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PROGRAM i-THINK (THINKING SCHOOL) Program i-Think merupakan program yang bertujuan mempertingkat dan membudayakan kemahiran berfikir

dalam kalangan murid ke arah menghasilkan murid berinovatif . Dapatan melalui kajian keperluan (needs analysis) menunjukkan bahawa kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (higher order thinking skill HOTS) dalam kalangan guru dan murid di Malaysia amat rendah. Sehubungan itu, Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri yang telah dipertanggungjawabkan memacu inovasi negara, bekerjasama dengan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) untuk merealisasikan impian tersebut.
Bagaimana Program i-Think dilaksanakan

Pihak AIM telah melantik perunding Kestrel Education (UK) untuk mengendalikan kursus bagi program i-Think. Antara alat berfikir yang akan diperkenalkan termasuklah thinking maps, habits of mind, thinking hats, dan Q-matrix charts. Apakah yang diharapkan dari Program i-Think? Dengan menggunakan alat berfikir (thinking tools), murid lebih fokus, berkeyakinan dan aktif di dalam kelas. Aktiviti banyak berpusatkan murid. Prestasi murid meningkat selepas menggunakan alat berfikir dalam pembelajaran dan pengajaran. Hubungan guru dengan murid lebih rapat kerana guru lebih banyak berperanan sebagai fasilitator.

MINIT CURAI KURSUS PROGRAM i-THINK SEKOLAH RENDAH DAN MENENGAH PADA 26, 27 , 28 & 29 TAHUN 2013 Tarikh: 26, 27, 28,dan 29 November 2012 Tempat: ???????????? Taiping, Perak. Kehadiran: Puan Marzita Omar (Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum) Cik Jocelyn Tan Kun Heong (Agensi Inovasi Malaysia) Mr Larry Alper (Kestrel Education (UK)) 31 orang Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK PPD (Kulim) 36 orang JUK Tambahan Taklimat Urus Setia : 1.Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) telah dipertanggungjawabkan memacu inovasi negara yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB PM. 2.AIM bekerjasama dengan KPM dalam mempertingkatkan dan membudayakan kemahiran berfikir dalam kalangan murid ke arah menghasilkan murid berinovatif dengan memperkenalkan program i-THINK 3.Pihak AIM telah melantik perunding dari Kestrel Education (UK) untuk mengendalikan kursus kemahiran berfikir 4.Program i-Think dirintis di 10 buah sekolah seluruh Malaysia (6 SR dan 4 SM). 5.Perbelanjaan rintis program i-Think dibiayai sepenuhnya oleh AIM. Apakah Program i-THINK? Program i-Think merupakan satu program yang bertujuan mempertingkatkan dan membudayakan kemahiran berfikir dalam kalangan murid ke arah menghasilkan murid berinovatif Kenapa Program i-THINK ? Dapatan pentaksiran antarabangsa seperti TIMSS dan PISA menunjukkan murid Malaysia di tahap yang rendah i.TIMSS 2007 #26/56 (M) #28/56 (S) ii.PISA 2009 #57/74 (M), #52/74 (S), # 55/74 (R) Murid berpengetahuan tetapi tidak dapat mengaplikasikan pengetahuan mereka Dapatan UNESCO (2011) menunjukkan guru mengajar untuk peperiksaan Dapatan kajian keperluan (2011) menunjukkan kemahiran berfikir aras tinggi (Higher Order Thinking Skills) dalam kalangan guru dan murid di Malaysia amat rendah. Bagaimana? Memperkenalkan alat berfikir kepada guru dan murid. Semua guru akan menggunakan alat berfikir mengikut kesesuaian tajuk semasa mengajar. Murid akan menggunakan dalam pembelajaran. Penggunaan alat berfikir dan kemahiran aras tinggi dalam pdp menjadi amalan. Mengadakan portal bahan interaktif p&p yang dapat merangsangkan kemahiran berfikir 1. Apakah alat berfikir yang akan diperkenalkan ? a.Circle Map (Peta Bulatan) - Thinking process : Defining in Context (Proses pemikiran : Mendefinisikan mengikut konteks)

