogi Shukra. The Dashas of operative nahrre for this aspect were Rahu, Guru who are in 6 and 12 respectively. So he died childless. D-8 : Guru in 10 (Karmasthana) killed him in Guru Dasha. (24) Llltart-S2: (7R) In D-1O : Vakra Shani is in 5th with Kuia (Birrtr Yogr). AIso Shani hirnseHis Duplicate Yogi in own house in D-1. So in Shani Dasha he rose to the rank of an of{icer on Rs. 1OOOp.m. Shani is good in D-11 too. In D-24 : All planets are good. He possesses multiple qualifi cations. In D-7 : The lagna is hemmed in between the two malefics Rahu and Kuja. So no issues. (25) Chart-S?: (V.N) D-lO : Rahu is good enough being in 9 but its lord



Budha is in 12 not very good. See Guru is in 5 with exalted Moon forming thus Gajakesari yoga. He became a Gazetted officer in Guru Dasha. D-11 : Guru in lagna as lord of Lagna very powerful gling high income without trials. But see Shani Avayogi with him and malefic Kuja. AJI that will be spent awzry on questionable matters. D-4 : Lagna is Vargottam. Moon, Kuja, Rahu and Guru are all good and their Dashas also appeared. So since birth he had property. Among them Guru being lord of this Iagna and Vargottam has given him some more substantial assel 26. Chart-?4: (Dr. IQ D-lO : His Rasi Chart is a mess. But see D-charts. In D-1O Budha in 6 no good. Kehr in 4 its lord Sun in 1 good. Ketu Dasha was good for profession. Shukra in Lagna in own house is excellenl He is aspected by Birth Yogi, Kuja better. D-11 : Kehr in ovyn house and Shukra in 4 (Digbala). During these Dashas he earned thousands and is showing hear4ycredit balance. D-4 : Shukra, though in lZ, is in ovynhouse aspected by Birth Yogi Kuja. During Shukra Dasha he made several properties worth more fran a Lakh. (27) Chart-36 : (M.S.S.) This is a very irnlrortant illustration to show that even a minute's difference in birth time works wonders. See his D-l1 charl Here Sun is exalted, Moon in own house, Guru e:ralted, Budha exalted, Rahu ovrn house, Ketu and Shani normal places. With all these superior



powers he is frer all a Second Division Clerk Se all ftese powerful planets are submerged in 3, 6, 8 and 12. Of them Rahu and Shukra are good. But their Dashas harre not yet operated. Just see his lagna is 60 - 16' of I-Era of D-11 enters Kumbha. I(anjra. After 50 - 27'fu Snppose fts legna was before 5Oo-27'i.e. 49 before the presentpoint-ffierall about3 minutes bcfore the preeent birth time-then D"11 lagna would have been Meena and the entire chartwould hane been splendid. IIe unuld have become multi-millionaire. It is here ftat the skill of an Astrologer lies. No usfrrt purpose would sterve by the mere maftematical accuiate calcrilation 6f Iqgna point for a given time of Birft however accurate it be. By verification of pastincidents in one's life, verify the lagna in all the D-chrts md then ft up the correct lagna poinL Then by rverse pnocess calculate the Birth time. This is the correcturayandthe onlyurayfor rectification of Birth time I bave spoken of before. B5r*his medrodyou will be able to ftr up the I -gna point to the minute. Incidentatly this chrt also pr,oves trat exaltations in 3-Ga-12 @usbnas) is of no arrail. (28) Cha*37 : (Sri Nansimha Bhanfti SvamEaI) D-9 : Rahu Dasha ruled from 15th to 33rd age. Rahu as Neecha is in 6 here. So in Rahu Dasha of pnoper age narriage is out of question. You should not look to other Dashas as by rhat lips a*etic ffieis embmaced. Then we must see D-5. D-5 : At birth Moon Dasha ruled, Moon in 5 good butwitr Ketu submerged. N*KuF in 6 in oqm house. The spiritual element in the Swamiji was rooted powerfully in Kuja Dasha. Rahu here is in 11 but in D-l in his own house. In Rahu Dasha the Swamiji was



spirihrally elevated further. See Guru in this chart in g and erralted, Guru Dasha has to be worshipped. It is pure Brahmathwam of a high order. The Swamiji's attainments during this period uras of a far superior order not at all attached to earth but solely of thl real and spiritual. He had even ,sakshaaftkan'. See the vision of God direcl Shani is here in 8. you know ttat Shani in 8 does not kill a Native. Then what has happened here? But such an elevated Sqxamiii if survives in Shani Dasha the Swamiji would have been pulled doqm to earthly touch. To avoid it the Swamiji attained NftWna before coming under the sn'ay of Shani. (29) Chart-S8 : (Sri Chandrasekhata Bharathi Swamigal) D-9 : Shukra in 6 Neecha, Sun in Z Neecha, Moon in 3. These three Dashas cover up 3l years. For a saint D-9 should go bad. D-5 : Shukra in 2 - Neutral till22nd age. Sun though in 9 is Neecha. Even Sun Dasha is not so promising ior spiritral elerration. Moon, Birth Yogi is in f -gne. 16i5 Moon's Dasha was the best period for spiritual developmenl Ne;<t followed Knja Dasha from Bg ta 45 age. Kuja is in 5 here but e>ralted in D-1. So further rise in Kuja Dasha. But note that this Kuja is aspected by Avayogi Budha. Side-by-side there were inimical obstructions. Rahu is in 6 here-quite an unhappy condition. So it was with the Swamiji finally attaining Nirpna in Rahu Dasha Kuja Bhukti. Why? See D-8. _ _ D-8 : l-agra is hemmed in between Rahu and KuiaIn Rahu Dasha Kuia Bhukti the Swamiji attained lvrrp*" On the whole the Svamiji,s life is not smooft.

AO (3O) Chart-39 : (Sri Ramana lllaharchi)


D-9 : This is permanently marred by Kuja, Rahu and Shani being in 12, I and 2 fuorm this lagna an essential condition for a true Spiritml Sanyasi. . D-5 : Shani is here in 4 in orw house. Shani l)asha ruled from 5th ta 24th age. In the early part of Shani Dasha itself he left his home in quest of Who am I ? As it is Shani that caused this Yoga there uras the material 'touch in addition to hfuh philosophy. Nertfollowed Budha Dasha. Budha is in 9 in own house. He developed Gnana and surpassed the rest in matters of realisation of self. Kefr aplanethelpful to attain salyation (Multhi) is strong in 7 in onm house aspected by Guru. It is now fhat Brhmajnana dawned to gtrru's touch. The coming Ravi Dasha would have pulled him don'n as Sun is Neecha. Butthe Maharshi attained Nirpnabefore Ravi Dasha. In D-8 Shulrra is in 8. 37. Chart4O : (SriAbhinaw Wdathirtra Smmigal)

D-6O : Swamiji is born in Devamsha. The very nanre is indicative of a birth more of the celestial plane than of earthy pl,ane. Getting into the seat of Sharada Peeta is a gfft of God and only those frat are destined shall occupy. As perthe abo'emomentofbirth, fte seatwas earmarted for the Surunfii. All that social talk of selection to the Peeta is a myth. D-9 : I.ord of this I.agta (Guru) is submerged in 3 and his Dasha itself operated in right age from l6th to 32nd. So the question of marriage did not arise. By that time the Ashramam is changed. One wa5r, it may be concluded that if the lord of flre lagpa of a D-chart is badty placed the effect of the D-chart will be bad from



and after the Dasha of the lord of the I-agna of that D-charl D-1O : It is only Shani that is first powerful being in 7th (Digbala) and oralted. Swamiji's name is spread far and wide in Shani Dasha only. In fact, coronation as Jagadguru happened in Shani Dasha. D-24 z Guru in 2 is exalted with Shukra. In Guru Dasha itself the Swamiji acquired tremendous Vedic Knowledge. Shani in 7 with Digbala is still more powerful to have mastery over all languages of the day and Shani Dasha is an affluent period for high scholarship; especially in philosophy on the material plane. D-12 z A Swamiji should sever relationship with parents. Guru in 2 is neutral. Shani in 6. In Shani Dasha no relationship at all. D-5 : Guru with Moon is in 5 with Gajakesari yoga. Note: Guru is also Retrograde. In Guru Dasha itself Swamiji has attained high spirihralism. Shani is in 4 as exalted with Shukra in own house. So in Shani Dasha attainments under this head are very high. As the combination is Shani-Shukra the Swamiji has the supreme power of attracting a number of Devotees.

This chapter is exceedingly useful to students. This is author's original research work which is unique in Shodasha Varga iaterpretation



Chapter IV

Dasha Bhulrti Classical

As I have been repeatedly emphasizing on the importance of Dasha Bhukti, I now deal with the subject as per classic principles but in a modified form to facilitate definite and candid predictions. Dasha Bhukti is a clock to show the time of occurrence of an event existing in the horoscope. As stated before, even a poor horoscope backed up by good Dashas is worth more than a powerful horoscope with poor Dashas. I have seen someAstrologers bankingtheir conclusions mainly on the horoscope without coupling up the Dashas and ttre result would be a thoroug;h disappoinbnent to the consultant and a rebuke to the Astrologer. We are not satisfied to lsro$'the mere existance of the static elemenLs in a horoscope but are more eager to know its dynamic results as to when the yoga formed by the planets at birth would become operative and fruitfrrl. Is one's thirst satisfied at merely looking at the tender cocoanuts on top of a tree? Arry of us would be anxious to know how the present time is or the fuhrre day would be. To answer these questions Dasha Bhuktiin particuLar Udu Dasha- is the only guiding factor. You might have seen several books, sometimes written in volumes on Dasha Bhulrti, I quote for instance Saruartha Chintamani in Sanskrit and lftishna Misram in Telugu which seem to be exhaustive on this subject but on application you realise that you are exhausted and not the subject. To iudge an issue by one definite rule is easy. When there are more than one the trouble creeps in and worse with multiple considerations. The



rules mentioned in those texts take us from the earthy plane to the ethereal and sometimes heavenly too. The innumerable factors, alternatives and sometimes seeming contradictions lead us to wilderness. One way this may be helpful to a one rupeeAstologer to quote any rule to fit in the result. They are all very general in character. If they are applied to a horoscope many things may go wrong and by sheer chance one or two may fit in over which some may gloat. It is just like a punter getfing overjoyed at the winning of his horse in the last Race on which he has staked his last coin after having lost hundreds before. Such chattery sayings that all things are good, bad or mixed will not help us much. It is like periodical predictions in newspapers and mag'wines for all people born in a sign of the Moon or Sun. Whatis needed is the correct reading of all aspects of life of an individual at a particular period. This requires a thorough scrutiny of the intrinsic merits of the horoscope. At a particular period of one's life all aspects may not be simultaneously good or bad. Invariably they will be of varied nattrre some good, some bad and some middling. In Chapter III-Part II, I have already discussed a novel metfrod of evaluating the Dasha Bhukti Readings thouglr it is unique and in a way definite. It has yet an element of uncertainty when particularisation of effects is attempted. In this method you can definitely say that a Bhukti is generally good or bad and also go a little further to attempt at particularisation. Even then only a few directly related to the planetwould be particularised. What happens to other matters cannot be gauged here. Thus it is not an exhaustive method. These diverse effects cannot be read out from the superficial positions



in Rasi Chart (D-1).These differential readings are to be read out from my Division Charts only. I construe that all planets give all effects and the particular porffolio ones give their effects more strikingly perhaps. The fact that at all times we experience all effects is itself an evidence to confirm the above inference. Now you will appreciate the importance of Division Charts which not only help us to evaluate the intrinsic merit of a particular aspect but also to read the periodical effects. us now go to the subject Proper.

Dasha Reading :
' In Chapter III-Part II while discussing the merits of a Division Chart" I have fully discussed the good and bad positions and traits of planets with respect to each Division Charl I have also said that those results will happen onb during the Dasha and Bhukti of the planel Thus if you wish to lcrow the Dasha effect of a planet see how its lord is disposed in all the D-charts and read those effects during its Dasha. As such there is no necessity to repeat them again here only to fill up the pages.

Bhukti Reading :
Before I discuss Bhukti Reading I feel I must show you :rn important chart not known to many so far but 'which has abundant revelation and that is the 'Mathematical Nauamsha Chart'I have referred to before. Now I discuss the general theory of all the mathematical D-Charts. In tfre evaluation of all these charts the chief controlling guiding factor round which other things move is the Vargottamamsha, i.e., the Amsha that stays in the same Rasi as in D-1. Now I define the other principles as follows :


To find the distribution of all the Amshas of a Division in a particular Rasi or Mathematical Division Charts. (1) First Fix up the position of the Vargottam Amsha (of that Division) in that Rasi. You know that 3O degrees divided into so m{rny parts as that of the division gives the span of an amsha of that division. (2) The immediate nextAmsha in thatRasi (i.e., next to Vargottama Amsha) will be occupied by the Amsha given by the next bestowing sign to this sign and so on. What is a bestowing sign? All signs do not contribute their Amshas to a particular sign. In Such cases the immediate next sign of productivity must be taken overlooking non-productive sign. Such feeding signs which contribute their Amsha to a Rasi are called the Bestowing Signs. As there are different orders followed in the erection of Division charts the same order should be followed to locate the Amshas in the 'Mathematical Division charts. By this method you may fir up the position of a planet in degrees and minutes in each Division Chart and thus know three important positions that help the Dasha Reading. They are : (1) The star in which a planet is situated in Rasi Chart (D-1). (2) The star to which this planet gives its Amsha in the D-Chart and (3) The star that comes and falls at the Amsha occupied by the planet in D-1. These three stars and their lords play a very important role in both the shaping of the Dasha and the Bhuktis that get related to Dasha lord. These will be ersplained later.



As we are chiefly concerned with Udu-Dasha and of all the Division Charts the Navamsha Chart (D-9) is the only one having full padas (Quarters) of stars well knit into the twelve signs of the Tndrac. We confine ourselves at present to the mathematical Navamsha Chart and see how far it helps us. I-eaving the more elaborate and complicated other mathematical charts to my friends to labour I devote my attention to mathematical Navamsha Chart onty (Math. D-9). kt us take a concrete example - the Amshas that fall in Vrishabha Rasi : You are aware that Vrishabha Rasi has the stars Krittika 2, 3 and,4 padas, Rohini l-2-3-4 padas and Mrigasira 1 and 2 padas in successive order (in D-1). What are the stars that fall on each of these padas is what we must know. As stated before the star that stays boft in D-l and D-9 in the same Vrishabha Rasi is Rohini -2. This is called Vargottam pada. Please note this strict definition of Vargottam pada; it is the Amsha of a Division occupying the same Rasi both in D-1 and in that Division. After locating its position in degrees and minutes i.e. Rohini 2 is from l3o - 20' to 19o-4O' of Vrishabha-look to the next bestowing Rasi. After Vrishabha the next sign is Mithuna. It is a bestowing Rasi as it feeds an Amsha to Vrishabha and that is Punarvasu 2. This Punarvasu 2 should be located next to the previous Vargottam pada. i.e. on Rohini 3. Similarly the Rasi next to Mithuna being Kataka as no Amsha is fed from this Rasi to Vrishabha you must ignore it as it is not a Bestowing Rasi and go to the next i.e. Simha from where Makha 2 comes and falls on the next position, i.e. Rohini4. Ukewise Hasta 2 of l(anya falls on the next Amsha. i.e. Mrigasira 1. Vishaka 2 falls on Mrigasira 2



the lastpart of Vrishabha. The nextAmsha in this Rasi to be reckoned is Krittika 2 that starts the Rasi. So Moola 2, Sravana 2, P. Bhadra2 and,Ashwini 2 fall on Ikittika 2, Kritrika 3, I(rittika 4 and Rohini I respectively. Thus you find that only the 2nd padas of stars of Ketu, Moon and Guru are sihrated here. If you work outfully on this basis you find the following peculiarities. I. There are tlree uarieties of star-padas. (a) One set of padas that move in succession for six times before they get back to their original position-called the moving set-6 in each Rasi totalling 72 n all. (b) One set of padas that exchange themselves and they are 2 in each Rasi totalling 24 tn all. (c) Vargottom padas - one in each Rasi totalling 12 in all. Thus the three totalled gives 1O8 padas corresponding to 9 in each Rasi. Planets in each set gives varied readings which will be scplaingd later. 2. There is a symmety in the formation of this chart

(a) Mesha to Kataka contains the padas of stars of Ketu; Moon and Guru in the same order also and the lst 2nd, 3rd and 4th padas falling in Mesha to Kataka respectively. (b) Similarly, Simha to Vrischika contain L-2-3-4 parts of stars of Shani, Shukra and Kuja respectively. (c) And finally Dhanus to Meena contain those of Rahu, Budha and Sun.



3. By working tltis chart you wiII also see the group planets being sets of friends as stated in preuious chapters. (a) Ketu-Moon-Guru. (b) Shanishukra-Kuja (c) Rahu-Budha-Sun belonging to a set of friendship diagram proper see nexL among themselves. For and

Bhukti Reading :
Before viewing a planet as Bhulrti Lord (Sub l-ord) find out its merits as Dasha Lord (Maior l-ord) and then proceed as follows : AII the following rules are to be applied with reference to the respective Division Charts and the particular effect of that chart has to be read out during the Bhulrti. (A) If the major Lord is good, tlten : (1) Sub Lord who is also good will add on his good effects to the major l-ord if they are mutually related. Mutual relations are (Vide Verse 30 Ch. XV of Phaladeepika). (a) Mutual occupation of each other's sign. (b) Mutual aspect or conjunction. (c) Mutual addition Kendra or Kona position; and in

(d) Being situated in any of the star padas of major Lord in mathematical Navamsha Chart or (e) Mutual occupation of each other star in D-1.



