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Carlos Quiles, Fernando Lpez-Menchero & others.

Following the works of August Schleicher (1868), Hermann Hirt (1939), Winfred Lehman & Ladislav Zgusta (1979), Douglas Q. Adams (1997), Frederik Kortlandt (2007). Thanks to those who sent minor and anonymous corrections to the Indo-European Language Association.


The Sheep and the Horses. A sheep that had no wool saw horses, one pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses. The horses said: Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool. Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain. It is written here in the different reconstructible PIE dialects for comparison. The immediate parent dialect of each proto-language is enclosed in parentheses.

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Indo-Hittite (IE I), 3500 BC H3owis h1ekws-kwe. H3owis, kwesjo wlh1neh2 ne h1est, h1ekwoms spekt, h1oinom crh3m woghom wghontm, h1oinom-kwe megeh2m bhorom, h1oinom-kwe dhh1ghmonm h1oh1ku bhrontm. H3owis nu h1kwobhjos weukwt: Krd h2ghnutoi h1mo, h1ekwoms h2gontm wih1rom wdntei. H1ekws tu weukwnt: Kludh, h3owi! krd h2ghnutoi nsmi wdntbhjos: h2ner, potis, h3owjom-r wlh1neh2m swebhi gwhermm westrom kwrneuti. H3owjom-kwe wlhneh2 ne h1esti. Tod kkluwos h3owis h2egrom bhugt. Proto-Indo-Iranian (IE IIIa), 2500 BC Awis aws-ka. Awis, kasja wrn na st, akwams spat, aikam grm wagham wghantm, aikam-ka magham bharam, aikam-ka ghmanm u bharantm. Awis nu wabhjas waukat: rd ghnutai mai, awams aantam wram wdntai. ws tu wawkant: rudh avi! rd ghnutai nsmi wdntbhjas: nar, patis, awjam-r wrnm swabhi gharmm wastram krnauti. Awjam-ka wrn na asti. Tat ruwas awis aram bhugat. Proto-Italic (EIE), 1000 BC Owis ekwoi-kwe. Owis, kwesjo wln ne est, ekwos spekt, oinom grwm woxom wxontem, oinom-kwe megam orom, oinom-kwe xomonem ku erontem. Owis nu kwoos weukwt: Kord axnutor mei, ekwos gontom wrom wdentei. Ekwoi tu wewkwnt: Klu, owi! kord axnutor ensmi wdentos: ner, potis, owjom-or wlnm sei ghermm westrom kworneuti. Owjom-kwe wln ne esti. Tud kkluwos owis agrom ugt. Proto-Armenian (?), 1 AD Hovih wuh-khe. Hovih, khehjo glana ne s(th), woh sphekhe(th), enam erkm wo won, enam-khe mek bor, enam-khe zmon uu bron. Hovih nu woboh gojkhe(th): Sart gnuthe me, wuh konth gar gtanthi. woh thu gojkh: Lud, hovi! Sart gnuthoi asm gtan(th)bos: a(n)r, phothis, owj-ar glanam (k)ibi erm gesthr kharnojthi. Hovj-khe glana ne esthi. Da khkhlugah hovih akr buke(th).