b.Bubble Map (Peta Buih) - Thinking process : Describing using adjectives (Proses pemikiran : Menerangkan atau memperihalkan menggunakan adjektif) c.Double Bubble Map (Peta buih berganda) - Thinking process : Compare and Contrast (Proses pemikiran : Banding beza) d.Tree Map (Peta pokok) - Thinking process : Classification (Proses Pemikiran : Membuat pengelasan) e.Brace Map (Peta Dakap) - Thinking process : Part-whole relationship (Proses Pemikiran : Hubungan bahagian-seluruh) f.Flow Map (Peta Alir) - Thinking process : Sequencing (Proses Pemikiran : Urutan) g.Multi-flow Map (Peta Pelbagai Alir) - Thinking process : Cause and Effect (Proses Pemikiran : Sebab dan akibat) h.Bridge Map (Peta Titi) - Thinking process : Analogies (similar relationships, finding relating factors (RF)) (Proses Pemikiran : Analogi, hubungan yang sama, mencari faktor penghubungan) Usaha sama Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (AIM) dipengerusikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri dipertanggungjawab memacu inovasi negara dengan Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) untuk merealisasikan impian tersebut Apakah yang diharapkan dari Program i-Think? Dengan menggunakan Alat Berfikir (Thinking tools); murid lebih fokus, berkeyakinan dan aktif di dalam kelas. Aktiviti banyak berpusatkan murid Prestasi murid meningkat Hubungan guru dengan murid lebih rapat kerana guru lebih banyak berperanan sebagai fasilitator Bagaimana dilaksanakan? Rintis di 10 buah sekolah 4 SM dan 6 SR 2012 -- Diperluaskan ke 1,000 (2013) -- Semua sekolah 2014 Rujukan? i. ii. iii. iv.Sekolah Rintis v.Pegawai Meja JPN vi.Pegawai Meja PPD 2.Hari Ke-1 : Growing Thinking Schools Introductions - The 21st Century learner - The approach to thinking schools - Why Thinking Schools? - A team approach for success

Taking responsible risks Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. (T.S. Elliot) There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long-range risks of comfortable inaction. (John F Kennedy) The ground rules for the week! Thinking out of the box Being prepared to accept new ideas Being prepared to take a few risks Being prepared to get some things wrong! Not allowing your thinking to be too constrained by your current experience and practice Thinking schools.. Setting the context ......The 21st Century Learner - From the point of view of a parent / the school / an employer / Malaysia, the country - What are the skills that are needed? Who does what?! Teachers? Headmistresses, Headmasters, Principals State and district officers? MOE? Teachers Training Institute? Higher Education - Universities? AIM? Thinking schools .where to start ? Stage 1: Getting Started Why a Thinking School? - Visual Mapping & Collaborative Networking What kind of learners do we want? Students who can? Students who are? What difference do we want to make? For whom? A transformative plan Intent ---- Research ---- Share ---- Define ---- Plan ---- Sustain Why we choose to create thinking schools? 3 The Rochester Grammar School Cardiff High school to promote resilience Move beyond knowledge to shift focus from teaching to reproduction learning Facilitate deeper understanding to create positive habits and Promote logical argument dispositions Encourage resilience to promote independence Encourage imagination & to promote deeper creativity understanding Improve problemsolving To promote life-long learning Improve independence The brick Wall [barrier to change] We get results It is not broken We do not have enough time why fix it It will not work here We have not got the skills to Our parents will not want it