(2) A good sub l-ord not related to the major Lord remains Neutralwhen the good effects of the Dashanatha only will be felt (3) A bad sub l-ord related to the good Dasha Lord modifies the Dasha Lord's effects depending on their relative strengf,hs in that chart (4) A bad sub l-ord not related to the good major I-ord remains neutral and major I-ord's good effect only will be felt with traces of evil effects of the Bhukti lord. @) If the major l-ord is bad in a Division chart flien : (l) A good sub lord mutually related with the Dasha Lord will modi$ the bad effects of the major l-ord depending, of course, on their reLative strengths in that chart. (2) A good sub Lord not related to Dasha Lord will give worse results. (3) A bad sub I-ord whether related or not with a bad Dasha I-ord does worse. (C) Now about one-sided relationship two l-ords in a Diuision Chart: between the

1. A sub I-ord in the house (or star in D-1) of Dasha Lord becomes the guest of the laffer and thus subjects itself to the orders of the Dasha Lordwhose powers alone predominate. 2. Similarly a Major I-ord in the house (or star in D-1) of sub Lord becomes the latter's guest or tenant at- will. As such it gets its trait changed by its sub Lord. If that sub lord be good no worry; but if it be bad, the major I-ord, thougfr good by himseH, would be obliged to give bad results modi$ing its good effects. If in the above


case the major l-ord is also bad, owe be to the fate of the Native; worst results happen during the period regarding the particular effect of the D-charl If that malefic sub I-ord is weaker than the Dasha I-ord (good) in that chart it is something tolerable; but if he becomes stronger than the Dasha I-ord, worst results happen even if the latter be good; if bad it needs no further say. 3. If only one of them aspects, the other one not reciprocating, then the character of the Aspector should be added on to that of the Aspectee and then the combined or modified reading given. If in such a circumstance the Aspector be Dasha l-ord his effects alone will be felt. If on the other hand the sub Lord aspects the major l-ord then the former effects get mixed up with that of the latter. 4. In the case of conjunction the effects of the more powerful planet predominates. (D) It has been a general conception that the good effects (Yoga) of a Dasha I-ord does not commence in his own Bhukti, if so, the rest of the Dasha period will go bad. Every rule has an exception. If that exception is not pointed out along with the general Rule the very Rule is likely to be refused to be followed. The exception in this case is that such Yogas will surety start in its own Bhukti if that l)asha [.ord is either in his ov,'n Rasi or more candidly in his own star in D-l or if his star - pada moves to any of his ovrn star in the Mathematical Navamsha Chart. For example in chart I of LgO7, Guru is in Punarvasu 2-his ov*n star. So he got elevation in Guru Dasha-Guru Bhulrti alone and the Yoga continued till the fag end of the Dasha.



(E) The relative positions of the two lords are ofvery great importance. Both may be independently good in the chart But if their relative positions are 3, 6, 8 and 12 the period may not be congenial. (F) In the mathematical D-9 chart, if a planet gives its Amsha to Dustanas from itself the result is bad, otherwise good. Such effects are felt during the Dasha of that planet and the Bhukti of the planet owning the star to which the Dasha Lord gives its Amsha. But if they are Parivarthana padas the effect felt first gets rectified later. (G) The Dasha I-ord attains the qualities ofthe planet owningthe starwhoseAmshafalls in math. D-9 charton the Radix position of the Dasha Lord. If per chance it be the star of Birth Yogi, the Dasha becomes Yoqaic, if of Avayogi the reverse Thus the triple stars of math. D-9 chart play very important role in shaping the effects of Dasha.

To illustrate the Dasha Bhukti Reading as per my theory, 1 take up Chart 1 of 19O7 of which I am fully conversant. At Birth the balance of Ravi Dashawas only 13 days. So I leave off Ravi Dasha. Moon Dasha.'In D-l it is lord of 8 in 1O but in Zero-Rasi; so mixed effects. What is good and what is bad we shall discern from D-charts. In D-lO he is in 6 but aspected by Guru. His profession and stahrs (as he is only a child say his protectors- in this case fatherrs stahrs and profession) was first bad but later got slighfly

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Revathi 4
Shathabhisha 4 U-Shada 4 Jyesta 4 Swathi 4 Uttara 4 Aslesha 4 Aridra 4 Krittika 4 Aslesha3 Aridra 3 Krittika 3 Reuathi 3 U-Shada 3 Jyesta 3 Swathi 3 Uttara 3 Jyesta 2 Swathi 2 Uttara2 Aslesha 2 Aidra2 Krittika 2 Reuathi 2 Shathabhisha 2 .... ....

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 9 8 7 6 4 3 2 1

Ashwini r{ird"
Rohinit PunaruasuI Makha I

1....... 1
11.. .... 2 :2.5. .... 3 '-tt;T, .... 4 .... t?t. .... ."E.5 .... J\.tr ....

Hasta 1
VishakaI MoolaI r Sravana p. BhadraI

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a 7 8 9

.... .... .... .... .... ....

Shathabhisha 3 .... .... s


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8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

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Anuradha 4
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.... .... .... .... .... ....

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93 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Moora 2 14
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Vishaka 2


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....:5 S 7 ....1.A.8

Punarvasu 3
Makha 4 Hasta 4 Vishaka 4 Moola 4 Sravana 4 P-Bhadra 4 Ashwini 4 Rohini 4 U-Bhadra I Bharani I Mrigasira I Pushuani 1 Chitta I Anuradha I P. Shada 1 Dhanista 1

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

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.... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ,. .... ..

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I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chitta 3
Anuradha 3 P. Shada 3 Dhanista 3 U-Bhadra 3 Bharani 3 Mrigasira 3 Pushyami 3 Pubba 3 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ....

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Anuradha 2 P. Shada 2 Dhanista 2 U-Bhadra 2 Bharani 2 Mrigasira 2 Pushyami 2 Pubba 2

Clritta 2





better. Note the word Protector about which I have fully dealt with its real significance when I have dealt with female Horoscope in Part I. In D-11 Moon is in 2- a neutral position. His father's financial position was neither good nor bad. In D-3 Moon is in 6 aspected by Shani. His co-borns were not in happy circumstances. In D-4 he is in 1O in an ordinary position aspected by malefics Sun, Kuja and Shani. He had liflle ancestral good. Note in D-6 he is in 6 in debilitation. Througfrout he was sickly. Being in 1l in D-24 his education was good. His body strength was weak as Moon is in 6 in D-27. Kuja Dasha : In D-1, as lord of 5 and 12 Kuja is in 2nd Bhava with many aspects. Even here mixed effects are felt as follows. Kuja being Retrograde in 6th (an exception to Kuja), in D-lO fa0rer's profession bettered. In 8 debilitated in D-l1 bad for finance, good in D-3 being in 5 aspected by Guru. D-4 also good, D-6 (health improved) good being in 4;D-12 good. lnD-24 Kuja is powerfully situated in Lagna aspected by Duplicate Yogi, Shani who is in 7 exalted with Digbala. During Kuja Dasha he always stood first in the class and was recognised as a brilliant studenl Note Kuja is in Poorvashada star (Shukra). So the two are related.lnD-24 Shukra is exalted with Guru in own house both being in 2nd from Moon and twelfth from l-agna forming Sunapha Yoga. He passed L.S. creditably in Kuja Dasha-Shukra Bhukti. Rahu Dasha i Rahu is Birth Yogi. That itself gives a clue that it has some inherent good qualities. In D-l Rahu is in 8th; so no substantial good can be read there.



In D-1 Rahu is in Guru star - so the two are related. In D-9 Rahu is in Lagna as Vargottam and Guru in 11 both from lagna and Rahu. So in Rahu Dasha Guru Bhukti he married a grl of higher family by which he was profited much. Also Rahu being in Lagna as Vargottam his wife was quite healthy throughout Rahu Dasha. Marriage at the 2lst age (Guru No). In D-1O Rahu in lagna with Neecha Budha but protected on either side by Guru and Shukra forming Shubha Ifurthari Yoga. These indicate some good of profession in Rahu Dasha. Please note that Rahu and Kehr give the effects of the planets in conjunction or its Aspectors and the lord of the star and sign occupied by Rahu. In this case Rahu is with Neecha Budha and its positional Rasi I-ord Guru is rn 12 - all indicating not one of higfrer order. In fact he caught a good job in Rahu - Budha, but the same terminated in the same Bhukti the paybeing Rs. 5O (Budha's number). As Guru, Budha and Shukra are in L2, L and,2 in this chart good effects of profession arise in the Bhuldis and Antharas of these planets in Rahu Dasha. In Rahu Dasha-Budha Bhukti , Budha Anthara he got the first Govt. iob which terminated in Budha Bhukti alone as he is Neecha. Please recollect that anything starting at a badly placed planefs period will not be finally good. Again he took to independent business in Rahu - Budha - Guru which also failed as Budha is Neecha and Guru n L2.I-asfly he started his real life of continuity in Rahu-Shukra-Rahu. Note this Shukra is in 2. As Shukra is Avayogi he could not give him much. Guru Antara improved his status which stagnated till the end of Rahu Dasha. In D-11 Rahu is in 5 good. During Rahu Dasha his financial condition was good enouglr. Being aspected by



Guru (IGraka for elder Brother) he had the advantage of his brother's aid. In this chart Guru and Shukra are very happily pbsited both from lagna and mutually among themselves-all being in Trines. So the Bhuktis and Antlrarams of Guru and Shukra in Rahu Dasha should be good for finance. In Rahu Guru he got merit scholarship and money througfr his wife. In Rahu Shukra he enjoyed easy money. Kuja being Neecha in 8 caused financial stringency in Kuja Bhukti though he is in 4th from Dasha l-ord as Rahu is in Kuja's house. In D-3 Rahu being in 4 as Vargottam one of his brothers born in Shathabhisha star (Rahu star )rose up .to a higfu order of prosperity from nothing in Rahu Dasha. Note one special readinghere: Those born when the Moon or I:gna is in the star of the Birth Yo$ of the other, prove helpful to the latter while those of Birth Avayogi cause distress. ffper chance they are born in the achral Yoga star it is certain. In this case the actual Yoga star of the Native is Shathabhisha and his brother is born with Moon in Shathabhisha. So his broilrer wirs very helpful to the native. In Rahu-Shukra his brother got into trouble but later on saved by the native. Though Rahu is well placed here, Shukra is in 6 as Neecha and also in 3rd from Dasha lord -so the result. In D-4 : Rahu is in 5 as Vargottam and similarly Ketu in 11. So in Rahu Ketu his father-in-law purchased a house meant to be gifted to the native which ultimately was gifted. As it is.Vargottam Yoga-Rahu the property is worth today more than Rs. 30,OOO. In D-6 : Rahu being in sth with exalted Shani his health was good throughout Rahu Dasha.


, 97

ln D-7 : Rahu being in 12 with Avayogi Shukra it was not a happy Dasha for issues. Some born died and 'others sickly etc. The survival of the others is due to the fact of Shani the lord of the sign occupied by Rahu being 'exalted in 9. Ketu, Shukra, Sun Bhuliitis were bad. IrrD-I2: Rahu in 4Vargottam and aspected byGurugood for parents. InD-24: Rahu is in 5 in ordinary position. Since ,he is Birth Yogi he gives good education. As the RasiLord sun is in 2, there are some mishaps. See in this chart Shani is very powerfully placed but in 3rd from ,Dasha Lord Rahu. So with first class pirss in optionals he scored a third class in languages. Agai,r thougfr Budha is powerfully sitrated in his ov,'n sign and ur l lth from Dasha I-ord though his performance at MA. Examination was 'super. first class. Due to a clash among the authorities the native was on the point of being declared failure, but on a subsequent thought was declared a third class all due to Budha being in 3rd from this lagna. This confiirms that for trest effects the Bhukti lord should be in auspicious positions both I qgna and Dasha I-ord. Budha being in 3rd house (death house) his education closed in Budha Bhukti. Guru Dasha.'In D-l Guru as lord of 1 and 4 is in 7 with Sun and Budha (lords of g, Z and lO) aspected by Kuja (Lord of 5 and 12). AJso Guru is in Zero-Rasi. So all his good Yoga is reduced. The only remedial feature is his being in Punarvasu 2 in his own star. In fact what little attainment he had was obtained in the second quarter of Guru Dasha (being in 2nd part of punarvasu) which was the only best part of his life in Guru Dasha.


Now let us see the D-charts. In D-9 : Guru is in 11 aspected by Shani, Sun, Kuja - all malefics. So in Guru Dasha his wife's health was not good- anaemic and blood pressure patient. Guru-Shukra was very bad. For Guru is in Shukra's house who in hrrn is in 12th from Dasha lord. D-10 : Lord of Lagna (Gwu) is himseffa constihrent of Shubhakarthari Yoga and Gajakesari Yoga aspected by Moon, Kuja and Shani (Duplicate Yog). But note that Guru occupies only a friendly Rasi here. Due to these factors he became an independent Head of an offrce since the advent of Guru Dasha and enjoyed a good status quo. Due to the ordinary strength of Guru it was one of upper middle class. As Guru is in his own star the Yoga started in his own Bhukti. Shani and Guru are in Parivartana (Rasis of mutual exchange - hence related) and also Shani is in loth from Iagna and llth from Dashanath, also being Duplicate Yogi. So in Guru-Shani his position bettered. Budha being here in Dasha I-ord's Rasi and in D-l in the star of Dasha I-ord has become a total subject of Guru. So this Budha Bhulirti was excellent since he is with Yogi Rahu. Guru and Shukra forming Shubhakarthari Yoga their Dashas and Bhuktis are good. So Guru-Shukra was very good for profession. Guru-Ravi is not satisfactory as Sun is in 6th from Dasha Lord. An enemy started campaigning against the Native in matters of profession and caused a lot of distress.



Guru-Moon is a special period to be read out here. Moon being 6th from lagna though in Zth from Dasha Lord forming Gajakesari hurt his profession a bit. In D-l you do not see the relationship between the tw-o but look to the Mathematical Navamsha Chart. punarvasu 2 gives its Amsha to Rohini 3 which again falls back on Punarvasu 2. Thus the two are exchanging padas. but.t who is in Punarvasu 2 gives its amsha to.'Rohini B situated in 12th Rasi from Guru and also in the star of Moon (lord of 8 in 1O). So the two are related to do bad to profession. In fact in Guru-Moon his prospects were hampered which was later on got rectifred due to Parivarthana effect. If there was no exchange of Amshas there would have been a permanent setback. That is how Parivarthana to be read out. I have alieady deait wittr this aspect of the Math. D-9 chart in this chapter. Kuja in 6 being good, Guru-Kuja was good. Rahu beingYogi on one side andwith Neecha Budha on the other side. Guru-Rahu was both yogaic and disruptive too. In D-11 : l-agna is Vargottam and its l-ord Guru (Dasha lord) aspects lagna being in gth. Hence Guru Dasha in toto was excellent for finance. Shani being in 8th from Dasha lord Guru-Shani should have been bad. But that Shani is controlled by Guru (Dasha lord) as he is in the Latter's house. So Shani Bhukti was good enougfr. See Budha powerful in 7th from lagna and llth from Dasha I-ord. In D-l Budha is in Guru star so they are related. Guru-Budha was excellent. Kettr and Shukra Bhuktis were equally good as they are in trines from I-agna and also in mutual positions. Guru-Ravi is bad being in 8 from Dasha I-ord thougfr in 4 from l-agna caused heavy marriage expenses in the family.,



Guru-Moon is bad by the 6th position from Guru. For reason of the trinal position and being also Yogi Guru-Rahu was good. In D-4 : Guru (own house), Shani (Vargottam) and Budha (Neecha with Bhanga by reason of Guru being there with Digbala too) are in l-agna. Of these Guru and Shani are very powerful. So in Guru Dasha he made some Assets. In Guru-Shani he had a property as well as savings. So also in Budha and Ketu. As Shukra (Avayogi) is in 6th from Guru he spent away a lot in Guru-Shukra on wife and pleasures and marriages at home. Sun, Moon and Kuja Bhuktis were as usual. When Rahu Bhukti came he improved his property as Rahu (Birth Yogi) is here in 5 both from I agna and Dasha I-ord and also is Vargottam. Moreover in D-l Rahu is in Guru star and thus the two are related. I trace the relationship between the Dasha I-ord and Bhukti I-ord either in D-1, Math. D-9 or in the particular Chart as without such relationship no results happen. In D-6 : Guru being in 3 was not conducive to his health, but nothing serious happened as the I-ord of that Rasi (Sun) is in 11 exalted. In D-7 : Guru is well placed. Children prospered then. In D-12 : Guru in 12 killed the parents in Shukra Bhuliiti (Shukra Neecha and in 6th ). As Guru is here in his own house in L2 with Budha in 2: Guru killed in latter portion being in L2. ln D-27 : Though his health was not good as revealed in D-6 he was strong enoug;h in body and mind as here Guru is in 7 exalted. He had a good physical strength specially connotative of sex virility as Guru is here in 7th and also in D-1.



