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By: uneda r os P iguez l r a C r Luis lica Rod guez i Ange ian Rodr uez Crist n Rodrig y Marl

Presentation Outline
Definition - Marlyn Raw Materials - Angelica Energy Generation - Marlyn Economics - Luis Carlos
Environmental Impact - Cristian Advantages & Disadvantages - All

What is solar photovoltaic power? Solar photovoltaic power converts sunlight directly into electricity.

Raw Materials

Disadvantages: Advantages: Reliable (always going to exist ) free abundant Only areas of the world with lots of sunlight are suitable for solar power generation Unpredictability of amount of sunlight; there might be rain, clouds, etc... Goes away at night

Raw Material (cont...)


Constitutes the raw material for photovoltaic cells.


Disadvantages: To be usable, it has to be purified to 99.999999% by using chemical reactions.

Non-toxic Abundant Relatively cheap Semi-conductor

Solar Energy
Price varies upon project $2.4/W - $6.3/W (range varies on size) Prices have seen dramatic decreases Projects smaller than 10 MW $3.5/W and $5.0/W Projects larger than 10 MW $2.8/W to $3.5/W 5-7% decline per year Ex. Small projects $6.2/W (2004-2008) $3.9/W (2009-2010) $3.4/W (2011)

How do Solar Panels Affect Society?

It does not require the use of fossil fuels that emit greenhouse gases, it is eco-friendly. However, the construction of the solar panels can

emit some greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide "PV systems range from 3.5 to 10 acres per megawatt in comparison to 4 to 16.5 acres per megawatt in CSP facilities." (Union Of Concerned Data) If the solar panels are damaged, risks of oil spills or molten salts, hydraulic fluids, coolants, and lubricants are hazardous to the environment. This rarely happens because the materials of the panels are durable.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Solar Voltaic Energy

Energy is supplied by nature (free and abundant) Solar energy is a renewable resource (unlike gas, oil and coal)

It will be difficult to produce solar energy at night Uncertainness of the weather; there might be sunshine one day, and clouds or rain the next Solar panels are expensive to manufacture and install Fragile and can be damaged relatively easily

Solar energy is clean unlike gas, oil and coal) Reduces electricity bill; less reliant on the electrical grid Durable and long lasting


"Cost of Home Solar Power Systems." Cost of Home Solar Power Systems. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2013. <>. "Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy Technologies." Union of Concerned Scientists, 05 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 May 2013. choices/renewable-energy/environmental-impacts-of.html>. Locke, Susannah. "How Does Solar Power Work?: Scientific American." How Does Solar Power Work?: Scientific American. N.p., 20 Oct. 2008. Web. 21 May 2013. < id=how-does-solar-power-work>. "Solar Energy | Energy and Global Climate Change in New England | US EPA." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, 28 Feb. 2012. Web. 21 May 2013. <http://www.epa. gov/region1/eco/energy/re_solar.html>. "Solar Energy and Photovoltaic Power Information | Alternative & Renewable Energy - ABS Alaskan, Inc." Alternative Renewable Energy ABS Alaskan Inc RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2013. <>. Whitburn, Greg. "13 Fundamental Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy." Exploring Green Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2013. <>. <


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