teach this We are already working very Our students just need hard this is too knowledge much What will this cost ? Hari Ke-2 : Thinking Maps Revision ---- Frame of Reference ---- Applications THE FRAME OF REFERENCE Can be used with ANY map. Gives students an opportunity to THINK ABOUT THEIR THINKING. Encourages greater REFLECTIVE THINKING. 3 guiding questions How do you know what you know? What is influencing the information on your Map? Why is this information important? Hari Ke-3 : Schools how is your plan for teaching the students the Thinking Maps you are going to use?! Which ones? How and when? Feedback on Friday 6 Starting Points Reflective questioning --- Thinking skills --- Visual mapping --- Collaborative networking --Developing dispositions --- Structuring environment What is the vision of Thinking Schools International? For, Of and About Thinking 4 Teaching FOR Thinking Creating school-wide and classroom conditions that support thinking development Teaching OF Thinking Instructing students in the skills and strategies and/or implementing thinking programmes Teaching ABOUT Thinking Helping students become aware of their own and others thinking processes and use in real life situations and problems How are We Working Together? ARCS Communities for Learning Alignment (To what extent have we developed a vision that is shared by everyone) representation (What is the Best combination of thinking and perspectives to push our thinking and work?) culture (What attitudes, behaviours and beliefs are most prevalent in the hum of everyday activities? In times of crisis.? Celebration...?) sustainability (Are we thinking about how our current actions will affect tomorrows reality?) What does a Thinking Student look like? Traditional vs. Thinking Thinking student, classroom and school (1) What would a Thinking Student look like? (2) How

would it look if students were thinking together? (3) How would it feel for students to be focused on thinking processes? What does a Thinking Student look like? Traditional Thinking Questions asked by teachers are Students independently asking a factual and variety of closed questions Teachers telling students about Students recording and how well they Reflecting on their are learning thinking processes Emphasis on student recall of Students applying core thinking prescribed skills to content information constructing knowledge Different ways of thinking remain Students actively discuss and personal and share different private ways of thinking Knowledge is expressed in linear Students use a range of learning speech and modalities writing such as visual mapping Focus on passing closed-ended Students learn how to become exams for self-assessing selection purposes and metacognitive A belief in a singular, static Students are aware of a range of intelligence is forms of Fostered and students are multiple, dynamic intelligences perceived that can be improved What does a Thinking Student look like? Brain Matter How does the Traditional Classroom structure shape your brain? 5 How does the Thinking Classroom structure shape your brain? How does change happen? Different Approaches to Growing a Thinking School Approach - sustainable reflective How does change happen? Orders of Change 1st - reinforcing and improving 2nd - Consciously changing practices 3rd - engaging members in transforming Pathways to thinking Dimensions for developing thinking Cognitive processes Enquiry methods Dispositions Learning modalities Creativity

Hari Ke-4 : What are effective questions? Purposeful (asked to achieve a specific purpose) Phrased clearly (pupils understand what they mean) Brief (stated in as few words as possible) Thought provoking (they stimulate thought and response) Probing (involve follow-on or leading questions and digging deeper) Limited in scope (multiple part questions are confusing) Adapted to the level of the class (appropriate and differentiated) Planned Logical and sequential Addressed to the whole class/group Posed to allow pupils to have Think time Balanced between fact and thought Not repeated Asked in a conversational tone Designed to elicit sustained responses What are powerful questions? If we expect pupils to engage in more creative and stimulating thought processes, we, as teachers must encourage them by asking higher level questions. (Karron G Lewis ~ Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Texas) Research shows overwhelmingly that: 6 1.Teachers use memory questions in over 70% of their teaching time; 2.Teachers overemphasise fact questions in tests and exams; 3.Questions in textbooks are predominantly memory or fact questions. (Karron G Lewis ~ Centre for Teaching Effectiveness, University of Texas) Effective use of questioning is a critical asset in every good teachers toolbox. But just as a good mechanic selects the right tool for the job and uses it correctly, a good teacher uses questions at the right level and follows good questioning techniques. (William G Camp Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University) Developing pupils questioning skills Stop asking so many questions yourself! Expect pupils to pose more questions both spoken and written Encourage pupils to question other pupils during discussion Welcome questions when they come Give time to follow up pupils questions Collect, discuss, categorise and develop pupils questions Aims of Questioning To assess prior knowledge To arouse interest To develop insights To develop ideals, attitudes and appreciation To strengthen learning To stimulate critical thinking To assess learning and pupil progress Questions to clarify thinking