Thus I have explained all intricacies of the subject by way of illustration of a known life. I hereinafter quote some special instances that have happened in the case of the Charts appended to this text. Refer pages (16O-179). Chart-78.'(Sir Mirza) In D-l Rahu is with Shukra and in latter's house. Also being in Swati-l gives amsha to P-Shada 3 (Shukra star)i.e., to 3rd house (death house from itself and 6th from l-agna. So he died in Rahu Shukra as in D-8 Shukra is in 1O (Ifurma Sthana) and Rahu in 8 (death) and further Shukra is in 3rd (death) house from Rahu (Dasha Lord). Chart-7? :(H.S.V.) In D-l his Shani is in Shatabhisha goes to Revathi 3 which again gets back by which 4 Parivarthana to Shatabhisha 4. Thus Shani l-ord of 4 gives Amsha to 2 from himself and Sth from lagna. So Shani and Budha are related. In D-4 Shani in 1O and Budha in I-agna with Digbala aspected by Birth Yogi Sun. Shani is Retrograde and in own house in D-1. He is also Duplicate Yogi. So he built a big house in Shani Dasha at a cost of (Budha's number). Rs. 5O,OOO Chart-Io,' In D-9 Rahu is in Sth both from lagna and Dasha Lord Shukra and also in major Lord's house. Shukra (Dasha Lord) is powerfully sihrated in I agna as Vargoffam, I-agrra also beingVargottam all superior qualifications for D-9 charl He married a higher class girl in Shukra Dasha - Rahu Bhukti. In D-l : Rahu is in U-Bhadra 3 going to Swati 3 (Rahu Star) which is in 8th Rasi from Rahu. In D-8 Rahu is in 8th from Lagna. So in Rahu Dasha - Rahu Bhukti he died; so his profession also terminated on the same day as Rahu is rn L2 in D-1O.

ro2 -

NrP - II

Chart-II .'In D-l Rahu is in Pubba (Shukra's Star). She'was married in Rahu-Shukra. In D-9 Shukra is in l0th exalted with Birth Yogi, Sun with Digbala and Guru ' fir owri house. Rahu is in Sth in Shukra's ho,l"u. Though Bhukti Lord is in 6th from Dashanath the marriage has happened'then with one who got up to higfr status in life. How then being in 6th this good has happened ! The reesoln is.simple. Dasha I-ord Rahu being in Bhukti hrd's . -house and tlre latter being more powerful the effect of Bhukti Dord predominated. But still is there not the effect of this 6th position in her life time? Yes, the couple used to be often on misunderstandings for petty reasons and worse even at the distant age of 5O. Chart-S,'(P.M.B) In D-l Sun is in Aslesha 3 which gives Amsha to P.Bhadra 3. Thus it gives Amsha to 8th Rasi from itself. So there is something bad in Sun Dasha and that to life itself as he is lord of I-agna. As per our theory it should have happened in Guru Bhukti (I-ord of P.Bhadra). He died in Sun-Moon and not in Sun-Guru as it should have been. Why? This Guru is with Moon who took the role as his Bhukti came first. Also in D-8, Sun is Neecha and Moon in 8th from this lagna and he is Lord of this lagna. So he died in Moon Bhukti. Another reiason for Sun Dasha going bad is that as per Math. D-9 chart Ashwini 4 (Ketu Star) falls on the radix position of Sun (Aslesha 3). As Ketu is Birth Avayogi, Sun assumes the malefic character of Ketu during his Dasha. Chart-2?.' (Sri I{asttrri Srinivasan) This is akin to Chart-S above in matters of Death. He also died in Ravi Dasha. In D-l Sun in Aslesha 3 as above grving Amsha to 8th and assuming the trait of Ketu who is Birth Avayogi even here. Here the test is fulfilled he having died in Sun-Ketu as Kehr star falls on its Radix position. In D-8



Sun in L2 and Ketu in 8 from lagna though their mutual position was good (9th from Dasha Sun) their bad positions from lagna predominated. (KGV) In D-l Shukra is in Ketu star Chart-S.' (Ashwini), so the two are related. In D-12 Shukra in lagna and Ketu and Moon in 8. In Shukra Dasha-Ketu BhuktiMoon Anthara he lost his father. Note here Moon is with Ketu-indicating widowhood to mother. In the same D,14 Rahu and Shani are in 2 (maraka house). His mother died in Rahu-Shani. Why mother? Shani is I-ord of 4 in D-1. See his D-lO. Rahu as BirthYogi is in 10 with Shani own house. Shani is also a duplicate Yogi. So Rahu DashaShani Bhukti was his best professional period. Chart-38.' (Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi) In D-1 Rahu is in 7 (maraka house) in Kuja's house aspected by powerful Kuja. So the two are related. In D-8 tfrey are on either side of lagna forming Papa Karthari Yoga. So the Swamiji attained Niryana in Rahu Dasha-Kuja Bhukti. Chart-77.' (Sri Jayachamaraja Wadeyar) In D-12 Budha is in 8. Though he is in his own house being Birth Avayogi killed his father in Budha Dasha. In D-l Budha and Sun are together-hence related. In D-I1, Budha in Lagnawift Digbata and own house strength while Sun is exalted in llth both from l-agna and Dasha Lord. So his accession to throne happened in Budha Dasha-Ravi Bhukti. Chart-2.' GIAVD In D-l Moon being in Iftittika 1 gives Amsha to MooLa 3. Thus it jumps to 9th house which is also the 7th from lagna. Thus Moon and Ketu (Moola Lord) are related. In her D-9, Moon is in 7 and Ketu in l-agna with Budha in own house. So her marriage happened in Moon Dasha-Ketu Bhukti. Note



here that Ketu absorbed the good of Budha and gave himself the effect as Budha with Kehr lost his power. I could cite plenty of instances I have personally dealt with. But fearing the bulkiness of this volume I have confined for the present to the above few instances which I hope are enough to impress about my theory. Irt me proceed to the next subject of planetary state (Graha Samayam) or Disposition. In addition to the intrinsic effects of planets the above outward general characterisation arising from their Samayams may also be added on and the results given out during their Udu Dasha periods. For Samayams or state of planets see Part I. For example in chart-I when he was running Guru Dasha he would at any moment, day or night go to sleep in spite of being criticised by dl as Guru is in Athinidra Samayam (No. 26). When he caught Shani Dasha he left off that habit. I will also show the mode of working here for Guru; From Mesha to I-agpra(Dhanus) there are 9 Rasis. From Lagna to the Rasi occupied by Guru (Mithuna) there are 7 Rasis. Adding the two lve get I + 7 =L6. Doubling this we get 32. Multiplying this by 16 (Dasha year of Guru) we get 32 x 16 = 512. Dividing this by 27 (fhe total no. of Samayams) the remainder is 26. From the order of Samayams the 26th is Athinidra; hence the effect during Guru Dasha only.

Concept of Wrgottam Padas, Pariuarthana Padas of Shatchalana -Ed. are clearly esrplained.



Chapter V

Gochara (fransit of Planet)

Inherent qualities of a planet are to be read outfrom its static position as at birth time while its deliverance of goods has to be estimated from its dynamic condition such as Dasha Bhukti and Gochara. Rice or wheat as it is, is not useful unless it is properly cooked. Likewise a Yoga visible in Radix chart may not fructifr in his life time unless its Dasha intervenes and a favourable transit of that Lord occurs. Thus you see that the Radix position, the Dasha and Gochara are all mutually linked together. It is only when all these three factors are reckoned you will be able to fix up the timing of an event correctly. The Dasha has a wide span ofyears to time an evenl Even considering Bhukti the range is still wide enougha couple of years. For reasons explained in Part I on the rectification of Birth Dasha there may be difference in the balance of Dasha at birth which really upsets all timings. Gochara will therefore remove these ambiguities and thus gives a finishing touch to the timing of events. It is a pity that this subject is handled in all manners setting aside the genuine method. It has been the habit of Astrologers to consider the position of all the 9 planets (Uranus and Neptune also being added by some) from radix Moon or Sun and then give the Gochara effect. On the face of it, it is a great fallacy for two obvious reasons. Firstly, see the very wide range of persons born with Moon or Sun in a Rasi. So you have no consideration for the moment of Birth (I-agna) and the other planetary situations. Secondly, amidst the push



and pull of the forces of pl,anets in different directions what can an Astrologer conclude ? Is that Astrologr or Dupologr? He can only guess and give out his mind and not prediction. This age old practice (like other practices and blind conceptions I point out later) of reckoning the transit from Moon or Sun is exhibited in all News Papers and Magazines. In fact it has become an attractive feature of the day tempting the purchasers for this bit of information. It should be taken for what it is worth for obvious reasons. The genuine method of daily and even hourly prediction is elsewhere which you will know from me. later (vide Chapter VIII-Part II). Experience warns you not to be misled by such fallacious predictions. The reckoning from Radix Moon is nothing but * part of Astakavarga in this way. In the Bhinnastaka Varga of all plahets find their favourable positions from Moon. That gives their favourable Gochara positions. How? In the Astakavarga of Sun the planet's favourable positions from Moon are : 3, 6, 10 and 11. Hence in Gochara when Sun transits these positions from Moon it is said to be favourable. Next in Moon Astakavarga its favourable positions-from itself are L,3r6,7 and 11. So Moon's transit here is good. In Kuja Yugu, it is auspicious from Moon in 3,6 and 11. Likewise,Budha in his Varga2,4,6,8, Guru in his Vargain 2, 5,7, 9 and ll. Shukrain his Vargain 1r 2,3, 4,5,8, 9, 1l and.12. Shani in his Varga 3, 6 and 11 Tabulating the above we have thefollowingfavourable Gochara positions : lO and 11.

NTP.II Sun Moon Kuja and Shani Budha Guru Shulrra


3,6, 10 11 l , 3 , 6 , 7 , L O ,l l 3 16 , 1 1
21416rg, 10, 11 215r7r 9,11 L,2,3,4,5,8,9, LL, 12

If then itwas so easy to assess the transit effectfrom Moon's Radix position. Astrologr could have been simplified and written in a line or two. In my experience I have found that except Sade-Sat (7i yrs.) Shani other predictions reckoned from Moon do not tally. Even in tlre case of Sade-Saf Shani tfrere are exceptions as some other conditions are to be satisfied which will be e>rplained later. My mode of handling Gochara is unique but classical with novel touch. I take Lagna as basis instead of Sun or Moon and it is supported in Slokas 34 to 38, Chapter)O( of Phala Deepika and,apply it chiefly to Dasha I-ord. So in all my future discussions by planet I mean Dasha Lord unless specifically stated otherwise. I now delineate the method O1. First judge the inherent trait of the planet at birth. It is this static character that is of primary importance. For a planet of bad trait at birth cannot give good effects even transitting favourable positions. Similarly one good at birth may not give out its good effects while transitring bad position but never does harm even in such bad positions. Thus you see that its birth qualities play the vital role. Ignoring this fundamental truth astrologers assure the distressed consultantwith false hopes by mere Gochara.


NTp - II

O2. See the Bhava transitted bythe planeL Care must be taken to differentiate Bhava from Rasi. By Bhava is meant the range from its commencement to end. Sometirnes even 2 or 3 Bhava-Ranges may fall in a Rasi. When the planet transits such a Rasi see in what Bhava it is transitting. For example : in the case of a birth at 3Oo of Dhanus with its tenth cusp at 90 Thula let as consider a planet transitting Vrishabha and Mithuna signs. If you blindly treat them as 6th and 7th Bhavas you go wrong. In Vrishabha 5th Bhava terminates at 1g*o and ttre 6th Bhava ranges from 19*o of Vrishabha to 1610 of Mithuna with its cusp(central point) at 30 of Mithuna. Thus you note that a planet moving from Ooto lg+o of Vrishabha will be in 5th Bhava and not 6th, while when moving from Ooto 16*0 of Mithuna. It does so in the 6th Bhava and not the 7th as it appears to be in Rasi chart. As in the dissection of Bhava Phalams the Bhava Chartis important; even for Gochara it holds good. (a) A planet good at birth transitting good Bhavas gives good effects of the Bhavas it owns at birth and the Bhava it transits or aspects in transit. Note : (1) By ov,rnership of Bhavas is meant both the Sthoola and Sookshma Bhavas oqplained in part I. (2\ A planet approaching the cuspal degree of a Bhava gives formative and developing effects while one receding away from the cuspal point gives fading and diminishing effect. But at exact cuspal point it gives the maximum effect of that Bhava. This has to be read out both at birth and transit time. (b) When the planet of trait (a) transits bad Bhavas (Dustanas) they may not show off any of their good qualities but try to remain neutral.



O3. Note the Nature of the Rasi it transits. (a) A planet good at birth transitting its own; exaltation or friendly sign gives good while in Debilitation and enemy's sign he may remain neutral. (b) A planet bad at birth transitting debilitation, enemy's house andZero Rasis may turn out to be neutral (but never good) while in other signs may prove bad. O4. Note the star it transits: (a) A good planet transitting the star of a good (functional) planet, of Birth Yogi, of Dasha Yogi and of Dasha Raja Yog gives good while in the contrarygives bad. (b) As per Mathematical Navamsha Chart see if the planet transits any of the three stars or their trikona stars: Viz., (L) One in which the planet is situated, (2) One to which it gives Amsha and (3) One which falls at radix position. These are sensitiv points where the transitting planet gives out its effects corresponding to the nature of the lords of these stars. If perchance they belong to any of the Yogi group-good results, if Avayogi-bad results. 05. If it gets combust, retrograde, fast movement (Athichara), slow movement (Manda) or stagnant (Sthambana) its effects are : (a) A combust planet becomes totally ineffective for the moment if he be good at birth and gives out worst effect if bad at birth. (b) Retrograde planet becomes very powerful for ttre moment whether for good or bad depending on its birth trait. (c) Fast moving planet likely to give very dangerous effect.

110 (d) Slow moving one is slow in action and (e) Staglrant one is neutral in effect. 06, See if they pass Zero Rasis :


(a) All positive planets at birth transitting Non Zero Rasis give good while in Zero-Rasis they get submerged unless Retrograde. (b) AJI negative planets and Avayogi give good while transitting Zero-Rasis unless Retrograde. (c) Rahu and Ketu transitting Zero-Rasis give good. O7. Judge from ot'her planets that joins or aspect the planet in question. If during transit a planet join or is aspected by a friendly and benefic planet results are happy, otherwise bad. O8. Like the Dasha I-oJd treat the Birth Yogi also, but this is subsidiary to Major Lord transit. 09. A planet transitting exact cuspal points of Bhava gives out itS timely effects. Of these the loth cusp is of uhnost importance, next comes l-agna, next the fourth and lastly the seventh - The other cusps may not be much effective for transit. 1O. I-asfly, if you so desire consider the Gochara of Bhukti I-ord also. 11. Thithi, Weekdag Star and Yoga and l.agrra at the time of events : Any event should happen in theThithi, Weekday Star, Yoga or lagnaof the Dasha Lord or Bhukti I-ord and sometimes byAnthara I-ord according to the po\ilers of the three.



Find the ruler of the Dasha Lord. On the daywhen the Yoga planet synchronises with this Ruler good effects happen and also when the Dasha l-ord passes througfr this Ruler's star, good will happen. When any two or more of ttre above elements are satisfied bv a planet then that day is certain. 12. So far we have dealt with the transit of Dasha I-ords. If they are quick-moving planets like Sun, Budha and Shukra difficulty may be felt to fix up the time of event as in the course of their Dasha periods they will have circled the zodiac several times. Likewise, if they are slow moving planets like Guru, Shani, Rahu and Ketu the span in a sign or star will be wide enough. To solve this riddle I take the progression of Moon as per western system of Secondary Directions as via media. This progressed Moon gives the effect of the Bhava and the star it transits in the same way as said of the Dasha I-ord. When she touches Yogi Star, Yoga is formed viceversa. In most of the cases progressed, Moon treated this way has $ven me satisfaction. 13. I have researched on the theory of Western progression both primary and secondary. That which has impressed me I gtve below leaving the rest to yourselves. The only candid rule is about meridian progression to planets and planetary progression to meridian. Even here you do not get the exact time. You may have to allow a year's interval.



14. Those who wish to have Annual Readings may look to Solar Birth Day maps narrated later. 15. For Daily and Hourly guide I will narrate a very successful method in the ensuing chapter. For Gochara the above-stated theory gives authentic results. I have also gone through the other theories which thougfr appear sometimes true and fail at other times. They are cited below for academic interest. (a) Instead of reckoning from Moon-Sign readings are based on Tharabala. Please refer to Jyothis Payonidhi for details, if you are interested. At any rate I am not interested, so leave it here. (b) Another system that is followed by some is based on the nature of the foot (pada) of the planet when it steps into a sign. There are four padas : 1. Suvarna Pada (Golden Foot) 2. Rajatha Pada (Silver Foot) 3. Thambra Pada (Copper Foot) 4. Loha Pada (other metallic foot chiefly Iron) These Astrologers construe that all planets stepping into a sign with (1) and (2) padas give goodresults while the planet stays in that sign, with 3 mixed and with 4 bad. But my Guru treats it slightly differently. Nahrral Benefics give results as above but nafirral malefics give contrary results i.e. with 4 goo$ 3 neufr'al,1 and 2 bad, This seems to be logical and fact by research.

NIP - n


IIow to determine the Padas ?

Count from Birth Moon-Sign to Gochara Moon-Sig;n at the time of the planet stepping into a sign. If it be : ' t 01-06-l l it becomes Golden Foot O2-O5-O9 it becomes Silver Foot O3-O7-1Oit becomes Copper Foot O4-O8-12 it becomes Metallic (Iron) Foot For example in Chart l, Shani entered Makara on O7-f 0-1961 at26-36 hrs. At that time Gochara Moon is in Simha, Birth Moon Sign is l(anya. So Kanya to Simha is 12. So Shani enters Makara with Iron Foot which is good and since then it has been really good to him being bad till then. I have elected Shani here as he had Shani Dasha. So even here only the Dasha lord may be taken coupled with the Bhukti [,ord also. So far the principles of transit are discussed. Now I cite a few illustrations: Chart I of ]-gOZ I-et us see his Rahu Dasha. Birth Yogi = Rahu (Shathabhisha) Dasha Yogr = Shukra (pubba) Raia Yogr = Shani I Rahu Starter = Kuja (Mrigasira) Rahu Ruler = Rahu (Aridra)



On 13-7-1927 he was married when Rahu (Dasha I-ord) transitted Mrigasira being its starter in seventh 'Bhava. Note the day's Yoga was Aridra Rahu, the exact Ruler of the Dasha l-ord. fuain when Rahu touched Aridra (his ov.'n or Ruler star) he passed creditably. Note Rahu in Zero-Rasi (Mithuna) is good. Progressed lVloon was tlren at l2o of. Mithuna, the exact cusp of the seventh Bhava. Progressed Guru was at Radix Budha. Progressed Sun was at Radix Guru. t

All happy for Bhavas I,4,5,7,

9 and 1O.

