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Notes chemistry

QUESTIONS Define Atom Define Subatomic particles ANSWERS It is the smallest particle of an element which retains all properties of element. An atom is composed of several subatomic particles. Electron, Proton and Neutron are very important. These are also called fundamental particles. He was a British physicist. He performed many experiments using alphaparticles. He proposed a planetary atomic model. He was a Danish physicist. He proposed an atomic model in 1913. His structure of an atom nicely explains the observed ion spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Atoms having same atomic number but different mass numbers called isotopes.
Protium (1H )
Deuterium (1H or D)

Who was Rutherford? Who was Neil Bohr?

What are isotopes?

Name the isotopes of Hydrogen

Name the isotopes of Carbon

Tritium (1H or T)


Name the isotopes of Chlorine

Name the isotopes of Uranium


14 37

17Cl 92U





Define Electronic Configuration

Electronic Configuration is the distribution of electrons in different sub-shells according to their increasing energy. How many sub shells are present and s sub shell = 2 electrons what is maximum no. of electrons in p sub shell = 6 electrons them? d sub shell = 10 electrons f sub shell = 14 electrons An atom is electrically neutral. Why? Because it contains equal number of positively charged proton and negatively charged electrons. Can you identify an atom without knowing Yes. An atom can be identified by its number of neutrons in it? atomic number. Alpha particles () were used by Radioactive material such as polonium Rutherford in his experiment. What was was used as a source. the source of these particles?



What is the formula to find the maximum 2n . number of electrons in any shell? What were the defects of Rutherfords 1. The electron being charged particle model of atom? should emit energy continuously. Its radius decreases and ultimately falls into nucleus. But this never happens. 2. The moving electron should be attracted by the attractive forces of nucleus & must be accelerated towards nucleus. Again this never happened. Where do electrons and protons reside Electrons revolve around the nucleus and within an atom? proton resides in nucleus. Where do you find the neutrons? Neutrons are found in nucleus. Why the enery of electrons is emitted The electrons in higher orbits have high when it jumps from higher to lower energy and the electrons in lower orbit orbits. have low energy. So when an electron jumps from higher orbit, energy is released. What is meaning of radioactive carbon The radioactive carbon C-14 is dating? continuously being generated in the upper atmosphere by the nuclear reactions and atmospheric carbon dioxide contains a small portion of 14CO2, which is absorbed by the living tissues as C-14. On death C is no more absorbed. The C has half 14 life of 5568 years. This C is then used to find the period of the dead body. For example if the amount of C-14 in the dead body is 4 times less, then it must have passed two half lives of C-14 i.e. 2x5568=11136 years. That is it must have died 11136 years ago. What are radioactive isotopes Elements which emit radiations (Alpha, Beta and Gamma rays) called radioactive isotopes. E.g. C-14, K-40, U-235 Which isotope is used for treatment of Cobalt (Co-60 ) is a radioactive isotope. It cancer? is a strong source of gamma rays and is used for treatment of cancer. How the electron is prevented to fall into The electrons revolve around the nucleus the nucleus? at a high speed. The centrigual force which arises due to rotation of electrons balances the force of attraction. This prevents them from falling into nucleus. Electronic Configuration Learn from Teacher / Demonstration Information from atomic symbol Learn from Teacher / Demonstration


Question: Describe Rutherfords experiment. Write his observations. Also describe the defect of his model Rutherfords Experiment: Rutherford bombarded alpha particles on a 0.00004cm thick gold foil. He obtained these alpha particles from a radioactive element polonium. These are actually helium nuclei. Observations: Most particles passed un-deflected. Only few were slightly deflected. 0 1 out of 1 million particles was deflected at an angle greater than 90 . Conclusions: Since most of the alpha particles passed un-deflected, therefore, most of the space in atom is empty. The deflection of a few particles proved that there is a center of heavy positive charge in atom which causes repulsion. This heavy part is named as nucleus. All the space outside the nucleus is occupied by the fast revolving electron. The alpha particles are not deflected by these electrons. The centrifugal force which is produced due to rotation of electrons balances the electrostatic force of attraction between the nucleus and electron. This prevents the electrons from falling into the nucleus. Defects: According to classical physics, electrons being charged particle should emit energy continuously. The orbit of electron should become smaller and smaller until it falls into the nucleus. But this never happened. If the electron emits energy continuously, atom should form continuous spectrum while atoms give line spectrum. Question: Why Bohrs Atomic Model is better than Rutherfords Model? Give his postulates. Rutherfords Model was defective and needs correction. To remove these defects, Bohr gave his atomic theory in 1913. This theory clearly explained the line spectrum obtained from hydrogen atom. Postulates of Bohrs Atomic Theory: i) Electron revolves around the nucleus in fixed circular orbits called energy levels. ii) Higher the orbit, greater is its energy. iii) The electron can move only in orbits in which the angular momentum (mvr) of electron is integral multiple of h/2. iv) As long as electron remains in a particular orbit, it does not radiate or absorb energy. When an electron jumps from lower energy level to a higher energy level it absorbs energy and when it jumps from higher energy level to a lower energy orbit it radiates energy. This energy emitted is exactly equal to the difference between the two energy levels. v)


Question: Write down the main differences between Rutherfords and Bohr atomic theories. Rutherfords Atomic Theory Bohrs Atomic Theory It was based upon classical theory It was based upon quantum theory Electrons revolve around the nucleus Electrons revolve around the nucleus in orbits of fixed energy. No idea about angular momentum was Orbits had angular momentum introduced Atoms should produce continuous Atoms should produce line spectrum spectrum Atoms should collapse Atoms should exist Question: Describe the contribution that Rutherford made to the development of the atomic theory. Rutherford was the first scientist who proposed first atomic model of atom. He performed a series of experiments in which he bombarded very thin foils of different elements with alpha particles. Based on observations from these experiments, he suggested that all the positive charge and most of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the tiny nucleus. The remaining volume of the atom is occupied by electrons that revolve around the nucleus. These suggestions remained unchanged. But this model could not explain the stability and line spectrum for an atom.

Question: Discuss the application of isotopes in various fields of science and technology. Trace for Diagnosis and Medicine Iodine-131 is used as a tracer in diagnosing thyroid problem. Na-24 is used to trace the flow of blood and detect possible obstructions in the circulatory system Iodine-132 is used to image the brain Cobalt-60 is sued to irradiate cancer cells Chemical Reactions and structure determination Radioactive isotopes are used to determine the molecular structure. Radioactive isotopes are also used to study the mechanism of chemical reactions. Carbon-14 is used to trace the path of carbon in photosynthesis. Archaeological and geological uses Carbon-14 is used for age determination of carbon containing substances (fossils) Carbon-14 is incorporated into the tissues of all living things while they are alive. On death no more C-14 is added.



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