Can you explain that a bit more? What do you mean by ? Can you give me an example of ? Can you put it another way? Can you show me ? Questions to seek reasons or explanation Why do you think that ? How do we know that ? What are your reasons ? What evidence do we have for ? Why do you say that? Questions that explore alternative views Can you put it another way ? Is there another point of view ? 7 What if someone were to suggest that ? What would we need to know if ? Questions that test implications and consequences What follows from what you say? Does it agree with what was said earlier? What would be the consequences if ? Is there a general rule for ? How could you test to see if was true? Responding to pupils questions Analyse the question ~ What do you mean by? Rephrase the question ~ Are you saying ? Turn the question back to the pupil ~ What do you think? Ask a supporting question ~ I wonder whether ? Suggest a line of enquiry ~ Perhaps we could Fat Questions are open questions and have more than five words in the answer. Skinny Questions are closed questions and have less than five words in the answer. Wait time or thinking time Once you have asked a pupil a question, give them some time to think about their answer..... How long? 1.Wait time is essential to the development of higher order thought processes when pupils are asked to answer a questions. 2.It is the amount of time that elapses between ateacher asking a question and asking pupils to answer. 3.The average teachers wait time is 1 second! Impacts of increasing Wait Time Impacts of increasing Wait Time for pupils for teachers A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea. John Anthony Ciardi (1916~1986) Hari Ke-5 :

The new things I have learned this week 1.Taking responsible risks! 2.The global context the 21st Century Learner 3.Thinking Maps what are they? 4.Thinking Maps how can they be applied? 5.Thinking Schools what are they? 8 6.Higher order thinking asking powerful questions 7.Critical thinking Looking ahead to the pilot? In terms of your role during the pilot, what challenges are there? 1.Strategically? 2.Operationally? 3.In terms of sustainability? 4.Others? PUNCA KUASA 1.Governance Council Meeting Agensi Inovasi Malaysia (05 Julai 2010) yang dipengerusikan oleh YAB Perdana Menteri memutuskan AIM berbincang dengan KPM mengenai pembangunan modal insan yang berinovatif di bawah pembangunan FutureSkillsToday (sekarang dinamakan i-THINK). 2. Mesyuarat Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif AIM dengan Ketua Pengarah Kementerian Pelajaran (27 Julai 2011) telah bersetuju melaksanakan i-THINK secara rintis di sekolah dan melantik Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum (BPK) sebagai urus setia. 3. Governance Council Meeting AIM (04 Oktober 2011) memutuskan selepas pelaksanaan uji rintis, program i-THINK diperluaskan ke semua sekolah di Malaysia. 4. Pelaksanaan rintis program i-THINK di 10 buah sekolah telah dibentangkan di Mesyuarat Profesional KPM Bil. 26/2011 (01 Disember 2011). 5. Mesyuarat status pelaksanaan i-THINK (29 Disember 2011) KPM memutuskan pelaksanaan peluasan program i-THINK selepas rintis dilaksanakan secara berfasa bermula dengan 1,000 buah sekolah dan di tiga (3) buah IPG (zon Utara, Selatan dan Sabah/Sarawak) pada tahun 2013. 6. Kertas Pelaksanaan Program i-THINK yang memohon peruntukan kewangan telah dibentang pada Mesyuarat Profesional KPM Bil 8/2012. Kertas tersebut telah diterima dan diluluskan untuk pembentangan Mesyuarat Pengurusan Tertinggi. 7. Ucapan YAB Perdana Menteri dalam Majlis Pelancaran Rintis Program i-THINK pada 13 Mac 2012 di Parlimen memaklumkan program ini akan diperluaskan ke 1000 buah sekolah pada 2013 dan seterusnya ke semua sekolah pada 2014. Pelaksanaan Program i-THINK di 1,000 Buah Sekolah 2013 STRATEGI : 1.Melatih JUK tambahan bulan JUN 2012 2.Mesyuarat Penyelarasan Kursus Pasukan Pemandu peringkat JPN/PPD OGOS 2012 3.Kursus Pasukan Pemandu oleh JUK OKT 2012