Again when progressed Moon was at L4o of Thula . (near the 1lth cusp) in Swathi star (Rahu star) he started his profession. Now you follow how to read a mixed effect. At this time say in April 1937, Dasha l-ord Rahu was in Jyesta (Budha star) but in 12th Bhava. So he had a fall in his previous calling being in 12th Bhava but that being his exalted sign as well the star of Budha (Lord of 1O) he was fixed as a perm:rnent employee. Then see his Guru Dasha.: Birth Yogi=Rahu (Shathabhisha) Dasha Yogi = Kehr (Makha) Raja Yogi = Moon Guru Starter and Ruler = Moon Guru in Punarvasu (Parivarthana padas). 2 gives Amsha to Rohini 3

At the advent of this Dasha though Guru was in

NrP - U


Aridra (Yoga planefs star) he did not give any good to him though some promises were made to him. you lcrow wtry it happened so. Mithuna is a Zero-Rasi and transit there, has neutralised the good effects of Guru. When Guru touched Makha in 9th Bhava and Makha being the exact star of Dasha Yogi he got promotion. In January 1944 when he was retrograde in Makha he got a substantial lift in life. Again when Guru touched Makha in direct motion his active and real prosperity started. Progression.. We may also corroborate the above readings from progression also. The above yogas happened when prog;ressed Moon was at Sravana (Moon star-Raja Yogi) in Dhana Bhava gving financial felicity and again when in Shathabhisha exact Birth yoga star. The rest of Guru's transit in Kanya is not significant as it is Zero-Rasi except when he retrogrades on 13-1-lg45 when he gave better results. Remember that retrogression even in Zero-Rasi is good. During this period Birth Yogi Rahu was in 7th Bhava in Zero-Rasi good for Rahu. In May-June 1947 Guru was in Vishaka his own star, in llth Bhava when he got special good opportunity by itself. Then progressed Moon was in conjunction with Radix Shani (Lord of 2 in 4). He was both happy and financially better. The western theory discredits the conjunction and opposition of Moon and Shani. But thaf is not always true. Functional traits play more prominence for Yogas than natural traits which may act on other superficial and bodily matters. Note here Shani is a Duplicate Yogi also and conjunction with him is good.



On 14-2-1948 Guru entered Moola in Lagrra and his own house. Moola is the Star of Dasha Yogi Ketu. Progyessed Moon was at 4th cusp and progressed meridian trine to Radix Budha (I-ord of 1O). He was confirmed in a higher posL In May 1956 Guru was again in Makha (DashaYoga star). He had a change for better. Immediately Guru touched Pubba (exact Birth Avayoga Star) he suffered. When Guru was in Swathi (Rahu star) he had double effect mostly bad in Rahu Bhukti. For there is a particular nature with Guru Dasha as a whole. Rahu is born Birth Yo$ and Dasha Avayogi. So during the entire Guru Dasha he had mixed feelings. Thus I have illustated one chart in detail. f quote important events of some horoscopes. (a) Chart 35 (Rahu and Shani Dasha) Birth Yogi -=5stt When Dasha Lord Rahu transitted Ikittika 4 (Birtl Yoga star) in 4th Bhava on 9-1L-L928 he got into Government service. In Shani Dasha when he was transitting meridian and his own star (Anuradha) he gave him Gazetted Rank on22-LL-L957. (b) Chart- 16.' Sri l(rishnaraja Wadeyar @ahu Dasha) Birth Yo$ = Guru (Purvabhadra2) Dasha Yogt = Budha (Jyesta 2) RajaYogi - Guru



At his coronation time Dasha l-ord Rahu was at Vishaka star of both Birth and Raja Yogis. In his Shani Dasha Ketu was his Ruler. So when Shani transitted Ketu star Ashwini, he died. (c) Chart-7o.. (Rahu Dasha) Birth Yogi - Guru (Punarvasu) Birth Avayogi - Sun (Uttarashada) At birth Rahu is in U-Bhadra 3 on which Uttara 4 sits (Star of Birth Avayogi and hrd of 3). He died when Rahu transitted Uttarashada 3 in 8th Bhava. (d) Chart-l1 ..(Rahu Dasha) Birth Yogi = Sun (Uttarashada) i Her marriage took place .in June 1916 wtren her Dasha l-ord Rahu transitted Uttarashada 3 exact Birth Yoga Star in Kuhrmba Bhava. (e) Chart-I4.. (Ravi Dasha) Birth Yog = Shani (Pushyami) He got a good job on 29-\1-1951 when Dasha Lord Sun was at Anuradha in 7th Bhava - the star of Birth (t) Chart - 18: (Sir lfi-dirza) He died in Rahu Dasha when Rahu touched exact cusp of 3rd Bhava (House of Death). (g) Chart - 5.. (Ravi Dasha) Birth Avayogi = Ketu He died in Sun Dasha when Sun uras in Moola (Birtfi Avayogi star) on Sunday (week day of Dasha Lord) in Sravana star (Star of Bhukti l-ord Moon).


114 (h) Chart - 23 : Sri I{asturi Srinivasan Raui Dasha '


He died on Sunday in Ravi Dasha when Sun was in 8th Bhava. (i)Chart-2: Moon Dasha Moon in Krittika-1 givingAmsha to Moola 3. So her marriage happened in Moon Dasha-Ketu Bhukti when Dasha l-ord Moon was exacflv at Moola 3 in 7th Bhava. (j)Chart-7: Guru Dasha Guru in Punarvasu 2 givingAmsha to Rohini 3. They are Parivarthana Padas. When Guru was in Rohini 2 and Guru Dasha - Moon Bhukti was running he had a setback in profession as that Moon as Ilrd of 8 is in 1O. I hope that the above illustrations suffice to bring forth the merit of mv method of Gochara.

Author has stressed in Sukshma Gochara which is noteworthy and also the position of planets at birth and position in tansit have to be compared which the author has done.




Chapter VI

Varshapravesh (Solar Birthday Map)

In the previous chapter, I have dealt with Bhava Phalam, Dasha Bhukti Phalam and Gochara Phalam (Phalam means Readings). From Bhava Phalam you get the general sum-total effects in one's life which may not sometimes fructiS in his life period for want of proper Dasha. The Dasha Phalam gives the total effects spread over a wide span of Dasha years. The Bhukti also ranges for sufficienfly long span and confines only to particular affairs of life. Gochara only helps in fixing the time of events indicated by Dasha and Bhuldi. Even in Gochara the range is either too short or too krng. If any one wishes to know the detailed effects during any short period the only better source is Varshaphal or Solar Birthday map or the Annual Chart. In Northern India manyAstrologers follow this method only. This theory is elaborately dealt with in Tajaka Shasta. The authoritative text book on this subject is TajakaNeelakanti by Neelalnnb Daiuagna. The author has in various chapters dealt with (1) Characteristics of Planets, Rasis and Bhavas. (2) Panchavargi Balam (five fold strength of planets)

(3) Varsha Pravesha (Annual Birthday Map) (4) Determination of Varshapa (I-ord of the year)

(5) Bhava Phalams. (6) Dasha and Bhukti Readings.



(7) (8)

Sahamams and their effects. Shodasha Yogams( 16 Yogas)

Instead of repeating the text I will cull out only tangible truths that have stood the test leaving out the rest. Even here I add some note-worthy facts established by research. 1. In the Chapter on characteristics of planets and Rasis the author has said some additional traits that are not found in other books especially of Rasis. Personally I do not attach much importance to these additional informations as those said by Varahamihiraand Panshan are enough for horoscopy. For details please refer to Part I. So I dispense with this chapter in toto. 2. Panchawrgi Balam (Five fold strength) : This is a very easy method of assessing the strength of a planet when compared with the Shadbala of Varahamihira or Sripathi. Be it lcrown that the planetary strengths worked under the two systems will not be alike. So, when you deal with Tajak system you have to adopt this method while working under other systems you must follow its appropriate one. You should not blend one with the other merely because a system is easy to handle. As in Tajaka the chief aim is to find out Varshapa (lord of the year). This system will do here.

Panchauargi Balant
The five fold strength of a planet is evolved out of its eituation in (1) Rasi (2) Hadda (3) ThriRasi and (4) Navamsha or otherwise called lllusallaha. These four strengths couped with (5) its Ucchabala (exaltation stiength) constitute the Panchvargi strength of the planeL



The strength is measured in Rupas and the total maximum strength is only twenty Rupas called Vimshopaka Balam. Tables of Hadda and Thrirasi are given below with the other necessary ones. Though Drekkana and Thrirasi are of the same category yet the mode of working is here different. There is a separate Table ofThrirasi to find outthe year lord. Though Thrirasi and Tiirasi sound the same, one is used to find out the strength while the other to find the year lord. This subtle difference must be properly understood. Now I give the Tables reffered to above.

Exaltation Degrees of Planets

Sun Moon Kuja 28 Budha Guru Shukra Shani



Ilarsha Balam.'Harsha Balam is composed of fourvarieties : (1) Sthana Bala, (2) Swochadi Balam, (3) Diva Ratri BaLam and ( ) Pum-stree Balam. (7) Sthana Balam (Positional Strength): positional strengfhs of planets from I ^.rna are : Sun Moon Kuja 6 Budha Guru Shukra The




(2) Swochadi Balarn.. (Strength in own or exaltation house)-A planet in own house of e:<altation has Harsha Balam. (3) Diva Rati Balarn ; Male planets have Harsha Bala when the Solar Birthday falls in Day time and

L22 Female planets during nights.


(4) SexSuengflt.'Female planets situated in the first tlrree signs from Solar Birthday Wna and also from 7th to gth have Harsha Bala. while Male Planets in 4th to 6th and loth to 12th from l-agna have Harsha Bala i.e. Triplets of signs from Lagna give Harsha Bala to Female and Male planets alternatively in succession. Note z In Taiaka Sun, Kuja and Guru are Male and the rest are Females. There are no neutrals here.

Table of Panchavargi Bala

(Table - 6) (Five-fold Strength) Nature of Signs
o bI





30 15 10






Thrirasi Nanamsha

2+ 1+



The cage figures are strength in Rupas.

How to use these Charts?

Chart-I ; Hadda: Here notations as explained in Chapter I Pt. I for planets are RV., Ch., KI., BD., GR., SIL, SN. for Sun on in order. Suppose you want to find


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14&a suos!^Io Jo spJo.I

NTP- lt


the Hadda lord of a planet at 15o of Vrischika (8th Rasi from Mesha). Under Col. 8 the first 70 of Vrischika are ruled by Kuja, from 8 to 1l by Shgkra and from 12 to Lg by Budha. So the 15o of Vrischika is ruled by Budha who becomes the Hadda Lord. Chart-2 .'To find the Thrirasi of the above planet under Col. 8 the first 1Ooare ruled by Kuja and the next from 1O to 20 by Sun. So, 15th degree of Vrischika is ruled by Sun as Thrirasipa. In this chart there are three equal divisions for each of loo span. Chart-S.'(Ihrirasi) This is meant to determine the lord of the Year. This chart is self-oqplanatory. For signs happening to be Birthday Lagnas during Day and Night times find out from the particular square. For example if the Solar year Birth falls in Vrischika l-agna and during night time look to the square between Col. 8 and Row 2 (Night). You get Kuja as Thrirasipa one of the Panchadhikaris. The other charts are self-explanatory.

Eualuation of Five-fold Stengtlt

In Table 6 the strengths of planets in Rasi, Hadda, Thrirasi and Navamsha are given according as they are in Ovvnhouse, Friend's house, Neutral's house and Enemy's house. So we must know who are f,riends etc. In Tajak friendship etc. of planets are judged by a different canon. It is more or less the same as treated in Western Astrolog,r. Planets that are in : 3, 5, 9 and 11 from another are friends. Among them those in 3 and 11 are secretfriends while in 5 and 9 are open friends.


NrP - II

l, 4, 7 and 10 are enemies. Among them those in I and. 7 are open enemies while in 4 and 1O secret enemies; 2, L2,6 and 8 are neutrals. On this basis find the four-fold strength in Rupas as perTable 6.Ib this add Ucchabala (Exaltation strength). How to measure this ? At higlrest exaltation poinf its strength is 2O Rupas and at its opposite end @ebilitation) it is zero. For the intermediary positions find out by Rule of Three. If you divide the number of degrees advanced or receded by the Debilitation point by 9 you get the strength in Rupas. Add this fifth strengfh to the above four and divide the sum by 4 you get its Vimshopaka Balam - its maximum being 2O Rupas. Now you may judge the strength of a planet on this maximum measurement One aspect that I wish to point out here is aboutthe euperiority of 'Hadda Chart'. Its strength is assiglred next to Rasi strength. Here you will please note that a planet in its own Hadda attains superior strength and gives out its good effects during its Dasha in the year.

Just as there is a day and moment of birth of a new year for the world, called Ugadi or the New Year Day, there is a similar moment of a new year dawning in the life of an individual and that is usually called his Birthday. Thoug[r one's Birthday celebrations have to be observed according to this strict definition there is a time old practice of reckoning the day of Natal Star in the Month of Birth (some reckoning Solar and others Ilnar). kt them otrserve as they like but we shall go to the subject proper. One must know how to erect the Birthday map. There are some spoon-feeding like ready-



made tables as 'Solar Return'published in some books and Ephemeris. If you work as per strict definition of Solar Return these tables will be found to be far from fact- So my advice is not to resort to those tables. What ,is a Solar Return? The exact moment when the Sun in ,his revolution touches the same pointas atbirth is Varsha Pravesh. Tieat as if one is born at that moment and cast the chart. That would be the most authoritative Solar Birthday Map for the year under rerriew. i Again here are some side-trackers. Some suggest to cast the chart for the place of then residence. you know that the point of Ascendant varies from place to place for the same moment. Just see how far it is logical. It means '+trat one can go on changing his fate every moment by changing places as apart form Annual Chart there is Monthly Chart (Masa Pravesh) and Day Chart (Dina Pravesh) and similar other charts of minute divisions. This is impossible. If it be so, then how to read in advance the future of those who will be often moving from place to place like an Executive Officer or a Canvassing Agent. My opinion is that it should be always worked out for the Birth place only. I solve another doubt here. Worked with Sayana Sun, both at tsirth and the year of revolution the moment of Solar Return would be different from that worked out !9m Niravana positions. By research I bank on only Nirayana calculations. To be successful in this system special care has to be taken to workout the correct position of Sun at Birth as all the future Revolution Maps mainly depend upon this chief factor. You must note that one minute difference in its longitude causes the I.agna to move by about 6 to 7 degrees as Sun takes about a ghati (24 minutes) to move a minute in the 7-odiac. If perchance the I.agna be on the margin of a



sign, the sign of l-agna gets changed and the entire readings get topsy-hrrry as in a Solar Map the I-agna-Rasi is of major importance for the deterrnination of Varshapa selected by his qualification of aspecting Lagna Rasi. Please note that by referring to wrong Ephemeris or following a wrong Ayanamsha these errors arise. So an efficient Astrologer should be all careful.


of Varshapa (Year Inrd)

(1) I-ord of Birth f ^drgr (2) l-ard of Varsha 1agna (Year lagna), (3) Muntha, (4) I-ord of Tri Rasi and (5) Lord of the sign occupied by Sun in Day birth and that of moon in Night birth. These five are tifled as 'Pachadhikaris'. They are the . five ministers administering over the Native for the year. Their term of life is only one year. Afterurards theywill all retire and some of them may be re-elected in the coming year. But once they are elected there is no question of pulling them down by no-confidence or other me:urs as on the material plane. In some years all these five ministers may be independent bodies or sometimes their number may get reduced when one will have more than one porfolio. At any rate we ahrays reckon.them as five. Once these five ministers are elected (there is no question of selection here) the immediate duty is to appoint one among them as the chief of cabinet. Naturally it is always desirabb to have the strongest of them becoming chief. Thus among the five members (Pachadhikaris) whoever gets the highest strength (by Panchavargi Bala) and aspects Iagna becomes the chief called Varshapa (I-ord of the year). During the year the effect of this chief planet will be felt predominantly.



Mundta .' In the language of Western Astrologr Muntha is no other than the progressedAscendant at 3Oo '.(a Rasi) a year. Its point is obtained by adding to the I-ongitrde of Lagna as many Rasis as the number of years have elapsed from birth. The lord of sign in which this point falls is Muntha. It has to be calculated 'madrematically and not gfossly by merely counting Rasis.


Harsha Balam

Details of working out Harsha strength are given in Table 5. Allot 5 Rupas for each of the 4 kinds of Harsha Bala and find out the total Harsha Bala. Even here the mil.imum is 2O Rupas. This Harsha Bala should be applied to the Panchadhikaris only as during the year they are the chief part-takers. If they are strong enough both in Varga Bala and Harsha Bala they give very happy results. The good ,or bad resulting should be judged as in General Astrologr.

Year Inrd
In fixing up the Year-Lord three conditions are to be satisfied : (1) He must be one of the Panchadhikaris. (2) He must aspecf I ^gna, and (3) He must be strongest, aspecting (the Lagna) planet among the Panchadhikaris. So, it follows that not always the strongest of five becomes the lord of the year. [f perchance the strongest of them does not aspect l-agna then the next in strength among them that aspects l.agna will be selected. If none



of tlre five aspects Lagna then anyplanet other than these five who aspects l-agna and is the stongest among the restwill be the Year Inrd.If none aspects l-agnatake the strongest of the 7. r P.S. : By aspecthere I always mean Rasi aspectonly. Here I love to break the precedence and say that I prefer to select one who aspects l-agna as per general canons of Varaharnihira as the Lord of the year. In the absence of such aspects you may then resort to Tajaka Aspects. In one of the slokas describing the effect of the year Lord, the-te:rt says that the year when the Varshapa goes to 6, 8 and 12 frorn Varsha Lagna would be bad. Commentatofs are confounded how such a thing can happen when planets in 6, I or L2 can never become the Year l-ords as they do not aspect lagna. The real sense of it is this. As the primary qualification is Rasi Aspect , we select the most powerful planet aspecting l-agna Rasi as the Year l-ord. When the Bhava chart is worked out he may fall in 6, 8 or 12th Bhava. Thus you see the importance ofBhava chart even here.

Bhaua Phalam
As there is nothing special here those stated by me in Part-I, may be gone tlrrough.

Dasha Phalam
This is the salient part as any one is interested to know the timing of events. Unfortunately the Dasha system narrated in Tajaka Neelakanti (Ifeenamsha Pathyamshal does not work to satisfaction. I have laboured for more than 2O years with all kinds of Dasha systems and finally come to the conclusion that of all of



them Udu Dasha is the best. Distribute 365 days of Solar Year in the proportions of 6, LO,7,18, 16, 19, 17,7 and 2O (being Udu Dashas of Sun on in years) and they will be spans of Dasha periods in days of Sun onwards to Shukra in order or measured by the progression (Gochara) of Sun they are 18, 30, 2L, 54, 48, 57, 51,2I and 6O degrees respectively i.e., when Sun moves 18o in the Zodiac by Gochara the Sun's Dasha rules, Moon Dasha for 3Oo, Kuja Dasha 2lo and so on the total of 36O0 representing a Tndiac. Just as you work out the balance of dasha at birth from Moon's Radix position, work outfor the position of Moon at revolution. You get the balance of Dasha at Revolution followed by the successive Dashas in the order of Udu-Dasha. The Dasha reading has to be done in the usual general way described by me under the chapter on General Dasha Bhukti.

