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[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family [Your Address] [Your Address] [Town] [County] [Postocde] [Head of Legal

Services Full Name] [Council Name] Trading as [District Council Name] (if applicable) [Registered Address] [Town] [County] [Postcode] [Date] Your reference [Case Reference] Account Ref Number [Council Tax Account Number] My Ref [Your Reference] Dear [Council Name], I am in receipt of a letter from [Town] MAGISTRATES COURT In respect of the above A/C number & Addressed to [TITLE] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]. In the matter of your claim for council tax arrears for [AMOUNT] I can advise that I conditionally accept your offer to pay council tax, conditional upon the following 1. That you can demonstrate that there is a contract between the [Council Name] & me ([First Name]: [Family Name] ) The man & not ([TITLE] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME]) the person & a corporation. 2. That [Council Name] have given full disclosure (as required by common law) re the services being offered & that these have been accepted by me for the value stated. 3. That you can demonstrate manifestation of intent by way of my seal and/or autograph on a contract between us. 4. That the terms and conditions of any contract are lawful (in common law - Not statute law ).

5. That a liability order is being sought against the legal fiction [TITLE] [FIRST NAME] [LAST NAME] a person and a corporation by [COUNCIL NAME IN CAPS] ( a corporation ) being of equal status as required by law & NOT against [First Name]: of the family [Family Name] ( a man ) and of greater value & thus superior status to a corporation which would render the proceedings unequal in law and thus invalid. 6. That Council Tax is lawful. I would further advise that I do not give my consent to hearings being conducted in a court de facto ... & insist that this matter be dealt with in a court de jure ... under common law jurisdiction & that judgement be by way of a jury of my peers. I would further advise that [COUNCIL NAME IN CAPS] Legal team should be fully aware of the status of [TOWN IN CAPS] MAGISTRATES COURT as being a branch of the ministry of justice which is a registered corporation - & as such conducts its business under admiralty jurisdiction -whose rulings are invalid on dry land without the consent of BOTH parties to the hearing & that I specifically do not give my consent to these proceedings under this jurisdiction. While not wishing to appear dishonourable in this matter, I look forward with interest to your comments on this matter. Yours sincerely without ill-will, vexation or frivolity

[First Name]: of the [Family Name] family (Agent) Life Force - Soul of Man WITHOUT PREJUDICE, i.e. all Natural Inalienable Rights Reserved Please address all future correspondence in the matter to a direct Human Self, namely [First Name]: of the [Family Name] family, as commonly called.

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