4.Kursus Guru peringkat sekolah oleh Pasukan Pemandu NOV 2012 5.Perkenalkan Murid dengan Peta Pemikiran JAN/FEB 2013 9 PENDEKATAN 1.PASUKAN PEMANDU Pengetua @ Guru Besar --- Seorang Penyelaras Program --- Seorang Guru 2.SELURUH SEKOLAH Pengetua @ Guru Besar -- Pasukan Pemandu -- semua guru -- semu murid -- ibu bapa PERANAN JUK 1.JPN : Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK peringkat JPN Membantu BPK dan PPD Menyelaras Program Memantau pelaksanaan program Memberi kursus/ taklimat kepada semua pegawai JPN Membantu IAB semasa kursus pentadbir dalam Kursus Pasukan Pemandu Memberi kursus kepada pentadbir sekolah yang memberlukan kefahaman tambahan program i-THINK 2.PPD : Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK peringkat PPD Membantu BPK , JPN & Sekolah Menyelaras Program Memantau pelaksanaan program Memberi kursus/ taklimat kepada semua pegawai PPD dan Kursus Pasukan Pemandu Memberi kursus kepada sekolah/guru yang memerlukan kefahaman tambahan mengenai program i-THINK 3.Guru : Memberi kursus kepada guru di peringkat PPD Penyelaras program di sekolah Ahli pasukan pemandu Memastikan program i-THINK dilakasanakan dengan berkesan 4.IAB : Memberi kursus/ taklimat kepada semua pegawai IAB di Zon masing-masing Memberi kursus Pentadbir dalam Kursus Pasukan Pemandu dan kursus di IAB 5.JNJK : Memantau pelaksanaan program i-THINK Memberi kursus/ taklimat kepada semua pegawai JNJK di negeri masing-masing SR & SM Bil. PPD Tambah JUK Sedia SR SM (10 JUK Ada %) Sarawak 31/141 36/180 5/50 126/766 18/234 10 Hal-hal lain Jumlah Sekolah Peluasan 144/1000

1.Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK mesti memberi taklimat kepada semua pegawai ikthisas di PPD supaya semua pegawai di PPD maklum dan boleh membantu dalam urusan pemantauan pelaksanaannya. 2.Kursus Pasukan Pemandu akan dikendalikan oleh IAB/JPN/PPD/JUK. 3.JUK Guru perlu memberi kursus kepada guru di sekolah masing-maisng dan juga di peringkat PPD, menjadi Penyelaras program di sekolah dan ahli pasukan pemandu. 4.Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK PPD (Sarawak) memohon satu taklimat khas diadakan semasa Persidangan Persatuan Pengetua Sekolah Menengah Sarawak (PPSMS) di Mukah pada 24-27 Jun 2012. Sektor Pengurusan Akademik (u.p. : Pegawai Meja Program i-THINK) telah dimaklumkan untuk menghubungi Setiausaha Kehormat PPSMS dan Penyelaras Program i-THINK, Cik Kamalawati Binti Dolhan di IPGK Tun Abdul Razak, Samarahan. 5.Satu childboard Program i-THINK dicadang diwujudkan dalam portal oleh Pegawai Meja di JPN untuk membolehkan guru berkongsi dan mengongsikan tentang pelaksanaan program ini.

Disediakan oleh,

Pasukan Pemandu SK Gunung Bongsu

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