By Sahamam is meant particular effects. In the method of locating Sahamam t'here are two schools-one advocating 'Saikatham' (adding one) and the other discarding'Saikatham'. By research I belong to the first class of advocacy. If the final additative element is not in the range starting from subtractee to subtractor in clocliwise order (the two factors that decide a Sahama) then one Rasi should be added further; otherwise not For example Vivaha Sahamam; Day and Night its formulae is (Shuka-Shani) +I-agna. Here Shukrathetop planet is Subtractor and Shani the lower planet is Subtractive . Iagna is final Additative Element. ff lagna is not situated within the range startingfrom Shani to Shukrr in cloclnvise order you must add one Rasi to the above



result. That is (Shukra-Shani) + Lagna + one Rasi. But if lagna be in between the two, no Saikatham. Then (Shukra - Shani) + r ^gna only will do.


Timing of these Sahamas

I have tried the method of these Sahamas as stated in Tajaka Neelakanti, but they have all failed. So I have found a way out" Find the lord of the star occupied by Sahama as well the lord of the sign occupied by the Sahama i.e., Sookshma and Sthool,a lords of Sahama. During the Dasha periods of these pLanets the Sahama effects are felt.

IIow to judge the fuhamas?

For everything fudgement of Radix chart ha.: to be made first and then the Revolution map. Unless a Sahama is good at birth it does not become good in any year. Hence, estimate its worfi first from Birth chart and tren from the Annual charl A Sahama is good if it frlls in good places from the Lagnaand its Sthootraand Sookshma lords are well placed. If badly placed they grve bad and if mixed they give mixed effects. Likenise you yourself guess the rest of the combinations as per general , astrologfcal principles: For the ready reference of my readers I give below the table of Sahamas. In this table the formula for Day is usually given except in cases where the night birth formula differs. Otherwise you must take it for granted that for night births the formula gets reversed. Only the Subtractee and Subtractor elements gletreversed, the third Additative element remaining constantfor both. Note also some exceptional differential formula in the case of some Sahamams.


133 Day or Night

No Sahamas Punya (Virtue) Guru (Preceptor) Vidya (karning) Yasha @ame) Bala (Strength) Deha (Body) Asha (Ambition) Brathru (Brother) Gowrava (Respect) Gowrava (Respect)

Formula (Moon-Sun) + Asc. (Sun-Moon) + Asc. (Sun-Moon) + Asc. (Guru-Punya) + Asc. (Guru-Punya) + Asc. (Guru-Punya) + Asc. (Shani-Shuha) + Asc. (Guru-Shani) + Asc. (Guru-Moon) + Sun (Guru-Sun) + Moon (Shani-Sun) + Asc. (Shani-Sun) + Asc. (Moon-shukra) + Asc. (Guru-Moon) + Asc. (Shani-Guru) + Asc. (Kuja-Budha) + Asc. (Asc.-Moon) + Asc. (Moon-I-ord of Asc.) + Asc. ; or if Moon be lord of Ascendant. (Sun-Iord of Asc.) + Asc. (Guru-Shani) + Budha (VIII Bhava Cusp-Moon) + Shani (II Cusp-I-ord of II Bhava)+ Asc. (Shukra-Sun) +Asc.

l. 2. 3. 4.

6. 7. 8. 9.

lo. Raia (Kine) l l . Thatha (Father) 12. Matru (Mother) 1 3 . Putra (Son) 14. Jeevitha (Uving) 1 5 . I(arma (Vocation) 1 6 . Roga (Disease) 1 7 . Manmatha


18. Sastra (Science-Vedic 19. Mritha (Death) 20. Artha (Money) 21. Anya.dara (Othe/s





22. Vanic (Trade) 23 Vivaha (Marriage) 24, Vyapara (Business 25, Bandhu (Relative)


(Moon-Budha)+ Asc. (Shukra-Shani) +Asc. (Kuja-Budha) + Asc. (Budha-Moon) + Asc. (D( cusp-Lord of DQ + Asc. (Shukra-Moon) + Asc. (Shani-Sun) + Lord of Rasi occupied by Sun. (Shani-Moon) + Lord of the Rasi occupied by the Moon (Shani-Moon) + Asc. (Watery grave) (Kuja-Shani) + Asc. @u4ra-Sahama-Budha) + Asc. (3 Rasis 15 DegreesShani) + Asc. (Punya Sahama-Sun) + X cusp.

26, Deshantara
(Foreign Land)

2 7 Kanya (Unmarried


2 8 I(aryasiddhi

29. Paniyapatha 30, Ripu (Enemy) 3 1 . Daridn (Poverty) 32, Jaladva

(Journey on water) (Horse) Ashva 33t


Some peculiarities only will be explained here: (1) Item 16 (Raja Sahama) : Here Moon to Ascendant is counted in cloclnrise order. As one of these two constituents of the Yoga is (Ascendant) the third Additative element Saikatham is not needed.



(2) Item 17 (Manmatha Saham) : During Day Revolution it is (Moon-I-ord of Asc) + Asc. If per chance Moon becomes the Lord of Asc then this formula reduces itself to (Moon'Moon) + Asc. i.e., mere Ascendant-meaningfless. In such case the formulafor both Day and Night as given next stands. (3) Item f9 (Mritha Sahama) : Countingfrom Moon to 8th Bhava cusp if the additative element (Shani) is not situated, add one Rasi (Saikatham) else not. (4) Item 32 (Jaladva Sahama) : The longihrdinal distance from Shani to 15 degrees of Kataka has to be calculated. If l-agna is not in this range 1 Rasi to be added. (5) Item 33 (Ashva Sahama) : F"md the distance from Sun to the point where Punya Sahamam falls in clockwise order. If the loth cusp is not in that range add one Rasi. (6) In the above table, formula for Day is given in some cases. The nigfrt formula in such cases will be in the inverse order. For e:rample, item 33 Ashva Sahama during day is (Punya Sahama-Sun) + X cusp while during nigfrt it becomes (Sun-Punya Sahama) + X cusp. Note it is only the first two elements that get reversed while the third additative elements remain constant at troth day and night revolutions The rest may be worked out by yourselves easily hereafter.

Shodasha Yogizms
The Yogams stated here are special and peculiar. Of 'Muthusila YoEa', its opposite them the primary Yoga is one being called'IsaraphYoga'. The former is formed by



applylng the aspect between any two planets while the latter by separating aspect as per western theory of Aspects. The rest of the Yogas revolve round the above two primaryYogas with Moon playrng an additional part. I find that these Yogas are more useful in Horary than Horoscopy. Hence I do not deal with this any more. As usual to make the subject more clear, I cite the following illustrations tested practically. I-et us consider the Annual Birth day map of chart No.l as stands on19-6-1962 at 9-55 p.m. gangalore. This is the date and time when the Sun comes to Nirayana position of 4 degrees 34 minutes of Mithuna-the exact Nirayana position of Sun at Birth on 19-6-lg07 at 7-O9 p.m. Banqalore. The positions of Planets and Lagna are : Rv.

24-53 R.Sn. 17-25

Kj. 22-42


GR. 19-6 Asc. 2L-O




La-32 Rh. 17-4L




1. I-ord of the Birtfi Lagna (Dhanus) is Guru. 2.lnril of the Varsha Lagna (Makara) is Shani. 3. Munthadipathi being the chart of 56th year the 56th qign counted from Birth laEp^Point ( 1O of Dhanus) is 1Oo of Kataka whose lord is Moon. . Thrirasipa as per Chart 3 Varsha lagna being Makara and Nigfut look to Col. 10 against Nig;ht Row. you get Kuja. 5. Being Night revolution occupied by Moon is Guru. the lord of tJre sign

Thus tlre Panchadhil<aris are Guru with two portfolios Shani, Moon and Kuja. Having found ou[ the Panchadhikaris we must ne><tlook to the year lord. Of these Guru and Moon do not aspect l-agna. So they cannot become Year Lord on page - 122. The race is now between Kuja and Shani. Let us now work out their five-fold strengths. First let us take up Mars; vide Table No. 6 on page - L22. He is in own Rasi gaining He is in ovm Hadda garmng He is in Shulrra Navamsha, Shukra being in 4th from him becomes enemy. So in enemy's Navamsha Shulca Thrirasi (enemy's) His uccha bala gives (Kuja being 95o behind Neecha point) Total...... 59* Rupaq li Rupas 2j Rupas 1O* Rupas

3O Rupas 15 Rupas


NrP- n

Quarterofthis gives about 15 Rupas. The ma:cimum being 2O Rupas you can estimate how strong he is. He is 757o strongl - good enough. Similarly if you work outfor Shani, he gets 12 Rupas. So between the two, Kuja being more powerful he becomes the Year Lord. At birth Kuia is lord of 5. In the year chart he is in 4th house. So the year records the happiness of children. In fact the long pending marriages of his two daughters happily occurred during the year SepL1962. Norf we go to Harsha Balam : (fable 5) Kuja Sthana Balam Swochadi Balam Diva Ratri Balam Se:<Balam Total





Thus Shani has 75o/oof Harsha Balam while Kuja has only 5O%. As preferred by me I wish to place Shani as Year Lord as he aspects Lagna as per Varahamihin

Bhaua Phalarn :
Rahu is in 7th (house of marriage) aspected by the two chief Panchadhikaris Kuja and Shani. So marriages in the family were celebrated in Rahu Dasha. P.S. -While aspects are considered I preferthe usual special aspects as per general theory to this western mode of aspect. Kuja being the lord of the year aspecting 7th frnalised the alliance, but the function was celebrated in Rahu Dasha. Like this, judge the other Bhava effects. Of

NTP- II all those effects belonging to Panchadhikaris definitely felt.


will be

'tDashas :

, Calculating the balance of Shukra Dasha at birth tlre Moon's position at 240-53' we get 8 days. Then for fhe order of Dashas will be Shukra 8, Sun 18, Moon 3O, Kuja 21, Rahu 54, Guru 48, Shani 57, Budha 51, Ketu 2L and. again Shukra 52: total 36O days, the measuregrent being one degree movement of Sun as one day. If you wan! they may be taken as ordinary days for rough estimate, the correct one being (365/360) of each as per English days of 24 hours. Accordingly his Rahu Dasha started on 7-9-1962 and, the marriages happened on 9th and loth September 62. Let us take up the daughters' charts. The Solar map I !f one daughter fell on 23-5-1962 at 24-7 hours, Salem. Rahu is in 7th Bhava and her Rahu Dasha ruled from 4-8-1962 to L7-9-L962. Her marriage happened on 10-9-1962 in Rahu Dasha only. Even here her Year [,ord Kuia in 4th aspects Rahu (Makara I-agna). In the Solar Birth day map (hereafter called S.B. , jrnap) of another daughter on 28-8'1962 at 15-1 hours, 'Salem. Dhanur [-agra, Budha, l-ard,of 7 is in 1O oralted snd her Budha Dasha ruled from 28-8-1962 ta 9-9-1962. ffier marriage happened on 9-9-1962 last day of Budha Dasha.

As per SahamamTable 7 the distribution of some of the important Sahamas in the above chart are as follows :

I Rasi 2 Rasi I-ord (Sthoola I-ord)


3 Sahamas

4 In Degrees & Minutes

Star l-ords (Sookshrna I-ord)

Mithuna Kataka

Budha Moon

Raja Punya Yasha Asha Vivaha

o8-o oo-41
02-35 l3-o

Rahu Guru Guru Shani Shani Ketr Moon Moon Shukra Moon Moon Rahu Guru Guru Shani Budha

Simha I{anya

Sun Budha

Iknya Vanick Vidya

06-o 2r-21

Dhanus Makara

Guru Shani

Vyapara Roga Shastra

t7-o t7-o 19-19 t4-o 23-2 27-35 15-13 26-0


Shani Jeevitha Artha



Putra Anya Dara

The effect of a Saharna is felt either during of the lord of the Rasi in which it is situated called Sthoola Lord (vide Col.2 above) or during .of the lord of the star occupied by the Sahama called Sookshma hrd (Vide Col. 5 above).

the dasha otherwise the dasha otherwise



To read the Dasha effects of a planet find out the (I) Bhavas of which he is the lord, (2) Bhava he is sihrated or aspects, (3) the Sahamas of which he is the Sthoola or Sookshma l-ord and finally (4) Couple with aspecting or fuining planets with similarly established traits. During the Dasha period of that planet all these effects are felt. If tn'o are three synchronise it may be predicted as dead-cerL For example take Shani in the above chart Shani is lord of land 2 powerfully placed in Lagna, aspec{s 7 and, lO and is aspected byShukra, I-ord ofb pnd 10. He is the Sthoola lord of Roga, Shastra, Artha, Sahamas and Sookshma I-ord of Asha and Putra. So during Shani Dasha he experienced all these effects @eneficial as Shani is well placed with Harsha Bala). He is the lord of 2 (house of finance) and also lord of Artha Sahama. Thus there is synchronised effect of lnance by two methods. So it is dead-cert that during his Shani Dasha his financial conditions will be superb. Anofter Example., In the S.B. map of his daughter of 23-5-1962 Vrvaha Sahama is 18-52 of Mithuna-i.e., Aridra Star. Ib I-ord Rahu being also in the 7th house baused her marriage in Rahu Dasha. AnolherExample..In the case of the other daughter witr S.B. map of 28-8"1962 Vivaha Sahamam is 25r/z of Iknya. So her marriage took place in Budha Dasha-more so as Budha is in Kanya alone in the Sahama sign. Thus the Annual ftesdings have to be read out"


redings haue bst


in a oiit*msed

fonn -kl.



Chapter VII

Daily and Hourly Reading

In the preceding chapters I have narrated the methods to evaluate the static merits of a chart (Bhava Phal ) and the dynamic effects byDasha, Bhukti, Gochara and Solar Birth Day Map. From these you are able to assess the summary worth of a chart, read Dasha Bhukti effects and also fix up the time of occurrence by Gochara and further deal with the annual detailed readings. In short you can predict the Life Reading, Periodical Reading and Annual Reading. If you know how to read a Day's and Hour's reading you become a perfect Astrologer in Horoscopy. I may take up Horary Science in a later edition if there be an urge by the Readers. Even there my method is unique and very definite and easy too. Let me now deal with the minutest time reading of Day and Hour. Many such forecasts you have been seeing in most of ttre Dailies and Magazines but alas they are after all glamour writings not fitting to any particular life. This goaded me to find a way out. At last I am blessed with a novel method and feel happy to communicate it to you througfi these pages. Please note that whenever I quote a method it is always after deep research andverffication. This system has given me proper satisfaction and I am also confident that you will also appreciate it heavily. Now to the subject proper. Just as you are now able to cast a Dasha Chart with Starters and Rulers (Vide Ch. II, Pt. il) cast the chartfor the day (of course without I-agna) treatingthe day's MoonStar-I-ord as the I-ord of the Dasha. Note also all the variations in the movement of planets, if any, on that day. For you will have to work out a fresh Dasha Chart for the



variations. Find the day's Yoga and Avayoga planets and the Zero-Rasis. Remember the Birth yoga Planet. These are factors needed for the evaluation of the day's results. Similar to the method of estimating the merits of a Bhulrti Lord from its Starter and Ruler, work out in the Day's chart the merit of Birth Yoga planet. The result indicates the Day's value. This is the sum and substance bf this theory. Still for the benefit of ttrose that cannot fully digest this theory stated in a line or two, I try to explain it further with illustrations where necessary. By research I have found one peculiarity here. In the case of males, the Rulers play more important part than the Starters while Starters predominate in female charts.

A Few Sbiking Points to be Noted

'r l. Day's Yogi being the Ruler of Birth Yogi - good dayt 2. Day's Yogi being group planet of the above Ruler Good. 3. Day'sAvayogi beingthe Rulerorhis group planetBad day except when the Birth Yogi is a Negative planet when the day becomes excellent. 4. In the above cases if the said Ruler or the Day's Yoga planet falls in Zero-Rasi, Negative signs or set the good effects get nullified and the bad effects get submerged. 5. If the said Ruler belongs to the group different from either the Day's Yoga orAvayoga planet, ttre effects will be normal depending upon its characteristics at birth. 6. The day when Birth Yogi or its Ruler transits the star of the Day's Yoga Inrd in a good Bhava (in Birth



Chart) the day will be good. Contrary will be the case with Star of Day's Avayogi in Bad Bhava. 7. Similarly look to the transit of Day's Yogi in the Star of Birth Yogi in good Bhava. 8. Countingfrom Birth WM see inwhatBhavathe Day's Yoga point and the Day's Yoga Lord transil It is the effect of that Bhava that would be felt that day9. If Birth Yogi is a negative planet at birth or Rahu or Ketu then their crossing the Day's Yogi gives Yoga der rubbing; but if such a pl,anet crosses flre da:/s Avayogi as Ruler brilliant effects happen on the day quite unexpectedly (Vipareetha Raja Yoga) except ufren the Day's Avayogi is Birth Yogi's enemy. 1O. Just as you read from Birth Yogi' read also from the other planets the effects of the Bhavas they own etc. In my experience this has not given me irroper satisfaction. So I confine only to Birth Yogi. 11. As already suggested the Ruler seems to work well with the males while the Starter in the case of females.

Ifour of Event
The above Rules will aid to estimate the day's worth. may further fill up the house. These events fall lVe during the Hora of (1) the Day's Yoga or Avrvoga planet as the case stands or (2) the Ruler of Birth Yogi or (3) their group planets. For Hora see Ch.1 PL 1. If Rahu be the indicator the results will be felt during Rahu KalamHere please note that Rahu and Shani are kiths and so Ketu and Kuja.