Common Anatolian (PAn), 2500 BC Howis ekws-kwe. Howis, kwesjo wlneh ne est, ekwoms spekt, oikom grrm wogom wgontm, oikom-kwe megehm borom, oikom-kwe dgmonm oku brontm. Howis nu kwobos wkwt: Krd xgnutor mo, ekwoms xgontm wirom wdnt. Ekws tu weukwnt: Klud, howi! krd hegnutor nsm wdntbos: hner, potis, howjom-r wlnehm swebi cermm wstrom kwrndi. Howjom-kwe wlneh ne esti. Tod kkluwos howis hegrom bugt. Proto-Greek (IE IIIa), 2500 BC Owis ekwoi-kwe. wis, kweho wln ne st, ekwos spekt, oiwom kwhrum wokhom wekhontm, oiwom-kwe megm phorom, oiwom-kwe khthmonm ku phrontm. wis nu kwophos weukwet: Krd khnutoi moi, ekwoms gontm wrom wdntei. kwoi tu wewekwont: Kluth, owi! krd gnutoi nsmi wdntphos: anr, potis, owjom-r wlnm sephi kwhermm westrom kwrneuti. Owjom-kwe wln ne esti. Tot kkluwos owis agrom phuget. Pre-Proto-Germanic (EIE), 1000 BC Awiz exwaz-xwe. Awiz, hwes wuln ne est, ehwanz spext, ainan karn wagan wganun, ainan-xwe mekon baran, ainan-xwe gmanan xu branun. Awiz nu xwamaz weuxw: Hurt gnuai mei, exwanz kanun weran wtan. Exwaz wewxwant: Hlud, awi! hurt knuai unsm wtunmaz: ner, faiz, awjan-aur wulnn sibi warmn westhran hwurneui. Awjan-xwe wuln ne isti. at hxluwaz awiz akran buk. Proto-Slavic (EIE), 500 AD Ovs esv-e. Ovs, eso vlna ne jazt, esva speset, in ar voz vzt, in-e mea bor, in-e mon as brt. Ovs n svom vjut: Srd znut m, esv gt vir vdti. Esva tu vjut: Slud, ove! srd znut sm vdtm: ner, pods, vjem-r vln sbi germ vestr rnjut. vjem-e vlna ne jzt. To ssluv ovs agr bugt.

Europes IE (IE IIIb), 2500 BC Owis ekws-kwe. Owis, kwesjo wln ne est, ekwoms spekt, oinom gwrm woghom wghontm, oinom-kwe megm bhorom, oinom-kwe dhghmonm k bhrontm. Owis nu kwobhos weukwt: Krd ghnutoi mo, ekwoms gontm wrom wdntei. Ekws tu weukwnt: Kludh, owi! krd ghnutoi nsmi wdntbhjos: ner, potis, owjom-r wlnm sebhi gwhermm westrom kwrneuti. Owjom-kwe wln ne esti. Tod kkluwos owis agrom bhugt. Proto-Celtic (EIE), 1000 BC Owis ekwoi-kwe. Owis, kwesjo wln ne est, ekwos spekt, oinom barm woxom wxontam, oinom-kwe megam borom, oinom-kwe dxoniom ku berontam. Owis nu kwobos weukwt: Krid xnutor mai, ekwos gontom wrom wdanti. Ekwoi tu wewkwnt: Klud, owi! krid xnutor ansmi wdantbjos: ner, otis, owjom-ar wlnm sebi gwermm westrom kwarneuti. Owjom-kwe wln ne esti. Tod kklowos owis agrom bugt. Common Tocharian (PToch), 1000 BC Owi jukwe-ke. Owi, kuse wln ne es, jukwes spkt, enem karm wakm wkantm, enem-ke mkm parm, enem-ke tkamnam k prantm. Owi n jkwebos wukt: Krt gntai me, jukwes kantn wirem witsante. Jukwe t wukant: Klut, ow! krt knete ansme wtntbe: nr, pats, owjp-r wlnm spi srmam wstram krnuti. Owjp-ke wln n esti. T kklewe owi kre bekt. Proto-Baltic (EIE), 500 AD Avis avai-ke. Avis, kaso vlno ne at, avus spekt, ainam ar vaam vantim, ainam-ke meam baram, ainam-ke zmonam uoku brantim. Avis nu vamas vjaukt: ird gnutai mai, avai gantim viram vdintei. Avus tu vjaukant: lud, avi! ird gnutai insmi vdintmas: ner, pats, avjam-ir vlnom sebi garmm vestram kirnjauti. Avjam-ke vlno ne ati. Ta luvas avis agram bugt.

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Copyright 2007-2009 Indo-European Language Association | Licensed under dual GFDL and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0

Carlos Quiles, Fernando Lpez-Menchero & others. Following the works of August Schleicher (1868), Hermann Hirt (1939), Winfred Lehman & Ladislav Zgusta (1979), Douglas Q. Adams (1997), Frederik Kortlandt (2007). Thanks to those who sent minor and anonymous corrections to the Indo-European Language Association. Please send any corrections to the latest version of this paper to the Indo-European Language Association using the contact form, or edit it directly in the Indo-European Wiki.

Copyright 2007-2009 Indo-European Language Association | Licensed under dual GFDL and Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0

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