A Few lllustations

(a) The marriage of the native of Chart 1 cited here happened on 13-7-1927 on Wednesday when the day's YogawasAridra-Rahu. His birthYogi Rahu crossed Shani as'Ruler that day. Rahu was then in 7th Bhava (being Dhanur Lagna). The day's Yoga pointbeingAridra it also falls in 7th Bhava. Thus both the Yoga point and Yoga I-ord of the day are transitting the 7th Bhava and happily Birth Yogf Rahu crosses Shani as Ruler. You know that Rahu gives effects like Shani being kiths. So the day is good indicative of 7th house effect - marriage. (b) See his wife's charl Her Birth Yogi is Shukra , who crosses Rahu as Starter and Kuja as Ruler. In the case of females the Starter becomes powerful. The day's Yogi being Rahu it was a good day for her too being in
f ^g"t'

(c) BeinglVednesdaydre third Hora ruling between ' 8-5 to 9-5 is governed by Shani. As the indicators are , Rahu and Shani (like planets) the event happened dudng Shani Hora. (d) On 20-2-196o- the native had a very good day. Da/s Arryogi was Guru. His Birth Yogi Rahu crossed Guru as Ruler on that day. Rahu berng a natrral neghtive planet crossing Da/s Avayogl is excellenl (e) On 17-6-1956 in the case of a male born with Burfha as Birth Yogi, Budha crossed Guru as Ruler. On that day Guru was Avayogi. Still he earned plenty that day. Reason is that his Birth Yogi Budha is a negative planst at birth owning 3rd and 12th Bhavas. (D On 18-1-1962 when the Day's Avayogi Shukra became the Ruler of Birth Yogi, Rahu the native was


NrP - It

trapped for bribery. In Rule 9 above when Rahu a nafirral neg3tive and Birth Yo$ crosses the day'sAvayogi (Shukra in this case) a sudden Yoga should have happened; but the contrary has happened. \ilhy ? See the Last e>rception to that Rule thatwhen on such days Avayogt is Birth Yogi's enemy it is bad. As Shukra is Rahu's enemy the evil has predominated.

Misconceptions and Blind Beliefs

All I had to say about the horoscopic side of Astrologr have been detailed in the several chapters of Parts I and II of this Treatise. I now touch upon some of the topics which are in daily usage but under heaW misconception or blind faith in the time old sayings which have more or less become dictatorial dichrms unchallengeable ewen by the mighty. But I try to show the fallacy and see how they would be welcome.

(1) Rahu Kalam

This I take first as it is followed by dl and at all times. Aperiod of 1* hour or 3? Ghatis called muhurftam is taken as the span of Rahu Kalam at prescribed parts on all the week days and they are : Week Day
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

7-3O a.m. to 3-OO p.m. to 12-OO noon to 1-3O p.m. to 9-OO a.m. 4-3O p.n. 1-3O p.m. 3-OO p.m.

Part of Day
2 7 5 6 4 3 8

1O-30 a.m. to 12-OO noon 4'30 9-OO a.m. to 1O-3O a.m. p.m. to 6-OO p.m.



This table is not quite correcl The correct one is to divide the durati,on of the Day into 8 equal parts and count against the week day its duration in the part of the day assigned across it, counting always from the Sunrise of the place. The above rougfr table is shovm presuming that both *re Sunrise and Sunset are at 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. .respectively. For any changes in the time of Sunrise or Sunset necess:rry alterations should be made as stated above. Many do not know this fundamental thing; yet they are so scrupulous in its observance that sometimes they get tremselves pratically cheated in that they will have done an act in Ilahrrkalam alone though they think they have avoided it. This I attribute to destiny. It is not logical to ascribe good or bad traits to certain elements such as Weekday, Thitld, Star and moments like Rahu Kalam, Gulikakalam etc. I will show you that all times are good or bad depending solely on the individual Birth charL The general conception ofgpod or bad may be applicable to world events and certainly not to particular individuals. Rahu l(alan is not bad for all and at all ages. In fact I advise some to undertake only in Rahul(alam and have also predicted that some events have happened only then at wtrich my consultee uras wonderstruck as itwas so in his life then. He said he qras for that reason called Rah ulalam l{rishna LIur thy,Thougfr he tried his best to avoid Rahu Iklam circumstances would force him to do then alone or he would hear the results only then all happy events in his case. The secret of this lies not in its general character but in its static quality at birth. If at birth Rahu is well placed and Yogakaraka and his Dasha operates; all the good effects happen only during Rahu lGlam. It is only when he is badly situated at birth we say tJrat Rahu Kalam is, bad-coincides. In fuct this may be generalised in the case


of all planets and ttreir effects read out during their periods (Horas).

(II) Thithi (New Moon and Full Moon Days)

In Kerala New Moon day is held precious and Iikewise by the Muslims too. All the rest are afraid of iL The fact is different. New Moon is caused by the coniunction of Sun and Moon. If they are Yogakarakas at birth and the native runs these Dashas, New Moon days falling in good bhavas are the bestfor the native. For the same reason a Full Moon Day may be bad if either of them is badly placed at birth as on that day they will be in direct opposition. Thus such conclusions of good or bad should always be derived from birth chart and not by blind application of the general say. '

(III) Kaalasarpa Dosha

Even this is not properly understood by many. If all pl,anets are hemmed in between Rahu and Ketu in any order they seem to opine the existence of IGalasarpa Dosha. This is not always correcL You know that Rahu is a Cobra with poison in the mouth wtrile Ketu a Scorpion has it in his tail. The movements of these being anti-clockwise, planets in-betrveen the mouth of Rahu and the tail of Kehr only get hurt" It is here that I(aalasarpa Dosha exists and not when they are between the head of Ketu reason that and trunk of Rahu for the ilementary scorpion cannot hurt by its mouth and cobra hty its Fil. To be more clear if all the planets are from Kettr to Rahu in clockrvise order the Dosha is formed and not wtren in the space of anti-clockurise order. If a planet be with Rahu or Kehr in the same sign then unless by degree position he falls inside the above clockrvise direction this Dosha will not be formed.


For o<ample, in Some;may opine that it has Kaalasarpa Dosha. It is wrong forhvo reasons. (1) The planets are not in clockwise order from Ketu to Rahu, (2) Guru is out of even this anti-ctoclapise order as he is in advance of Ketu in the sign. Even if this Dosha is formed in a horoscope as per my strict definitions it will not be always bad. Its effect will be felt only when Rahu or Kehr Dasha or that of the planet in their star intervenes. Even then if Rahu and Ketu are Yoggic and in good positions at birth no harmful effectwill be felt. Unless all these conditions are satisfied you should not pronounce its bad effects.

(IV) Kuja Dosha

Angaraka Dosha is another great misconceived ^ona, subjecl Mere position in 1, 2, 4,7,8 and 12 from I Moon or Shukra is supposed to cause widowhood or widowerhood. I have wibressed many horoscopes being discarded for marriage alliance on this ground. ff it enists in one chart they require one with a similar dosha to counteract the evil. What a wonderful illogical



statementitis! As per their own fear thatthe existence of this dosha in one is likely to kill the other then I argue that both die due to the dosha of one another. If really there be such a dosha in a horoscope you must look to the longevity of the other and not a similar dosha. Merely because Kuja is there how can you mark his real quality? If suppose he be in 8, is he there to harm the par.tner, his younger coborns, his lands or the effects of the bhavas he ovms ornotatall to harm butto give Yoga? For Simha I agt'a Kuja in 4 is Yogakaraka. Thus I say there is Kuja Yoga and not Kuja Dosha. If Kuja is Birth Yogi then he always does good whereever he be. Astrologr is not so easyto handle. Letthe old school revise their conceotion at least hereafter.

0D Kalachakra Dasha
It has become the hazy notion of some to resort to all sorts of Dashas if they are not able to progress with Udu Dasha which is always upheld by me. One of the alternative Dashas is IGla Chakra. Be it once-for-all understood that all Kalachakra Dashas do not reveal proper readings. This system may be used only to find out the time of changes in life. The periods when there are jumps like Mandooka Gati (Frog), Ashwa orThuraga Gati (Horse) and Simhavalokana (Retrospection) caused atthe end of l(ataka, Vrischika and Meena are importanl Texts say that these periods are bad. It is not so always. If the sign to which it jumps be a good bhava good results happen; otherwise bad. Thus Kalachakra Dasha helps only at the period of jumps.

(VI) Nakshatra Dosha

This is anot'her fallacius conception. Even a lady in flre house objects at the very thougfrt of charts of Moola, Rohini and Aslesha birth stars. The star as a whole does



not harm. If at all there be affliction, it is the minutest division in it that may show off such symptoms not even its padas as some books narrate. Readings should never be based on birth stars only. The Bhava and its Karaka have to be first judged and then the starry effect suplemented to them. Birth in Rohini star alone will not kill the maternal uncle as in the case of Sri Krishna (born in Rohini) unless the sixth Bhava (House of maternal uncle) and Budha (Ifuraka) are badly situated dt firUr. ff they are good, Rohini in birth will have no such malefic effecl Thus you see that the Radix planetary effects play primary part and not the stars.

(VII) Marriage Alliance Tests

This is a big issue. No two astrologers agree on the point of marriage alliance with two horoscopes with the consequences of the father of a daugfrter tending to become desperate in his hot and weary pursuit of a Son-in-I-aw. Though marriagles are made in heaven and the tie is already settled our searching for the partrer and comparing the horoscope are mere toy-plays of Atmighty. Even so not do the job well. In most of the cases the famity purohitwho does not know much of this science becomes the Demi-God of the family and his version is sacred and final. It has become a very necessary factor (I say necessary evil) to judge the merit of the alliance by marks of Kootams which are after all very very seqpndary. There are many instances recommended,'as per these marks which have proved otherwise. After all to veri$ as per marks-system it needs no technical man. It is meant to be resorted to as a last measure in case there be no Astrologer in that place. The next question is how far to rely on the accuracy of the chart of an outside party when it is



difficult to strike the correct birthtime of our child. In fact all conclusions may be inferred from any one chart alone using the other one for formal verification and confirmation and also to estimate the destiny of Tie.lam going to show that effects of Kootams can be seen in tre chart itseff singfly or with the other chart

Single Sided Surveying one Horoscope only :

(a) Rasi and Graha Mitam.. See how the lords of I and 7 are mutually situated and see their mutal cordiality etc. If they are in 6, 8 and, L2 (mutrally) they differ. In such case the destiny drives the native to join a similar partrer with any amount of careful comparison of the two horoscopes. Even if they are mutrral enemies if they are posited together or mufirally aspectingl each other they live together even with differences of opinion. Here one thing has to be noted. Suppose the lord of the 7th is the enemy of the lord of lagna, it then means lhat the partrer is the native's enemy. If the lord 6f I -gna is not the enemy of the lord of 7th then the native will not reciprocate the illwill. In such a case it is only the native that becomes the sufferer. Similarly regarding the aspect : The aspector has affinity tourards the aspectee and the reverse. So in such a case there is single sided affinity. Further, of the two the more lx)werful rules over the other. (b) Yoni Kootant : Confiryal happiness to be judged by the 7th house. (c) Stee Deergam.'Judge house. from Shukra and the 8th

(d) Ganan.'Compare frre gunas of the lord of I and 7. (e) For all the rest of the Kootams contributing to happiness of the couple look to the 4th and 7th Bhanas.

NTP- n


(f) If the lord of the sevenft house irsbirft Yogi or in lhe star of Birft Yogi or wift Birft Yogi then there is general happiness and prosperig vice vets(g) If tre lord of the 7lh Bhaya aspects lryna or is with lord of lagla-there is arnicabili$. (h) Finally and for definiteness judge from effects of Dasha lords from the Navamsha Cttrt tre

Judged this way dre natrre dthe partner mry be 65ssltained from one chart onfy. Destiny forces tris native to marry only such a partnr.Ihen where is the human hmd and discrimindion to slectrhe one dour wish ?

Mu0ral Verification of boft the C1arts

(a) See how fte lords of the lagpas of both re disposed. Erren if they are enemies, if lheyirfn or aspect each ofter in either of fte charts they live @etre. (b) Ifthelord oflhe 7th Bhavaorits cuspal tu-lord is the Birft Yogi of fte otfrer or is in the star of the Birfr Yogi of the otrer, hrypy-mtch(c) If one's lagna is in anoiltefsYoga sm - Yqaic. (d) If the tm lagnas re mqhrally in good positions ofterftan G&f2-M. (e) If the Birft lagp -MYogi of the ofter aspeds the Ndive's

Judged in this sciendfic way you will arrive at correct conclusion. In hct ufren I m consulted I will first scrutinise the horoscope in the above rnenner md d the last stage of recommendation see the most important kootams onlSr such as Aynr I(Ntt n, Ndi I(ubm and Rajju I(Nt"'n leaying fte res* to oilhers to look into if theyfeel so an*ious.



(VIII ) Muhurtham
Lasty I touch upon the subiect of propitious times for undertakingF. TlKts on ffris subiect prescribe the Day, Thifti, Star, Yoga etc. differerrftyfor different acts- Even they have not proved true. For &ey are again general rules. What is needed is with reference to a particular individual. In my opinion all days have auspicious moments irrespective of season etc. and they must be property selected. The criteria to select such muhurthams are as follorps : If you cast the chart for the moment selected, the following conditions should be satisfied for propitiousres. (a) The current Dasha Lords as per birth and muhurilram should be in happypositions from both the Birth I -gna and moments I -gra. At least the former Birft r -gna and thelatterfrom Dashal-ordcountedfrom -g:t. should be in happy positions. Iikewise moment r 6e current Buki lord of muhurtha should be in happy position in muhurtha chartboth from r ^gnt and Dasha I-ord. and natural Karaka of the (b) The functional particulr issue forwhich dre muhurtram is fixed should be in happy positions both from Birth l-agna and dre muhurtha Lagtrn. Muhurdm Lryna-atleastfrom (c) The crrrrent Dasha Lord of tre moment chart and ib succeeding ones should be happily placed in moment charl If the current Dasha is good and the succeeding one is bad the issue stands good during the current Dasha ufiich gets affected in the succeedingl Dasha. (O See howfte mulnrlta r 'ra md its cr'rrrent Dasha Lord re related to moments Yoga andAvayoga planets(e) See howthe l-ord of the re8lna of 6e moment is sihrated in the chart



These and similar other considerations decide the propitiousness of a moment for an undertaking more correcfly than the mere superfrcial wordly general canons. Thus ends this short eulogr on mi5661septions. With these I stop here till I think of producing the next volume wishing the blessing of Afmighty on the faithful readers of my chapters, lhe ability to digest my sayings properly and enable them to even surpass me in intellect and researches overlooking omissions, commissions or criticisms. I will be much obliged if the readers furnish their opinions on this tort.


- God Bless You All -

Om ! Shanthi !!! Shanthi !!! Shanthi !!!


Illustrated Horoscopes
Ready-Made Table to Erect fte Division Charts
As some of our students desired to have a ready made Table to aid the erection of our Division Cbarb (D-Charts) we have nowaddedon this extramatterwhich will be beneficial to the readers. Mode of using tltis Thble : Under each D-charttable flrere are 13 columns and as many rows as the number in that Division is. In each row the lst Col. shounsthe mrorimum part of thatAmsha in Degrees and Minutes. In each rrow from 2nd to 13th column Rasis frm Mesha to Meena in order are represented


l{TP - II

The numerals inside the body of the Table stand for lhe Rasi counted always from Mesha. For example you wish to know Yfiere a planet sitrated at 13o5O'in Miftuna gos in Navamsha (D-9)l3os0Talls in sft Row and Mithuna falls in 4ft Col. In betrveen trem is No. 11 which is Kumbha counted from Mesha. In this uray understand all the ofter Divisions.

DrwsroN cEARr@) :
4110 5211 7 8 4 5 7 8 9 7 4 85 l lO 2ll 4 5 6 7 8

7 lo 7 4l o*20 I lo 8 a 5 2ll oHo2ll 10'OO312963129631296 llO I lO 7 4 t3-204 2ll 8 5 5 211 lHo 20-oo631296312963129 4 7 110 7 I 23-2U^ 8 5 2-rr 8 zHA 5 6 3 12 9 30-oo 9 6

110 2ll 3 12

lr0 2rr 3r2

cYTART(ro): DrursroN
o3-oo11o312527496118 3 8 5lO 4 I 6 oGoo 2ll 611 4 I 5 2 7 G)-OO3 12 5 rO 7r2 I 6 3 8 tz-oo 4 11 8 I 6 4 9 7 l5-oo 5 2 r8-oo6385lO71292ll 811031252 21-OO719611 4 712 9 2ll 510 2+OO 8 811O3125274 27-OO96ll I 6 4 2 1l 7 12 I 30-oolo 7 12 9 1lO 8 2rr 9 3r2 10 41 I 3 6 t 3 5


DrwsroN crrART(7I):
2-43 *27 t2 &10 lG54 11 10 lg38 rG2l r9-5 2149 2+:32 27-16 304 13

DIWSTON CTIART(I2): 6 7 I I 3 4 5 02-30 | 2 7 8 910 4 5 6 o5-oo 2 3 91011 I 5 6 7 07-30 3 4

10 rlr2 11 12 I 12 12

10-oo 4 5

7 8

b rO rrr2

2 3

7 8 L2-30 56 15-OO678910 17-30-7891011 20-oo 8 910 11 22-30 910 llr2 25-OO10 11 12 | | 2 27-30rrr2 2 3 30-oo12 | '

l2 34 9l0ll12 11 12 12345 a2 123456 6 7 5 2 3 4 12 I 7 8 6 2 3 4 5 | 7 I 9 2 3 4 5 6 9lO I 4 5 6 7 3 9l0ll 4 5 6 7 8 (Md S@s 54 65 76 87 98 109 lt t2 tl.2 21 32 13 Even Signs

(2r) : DrwsroNcrrART
o1-15 02-30 03-45 1615 t7-30 l8-45

06-15 07-30 o8-45

2o,-oo 2r-r5
?2-30 2345 2*OO 26-L5 27-30 2a-45

1l-15 12-30 13-45 15-OO

10 1l




3 4 5 6 7 I 10-oo L 2 910 11 L2 7 I 6 20-oo5 1l 12 L 2 3 4 30-oo910 DIWSTON CITART@): 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 07-30 | 5 6 7 8 glOllL2 l5-oo4 910 11 12 t 2 22-30 7 8 30-oo10 11 L2r23456789 9 10 lll.z L 2 3 4 6 7 8 5 I 10 Llrz 2 3 | 4 5 6 3

: DrwsroNcrrART(S)
2 712 510 4 I 0600 1 611 3 8 1 6.11 12-OO2 7 L2 5lO 2 712 4I I 611 1&OO3 8 I 3 8 2 712 510 24-OO4 9 2 4 I I 6 l l 8 3 30-oo510 DIWSION CIIART(6) : Even Signs Odd Signs 7 1 o5-oo 8 2 lo-oo I 3 r$oo 10 4 20-oo 11 5 25,-OO L2 6 30-oo 3 8 4 9 510 611 7L2

: DrwsroNcrrART(7)

831O5L2729411 o+t7 I 1 8 6 I 4rL oa42 7 2 9 5L2 12-51310 310 618 r7-oa411 4ll 2L-255 12 7 2 9 5L2 8 310 25.-426, l 4Ll 6 I 2 I 30-oo7

6 7 512 310 18 4Lr 6 7 2I 5r2 310 6 1 8 4LL 7 2 I 'Li 8 3lO



DrwsroN cHART(8):
03-45 1 9 07-3021O 1r-153 11 18-455 22-306 26-157 3O-pO8 5 6 7 1 I 2tO 311 5 6 7 I 5 6 7 I I5 2LO 6 311 7 5 6 7 a 19 2rA 311 4r2 I 95 2lo6 311 7 4128 5 19

I 9 210 31r, 4 12

I I 210 3ll 4 12

7 8

311 412

DrwsroN GEART(16):
01-52 15 03-45 2 4 05-37 3 3 o7A 4 2 09-22 5 | 11-15 6L2 L3-O771t l5-oo 810 1 6 - 5 . 2I 9 1 1 18-45 10 8 2 0 , - 3 7 L 17 22-30L2 6 2+22 1 5 26-15 2 4 2a-o7 3 3 30-oo 4 2 3 7 5 9 7Lt I 4 6 6 8 StOtO 5 5 7 7 I 911 6 4 8 610 Ar2 7 3 I 5lr 7l 8 ztO 412 6 2 9 111 3 1 5 3 to12 12 2 2 4 4 tl I I 3 3 5 LzrO 2 12 4 2 6 I I 3ll 5 | 7 2 8 4lO 6,t2 8 3 7 5 I 7rr 9 4 6 6 8 arolo 5 5 7 7 9 9ll 6 4 8 6 tO Atz t lr 3 t2 t2 2 1l I I 10 2L2 I 3ll 8 41o^ 7 5 I 6 6 8 5 7 7 4 I 6 3 I5 2lO 4 r ll 3 12 12 2 ll I I lO 2L2

I f f II



In tris ptrt,I give forty illustrative horoscopes that to enable tre readels to follow I have prac{icalbhandled my lheorywell I gFveonly the Pnominent Division Ctarts under each lifr. Instead of giving in regular chartforms, I have uscd tabulr forms. The readers are requested to comrert lhem to lhe tlpe of charts they are accustomed of charb atdifferentplacesto as drere revryingtyPes Plileils re shown by Notations as stated in Part I- The Rasis (.:g,"") in sfrich lhey re positd in lhe Division Clhrts re represented by Numerals I to 12 to denote Mesha (Aries) to Meena Ctsces) in order. For ready Refof Planets re given belry. erenoe lhe.NoHims RY, Ch, Ki, Bd, Gr, Sk, Sn, Rh, Kt and Asc representfrom Srm onwards b r-g'n in order' In each Wek day, Bir6 Star, Birft Yqa, Birth Yogi' chrtTihifti, Birft Avayogi, Ihrplicde YogL the planebny positions in degrees and minutcs, lhe krnningl Dasha Chart with Strter md krlcr, Zero nasis md tre D chrts with Birft Details re girren, omitfingsome ufien notneededNob: R-Rer,oSrdet $Sct

&art 7
l9-Gf9(}7 fr.7-Og p.m. (Bmgalore DL) Patha X CuspAstami-Wednesday-Uttara-Vyathi l7-3O KmlraBirft Yogi=Rahu; AyaYogf =Shukra; DuPlicate Yogi=ShiliBalmoe of Sun Dasha atbirft Yoga point l74g dKrlmbha, Zero@ = Yrs. O-O-13-



Guru Dasha Chart

Rv. Ch. RKj. Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Kt. Asc. - lO-57 4-34 S-55 25-4 28-26 24-7 tt-7 4-34 2-L7 Starter Ruler Gr. Bd. Ch. Gr. Gr. Ch. Ch. Sk. Ch. Ch. Ch. Rh. Gr. Gr. Ch. Kt. Ki. Rv. Ch. Ch.

D-or369 D-03365 D-O4396 D-O5 11 3 D-06 186 D-O7422 D-O8 6 7 D-Og 12 I D-ro455 D-11 L2 lO D-r2497 D-16 5 4 D-20 8 1l _8 D-24 1l D-27 ll t2 D-30 163 D-40 6 8

r1 8 4 10 I I tl lO

332L24109 11116L24101 12L2512410L2 3 3 7 8 6597773 98107rO4tL t2 11 11 6 2 3 I 5 121119L26t2 359L2 212614101 631216L22 tl 9 4 I 3L2t27551 842212610 7362229 2991210103


I | 4rO 119

7 4


Chart 2 (Mrs, Rkm.)

28-L2-Lg14 at 6-31 p.m. (Vrzag) Dwadashi-Monday-I(rittika-Sadhya-X 24-30 Meena Balance of Sun Dasha (at birth) - Yrs. 4-1O-17 Yogi=5hok'", Avayogi=Quru, Duplicate Yogi=Kuja. Yoga Point = 15-48 of Mesha. Zero Rasis=Thula-Makara.

t6.2 Rv.


ch. Kt. Bd. Gr. SkR.Sn. Rh. Ift Asb.

29-7 t2-L2 &39 29-L 622 584 6-47 - 29-37

D-l D-9

I 5

1 9

99 43

lo 8 3 658933


Chart 3 (ASN)
2-1-1934 at 1O-56 p.m. (Salem) nwitiya=tuesday-Pushyami-Vaidhriti (Punarvasu 4)

Yogi=6-'t, Avayogi=$un, Duplicate yogi=Moon. Zero Rasi=Dhanus ahd Meena. D1 n 10


are the Sigrs of Sun onwards. Balance of Shani Dasha = Yrs. ll-2-27.

Chart 4 (HRK)
2-3-l8g7 at6.42 p.m. (Bangatrore Dt ) Amavasya-Tue sday-Shathabhisha- Siddha (Ashwini) Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs. 14-11-19." " Yogi=11stu,Avayogi=Rahu, Duplicate }bgi=Kuja-- + Zero Rasi=None.
Rv. D-Ol D-04 11 5 Ch. 11 2 9 rO Kj. 2 ll 6 3 "6 2 Bd. R.Gr. Slc
2G55ll-+55 $53



KL Asc.

19-49 8-52 29-L6

105181O45 78tll4102 4 2 6 6 4lO L 7 7.12 8 2 491110665

D-Og t2 D-lo517 D-11 6



Chart 5 (PMB)
11-8-1882 at8-27 a.m. (Vellore) Thrayodashi-Punarvasu-Siddhi-(Dhanista- I )-Friday. Balance of Guru Dasha=Yrs. 9-LO-2. Yogi=6o;r, Avayogi=Ketu, Duplicate Yogi-Shani. Zero Rasis=Vrishabha and Simha. Rv. Ch.
26-A ss-a


Bd. Gr. Sl<. Sn. Rh. Kt. Asc.

20"s9 2-L4 7-ga 3-L6 3-15 30-O

D-Ol D-O8 D-Og D-10 D-ll

4 7 ll a 4

3643q2825 1156s2i9994 2 lo 10 rl 3 6 4 t2 6

7 3 I

12\10 4 1 11 t2

4 lo 511 t2L2

9 2 3

Chart 6 (PN) 2O-L2-19O6 at 2O-15ghatis(Vi"ag>

Shasti-Thursday-Shathabhisha-Vajra (Sravana). Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs. 16-6-15. Yogi=14ooo, Avayogi=Budha, Duplicate Yogi=Shani. Zero Rasis=Mesha and Makara. Rv. Ch. Kj. Bd. R.Gr.R.Sk.Sn. Rh. IdL Asc.
*2 7-47 9-13 13-41 14-33 7-8 L7-r rt-52 19-58

D-Ol I 11 7 8 D-O49210 11 D-10 1or108764397 D-11 12 11 10 8 D-Lz 1l 2lO I

3 811 685.7r7 811 8lO 7 5


9 I2

6 8


lNrP - II

Chart Z(PR)
18-9-1916 at 1O-3Oa.m. (Vizag) Sapthami-Monday-Rohini-Siddhi (Dhanista) Yogi=11o;t, Avayogfl=l{stu, Duplicate Yogi=Shani. Zero Rasis= Kataka and Dhanus. Balance of Moon Dasha = Yrs. l-9-18. Rv. Ch. Kj. Bd.R.Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(t Asc.
3-14 30.()

2-L6 20-5,0 13-46 2659 lL-47 L627 *20

D-Or D-O4 D-10 D-11

6 6 2 1

276 8103 41110 684

t441047 4 10 4 45L714 9 7 L2

10 t2t2

4 3

Chart I (KGV)
2O-3-19O3 at 9-18 p.m. (Dharapuram) Astami-Friday-MooLa-Vyatipatha (Sathabhisha) Balance of Ketu Dasha=Yrs. 6-1-15. Yogi=Rahu, Avayogi-Shukra, Duplicate Yogi=Shani Zero Rasis=Mithuna and Kanya.


Ch. Kt.
1-+4O 18-8

Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. KL Asc.

L6'-L4L+L4 3-18 L44 24-22 18-1

D-Ol D-06 D-10 D-L2

t2 8 10 2

961111 11o43 9843 9154

1 10 612 I 11ll I 210104 2339

7 4 I 2



Chart I (I{VG)
23/24-7-L931 at 5-4O a.m. (Salem) Dashami-Thursday-Vishaka-Shubra (Rohini) Balance of Guru Dasha=Yrs. 3-9-4 Yogi=Moon, Avayogi=gudha, Duplicate Yogi=51to6r.. Zero Rasis = Simha and Vrischika.

Rv. Ch. Kj.

7-L5 0-t2 t-49

Bd. Gr. Sk.R.Sn. Rh. Krt Asc.

29-L5 $3424-3926-18 15-50 _ 2-O

D-Ol 4864 D-102429

43 21r

9L2 51

64 712

Chart /,


10-8-1894 at55-25 Ghatis (Mysore) Dashami-Friday-Jyesta-Vaidhriti (Punarvasu) Balance of Budha Dasha =Yrs. 6-3-22 Yogi=6,trn, Avayogi=gun, Duplicate Yogi=Budha Zero Rasis = Simha and Vrischika Rv. Ch.
2cJ-50 26-3


Bd. Gr. Sh

Sn. Rh. Krr Asc.

LL_2 - 27_L7

6.-627.36 28-3

D-Ol D-08 D-09 D-10

4 8 t2 8

8l 32 lt L23 3

43361263 2612127712 6836713 251211115t2




Chart -f 1 (Mrs.R) 13-12-1904 at I Gh. 45 Vig. (Dharmapuri)

Shasti-Tuesday-Shathabhisha-Harshana(U-Shada). Yogi=5,ttt, Avayogi=Shani, Duplicate Yogi=5h-ti. Zero Rasis=Mesha and Simha. Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs.15-10-0

Rv. Ch. Kj. Bd.R.Gr. Sk. Sn.

2A-O 6-55 20-30
L7-59 27-M

Rh. Kt Asc.

7-O 24-L5

D-l 811 D-9L294

912 612

10 L2


511 71

&11 I 3

Chart /2 (MSS)
25-8-L92a at 1O-3O a.m. (Salem). Dashami-Sahrrday-Jye sta-Vishkambha(Pushyami). Balance of Budha Dasha=Yr. 1-O-O. Yogi=Shani, Avayogi=Moon, Duplicate Yogi=14oott. Zero Rasis=Simha and Vrischika.

Rv. Ch. Kj.

9-L3 29-L3 L7-29

Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.

L7-3L L7-3424-3LL9-45 L2-6 - 11-59

D-Ol D-04 D-10 D-11

5825158,287 11 I 5 8 8131061102810 10377756999



Chart 13 (HSV)
9-9-1906 at 11 a.m. (Bangalore) Sapthami-Sunday-Krittika-Harshana (U-Shada) Balance of Sun Dasha = Yrs. 2-0-25. Yogi=5ttt, Avayogi=$6ani, Duplicate Yogt=Shani. Zero Rasis=Iktaka and Dhanus.

Rv. Ch. Kj.

23-5 5-24 5-32

Bd. Gr. SkR.Sn. Rh. Iit Asc.

10-15 1,L39 9-8 18-45 17-14


D-l D-4

5 2

2 2

5 5

5 8

3 610


4 108 48 510



Chart 14 (NTV)
l1-9-1899 at 11-8 p.m. (Mysore) Saptami-Monday-Anuradha-Vishkamba (Pushyami) Balance of Shani Dasha=Yrs. 6-10-6. Yogi=Shani, Avayogl=[1oon, Duplicate Yogi=Moon. Zero Rasis=Iktaka and Dhanus.

Rv. Ch.
26.6 11-50


Bd. Gr. Sh. Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.


1-13 LO-29rs-2325-L3 24-5A 286

D-O1 D-04 D-06 D-09 D-10 D-24

5 2

8 1 I

87575 1l 7812 91346 7 7 7 7 15r51 411 812 8 I

8 .' 1t ll L2 11

93 93 ll t7 93 77

2 8 lo 2 3 4

Chart /5 (N-Mani)
L8/19-4-L94o at 3.13 a.m. (Mysore) Dwadashi-Thursday-Pubba-Vaidhriti

(Jyesta). Bal,ance of Shukra Dasha=Yrs. 1O-3-f 8. Yogi=Budha, Avayogi=Kuja, Duplicate Yogi=lftrh. Zero Rasis=Thula and Makara. D-1 15212 I 612

are the Rasis of sun onwards to Lagna.



Chart 16
Gf.If. The Maharaja Sri l{rishna Raia Wadeyal 4-6-1884 at 1O-36 a.m. (Mysore) Ekadashi-Wednesday-Chitta-Variyan (P-Bhadra) Balance of Kuja Dasha=Yrs.2-8-L2. Yog=6ttn, Avayogi=$un, Duplicate Yogi=$126 Zero Rasis=Dhanus and Meena. Rv. Ch. Kj. Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Iit Asc.
2L-23 1-27 7-2L 1-12 9-58 L42r-23 2A-6 27-l

7 5 D-01 2 D-048752748391 D-O7 1276812 D-O8 2 1 10 7 7 D-10 5


9 10

10L26L24 2 L212 L 3 5 511 3L2

8 I

Chart 17
(IIis Highness Sri Jayachamaraja Wadeyar) 18-7-L919 at6-25 p.m. (Mysore) , Shasti-Friday-Uttarabhadra-Athiganda (Hasta). Balance of Shani Dasha=Yrs. L3-7-La. Avayogi=$udha, Duplicate Yogi=3tt61tu. Yog=114oott, Zero Rasis=Mesha and Makara.

Rv. Ch. Kt.

7-6 L3-45

Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Ift. Asc.

/t"7 16-53 4-L5

D-Ol D-04 D-10 D-I1 D-T2 s-16

4 4 12 I 4 L2

123 126 107 11 a 28 t2 10

4 I I 3 3 4

455 411 110 L2712 511 527

5 6 6

a-o 8 l1 61 11 11 7

- 27-31

29 56 26 I 13 58 1l I



Chart 18
(Sir Mirza Ismail, Dewan of Mysore) 23/24-LO-1883 at 1-19 a.m. Navami-Tuesday-Aslesha-Shubha (I{rittika) Balance of Budha Dasha=Yrs. 14-1-1--23. Yogi=5-t, Avayogi=9161i, Duplicate Yogi=64u. Zero Rasis=Simha and Vrischika.

Rv. Ch.


Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Krt Asc.

19-O tl-O L6Z6 LZ-O 9.56

18-O 13-+O

D-Or74464727 D-O83541O3513 D-109548312310

- 26-16

l4 38 48

Chart 79
(Sri P.N. Krishna Murthy, Dewan of Mysore) 12-8-1849 Between 3p.m. and 4 p.m. Bal,ance of Moon Dasha=Yrs.9-3-25

Rv. Ch. Ig. Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Kr Asc. D-Or 4 2 2 4 5 3 12 511 9 D-109r124r231012612

Chart 2O
(Wedthy Higfr Government Officer) Born on 4-2-1905 at 6.10 a.m. Balance of Moon Dasha=Yrs . 4-4-17. Amavasya-Sravana-Vyathipatha (Shathabhisha) Yogi=Rahu; Avayogi=ghukra, Duplicate Yogi=g1tuni, Zero Rasis=None.

Rr'. Ch. D-Ol lo D-O4 7 D-10 I ro 4 11


Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.

t-26 t-54 9-26 0-1 I8-4 - 23-2L

23-O L7-33 L7-54

71oL121151110 I lo I 3 11 t26r11111151




Chart 27 (Leading Statesman) Born on 2L-2-1879at 5 a.m.

Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs.17-5-9 Zero Rasi=None Yogi=Budha, Avayogl=Kuja, Duplicate Yogf=Guru Rv. Ch.



Gr. Sk

Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.

9-24 LO-26

6-4r 19-25

2.16 o.rc2a-L9

r.641 10 ll

D-Ol D-10

11 2

11 I

9 3

lt 1l

\2 11 1l 11 811

lO 4 I3

Chart 22 (IGR)
Born on 4-4-1888 atl2-42 p.m. (fanjore) @evathi) Navami-Wednesday-Uttarashada-Shiva Balance of Sun Dasha=Yrs. 3-6-8. Yogi=Budha, Avayogi=Kuja, Duplicate Yogf=Guru. Zero Rasis=Simha and Vrischika. Rr'. Ch. R.Ki
22-LS 2-7

Bd. R.Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. KL Asc.


2-2 25-L7 t3-4626'/La 7-20 t3-il

D-O4 D-O8 D-10

L2 lo
6 lO 3

7 7 1

1l 811 312

811 8 4

4 4 2

410 714 441 4 lo

I 6





Chart 23
(Sri l(ashrri Srinivasan of llindu) Born on 7-8-1887 atl.42 p.m. : C,oimbatore Chowlhi-Sunday-Poorrrabhadra-Sukarma (Chitta). Balance of Guru Dasha=yrs.z-S-a. Yogi=6.r;., Avayogi=Ketu, Iluplicate yog!-Budha, Zero Rasis=Vrishabha and Kumbha. Rv. Ch. .Ig. Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(r Asc.
22-rO '.ta 2459 &44 635 +fi 6119 2-42 _ 11-14

DOI D-O8 D-t2

4 6 5 12

t2 5lt I 12

4 3lo

6 6

4 2 ll 6

410 8 4 2 a 4 8

8 1l I t2

D-ro7811 4 t2

2932827 10 7 ll 9 12 ?

Chart 24 (A\R)
7-9-1888 at G Ghatis Dwitfiiya-Friday-Uttam-shubha (I(rittika) Belanceof Sun Dasha = Yrs. 2-2-lS.
Yogf=Sun, Avayogi=51p6. Duplicate yogi=ShutaaZero Rasis=Dhanus and Meene.

Rv. Ch.
22-30 5-5


Bd. Gr. Sk Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.

+30 7-ta 7-1522_20 Sst &o

D-Ol 5 6 8 6 D-ror2353647'-79 D-11 5 12 t2 t2

8 ll

6 ll

4 5 ll

4lO tl

7 1l



Chart 25 (Prof. B.V. Raman)

Born on 8-8-1912 at7.l2 p.m. (Bangalore) Balance of Kuja Dasha=Yrs. 6-11-11. (P.Shada) Ekadashi-Thursday-Mrigasira-Vyaghata Yogi=51t,t5ru, Avayogi=Guru, Duplicate Yogi=Qs1q. Zero Rasis=Dhanus and Meena. Rv. Ch. Ki. Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. KL Asc.
13-35 12-59 2-9 lO-9 2246 3-1

23-O 23-26 2l-20

4 2 5 D-Or I 11 1l D-O4 D-10751298513912 6 5 5 D-11

5 8 I

8 1l I

5 5 110

2 5

12 I 5

611 3'lL 5 L2

Chart 26 Q{PJ) -L2,1924 (Bangalore) at IO-O4p.m. tZ

Shasti-Wedne sday-Makha-Preethi (Aslesha) Balance of Ketu Dasha = Yrs. 0-4-6. Yogi=Budha, Avayogi=Kuja, Duplicate Yogi=14oott. Zero Rasis=Mesha and Makara.

Rv. Ch.
D-Ol 951299


Bd. Gr. Sk Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.

20-13 7-6 z-LL L7-59 23-36 2-29

2-42 12-35 G10

8 4r2

4lO 11 7l 5

5 L 5

D-O498L239 D-Ogr4573 D-10 D-11 9 1 910 9 11 311 6 ll

81175 4L2 17551



Chart 27 (MIR)
2-8-1931 atZ-OS p.m. (Bangalore) Chowthi-Sunday-Poorvabhadra-Athiganda (Hasta) Balance of Guru Dasha=Yrs. 2-8-18. Yogi=14oon, Avayogi=gudha, Duptcate yogi=g.r61ru. Zero Rasis=Vrishabha and Kumbha.

Rv. Ch.
L6-23 t-25


Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.

L3-Oro-42 6-2425-37 L5-25 _ 2L-5r

D-Or D-ro

4 5

t2 8

6 4

:,544912610 ,i9 3 2 5

Chart 28 (KSK)
7/8-6-l91-t at l2-2 a.m. (Bangalore) Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs. 16-3-29 Dwadasi-Wednesday-swathi-parigtra (U-Bhadra) Yogi=Shani, Avayogi=lltoon, Duplicate yogi=es1u Zero Rasis=Thula and Makara.

Rv. Ch. I(t. Bd.R.Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.

23-L3 7-55 10-53 0.r l3-1 6-1421-48 1s-30 _ tl_59

D-Ol D-10 D-lr D-r2 ll

2 5 5

71127411711 9t21o11286t22 rr 10 I 911 6 I 8 9 1o42r269713



Chart 29 (VPN)
30-6-1895 at LO-27p.m. (Coorg) Balance of Kuia Dasha = Yrs. 3-2-O. Navami-Sunday-Chitta-Shiva (Revathi) Yogi=Budha, Avayogl=t316, Duplicate Yogi=Guru. Zero Rasis=Simha and Vrischika. Rv. Ch. R.Ki. Bd. R.Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.
1611 (A7 tg-ffi t7-3723-25 1-20 &11 23-50 - L2-L

D-Ol D-Os D-O4 D-ro D-rl

374335711 8 7 7 7 tO 9 7 6 8 6 8 I

711 5 9 12 5lO I 810 5 7 51lO

511 71 3 8 2'2 612 3 5 5 I

Chart 3O
(Mr B.N. Vijayadev, Bar-at-Law) at l-38 a.m. (Bangalore) LO/ll-7-1A91 Panchami-Friday-Pubba-V5rathipatha (Shathabhisha) Balance of Shukra Dasha=Yrs. 11-10-6. Yogi=Rahu, Avayogi=Shulra, Duplicte Yogi=Shani.

Rv. Ch.
2*52 r&46


Bd.RGr. Slc Sn. Rh. KL Asc.

0'62$39 7-O2O-47 lo46

D-Ol D-O4 D-O7 D-O8 D-10 D-11

354 ll t2 I 9 2 ll ll ll 471

4 lO I 12

4 1l 3 4 8 3 1o449104 I 3 6 1275llt7 4 tl |

5 11 2 6


8 511

lllt 1010

20-L I 7 5 6 7 6



Chart 3/ (KB)
L3/L4-4-1926 at 1-16 a.m. (Madura) (Aslesha) Dwitiya-Tuesday-Bharani-Preethi Balance of Shukra Dasha=Yrs. 14-0-9. Yogi=Budha, Avayogi=Kuja, Duplicate Yogi=1'1oott. Zero Rasis=Dhanus and Meena.

Rv. Ch. Kj.

f}ta t7-L9 22-49

Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.

9-49 2&3t L4-rL 2-3 2A-3 6-4L

D-Ol I 110 t2 lo 11 8 D-O7 2 2 I 5 I 8rO D-Og 611 4 l 6 4 6 D-ro16l11 3341268 D-lr175103813311 D-r2 177394828L2

3 9 3

9lO 3 5 9 12

Chart 32 (X)
2O-9- 1905 at 293/a gfratis Balance of Moon Dasha=Yrs. 3-6-0. Sapthami-Wednesday-Rohini-Siddhi Yogi=Kuja, Avayogi:Ketu, Zero Rasis=Iktaka Rv. Ch.
+20 t&LL


Duplicate Yogi=Shani.

and Dhanus Kt. Bd. 5 9ll lO Gr. Sk.R.Sn. Rh. Kt Asc.

5-l $59 - 2a-44

25-37 L740L3-5429-29

D-Or 6 2 8 D-O7 | 12 7 D-10 1 2 3 4 D-2476127339993

2 2

411 4L2 9 12

5ll 612 612

11 5 8



Chart 33 (YN)
5-l-1917 at5-37 a.m. (Malavalli) Dwadashi end-Thursday end-Rohini-Shubha end. Balance of Moon Dasha=Yrs. 6-5-3. Yogi=S,rtr, Avayogi=Shani, Duplicate Yogi=55.r1o.u. Zero Rasis=Thula and Makara. Rv. Ch. D-Ol D-O4 D-10 9210 3 4 5lO 2. 7 Ki. Bd. Gr. Sk R.Sn. Rh. Ift Asc.
3-a24r7 528 Zg-2 4t-S9 2L-23 L4-46 3-51 rO.21

10 I 9

184939 I 2 5 12 4 r 612 6 t2 I 10



Chart 34 (Dr.K)
3/ 4-4-1915 at 12-52 a.m. (Bangalore) Balance of Shani Dasha=Yrs. 9-6-0. Panchami-Sahrrday-Anuradha- Siddhi(Dhanista) Yogi=11n;r, Avayogi=l(stu, Duplicate Yogi=Shani. Zero Rasis=Mithuna and Kanya. Rv. Ch.
20-16 9.55



Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(t Asc.

rO - t7-5g

26-7 2r-16 9-49 3-55





11 ll


5 53 52

D-O4611 D-10278762411





Chart 35 (KN)
26/27-4-19O5 at 2-3O a.m. (Bangalore) Balance of Moon Dasha = Yrs. 3-f 1-16 Ashtami-Wednesday-Sravana-Shubha (Krittika) Yogi=5otr, Avayogi=$6ani, Duplicate Yogi=55n5'u. Zero Rasis=Mithuna and l(anva. Rv. Ch. R.Ki. R.Bd. Gr. Sk. Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.
L3-22 r8-3 2&57 8-3O1&,r4 14-16 8-32 13-48 8-59

110711111 D-Ol D-1051243V51 D-rl 9 7 3



511 931 8810


Chart J6 (MSS)
15/ 16- 1 l- 1925 at 2-4O a.nt. (Bangalore) Amavasya- Sunday-Vishaka-Shobhana (Uttara) Yogf =Sun, Avayogi=Shani, Duplicate Yogl=$un Zero Rasis=None. Balance of Guru Dasha=Yrs. lO-O2-12. Rv. Ch. Kt. Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. KL Asc.
o-LO 24-55 a-i,jj 2o,-5,926-27t6-572/L-55 *57 6-16

D-Ol D-11

8 l

7 7 410

8 6

9 4

9 7

7 410 411 11

6 1l

Chart 37
(Sri Sringeri Jagadguru Nrisimha Bharathi Suramigal) 1f -3-f858 at 9 p.m. Balance of Moon Dasha = Yrs. 7-5-20. Rv. Ch. Ki. Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(L Asc. 5 7 3 ll D-r 1 1 r o 8 1 r t l . z 743289 D-9 32511 612 8 7 12 I 5 4 8 3 D-5



Chart 38
(Jagadguru Sri Chandr. ashekara Bharathi Swamigal) 16-10-1892 at3* Ghatis Balance of Kehr Dasha = Yrs. 2-3-25. Yogi=114ootr, Avayogi=$udha, Duplicate Yogi=Shukra. Zero Rasis=Dhanus and Meena Rv. Ch.


Bd. R.Gr. Sk Sn. Rh. XL Asc.

&ffi 27-270-LLL3-27 t6-t2 n-9

8-55 25-2a

D-l D-5 D-8 D-9

7 7 r 7

5107r256177 1028r21O4391O 117212118556 35812425111

Chart 39(Sri Ramana Maharshi)

29-L2-L479 at 48 g;hatis (Monday) Balance of Guru Dasha = Yrs. 5-4-O. Yogi=Rahu, Avayog!=Shukra, Duplicate Yogi=$q41t.. Zero Rasis=Dhanus and Meena.

Rv. Ch.
l$30 2&30


Bd. Gr. Sk Sn. Rh. Kt Asc.

t3-7 +t6

22-O 23-L9 16-30 0-15 17-4

D-l D-573 D-8 D-953

93 I t2

18118L2937 435r21O7r7 63199882 7 lo 11 4

4 rO



Chart 4O
(Jagadguru Sri Abhinava Vidyathirtha 13-11-1917 at 8-3O a.m. (Bangalore) Balance of Rahu Dasha=Yrs. 15-1O-1O. Chahrrdashi-Tuesday-Swathi-Ayushman (Makha) Swamigal)

Yogf=Kehr, Avayogi=f,a11u, Duplicate Yogi=5ott. Zero Rasis=Mithuna, Kanya, Dhanus and Meena. Rv. Ch.


Bd. Gr. Slc Sn. Rh. I(L Asc.

2-ffiL5-5213-5021-40 tO-55 - 2a-46

&15 12-59

D-Or7758294938 D-Os ll 811 12 8 D-Og 3 I 4 4 2 D-ro49943t7L261 D-r2 510 10 I 8 D-24211 36449113

7 7 510 2t2

612 410 L 7

4 L2 7

(i) New Techniquesof Prediction- Part I
(PartsI and ll of NTPare complementary)

(ii) Howto Read A Bhava? - By Dr.T.S.Vasan



Appendix - (2') Fundamental Elements

hdiac.' It is an imaginary circular belt divided into twelve equal parts of 3o'each called Constellations. The width of this imagilaly belt (path) is 80 on either side of the apparent ecliptic path of the sun. Ascendanl ; The point of inter-section of the eastern horizon and the ecliptic path of the sun at sun-rise. It is the first house in the horoscope of a person. Descendanl .'The point of inter-section of the western horizon and the ecliptic path of the sun at sun-set It is the seventh house in the horoscope of a person. Constellations,'These are the twelve divisions of the zodiac, each division being of 3Oo . Each division represents a particular sign or house. These signs are (l) Aries (Mesha) (7) t)bra (TuIa) (2) Taurus (Vrishaba) (8) Scorpio (Vrischika,) (3) Gemini (Mithuna) (9) Sagittarius (Dhanus) (4) Cancer (Ihtaka) (1O) Capricorn (Makara) (5) l*o (Simha) (f f) Aquarius (Kumbha) (6) Yirgo (Kanya) (12) pisces (Meena) Further, these twelve divisions are divided into twenty seven asterisms called Nakshairas, Thus each division or sign is having two and a quarter Nakshatras. Each Nakshatra is further divided into 4 parts called padas. The twenty seven Nakshatrasare divided into 3 groups called Triads.Each triad is ruled by a planeL These planets are nine in number and they are as follows :
(1) (2) (3) (4) Sun (Surya) Nloon (Chandra) Nlars (Mangala) Mercury (Budha) (5) Jupiter (Guru) (6) Venus (Shukra) (7) Saturn (ShanQ (8) Dragon's Head (Rahu) (9) Dragon's Tarl (Kettt)



The twelve divisions or houses intheZodiac are numbered from I to 12 in the counter clock-wise direction. A particular planet is taken as the I-ord of the House occupied by a particular Sign of the Zodiac. (Refer Page -83) Note: The planets are represented by the following symbols.

O D Y I d

standsfor Sun standsfor Moon standsfor Mercury standsfor Venus standsfor Mars

stands forJupiter

t? standsfor Saturn n U standsfor Rahu sbnds for Ketr

Trine: Two planets which are separated by 12Oo in theTndiae are said to be in irfrre. This is only a geometrical relationship. Square: Two planets which are at right angles are said to possess squareaspecL Opposition : Planets which are diametrically opposite in the T.odiac are said to be in opposition They form a straight angle between them. Conjunction: Planets in the same house in the 7-odiac are said to be in conjunction In otherwords, Orey occupy the same degree of a7ndiacal sign.



Cusp : It is the dividing space between any two signs of the 7-odiac.It is equal to plus or minus lo on either side of the dividing line. Mid Heaven: ofany horoscope. It is the zenith or the top most degree

,Nadir: It is the opposite of zenith. It is the lon'est position in the birth chart which is opposite to Mid Heaven or Zenith. Inrd of the llouse: The planet wtrich is closely connected to a house or a sign is termed as the Lord of that House. In otherwords, a particular planet is treated as the Lord of a House occupied by a particular sign. For example, the planet Mars is the Lord of the House occupied byAries. Thithi and Yogla : Thithi in subtaction and Yoga means addition. reference to astrologr, the difference in the Moon and the Sun is frithi wtrile them is the yoga. Sanskrit means With particular position between the sum total of

Ephemeris : Ready-made Tables of certain astronomical data which are very useful in finding the celestial positions of the planets is knovyn by the name Ephemeris. Now a days advanced ephemeris are available with daily positions of planets. SIGNSOFTTIEZODIAC: REFERTABLESONPAGEI83



House l.

Sign of theTndiac Aries Thurus

Gemini Cancer Leo

Lord of the House Mars Venus

3. 4.

Moon Sun

Y g' U 'y* ]I ?rut


Svmbol Greek Hindu


E2 N



6. 7. 8. 9.

\frgo Ubra

Mercury Venus
Mars Jupiter

w Affi


nLqP;t g 4
.vy1 .wl

11. 12.

Sahrrn Jupiter



l1?fr la+4

X 64



I being a sertous student of astologr since more dtat, four decadei, was not satisfred with fie {eneral frteoretical book on Asfrologr flooded in the market. Thouglt f have great es' works, which I methodically teem for aII classical assimilated with the help of great scholars with whom I ws associated for several years, still my mind was always in sarch of more secrets & the missing links of tltis great science. Fortunately, I had the blessings of God almighly to have many secrets from great pandits of this countty whose names f always think and remember in my morning prayers- Of these great pandib, Mr H.R. Seshadri lyer, fte audtor of "NEVY TECH(Parts i, ii, iii) has highlv influ' NIQAES OF PREDIAION" enced my mind in understanding this age'old science with many missing links, with proper perspective. Afiter going dttough dtis system & techniques which I applied for more than two de' of say that no student cades, f can confidently astologr should miss his works & study them catefitlly to un' dersand his techniques which wiII be very useful in our day today asbological analysis. I have hught these techniques to aII my studenb in fndia and abroad & aII my students are very happy as they found it very usefiil. f was over-ioyed when f heard that Mr B.I{ Mahipai of undertook the task of Janapriya Prakashana, Bangalore publishing these books which ate out of print today- f was also pleased to make here & there some notes to make dte sfitdents understand properly ; my intention was not to change any' thing in the books the authot has written. I hope that the stn' denl community and the general public who ate interestd in will make use of these books which are very astrologt useful iot onlyfor beginners, but also for students who wish to make higher sfitdies in astologr. Date z LO-O2-2OOO Dr T. S. Vasan Place : Bangdore National Vice - Pres,:dent Indian Council of Astrological Sciences # 56 / 4,7th main, Srirampuram Bangalore - 560 O2f Ph : 3325452

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